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Persona 4 GoldenWhat's up, my dudes?
Warhammer 40k Darktide
Persona 4 Golden
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Persona 4 GoldenWhat's up, my dudes?
Warhammer 40k Darktide
Persona 4 Golden
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This please
If it's still up it'd be nice to get.
Persona 4 Golden
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Who wants some of this action? Last edited: Today at 6:11 PM
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Yes Im in the list of countries.
I'm sorry, man, that's the list of regions that block Persona 4.
Persona 4 Golden please.What's up, my dudes?
Warhammer 40k Darktide
>Darktide can't be gifted if you're in the following regions.
- AM
- AR
- AZ
- BD
- BR
- BT
- BY
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Persona 4 Golden
>Persona can't be gifted if you're in the following regions.
- AD
- AL
- AM
- AR
- AT
- AX
- AZ
- BA
- BE
- BG
- BO
- BR
- BV
- BY
- BZ
- CH
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Who wants some of this action?
Warhammer 40k Darktide
>Darktide can't be gifted if you're in the following regions.
Are you both good on the region lists?I'll take Persona 4 Golden if it doesn't work for the previous guy
You're after Nitramy if his region blocks it.
Google your country code, that will give you the letters and if it matches on the list...If none of them work for Persona could I have it.
Also, I have no idea what the letters mean, like how do I know if my country is one of them
I am
Darktide link is sent, and it's removed from the running.
Seen, thank youDarktide link is sent, and it's removed from the running.
Just waiting on Nitramy's response now.
Time to forage once again:
Those two pretty please.
Hey Snakers! Are those still available?
And last but not least Strider:
New Keys:
Old Keys:
Link sent.I'm not in the list of banned countries for Persona, so I'm good.
Please?Beneath Oresa, yet again ANOTHER Rogue-like deck builder sigh.
Beneath Oresa, yet again ANOTHER Rogue-like deck builder sigh.
MeI got the steam key for this game:
- AE
- AM
- AR
- AZ
- BD
- BO
- BR
- BS
- BT
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- ZA
Any of you guys want this?
If this is unclaimed, can I have this?