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Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

I am two girls, at least one of which seems to have a romantic interest in the other. Both have magical powers, one can manipulate the subconsciousness and the other can manipulate emotions... so much potential for perversion. And maybe stand-up comedy?

But on the other hand, my beard is gone! How am I gonna survive without it...
Depending on the day of the week, go to my wife, imouto, or mother-in-law and try to explain that some weird shit is going on. Once that's done, I dunno... Fuck around? Summon tentacles? Try and find out if there is evil to be fought? Honestly, given I'm the stay-at-home person in my house, I'd probably do nothing special. I'd be amused at suddenly being even more smol than I am. Gotta wonder how that'd affect the wife'n'wife time.
I am two girls, at least one of which seems to have a romantic interest in the other. Both have magical powers, one can manipulate the subconsciousness and the other can manipulate emotions... so much potential for perversion. And maybe stand-up comedy?

But on the other hand, my beard is gone! How am I gonna survive without it...

Maybe you could get a new beard and how would your family & friends react to this happening?
Depending on the day of the week, go to my wife, imouto, or mother-in-law and try to explain that some weird shit is going on. Once that's done, I dunno... Fuck around? Summon tentacles? Try and find out if there is evil to be fought? Honestly, given I'm the stay-at-home person in my house, I'd probably do nothing special. I'd be amused at suddenly being even more smol than I am. Gotta wonder how that'd affect the wife'n'wife time.

Maybe you have to do some lesbian times with the wife or something in a different way?
I'm a horse??? I guess I'd... whinny for help? Try to go downstairs without breaking my neck. I'm usually thirsty in the morning, but the only thing I'd be able to drink from would probably be the kitchen sink, because it has a lever instead of a knob. I'd probably be stuck in the house unless someone opened the back door for me so I could go eat some grass or something. But, if I ate grass and then changed back to human, that might be a problem because I couldn't digest it...
Oh i get it since Tentacles are the fun way in the sex time and what's you gotta say to Dr.Manhatan at sending you including anyone else as their avatar from QQ in dc's universe?
I really have no clue there. I'm not big on comics and all I'm used to with DC is the Batman animated series and those movies that came out a few years back. Given how powerful Abi is, I'm sure it'll be amusing all the way.
Maybe you could get a new beard

Maybe I could use Koishi's powers to make others think I have a beard, but I doubt I can grow one^^ Also it won't fit.

Now a mustache on the other hand.

and how would your family & friends react to this happening?

Confusion, Disbelief? Possibly sending me to an exorcist?

Actually, since I am a Touhou, does that mean I need belief and fear and stuff? I guess I won't need to worry about the former given the touhou fandom, but maybe I should start scaring the neighbourhood as the lewd demon girls?
Maybe I could use Koishi's powers to make others think I have a beard, but I doubt I can grow one^^ Also it won't fit.

Now a mustache on the other hand.

Confusion, Disbelief? Possibly sending me to an exorcist?

Actually, since I am a Touhou, does that mean I need belief and fear and stuff? I guess I won't need to worry about the former given the touhou fandom, but maybe I should start scaring the neighbourhood as the lewd demon girls?

Well i can see that happening and thanks for the answer.
Ironically, the area I live in suffers from a surplus of goats, countered by an odd lack of Dairy Queens. So my plan to crash an automobile into the aforementioned local building due to there not being enough goats to paint it red is pretty much bunk.

More seriously, use my newfound skills at alchemy to gain magic powers. Which I will then hone and abuse mercilessly in the pursuit of money. Avoid becoming a vampire though. Yes it might help the iron deficency, but I like the sun.

Also troll people with said magic as much as surreptitiously possible. And maybe start a magic school when I'm older.
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Clean the blood and try and find a Bionics company to see about reverse engineering the cybernetic arm I have as well as confirm if I am now male or female as this image is too androgynous for me to tell.

...so, how does this one work?
I suppose you get really edgy?

it's a bad joke about how fractals lose area but gain perimeter by having more edges in 2D as you represent it more accurately and how the face of a menger sponge is a sierpinski carpet
I guess i'd just wait to be put somewhere hot, before someone bangs on me.
In order
  1. Scream and flip the fuck out
  2. Convince my family it is still me
  3. Scream over the fact I have to convince my collage it is me
  4. Go to hospital
  5. Once home probably feel my self up because tits
  6. Figure out what I can do because Servant powers and all that
  7. Get shit faced for the first time in my life.
...Convince family not to shoot me and help smuggle myself to middle of nowhere Canada to hide in the most remote wooded area I can conceive of. I guess I'll find out how fire types deal with cold weather. Also time to start level grinding and trying to teach myself things like frenzy plant and blast burn.
In order
  1. Scream and flip the fuck out
  2. Convince my family it is still me
  3. Scream over the fact I have to convince my collage it is me
  4. Go to hospital
  5. Once home probably feel my self up because tits
  6. Figure out what I can do because Servant powers and all that
  7. Get shit faced for the first time in my life.

Make sense and it look like your family have a new daughter instead of the son
"YaY! Im a dragon! Rawr~!" honestly I think my avatars based of a bronze DnD dragon. so I might be able to shape-shift back, but thats not in the threads spirit so lets say its my magical girl build.

In which case I'd fly around and practice shooting lightning, controlling metal, and see what sorcery or alchemy I could do.

But then I'd panic and get even more depressed with the thought the girl I've been thinking about asking out might not be bisexual.

Eventually when I get over that might try too meet the other QQ'ers im assuming also got Transformed, maybe even see if I can use magic to make a replacement cock or a stap-on that can simulate my missing D.


"It's... your so fluffy and cute I can't help myself~" *SNUGGLE* *SNUGGLE*

It's Bloodborne.

In Real Life!

*jazz hands claws*

you know, I was gonna say 'its a good thing I just Changed my avatar from the Good Hunter, that might have lead to a bad end what with the Old blood in my veins' but it seams like the worlds fucked anyways.
*wiggles happily* Yaaay, this transformation's amazing already! <3

I will not stop till my tail has been sufficiently touched, rubbed and snuggled.

...Oh yeah, and some other parts too, but mainly the tail!
Oh my sounds like the new puppy is quite enthusiastic (curls wing around you), dont you worry, little ol'Draco here will try their very best to make sure you get all the cuddles and affection you can handle. Although if you want anything more (looks down at my crotch with a frown) give me a sec, I'll have to figure something out.

(uhg... maybe i can use my tongue? im going to have to relearn how to use it though, its a compleatly different size than before.)

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