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I cannot stop thinking of precious Holo the Wise Wolf wolfgirl daughter. I hope some kind of shenanigan takes place to allow her to participate in the story beyond being a fetus/baby. I keep thinking of smol Holo riding on Taylor's shoulders spouting racist slurs in adorable toddler voice while Taylor smiles and encourages her.
Aww, wolfgirl daughteru! Too bad she has Taylor "Youthanizer" Hebert as a mother.
And Taylor had Annette "Lustrum Cultist" Rose Hebert as her mother. Honestly, having a bad female influence in their life, alongside a failure of a father (assuming Theo gets that role), seems to be part of the Hebert family tradition.
I swear Daniel if you kill the kid too in the future… Actually who am I kidding you'll probably end up getting the kid to against Taylor somehow…

Also is a Godblooded's growth period the same as a human? If so are we having like a time skip?
Sooo I know Taylor's a Nazi and everything, but Panacea is still a raging bitch. So much for bodily autonomy huh?
Her hearts desire is to mind control her sister into loving her. Which she eventually does.

I think she got wildly flanderized in ward, but she has a lot of reason to hate Villains and everybody ignores the unwritten rules when it pleases them.

Her family has a particular reason to hate the empire and all that.
I swear Daniel if you kill the kid too in the future… Actually who am I kidding you'll probably end up getting the kid to against Taylor somehow…

Also is a Godblooded's growth period the same as a human? If so are we having like a time skip?

Didn't Daniel die in the fight ? Also won't Fenrir return because of familiar rules or something ? I think I read some posts about fenrir respawing a chapter ago ?

Aside from all that Taylor's long term plans are all pretty much ash now and it seems likely she is gonna retire her Lowkey ID because of all the shennigans involved. Plus the whole crazyness involved with being pregnant. Wards are an absolut no go given they would try for an abortion and Taylor would end up going berserk, so it seems next scenes are gonna be all about her villain team.

Wonder if Panpan is actually gonna live enough to regret antagonising Taylor. Also terrible bedside manners. And now we have confirmation Panpan can't detect Taylor's biosculp abilities unless they are directly in use. Boy is she gonna be surprised if they meet again.

And Taylor actually manages to make Theo trigger, and actually manages to direct him to assume the mantle of the E88. WOW. I don't think I ever seen Theo assuming the Crown like that before. This fic always manages to surprise me.
I swear Daniel if you kill the kid too in the future… Actually who am I kidding you'll probably end up getting the kid to against Taylor somehow…

Also is a Godblooded's growth period the same as a human? If so are we having like a time skip?
You know as well as everyone else here. Taylor will need no help turning her daughter against her. If that time comes.

Hell... do you think Taylor would make a good parent? Possibly even a survivable one? At least until limit break hits.

Assuming she does have limit break. Fingers crossed.

I sincerely doubt Taylor thinks Taylor would make a good parent. Bubbles would have been pretty good. Even as a sentient dog.

But taylor... eh.
"It's... not human?" she says. She works her entire hand in under your armor, to lay her palm against your stomach. "What in the world..."

You can't help it, you start crying when you realize what must have happened. Tears of joy. You don't understand how, or why, but you understand that powers are bullshit. Bullshit that worked out in your favor, in this case. It wasn't poison resistance.

Fenrir is protecting you even in death. You know that's not really true and you got the causality all backwards, but you don't care. You're just so happy.
I expected Taylor to be alpha widowed, but I didn't expect teen pregnant. She needs to secure herself a reliable family and positive role models, STAT!

"Wait until all your nazi friends hear about what you've been getting up to!"
The only thing that makes listening to Panacea talk tolerable is the knowledge that all the woobie!lezzie!panpan fans find her more grating than I do.

"No, no, that won't do at all. Let me give you proper child-bearing hips for the little abomination. She's innocent in all this, after all. And I'd better restore the chest area as well, never know what might have gone wrong there. Wouldn't want the baby to starve." She stares you dead in the eyes as your breasts shrink down to their natural size.

"Nothing?" she asks, disappointed in your lack of reaction. "Nazism must pay well, if you can afford another set so easily."
Aaaaaaand that's one count of super-powered abuse of defenseless Endbringer-fighting cape promised truce, to be adjudicated in the court of Taylor's conscience and morals.

"I'm sorry you had to put up with her," she says - it would appear that Panacea's bedside manner is famous in healer circles. "They wouldn't let me treat our own people. What, did they think I'd grant you super strength and send you on a rampage?"
That seems kinda backwards, like... wouldn't the first concern be limiting the risk of master powers or other power abuse by limiting across-the-lines healing? The PRT knows that even the ones with healing powers are still triggers, prone by their nature to ill-considered conflict. Every villain sent to an Othala means one more time slot open with a Panacea for a hero who then doesn't have to worry about the Othala having some sort of trick up her sleeve.

M/Fenja is on one knee before the waste of space, shrunk down to human size.

"I failed in my duty as a bodyguard," she says. "Your father died at Leviathan's hands."

"Oh," Theo says. He doesn't sound all that sad, or shocked. Or happy, for that matter. He turns to look at you.

"It's over between us," you say. With Kaiser dead, you have no use for him. With any luck you'll never-
I guess she could justify such harshness on Theo's obvious lack of grief, but still. Serves her right realizing that she'll have to waste whole hours with Theo to get his power. Though perhaps the need to gain greater combat ability will mean steering her time toward powers with obvious combat applications.
Also is a Godblooded's growth period the same as a human?

Slower in this case: Taylor is an exalt (ish), and exalt pregnancies take 15 months. Other than that, no differences - Fenrir was literally the weakest spirit-parent possible, so there's not all that much god-juice to go around.
The only thing that makes listening to Panacea talk tolerable is the knowledge that all the woobie!lezzie!panpan fans find her more grating than I
Can confirm. Canon panacea sucks. Just like canon beardmaster.

That seems kinda backwards, like... wouldn't the first concern be limiting the risk of master powers or other power abuse by limiting across-the-lines healing? The PRT knows that even the ones with healing powers are still triggers, prone by their nature to ill-considered conflict. Every villain sent to an Othala means one more time slot open with a Panacea for a hero who then doesn't have to worry about the Othala having some sort of trick up her sleeve.
The PRT being reasonable? Impossible!
Also won't Fenrir return because of familiar rules or something ? I think I read some posts about fenrir respawing a chapter ago ?
Different people interpret the line "In either case, the familiar draws the character's Essence to supplement its own life, and the animal will not age or die until the character does." to mean different things.
Please tell me Pancea didn't fuck with Taylor's brain.

Also what's up with Theo getting such a weekass alt power?

Unless she fucked with her brain in a way that also spawns a dimensionally displaced shoggoth to nom on nearby thinkers of villainous persuasion only, I don't think she's quite that desperate to get Fleur'd. Least of all by someone called psycho bitch by her own people and known for having thrown herself off a roof fighting Mush.

His fake girlfriend has a power to create indestructible gold-based metal. There could be plenty of other uses for it he hasn't twigged to yet, and she'll certainly teach him how to leverage it better than canon Taylor would have less specific Golem without direct synergy.

It's not like canon Taylor was exactly a paragon of strength for her what, first week or so before being able to actually function.
I have a sneaking suspicion. In canon, Theo named himself after Jewish folklore, but in this AU and with his control of gold... Well it might just be Author-san's way of continuing the "Iron Jew" jokes.
Is tactile telekinesis of gold a reference to Worth the Candle? The Iron Jew would be very apropos in that case.
Didn't Daniel die in the fight ? Also won't Fenrir return because of familiar rules or something ? I think I read some posts about fenrir respawing a chapter ago ?
Different people interpret the line "In either case, the familiar draws the character's Essence to supplement its own life, and the animal will not age or die until the character does." to mean different things.
However in this case the author replied to this:
For a familiar then, I would guess some sort of limited "fate-based" protection against the familiar dying exists, but e.g. it would still be possible for Bubbles to sacrifice his life to save Taylor's own.
Look at this chad prediction master, who's getting a cookie I've been waiting three months to hand out.

Oh dear, it looks like they accidentally used salt instead of sugar in the recipe.
Which I take as heroic sacrifices trump immortality.
Slower in this case: Taylor is an exalt (ish), and exalt pregnancies take 15 months. Other than that, no differences - Fenrir was literally the weakest spirit-parent possible, so there's not all that much god-juice to go around.
Given how hints from earlier took a long time to pay off, I think that maybe you're planning to write Bonesaw cutting Taylor into pieces and making a combo cape with bits of Taylor, her foetus and some or all or none of the capes Taylor has gained powers from? Because we've never really had a Bonesaw-made hybrid cape as a protagonist in the 9 years of this fandom.
Slower in this case: Taylor is an exalt (ish), and exalt pregnancies take 15 months. Other than that, no differences - Fenrir was literally the weakest spirit-parent possible, so there's not all that much god-juice to go around.
Something tells me the hyperbolic time chamber is already booked. Pity the chapter letter isn't a K. Hopefully Exalted-ish have anime resilience in their pregnancies with the sort of shit Taylor does to herself and her memetic propensity for babykilling.

You can do it, Taylor! Take a break from blackening lives to bear one! Future Woofler is counting on you.
Something tells me the hyperbolic time chamber is already booked. Pity the chapter letter isn't a K. Hopefully Exalted-ish have anime resilience in their pregnancies with the sort of shit Taylor does to herself and her memetic propensity for babykilling.

You can do it, Taylor! Take a break from blackening lives to bear one! Future Woofler is counting on you.
I mean she definetly won't prioritize her baby or her babies health/safety

Shes got capeshit to do.

Also the story would end if she just stopped doing shit?

So this pretty much has to be a nothing burger.

Which... of course Taylor is going to be a bad mom. You've read this story.
I mean she definetly won't prioritize her baby or her babies health/safety

Shes got capeshit to do.

Also the story would end if she just stopped doing shit?

So this pretty much has to be a nothing burger.

Which... of course Taylor is going to be a bad mom. You've read this story.

Taylor would make a great mom, it's only her enemies she treats like shit.
Given how hints from earlier took a long time to pay off, I think that maybe you're planning to write Bonesaw cutting Taylor into pieces and making a combo cape with bits of Taylor, her foetus and some or all or none of the capes Taylor has gained powers from? Because we've never really had a Bonesaw-made hybrid cape as a protagonist in the 9 years of this fandom.
Well, there's the one with Murder Rat, but yeah.

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