Daniel Snuts
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Their plan for defeating Bakuda is to wander around the city randomly, in full view of everyone.
"Leet built an exotic particle detector," Uber explains. "With the bombs we've seen, her lab is definitely going emit a bunch of those."
"No one trusted you with a real target, huh?" You concentrate on getting the tone and cadence right, punctuating the question with a dismissive flick of your fingers. Normally you'd be more polite to capes you're trying to infiltrate, but you've got a role to play here.
"Only an idiot would hide out in a known safehouse at a time like this," Uber says - which you note is not a 'no'.
"I'm sure you know best."
One peculiar upshot of this plan is the audience participation. Their normal modus operandi is more of a quick smash and grab, since they have to worry about heroes coming to arrest them. But tonight the heroes have every incentive to leave them alone, which means they have time to sign autographs and pose for pictures.
This is how you learn that Leet is actually cool and suave - when compared to his fans!
The more bearable minority just freeze up and stop functioning completely in the presence of celebrities, girls and/or cameras. Most of them very much don't. They think they have something to contribute to the show, some witticism or bon mot, or in one particularly awful case, a little dance. You never thought you'd look back fondly at the eggplant-based communication they used online, but here you are. These are the people you need to please if you want to get invited back.
It vindicates the hell out of your decision to go fully in character, though, because it means your attitude is supposed to be one of open disdain and mild bullying. When the next loser starts to speak, you yawn. Long and loud, stretching luxuriously and thrusting your chest out for the cameras. He completely loses track of what he was doing. "That was very interesting," you singsong once you're done. "You can go now."
"Oh look, another one."
"I'm curious. How do you ever commit a robbery without getting mobbed by spastics?"
Oh, did you say you missed the eggplant-based communication? Because one fan just attempted it IRL. Uber, showing great presence of mind, quickly draws his sword and interposes himself between you before Fenrir can bite anything off.
"Such a naughty boy," you comment lightly, your true expression safely hidden behind your mask. "Can you believe he once compared that little worm to an eggplant? Tut, tut, lying on the internet."
By some unspoken agreement your hosts turn towards the rougher parts of the city after that, where muggers presumably lurk and fanboys fear to thread. It works, and you get some uninterrupted quality time with Uber's power. It's so good! And he clearly agrees with your evaluation of how amazing it is, because he's never not using it to be good at something (currently: reconnaissance, to spot any suicidal muggers early). And it's only one kW difficult! Depending on how the evening goes, you may only need to come back one more time to get it.
It's such a breath of fresh air after dealing with the likes of Rune and Ballistic and their super-complicated powers. Heh, Ballistic. If he knew about the tingles his girlfriend was feeling right now, Uber would be a smear on the wall. Oh god, did you just drool a little? You did, you totally just drooled into your mask and you can't wipe it off without exposing your face to the cameras and now you have to wait for it dry on its own.
To distract yourself at least a little, you initiate conversation.
"I'm surprised you're not dressed up as the orc." you remark to Leet.
"There was a poll," Uber explains.
"The what?" Leet aks.
"You know, the pig-man bad guy. Those are called orcs, right?"
"You mean bokoblins? Or moblins? Because-"
"She means Ganon," Uber interrupts.
"Is he the one who kidnaps the princess and steals the magic triangles?" you ask.
"Ganon isn't an orc!" Leet shouts. "He's a gerudo."
"A what?"
"In some timelines he pretty much is a pig-man," Uber says placatingly.
"Don't get me started on the timelines!" Leet exclaims, and then promptly gets started on a long and involved explanation of 'the timelines', his earlier shyness completely forgotten. You don't really follow it all that well, partly because you're concentrating on studying Uber's power but mostly because it sounds like a whole lot of nonsense.
You were kinda hoping to get Leet's soul price, but you can only do that at the end of a conversation. And he won't stop talking.
("Oni Lee is dead," Uber interrupts at one point, having gotten a situation update from the other cape teams. Your own outfit doesn't even have clothes, much less pockets, so you left your phones at their lair)
"Wait, let me get this straight," you say half an hour later. "The world flooded, and this was so terrible for the fish-people that they had to evolve into bird-people to survive?"
"I know, right? That's why, in my personal timeline-" Leet then goes on to confuse you even further by launching into a completely different interpretation of events, which contradicts most of what you already heard. Which, if you understood things correctly, was the way the people who actually made the games meant things to be.
Except that maybe they never intended to tie everything together in the first place, and only made up the connections much later? Which is why everything is such a mess? And people care passionately about this? There's clearly something about this 'geek' thing that you don't understand.
You're saved from further confusion when Uber's hat sprouts a duck face and starts quacking wildly. Except the opposite of that, because what? Duck face hat? But it interrupted Leet's rant.
"Hey, listen!" Leet says. "Those are the exotic particles we've been looking for." At a second glance, the duck is jabbing its beak in a particular direction.
Hang on, the particle detector was the hat all along? Leet's tinkertech famously explodes roughly 25% of the time, and Uber was wearing it on his head? You can't believe you were so focused on his power you didn't even notice until now.
Leet wants his Tinker power to work properly.
Finally! Unfortunately Quicksilver has a somewhat spotty record of actually helping people out with these things - you'd call it a 50% success rate, with all the complications that implies for someone who has done it 3 times. And you'd have to risk studying it first.
"This is it," Leet says as you arrive behind a nondescript warehouse, far from ABB territory. "There's something odd about this wall." He hovers in front of a patch of brick wall indistinguishable from any other, even with sorcerer's sight. It might be a line from the game?
In response, Uber takes out a giant skull-decorated hammer from... somewhere. The head alone is almost as big as he is, but he swings it like it's entirely weightless (it probably is). You expect a huge crash and bricks flying everywhere as it hits the wall, but instead a Fenrir-sized area around where it hits simply puffs into smoke. You were right about the crash, though - it's still very loud, and through the smoke you spot the glowing silhouette of a parahuman jumping in fright.
The smoke clears up in a second or so, and you see that it is indeed Bakuda in there. The room is exactly the rat's nest of random electronics you'd expect of a Tinker's workshop. Several pieces glow to your vision, indicating that they're already assembled and ready to explode. The brightest one is... the one on the floor that Bakuda is staring at in horror, that she dropped when she was startled by the crash. It's getting brighter.
"Fucking run!" you and Bakuda shout in unison.
Uber reacts instantly and is already booking it by the time Fenrir gets turned around, but a few seconds is enough for you to catch up and overtake him despite his power making him a world-class sprinter. Whatever tech powers Leet's wings isn't any faster, and you leave both of them in the dust.
You hunch down low over Fenrir's back to minimize air resistance and keep up a steady monolog of swearing under our breath, pausing only to warn any pedestrians you pass by: "Bakuda bomb!" You don't have to say anything more to get people running in the same direction.
You only got the barest glimpse of the device, you have no idea what it does. Bakuda seemed to think that running was an option, which is a good sign at least. It's been what, ten seconds and it hasn't gone off yet? It was clearly building up power, you can only hope it doesn't do so faster than Fenrir is running away. You don't know exactly how fast that is - wolves don't come with speedometers - but if he was a car you're pretty sure you'd be breaking traffic laws right now.
Fifteen seconds. The longer it takes the better, right? Fenrir is running at a constant speed, but the power required for whatever the hell is going to happen should increase with the cube of the radius, right? Maybe not, though, it's not like you're dealing with conventional physics here.
Twenty se-
A sound like someone tapping a wineglass, but magnified thousandfold, makes you turn around in your lack of saddle - and then promptly recoil, pain stabbing straight through your brain and into your soul as sorcerer's sight lights up the brightest you've ever experienced. It's like staring into the sun, if the sun was twenty yards away.
You frantically turn it off, and reflexively try to blink away spots that aren't there - sorcerer's sight having nothing to do with your actual retinas. Ow your soul though. You're not going to use any more powers tonight, because it feels like they might fall off.
Without sorcerer's sight the evening gloom is undisturbed. No fires, no explosions, no strange glowing phenomena. Whatever it was, it took out every street light in its radius before stopping the aforementioned twenty yards behind you. Considerably further behind you now, because Fenrir sensibly didn't stop running.
"Stop, turn back." Unfortunately you can't be so sensible, because you need to figure out what happened. As best you can without turning sorcerer's sight back on, because ow. "Don't go any closer than the last functioning streetlight," you add. That should be safe, right?
As you get closer, the light of the last streetlight is enough to reveal... is that one of the people who were running away? It is. He's frozen in mid stride, and.. glimmering? Glimmering and purple and faintly translucent. If you were to take a wild guess, you'd say he was transmuted into solid amethyst. There are other indistinct shapes behind him, that may also possess certain gem-like qualities.
Your brain skips a few tracks as you try to calculate Fenrir's running speed, times twenty-ish seconds, squared and times pi. Times population density. Did, did Bakuda just hit a four digit body count on her way out? Above you, a pigeon flies past the last streetlight and falls to the ground as it turns into amethyst. Oh god it didn't just amethyst-splode people, it created a stable amethyst-ization field. Four digits and counting, because people are going to keep blundering into the area until the news get out.
"Let's go," you say numbly, turning Fenrir around. Not a moment too soon either, you can feel your condition getting worse just from being this close to the effect, even without sorcerer's sight active. Well, either that or you got a lethal dose from the initial blast and it's getting worse because you're about to keel over from soul hemorrhage, but you hope that doesn't happen. You need to get back to the lair and recover your phones so you can report this.
"Leet built an exotic particle detector," Uber explains. "With the bombs we've seen, her lab is definitely going emit a bunch of those."
"No one trusted you with a real target, huh?" You concentrate on getting the tone and cadence right, punctuating the question with a dismissive flick of your fingers. Normally you'd be more polite to capes you're trying to infiltrate, but you've got a role to play here.
"Only an idiot would hide out in a known safehouse at a time like this," Uber says - which you note is not a 'no'.
"I'm sure you know best."
One peculiar upshot of this plan is the audience participation. Their normal modus operandi is more of a quick smash and grab, since they have to worry about heroes coming to arrest them. But tonight the heroes have every incentive to leave them alone, which means they have time to sign autographs and pose for pictures.
This is how you learn that Leet is actually cool and suave - when compared to his fans!
The more bearable minority just freeze up and stop functioning completely in the presence of celebrities, girls and/or cameras. Most of them very much don't. They think they have something to contribute to the show, some witticism or bon mot, or in one particularly awful case, a little dance. You never thought you'd look back fondly at the eggplant-based communication they used online, but here you are. These are the people you need to please if you want to get invited back.
It vindicates the hell out of your decision to go fully in character, though, because it means your attitude is supposed to be one of open disdain and mild bullying. When the next loser starts to speak, you yawn. Long and loud, stretching luxuriously and thrusting your chest out for the cameras. He completely loses track of what he was doing. "That was very interesting," you singsong once you're done. "You can go now."
"Oh look, another one."
"I'm curious. How do you ever commit a robbery without getting mobbed by spastics?"
Oh, did you say you missed the eggplant-based communication? Because one fan just attempted it IRL. Uber, showing great presence of mind, quickly draws his sword and interposes himself between you before Fenrir can bite anything off.
"Such a naughty boy," you comment lightly, your true expression safely hidden behind your mask. "Can you believe he once compared that little worm to an eggplant? Tut, tut, lying on the internet."
By some unspoken agreement your hosts turn towards the rougher parts of the city after that, where muggers presumably lurk and fanboys fear to thread. It works, and you get some uninterrupted quality time with Uber's power. It's so good! And he clearly agrees with your evaluation of how amazing it is, because he's never not using it to be good at something (currently: reconnaissance, to spot any suicidal muggers early). And it's only one kW difficult! Depending on how the evening goes, you may only need to come back one more time to get it.
It's such a breath of fresh air after dealing with the likes of Rune and Ballistic and their super-complicated powers. Heh, Ballistic. If he knew about the tingles his girlfriend was feeling right now, Uber would be a smear on the wall. Oh god, did you just drool a little? You did, you totally just drooled into your mask and you can't wipe it off without exposing your face to the cameras and now you have to wait for it dry on its own.
To distract yourself at least a little, you initiate conversation.
"I'm surprised you're not dressed up as the orc." you remark to Leet.
"There was a poll," Uber explains.
"The what?" Leet aks.
"You know, the pig-man bad guy. Those are called orcs, right?"
"You mean bokoblins? Or moblins? Because-"
"She means Ganon," Uber interrupts.
"Is he the one who kidnaps the princess and steals the magic triangles?" you ask.
"Ganon isn't an orc!" Leet shouts. "He's a gerudo."
"A what?"
"In some timelines he pretty much is a pig-man," Uber says placatingly.
"Don't get me started on the timelines!" Leet exclaims, and then promptly gets started on a long and involved explanation of 'the timelines', his earlier shyness completely forgotten. You don't really follow it all that well, partly because you're concentrating on studying Uber's power but mostly because it sounds like a whole lot of nonsense.
You were kinda hoping to get Leet's soul price, but you can only do that at the end of a conversation. And he won't stop talking.
("Oni Lee is dead," Uber interrupts at one point, having gotten a situation update from the other cape teams. Your own outfit doesn't even have clothes, much less pockets, so you left your phones at their lair)
"Wait, let me get this straight," you say half an hour later. "The world flooded, and this was so terrible for the fish-people that they had to evolve into bird-people to survive?"
"I know, right? That's why, in my personal timeline-" Leet then goes on to confuse you even further by launching into a completely different interpretation of events, which contradicts most of what you already heard. Which, if you understood things correctly, was the way the people who actually made the games meant things to be.
Except that maybe they never intended to tie everything together in the first place, and only made up the connections much later? Which is why everything is such a mess? And people care passionately about this? There's clearly something about this 'geek' thing that you don't understand.
You're saved from further confusion when Uber's hat sprouts a duck face and starts quacking wildly. Except the opposite of that, because what? Duck face hat? But it interrupted Leet's rant.
"Hey, listen!" Leet says. "Those are the exotic particles we've been looking for." At a second glance, the duck is jabbing its beak in a particular direction.
Hang on, the particle detector was the hat all along? Leet's tinkertech famously explodes roughly 25% of the time, and Uber was wearing it on his head? You can't believe you were so focused on his power you didn't even notice until now.
Leet wants his Tinker power to work properly.
Finally! Unfortunately Quicksilver has a somewhat spotty record of actually helping people out with these things - you'd call it a 50% success rate, with all the complications that implies for someone who has done it 3 times. And you'd have to risk studying it first.
"This is it," Leet says as you arrive behind a nondescript warehouse, far from ABB territory. "There's something odd about this wall." He hovers in front of a patch of brick wall indistinguishable from any other, even with sorcerer's sight. It might be a line from the game?
In response, Uber takes out a giant skull-decorated hammer from... somewhere. The head alone is almost as big as he is, but he swings it like it's entirely weightless (it probably is). You expect a huge crash and bricks flying everywhere as it hits the wall, but instead a Fenrir-sized area around where it hits simply puffs into smoke. You were right about the crash, though - it's still very loud, and through the smoke you spot the glowing silhouette of a parahuman jumping in fright.
The smoke clears up in a second or so, and you see that it is indeed Bakuda in there. The room is exactly the rat's nest of random electronics you'd expect of a Tinker's workshop. Several pieces glow to your vision, indicating that they're already assembled and ready to explode. The brightest one is... the one on the floor that Bakuda is staring at in horror, that she dropped when she was startled by the crash. It's getting brighter.
"Fucking run!" you and Bakuda shout in unison.
Uber reacts instantly and is already booking it by the time Fenrir gets turned around, but a few seconds is enough for you to catch up and overtake him despite his power making him a world-class sprinter. Whatever tech powers Leet's wings isn't any faster, and you leave both of them in the dust.
You hunch down low over Fenrir's back to minimize air resistance and keep up a steady monolog of swearing under our breath, pausing only to warn any pedestrians you pass by: "Bakuda bomb!" You don't have to say anything more to get people running in the same direction.
You only got the barest glimpse of the device, you have no idea what it does. Bakuda seemed to think that running was an option, which is a good sign at least. It's been what, ten seconds and it hasn't gone off yet? It was clearly building up power, you can only hope it doesn't do so faster than Fenrir is running away. You don't know exactly how fast that is - wolves don't come with speedometers - but if he was a car you're pretty sure you'd be breaking traffic laws right now.
Fifteen seconds. The longer it takes the better, right? Fenrir is running at a constant speed, but the power required for whatever the hell is going to happen should increase with the cube of the radius, right? Maybe not, though, it's not like you're dealing with conventional physics here.
Twenty se-
A sound like someone tapping a wineglass, but magnified thousandfold, makes you turn around in your lack of saddle - and then promptly recoil, pain stabbing straight through your brain and into your soul as sorcerer's sight lights up the brightest you've ever experienced. It's like staring into the sun, if the sun was twenty yards away.
You frantically turn it off, and reflexively try to blink away spots that aren't there - sorcerer's sight having nothing to do with your actual retinas. Ow your soul though. You're not going to use any more powers tonight, because it feels like they might fall off.
Without sorcerer's sight the evening gloom is undisturbed. No fires, no explosions, no strange glowing phenomena. Whatever it was, it took out every street light in its radius before stopping the aforementioned twenty yards behind you. Considerably further behind you now, because Fenrir sensibly didn't stop running.
"Stop, turn back." Unfortunately you can't be so sensible, because you need to figure out what happened. As best you can without turning sorcerer's sight back on, because ow. "Don't go any closer than the last functioning streetlight," you add. That should be safe, right?
As you get closer, the light of the last streetlight is enough to reveal... is that one of the people who were running away? It is. He's frozen in mid stride, and.. glimmering? Glimmering and purple and faintly translucent. If you were to take a wild guess, you'd say he was transmuted into solid amethyst. There are other indistinct shapes behind him, that may also possess certain gem-like qualities.
Your brain skips a few tracks as you try to calculate Fenrir's running speed, times twenty-ish seconds, squared and times pi. Times population density. Did, did Bakuda just hit a four digit body count on her way out? Above you, a pigeon flies past the last streetlight and falls to the ground as it turns into amethyst. Oh god it didn't just amethyst-splode people, it created a stable amethyst-ization field. Four digits and counting, because people are going to keep blundering into the area until the news get out.
"Let's go," you say numbly, turning Fenrir around. Not a moment too soon either, you can feel your condition getting worse just from being this close to the effect, even without sorcerer's sight active. Well, either that or you got a lethal dose from the initial blast and it's getting worse because you're about to keel over from soul hemorrhage, but you hope that doesn't happen. You need to get back to the lair and recover your phones so you can report this.
Haha, did you really think I'd let Taylor have the First Adorjan Excellency so easily, when a big consideration of how I set up the crossover was to starve her of dice-adders? Also she cannot be allowed happiness, those are simply the rules laid down by Wildbow that I am powerless to change.
Oh, the bomb? Exalted fans will have recognized it as a canonical area-denial WMD from Creation. In addition to turning living things into amethyst, it also completely shreds all Essence in its area of effect. Translated into equivalent Earth weapon-functionality, it stops anything needing electricity from working, which is why the streetlights are out.
It still shreds Essence too, which is why Taylor's Essence-esque parabiology hurts from the near miss. She'll be fine, though.
Oh, the bomb? Exalted fans will have recognized it as a canonical area-denial WMD from Creation. In addition to turning living things into amethyst, it also completely shreds all Essence in its area of effect. Translated into equivalent Earth weapon-functionality, it stops anything needing electricity from working, which is why the streetlights are out.
It still shreds Essence too, which is why Taylor's Essence-esque parabiology hurts from the near miss. She'll be fine, though.
daemonette_lickr: they'll be fine right?
ryu6969: course they'll be fine. Cockroaches don't die
goatyballz: omg omg omg omg omg omg
edible_undrpnts: stop fooling urself, their ded
bigg_gunns: ye all cams cutting out like that means tehy done got blone op
leetfan1: just arrived, did they cancel the stream?
goatyballz: omg omg omg omg omg omg
stream_viking: why is it showing the guest lair tho?
bigg_gunns: only cam that didny get expodeded
thus_spaketh: I for one enjoy watching an empty room, it's almsot as exciting as drying paint
vempires_suck: i cant belive they finlally died and we didnt even get to see it
thus_spaketh: It's Midna!
bigg_gunns: heeey midna
demonchan: are tehy ok?
Leet: No they're dead.
edible_undrpnts: toldya
tap_bootay: noooooooooooo
Leet: Good news is Bakuda died too
tap_bootay: -oooooyay?
goatyballz: were safe now?
ryu6969: suck it heroes, villains get things done
Leet: I know, right?
bigg_gunns: show us your tits!
<bigg_gunns has been banned by Leet>
daemonette_lickr: if their ded, how we get refund for not seeing tits?
daemonette_lickr: show tits!
stream_viking: man's got a point
<Leet has logged out>
ryu6969: midna come back
thus_spaketh: Remember when I told you I figured out the location of their guest lair?
leetfan1: yeah and we told u u were full of shit
thus_spaketh: I bet she can't cart away all their stuff before I get there. See you on ebay, suckers!
ryu6969: course they'll be fine. Cockroaches don't die
goatyballz: omg omg omg omg omg omg
edible_undrpnts: stop fooling urself, their ded
bigg_gunns: ye all cams cutting out like that means tehy done got blone op
leetfan1: just arrived, did they cancel the stream?
goatyballz: omg omg omg omg omg omg
stream_viking: why is it showing the guest lair tho?
bigg_gunns: only cam that didny get expodeded
thus_spaketh: I for one enjoy watching an empty room, it's almsot as exciting as drying paint
vempires_suck: i cant belive they finlally died and we didnt even get to see it
thus_spaketh: It's Midna!

bigg_gunns: heeey midna
demonchan: are tehy ok?
Leet: No they're dead.
edible_undrpnts: toldya
tap_bootay: noooooooooooo
Leet: Good news is Bakuda died too
tap_bootay: -oooooyay?
goatyballz: were safe now?
ryu6969: suck it heroes, villains get things done
Leet: I know, right?
bigg_gunns: show us your tits!
<bigg_gunns has been banned by Leet>
daemonette_lickr: if their ded, how we get refund for not seeing tits?
daemonette_lickr: show tits!
stream_viking: man's got a point
<Leet has logged out>
ryu6969: midna come back

thus_spaketh: Remember when I told you I figured out the location of their guest lair?
leetfan1: yeah and we told u u were full of shit
thus_spaketh: I bet she can't cart away all their stuff before I get there. See you on ebay, suckers!


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