Chapter 91
Charles Flynn
I trust you know where the happy button is?
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"Way to go on getting us kicked out, Flynn," Galahad grumbles as we trudge along the streets.
"Well, we weren't so much kicked out as politely asked to find a separate base and stay in touch by radio," I offer futilely, completely aware that yes, we were just kicked out.
We did get a spare radio and some food supplies, along with a summary of the situation at hand before Jekyll told us to leave, so it wasn't all bad.
We also got a direly needed street map, so I guess this whole debacle at least came out a net positive, even if I'm the one who has to carry all of our newest acquisitions.
"So. What's the plan?" Galahad asks.
"Well, first things first, we need a home base, and to reunite with the rest of our party." I stop, and we both duck into an alley as another of those huge, fleshy creature lumbers past. "I actually have a plan on how to do that."
'Caesar, report.'
'We're all alive and well, Master.'
'What's your location?'
' According to the Briton we interrogated, we are in...' he hesitates, trying to remember. 'Barking.'
And Galahad and I are still in... I look at the map and compare it to the street signs. South Kensington, bordering on the City of Westminster. Damn. Jekyll really is loaded, if he has a townhouse here.
'Right. I've got a street map, Galahad and I will find a place to hole up in and then give you directions.'
"All right, I'm in contact with Caesar, now all we need is a place to stay."
"And where do you propose we find that?" Galahad asks, raising an eyebrow.
I point to an apartment building across the street. "I say we stroll on in there, and have you kick down the door, and then introduce ourselves to the residents as the first of their new roomies."
"That- I would never-" Galahad sputters, before composing himself. "You propose that we are to march in and force them to give us hospitality? That's..."
"Actually fairly in keeping with the great traditions of knighthood." I interject, throwing him off his game. "After all, the weak, defenseless common folk of this fine city have no guarantee of their safety, and must live in constant fear. I, as a military commander of a unit of highly trained fighters will, should this plan go through, be settling myself among them in a position of command, offering them a measure of safety in return for their continued support of me, through the providence of food and lodging, while ensuring that they keep up their end of the bargain through the looming threat of violence." I spread my hands wide and grin. "TA-DA! Feudalism!"
"I... you know, when you put it like that, it actually sounds terrible." Galahad says, frowning.
"Really?" I grin. "Because that entire social model was the backbone of the Round Table, including your king. Are you saying that the entirety of your deeds and exploits, including the very legitimacy of your king, are derived from... an injustice?"
He freezes for several seconds, before breaking into a furious streak of blistering invective directed at me and everyone responsible for my very existence, before finally subsiding to merely glaring at me. "Fine. I know you're playing me, but you're right. And dear God on high do I hate it when you're right."
"Alright then, best buddy!" I cheer, ignoring the renewed stream of profanity from behind me. "Let's get to it! It's Breaking & Entering o'clock!"
"Dammit, Flynn! Do not make me regret this!"
Galahad kicks the door down in one stroke and then enters, and I follow after him, noting the terrified family of four who live in this apartment. Looks like we interrupted their dinner, just as they were gathering around the table to eat. The plates of food fall from the mother's nerveless hands, and the father moves his two children behind him.
"Good morning! Or possibly evening, who can tell in this weather." I grin and spread my arms dramatically as I stroll in. "We're your new roommates!"
"Wh-what?" the father stammers, completely taken aback by our interruption.
"Now, I know what you're thinking, 'how can these penniless, American miscreants from the streets help us pay rent?'" I continue, tossing an arm over the father's shoulder and leading him away, gesturing wildly with my left as I steer him with my right. "Well, my highly skeptical new roomie, boy do I have a pitch that'll knock your socks off!"
"Who are you people and what are you doing in my home?" He shouts looking between us wildly.
"Oh, allow me to introduce myself. Charles Flynn, Acting Field Commander of Chaldea. And this is my acting dumb muscle, none other than the legendary Sir Galahad!" Said dumb muscle flips me the bird. "And we are here to offer you the deal of a lifetime!"
"You're... you're mad." he stammers.
"Quite possibly, although to be fair, my entire family did spontaneously combust a few months back, and I really do think that'd drive just about anybody off their rocker." I admit, still leading him in laps around his family's kitchen table. "But enough about my dubious mental stability, let's talk London!" I spin him around and then sit him down in a chair. "Now, as you may have noticed, not only has the entire city been covered in an even more poisonous than usual fog of dubious chemical composition, but mass-produced murderers both mechanical and synthetic prowl the streets, searching for ever-more victims, and leaving no home, however tightly secured, a safe haven. Indeed, death stalks each and every street of this benighted city, and a man may meet his end at any second!"
The whole family has blanched at my summary of the situation, and the mother kneels down to comfort her children as they start crying.
"Now, I bet you're wondering, 'What does this mean for my family? Are we going to die?' And the answers to those questions are, in order, 'Bad things' and 'Probably.'" I continue, in my best old-timey announcer's voice. "But fear not! Your saviors have arrived!" Galahad quietly groans and facepalms as I strike a pose. "For the low, low, price of room and board, we, the champions of Chaldea, will continue our investigations into the Demonic Fog, and ensure your safety at all costs! Not only saving London, but also ensuring that you live to see the sun again!" I pull a chair over from the table, and then sit on it backwards, my arms folded on top of its back. "So? Whaddya say?"
They seem to recover from their shock, and then scream and retreat from the room.
"So, I think that went well, actually."
"I swear to God, Flynn." he grumbles. "Did you really have to spend an hour rehearsing that stupid pitch of yours?"
He just groans and flips me off before sitting down besides me. "So, what now?"
"We wait for them to accept our offer. You might want to keep that shield of yours handy in case the father has a gun, though." I rattle off. "And I am going to set up the radio, lay out our map, and then start giving Caesar directions."
"Master," Caesar calls in greeting as he walks in through the door three long, long hours later. "It's good to see you again."
"You too," I call back from where I lie slumped over, head down on the dining table. "Come on in."
"The inhabitants of the apartment?" he inquires, looking about.
"Holed up in the childrens' bedroom, hoping we'll go away," Galahad answers from where he lounges on the couch, leafing through a slightly worn paperback labeled Beeton's Christmas Annual. "Not the bravest folk. Decent taste in literature, though."
"What do you want us to do?" Caster asks from behind Caesar.
"Some of you stand guard, and at least one of you man the radio. Caster, ward the apartment, and maybe fix the door. Saber, look over the notes I've compiled, and give me your read on the situation." I rattle off, stifling a yawn. "As for me, I'm getting some rest while I can. Galahad, get off the couch."
"Yeah no. I got here first, and Mash's body still needs to sleep."
"Fine. Guess I'll just steal one of the bedrooms, then. Tamamo, stand guard in case someone tries to kill me." I sigh, then give everyone a once-over. "All of you got that?"
Nods all around, and a lazy thumbs-up from Galahad.
"Alright, then, get to it." And with that I go looking for a guest bedroom.
"Well, we weren't so much kicked out as politely asked to find a separate base and stay in touch by radio," I offer futilely, completely aware that yes, we were just kicked out.
We did get a spare radio and some food supplies, along with a summary of the situation at hand before Jekyll told us to leave, so it wasn't all bad.
We also got a direly needed street map, so I guess this whole debacle at least came out a net positive, even if I'm the one who has to carry all of our newest acquisitions.
"So. What's the plan?" Galahad asks.
"Well, first things first, we need a home base, and to reunite with the rest of our party." I stop, and we both duck into an alley as another of those huge, fleshy creature lumbers past. "I actually have a plan on how to do that."
'Caesar, report.'
'We're all alive and well, Master.'
'What's your location?'
' According to the Briton we interrogated, we are in...' he hesitates, trying to remember. 'Barking.'
And Galahad and I are still in... I look at the map and compare it to the street signs. South Kensington, bordering on the City of Westminster. Damn. Jekyll really is loaded, if he has a townhouse here.
'Right. I've got a street map, Galahad and I will find a place to hole up in and then give you directions.'
"All right, I'm in contact with Caesar, now all we need is a place to stay."
"And where do you propose we find that?" Galahad asks, raising an eyebrow.
I point to an apartment building across the street. "I say we stroll on in there, and have you kick down the door, and then introduce ourselves to the residents as the first of their new roomies."
"That- I would never-" Galahad sputters, before composing himself. "You propose that we are to march in and force them to give us hospitality? That's..."
"Actually fairly in keeping with the great traditions of knighthood." I interject, throwing him off his game. "After all, the weak, defenseless common folk of this fine city have no guarantee of their safety, and must live in constant fear. I, as a military commander of a unit of highly trained fighters will, should this plan go through, be settling myself among them in a position of command, offering them a measure of safety in return for their continued support of me, through the providence of food and lodging, while ensuring that they keep up their end of the bargain through the looming threat of violence." I spread my hands wide and grin. "TA-DA! Feudalism!"
"I... you know, when you put it like that, it actually sounds terrible." Galahad says, frowning.
"Really?" I grin. "Because that entire social model was the backbone of the Round Table, including your king. Are you saying that the entirety of your deeds and exploits, including the very legitimacy of your king, are derived from... an injustice?"
He freezes for several seconds, before breaking into a furious streak of blistering invective directed at me and everyone responsible for my very existence, before finally subsiding to merely glaring at me. "Fine. I know you're playing me, but you're right. And dear God on high do I hate it when you're right."
"Alright then, best buddy!" I cheer, ignoring the renewed stream of profanity from behind me. "Let's get to it! It's Breaking & Entering o'clock!"
"Dammit, Flynn! Do not make me regret this!"
Galahad kicks the door down in one stroke and then enters, and I follow after him, noting the terrified family of four who live in this apartment. Looks like we interrupted their dinner, just as they were gathering around the table to eat. The plates of food fall from the mother's nerveless hands, and the father moves his two children behind him.
"Good morning! Or possibly evening, who can tell in this weather." I grin and spread my arms dramatically as I stroll in. "We're your new roommates!"
"Wh-what?" the father stammers, completely taken aback by our interruption.
"Now, I know what you're thinking, 'how can these penniless, American miscreants from the streets help us pay rent?'" I continue, tossing an arm over the father's shoulder and leading him away, gesturing wildly with my left as I steer him with my right. "Well, my highly skeptical new roomie, boy do I have a pitch that'll knock your socks off!"
"Who are you people and what are you doing in my home?" He shouts looking between us wildly.
"Oh, allow me to introduce myself. Charles Flynn, Acting Field Commander of Chaldea. And this is my acting dumb muscle, none other than the legendary Sir Galahad!" Said dumb muscle flips me the bird. "And we are here to offer you the deal of a lifetime!"
"You're... you're mad." he stammers.
"Quite possibly, although to be fair, my entire family did spontaneously combust a few months back, and I really do think that'd drive just about anybody off their rocker." I admit, still leading him in laps around his family's kitchen table. "But enough about my dubious mental stability, let's talk London!" I spin him around and then sit him down in a chair. "Now, as you may have noticed, not only has the entire city been covered in an even more poisonous than usual fog of dubious chemical composition, but mass-produced murderers both mechanical and synthetic prowl the streets, searching for ever-more victims, and leaving no home, however tightly secured, a safe haven. Indeed, death stalks each and every street of this benighted city, and a man may meet his end at any second!"
The whole family has blanched at my summary of the situation, and the mother kneels down to comfort her children as they start crying.
"Now, I bet you're wondering, 'What does this mean for my family? Are we going to die?' And the answers to those questions are, in order, 'Bad things' and 'Probably.'" I continue, in my best old-timey announcer's voice. "But fear not! Your saviors have arrived!" Galahad quietly groans and facepalms as I strike a pose. "For the low, low, price of room and board, we, the champions of Chaldea, will continue our investigations into the Demonic Fog, and ensure your safety at all costs! Not only saving London, but also ensuring that you live to see the sun again!" I pull a chair over from the table, and then sit on it backwards, my arms folded on top of its back. "So? Whaddya say?"
They seem to recover from their shock, and then scream and retreat from the room.
"So, I think that went well, actually."
"I swear to God, Flynn." he grumbles. "Did you really have to spend an hour rehearsing that stupid pitch of yours?"
He just groans and flips me off before sitting down besides me. "So, what now?"
"We wait for them to accept our offer. You might want to keep that shield of yours handy in case the father has a gun, though." I rattle off. "And I am going to set up the radio, lay out our map, and then start giving Caesar directions."
"Master," Caesar calls in greeting as he walks in through the door three long, long hours later. "It's good to see you again."
"You too," I call back from where I lie slumped over, head down on the dining table. "Come on in."
"The inhabitants of the apartment?" he inquires, looking about.
"Holed up in the childrens' bedroom, hoping we'll go away," Galahad answers from where he lounges on the couch, leafing through a slightly worn paperback labeled Beeton's Christmas Annual. "Not the bravest folk. Decent taste in literature, though."
"What do you want us to do?" Caster asks from behind Caesar.
"Some of you stand guard, and at least one of you man the radio. Caster, ward the apartment, and maybe fix the door. Saber, look over the notes I've compiled, and give me your read on the situation." I rattle off, stifling a yawn. "As for me, I'm getting some rest while I can. Galahad, get off the couch."
"Yeah no. I got here first, and Mash's body still needs to sleep."
"Fine. Guess I'll just steal one of the bedrooms, then. Tamamo, stand guard in case someone tries to kill me." I sigh, then give everyone a once-over. "All of you got that?"
Nods all around, and a lazy thumbs-up from Galahad.
"Alright, then, get to it." And with that I go looking for a guest bedroom.