Chapter 59
Not too sore, are you?
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Chapter Fifty-Nine: Reception
Avalon City, New Avalon, Federated Suns January 20th, 3013
The wedding had been a grand affair, lots of exposition by the pope, and an extremely large crowd of people. And I had a terrible time just standing there. I had felt exposed, and I had been forbidden from wearing my normal concealed armor and sidearm. I had managed to sneak a knife into a holster around my left thigh though, and that thought had brought me some comfort.
Thankfully, the reception was a much smaller affair, and was in the much better guarded Davion Palace. While there were obviously plenty of various nobles and other required guests, there wasn't the sheer amount of people that had filled the cathedral and I was able to relax slightly.
"You good Mark?" Hanse asked, I was seated within easy conversation range and the entire wedding party had seen me tense up earlier.
"Yeah," I breathed out. "I'm still working through the aftermath of the Versaille mess." I took a sip of the glass set in front of me. "I'm pretty sure I won't ever be a fan of big crowds like this ever again."
"Well Mark, thank you for sticking it out." Hanse nodded in understanding. "It took a while for things to settle down on Tikonov as well."
The conversation moved on to lighter things from there, and when it came time to do the best man speech, Ian nodded for me to move on and do my part.
"Sometimes, I wonder if Hanse should have been the first born." Ian started, "He's the more responsible one, and just about the only thing I possibly do better than him is piloting a battlemech. He's a serious man, driven and capable, and I'm extremely glad to call him brother. And sometimes, it's fun to watch him cut loose and have some fun for a change." He signaled me to start the massive Tri-Vid projector. "This is what we got up to at the bachelor party put on by our very close friend the Duke of Kentares, Mark Hull."
I pushed play, and a highlight reel of the most hilarious moments of both Ian and Hanse played throughout the room to great roars of laughter at the First Prince and his brother cutting loose and having some fun. No one laughed harder than Hanse and Ian's sister Marie though. She actually had to steal a couple of handkerchiefs to wipe her eyes after laughing so hard that she was crying.
After the Tri-Vid had ended, and the laughter had died down, Ian took the microphone in hand once more and finished his speech. "Dana, I'm glad to call you my sister, and I hope and pray that both you and Hanse give me plenty of nieces and nephews to spoil."
After Ian's speech, Dana's maid of honor stood up and gave her speech and then the floor was opened to the traditional dances. Given that Hanse and Ian's father and father had passed away many years previously, Yvonne took the place of Hanse's mother for the traditional dance between mother and son.
A couple of hours later…
Hanse and Dana were making their way to the armored hover-limo while dodging the massive amounts of petals that they were being showered with.
After they had been loaded up and sent on their way to their honeymoon, Ian walked up to me with a grave expression on his face. "How ready are the Kentares Guards?" He asked me.
"They're a full combined arms regiment at the moment with some extra firepower." I responded, "We've mostly finished ironing out the kinks with logistics and the Militia." I added, "Why? Is there something wrong?"
"Mallory's world just got hit by three battlemech regiments and ten supporting regiments." he confided in me. "I'm pulling the Heavy Guards, and some supporting elements and I'm probably going to need your help as well." He paused. "The Seventeenth Avalon Hussars and Fourth Davion Guards are already on planet, but they're going to need help to throw off the Kuritans."
"I'll send Nat to kick Sheppard's butt into gear." I told Ian, "They'll be on their way to back us up as soon as they can load up."
"You're not going?" He asked me. "No, I do need your help with something really quick though."
I moved through the talking heads to try and find Katrina, Arthur, and Natasha. This was going to need to be done quickly after the information I had gotten from Natasha this week.
"Sorry, I squeezed through a small crowd to get Katrina's and Arthur's attention. Luckily, I didn't need to capture their attention because Melissa had seen me first.
"Uncle Mark!" She said with joy in her bright blue eyes. "Up! Up!" She held up her arms for me to grab her.
"Alright Mel, I'll hold you for a little bit, but I've got to talk to your mom and dad for a minute. Okay?" I told the toddler trying to grab ahold of my beard. "Kat, Arthur, I nodded at the two of them smiling at my interaction with Melissa. "I need the two of you to find Nat for me and bring her to that side room really quick." I indicated which room. "I suspect she's telling bad stories about Tikonov right now."
I put Melissa on my shoulders to her squeals of delight as I weaved my way through the crowd to grab Ian once more. "I need you to head over to that room over there." I pointed at the same side room I had indicated to the Archon and her Consort earlier. "Melissa, you and I have a super important secret mission."
"What is it Uncle Mark?" she asked.
"We need to get to Uncle Mark's bag really fast." I told the toddler currently holding onto my hair. "So we're about to run, are you ready?"
"Yes Uncle Mark." She got as serious as a two year old could ever be before bursting out into laughter as I took off at a decent pace to the room I had put mine and Nat's go bags into.
"Alright Mel, help me look for a small black box." I told the toddler as I set her down. "It's really important." I set one of the smaller bags aside for her to look through.
"Is this it?" Mel said after a few seconds of me frantically searching through my larger rucksack.
"Yes!" I told her. "Great job Mel!" And I scooped her up in my arms and rushed off to the room I had set aside earlier.
I burst through the door, and set Melissa down on the floor in front of my surprised group of friends before turning to Nat.
"Natasha Kerensky?" I asked, going down on one knee, only to realize that Melissa still had the ring box. "Will you marry me?" I gestured for Melissa to hand me the box, but she just replicated what I did by going down on one knee and opening the box like I should have to laughter from my assembled friends.
"Close enough Mel." I ruffled the small princess' hair. "Close enough."
"I think I will Mark, I think I will." Nat responded. "Why the sudden rush though?"
"Ian is taking me to help back him up against a Drac Incursion." I told my lover. "And I need you to go get Sheppard and have him reinforce us." I shrugged, "I figured this was as good a chance as any to do this."
"You better stay alive Mark." Nat told me with a sigh. "You are not allowed to die."
"I'll see what I can do Nat." I met her eyes for a minute before giving the gorgeous redhead a chaste kiss on the lips. "I'll see what I can do."
January 27th, 3013
"I will not ask you to stay safe." Natasha told me. "Just hold out until I get there with reinforcements."
"We'll hold." I told the woman in my arms. "We'll hold."
Avalon City, New Avalon, Federated Suns January 20th, 3013
The wedding had been a grand affair, lots of exposition by the pope, and an extremely large crowd of people. And I had a terrible time just standing there. I had felt exposed, and I had been forbidden from wearing my normal concealed armor and sidearm. I had managed to sneak a knife into a holster around my left thigh though, and that thought had brought me some comfort.
Thankfully, the reception was a much smaller affair, and was in the much better guarded Davion Palace. While there were obviously plenty of various nobles and other required guests, there wasn't the sheer amount of people that had filled the cathedral and I was able to relax slightly.
"You good Mark?" Hanse asked, I was seated within easy conversation range and the entire wedding party had seen me tense up earlier.
"Yeah," I breathed out. "I'm still working through the aftermath of the Versaille mess." I took a sip of the glass set in front of me. "I'm pretty sure I won't ever be a fan of big crowds like this ever again."
"Well Mark, thank you for sticking it out." Hanse nodded in understanding. "It took a while for things to settle down on Tikonov as well."
The conversation moved on to lighter things from there, and when it came time to do the best man speech, Ian nodded for me to move on and do my part.
"Sometimes, I wonder if Hanse should have been the first born." Ian started, "He's the more responsible one, and just about the only thing I possibly do better than him is piloting a battlemech. He's a serious man, driven and capable, and I'm extremely glad to call him brother. And sometimes, it's fun to watch him cut loose and have some fun for a change." He signaled me to start the massive Tri-Vid projector. "This is what we got up to at the bachelor party put on by our very close friend the Duke of Kentares, Mark Hull."
I pushed play, and a highlight reel of the most hilarious moments of both Ian and Hanse played throughout the room to great roars of laughter at the First Prince and his brother cutting loose and having some fun. No one laughed harder than Hanse and Ian's sister Marie though. She actually had to steal a couple of handkerchiefs to wipe her eyes after laughing so hard that she was crying.
After the Tri-Vid had ended, and the laughter had died down, Ian took the microphone in hand once more and finished his speech. "Dana, I'm glad to call you my sister, and I hope and pray that both you and Hanse give me plenty of nieces and nephews to spoil."
After Ian's speech, Dana's maid of honor stood up and gave her speech and then the floor was opened to the traditional dances. Given that Hanse and Ian's father and father had passed away many years previously, Yvonne took the place of Hanse's mother for the traditional dance between mother and son.
A couple of hours later…
Hanse and Dana were making their way to the armored hover-limo while dodging the massive amounts of petals that they were being showered with.
After they had been loaded up and sent on their way to their honeymoon, Ian walked up to me with a grave expression on his face. "How ready are the Kentares Guards?" He asked me.
"They're a full combined arms regiment at the moment with some extra firepower." I responded, "We've mostly finished ironing out the kinks with logistics and the Militia." I added, "Why? Is there something wrong?"
"Mallory's world just got hit by three battlemech regiments and ten supporting regiments." he confided in me. "I'm pulling the Heavy Guards, and some supporting elements and I'm probably going to need your help as well." He paused. "The Seventeenth Avalon Hussars and Fourth Davion Guards are already on planet, but they're going to need help to throw off the Kuritans."
"I'll send Nat to kick Sheppard's butt into gear." I told Ian, "They'll be on their way to back us up as soon as they can load up."
"You're not going?" He asked me. "No, I do need your help with something really quick though."
I moved through the talking heads to try and find Katrina, Arthur, and Natasha. This was going to need to be done quickly after the information I had gotten from Natasha this week.
"Sorry, I squeezed through a small crowd to get Katrina's and Arthur's attention. Luckily, I didn't need to capture their attention because Melissa had seen me first.
"Uncle Mark!" She said with joy in her bright blue eyes. "Up! Up!" She held up her arms for me to grab her.
"Alright Mel, I'll hold you for a little bit, but I've got to talk to your mom and dad for a minute. Okay?" I told the toddler trying to grab ahold of my beard. "Kat, Arthur, I nodded at the two of them smiling at my interaction with Melissa. "I need the two of you to find Nat for me and bring her to that side room really quick." I indicated which room. "I suspect she's telling bad stories about Tikonov right now."
I put Melissa on my shoulders to her squeals of delight as I weaved my way through the crowd to grab Ian once more. "I need you to head over to that room over there." I pointed at the same side room I had indicated to the Archon and her Consort earlier. "Melissa, you and I have a super important secret mission."
"What is it Uncle Mark?" she asked.
"We need to get to Uncle Mark's bag really fast." I told the toddler currently holding onto my hair. "So we're about to run, are you ready?"
"Yes Uncle Mark." She got as serious as a two year old could ever be before bursting out into laughter as I took off at a decent pace to the room I had put mine and Nat's go bags into.
"Alright Mel, help me look for a small black box." I told the toddler as I set her down. "It's really important." I set one of the smaller bags aside for her to look through.
"Is this it?" Mel said after a few seconds of me frantically searching through my larger rucksack.
"Yes!" I told her. "Great job Mel!" And I scooped her up in my arms and rushed off to the room I had set aside earlier.
I burst through the door, and set Melissa down on the floor in front of my surprised group of friends before turning to Nat.
"Natasha Kerensky?" I asked, going down on one knee, only to realize that Melissa still had the ring box. "Will you marry me?" I gestured for Melissa to hand me the box, but she just replicated what I did by going down on one knee and opening the box like I should have to laughter from my assembled friends.
"Close enough Mel." I ruffled the small princess' hair. "Close enough."
"I think I will Mark, I think I will." Nat responded. "Why the sudden rush though?"
"Ian is taking me to help back him up against a Drac Incursion." I told my lover. "And I need you to go get Sheppard and have him reinforce us." I shrugged, "I figured this was as good a chance as any to do this."
"You better stay alive Mark." Nat told me with a sigh. "You are not allowed to die."
"I'll see what I can do Nat." I met her eyes for a minute before giving the gorgeous redhead a chaste kiss on the lips. "I'll see what I can do."
January 27th, 3013
"I will not ask you to stay safe." Natasha told me. "Just hold out until I get there with reinforcements."
"We'll hold." I told the woman in my arms. "We'll hold."