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which raises some questions on exactly what I am since that implies I'm not a MCU Symbiote
FTFY. Based on the various things said before and after this, this isn't based on the original canon Marvel Symbiote. They didn't have high caloric needs (possibly due to their divine origins), but they needed adrenaline in extremely high quantities. Messing with a person's endocrine system is dangerous regardless of how it is done, but especially with extreme changes.
Thanks, corrected to...

...so it should be clearer Izuku was in the standard UA Entrance Exam that he went through in canon. In this case he passed it and managed to get into the Hero Course with a different Quirk.
Thanks. It wasn't a huge thing, but I was like, "Huh, that's a new one," followed with, "what?" :p

I have seen one fic with a Support Course Quirkless Izuku who moves to Hero Course after the festival, but that is it, so a General Studies one would have been unique.
This was a pretty good chapter, but I feel like Todoroki's parents moved on a little too quickly. They hear he's dead, look a sad for a second, and then immediately start cleaning up the scene and giving useful advice. Maybe a scene transition, or a short time skip to give them time to grieve a little would make the moment land better.
Well... this looked very very promising... then SHoto died.

I'm no longer fan of this.

but I'll still follow this just so see how far in the hole you'll dig yourself.
*Deletes name from the list*
Ooh nice, upgrade time!
If Aka has enough control... it might be possible to fix All Might.
Interesting. Even without the fine control to erase the carcinogen (and considering how old it apparently is, it might be beyond her even if they had the control [and assuming it has a biological base, or her power reverses anything]), she could still reset his infection (and likely make it safe for him to pass on OfA; if the cancer is reset to a single cluster of cells for example, and the DNA sample is taken elsewhere, OfA could be safely passed down), thus giving him more time (and better health) each cycle. Edit: If they do it in a special medbay, All Might would even be able to check and obtain immediate treatment, which if he is still sick, would allow a better outcome.

It also is a short enough period that it won't be dangerous for Eri or Aka. They erased a grown man from existence. Even if he was only 20, that is still more time than what they would need to remove from All-Might).
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When you're super smart but so detached from reality that the obvious consequences of your actions go completely over your head... That's how you get relateable villains. Though to be fair, her goals are actually good for the world, and her method is 'merely' questionable cloning practices.

Though, how is she going to make a viable symbiote host out of a toshinori clone?

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