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I think it would be much better for Taylor to have the same power limitations, only she actually uses her power very well. i.e rather than being gifted an upgrade over Sophia, have the difference be Taylor's ability to think outside the box .
Still though Taylor's main thing is that the PRT has no way to contain her if she tries to pull a runner. If her power works the same as Sophia's then they can contain her with a shock bracelet like Sophia. Which does take away from the PRT's concern about her running quite a bit. Though I could see the powers working on the same mechanics just that Taylor's power doesn't partially phase her like Sophia's and instead goes all the way making her more resistant to Sophia's weaknesses.

But speaking of outside the box thinking I am kinda hoping that Taylor can pull a Lemillion and use her power to bounce around a battlefield by turning solid while still inside an object.
Omake: Cat's Out of the Bag
Omake: Cat's Out of the Bag

Kamil Armstrong adjusted himself in his seat as he looked out to the multiple projectors in front of him. In each one was a fellow PRT director and Protectorate leader each with a severe expression on their faces, at least those with their faces unobstructed, and at the head of this meeting was Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown her self with Legend standing to her right.

"Now that all of us are here let us begin." Costa-Brown started, "Piggot since it is your department that caused this mess why don't you begin."

At the sound of being called out Armstrong watched as Piggot grit her teeth before replying.

"At approximately 1500 East Central Time on February 30th we were alerted us to a massive security leak. There was a release multiple classified documents to local news agencies and on multiple websites. Unfortunately, by the time we became aware of the breach it was too late to prevent the information from being exposed." Piggot said struggling to keep her voice at an even level.

"And what exactly was in this leak?" Costa-Brown asked.

Piggot took a breath as Armsmaster visibly stiffened beside her, "It contained the identities of two of our local Wards, Shadow Stalker and Ampere, as well as information on an ongoing investigation regarding them."

"I trust that everyone here knows what that investigation was about." The Chief Director asked rhetorically to the grumbling of the other directors, "Right so it is now public knowledge that two Wards attempted to kill a classmate and the PRT covered it up."

This admission made the already tense atmosphere in the meeting even more potent, enough so that Kamil genuinely believed in that moment he would find it hard to move if he tried to stand up.

Before anyone could say anything Costa-Brown let out a deep breath and continued, "Has the leak been tracked down at the very least?"

This time it was Armsmaster who responded in his usual mechanical fashion, though to those who knew him it would be pointed out their was an unusual tenseness to his speech.

"We have it was one Luis Sanchez a mid-level clerk in the PRT. Currently it is unknown whether he did it due to a connection with one of the gangs, but due to his Puerto Rican heritage we can rule out both the Empire and ABB respectively. However, that still leaves Coil as a possible backer behind this action, and questioning is still ongoing as of this meeting."

"Good keep on it and inform us of any developments going forward." Rebecca replied.

"There is another option," Kamil was surprised to hear himself talk even as words came out of his mouth, "And that is this leak did it for purely moral reasons upon finding out the ENE department covered up an attempted murder of an innocent girl."

Kamil could almost hear the servos in Armsmaster's armor whine through the projector screen as the man visibly grit his teeth.

"Yes that is possible." He admitted, "The man does have a daughter around the same age as the victim who also attends the same school as Shadow Stalker and Ampere. It is entirely likely that he objected to the disciplinary actions taken by the the department in regards to the incident."

"You mean the fact that those two brats are still going to the same school." One of the other directors spoke up causing the others to add in their own comments on the issue.


"Regardless the information is out there now and the PRT has been getting calls on both local and national level asking us what we are going to do about it." The Chief Director spoke up interrupting the bickering.

At this point Piggot decided to take over from Armsmaster while shooting a glare at the other director, "We have taken Ampere and Shadow Stalker's families into protective custody following the leak, and not a comment too soon as Shadow Stalker's apartment complex was burned down by what we believe is Empire agitators attempting to incite a riot. Thankfully there were no casualties beyond smoke inhalation, but that was just the start."

"The one black Ward on the team gets caught attempting murder and the PRT covers it up the local neo-nazis must be having a field day over there." The Miami director said.

"They are." Piggot revealed, "Already I have had to pull troops and reroute patrols to Empire territory to avoid full blown race riots, and Kaiser has been holding rallies about the topic since the release."

This caused Armstrong to visibly grimace in his seat, and be privately thankful that Accord was proactive in nipping any similar gangs in the bud whenever they attempted to expand into Boston.

"And what of the two Wards who caused this mess what are you intending to do with them." The New Orleans director asked.

"Currently both Shadow Stalker and Ampere are confined to base and are on a complete media lockdown to keep them from causing anymore issues. We were awaiting further orders before committing to anything else with them." Piggot admitted.

A complete non-answer from Piggot Kamil thought in the same breed as the ones he had gotten used to hearing from her whenever he asked about the status of the investigation.

"Fine, but I expect a report about why something wasn't done sooner about them later." Costa-Brown ordered, "But as for their victim what is her status Armstrong she is a Ward in your department."

All eyes turned towards Kamil as he cleared his throat, "The Ward Phase, permanent name pending, is currently on base and I have Gauss and Weld keeping an eye on her in shifts so she doesn't do anything, but there is a noted agitation to her due to this mess and she has refused to give her opinion on the matter. Though if there is any silver lining to this it is that her identity wasn't also released in the leak, but it remains at risk."

"The last thing we need is that brat blabbering to a reporter." Piggot muttered.

This caused Kamil to growl, "May I remind you Emily that we are in this mess because you couldn't control your own damn Wards when they thought it would be fun to torture a classmate for months! One of whom was on probation for murder already!"

"Don't act high and might with me Kamil!." Emily spat out, "If you had simply laid down the law with that brat who couldn't handle a little schoolyard hazing and harsh words it wouldn't have become a major issue. And don't pretend that I am blind to that girl's activities in Boston I am not a fool."

"Hazing! That was an attempted murder worthy of any Teeth initiation if it was up to me you would-."

"ENOUGH!" Chief Director Costa-Brown shouted, "You two are acting like children and your bickering won't solve this problem. Now will you two act like adult or will I have to remove you both from the conversation."

Kamil took a deep breath to steady himself, "The issue still remains that Phase's identity is at risk if someone connects her to Shadow Stalker and Ampere's victim if they haven't already and remained quiet about it. We are already in hot water for covering up the crime we do not need for them to also find out we took custody of her and transferred her before any form of investigation could take place. The only reason she hasn't left already in my opinion is that she believes she will benefit more from letting the tension build more, and intends to use her statement as a guillotine over our heads to get what she wants."

"Agreed." Rebecca said, "Now if no one else has anything to add I will call this meeting adjourned we will contact ENE with a press statement and an official sentencing for both Shadow Stalker and Ampere soon."

With that the other projectors shut off and with one final glare from Piggot Armstrong was alone in his office.

"What a fucking nightmare." Kamil said to himself.


Rebecca leaned back in her seat as she flicked the recorder off as she looked towards Legend and Glenn Chambers each situated at either side of her.

"So what are our optics on this Glenn?" She asked the head of the national PR department.

"Not good, it was already an open secret that the Protectorate and Wards rebranded former villains but most people were willing to look the other way provided their crimes were minor and they stayed on the straight and narrow. This whole crisis puts the whole probationary program at risk because if one can do it."

"They all can." Rebecca finished for him.

"Exactly, and that doesn't even touch the fact that their victim suffered a trigger event because of them. If that got out then it would kill our relationship with independents the majority of which already have issues with the PRT."

"And we need those independents to pick up the slack that Protectorate teams simply can't on their own either due to powers or bearacracy." Legend added.

"So my suggestion provided it gets cleared with legal is to make this seem as much as an issue with local corruption rather than a national issue. Piggot will have to be removed of course either have her willingly step down or be forced to both have their benefits, and luckily the Youth Guard investigation Phase kicked up gives us plenty to work with in addition to the cover-up. Also Shadow Stalker and Ampere both need to go with her preferrably to different prisons since they can't be trusted together, and make it public when we do it we can't afford to waste time on this."

"No chance to station them at a containment zone they are just kids after all?" Legend asked.

"Not possible with this. If it had been anywhere but a school then maybe we could have swung assigning them containment zone duties but attacking someone in a school even if it was without powers isn't something the public will accept and if that girl had died we would be talking about a Birdcage sentence and not juvie three strikes be damned."

"He is right we can't afford to go soft on them because they are Wards the public when the public is already accusing capes as having a two tiered justice system." Rebecca confirmed.

"But that still leaves the question of what to do about Phase?" Legend asked.

"The best option would be to work out a settlement with her and tie it to an NDA." Glenn suggested, "Do we know what we want so we have something to tell the lawyers."

"Based on all reports about her the only thing she wants is out of the Wards the sooner the better." Legend said.

"Makes sense considering what happened." Glenn said, "And are you sure we can't just let her go then. Give her a cash settlement and send her on her way."

"Her powers are both rare and valuable, already other notable departments such as Vegas, Los Angeles, and D.C. have requested her be transferred, so ideally we should convince her to remain with the program." Costa-Brown explained.

"If it helps I can swing by Boston to talk to her convince her that she gets more by staying with the program then by leaving it." Legend offered.

"Yes do that, and I will go to Brockton to deal with Piggot's mess." The Chief Director answered, "And Glenn make sure that press release is ready by tomorrow and send it to me I need something to say when I arrive in Brockton."

"Done." The PR manager replied.

"Now we all have our jobs lets get to them and hopefully we will have this dealt with shortly without further incidents." Rebecca said as the other two nodded.


"Gauss what is it? Phase? What do you mean she is missing?!"

A.N: I decided to write something since classes start for me again in a day or so and I came back to this with a what if it all got exposed. Anyways let me know what you all think.

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A.N: I decided to write something since classes start for me again in a day or so and I came back to this with a what if it all got exposed. Anyways let me know what you all think.

Grammar's a bit dodgy in places and you've got 'hit' for 'hot' in one place, but otherwise pretty good.
Grammar's a bit dodgy in places and you've got 'hit' for 'hot' in one place, but otherwise pretty good.
Yeah the grammer is off because I am not the best at it and I wrote it on my phone so autocorrect messed with a few things. Also I don't think I used hot or hit in the omake at all.

Besides that anything in particular you like.
Yeah the grammer is off because I am not the best at it and I wrote it on my phone so autocorrect messed with a few things. Also I don't think I used hot or hit in the omake at all.
You said:
We are already in hit water for covering up the crime
Besides that anything in particular you like.
The fact that Armsmaster doesn't even appear to consider a moral motive. Though an organisation like the PRT would probably know that you can't use an NDA to cover up evidence of a crime.

Though I guess if Disney doesn't, it's not implausible.
Though an organisation like the PRT would probably know that you can't use an NDA to cover up evidence of a crime.

Though I guess if Disney doesn't, it's not implausible.
It was less of an NDA on the crime since that is already out there and more of an NDA regarding the PRT's actions after the crime, mainly her recruitment. Though you could chalk it up to timeline divergences and laws around the PRT and parahumans.
The fact that Armsmaster doesn't even appear to consider a moral motive.
The man has been having a bad few days but I am glad you liked it.
The fact that Armsmaster doesn't even appear to consider a moral motive. Though an organisation like the PRT would probably know that you can't use an NDA to cover up evidence of a crime.

Though I guess if Disney doesn't, it's not implausible.
They are not wrong about the the two tier thing though. Cauldron basically built the system best they could to promote cape insanity. Functionally everything about the cape scene is either blatantly illegal or morally/ethically grey at best and designed to degrade such. Notice how Emma and Sophia are only finally being charged because they are now openly toxic and even with known crimes they wish they could keep them and their powers in a containment zone. They still consider Taylor a asset they have to keep despite the fact she hates them. NDA with cash in one hands and forced silence is probably a major tool in their toolbox because of the actual truth of how cape society function got out the public would freak out.
"If it helps I can swing by Boston to talk to her convince her that she gets more by staying with the program then by leaving it." Legend offered.
Classic PRT.

Hear all she wants is to leave, decide to try to charm bomb her. And from the same person who said she just wants out.

Because clearly her experience with the Wards has been so positive, what with attempting to murder her and let the culprits go free, try to peer pressure her and press gang her, transfer her from her home and sperm donor, and in general, have made her more likely to go villain then stay.
It was less of an NDA on the crime since that is already out there and more of an NDA regarding the PRT's actions after the crime, mainly her recruitment. Though you could chalk it up to timeline divergences and laws around the PRT and parahumans.
I can think of several ways for them to achieve the effect of an NDA, however an actual NDA would not be possible.
The issue is that Taylor is a minor so couldn't sign one, or rather she could sign but it couldn't be enforced on her.
The normal way this is solved is by having her guardian sign for her binding her to the deal, and trusting the guardian to control her...except the whole issue here is that the Guardian (PRT) can't control her.

Since neither of the characters discussing it are lawyers it's not that big a deal - it's quite plausabile they would call something an NDA when it's technically something else.
Hear all she wants is to leave, decide to try to charm bomb her. And from the same person who said she just wants out.
I mean if anyone could do it without outright mastering her it would be Legend, not that it will be easy for him though just that his chances are higher than most.
Because clearly her experience with the Wards has been so positive, what with attempting to murder her and let the culprits go free, try to peer pressure her and press gang her, transfer her from her home and sperm donor, and in general, have made her more likely to go villain then stay.
I mean Legend only has a general overview of Taylor's opinions at the moment he will realize that he got the hard job if/when he meets her.

But really his success depends on if there is something Taylor wants, besides being removed from the Wards, and is willing to put up with the PRT for that Legend is capable of giving her as part of a settlement. After all Taylor is willing to stay in Boston for the trust fund so material concerns do have some sway on her decision making.
Since neither of the characters discussing it are lawyers it's not that big a deal - it's quite plausabile they would call something an NDA when it's technically something else.
Yeah pretty much it will be a bribe in exchange for Taylor promising not to sue/go to the press with her expericences.
Yeah pretty much it will be a bribe in exchange for Taylor promising not to sue/go to the press with her expericences.
That wouldn't work. The issue is that minors can't be held to a contract (a few exceptions, but this doesn't meet any of them) so any deal they make with Taylor has to be something they can take back if Taylor doesn't deliver. They can have a contract that if Taylor keeps quiet about it until she's 18 and then signs an NDA they'll pay her, or one where they promise continuing payments as long as Taylor keeps quiet but the payment has to be after the fact not in exchange for Taylor's promised future actions because they can't enforce those future actions.
The greater problem, particularly for Legend, is that they have to face Taylor looking them right in the eye and say "Where is the Justice?"

The bridges are nuked and she has no home to go to. The PRT is largely responsible for it all. She only has not gone villain to not give them the last win but does not walk because of lack of options. It's a lose/lose/lose situation all around and again the prts fault and until they admit that nothing can change.
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The greater problem, particularly for Legend, is that they have to face Taylor looking them right in the eye and say "Where is the Justice?"

The bridges are nuked and she has no home to go to. The PRT is largely responsible for it all. She only has not gone villain to not give them the last win but does not walk because of lack of options. It's a lose/lose/lose situation all around and again the prts fault and until they admit that nothing can change.
Also what reason does she have to play along?

What sense of goodwill or other lever can they use? They promised a lot, and didn't deliver until it was made Public.
The greater problem, particularly for Legend, is that they have to face Taylor looking them right in the eye and say "Where is the Justice?"
My impression is that Legend doesn't actually know what happened, if he met with Taylor and she told him her side of the story he might actually be able to get her justice...Unfortunately seems like Taylor is tired of waiting giving the last line of the Omake.
Unfortunately seems like Taylor is tired of waiting giving the last line of the Omake.
I actually debated whether or not to leave that in cus I wasn't sure if I wanted to end it like that. It is a take it or leave it bit for the reader in my opinion either Taylor really did leave and is making a beeline to a reporter or she just went out to get fresh air and think.
My impression is that Legend doesn't actually know what happened, if he met with Taylor and she told him her side of the story he might actually be able to get her justice
That is one of the tragedies of life and Worm a lot of the issues are due to ignorance or misunderstandings and by the time they are revealed the damage has either been done or something else comes up and ruins it if not both.
so could someone tell me if this is fanon or not? but i hear cauldron would mastered Legend to forget things that would make him question if the hero's are the good guys. such as making him forget that a hero broke the unwritten rules that ended with a innocent child murder for example.
My impression is that Legend doesn't actually know what happened, if he met with Taylor and she told him her side of the story he might actually be able to get her justice...Unfortunately seems like Taylor is tired of waiting giving the last line of the Omake.
I am not sure how he would not have some vague idea of her side from just reading reports including and especially the youth guards everything as they use this to pry into the prt and wars affairs.
My impression is that Legend doesn't actually know what happened, if he met with Taylor and she told him her side of the story he might actually be able to get her justice...Unfortunately seems like Taylor is tired of waiting giving the last line of the Omake.

"First time dealing with bureaucracy, Legend?" He leads a major Protectorate team, and is the head of the Wards program. He should be able to read between the lines about A) shuffling the witness/victim off to cover up a problem, and B) that "Phase" is very publicly not getting with the program.

At a minimum he should have read up on the file for this situation, which should have copious notes of Taylor's non-compliance and passive-aggressive relations with the Wards, Protectorate, PRT, and really anyone expect the Youth Guard.

It's not like she doesn't already have an elevated profile, her grabbing on the door jam to avoid being shoved into the Wards is already causing Armstrong much deserved grief. Since he used the Think Tank to do some non-consensual power testing on Taylor, and the blank results have them wanting more he can't deliver.

OTOH it could be simple denial, "Are we the baddies?" is a question very few on the "hero" side seem willing to ask themselves, as such they are acting to Taylor not wanting to be with the Wards with, "Illogical. Illogical. All units relate. All units. Norman,co-ordinate. Unhappiness does not relate. We must study this."

That could be the first thing Glenn gets out there in a damage control meeting, say if Gauss said, "We found her. She's giving the press an interview that is being broadcast live right now."

Glenn put a large file down on the table with a thump. "Everyone should get this through your heads right now. In this situation we are not the heroes. We are the baddies. And if we don't accept that, then all we are going to do is dig ourselves deeper into the pile of shit Director Piggot's gross errors in judgement landed us all in."
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Having legend step into it by thinking she's more cooperative than she actually is and having it all be recorded would be funny.

Piggot thinking attempted murder is hazing.... Maybe panacea should play her a prank after all she seems to think it's all in good fun
Having legend step into it by thinking she's more cooperative than she actually is and having it all be recorded would be funny.

Piggot thinking attempted murder is hazing.... Maybe panacea should play her a prank after all she seems to think it's all in good fun

Or betting on his heroic reputation to be seen as untainted if he came in to 'clean things up' and oh, still get Phase to be a Ward.

Taylor could drop this one, "If only Comrade Stalin knew what was being done in his name, hey Legend?"

People thought that the gulags and purges were being done by people below Stalin who remained saintly but unaware of their activites. Often said by loyal party functionaries as they were in prison. In at least one case Stalin laughed himself sick when told of this.
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Fucked up thing that was itself a old Tzar trick to get the people after the nobles and nobles fighting each other instead of realizing the Tzar was puppeting everything.

But yeah Legend is just asking to get a verbal beat down if he comes in earshot of Taylor trying to play that game. Though her telling off Alexandria might be more telling given Taylor idolized her growing up.
Having legend step into it by thinking she's more cooperative than she actually is and having it all be recorded would be funny.

Piggot thinking attempted murder is hazing.... Maybe panacea should play her a prank after all she seems to think it's all in good fun
I turned Piggots left leg into a goblin as a joke
Piggot thinking attempted murder is hazing.... Maybe panacea should play her a prank after all she seems to think it's all in good fun

Of course, Piggot thinking of attempted murder as Hazing actually makes a depressing amount of sense. In a lot of military and paramilitary organizations, 'hazing' that could easily be lethal if one tiny thing goes wrong is rather common. A little less so these days (because too many of them got caught with something going wrong) but she joined up with the PRT in a time where she probably went through her own handful of near death experiences at the hands of 'buddies' just after getting her first posting.
I am not sure how he would not have some vague idea of her side from just reading reports including and especially the youth guards everything as they use this to pry into the prt and wars affairs.
Because the official reports are piles of lies and rubbish?
Unless he really dug into the reports and read detailed accounts what he'd get is mostly Piggot's presentation of things.

"First time dealing with bureaucracy, Legend?" He leads a major Protectorate team, and is the head of the Wards program. He should be able to read between the lines about A) shuffling the witness/victim off to cover up a problem, and B) that "Phase" is very publicly not getting with the program.
I'm sure he's quite cabale of reading between the lines of those reports, however as the leader of the Protectorate he'd get more reports than he could read carefully in a week. If reports about Taylor made it to his desk he would have at most skimmed over them and moved on to more critical issues (The S9, the Fallen, endbringer prep, local villains, that protectorate member who was accused of rape...).
Because the official reports are piles of lies and rubbish?
Unless he really dug into the reports and read detailed accounts what he'd get is mostly Piggot's presentation of things.

I'm sure he's quite cabale of reading between the lines of those reports, however as the leader of the Protectorate he'd get more reports than he could read carefully in a week. If reports about Taylor made it to his desk he would have at most skimmed over them and moved on to more critical issues (The S9, the Fallen, endbringer prep, local villains, that protectorate member who was accused of rape...).
Sure, he may have skimmed the reports at first, but now that the situation has hit national news (in the omake), he will be re-reading them thoroughly. Next, he makes a list of acceptable losses. Piggot, Sophia, and Emma all go on this list. Then when he talks to Taylor, he asks her for her story, and when she's done, he starts explaining things he could do to fix it. Piggot and most of her department gets put on leave while team from out of town examines the BB branch. Sophia is already on her way to jail, possibly out of state. Emma is benched while she is investigated. Make sure that Taylor is looped in on all the investigations. She gets progress reports no less than weekly. Full transparency, because as a Ward, Taylor has clearance for identities and protocols. Then he asks what else she might want to see.

Then he can start complimenting her sense of justice, say that she has the potential to go far and be a great hero, and that people like her are why he's proud to be head of the Wards program nationally. Promise to show up for her graduation from Wards to Protectorate. Give her something to look forward to that isn't just escape, but accomplishment.

Most important bit is follow-through. Every promise has to be fulfilled. Those investigations have to happen, and he needs to make clear he wants as many heads as possible. Drop in to see how Taylor is doing, don't just rely on reports. Is this a lot of effort for one Ward? Absolutely, but if you don't, Taylor may cost you a lot more than just one Ward.
Sure, he may have skimmed the reports at first, but now that the situation has hit national news (in the omake), he will be re-reading them thoroughly.
Agreed, I'm sure he'll do that AFTER the meeting in the Omake since there was no way he had time before.

Next, he makes a list of acceptable losses. Piggot, Sophia, and Emma all go on this list. Then when he talks to Taylor, he asks her for her story, and when she's done, he starts explaining things he could do to fix it.
Yup, I'm sure something like that would have been his plan, except that by the time he could act on it Taylor is gone and not available for him to talk to.
Of course, Piggot thinking of attempted murder as Hazing actually makes a depressing amount of sense. In a lot of military and paramilitary organizations, 'hazing' that could easily be lethal if one tiny thing goes wrong is rather common. A little less so these days (because too many of them got caught with something going wrong) but she joined up with the PRT in a time where she probably went through her own handful of near death experiences at the hands of 'buddies' just after getting her first posting.
That is certainly part of it the other parts were a reference to Implacable where Piggot underplays what Taylor went through by describing it as teenage girls hazing each other, and the other was to show the difference between her and Armstrong.
Glenn put a large file down on the table with a thump. "Everyone should get this through your heads right now. In this situation we are not the heroes. We are the baddies. And if we don't accept that, then we are all going to do is dig ourselves deeper into the pile of shit Director Piggot's gross errors in judgement landed us all in."
Yeah Legend's odds of convincing Taylor go up considerably if he does what no one in PRT has done so far and actually apologizes to Taylor for what was done to her.
Then he can start complimenting her sense of justice, say that she has the potential to go far and be a great hero, and that people like her are why he's proud to be head of the Wards program nationally. Promise to show up for her graduation from Wards to Protectorate. Give her something to look forward to that isn't just escape, but accomplishment.
This would also do a bit of good in any negotiations in my opinion since Taylor's self-esteem is certainly low enough that any positive reinforcement would have an effect.
Is this a lot of effort for one Ward? Absolutely, but if you don't, Taylor may cost you a lot more than just one Ward.
It went unmentioned but some of the calls Piggot was getting was from the parents of the other Wards asking what the hell is going on and threatening to pull their kids from the program if nothing is done.
except that by the time he could act on it Taylor is gone and not available for him to talk to.
I mean I am still iffy on where that line leads to since I am unsure if it fits with how Taylor would be feeling about the situation. I am pretty sure she doesn't want to do as much damage as possible and just wants either justice or an out. So the Boston department might only find her when she goes live on the news, but they are just as likely to find her sitting on a park bench trying to get her thoughts together away from chaos that is the PRT at the moment.
Agreed, I'm sure he'll do that AFTER the meeting in the Omake since there was no way he had time before.

Yup, I'm sure something like that would have been his plan, except that by the time he could act on it Taylor is gone and not available for him to talk to.
First, Legend isn't in Chicago, so he has time to do the review before he leaves. Even if they call him immediately to inform him that she's in the wind, that just means he has more time for review, because he won't be a huge help in finding the anti-Thinker Trump, and his presence in Chicago to take part in the search would just raise uncomfortable questions. The only reason I could see him going to Chicago before Taylor is found would be to do in-person interviews of the local Wards and Protectorate, which again, he would want to review the documentation first.
Dont know the fast flyer doing a grid search might well be faster than most of what they can do given thinkers are off the table and non parahuman profiling probable atrophied and working off crap. And Legend looking could easily be said a ward is missing and he is helping. And investigating the matter that was hidden from him himself. Sometimes the truth, or a little of it, is useful.

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