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How to change font size.


Getting some practice in, huh?
Feb 12, 2021
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I know how to change my own text's font size, but how do I change it for when I'm reading somebody else' post?
Is it just me or did the default font size just shrink?
Only "I know how to change my own" is in the default size. The rest of the OP is in various custom sizes.

OP, that's going to be a browser-side or device-side setting.

If you're using a desktop browser, the first thing I would recommend is adjusting the browser zoom level for QQ -- try looking for a "zoom" option in the menus, or pressing crtl-+. You could also try overriding the browser's minimum font size, or doing custom CSS such as with an extension like Stylish, but those risk breaking how things look.

If you're using a mobile (phone or tablet) browser, try looking for something about text size under an accessibility menu. I was assuming you'd have to go to your device's settings, but I just found an accessibility menu with a text size option in my Firefox, so check your browser too.
I'm on Chrome and I have an IPhone XR. I went to the accessibility menu on my phone's settings and changed my phone's default text size, but it didn't change QQ's text size. I went into settings on Chrome but couldn't find an accessibility menu, but I did try the zoom button and that worked to increase my text size. Thank you!
Only "I know how to change my own" is in the default size. The rest of the OP is in various custom sizes.

OP, that's going to be a browser-side or device-side setting.

If you're using a desktop browser, the first thing I would recommend is adjusting the browser zoom level for QQ -- try looking for a "zoom" option in the menus, or pressing crtl-+. You could also try overriding the browser's minimum font size, or doing custom CSS such as with an extension like Stylish, but those risk breaking how things look.

If you're using a mobile (phone or tablet) browser, try looking for something about text size under an accessibility menu. I was assuming you'd have to go to your device's settings, but I just found an accessibility menu with a text size option in my Firefox, so check your browser too.

I'd actually already made those adjustments its just that all of a sudden text started showing up smaller today even on things I'd already read which was odd. I'm guessing some setting got got changed on this computer that I didn't notice.
Only "I know how to change my own" is in the default size. The rest of the OP is in various custom sizes.

OP, that's going to be a browser-side or device-side setting.

If you're using a desktop browser, the first thing I would recommend is adjusting the browser zoom level for QQ -- try looking for a "zoom" option in the menus, or pressing crtl-+. You could also try overriding the browser's minimum font size, or doing custom CSS such as with an extension like Stylish, but those risk breaking how things look.

If you're using a mobile (phone or tablet) browser, try looking for something about text size under an accessibility menu. I was assuming you'd have to go to your device's settings, but I just found an accessibility menu with a text size option in my Firefox, so check your browser too.
Thank you. Your advice really worked.
I am also using ios, but my web browser (microsoft edge) doesn't have a native zoom button. I can pinch zoom in to read better, but then I constantly have to scroll left and right to read, which I would really prefer not to do. Is there some way to force zoom the webpage on my browser, or otherwise customize the text size of qq?
I am also using ios, but my web browser (microsoft edge) doesn't have a native zoom button. I can pinch zoom in to read better, but then I constantly have to scroll left and right to read, which I would really prefer not to do. Is there some way to force zoom the webpage on my browser, or otherwise customize the text size of qq?
I'm not familiar with either iOS or microsoft edge, but I would expect to find a "default text size" setting somewhere. Look under accessibility settings for your browser and for iOS, or in very recent versions of iOS there might be a text size setting under display options.
There is a setting in ios to change the font size of apps that "support Dynamic Type" which I assume the combination of browser and forum software do not collectively have. As for the app itself, there are no accessibility settings.
Worth trying it -- I would expect a browser to be one of the easier places to implement that type of support (compared to something eg angry birds or clash of clans, although harder than something like notes), and all of my other ideas would involve add-ons.

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