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Oh yeah, should share that as well. Here things I put to SB about the new Q&A with Justin.

Maragas said:
So...Justin Achilli had a Q&A about W5. Here is a docs link to it.

I have many things to say about it but I do not want to color your views before reading it nor do I have the time for it.

Knightingale from the Onyx forums also made notes on it:

  • Q1: What is WtA?
  • Garou are werewolves and what makes them special is their spiritual side
  • But you're also a creature of rage
  • Spirit-world is part of the game and interaction with spirits is important
  • Genesis of Garou is to fight for Gaia
  • Gaia is dead or dying
  • World is in a state of apocalypse and the reason for that is human greed
  • Humans have abused Gaia for their own profit
  • Werewolves as Gaia's original chosen warriors fight back against that
  • A lot of werewolves believe that the war is lost
  • But many battles can still be fought and that is what W5 is about
  • Outstar comment: Unlike previous editions, this one is in the age of apocalypse and the fifth edition is going back to the roots in what the original game-splats were about
  • Q2: But it also brings the game into the modern age and to a modern audience, so how does W5 show that?
  • W5 makes a clean break with legacy-editions
  • Intention to refocus on a personal, street-level presentation
  • Which is why in W5 the apocalypse is happening
  • Previously you fought to avert the apocalypse and there was this grand, almost legendary, heroic, epic style of "We're going to fight for the sake of the world!"
  • But that makes it difficult to keep a very personal focus
  • You can have personal stories in that mode too but you partake in this grand, epic fantasy to save the world
  • But if you look at the world outside you see that humanity is in dire straits
  • Young werewolves have to deal with becoming werewolves and the fact that the world is doomed
  • And because of that individual choices become more important
  • Werewolves don't know how much time is left before the world truly ends
  • Q3: Is 5th​ edition/W5 more like a reboot?
  • Justin: Absolutely
  • Wants to go back to 1st​ edition
  • Garou are warriors for Gaia
  • Werewolves are opposed to
  • Cosmology of the spirit-world: You've got three entities who aren't exactly spirits, more like demiurges, forces of nature
  • Wyld: sense of creation, raw creation, chaos,
  • Weaver: order, law, stasis
  • Wyrm: collapse, decay, corruption
  • There's a cosmological cycle to the world
  • In the apocalypse of W5 the Wyrm is ascendant
  • One reason is that people exploit the earth
  • The cycle is out of balance like the rich get richer, people with connections can build more connections
  • Once you start taking, you can't stop and that has elevated the Wyrm
  • Weaver tries to put the Wyrm in check but it's not the Garou's friend
  • Weaver putting order on things and fence things in
  • Wyld also no friend to Garou
  • Weaver and Wyrm are overclocked and try to crush Wyld
  • All three threaten Gaia
  • Q4: How does this play in the game?
  • You the werewolf have to figure this out
  • For example, there's no more gift like "Sense Wyrm"
  • There's no power that can objectively tell you what is wyrm-tainted
  • You're supposed to figure it out from the clues
  • Is this disease-spirt a Wyld-spirit or a Wyrm-spirit, for example
  • Q5: V5 and H5 are focusing on young Vampires and young Hunters, does W5 play in a similar way? How do young Werewolves learn about the cosmology, for example?
  • Even though the apocalypse has happened, there are elder Garou out there
  • Young Garou resent older Garou because "if you had done your fucking job, we wouldn't be in this situation."
  • There are tensions between age-groups
  • Finding a mentor important to young garou to understand legacy, though
  • But it's a warrior-culture, a might-makes-right-culture and it leans into authoritarianism
  • Older Garou are like "you have to do it our way." And believe they can turn things around.
  • The culture is important, though, in making sure you're not just a rage-filled monster (like wights in Vampire)
  • Or the truth about the universe could send you into a state called Harano (which is essentially heavy depression)
  • Q6: Even though you fight for the betterment of the world, you are still a monster, you're not a hero.
  • You're not playing the good guys
  • You're the protagonist
  • The cause of Gaia is righteous
  • Touchstones could get hurt because of the Rage
  • Q7: What concepts are there that 5th​ edition players would be familiar with?
  • Touchstones are there to bring down the Rage and will help you restore Willpower
  • There are Loresheets in W5
  • They're still working on figuring out what they exactly are
  • Loresheets could be Camps or traditions/groups/subsets of Tribes
  • Or you may know something about the antagonists
  • You may have been a Get of Fenris and once that Tribe has gone off-the-rails you may have left the Tribe
  • You may know stuff about the Black Spiral Dancers (who have given themselves over to the Wyrm)
  • A lot of Werewolf vs Werewolf conflict in W5 (which fell by the wayside in legacy-editions sometimes)
  • Rage-dice analogous to V5 Hunger-dice
  • Q7: What did playtests tell you about where you want to take the game?
  • Werewolves are volatile creatures of rage
  • If systems get too complex, you might lose the feeling of how a werewolf can just explode with rage
  • Werewolf most combat-oriented and therefore they should feel powerful
  • The base combat-system of H5 is kept but Werewolves have more options in augmenting their power through Gifts and Rites (that are performed by the pack)
  • But it shouldn't feel like a min-maxing tactical exercise
  • Q8: What are the most fundamental changes to W5 compared to previous editions? (And this is about the two recent blog-posts on world-of-darkness.com)
  • Tribe is what you do: For example, Bone Gnawer is gathering secrets, testing taboos is Ghost Council, fight injustice is Black Furies
  • Auspice is your moonsign… (the connection got lost there, so the answer couldn't be heard)
  • Breed isn't part of the game
  • Main-thing is to build Renown (relationship with spirits and other Garou)
  • Q9: How do you become a Werewolf?
  • Nobody knows, Werewolves just emerge (which is a huge change for W5)
  • Part of Pack-duties is to look for "Kin" (people who have potential to become werewolves but don't know that yet)
  • There are special abilities for that but you can also look for clues like anger-issues
  • But there's no discernible rhyme or reason to this
  • Get and Black Spiral Dancers are also looking for Kin
  • Packs also compete over Kin
  • Kin who never find their mentors or reject Garou can become these rage-filled monsters
  • And there's another type of Kin, for example, who somehow managed to get into the Umbra but couldn't find their way back, starve and then turn into a ravenous spirit
  • But the First Change can be triggered by a traumatic event, so a Pack might decide to push a Kin into trouble to trigger the change
  • There's a subsection in "Being a werewolf" for each Tribe, for example, Red Talons say "Gaia chooses, that's it.", others says "You find your spiritual calling through meditation and individual alignment with particular beliefs."
  • Q10: Tribe is not like a Vampire-Clan in that it's forever tied to a character, so how does that work?
  • The way Tribe works is another mystery to Garou
  • You may feel that it's predetermined, a kind of calling even before the First Change
  • For example, you may have this feeling to fight injustice and therefore become a Black Fury
  • Or after the First Change, you may have your moment of clarity and then become a Black Fury
  • You pledge to a Tribe, it's not innate
  • Q11: What about the Umbra?
  • That is another mystery to the Garou, they don't know exactly how it works
  • It's a shadow-reflection of the world
  • But something can only be reflected in the Umbra if people care about it emotionally
  • For example, if there's an oil-spill and the animals that are trapped in it are suffering – that's going to be reflected in the Umbra
  • Umbra doesn't align with the physical geography of the real world
  • Thoughts and emotions are more important
  • Umbra isn't hostile to Garou but it's unpredictable
  • If a pharma-corporation is poisoning people, then there's a reflection of that in the Umbra
  • ST-tool to create a world of metaphor
  • Q12: What about the Patron-Spirit?
  • You pledge to a Patron-spirit and then inherit the other people who pledged to that spirit and that's what creates the Tribe
  • Through the Patron-Spirit the social structure of the Tribe emerges
  • The PS grants you Gifts but not the powers themselves but rather access to spirits who align with the PS and those spirits then grant the Gifts
  • Like "Oh, you're one of Stag's brood, let me give you this power."
  • PS gives a Favor and a Ban
  • Favor something that you're good at additionally
  • Ban a behavior-code that the Patron-Spirit expects from the Garou
  • But the PS of the pack doesn't have to relate to the Tribes (but Justin Achilli & co are still working out how this could work)
  • And this pack spirit could then help the entire pack rather than PS only helping individual Garou
  • Q13: How do Rites and Gifts work? (But development-wise this is still a work-in-progress)
  • Gifts are finite, short-term special abilities (like Disciplines in V5 or Edges in H5)
  • Like turn your claws to silver, make yourself difficult to see
  • You call on a spirit to do something for you
  • Garou are societal people but in W5 the Garou-Nation has been torn apart
  • Rites are rituals performed by a gathering of multiple Garou which gives all attendees benefits
  • They get easier to do the more people are doing them
  • But there's a risk: The more Garou are together the bigger the risk of one of them freaking out and losing themselves to the Rage
(There's talk here about the process of getting an RPG-book from idea to finished, physical copy… nothing too illuminating particularly about W5 is said here)
  • Q14: How does the diversity-consulting work?
  • Early on before the outline, they talked to Native American diversity consultaants
  • For example, the word "savage" won't appear in W5
  • After the book is finished Justin & co it will go to an editor and then to a diversity-consultant who will also proofread it
  • The diversity-consultant is not there to say "You can't do this!" but to interrogate what the developers are going for and how best to present that
  • Q15: What is the scope of W5? What about places where wolves naturally don't exist?
  • W5 assumes majority of Garou are Homid (Human-born), so anywhere where people are, there can be werewolves
  • In future supplements particular indigenous animal populations and local cultures that resonate with werewolves may be explored
  • There's also another set of antagonists in the corebook, like for example, raven-shifters or spider-shifters
  • And in future books things like the Gurahl (the werebears) may be introduced
  • Q16: What are the antagonists of W5 like?
  • Antagonist-chapter currently 26.5k words
  • The antagonist-descriptions are more concise compared to H5
  • A lot of spirit-antagonists
  • Gaia-spirits can also be antagonists
  • Human and animal hosts can be invaded by a spirit and become antagonists
  • If it happens in the longterm, they're called Formori, in the short-term it's possession
  • Werewolves also antagonists like BSD
  • The Get of Fenris used to be a good Tribe but they pursued their own goals and got so lost in it that they split from the Garou-Nation
  • They represent Haglust, driven by Rage and are very fanatical in their crusade against the Wyrm (kind of a "If you're not with me, you're against me."-vibe plus rage-induced paranoia)
  • Stargazers are also in the antagonist-section but they're more like an enigmatic ally
  • Once they were part of the Garou-Nation but lost faith in it and sought alliances with other shapeshifters
  • Vampires, mages, changelings, mortals are also represented
  • Mortals can become obstacles to saving Gaia like police, soldiers or members of the PMC by being exploiters or agents of state-violence
  • Criminals or a priest could become obstacles
  • Q17: What is the role/position of vampires in W5?
  • They aren't necessarily of the Wyrm anymore but that's because in W5 there's no objective way to determine if something is "Wyrm-tainted", for example.
  • Vampires may associate with a company that supports the Wyrm's agenda
  • But they aren't inherently antagonistic
  • It always has to be decided on a case-by-case basis in W5
  • All WOD5E games are just looking at the same core through different lense

All I am going to say this: Man, Get of Fenrir was right to leave if these are the new Werewolfs.
Also, RIP Kinfolk.


Maragas said:
Fuck, I am actually peeved enough to start talking about the shit way early.

Abominations are gone, Vampire-Werewolf rivalry, gone. Umbral Realms are gone and replaced by things much smaller*, Kinfolk are gone, Breed doesn't matter, you are fighting at the street level and only street level and you will like it, Gnosis? Of course, you can't have Gnosis.

How does the Umbra look in W5? What Realms, if any, will we be able to explore in the Core Rules?
There's no concept of Realms, instead each "location" (sic) in the Umbra is its own place, there for a reason (because someone or something cared enough about it to make it so), and might have specific methods to visit.

So, they just kind of threw out all the lore?? Yikes.
Well you know what they said at the beginning? They break away from the so-called "legacy" editions. Even though they might as well start a whole new Werewolf title rather than just reusing names.
So everything you know about Werewolves? Dozens of books across the decades? Little of it remains true. Because we can't have nice things anymore.
Oh yeah, should share that as well. Here things I put to SB about the new Q&A with Justin.

Just looked through the google doc, I assume that's from the discord Q&A. And it sounds horrible. Like they thrown out everything. Feels like they are overcompensating.

E.g. they even changed the Wyrm, Weaver interaction into that the Wyrm was corrupted because of how humanity acted and no longer "mind-broken" by the Weaver. That changes nothing on the whole situation and feels like a "change for changes sake".

Also no "Umbra Realms"? How is that supposed to work with Wraith and Mage? Wtf?
Just looked through the google doc, I assume that's from the discord Q&A. And it sounds horrible. Like they thrown out everything. Feels like they are overcompensating.

E.g. they even changed the Wyrm, Weaver interaction into that the Wyrm was corrupted because of how humanity acted and no longer "mind-broken" by the Weaver. That changes nothing on the whole situation and feels like a "change for changes sake".

Also no "Umbra Realms"? How is that supposed to work with Wraith and Mage? Wtf?
How else are they going to stroke their anti human hate boner if they aren't going to admit that their ecofascists had a genocidal empire called the imperium culling humans?

My vampire players: Holy shit we can actually say we are the good guys that made cities to keep humanity from being killed off *engage in propaganda campaign without needing to lie*
How else are they going to stroke their anti human hate boner if they aren't going to admit that their ecofascists had a genocidal empire called the imperium culling humans?
Is that an anti human-hate-boner or an anti-human hate-boner?
Is that an anti human-hate-boner or an anti-human hate-boner?
The latter

what else would you expect from WTA let alone white wolf

*looks at their equivalent of a superhero setting where the heroes ignore that they are on a team with a telepath that mind controls men into becoming his submissive bottoms even if they were straight. Where the heroes and authorities know he is doing that*
Is that an anti human-hate-boner or an anti-human hate-boner?
Anti-human hateboner. OWoD and some bits of NWoD kinda have a running theme of humans being bastards, but Werewolf: The Apocalypse had that showing particularly bad. Like, "50% of the wordcount is misanthropic fluff, the rest is author tracts about how Humans are BastardsTM​, how modern medicine and civilization are eeeeeviiiil (and also eugenics is good,) Goatfucker's weird neo-Paganist stuff, and crunch," levels of bad.

But then again, this is White Wolf, and that's kinda their signature.
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Anti-human hateboner. OWoD and some bits of NWoD kinda have a running theme of humans being bastards, but Werewolf: The Apocalypse had that showing particularly bad. Like, "50% of the wordcount is misanthropic fluff, the rest is author tracts about how Humans are BastardsTM​, how modern medicine are civilization eeeeeviiiil and eugenics is good, Goatfucker's weird neo-Paganist stuff, and crunch," levels of bad.

But then again, this is White Wolf, and that's kinda their signature.
Both versions of werewolf are basically to the point that most people would think that it is a parody of the worst parts of Captain Planet rather than the edgy goth version

oh god they are probably removing the werewolves that started out as wolves

the funniest ones

Toreador Vampire: so you know how i was a rich kid with a pet wolf when I was alive?

Gangrel: You made me teach you how to talk to it and get a collar from a mage to let it speak human

Toreador: Well, Shelley became a human and now I need woman's clothes

Gangrel:….Don't leave the fucking Haven we are about to have furries and the sherrif firing rockets at us!

There was a manwha with the basic plot complete withbajbedgy werewolf pissed off that the female one was like "I never met you before and my friend took care of me for ten years, why would I hate him and other humans?"
Anti-human hateboner. OWoD and some bits of NWoD kinda have a running theme of humans being bastards, but Werewolf: The Apocalypse had that showing particularly bad. Like, "50% of the wordcount is misanthropic fluff, the rest is author tracts about how Humans are BastardsTM​, how modern medicine and civilization are eeeeeviiiil (and also eugenics is good,) Goatfucker's weird neo-Paganist stuff, and crunch," levels of bad.

But then again, this is White Wolf, and that's kinda their signature.
Until we get a Mage book somewhere sometimes in the future that tell us that in reality all those bad things were a mages plot. Either it's a Nephandi or a Technocracy Plot (or both). Because normal humans can't do bad things it's always an evil mage behind it.
I'm thinking how I can include W5 in my game of W20 - as an in-universe Black Dog publication! :sneaky:
Would whoever made it be fed to the 'technical advisors' (BSD) or would they find it hilarious enough to let them live?
Anyone seen the recent Justin Achilli Interview on the Werewolf Reboot (calling it W5 feels kinda off when it's changes so much).

Here are some of the points mentioned in it
  • Werewolves now have their own "awakening". As in nobody knows where Werewolves come from anymore and random people just turn out to be "Kin". Which is wild considering how important lineage and breeding had been in previous editions. (Also I don't understand how that will work with the "Silver Fangs" at all)
  • "Breeds" got removed
  • The Apocalypse is happening right now or had already happened (that wasn't really all that clear).
  • Get's have been confirmed as an Antagonist faction that has lost itself in their "rage".
  • Werewolves will no longer be able to sense Wyrm taint (same with Weaver and Wyld), so there is no way of knowing if something is a enemy or not. (Also means Vamps vs Wolves is but on "hold" as Wolves no longer can tell that Vamps are Wyrm tainted)
  • Other Were-breeds will still exist but it sounds like they will get changed around quiet a bit.
  • It sounded a bit like the (Pen)umbra also will get changed, but it wasn't really clear to me. So have to wait and see.
So strange times coming up for the Garou. And I don't understand why they didn't just call the whole thing a reboot to begin with.

Oh yeah there also was a short part about trying to make the werewolf system easier *looks at mage and wraith*. With all that changes they made I feel like I have to ask "For whom are they making this game?" If you want a good werewolf game and don't care about the existing lore go play "forsaken" and if you care about the old lore you also will (most likely) not enjoy the new version. (And that's me, a person who thought the original werewolf sucked, speaking)

Yes! I love Forsaken!
Funny thing from my campaign

After dragging a bupatsi child from the wreckage of a Technocracy Program and realizing how "Specific" the Technocracy are about what they Allow in reality, my players learned that massive sleep deprivation, a desert still radiating magic from mass sacrifices and death, and Demon Blood might let them get high enough to enact major rituals. So they summoned and diablerized a demon (I play loose with the mechanics).

Me: So, you did not actually prepare a ritual or practice this

Tremere Player: OH NO

They ended up in ancient Carthage and had to use the Werecat child as a translator as they realized that the only one who spoke a language used around then was the Tremere's latin, which was likely not a good idea.

Tremere: Cat, do you speak Egyptian

Child: I can read it

Tremere: What about Phoenician

Child: No, I can speak hebrew


Players: *trying to use a werecat child speaking Hebrew at child sacrifice loving Phoenicians*

Also Players: *realizing that people really did not like the Jews even back then and have to manhandle people and claim to be blood gods*

They used the werecat to translate while terrified carthagians threw a foreign trader at them to translate Phoenician and lead them around to find their old patron in the ancient past.

Who they then proceeded to try to convince that they were sent by him into the past to save his marriage and claimed that his wife hated him (his wife ended up caught in the spell to keep Moloch and Troile down in the ground)

Toreador: I think you can't girl boss gaslight his wife, she was a Baali. That is like, levels above you.

Tremere: I am going to make them believe that they need me to keep their marriage stable one way or another.

Werecat child: *threatening people into giving her food lest the vampires eat them*

Tremere: And we may need to just give them that child to adopt since I think we need to enter torpor to get back to the present, what is the worst that can happen.

Toreador: The timeline completely changes

Tremere: Or, I become an art teacher and get Hitler admitted into art school to prevent world war 2

Toreador: no

Tremere: I become an art teacher and tell Hitler his drawings are shit

Me: I think he'd end up invading the Middle East first and cause a very different world war.

Tremere: And then we get the tell nazi scientists we found in Brazil that they need to go over there and pretend we never met to ensure that we nuke satan in Mexico.

It is going to be fun when we try to explain a multi-millennia time skip to the present.
Until we get a Mage book somewhere sometimes in the future that tell us that in reality all those bad things were a mages plot. Either it's a Nephandi or a Technocracy Plot (or both). Because normal humans can't do bad things it's always an evil mage behind it.

Except for World War II and the War on Terror, where the Technocracy or Nephandi are merely supporters of the normal humans and their atrocities instead of the ringleaders...

Weird to see Big D being so silent. But he appears to have real compassion toward vampires that acknowledge that their condition is a tragic curse not an ascension into something greater. With Kevin, I wasn't 100% sure how much is real honesty and how much is manipulation. But looks like usually it's the former not the latter.
shadowdice , gereh , sorry for pinging you both, but I need some 'mechanical' help for my fanfic.

Here goes: Can Prime 5 + Forces 4 recreate Wodime's 'Anima Animusphere' attack, or do you need Prime 5 and Forces 5? How much Mana/Quintessence is needed for such duplication?

And I mean a full replication, btw; against an enemy equal or greater than F/SN's Servants.
shadowdice , gereh , sorry for pinging you both, but I need some 'mechanical' help for my fanfic.

Here goes: Can Prime 5 + Forces 4 recreate Wodime's 'Anima Animusphere' attack, or do you need Prime 5 and Forces 5? How much Mana/Quintessence is needed for such duplication?

And I mean a full replication, btw; against an enemy equal or greater than F/SN's Servants.
Forces 5 at least as it is above city scale
Forces 5 at least as it is above city scale


Also, just to make sure, Zeltretch isn't really a troll who transports people/items across universes for the sake of it?


In my fic, he's going to make an appearance where he rails against that sort of characterization and scolds one of my OCs for stealing Saber!Astolfo from Chaldea through Spirit Magic.

He's also friends with someone from the Old World of Darkness, Porthos FitzEmpress, and both of them will be joining the scolding.

Also, just to make sure, Zeltretch isn't really a troll who transports people/items across universes for the sake of it?


In my fic, he's going to make an appearance where he rails against that sort of characterization and scolds one of my OCs for stealing Saber!Astolfo from Chaldea through Spirit Magic.

He's also friends with someone from the Old World of Darkness, Porthos FitzEmpress, and both of them will be joining the scolding.
Zelretch is supposedly based on Jotaro
Zelretch is supposedly based on Jotaro

So a troll after all?

How so, then?

SB railed against the idea of Zeltretch being a troll in their Type-Moon thread.

But yeah, an OC of mine will be:

- Replicating Anima Animusphere plus summoning Saber!Astolfo from several universes away (he is in the New World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness).

- Getting scolded by Zeltretch and Porthos FitzEmpress for multiversal shenanigans.

- Have his future self appear as a New World of Darkness Archmaster (aka their equivalent of Archmagi).

- Discover that Wodime also got reincarnated into the New World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness and is his mentor.

I need a viability check for all of those.
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So a troll after all?

How so, then?

SB railed against the idea of Zeltretch being a troll in their Type-Moon thread.

But yeah, an OC of mine will be:

- Replicating Anima Animusphere plus summoning Saber!Astolfo from several universes away (he is in the New World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness).

- Getting scolded by Zeltretch and Porthos FitzEmpress for multiversal shenanigans.

- Have his future self appear as a New World of Darkness Archmaster (aka their equivalent of Archmagi).

- Discover that Wodime also got reincarnated into the New World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness and is his mentor.

I need a viability check for all of those.

Double-post; it seems my ideas are bad, considering how they are very cracky-y.

Maybe I should go back on them.
Here goes: Can Prime 5 + Forces 4 recreate Wodime's 'Anima Animusphere' attack, or do you need Prime 5 and Forces 5? How much Mana/Quintessence is needed for such duplication?
I don't have a clue what Wodime's 'Anima Animusphere' is doing and google somehow only showed me Fate sides in Japanese, which I can't read, as such I have to say "no fucking clue".
Double-post; it seems my ideas are bad, considering how they are very cracky-y.

Maybe I should go back on them.
The best fic I have read in recent history is a crossover between Soulsborne and Hamefura, which has Lady Maria reincarnate into Maria Campbell and shenanigans ensure, you can't tell me that that idea isn't super cracky, still makes a great fic.
I don't have a clue what Wodime's 'Anima Animusphere' is doing and google somehow only showed me Fate sides in Japanese, which I can't read, as such I have to say "no fucking clue".

This stuff (with English Subs):

It's basically a meteor swarm made up of both mundane asteroids and magic.
The best fic I have read in recent history is a crossover between Soulsborne and Hamefura, which has Lady Maria reincarnate into Maria Campbell and shenanigans ensure, you can't tell me that that idea isn't super cracky, still makes a great fic.

Double-post: My turn to not know a given fandom; what is Hamefura?
Double-post: My turn to not know a given fandom; what is Hamefura?
It think it's called "My Next Life as a Villaines: All Routes Lead to Doom!" but man nobody has time for that. Girl gets reincarnated into the villaines of her otome game and is so wholesome she turns everything around having everyone fall in love with her without noticing. She also becomes the beloved character BaKatharina.
It think it's called "My Next Life as a Villaines: All Routes Lead to Doom!" but man nobody has time for that. Girl gets reincarnated into the villaines of her otome game and is so wholesome she turns everything around having everyone fall in love with her without noticing. She also becomes the beloved character BaKatharina.

Oh, that. I heard that the protag gets called an idiot by fans as she does not realize that she changed the plot.
Oh, that. I heard that the protag gets called an idiot by fans as she does not realize that she changed the plot.
Yeah, she isn't that bright. But it's funny and cute and wholesome. So if you are into that give it a try. And yeah someone made a Soulsborne crossover, that keeps the "funny and cute and wholesome" alive, but also does justice to the games. It*s insane on paper that's not supposed to work, but somehow it does and it's great.

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