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[x] [Food] Ask for another stack of meats. Like you got from Tay! Only a lot more. It's new, and you want to get used to new. (Max out your Favored and Breed Paths [3 currently], and choose a fourth Path)
-[x] Yielding earth
[x] [Test] Be honest. Show everything you can do, even though they will probably be scared.
-[x] Yielding earth
[x] [Test] Be honest. Show everything you can do, even though they will probably be scared.
It took Bah a little while to coax you off of the rumble-cave wall, though it would probably always have the holes from your claws, and try to get you into grass-garments. Red chuckled at the antics all the while. "You know, this would be alot easier if you just explained nudity to the Thinker?" He said.
That... made you blink. "Nu-deh-tee?" You pause, comparing yourself to the not-monkeys and their obsession with the garments. "... yoo don l-ike Thin-ker?" A small part of you figured you should hide your abilities, even though you doubted the not-monkey could harm you, but... you decide to show them. "Yoo wan Me in" you emit a low growling, followed by harsh syllables, trying to articulate complex concepts that you had no name for in this language. "... Cloh-th-ssssss." You finally grasp the word, plucking it from the surrounding essence just as Bah opens her mouth.
"... yes. Can you-" Bah glances down at your legs and pauses, noticing that your knees and ankles far more pronounced and angular than her own. "This may be harder than I thought." A few moments later, you walk out of the rumble-cave and into a larger, blocky cave out on the water. And you were garbed, albeit haphazardly, in various, mismatched clothes. Your chest was covered by a strange blue "Tea shirt", while your bottom was covered by two pre-torn clothes tied together to form a sort of long skirt.
A large man in blueish armor stands before you, a clearly trimmed face-hair peeking from under his helmet. He greets your guides with a curt nod. "Battery. Assault." He turns to you, his visor gleaming under the artificial lights. "And this must be the 53. Do you require anything before we begin testing? Sleep, food-"
"FOOOOOOOOOD!?!" you glance at him, feeling your stomach growl hungrily. "Food! Yoo have food?" Your tail whips back and forth as you sniff the air. You only barely hold yourself back from charging to the food-room you smell, glancing back at the currently bemused Bah and Red. Or Ass-alt, you supposed. You glance at Blue-man with your best "cute" face, hoping to sway him.
"We can... get you some food?" The new Blue speaks slowly as he glances at you. You're led to the chamber, carefully, and Bah tries to bring you something. You wind up with a "sandwich", those stacks of meat and various bits from before, and you begin tearing into them. Your guides watch in bemused fascination as you stuff one after the other into your gullet, tearing bits of them with your sharp fangs. You barely waste time swallowing, nor do you savor the flavor, as you felt like you had not eaten for days.
Finally, after careful deliberation of whether to eat another bite, you carefully stand up. You were sated, for now at least. You glance at Bah, carefully measuring your words. "Tes nowe?"
She nods, before shaking her head. "Boy, you were... uh... hungry, huh?" She glances at the small crumbs left from you meal.
The Blue man nods, before turning abruptly. "If theres nothing else, we can perform the tests." He walks out, and judging from Bahs' look, you follow him through the various chambers. Eventually, you find your way through to a teleporting chamber, and then forward to a large, plain chamber. The man nods at the chamber, and speaks overly simply. "We need you to give an explanation or demonstration of your abilities. Battery tells me you have enhanced learning capabilities. Would you care to elaborate?"
You briefly digest his words. Is he trying to be formal using Bahs' full name? Or is there something else. A brief flash of realization hits you: Battery could be her Title, albeit an odd one. Something to look into. "Not lern bet-ter. Nuh-ow." You tap your chin. "Take... the lern f'rom oth-ers. Take un-der-stan an' nuh-ow wat they do." You pause, reaching for the words to describe how you incorporate the lingering essence of Speech into yourself. Or is it eating the speech, and becoming it? It's hard to describe, much less understand the metaphysical concepts. Youd be lying if you fully did, as imperfect as your own explanation was. "Can all-so ch-ane-geh. Become... toh-fer. Stroh-n-ger. Can chan-geh pluh-ants, make them... Bet-ter."
Blue notes these down, you think, on some paper. "Well that is quite-"
"All-so cris-talls." You interrupt him, counting yet more on your claws. "Make ob-jec bet-ter too." The others are staying at you as you clack your claws. "[Clutch] kood do mor." You finish, briefly stepping back into your... you suppose first language.
Blue man, Bah (or you suppose Bah-ter-ree) and the Assalt stared at you. Blue finally spoke up. "We will, of course, be testing these claims miss." He glances vaguely at Bah. "I'll inform the scientists we will need a plant, crystals, and the Brute test machine for our... friend here." He stands up, rather abruptly, and walks out the door.
"Did I doo bahd?" You look at Bah with large eyes.
Vote! Crafting! (Will be complete after prologue)
[ ] [Tech] begin creating a Flame Talon, leaf armor, and a minor crystal buable.
[ ] [Tech] begin to create a Bracer of Crystal Bolts, a stick-sword, and a ring of illusion.
[ ] [Tech] Write in one major, and 2 minor artifacts.
[ ] [Tech] On second thought, No. No crafting.
Vote! Brute test!
[ ] [Combat] Go all out. Destroy the machine!
[ ] [Combat] Do the minimum required of you for the test. Precise strikes.
[ ] [Combat] Write in.
Vote! Other!
[ ] [???] You remember arriving, somewhat. You attacked a mysterious entity, and ate a glittering egg that it held. You didnt know what it was at the time, nor do you now. But it felt... wrong.
[ ] [???] There has been a nagging feeling in your skull. Another presence in there? Something... Old came with you. And it is laughing.
[ ] [???] You look around the area, feeling uneasy. You knew a brew that could help that, your mother... wait, something isnt right with that line of thought. Something... was very wrong.
AN: this took awhile. I'm wondering if people know what each of the bonus things are though.