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Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

Anti Vaxxer? They always talk about how they'd rather die than take the shot, but they sure do beg and plead when their chance to die for the cause comes.
Anti Vaxxer? They always talk about how they'd rather die than take the shot, but they sure do beg and plead when their chance to die for the cause comes.
Kinda messed up but i felt a lot of Schadenfreude during the pandemic when a bunch of people were all like "It's note that bad" or "I refuse the vacinne" and their next post was "Pray for me"
Kinda messed up but i felt a lot of Schadenfreude during the pandemic when a bunch of people were all like "It's note that bad" or "I refuse the vacinne" and their next post was "Pray for me"
It's not the best thing ever true, but I'm right there with you.
I mean yeah it's unkind, but it's returning their own unkindness so I'm not going to feel guilty about it.

Some people refuse to learn from from anything outside their own experience, and if that experience kills them, well, hopefully someone smarter might learn from that.
I mean yeah it's unkind, but it's returning their own unkindness so I'm not going to feel guilty about it.

Some people refuse to learn from from anything outside their own experience, and if that experience kills them, well, hopefully someone smarter might learn from that.
So ... Darwin Award aspirants, then? 'Cause the whole 'I don't want to wear masks' thing was seriously terrible.

Masks not only help prevent infection vectors, but also keep said infection vectors contained within those already ill. And that's only with regular cloth masks, what more could have been achieved with higher-grade ones?
Kinda messed up but i felt a lot of Schadenfreude during the pandemic when a bunch of people were all like "It's note that bad" or "I refuse the vacinne" and their next post was "Pray for me"
I used to feel bad about the schadenfreude I got out of that too. Then I got my diabetes diagnosis. Now it feels like laughing at someone who drove 80 down a side street, almost ran me over, and then got wrapped around a telephone pole. Sure, tragedy, loss of life, whatever. It's still hard to feel sorry for someone who'd idly kill you through sheer dumbassery.
I used to feel bad about the schadenfreude I got out of that too. Then I got my diabetes diagnosis. Now it feels like laughing at someone who drove 80 down a side street, almost ran me over, and then got wrapped around a telephone pole. Sure, tragedy, loss of life, whatever. It's still hard to feel sorry for someone who'd idly kill you through sheer dumbassery.
You… you think your diabetes was caused by getting the coof?
You… you think your diabetes was caused by getting the coof?
I'm not sure if you could have drawn a more nonsensical conclusion, but I think it would be awfully hard. Diabetes gives me a much higher chance of dying from it, or suffering severe and/or long-term complications.
I'm not sure if you could have drawn a more nonsensical conclusion, but I think it would be awfully hard. Diabetes gives me a much higher chance of dying from it, or suffering severe and/or long-term complications.
Pretty sure that's more being old and/or fat, which are both huge risk factors for diabetes.
As it so happens, Covid-19 causes organ damage (which ones? all the ones containing blood vessels), so yes it can absolutely cause or aggravate existing pancreatic function problems.

A lot of illnesses can fuck up your organs long-term, as it turns out. Even influenza has had its time in the spotlight. The 1918 edition was especially noteworthy in its ability to do this (and the current ones are just (much) less likely to do so, but never lost the ability).

Much more fun and which I think hasn't been mentioned in the thread? It's not mainly droplets. It never was. A lot of stuff is airborne. Covid is very much not the first and we've known since at least 1962 but the sensitive pride of medical professionals as well as a phobia of anything even remotely reminiscent of miasmatic theory instead led them to throw caution to the wind.

So yeah, air filtration is essential and N95 respirators (or equivalents & better) are strongly advisable.

edit: Source-controlled N95-grade respirators (i.e. filtered on both inhalation & exhalation, not valved) are preferable for indoor spaces. Outdoors feel free to only filter your own air.
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As it so happens, Covid-19 causes organ damage (which ones? all the ones containing blood vessels), so yes it can absolutely cause or aggravate existing pancreatic function problems.

A lot of illnesses can fuck up your organs long-term, as it turns out. Even influenza has had its time in the spotlight. The 1918 edition was especially noteworthy in its ability to do this (and the current ones are just (much) less likely to do so, but never lost the ability).

Much more fun and which I think hasn't been mentioned in the thread? It's not mainly droplets. It never was. A lot of stuff is airborne. Covid is very much not the first and we've known since at least 1962 but the sensitive pride of medical professionals as well as a phobia of anything even remotely reminiscent of miasmatic theory instead led them to throw caution to the wind.

So yeah, air filtration is essential and N95 respirators (or equivalents & better) are strongly advisable.

edit: Source-controlled N95-grade respirators (i.e. filtered on both inhalation & exhalation, not valved) are preferable for indoor spaces. Outdoors feel free to only filter your own air.
Yes, essentially we could have had six decades of buildings better designed to remove airborne pathogens. But we do not.
Yes, essentially we could have had six decades of buildings better designed to remove airborne pathogens. But we do not.
Ironically and a bit frustratingly, there actually was some effort after the 1918-1920 pandemic to do exactly that, but they mostly fell to the wayside in the meantime (it doesn't help that filtration & sanitation technology mostly wasn't there yet, so it was largely ventilation-only).

That time & incident is actually where the mask-wearing in Japan (among others) comes from.
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My mom still has an appetite and can still taste things. Maybe it's just the flu?
This might be on me for only going through the last 5 pages instead of all 55 but I don't understand the people in this thread. All the screeching about evil anti-vaxxers and how they should all be dead. Why do you people care so much?

When this entire debacle happened, remember all the politicians yelling that you're "safe" and "protected" and that you can't transmit the virus once you get jabbed? So if you people are oh so safe, then why do you care so much about people who aren't? Isn't it their own choice to take the risk? I don't get why you people are so manic about it.
This might be on me for only going through the last 5 pages instead of all 55 but I don't understand the people in this thread. All the screeching about evil anti-vaxxers and how they should all be dead. Why do you people care so much?

When this entire debacle happened, remember all the politicians yelling that you're "safe" and "protected" and that you can't transmit the virus once you get jabbed? So if you people are oh so safe, then why do you care so much about people who aren't? Isn't it their own choice to take the risk? I don't get why you people are so manic about it.
I can't speak for everyone but there are people who can't get the vaccines, and Anti-Vaxxers are putting the lives of these people at risk. And Anti-Vaxxers are also effect the lives of their children.
This might be on me for only going through the last 5 pages instead of all 55 but I don't understand the people in this thread. All the screeching about evil anti-vaxxers and how they should all be dead. Why do you people care so much?

When this entire debacle happened, remember all the politicians yelling that you're "safe" and "protected" and that you can't transmit the virus once you get jabbed? So if you people are oh so safe, then why do you care so much about people who aren't? Isn't it their own choice to take the risk? I don't get why you people are so manic about it.

Because you see, most of the antivaxxers are also going to try to get their relatives to follow their idiotic cause.

Like parents who have denied their children even a simple anti measles vaccine because vaccination is a cause for autism or the kids don't need such useless things.

Cue preventable tragic results.

Not only that, these people are also in a Venn Diagram with problematic political positions either left or right wing that join the loudmouths in spreading stupidity and willful ignorance.
When this entire debacle happened, remember all the politicians yelling that you're "safe" and "protected" and that you can't transmit the virus once you get jabbed? So if you people are oh so safe, then why do you care so much about people who aren't? Isn't it their own choice to take the risk?
Science marches on, and it turns out that those politicians were wrong.
This might be on me for only going through the last 5 pages instead of all 55 but I don't understand the people in this thread. All the screeching about evil anti-vaxxers and how they should all be dead. Why do you people care so much?

When this entire debacle happened, remember all the politicians yelling that you're "safe" and "protected" and that you can't transmit the virus once you get jabbed? So if you people are oh so safe, then why do you care so much about people who aren't? Isn't it their own choice to take the risk? I don't get why you people are so manic about it.
Because they are a drain on our society.
I can't speak for everyone but there are people who can't get the vaccines, and Anti-Vaxxers are putting the lives of these people at risk. And Anti-Vaxxers are also effect the lives of their children.

Why can't those people get the vaccines? Not like it was hard to make an appointment, right? At least, not where I'm sitting in Europe or in the US, going by what friends have told me. Seemed like there were so many CDC-or-equivalent vaccination centers that it felt like there was one every 200 meters.

Because you see, most of the antivaxxers are also going to try to get their relatives to follow their idiotic cause.

Like parents who have denied their children even a simple anti measles vaccine because vaccination is a cause for autism or the kids don't need such useless things.

Cue preventable tragic results.

Not only that, these people are also in a Venn Diagram with problematic political positions either left or right wing that join the loudmouths in spreading stupidity and willful ignorance.

Can't say much about this except that the covid vaccine got basically no testing and just got pushed through anyway. There could be all kinds of side effects to it. We'll only find out in the next 5-10 years.
As for the autism, all I know is that I got all the usual childhood vaccines and have been diagnosed with aspergers. Don't know if that was what caused it or if I had it anyway. My sample size is 1 and as such, not exactly much of a benchmark.

Science marches on, and it turns out that those politicians were wrong.

So they lied and made claims that couldn't possibly have been real, eventually got caught lying and now "we didn't know that things changed and now agree that the 100% protection in reality only barely works" is supposed to fix it all? Politicians and pharma companies said the same and it turns out the 'conspiracy crazies' were right after all.

Because they are a drain on our society.

What exactly is the difference in drain when compared to the vaccinated?
This might be on me for only going through the last 5 pages instead of all 55 but I don't understand the people in this thread. All the screeching about evil anti-vaxxers and how they should all be dead. Why do you people care so much?

When this entire debacle happened, remember all the politicians yelling that you're "safe" and "protected" and that you can't transmit the virus once you get jabbed? So if you people are oh so safe, then why do you care so much about people who aren't? Isn't it their own choice to take the risk? I don't get why you people are so manic about it.
In addition to all of the above, viruses mutate. Every person who refuses to get a vaccine is a Petri dish for the virus to continue mutating, requiring those of us who are sane to keep getting vaccinated and risk getting infected by new strains anyway. The anti-vax movement is basically a cult of Nurgle who don't even have the loving papa urging them on.
Why can't those people get the vaccines? Not like it was hard to make an appointment, right? At least, not where I'm sitting in Europe or in the US, going by what friends have told me. Seemed like there were so many CDC-or-equivalent vaccination centers that it felt like there was one every 200 meters.
Can't doesn't mean 'it's inconvenient to.' It means 'medically contraindicated.' For example, infants, people allergic to one or more of the ingredients, or people who have had severe reactions. This is basic bitch info you could have found in thirty seconds of Googling.
This might be on me for only going through the last 5 pages instead of all 55 but I don't understand the people in this thread. All the screeching about evil anti-vaxxers and how they should all be dead. Why do you people care so much?

When this entire debacle happened, remember all the politicians yelling that you're "safe" and "protected" and that you can't transmit the virus once you get jabbed? So if you people are oh so safe, then why do you care so much about people who aren't? Isn't it their own choice to take the risk? I don't get why you people are so manic about it.
The idea that once you get vaccinated you cant catch the illness is outright wrong/idiotic miscommunication... often by the very people saying Not to get vaccinated.

Every worthwhile medical professional says... get vaccinated to protect yourself from the WORST ASPECTS of the illness.

Avoiding passing it off to others helps slow down transmission so that it slows down the RATE OF MUTATION.

The slower the rate of mutation, and the more people vaccinated the safer the entire population can be.

It's the difference between a wildfire not being fought, and one under control by the fire service. Both still cause destruction, but one is Massively more destructive... and human lives are the fuel.

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