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"Deep into the Thicket" [Worm/Pokemon]

I have no idea what Mew is like or can do in canon but this did feel good and is something most people would love to do to Coil is given the chance.

If it can be done in the Pokeworld Mew can do it,
In the English dub he is a God Kitty of bubbles, but you might be interested on this for it's true characterization:
When Myuu appears before Myuutsu, it is not playfully teasing him like Mew. Instead, it comes across as downright mocking Myuutsu through "play". Myuu only turns serious upon being attacked by a Shadow Ball. It is then that it has its elaborate – and very insulting – speech. Nyarth (Meowth) translates: "The real one is real. If they fight using only their bodies without their abilities, the true ones will not be beaten by their copies." This is short, but the difference is profound. It clearly thought the copies were below the originals in every way and didn't consider them "real". Myuu refers to as the originals as the REAL ones, implying that they are the only ones with reasoning to be alive. This is emphasized that throughout the Japanese movie, Myuutsu constantly is plagued by the idea of if his existence is worth anything (in the dub, he is driven by the idea that he has to prove himself BECAUSE he's a clone; that is, he is narcissistic and selfish). Also, throughout the Japanese movie, the word "clone" is never used. "Copy" is the chosen word, as it is stigmatizing and hints at the concept that a clone is not an individual. Remember, this movie came out at the end of the 1990s when the idea of cloning was a heated controversial issue in bioethics.
So already we can see that there is more to Myuu than an adorable kitty. For one thing, Myuu has a clearly calculating mind and has deep-seated – and in some ways, downright demeaning – beliefs.
Recount that in "The Origin of Mewtwo" (the ten-minute short of Amber and Mewtwo), Dr. Fuji states his intention of the Mewtwo project was for Giovanni to have the world's most powerful pokemon. Yet throughout all aspects of the Japanese version – from the radio drama to the short to the movie – it is never once highlighted that Myuutsu was meant to be some all-powerful pokemon (and that makes sense. I mean, really, why the hell would Fuji-Hakase care about that?). Instead, the scientist took on the project because he was working with Myuu's DNA – said to be powerful, yes, but more importantly rumored to be immortal.
Myuu is far more than a super powerful pokemon. It has the gift of immortal life. Possessing and manipulating Myuu's DNA,Fuji-Hakase believed, would be the key to revive his daughter.
So let us bring this back to Myuu. Here were have a pokemon with godly powers, believed to be immortal. If Myuu indeed can live forever, this is likely why it never cried when Satoshi was turned to stone (try explaining that, 4Kids; after all, didn't you paint Mew to be some goody-two-shoes?). Myuu is confused by what happened to Satoshi – it is so lost in its godly abilities that it is also detached from mortality, much like in myths in which gods cannot understand why things die/change
Finally, we have Myuu as one of the leading characters in the radio drama. It is made clear that Myuu was present for when Miyamoto (Musashi's/Jessie's mother) went disappearing. Yet interestingly, Myuu did nothing to protect Miyamoto from the avalanche. Nothing. Considering this pokemon – at the time, anyway – was said to be the most powerful of all, there is no reason it could not have stopped an avalanche (I mean, really, Myuutsu/Mewtwo effortlessly formulated a world-wide hurricane while sitting on his throne).
There are more differences between Myuu and Mew, but I will stop here. Regardless, I hope this has opened your eyes to this mesmerizing character. Remember, there's a lot more to that cat than pink bubbles and cuteness. To quote a well-known Myuu fan, "Myuu is a phantom pokemon, and Myuu is a mystery."

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