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It Gets Worse [Worm AU Fanfic] Complete

I don't think you even need to go that far. Consider that her power inflicts proportional retaliation. Consider also that Coil's admitted intent was to insinuate himself into her life and exploit her power to protect himself.

I submit to you that Coil's recruitment is not, in fact, any sort of preemptive action on the part of Taylor's power, but rather its response to Coil's overarching scheme. Just as his injuries mirrored those of his catspaw, he finds himself maneuvered into a mirror of the role he'd intended for Taylor: forced to exploit his own power to protect her.

Really, once we've established that her power operates on intent, this isn't any sort of expansion of its parameters at all.
As has been established, it doesn't.

Someone who's doing something that might harm her can be deflected into doing it a different way that doesn't harm her. Someone who's trying to harm her can't be deflected as easily, so they need to be dissuaded. Piggot already had an idea of her power, so a bug down the throat and a flickering light were all that was needed to deflect her from two courses of action that Taylor's power considered sub-optimal. Coil required a flooding base, an electrocution, a broken collarbone, an exploding base, and nine anvils in very close proximity before he got the message.

In Piggot's case, her power merely had to do the equivalent of clearing its throat meaningfully. In Calvert's case, it had to shout.

And in all cases, the funnier the better.

what would be really freaky with her power, it was manipulating things BEFORE her trigger
Nope. But it did set several things into action the moment it manifested. So the longer she gets around, the more elaborate the effects.
Except it doesn't. This has been WoGed several times, in very big letters. It works based on minimum necessary force to prevent the harm, which looks a lot like working by intent, because someone who really wants to hurt her will require a lot of effort to warn off, whereas somebody who would only harm her by accident can be stopped just by preventing that accident.
Yes. (see above)
this fic inspires so many questions in me

wonder what her cape name would be?

Luck based like Tyche?
Reference to her power like Domino?
or Karma, works very well if she joins the Undersiders somehow (Karma is a Bitch)
While Karma is a really good name for Taylor, for Taylor to even get a cape name she'd have to be publicly recognized as a cape. Which would probably put her or her father in danger, so her power would likely prevent it. Piggot's codename, Butterfly, will have to do for now.
While Karma is a really good name for Taylor, for Taylor to even get a cape name she'd have to be publicly recognized as a cape. Which would probably put her or her father in danger, so her power would likely prevent it. Piggot's codename, Butterfly, will have to do for now.

I'm seeing it now

Name: Butterfly
Threat Ranking: S++
If Encountered: Run for the hills, unless you're Sleeper (even then, running is strongly suggested)
I'm seeing it now

Name: Butterfly
Threat Ranking: S++
If Encountered: Run for the hills, unless you're Sleeper (even then, running is strongly suggested)

If she were to get an official ranking it would be something like

Threat Ranking: N/A
If Encountered: Buy the kid some ice cream and send her on her way. She's not a threat to you unless you're a threat to her. Don't be that threat.
If she were to get an official ranking it would be something like

If Encountered: Buy the kid some ice cream and send her on her way. She's not a threat to you unless you're a threat to her. Don't be that threat.

If Encountered: Buy the kid some ice cream and send her on her way. She's not a threat to you unless you're a threat to her. Don't be that threat. You can't take her. That means you Jack Slash.

If Encountered: Buy the kid some ice cream and send her on her way. She's not a threat to you unless you're a threat to her. Don't be that threat. You can't take her. That means you Jack Slash.

"Meh, I can-"
And it was at that moment that a small meteorite impacted the ground directly in front of him.
"-not take her."
I've got a quick one for Ack here:
Is 'The Devils Own Luck', as I like to think if it, Manton limited? In many cases, the most efficient way of 'dissuading' hostile action is a tiny little embolism or bleed in the brain, and suddenly the guy is pining for the fjords...

Would the answer spoil any future developments? Would answering that in the positive spoil anything? On second thought, you should probably just tell me that 'We'll see...' and strike an ominous pose at whichever desk you prefer.
I've got a quick one for Ack here:
Is 'The Devils Own Luck', as I like to think if it, Manton limited? In many cases, the most efficient way of 'dissuading' hostile action is a tiny little embolism or bleed in the brain, and suddenly the guy is pining for the fjords...

Would the answer spoil any future developments? Would answering that in the positive spoil anything? On second thought, you should probably just tell me that 'We'll see...' and strike an ominous pose at whichever desk you prefer.
Is a brain embolism funny?

Probably not.

Therefore, her power is much more likely to use external means. This also raises the chance of conflict.
"Meh, I can-"
And it was at that moment that a small meteorite impacted the ground directly in front of him.
"-not take her."

"Meh, I can -"


As the echoes died away, Bonesaw looked at the small crater where Jack Slash had been standing.

She shook her head. "You had to say it."
Honestly I'd expect Jack Slash to never really matter, her power is noted to go for minimal force to get results, the minimal application here is stopping Jack Slash from ever deciding to go to Brockton Bay in the first place. Whether that's nudging things slightly to influence his decisions or even making other places more attractive targets to them it's likely that it focuses on keeping them from ever deciding to visit at all as actually dealing with them if they're after them would be trickier than just keeping them wandering around the rest of the country.
The top post of the current page is literally the author explaining that it's not a proportional response and does attempt to minimise things, and also maximise humour at the same time.

Missed that post somehow. The problem I have is that coil was dissuded long before the anvils.

Also, maximum humor is going overboard with Jack.
Bonesaw isn't able to attack Brockton Bay...

She's busy because she discovered Pandemic 2 (or 2.5 if she's playing on a phone) and is trying to win

Bonesaw: Damn you, Madagascar!!!

Jack Slash: *something about attacking Brockton Bay, can't think of a good line for him*

Bonesaw: Too busy, trying to wipe out the human race...

Jack Slash: *Tearing up* I'm so proud! Kids grow up so fast! One day they're ripping out their first spleen, the next they're trying to kill the whole world!
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The top post of the current page is literally the author explaining that it's not a proportional response and does attempt to minimise things, and also maximise humour at the same time.
Note that Jack Slash might actually decide to visit Brockton Bay anyway, given that his power gives him pointers on how to sidestep the powers of someone he's dealing with right at the moment, as opposed to long-term planning.

I think Skylab's about due to deorbit ...
Note that Jack Slash might actually decide to visit Brockton Bay anyway, given that his power gives him pointers on how to sidestep the powers of someone he's dealing with right at the moment, as opposed to long-term planning.

I think Skylab's about due to deorbit ...

I doubt he can sidestep her power for long

eventually it'll try an attack so large it can't be avoided by him, like...

Jack's Shard: Lef- Rig- Ba- For... You're boned. I told you shouldn't have came here, but you never listen to me! That's it, I'm leaving you and moving back in with daddy!
Hmm, point.

L33t's latest blunder accidentally teleports a choice selection of Bakuda's bombs to Jack's current location.


And then Leet gets the bounty on Jack and whoever else he catches in the blast. He blows a bunch of money on booze and vintage video games and blacks out with Uber for a few days. When he wakes up, he's surrounded by working(!) tech that he built while under the influence.

Meanwhile, his shard is off relaxing after that amazing~ session it had, and thinking to itself, 'maybe I could go easier on him for a while'.

Leet then makes a life changing discovery. He's not a one shot tinker at all. No, he's a Drunken Science Tinker! With this new knowledge (and a shard that's happy he's finally letting loose) he goes on an epic video game themed construction spree the likes of which the world has never seen, and likely will never see again. Unfortunately, during a rehearsal for the promotion of Portal 2, something goes wrong when the portals intersect, sucking another of Bakuda's bombs into an opening to a planet full of weird fleshy growths. They manage to shut the rift down before the bomb blows, and forget about the whole thing.

Coincidentally, at that very moment, Scion disappears while rescuing a kitten that had found itself in a tree.

Taylor's Shard adjusts it's reflective glasses and mutters, "Halping..."

So ends the tale of Worm, not with a bang (well actually, with a small bang) but with a near silent 'pop'.

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