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Hench4Life (Henchman Riot Quest)

-[x] Adjust the decor to present the image of a members-only club - a place that people might reasonably be going in and out of on a regular basis but not one that feels any need to open its doors to the public.
Can I suggest that you should rethink this, since our Villain has already done something better that it would presumably conflict with?
Villainous Actions
Morgane has established a gardening store in the Paris Storefront, boosting Discretion by 4 and providing 2 Legitimate Income.
Igor's Introduction (Canon Omake)
Can I suggest that you should rethink this, since our Villain has already done something better that it would presumably conflict with?
Why yes. Yes you can!

Err... thank you.

And now I nee a new plan. Okay. I can come up with a new plan.

Well... sort of.


Igor was eager. His first day on the job! Time to start finding little problems to fix before they became big problems. The Masters always forgot things. Always. It was the way. So... money? It was really shocking how many of the masters and mistresses out there just ignored the contents of their purse.

Nope. That got taken care of. Apparently it had been one of her first priorities. Well, that was nice. She'd also already asked for research on the local heroes? Well, that was certainly... sensible. A sensible mistress was a good thing, right? Wait! Aha! He looked through the list of tasks, past and present. She'd had them move into an empty storefront! That might last for a few weeks or even a month or two, but if minions and henchmen keep moving in and out of a "deserted" storefront, it would quickly become quite obvious, and then once those heroes started actually looking it would surely get quite ugly. She hadn't thought to tell anyone to work on making the place blend in better. That was it! That was the thing he'd fix! He had this great idea for a private club and everything.

...and then he got there. To the thriving garden supply store. For a moment, he was almost appalled. She hadn't assigned discretion improvement to the henchmen because she'd just taken care of it herself.

That... but... but....

A sensible mistress was a good thing. A rare blessing. To be cherished. His parents would be so happy to hear it.

Igor's shoulders slumped. He went to the list of standing orders, and just looked for the one that he thought he'd be most useful for.

He could find some way to demonstrate his lateral thinking later. Next month, maybe.

[X] Build a Room!
-[X] Select Base: Paris Storefront
-[X] Select Type: Spore Growth Room
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H: Just so everyone knows, there is a specific strategic reason for Morgane to be in Paris in particular. I wonder if you can figure out what it is?
C: Well, it's definitely for access to something French. Not the truffles though.

Well I was going to guess that She had a plan to either "persuade" or "seduce" Marius in some manner to gain increased access to his source of spores and his access to the Ghost tech. But upon further review of the above quote I realized she is following in the footsteps of Napoleon!
Vote Tally : Hench4Life (Henchman Riot Quest) | Page 2 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 44-62]
##### NetTally 3.1.4
[X] Build a Room!
-[X] Select Base: Paris Storefront
-[X] Select Type: Spore Growth Room
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Blackshard
[X] Scott
[X] Sirrocco

[X] Improve a Base
-[X] Paris Storefront
-[X] Size
No. of Votes: 2
[x] DIT_grue
[x] Megaolix

[X] Michael Delaney
No. of Votes: 2
[x] Philospher
[X] Blackshard

[X] Case Marius' residence by preaching around his neighborhood and taking note of gossip and the layout of the residence.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Philospher

[X] Design Equipment
-[X] Clockwork automation for Spore Room Growth/Production
No. of Votes: 1
[X] LuckyShadowWolf

[X] Jiminy Longarm
No. of Votes: 1
[x] DIT_grue

[X] Padraig "Paddy" O'Keen
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Whitecap

[X] Run Interference
-[X] Casing Marius's Residence. Use innate Hooliganism to attract attention away from the operation. Nothing that could land serious jail time but enough to be a nuisance.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Whitecap

[X] Steve Black
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Scott

[X] write in: put a fanzy hat on ve boszz's head!
No. of Votes: 1
[X] hellbolo

Total No. of Voters: 9


Who gets buffed?
-Michael Delaney (Whitecap)
-Their action for this turn has been canceled due to being in recovery.

Action 1: Build a Spore Growth Room in the Paris Storefront.

Action 2: Embiggerate the Paris Storefront

Action 3: Case Marius' Residence

Action 4: Design Automated Spore Growth Room

Action 5: Get Morgane a Fancy Hat
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Well with rolls like these... someone getting punished. sure hoping it not me considering my action likely passed
Well, if I'm reading right...
- Building the spore room passed with flying colours.
- Expanding the base went... not well.
- Enhancement probably went pretty poorly too. Not as bad as it could have, but not great.
- Casing the residence went... quite well, really, in spite of having no interference run for it.
- Designing Equipment (in support of the spore room) went okay.

So... the two things that the boss actually assigned us to went pretty well. The augmentation did not go so hot. Hopefully nothing terrible is coming out of the sewers to eat us.
Well, if I'm reading right...
- Building the spore room passed with flying colours.
- Expanding the base went... not well.
- Enhancement probably went pretty poorly too. Not as bad as it could have, but not great.
- Casing the residence went... quite well, really, in spite of having no interference run for it.
- Designing Equipment (in support of the spore room) went okay.

So... the two things that the boss actually assigned us to went pretty well. The augmentation did not go so hot. Hopefully nothing terrible is coming out of the sewers to eat us.
Not sure how you're reading that; there doesn't seem to have been a roll for the aug. The actions were:
Action 1: Build a Spore Growth Room in the Paris Storefront. (95 +25 skill; likely crit success)
Action 2: Embiggerate the Paris Storefront (5 +15 skill; possible crit fail?)
Action 3: Case Marius' Residence (22 +10 skill; bad, possible consequences due to lack of cover?)
Action 4: Design Automated Spore Growth Room (77 +10 skill; good roll)
Action 5: Get Morgane a Fancy Hat (41 +5 skill; meh)

So great work on the spores, plausibly plus some extra clockwork buff, since the research bit also worked out well. Dangerous result on the renovations, likely bad. Possible consequences due to the low roll and lack of cover for the espionage. Hat-buying had a 'meh' result instead of an amazing result... but this *is* Paris, which means that it's probably easier to get a fashionable hat than it is elsewhere. It's just not an amazing hat.
Hat-buying had a 'meh' result instead of an amazing result... but this *is* Paris, which means that it's probably easier to get a fashionable hat than it is elsewhere. It's just not an amazing hat.

Don't forget that with how prevalent hats are to everyday fashion in this time period that means the initial. DC for the action should be lesser cause of the ease and wide spread selection of hats! Or it might be if I'm understanding how I Just Write figures out the possible DC's. Also I just realized we're missing a healer based minion! Hint, hint. Nudge nudge; to any potential new players!
Once more, do not necro. This is against Rule 7.
Player: LordNecromancer
Name: Titus Mancini
Profession: Mechanic/Mafia Member
Brief: Born in Old Italia, Titus moved to Paris to both find a better paying job and to flee the destruction of the mafia family he had previously run with.

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