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Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

Be slightly mad that I have four fingers per hand (ahem), before coming to the conclusion that maybe it was just a preference my oc had and change over to five since I'm more a sentient cloud of caffeine, (day) dreams and demonic eldritch essence in the shape of a cat fursona.

Then maybe getting an Instagram or TikTok account because there's definitely people that will thirst for me and I wouldn't mind getting paid for that... and maybe jack off too heh.
I thank my lucky stars that I have a window open, and then I go cause a panic in the neighborhood, because I'm a very very large yellow-and-black buzzy thing and people tend to get *quite* scared of those. (And if it's my avatar as I think of it rather than my avatar as it is in real life, things get interesting, because in my head my avatar is "actual size". Meaning probably 8 to 12 inches rather than just two, which is certified nightmare fuel.)
I thank my lucky stars that I have a window open, and then I go cause a panic in the neighborhood, because I'm a very very large yellow-and-black buzzy thing and people tend to get *quite* scared of those. (And if it's my avatar as I think of it rather than my avatar as it is in real life, things get interesting, because in my head my avatar is "actual size". Meaning probably 8 to 12 inches rather than just two, which is certified nightmare fuel.)
I feel the need to add that you also gained a photographic memory in addition to being able to call in your buddy wasps after a sting too.
There's probably some good to be done there too, if you're interested - pre-WW2 steel is free of certain radioactive contaminants, and thus useful for certain medical machines.
Allegedly the radioactive contaminants can be filtered out these days. But that steel used to be rather valuable indeed.
I'd go to medical school and use modern science to help me perform partial human transmutation, like transmuting my dick into a dragon dick. Maybe get two dicks for a one-man double penetration.

No resurrection bs, that's just dumb.

Oh and also become the world's best doctor and cure cancer or whatever...
Would they be eaten first or last?
Depends on their karma. The more evil they are, the more likely they'll be used as seasoning for saints.

Those fuckers are inedible from how bland they are!

You got my vote.

But only after you get the year right.
I'll send dreams to any cultist at hand, but judging by how poorly they fared with the advent of technology?

I wouldn't hold my breath.

On the plus side, with me every year will be early 2020--thus, less awful than the ones we lived through! ;)
The first thing I'll do if this were to happen is to start a cult--er, I mean ... a political party.

Yup. A political party ... and nothing else.
Is the political party a group which advocate certain political leanings or is it a party with politics like how your aunt got drunk and spouted leftist and rightist propaganda in the same sentence?

Because one of them sounds funner than the other.
Is the political party a group which advocate certain political leanings or is it a party with politics like how your aunt got drunk and spouted leftist and rightist propaganda in the same sentence?

Because one of them sounds funner than the other.
What I advocate is revelry of every kind, human sacrifice--to me, of course--and simplifying the tax system to fuck over the uber-wealthy.

I like misery like every eldritch horror that seeks unlubed assholes, but what's been done has made the souls of the laborers lose their zest and shine! There can be too much of a good thing, so c'mon!

But now I'm considering adding alcohol and meth to the nonalcoholic punch just to see one of the politically-learned cultists get drunk out of his gourd and spout nonsense.

Or get his ass kicked by the nearest boat.

Get smashed on the souls of hashish-smoking Arabian cultists once and everyone and their granny claim that I can get shipwrecked! I was taking splinters out of my beak for months!


I do admit I'm wary of getting airplane'd though.

Especially by a poorly maintained Airbus filled with those jerks from Innsmouth!

Damned fish-fucking dagonian mutants ... . *Angry grumbling*​
Cause a massive panic as an eight-foot-tall demonic chicken, before the government inevitably comes around to cover up my existence and force me into some blacksite or another.

If I'm lucky, I'll get to meet the aliens.
I don't think Donovan has any unique powers or skills so i'd probably just be a normal guy. But with a shortened lifespan propbably which sucks. Hopefully i still retain my own personality though

Mate, I am finding OP to piss and shit on his stuff.

Thats rude, why would you want to do that?

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