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Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

…let's head on in, there's a locked door I wanna check out
Just a note: Above post isn't threadmarked.

Rearranged order a little due to the variants.
Vote Tally : Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again) | Page 19 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.5.9

[X] Just go with what you have
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Just go with what you have
[X] Eat a bonemeal
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Just go with what you have
[X] Lick bonemeal off Du's bare backside, claim medicinal effects are stronger that way
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Full Prep
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Buff up
[X] Don't eat bits of rotting skeletons.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 19
Alright, thats a... go in with what you have, munching a bonemeal has less than half the votes so thats a no go.
First Elite
5 Shards
8 XP

"Ah, don't go worrying about me. I can handle a turn or two of whatever is in there if it's scary," you decide. "I even grabbed a potion for just that kinda thing yesterday."

Lona simply nods, "As you wish."

"I have better powers than yesterday too, so if you get hurt, I'll patch you right up anyway," Linnea adds cheerfully.

"I suppose we're really doing this then," Du sighs, "Anyone want their bonuses changed before we go in?"

"I believe the enhancement to my focus should remain," your other mage responds. "The additional power is… satisfactory."

"I'm fine too," you add cheerfully, already striding toward the ominous skull shaped doorway. "Now no more stalling!"

You don't have to wait long, the hallway is relatively short and lacks any traps. The room it opens up into is one already marked by battle though. Strange metal devices that crackle with electricity line the room in place of columns, although two of the six are smashed and broken. Rather ominously, you also spy deep gouges in the floor and several massive bloodstains. The most eye catching thing in the room though is a swimming pool sized vat of smelly green liquid set into the floor that takes up the entire latter half of the room.

"Ugh, it stinks," Linnea mutters as the four of you cautiously walk further inside.

"This is most certainly the lab of a necromancer, we should…" Lona begins, only to be cut off by a loud splash as a gray hand crisscrossed with stitch marks emerges from the water and grasps the side of the pool. That hand is big enough to palm your head.

"Smash the gribbly is what you were gonna say, right," you shout cheerfully even as the rest of the monster hauls itself from the pool. It is a massive humanoid, clearly stiched together from many disparate parts. It has four massive arms, one of which holds a heavy cleaver as wide as your torso, the other, smaller limbs below clutch more 'normal' greatswords, and it's last hand, the one it pulled itself up by, sparks with magic. Of course even that doesn't draw your eye quite like it's distended, squirming belly… which promptly erupts outward, disgorging a half dozen maggots the size of your arm as it roars a challenge.

"Oh what the fuck," you hear someone mutter behind you, but you don't really have time for chit chat, the undead abomination is already moving, and between it's roars and the shrill shrieks of the giant maggots it's kinda hard to hear anything else. You hardly need any more encouragement to charge yourself and meet it halfway. Grinning, you focus your will, and raise your free arm to block the incoming cleaver, comfortable in the knowledge that in this moment, you are unbreakable.

What must be fifty pounds of metal impacts your forearm, splintering your bracer, before reaching your skin and rebounding with an bone tingling crack. You have to laugh as you see the entire massive weapon explode into fragments. "Is that the best you've got!" you call right up into the things ugly heavy browed face.

Then you remember that it has all of those other arms. Still, it's physical blows rebound from your skin as well, though without the explosive results. The blast of nausea inducing magic and the nasty acidic nibbling of the gross things coiling and biting at your legs do their share of harm though.

Of course, Linnea's here, so the warmth of healing magic washes over you shortly thereafter, settling the churning in your stomach and the vertigo inflicted by the things magic, it's followed closely by the sound of Lona's spellcasting. All of a sudden you feel really light and energetic, like you could fight all day and night with nary a rest, and is it just you or is everything moving awfully slow all of a sudden. The big guy looks like he's moving through molasses!

You grin as you pull your club into a two handed grip and bring it overhead for a skullcracking smash right in the face that your foe is suddenly way too slow to dodge. The abomination bellows in slow mo even as its teeth go flying and its head acquires a noticeable crease in the center…. Then you notice the smell of ozone, and it's only due to your enhanced speed that you manage to dodge the first bolt. The second and third impact the abomination, and suddenly it's movements no longer seem so slow. The fourth hits you though, and you bite back a scream as electricity rips through your nerves.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Du hurrying toward the closest of the lightning pillars, hands aglow with magic, so hopefully that's being taken care of, because tall and ugly isn't going to stay stunned forever. More healing magic soothes the pain of the lightning, and colorful bolts arc and spin around you before slamming home to slay three of the maggots nipping at your heels.

"They will heal the creature given the chance!" you hear Lona call. "Kill them quickly!"

Well, you don't need to be told twice, you plant your feet and bring your club down for a low sweeping blow, splattering the pasty white worms across the room. Of course, the towers are warming up again… but surprisingly, rather than lightning, you see the tower Du was going to mess with blast a second tower with a concentrated bolt of white hot fire… which still leaves you two lightning bolts to dodge.

Unfortunately, even with Lona's spell enhancing you, it seems one lightning dodge remains your best score. Frankly, it's starting to piss you off. You don't much care for the smell of cooked Yuuka. Ugly has his bearing back too, but luckily Linnea is able to get off a heal before you have to take another salvo of attacks… including the pair of additional maggots that writhe their way out of the things belly. You're glad you broke its damn cleaver that's for sure. Another surge of magic passes over your head, and the abominations speed enhancing buff dissipates, leaving it a sitting duck for you to smash it's face in again.

…There isn't much left of its head honestly, it looks like a split open melon at this point, but it doesn't stop the thing from fighting. Another tower goes up in flames, and you see Du, backing away from the now reverted tower, nursing a pair of burnt hands. Reprieve is over it looks like.

You manage to dodge lightning this turn though, and Linnea repairs the damage you took from the things spells and blades in the last round. Unfortunately, one of the newly spawned maggots crawls its way up the things leg and dissolves, repairing some of the damage you've done. This time the fire comes from Lona though, four separate rays of scorching heat that reduce the remaining maggot to ash and carve a blackened swathe across the things torso. Seeing the thing wobble, you take a gamble and channel all the burgeoning fury at your continued harm into another overhand swing.

This time the things entire body spasms as your now glowing club reduces the things head to giblets drives the things spine out and into the ground like a railroad spike, you heave a tired breath right before your world becomes lightning and pain.

Still. It's the last time the Deva's damned lightning towers get a hit on you, and Linnea makes you good as new… even if your still kinda twitchy and your hair buzzes with static.

"I was going to say we should fall back and destroy the Thaumaturgic Turrets from the doorway," Lona informs you dryly once your ears have stopped ringing. "I suppose your way worked as well though."

"Told ya we'd be fine," you huff dismissively. "How'd you change the one tower thing over to fire anyway, Du?" you then ask, turning to look at the enchanter as Linnea takes care of his badly burnt hands.

"I wasn't sure I COULD mess with a magical object like that," he admits. "Changing the enchantment felt like trying to ride a pissed off dire croc. It was two parts, altering the element and its controller. I couldn't hold it very long though."

"It is somewhat impressive that you managed it all, given the timeframe," Lona admits. "I could do the same, but only in my own workshop."

Well, Du seems pretty pleased by that. Linnea finishes healing his hands at that point and pipes up herself, "So what was that big ugly thing anyway?"

"A necrotic abomination," Lona responds simply as you and Du climb back to your feet, "A class of undead that includes all manner of vile things. They have little in common with one another."
Around that time, the smelly remains of the corpse finish dissolving and disgorge their bounty.

45 Deucite Shards

1 Deucite Chunk

Flayed Cloak: A cloak of finely flensed and stitched together fleshleather, smells faintly of formaldehyde. Quality 2 Defense vs Lightning and Necrotic Damage. Accessory(Shoulders)

Black Blade: A greatsword made of black metal, cold to the touch. Quality 3 Cold damage. Greatsword

Necromancer's Ring: A small platinum band forged in the shape of a skull. Provides +2 to power when worn.
+30 XP

Huh… that's a pretty big pile of a loot. The cloak is kinda gross, but also pretty nice… you can tell everybody is thinking of the chunk there. The sparkling hunk of reddish purple crystal is the size of one of your smaller companions fists… and it's the first of the much rarer commodities you've seen.

[] Make your case for Loot.

-1 Arc Smash, -1Skullcracker, -1 Meteor Smash, -1 Invulnerable

(The above is the total the encounter dropped. So yes, you're whole group has one chunk to 'divide' between them. Also, I feel I should note. Elite Enemies and Bosses do NOT respawn.)
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Well Unless the Greatsword counts as a Nodachi for our purposes, it's kind of useless except as merchant fodder.

Ring is pretty useless to us I think, if only for the moment, but the cloak I think can reasonably be called vital. Especially if we end up having to face the floor boss. Necro defense when we dive deep into the fray would be good, and for this floor in general would be damn useful.

I'm not sure what we've got going that would call for a chunk, but I think we'd benefit more from having a bunch of shards than the chunk at this point. Level up more basic but very useful stuff, as well as grabbing a few more skills of note and value.

I'd argue that maybe Linnea should get the chunk given the value of healing. Iona might like the ring. Du gets a bigger chunk of shards, and anything sold gets split as evenly as possible between the group, favoring Du who would be getting no item. Unless he can make use of the sword in which case maybe give it to him?
There's three items and one Deucite chunk, and there are four of us.

Seems pretty easily divisible.
Okay, so, breaking things down...

- There's one power ring. That's caster loot. They can argue over it. I figure whoever wants to bid the most shards for it gets the thing. We'll start by bidding 0.
- There's one greatsword. If it's a nodachi, then it's a quality buff for us, and worth investing in the skill for. Might not have been without the whole "weapon destruction" thing, but backups are good (and it's another set of dailies we can swap in, too - that'll likely come in handy). If it's not, it's salebait.
- Flayed cloak is kind of meh. It's pretty situational but it is an accessory, and we're big on the tanky. Bid 5?

We have 18 shards on hand, and 45 in the pot, giving us a bidding stash of about 29 plus whatever anyone else throws in.

[] Propose a bidding system, in shards. Whoever bids the most for an item gets to keep it, and pays that many shards into the pool. If no one bids, it's salebait. If there's only one person interested, or it turns out that the winning bid is less than the stores will offer for it, its value gets changed to whatever the stores will pay for it.
-[] bid 20 shards for the chunk.
-[] bid 5 shards for the cloak.
-[] Offer merchant rate for the blade if we can use it (I suspect 10 or so). If Du wants to bid more, maybe push it by a shard or two and then let him.

Bid system is fair, lets people get what they really care about (whether that's gear or shards) and the store rule keeps people from bidding for a thing and then offloading it on a shop for a profit. Best way to handle unestablished groups where some of the loot drops are going to be much more valuable than others, and the groups that want various things are not particularly clear.

20 shards for the chunk because D->C is worth 10, and I figure C->B is worth maybe twice that. The blade might be an upgrade, but it's one that'll take investment to use properly, so I'm not inclined to fight for it... especially if we wind up with the chunk. I could be convinced to go higher on the cloak, especially if someone else takes the chunk, but we also need those shards for other things. I'm also guessing that no one else is going to be all that enthralled by it - the only reason I'm interested in it at all is that we're the tank of the party, and we're currently on an undead floor. If those were not both true, I'd probably be passing on it entirely.

There's three items and one Deucite chunk, and there are four of us.

Seems pretty easily divisible.
The chunk is worth so much more than, say, the cloak.

Edit: sword confirmed as not a no-dachi, and therefore uninteresting.
Edit 2: given the state we're in, and the very real possibility that we might take out another room with meaningful loot before the day is over, I have been convinced to change vote. It just makes more sense to handle permanent distribution at the end of the day.
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Ring is a toss-up for the three mages. I'd guess a priority of Lona > Du > Linnea (since Linnea already got a talisman last time), though it depends on exactly how Du's power works.

Cloak is fairly useful for us, given our limited magical defenses, and that this entire floor is basically undead. However it's certainly situational, and pretty hard to argue against the utility of a B weapon skill.

Sadly, can't use the greatsword, and it's not among our potential skills. None of the others are going to be using it either, so it's sales fodder. I guess someone could claim it just to get the extra shards from selling it. Possibly Linnea, since she was giving thought to buying up her job, and might want extra shards for that.

Which leaves the chunk, for raising a skill from C to B. Our job, and greatclub, are both at C. If we take greatclub to B, we're pretty much committing to that as our main weapon, and any others would be backup at best. It would add 2 dice to our offense pool.

Special math note: Going from a quality 2 weapon to a quality 3 weapon is slightly better than going from 6 offense dice to 8 offense dice. They're close enough that, if we could use the greatsword, I would not consider it a horrible deal to take that rather than the chunk.

I don't think raising the job to B is such a great deal right now. It's already going to take us 30 levels just to reach most of our current stat caps (given that it appears we're still getting just 2 stat points per level), and we still have plenty of skills to buy up before worrying about getting more.

So, we should probably only take the chunk if we're really sure we want to commit to greatclub as a weapon. Otherwise, I'd go for the cloak for the defense, or the greatsword for extra shards (I would guess we could get 15 shards for it, which is 3 new buys or E>D skillups, which isn't that bad).
There's three items and one Deucite chunk, and there are four of us.

Seems pretty easily divisible.
The shards aren't auto divided? Dang.

I want the Chunk and and some Shards. WE could boost our Job or Greatclub or any skill we buy up to C really.
Ring is a toss-up for the three mages. I'd guess a priority of Lona > Du > Linnea (since Linnea already got a talisman last time), though it depends on exactly how Du's power works.

Cloak is fairly useful for us, given our limited magical defenses, and that this entire floor is basically undead. However it's certainly situational, and pretty hard to argue against the utility of a B weapon skill.

Sadly, can't use the greatsword, and it's not among our potential skills. None of the others are going to be using it either, so it's sales fodder. I guess someone could claim it just to get the extra shards from selling it. Possibly Linnea, since she was giving thought to buying up her job, and might want extra shards for that.

Which leaves the chunk, for raising a skill from C to B. Our job, and greatclub, are both at C. If we take greatclub to B, we're pretty much committing to that as our main weapon, and any others would be backup at best. It would add 2 dice to our offense pool.

Special math note: Going from a quality 2 weapon to a quality 3 weapon is slightly better than going from 6 offense dice to 8 offense dice. They're close enough that, if we could use the greatsword, I would not consider it a horrible deal to take that rather than the chunk.

I don't think raising the job to B is such a great deal right now. It's already going to take us 30 levels just to reach most of our current stat caps (given that it appears we're still getting just 2 stat points per level), and we still have plenty of skills to buy up before worrying about getting more.

So, we should probably only take the chunk if we're really sure we want to commit to greatclub as a weapon. Otherwise, I'd go for the cloak for the defense, or the greatsword for extra shards (I would guess we could get 15 shards for it, which is 3 new buys or E>D skillups, which isn't that bad).

We could also quite reasonably spend the chunk on either Adamant Body or Warrior's Challenge, once we shard them up. I'd personally suggest that route, and for that, it's a solid grab. Mostly, though, we want the chunk because it's the only one of these that won't go obsolete. We're *always* going to want more chunks - first to get things to B, then to get things to S. The chunk is more useful to pretty much everyone than any of the other grabs are to anyone. That would be why I was suggesting the bidding thing - because it's reasonably fair, and with only one chunk, and a group that's likely to splinter at least somewhat, it (or something like it) is the only way to really *be* fair.
We could also quite reasonably spend the chunk on either Adamant Body or Warrior's Challenge, once we shard them up.
Hm. B-tier Adamant Body is incredibly tempting (and easy enough to get; 15 shards + 1 chunk). I wouldn't consider Warrior's Challenge as much of a draw. Adamant Body also doesn't have any real competition with other skills, not the way the weapons compete, so it wouldn't feel like a 'waste' the way it would if we decided to swap to another weapon (such as if we acquired some legendary-quality weapon).

Ring - quality 2, power. Decently valuable for mages, assuming they can stack these as accessories (meaning it'll be a very long time before it's obsolete). Assuming it's stackable, I would consider it of similar value as the greatsword, even though the quality is lower.

Greatsword - quality 3, melee. We were never informed of how much the Q2 weapon sold for, however prices should start increasing exponentially with higher quality. I view it as likely to be around 15 shards, which means 3 low-level skillups.

Cloak - Q2 defense accessory, vs magic (lightning/necrotic) only. Considering that the end boss for the floor is a death knight type, this could be immensely valuable for surviving that fight. It's most valuable to Yuuka, as the tank, but mildly valuable to the others as well.

Chunk - Long term gain, limited supply (no respawns). Wish I knew what each of the others would be likely to spend it on, but we can probably guess that it would be their main magic skill (healing for Linnea, general magic for Lona, specialist magic for Du). We could use it to be a crazy-strong physical tank.

Overall, I don't think it's worth using a bidding system on this, the way Sirrocco suggests (plus it's rather complicated to arrange when most characters are NPCs, and we don't want to spend all day bargaining). In abstract, all three gear items have similar potential value to those who could make best use of them. The only different consideration is the chunk.

Considering the number of shards dropped, I would probably work it as: whoever wants the chunk has to give up their share of shards (ie: pay 11 shards, so the other three get 15 each, along with their items). Everyone is aware of the value of the chunk in the long haul. With that split, each person that gets shards+items gets something vaguely approximating 30 shards' worth of loot, and the last person gets the chunk, which I could see approximating 30 shards in value.

Anyway, counter-thoughts?
Overall, I don't think it's worth using a bidding system on this, the way Sirrocco suggests (plus it's rather complicated to arrange when most characters are NPCs, and we don't want to spend all day bargaining). In abstract, all three gear items have similar potential value to those who could make best use of them. The only different consideration is the chunk.

Considering the number of shards dropped, I would probably work it as: whoever wants the chunk has to give up their share of shards (ie: pay 11 shards, so the other three get 15 each, along with their items). Everyone is aware of the value of the chunk in the long haul. With that split, each person that gets shards+items gets something vaguely approximating 30 shards' worth of loot, and the last person gets the chunk, which I could see approximating 30 shards in value.

Anyway, counter-thoughts?

I think you're overvaluing the cloak by a fair margin. It'll be useful, yes, but two auto-successes on defense for uncommon damage types still isn't "immensely valuable". Taking adamant body to B, for example, would do us more good even just on that fight than the cloak, and that's one of the places where the cloak is supposed to shine. I certainly wouldnt' call it 15 shards worth (as you appear to be doign here). The sword? if Du doesn't want it, and it's not a no-dachi, then it's vendor bait, and I doubt we'll get 15 shards for it - not when a much more broadly usable Q2 was going for 10 as sale price, and the specialist nature of the sword means it'll take a while for it to sell. The chunk is the thing that everyone wants, and the ring is the thing that everyone who is not us wants.

As for the bidding thing, what's complicated? We state what we're willing to spend for it, and write it into our vote. Yrsillar decides if anyone else is willing to spend more. If they're not, we throw our shards in the pot and get the thing. If they are, they throw their shards in the pot and get the thing. If no one else thinks it's worth much, maybe we don't need to throw quite as may shards in. Then split the pot and you're done. One vote. Not exactly spending all day bargaining. After all, it's not like we're going to be trying to game the system in character - Yatsuruugi isn't really the system-gaming type... and if anyone else is obviously trying to game the system too hard, she'll call them out on it. high-level adventurers are a small enough group that the reputation economy is likely to become a pretty big deal.
I think people are underestimating the value of Job Rank B unlocked skills. Yes, we currently still have a bunch of skills we haven't bought yet, but B rank is when things definitively surpass mortal. That suggests access to skills that no other oni alive can lay claim to. It's a bit of a gamble, but since we have no idea how frequently we're going to get chunks, I feel it's the bigger gamble to not secure the skill unlocks given the opportunity.
I like the bidding system, although I am concerned about people who just don't have enough shards on them might be getting a raw deal. like losing out on something worth a lot more than mere shards.
I think it should be stake system. We each own 1/4th stake in each item. For items where people agree to bidding, we bid. For items where people don't want to bid, we try to buy each other's stakes (this doesn't have to be for shards, it can be any agreement), and the remaining individuals roll dice or flip a coin or something.

So, lets say we buy the stake in the chunk from du, we now own 2 stakes. We roll a dice, 1,2 we win, 3 linea wins, 4, whatshername wins.

Also, an idea i am not sure about is token. where if we (or someone else in the party) wins, we owe each of them a chunk token, meaning next time we party together, if we win then those we owe such a token to who are in party with us get to roll among themselves if we owe them a token. that is, lets say we party tomorrow with Du, Linea, and someone new. If a new chunk drops and we roll and we win again, it gets rerolled between du and linea.

I think people are underestimating the value of Job Rank B unlocked skills.
I kinda agree, it is pretty huge.
yrsillar are undead cold resistant/immune here?

because if so, that sword is not terribly useful.
[x] We each own an equal "stake" in each item dropped.
-[x] Propose a bidding system for lesser items, If we can all agree an item is "lesser", aka worth shards (in our opinion everything but the chunk) then we all bid for it, in shards. Whoever bids the most for an item gets to keep it, and pays that many shards into the pool to be split equally between everyone. If no one bids, it's salebait. If there's only one person interested, or it turns out that the winning bid is less than the stores will offer for it, its value gets changed to whatever the stores will pay for it.
-[x] bid 5 shards for the cloak.
-[x] For greater items, items that are worth far more than the amount of shards likely available, we try to buy each other's stake in the item, and if more than one person ends up owning stakes they are not willing to sell then the remaining individuals roll for it, with chance of victory based on how many stakes they own

yrsillar are undead cold resistant/immune here?

because if so, that sword is not terribly useful.
the dice gods don't always give what we need. aside from that it is not terribly useful because we would have to buy and upgrade swords to even use it effectively
yrsillar are undead cold resistant/immune here?

because if so, that sword is not terribly useful.
For this floor, anyway.

Next floor could be all fire elementals all the time.

Anyway, since the shoulder item is best for us, I almost feel honorbound to take it instead of trying to argue for the shard chunk.
[x] We each own an equal "stake" in each item dropped.
-[x] Propose a bidding system for lesser items, If we can all agree an item is "lesser", aka worth shards (in our opinion everything but the chunk) then we all bid for it, in shards. Whoever bids the most for an item gets to keep it, and pays that many shards into the pool to be split equally between everyone. If no one bids, it's salebait. If there's only one person interested, or it turns out that the winning bid is less than the stores will offer for it, its value gets changed to whatever the stores will pay for it.
-[x] bid 5 shards for the cloak.
-[x] For greater items, items that are worth far more than the amount of shards likely available, we try to buy each other's stake in the item, and if more than one person ends up owning stakes they are not willing to sell then the remaining individuals roll for it, with chance of victory based on how many stakes they own

the dice gods don't always give what we need. aside from that it is not terribly useful because we would have to buy and upgrade swords to even use it effectively
indeed, but I was referting to the fact that since all enemies here riht now are undead, if undead are cold resistant, tgere are going to be far fewer potential buyers.
actually in retrospect a cleaner way to do it is veto bidding... we all bid for it, but if anyone thinks that the winning bid is too low then bidding for that item is vetoed and we instead do a stake system.

[x] We each own an equal "stake" in each item dropped. Shards are distributed equally outright
-[x] Propose a veto bidding system for items, in shards. Whoever bids the most for an item gets to keep it, and pays that many shards into the pool to be split equally between everyone. If no one bids, it's salebait. If there's only one person interested, or it turns out that the winning bid is less than the stores will offer for it, its value gets changed to whatever the stores will pay for it. If anyone feels that the winning bid for an item is too low they may veto the auction for that item and instead treat it as a greater item
-[x] For greater items, items that are worth far more than the amount of shards available, we try to buy each other's stake in the item (this purchase cost could be an agreement that we give them our stake in the next chunk we get together and perhaps an agreement to farm a boss for it), if more than one person ends up owning stakes they are not willing to sell then the remaining individuals roll for it, with chance of victory based on how many stakes they own
-[x] bid 20 on the chunk, be willing to go up to 30
-[x] if you still have money left, bid 5 on cloak, be willing to go to 10.

We have 18 shards on hand, and 45 in the pot
the front page says we have 20 on hand
Some undead are, just not as a type. You freeze a zombie it's bits fall off just like any other flesh and blood creature. That resistance never made sense to me as a creature type trait rather than a specific one.
It'll be useful, yes, but two auto-successes on defense for uncommon damage types still isn't "immensely valuable".
Valuable for fighting the end boss, not in general use. End boss room is supposed to have a lich and a death knight, both of whom are almost certainly going to be using necrotic magic, and a have a reasonable chance of using lightning magic.

Given that we're currently at +0 for magic defense (ie: no armor quality), +2 armor could be something like a 60% reduction in likely magic damage taken. ... I guess when worked out in conjunction with other aspects, overall value is a lot lower than premised.

I'll grant that its speculative nature definitely puts it on the 'tentative' side, vs the 'assured' side for the other options.

As for the bidding thing, what's complicated? We state what we're willing to spend for it, and write it into our vote. Yrsillar decides if anyone else is willing to spend more. If they're not, we throw our shards in the pot and get the thing.
OK, I'll tentatively side with the bidding setup. I'd have arguments about the setup, but that would be for if it were being used in a real situation; we're only putting in the basics for the purpose of a quest result. We don't need a fully functional system.

The main flaw with the bidding system is that we don't really have a good grasp on the value of the items we're bidding for. I guess we can go with the idea that most of the party members probably have a fairly similar total shard count, though, since we're all new, and undoubtedly spending on character development anyway.

There's also the bit that the update doesn't request that we set up a loot divvying system; it just says, "make your case for loot".

[] Greatsword: I can't use it, or get any skill for it, and I don't think anyone else can either. Just sell for shards later?
[] Ring: Ya'll fight it out.
[] Cloak: It might be useful for the death knight fight, and other minor stuff. I wouldn't mind it, but it's not a huge deal if someone else wants it.
[] Chunk: Arm-wrestle ya for it. :)

Realistically, we might consider that the mages can bid among themselves for the ring, with the winner paying the other two, and we can get the cloak without involving ourselves in the ring contest, if we're going to assess the cloak's value as being that low. Any rounding in the sales value from the greatsword and leftover shards would go in favor of the mages. Then the chunk is a bidding free-for-all.
[x] Propose a bidding system, in shards. Whoever bids the most for an item gets to keep it, and pays that many shards into the pool. If no one bids, it's salebait. If there's only one person interested, or it turns out that the winning bid is less than the stores will offer for it, its value gets changed to whatever the stores will pay for it.
-[x] bid 20 shards for the chunk.
-[x] bid 5 shards for the cloak.

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