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Gramps' quest for a stable family (HP / Overlord/Homm crossover quest)

[X] Flee, Olliver assist me, Dragons grab council, take moon doe
Last edited:
Well shit.

Twas nice knowing him I guess.
Time out
Winning option :
X] Flee, Olliver assist me, Dragons grab council, take moon doe

Time out

He only had time to send those thoughts, when he felt his body seize up, and, choking, he tried to remain conscious. However, past a certain point, the agony was too vivid and blessed unconsciousness came to him, taking him away from the pain. He didn't know how much time passed, but he felt something snap within him, as if a link was broken, and clarity came back to him as he felt himself sink into the darkness.

So, this is how I die. How embarrassing.
As if he knew the meaning of shame. He's been an automaton for most of his life.
It was pitch black.
Oh, shut up you. And finally, the man of the hour wakes up.
Dace got up, all pain having disappeared, and sat. Or at least he thought he sat. There was nothing here, except the void.
The void is more than enough. He wouldn't like the other places, emotionally stunted as he is.
He tried breathing, but he found he couldn't.
No winds can carry him away now.
He tried talking, but he found he couldn't.
No words can save him from judgement now.
Annoyed, he got on his feet and began to walk.
He doesn't even have legs to carry him away, foolish little meatbag.
He didn't know for how long, he felt neither tiredness, nor thirst, nor hunger, and so he was left alone with his thoughts.
Most people would have gone mad from this, you know?
It was infuriating, seeing his actions in retrospect, though, some of the fault wasn't on him, the events did conspire against him. However, this didn't excuse his incompetence.
Enigma-boy certainly did. The two of them are very similar, the same stench of unrepentant murder.
He didn't try to better himself, relying on Luck instead of the ability to trump Magic, when he was fighting an obviously magical opponent.
Yep, he messed up big time, now though, he'd probably be better served by doing something about it.
He didn't try to play on his strengths, lying in the shadows, accumulating information until an opportunity to strike presented itself at him, and instead acted like a common, run down the mill meathead and sought direct confrontation, while chasing after his erstwhile daughter who was a tertiary interest at best.
Not that I would know anything about that, mind you. That one though, she snapped the threads and turned them into a mess of knots. The Fates were in a right tizzy.
He didn't try to protect his secrecy, opening himself and his sanctum to factions he knew were riddled with spies. Then, he had the gall not to expect that those spies would move against him.
Of course, you would be upset about that. Well, I wasn't expecting much from you, your type tends to only focus on the obvious, reactive instead of proactive.
He didn't protect his followers, following an elusive promise of victory instead of making the logical choice and keeping noncombatants outside of the fight.
And yet they followed him. You didn't deserve them, yet again, they do deserve him. Interesting, that.
Still, no time for moping, he supposed. That wasn't him. What could he do though? That was an interesting question, and he was fairly sure coma didn't work like that-
I know you're looking at me right now. You're listening, right?
He thought he felt something behind him.
Oh, nonono, you don't get to make me look like the bad guy here.
A chill was running down his spine.
Do you know where they are now? Do you want to know what they're doing?
Will you look behind you?
They fall and fall, they rot and weep, yet again, you don't even care, do you?
[]Yes Turn around and face me, face what you have done! Turn around and see for yourself the consequences of your actions!
[]No ... Master? Can you hear me? Master, please wake up... You have to come back!

Divine intervention roll : 43 + 30 (Kufufu) + 10 (Mathematicae) = 83 Needed 80 : Deus ex machina!

Okay, okay everybody shut the hell up right now!

There was a massive gong noise ant the void turned into brass. Cogs were turning and suddenly, Dace found himself sitting at a table, two other people sitting in front of him. A slight smell tickled his nose and he looked down seeing a cup of tea in front of him, his two hands on each side of the cup. He tried to grab it, but his limbs didn't obey him.

"This much is normal, after all, the soul forgets quickly, once the thread of life has been snapped." The cowled woman sitting directly in front of him. " Yet again, the reason you haven't been destroyed yet is because part of your it has been claimed by Nature, as unfortunate as it is."

"Too meta, Cherry, he won't understand." Admonished a little girl sitting on her right, who was toying with the rim of the cup, her glowing, golden irises fixed on him in an evaluating manner.

"My name, is Ceridwen." The woman sniffed, putting the teacup to her lips in what was an obvious stalling tactic. Then, she paused, before putting it back on the table and sighing.

"This is going to become tiring rather quickly. In any case, you are currently dead. No doubt that this will be a very temporary state, what with the three of them trying to claim you." She pointed offhandedly at three statues, all reaching for him. " But the worst case scenario has hopefully been avoided already."

"Hmmm. Not quite." The little girl pointed out, having shifted so that her legs went over her seat's armrest while her back leaned against the other, giving Dace a view of her mechanical limbs as she raised her hands, her eyes now focusing on a golden weave. " But that's irrelevant. The best possible future is already out of reach, and the worst possible one is still within an arm's reach. I'm not really expecting anything at this point, but keeping that leaf from rotting inside out would still be appreciated."

Ceridwen flinched at the light admonishment, before her lips pursed and she drank, once again.

Control came back to Dace, and he flexed his hands a bit, before opening his mouth experimentally.

You can choose to talk to Ceridwen, the Lady of Life and Death, or you could choose the mysterious girl instead.

You can ask 3 questions. Make them count.

Andraste walked away in disgust (aka, rolled too low). But no worry, you've got an Outsider Entity and a Goddess of Death in your corner! Well... At least they don't want you dead right now?
Time out (2)
Well, the funny thing about ties, is that I get to roll on which questions are chosen! Corrected them to be more in line with what Dace would know.

Time out (2)

"If you're going to ask questions about your allies' state or future events, don't bother"

The little girl immediately interrupted, walking on the floor as if on a tightrope, spinning the full cup around her finger without spilling a drop. Then, with an artistic twirl, she threw it at the wall, just above Dace's shoulder, making him flinch, where it exploded in a shower of porcelain, the liquid pooling on the ground showing several images. Martha standing over the pulped remains of Riddle, the corpses of Agatha and Elizabeth, paler than death, twitching on the ground, and a river of blood flowing in Diagon Alley, bodies, both human and not, lining the otherwise empty streets.

"As you can see, they've been taken care of already." She continued lightly, the porcelain shards reforming, the liquid coming back into the cup, and the cup returning to its owner's hand. She looked at it for a second, before shrugging and sending it flying over her shoulder, to fall into the starless void. "Hm." She looked at him for a second, before continuing.

"Call me Themis. I'm as close as the real deal as you'll find in those parts, anyways. Ask your questions, I'm fairly sure Cherry would looove to answer them." The way she drawled the word while waving her hands on each side was not reassuring, her golden braid slithering behind her back like a tail.

Dace took a second to gather his though.

The deceptively young girl in a blue dress and four mechanical limbs called herself Themis, as in, the Titaness of divine law and Order. That part was especially important. She also presumably had the ability to foresee the future without fail. However, that she introduced herself as a Titaness and not a Goddess was most likely important, too. In the end, he gave up on that and asked her the question relevant to her domain.

[X] How do I restore the Order Anchor?

Themis tilted her head, chin length bangs moving slightly, before her eyes narrowed.

"The Anchor your follower sacrificed in order to give herself a power boost?" The girl shook her head " I'm sorry, however, it cannot be recovered. You would be better served to create another one from scratch, and with all the chaos running rampant, my influence here is tenuous at best, so even that would be difficult. If you truly want to obtain another one of those, I'll need you to ensure that Order and Civilization can survive the coming ordeals, as I have no illusions the current Order representatives can do it." She sniffed a little in discain, seemingly having an even worse opinion of the Aurors that Dace did.

" And even if that were the case, and you managed to create another one, you would need an appropriate leader. One who is both Lawful, and doesn't let emotions cloud their judgement."

She sighed.

"I was intending for you to become its owner instead of miss Evans, however that person sunk her diseased claws into you first, so unless you reject her, this is out of my hands. Still, if you really want a second Order faction under your control to be created, I can give you a series of tasks to execute in order to do it." Her serious expression and golden eyes looked almost out of place on her youthful, freckled face. "However, they will not be easy."

Do you want Themis to give you quests?

[] Yes
-Will open the [Light of Civilization] Questline.
-Themis is nicely surprised
-Ceridwen is furious with you.

[] No
-Ceridwen is pleased
-Themis will give up on you.

Ceridwen clapped her hand, interrupting Themis, her face darkened in anger.

"Do not presume to insult my Lady in my presence." Themis' only reaction was to snort and go back to the table to pour herself some more tea, ignoring the woman.

"Ask her your other question. She'll answer adequately enough, I'll pipe in when she starts lying." The girl sat, crossing her legs and drinking. The smell indicated milk chocolate. Ceridwen glared at her, scowling, hefore schooling her expression and smoothing the creases of her pearl gray velvet robes, the diamonds on her black girdle shining like stars. Shen she smiled, eyes closeds at Dace, a few strands of silver framing her alabaster face.

"Please do not let her babble cloud your thinking and please ask. I'll endeavor to answer it to my utmost capacity."

Dace was beginning to wonder if he'd intruded in the middle of some argument, but in the end decided to ask the one of the questions that plagued him ever since the incident with the golden dragon happened. He pondered a bit on how to formulate it, but in the end, he tried to get the most information possible.

[X] What are the different faction that currently are into play in Britain? Both divine and Mortal.

She hid her mouth behing her hand and giggled.

"Isn't this something you should already be aware of, though?" Dace had to keep his annoyance from showing until her hilarity disapeared in favor of a sweet smile. "Very well, let me explain~"

"You're probably aware of the elemental allegiances? Life for Albus Dumbledore, Death for Tom Riddle, Order for Rufus Scrimgeour, Nature for you, and Chaos for-" She opened and closed her mouth but no sound came out and she frowned. "For the one calling himself the Overlord. Those are the biggest mortal factions as of right now, muggles not included." She lifted her fingers, lifting them as she enunciated the names. " There are also Arthur's and Mordred's, though both of them are out of commission right now, Merlin, though he is sealed off somewhere, Voldemort is still seeking a body, horcrux number 3 is rampaging in middle East, and then, there are the Potter twins, so very interesting~"

Well, wasn't that foreboding.

"As for Gods and goddesses involved, you have Freyja acting as Aife's patron, Ahriman as Riddle's, Andraste is more interested in keeping things under control, but she once had her eye on you, Ares is following Lily Evans. As for the rest, I won't say who exactly got what, but Athena, Loki, Kali, Dionysus, Eros, Thor, Odin, Nephtys and Epona have espressed interest. Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Ra used to be members too, but their chosen got offed rather quickly. Other than that, there's nothing of inte-" a cup of chocolate milk crashed against her head and Themis waved lazily, spinning on a newly appeared gaming chair.

"Don't forget about that little alliance~ You've got to fill your underworld somehow." She chimed in, letting out a little whee as the chair began rolling across the room while spinning.

Ceridwen snarled and the space warped, yet, with a flicker of bronze fingers, the it righted itself immediately and the silver haired woman huffed.

"He doesn't need to know about that."

Themis looked at her with disdain.

"Glad to know that your word is as cheap as your thighs."

He gave an 8 out of 10 for that one.

"How dare you-"

"In any case." Themis interrupted. "Ceridwen had an alliance with Ahriman, or Angra Mainyu, whichever you prefer, Kali and Odin, because they were all gods of Death. Freyja, Thor and Loki do too, however it'll disintegrate soon enough. Athena, Epona, Eros and Dionysus mostly do their thing, but agreed to look out for eachother here. Andraste is the outlier here, since she's somehow managed to declare war to everyone, including Epona. " She shrugged in disbelief." She's the nicest, most peaceful, slowest to anger woman ever, right behind Hestia."

It did sound like quite the achievement.

"Right? Anyways, besides those, there's that person from another dimension that inserted itself within a child and is biding their time, think your daughter, except he's kind of a horny Hitler youth with minor reality warping abilities." She waved as if it was unimportant.

[X] Why is Riddle after my Grandaughter?

Ceridwen righted herself, before answering.

"That would be because of her mother. Aife is blessed by Freyja, however, as a goddess of fertility, she forgot the fact that her blessings would be hereditary, which is why your granddaughter has rather inhuman aspects."
"He's also trying to become a god by absorbing those blessings. Him attacking you was a massive setback since it cost him Aphrodite's chosen. Drawback is, Aphrodite can now come back into the 'game'." Themis made ellipses with her fingers.

"Which leads us, to the present situation." Ceridwen spoke over the blonde, crossing her arms under her sleeves. " We would like you to swear fealty ot one of us-" "Speak for yourself!""- and act as our hands in the mortal plane. Of course, you would be appropriately rewarded as our champion."

Does Dace join hands with one of the Goddesses?

[] No. This was way over his paycheck. Which he knows very well, because he's the one paying his own check.
[] Yes:

[]Ceridwen: Goddess of Life and Death.

-All Life spells available, as long as you build the conservatory of Life. (spells found will depend on the level of the Mages' guild)
-Nature's bounty activates automatically each time a holding is set up
-Death element is no longer antagonistic ( no more morale penalty with Death type units in the army, can build the conservatory of Death building to learn some Death spells.)
-Your units cannot be raised as undead by enemies. (Gain permanent Necromancy ward)
-No penalty with Life faction as Ceridwen is also a Goddess of Life.

[]'Themis': Titaness of Order, Law and Foresight.

-Order element is no longer antagonistic ( no more morale penalty with Order type units in the army, can build the conservatory of Order building to learn some Order spells, no penalty when casting Order type spells in Nature territory.)
-You will receive visions each time another player gets either a Nat100 or Nat1
-Penalty when entering contact with with Chaos faction

Guess what is needed if your players are at a loss because too much information? More information :V
Time out (3)
Time out (3)

'Themis' shook her head, looking disappointed but unsurprised as Ceridwen's smile became quite a bit wider and clapped her hands together in delight, before she signalled the other to go with a wave of her hand. The girl just raised an eyebrow before grimacing at her in disgust.

"Disappointing, but understandable, I haven't been that forthcoming either, after all. Oh well, I've got others to visit." The little girl snapped her fingers and a golden doorway appeared as the space they were all in began to break down, cracks appearing like in glass. Then, the world disappeared and Dace and Ceridwen were alone in some strange building. The stone was dark and the air musty, providing the place with a gloomy atmosphere. On the walls, he could see torches flickering, and in some alcoves dug into the stone, there were embalmed bodies, brownish skin stretched on their bones.

The woman was fluttering around the room, then, with a hand on her him, she pointed at a wall, that bursted open. She turned towards Dace and smiled apologetically.

" I"m sorry, I don't have many guests and despite everything, that crazy bitch from hell from back there is the one who visits the most." The sheer hatred coming from her voice belied her happy expression."But don't let that stop you, come out, come out, let me show you around~" she began walking towards the exit, a long, dark corridor with light at the end of the tunnel.

Once out, he looked around and saw that he got out of some sort of megalithic structure and into stairs that led to some sort of swamp.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are we doing here?" Dace felt prudent to ask as the woman almost skipped towards the end of the stairs. She stopped and then her head turned, without the rest of her body, ther hood falling and revealing the white bone of her cranium.

"Do not worry overly much about it, just follow me, this is a sur~prise~" She sing-sang, her head and neck coming back into place with a crack.

This wasn't reassuring at all and Dace looked around carefully, trying not to slip on the slimy roots of the tree. Then, a stone cold hand dragged him into a trunk and after a moment of trying to fight back, he saw something. Lizard like creatures, wyverns, and further away, a hydra, who looked bigger and fiercer than any he ever saw.

"Those are my gift to you~Since, you know, all your creatures died and your dragons abandoned you ~ And I can't have you running around without any army to back you up~"

His eye twitched. That was news to him.

"And also~"She continued in her sickly sweet tone that almost smelled like rotting meat. " I'm sorry, buy you're too old to become my champion, divine energy must be inserted in the womb or it will destroy the host because it can't adapt. Don't worry though." Her tone switched to teasing and less fake. " Your next child will definitely be blessed." She finished with a knowing smile.

Dace didn't understand, after all, Elizabeth was past the age where she could have children. And wasn't Lily-

"In any case, I'll send you missions from time to time, don't worry about it." She interrupted before he could ask." You'll remember when time comes."

Wait, wha- Don't worry about it I said! Everything will be just fine.

He blinked.

He was in the darkness, and had the feeling he forgot something important. Then, he felt icy agony clawing at his back and shrieking, ordering that he turned back, but he refused. He then heard something amidst the howls and felt something warm catch his hand.

He opened his eyes and sat up, before heaving and rolling around to vomit. he felt a warm hand on his back rubbing circles and heard someone speaking to him. His vision was swimming as he was gasping for breath but after a while and several refreshing charms, he felt bood enough to look up. Martha was next to him, in her civilian clothing, a silver cloak around her shoulders, with a hand on his back and a bucket under his face. The expression of pure relief on her face was palpable.

"I'm so glad... When I brought the others back, they came instantly..." She muttered in a quiet voice, not moving an inch.

Dace took one last deep breath and fell down on his back, exhausted.

"What's the situation?"

Martha let go and sat back, a bit further away from him.

"Riddle and his servants have been dealt with, however, there have been catastrophic losses on our side. Our entire roster has been wiped out and the dragons have gone away. Oliver fell from Sigurd and broke his arm after failing to pacify the dragon. As for our human losses..." She bit her lip." I have... It seems I somehow have obtained the power to bring back a portion of the dead to life. I managed to bring back Agatha and Lady Elizabeth, however, Mr. Moody and Swallows remain lost. As for the castle itself..." She looked through the window of his lavish bedroom and he saw the extent of the damage: blackened grass, dead vegetation, the water was a murky green and even the castle itself seemed to have suffered. In any case, extensive rebuilding would have to be made, even with the surprising surge of Nature in the area.

When his granddaughter came back, she was devastated by the death of the dogs she summoned and locked herself in Oliver's room with Hassan after finding the corpse of her favourite puppy, Hassan the fourth, who was curled up under her bed, disobeying him for the first time in her life. A few days passed, and, surprisingly enough, no new wolf appeared.

However, the biggest change and surprise was, on the third evening after the battle, when he was coming back, exhausted, in his room.

As he threw his cloak aside, sighing, he heard his wife, coughing delicately on his side. He was unbuttonning his shirt as he opened an eye to glare ar her when he was met with martha, her face scarlet and looking like a deer in front of a fiendfyre. He promptly rebuttonned his shirt. Then, he glared harder at Elizabeth, who was smiling in a brittle way. That was unusual coming from the woman who'd rather throw herself to the ground and throw a tantrum than express her true emotions.

"I want a divorce."

His thoughts screeched to a pause.

"Excuse me?"

"You're forgiven." She nodded regally, before getting up from his bed. "I'm not as young as I used to be Dace. I can't accompany you in your ventures anymore."

He frowned a bit, but acknowledged her point.

"And I realized, after that close call, that I can's stay with someone who won't mourn me when I'll be gone." She smiled sadly at him. "I know I promised to not let your disability get in the way, but I think that even if neither of us can feel romantic love, I always hoped we could at least become friends down the line."

It seemed her mind was made up anyways.

"Why is Martha here then?" He asked, a bad feeling rising in his gut.

At that, Elizabeth brightened up like a lamp.

"Oh, her? She's my replacement. As your wife."

"... What?"

Martha's already scarlet face fell into her hands, her ears reddening.

"Shes practically perfect!" Elizabeth continued, her salt and pepper hair swaying around." She's young, has a great body." She emphasized her words by making movements around her hips, then in front of her chest "Seriously, you never peeked at the servants' quarters, but I certainly have and I'm fairly sure her mammaries could choke a man" She fake whispered, getting a surprised squeak from the woman, whose arms instinctively covered her front. " She's also strong enough to twist metal bars barehanded, and most of all, she's so in love with you she doesn't even mind you!" She pointed at Martha in an overly dramatic way." If Dace were to ask you to marry him and have his child, would you refuse?"

Martha looked about ready to faint, glaring at Elizabeth and definitely not looking in Dace's direction, before fidgeting and shaking her head shyly as her eyes became slightly glazed.

Dace felt a headache rising.

Wat do ?

[]Refuse. Elizabeth leaving him was one thing. Him marrying Martha, however, was unthinkable.
[] Accept. He'll have words with Martha, to ensure she wasn't coerced in any way. However, if she wasn't, Dace wasn't opposed to it.

Nature's bounty activated
All creatures wiped out.
New roster of creatures available for recruiting.
Due to trauma, Scáthach sealed away her ability to summon wolves.
No matter what happens, Elizabeth will push for a divorce, but will still remain your Diplomacy advisor.

That car salesman meme influenced me too much. I regret nothing.
RIP Hassan the Fourth. You will be missed. Lily liked you so much.
Last part before the massive scheduling session of Turn 5, wheeee.
This turn was gettin way too long.
And it's so hot here I'm gonna die.
So our soon-to-be-ex wife just popped The Question on us, AND lined up a new "candidate".

Well, this is awkward for at least 2 parties involved.

[X] Accept. He'll have words with Martha, to ensure she wasn't coerced in any way. However, if she wasn't, Dace wasn't opposed to it.

Whatever happens, we need to get everyone's feelings on this straightened out.
Yes. Even Dace's non-existent ones.
[X] Accept. He'll have words with Martha, to ensure she wasn't coerced in any way. However, if she wasn't, Dace wasn't opposed to it.
Turn 5 : Summer 1985
Turn 5 : Summer 1985

Dace couldn't call this a victory by any means, but still, nothing too important was lost. Save for Moody, who would be annoying to replace for sure. However, he was mildly surprised upon learning that not every druid that went on the battlefield died.

"How is he going?" He asked, reading a letter Lucius sent to him.

"He is stable, however, it seems what we initially called a bout of madness was in fact his default personality." Martha answered, wearing a plain blue dress now that she had given her resignation as a maid, the diamond on her finger shining to the light.

Dace hummed noncommittally.

It was pretty ironic that the only suicidal druid of the roster was the one to survive in the end.

Gained Heroic Unit : Urie Blake


-Animal (mundane and magical) Ranches: +45,000 Galleon (after salaries and charges), 1d6 Epic animal components/ Turn
-- 1000 Employees, payed 544 G/t on average.
Greenfire (Floo powder producers since 1930): + 10 000 Galleons/ Turn
--200 Employees payed 500 G/t on average
Potion shops 'Montmorency' in England: + 60, 000 Galleons/ Turn
--500 Employees payed 550 G/t on average
Medjica (Healing salves and potions): + 30 000 Galleons/turn
--150 Employees paid 770 G/t on average
'George's Inferno': +6 Sulfur /turn, +6 Mercury /turn
Gold mine : 1 000 G/Turn, 1d6-3 Native Gold / turn afterwards.
Assorted producer business: +8 Wood, + 8 Stone, + 2 Gems, +2 Sulfur / Turn


Gwallawg Academy of Superior Learning: -40,000 Galleon / turn, 1d6 Chance of producing a Druid, 1d100-80 chance of Loyal Hero Unit. (Muggleborn population: 95%)

Manor employee salaries: (50 of them, 380G/t on average)

Salaries: Agatha (1 000)

85000 Galleons / Turn + 8500 (Nature's bounty)
GASL Rolls:
D100 : 56 :Nope
D6: 1 : +1 Druid
Elizabeth roll :
D100: 95 : Gained [Mysterious Amber].
Animal ranches:
D6 : 3
D100: 67 : Gained 6x Dragon Heartstrings.
Gold mine:
D6 : 3 : Gained 3x Native Gold.

172 100 Galleons
30 Mercury
32 Sulfur
4 Crystal
10 Gems
8 Stone
8 Wood

Skylight: A sapphire that seems to shine with an inner light. +10 to results if used to create items with [Life/Order] Attribute.
Nature Anchor: Allows to soak up a zone with Nature energy, necessary to build a Rampart. [Set in Yr Wyddfa]
Book of Air:
Dragon Rearing book
Dragon nest plans

10x Unicorn hairs
6x Dragon Heartstrings
3x Native Gold.

Hydra venom
Chimera heartstrings

Jobberknoll feathers x4 (Truth and mind potion ingredients)
Unicorn horn
Mysterious Amber

Cloak of Crystal: Gain 1 Crystal / turn (Value: 5000 G)
Still Eye of the dragon +1 Troops Morale, +1 Troops Luck (Value: 2000 G)
Quiet eye of the dragon +5 Troops attack damage, +5 Troops attack defense (Value: 2000 G)
Pendant of free will: Immune to mind magic and hypnosis. (Value 8000 G)
Wolves x 15
Druids x 1

Rumor mill:

Regulus Black extended an invitation to all of the country's prominent personalities to celebrate the birth of his son and heir, Leonis Sirius Black. Dace received word that, among others, the Malfoys, the Parkinsons, the Diggorys and the Potters were guaranteed to attend. (63)
[]This may be a golden opportunity for networking.

Dace has received some reports about a suspicious robed figure visiting Dumbledore frequently. Each time, they visited, the man ended up looking exhausted and yet, he refused to tell anyone who that person was. (15)
[]Dace may want to look into that matter.

Martha approached dace with a pile of papers covering available locations to rent, items to buy, people to hire and so on. She seems very pumped up by it and her gentle veneer is off more than on those days. Still, there were a few very interesting things he found, that really shouldn't be where they were... (100)
[]Never let it be said a wedding couldn't be an opportunity.


Diplomacy:Advisor – Elizabeth Gwallawg: Actions: 2​

[] Meet up with people. Going here and there, talking with people and interacting with them may yield interesting results, after all, when you go out, you never quite know who you will meet later in the day. Managing to make lasting ties in one encounter though... Is quite a bit harder.
50 / 30 / 10 % Chances to meet influent and/or important people. Opens new SLs.

[] Networking at the Ministry. With the new minister, comes a new balance of power. You never really bothered with it before, but with the current state of things, getting a few people to report to you and allowing you to influence the decisions would be rather advantageous.
60 / 20 % Chances to forge ties with ministry workers. Gain access to Ministry confidential information. Chance to get access to Ministry resources.

[]Slander Reveal dark secrets of: Sometimes, people do things they are not very proud of and try to keep buried. Along the years, you have collected and hoarded those secrets, to unleash them at your convenience.
-[] Write-in
Chances vary depending on who is targeted.

[]Bolster reputation: Having well placed friends is a boon in and of itself. And if they owe you favors, well, even better.
-[]Write in (Must be a SL)
Cost: 10 000 Galleons. 70 / 50 / 20 % Chances of success.

[] Attend Academy graduation. You are, after all, the owner, founder and the one who funds the Gwallawg Academy of Superior Learning, located in Cardiff. This will increase your chance of people with exceptional potential stepping up, such as Oliver and Agatha. Miss Evans is currently indisposed and cannot give a speech, sorry.
+ 10 % chances to recruit heroic unit next turn.

[] Meet with your people (write in option). Just because they're already working for you doesn't mean that you have to neglect them.
50 / 30 / 10 % Chances to establish a SL with the designated subordinate.

[] Pureblood Meetings. After the incident in Diagon Alley, people are worried about what's happening. Go there to gauge the temperature.
60 / 20 % Chances to reassure the purebloods about your intentions.

[]Organize the Wedding: Invitations and advertising.

Stewardship Advisor – Oliver Lapierre: Actions: 2​

[] Trade for resources ( free action )

1 Wood for 2000 galleons
1 Stone for 2000 galleons
1 Crystal for 5000 galleons
1 Gem for 5000 galleons
1 Mercury for 5000 galleons
1 Sulfur for 5000 galleons


1 Wood for 250 galleons
1 Stone for 250 galleons
1 Crystal for 500 galleons
1 Gem for 500 galleons
1 Mercury for 500 galleons
1 Sulfur for 500 galleons

[] Develop the land (Free action):
-[]Stone quarry:
Cost: 20 000 Galleons. Reward : 16 ore / turn, 1d6-3 Flawless Marble afterwards.
-[]Crystal mine:
Cost: 40 000 Galleons. Reward : 8 Crystal / turn, 1d6-3 Flawless crystal afterwards.
-[]Gem mine:
Cost: 40 000 Galleons. Reward: 8 Gems/turn afterwards.

[] Find sources of building materials. Your contacts went out of business not that long ago, and you need good sources if you don't want to keep paying so much for them. Guaranteed access to Wood and Stone production facilities. Chance of getting access to Gem, Crystal, Sulfur, or Mercury production facilities.
Cost: 40 000 Galleons

[] Develop your budding empire, you need to spend gold to earn more gold, after all.
Costs 10 000 Galleons. 50 / 20 / 10 % Chances of success Gains variable.

[] Civilian infrastructure. (Requires Rampart step 1 to be complete to be built : One building of the kind may be built per turn.)
Trade resources at better prices ( the more markets you have, the better the prices)
-[]Resource silo : Cost:
+ 5 Crystal / turn
-[]Blacksmith :
Builds siege weapons
Opens up crafting options
-[]Druid hall level 1:Cost: 5 Wood, 5 Stone, 20 000G
Five level 1 spells become available for heroes to learn. Heroes are able to purchase a spell book from the guild for 500 G.

[] Real estate hunt : Riddle already two places directly under his control now. See if you can't even the numbers. Though, first, you'd have to find suitable spots...
Cost : 0 Galleons. 40 / 20 / 10% Chances of success.

[] Restore the land: Yr Wyddfa has suffered a lot due to the presence of Death and Nature energies warring over the territory. It will take time and effort for it to go back to its former health.
Cost : 10 000 Galleons, 10 Stone.

[] Time for a new business venture: From haute couture to cooking, to entertainment to book producing, as long as you put enough money in, you can do anything!
-[] Write-in

[]Organize the Wedding: Location, catering, spending money.
Cost : Write-in (5 000 min - 500 000 max Galleons)

Martial: Actions : 1​

[] Hire more security staff. -10 to enemy infiltration rolls. 2000G
Cost : 1 000 Galleons. 60 / 40 / 20 % Chances of success.

[] Combat drills. You have units, but they don't know how to fight as an army.
Cost : 0 Galleons.
-[]Wolves : 0 / 100
-[]Druids : 155 / 200

[] Military expedition:

Send a Heroic unit and your army do stuff.

-[]Orkney Islands: After the fall ot the Order faction, the undead are rampaging throught tie Isles. Both muggle and wizarding wonder what kind of deranged serial killer is to be found there, and there are talks about involving the army.
Cost : 5000 Galleons. 20 / 10 / 5 % Chances of success.

-[]Lundy Island: The Necromancer's base. No life can be found there, only cursed bodies and damned souls.
Cost : 5000 Galleons. 10 / 5 / 1% Chances of success.

-[] Exploration: see in the nearby territories if they can notice anything.
Cost 5000 Galleons/ 80 / 60 / 10% Chances of success.

-[] Land patrol : You never know what you can find lurking in the dark.
Cost : 1 000 Galleons. 70 / 40 / 20% Chances of success.

-[] Special mission : Write-in

[] Dwellings (Free action)(Requires Rampart step 1 to be complete to be built : One building of the kind may be built per turn.)
-[] Druid's circle: Produces 2 Druids / turn. Costs 5 Wood, 5 Stones, 10 Gems, 6000G

[] FIll up your roster: After the unpleasantness of this summer, you find your roster of units severely emptied. Do something about that.
Cost : 50 000 Galleons.

[] Find yourself a Security Chief (Martial adviser). You need all the help.
Cost : 5000G

[] But will that security chief be the best ? No. Try to poach an auror or two! Considering what they're doing with them, they won't be missed. Costly though.
Cost : 7500G

[]Organize the Wedding: Security.

Intrigue: Actions : 2​

[] Leverage your relationships : Use your SLs to cause reactions in a specified person.
-[]Select SL ( may take several, but no more than once)
--[]Select target.

[] Plots are good for your health! Plot against: (Will receive intel on their moves, plus additional actions if the opportunity arises.)
40 / 30 / 20/ Chances of success.
-[] The Ministry of Magic
-[]The muggles
-[] Dumbledore's little club of vigilantes.
-[] Voldemort's band of hooligans. Well, what remains of it, anyways.
-[] The Overlord of Chaos faction
-[] Death Faction.
-[] Aife. Better keep tabs on her.

[] Plots are good for your purse! With all those people being arrested left and right...
60 / 30 / 10% Chances of success
-[] Plot to take over shops in Diagon Alley (England, London).
-[] Plot to take over shops in the Green Alley (Wales, Cardiff)

[] Compulsive plotting is also good for the morale!
50 / 30 / 10% Chances of success
-[] Go on a matchmaking spree. Chance to increase Diplomacy, RP with some people, reputation.
-[] Go on a trolling rampage an adventure! Chance to increase Intrigue, cripple enemies, RP with some people.

[]Organize the Wedding: Make sure nobody will act up.

Learning: Actions: 2 (1+Learning over 25)
[] The old tales are sometimes true. Brush up on your knowledge, after all each time something supernatural happened, a wizard was behind it. Variable results, autopass

[]Survey the land. You'll never know what you can fins by running around, but at the very least, you'll know the land's map.
70 / 40 / 30 chances of success.

Mysticism: Advisor: Agatha: Actions: 2 (+10 to rolls)​

[] Y Ddraig Aur. He emerges once every thousand years and was until recently chewing on a few cows in what remains of your backyard, but this time, it was early. Why?​

[] Funeral rites : Salvation : ???

[] Funeral rites : Punishment : !!!

Personal: Actions: 4 (1 + Stewardship Advisor + Diplomacy Advisor + Mysticism advisor )

[] Spend time with one of your SLs: +2 RP
-[] Therapy Spend time with Lily: +3 RP, +1/? to recovery​
-[] Catch up with Oliver: ??? SL revealed ( take 2 ! )
-[]Write-in (must be SL)

[] Personal supervision. Supervise an action from the other sections. Gain +10 to rolls if Martial, Stewardship or Diplomacy action, +20 if Leaning or Mysticism action, +30 if Intrigue action. (May be used multiple times, but not on the same actions.)

[] Extra action. Use your own free time to do stuff. (May only be taken once, may be used as substitute for AP)

[]Organize the Wedding: What it says on the tin.

Ever played the sims? Cause the wedding will have a gauge on it, with prizes depending on how high it is.

Also as you are now a servant of Ceridwen, You must take at least one Funeral Rites actions.

Note : the other person did indeed take interest in Lily, just saying...

Will update info section tomorrow. I'm burnt out from the fgo summer event farming session, and I only just finished act 3.
Turn 5 : Autumn 1985
Sorry for the delay, had to test run a thing or two. Because if I didn't do it now, well, things would be worse, I guess, and since you're still playing on the tutotial character, I still feel like I have to hold back~

Warning: Unbeta-ed because it would erase all of my pretty formatting and it was a pain in the butt to get it that way. And short because interrupt. Not really satisfied, but at this point, I down't want to see any numbers anymore.​

September 10th 1985

[X] Restore the land: Yr Wyddfa has suffered a lot due to the presence of Death and Nature energies warring over the territory. It will take time and effort for it to go back to its former health.
Cost : 10 000 Galleons, 10 Stone.

The place was a complete and utter mess. Wilted vegetation, murkish green water, and corpses everywhere. At least Rufus was understanding enough.

"Whatever. We'll just tell the Prophet that a dark mage is running around." The lion-like man slouched on the plush chair of Dace's office, dark circles under his eyes.

"Speaking of dark mages..."Dace drawled, putting an encyclopedy against The Pile to keep it from falling onto the floor, again. " A little birdie sang a very interesting song about an auror, a minion, and the Golden Barrel's reserve of Firewhiskey."

The Head Auror glared at him.

"I will find your spies and I will have their hide, you hear me?"

Dace waved his threatening growl off. Let him run around like a headless chicken looking for theings that didn't exist. Now that he thought about it however, infiltrating the Ministry did seem like a good idea, if only to see the Scrimgeour's face when Dace starts telling him confidential information...

He shelved the thought for now, as he had more important things to do than reveling in the other man's exasperation. First, he needed to make it so it looked like the battle never happened, which wouldn't be cheap. Still, he had a contract with a few people specializing in body disposal, no questions asked to yours truly.

With the territory cleaned of impurities, the fountain regained its powers and Nature took back control over the land.

Nature's bounty: Active

Nature runs strong and wild, as it used to and should. The land remembers its rightful shape and will reject abnomalies.
- The magical ground protects owned land from both Chaos wave and Land of the dead effects. Will spread around owned territory up to one county away.
- + 10% Resources gain.

Who do you use the Fountain's powers on?
[]Write in

October 6th 1985

[X] Trade for resources ( free action )
-[X] 7 Stone for 14 000 galleons
[X] Develop the land (Free action):
-[X] Stone quarry:
Cost: 20 000 Galleons. Reward : 16 ore / turn, 1d6-3 Flawless Marble afterwards.
[X] Civilian infrastructure. (Requires Rampart step 1 to be complete to be built : One building of the kind may be built per turn.)
-[X]Market: 25 000G

Once the clearing was done, he could appreciate the damage that was done. They had to remove at least one meter of corrupted earth from the ground, and dig another bed for the river that had overflowed for some strange reason.
Hey hey~Don't you knoooow? Swamp is the best defensive terrain ever!
The water still hadn't been evacuated and Dace was struck with a strange thought. Letting that place become a natural swamp could be a great Idea, if the preliminary reports from his hunter teams were correct, there were about half a dozen creatures native from that kind of terrain that had shown to be compatible with the Nature energy from this place...
A N D! The Life-Death circle is muuuch more prominent than in your regular, silly plains and mountains~
Still, for that, he had to make sure he could access proper resources. He couldn't keep relying on importations, considering ihe wasn't certain those industries would still exist in a decade...

Also, those prices were outrageous, so he may need to do something about that too. In the end, he chose to do both, using the ages old method of throwing money at one's problems until they go away. He eyed his paperwork pile in consideration....

What does Dace do?
[] Change terrain to swamp. Good boy~Good boy~
[] Keep terrain as it is. Oh my~Perhaps you didn't understand me? I said, G E T T H E S W A M P

November 20th 1985

[X] Dwellings (Free action)(Requires Rampart step 1 to be complete to be built : One building of the kind may be built per turn.)
-[X] Druid's circle: Produces 2 Druids / turn. Costs 5 Wood, 5 Stones, 10 Gems, 6 000G

Still, despite Dace's best efforts, the information spread, probably from the mole in the Ministry, and soon, everybody knew that he'd been attacked at his hime by a dark wizard leading an army of inferi.
At the very least, that had the positive effect to make it so some people volunteered to train and becore druids without having to launch recruitment drives, which was just fine by him. They'd have to fill a form in case of death though, because sending letters to the families was a chore.
I suppose they could have some uses, for squishy humans anyways. Though, in the long term, I expect something is done about them.

December 5th 1985

[X] Spend time with one of your SLs: +2 RP
-[X] Catch up with Oliver: ??? SL revealed ( take 2 ! )
Rolled 6 + 5 - 10 Nat1 = 1 Needed 60 (he's pretty annoyed) : Near negative Failure~
Oliver, when Dace decided to find him, was in his quarters, folding clothes in what seemed to be a camping bag. He was wearing heavy combat boots and had traded his cowboy attire for an almost miltaristic one. Maps on Dace's right attracted his attention and he looked for a bit. It seemed the younger man had found something worth investigating.

A hand clad in brown leather fingerless gloves grabbed the maps and he piled them up in the bag too, eliciting a mildly surprised reaction from Dace. Oliver finally stopped cramming items in his bag and turned towards his employer, arms crossed over his chest revealing new, blackened scars, remains of the curses that he suffered from.

"You wanted something?" He asked, his expression revealing nothing and his eyes fixed on Dace's face.

...He may not understand people, but even he could understand that the man in front of him was not in the best of moods. The reason, though...
Empathy check :5 Required 50. Failure.
...Evaded him completely.

Still, there was no reason for him not to listen to his employees' grievances, right?

Oliver's foot was tapping the floor impatiently and he spoke as Dace was still thinking about what to say.

"I'll be taking a few months' vacation. Got something I need to check and the earlier the better, so if you don't have anything to say..." He looked emphatetically at the door, while strapping the bag on his back and visibly preparing himself to go out.

What does Dace do?
[]Talk to Oliver Dear me, your employee is so undisciplined, such a waste of good genetics ~
[] Don't

December 23rd 1985

[X] Never let it be said a wedding couldn't be an opportunity.

The maps and lists Martha had gathered were interesting enough, but when coupled with the knowledge from the archives, it revealed a whole new quantity of information, that Dace could turn to his advantage.

For example, the fact that one of the base elements required for the creation of a next anchor was under the Green Alley and ripe for the picking. Of course, he'd have to be an idiot to keep that laying around the place, especially since he didn't know if the other factions could use it too, which is why he went with Martha, to one of his potions shops, only to find it ablaze, minions rampaging in the streets

Wat do ? Well~ This is troubling, those energies... That whore!
[]Write in. 'That you Ceridwen? I knew I recognized that stench from somewhere! Still slobbering on your mistress' feet like the good little bitch you are?
I'll get you back for this Andraste ,even if I have to strangle you myself!
Heh. With the bozos you allied yourself to, I'd be surprised if you would fight your way out of a paperbag.

If you havent noticed it yet, that was a [Martial interrupt] !
Why am I even... Andraste, please keep her occupied for a sec. I have a plan.
You're the arbiter! You're not supposed to take sides!
I told you didn't I? Not anymore. Since people refused to behave, neither shall I. I will now cleave a Path to Victory for my chosen one, and not sorry, darling, but you're in my way.

Do you feel it ? that leash loosening?
Good news, things didn't catch fire in Summer!
Bad news, they just did now :V
Aaaand someone got the Andraste patronage. She can be a massive bitch huh

Also, to address a rather disturbing trend I have noticed here : I would like to remind people here that this is a quest. If there are no votes, there's not much point about me posting things here to begin with.
[X] Write in: Urie
Because Martha is already OPHAX and Oliver is out of the active roster. Might as well rebuild.

[X] Change terrain to swamp.
It irks me to follow another "being's" tune, but it might have a point. Naturally defensive structure and all that.

[X] Don't
- [X] Just ask if he's still coming back. And thank him for sticking around as long as he did.
The guy had a very, very, very close brush with death. He's been loyal so far, let him do what he wishes. This time at least.

[X] Write in: Tread carefully and carry a big spellbook. Even with Martha on your side, you're still under strength. Find some survivors, sneak around to know who did it, and pull out.

Because I suck at combat making plans.
Will replace this if a better one appears.
[X] Write in: Urie
Because Martha is already OPHAX and Oliver is out of the active roster. Might as well rebuild.

[X] Change terrain to swamp.
It irks me to follow another "being's" tune, but it might have a point. Naturally defensive structure and all that.

[X] Don't
- [X] Just ask if he's still coming back. And thank him for sticking around as long as he did.
The guy had a very, very, very close brush with death. He's been loyal so far, let him do what he wishes. This time at least.

[X] Write in: Tread carefully and carry a big spellbook. Even with Martha on your side, you're still under strength. Find some survivors, sneak around to know who did it, and pull out.

I don't think I even saw turn five
[X] Change terrain to swamp.
[X] Fountain's powers on chibi
[X] Don't
- [X] Just ask if he's still coming back. And thank him for sticking around as long as he did.
Turn 5 : Winter 1985
[X] Plan: Muddy relationships.
[X] Change terrain to swamp.
[X] Fountain's powers on Martha
[X] Don't

[X] If I can't have it, you can't have it.
-[X] Wipe out the area with the targets with the most effective spells.
--[X] unleash the beast (wife again)
---[X] cover Martha with spell fire, both normal and druidic as the situation calls for it.

September 23rd, 1985

The terrain had completely changed by now, and so did the vegetation, becoming more adapted to the abundance of water and the very atmosphere of the land had become more...Reptilian. Almost predatory.

The air became damp, the soil was filled with water, which made the wolves whine pitifully in disapproval of the change, unused as they were to swampy terrains, preferring plains and forests and the smell assailing their sensitive noses despite the air freshening spells.

He'd have to see if he couldn't find them another place to live in, as right now relocation of creatures or creation of a new Rampart, both were inaccessible to him.

Terrain set to Swamp!
Now, that's taken care of, now to do that~

December 5th, 1985

The younger man just stared at him, small embers dancing in his eyes, traces of his veela heritage betraying his inner turmoil. Still, he said nothing. Dace stepped back out of the room, freeing the door for the younger man to get out of, which he did, without sparing a glance at him.

Social link Reversed!

December 23rd, 1985

Well, seeing as the place was on fire and overrun with chaotic vermin, the solution was quite simple.

"Martha, if you would?" Dace asked, thumbing his spell book to try and find something useful.

Such a shame Destroy Undead didn't work on those creatures.

The woman nodded, using the Elder wand to change her attire into something a little more convenient for fighting; before jumping into the fray, grabbing a minion that was trying to bite off an old man's throat, snapping its neck and flinging it towards the rest of the group, who turned in her direction and howled in indignation, sharp yellow teeth gleaming in contrast to their black gums.

Ever since she got bathed in those waters, she seemed to be brimming with energy. A health benefit, perhaps?

Meanwhile, Dace was scratching his head to find an area of effect spell.

On her side, Martha jumped into the fray and soon, squeals of pain could be heard, when Dace finally found an appropriate spell. However, the problem was that it was costly and didn't cover that much ground. He'd have to keep it for targets of interest. Such as the strange creatures peppering the aurors with arrows.

There were three of them, their lower bodies looking like a bolden brown snake, slithering around the decorations of the roofs. At the bottom of the building laid broken pieces of statues looking extremely lifelike.

He didn't need to see under their hoods to understand what they were. Gorgons. And Queen type, at that.

Electricity crackled at his fingers and he aimed at the creatures, energy arching from him and with a deafening crack, struck the creatures, jumping from one to another, then veering off and hitting something outside of his line of sight. However, as powerful as that spell was, it was extremely draining and he had to sit down to catch his breath as Martha went wild among the enemy.

Which was probably why he was caught off-guard when he felt an ice-cold hand grabbed the back of his neck and threw him into a dark alleyway. In the gloom, he couldn't see much, however, it was clear that the figure was feminine, and that her skin was not looking healthy. Or alive.

Drat. That would be a problem. Then, arms of solid ice caught him from behind and he lost the ability to even struggle, something draining him. Well, someone.

"Oh my, oh me, oh my~ Who do we have here alone, sister?" was the voice coming from next to his ear. It was pleasant enough, and sounded playful, however, considering who it belonged to, it didn't reassure him in the slightest. " Oh, don't worry Darling, hubby told us you were his to kill, and he would be oh so upset if we did you in before he even got the chance to do it himself~"

A finger poked at his cheek, trying to get a reaction out of him, which he wouldn't give out.

"Aimée, enough." The first person, a handsome woman with red hair dressed in a sharp black suit called out curtly, causing the other woman holding him to release him, causing his exhausted body to fall to the ground. "Did you have to drain him? We both saw him use Chain Lightning, he was out of energy."

The second woman appeared in his field of vision, her long brown hair curling around her hips gathered in a high ponytail, clad in a frilly turquoise dress with a light brown vest, prancing towards the other woman. She then proceeded to catch the taller woman's arm and whine.

"Aww, you know I had to~ Wouldn't want him to call for miss Terminator, you know? And I had to make sure your message reaaaaally sunk~" She raised her hand, a golden item he recognized very clearly dangling from its chain that was stuck between two of her fingers. It was his pendant of free will. " I mean, he doesn't look all that smart, but if hubby wanted to make him one of us, he had to have some measure of competency somewhere, right? Riiiight?" She chirped, before letting go of the other woman's arm and instead took place near the wall opposite to her colleague. "You're too nice Shirley, that's why people keep escaping from you." Her green eyes narrowed and her smile turned into a smirk as she leaned against the wall, head tilted like a bird and her voice taking a taunting edge." Ah, but, that's probably you struggling against the programming huh? You are the youngest out of all of us~"
Her expression immediately snapped back to a friendlier one as she clapped her hands together.

"Oh, but what am I talking about, this is your show little sis', now...Show me what you've got."

The woman named Shirley scowled, before looking at Dace in an almost apologetic way.

"I'm sorry." The remorse in her voice couldn't be faked as her hand was covered in the energies of Order and reaching for his face in what was most likely a hypnosis spell.

Then, a loud explosion noise could be heard and the ground began to shake. The beaten ground trembled and moved, rising up and up, until black spines emerged, attached to a long reptilian neck, attached itself to a four legged, winged, scaly body that was bigger than the building nearby. On its back, a figure, likely a man, clad in a black cloak was staring ahead at the destruction in the Alley. Their hands emerged from the cloak, covered in black armored gauntlets and grabbed two spines from the dragon's back, causing it to growl before taking to the air, the gusts of wind sending bins and trash flying, some of them landing on the paralyzed body of Dace and cutting his field of vision.

Then, he heard a growl and the distinctive noise of a dragon utilizing its breath attack. Heat almost scalded him, despite his cover and the fact the dragon didn't aim at him, and he heard an outraged squeal from the undead answering to the name of Aimée.

"Why you walking handbag, let me show you what happens to those who irritate me!" There was a snapping noise, and a massive body fell to the ground.

"Oh my, it seems Black dragons aren't immune to Death's grasp~ Now, mister Overlord, why don't you explain-"
"Teleport!" The other woman cut her out, and both voices disappeared as more sounds of dragons firing were heard.

Steps became closer and closer to him and his cover was torn off, leaving him face to hood with the man. The figure then raised the very same crystal he came for, before waving him under his nose before putting it back in the pouch at his waist, making Dace blink in incomprehension as the man's figure retreated away.

Was he... Was the Overlord taunting him?!

Everything became silent again, save for the metallic sounds of the Overlord's boots on the ground, walking away slowly, leaving the paralyzed Dace alone in the dark alley, to be found a few minutes later by a near hysterical Martha, who had found his pendant in front of the alley after realizing he had disappeared.

Sometimes, no matter how much information one stood to gain, he sighed in his office, treating himself to a glass of Firewhiskey, one should not get out of bed.

Dace and Martha both gain 500 experience.

January 10th 1986

[X] Funeral rites: Salvation : ???
[X] Funeral rites: Punishment : !!!
Nothing of note happened.
Nothing of note happened.
Good boy.

February 6th, 1986

[X] Personal supervision. Supervise an action from the other sections. Gain +10 to rolls if Martial, Stewardship or Diplomacy action, +20 if Leaning or Mysticism action, +30 if Intrigue action. (May be used multiple times, but not on the same actions.)
-[X] Plot against Death
67 + 75 +30 - 10 = 162 : Tier 2 success!

Of course, between the Overlord taunting him, and the undead ladies assailing him in a dark alley, Dace had a relative abundance of prospective victims to sabotage. While he couldn't have inside men into the Death faction for rather obvious reasons, that didn't stop him from acting around them, instead of within, and considering how the current climate was, people were more than eager to talk about what they'd seen.

In the end, with some tactical advice from Martha, Dace was fairly certain he'd understood their moves:

Try to speed up the putrefaction of Cornwall, this he already knew.
Harvest and isolate the Orkney isles, that he knew too.
Them infecting people in Africa with the zombie plague and store them for later usage was a surprise though.
So was the fact that they chanced upon Nicolas Flamel's philosopher's stone.
And of course, what he should have expected: Emmeline Potter, James Potter's young wife, was one of the people under their thrall, and she was the one to provide Riddle with both the Death Cloak, and one infant Harry Potter.

He searched, his contacts roaming through the land, however, no trace of the child.

The plan here was obviously consolidating their position and entrenching themselves into the territory. Martha mentioned they were stalling. Considering what he'd seen so far, it was quite clear they were waiting for Riddle to come back. How, however, was the question.

Still, which one of those facts should he act on first?

[]Write in.

New Intrigue and Military options available next turn!

February 16th, 1986

[X] Personal supervision. Supervise an action from the other sections. Gain +10 to rolls if Martial, Stewardship or Diplomacy action, +20 if Leaning or Mysticism action, +30 if Intrigue action. (May be used multiple times, but not on the same actions.)
-[X] Plot against Chaos
95 + 75 + 30 - 10 = 190. Tier 2 success!

Of course, considering the Overlord burnt down some of his businesses, this could not be left unpunished either. Therefore, her applied the same methodology, with a bit of a twist. Lucius was quite helpful in that regard, finally having a face to blame for his wife's miscarriage, and browbeat several families into submission, who then used their own contacts.

Separating truth and rumors was a bit of work, however, with Martha's help, he managed to gain some insight into the Overlord's plans.

Pillaging the Alleys for resources was obvious, considering they were most likely underground and had limited space.
Locating the hives was also a staple.
Them having located the brown hives too, considering how house elves were starting to misbehave.
That Salazar's spell broke was clear. He'd seen him himself, which meant that the goblins and house elves were bound to devolve into brown type minions soon. Most pessimistic estimates were that it would happen in two years.
Of course, his frequent skirmishes with the Aurors were only a game of smoke and mirrors. Nobody could be that incompetent and attack a bar first, the question was: what did he hit during that distraction?
The answer was: The Ministry itself. The archives in the Department for the regulation and control of magical creatures were set aflame, and with it, several controlling spells were broken. The obvious consequence would be an upsurge of violence coming from some of those creatures.
Him using the goodwill to recruit them would be a piece of cake and Dace decided to assume that the Overlord not only had a complete roster of creatures, but now he had the production facilities for all of them.

At least, he knew where the man's base was, if he ever wanted to commit legal arson.

Now though, the question remained, which one he would try to address first.

[]Write in

New Stewardship, Intrigue and Military options available next turn.

It was pretty fascinating to see the FusterCluck caused by no less than 4 actors all acting on the same thing at the same time. Rolls were hilarious too.

In any case, here's an approximation of what the new people are like~





* In monotone voice* Kya. That dark hood is so gallant looking; my maidenly kokoro is going all doki doki.
*sighs* Gonna stop the votes a 3 PM GMT tomorrow, just so you know.
Turn 5 : Spring 1986.
So many people, much wow.

[] House elves
[] Cornwall putrefication

In the end, after reading all of those reports, Dace decided something had to be done about the House Elf problem and the putrefaction of Cornwall. Still, nothing could be done for now, but he'd keep an eye open, just in case.

Turn 5 : Spring 1986.

March 22nd 1986

[X] Spend time with one of your SLs: +2 RP
-[X] Therapy Spend time with Lily: +3 RP, +1/? to recovery
80 + 40 (Leadership) - 10 (Nat1) = 110 : Tier 2 success.

For some strange reason, Lily bounced back much quicker this time, and Dace knew for a fact that he wasn't the cause, which lead to him forming the hypothesis that she mest be somehow acclimatizing to her condition.

However, as he walked out, a shadow ran along the walls, and he instinctively concealed himself, feeling both anger and anticipation coursing through his veins. Was the castle already compromised?!

Then, with a rather loud noise, a small figure came into view.

It was his granddaughter who tripped over the carpet, her unusual dark clothing looking out of place. She immediately got back to her feet, looking left and right with an expression of concentration, before she very obviously tiptoed towards the door Lily was locked in.

Dace finally understood. She was trying to be stealthy.

And failing miserably.

Then, her hand reached for the door and it unlocked. Without any key. And without her touching it.

The older man just watched silently as she walked into the room, the lack of crazed shouting from Lily indicating it was a common occurence, closing and locking the door behind her, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

It seems somebody has been keeping secrets. He wasn't sure he liked that.

+5 RP Lily, +1 Diplomacy. +1/??? Recovery score.

March 23rd 1986

[X] The old tales are sometimes true. Brush up on your knowledge, after all each time something supernatural happened, a wizard was behind it. Variable results, autopass

Today, he decided to take a book at random in his library and checked the cover. It seems like it was a book about old celtic gods and cults. It contained quite a lot of trivia, like the fact it was custom to release white hares before battles to attract Andraste's favor. However more alarming was that the cult of C-
Would you look at that! Your paperwork is about to escape!
-that his paperwork had been left unattended for too long!

Failure due to external intervention.

March 29th 1986

[X] Survey the land. You'll never know what you can fins by running around, but at the very least, you'll know the land's map.
41 + 60 (Acquisition) - 10 (Nat1)= 91. Success.

After an intensive session of signing and threatening with fire, his seemingly futile actions finally bore fruit.

The Pile was shrinking.

One more turn until Nat1 Negation.

April 1st, 1986

[X]But will that security chief be the best ? No. Try to poach an auror or two! Considering what they're doing with them, they won't be missed. Costly though.
Cost : 7 500G
22 + 20 (perception : people) = 42 : Failure

It seemed that, in fact, they would be missed.

In another note, Dace received a very polite letter from his good friend Rufus asking him to kindly back off.

Failure. Rufus is now alert.

April 10th.

[X] This may be a golden opportunity for networking.
[X] Pureblood Meetings. After the incident in Diagon Alley, people are worried about what's happening. Go there to gauge the temperature.
60 / 20 % Chances to reassure the purebloods about your intentions.
63 + 40 ( Presence) = 103 : Success!

Dace looked around him at the function, the crop of the pureblooded cream was attending. He could see the Parkinsons and the Diggory on the far off side, arguing once again about some thing or another. Still, more of them were staring, not at him, but at the woman attached to his arm.

Martha stood straight, her dark golden robe making her skin, and the amber necklace on her throat, stand out. She looked all around her with an expression nearing disdain, and only her vice-like grip betrayed her nervousness. Still, Dace didn't think those gazes were particularly hostile, the anti-muggleborn sentiment being something of a taboo those years, due to the one who ineptly defended it.

He let go of his bethrothed and walked towards Regulus, the new head of the Black looking at him nervously while his wife, a mousy little thing, was holding their young son. Dace looked at the child, who didn't look like much, before congratulating the young parents. For some reason, they looked even more scared. He looked behind him and Martha just smiled back politely at him, while Regulus was visibly paling.

The silence in the room was deafening, then, the doors opened once again, creaking, revealing Lucius, his blond hair groomed to perfection, accompanied by his wife. The man's gaze sweeped through the room, before focusing on dace and the one accompanying him. He raised an eyebrow, before swanning towards him, his wife walking behind him, a hand on her mouth as if she was trying to keep herself from giggling.

"I heard you were robbing cradles Gwallawg, however, I didn't think you'd bring her here." He ribbed the man, his smirk and lack of insults making it clear he was jesting. Dace decided not to let the younger man's effort go to waste and played along, sighing dramatically.

"When you get as old as me, you will realize having someone young to take care of you becomes necessary. For example, she is very useful in nonmagical situations." Dace looked at her, trying to communicate the need for Martha to show off, that she somehow interpreted into her needing to grab the nearby silver candlestick and easily turning it into a metallic pretzel, ignoring the burning wax running over her hands and people's winces upon hearing the metal shriek as it was twisted into an unnatural shape. Martha then put it neatly on the table, where it stood on its foot.

Few people dared to approach afterwards.

Purebloods properly cowed into submission. No backlash to marrying Martha.

April 20th

[X] Networking at the Ministry. With the new minister, comes a new balance of power. You never really bothered with it before, but with the current state of things, getting a few people to report to you and allowing you to influence the decisions would be rather advantageous.
60 / 20 % Chances to forge ties with ministry workers. Gain access to Ministry confidential information. Chance to get access to Ministry resources.
72 + 40 (Presence) = 112 : Tier 2 success.

After the unpleasantness with Rufus, Dace decided he wasn't one to be one upped so easily. If he couldn't enter throught the aurors, he'd do it through the rest. Which meant more contact with people.

Still, as socially inept as he was, even he could waltz in and chat with random people. And it seemed he struck gold on his first try too.

Dolores Umbridge was a squat woman with a large mouth and greenish skin complexion, signs of a mermish ancestry, but she seemed determined to keep that part under silence by being the most bigoted woman of the entire place. However, she had contacts, and it took only the slightest bit of flattery to get her to spill everything.

As the secretary of Cornelius Fudge, she had his ear, and his confidence. And it seemed the man was not confident enough in himself to keep a blind eye regarding Rufus' actions ad Head of the Aurors, deciding to plot to try and sack the man to rid his Ministry from insidious influences.

Now, wasn't that interesting...

Entered contact with Dolores Umbridge. Learned of Cornelius Fudge's plot against Rufus Scrimgeour. Dace now has a backdoor to the Minister's cabinet.

Welp. That part wasn't that interesting after the rather emotionnally charged other ones, buuuut. Well, you know the drill, it's the end fo the turn, so you get the....

Interlude choice!

[]Chaos : Money Money Money~
[]Order : Why is everything on fire?!
[]Life : Why is nothing on fire?!
[]Death : Just the two of us~
[]Joker : I'm fairly sure a human spine is not supposed to bend that way...
[]Wildcard : Meanwhile, in America : Mo-kun and Hood-chan's lovey-dovey date!

Due to chargen decisions, Chibi has a negative stealth score. Yeah.
Also, thank Lucius guys, he saved your butt out there by disarming the riot before it could take place :V
JokerQuest : I'm fairly sure a human spine is not supposed to bend that way...
JokerQuest : I'm fairly sure a human spine is not supposed to bend that way...

You were sitting in the familiar living room, nonchalantly looking around and taking in the walls darkened by magic. Well well well, it seemed little Reggie didn't know how to get rid of the taint either. Not that anyone alive knew, you amended, but still.

At least the chairs were comfortable.

After a while, the urge to transfigure one of those pillows into a white, long haired cat almost overpowered you and the owner of the place opened the toor as you were looming over your defenseless victim. He stared at you, you stared at him, his gaze slid towards your wand and he sighed.

"This better not be you trying to turn one of my pillows into a hedgehog again or I swear to the Lord I will take you to the magical menagerie to neuter you."

Those words led you to think about what that would mean. All the ladies, gone. You openly whined and tried to puppy eye him, only to get a splash of water to the face as the younger man strode through the room, waving his wand and making a few parchment rolls fly towards you.

"I don't suppose you got out of your tomb for a simple social call, so I took the liberty to compile the data I managed to scrounge up about your situation. From what I understand, Riddle broke his teeth on Gwallawg's little fortress, so you have about 5 years before they come for you, maybe less, if Shirley succumbs fully to the compulsion."

Your lips twisted downwards. Shirley... You shook your head. You couldn't save her if you didn't use your head, stupid mutt. And for that, you need a plan. And to make a plan, you need information.

"Thanks, Regulus." You said earnestly as your eyes scanned the paper, your brain that had been misused most of your life struggling to gather the information.

"You're welcome." Regulus sat down on his chair, looking at you in silence for a while. Then, he spoke up again.

"I saw Gwallawg today." He said, causing you to look up from the paper. Gwallawg... Oh, Aife's father. The one mother always raved about in a seriously creepy way and who supposedly is the root of all evil on earth. "He had a new bethrothed. A muggleborn, that he brought at the meeting."

You blinked. The man must have had balls of steel not only to announce he's going to become a 'blood traitor' but also to rub it in everyone's faces. You took note to raise his position in your mind, but Regulus interrupted you before you began thinking of new nicknames for the man.

"Martha Drake. A Hufflepuff your age." Yes, yes, and quadruple holder of the title of most bountiful bosom of Hogwarts. Hmmm, oh, wait.

"The one who attacked you and your friend death eaters when you tried to corner her after breaking her wand and who beat you up so bad they had to use Skele-gro on you?" You ask, hitting your fist into your open hand in realization as Regulus winced.

"Anyways." He obviously changed subjects " He has an aura." He stressed the word, causing all your previous good humor to disappear. Okay, depending on how it went, it could be very good or very-

"And it stunk of putrefaction, of Life Decaying into Death." Regulus waved his wand, causing a crystalline bottle and two glasses to fly from a nearby cupboard. You couldn't get drunk anymore, undeath sucked that way, but still, you appreciated he thought to propose and you relished in the burn spreading through your throat. Meanwhile, Regulus downed his glass, before slamming it against the table.

"As if it wasn't enough that he convinced Fudge and the Death Eaters that more violent means to achieve their ends were acceptable, he somehow got his hands on the maps of where all the oldest and more famous wizrds ans witches of Britain are buried. Do you even know what kind of damage he could do with those?!" He got up and began circling the room, occasionnally pausing to fill and down another glass of firewhiskey, as Sirius was beginning to feel worried for his liver. " But nooo, as if it wasn't enough, the Oracle didn't just reveal he entered a simple contract, he swore fealty to Ceridwen! Not even Thanatos or Kali! Ceridwen, the crazy psycho bitch who gains power from human sacrifice!" He began to shout and windmill his arms in a fashion that would be hilarious if his eyes werent looking so wild. "The last thing Britain needs right now is another edition of the freaking Shadow Court! But nooo, the Bastard of Wales has to ruin everyone's day!"

You're not sure it's quite that bad, but it still looks pretty bad. Still, it leaves you in quite the conundrum...

When in doubt, you asked yourself the very same question you've asked yourself ever since the end of your fifth hear at Hogwarts.

What would James do?

Probably try to make contact with Gwallawg and see what happens.

What would you do?

[] Investigate.
[X] Don't.
Yeah, like, no. Like, you don't want to be ,like, anywhere near that crazy bitch...
And as you did ever since your fifth year, you promptly decide to do the exact opposite and stay the hell away from that guy.
Phew. That's one bomb disarmed. Now to make sure Fudge doesn't blow up Scotland by accident... Why am I the one doing this, there's so many cute guys out there and I can't touch them, it's like, going to an all you can eat buffet when you're dieting!
Seriously, you'd seen dementors cuddlier than the guy.
Still, a drunk Regulus was always a riot. He's already started posing. With a hand on his face and bending back while screaming gibberish. Either he was inhumanely flexible, or he's learned how to animagus behind his back, because he was fairly sure a spine doesn't bend like that.
We appreciate your sacrifice 'Dite
*Much whining was done*

Muhehe said:
Wait. 'Shadow Court', as in...
LadyPanda said:
Muhehe said:
That crossover's not in the list.
LadyPanda said:
Just setting up the sequel.
SoulWeave said:
I don't know what you're talking about, but it looks interesting. Anyways, YES FINALLY the apocalypse is in the works~ Even Dog-man won't manage to stop it !
MegaMinion said:
Blondie24 said:
Well, the good side of it is that since you're dead already, you're pretty much guaranteed to survive.
MegaMinion said:
Until they decide to do what they usually do with petri dishes, in any case.
Miyosan said:
Poor Regulus, we should get him a pamphlet about the dangers of alcoholism.
MegaMinion said:
No, seriously, why aren't you freaking out guys, we just got told we have to stop the Apocalypse, and save our undead girlfriend from the NTR end!
Miyosan said:
NTR is a trash fetish but you know our situatioon isn't that bad, nobody knows we exist at this point.
MegaMinion said:
Yeah, I'm sure at GwallawgQuest they thought so too, look where it got them!
SoulWeave said:
So, Panda from 1 to 10, on the Apocalypse-o-meter, where are we right now?
LadyPanda said:
Eh. I'll give it a three. There's another Nature faction in the works right now, since, you know, some people aren't going to take Ceridwen rampaging and do nothing about it. Still, Middle east and Africa's pretty screwed, as is Russia.
Porky said:
Russia? What's up with Russia?
SoulWeave said:
LadyPanda said:
TheGrammarian said:
But wasn't that supposed to happen in... Oh. Oh no.
LadyPanda said:
MegaMinion said:
You know what? I won't even ask.
Porky said:
But that was the Warhammer thing! You said no Warhammer thing!
MegaMinion said:
What Warhammer thing?
Raven said:
Panda said taking the Ragnarök thing in chargen would lead to Aphrodite getting ganked by Slaanesh who accidentallied his way to this multiverse through a hiccup in the Warp. But Aphrodite's still here, so that's probably vanilla Ragnarok she's talking about.
LadyPanda said:
Something like that.
MegaMinion said:
Oh, we'll just have to deal with world burning fire giants, world eating wolves, and all the gods dying. You know what? Just for the last point, I'm gonna call it a win.
LadyPanda said:
Heh. Because you've been so lucky so far.
MegaMinion said:
SoulWeave said:
Raven said:
At least those inserts will die?
Blondie24 said:
Raven said:

You pushed Regulus into doing drunken JoJo posing, you monsters, I hope you're happy.

On another note, note that the wording ot the type of pact you'd enter in was actually pretty important, who'd have thought?

Also, yes, I named that faction just for the pun. Because that's what the guy himself would do.
I knew Cerdwin was bad news.
To bad theres so few if us over here.
Maybe then we wouldn't be bound to a being who sees our world as nothing but entertainment.
You know what they say about evil prevailing when good people say nothing? Basically that.

In fact, it's come to the point I'm seriously thinking of aborting the quest here.
You know what they say about evil prevailing when good people say nothing? Basically that.

In fact, it's come to the point I'm seriously thinking of aborting the quest here.

can I get a link to the main quest?
You should be receiving the link by PM right about now.
Last edited:
The End.
I know the SFW side of QQ is severely depopulated, but it seems that I underestimated just how much it was.

I mean, almost one week without any kind of reply? Harsh.

Not even a tiny bit of feedback about why people don't bother anymore.

As I started, I was pretty much of the mind of continuing the quest if even just one person bothered to reply regularly, but sadly this wasn't the case.

I guess here is just not the good place to do those kinds of things.

Modifying the sections and keeping track of the information each side knows to prevent a spill over takes time, and since it seems people don't bother with the quest anymore, neither will I.

It's a bit disappointing, but hey, it happens.

Well, that's it, I guess. Quest over.
I know the SFW side of QQ is severely depopulated, but it seems that I underestimated just how much it was.

I mean, almost one week without any kind of reply? Harsh.

Not even a tiny bit of feedback about why people don't bother anymore.

As I started, I was pretty much of the mind of continuing the quest if even just one person bothered to reply regularly, but sadly this wasn't the case.

I guess here is just not the good place to do those kinds of things.

Modifying the sections and keeping track of the information each side knows to prevent a spill over takes time, and since it seems people don't bother with the quest anymore, neither will I.

It's a bit disappointing, but hey, it happens.

Well, that's it, I guess. Quest over.

For what it's worth you did wonderfully, and I will be joining the SV thread.
Thanks for the fun, looking forward to more!
A pity, though entirely understandable. And yes, it was fun. :)

I was following quest here, even though I didn't do much voting - mostly due to fact that I found the quest rather late. For rather long time I was ignoring it due to game mechanics it was crossed with - but it turned out to work great. Much better than I expected it would.

It's bit of shame it's being ended here. QQ is much free-er place when it comes to just writing what You want and how You want than SV. Quest narrations does not need to be restricted by rather extreme (or maybe just interpreted in extreme way) rules of SV or SB. But yeah, lack of visible participation is damning.

Ah well....

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