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IRC shenanigans

(8:53:09 PM) Mr_John: If I had to a pick a game to sodomize me, it would be Magika.
(8:53:26 PM) ultima333: I'unno
(8:53:32 PM) Mr_John: ...not sure where that phrase came from.
(8:53:33 PM) ultima333: How bout a game or two of MtG first?
(8:53:38 PM) Mr_John: Sure.
(8:53:40 PM) ultima333: I wanna catch up on stories and such
(8:53:47 PM) ultima333: and I can do that in the background during your turns
(8:53:55 PM) Mr_John: ....
(8:54:03 PM) ***Mr_John is going to take 10 second turns now
(8:54:12 PM) ultima333: Suuuuuuure you will
(8:54:13 PM) ultima333: :D
(8:54:25 PM) Bii: Mr_John O-ring Ultima333!
(8:54:31 PM) Mr_John: No.
(8:54:35 PM) Bii: Yesh!
(8:54:37 PM) Mr_John: That is My Fetish
(8:54:42 PM) Mr_John: And I won't waste it on him.
(8:54:55 PM) mode (+vv Megaolix Mr_John) by Bii
(8:54:57 PM) ultima333: I'm not worthy of your fetish? I thought we were friends!
(8:55:16 PM) ultima333: room up, Mr_John
(8:55:42 PM) Mr_John: Look, if you want me to forcibly lock open your mouth and violate your throat, you let me know so I can recommend psychiatric help.
(8:55:52 PM) Mr_John: Until then, no. You are not worthy of my fetish.
(8:56:16 PM) MobileRein: .... What just happened?
(8:56:59 PM) Lambdadelta: I... do not know.
(8:57:01 PM) Mr_John: Ultima is outraged he doesn't deserve my fetish, I think he's crazy because no-one sane deserves/wants my fetish,
(8:57:04 PM) Lambdadelta: But Mr_John offer to do ultima333.
(8:57:06 PM) Lambdadelta: I think.
(8:57:25 PM) ultima333: tbf, I didn't know exactly what fetish Mr_John was talking about
(8:57:34 PM) ultima333: I thought he was talkingn about an O-Ring fetish
(8:57:41 PM) Mr_John: No, I offered to get him mental health help if he ever reached the point where he wanted me to use my fetish on him.
(8:57:46 PM) Mr_John: ...yes.
(8:57:49 PM) Mr_John: An O-ring?
(8:57:55 PM) ultima333: Oblivion Ring?
(8:58:01 PM) ***ultima333 is thinking of MtG
(8:58:06 PM) Mr_John: ....Well.
(8:58:19 PM) Mr_John: That's. That's quite the misunderstanding.
(8:58:30 PM) Mr_John: ....
(8:58:42 PM) Lambdadelta: It is,
(8:58:43 PM) Lambdadelta: uh,
(8:58:44 PM) Mr_John: I have no idea what to do now.
(8:58:45 PM) Lambdadelta: you know,
(8:58:46 PM) Lambdadelta: when you,
(8:58:47 PM) Lambdadelta: uh.
(8:58:58 PM) Mr_John: The last ten minutes never happened?
(8:59:03 PM) Lambdadelta: Yes,
(8:59:04 PM) ultima333: ...
(8:59:07 PM) ultima333: Let's...
(8:59:08 PM) Lambdadelta: let's agree with that.
(8:59:16 PM) ultima333: Let's just, yeah...
(8:59:20 PM) Mr_John: Alright, brain wiped. Moving on.
(8:59:23 PM) ultima333: Forget about it and play some MtG.
(9:00:01 PM) ultima333: >inb4 the tanuki pastes it into the IRC Shenanigans thread
(9:01:15 PM) Lambdadelta: Eh,
(9:01:20 PM) Lambdadelta: I'll just do it myself.
(9:01:30 PM) Lambdadelta: Nah, I'm too lazy. Go ahead, Bii.
I'm sorry Snake-Eater, but you just don't seem to know when to stop. As such, you're banned from IRC until I'm feeling much better enough that I can handle shenanigans.

(8:38:20 PM) gibbousmoons: Snake-Eater: Official last warning, after your . . . previous last warning not ten minutes ago.
(8:38:33 PM) Bii: Know what, fuck it
(8:38:49 PM) mode (+b *!4a0fe9b0@*. by gibbousmoons
(8:38:57 PM) gibbousmoons: Beat you to it.
(8:39:16 PM) Bii: Snake-eater, until I feel better you're banned from IRC
(8:39:31 PM) mode (+b snake-eater!*@*) by Bii
(8:39:41 PM) Snake-Eater left the room (Kicked by Bii (Snake-Eater)).
do you even have a good reason why i'm banned, hmm?
(9:35:28 PM) Bii-fluffy has changed the topic to: New Rules : Annoy Bii = Warning > Kicking > Ban. No further chances or warning.

Due to drama on IRC, there is going to be a simple rule on IRC. You're looking at it now.
Ish QQ irc down for anyone else?
Let it be known that Snake/Eater has had his warning(s) for the IRC chatroom. Any more incidents will call for kicking rather than just verbal warning. Possibly with a 5-10 minute calm-down temp ban as well, especially if they don't get the message the first time.

Also, please do not dogpile onto OP actions. Do not add fuel to the fire. When an OP takes action, it should be the end of the shitstorm, not an opportunity to get the last word in.
Last edited:
[20:20] (+dasstan) bii, do the warnings expire?
[20:20] (@biigoh) Want out of ban? 1000 word essay on what you did wrong, and what youre going to do in future.
[20:21] (+dasstan) Like, if hypothetical QQ IRC member Ekanes gets warned on a Monday, is he warning free after some arbitrary period?
[20:21] (@biigoh) No second chances
[20:23] (@biigoh) Want a second chance? You are going to need to work for it
[20:24] (@biigoh) 1000 words essay on what you did wrong, and then your fate is decided
[20:25] (@biigoh) Its to see if you deserve a second chance
Let it be known that Snake/Eater has had his warning(s) for the IRC chatroom. Any more incidents will call for kicking rather than just verbal warning. Possibly with a 5-10 minute calm-down temp ban as well, especially if they don't get the message the first time.

Also, please do not dogpile onto OP actions. Do not add fuel to the fire. When an OP takes action, it should be the end of the shitstorm, not an opportunity to get the last word in.
Seriously. I should not have had to specifically tell people this, and Ultima should not have had to repeat it.
I have decided to take a short exile from the Qq irc and rethink my priorities of what I want in my life.

I want to thank everyone on the irc for trying to be patient with me and encouraging me to be a less pig headed person

I do hope to come back soon.
So while I was delirious with pain last night these two events happened a few hours apart:

9:13 PM <@BleedingBailey> So apparently I'm still bleeding so I can't eat so I can't take my pain pills.
9:13 PM → Jemnite joined (~chatzilla@pool-108-48-107-99.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
9:14 PM <+Snake-Eater> [21:12] <@BleedingBailey> So apparently I'm still bleeding so I can't eat so I can't take my pain pills.) not even weak broth ?
9:14 PM <@BleedingBailey> Not until the bleeding stops.
9:15 PM <@gibbousmoons> Why is it 9 PM?
9:15 PM <+Snake-Eater> ...
9:16 PM <+tempestk> I see Snake's ban was lifted?
9:16 PM <+Snake-Eater> it was a self imposed exile
9:16 PM <+Vyor_Laptop> they were never banned
9:17 PM <+tempestk> ah, for some reason I was under the impression they were. Apologies.
9:17 PM <+Snake-Eater> don't be
9:17 PM <+Snake-Eater> making assumptions is normal
9:19 PM <+Snake-Eater> so is qq down
9:20 PM <@alethiophile> Topic.
9:20 PM <+Mishie> Snake was hiding because he didn't want to get banned since iirc he's on his final strike.
9:20 PM <@Bii-Phone> Tunnel
9:20 PM asdx11 → Adorable_Himawar
9:20 PM <@Bii-Phone> [18:13] (@BleedingBailey) So apparently I'm still bleeding so I can't eat so I can't take my pain pills.
9:20 PM <@Bii-Phone> Hospital?
9:20 PM ⇐ @Bii-Phone quit • Adorable_Himawar → AdorableHimawari
9:20 PM <@BleedingBailey> Bii-Phone: wisdom teeth
9:21 PM — AdorableHimawari Is adorable
9:21 PM <+Snake-Eater> <@alethiophile> Topic.) i always forget to look up
9:21 PM — AdorableHimawari Cuddles
9:21 PM <Jemnite> how do you run the choose command for bot again?
9:21 PM <@alethiophile> choose first, second
9:21 PM <+qqbot> alethiophile selects: first
9:21 PM <+Snake-Eater> iley> Bii-Phone: wisdom teeth) rince with hot salt water
9:22 PM <+tempestk> *warm* salt water Snake, not hot
9:22 PM <+tempestk> that's a good way to make him scream
9:22 PM <+Snake-Eater> i was told to use hot water
9:23 PM <+tempestk> and *not* in a way his SO will enjoy, unless they're a sadist
9:23 PM → +kinglugia (voiced) joined
9:23 PM <+kinglugia> Hora Hora
9:23 PM <@alethiophile> The line of 'warm' and 'hot' is rather flexible.
9:23 PM <+kinglugia> Warm is penis warm
9:23 PM <+Vyor_Laptop> hey king
9:24 PM <+kinglugia> Hot is hmm
9:24 PM <+kinglugia> The feeling when the penis shag you silly
9:24 PM <+kinglugia> :D
9:24 PM <+Snake-Eater> <+kinglugia> Warm is penis warm)That is "Luke" warm...
9:24 PM <+HottieKeeper> <+kinglugia> The feeling when the penis shag you silly - - - - - Questionable Quotable Moments In QQ IRC
9:25 PM <+Vyor_Laptop> heh
9:26 PM <+Snake-Eater> i am kinda high on varsol fumes, so this really funny to me
9:28 PM <+Snake-Eater> after you rince your mouth stuff your mouth with teabags to clot the wounds
9:28 PM <@alethiophile> That one sounds like a worse idea.
9:29 PM <+dasstan> <+kinglugia> The feeling when the penis shag you silly
9:29 PM <+dasstan> This is why I like you.
9:29 PM <+Snake-Eater> it will soak up the blood
9:29 PM <@UrsaTempest> :/
9:29 PM <@UrsaTempest> Impure.
9:29 PM <+dasstan> or, you know, just use gauze.
9:29 PM — UrsaTempest goes back writing TU game.
9:29 PM <@alethiophile> Use gauze or something, if it's bleeding enough to need it.
9:29 PM <+Snake-Eater> and make it more tasty
9:29 PM <+dasstan> ^
9:29 PM <@UrsaTempest> Oh, right.
9:29 PM — UrsaTempest pokes TotalAbsolutism
9:30 PM <@alethiophile> Teabags are a silly ad-hoc substitution, and also a waste of tea.
9:30 PM <@Enthalpy> > implying people anything other than glorious loose-leaf tea
9:31 PM <+Snake-Eater> what about rincing the mouth with vinegar
9:31 PM <+Snake-Eater> if you can't tolerate heat
9:32 PM <@alethiophile> Maybe not the best with open wounds.
9:32 PM <@alethiophile> Though good for some other things.
9:32 PM <@UrsaTempest> I don't even know why you use teabag for wound.
9:32 PM <@UrsaTempest> That sounds... I don't know.
9:32 PM <+dasstan> Wrong?
9:32 PM <+dasstan> On so many levels?
9:32 PM <@UrsaTempest> I guess every culture have their wound-mending quirk...
9:32 PM <+dasstan> Mm, English Breakfast with a side of hemoglobin.
9:32 PM <@Enthalpy> It's hilariously unsanitary, is what it is
9:32 PM <@UrsaTempest> Not wrong, just weird.
9:33 PM <+dasstan> Blood Tea sounds like the kind of weird shit you'd find in a froofroo vampire novel.
9:33 PM → Conundrum__ joined (~Conundrum@75-132-205-94.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com)
9:33 PM <+ChandraNapping> Well, it's truely the onyl use for a teabag. After all, why would you use a /teabag/ when you shoudl use loose-leaf? /tea-snob
9:33 PM <@UrsaTempest> Well...
9:33 PM <@Enthalpy> > Implying anyone should have bagged tea
9:34 PM <@UrsaTempest> Tea spiked with blood is typical scarlet mansion fare, I think, dasstan
9:34 PM <@UrsaTempest> Fandom-wise.
9:34 PM <+dasstan> I don't know what that is.
9:34 PM <@UrsaTempest> Eh, we have local production of good bagged tea, Enthalpy. Very fragrant.
9:34 PM <@UrsaTempest> Touhou, dasstan
9:34 PM <+Snake-Eater> i used green tea
9:34 PM <+dasstan> Ah. #things I've managed to avoid
9:34 PM <@UrsaTempest> Though loose leaf is hell cheaper, and roughly still fragrant.
9:35 PM <+TotalAbsolutism> Mm?
9:35 PM — alethiophile enjoys good tea, but has never bothered to learn how to make it.
9:35 PM <@alethiophile> Tea bags and sugar are less effort. :p
9:35 PM <+Snake-Eater> but the tea makes the taste of blood palatable
9:35 PM <@UrsaTempest> How do I write campaign, TotalAbsolutism?
9:35 PM <+TotalAbsolutism> What the fuck.
9:35 PM <@Enthalpy> It really isn't that involved
9:35 PM <@UrsaTempest> Eh.
9:35 PM <@UrsaTempest> Boil water.
9:36 PM <@alethiophile> Snake-Eater, if you've been making tea by putting tea bags in blood all these years, I have to tell you you've been doing it wrong.
9:36 PM <@UrsaTempest> Then turn off the stove, and put tea leaves.
9:36 PM <@Enthalpy> boil water -> put leaves in cup -> put water in cup -> wait for leaves to uncurl -> drink
9:36 PM <@UrsaTempest> Stir it if you want to be faster.
9:36 PM <@UrsaTempest> Then filter the leaves and drink the tea.
9:37 PM <@alethiophile> From what limited information I have, you can go into arbitrary details of complexity about exactly what temperature the water should be, and whether you warm the vessel first, and yadda yadda.
9:37 PM ⇐ +Conundrum_ quit (~Conundrum@75-132-205-94.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) Ping timeout: 244 seconds
9:37 PM <@Enthalpy> for optimal experience, use a hotplate and a thermometer or something
9:37 PM <+Snake-Eater> <@alethiophile> Snake-Eater, if you've been making tea by putting tea bags in blood all these years, I have to tell you you've been doing it wrong.)lol no, just when my mouth is bleeding
9:37 PM <@UrsaTempest> That's if you are really snobby tea drinker, alethiophile
9:37 PM <@UrsaTempest> And can afford to spend time to make those.
9:37 PM <@UrsaTempest> Just be sensibly snobby, not excessively snobby.
9:37 PM <+Snake-Eater> i drink my just like everyone else
9:38 PM <+Snake-Eater> with money and beet suger
9:38 PM <+TotalAbsolutism> ... I choose to guess 'honey'.
9:38 PM <@alethiophile> ...If you're dropping coins in your tea, you're also doing it wrong.
9:38 PM <+dasstan> I liked it better when he was avoiding the IRC.
9:38 PM <@UrsaTempest> Hmm, I probably should look for Mexico in oWoD.
9:38 PM <+TotalAbsolutism> Chandra; 1.2k down.
9:39 PM <+TotalAbsolutism> It's not going well for pretty boy.
9:39 PM — UrsaTempest pats dasstan
9:39 PM <@UrsaTempest> Anyway, is there VtM revised or something like that?
9:39 PM → TOS joined (412164a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
9:39 PM <+Snake-Eater> <@alethiophile> ...If you're dropping coins in your tea, you're also doing it wrong.) i only do that to other people when i want to hear a story
9:39 PM <+TotalAbsolutism> Don't think so.
9:40 PM <+ChandraNapping> \o/
9:40 PM <@BleedingBailey> My face hurts and Snake-Eater is telling me to gargle vinegar.
9:40 PM <@UrsaTempest> Kinda need info what happened to Sabbath past year 2000.
9:40 PM <+ChandraNapping> On the word count, not so yay on the not going so well.
9:40 PM <@BleedingBailey> Somebody not delirious react to this.
9:40 PM <+ChandraNapping> Unless Mott is the pretty boy.
9:40 PM <@UrsaTempest> ...why would you listen to Snake-Eater, BleedingBailey?
9:40 PM <+TotalAbsolutism> The world ended.
9:40 PM <@BleedingBailey> UrsaTempest: V20
9:40 PM <@UrsaTempest> Huh.
9:40 PM <+Snake-Eater> but Money tea would be the best green tea
9:40 PM <+kinglugia> Lol
9:40 PM <@UrsaTempest> ...so, what happened to Sabbath post 2000 BleedingBailey?
9:40 PM <+ChandraNapping> If you are going to gargle anything, gargle salt water. It'll not be pleasant though.
9:40 PM <@Enthalpy> Don't do it, Bailey
9:41 PM <+kinglugia> I prefer money shots lol
9:41 PM <@Enthalpy> unless you want to feel all the pain
9:41 PM <@BleedingBailey> I'm not gargling anything.
9:41 PM ⇐ TOS quit (412164a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Client Quit
9:41 PM <@alethiophile> "Gargle vinegar" is good advice in _some_ situations. Just not _this_ one.
10:41 PM — @BleedingBailey is still bleeding and hasn't eaten and can't take pain meds and has to go to sleep soon.
10:41 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Didn't remember that such a thing as topics existed
10:41 PM — Conundrum_tablet kills the Plotvitalnpc
10:41 PM — +Wrong_Eye shrugs
10:41 PM <@BleedingBailey> Luckily I can take my antibiotics with water while changing my gauze.
10:41 PM <+Wrong_Eye> Heh
10:42 PM <TheOtherSandman> Make sure to keep an eye out for pirates coming from the port of Tirtouga
10:42 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Because of the excessive heckling courtesy of my brother randomly bursting in here
10:42 PM <@BleedingBailey> But the pain meds I need food in my tummy for.
10:42 PM <+Wrong_Eye> I'd try to be helpful but I have a tendancy to not bleed when I should :p
10:42 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Which compels me to close many sorts of windows in short notice.
10:42 PM — @BleedingBailey cries.
10:42 PM <+Mishie> huh
10:42 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Oof
10:42 PM — asdx11 Stuffs a small mouse down Bailey's throat.
10:42 PM Skitzy-Mei → +Sleep-Mei
10:42 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> It sounds like a hard life for the Baily
10:42 PM <+Mishie> apparently there's a pokemon go beta in aus
10:42 PM <+Mishie> cool
10:42 PM — +Wrong_Eye has had various holes that really should have bleed when he got them
10:42 PM <TheOtherSandman> deck him with a book or something
10:42 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Bailey, even
10:42 PM <asdx11> because Bailey's a cat.
10:42 PM <@gibbousmoons> If they haven't clotted yet it's because you're doing something wrong.
10:42 PM <TheOtherSandman> that's what they're for
10:43 PM <@gibbousmoons> Stop messing with your open wounds and let them heal.
10:43 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Ah, yes. the wisdom teeth
10:43 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> You need
10:43 PM <+tempestk> so, for any of you that are following/participating in my Ghostbuster Quest, be afraid
10:43 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> To bite down on the gauze
10:43 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> HARD
10:43 PM <+Mishie> BleedingBailey: good news, the sex slave sister vote wont win
10:43 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> not just 'firmly'
10:43 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> hard
10:43 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> For an hour straight, like.
10:43 PM <+Vyor_Laptop> gums bleed a /lot/
10:43 PM <@BleedingBailey> gibbousmoons: three of the four holes have clotted.
10:43 PM <TheOtherSandman> oh thank fuck
10:43 PM <@UrsaTempest> Hey Plotvitalnpc
10:43 PM <+Mishie> bad news
10:43 PM <+Mishie> It's because none of the votes will win
10:43 PM <+tempestk> I have comandeered Citizen's warped mind as an asset
10:43 PM <@BleedingBailey> The last one is being stubborn.
10:44 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> If it really is
10:44 PM <+Mishie> didn't you get stiches?
10:44 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Swap out your gauze
10:44 PM <+Wrong_Eye> stitches?
10:44 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Fora wetted teabag
10:44 PM <Conundrum_tablet> If it takes a long time to heal smaller wounds you might have a blood issue like diabetes
10:44 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Like...lipton
10:44 PM <TheOtherSandman> salt
10:44 PM <@BleedingBailey> I am switching my gauze every twenty minutes.
10:44 PM <+Wrong_Eye> Ah
10:44 PM <+Wrong_Eye> that's the problem
10:44 PM <+Mishie> Why didn't you get stitches BleedingBailey
10:44 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> The tannins in the teabag will clot it
10:44 PM <+Mishie> also
10:44 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Yeah
10:44 PM <+Mishie> Don't move the gauze
10:44 PM <+Mishie> jfc
10:44 PM <+Mishie> you're tearing away the clot
10:44 PM <TheOtherSandman> leave that shit alone dood
10:44 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Don't move it more than...like...once every two hours, at most
10:45 PM <@BleedingBailey> They did give me stitches I can feel them. They told me to change the gauze every twenty minutes.
10:45 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> What terrible advice
10:45 PM <TheOtherSandman> ..... wat
10:45 PM <+Wrong_Eye> bad advice
10:45 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> That irritates the area and tears loose the clots
10:45 PM <+Wrong_Eye> I changed my gauze once
10:45 PM <@gibbousmoons> That is not what you do for wisdom teeth removal.
10:45 PM <TheOtherSandman> don't listen to them, listen to random people on the internet
10:45 PM <+Wrong_Eye> :p
10:45 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> If you want to build one quickly for emergency purposes, though:
10:45 PM <@gibbousmoons> You're remembering the advice wrong.
10:45 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Frequently given advice even by oral surgeons:
10:45 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Use a lipton tea bag, wetted
10:46 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> instead of gauze for emergency clotting purpsoes
10:46 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> The tannins cause clotting to occur more rapidly
10:46 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Although the caffeine and terrible taste are downsides
10:47 PM <Conundrum_tablet> Ignore the trained medical personnel and listen to random people on the internet instead
10:47 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> And the astringency isn't pleasant for the mouth
10:47 PM <TheOtherSandman> Weird that they're still bleeding tho. I ate like 30min after getting mine out.
10:47 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Eh
10:47 PM <+Wrong_Eye> Depends on the person Sandman
10:47 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> It took like four hours to actually stop it for me
10:47 PM <TheOtherSandman> mmm. mashed potatoes.
10:47 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> Because I didn't bite down firmly enough until after that point
10:47 PM <Conundrum_tablet> Wisdom teeth?
10:47 PM <+Snake-Eater> <+Plotvitalnpc> The tannins in the teabag will clot it)/me voted on plan "Teabag Bailey's mouth" first
10:48 PM <TheOtherSandman> need more teabag
10:48 PM ← +Snake-Eater (459cc991@gateway/web/freenode/ip. was kicked by @BleedingBailey: Snake-Eater
10:48 PM <+Wrong_Eye> I stopped bleeding immediently
10:48 PM <Conundrum_tablet> Lol
10:48 PM <+Wrong_Eye> of course that's a problem I have
10:48 PM <TheOtherSandman> Novacaine hung around way longer than any bleeding did.
10:48 PM <+Plotvitalnpc> And I actually had variable quantities of nighttime bleeding for...like a week after that.
10:48 PM <@BleedingBailey> It finally stopped.
10:48 PM <+Wrong_Eye> cool
10:48 PM → +Snake-Eater (voiced) joined
10:48 PM <+Vyor_Laptop> how is that a problem latewave?
10:49 PM <@BleedingBailey> I am gonna eat a pudding and some pain meds and drink water and go to sleep now.
10:49 PM <TheOtherSandman> Gargling with salt water was fun.
10:49 PM <+Wrong_Eye> I scar
10:49 PM <@gibbousmoons> Snake-Eater: Do not make fun of people who are in actual physical pain.
10:49 PM <TheOtherSandman> Surprisingly soothing
10:49 PM <+Vyor_Laptop> ah
10:49 PM <+Snake-Eater> ok
10:49 PM gibbousmoons banned *!459cc991@*. (+b)

So basically, Snake gave me a whole bunch of bad advice likely to leave me in more pain and destroy the forming blood clots, and when somebody else later independently suggested something similar to one piece of his advice as actually medically supported, he decided to make a joke about it. After having already had him make a joke about my pain in the first segment, and being in an increasingly bad state where I was delirious with pain, I kicked him. Gib, acting on information that this was actually Snake's last strike, turned that kick into a ban.
..... yeah you let the one guy with a grudge decide my fate after I apologized for that cheap joke at your expense.
Sorry, imma have to butt in here.

"One guy with a grudge"? Pffffffft.

Almost all of us dislike you in varying degrees. Don't expect to play the victim card and have it work.
...excuse me but what is this? Rashomon? I was told in the past that you should use teabags for bleeding gums.

Tea-bagging is the act of crouching repeatedly on top of someone, to simulate dropping your balls (the 'tea bag') in their mouth.


Not really appropriate to joke about at the expense of someone in actual physical pain.
The problem isn't even the joke; it's the combination of shitty advice to someone in pain and then the joke.
Excuse me but I gave sound advice and then later made a cheap joke at his expense. And I am sorry, but I don't deserve a permanent for it, maybe a 6 month exile til I learned my manners.
Excuse me but I gave sound advice and then later made a cheap joke at his expense. And I am sorry, but I don't deserve a permanent for it, maybe a 6 month exile til I learned my manners.

Your advice wasn't sound, as multiple people attested to; it was a shitty idea. You were on your last warning and you knew it. In the past you've attested to taking malicious actions for your own amusement, self-aggrandizement or pleasure. Not only that, but ignoring the two warnings you've had since we instituted the 'three strikes and you're banned' policy you've had countless people, Ops, QQ Mods and otherwise, telling you to shape up your behaviour.

What's changed, Snake? Nothing. Nothing has changed. You haven't changed.

Simply put; there is no value added by allowing you into QQ's IRC and significant value added by banning you from it and we have no reason to believe it will ever be otherwise. This was just the final straw.
Excuse me....
Your advice wasn't sound, as multiple people attested to; it was a shitty idea. You were on your last warning and you knew it. In the past you've attested to taking malicious actions for your own amusement, self-aggrandizement or pleasure.
But It is sound advice, yes it hurts but so does any medicinal treatment... I used my past experience to help Bailey.
Excuse me....

But It is sound advice, yes it hurts but so does any medicinal treatment... I used my past experience to help Bailey.
It's not. You're wrong.

Rinsing with a very small amount of salt dissolved in salt water can be used to alleviate pain and swelling as early as twenty-four hours after Wisdom Tooth surgery. This is assuming the bleeding has stopped. Otherwise all you will do is increase bleeding by damaging the existing clots and make things worse.

I found this out after literally ten seconds of work on Google, Snake. Your advice is unsound, you're an idiot for giving it, a double idiot for doubling down on it, and a triple idiot for not checking to see if your recollection matched reality.

You are wrong. Accept it and move on.
You are wrong. Accept it and move on.
Now your being a sophist, first you insult me by saying that i had intent to harm Bailey with my advice.

But now your changing your story by using Googled facts

I may have been wrong but your whole argument is a waste of breath and bandwidth because you keeping changing your argument.
Now your being a sophist, first you insult me by saying that i had intent to harm Bailey with my advice.

But now your changing your story by using Googled facts

I may have been wrong but your whole argument is a waste of breath and bandwidth because you keeping changing your argument.
it's the combination of shitty advice to someone in pain
Your advice is unsound, you're an idiot for giving it
My argument was and is that your advice was shitty.

Whether that was due to your stupidity or your malicious intent is irrelevant because you've left us no way to distinguish between a stupid yet well-meaning action and an actively malicious action. In the past you've admitted to knowingly doing harmful things just as you've appeared ignorant of the harm you do. Now, given your inability to alter your behaviour I would be inclined to think you're just a moron but it seems far more likely that you're also a malicious person by nature.

With that in mind, I find no sophistry in my statements; I remain internally consistent and you're the one resorting to ad hominem attacks as opposed to defending your erroneous position.

By the way; I'm not using ad hominem by definition because my argument is, as I've said, that you're an idiot because your advice was unsound; not that your advice is unsound because you're an idiot. Accusing your opponent of changing the goalposts when, in fact, they haven't? That is. Not like there were really any goalposts to begin with. You just sort of made some up for the sole purpose of moving them, which is kind of impressive really.
Now that i am gone....who will be the next Snake. every village must have an idiot.:D and i wonder if the mods will say "stop pissing me off or i will bring back Snake."

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