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Interest Check & Idea Thread

The basic idea is, that, rather than to take control of singular characters, players take control of factions of varying sizes, made up by themselves. The roleplay itself would be less based on rules, but rather on narrative and storytelling, on how the different factions and cultures interact with one another.

This time, I thought about another run with a fantasy setting, not basic fantasy, which would be medieval Europe but with magic and dragons, I'd like it a bit more crazy this time. For example, a kingdom that uses giant insects and beetles as beasts of burden, and crafts tools, equipment, buildings and so on from their carapaces, or another empire that consists of religious Golems that march to war on literal, sentient mobile fortresses, or maybe a nomadic society of dragon people that ride sabrecats.

Something really out of the norm compared to usual fantasy. An opportunity to just go nuts with worldbuilding.
Mind you, this doesn't stop people from just making a bog-standard Fantasy Human faction with knights, castles, peasantry and such, but I'd still like to see creative ideas.

How would that sound?
First of all, I thought it was armies that were being created, not factions. Moving on,I would like at least a central character(s) to roleplay and some limits as far as more fantastical elements go and potential for lewds, even as omakes, since this is QQ but otherwise an interesting idea I wouldn't mind seeing more developed. Would you be keeping the original premise of what brings the factions into conflict or be doing something different?
First of all, I thought it was armies that were being created, not factions. Moving on,I would like at least a central character(s) to roleplay and some limits as far as more fantastical elements go and potential for lewds, even as omakes, since this is QQ but otherwise an interesting idea I wouldn't mind seeing more developed. Would you be keeping the original premise of what brings the factions into conflict or be doing something different?
Of course, there would be some basic rules on things like magic, but these would be a bit looser compared to the original iteration. And central characters would come up by themselves sooner or later, as they make it easier to interact with others, and give the factions a "face" so to speak.

As for a premise, I am not quite sure yet whether or not we'd have a central objective (like a powerful artifact, or events taking place), or let things develop on their own based on the factions' motivations.
For example, one large and powerful faction behaves like an expansionist empire and attacks its neighbours with little provocation. Other factions would team up to defend themselves, bringing conflict into the story.
Meanwhile, in the former case, some factions would work together to figure things out, while others try to exploit the circumstances to give themselves an advantage.

Not really sure which of the two, since both make for interesting stories.
Of course, there would be some basic rules on things like magic, but these would be a bit looser compared to the original iteration. And central characters would come up by themselves sooner or later, as they make it easier to interact with others, and give the factions a "face" so to speak.

As for a premise, I am not quite sure yet whether or not we'd have a central objective (like a powerful artifact, or events taking place), or let things develop on their own based on the factions' motivations.
For example, one large and powerful faction behaves like an expansionist empire and attacks its neighbours with little provocation. Other factions would team up to defend themselves, bringing conflict into the story.
Meanwhile, in the former case, some factions would work together to figure things out, while others try to exploit the circumstances to give themselves an advantage.

Not really sure which of the two, since both make for interesting stories.
I'd like to at least have a central character, in the beginning, to lead things and have something more than generic bodies doing things.
And how do you see these various factions (some with more fantastic elements than others,) to exist among each other in the first place. Are they factions within a town, region, kingdom, empire, world, or worlds?
And between the two, I think the former to start the story and then letting natural group dynamics drive things.
And how do you see these various factions (some with more fantastic elements than others,) to exist among each other in the first place. Are they factions within a town, region, kingdom, empire, world, or worlds?
As with the previous versions: At least continenal scale for the overall world, since it's fantasy again, not sci-fi.

That's a bit hard to answer, so maybe based on where the factions are placed there would be pre-existing relations that would be developed further in the RP itself.

I'd like to at least have a central character, in the beginning, to lead things and have something more than generic bodies doing things.
It probably came out wrong, but that's what I meant. Every player will have their own protagonists sooner or later, so having them appear early is bound to happen anyway. It just makes things easier to handle and explore.

And between the two, I think the former to start the story and then letting natural group dynamics drive things.
Then a central objective it is. Both are pretty viable options, but having a goal to work towards would help things along.
Sword and SHIELD:

The Barents Sea is always cold. The winds howl around the aircraft as they probe the Norwegian radar screen, and Yevgeniy Popov can almost feel the chill in the Tupolev's cockpit. There's little alive down there, and the man in the plane with them insists on low-level sweeps of the Arctic seas in winter.

The Tu-16 shakes and groans from the winds and from its own transonic passage, the bomb bay modified to store devices that should not be. The man in the plain jacket hums and nods to himself as readouts come in alien symbols, and the crew in the bomber's cockpit stay the hell away. The tension is thick in the air, the stench of fear and frustration from the crew thicker than maggots on meat.

"Lower, I think. Comrade Captain, we need to make one more sweep before return." The plainclothes man in the engineer's chair smiles politely as he asks - and it isn't really a request.

"Comrade, we are running out of fuel and the Americans will be here soon. The picket aircraft have them on radar already. I protest this." Popov knows that it'll get him nowhere, but losing a bomber to fuel shortage isn't going to be his fault.

"Then I'll make that an order, comrade captain. Perhaps that makes things better?" The man's tone is now acidly polite, eyes cold as he watches the pilot stammer an acceptance. The big bomber banks sharply as it comes about, once more overlying the northern Norwegian coast.

Oddly enough, less than two minutes of flight later the order is rescinded. "I have my data, comrade captain. Take us back to Murmansk, the Kremlin will want this." Popov doesn't protest, and the Badger turns east to Russia. Back to Soviet airspace just in time to avoid a flight of F-4s out of Bodo.
It appears that NATO is on alert today.

Two days later the plainclothes officer is standing at attention before:
Pick one agency:
[X]General Alexei Lavochkin: Head of GRU 'P' Division, the good general is a smiling, friendly man whose laughter never reaches his eyes. To most people, 'P' division handles accounts and externalities. To the men in the know, it's the front line against the CIA and SHIELD. Begin commanding GRU-P Special Ops, Northern Europe.

[X]Comrade Academician Grigoriy Rasputin: A quiet intellectual, Rasputin has managed to rise in the ranks of the KGB through planning and ruthlessness. The KGB's Special Weapons Units are the spear that probe the guts and deep waters of capitalism - the black vaults of SHIELD and US Intelligence's mutant projects one such example. Begin commanding KGB Department M Special Ops, Baltic Europe.

[X]Ambassador Wilhelm Fischer: The man who heads a 'joint committee on economic cooperation', Wilhelm Fischer is more than meets the eye. East German Intelligence would heartily agree - if they could speak about him. Begin commanding GRU/Stasi joint 'preternatural' ops, Southern/Eastern Europe.

He hands over his report and speaks briefly, the figure before him asking little. Instead there is a thick file passed to the officer, and he glances through it before leaving with it tucked under his arm. In the meantime, the man in the chair leans back to relax, it's been a long time. Now that there's been a find in northern Europe, the action begins.
What was found? Pick one starting find/artifact
[X]An American strike team: Wearing odd gear and carrying highly advanced weapons, this team seems to be a SHIELD special ops team. At least, that's what you originally thought. Begin with Captured HYDRA Equipment -> Potential Research action.

[X]Sigils and Signs: There is something under the Barents ice, something near the graves of hundreds of dead English sailors from World War II. Something that the Kremlin is hellishly skittish about. Begin with Project: Undersea Sigil research.

[X]An ancient spear, harder than titanium yet with some odd gun on the side: It isn't of Earth origin. Not if the dating places it at more than four thousand years old. Yet it seems in excellent condition...Begin with Project: Alien Materials Research.

You can expect the Americans to probe your perimeter and try to tap their sources, and you can expect SHIELD to do the same. Of the two, it's your old enemy Nick Fury that is the greater threat. You smile to yourself as you remember that you're technically dead and your 'greatest enemy' doesn't know you exist.
That's as it should be.

Even so, this is an excellent start to:
Pick a year:
[X]1970: The economy is slowing, and matching the Americans is taking its toll. There is still a way out, though. A technological breakthrough from you or from the finds that you make - perhaps that will help? Begin in 1970, ++funding, high expectations, hardliners in the Kremlin. Okay situation for Russia overall.
[X]1979: The situation is bleak, and the recent attack on Afghanistan means that money goes from preternatural ops to warfare. Begin in 1979, +funding, moderate expectations, moderate-poor situation for Russia overall.
[X]1986: The army has bogged down in Afghanistan, and the Americans are feeding missiles and gear to the mujahideen. On the other fronts, things look worse long-term. Begin in 1986, -funding, low expectations thanks to low funding, poor situation for Russia overall.

Welcome to Sword and SHIELD, an MCU alternate-universe quest where you play the Soviet side of the Cold War against Nick Fury.
At the very least, would appreciate feedback on the idea.
I've been watching anime lately,and playing Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. And an idea struck me. I want to try and make a Quest of it,but I first want to find out if there's an audience for it.

During the Seraphim War after the conclusion of the Infinite War,the Seraphim go from strength to strength,pushing humanity to the brink of extinction,with Fort Clarke,the Forged Alliance's campaign's first mission,being humanity's last stronghold,and where the game's player character being the pivot that turns the entire war upon its head. You are not this Commander. Instead,you are one of three Commanders (One per human faction) who are involved in the Coalition's attempts to use the Quantum Gates technology,and the Quantum Realm beyond it,to develop a means to save humanity should the Seraphim win. To this end,the Coalition's developed a highly experimental Quantum Gate-derived device that they hope to use to cross not just into the Quantum Realm,but into the multiverse beyond,an ark of sorts to desperately fling key humans on in the event of the failure of the Coalition. Planned humans include Doctor Gustaf Brackman and his attache Elite Commander Ivanna Dostya,Princess Rhianne Burke and her favoured Commander Crusader Rhiza,and Generals Samantha Clarke and Fletcher,before the former's unfortunate death following a Recall failure,among others.

However,the facility comes under siege from a surprise blitzkrieg assault,led by one of the QAI's avatars. Two Commanders are scrambled to lead the defence of the facility,while the third is sent into the Quantum Ark. Unfortunately,due to the circumstances,the chosen Commander lacks the time to mount up their ACU,and is forced to enter on foot,with the ACU being pushed in on a transport behind them. Their mission; Preserve and proliferate the culture of humanity,however they see fit,across the multiverse.

The plot will be the chosen Commander hobnobbing across the multiverse,becoming embroiled in the conflicts of the universes they find themselves in,and hoping to solve them before moving on,or,should they will it,abandoning the universe to its fate. That said,in the first universe,the Commander will be stuck in it for the long haul,due to an... Error,shall we put it,involved in the departure. Also to keep that universe from being a total "Drown the problem in Experimentals until it goes away" stomp. I'll try to keep to science fiction and science fantasy universes,but I might send the Commander to other settings as a curveball.
Quest ideas you had, that you can't find or are too lazy to run.


You're a master. A teacher. A higher up. A scholar at some magical guild or magical society. You're pretty knowledgeable and powerful.

So by unfortunate luck, you got stranded in a place where its a combination of bloodborne, dark fantasy, the haunting of Alaizabel Cray, Conan, Midnight, and other dark shit.

Shit is bad. In the night, monsters, ghosts, dark fae, werewolves, the unquiet dead, and other nasties wander about, kept at bay by wards, salt lines, or just being interested in some schmuck other than you. In the day, there is slavery, corruption, social inequality, tyranny, and all the other ills of men.

Mankind here is hunted. The bottom of the totem pole. Weak magic. Weak bodies. Weak leaders. Prey.

Your job? To teach them your far more powerful magic. To be their great leader. To unite fractious, warring humanity. To Uplift them from their unfortunate state. To drive off the beasts and monsters. To setup a government that isn't a total bag of dicks. And then bring them mastery over the world.

Alternatively, Percy Jackson x Mage the ascension

You play as several technocrats, arete 5 or above, who plopped into Percy Jackson Universe after an accident with a marauder. Here, paradox is weaker, which is good...

But humanity is cattle. Monsters stride through streets with impunity. Beasts seek to end civilisation. The gods are stupid, uncaring, part of the problem, or just fuck ups. A bunch of teenaged demigods are all that stands between the world and annihilation.

You start by getting your bearings, then setting up connections and resources. You get money, make friends with those in power. Then you start pumping out hypertech and recruiting enlightened citizens. Then start recruiting demigods, or anyone who wishes to stick it to the gods but don't want to work with the Titans.

Endgame is you toppling the gods from their thrones, and then you installing the loom of fate as a physics engine so that Western civilization isn't dependent on a pack of overgrown, callous, grossly overpowered children.
Rough and random idea I had today:
Despite everything the skeptics and non-believers said the scriptures had been proven true, thier world was one of five realms stacked on top of each other. Though even the most radical of the devout would not have wished for this, to be proven right at such a cost.
The realms had collapsed, fall one on top of another as they crashed into the lowest realm. The Realm of Earth, The Realm of Humans.
Realm smashed into real, world breaking upon world, all falling onto the base of all creation with an earth cracking crash. The tower of shattered realm fell like a thunder struck tree, debris and waves sailed over what survived humanity.
What was left was struggling, kingdoms and empire and republics all gone. Chains of command, supply, and trade snapped. Settlements were gathering once again but there were dangers both new and old.
Dangers ranging from simple raiders and bandits to monsters and disease from other realms.
In this new found world you are:
[ ] The son of a famer, blue eyes and olive skinned, looking for fertile land for your family to make a living.
[ ] The daughter of a merchant, green eyed and red haired, helping look into the storehouses that may have survived the crash.
[ ] The eldest of a noble, dark eyes and darker skinned, investigating what could have survived of the family holdings.
[ ] Character creation (to be added later: including eyes, hair, gender, backstory)
During your search you find something, a shard of shimmering light that curiousity has you pick it up. It bit into you skin, wigging into you blood and setting your veins on fire. You collapse to the ground with visions of:
(Choose your ability, each comes with 3 skill trees but beware. Whatever you don't pick will show up later)
[ ] Light - Skill trees: Space, Elements, Endow
[ ] Song - Skill trees: Mind, Shape, Resistance
[ ] Dragon - Skill trees: Burst, Wind, Blessings
[ ] Thunder - Skill trees: Lightning, Weight, Self
[ ] Ice - Skill trees: Manipulation, Creation, Emotion
[ ] Other (fill in)
With this new power can you keep your people safe?

Basically, a bunch of mythical realms just fell down to a roughly 1800s based earth, wrecking just about everything while dumping it's monsters, magics, and surviving people to the earth. Around the land there are now shards of realm walls that can grant powers to those strong enough or have a connection to something outside the realm (not sure which yet), the more shards you gain the more powerful you are. But so do others.
Become the ruler the land needs to survive, fighting battles that need to be fought and forging alliances needed to survive.
Side note, each power above is based on a royal or royal family from a different type of fiction. In order they are: Final Fantasy XV, Game of Thrones, Type Moon, MCU Thor, and Frozen. Not these are expies around the same power level as each other but it should give you a general idea of what the trees can do.

What do you think? Any advice/thoughts for improvement?Rough and random idea I had today:
Despite everything the skeptics and non-believers said the scriptures had been proven true, thier world was one of five realms stacked on top of each other. Though even the most radical of the devout would not have wished for this, to be proven right at such a cost.

The realms had collapsed, fall one on top of another as they crashed into the lowest realm. The Realm of Earth, The Realm of Humans.

Realm smashed into real, world breaking upon world, all falling onto the base of all creation with an earth cracking crash. The tower of shattered realm fell like a thunder struck tree, debris and waves sailed over what survived humanity.

What was left was struggling, kingdoms and empire and republics all gone. Chains of command, supply, and trade snapped. Settlements were gathering once again but there were dangers both new and old.

Dangers ranging from simple raiders and bandits to monsters and disease from other realms.

In this new found world you are:

[ ] The son of a famer, blue eyes and olive skinned, looking for fertile land for your family to make a living.

[ ] The daughter of a merchant, green eyed and red haired, helping look into the storehouses that may have survived the crash.

[ ] The eldest of a noble, dark eyes and darker skinned, investigating what could have survived of the family holdings.

[ ] Character creation (to be added later: including eyes, hair, gender, backstory)

During your search you find something, a shard of shimmering light that curiousity has you pick it up. It bit into you skin, wigging into you blood and setting your veins on fire. You collapse to the ground with visions of:

(Choose your ability, each comes with 3 skill trees but beware. Whatever you don't pick will show up later)

[ ] Light - Skill trees: Space, Elements, Endow
[ ] Song - Skill trees: Mind, Shape, Resistance
[ ] Dragon - Skill trees: Burst, Wind, Blessings
[ ] Thunder - Skill trees: Lightning, Weight, Self
[ ] Ice - Skill trees: Manipulation, Creation, Emotion
[ ] Other (fill in)

With this new power can you keep your people safe?

Basically, a bunch of mythical realms just fell down to a roughly 1800s based earth, wrecking just about everything while dumping it's monsters, magics, and surviving people to the earth. Around the land there are now shards of realm walls that can grant powers to those strong enough or have a connection to something outside the realm (not sure which yet), the more shards you gain the more powerful you are. But so do others.

Become the ruler the land needs to survive, fighting battles that need to be fought and forging alliances needed to survive.

Side note, each power above is based on a royal or royal family from a different type of fiction. In order they are: Final Fantasy XV, Game of Thrones, Type Moon, MCU Thor, and Frozen. Not these are expies around the same power level as each other but it should give you a general idea of what the trees can do.

What do you think? Any advice/thoughts for improvement?
The year of 520 P.C. While the time of the Callipygian came to end end over five hundred years ago, the effects of her teachings have formed the foundations for a realm unlike any other. Not one built upon neither race nor religion. Your people are fueled by a motivation more primal, yet all the more powerful than such abstractions. The foundation of your clan is malevolence. Vengeance against those who have wronged you and the power to keep them under your heel.

From the darkened lairs of Nocturne to the wild growths of Arcadia, the name of your people rings loudly in the ears of all the Nine Realms. You've learned of the conquests the wicked have brought to the world, of the punishments rendered against ancient foes, and of the destruction of The Eldest Realm.

You are a Witch.

You are Wicked.

As member of a clan whose history is coated by sham and humiliation, is there no justice in your actions? All the other realms pride themselves on conquering for their goddesses and values, just as you shall wage war on the world for its wrongs against your ancestors. Your people have forged themselves anew, rebuilt as an empire of power and prestige. However, being of the clan is not enough. What you desire is to further your power, to further your influence.

That is why you apply to Coven University.
--From the Office of Faith & Fervor of Coven University

My Quest: Witchcraft101

The players create a single character for whom they control their decisions as she attends Coven University, the one and only Institution for Witches and Wedgies Warcraft. Every student is expected to learn the magical arts not only for their personal development, but also to fight as soldiers in the constant battle to expand the territory of their nation.

NSFW. Uses RPG Mechanics based on DnD 5e, Pathfinder, and FATE. The first update should be posted around 5:00pm EST.
Unsure if I'll ever attempt this, but the idea's been lingering in my head for awhile. I have fond memories of the old MMORPG City of Heroes (rest in peace, magnificent bastards), and I absolutely loved the world it created. If I were to run a Quest, it would definitely be a narrative RPG in City of Heroes/Villains.

Players would choose to either be a hero or rogue (as a disclaimer, I'm not too comfortable writing a purely evil character as a protagonist), choosing an origin type (Natural, Science, Technology, Magic, Mutant) and some abilities that roughly corresponded to the old classes in the game (Scrapper/Brute, Blaster/Corrupter, etc.), and so on, in chargen posts that flesh out the character and motivations of the protagonist.

A fun twist, though, could definitely be playing as against the norm depending on the city you choose to start in. Even in a literal City of Heroes, if you want to try your luck as being a Rogue in Paragon City for cash and infamy, why not? Or perhaps you'd want to try and be one of the few heroes fighting against Lord Recluse's reign in the Rogue Isles? Either way, the point is to collectively tell a fun comic book story in an enjoyable world setting. I played the game for years, so I'm fairly confident I've got enough background knowledge to make it work.

I don't exactly have a framework for it yet, as these are just shreds of ideas. That, and while an official pen and paper ruleset for City of Heroes was in the works, it never officially launched (and the digital copy you can find on DriveThruRPG or the like is basically a rough draft that also looks slightly daunting). I'd keep the game fairly rules light, given that I'm not a numbers-crunching kind of guy, and focus more on trying to craft a fun story with player input. For rules, I've been looking into Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Ed., but again, fairly crunchy. Icons and the new Sentinel Comics RPG system also look fairly tempting for a rule set.

Don't know if this is something that appeals to anyone here, but I welcome feedback.
Unsure if I'll ever attempt this, but the idea's been lingering in my head for awhile. I have fond memories of the old MMORPG City of Heroes (rest in peace, magnificent bastards), and I absolutely loved the world it created. If I were to run a Quest, it would definitely be a narrative RPG in City of Heroes/Villains.

Didn't they revive that thing on private serverts some months back?
Didn't they revive that thing on private serverts some months back?

They did. But I understand it's also on invite only. That said, the original character creator is still available for download, just without the rest of the game. And it's still a fantastic thing.

I'll have to think about if I want to try running something based on this, though. And if I did, I'm debating if I want to set it to before the Rikti Invasion and the whole 'War Wall' thing that sectioned off chunks of the city from each other.

That said, if anyone does have a rec for a simple pen and paper system to look into for this, I'm all ears. By necessity, I would probably have to establish statlines for canon characters anyhow.
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I'm thinking of starting a Worm Empire-Builder Quest centered around the Gangs of Brockton Bay. I'm looking for suggestions as to possible gang types or themes.

For example: a few I've already come up with.

1. Honorable Criminals, more like the mafia of old than a modern gang. They don't deal drugs, they keep their word, and an awful lot of their business is done right out in the open. They might remind the locals of Marquis.

2. The Outcasts, led by a Case 53. Not wanting to be caged by a gang or the Protectorate, an Amnesiac Monster Cape started his own gang, recruiting the downtrodden and marginalized into an army that's eager to claim its own.

3. Warriors of God. Religious men and women who seek to purge the world of sin...by any means necessary.

4. Vigilantes. Disgusted with the inefficiency and incompetence of the PRT, these locals decided to take the fight to the gangs themselves.
They did. But I understand it's also on invite only. That said, the original character creator is still available for download, just without the rest of the game. And it's still a fantastic thing.
No, what happened is that there was a secret invite-only server for the past, like, decade, because a Brazilian devil decided to keep it secret from basically the moment the original servers were shut down, and he will burn in hell for it. This information came out, and now, anybody can play City of Heroes free now. This explains how to do so.

I'm thinking of starting a Worm Empire-Builder Quest centered around the Gangs of Brockton Bay. I'm looking for suggestions as to possible gang types or themes.
One of the fairly common tropes that Worm uses (and plenty in WD as well) in its gangs, is heavily defining them by their leaders powers. The ABB and Lung, the Teeth and the Butcher, Coil, etc.

Major tropes in this format include:
1. The Big Monster gang. Something about the gang is fundamentally broken from the start (e.g. a gang that tries to unify Vietnamese, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, etc), but it's kept together by the simple fact that their leader is one of, if not the, toughest critters in town.

2. Mastermind gang. A gang with a powerful Thinker as leader, generally light on the other capes, subtlety oriented.

3. Producer gang. The leader makes something other people can use. Could be drugs, could be Tinkertech, but something that people will actually want to buy. Generally there's some kind of associated cost or downside, since this is Worm, after all.
No, what happened is that there was a secret invite-only server for the past, like, decade, because a Brazilian devil decided to keep it secret from basically the moment the original servers were shut down, and he will burn in hell for it. This information came out, and now, anybody can play City of Heroes free now. This explains how to do so.

Burning in eternal flames of damnation aside, huh. Much obliged for the info, Chastity, thanks!
I just had an idea that will probably go nowhere: a Mewtwo Quest! I haven't watched the first Pokemon movie in over a decade, so I went by wiki diving and what little I remember.


You have been working on improving one of your moves, Psyshock, recently; you think that there is a lot of potential there, that Psyshock is horribly inefficient, but have had little success - or, rather, there is something in the way of that. A mental block? You can also tell that your psychic powers, while greater than multiple Alakazam working together, have an enormous room to grow. The most important part, though is this: just who said those words you barely remember...? Why do they cause your eyes to leak liquid like a human?

You walk among humans easily; apart from appearing like a highly muscular seventeen-year-old young man at two meters tall, which is way above average, you actually blend in quite well thanks to using psychic-based illusions to disguise yourself; you also have a minor Transforming ability, which has allowed you to reshape your body in order to be able to speak without telepathy, turn your tail into a much smaller one and to have five fingers in each hand, one of which being an opposable thumb. Unfortunately, this characteristic doesn't come with instant competence, so you started out very clumsy until you got in a lot of practice simply walking and talking. Well, you can be thankful to your 'progenitor', Mew, for the inherited transforming capabilities - even if the thought brings a bitter taste to your mouth.

Your 'foster mother' got you in contact with Professor Oak, who gave you a starter at the age of sixteen, as in five to six years later than usual... well, you are actually only two or three years old at most, but let the humans believe as they like.... Speaking of which, because you have green hair as a human and did not hesitate to reveal part of your psychic powers, many people think that you are related by blood to a green-haired woman named Sabrina, the gym leader of Saffron and ostensibly the most powerful human psychic in existence. You haven't said anything to contradict or confirm that, but the humans took it as fact anyway... strange creatures.

You look around Celadon City, ditching your 'younger brother', Ash, and come across a few buildings of interest. You head toward the-

[] Game Corner
+A shady building where the humans' emotions are especially strong and diverse
[] Poke Mart
+Maybe you should get some healing items and/or Poke Balls...?
[X] Toy store

You head toward a store selling toys for children - you are not certain yet why you were drawn here. You look at the shop's front window-

Rolling a d100 = 100. Critical roll = 100 Critical roll 2 = 78

...Your attention is drawn to a large green haired doll in a yellow sundress; at the same time, a little girl is trying to get her mother to buy it, but the woman says something about coming back later.

"Yes, Amber, later!" The woman says in a strict tone.

You freeze in place, your thoughts going a league a millisecond ('a mile a minute' is for lesser minds). You look at the doll again, then the little girl.... With sheer force of will, you walk away, only a slight tremor in your hands betraying your distress. You breathe in and out steadily - with a minor application of your psychic powers, you slip out of the humans' senses; unlike what your 'progenitor' professed to be capable of, this is not invisibility... merely a diversion of their attention, or enhancement of their usual inattention. Humans on the 'Internet' have called it 'SEP field' - Somebody Else's Problem. Strangely apt.

All this thinking, though, cannot distract you from the issue at hand. All Psychic-type Pokemon are capable of multitasking to some degree or other, and you are the strongest Psychic of them all. Your entire body is now trembling, and you are letting out strange sounds, which remind you of what humans call 'sobbing'. Your eyes are also leaking again, this time more than usual.


You remember almost everything: from Amber sharing her memories to Bulbasaurtwo, Squirtletwo and Charmandertwo 'disappearing', to Amber's final words. You teleport to a secluded part of Pallet Town with unprecedented ease, which you file away for later - right now, you only want to be alone and think on your memories more.

Memories of Ambertwo have been fully unlocked/rediscovered.

Flaw 'Crippling Ignorance' has been discovered!
+The very core of your past has been taken away from you
+All psychic abilities' power, efficiency, speed and precision is reduced by 90%
+You are unable to learn your Signature Move
+Unlike most Legendary Pokemon, you are restricted to only one Ability

Flaw 'Crippling Ignorance' has been eliminated. As a result, secondary Ability 'Pressure' has been added to complement 'Unnerve'; the move 'Psystrike' has been learned; Mega Mewtwo X/Y has been partially unlocked. Your true psychic capabilities have unfolded!

Your questions, which persisted after the 'talk' Mew had with you when it chased away the disgusting wretch Giovanni, have finally been answered. 'Who am I'? I am Ambertwo's friend; I am the one who lost her and Bulbasaurtwo and Squirtletwo and Charmandertwo. I simply am.

You find yourself craving sleep, surprisingly enough, so you teleport back to Celadon, near the Pokemon Center. You walk into the building, seeing Ash and those two idiots you've been forced to endure, and your 'younger brother' starts peppering you with questions. He says, "where have you been, Newt!? I was really worried!" And more in that vein, as if he were the older brother!

Of course, Ash is older than you, but you are not going to tell him that anytime soon. You brush him off again, but more gently than any other time; you do not bother to correct him on your proper name being 'Newton', either. You can tell by Ash's emotions that he has noticed the difference; you do not bother checking his thoughts and simply go to your assigned room. You get your 'starter' Pokemon out of its Poke Ball - a female Slowpoke with the rare Ability Regenerator by the name of... Yawner. You had a strong suspicion that Professor Oak had his Alakazam teleport in a random willing Pokemon of the right level for a starter with a characteristic that stood out, which became a certainty when you asked the man, making the thought hit the forefront of his mind.

Yawner looks at you questioningly - she has sensed the multitude of emotions you still feel. Most humans think that Slowpoke are stupid, but that is a severe misconception. Slowpoke are usually as intelligent as humans, and a lot wiser to boot... their 'poker face', laid-back nature and lack of quick reflexes give the impression of stupidity to shallow humans.

Later, you communicate to Yawner, who doesn't pressure you further. You lie down in the bed and try to sleep.
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The idea is that Mewtwo met Mew at the same time he met Giovanni, and Mew taught Mewtwo on the spot how to sense emotions, revealing that Giovanni only sees Mewtwo as a tool. Despite not getting along very well, Mew taught Mewtwo most of the tricks of an advanced psychic type -and a few unique to Mew- for the next half year or so.

For some reason I haven't yet decided on, Mewtwo turned himself into a 'human' through his rudimentary-yet-strong Transform and his psychic illusions, the fifteen-and-a-half year old Newton, and was found near Pallet town, then adopted by Delia Ketchum. It took him only a short while to prove his competence as a potential trainer, but he was blindsided by the idea of becoming a Pokemon Trainer, with Professor Oak and Delia assuming he wanted to become one due to a series of misunderstandings.

Mewtwo / Newton Ketchum wanted to repay Delia for housing him and feeding him (and secretly for treating him like her own), so he decided to go along with the idea and accompany Ash in his journey, to keep him safe. He has shown a psychic proficiency slightly greater than Sabrina's at the same age (though far inferior to his full nerfed capabilities, not to mention his abilities after 'Crippling Ignorance' is removed).

Mewtwo/Newton is meant to part ways with Ash at some point (when Ash is no longer a complete idiot, only a near-complete one) ; remembering Ambertwo as early as Celadon is supposed to be around a 1/20000 chance (100, then crit1 100, then crit2 50 or above), though as time goes on, modifiers would make that probability far higher.

He got Yawner at 16 years old, but trained her for about a year until Ash was able to get a starter, too. This Slowpoke is a very talented Psychic type, except only Prof. Oak and his Alakazam recognize that because Mewtwo has a... distorted metric for the power of Psychics and everyone else simply doesn't notice.
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Don't have anything written yet because I'm still not sure about a lot of things when it comes actually running the Quest. Would like any possible suggestions or feedback on it. Here's the basic idea/premise:

A Guyver Unit gets sent to Creation and bonds with a Mortal/Heroic Mortal (Voter Choice). The focus of the Quest is being a Mortal in Creation and eventually being able to match the likes of the Exalts by improving the Guyver. That's the basic idea, and any Ultimate Goal can be determined by the voters as the game goes on. Probably the same as usual though: Don't die, Possibly Save Creation....Or Kill it.

Things I am certain of:

- I won't allow the voters to play as an Exalted. There are two reasons for this. The first is that I believe it would be a better story if done from the perspective of a Mortal, as they tend to get the short end of the stick in Creation, but I don't want to make a Quest/Story about a Mortal constantly getting killed because of how Grimdark Creation can be for Mortals. So, I think this forms a good middle ground. The second is that a Guyver Unit wouldn't do much for an Exalted in the first place. In the Manga, the Chronos guys who made the Zonanoids and Humans are only able to use the Guyvers to pilot their ships. It isn't until they put it on a human (a creature they made to be the baseline genetic code to create supersoldier Zoanoids) that it became a nigh-unstoppable killing machine. And since Exalts are usually MADE to be perfect from the outset, I don't think it would do much for them.

Things I am uncertain of:

- Whether to make this Narrative Focused (i.e. Little to no Mechanics) or Mechanics Focused. I want to do Narrative cause that's what I'm good at, but due to the nature of Exalted I'd make the Quest harder to run. Namely because I'd have to find a way to show off power levels, and find out how Exalted use their powers without focusing on Charms. Which means many will be unable to tell exactly what they're power level is in comparison to an Exalt, nor will it be easy to explain why a Solar can Dodge the Guyver's Megasmasher without openly explaining what Charms/Powers they have. I could go Mechanics, but I don't like Quest with too much Crunch, and I know the Exalted System is filled with that. Add to that the fact that I want to include Solars, Lunars, Abyssals, Infernals, Alchemicals, and Sidereals, I'd have to use Second Edition which everyone knows is a clusterfuck when it comes to Mechanics. Especially when it comes to combat. 3rd Edition is a little better, but combat would still be something I dread. Not to mention that I'd have to find a way to possibly equate the Guyver's powers with Charms or come up with a completely separate system for the Voters to use to improve themselves.

- Whether to make the Quest NSFW or not. Due to the nature of Exalted, I'd be fine with putting it in the NSFW Forum. 2nd Edition has the Legendary Breeding Merit after all. However, the Quest itself will focus less on Smut and more on being an actual Quest. Any sex or otherwise will come about in the natural course of the Quest. However, one thing that I will be doing is making it very violent, and very gory as the Guyver setting is exactly that. So because of that I am unsure. Would this go in the normal Questing Forum, or the NSFW Questing Forum?
i wanna see sum gud ol guyver on dragonblooded kinky tentacle sexy fun times

That's the thing, that wouldn't be the focus. If sexy times would happen, they would happen naturally over the course of the Quest. But it wouldn't be the focus. Like there wouldn't be an option to go looking for a fine dragonblooded to bed.

No the focus would be more on what happens when a High Frequency Blade meets soft Demon/Bandit/Animal/Exalt flesh, and being a Mortal with what equates to a fucking biological super weapon wrapped around your skin.

So, would that go in Questing or NSFW Questing? Or could it be either?
Really silly idea i had. Shipping Quest! i.e. where you have a bunch of bored ROBs forcing recruiting you to help them bring their OTP to fruition. The only problem, is that the ROBs can't agree on exactly what pairing is the best. Thus, the ship you choose and the methods through which you brought it to fruition may well result in different reactions from different ROBs, resulting in you obtaining buffs and debuffs for your next matchmaking attempt.
The two things the ROBs do agree upon is that you're not allowed to solve the non-romance plot-threads. Like, if you get a mission to hookup, say, Shinji and Asuka from NGE, pre-first-kiss-scene, you are not allowed to solve the SEELE or the Gendo plotlines. As in, you'll probably affect it, but you're not allowed to solve it, and perhaps you may be rewarded/penalized by some of the ROBs based on the degree to which you derail those other plotlines.
Well, sort of; if the mission is to hook up, say, Sakumo and Tsunade pre-canon, than you'll probably canoodle canon up the rosebud; but that's fine as long as you don't suddenly derail the Great Wars, or Zetsu's whole scheme too much by the time the mission ends (and it ends when you succeed in accomplishing your objective).

The second is that you should try to avoid changing personalities too much. So unless it's an AU, no edgy Naruto or suave Harry. About the pesky character flaws standing in your way... Sure, you can 'fix them' -- not through mind-control, but through a plethora of schemes that can range from a curse that only lifts when the character learns their lesson, or through inserting yourself as a short-term foil or antagonist or mentor, or whatever else QQ cooks up. So, like, if you want to fix, say, Asuka's hedgehog tendencies (to borrow from the show's metaphors), then that's fine. On the other hand, do try to keep core character traits: so if, say, Snape and Lily, then I expect that his acerbic nature will can never quite be curbed, and his cruelty and pettiness can only be contained or directed, not removed.
And i suppose it would only make sense to have at least one ROB wanting to keep the characters' personalities as close to cannon as possible (is that logical? not really; but it does serve as a way of keeping the players in check)

The goals can range from 'get X and Y to kiss' to 'get X and Y to get in a steady relationship' to something entirely lewder, like interdigitation. The methods... I'm leaning towards a 'cards' system, with cards being along the lines of 'create and inhabit an adult OC on the mission starts', or 'create and inhabit an important character's OC relative', and the settings can range from pre-canon, day 1 of canon, or pre-post a certain point in time (oriented by episode, or chapter, or book...). Naturally, a time-limit should be implemented. Cards can be obtained from pleasing specific ROBs, creative/amusing solutions, occasionally from crit-rolls (i.e. if one of your actions succeed spectacularly), or completing hidden objectives (which will be hinted at, but not explicitly stated).
Cards can be reusable (but with a cooldown), or have a one-time use; i expect that most of the more powerful cards will be one-time to keep things interesting (for example, i imagine there can a powerful 'bolster self-confidence' that you may use to, for example, get Hinata to approach Naruto earlier, with the things acting less as mind-control and more like a mix between inspiration, moods, and undetectable drugs), with options of being able to obtain them again later (for instance, a rare/legendary card that make x copies of one card you have used in the past).
As for the difficulty... Well, I suppose that one could either go through every fandom and assign a value for every pairing (which is horribly impractical), or one could just assign a difficulty level, which i think can act as either a malus for all rolls on the mission. Then again, say, helping Ozpin and Salem make up during the start of RWBY season 1 is definitely going to be much, much harder than, i dunno, hooking up Ruby and Jaune during early stages of the show, and that should probably be represented in the mechanics to avoid accusations of the QM being arbitrary. The last thing anyone wants is to ignite a shipping war in the threads :p
Addendum: well, outside of the the ROBs -- they can't agree, and so, those shippers have waged war for aeons once they figured out how to send people/entities to a fictional universe. Their compromise is to make you hop into the same universe -- or derivatives of it -- several times independently if they (well, QQ really) wish. By that i mean, for instance, you can hop into Harry Potter and hook up Snape and Lily, and then a few missions later come back to a canon HP where Snape will still be wallowing in a cesspit of misery and regret, while Lily will be nine feet under, for you to try hooking up, i dunno, Luna and Neville.
And I'm sure that if someone writes a good omake on what happens once the players have left, then you can reward them by allowing them to hop right back in -- so long as the omake is high-quality and plausible.

Now, the ROBs are looking to be entertained, so creative solutions are generally encouraged and rewarded, though i think that the personalities and values of the ROBs should still play a role, just to keep things spicy and predictable.

Anyhow, due to a lack of time (and knowledge; i don't really consume much new material nowadays, and back when i did in my teenage years, i was kinda crap at character analysis) i highly doubt i will ever get to running a quest this... ambitious. Still, it was a funny idea, and if someone wants to chat about potential mechanics or to give it a try running it themselves, feel free to do so :D
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I had a weird idea this weekend for a Post-Apocalyptic Magical Milf Quest (using Fate Accelerated). Basically, the Magical Girls lost the final battle, the Villain won, and the world is this Mad Max hellhole where various fantastical monsters roam and kill/harass/extort what's left of humanity. You are the mother of the one of the girls, surviving so far in the dark as to how the world exactly ended or what happened to your daughter. Her animal companion tracks you down and says you too can somehow transform, and that you can defeat the Sorceress and help rebuild society.
I had a weird idea this weekend for a Post-Apocalyptic Magical Milf Quest (using Fate Accelerated). Basically, the Magical Girls lost the final battle, the Villain won, and the world is this Mad Max hellhole where various fantastical monsters roam and kill/harass/extort what's left of humanity. You are the mother of the one of the girls, surviving so far in the dark as to how the world exactly ended or what happened to your daughter. Her animal companion tracks you down and says you too can somehow transform, and that you can defeat the Sorceress and help rebuild society.

Would this be a regular or NSFW Quest?
Would this be a regular or NSFW Quest?
I was thinking Regular. If it seems appropriate and makes sense to the plot at the time, I'd make an honest attempt to write a sex scene. Though as I've never written smut before, I doubt my ability to make a good one. Either way, lewds aren't the main focus.
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Not sure where to post this.

But I was wondering what is a quest. What is it? How does it function?

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