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[X] What's Goin' On
"... owowowowowow..." The young man stumbles off, blowing on his fingers and shaking them.
"Indeed not, Onihige-san, which is why I shall permit you to keep your tongue. From what I've seen here, teaching is not your true profession; confidence trickery is."
You frown indignantly. Hey, don't lump me in with some big-mouth bandit!
"Consider it a wedding present to your old friend's daughter," Nabiki goes on.
"Oh, is milady getting married? They grow up so fast! I'm sure you'll bring much happiness to your husband and honour to his household!"
"And I am sure you would not do anything so inauspicious as to deny a bride her request," she says sweetly. "You know what dreadful bad luck that is."
"... I do...?"
"Good. I'm glad we could come to an agreement."
And with that, Onihige wobbles off, supported by two of his students, the other young men Nabiki beat up stumbling after him.
"Very nicely done, Nabiki-san," Asuma remarks.
"Thank you, Asuma-san," she says breezily.
She climbs back into the carriage, a very old scroll tucked under one arm.
"Would you be so kind as to hold this?" she asks, leaning it in your direction as she cups her free hand under the blood dripping from her baseball bat. "I need to get tidied up."
"All right, now I really don't understand," you say, obligingly taking the scroll. "How exactly is what you just did not shinobi-like behaviour?"
"Those men were criminals, Yamanaka-chan," she says, wiping down the weapon with a rag.
You flinch. "Don't call me Yamanaka-chan."
"Would you prefer I do the same as you and label you an idiot without knowing anything about you?" she asks.
"Ninja get hired to take out bandits all the time," you point out.
Nabiki grants you a sidelong glance. "And how often do they leave them alive?"
"I would call that a point in our favour, actually," you reply. "Kind of hard for them to assault innocent civilians when they're dead."
"Yes," she says coolly, pouring a jug of scented water over her hands into a basin, "you wouldn't want them to put you out of work, now, would you?"
[X] Write-in (Like A Thief)
"... owowowowowow..." The young man stumbles off, blowing on his fingers and shaking them.
"Indeed not, Onihige-san, which is why I shall permit you to keep your tongue. From what I've seen here, teaching is not your true profession; confidence trickery is."
You frown indignantly. Hey, don't lump me in with some big-mouth bandit!
"Consider it a wedding present to your old friend's daughter," Nabiki goes on.
"Oh, is milady getting married? They grow up so fast! I'm sure you'll bring much happiness to your husband and honour to his household!"
"And I am sure you would not do anything so inauspicious as to deny a bride her request," she says sweetly. "You know what dreadful bad luck that is."
"... I do...?"
"Good. I'm glad we could come to an agreement."
And with that, Onihige wobbles off, supported by two of his students, the other young men Nabiki beat up stumbling after him.
"Very nicely done, Nabiki-san," Asuma remarks.
"Thank you, Asuma-san," she says breezily.
She climbs back into the carriage, a very old scroll tucked under one arm.
"Would you be so kind as to hold this?" she asks, leaning it in your direction as she cups her free hand under the blood dripping from her baseball bat. "I need to get tidied up."
"All right, now I really don't understand," you say, obligingly taking the scroll. "How exactly is what you just did not shinobi-like behaviour?"
"Those men were criminals, Yamanaka-chan," she says, wiping down the weapon with a rag.
You flinch. "Don't call me Yamanaka-chan."
"Would you prefer I do the same as you and label you an idiot without knowing anything about you?" she asks.
"Ninja get hired to take out bandits all the time," you point out.
Nabiki grants you a sidelong glance. "And how often do they leave them alive?"
"I would call that a point in our favour, actually," you reply. "Kind of hard for them to assault innocent civilians when they're dead."
"Yes," she says coolly, pouring a jug of scented water over her hands into a basin, "you wouldn't want them to put you out of work, now, would you?"
[X] Write-in (Like A Thief)
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