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Gaming to the Top (Highschool DxD Gamer MC)

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"When's this blasted rain going to stop?" Motohama grumbly mumbled, pulling out his glasses to...
Small Origins


Making the rounds.
Oct 26, 2023
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"When's this blasted rain going to stop?" Motohama grumbly mumbled, pulling out his glasses to clean them as they had begun to fog due to the water vapor.

Cold is always a massive bitch for someone as visually impaired as he is, especially during the raining seasons or cold mornings - particularly the latter. His forehead had been acquainted to lampposts and street signs more times than he could even bother to count.

Today though was a different case as while Motohama wasn't out on the streets -that would have been an entirely different complaint- he was presently at a hospital's entrance.

He wasn't sick nor had he been caught in an unfortunate accident. Truthfully, he would have taken either of the mentioned two as they couldn't be compared to what he had been through the last 1 and half month or to the people that had no idea on the supernatural aspect of the world, 10 days.

That had been hell.

Name: Keisuke Motohama

Job: The Gamer

Species: Human

Level: 9 [Next Level: 40%]

Titles: Lucky Survivor/Perverted Scouter

HP: 750/750

MP: 450/450

STR: 15

VIT: 18

AGI: 16

INT: 17

WIS: 18

CHA: 9

LUC: 9 (10)

Stats Points: 37

Skill Points: 20

Money: 1000($)

Stifling a sigh that threatened to come out from his lips, Motohama willed the screen away as a light grimace appeared on his face.

This… System - this supernatural gift was among the reasons why he had been able to make it out of that hell alive.

It made him faster than the 'Stray Devils' and 'Monsters' that had pursued his group. Made him stronger when he had to push through large objects or punch harder just to get something to eat. The Vitality (VIT) increase and the Level Up benefits was a total lifesaver as Motohama didn't know how he could have survived when his HP had been reduced to a precarious 1.

All in all, the System had been a Blessing… As it had been a curse.

[Gamer's Mind] (Toggled OFF)
[Prevents all sorts of EXTREME mental states, allowing user to calmly think things through. Immunity to mind and spiritual impairments]

At first glance, the Gamer's Mind seems to be quite a catch. Logically speaking, the ability to control your emotions and think rationally whatever the circumstances can save one's life - it had saved his more times he could even begin to count. The Immunities that come with it was the special icing on the cake.

The curse part came from the first function of the ability; prevention of all sorts of EXTREME mental states. It sounded simple, but in reality, it was more complicated than how it appeared.

In the course of that 'Game', there were many courses of actions Motohama had taken that he normally wouldn't have been capable of taking - it was like he was on drugs that dulled everything and made him one minded.

Toggling off the Gamer's Mind, Motohama could only look back at those times and shiver.

'It's like I'd become one cold, unfeeling monster.'

His hands unconsciously clenched.

'Blood. Gore. Screams for help. Fuck, even boobs! I couldn't feel anything towards them… Survive. Survive. Survive. That was the word that kept me going… That was the word that made me do the things that I did just to survive.'

The urge to just toggle on the Gamer's Mind was an appetizing one. Those nightmarish scenes, the spooky corners, the lost friends…

Her cold unfeeling body.

"Fuck this…"

Grasping his head, Motohama instantly toggled on the Gamer's Mind.

[Hysteria negated by Gamer's Mind]

[Fear negated by Gamer's Mind]

The rising panic attack doused similar to how a flame is put off by a bucket of water. The urge was gone. It wasn't like Motohama couldn't feel the dread anymore, it's just that it now feels more like an insignificant event.

It was that unfeeling attitude that was his problem with the ability.

'Heh…'Motohama couldn't help but chuckle contritely.

Despite hating the cool dousing feeling the Gamer's Mind had always brought to him when activated, Motohama was very much aware of the importance of this ability in controlling his emotions and for clear rational thoughts.

Especially in times like this.

'I'm too much of a damn hypocrite.'

"Is there anything wrong, Motohama?" Besides Motohama, a slightly plump man with thick brimmed glasses said with a fretful look. "Sho-Should we go back inside so that the doctors could run another checkup?"

Smiling, Motohama shook his head in an assuring manner.

"It's nothing serious, Dad. I was just complaining about the annoying rain, s'all."

"O-Oh." Dad blinked, "Alright, if you say so. Just hold on a little longer. The cab I booked is already on its way."

Nodding, Motohama instinctually utilized the Observe ability just to assure himself of the man before him.

Keisuke Chimon LV12
[Office Worker]

It was a succinct information, one that even Motohama could tell without seeing it. Nevertheless, it was real. The man beside him is truly his father.

The Observe ability while upgradable compared to his Maxed Passives had never given Motohama wrong information about anything or anyone he had used it on. This ability has helped him escape many closed calls in the first place.

The honk of their ride arriving drew Motohama from his little world.

Sighing, Motohama picked up his belongings preparing to enter the cab.

'I've really changed, haven't I?'

Was it for the better or worse remains the question.

As he came out of the cab, Motohama couldn't help feeling the twinge of relief upon seeing the house before him.

It was the same as it has always been. Inserted in a dense neighborhood, the two-floor edifice looked exactly how Motohama had left it.

'Shit, thank goodness for Gamer's Mind.' Motohama thought, sucking in cold air. 'If it weren't for that, I'd be bawling my eyes right now.'

Leaving the cab, both father and son hurried towards the house. Upon seeing that the door was already opened, Motohama froze for a moment before instantly grabbing his Dad's shoulder.

"Hey Dad, did you leave the door open when you'd left the house to pick me up?" Motohama asked, horrid memories of opening unlocked doors only to meet face to face with a lurking monster flashed his mind.

He had sworn to never allow himself to get that careless ever again.

The confusion lasted only for some moments, before Dad's eyes widened in understanding. Nodding, he said with an assuring smile. "Oh, about that… Well, let's just get in, it's supposed to be a surprise, but with you being this…"

"Paranoid." Motohama interrupted, at the sight of his Dad's grimace he raised a hand. "Look it's not your fault… I'm just feeling jumpy at everything. As for whose inside it'd probably be Matsuda and
Issei… It's either those guys or your work friends, but I'm not so sure on the latter."

"Ok Motohama, now that's just rude."

Motohama smirked, "Doesn't make my words any less of a truth."

Before Dad could shoot back a reply, the door abruptly swung open stimulating Motohama to pull his Dad back with one hand, while clenching the other into a fist. It was only until he saw who was at the other side did Motohama slowly relax his body.

"Motohama, you bastard."

With a swinging fist, Matsuda hollered bearing a face that was straight out of a warzone.

"How dare you go and get yourself missing for 10 days? Do you know how hard it is to get the perfect trajectory to peep the Kendo girls without that scouter eyes of yours?! Then there's that Issei who's gone to some camping trip or whatever... Seriously you bastards…"

With lips fumbling, Matsuda suddenly pulled Motohama into a hug.

"Don't go vanishing off the face of the earth, you hear."

Motohama wordlessly nodded. 'Seriously, you're really going to make me cry.'

It really is good to be back.

Taking a deep breath, Motohama pushed Matsuda off himself and said with a perturbed look. "Oi, don't you get all emotional on me. It's actually kind of gross when this kind of talk is coming from a guy."

"Screw you, bastard."

"Sorry, but I don't do men. Go ask Issei."

Matsuda promptly threw punch at Motohama with the latter smoothly dodging it.

Laughing, Dad who had entered the house said. "Alright boys, come on in. And Motohama, you'd just come straight out of the hospital. Let's not try and tempt fate by staying out there in the cold."

"Yes, Dad." Motohama said with a small smile on his face.

As both boys entered the house, Motohama deliberately remained behind Matsuda's back as his smiling face transitioned to an emotionless one. With Matsuda none the wiser, Motohama used an
Observe on him.

Kenji Matsuda LV14
[Highschool Student]

The mana that had been secretly gathering around his fist vanished. Exhaling in relief, Motohama couldn't help but feel like a piece of shit.

'Dammit. What would I have done had the screen had shown me something different?'

Images of empowered fist punting through flesh made Motohama to unconsciously shudder. With the Gamer's Mind toggled on, Motohama was 100% sure he would be capable of doing that.

'Shit, what kind of friend am I?'

[Gamer's Mind] (Toggled OFF)

The calmness the ability brought was replaced with a sickening feeling which Motohama wholeheartedly embraced.

After all, without the Gamer's Mind, Motohama was sure he wouldn't dream of harming his friend… Although even that might be an ostensible thought retrospectively speaking.

'I've really got to tone down this distrusting trait of mine. I'm no more in that hell. I'm amongst family.'

With that thought in mind, Motohama moved ahead, keeping pace with his friend as he formerly entered his house for after what would be a month and the half.


With both Matsuda and Motohama having no friends apart from Issei, who is probably screwing around with the hot ORC ladies right now (Screw that bastard!) and Dad whose acquaintances in work could only be described as unknown. The welcoming party was less of a party and more a small get-together -after all, what else can one call a gathering comprised solely of three men.

Assorted drinks, snacks, and ordered food decorated the table upon which they devoured with gusto, Motohama especially, considering how long it had been since he last had a proper meal.

"Motohama, why're you eating like that?" Matsuda said with a squirming look.

"Hmm, what's wrong with how I'm eating?"

"Are you seriously asking me that or are you pulling my leg right now?"

With food morsels decorating his lips, Motohama shrugged while bearing a bemused look. "You tell me."

"Well, first off." Matsuda said, tilting his head as bits of food flew pass him. "Stop speaking with your mouth looking that swollen, and secondly, stop making that damn slurping noise when you're eating."

To that, Motohama couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry, but I can't help it. It's been a while since I'd last ate something as tasty as this."

And that was an understatement considering what he had eaten the day before could have passed as a rotten bread.

"…O-Oh" With a face that didn't know how to even reply to the spectacled boy's words, Matsuda only nodded and quietly resumed eating.

'What's up with him?' Motohama offhandedly regarded Matsuda's sudden quietness before shrugging.
Since he doesn't want to talk, Motohama decided that it wasn't worth asking either way.
Thankfully, that little incident didn't seem to ruin the little get-together, as soon enough, life returned to the tables. Since Motohama's Dad was present, the boys decided not to do a fondly recount on their more 'ecchi' endeavors.

Motohama's Dad wouldn't mind (maybe) but it's kind of embarrassing talking about 'that' while he is within earshot.

Although much of their discussions were spent cursing Issei who had seemingly moved up the world.

"Seriously, how did that bastard even do it?" Matsuda said with comical tears flowing down his eyes.
"One day he was part of our group: the Perverted Trio—"

"Not like that got us the ladies."

"Shut up, Motohama!" Matsuda roared,

"It's the thought that counts... Anyway, once, Issei was our comrade in quest of achieving the sacred goal. Getting a Harem! Now, that bastard seems to have gotten quite close to achieving it and he doesn't want to tell us how he did it. The one time we asked him to introduce us to a girl, it had to be a damn gorilla man!"

Biting his finger, Matsuda had the visage of a vengeful ghost.

"Goddammit… Let's plan on how to bury him in rumors so that he doesn't get to spend any quality time with the ORC girls."

Giving a thankful nod to his Dad who had packed up and decided to head for bed, Motohama twirled his straw as he regarded his partner in crime. "Hah…How puerile, Matsuda. Those aren't the questions I expected you to be asking."

"Huh? Then what should I be asking, Motohama?"

"Issei's sudden luck with women began from one rather fortunate occurrence, the Occult club. So, the question we're supposed to be discussing should be this."

Motohama smirked, raising three fingers.

"How did Issei get the attention of that club in the first place? Remember, they're the kind of club that doesn't ask for members -many have tried to join only to be refused. So how did Issei even do it? The second would be…"

"How to get them to notice us as well." Matsuda muttered, a small smile blooming on his face. "Motohama, you are fucking genius."

[1 to Wisdom due to an apt deduction]

Folding his arms, Matsuda frowned. "Hmm… But that leaves us on how to get Issei to fess up what he did in the first place."

Dropping his fingers, Motohama said. "And that's three. The third and most important question is how to coax Issei into telling us how he'd manage to do it?"

Matsuda eyed Motohama's confident smirk. "Something tells me you've got an idea on how to get Issei to talk."

"Hmm… Less of an idea and more of just throwing stones in the dark."

"That doesn't matter. Spill."


Motohama let out a pleased groan while lying on the familiar bed.

"Yeah, this is the life."

While due to the Gamer's Body, it is virtually impossible for Motohama to ever get tired or injured
unless his HP or MP has reached an all-time low, the familiar comfort of the bed upon which he lay was one that brought a sense of emotional comfort.

No more lying on the hard ground with one eye open or spending the entire night hiding while holding his breath. While this was only temporary, Motohama wanted to just… Experience the life he had taken for granted.

Tomorrow, he would begin his plans.

"Hey, Motohama." Lying on a futon near the bed, Matsuda said in a somber tone. "This might just be me being stupid or something… But did something happen during those 10 days when you'd been missing?"

Motohama didn't turn to look at his friend, keeping his gaze on the ceiling, he said. "What do you mean by that?"

"Hah…" Matsuda let out a frustrated exhale.

"It's just that, well… You are like a totally different person. Yes, that's it. Your all actions feel kind of hollow - like you're just going with the flows. You didn't even show any reaction when I'd given you the Serara-tan AV you had always been hankering for! Come on, man. Do you know how weird it is to see you look at the AV like it's some kind of ordinary disc?"

Motohama huffed in amusement. "So, you suspected something had changed just because I didn't jump for joy when receiving a porn disc?"

"Am I wrong?"

Shaking his head, Motohama couldn't help but laugh. "Maybe. Maybe not. Does it even matter?"

"Of course, it does." Matsuda stood up to take a look at his friend, feeling a bit spooked at the blank look in his friend's eyes. "I'm sure even Issei would call you out on the way you're behaving right now… Motohama, did something happen during the past 10 days that you refused to tell your Dad and the cops?"

'What am I supposed to say?'

Motohama satirically thought,

'That the 10 days that you all thought that I'd been missing had actually been almost two months. Two months where I had been placed in some kind of Outlast x Agony x Resident Evil fun land with some special kind of individuals - who were Magicians, Yokais, Exorcists, and even Devils by the way. That everyday had been hell. That everyday I'd got to see someone die in a gruesome way. That I'd had to do things that I thought I would never do. That at the end of it all, the only reason I survived was all on the whim of that 'Bastard'. That the Motohama you knew had basically died when he had committed his first murder…'

It was all too easy to say those words – with the Gamer's Mind toggled OFF, there was nothing preventing the bubbling compulsion to just share what had happened during the past 1 and the half months. To at least, tell someone that the people he had gone through that hell with had existed at some point.

But Motohama wouldn't. Maybe in another World, if he had been granted powers comparable to those 'Longinus' that he had heard so much about. While objectively speaking the System too could also grant him that kind of power, the factor of if he could live long enough to grasp that kind of power is up to luck.

{'Hmm… Because you interest me Human, I'll give you 3 months. Get stronger in whatever way or form you like, and after 3 months. I'll be coming for you and all that you love… Show me if that mysterious providence that had carried you throughout this experiment of mine would save you from my hands.'}

Motohama let out a shaky breath.

'I've already wasted too much time as it is.'

Just spending the entire day doing nothing already tilts the balance in the enemy's favor.

Nevertheless, Motohama had decided to at least use this day to rest to see that the mundane life he had lived actually existed…

He wouldn't tell him. Motohama could not afford to drag Matsuda into this kind of world where the only requirement to actually survive is power.

"I'll tell you the same thing I told my Dad and the cops." Motohama looked at his friend straight in the eyes and lied. "I can't remember anything. Well, apart from entering a bus and then… Waking up in the hospital."

Matsuda regarded his spectacled friend for a minute before nodding in acquiescence. "Alright if you say so… Just know if anything pops up and you want to talk about it."

[Passive Skill (Lying) has gone up a Level: 55-56]

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Motohama waved his hand and turned around on his bed. "Just go to sleep."

"G'night, bastard."

"Same to you, bald bastard."

Name: Keisuke Motohama

Job: The Gamer

Species: Human

Level: 9 [Next Level: 40%]

Titles: Lucky Survivor/Perverted Scouter

HP: 750/750

MP: 450/450

STR: 15

VIT: 18

AGI: 16

INT: 17

WIS: 19

CHA: 9

LUC: 9 (10)

Skill Points: 20

Stats Points: 37

Money: 1000 ($)

ϞϞϞϞϞ-Passive Skills-ϞϞϞϞϞ

[Gamer's Body] (MAX)

[Gamer's Mind] (MAX)

[Low Mana Affinity] (MAX)

[Detect Bloodthrist] (20/50)

[Physical Endurance] (40/50)

[Lying] (56/100)

[Stealth] (60/100)

ϞϞϞϞϞ-Active Skills-ϞϞϞϞϞ

[Observe] (LV 29/50)

[ID Creation] (1/20)

[Unarmed Combat] (17/50)

[Foraging] (10/100)

[Skill: Mana Manipulation] (LV 15/50)
Last edited:
Seems pretty interesting, watched!
Oh btw you didn't threadmark your chapter :)
To be honest, you had my interest now you have my attention, because a non-self insert living character experiencing real growth and a member of the perverted trio, having some decent character depth take my views. and in all honesty, each member of the perverted trio just needs a real dose of terrifying reality to really put into perspective how wasteful their existence is. Now I'm not saying you have to throw all three of them into life-threatening dungeons, but I'm just saying.
To Bury the Past
Motohama woke up feeling refreshed (?).

[Gamer has rested: HP and MP fully restored!]

Among the various functions of this Game-like power of his, this would be among the top three.

As Motohama had realized based on reading the flavor of the ability and due to its practical application. It is virtually impossible for any form of injury to appear on Motohama due to the Gamer's Body – but even that had a certain threshold before such a boon fades away.

When Motohama's HP reaches a certain point -at most cases 50 HP- more and more injuries begins to appear on his body. There was the fact that while the injuries doesn't appear while his HP is at safe numbers, they still fucking hurt a lot.

At one time an arrow had been stuck in his eyes, even though Motohama had pulled it out and his HP had been thankfully filled, it had been damn agonizing. It was only due to the Gamer's Mind that Motohama been able to bear through the pain like it was nothing.
Not like he ever wants to experience such a thing ever again.

Such disconcerting functions had also been present in his MP too. Only in this case rather than injuries, it had been a nauseating lethargic feeling. This was even worse as rather than building up, it comes up suddenly, leading Motohama to always pay attention to any of the Magic and Esoteric Skills he uses so as not to be caught off guard.

Spying a look around just for safety measures, Motohama hopped off his bed, mindful not to step on the bald idiot sleeping on the futon.

"Today's a new day and my first day out of that hell." Motohama said, moving towards his windows and drew up his curtain spilling light into the room. "It's time to make it a fruitful one."

With his position facing the windows while keeping a side-eye on the other occupant, Motohama opened his System.

It was time to reap his rewards.

[Epic Quest (To Wield this Power)]

[Quest Flavor: Congratulations, you have won the Jackpot amongst Jackpot. You have been chosen amongst all other races to inherit the power of unlimited growth. King? God? Hero? Tyrant? It doesn't matter, the System will aid you in reaching the top—but first, you have got to prove that you are worth it.]

[Quest Content: Survive the 'Demon's Trial']

(Reward: 15,000 EXP, 20,000$, System Path Selection, Shop Option, Ability Book {Magic x2} {Physical x1})

(Failure/Refusal: Removal of System and death.).

[Quest Status: COMPLETE!]


Grunting, Motohama regarded the screen while internally sighing in relief.

This special 'System' hadn't appeared to Motohama at the beginning of the Demon's Trial. It had taken over a week. A week where the only thing Motohama had been good for was to be a goddamn parasite and luckily latch himself to a certain group of persons.

Motohama didn't tell anyone about the System because he didn't want to make them suspicious of him because of the suddenly gain of power that wasn't any kind of Sacred Gear (He'd asked). So he hid each and every of his nigh miraculous actions and escapes under being clever and stupidly lucky…

… In the end, it wasn't like he could hide it from her eyes for long.

The flashing image of a cherry hair girl made a lump appear in Motohama's throat.

"Dammit… Alright, alright. Now's not the time." Motohama tilted his head. "Don't want to wake Matsuda up because I'm sobbing like bitch."

[Epic Quest (To Wield this Power): Complete]

[Receive System Rewards: Yes/No]
"Yes, it's about time."

[You have been awarded with 15,000 EXP]
[Congratulations, you have Leveled Up!]
[Congratulations, you have Leveled Up!] [Congratulations, you have Leveled Up!] [Congratulations, you have Leveled Up!] [Congratulations, you have Leveled Up!] [Congratulations, you have Leveled Up!] [Congratulations, you have Leveled Up!] [Congratulations, you have Leveled Up!] [Congratulations, you have Leveled Up!]…

"Whoa…9 Level Ups. Expected more with 15,000 EXP. Haa… Then again, greediness won't do me any good. All things considered… I feel amazing."

Motohama could literally feel himself changing in accordance to the increase in Level Ups.

Looking around, Motohama realized that he was now seeing the room more clearly than before, despite the time being around 5:45 in the morning.

Putting his hands on his face, Motohama unsurprisingly sighed as he didn't feel his glasses. It had been quite a while since he had stopped needing them due to his VIT and CHA Stat having passed both 8 Stat accordingly as they govern his physical appearance.

With the average human Stat being 10, one would wonder what passing the 8 number actually means and what Motohama's original Stats were.

'Hah… I must have been quite an ugly sight to have my initial Charisma Stat at 2.'
Motohama snorted in a demeaning manner. 'No wonder the Kendo girls didn't appreciate my eyes wondering around.'

Not like he could honestly say the same now.
Just by performing a scouring observation, Motohama knew he had gained almost an inch in height. His muscles felt more… Compact, and pulling up his shirt revealed the formation of abdominal muscles.

'Wonder how I now look like in front of the mirror?' Motohama thought to himself. 'Probably wouldn't be able to recognize myself and I haven't even added my Stats Points.'

The reason why the spectacled—no, former spectacled boy had decided to have his upgrade done at this time was to take advantage of the narrative. With his growing Stats, it is beyond doubt that Motohama was going to be experiencing quite the changes in the future.

One that will surely catch the eyes of those around him.

So like now, Motohama would rather just say, 'Really? This is how I'd been yesterday, though.' Than to say. 'What are you talking about?' and start hollering in confusion…

"Now for the System Path thingy—"

Pausing, Motohama turned to regard the yawning Matsuda before closing the holographic screen. Moving towards the drawer to pick up his glasses, Motohama fixed them on and said. "… …Well, the morning's just starting anyway."


The morning began in a way Motohama hadn't seen in a while. Normal. No sudden eruptions or screeches in the dark nor sudden footsteps or guts raining on him…

Don't ask about the last part.

Anyways, all in all with Matsuda waking up, both boys commenced arranging their stuffs in preparation for the day. Motohama could sometimes feel the sight of his friend staring at him while letting out confused hums. It wasn't that surprising considering that he stood a tad bit taller now.

After finishing their preparations, both boys headed towards the dining where they meet with Chimon who actually did a small double take at the sight of his son. It was when they had begun their breakfast did the interrogations begin.

"Eh, Motohama…" Dad said tentatively, scrunching his eyes in bewilderment. "What happened?"

"Hah… Thank god it wasn't just me." Matsuda exhaled, finally letting out the words that had been bubbling within him. "I really thought I was the one going crazy. But now that Chimon-san too is just as confused I can come out and ask. What the hell happen last night, Motohama?"

"Hmm, what's wrong with the both of you this morning?" Motohama said in faux puzzlement. "You're both looking as if you've seen a ghost."

"Ghost… Well that's one way to put it, Motohama." Dad said, rubbing his stubble. "You well… Seem kind of different."

Matsuda nodded in agreement. "Yep. Uhm, how should I put it…? You look taller and more filled than yesterday."

Pouring out the cereal into his bowl, Motohama lethargically hummed.

"As the Christians say, 'Amen' to that. I don't know what's come over you both to say that I look different, but I'll just take that as a win and a sign that I'm becoming more handsome."

"Ha-Handsome?" To that, Matsuda sputtered indignantly. "Handsome isn't how I would describe it… You just 'seem' different. In fact, now that I look at it, you haven't really changed at all. It's probably because I'd been dead tired preparing for your welcome party that I didn't really take look at you properly. S'all!"

Motohama smirked.

"What's with all the defensiveness? Now you're just making me curious about how I look."

"Like a log wood wearing glasses."

"Screw you."

"Sorry, I don't do men."

"… … Alright, you got me."

Dad looked like he still had something to say, but then sighed and shake his head. "Matsuda is probably right… Maybe the stress really is getting to me."

[Passive Skill Gained: Acting] (1/20)

Internally heaving a sigh of relief, Motohama willed the prompt away while stifling the gnawing guilt.

This had not been the first time Motohama had lied to his father; whenever he needed money for his AV or mag collection, he lied. Whenever he wanted to go somewhere he knew Dad would never allow, he lied. Whenever Dad asks about his school matters, he lied.

That and many more, Motohama had lied to his Dad without any care. After it really hurts nobody. But the worried look his Dad had been showing him just now made Motohama's stomach feel like it had a lump.

Logically, Motohama knew he shouldn't be feeling this way as all this was for their own safety. However, that look in his Dad's eyes… He just didn't like it one bit.

'Dammit. I'll get stronger…' Motohama wordlessly promised. 'Strong enough to defeat that bastard. Strong enough to make sure that any of those supernatural stooges think twice before they try crossing me… Only then, I will tell him everything.'


Matsuda left some minutes after breakfast as he still had some business back at his house – probably to go babysit his 2 years old cousin. Motohama on the other hand had plans on what to do for the day…

And it did not concern the System.

Before Motohama decides to do anything on getting stronger, he had to do something he had sworn to do on the day he had escaped that hell.

Heck, Motohama could even call it a mission of his - one approved by the System.

So he had to go out—which his Dad least to say didn't look like he approved.

"Motohama, must you go out right now?" Dad said firmly with scrunched brows.

"Yeah, it's not like I'm heading far out. And I promise I won't take much time."

"Are you going to tell me what it is that you are going out to do that couldn't wait?"

"… …" Motohama kept mummed about it.

"Not really helping your case, son."

There was an unknown gleam in Dad's eyes like he was struggling to ask something but kept it to himself in sheer force of will.

Sighing, Dad rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Just… Remember to keep an eye on your phone. Just in case. I'll keep in touch from time to time."

"Thanks, Dad."

Smiling, Motohama nodded and turn to leave—only for his Dad to call him once more.


"Yeah." Motohama turned to glance at his father.

"Um, How about after you do whatever it is you want to do, we go on a little Father and Son trip?"

Rubbing the back of his head, Dad turned towards a section of the wall on which a particular picture hung.

"There's something I want to tell you… It concerns your mother and a certain something about her that you never knew."


Turning, Motohama regarded the hung picture which showed a pretty brown hair woman with ashen eyes smiling with Dad and himself as a child.

"Alright, I'll be back as soon as I can."

Nodding, Dad turned, heading towards his room. "Have a safe trip, Motohama."

"Yeah, I will, Dad."


Walking on the streets of Kuoh, Motohama looked around taking in the highlights of the residential district. The sight of people from his school frivolously strutting around didn't surprise Motohama as He had of Kuoh Academy sudden free week from Matsuda.

Anyways, the sight of boys hurrying to the arcade center while discussing about their favorite manga or game characters and girls chattering around as they prepare to head for either a shopping mall or their friend's house brought a melancholic smile to Motohama's face.

Motohama had never been part of this kind of crowd. Boobs, ass, the latest AV actress or cute idols…Those were the kind of things he liked. Keisuke Motohama, Kenji Matsuda, Hyoudou Issei; the Perverted Trio. Lovers of women, seeker of harems…

"Hah…" Dragging his hand across his hand across his face, Motohama groaned. "Who the hell am I kidding? I don't think I can look any hot lady and feel the same way I normally used to. Gamer's Mind or not."

Guts and psychopathic girls with knifes and swords are to blame…Don't ask.

Clicking his tongue, Motohama kicked away a tin can sending it sailing straight into the public dustbin. Pausing, dull eyes regarded the feat performed by enhanced physicals without any iota of emotion.

'Not like thinking about a girl's ass is going to help me survive fighting an Ultimate Class Devil.'

With a mental command, Motohama could end all this deliberating annoyance by activating his Gamer's Mind. However in doing so, Motohama would don on a more rational veil that borders extreme.

He prefers to think with his emotions—at least for now.

Passing by the bus stop sign, Motohama pulled up his hoodie and began jogging. Taking the bus would cut the journey by at least 30 minutes, so simply running would faster…

There was also the fact that Motohama didn't want to give himself any time to think…At least this way, he could spend time getting stronger.


[Passive Skill Gained: Body-Fitness] (4/20)

[Due to performance of strenuous activities, 3 to STR, VIT, and AGI]


Huffing, Motoham mentally willed his infinite hammerspace - a holographic screen which had items catalogued in compartmentalized cubes- into existence and pulled out an energy drink.

Upon drinking it, Motohama's body gave a bluish like glow as a System prompt appeared.

[Red-Bull Consumed: 20% VIT increase]

"Nice." Motohama quietly muttered as the feeling of fatigue swiftly vanished from his body.

This was another function of the Gamer's Body which makes every consumables provide a certain type of Buff or Debuff – the later can be done provided that Motohama eats something that is poisonous.

After drinking and chucking away the empty can, Motohama walked towards the edge of the cliff as he looked down at the beautiful view of flora and aesthetic houses that littered around the area.

Teetering around the outskirts of Kuoh's residential district, this was Motohama's personal spot known to only his Dad and now… 'Her'.

' Moto-kun.'

The memory of the white hair girl with ruby eyes flashed again prompting Motohama to clap his cheeks hard, even though he couldn't feel the pain and shook his head.

'Reminiscing about her isn't going to bring her back.' He chided himself. 'You've got to keep looking forward… That's what she would say.'

But the truth is that Motohama wasn't sure if he could ever be able to move forward without her.

This whole spectacle had occurred in the timeframe of 2 months -a month and the half if he is to be more specific. Compared to the 17 years Motohama had lived, 2 months was a pitiful number…

But what Motohama had experienced within that 2 months, made such a pitiable stretch seem infinitely bigger than the seventeen years of his life. Within that short timeframe, Motohama learned of anger, fear, dread, agony, pain, regret, hatred… Gratitude, solidarity, happiness, joy, and love.

Now, it was time to bury his past.

[Unique Chain Quest (To Bury the Past)]

[Quest Flavor: Against all odds, you have survived the Demon's Trial. A trial geared towards weeding out the weak and destruction of even the strong. But you didn't do it alone. You had help from many people of whom you have come to cherish and love… You alone have survived and now it is time to bury the dead]

[Quest Content: Bury the bodies or mementoes equivalent of your 'Second Family' at designated spots.]

(Reward: 2,000 EXP per burial, Unique Skill Book per Burial, Increased Reputation with ?, Legendary Trait per Burial, Lengendary equipment (x2), Map of ?)

(Failure/Refusal: Decreased Reputation with ?, Decreased Reputation with ?, Decreased Reputation with ?, Loss of ?)

[Quest Status: PENDING!]

In showery blue sparks, a shovel materialized on Motohama's hand. He had bought the said item from the System Store while jogging on the way here.

"Yeah, here will do."

Walking towards a specific spot, Motohama stabbed the shovel into the earth and began to dig wordlessly.
"Hey, Moto-kun. What do you plan to do when you leave this place?"

"You mean when WE leave this place, %$# *."

"Hehe… Oh, who cares about semantics? Tell me, Moto-kun. What you plan to do when you get out of here. And don't use that emotion muting thingy of yours to answer me."

"Ugh… Alright, just promise me that you won't laugh."

"I promise, Moto-kun."

"Ok… First up, I would like to introduce you to my pops."

"Isn't that a bit too quick, Moto-kun?"

"That's not it. You and my Dad are kind of similar, so I get the feeling that you're going to like him. There's also Matsuda and Issei—ugh, they're like the only friends I have, and also like me, they are lovers of the front and back… Now I'm not so enthused about you meeting them."

"… But the tone in your voice tells me that you are quite fond of them."

"Of course, they're my friends… Anyways, personally. I'll go the arcade center and spend at least the entire day gaming… There's also many anime I had been anticipating for quite a while, I'm sure it's already out by now, so I'll also do an anime marathon. And there's the beach plan for my summer break… Honestly, that's just about it. I don't really have much to do when I get out of here—but what about you, %$# *. What do you plan to do when you get out of this hellhole?"

"Me… Hmm, let's see… It's a secret."

"But I told you mine!"

"Well, yours is boring—well, apart from the beach trip. I've never been to one so that sounds like quite the adventure… Hmm, Moto-kun? Kya~ hahahaha… Sto-stop tickling meeeeee~"

"Ei! I told you mine so you're telling me yours whether you like it or not—huh, why are you running away? Get back here! You still haven't told me about your plans!"
Stabbing the shovel, Motohama sighed as he stood before his six foot handiwork.

Morbidly funny enough, the System Shop also had coffins for sale - not like Motohama knew why such an item was in the Shop in the first place. Nevertheless, he was immensely thankful as he could place her in the most 'comfy' casket he could buy.

After laying the coffin in the dug earth, Motohama felt his heart clench as he forced out the next words from lips.

"Inventory: Yuna."

Raising both hands, an outline of a human body manifested, gaining outline and then formed, landing on them. In the end, what Motohama held was the cold, unmoving body of a cherry hair girl.

"Haah…Yuna." Motohama hoarsely whispered.

Her beautiful form still looked as pristine… Still as beautiful—except for the large hole in her stomach. The wonders of the System Inventory which included stasis of Inventoried Items.

At least, Motohama could say his goodbyes while he can still see her like this.

"As I promised, this is my favorite spot."

Motohama gestured at the scenery. The spanning flora that reached into the horizon and aesthetic traditional buildings brought about the picturesque beauty of Kuoh.

"Beautiful right?" Motohama smiled sheepishly. "It was actually my mom that had introduced this place to me back when I was 8. Told me that she had found it by chance… Apart from myself and my Dad, you're the only one I have ever came to this place with… Romantic, right?"

Of course, Yuna didn't answer. She couldn't. But that didn't mean Motohama could not hear her cheerful reply.

"Nice one, Moto-kun. You know, if you could just keep your 'enthusiastic' urges to a bare minimum, you could be quite the ladies' man. You really know how to make a woman feel like a queen."

"Ladies' man? Heh… Hahahaha…" Laughing, Motohama shook his head. "I think you're the only one who can think of me like that"

Placing her in the casket, the next logical action would be closing it. But to Motohama, you might as well ask him to move a mountain.

"Whoo…" Lips dried, while Motohama felt like his throat was becoming parched. "This… This is really harder than I thought it would be."

The Screen instinctively flickered with the option [Gamer's Mind] showing itself like a demon's whisper. Just flip it on and everything would be—

"Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit." Motohama's eyes blurred with tears. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry. For being such a fucking coward."

Hitching his breath, Motohama slammed down the lid with a sob in his heart.

[Unique Chain Quest: To Bury the Past]

[Yuna Katase—Buried]

[System Reward: 2,000 EXP, Fairy Eyes {Unique Skill Book}, Silver Tongue {Legendary Trait}]

[Bonus Reward: Yuna's Scarf {Unique Equipment}, Star Compass {Relic Equipment}]

After filling the coffin, Motohama placed a tomb head Yuna's name etched on it.

(Yuna Katase. Cutest Singer. Survivor. Friend. Love)

"Yeah, that's about right." Motohama nodded to himself.

There were many other descriptions Motohama could have used to describe Yuna, but he felt that this was enough.

When the group that Motohama was in felt despair at the sudden situation being thrust at them, Yuna was the one who cheered us up with her singing. When someone gets left behind and everyone including himself was too much of coward to go rescue, Yuna would smile and do it herself.

Yuna's presence was probably the only reason Motohama had been able to survive, until he had activated the System.

"I'll make sure. No. I swear I'll make time to come visit." Rubbing the back of his neck, Motohama forced a smile, and said. "So goodbye for now… Yuna."

But just as Motohama turned to leave, he sudden heard it—the sound of branch breaking and a sharp intake of breath.

There was someone other than himself here.

[Equipped: Uncommon Equipment-Orc Greaves (3 to Strength)]

[Equipped: Uncommon Equipment-Dire-Wolf boots (4 to Agility)]

[Equipped: Uncommon Equipment-Diseased Twin Daggers (13% Poison Debuff)]

[For temporarily reaching the 25 threshold in STR (Strength) you have been granted the Strength Perk: Juggernaut I {False} (3 ton Joules)]

As soon as the weight of the Items settled on his body, Motohama instantly toggled on the Gamer's Mind, and slowly moved towards where the noise had come from.

Logically speaking, running away rather preparing for a fight would be the better option. Motohama did not know who or what could have made the noise. It could be some kind of wild animal or… Some sort of supernatural creature.

The fact that Motohama haven't been attacked means he either didn't interest the unknown being or the unknown being wasn't a malicious one.

So yes, logically, there was no reason for Motohama to investigate what had made the sound.


Glancing behind, Motohama regarded Yuna Katase's grave before steeling himself. For the mere fact that such a thing had occurred near Yuna's grave meant that Motohama couldn't ignore it.

Sighing, Motohama eyed his Stats for moment before deciding to spend 15 Stat Points to raise all of his lower Stats to the 25 threshold. Motohama didn't want to spend all his Stats Point for a false alarm and at the same time, didn't want to be caught unawares by unwanted surprises.

[For reaching the 25 threshold in STR (Strength) you have been granted the Strength Perk: Juggernaut I (6 ton Joules)]

[For reaching the 25 threshold in LUC (Luck) you have been granted the Luck Perk: Lucky Hands I (10% Providence Bonus)]

[For reaching the 25 threshold in CHA (Charisma) you have been granted the Charisma Perk: Fetching I (Tier I Body Deficiency Repair)]'

Ignoring the squirming of his body as it evolved once more, Motohama silently stored his glasses in his Inventory, narrowing his eyes while utilizing his Stealth Skill to make his footstep as light as possible.

Horrifyingly enough, the silence of the forest accompanied with Motohama's breathing made him to feel quite comfortable.

Marching in the direction of or away from the unknown dangers was the norm in the Demon's Trials. The fact that he woke up this morning and hadn't spied around his surroundings took an uncomfortable amount of self-control.

Now, it feels like Motohama was falling back into the hell he knew so much.

[Passive Skill: Stealth has Leveled Up (60-62/100)]

'It's about time.' Motohama muttered.

Using the underbrush and trees as cover, Motohama crept towards the source of the noise while taking care to give his surroundings an onceover. It wouldn't do any good to be caught unawares – for all Motohama knew this could be a trap.

'I'll add 5 more points to both Agility and Vitality just in case.'

Soon enough, Motohama arrived at the source or rather the one who could have been the source.

Slouched against a tree over 23 meters away, Motohama's eyesight picked up a human (?) form dressed in rags breathing heavily. Even with an enhanced eyesight, Motohama couldn't say for sure if the being lain against the tree is either male or female…

…Or even human at all.

The fact that the being wasn't moving meant it was either too tired to move or it is waiting for an idiot to come close for it to pounce on. Motohama had seen it happened many times in the Demon's Trial - it was the favorite strategy of Monsters or Stray Devils.

'Well, if it's a waiting game it wants.'

Motohama lips stretched into a thin line, perching where he crouched.

'Then I'll play its game.'


Over 4 hours had passed since Motohama had remained at his spot, keeping an eye on the prone probably unconscious unknown before him.

Due to the Gamer's Mind, it is impossible for Motohama to feel emotions like impatience or weariness which is why he could remain in this particular spot for as long as possible.

Although at this moment, Motohama wondered if he should still keep on hiding.

The issue of this being a trap didn't seem quite feasible after the hour mark had passed. Monsters or even Stray Devils are not the patient type. The unknown creature didn't seem to be hibernating due to its occasional shivering.

'Maybe just maybe I shouldn't involve myself.' Motohama thought—but at moment, he remembered her words.

"It's not wrong to help people, Moto-kun."

"Tch." Motohama clicked his tongue.
Standing up from his position, Motohama slowly made his way to the unknown creature only to see—

"A girl… Huh. Why am I somehow not surprised?"

The girl was pretty - a tad bit prettier than Asia-chan. Strangely enough, the girl also didn't look like a Japanese, more like a Eurasian, if Motohama had to give his opinion.

Standing some paces away, Motohama Observed her, and boy was he surprised on what he had discovered.

Clare LV 48
[Claymore Apprentice]

'Shit. Level 48?! She's like the third person I've seen except for that silver hair Devil bastard.'

Motohama couldn't even see that one's information.

Shaking his head, Motohama was at lost on what to do with the unconscious girl.

Motohama had learned from the Demon's Trial that Levels does not necessarily equate to power, but it still meant that there something exceptional about this Clare that made her power equivalent to a LV 48 Claymore Apprentice.

'Not like I know what that even means.'

The girl's body minutely shook tensing Motohama, before he calmed down in realization that the girl was actually crying while still unconscious.

Gritting his teeth, Motohama ignored the instinctual urge to just leave the girl and drew closer. After prodding the unconscious girl with the flat side of his dagger to make sure that she was really asleep. Motohama groaned and carried her as he then heard her sobbing whispers.

"I'm sorry, Teresa. Please don't leave me… Mama."

"It's not wrong to help people, Moto-kun."

"Urgh…" Motohama grimaced as he carried the rag clad girl with a groan. "I really hope that I don't regret this."

Gamer's Stats

Name: Keisuke Motohama

Job: The Gamer

Species: Human

Level: 18 [Next Level: 65%]

Titles: Lucky Survivor/Perverted Scouter

HP: 1,700/1,700

MP: 900/900

STR: 25

VIT: 37

AGI: 30

INT: 26

WIS: 28

CHA: 25

LUC: 25 (10)

Stats Points: 57

Money: 9,500 ($)

ϞϞϞϞϞ-Passive Skills-ϞϞϞϞϞ

[Gamer's Body] (MAX)

[Gamer's Mind] (MAX)

[Low Mana Affinity] (MAX)

[Detect Bloodthrist] (20/50)

[Physical Endurance] (40/100)

[Lying] (56/100)

[Stealth] (62/100)

[Acting] (1/20)

[Body Fitness] (5/20)

ϞϞϞϞϞ-Active Skills-ϞϞϞϞϞ

[Observe] (29/50)

[ID Creation] (1/50)

[Unarmed Combat] (22/50)

[Foraging] (10/100)

[Skill: Mana Manipulation] (LV 30/50)

Stat Perks

[VIT: Regenerator I (10% increase in HP regeneration)]

[STR: Juggernaut I (6 ton Joules)]

[AGI: Fleet I (10% Speed Increase)]

[INT: Brainy I (10% in MP regeneration)]

[WIS: Thought Augmentation I (10% Abilities & Skills Increase)]

[CHA: Fetching I (Tier I Body Deficiency Repair)]

[LUC: Lucky Hands I (10% Providence Bonus)]


[Legendary: Silver Tongue]


[Power Strike] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (18/50)

[Power Sprint] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (20/50)

[Power Jump] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (12/50)

[Mana Shield] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (16/20)

[Earth Shift] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (9/20)

Author's Note,

Yes to those that realize the character I'm using Clare is from Claymore, which means that I'll be using some characters from the Claymore manga.

One is that their characters could fit into the DxD world with the Church's Holy Sword and Siegfried Hero project. Two the characters aren't too powerful enough (apart from their absurd speeds) to make much of a divergence.
So I won't be making them the big bads—except I do have something for Priscilla and the other Abysmal Ones.

P.S: Should I create an extra chapter to explain the Motohama's Stats or should I just be slowly inputting them as the story goes on
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I do hope you try to make your main character at level with some of the threats that approach as having an under level the gamer does get old decently quickly, but I do understand that it is hard to strike a balance between at level or overpowered when it comes to a gaming system And I do appreciate the personal touch with the backstory loss is a hard thing to get past.
Interesting choice of a protagonist.

However, I think you overused the Gamer mechanism. In all gamer fics, I have read and that includes the original. The gamer skill just ends up becoming "whatever asspull I want technique" after a while. It's also boring as fuck to read all those gamer perks and skill that stops being meaningful a couple of chapters later.

Anyway nice opening. Good luck.
To be honest, you had my interest now you have my attention, because a non-self insert living character experiencing real growth and a member of the perverted trio, having some decent character depth take my views. and in all honesty, each member of the perverted trio just needs a real dose of terrifying reality to really put into perspective how wasteful their existence is. Now I'm not saying you have to throw all three of them into life-threatening dungeons, but I'm just saying.

not sure this is supposed to be threadmarked
Great start, although wasn't the low mana affinity skill maxed out before?
this definitely has potential. Im definitely gonna be checking up on this in the future. I especially cant wait till he finds out about issei.
its petty but i also hope motohama gets to one up issei and clown on him since i hate him.
Why is motohama's dad calling him by their family name? That is only for acquaintance,friends or some random people, the people that are close like family, best friend and lover call each other by their first name (exception for calling the parents by their name) anyway I am saying this because dxd is set in Japan so it should've followed the same behavior as is normal to japanese people. Reading motohama's dad calling his son by their family name is kinda weird.
This must be a glitch in the matrix. A SFW DxD fic?
Interesting choice of a protagonist.

However, I think you overused the Gamer mechanism. In all gamer fics, I have read and that includes the original. The gamer skill just ends up becoming "whatever asspull I want technique" after a while. It's also boring as fuck to read all those gamer perks and skill that stops being meaningful a couple of chapters later.

Anyway nice opening. Good luck.
On top of that even the overpowered gamers they all have a drop off points in which all the stats basically just stall off and just won't increase very fast. Time and time again I have seen it. It's how they artificially limit their character.
Also this is a rare crossover with claymore. Which is frankly my favorite anime.
A Heartfelt Discussion and Resolution (Part I)
"Um, Dad… About that excursion we'd planned this morning… Can we postpone it for another time?"

Motohama began, one leg nervously tapping the ground as he relaxed against the constructed structure at the Bus Stop.

Due to his gaining of the System as well as his physique enhancement, there was no need for Motohama to wait for the bus—after all, he was most certainly faster than any normal transport vehicle.

But unfortunately, as a result of certain unforeseen circumstances, Motohama came into the conclusion that running at speeds faster than a sports car while carrying a girl would seem unsavory to bystanders.

At the other side of the phone, his Dad's reply carried a bemusing tone.

"Hmm? Did something happen to you? Tell me where you are so that I'll come get you."

"No, need for that." Motohama hastily replied. "Well something did happen—only that it didn't affect me directly…"

Pausing to sigh, Motohama turned back to observe the girl who was currently devouring a mountain of snacks.

Short untamed whitish-blonde hair coupled with a pretty face made the girl to be quite the attraction—although, Motohama had this feeling that she would had still been an attraction seeing how desperately she was eating.
Must be really hungry, huh… Well, he could relate.

She really is quite the mystery, this Clare, girl—and Motohama wasn't ready to deal with mysteries considering that the kind of trouble she could bring into his life.

'I already have too much on my plate, thank you very much.'

"Motohama? Hello, can you hear me."

Chimon's voice pulled Motohama out of his revelry as he apologetically replied. "Yeah, sorry about that... So about the excursion that we planned?"

"Hah… Since you feel that you aren't ready for it then let's postpone it. But I want you to tell me why."

"Yeah, I will. Let me just get home first."

"Well, till you get back, son."

After pocketing his phone, Motohama ran a hand across his face letting out a (psychosomatic) groan.

With his HP and MP gauge still filled up, it is nigh-impossible for him to get tired. But that didn't account for the emotional aspects—the [Gamer's Mind] could actually mute all feelings of tiredness, but Motohama didn't want to utilize it now due to how Monkey Paw-lite if felt… And also, using the [Gamer's Mind] kinds of feel like running away...

'And that's not happening in my case.' Motohama wearily thought.

Walking over and taking a seat beside the preoccupied girl, Motohama cleared his throat—only to pause in surprise as the girl shifted her hands protectively over the snacks.

Raising a brow, Motohama said, "I don't want your food so no need for that."

The girl regarded him for a moment before nodding in acquiescence. "... Ok."

... And went straight back to eating.

'Damn, she's literally my age but somehow she behaves more like a child.' Motohama internally commented.

With the decision to wait for the girl to be done with her eating, Motohama inspected the girl while internally grateful that he had given her a set of clothes to change in as the rags she had originally been wearing was revealing some R18 body parts.

Considering the fact that such a thing does not excite Motohama anymore, letting her walk alongside him with her legs and breasts kind of visible was only asking for trouble.

It would be better that she should just be considered as a foreigner.

Soon enough, the girl was done. Coughing to gain attention once again, Motohama said. "Now that you're done with eating, can you tell me what your name is and why were you in laying there in the forest like that?"

The girl stared at Motohama for a moment and lightly dipped her head.

"Thank you for the food."

Motohama blinked. 'Well, I didn't expect her to start with that.'

Shaking his head, the Gamer said, "No probs, really. But about my question—"

"Oh right..." The girl lightly nodded. "I am Clare; Just Clare. And as for why I was in the forest... I am running away from a really bad organization."


It took an enormous force of will to not just raise his hands and shout that, 'The one time I decide to go and do good—I fucking bring down trouble on my head.'

'And an organization, that's what she said right. As in a society of people.' Motohama thought, 'This is bad... Really bad. Godammit!'

To make matters worse, there is no way something this interesting hasn't stirred up that yet.


[Heroic Chain Quest (CLAYMORE!)]

That was the clincher...

"Ok, fuck this!"

Unable to keep his calm, Motohama stood up with a roar. It seems like that had given Clare quite the jump because she had scooted back to the edge of the seat at an inhumane speed.

'Shit.' Motohama internally cursed.

Coughing, Motohama sat back down and pinched himself hard on his cheeks. No, it wasn't that Motohama felt the pain -he just felt the need to reprimand himself. It was in situations like this that [Gamer's Mind] needed to be toggled on... Even though he still feels uncomfortable doing so.

[Gamer's Mind] (Toggled On)

Towards Clare, Motohama asked, "So can I ask why you're being chased?"

"No." Clare chirpily replied. "Mama said I shouldn't tell anyone about it, that it'll make them want my body even more..."

For once, even with the [Gamer's Mind] effect, Motohama was stomped. Eyeing Clare up and down, Motohama could admit that she was beautiful.

But that was it.

'Would have to be something about that [Claymore Apprentice] Class. Feels kind of like a Witch Hunter Class or something.'

But then again, if Clare had no intention of telling Motohama, he would be fine with her decision.

Motohama wasn't that enthused to know either. He only has about three months to get a plan together for someone who could vaporize mountains as collateral.

Precarious isn't enough to describe the kind of shit that Motohama was in. After all, he had already done his best; gave her food and clothing, he even intended to check her into a hotel to put a roof over her head –what? One can't honestly expect him to bring an unknown and admitably dangerous girl back to his house.

There is a big difference between courting death and banging in front of its door to open up.

The damn System should even reward him for going out of his way like this!

Dismissing the screen, Motohama stubbornly shook his head.

'In another universe or any alternate reality out there, I would have been the first to shout out how this is my time to be the protagonist with my first heroine... But the me of now is unfortunately just going to pass.'


"Hey, how about you come with us? People like us got to stick together, eh."


Unconsciously, Motohama's fists clenched till his hands turned white. The memory that flashed Motohama wasn't of Yuna. No, the image was of an elderly dark skin man -a foreigner.

It was on the second day of the Demon Trials, Motohama had been spending his time running from everything that seemed to breathe, because they were all out to kill him. Motohama had been dead tired and hungry, in fact, he had been contemplating on eating grasses, when the man who was his savior had come to him.

The man was a priest, one who worshipped the Christian God -who is also real by the way.

He was kind of an oddball seeing that he even let Devils -not the crazy ones- into the group. But Motohama couldn't deny that there was no greater man than him.


"Um, I just want to say thank you... Thank you for saving me back then. If it weren't for you I'm quite sure I would have died that day."

"Hmmm—it's nothing, son. I may not seem much, but I am a Priest. One whose oaths includes following the steps that my Lord, Jesus has shown me and helping you is one of them. And besides, I want to believe that what I did isn't something that cannot be replicated... If everyone can just extend a hand to those in need, I believe the world would surely be safer place and things like this won't have to happen."

"… …You know what Father, I'll be sure to show the same kindness you've shown me to someone else. Not because of some duty, but because it's the right thing to do."

"Hohohohoho... Then I'm glad."


[Guilt lessened by Gamer's Mind]

Brows scrunched and eyes unfocused, Motohama gritted his teeth as the rising feeling of guilt appeared and vanished like it wasn't there before.

'Seriously,' Motohama huffed. 'What a fucking Monkey Paw ability.'

Ears lightly twitched as Motohama picked up the sound of the bus coming. Sighing, the Gamer reclined back clicking his lips as he recognized the signs of an incoming rain.

"... I got to bury the girl that I love and break an important promise that I'd made in the same day." Motohama muttered, "Seriously, nice going me."


Clare, who had been focused on eating a chocolate bar tilted her head at Motohama with a hum. But Motohama shook his hand gesturing at her to continue her eating.

The sound of the bus prompted Motohama to sit up and run a hand over face.

"Let's just get this over with."


After dropping the telephone back, Chimon reclined back on his chair with a sigh and then eyed the family picture of years ago framed on the wall beside him -one that showed him standing beside his wife with a smile and his son, Motohama beaming at the camera with a peace sign.

"Things has really changed since you had left us... Hina." Chimon forlornly muttered, before shaking his head.

"Or should I say that I'm the one who's changed the most since you had been taken from us. Motohama really tried, you know. I could really see that he was hurting but he still forced a smile because he wanted things to still be like it has always been… But what did I do? I ran to my work, burying my grief in papers while neglecting him—our Moto-kun when he needed me the most."

Gritting his teeth, Chimon welcomed that heavy lump that his stomach felt. At this point, he knew that it was too late for him to fix anything. Years had gone by as both he and his son had been living in this house in a strange cadence.
It wasn't like they were living like strangers. But rather, Chimon's proper lack of involvement in Motohama's life had led to him sometimes seeing some of his son habits as a surprise.

"God, I really am a failure as a Father." Chimon muttered to woman in the photograph. "Yeah, I'm quite sure you would first nag my ears, then give me the cold shoulder and then... And then, you'll do whatever it takes to mend back the bridge."

His hand slowly traced the symbol of a Phoenix on a seemingly wooden box. It seem to give off an otherworldly feel to it while the symbol on it glowed at sporadic intervals.

"I'll do this right, Darling." Chimon said to his wife in determination. "I might not be the greatest Dad... But that doesn't mean I won't try my best to be there for our son."


Upon entering the house, Motohama clicked his tongue as the warning sound of thunder boomed overhead. It seems like he was safe from the rain or rather, the fog it brought.

Exhaling, Motohama turned to the house—only to find it eerily quiet.

Blue light particles faintly gathered around his hands as Motohama called out. "Dad... You home?"

"Yeah, I'm in my room..."

Motohama sighed in relief as the light arounds his fists died out. Before he could speak out a reply, his Dad's voice continued on.

"You know what? Now that you're here come over. I've got something I want to show you."

"Eh… I mean well, alright." Motohama replied in faint shock. "I'm heading up."

Marching up the stairs, Motohama could only feel surprise coursing through him as he was for the first time in over a decade plus, that he was entering his Parents room.

It was sometime after his Mom died—Motohama's Dad had instructed him not to enter his room ever again.

Motohama could still remember the words and the eeriness that they carried.


"Motohama... You can do whatever the hell it is that you like. Go wherever you want to go—I won't stop you. It's your right. But from now on, don't ever enter my room again. You got that."


Motohama shivered while keeping on his gait.

"Brr—that was quite the experience."

It was at the opposite side of the house, the second door in the hallway, Dad's room remained still. As Motohama stood in front of it, he idly wondered why was it that even though his Dad had told him not to enter he didn't disobey and
enter anyway.

'It's not like I was the brightest at the time nor was I the obedient one…' Motohama thought to himself. 'So why the fuck did I not enter—could have been the question I would be asking myself. But now I know.'

[Nervousness lessened due to Gamer's Mind]

'It's this damn heaviness I always feel when I try turning the doorknob.'

Even now, Motohama could still feel that heaviness pressing him—like the air was thick or something like that. Although, due to the [Gamer's Mind] it now felt negligent.

Opening the door, Motohama entered a room that stirred up memories of over a decade plus. The room still looked the same as Motohama had last seen it; the placement of furniture, the tilted slant of his Dad and Mom's marriage
picture—heck, even the color of the bedspread; a yellow with lime polka dots was lain spread out.


It was indeed eerie, although honestly, Motohama couldn't bring himself to feel creeped out. After all, despite how the room kept its resemblance of over a decade plus. It was mighty obvious that there was something missing in it.

Mom was missing in it.

"Ah, you've arrived... Well, come sit." Sited on the chair some distance away from the bed, Dad called out, gesturing at the chair at the opposite side of the table. "We've got a lot to talk about."

'Dad... He feels different.' Motohama thought. Deploying his Observe, still revealed the same information Motohama has seen this morning, and that brought him a modicum of calmness.

As Motohama made his way to his seat, he figured out whatever it is that brought about this... Well—change in his Dad, he would find out soon enough.

As Motohama sat down, he couldn't help feeling conscious as his Dad's eyes followed his every movement.

'Alright, now I'm feeling creeped out.' Motohama thought to himself, and just as he was about to ask about what his Dad had called him for—a sudden bombshell was thrown at him.

"How long has it been since you had unlocked your magic?" Dad suddenly asked.

"... ... ... What?" Motohama blinked, the weight and consequences behind asking such a question still hadn't caught up to him. "Wha-What are you talking about?"

[Stupefaction mitigated by Gamer's Mind]

'Wait, calm down Motohama. Maybe, you didn't hear what Dad just said' Motohama thought to himself. Although, the look in his Dad's eyes stirred up unease in his heart.

'Surely, I must have heard wrong… Right?'

But before Motohama's self-denial could continue any further, Dad slowly raised a hand and the ambient temperature minutely chilled down.

A fist size magic circle sprang above his palm, and what manifested above the said magic circle was a glob of ice the size of a basket.

Ignoring Motohama's stunned look, the ice of Dad's hand wriggled and changed shape—sometimes taking the image of a bird, airplane, lion, dragon, before it finally settled down on a figurine of his Mom.

"Took me months before I was finally able to manipulate this amount of ice perfectly..." Dad said, letting out a light pant. "Not like it matters considering my below average talent in magic. Your Mom is certainly better at this than me."

Blinking, Motohama pulled up the Observe—only to note in surprise (again) that Dad's information had a new or rather, sudden information added to it.

Keisuke Chimon LV12 (LV9) {New!}

[Office Worker] ([Neophyte Soul Magister])

"Soul Magister? What's that?" Motohama muttered—only for him to clasp a hand over his mouth in shock. "I did not just say that out loud, did I?"

With a faint look of bemusement, Dad said. "Yes, you did... And Soul Magister... How do you know that term? The number of people who could call themselves that on this Planet were two in number. One is dead while the other is just a sham."

Resting both elbows on the table, Motohama pinched the bridge of his nose as he let out a groan. "So you're telling me that all my lies this morning had been for nothing? That you already knew something was up all this time?"

Dad laughed, "Well, I had my suspicions even back at the hospital. And the way you look like now—it's clearly not puberty that's for sure. So son, can you tell me what exactly happened those ten days you had been missing?"

Sighing, Motohama rubbed his brows as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. Regarding his Dad in a new light, the Gamer couldn't help but find it surprising that he had spent over 16 years plus leaving with him and up till now, there hadn't been any modicum of suspicion raised in him concerning his Dad's supernatural status.

'And the fact that he originally wanted to tell me about Mom meant that her death has something to do with that Soul Magister Class...'

[1 to Wisdom due to an apt deduction]

The thought that Mom's death might not have been an accident after all made Motohama's blood to boil in fury.

[Rage lessened by Gamer's Mind]

Exhaling his frustration away, Motohama began.

"Alright... I suppose there's no need for me to be so secretive, since you're already a part of this supernatural world... Well, first of all, I wasn't missing for 10 days. It was almost 2 months..."

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