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"Deep into the Thicket" [Worm/Pokemon]

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Index progress
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Arc 1: Breeding
| 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | Interlude |
Arc 2...


[Verified Cute]
Jan 15, 2015
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Arc 1: Breeding
| 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | Interlude |
Arc 2: Hatching
| 2.1 | 2.2 |

I feel as if I am an outsider. I just can't really empathize with others as I think I should. I do love life tough, the world is always so vibrant, full of colors and life. The world always sings an unspoken song of joy, yet when it comes to people; I feel like a robot observing human behavior and failing to connect with anyone.

Compared to life on my ranch, the life in college became a monotonous act of daily repetition. I slowly became able to appreciate the little things that accessorize each day. The details that most people miss, yet give life to the city.
Because of that, one day I must admit I gave in to curiosity.

On the way from College to my dorms, there is a shortcut you can take by going into an abandoned park and it's bridge. The place is in quite good condition, yet only what you can call the main road is maintained, the rest of it being completely taken by tall grass and nature.

What happened, was that on late night, a brief golden flash and the sound of a ethereal jingle from the tall grass caught my attention. I could almost hear a mischievous laugh on the wind, yet I decided to take a look.

I walked into the plants and started making my way trough the thicket until I found my way into a clearing. As I did I suddenly felt something akin a withering gaze fall upon me. It felt as if something was judging me. A moment later I heard the ethereal jingles once again, and the sound of laughter behind me.

I quickly turned to my back only to be surprised. A floating golden ring sat upon my eyes, it's interior filled with eldritch black energies fluctuating and moving hazardously. I started mesmerized at the impossibility before my eyes for a mere moment before I felt myself being pushed into the darkness.

"Whatever. Gotta take care of him." was the first voice I heard as I started to wake up. I felt weak, nauseous and cold. At that I snuggled more deeply with the blanket I was covered in. I really owed whoever helped me.

"Rachel, that thing is not natural. We don't know if it's dangerous!" were the words of the second woman(?) in the room. This made me curious, what was going on?

"He was hurt, I will take care of him." the voice continued in a brusque tone of dismissal. I did not want to move though, or even open my eyes. I was comfy.

But I did so, slowly, and found two giant women within my sight. I must admit that I stood there gaping for a few seconds in which the blonde one noticed me.

I immediately tried to move, bolt do whatever I could. Only to try to stand up and fall down, a mix of pain and confusion filling me. I tried to say something, but only a series of growls and meows escaped my throat.

Suddenly everything became dark and I felt something pressing me down, I tried to fight whatever was upon me, I trashed around for a few seconds until one of the girls helped me.

I laid there flummoxed when I noticed it was the blanket that attacked me. Not a moment later thought a pair of giant hands grabbed me gently. I tried to move, but my body did not respond as it should.

"Shh... Kitty, you are hurt. Do not trash around, I will take care of you. Do not worry." As she held me on her bosom and one of her hands started petting me I could not help but start purring.

Gently I looked up, the woman had a squarish, blunt-featured face with thick eyebrows, blonde hair, and a very muscular build. The woman was staring at me when she suddenly said "See, he is fine. Now let me take care of him."

At that I could not help but look back to the other person in the room, a beautiful dark blonde with freckles. "Bitch, that thing is pink!" she exclaimed in frustration, and I couldn't help but think how rude she was. I stared angrily at the girl for a moment, a moment she noticed and made her tense in surprise. "Bitch... I think you are holding a Case 53."

I was sure I had heard of that before... but I could not care less. I was confused, tired and this girl arms were comfy. I decided to take a nap.
Last edited:
Mew successfully used Rest!.
Yawning my way out of sleep, I wondered for a second where I was. Opening my eyes once again, I found myself not only in the presence of those two women, but there was also a tall black man and what can only be called a pretty boy.

Suddenly I realized that whatever was happening to me was not normal. As if becoming some kind of kitten hadn't told me already, the fact I slowly started to recognize where I was did.
Rache? Bitch? Lisa? Those two guys? This... this people were the Undersiders weren't they? I should have honestly been upset, or in panic for being somewhere as shitty as Worm. But what I believe to be my kitty brain just told me to give no fucks.

I did not like what that meant for me, but once again I simply couldn't care. What I could do was try to find something to eat.

Until now it seemed that the gang was unaware I was awake, that could not do.

"Mew!" I tried to speak, but once again only meows came out of my throat. That was going to become a pain. I guess maybe I can try to write something later? It's not like Tattletale didn't know I was sapient already.

For some reason, the Undersiders didn't hear me. I guess it must be whatever they were discussing. It seemed to be quite a heated conversation, but I was hungry.
Trying to stand up wasn't as hard as I thought, even if it was something akin of sitting down. Now, I need to learn how to move.

First one, leg. Now the other. Yes, yes. Slowly and clumsily I started dragging myself from the basket I was in. I felt a small pang of pain from my flank, but i could easily ignore it. Before me was a challenge.

I was on top of a table.

I guess once never appreciates the distances cats jump proportional to their sizes. The table was tall. And as much as It seemed i was a cat, I was not one. Still, I gathered my wits and jumped down. It was not easy, but I successfully landed! Now all I needed was to find some food, and then try to talk with Tattletale. But as I turned I could not help to notice the three giant dogs looking at me.

One of them was growling quietly at me, the other was just lazing around on the floor, but the last one only hesitated for a moment before approaching me. I froze up, I really had no Idea what to do. The Dog started sniffing me, and I couldn't help but snarl at it. It did not backed away, but rather started snarling back at me.

I could suddenly feel all my muscles tense, my posture changed and my hair stood up. And for a mere moment I swear I could fell a well of power beyond my comprehension. It must have been my adrenaline filled mind, because the moment I heard two whistles that made the dog back down, I relaxed and could not feel it anymore.

The dog quickly had it's tail and ears down, and started whining as Rachel quickly came to us making angry clucking noises.

"Judas! No!" She shouted, and I could not help but feel joyful the mutt knew it's place. But suddenly the woman picked me up me from the scruff of my neck unceremoniously.
I tried glaring at her, but she just glared right back. "You are hurt. You shouldn't be moving around." she said brusquely as she gently placed me back to the basket I was in. And then I noticed that the little bed had bloodstains.

I looked puzzled at said spots, I pawed at them, and yes. They were real.

"Rachel, is he okay?" I could hear someone say as the woman started touching every part of me with her fingers, gently massaging me in looking for something. The girl, shook her head and almost as if asking she stated;

"He is not hurt anymore?" I had not noticed earlier, but I had a few bandaged on my back which she started to slowly take off. "He is not hurt anymore." she repeated.
She continued massaging me, but as she continued making her way trough my body she went to my privates. I could not help but react and try to get her to stop. I pawed at her hand, and her only reply was grunt. The moment she took one of my legs to lift it up, I reacted and scratched her hand.

She actually did not flinch nor stopped. She simply took her other hand and pulled the scruff of my neck while she snarled weakly. I struggled futilely as she continued inspecting my belly and the insides of my legs.

Once -I guess- she had made sure I was not hurt anymore, she left me go. I wanted to pout at what just happened, but i was surprised when I noticed all the other Undersiders were around the table I was in.

When did they get here?

"Are you saying that's a cape Lisa? I don't see it," the pretty boy... Regent? I don't really remember his name, said.

"Yes, he is. Right Mister Kitten?" she asked me. I blinked for a second before tilting my head. Was I a cape? I had been changed. But I wasn't sure I had power.

"He just looks like a runaway project from Blasto to me." Regent continued, and Lisa could not help but slap him on the head.

"Don't insult him. He's confused, hurt... or well, was hurt and hungry," she exclaimed before turning back to me. "You can understand me right?" she asked. And this time I could not help but nod. At this the girl simply gave a very vulpine smile to Regent before continuing "Do you remember anything? Your life? Your name? It's not everyday we meet your kind, but we can help you." Of course I remembered my life, hell my name was;

"Mew," I said, and I could not help but -try- to facepalm. Of course I could not speak.

"I still think we should take him to the Protectorate. It's the right thing to do." The black man butted in. Brian was it? I was not sure if I wanted to go there tough. If I really had powers, they might see me as some kind of runaway project from a tinker and try to neuter me before finding out if I was a person. I really wanted to keep my balls.

"I barely believe he's sapient because of my powers Brian. I doubt they would even consider it." she said before picking me up at an arm's length and started inspecting me "Now... I wonder what secrets you hold."

"Mew." I replied.

Let me tell you, being able to be picked up by everyone isn't fun when you can't avoid it. I must admit that by now I was a little grumpy. I still hadn't eaten anything! So when Lisa stopped inspecting me and held me against her chest I could not help but -gently- bite her arm.

"Hey!" Lisa exclaimed, and in doing so almost made me fall out of her grasp. She just frowned for a second as I let go and meowed once again. It's not like I could talk, but hey. This is miss Super Sherlock. "You... You are hungry aren't you?"

I nodded my head, making her sigh. I'm sure I could hear Regent try to hide his laughter, and Rachel moving around.

"Ok, we will get you something, but first. Do you know how to write?" Of course I knew how to write! I glared back at her. It's not like I could talk you know?

Lisa merely nodded and started to move us around towards a nearby sofa. Not a moment later she handed me to Rachel "Will be right back, I will go get something for you to type into~"

What followed shall never be spoken of again. My hunger was the only reason I did not complain. Rachel fed me with a feeding bottle some kitten's mix. I understand that somehow I became a kitten. But she could not even let me feed myself!

Still, some time passed and the Undersiders pretty much sat down and started watching a nearby TV. I noticed a few curious glance thrown to me from time to time, but after I was fed I just snuggled into the girl's arms and waited for Lisa to come back.

Their conversation washed over me as a incomprensible lull that only made me relax and take a brief catnap.

I woke up moments later when Rachel placed me on the table. I noticed that everyone was paying attention to me once again, and in front of me there was a small cellphone. It was similar to one of those old Blackberry's with a full keyboard.

I quickly moved to it and tried to hold it with my front paws. I had not thinked about my size until now, but I was tiny. The cellphone was in fact, bigger than my head. So even if my little paws had -somehow- small opposable thumbs. I could not really lift it. I glared at the snickering Regent as I tried to think how to hold before Lisa interrupted my train of thought.

"Here, let me help you," she said as she took the cellphone, and opened one of those little leg thingies from it's back to make it stand up. "The text-to-voice application is running." she stated. I looked at the cell phone and slowly typed a quick;

"Thanks" and as soon as I did I noticed the silence on the room. I looked around, and found a very smug smile on lisa face, Rachel didn't care but the two boys were dumbfounded.

"Huh. He is actually intelligent," Regent quickly stated before his face changed to one of curiosity. "So what does it feels to be a Kitten?" I was about to reply before Brian butted in.

"Don't mind him. Anyway, my name is Brian, that is Alec," he stated pointing at Regent "Lisa, and Rachel," Ponting once again to both Lisa and Rachel he stopped for a second, probably to let me process the names before continuing "You may be... confused about your situation, but it happens from time to time. People get powers, and sometimes those powers change you and even affect your memories," At this he looked at Lisa for a second before continuing "We are a group of... friends, and if you want we can help you get used to your new... condition. Otherwise we can take you to the Protectorate. They have a special fund for people just like you and can help you."

As he finished I could hear Rachel grumble. I really had no Idea what to do, but if anything some time to think would really be appreciated. "Can I stay for a while?" I typed. Brian didn't look exactly happy about it, but if anything Rachel looked less grumpy.

"So now that you have decided to stay with us... Why don't we try to find out your powers!" Lisa stated cheerfully.

Powers...? Do I actually have powers? I wondered out loud. That translated to a few meows and thrills if you were wondering. Still, it took me a few seconds to start typing my question.

"Yes powers. You are a kitty with superpowers!" Lisa stated. I looked at the others, and the back at Lisa. I mean, really? "Of course, you already regenerated from your wounds after a few hours of sleep. So we got a small healing factor to start."

That was one of the things that bothered me the most. I could not remember being wounded nor healing myself. It's not like resting and taking a nap could make me heal myself right?

"Come on, try to do something. Your powers should come naturally to you. "I wondered for a second if that was the truth. I tried to concentrate and see if I could do something. Anything that could be called a superpower. But nothing happened. I started frowning in frustration until I just felt like hitting something.

Suddenly my tail started glowing white, and as my anger reached it's peak, my tail sprang into motion, venting my frustration into the poor table. Oops. I stared wide eyed at the hole my tail punched trough.

"That's coming out of your pay," Brian stated in deadpan looking at Lisa.

"The glow allowed your tail to briefly become Indestructible and made it stronger... Huh, not bad. I wonder if you could cover your whole body with that aura..." Lisa mumbled to herself as her eyes bore into my soul. "So some kind of healing factor and some kind of brute/breaker power..." she continued for a moment.

"That. Was. Awesome." Regent suddenly said "Do it again!" he continued. I just stared at my tail. How did I do that? The moment I used it, I could feel some kind of power flowing trough me. It was quite a unique experience, but it was not bad. This time I had a basis of what I wanted to use. I concentrated, I really did. But it felt as if I was missing something.

Suddenly Lisa interrupted me. "Hey..." and when I looked at her. At my target. Everything became clear. My body suddenly started to glow, swirl and change folding itself in impossible ways.

"Huh. That happened." I stated with a feminine voice. Looking at myself in wonder I noticed I was a woman. And then I knew everything about my new female body, including things I did not want to know. I was a woman. I was Lisa. And I was naked. Strangely, the last part did not really bother me that much.

"Well. The view is quite nice." Regent quipped just as the desk I was in finally broke.

I fell down on top of the tattered mess of a table broken in half, I could feel a few small splinters stabbing into my arms and the typical pain of having fallen on my rear.

"You can copy powers." were the first words I heard after a few moments I took to compose myself. At this, I looked at Tattletale and my brain fired up in activity. Information started pouring in.

Shock, hope, find myself to be a possible way to get out of Coil's grasp.
Anxiety; knows I know that she plans on using me for something.
Knows I have her power and what that entails.
Shock; remembered I am her, her power went on a tangent. Notices I am naked. Notices my new condition changed some of my tough processes. I lack a a nudity taboo, I'm a kitten. I'm a PINK shapeshifting Kitten.
I am Mew. I'm a Pokemon. I healed by using rest. Why did I not noticed that before? Brain is wired different. Newborn Mew,, needs to develop, I-
Lisa closed her eyes briefly and took a small breath to center herself. Before throwing a cushion to Regent. "Don't stare!" she exclaimed breaking me from my trance. Lisa's power was always on, but I somehow knew how to let a filter come on, to make the information less than needed. I did so.

As I looked back to to Alec I could not help but notice the smirk on his face, as he held the cushion lisa threw him on his arms. "It would be a shame to not enjoy the view." he replied.

Normally affected of disinterest, lack of engagement, limited emotional depth, deeply repressed emotions and- Sociopath. Finds my existence funny. Not really interested on Lisa, just enjoying the eye candy.

Lisa just glared back as she started coming to me. I looked around to try to see the others and noticed that Brian had already turned his back on me.

Disciplined, careful to divorce emotion from actions. Falls back on order, rules, self discipline in times of stress.
And Rachel was looking at me as if trying to figure out how to act.

Not seeking human connections, prefers company of dogs. Seeking to change things, seeking money, power, prestige, to take care of her animals. Saved me because she tough I was an animal i need. Disconnected standard human empathy and understanding, no longer grasps full extent of human relations, signals, signs, cues. Do not know how to act to me being able to become human.[/I]​

It took me a few seconds to figure that out, and within that time Lisa had already reached me. "Let's get you some of my clothes, and those splinters out of you, after that we can all have a talk." She was honest on her purpose, but that vulpine smile on her face made me shiver.

Lisa took me quickly to her room, we exchanged no words. There was really no need for it. During the few seconds it took for Lisa to manhandle me into her room we had a small conversation with just our body language.

"I should probably berate you and tell you to cover yourself," she all but said "but you probably wouldn't understand why." she continued with a sigh while she helped me stand up. "I do know why, I just don't care." I replied. "See?" she replied smugly, before pausing for a mili-second "And damn, I do have a nice ass." I paused for a second to look at myself, and then at Lisa. "Yes, you do." and thus we entered her room.

"Your power is awesome." I could not help but say as soon as we were alone. And I'm pretty sure I was using the trade mark Tattletale™ Smile. She was not so happy to be on the other side of it.

"I should be angry at you, but I really can't," she replied as she started picking up some clothes for me. A complete assemble of clothes was at her bed now. Nothing to fancy, but at the same time she did not chose castaways. That's a nice gesture from her. "Let me get the first-aid kit and some tweezers, please do me a favor and put the clothes on!" she exclaimed from her bathroom. I could tell she was having trouble locating said items before I changed my attention to the things on the bed.

A sky blue camisole, a white skirt, a dark blue long neck sweater along... Along a blue bra and some white panties. I merely stared at those things for a second. As much as being a Mew changed me... I was still a man. I could fathom wearing a skirt, but wearing a Bra? I slowly picked up the garment. How did women even put them on?

In the end I just threw the bra aside and put on the camisole and the skirt. I almost took the panties, but decided against it. It's not like I'm not covering myself anymore right?

A few moments later Lisa came back carrying a small first aid kit and stared at me. "Well, that's better than nothing..." she said exasperatedly in response to my attire. It's not like she expected me to put on the bra anyway. Still, as she sat down next to me and started opening the kit.

"You want me to help you, you are not here willingly," I said as she started pulling splinters from my arms, Lisa didn't waver already expecting that question and having taken her time picking up the things to think how to reply to me.

"Yes." she merely stated, not letting me see her face while she continued her task, it was nothing more than a simple plea of help. Tattletale had always been the one with all the cards on her hand. With the ability of getting anything she wanted out of someone a few seconds after meeting them. Having someone with the same abilities as her wasn't a comfortable position when she didn't knew if I could help. She felt cornered. But there was hope I could help. If I could copy Coil's power she could know what they were, and may even deduce how to counter them.

We shared a moment of silence as I contemplated the situation. If I went to the Protectorate I could get a legal identity as a Mew, maybe a place in the Wards, and access to a lot of powers. But if I helped Lisa, I could get access to Coil resources... but above all I could help Lisa. I simply could not let her stay in this position If i could help her. And maybe I could meet and help Taylor!

"I will help you," I said, and the moment I did I could see as if a heavy weight came off her shoulders, she looked at me and then frowned before I finished "But you will become mine." She was Incredulous at what I said. I could almost see the cogs on her head working on overloard.

"I will not work for free! You will become my human." I repeated.

I don't like this. It feels like you're just forcing Tattletale to trade one master for another.
Don't worry, that was 100% the inner Mew blurting things out. Cats are territorial and think different than humans. Do you really see a pink, hyperactive, fluffy kitten controlling Brockton Bay behind the scenes? It's more of a "You will become my partner/playmate" thing that will be cleared out. After all, pushing Tattletale against a corner will only end with a death kitten once she controls any real assets. Even if I didn't knew that, the moment the SI got Lisa's powers he would.
"We're cleaning up the Boat Graveyard--"
"--in order to install the Great Kitty Sandbox."
"Still an improvement."

"Criminal activity which interrupts one of Lord Kitty's Holy Catnaps will be punishable by hairballs. Forever."

"It is now illegal to not eat the mice the Lord Kitty leaves on your door step."

It took me a second to think back on what I said, or rather, how I phrased it. I should really start thinking before saying anything. I do not need Lisa to be an enemy, nor a personal slave. A partner or ally is fine for me. I blame Lisa's body for that mistake. But heh, I guess it's truth that In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats.

"You." Lisa started perplexed as she processed what just happened "You really think like a Kitten don't you?" she finished with a sigh. I merely smiled in a very vulpine feline way knowing her answer already. "I guess we are partners then." she said as her hand started patting my head. I could not help but lean into her hand, really appreciating her ministrations.

I do not know how I could purr with Lisa's body, but I did. And damn, she was good at petting me. I almost gave in to the temptation to break my transformation so that she could carry me and pet me more. It was a big effort not to do so.

Instead I looked at Lisa for a second. "Wait, what ar-" an impulse jumped into my mind. Unsure about what to do, I did the only thing that came to my mind. I acted on it.

I suddenly hugged her, making her do the cutest squeal, and started rubbing my face against hers. "Hey... S- Stop, bunting me!"


"Why did you girls took so long?" Alec said from his slouch on the couch. Lisa shook her head as I frowned.

"I'm not a girl." I replied to Alec.

Alec merely raised an Eyebrow "Well, from what I saw, I'm quite sure you are no man."

I pouted while glaring at him. It took me a few seconds before taking my course of action. My form started to shine and change until I turned into a copy of Alec. "See, I'm a man!" I exclaimed.

I hadn't paid attention to the others, but Brian couldn't contain a small guffaw, even if he composed himself moments later. Lisa was still snickering as Alec just replied "Well, you handsome boy. At least now I know I can actually pull a drag." with a small giggle.

I looked around at that, wondering where was Rachel. Lisa's powers had spoiled me after a few minutes! I transformed back right away, only to notice she went out to walk her dogs and clear her mind.

Turning back to the others I bluntly exclaimed "I want in!"

"What do you mean?" Brian asked as he crossed his arms.

"He has my powers Brian, he knows more about you that you yourself know." Lisa said as she pinched the bridge of her nose "I just want to say that he is one of the strongest trumps I know of, he will pull his weight if he joins us."

"Uh-huh" I nodded. I'm the best after all, there is no doubt of that.

"I would never say no to a pussy, but why don't we test him first." Alec suddenly interrupted "Don't we have a job at the Ruby Dragon soon?"

"Strangely, I don't think Bitch will protest..." Brian mumbled for a second before deciding that in the long run, I would definitely be more help than anything. "Ok, you can come with us during the next heist" he said as he pointed at me "But if you don't perform well with the team you are out. Do you understand?"

"Ok," I simply said before pouncing towards the sofa. What was Alec watching anyway... I really wonder what types of programs a world with real superheroes airs.

"By the way, do you remember or have decided on your name?" Lisa asked. And of course I knew, my name was;

"Mew." Huh, that weird. I know I am Mew, but why can't I say my name?

"Mew? That's... well that's better than Bitch." Brian sighed before coming to me for a handshake. "Welcome to the Undersiders, Mew."

Didn't like this that much, but I just needed to move forwards already.
Anyway, I love likes, but what do you guys think of what I got so far?

The rest of the day passed up quickly. Bitch came back, and as expected, did not raise too much of a fuss. She became a little more grumpy because the pay was going to be divided even more, but she still didn't knew how to react to me. Was I the small kitten she saved? or the Lisa look-alike? The fact that I was curled up on said girl's lap when she arrived didn't help her.

And let me tell you, as much as I liked being able to transform into Lisa (and just needing to do it again to clear all headaches!), It just felt wrong after a while. If needed, I was sure I could keep a transformation indefinitely. But If I had no need to do it, just being Mew felt perfect.

Sadly that had a flaw, I'm still a kitten, so sleep came quickly too. From what my powers told me when they were active; I was a newborn Mew, and that meant that I needed lot of sleep and kitten mix. I was not happy for the last part, but I'm quite sure Lisa took some glee feeding me and knowing I didn't like it. After that I claimed Lisa's bed; I slept, was fed and got petted for a while. Time passed for me as a small loop of those actions before it was nighttime.

I woke up with a Yawn, and took a few seconds to stretch my back before my mind started working. I was right now next to Lisa's head, and strangely enough I had more energy than I've ever felt before. I felt... Energized. And I knew exactly what to do, after all wasn't there a whole city to explore out there?

My curiosity was driving me crazy, this was Brockton Bay after all! I took a quick glance at Lisa to make sure she was asleep and hopped out of her bed. The door was my next obstacle. I did not want to wake up Lisa, and I'm quite sure using transform would do it. So what could I do...?

I suddenly remembered quite clearly that Mew should be capable of flight. But how do I do that? I started with a classic. Happy toughs, good memories... and nothing. Well it seems Peter Pan lied to me. Maybe if I tried jumping? I starting doing a few hops but needed to cease when suddenly Lisa stirred for a moment. That was a bust too...

I was becoming quite frustrated at this point, and decided to just concentrate on the doorknob and how to reach it. I just needed to reach it and hold it just like this...

Wait what?!

I looked down and noticed I was flying. I panicked for a second and started to jerk around, before once again remembering; I WAS FLYING.

I concentrated just for a second trying to grasp how to control it, it was like having an extra muscle I never knew I had. Willing myself to fly there, and I flew there, willing myself to go up, and I went up. It felt absolutely wonderful, I barely managed to contain my giggles. I looked back at the door, and then turned around towards the window.

I could probably squeeze trough there...

Deciding to take my chances, I flied towards the window and slowly squeezed myself into the gap.

It took me a little effort to do it, but once I did, I was free to fly as much as I wanted. I started by doing a small loop around the building I was In just now; it was a red brick factory with a massive sliding metal door locked shut by a coil of chain. Both the chain and door had rusted so much that I expected that neither offered any use. The building itself was large, stretching nearly half the block, two or three stories tall. The background of the sign at the top of the building had faded from red to a pale orange-pink, but I could make out the bold white letters that read 'Redmond Welding'.

I took a few seconds to record it into my memory before launching myself into the skies.

There was a whole city to explore!

Flying with my own power is one of the most exhilarating thing I've ever experienced. Going up into the clouds and right back to the ground, doing loops and barrel rolls. It was an experience all by itself.

And in doing so, I completely ignored my surroundings. By this point I was frankly giggling like crazy while swerving between the alleys and streets of Brockton Bay. I noticed briefly how downtrodden the place was, but I honestly didn't care that much, it's not like it was my territory yet.

Sadly, everything must come to an End, and even if it took a while this flying adventure was no exception. It was time to explore. I just had a problem, I was lost.

I flied around and slowly gained altitude as I tried to find my bearings... the Undersiders base was somewhere near the water, and if I remember correctly it should be near the docks. But where were the Docks?

Once I gained some altitude I started flying towards the sea until something caught my attention. The floating Protectorate base should be on the middle of the Bay right? I looked around until I saw it. And I was disappointed. It was not floating! It was just a normal Oil Rig. I thought it would be flying or something, how did it even survive being hit by several Tsunamis anyway?

Still, it was a base for several superheroes right?

I started to flight towards it to get a better look, and as I was almost there I hit something. The impact did no more than rattle me thankfully, but it got my curiosity. Was this a force field? I gently flew back until I reached it again. It was like a invisible ball, I tried pushing through it, but it did not falter. Quite curious I decided to see what would happen If I tried hitting it.

Concentrating, it took me almost no effort to get my tail shining once again, and not a moment later I struck. The shield held once again, making the strength of the hit bounce back to me and making me fly out of control for a few seconds. I wanted to pout, but suddenly something caught my attention.

Were those missile launchers surrounding the Rig? I swayed to one side, and then looped around the rig. Were those missile launchers tracking me?

Yes they were.

Deciding to not take my chances I flew back towards the city.

So, heading back towards the city I started once again my quest. I quickly closed in to the coast and swayed briefly around some alleys to make sure those missiles launchers weren't tracking me anymore. But instead of taking the skies once again I stopped as suddenly the throbbing pulse of music reached my ears.

There was something fun happening nearby, and that's all I needed to know before I decided to approach stealthily and take a peek. What I found was not exactly what I expected though. On a nearby street laid a lackluster building with a line of people extending around it's side. It was obviously a club, but it's appearance lacked any character. The only thing that convinced me to get a closer look were the glowing yellow letters in an almost intentionally plain script that spelled out 'Palanquin'.

I couldn't really remember the details, but that was the home of some monster capes right? Maybe it would be worth a shot to look around! I slowly sneaked closer to see if i could find an entrance, but the place was brimming with people!

I did not really want to have strangers picking me up anymore. I had enough of that with the Undersiders for a while. And while I was pondering on the solution, I completely forgot I was near a crowded walkway. That made me realize, that I was floating on plain view of everyone, yet no one seemed to notice.

I looked around to confirm the fact, and it did. Lowering myself in purpose to head-level I approached the line curiously. They did not react. I wondered what was happening before remembering something...

Weren't Mew's supposed to be able to become invisible at will? I was tempted to change into Lisa for a second to try to confirm my hypothesis, because when I lifted my paws I could see them.

Still, I would not look to a gift horse in the mouth. Carefully flying to the entrace, I sneaked past the bouncer and entered the Palaquin. The first thing that greeted me was the full volume of the throbbing music, it was almost unbearable to my ears. Carefully navigating through the top of the crowd of dancers and people holding drinks, I started looking for any interesting people.

The place was full of all kinds of people, of all colors and varieties. But sadly, there was nothing exceptional about the dance floor. I moved to check in the booths, but once again -besides a Piña Colada I took a sip of, there was nothing worth my attention.

Having taken a look at all the place my gaze went up. There was a balcony up there, but from what I could tell it was devoid of activity. And I was right, those that were present, less than a dozen, were bonelessly laying there.

That got my attention. I approached one of the nearby girls, a attractive red-haired girl, whom eyes were glazed over and seemed almost catatonic. I decided to poke her.

The girl didn't even move. Trying it again, I poked her harder. The girl left a giggle out at that. Wondering what would happen if I let myself become visible. I willed so, and stopped flying to land on her chest.

The mumbles about some kind of white and purple cat person made me giggle. I leaped then to the next closest girl chest to see what her reaction could be just before a voice interrupted me.

"How did you even get here Little Guy?" a weirdly accented voice said "Come on, let's get you outside before a dancer tramples you." I looked back to the source, and didn't even look at the person, but rather those semi-transparent broad hands with ruined, rotten brown fingernails and disgusting growths heading towards me.

I would NOT let those things touch me.

I immediately took flight and avoided his grasp with an exclaimed: "Mew!" At that moment I finally looked at my assailant. A morbidly obese man with semi-transparent skin and filled with blisters and strange growths.

Said man, now was looking me with surprise. Surprise that quickly turned into resolve. "Faultline, Newter, Spitfire we have a situation!" he shouted while staring at me as several people came out of a nearby door.

There was a woman in a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black slacks tucked into shiny black riding boots with steel toes. Her wavy black hair was tied back in a ponytail. A girl wearing a simple pair of jeans and a white shirt. Her face marred with freckles and brown curly hair. And finally, an orange, red-haired boy with a tail of all things.

"Who are you and why are you here?" the woman asked.

"Who are you and why are you here?" the woman asked.

Their postures were aggressive, their muscles were tensed and ready to bolt. I could even see the orange guy give a quick signal to the downstairs bouncer, probably to be ready to evacuate the place if needed.

All my being was screaming me to snarl back and try to claim my dominance to make them back down, but this time I used my human mind to barely avoid it. Still, my posture was tense, and my hairs were standing. The fact that I was a small fluffy kitten against a team of experienced parahumans barely registering on my mind.

"Mew." I snarled showing my teeth.

My reply only made them concentrate on me more. The woman eyes narrowed for a moment "You don't seem to be a projection," she stated before lowering her guard and raising her arms. "We do not need to fight here of all places," she said as she took a few steps towards me. "Tell me, can you understand me?" the woman asked.

I did not lower my guard as I nodded.

"I may be grasping at straws, but you aren't alone," The woman started talking "On a steady basis, parahumans have been turning up across North America. Retrograde amnesia, all marked..."

"Mew!" I exclaimed as I saw the orange guy inch towards one of the booths. And that was when the unexpected happened; One of the drugged up girls gained a modicum of ludicity from her trip, a brief mumble of "Come here, kitty" escaped her mouth at the same time she lunged at me. Out of instinct my body reacted.

"Fuck," the woman exclaimed as my tail started moving to intercept my attacker, but suddenly my instincts flared making me swerve back.

Several bouncers poured in from the stars to start grabbing the drugged girls at the same time the orange guy lunged forward, leaping over several booths that separated us while grabbing an open water bottle with his tail. Twisting his entire body, he whipped the bottle at me as he grabbed the woman and threw her on his shoulder before retreating. I do not know why, but I knew I should not let the liquid touch me.

The water did not hit me, but just as it happened the fat guy, in turn, reached out with one hand and blasted out a steady stream of yellow liquid at me. I swerved to one side avoiding the stream but as I was about to charge the man suddenly said "Sorry little guy, It's just a temporary paralyzing agent, we can't risk our clients." The man then sprayed his excretions with one hand, directing the stream against the fingers of his other hand so the stream separated into a broad spray. In short order, I could not help but be hit by it.
Mew's Synchronize has been activated!
I felt my body become dumb and slow at the same time the fat man fell over.

"Fuck, Gregor!" The orange guy exclaimed "What have you done!" he exclaimed in rage before charging at me once again. I tried to retaliate, but my body moved too sluggishly to react. At that moment the guy punched me out of the air. Strangely, while I was moved due to simple physics, the punch did not hurt. But as I struck the ground, I suddenly felt the world become a blur.
Mew's Synchronize has been activated!
Everything started spinning just as I saw the orange guy fall down. I could hear shouts, and see a kaleidoscope of lights flowing my vision. Then pain filled my being.
Mew's Synchronize has been activated!
Everything became orange, pain was the only thing I could feel. The world started shifting, but I would not fall just down, I could not let myself be beaten like this. They would not win. Among this, the only reprieve I had was that I could feel that same well of power beyond my comprehension I felt once before start to stir-up. I concentrated enduring the haze starting to appear on my consciousness and accessed that power.
Mew used Refresh!
My view became green for a second, and my mind and body became clear. I could hear the sounds of sirens approaching, I could see fire surrounding me on a ever changing world. But that would not stop me.

The world became pink as my aura flared.

Anyone better versed in Pokemon knows what this 'synchronize' is?
Whoever inflicts a status effect on Mew immediately falls victim to the same status effect. It's the kitty's passive ability.
Pretty much that.
. If you poison the kitteh you get poisoned back, If you burn the kitty, you get burned back!

"Step 6151: Leave Earth-bet." "Door Me."
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" "The lonely hallways… no. The burning towers. Definitely no. Fields of tall grass, collapsed walls half covered in moss, the remnants of an old castle, a stone hut with a tree growing out of it." "911 come on, come on!" "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds~" "Why can't I move, why can't I fucking use my powers!" "Run, run, goddamit leave your things and run you bastards!" "Incident on the Palaquin, fastest way trought Lord Street." "God, that's shiny." "Where is my wallet?!" "I wonder what's going downtown."

Words and information, impressions and images, senses, thoughts and memories started to flow throught my mind as the world turned pink. I could feel my surroundings, I could understand the underlaying nature of the world to a degree I can't just express, present, past and future merged in a uncontrolable flow of information rocketing into my brain as the full might of my growing psychic abilities emerged in the form of flaming pink aura.

It took me less than a second that felt like untold eons for me to take grasp of my power and control it. My fiery aura suddenly coalesced into a perfect semi transparent pink sphere surrounding my being. This power made me feel invulnerable, strong. It was simply (intoxicating.

The walls, the ceiling, the floor itself was flowing and shifting, trying to contain me and the flames. Oh yeah, I remembered now, my mind was clearer than ever. Labyrinth, The Shaker. The girl that became stronger and less lucid the less she moved. I wondered for a second where Faultline was, but that did not matter. What mattered was leaving this place, and leave a message to anyone willing to attack me.

I concentrated, making my eyes shine with a pink hue, and the world shattered.

The surrounding enviorment shattered to dust as a psychic explosion emerged from my being. Reality stopped shifting as I heard the shout of a girl being flung away. Suddenly I could feel a metallic projectile making it's way towards me, I took flight lazily and was little surprised when it changed trajectory. A mettalic ball struck my shield, and once I caught a clear glance of it, it exploded when I willed it.

Looking to it's source I found a man in blue armor holding a halberd. "Surrender and you shall be given leniency," he ordered me in monotone. So this was Armsmaster, the ENE Protectorate leader. I lifted him up in the air with my will, a blue aura surrounded him, and I blasted him away into a nearby building.

Suddenly I could hear a thunderous roar, as in fact, a lighting bolt struck my shield. It dazzled me for a second. But I took flight to meet the guy with the Spartan themed armor. I did not remember him, but I could guess he was the one that could charge things.

I charged at him, and as he lifted what appeared to be a solid lighting bolt, I shot a pink ball of energy. The warrior avoided the strike by simply flying away -I really needed to practice how to shoot these things- and launched another lightning strike at me. I charged straight through it, the strikes were more than anything annoying and disorienting, but after a few seconds I tackled the man myself.

His shield held against the brunt of my strike, but physics barreled him into a nearby street. I followed as another thunder strike headed my way. Avoiding it this time with a loop, I concentrated on my attack.

I launched a pink beam of energy from my aura, the man lifted his shield once again, but it was next to useless against my psychic onslaught as an explotion engulfed him.

Taking a quick glance at the burning remains of the Palaquin, I decided this was enough for tonight.

Concentrating, suddenly I was back on the Undersiders lounge. I wasn't really tired, and I wanted to learn how to use my powers... Dammit. The whole city was probably searching for me at the moment.

Oh well, I guess it's time to raid the fridge.
Interlude 1-1
Armsmaster walked confidently throught the hallways of the ENE Protectorate Headquarters for an emergency debrief. He disliked doing it, he had many other projects to work on. But it was his job as the leader of the local team, especially when he was the one doing the analyzis.

During the scant few minutes that Armsmaster spent walking towards his destination, he reviewed once more all he knew about the new parahuman throught the interface on his helm.
[Picture taken by Armsmaster]

Date: February-22-2011
Name [Temporary]: Mew
Suggested: Chesire Cat, Sith, Nemean, Pink Peril.​
Height: 0"11'
Weight: Estimated at 1/2 lb to 1 lb.
Sex: Unknown [no visible genitalia]
Age: Unknown, physical age suggest a four to six week old kitten.
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Blue [may change in the upcoming weeks]
Description: Mew is a pink, possible Case 53 with feline and marsupial features. It resembles a kitten at a first glance, it's snout is short and wide and it has triangular ears and large, blue eyes. It has three-fingered paws with opposable thumbs, large feet with oval markings on the soles, and a long, thin tail ending in an ovoid tip. Its hair is fine and thin. Mew has big hind legs and short arms, it appears to be capable of both bipedal and cuadruped terrestial locomotion along unaided flight.
Other: The transformation appears to have changed the vocal chords of said subject. Besides meows, growls and trills the only thing the Subject is apparently able to vocalize is the word "Mew" hence until we have more information, we shall use this as a temporary name.

Affiliation: Unknown.
Faction: Unknown.

Shaker 6 (Blaster 3 / Brute 5 / Mover 5), Trump 3
Observed Powers: Flight, Super-strength, Telekinesis, Forcefield Projection, Energy Beams, Telekinetic Blasts, Reflective Wound Transferal, Cat-like senses.

1. First sightning of subject Mew was at precisely 2134 hours aproaching the ENE Protectorate Headquarters by flight. Our first assumption was that Genesis [see the Travelers file] was trying a new form. But after the events later at night, we have correctly filed the incident. Armsmaster has been able to analyze Mew's behaivour with the footage adquired. When he approached the HQ it appears to have been out of simply curiosity rather than for any malicious actions.

After striking the force field surrounding the HQ by accident at a speed calculated to be at around one hundred and twenty seven miles per hour [127mph] and rebounding without any visible damage; Subject Mew started to observe the force field by tactile probing. After being unsuccesful of entering the premises, Subject Mew struck the force-field with his tail [It gained a white glow during the act] and in an act of super-strength, blew up one of the force field generators, forcing the base to enter red alert.

2. At approximately 2205 emergency calls of a parahuman fight started to be called into the PRT hotline. Armsmaster was the first on the scene after a 2 minutes detour from his patrol route and Dauntless took flight inmediatly. What he found was the night club named "The Palaquin" [see Faultline's Crew files] in flames and the second floor suffering the effects of Labyrinth powers, all civilians were already evacuated thanks to the staff, but three members of Faultline Crew were down after taking a closer look. After a quick interrogation, Armsmaster estabilized Spitfire when he found third-degree burns on her despite her flame retardant suit being intact, Gregor the Snail was paralyzed with no visible cause and Newter was suffering the effects of his own hallucinogen. After later questioning on the hospital we have deduced that subject Mew posses some kind of Reflective Wound Transferal.

Not a moment later, the upper floors of the Palaquin were blown up by a telekinetic blast and Subject Mew became visible, there were no visible wounds on his being. At said moment Armsmaster reacted and attempted to catch Subject Mew with his grapling hook, but the target was covered on a spherical pink personal forcefield. The moment Subject Mew noticed the device, it was destroyed by a telekinetic blast. Subject Mew then proceeded to catch Armsmaster on his telekinetic grasp, noticable by a blue outline surrounding his body, before being flung into a nearby building.

At that moment Dauntless arrived, he struck with a bolt of his Arclance, but it seemed inefective. A brief aerial battle happened where Subject Mew showed the ability to throw energy attacks on the form of beams and balls. Said beam was able to penetrate Dauntless forcefield without effort before exploding.

After that sight of Subject Mew was lost. From what was gathered from the security systems at the Palaquin and witnesses after the fight, the cause of the conflict was likely caused by a series of miscommunication.

: Incomplete Simulations suggest that the Subject does not react in a human manner to outside stimuli. If encountered all PRT personall is to refrain from approaching or otherwise perform threatening action against the subject.​
The one thing that bothered Armsmaster the most where the physiological changes "Mew" adquired. Case 53 were known to have everything from subtle to extreme changes, but most their sizes do not variates so extremely from human norm. If it wasn't for the clear parahuman powers and all the simulations he ran from the gathered footage, he would think this being was just a common cat a bio-tinker played with or a projection of some sorts.

As he opened the door of his destination a large blonde woman greeted him.

"Please tell me you are joking." were the first words he from Director Piggot, the head of the local PRT. He expected it.

"I'm not-"

"You're telling me that Faultline's Crew--the same mercenaries that can hold their own against Chevalier and Myrddin--and then both you and Dauntless were defeated by an eleven inch long pink kitten that escaped untouched in under ten minutes?" Tiny frown lines appeared between her eyebrows as she interrupted Armsmaster.

Armsmaster could not help but grind out a "Yes."

Piggot pursed her lips, "This new element could the the one that distabilizes the scales." Rubbing the bridge of her nose she looked up once more. "We can't let the gangs get him."

Armsmaster simply noded in reply.

"Search for it, attempt to recruit him, drive it out of the city. I don't care, just don't let it become the spark that destabilizes Brockton Bay."

A/N: Since I lost the first interlude -that did not use the report- I just can't write anymore. Oh well, I guess this is good enough.

"Wake up," I heard a voice whisper while someone gently nudged me. "Little bugger, how did you even eat all that." I heard the voice heard as it picked me up. "How did you get into the fridge too?" I almost bothered to reply but instead curled further into it's arms.

"I hope you don't start barfing, I'm not sure kittens are even supposed to eat for a few more weeks..." it muttered as I felt the voice placing me next to it on the sofa.

Suddenly the TV was turned on, the glare of the screen bothering me enough to huddle into the warmth next to me. The hand that started scratching me was a nice bonus. From what I could hear, The Adventures of the Bubblegum Pirate were starting as the channel was changed to the news.

"Yesterday, the Palaqu..." the channels was quickly changed just as I opened my eyes to take a peek. I yawned before looking briefly at the person next to me, and then leaning towards his hand. That was just the spot.

"Good Morning," Alec greeted me, not even bothering to look away from the TV as he continued to change the channels.

"Mew." ~Good Morning,~ I replied.

The hand suddenly stopped scratching me, I looked once again a little miffled to find Alec staring a me with a small frown on his face. "You, can talk." he said almost as if asking himself.

~Of course?~ I replied wondering what he was thinking (and avoiding the temptation to just read his mind). I quickly climbed into his lap and curled up.

"What? How?" he said suddenly picking me up. I just glared at him for a few seconds before remembering I could stop once and for all anyone from picking me up!

"Mew." ~I'm Psychic.~ I simply stated before taking flight and breaking out of Alec's hands. Said boy simply stared for a few seconds as I stretched on mid-air.

"Neato." was his answer as he slouched on the couch once more, his gaze locked on me instead of the TV as I lazily floated around. Now that I was wide awake, I wasn't going to sleep for a while, and even if I felt like a ADHD hyperactive kitten -which I am-, awakening my psychic ability made my mind clearer than ever. I needed to talk to Lisa. "So, have you watched TV before?" Alec suddenly said interrumpting my pondering. I wondered for a second what to say, I had no idea what TV was like on a super-hero society, or if anything I've watched before existed here after all.

"Mew Me-Mew." ~Not really, anything good?~ I replied as I glided to Alec's side. It's not like I couldn't wait for Lisa to wake up. The fact I was going to get a good scratch while watching TV didn't having anything to do with my decision.
The morning passed quickly as I watched the adventures of Pink haired singing pirates and blind yakuza wannabe supervillains dunking it out. It was oddly hilarious. Strangely enough, Alec didn't say a lot after that. Aside of getting me a bowl -A bowl! Not a baby bottle!- of milk when he went for his breakfast, and commenting that he found it a little disturbing that he could understand what I said but could not hear any words. We spent the time in a confortable silence.

Not too much time passed until sounds of movement were heard from the other rooms. Rachel was the first one to come out, ignoring completly the couch and Alec to get her dogs out for their morning walk.

Not too long after that Lisa groggily came out of her room. "Alec, have you..." she started before finnaly noticing me. She quickly joined me in the sofa before muttering "What did you do last night," at the same time she picked me up, held me against her chest and started petting me. "I was worried you know, I never expected you to be able to jump that high." Alec snickered at that and threw me a knowing look. Lisa inmediatly stopped petting me and threw a small frown at me. "What have you done?"

"Mew, Mew." ~I just went out to explore.~

"You could have gotten lost! Why didn't you-" suddenly Lisa's body completly stopped before slowly setting me up in the table to look at me. "You can talk."

~I did it yesterday! Of course I can talk!~ I exclaimed a little miffled before lazily flying back to Lisa's chest.

"No, no, no. You are not talking," and then she picked me up again and placed me back in the table. I decided to not stay there and just drift above it. On the corner of my eyes I could see Alec giving me a thumbs up before Lisa continued "And don't you dare to try to distract me either! Your cuteness will not help you right now!" Pinching the bridge of her nose for a moment she glared at my flying form. "You can fly."


"You aren't talking either, you aren't altering soundwaves. Your voice come as concepts instead of a voice. You are telepathic, that should be impossible, and you are already damn powerfull. You went out to explore yesterday, either you had a second trigger or discovered this new powers and your trump rating is higher than I expected. You were hurt yesterday, you have a small psychosomatic limp. Your fur is uneven and full of scraps of food. What. Did. You. Do." Thanksfully, the fact I couldn't feel any real anger and the waves of concern she was emmiting were almost palpable took away most the sting of her rant.

"Mew?" ~I accidentaly the Pallaquin?~ was the only thing I could say. I must admit that the glare she sent me was more cute than anything, but I really didn't want to explain what happened yesterday. Or was it today?

"I found him sleeping inside the fridge if it helps." Alec suddenly interrupted with a smile. "And let me tell you, he ate the toppings of two slices of pizza, most of the egg salad, The filling of Brian's sandwitch, and all the bacon. I didn't knew it was possible to eat more than your own weight until now."

"Dammit." Lisa muttered as she rubbed her temples for a brief second.


~Yes?~ I said as I floated next to her face and rubbed her cheek with my face.

"You need to take care of yourself." she said sighing before grabbing me, she slouched then on the sofa and continued "I will check what you did later, I can't afford to run damage control with this headache. But at the very least you did not destroy anything important." at this she had a brief smile and gave me a small pat on the head before continuing. "I will show you the city later, maybe that way you won't be as curious..."

"Damage control? What did he do?" Alec suddely interrupted Lisa,

"You didn't hear?" She suddenly said, before after a brief pause she continued "Oh, selective telepathy! That has lot of uses." her vulpine smile was back now, "Anyway, he said he wrecked the Palaquin."

"Damn, he did that?!" Alec said before letting out a small laught."I skiped the news on the morning, but I heard that the Palaquin burnt down."

"Mew!" ~Spitfire did it!~ I couldn't help to blurt out -this time to the both of them- causing Alec to just laught again and Lisa to sigh.

"I'm going to take a bath, and then we are having a long talk." Lisa suddenly said as she stood up. I was really comfy, dammit. "And you are coming with me, you stink." she finished.

Wait what.
2.2.1 (?)

"Mew." ~Lisa?~

"Yes?" she answered as she started to take off her clothes while holding me with one of her arms.

"Me-mew?" ~You are planning to take a bath with me?~ I said jumping out of her arms to land on her bed.

"Of course, you need a bath!" she said as she continued to undress.

"Lisa, I'm a guy! Doesn't that bothers you?" I asked sincerly. Lisa's deadpan stare was my asnwer before she threw her shirt at me.

"You aren't going to see anything you can't have yourself," Dammit, I need to fin- "And yes, you are going to take a bath. And you are going to enjoy it." before I could even take off her shirt off me she grabbed me and proceeded to take me to her bath. She opened the water tap just in time for me to deduce; Now was as good as ever to have the talk with Lisa.

"Me-mew Mew Mew-ew mew!" ~Coil is Thomas Calvert, head of Fortress Construction, his power is being able of simulating two timelines and choosing the one he prefers and act upon it, he controls Circus, Uber and Leet, Trainwreck, the Travelers and has a standing contract with Faultline!" I exclaimed struggling to break out of her arms without harming her.

"What." Lisa managed to blurt as she literaly froze stiff, barely managing to briefly move her head to look at me.

"Mew! mew," ~He has a James-Bond style secret base below building, I think it was an insurance one! He has a pet monster called Noelle in there capable of making evil copies of any parahuman that touches her and is going to become the next Endbringer if she's not dealt with.~

"What!" she exclaimed this time as picked me up with both her arms and held me at eyes height (Thanksfully not facing the shower spray). "How do you know that!"

"Mew." ~I saw the future,~

"How the-"

"Mew mew Me-mew," ~Oh, and he's planning to Kidnap the Mayor's niece, by using the Undersides as a distraction, which coincidientally is the third strongest pre-cog in the world.~ thinking about it for a second, I forgot that I should be able to really look at the future. ~Maybe, fourth counting me."

"I-I... You, Coil, what." Lisa managed to stutter, and I could swear there was smoke coming out of her head at this point. Or maybe it was the shower, I wasn't sure.

"Mew." ~Oh, yeah. I'm Psychic.~ I finally stated before I noticed that Lisa's eyes had glaced over. Several moments passed as she laid completly unresponsive to the point I was starting to get worried.

"Mew." ~Lisa?~ I said, at the same time I poked her cheek with my tail. ~Lisa?~ I repeated the action once more before she reacted.

"I want to have your babies." she said in monotone as her eyes focused back on reality. I literally teleported to the other side of the bathroom before she slapped herself, and continued as if nothing had happened; "Mew, I honestly don't know whether I want to kill, or kiss you for bringing this up like that." at this she took a small leap and catched me.

"Mew." ~You can just pet me...?" I said weakly before she started laughting. Not a normal laughter either, this was a full blown evil villian laughter.

Suddenly she stopped, looked at me and said: "Mew, you are going to take a bath with me. Then we are going to plan how to kill that son of a bitch, and you are going to enjoy every single moment of it." at the same time she dragged me into the shower.

I wasn't able to say no.

AN: I think I'm going to just delete this and re-do it. Or Keep it as an Omake, who knows. But meh, spent a while writing it, so I'm going to ask. What do you guys think? I'm still trying to write something daily, so I guess it's better to post it than nothing.
AN: I think I'm going to just delete this and re-do it. Or Keep it as an Omake, who knows. But meh, spent a while writing it, so I'm going to ask. What do you guys think? I'm still trying to write something daily, so I guess it's better to post it than nothing.

Keep it as an omake at minimum, that was too hilarious to get rid of.
Make it an omake.

IMHO Mew wouldn't keep info-dumping if the first info-dump try didn't succeed in its mission of distracting Lisa and/or shocking her enough to enable his escape.
That snip made me think of something, assuming they're actually a mew then they're powers are genetic, while they can't have kids with humans unless shapeshifting is way more versatile then I remember clones including mewtwo are a possibility. Of course that most obviously points to Bonesaw creating Mewtwo which would be very, very bad for everyone involved but it's an interesting thought at least.
you know, with Tattletale's power she will figure out you know things you shouldn't. It is probably best to come clean as soon as possible so she can still trust you.
you know, with Tattletale's power she will figure out you know things you shouldn't. It is probably best to come clean as soon as possible so she can still trust you.


That snip made me think of something, assuming they're actually a mew then they're powers are genetic, while they can't have kids with humans unless shapeshifting is way more versatile then I remember clones including mewtwo are a possibility. Of course that most obviously points to Bonesaw creating Mewtwo which would be very, very bad for everyone involved but it's an interesting thought at least.
Are you using "they" as a gender neutral pronoun? Anyway, a Mew - Just like Ditto, you know Mew's failed clones - can mate with a human, pokemon, or even a space whale. It's just that the kids will always be the partner species. Still, at the moment I'm honestly not expecting to include more pokemon here. If Bonesaw ever created one Mewtwo, there would be no way she would not make two or more. And when creating global super-storms, and rewinding time with your mind are casual feats, it would not end well for anyone. Hell, Gardevoir can create blackholes. Scion would just as likely become a sockpuppet of them due to Mindrape as an Army of Mewtwo ravages the multiverse.

Keep it as an omake at minimum, that was too hilarious to get rid of.
Already planning too.

Well, it's cute, I'll give you that.
I agree with esotericist. This story is very cute and lots of fun.

Can't wait to see more :)
Thanks you! By the way, my Avatar isn't anything special~

IMHO Mew wouldn't keep info-dumping if the first info-dump try didn't succeed in its mission of distracting Lisa and/or shocking her enough to enable his escape.
What do you think Mew would do :p?


What do you think Mew would do :p?
Different things, one after the other, rather than the same thing over and over.
So maybe:
- Global SI Bombs ("The world ends in like two years! I can tell you how to survive!")
- Gossip ("Regent wasn't that into you! He was just trying to get a reaction!")
- Actually-thinking-about-Lisa SI Bombs ("I can tell you Coil's secret identity!")

Basically, start big and vague and inconsiderate, then get more focused and considerate as things fail and your desperation increases.

You don't think about Lisa as a person until she forces you to do so.

And then she washes you anyway. Bleah!

Clearly a human worth owning.
Except Tattletale will be able to tell when you lie to her.
Except that I will not be lying.
I'm already planning on saying -just like the last snippet- to come clear that I have knowledge of the future. And that I, as a Psychic Kitten of Doom, can look and even attack the future via clairvoyance. Any new info dumps will be easy to explain with a simple "Precog k thankz". And technically it isn't a lie!


Sorry for not updating this week guys! It's been mostly like this for me:
Yay! First day of College! Yay! I got an apartment! Yay? I don't haz stuff. Noo! I haz no Internetz. Yay! I can leech out of school! Nay! It haz a Proxy!! Noez! So much Homerworkz! And it's first week! Yay! let's go home for my stuffz!
Today I loaded my stuff on my truck. It's an Expedition, the larger than the large one. You know which one.
It looks like this.
Yes, it's THAT full and the mattress is on the ceiling. I don't think I can open it right now without creating an avalanche, and my poor computer is somewhere in the middle of that mess. And tomorrow I have to unpack. D:
So I shall try to start writing soon~
Guys give me inspiration! Throw some Plot Bunnies or even Omakes! Anything is fine~
Maybe that way my muse will revive after loading and unloading everything. Because I'm tiiirreeedd.
Except that I will not be lying.
I'm already planning on saying -just like the last snippet- to come clear that I have knowledge of the future. And that I, as a Psychic Kitten of Doom, can look and even attack the future via clairvoyance. Any new info dumps will be easy to explain with a simple "Precog k thankz". And technically it isn't a lie!

She'll be able to tell you're hiding something though.

You want a plot bunny? Next endbringer fight features Leviathan vs Leviathan, but it takes place outside the edge of the city (gotta protect the minions). Only Lisa knows the truth. :)
Leviathan? Nope, with Mew in town, Simurgh will pop up "That's MY shtick!" Then Mew curb-stomps her.

Now, butterfly effect:

Mew joins Undersiders before casino robbery.
Mew confronts Lung (insert curb-stomp here) when the Undersiders learn he's planning an attack.
Since Lung was defeated earlier in the day, Taylor never fights him, and thus never meets the Undersiders, or meets them in a different fashion (they didn't help her, so she ends up fighting them thanks to her suicide-by-cape mentality at that point...).

Alternately, and probably more likely, Mew joins the fight on Taylor's side (insert epic curb-stomp here). Mew helps Taylor expose Sophia (please...).

"Mew." ~Lisa?~

"Yes?" she answered as she started to take off her clothes while holding me with one of her arms.

"Me-mew?" ~You are planning to take a bath with me?~ I said jumping out of her arms to land on her bed.

"Of course, you need a bath!" she said as she continued to undress.

"Lisa, I'm a guy! Doesn't that bothers you?!" I asked bemused. Lisa's deadpan stare was my asnwer before she threw her shirt at me.

"You aren't going to see anything you can't have yourself," Dammit, I need to fin- "And yes, you are going to take a bath. And you are going to enjoy it." before I could even take off her shirt off me she grabbed me and proceeded to take me to her bath.

"Me-mew!" ~I can bath myself just fine!~ I exclaimed as I jumped out of her arms. A small pink glow around Lisa's thumbs easily allowing me to get out of her grip without hurting her.

"Huh." Lisa simply said before tilting her head. "That's new."

"Mew." ~Oh, yeah. I'm Psychic.~

Lisa froze for a second, but then she continued as if nothing happened. She opened the water tap of the shower without even bothering to look at me, until she turned around.

"You are not getting out of this Mew, you are still going to take a bath even if I have to scrub you myself."

I could not help but pout. It's not like I hate bathing... or water... Hell, I am sure I can live underwater without problems! I just don't like that she wants to make me bath. I'm her owner! IF I let her do it, instead of doing it myself, she should bath me when I want to...

Wait, what.

I blinked for a second trying to clear these alien thoughts out of my mind before resigning myself to this fate. Sighing and floating to the shower head.

I could feel Lisa's smug smile as she joined me.

The water actually did not bother me. It felt quite nice to be under a hot spray of water after so long, especially since -I must admit- I was a little dirty. Flying to the soap dish, I cautiously poked the soap bar.

It was enormous, and I needed to use it. Was I really that small? I contemplated just rubbing myself against it to soap myself. Sadly, my introspection was interrupted as Lisa cowardly attacked my back with strawberry-peach scented body wash.

"Come on, don't be mad," Lisa pleaded as I lazily swam on the other side of the -now full- bathtub. "You can't deny you smell bad anymore, and it's not like it got into your eyes! I was careful, and even then you never opened your nictitating membranes!"

I slowly rose to the surface and glanced at her with the corner of my eyes. ~I smell girly,~ I harrumphed before sending her a splash of water with my tail. I barely noticed as she cupped her hands just above the water, and suddenly with a small clap she sent a squirt of water at me.

I narrowed my eyes at her, and suddenly another jet of water struck me. This. Was. War! My tail splashed against the water send water towards her. She replied by escalating her ante and splashing water at me with her hands.

I laughed as we continued to play, it was quite a while until we calmed down. I gently flied towards Lisa's chest, and noticed she was still flushed -not sure if it was caused laughing or the hot water- and breathing a little hard. We stayed there in a comfortable silence for a while until Lisa finally asked:

"Mew, what did you meant when you said you are psychic?"

I actually looked up, so that I could look at her face, before replying. "Mew." ~We need to talk.~ The mood between us suddenly changed as she understood that I was serious. ~If you can classify it as Psychic phenomena, in reality or fiction I probably can do it.~ I said weakly before flying to meet her eyes.

"Your powers are you bullshit you know?." Lisa said softly "I have been trying to figure just what you can do all day. You can transform into any cape, above that you are getting new powers every few minutes, you can breath underwater, hell you created water earlier and used it as a water gun with hydrokinesis." she shook her head "I don't think Trump 12 is enough for you to be honest, I haven't even seen any limits to your powers yet."

"Mew." ~I don't think there are any hard limits...~ I all but whispered now knowing that I was a Mew. ~I can use psychokinesis. I have seen a future where most humanity is eradicated. I am holding a overflowing dam to avoid interacting with minds of all the city, minds I know I can modify to my will if I wanted!~ I hesitated for a moment before finishing. ~I am scared.~

Lisa froze and hesitated for a second. It hurt to see her react like that, but I couldn't fault her. I was scared too. Still, I flinched when I felt her hands touching me. I didn't know how to react, especially when not a moment later she gently embraced me and started petting me.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine" she whispered to me, and the dam finally broke. I cried and mewled as she held me, as much as becoming a Mew had affected me, awaking my psychic abilities had returned me most of my senses. And I cried for all I lost, and for all I gained.

Lisa stood there, gently petting me until I calmed down. "All better?" she whispered to me. And I couldn't help but nod from the scruff of her neck. "I can't begin to understand what you are experiencing, or why you even decided to stay with me, but as long as you will have me, I will help you." she continued before gently attempting to move me to her arms.

I refused. Gently poking my claws out -just enough so that she could feel them- I cuddled into her shoulder and mumbled a "Mhuw." ~Do you really mean it?~

"Of course I mean it, you little rascal." she said just as her thumb slid beneath my paws and made me lose my hold. I tried to weakly resist before Lisa continued. "Look at me Mew, you don't need to hide yourself." It's not that I didn't want to... but my eyes must be puffy, and my coat full of tear and snot... and- "We need to test your powers later, to try to find a limit. But you can't be scared of them, you must learn to accept they are a part of you now."

I simply stared at Lisa's face, and couldn't see a iota of fear of wariness. It felt... nice.

~Doesn't it bothers you?~ I asked.

"If you wanted to harm me, you would have already done so." Lisa shrugged "Besides, aren't I already yours?" she said in a teasing tone.

And as she started to clean my coat once more, I knew one thing. Everything was going to be fine.
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So...Mew's learning an important lesson:

No wait! You got the line wrong!
Mew's scared because of how powerful it is.

Vid is The Amazing Spiderman's version of the "with great power comes great responsibility" line....where the director nixed the iconic line, and inserted that garbage version instead (which is where the "you got the line wrong" bit comes in).

Sry posted that on about 57 hours without sleep, so probably wasn't the most coherent post....
Mew's scared because of how powerful it is.

Sry posted that on about 57 hours without sleep, so probably wasn't the most coherent post....

I remember being that young and foolish once, it still hurts... Or maybe it's insomnia... Still hurts.

There was a time where I stayed up like that because I was young and foolish, now the only reason I stay up that long is insomnia.

also I would question anyone sanity if they woke up with a Mew level powers and wern't kind of freaked out about it

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