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[Introduction Thread] 'Sup All

Suppose i might as well make an introductory post here. Been lurking for a while, though want to start posting soon, so here seems like a good place to start. Hello!
Excuse me sir is this website available for posing a thread that's containing Online survey or is it limited to Webstories and all other relating to it like fanfics and etc?

For example, is it possible to make a thread that contains some questions like a survey that ask general queries regarding their experience in Online school under the stress of ongoing Pandemic?
welcome everyone. I say hello.

Excuse me sir is this website available for posing a thread that's containing Online survey or is it limited to Webstories and all other relating to it like fanfics and etc?

For example, is it possible to make a thread that contains some questions like a survey that ask general queries regarding their experience in Online school under the stress of ongoing Pandemic?

i am a random dude, consider all this information third hand and salty.

if you want to use the actual tread poll function i believe they are limited to one question and i think that is too small for your purposes, but i have seen people uses a double posts (theoretically more as well) with the questions and the answers to those questions than used the likes on the posts to get tally results. but you could also just link to one of those questionnaire cites.

and i think questions like theses go to a FAQ thread, this is the introduction thread, welcome.

if you post your thread in the creative writing section than you would be posting in the wrong spot as that is limited to story's like you feared, unless you used the results to drive a story, but then that would be the questing section. but, as far as i know if posted in a general thread section you should be fine.
Well, I am Here , after quite some time, lets hope that this works out for me ,So ... Hello , Konnichiwa Mina san , Watashi ga KITA!!!
Hello! I found out about the forum through other fanfiction authors and was always curious but kept from signing up for a while. After poking around what I could of the site for a few months, I decided to just bite the bullet! I'm not familiar at all with Questing so I'll probably keep lurking for now, hah. :V
Yo, before QQ I was a semi-active reviewer on FanFiction.net but stopped after a while then I found some of Shiro's Gamer stories and it got me hooked and also introduced me here.
Hey! I've been lurking for a while now and the thought of introductions never crossed my mind lol.

Anyways, I found this site by joining the discord server of one of my favorite authors.

And ever since then, I've been spending most of my free time reading here.
Lurker, getting obligated hellos out of the way.

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