Dieron Part 12
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Dieron Part 12
"He did what?"The officer squirmed within the bowels of the Overlord. The Command Post had grown quiet again as attention shifted. The heavy combat ... the fight between Mechs had largely ended for the Invasion of Dieron. There would be mop ups but that wasn't really the issue right now.
Part of it was really more a question of how he had gotten from point A, their lines in the west, to behind Combine lines in the east. If this was some trashy unrealistic holovid blockbuster the answer would have been a quick trip into orbit and then from the orbitals reinsertion ... and that had died off really as practical during the 1st succession war.
The speed with which the forces had vanished from Davion lines, and then appeared in the city precluded overland travel, and they had appeared in the city which should have prompted them being shot at by whatever anti aircraft assets the combine had left.
The Davion Guards, specifically the Heavy Guards had been brought along for a milieu of reasons to this action, just as a regiment of the Avalon Hussars RCT with the Blue Stars were engaged on Altair. The objective of holding it was not a critical priority but it would be an emblazon to the whole campaign, but that would depend on their success since Dieron wouldn't be able to scramble reinforcements or relief forces to the attack.
"The air wing is rearming as we speak."
Just ASF this time. There was no sense sending dropships and combat small craft and even the ASF were going to be limited in what they could strafe effectively... but it didn't' matter because of the detail of the attack from within. Highland troopers were currently deployed in a combined arms bridgehead that opened the way into San Martin for the Davion Heavy Guards.
The Guards were taking full advantage of that beach head. Their infantry and their tanks moving forward to reinforce thin control of vital roadways and flood the city. Even now Davion intelligence officers were rushing forward to broadcast calls for the population to welcome them as liberators... a message that Colonel Shepherd had already delivered from his Marauder. The Command BattleMech had tapped into the local voice of the dragon 'official' combine news service as well as sending one of his officers... one of his combine native officers the girl piloting the Griffin and a detachment of Highland Infantry to the ComStar enclave to inform the Order that Dieron was now a world of the Federated Suns.
... there had been a slight protest apparently, but from the communications back and forth had culminated with BattleRom footage being handed to Precentor Dieron of what Shepherd's Company had done to the Sword of Light several hours earlier.
There was another detail she had to contend with. They were ahead of schedule... they were so far ahead of schedule compared to how they had expected this invasion to go.
They had the Sword of Light's particulars .... including where their missing battalion was... and who was commanding the unit. They knew where the heir of the Draconis Combine was. They in theory could could once the HPG compound was secure make a real time call out and attempt to capitalize on that information. It wouldn't avenge Ian, but it was step in the right direction... but even with the information that would mean an expensive HPG call to New Avalon and Hanse having to weigh whether to roll the dice on such a move.
It would have to be Hanse's decision, and regardless of what decision the First Prince made there would be detractors on both sides of the isle within the court.
For now though they had a battle to finish. They needed to finish securing the rest of the planet.
Gene watched kilted troopers herd confused civilians and Combine officials into separate groups. There was no way they were going to be able to get through this with their numbers. They were really just getting the ball rolling while they waited for more Davion Infantry to arrive on the backs of trucks into the capital. More infantry to scour the city and establish their own watch posts.
The Combine had wanted to fight a scorched earth policy, but the local ISF had never expected that the Sword of Light even down a battalion, with 2nd being off world, would be annihilated in open battle ... never mind in the space of a few hours of maneuver and then forty odd minutes of closing engagement to crush both 1st and 3rd.
Not that anyone could have planned for slamming cruise missiles into clusters of the regiment's force as they had massed for a head on assault... but the ISF had thought that they could rally the populace for a last ditch resistance of the city... which had over estimated popular support for the dragon, and also the ISF had been mostly focusing its militia troops to the outskirts against the Heavy Guards. There had been interior defenses but nothing intended to stop more than unarmed peasants not well not highlanders full of piss and vinegar never mind the mechs that had followed once the breaches were open.
There were apparently Davion MI liaisons trying to rally anti combine resistance groups on the planet. He didn't exactly grasp who they had been backing, but he wasn't exactly surprised by spooks in shades showing up in the first waves of Heavy Guard vehicles at the University of Dieron to 'assist and advise'. The original plan had probably been running on a script that assumed... well he hoped the davion's hadn't been banking on a popular uprising in their favor... but that the Guards would be taking the city while the mercs were handling the fighting in the western countryside.
Frankly that the Eridani had themselves a numerical advantage on the Combine force initially opposing them then while potentially costly Kerston could have probably carried the day. The difference was the DMM addition. The Davions had probably planned that there needed to be some regular troops among the mix, for PR reasons as well as others.
He flipped the switches on his right side. "Bubbles I need a sitrep."
The Atlas's connection to his Marauder attenuated for a moment and then the image solidified. "Nothing going on here, we're still processing all of the dragon bits." Salvage from the Sword of Light, "But we haven't lucked out there is a lot of scrap metal but those big missiles are a lot less discerning than pretty little headshots."
"Our objective was the enemy's destruction... but we should see if we can't find any operational intelligence to pass along." He replied. They had been in high tempo operations for the better part of two days, not counting the ride in or the burn from the JumpShips. They needed to get everything locked down so they could stand down.
Maintaining this tempo was not practical, and with any luck they had completely broken Combine operational planning and exhausted their reserves. If that were the case they could stand down, take a breath, catch some sleep. Let the abundance of Davion troops secure the city... and then assess the new situation.
Chang promised she'd be on it, and Gene sat back against his harness and took a breath. The Highlanders were trying to keep the civilians from gawking too much at the 'mechs.
"Greetings Lieutenant Colonel Shepherd." A voice he didn't recognize remarked over his speakers as it read off his HAF service number and final CID operational posting. "Admiral Clancy suggested that there would be other Terran Officers who would make it to fail safe protocols and enter hibernation."
The Hegemony had had too many plans. He'd come to that conclusion on Northwind reviewing historical files... hindsight being twenty twenty of course it was all too obvious that a weak star lord and then the assassination of the second to last one had of course been a symptom... but the Hegemony really should have acted against the combine sooner.
"Colonel MacIntyre." He replied as the holographic image of the old scottsman solidified and the machine spirit quieted.
"I've the cadets joining us. We have control of the space port and are ready to begin transfers down from orbit."
"Good, do so." He replied. The cadets would probably be bored with what would be mostly guard duty , but they weren't quite to where they could stand down. "MacIntyre."
"Stay available while you're handling that, I may need you for something."
"Yes Commander."
San Martin had been the capital of this world. That was his immediate focus with contact with the AI within Fortress Dieron... and about the time that he was doing this the news was beginning to circulate of the Wolf Dragoons activities and the Dragoons' leadership were sitting down to watch the BattleRom footage from Elidere.
The news of the Marik attack on Cranston Snord's Landhold didn't immediately raise any red flags, not to the normal intelligence services... but it was a detail that meant something to the AI within Fortress Dieron.
Notes: and very shortly we will be moving on to other things, including canonical ones regarding the Draconis Combine under Minoru Kurita at the end of the Star League as the driving basis for Clancy's initial pivot towards the Davions which well, we will get to, but certainly Minoru's immediate seizure of Hegemony worlds once Terra was liberated did not help, and certainly the authorization of the nuclear bombardment against Helm for their 'defiance' (read give him the SLDF materiel) cemented Clancy's decision.
That being said this is some what short as I had originally intended to contend with touching upon one of the things this heads off. The Davion takeover and prevention of the ISF from fighting a scorched earth campaign prevents the ISF from killing Myndo Waterly's college boyfriend and thus causing her to run off to ComStar. Myndo makes more appearances in the future, but is more active in the Whoops there goes the HPG alternate timeline that I occasionally spin ideas off.
I had originally planned to do an interlude of Cranston versus Marik but that's kind of been dropped even though it does still make the news, but news in BT travels slowly. Anyway we will start Fortress Dieron's chapter next week.