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Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

*Do Al themed dungeon* > *Gets a full set of upgrades for Anshelm*


Hmm. A bit unsure on the race mod. On one hand it gives us back our con and upgrades ice and will. On the other hand, we lose a point of power. Our only stat drop is the useless strength.

It seemed safe enough, so if we come back before C rank, let's use our drop rate blessings. (We know it has green jobs at this tier, we just need to find the right one...)

For loot, we used an ether and Sera used two, so let's replace those.

People, Maya got the yeti pelt yesterday. She has no need for a second one. We also used more pots as a party than we spent. Everyone used one potion. Al used an ether and Sera used 2, so let's replace rather than vault them.

[X] Alice: 1 Ether, 1 Hi potion
[X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver, Glacier Job Crystal
[X] Sera: 2 Ethers, 1 Hi Potion
[X] Maya: 1 Hi Potion
[X] Shimah: 1 Hi Potion
[X] Vault: Snow Tiger Race Mod

The reason we've been able to return to town then go to dungeons before is because those dungeons were close by. We don't know how far the ash snake one is, and going would require returning to Town. It's probably impossible today.

Still unsure if the hit to our damage (particularly aqua prison) is going to be worth more SP which we can just pot for. The ice will make up for losing power, but I think that elemental damage boosts were linear while stats above 7 weren't?


[X] Reequip Handmaiden's Dress
[X] Onwards to Ork Warcamp

Switching requires one to return to Town, and Ice Queen Castle was pretty far, if I remember right.

So would getting a mission.
[X] Don't equip Snow Tiger

[X] Any that does not have water-resistant enemies.
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The race mod gives perma weakness to fire. That's a shit load more damage, and mean instant-kill for things like the Ash Grotto's Bonus Boss. I'd prefer we don't risk having weakness to an element.

Also, going to a mission require us getting to town to get the mission accepted first.

[X] Alice: 1 Ether, 1 Hi potion
[X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver, Glacier Job Crystal
[X] Sera: 2 Ethers, 1 Hi Potion
[X] Maya: 1 Hi Potion
[X] Shimah: 1 Hi Potion
[X] Vault: Snow Tiger Race Mod

[X] Reequip Handmaiden's Dress
[X] Onwards to Ork Warcamp

[] Switch to Water Elementalist Job.
Beside needing to be in town for switching a job or skill, we are trying to get Ice Elementalist to B before switching.
[X] Switch to Water Elementalist Job.

We can't level up active skills above C unless we have a job above C rank. (IE: B ranked ice elementalist)

We are a mere 31JP from hitting B rank Ice Elementalist. That's about a day and a half of dungeons ICly, only a little more if we do missions instead.

Besides which, Winter Witch is a solid fusion, and leveling toward Winter Witch will have us grind out the hexer job crystal instead of another elementalist. Since we can't level active cleric skills without having leveled a cleric job, and leveling more elementalist jobs that we don't plan to use isn't going to benefit us, it makes sense to do the grind that has the most side benefits first.
Actually, this is an agility race mod that's green. The strength loss hurts, but should we check if Maya has any interest? She didn't mention it, but that doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't want it.
Actually, this is an agility race mod that's green. The strength loss hurts, but should we check if Maya has any interest? She didn't mention it, but that doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't want it.
I don't think she want a race mod that dimnish Fire Damage.
Will gives extra SP, though on the other hand, Maya is already planning on picking up Wind Elemental, so that might clash with Ice.

EDIT: Not to mention, if she does pick up Ice to capitalize on it, then there is three Ice users in party.

I don't think she want a race mod that dimnish Fire Damage.
Not sure why, Maya is not using Fire at all. Are you thinking of Sera?
We can't level up active skills above C unless we have a job above C rank. (IE: B ranked ice elementalist)

We are a mere 31JP from hitting B rank Ice Elementalist. That's about a day and a half of dungeons ICly, only a little more if we do missions instead.

Besides which, Winter Witch is a solid fusion, and leveling toward Winter Witch will have us grind out the hexer job crystal instead of another elementalist. Since we can't level active cleric skills without having leveled a cleric job, and leveling more elementalist jobs that we don't plan to use isn't going to benefit us, it makes sense to do the grind that has the most side benefits first.

RIght, B rank skills are worth the delay. That said, why ice-hexes? We already have a hexer onboard, and it ignores two of our skills we're currently levelling and water-aligned race. I was eyeing ice-water-darkness myself. Don't remember what that ice-water fusion is called that's focused on encasing enemies in ice and I suspect it'll be compatible with darkness crystal, too.
[X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver, Glacier
[X] Maya: Snow Tiger Race Mod?
[X] Vault: Consumables
- [X] Alice to grab an Ether, others to replenish theirs
[X] Find Branded: Snow Tiger (no Hunters), Frigid Blade (Lucia? Rose?), Yeti Pelt (no Hunters?)

[X] Return to Town, pick up Mission
[X] Nest of Ash Snakes on Mining Area
- [X] Alice to de-equip Fire and equip Dark
- [X] Sera to focus on Lightning Magic.
- [X] Maya to equip her Tainted Longbow.
- [X] People to generally equip their fire-resistant gears.
- [X] Using Divine Eye, try to compare the Ash Snakes with Maya's Yeti
-- [X] If a better one pops out, or if there is a boss level Ash Snake, then Maya should try and Tame it
That said, why ice-hexes? We already have a hexer onboard, and it ignores two of our skills we're currently levelling and water-aligned race. I was eyeing ice-water-darkness myself. Don't remember what that ice-water fusion is called that's focused on encasing enemies in ice and I suspect it'll be compatible with darkness crystal, too.
Because of this combination:
1. Ice + Hex = Winter Witch(/Wizard?) (more effective Slow & Freeze)
2. Ice + Water = Polar Adept (better Freeze)
3. Winter Witch + Polar Adept = Glacial Lady(/Lord?) (both sides pumped up)

Another combination:
1. Ice + Dark = Necromancer (temporarily cause dead enemies to fight)
2. Dark + Sword = ??? (possibly something akin to Blackguard/Antipaladin)
3. Necromancer + ??? = Gravelord(/lady?) (noted to have good tanking, noted by Alice to be suspicious)

Would've wanted to see if there is a combination between Polar Adept (Ice+Water) and Blizzard Sage (Ice+Wind) myself.
RIght, B rank skills are worth the delay. That said, why ice-hexes? We already have a hexer onboard, and it ignores two of our skills we're currently levelling and water-aligned race. I was eyeing ice-water-darkness myself. Don't remember what that ice-water fusion is called that's focused on encasing enemies in ice and I suspect it'll be compatible with darkness crystal, too.

Because ultimately fusion is a fallback. Leveling jobs is an extraordinarily slow process. What we want to do is find green or higher usable jobs while slowly moving toward the best fusions we know of in case we don't find the jobs we need.

Ice+Hexer gives us Winter Witch

Ice+Water gives us Polar Adept, which fuses with Winter Witch to make Glacial Lady.

We want Glacial Lady as that's a clearly available blue ranked ice themed job.

Ice and dark give us necromancer. Necromancer better show up in the shop eventually given how common a theme it is.

Find the crystal and we don't have to train the prerequisite job for a fusion we're not going to do.

But the fact is, any fusion is going to be very very slow. It involves leveling up a lot of jobs, which are 100+ JP each. At ~20JP/3 updates, that ends up taking a long long time.

Likewise fusions can all be found elsewhere without fusing.

Now, level up ice elementalist to B and we can get ALL elemental/magician skills to B. Level up Hexer to C and we can get all cleric skills to C.

By contrast, leveling up water elementalist gives us, well, C ranked water elementalist. We already have a magician class above C rank, so it doesn't provide a bonus outside that.

If we level up Hexer and find winter witch, we still have the benefit of being able to use cleric skills forevermore.

If we level up Water Elementalist and find Polar Adept, we just wasted 100JP.
Ranking Water Elementalist will have its own benefits, so I wouldn't call it a waste. Plus there are going to be more fusion combinations then just Water + Ice. Water + Dark is looking likely. And I bet Water + Wind + Lightning in some form will fuse to something neat. Storm Mage maybe?
[X] Alice: 1 Ether, 1 Hi potion
[X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver, Glacier Job Crystal
[X] Sera: 2 Ethers, 1 Hi Potion
[X] Maya: 1 Hi Potion
[X] Shimah: 1 Hi Potion
[X] Vault: Snow Tiger Race Mod
[X] Reequip Handmaiden's Dress
[X] Onwards to Ork Warcamp
Well obviously it will boost damage, and maybe duration of water spells, while also lowering resistance to water spells on enemies. We'll also be getting another Mana Absorb! Just like every other Elementalist Job.

There might be more at B and A ranks too.

But the greatest advantage is being able to fuse Water with whatever we want. Like I said in the previous post. There are combinations that simply won't drop in the local dungeons. And I do want to discover them, no matter how 'wasteful' it might seem.
Because ultimately fusion is a fallback. Leveling jobs is an extraordinarily slow process. What we want to do is find green or higher usable jobs while slowly moving toward the best fusions we know of in case we don't find the jobs we need.
Hrm. I imagine there are plenty of jobs that are only available through fusion. Relying purely on loot will make us miss out on those.
Well obviously it will boost damage, and maybe duration of water spells, while also lowering resistance to water spells on enemies.
That only happen when the job is equipped, which will be = never.

We'll also be getting another Mana Absorb! Just like every other Elementalist Job.
That's...sort of an argument for levelling every other Elementalist Jobs that are green/etc, not levelling one that provide no benefits. If Water gave us a skill that wasn't Mana Absorb, well...
We now have a reason to do Missions. We can use the wrist to level our secondary jobs without switching.

Also, Catgirl Alice amuses me. yrsillar do race mods break if you swap them out for another? I imagine Alice would love not having to sleep in the tub.
[X] Alice: Snow Tiger
-[X] Remember you will lose some item space when you equip
[X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver, Glacier
[X] Vault: Consumables
[X] Maya: Model the Yeti Pelt (for Anshelm)

[X] Reequip Handmaiden's Dress
[X] Onwards to Ork Warcamp
[X] Alice: 1 Ether, 1 Hi potion
[X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver, Glacier Job Crystal
[X] Sera: 2 Ethers, 1 Hi Potion
[X] Maya: 1 Hi Potion
[X] Shimah: 1 Hi Potion
[X] Vault: Snow Tiger Race Mod
[X] Reequip Handmaiden's Dress
[X] Onwards to Ork Warcamp
I think the Glacier Job could be the ice based power armor. So we should try it out!

[X] Alice: 1 Ether, 1 Hi potion, Glacier Job Crystal, Snow Tiger Race Mod
[X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver,
[X] Sera: 2 Ethers, 1 Hi Potion
[X] Maya: 1 Hi Potion
[X] Shimah: 1 Hi Potion

[X] Return to Town, pick up Mission
[X] Nest of Ash Snakes on Mining Area
- [X] Alice to de-equip Fire and equip Dark
- [X] Sera to focus on Lightning Magic.
- [X] Maya to equip her Tainted Longbow.
- [X] People to generally equip their fire-resistant gears.
- [X] Using Divine Eye, try to compare the Ash Snakes with Maya's Yeti
-- [X] If a better one pops out, or if there is a boss level Ash Snake, then Maya should try and Tame it
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"Hmm? Oh, you mean the combinations for the starting jobs?" She asks, "Well, that's simple enough. Let's see. Ice Elementalists combine with the three warrior classes of course. All the elemental classes do. You have the Huscarl for axes, the Winter Knight for swords, and the Glacier for spears. Those are all fairly defensive variations, mostly about using the slow effect of Cold to enhance their melee in different ways."

I wonder if Glacier is a gish job? Alice might be able to use it.

They're melee heavy gish types. It's a very tanky class and we're an awful tank.

Also, Catgirl Alice amuses me. yrsillar do race mods break if you swap them out for another? I imagine Alice would love not having to sleep in the tub.

Yes, they do. It's been confirmed since around when we got our first one.

But the greatest advantage is being able to fuse Water with whatever we want. Like I said in the previous post. There are combinations that simply won't drop in the local dungeons. And I do want to discover them, no matter how 'wasteful' it might seem.

Discovering stuff is great!

But it's also going to be very time intensive. Far better to get the jobs we know will work leveled and then start flailing around. It just makes so much more sense to use the core tree we already have before trying to find every possible combination.
But the greatest advantage is being able to fuse Water with whatever we want. Like I said in the previous post. There are combinations that simply won't drop in the local dungeons. And I do want to discover them, no matter how 'wasteful' it might seem.
at the rate we level, just with the known dungeons, we are going to miss out on 90%+ of content. We have to accept that and simply do the best we can for our current level, whatever it is. Grinding low level dungeons to discover unusual things that will be obsolete in a couple of levels is not only wasteful, its only impossible. simply due to the % drop rate and the fact we gain XP every time
Since we want to explore new job fusions, how about taking an action on our next rest day to study up on the fusion lab materials? This might decrease the length of time it takes us to discover new jobs. Maybe.

I'm interested in the potential combination of Polar Adept(Ice+Wind) and Blizzard Sage(Ice+Water), and since we haven't found anybody that knows it we need to investigate ourselves.

Loot Vote:
[X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver, Glacier Job Crystal
[X] Maya: Snow Tiger Race Mod?
[X] Vault: Consumables
- [X] Alice to grab an Ether, others to replenish theirs
[X] Find Branded: Snow Tiger (no Hunters), Frigid Blade (Lucia? Rose?), Yeti Pelt (no Hunters?)

Action Vote:
[X] Reequip Handmaiden's Dress
[X] Onwards to Ork Warcamp
... Guys.

Lemme point out something to you. The single most risk adverse character in our group, the one who is MOST likely to veto something dangerous and the one who is also highest level in the group and most experienced as a Branded... wants to do some Missions.


This should say something to you guys. Dungeons are nice. And it's nice to be leveling all the time on the easy breezy course way... but consider that you all are outright neglecting a huge portion of the Game, from a story perspective. Even more that you are basically leaving a big chunk of the setting, the part of it where we are able to directly make a difference.

Let us PLEASE get to doing the missions, dangerous as they are, they are not to be IGNORED.
Xicree, then PLEASE stop with the picking the most dangerous of the missions all the time. Last time, you advocated the one where the party that went got TPKed and the rank increased afterwards. This time, you advocated for the one where we are an entire level below the minimum required to take it.
Xicree, then PLEASE stop with the picking the most dangerous of the missions all the time. Last time, you advocated the one where the party that went got TPKed and the rank increased afterwards. This time, you advocated for the one where we are an entire level below the minimum required to take it.

And yet, the mission I picked is the one we don't have to deal with DIRECTLY to get rewarded for it, then I specifically made a plan for us work on said mission from the perspective of someone SCOUTING dangerous territory rather than us going in gung ho to attack.

Sure it's dangerous but the approach I chose was the one that best minimized the dangers of said Mission.

Also the one where the party was TPKed... We don't know what they did, how they acted or how they approached the Dungeon. We don't even know how many people they TOOK WITH THEM DO IT. Or even the Composition of their party. It might just be a case of them having had a bad party comp for the encounter rather than it being super dangerous. The fact is, we don't know any of this. So argue all you like about it being 'too dangerous' the fact remains we know nothing about what is being presented beyond the initial mission statement and we haven't even TRIED to find out.
This time, you advocated for the one where we are an entire level below the minimum required to take it.

If you take a look at some of these recent Dungeons the party did, most of them are above our levels.

Ice Queen's Castle D-Rank (party 4, lv 8-9) = Last update
Goblin' Glade C-Rank (party 3, lv 6-8) = First C-Rank, more Goblin Bosses
Ashen Grotto's D-Rank (party 3, lv 7-9) = Ashen Grotto, Lazer Snake edition

EDIT: Not to mention, his current vote is a copy of mine, which is Ash Snake Nest at the Mines, a minimum level 5, if I remember right.

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