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The remnants-2130 AD
Paul Atrades
108 terraformed worlds. In 1980 this first phase of terraformation was finished, the work of over a million years done with the best technology and magic the phenix people were capable of. A process started as an after thought by a president of America who was, in every other respects, forgettable except for his death.
These 108 worlds became a promise, a pact between the American empire and its allies: If the Soviet government destroyed the world, their cultures and their people would survive as long as they stood alongside America in the anti-communist pact.
Then, one day, the day of horror came and that promise was kept. Around 200 countries existed before the exchange. When the dust settled only 77 survived the war, if almost none intact. These 77 countries found themselves as the sole masters of their own individual worlds. of the 77 only 30 countries decided to take the option of creating between 1 and 100 million people to help their culture survive the apocalypse. Those that did take the option decided to maximise their numbers, there was no in between.
The rapture countries that found themselves with more people were mostly members of the NATO alliance and other countries who put forth military commitments towards the anti-communist alliance. Though some, like Turkey, had refused on moral grounds and were still included.
The United States, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Poland, the Czech republic, Sweden, Finland, Israel, south Africa, Rhodisia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, Philipines, The republic of china, India, Thailand, and Germany.
In total over 3 billion new people were created to serve as remnants and backups for their respective countries and cultures. They were often trained to be rather conservative, in order to make sure that culture lived. With the rapture these new countrymen joined the old ones to forge new nations, new empires. These countries were the biggest winners of the exchange.
The other nations that did not choose to clone new citizens had a rougher time dealing with the transition. They didn't have an influx of educated souls who could help them deal with the market disruptions caused by the end of the world. Still, despite their problems, these countries were also winners, gaining the resources of an entire new world, and having all of their infrastructure intact.
Those who tried to be neutral in the great cold war, and were not able to find allied nations who could vouch for them, had their cities destroyed in nuclear fire by the soviets. Then had much of the rest of their population destroyed by the bioweapons that the Russians liberally used on all other nations. The only neutral that managed to avoid complete collapse was Indonesia though they still lost millions of people in the exchange.
Indonesia would be gifted their own world by the victorious allies and would rebuild from there. The other neutrals would all collapse into anarchy. If they were lucky the allies were able to save them and transport them into UN care offworld for their own safety.
Then we get into the Budapest pact nations, those allied to the soviet union. These nations suffered greatly. The only one that didn't face complete collapse was Estonia and that was because of their rapid call to the allies of their complete unconditional surrender. Because of this decision the allies gave them food and supplies and helped protect them during the 30 years of nuclear winter.
When the sun showed its face again Estonia's population had grown and they found themselves as the uncontested masters over what remained of the world. The other Budapest pact members either died from disease and radiation poisoning or surrendered to allied forces. Many became refugees. Some were lucky, such as Ukraine which had a nato member vouch for them. Ukraine would be gifted its own world.
The other Budapest pact nations would be given continents on Miranda. They were not quite trusted but, if they behaved well, then this land grant would become permanent.Most of them complied with allied force commands. Those that didn't suffered until they did comply, at which point their ownership of their new land was recognized.
The biggest losers by far were the Russians. Every city, every village, every thing of importance was destroyed by nuclear fire. The only Russians who survived were those who were far outside the population centers. Even for them, most would die from radiation, starvation and disease.
The ones that did not were captured by allied forces, separated by gender and sent to the Angolian homeworld. They would remain there until the 1990s, as the angry and vengeful survivors of the war decided what to do with them.
Anyone who was a part of the soviet government or military was excuted for crimes against humanity. It was decided that most of soviet union would be stripped away from the Russian people as punishment for their crimes. the only place that would be recognized as Russian would be the Kamachtka Krai, a cold peninsula that would house the entirety of the Russian people.
The rest of their land was gifted to anyone who desired it. The only taker was the Estonian people, who now outnumbered the Russians and claimed the rest of Russia as compensation for being invaded and for decades of oppression. The Russian population was settled in Kamachtka in 1995 and would live under UN military supervision for the next 60 years. Not allowed to have a military of their own or claim any of the empty lands around them.
The occasional riots caused by these edicts were put down harshly, sometimes with orbital bombardment. UN classrooms would require Russians to learn about every atrocity their people had commited and would show them in graphic detail just what their ancestors had done.
The early post war period was met with one of the largest baby booms in human history as humanity rebuilt itself and adapted to the chaos and disruption. The 20th century would go down as one of the most blood soaked periods in human history. The 21st though would be, by contrast, known as one of the most peaceful periods in human history.
It was thanks to the phenix people, particularly merlin, that human civilization survived despite its flaws and even thrived after the war. After his death a phenix would be placed on the UN flag in remembrance of what he gave humanity. it's been over a hundred years since he died and, with the final terraforming finished, over 108 billion worlds lie in wait.
It seems like every religious, ethnic, and separatist group is leaving for the stars, for distant worlds. If the 20th century was the century of blood and the 21st the century of rebuilding then the 22nd is the great scattering. Humanity survives and we have fulfilled merlin's dream: We sail a sea of stars.
Paul Atrades
108 terraformed worlds. In 1980 this first phase of terraformation was finished, the work of over a million years done with the best technology and magic the phenix people were capable of. A process started as an after thought by a president of America who was, in every other respects, forgettable except for his death.
These 108 worlds became a promise, a pact between the American empire and its allies: If the Soviet government destroyed the world, their cultures and their people would survive as long as they stood alongside America in the anti-communist pact.
Then, one day, the day of horror came and that promise was kept. Around 200 countries existed before the exchange. When the dust settled only 77 survived the war, if almost none intact. These 77 countries found themselves as the sole masters of their own individual worlds. of the 77 only 30 countries decided to take the option of creating between 1 and 100 million people to help their culture survive the apocalypse. Those that did take the option decided to maximise their numbers, there was no in between.
The rapture countries that found themselves with more people were mostly members of the NATO alliance and other countries who put forth military commitments towards the anti-communist alliance. Though some, like Turkey, had refused on moral grounds and were still included.
The United States, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Poland, the Czech republic, Sweden, Finland, Israel, south Africa, Rhodisia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, Philipines, The republic of china, India, Thailand, and Germany.
In total over 3 billion new people were created to serve as remnants and backups for their respective countries and cultures. They were often trained to be rather conservative, in order to make sure that culture lived. With the rapture these new countrymen joined the old ones to forge new nations, new empires. These countries were the biggest winners of the exchange.
The other nations that did not choose to clone new citizens had a rougher time dealing with the transition. They didn't have an influx of educated souls who could help them deal with the market disruptions caused by the end of the world. Still, despite their problems, these countries were also winners, gaining the resources of an entire new world, and having all of their infrastructure intact.
Those who tried to be neutral in the great cold war, and were not able to find allied nations who could vouch for them, had their cities destroyed in nuclear fire by the soviets. Then had much of the rest of their population destroyed by the bioweapons that the Russians liberally used on all other nations. The only neutral that managed to avoid complete collapse was Indonesia though they still lost millions of people in the exchange.
Indonesia would be gifted their own world by the victorious allies and would rebuild from there. The other neutrals would all collapse into anarchy. If they were lucky the allies were able to save them and transport them into UN care offworld for their own safety.
Then we get into the Budapest pact nations, those allied to the soviet union. These nations suffered greatly. The only one that didn't face complete collapse was Estonia and that was because of their rapid call to the allies of their complete unconditional surrender. Because of this decision the allies gave them food and supplies and helped protect them during the 30 years of nuclear winter.
When the sun showed its face again Estonia's population had grown and they found themselves as the uncontested masters over what remained of the world. The other Budapest pact members either died from disease and radiation poisoning or surrendered to allied forces. Many became refugees. Some were lucky, such as Ukraine which had a nato member vouch for them. Ukraine would be gifted its own world.
The other Budapest pact nations would be given continents on Miranda. They were not quite trusted but, if they behaved well, then this land grant would become permanent.Most of them complied with allied force commands. Those that didn't suffered until they did comply, at which point their ownership of their new land was recognized.
The biggest losers by far were the Russians. Every city, every village, every thing of importance was destroyed by nuclear fire. The only Russians who survived were those who were far outside the population centers. Even for them, most would die from radiation, starvation and disease.
The ones that did not were captured by allied forces, separated by gender and sent to the Angolian homeworld. They would remain there until the 1990s, as the angry and vengeful survivors of the war decided what to do with them.
Anyone who was a part of the soviet government or military was excuted for crimes against humanity. It was decided that most of soviet union would be stripped away from the Russian people as punishment for their crimes. the only place that would be recognized as Russian would be the Kamachtka Krai, a cold peninsula that would house the entirety of the Russian people.
The rest of their land was gifted to anyone who desired it. The only taker was the Estonian people, who now outnumbered the Russians and claimed the rest of Russia as compensation for being invaded and for decades of oppression. The Russian population was settled in Kamachtka in 1995 and would live under UN military supervision for the next 60 years. Not allowed to have a military of their own or claim any of the empty lands around them.
The occasional riots caused by these edicts were put down harshly, sometimes with orbital bombardment. UN classrooms would require Russians to learn about every atrocity their people had commited and would show them in graphic detail just what their ancestors had done.
The early post war period was met with one of the largest baby booms in human history as humanity rebuilt itself and adapted to the chaos and disruption. The 20th century would go down as one of the most blood soaked periods in human history. The 21st though would be, by contrast, known as one of the most peaceful periods in human history.
It was thanks to the phenix people, particularly merlin, that human civilization survived despite its flaws and even thrived after the war. After his death a phenix would be placed on the UN flag in remembrance of what he gave humanity. it's been over a hundred years since he died and, with the final terraforming finished, over 108 billion worlds lie in wait.
It seems like every religious, ethnic, and separatist group is leaving for the stars, for distant worlds. If the 20th century was the century of blood and the 21st the century of rebuilding then the 22nd is the great scattering. Humanity survives and we have fulfilled merlin's dream: We sail a sea of stars.