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  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

Imgur to Soon Execute a Purge of NSFW and Anon images

Godammit all of my image posts here are going to be broken now. I've made far too many of them to go back and reupload them elsewhere, that would take me weeks.

The alternative I see people mentioning is imgchest. I always found it clunky to use which is why I haven't until now but its better than nothing.
HOLY SHIT they're already deleting stuff! Look at gonewild so many dead videos on the front page!

I absolutely need to visit my cousin as soon as possible. I need to download the whole album of images I have with his high speed internet. My home internet is too shit.

Back up your shit right the fuck now. They've already started!
Incidentally, if anyone happen to know alternatives places, it would be nice to name them.
I've been using ImgBB every now and again. It has it's issues, since a few times a simple upload that Imgur handled in seconds would take minutes only to get stuck at an arbitrary percent, and sometimes the images would get corrupted during the upload.

Still, for a lack of better alternatives, it's workable enough if annoying.

Back up your shit right the fuck now. They've already started!
I've been keeping all the good stuff on my HD ever since Photobucket went to shit. I have literally Terrabytes of lewds and non-lewd artist galleries archived.
moddb.com does have an image upload option (either on profiles, groups, mods, whatever), even if it's not intended to be an image sharing site. Also it being dead enough that policing there is spotty at the best of times...

... yep, just checked there, a certain image uploaded by lolilover is still there, after 11 years!
Bit weird for them to do tbh, especially as they were private already. Not sure if linking the image from gelbooru or the like would work as an alternative.
Imgur makes bank off ads.

It is most likely that the advertisers are affected by attacks of conscience* and concerned parental groups**. They have threatened to pull the plug and they have no choice but to comply.

*feeling their age and wondering how to balance the scales and go to heaven after snorting coke off their 47th hooker
**working hard to maintain an aura of purity after having an affair with the coworkers and hired help
Came here to post this; glad to see someone already made a thread to warn QQ'ers. This is what, the fourth or fifth image hosting apocalypse? They're also deleting images that aren't associated with a user account.

1. Image hosting websites all suck, make a new one
2. Everyone moves to your new site
3. Wait. Shit. Image hosting is expensive, how do I monetize this
4. Turn your platform into an ad-infested hellsite and ban NSFW content to placate advertisers
5. GOTO 1
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Came here to post this; glad to see someone already made a thread to warn QQ'ers. This is what, the fourth or fifth image hosting apocalypse? They're also deleting images that aren't associated with a user account.

1. Image hosting websites all suck, make a new one
2. Everyone moves to your new site
3. Wait. Shit. Image hosting is expensive, how do I monetize this
4. Turn your platform into an ad-infested hellsite and ban NSFW content placate advertisers

Luckily my galleries are very very hard to construe as NSFW (all my stuff on Imgur is 3D renders of inanimate objects) so this particular image hosting apocalypse affects me rather substantially less than the last two I got caught out by, as I shouldn't even need to replace any forum links.

Dropbox killing all their hotlinks was rather nastier, and we don't talk about the Betrayal that was Photobucket.

Thanks for the headsup though.
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This post from /r/imguralternatives/ lists some reliable hosts for both nsfw and sfw images, along with specifying details.

Main nsfw ones are;

A few others. As far as I can tell, all allow nsfw uploads. They also seem to all allow uploads without an account, although some have some limitations without one.
Can we threadmark this or something?


Or not, since we're still in the early pages people can see this post...
I've personally found Imgchest's upload interface to be probably the easiest to use out of any image host I've tried, Imgur included. The only thing it's missing is an explicit "upload from URL" feature (but you can do that through the Windows file selector, so no big loss).
I created this thread to inform you all that on May 15th Imgur is going to ban all nsfw content.

Imgur policy
help article

What this means it that a lot of the images, fanart and gifs are going to be cancelled.

The NSFW General section is going to be gutted, but I reckon the other NSFW sections are going to lose a lot of content as well.

If you know any alternative sites to host our images please share under here.

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