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Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

Go out, do some merc work and hopefully find someone cute to do.
Waaaiit ducks are serial rapists. *sigh* Gotta watch my my newly huge well shaped butt around you don't I? Thank Gods Cool Kyou Shinja Titty Monsters are absurdly overpowered. I would be way more worried otherwise.
I assure you, were I to become my avatar everyone would have to watch their butts around me.
Unless it's 40k then begin the screeching and violence. Fucking psychic tumors go and stay gone.
The key word here is that the world in question is incomplete, meaning that the metaphysics of the place are either completely out of whack or aren't even properly formed.
Well, this is going to messy. As am I both? Am I one of the two? It all depends.


*Proceeds to have a mental breakdown.*

I burn the local lizard man cashier in deep fryer oil to fuel my car
Hmmm... Maybe walk some more in front of those dogs, then run away home! Those shepherds' trainers might not be able to hold them forever...!

(If it's my profile image at Spacebattles... Well, since it's just a tentative cartoony image of myself, probably I would go on with my life, since it would be the same as my normal one, maybe with a lot more crazy hijinks!)
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Probably gonna be rather hard explaining anything to do with a Mindflayer frame to the folks. While it does get a bonus to hacking and social interaction, and thankfully can still "walk", not being in some post-post apocalypse where cybernetic mermaids are common would have some drawbacks when it comes to passing as normal. More so when the frame was designed by spooky moon AI that's probably a bit crazy and will whisper shit into the users mind. Makes the sudden change in gender seem a lot less important when you've got Tentacles.

(the picture is the cover for Mermaids of the Depths for those curious)

Almost as awkward as being an aquatic Transhuman in a desert: Utah Lake and the Great Salt Lake are kinda poor substitutes for the ocean ya know?

Might stick around, look into getting into politics or something. Might finally knuckle down and write updates to fics and quests now that the computer is in my head. Will definitely need a raise, feeding my betentacled ass is gonna get expensive(a frame can require between 4k to 12k Calories a day.). But hey I won't have to watch my weight and I'll live to 150-180 before my brain in a jar finally gives out.
Well I'm either Ryan Gosling now or I have become Ken, either way I'm a lot more attractive, muscular, and have a killer singing voice. So I can't really complain about any of that. Before I do anything though, I am going to have to publicly perform I'm just Ken at least once in a very crowded place and in a big and very fluffy fur coat.
I have become the ULTIMATE LIFE FORM!
I'll "play" with my tentacles to start with. Hope I also don't start with her breeding instincts because that would mean I rape the nearest person.
I'll keep a low profile but I am supposed to be pretty strong and resilient so hopefully I won't end up as a lab rat. But If anyone tries to do so I can just rapidly breed an army of my children using my would be abductors.
Maybe I could work in contaminated or irradiated areas since she is supposed to be immune to such things but I don't think I want to test how much and I think I'd prefer to stay as a NEET anyway.
Have a brief moment of 'what the actual fuck'.

Then explain to my parents that I have now become an eldritch being capable of traversing reality.

This would naturally be a very awkward conversation.
Woohoo! Magic and being younger by like a decade or so is double score.

Rake in money by cheating at gambling and living with no money problems, maybe even go traveling around.

Not much to give a shit about once you are rid of survival problems and everything becomes a matter of how you wanna spend time.

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