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Khay_Cee_Padua's Story [Honkai Impact 3, FF, Arknights, etc.]

Chapter 26: 1st Mission
Chapter 26: 1st Mission

In order to test my new powers I went to my underground training room. It's reinforced like a blast room for my more destructive tests, i.e. limit testing strength and striking.

I just got a good idea on how I'm gonna use this in the future hehe. First, let's test how much weight I can levitate. I started on 100 kgs and the metal cube slowly floated up as I willed it. Not too shabby, now let's try and throw it on telekinesis alone. I imagined it to go flying on a target, it was quite fast. I estimate it at 150km/h.

I assume this will go faster as I refine my control or increase the honkai energy inside of me. The problem is the refilling of it is slow as hell, a thing to think about in the future.

How about my body though? Can I infuse it to my muscles or something, like a reinforcement spell? I slowly feel something invade my muscles. It feels weird, like you suddenly have a pump from working out.

I then tried to lift a 3 ton hunk of metal and with great effort I succeeded in pressing it over my head. A 150% increase at least huh? All the involved muscle groups are torn though. This will help me increase the endurance of my body and control of honkai energy simultaneously.

After that the phantom like limb of honkai energy felt exhausted. I guess I can only use this on emergencies for now. There's still a little bit, lemme satisfy my chunni dreams for a bit.

I look a small 1kg plate at the side, this would do. "Banshō Ten'in" The metal weight then quickly went to my direction, specifically my hand. "Huh, I need to try the others later for sure."

I was satisfied and my reserves are low so I went to the kitchen to make tons of reserve foods. Gotta be prepared after all, and I don't want to eat rations out on field.

A couple of weeks has passed and we finished boot camp a week ago. My little soldier friends are now finished with basics and their marksmanship is phenomenal. Today we are going for a fairly safe surveillance exercise. Maybe encounter a few seraph class.

Squad Leader (SL): "Alright, you overloaded quartet, We depart to the location for this exercise in an hour. It's fairly safe and a village is being harassed by seraph class honkai beasts. We might encounter them so prepare yourselves, those buggers are quick even though they're on the bottom of the food chain."

The 4: "Sir, yes sir!"

SL: "I'll see you here in an hour. Pack up for a possible weeklong mission, if there are more honkai beasts present than reported, we will be support until back up arrives. Do you understand?"

Quarter: "Understood sir."

SL: "Good! Dismissed."

Ein: "You guys ready? This is supposed to be an exercise but there's a high chance we will encounter some hostiles. MOTH is spread thin after dealing with the 3rd herrscher. A judgement class appeared alongside an emperor one after all."

Elysia: "All ready captain! We've been training for this after all." Her excitement was apparent.

Himeko: "Un, don't underestimate us Ein. We were on the top at boot camp." She said smugly.

Kevin: "I'm gonna fill them with honkai propelled lead!" He fist pumped .

I sigh "You guys, don't be too excited. Everything can go wrong in a heartbeat. Keep it cool and focus once we're out on the field, okay?"

Trio: "Yes sir!"

We packed up and we're all set to depart. We travelled for an hour and we arrived at a small village that has some destroyed houses.

SL: "Here we are team, I'll talk to the head of this village. Secure the perimeter and we'll camp near the border of the village."

We started to patrol on teams of 2 around the village. There was nothing of interest and we quickly finished, we set up our post as me and Himeko stood guard while Kevin and Elysia furnish our temporary base.

SL: "There are some attacks from time to time, every few days they say. So keep your eyes peeled and we'll increase the radius of our patrol every day."

We just hovered around the village for a few days and incrementally increased the range of our patrol. It was annoyingly boring, but this is just a simple mission. Better here, than in the front lines with newly minted soldiers like in ww2.

At our 4th day we started the search and destroy tactics to decrease the likelihood of many beasts attacking at once. We spotted a few basic seraphs about 10 km west of the village.

SL: "Team! We got hostiles on sight. 3 seraphs, about 100 meters away, go in formation and prepare to engage."

I just whipped out my spear and waited for the group to unload their surprise attack. They made short work of the beasts before the 3 even arrived.

SL: "Good marksmanship. We'll continue to search and take out small groups of them if we spot any."

We continued to search for hostiles and we found a few of them in the course of several days. As the squad just finished another group of beasts, we decided to call it a day and return to base and be relieved by another squad tomorrow.

There's a fair bit of distance to the village and it's nearing dusk. As we were on our way to return, we saw some smoke coming from the village.

Kevin: "Are they making a huge barbecue or something?"

Elysia: "Ooh, that's gonna be good! Hurry, let's return immediately."

Himeko: "Of course not, the smoke is too thick."

I focused my eyes and I was surprised. "No! There's a fair bit of seraphs attacking. There's even scarlet Uriels. We have to go support them, now! Call for back up immediately!"

We boarded our vehicle and drove to the village. As we neared, we saw the houses being tackled and burned by dozens of honkai beasts. The people were in total disarray and running around like headless chickens.

Ein: "SL I'm going to leave these 3 to you! I will thin them out as much as I can." They then saw a 2 meter great sword appear on his hand as he dashed away like the wind and started hacking like a madman.

SL: "Squad! With me! Provide cover fire to Einheri. Me and Elysia will watch our 6, go!" Kevin and Himeko immediately fired upon the honkai beasts that were a bit away from Ein.

Ein: "Tch, these fuckers are too many and annoying." Every swing of his gigantic sword bisects multiple honkai beasts that were crowding the small village.

Due to Ein's quick thinning of the honkai beasts in melee range it was starting to calm down. "You guys alright?"

Himeko: "We're okay, no injuries whatsoever." She says as Ein slashes the last archangel.

Elysia: "That was intense. Thankfully they're all dead now."

Kevin: "Thanks to Ein they didn't even attack us once."

SL: "Chat later, we'll secure the perimeter 1st and triage the wounded. I'll check with the chief on what exactly happened."

They separated by twos and checked the surroundings. A lot of the buildings are damaged and the cries of the villagers were heard.

Kevin: "Damn, this is a disaster."

Ein: "Yeah, such a small village too. Now this place will be inhabitable for sure, not with attacks like this frequently happening.

They then heard a radio comm from Elysia.

"Elysia here, there's a certain problem. Requesting support please."

Me and Kevin went to their location and we saw Elysia pacing about, and Himeko was sitting on some wreckage with her head down.

Seeing their behavior I ask "What's wrong? What seems to be the problem?"

Elysia gulped and was hesitating to speak "You see, we found a guy and he's not in great condition." She then started walking to a damaged house nearby.

When we entered we saw a man that was really not in a great condition. He saw us and spoke with a hoarse voice "Please... Help me stop the pain and suffering!"

Kevin gasped as he saw the situation. The man was on the ground, breathing heavily. Big patches of his skin started turning white. I frown as this guy is definitely not going to make it.

"Listen to me... This will be hard, but this is something you must see and never forget. The best thing you can give the corrupted... Is ending their suffering." Ein took a knife and kneeled beside the man.

"Rest in peace." Ein stabbed him on the back of the head precisely so he will not suffer anymore.

The three gasped collectively as they saw the display of mercy killing.

Kevin gritted his teeth and looked down on the ground with clenched fists. Himeko frowned as she saw a man die for the first time. Elysia looked on in horror, frozen on the spot from the shock.

Ein: "This is our lives now. And next time... You guys might be the ones that will do it." He then walked away.

The three just stood there, realizing that their previous casual lives are gone. Slapped by the cold and harsh reality that is the honkai.

After rounding up the wounded and casualties they silently return to their surprisingly untouched base.

SL: "This is what happens when they attack. Don't be too discouraged, we still have to defend and hold our position if necessary until back up arrives. Rest up for now, you guys need it."

Ein: "Come on guys, I have some meals that I prepared for us. Good hot food keeps the morale up, we'll talk about this later and rest for now."

After eating, they visibly relaxed a bit.

Kevin: "Was it necessary? To kill him that easily? Doesn't he have a chance to recover?"

I looked at him straight in the eye "Yes, it was necessary. And he won't make it, better make him suffer less."

Kevin frowned "How do you know that!? He might have lasted long enough until back up arrives and they can maybe transport him to a hospital!"

Himeko: "Kevin, enough!"

I raised my hand at Himeko "It's because I did it twice already. Will you take responsibility if that man turns into a powerful zombie and harm more people Kevin?"

Kevin went silent. Elysia then remembered the graves that Ein dug and mourned at.

Elysia: No way, it couldn't be!? She looked at Ein and started to tear up.

Ein: "Enough, we rest. Now. You guys need every ounce of sleep for we might get sieged again by honkai beasts."

They then went to their beds. Each of them occupied by various thoughts.


Thanks for reading guys! Ciao.
Chapter 27: Solobolo
Chapter 27: Solobolo

A few hours have passed and I'm just on my bed, thinking about the trio. "This will change them, I hope for the better." They can power through this I am sure. The damage is done after all, there's no other choice but forward.

As he was lost in thought there was a soft knock on his door. "Yes, come in." The door slowly opened and Himeko came in.

Himeko: "Ein, I can't sleep. Whenever I close my eyes I just... See that guys face, contorted in pain, eyes turning bright yellow." She shuddered. "What if we turn like that?"

He sat up and patted the side of the bed "Sit here first. You know, that guy was probably sitting on honkai energy for a couple of days now. Men are more susceptible to honkai corruption too."

Himeko nodded "I know, but I just can't get it out of my head. Do you get me?"

Ein: "Well, that's just how it is. This the first time you saw someone die in front of you?"

Himeko: "Yes."

Ein: "And he died a gruesome death as well. It's only natural that you won't forget it anytime soon. Honkai corruption is some nasty stuff, good thing you guys didn't see him mutate."

We then became silent for a minute. I hugged her as I saw her frowning "It's okay Himeko. These things happen, you can tell me what you feel."

Himeko: "I'm scared... I know we signed up for this but this is honestly terrifying." She said while shivering.

Ein: "I know, we're just still teens after all. This certainly is too much, but as you said. We signed up for this, we have to soldier on. This won't get any easier but we sure will get used to it."

Himeko went silent for a bit "So it won't get any easier huh. At least you guys are with me." She snuggled on my chest.

I put my chin on her head "Yes, honestly... This will only get harder with time. But we're a team and we have to adapt, or we become cold bodies. Forgotten on the field."

Himeko: "Yeah, we have much to learn huh? I'll train hard so I won't be a burden to you." She looked up at me.

Ein: "Good, I'll train you guys when we get back. Be prepared to become perfect soldiers, I'll make sure to make you guys be the best."

She closed her eyes as she puts her head on his chest. "Can I sleep here? I don't really want to be alone. Whenever I remember what happened earlier your face just pops up in my mind, corrupted by honkai energy."

Ein scratches his cheek, I already kinda am. "Well, if you want to. Then come here, we can fit on my bed."

I then went to the edge and positioned myself sideways. She crawled to the other side and lied down. We went silent and I faced the other way, trying to sleep.

As I was about to sleep, a hand gripped my uniform. I turn to her and saw her, wide awake. "You still can't sleep?"

She just shook her head and looked at me. I sigh and put my arm under her neck and hugged her closer to my body. "Better?"

Himeko gave a slight nod "Un, much better." She then closed her eyes, as did I. Now I'm the one that can't sleep. I guess it won't matter anyway, Himeko's relaxed breathing might let me sleep. As I waited for sunrise, after a few hours my door opened again, and a pink haired girl lied down on my other side.

"Are you okay Elysia? Come here, I also did the same with her like with Himeko.

Elysia: "Ein... Earlier, you looked used to it. Did you do it before?"

Ein: "Yes... Yes I did." He looked at the ceiling slightly dazed.

Elysia: "Was it... Them?" Her voice trembling

I sigh and looked at her "Yes. Enough about that Elysia, are you sure you're alright?"

Elysia: "I... I don't know Ein, a lot happened after all."

Ein: "It's okay, take all the time that you need. This is a pretty big thing for all of you."

Elysia then looked at Himeko "I want to sleep here too."

Ein: "Then you're free to. No one's stopping you."

Elysia went closer and rested her head on my right chest as I hugged her closer.

Ein: "Sleep for now Ellie. You have to relax, we'll be going back to the main base tomorrow."

She nodded and closed her eyes.


Himeko woke up first, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. Slowly becoming lucid.

Ein: "Hey, good morning beautiful." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Himeko: She blushed and was about to shout at him but she then noticed pink locks on his other arm. "So Elysia is here too, tch." she muttered.

Ein: "Go on, wash up and get prepared. When Elysia wakes up I'll prep us some breakfast."

Himeko then slowly sat up and went out of the room.

Ein: "Ellie, come on. Wakey wakey sleepy head. It's morning now." He nudged her softly.

She yawned and slowly opened her eyes "It's morning already? I had the best sleep in ages."

Ein: "Well, maybe because you were dreaming of me? Come on, let's go and get something to eat after we clean up."

Elysia: "I actually did. I dreamt of us, just living our lives. Carefree, with nothing to worry about. A peaceful life... Hanging out with our friends and enjoying what the world can offer. But I guess that's not possible now huh?"

I frown at her words "Maybe, or maybe not? We will see in the future... Is that what you desire Elysia?"

Elysia pondered "Un, I just want us to lead normal lives and enjoy it to the fullest. Why can't we do just that? Why does all of this have to happen?" She said sadly.

He went silent for a bit "We don't know. Maybe it's the will of the world." I remember Genesis mentioning a will of the world. "All we can do now is to build the future that we want don't we? And I'm right here for you guys." He smiled.

Elysia smiled as well "Right, we just have to do it ourselves, don't we? And you're supporting us too, so we surely can!"

He patted her head "Yeah, the only way is forward. And we'll tackle everything together. Now let's go and return to HQ."


We finished breakfast quickly and everyone has lightened up a bit. Well, except Kevin, he's still upset. I'll talk to him later.

The replacement squads arrived after a few hours and we returned to HQ. I told them to rest and do anything that they enjoy afterwards. I have something I need to do.

I arrive at Mobius' lab and entered.

"Good afternoon Klein, is Mobius doing well?"

Klein: "Mr. Einheri, the professor is fine. The pet you have bought together is still a bit afraid of her, but it's getting used to her."

Ein: "Ohh, so Hamsuke's slowly accepting her huh, she must be in a good mood. I'll talk to Mobius, Klein have a nice day." He waved at her as she walked away.

Mobius: "What do you need Ein?" She raised her brow.

Ein: "Mobius, the eruption at Nagazora is still being taken care of right now, correct?"

Mobius: "Yes, after the herrscher, Shesha, and Vishnu has been taken down. MOTH has been cleaning up the city."

Ein: "I need a part of the city all by myself, I'll clean it up. The most honkai infested preferably."

Mobius: "Are you insane! Now you really want to kill yourself huh?" She shouted.

Ein: "I need more honkai beast bodies for an experiment that I have to do by myself. And I need to face enemies that are stronger than seraphs Mobius. I can't fight to my full potential surrounded by allies too."

Mobius sighed "Go then, see if I care." She then wrote a circle on a map. "This is a red zone that's irradiated with a lot of honkai energy. Our troops can't get near it for now so it satisfies your suicide. It must be teeming with honkai beasts." She huffs.

Ein patted her head "Thanks Moby-chan, don't worry I'll come back in one piece. We have to take care of Hamsuke after all."

Mobius: "Hmph, a stupid name. Just like you! Now leave me and Klein alone. We are busy."

He laughed as he walked out of the lab.

Klein: "Dr. Mobius, is that fine? His life will be forfeit on that area."

Mobius stared at the door of the lab for a moment "He'll be fine. That bad guy is capable, I've seen what he can do."

As silence returned at the lab and they started work again.

Now, before I depart I'm gonna say my goodbyes and check my stats I guess.



Strength: Class 5 (1-5 metric tons)

-Capable of lifting small trucks, cars, etc.

Speed: Subsonic+ (600-1200 km/h)

-Capable of moving at speeds faster than the eye can track reliably, includes move, reaction, and combat speed.

Intelligence: Genius

-Has immense knowledge at different branches of science. Capable of executing complex strategies under pressure and calculating future actions to a certain extent.

Durability: Superhuman

-Capable of taking hits that will destroy walls consistently.

Stamina: Superhuman

-Capable of persevering through hours of intense movement and combat. Doesn't need to sleep for multiple days at a time without consequences.


Honkai energy resistance

-Tolerance type skill that can resist the effects of Honkai energy i.e. corruption, mutation, etc.

Honkai energy manipulation

-Control type skill that can manipulate the innate honkai energy to perform supernatural feats (Currently Telekinesis)

natural elements resistance

-tolerance type skill that resist stimuli i.e. heat, cold, toxins, chemical irritants, electricity, diseases, etc.

resist physical damage

-tolerance type skill that resist physical types of damage to the body. i.e. blunt force, slashing, piercing damage, etc.

neural signal acceleration

-enhancing type skill that lets neural pathways be more efficient and faster due to increase in synaptic activity, neurotransmitter production, dendritic spines for more neuron connections, and increase myelin in axons for faster electrical signals. Gives more calculating power to the brain and increase to reflexes.

Eidetic memory

-Mental type skill that can perfectly store any information in the brain with perfect recall

Metabolic Control

-Physical type skill that can control the metabolic processes of the body i.e. hunger, hormones, heart rate, healing, anabolism and catabolism, etc.

(Basic explanation on catabolism: muscles, sugars, and fat turn to energy. anabolism: protein, sugars, minerals turn to tissue, fat, bones.)

Enhanced body

-enhancing type skill that increases the body's durability, flexibility, senses, elasticity etc. Gives: harder and denser muscles, bones. flexible joints, elastic tendons, etc.


I'm faster now and I can attack at range, giving me more options. That's why I'm limit testing myself.

I called Kevin 1st to have a talk with him.

Kevin: "Hey, Ein. Why did you want to talk to me?"

Ein: "I have to go to another base for at least a week maybe. So I called you guys over to say goodbye for now."

Kevin looked around "Where's everyone though?"

Ein: "I need to talk to you about what happened at the village Kevin."

Kevin frowned at my words "You had to do what's the best for him Ein. I know already."

Ein nodded "Good, but I need to tell you Kevin. That wasn't a one time thing. It will probably happen again, and when it does. Do you have what it takes to make a firm decision?"

Kevin: "I... I don't know." He looked at the ground.

Ein: "It's okay to worry about it Kevin. You're young after all, but difficult things like this will come in spades as we go on more missions. Why did you became a soldier here in MOTH? Always remember that."

Kevin: "Thank you, I'll remember that."

Ein nodded and slapped him on the back "Good, you followed Mei here. Don't give up now and strengthen your resolve. I'll be with you on the way, remember that."

There was a pleasant silence for a bit before Mei, Elysia, and Himeko came.

Ein: "Hey guys, I'll be going outside HQ for a week at least. I just want to say goodbye so you won't try to find me all over the place."

They all nodded and quickly said their goodbyes.

Elysia: "Stay safe!"

Himeko: "Don't overwork yourself."

Mei: "Take your time and don't worry about us."

He then gave them some lunch boxes and waved as he walked away.


I'm currently in a VTOL and about to be airdropped on the border of the red zone.

Driver: "This is the place sir. I can't fly closer any longer."

Ein: "Thank you. Don't land I'll get off here."

He then jumped out and gracefully landed on the ground with a bit of dust.

I crack my knuckles and inhaled deeply. "Ahhhh, this place is loaded with honkai energy. Time to unleash some primal chuuni rage."

My legs tense as I prepared to run. I inhale one breath and dashed like a bullet, almost breaking the sound barrier. I scan my surroundings and see tons of seraphs hovering around a big, open area.

"Perfect... Let's try this, it's fake but I can't help it." He clapped his hands and focused on every honkai beast that he saw as circuits of honkai energy appear all over his body and glowed. "Chibaku Tensei!" Dozens of honkai beasts flew to each other and quickly became a small sphere.

Blood came out of his nose from the strain "Tch, this takes a lot out of me. Gotta take them all out quickly." His great sword appeared in front of him and he gripped it immediately.

Cleaving multiple of them with a single slash he made quick work of the helpless beasts, as he quickly stored them. "Phew, I've gotten quite a lot. I feel that my energy reserves are quickly getting filled too, must be all the honkai energy here."

A horse like honkai beast that was rode on by a zombie wielding a lance then appeared. It wasn't that big and the rider looked at him menacingly. Then the mount quickly ran at him but in his eyes they were quite slow. He brandished his sword and side stepped the attack. He cleaved it horizontally and it died immediately. "Huh, those things are a non threat, got it."

He quickly dashed and killed everything he saw. Zombies, seraphs, catapults (Throws elemental bombs), knights.

He then went face to face with a massive chariot class. It was as big as a house and was built to destroy buildings. (insert pic)

It leaned back and raised both of its arms. Intent on crushing him like a bug. He quickly jumped back and its attack hit the pavement with a resounding boom. Creating a miniature earthquake, a shockwave hit him and he used it to retreat a bit.

There was a crater on the hands of the beast and the nearby buildings crumbled from the attack. "Wow, this big guy sure can throw a punch." He whistled. "Alright, two can play at that game."

He infused his arms and back with honkai energy as they glowed. He dodged another swing and jumped right above its head and raised both of his arms, doing a hammer fist "Eat this!" He swung his fists and it hit true.

Boom! Its head exploded like a watermelon and its body slumped to the ground like a ragdoll. With a heavy thud that shaked the ground it fell. He then grasped a mass produced spear and threw it like a javelin with all his might right on the center of its torso.

It didn't move and he quickly stored away its corpse. "Well, this one's not alive, but Mobius might be interested on this one." He dusted himself off and went to find other enemies to kill.


After a few days of relentless hunting, the surroundings became a bit deserted. "Phew, I think I've cleared a lot. But those special zombies were quite interesting."

Earlier, as he was slaughtering seraph classes a woman wielding two blades appeared. He quickly noticed that she was not friendly. "Hey, you don't think we can talk this out, could we?"

It then dashed immediately and swung at him. He dodged and countered with a horizontal swing, but it dodged quickly and backed away a few meters away.

"Ooh, you can dodge huh. That was a bit surprising, but try and dodge this." He used his telekinesis and willed the zombie to fly towards him as he bisected it in half. "Must be a corrupted soldier that wielded swords. Rest in peace." (insert pic)


He was eating a meal and sitting inside a house he found when heavy thuds resounded just outside. He took a peek and there it was, a 3 story tall storm templar (insert pic)

It was glowing pink all over as it was encased by honkai energy. "Now this will be a good fight." He then walked out of the house and it noticed him as it turned its head to him."

"Come on big guy, come at me!" As he dashed like a bullet with a sword in hand.


Thank you for reading! Ciao
Chapter 28: We Chilling
Chapter 28: We Chilling

The templar raised its lance and slammed on the ground at his position. He ran under its leg and jumped, doing a slash on the top of its head.

Unfortunately, the honkai energy encasing it simply blocked the attack and his sword rebounded. Leaving him hovering in the air, before he could fly away it swiped him from the side with its lance.

He could only try and block it with his weapon as the attack sent him flying like a bullet through multiple buildings. He then landed like a skipping stone on water but in his case it was cold, hard concrete.

He slowly stood up "Fuck, that was not a good idea." A couple of my ribs are broken, good thing my spine is still intact. This guys just swiped me, better avoid getting into a situation like earlier or I'll get hit by one of its stronger attacks.

While catching his breath and checking on his body, the titanic templar flew through all the buildings in its path. With honkai energy spiraling on the lance it's wielding, it stabbed in his direction.

An explosion that produced a massive shockwave imploded. Its attack demolished the structures around it and even glass from a few streets away exploded. After the dust settled, it was trying to look for him as it didn't see a trace of him.

Ein, already flying, used a building as a foothold and his legs were tensed like a spring. Now holding a giant spiked metal bat weighing a ton, he rushed at the opening the beast presented and swung with all his might for a grand slam.

His weapon bent at the impact as the swing sent the templar flying across the street. Creating tremors as it landed, "I'm not done yet bastard!" He took out a short but thick javelin with a broad spearhead and threw it like a textbook olympian.

The javelin broke the sound barrier as it hit the downed templar right on the middle of its body as its shield isn't protecting the front. The spear exploded when it hit and opened a 2 meter gaping hole on its waist.

He took another one from his inventory and threw it again at its head. As the spear was travelling he ran after it and leaped towards the templar. He spun, building momentum and after the 2nd javelin hit he did a spinning heel kick on its side near the damage it 1st took and his leg was like a whip.

It snapped in half like a twig and he did a follow up axe kick on its now missing head. When the attack hit, its body bounced on the ground and the surroundings shook as the damaged buildings crumbled, his leg was smoking from the tremendous energy of the atttack.

He jumped away a few dozen meters and waited for it to move, another javelin in hand. The thing didn't move though as he sighed in relief. "Phew, that templar's shield was stronger than expected. I'll whittle them down from range 1st in future skirmishes, not until I can ignore it anyway."

After storing its body, he roamed other places that he didn't visited before. There were no signs of honkai beasts. "I did make a ruckus after all, maybe they all went after me when I killed the chariot, I did notice an increase on seraphs and knights after my battle with it."

He rolled his shoulders and double checked the supplies he has on hand. "My great sword cracked on the templar, tch. My club bent too, and I still have plenty of throwable javelins and spears. I need a better spear 1st before I can use it on stronger enemies." He muttered.

Earlier at another battlefield.

Leader: "Okay, our battalion finished off all the small fry in this area. Thankfully we have orders to retreat now, HQ sent us a message that the red zone will be handled by something."

Grunt: "Will it be orbital bombing again sir? Won't that do obscene amounts of damage on Nagazora? Why did we even have to retake it by using infantry if they would blow it up?"

Leader: "No, they told me that area will be off limits until further notice. I don't even wanna imagine going there, that place will corrupt you in a heartbeat. And if you don't succumb to that, there was a storm templar sighted in there."

Grunt 2: "WHAT!? That thing will kill us all. We better retreat before that goes to come after us."

As they were about to evac and was finally airborne, they saw something small pierce through multiple buildings like a bullet. It then disappeared and the next thing they saw was the 3 story tall storm templar was hit by something and it flew over a few streets before it landed with a tremor.

A soldier then snapped out of his shock and viewed the battle with binoculars. He saw a humanoid that threw a javelin at it and it pierced through like butter. The humanoid then threw another one and it disappeared.

He blinked and he saw the templar snapped in half without a head and it hit the ground hard. "S-sir, that thing that fought isn't human I'm sure! We better get the hell out of here before it sets its sights on us!"

They then quickly evacuated to HQ and started talking about what happened to others. A rumor then started that a humanoid honkai beast was on the prowl in Nagazora but there was no footage so it wasn't quite confirmed.

Ein was walking as he was munching on a cubano. "I had a pretty good haul, I need to talk about Mobius on extracting the honkai energy on the big boys so I can have bigger reserves." He then finished his sandwich and ran to the base. Running isn't much slower and he didn't need to wait for a vehicle so why not?"

In the lab after changing his dusty and torned clothes he found Mobius. "I'm bsck Moby-chan! I've got a present for you too, but I can't take it out here. It's 3 stories tall after all." He shrugged.

Klein: "Welcome back Mr. Einheri, I'm glad you've returned safely." She said with a straight face.

Ein: "Umu, good to be back Klein."

Mobius squinted her eyes on him "What did you exactly bring back? Hmmm?"

Ein: "Oh, I've found a storm templar and a chariot. The latter's smaller than the former though."

Mobius massaged her temples "So? What do you want to be done on its corpse?"

Ein: "I want you to extract the honkai energy in it and give it to me. I noticed that my reserves aren't that high and that's unacceptable."

Mobius: "Hah, sure. Just store it for now and we'll do it later on your training ground. We can't extract the energy here in the lab after all."

Ein: "Okay, oh and Mobius, I'm back." He smiled at her.

Mobius: "Un, welcome back. Now go away and take care of Hamsuke, it hasn't seen you for nearly a week now."

He then left after playing with their pet for a bit.


He arrived at his room and with nothing to do for now, he called Eden "Hey Eden, we haven't seen each other for a bit. We're on vacation for now and I want to hang out."

Eden: "Hi Ein, sure I just checked my schedule and I'm free for a few days too. I miss you guys too, how about we invite them as well? I'm at Japan though."

Ein: "Sure, they'd love to see you too. I'm sure you're missed as well. I'll go ask them and let's plan for a little get together. Japan's like a 1 hour flight, and there's a festival in your location too."

They then talked for some time and said their goodbyes, excited to hang out. "Hm, let's give them a message and ask if they want to go have some fun."

Ein then sent some messages and waited for their response. Mei and Su refused as they were too busy as of the moment. Kevin wanted to stay behind and train more, he said it was fun training anyway so we can go ahead.

At the date of their get away Elysia, Himeko, and Ein were wearing casual wear as they got ready to meet up with Eden. "Ohh, looking sharp girls. Makes me feel lucky to be with you guys today."

Himeko was wearing a turtle neck black sweater, jeans, and boots. It honestly suits her, nice and simple.

Elysia meanwhile, wore a white crop top with a navy blue jacket and a pair of black fitting pants.

Elysia: "Hehe, do we look good~ don't worry you look nice too! We can't be shabby alongside you and Eden after all."

Himeko: "Thank you, and whatever you wear suits you Ein."

I smile at them "Come on let's go! We need to meet up with Eden quickly." They boarded a car and went off to catch their flights to Japan.


They arrived at a pretty big hotel. They went to Eden's room and she was just sitting there, sipping on some wine.

Eden: "Ah! You guys are here, I've missed you guys! Did you miss me though?" She then stood up and gave us a hug.

Ein: "Of course we missed you too Eden." He gave him a tight hug and a quick kiss.

Eden: "So, how about we sight see for now and buy some things? Ooh, I know! Let's buy some yukatas for the festival shall we?"

We then went out and went to a nearby mall, while Eden was wearing her suspicious getup again.

Ein: "Eden, that's really rough isn't it? Having to disguise yourself so you won't get mobbed. That's why I went anonymous with my works."

Eden: "Well, it's fine really, you get used to it I guess." She shrugs.

Elysia: "I can't imagine being in that kind of life... Must be tiring."

Himeko: "Indeed, well as Eden said. You get used to it."

We arrived in the shop where they sell yukatas. "Okay girls, we have to get you guys pretty nice clothes. This is the 1st festival that we're going to be together."

Elysia: "Himeko, we will pick one for you! You'll probably pick a plain one without any good designs, so sit tight and follow us okay?" She put pressure on Himeko.

Himeko's sweat dropped from her brow as Elysia stared at her intensely "Okaaay. There's nothing wrong with simple clothes though."

Eden: "Well, that's true Himeko, but we girls need to get good clothes for our fight! You know the drill." She then shared a look with Elysia and nodded.

I just scratched my head at their antics "Come on girls, the festival will start soon. So pick some good ones and we'll be on our merry way."

They then grasped Himeko's arms and wandered around the store, looking for some good clothes. I just walked and followed them, I'll be waiting a good amount of time for sure.

While Elysia and Eden were scrutinizing their options, Himeko was staring at a red yukata that have little charmander bootlegs as its print.

Ein: "Tell them that you want that one Himeko, don't just stare at it. Don't worry, I think they'll like that one too. It's pretty cute, not gonna lie.

Himeko looked at me "Do you really think so?" She fidgeted.

Ein: "Yeah, go for it. Tell them you want that one."

Himeko: "Okay. Hey guys, I want this one to be the one I'll wear." She then held it up for them to see.

Elysia: "Ooh, I didn't know you liked cute things Himeko. That's a-okay for me!"

Eden: "Ara, it is quite cute isn't it?"

Ein: "Okay you two, now it's time for yours. Come on, we don't have all day."

Elysia: "Go pick one for yourself too Ein, I'm sure you'll look good in a male yukata."

Eden: "Ohh, I can imagine that, he would look gorgeous in one."

I sighed and immediately found a black yukata for males and took a steel gray obi. "This is good enough, now you girls get your own too. Let's wear this here now so we can head to the festival straight from here."

After a few more minutes, Elysia picked a white yukata with carps as a print. It suited her pink hair and blue eyes. Eden picked a burgundy one with gold accents, quite fitting with her golden eyes.

Riding a train, we arrived at the festival and it was already in full swing.

Elysia: "Ohh, the mood here is quite nice. People having fun and all."

Himeko: "Yeah, everyone's enjoying the atmosphere of the festival."

Eden: "I haven't been in one, everything here is so pretty."

Ein tapped them one by one "Come on, how about we buy some food first? We haven't eaten yet after all."

We then roamed around and saw a takoyaki stall. I bought some while Himeko bought yakisoba, Elysia bought taiyaki, and Eden some okonomiyaki.

I bought a fox mask for Eden as well so she doesn't have to wear sunglasses and a scarf on her head.

We went to a bench and started to eat. "Ahh, open wide Eden. Have a taste of one of my balls." She then pinched my cheek but ultimately ate the food I offered.

Eden: "Hmm, this is good. This is quite fun huh, I really needed this break. With you guys here with me too."

Elysia stared at me "No fair, I want to eat one of your balls too!" She protested.

Himeko blushed and looked at me as well.

"Alright say ahhh" I then gave one to Elysia as she chewed happily.

Ein: "How about you Hime? Do you want one too?"

Himeko hesitated for a bit and I just offered one too. "Ahhh, this is tasty. Come on give it a try."

She then shyly opened her mouth and ate one as well. We sampled each of our foods and just relaxed on the bench. After eating we tried playing some of the games on the festival.

Elysia saw a unique hair clip and she pointed at it "Ein! Can you win me that one? Pretty please. I'll give you a nice smooch if you win it for me." She used the lethal puppy dog eyes.

Ein: "You don't have to do that every time you want something from me Ellie. It's not something big anyway, I'll win it for you no problem."

It was a game where you need to hit the prize you want with a gun using a cork as ammo. I calculated everything of course and hit it ez pz.

"Here you go Ellie, let me put it on for you." I then put it on her hair and she then would wear it for a long time.

Elysia just smiled and looked at me while I put it on her. "Thanks Ein! You're the best!" She then tip toed and kissed me on the cheek.

Eden: "Mou, go and win one for me too Ein. You won a prize for Ellie and you won't get one for us too?" She pouted cutely.

I laugh "Don't worry, I was just about to ask what you guys wanted."

Eden pointed at a simple locket. I then won it for her and she put it immediately in her bag.

"I'll put a picture of us in here so I can see you every time it gets rough" She then gave an enchanting smile and kissed me briefly.

I then saw a big plushie of what seems to be a dragonite. It required me to hit multiple things to get it, but I won it anyways as the stall owner was staring daggers at me. Probably thinking that I'm a normie or something.

Ein: "Here you go Hime, this will be a good addition to your collection right?"

Himeko got shy and blushed a bit "Yeah, thank you Ein. You didn't have to do this you know."

We then enjoyed the festival and the fireworks were announced. "Come on let's get a vantage point ladies. So we can enjoy the display clearly."

As we arrived on a small hill, the fireworks were up and running in the skies. I hugged Eden from behind "Quite relaxing no? Just enjoying these kinds of things in life."

Eden leaned on me and rested her head on my chest "Yeah, it sure is. I wish we'll have more of these in the future."

Elysia: "Ohh, you guys are leaving us out here. you're making it awkward for us~"

Himeko just coughed and stared at us.

Ein: "Come here guys, let's take a picture." We then took a picture and Himeko leaned from the side, holding my sleeve while Elysia hugged me from the other.


We returned to the hotel and I was about to enter our room.

Eden: "You got your own room next door. We'll have a girls night, it's been a while when we just talked among ourselves."

Elysia: "Haha you just got left behind Ein!"

Himeko: "Right, we haven't talked in a while. We are quite busy after all.

Ein: "Hah, okay. Enjoy yourselves girls, I'll see you tomorrow then?" I then kissed Eden on the forehead and walked to my room.

It was quite the productive outing. We have to do this when our schedules match for sure. I then took a quick bath and lied on my bed as my consciousness quickly fades.


Thanks for reading guys. Did you pull on Palatinus equinox? I didn't get her and I'm all out of crystals. I hope you guys get lucky and get her in one pull! :p ciao
Chapter 29: Eat it All Until Nothing is Left
Chapter 29: Eat it All Until Nothing is Left

At Eden's room.

Himeko: "Umm, Eden. What is it that you wanted to talk about anyways? Don't we have to return tomorrow? Don't you want to stay with Ein?"

Elysia: "Umu, I thought we were gonna hear you scream tonight Eden~"

Eden deadpan stared at Elysia "Shut up Ellie, I've noticed something." She squinted her eyes "Did something happen that made you guys closer? Ein didn't tell me anything so that means it wasn't really a big thing for him, but it might be for you."

Elysia assumed a thinking pose and then her face brightened up "It's probably because me and Himeko slept with him?" She tilted her head.

Himeko blushed atomic red and was frozen.

Eden: "W-WHAT!?" She grasped Elysia and shaked her like a ragdoll. "What do you mean you slept with him!? And both of you at the same time even!"

Elysia: "Don't you understand Eden?" She said smugly "It's exactly what you imagine!"

Himeko: She waved her hands all over the place "NO! We did sleep with him but it wasn't what you think!" She protested.

Eden glared at Elysia "Himeko, what happened exactly then?"

Himeko: "At the last day of our exercise mission, I went to Ein's room to talk to him and we talked a bit. I then asked if I can sleep at his room." She said softly while blushing like a tomato.

Eden: "I see, then I assume Elysia appeared the next morning because she sneaked in while you were asleep?"

Elysia pouted "Mou, you're no fun Himeko! You were supposed to tease Eden with me."

Himeko: "Stop reeling me in on your plans Elysia. W-we didn't do anything lewd!"

Eden: "So that's what happened huh, you guys made a breakthrough. What do you think about him though? That bastard said he preferred a harem but he won't actively pursue one."

Elysia's eyes glinted and she stared at Eden "Hohhh, did you agree though?"

Himeko was surprised and just stared at empty space, dazed.

Eden: "Well, I'm torn. I want him all to myself for sure, but you know how he is. He's like a god among men, nobody can compete with him. He can do anything if he puts in a bit of effort and his face is like a crime. It's too beautiful." She said with a wry smile.

Himeko: "Un, he is amazing huh. He spoils us a lot too."

Elysia: "That's right! He's so sweet too. Did you know he prepares all our meals? It tastes heavenly too."

Eden: "Heeeh, so he cooks too huh? I'll ask him for a sample tomorrow then. Yeah, he is very sweet too. He actually made a lot of music for me back then." She reminisced.

Elysia: "But is there a reason that you're doubting if you can have him to yourself? I know you can't put a leash on him but he doesn't really pursue girls willy nilly. I think if you wanted he'd be fine with just you."

Eden gave Elysia a look "You want to mine some information huh. Well there's a certain problem with that you see. It's one of the reasons I didn't stay with him tonight too..." She then hesitated and fidgeted.

Elysia noticed it immediately "Ooh, so when you had sex with him, he defeated you so badly huh~"

Himeko: "W-what are you saying Elysia! That's their private matters you know!?"

Eden raised a hand "Hah, Ellie noticed it so it won't really be a problem to tell now Himeko. You're right Elysia, I think you know this by now but that bad guy probably has limitless stamina."

Himeko: "Ohh, we did notice while we were training. He doesn't sweat and his breathing doesn't change no matter what he does. He's a soldier and a researcher too. I don't even think he sleeps or something."

Elysia: "Right? He even prepares our meals just like a mother would. Trains us every time we have downtime too."

Eden: "Hah, that's the problem. That guy is too energetic. I have a busy schedule the next day, that's why sleeping with him right now is a bad idea. I had to walk bow legged the last time after all, and that would be bad."

Elysia's eyes widened "So he wrecked you huh? For how long?" She asked curiously.

Eden: "Well, it was at least 6 hours. And he's probably getting stronger too."

Elysia pondered for a moment "Hehe~ why don't me and Himeko help you try and take him down next time~"

Himeko pinched Elysia's cheeks "What are you talking about Elysia!? I... don't want others with us while we do that." She said softly while fidgeting.

Eden: "What are you muttering about Himeko? And Ellie" She squinted her eyes "You're not even his lover, he won't touch you like that if you haven't even confessed yet. Well, if we didn't drink that night I might've chickened out too." She muttered.

Elysia: "Un, that's the thing. I feel like he's above and beyond us, I'm just a simple soldier and he's already a superb one. He's valued highly by Dr. Mobius too, and she's very high up in status. I once saw that woman walking with him. And it might not seem much but that's like a miracle, Dr. Mobius is scary after all."

Himeko: "I understand that. I feel inadequate standing beside him, even as a junior researcher everyone already seems to kowtow to him. When he went away for a week he was like a VIP, the guy transporting him was all formal and nervous."

Eden: "So that's what you guys think huh. I'd say that Ein doesn't care, but your mentality is the one holding you back. Honestly, even though I'm a world renowned musician and performer if he went out there and didn't hide his identity. I'll be overshadowed by his genius too. His music is considered legendary after all, and most of my songs were composed by him."

Elysia: "Well, at least we know that even the voice of heaven feels a little inadequate against Ein."

Himeko: "Really? Even though you're so amazing? I think you fit him perfectly."

Eden smiled wryly "Thank you, but I think you guys should have some confidence as well. You're world class beauties after all. And I know that you guys aren't like those hussies too." She gave a small smile.

Elysia: "Himeko! Eden is giving us permission! Isn't that nice~"

Himeko: "Well, this is awkward, but thanks."

Eden: "You guys are my sisters now then. But you gotta take care of him there alright? I'm not going to be around after all. So don't let some hussy come near him okay!?" She then hugged them.

Elysia: "Of course! We'll take good care of him~ if you know what I mean." She said with mirth in her voice.

Himeko: "Don't worry Eden, we're quite worried about him too. He works basically 24/7 and still has time for us. We'll take good care of him." She blushed but gave a smile.

Eden: "Enough about this. Let's sleep now, we have to return to our lives tomorrow. We'll get busy so we should rest." They then lied down and slept.


I woke up because of the sun light. I washed my face and went to the girls' room. "Eden, Elysia, Himeko. Let's eat some breakfast, I've got them prepared already." I want Eden to taste my cooking and breakfast in bed is nice.

Eden then opened the door and she saw me carrying plates of food. "Ohhh, is that your cooking Ein? The breakfast in this hotel is japanese after all."

She let me in and I put down the food on the table. "We have a frittata, baked sausage and eggs, and ricotta pancakes. Come on let's have a bite."

Elysia: "Waw, breakfast in bed? You charmer, I can get used to this."

Himeko: "Thank you Ein, these look delicious as always. And they smell absolutely heavenly."

Eden: "Now I know what you guys were talking about, I can't wait to eat!"

We ate quickly and they thoroughly enjoyed it. Well that's good, we have to check out though and it was nice till this lasted.

Eden: "So this is goodbye guys, I'll miss you. Let's do this again sometimes." She hugged us all one by one.

Elysia: "It was fun Eden! Of course we'll hang out again when our schedules line up."

Himeko: "Yes, this was a pleasant experience. I would like to do this again."

Ein: "Call me when you arrive at your destination Eden. And here, it's a blueberry rare cheesecake, some cookies too. Put the cake in a fridge and it'll last at least a week." I then kissed her goodbye as she went off in a car.

Ein: "Well, we need to get back to HQ I guess. You guys missed some training, we'll have to make sure you won't get too complacent." I pat their heads.

Elysia closed her eyes and hugged my waist "We'll have to catch up with you, even just a little."

Himeko: "Umu, we have to work harder. So we won't be a burden to you."

Ein laughed "Why are you so energetic today Elysia? Well, you guys will make fine soldiers with that attitude. Come on let's go." We then departed to HQ in a happy mood.


We've arrived but I need to do my experiment. "Elysia, Himeko, can you guys train with Kevin for now? I need to do something with Mobius you see."

Elysia pouted "There's certainly something suspicious with you and Dr. Mobius. Are you having an affair!" She pointed at me.

Himeko: "You've been going to her a lot Ein, is that true?" She squinted her eyes.

Ein: "Haha you guys know that I'm a researcher right? We have an experiment planned and I want to do it right now. Mobius' a good friend of mine and we have a lot planned."

Elysia: "Is that so?" She was still suspicious.

Himeko: "Alright, just don't overwork yourself okay? We just went back from vacation after all."

I waved them goodbye as I went to Mobius' lab.

Klein: "Mr. Einheri, Dr. Mobius wants something from you. She told me to tell you to go to her once you've returned."

I patted her head "Okay Klein, thanks for telling me."

Klein: "Please don't do that Mr. Einheri, it's quite embarrassing." She pouted.

Ein: "Well, you're so expressionless Klein. You need to lighten up you know." He laughed at her.

Mobius: "Stop messing with my assistant Ein, I need you to store Vishnu and Shesha's corpses so they won't degrade." She rolled her eyes.

Ein: "Ohh, so their bodies have arrived here huh? Come on then, and I'll have to give you the corpse of the templar and chariot too."

We then went to a huge warehouse, the judgement and emperor class beasts were sprawled out on the ground. "Hoh, seeing them up close is truly fascinating. They're huge as hell."

Mobius: "Stop dilly dallying. I already told the higher ups that we have a better storage for them so you can store them now. And take out the templar and chariot, I'll extract their honkai energy later."

I then stored the huge corpses and took out the ones I defeated earlier. "Oh and Mobius, remember what I said before coming to the red zone? I want to try something."

Mobius: "Hoh? This should be interesting no? Then let's go to the lab then."

We returned to Mobius' lab and she was already holding a clipboard in hand.

Mobius tapped on the table impatiently "So? What is it that you wanted to do?"

Ein: "Hehe, you won't expect this." I then took out a seraph class honkai beast and she just looked at it, confused.

Mobius: "And what do you want to do with that?" She raised a brow.

Ein: "I'll consume it."

Mobius went silent and just stared at me like I grew a 2nd head. "You what? Those things are impervious to conventional weaponry, and they're silicon based as well. How in the hell are you going to eat those!?"

Ein: "You see, you're quite surprised. Well I have a theory, honkai beasts are very very hard right? And when an organism gets corrupted by honkai energy they evolve almost instantaneously to be stronger, harder, faster, etc."

Mobius: "And? I don't think it will have drastic effects on you even if you eat that thing."

Ein: "I want to try and digest it using honkai energy and maybe it'll increase my reserves as well? I can control my body functions as well and I'll funnel the digested nutrients to my body. If it's possible, and make my body have similar durability to a honkai beast. Even though I'm tough I'm not quite bulletproof."

Mobius just stared at me "How does your body really work? Are you even a human? Human anatomy doesn't function like that. Nevertheless, this is an interesting experiment. So you want me to scan you after right? Go ahead." She looked on with interest.

I then chopped it up the honkai beast to little pieces with a short sword. It's hard after all, better to chew little pieces. I grabbed a piece and enhanced my teeth with honkai energy. I bit the piece and it was like eating hardtack. Ugh, I'm gonna need some water after this for sure.

Mobius just wrote something while looking at him biting the beast. When he chewed it made a grinding noise that sounds like concrete being crushed.

After I chewed it to bits I then swallowed. I focused honkai energy inside my stomach and feel it slowly melting like hard candy. "I think it worked Mobius, I'll channel the nutrients to the skin of my hands and see what happens."

Mobius adjusted her glasses and observed carefully "A patch of your skin is getting pale! Does it feel different? What do you think is happening?" She pelted me with questions.

I tried to touch it and it felt harder for sure. "It doesn't necessarily feel different, but it's harder I'm sure. Stab that part with a normal knife or something and let's see." I gave Mobius a normal kitchen knife.

Mobius then grasped it and quickly stabbed on the pale spot on my hand. When it impacted, it made a sound like it was struck to a hard surface, and the tip chipped."

"Ooh, this is amazing. Did you feel anything when it hit you?" She asked.

Ein: "I feel tactile sensations but my skin didn't even feel elastic." I tried pinching the spot strongly and it was still elastic like normal skin."

Mobius: "Oh, it now needs a lot of force to be moved. It's extremely hard but still elastic. You won't be stiff at least. Come on eat it all! Don't leave anything behind and enhance every part of your body." She said excitedly.

I then put the leftover nutrients on my teeth and I had a better time chewing these. It's pretty bland too, no taste whatsoever. I'm gonna have to put some sauce on these things.

I then digested it all and put some on my vital spots first, my skull, eyes, nether regions, face, and chest. I then tried stabbing myself on the face and it just deflected it like it was nothing.

I took out another seraph and put some barbecue sauce on it.

Mobius: "Seriously? You're really putting some sauce on it?" She deadpanned at me.

Klein: "Well it is more enjoyable that way Dr. Mobius, it must be bland."

Ein: "You don't understand anything Mobius, you should learn some things from Klein." I waved the seraph in front of her like a piece of meat.

I then bit it without chopping it up and enjoyed it more with my home made sauce. Maybe I'll try hollandaise next. I then put the nutrients on my skin, skeleton, and muscles.

I looked at a mirror and I turned pale and I looked like a corpse. I controlled my melatonin and my skin slowly became a healthy carnation pink again.

Mobius: "Now, let me get a sample!" She then tried getting a bit of my skin with her mandolin like gadget. But my skin didn't even budge.

I laugh "Mobius, what will you do? You can't cut a sample anymore. Now what can you give me in exchange?" I teased her.

Mobius pouted "Stop being an idiot! Give me a sample and I... How about a date? You always pester me that I need to go out."

Ein: "Ooh, Klein did you hear that!? Of course I'll pester you, stupid. You're overworking yourself, so let's have you relax for a bit later." I then sliced a piece of my skin using my short sword.

Klein: "Do not worry Mr. Einheri, I am a witness to this deal and I would be your reminder when you cash out the deal." She said a bit smugly.

Mobius: "Ugh, not you too Klein. Fine, we'll get some new assistants anyway. They're young and trustworthy too Ein. So no need to worry about them leaking our experiments." She then gave me 2 files and it showed twins.

Klein: "They're a bit eccentric as well so you will get along with them just fine Mr. Einheri."

Ein squinted his eyes on Klein "Are you saying I'm weird Klein?"

Klein nodded with a straight face "Yes, who eats honkai beasts anyway? And you're the only one Dr. Mobius can't win against."

Mobius: "Hey! I heard that. It's not that I can't win against him, he's just a scheming bastard." She muttered.

I laugh then I looked at the files more clearly "Hmm, Nuwa and Fuxi? They're quite impressive for their age. They might not be on the level of me and Mei but it's still amazing." (Insert pic here)

Mobius: "There, you happy now? I'm going to have more assistants so you better not pester me anymore." She huffed.

I pat her head "Umu, I'm satisfied. You work too hard Mobius, let's go to a relaxing place next time alright?" I smile at her.

Mobius just closed her eyes "Thank you, I do feel quite tired these days. And it's all your fault! I have to take play with Hamsuke now too." She pouted.

Ein: "Haha, Hamsuke helps you relax right? Especially when you're stuck in your research."

Mobius: "Yeah, it isn't running away from me now too. Thank you for giving it to me."

I patted her head and we played with Hamsuke for a bit. I even got a picture of her smiling while holding him.

Thanks for reading guys. I honestly didn't know how to introduce Nuwa and Fuxi, but now I have inserted them to the story. Thanks again ciao.
Chapter 30: Continuing a Legacy
Chapter 30: Continuing a Legacy

It was a brand new day and I was making Kevin, Elysia, and Himeko train early in the morning. "Come on, gotta build up that stamina! If you can't beat the enemy you gotta run. If they're too far you have to walk." He psyched them up.

Elysia was panting and she was starting to get tired "We've been running for a long time now, hah, hah. Can't we like do something else for now!?"

Ein: "We're in modern times Elysia! You gun things down, not throw hands. So you better be the fastest or inexhaustible to survive!" He then hit her softly on the butt with a stick.

Elysia: "Ow! I know already, bad guy. Such a slave driver." She muttered.

Himeko: "Hah, you really have to step up your game Elysia. You might be athletic enough, but that isn't gonna cut it."

Kevin nodded "Elysia, even the basic honkai beasts can outrun you and roll all over you in a few seconds. We've gotta be in our best condition." He shakes his head.

Ein: "Umu, well said team. Now you'll be on training for some evasion. I'll have you guys dodge like you have a 3rd eye on the back of your heads! Now, one last lap."

They all saluted and said yes as they continued to run for one more lap. Ein gave them some breakfast "I need to talk to Mei, Kevin is she in the lab or in her room?"

Kevin: "She's still probably in her room. Dr. Mobius just lets her do her own thing."

Ein: "Alright, you guys rest and then we'll try marksmanship with the targets moving as fast as a seraph class. And the one that has the worst accuracy will be coached by me!"

Elysia: "Ehhh, you gotta be kidding me!? Is there at least a reward or something?" She huffed.

Himeko: "You just need to do your best Elysia. I sure won't be losing though."

Kevin: "Ohhh, it's a competition then!"

I then waved them goodbye and went to Mei's room. I knock at her door "Mei-chan! I need you for something."

I hear a bit of rustling and then the door opened. "What is it Ein? I've been resting as you said so you don't need to tell me again okay?"

Ein: "No." He entered the room and saw books and papers scattered all over.

Mei: "Ahhh! I haven't cleaned up you see." She said sheepishly.

I sigh "It doesn't matter, but clean it up later. Don't want you to trip in here. What I came here for though is I want you to look into these." He gave a flash drive to her.

Mei: "What is this? It must be pretty important if you asked for my help with this." She eyed the flash drive

Ein: "It's the work of my parents. Apparently they've been trying to make nano-bots that can absorb and manipulate honkai energy. Mobius is preoccupied with another project and this isn't her specialty."

Mei was shocked "This is... An important piece of research Ein. Are you sure you want me in on this?"

Ein: "Umu, just like in the old days right? 2 heads are better than one. Besides, I'm a soldier too so I can't put my full attention on it."

Mei: "Un, let me check it first and then we'll try to research more about it." She said excitedly

Ein: "It needs a specialist about quantum mechanics. We don't understand honkai energy that much, and if we complete this we can make some important breakthroughs."

Mei nodded "Yeah, these can help us clean up irradiated areas quickly and repurpose the energy instantly. Though this will need a lot of funding."

Ein was picking up some of the papers on the ground "If they don't, then I can invest the project, I might not be as rich as Eden, but I'm still loaded as hell." Then he saw a project that Mei was working on.

"Project Prometheus?" He read it quickly and he saw that it was an A.I. that theoretically has the computing power like of Laplace's demon. "Oh, this is certainly a good project Mei-chan. Although you'd need a planet sized computer for it to work like Laplace's demon."

Mei scratched the back of her head "Well, it certainly is ambitious. But I don't need it to compute everything like that, we just can use it to predict honkai eruptions or certain disasters so we can avoid it pretty easily."

Ein: "Yosh, I'll let Mobius know about this and we'll pitch it on the higher ups. This can be a game changer. Oh, and so we can get support I think we should weaponize the nano tech that my parents researched about. Those higher ups will surely accept it instantly, trust me." I remember that in my old world, nuclear weapons were prioritized by the super powers rather than clean energy.

Not that I just want a really cool weapon or something. "I'll leave you on your own for now. We'll talk about this later alright?"

She didn't listen and was glued to her computer, reading the research he gave.

Ein then left and closed the door to her room.


Now we were in a simulation room where the trio are training for marksmanship. "Alright guys, this is a competition. Winner takes all, and the loser stays here with me. Participation awards are for those that don't have what it takes to win. It breeds pussies that are mediocre, so try your best to win."

They then got fired up and Kevin was the first to go. He quickly gunned down the seraphs accurately, then there were dozens of them flying in the air and he got confused as his accuracy dipped a bit as he got a total of 80%.

Ein: "Good job Kevin, you got a little hiccup there in the end but it was excellent marksmanship, those guys are pretty quick after all."

Himeko went next and it started like Kevin at first and at the last bit she struggled as well. With a total accuracy of 76%.

Ein: "Passable Himeko, at least you got more then 75%. We're using 0 based grading here. Remember, the 2nd place is the 1st loser."

She nodded but she was a bit frustrated. Elysia then went and it went fine at first, but she completely flunk the part where it's most important. Scoring a 61% accuracy

Ein: "Elysia, you panicked at the end. This isn't like you. I'll shape you up, so prepare yourself." He said with steel in his voice.

Kevin: "So what's my reward then?" He excitedly asked.

Ein took out a bowls of ramen of all kinds of flavors. "You're gonna have the naruto special Kevin. Miso pork, seafood, tonkotsu, shio, shoyu. Eat anything and I'll refill them up with another."

Kevin's eyes sparkled as he drooled. Elysia and Himeko just looked at it and was pretty envious.

Kevin: "Ooh, your special ramen!? This is a feast!" He then ate them up just like a certain fishcake as the bowls started piling up. He ended up eating at least 3 bowls each of the flavors.

I didn't know that Kevin loved this so much. I only found out when I served some back then when they had their first cheat day. He certainly was very happy. (Pic)

Ein: "Now, we're done for today. Elysia, you stay here with me."

Himeko and Kevin left and Elysia was the only one behind now.

Elysia: "Sorry, Ein. That was pathetic of me, I'll do better next time for sure." She said quietly.

Ein held Elysia on the shoulders "Ellie, is there something wrong? You're the best shooter out all of you three. There's something bothering you isn't it?"

Elysia looked down on the ground "Just a bit, I guess I lost focus for a bit huh?"

Ein: "Come on then, let's go somewhere so you can relax a little."

Ein grasped her arm and walked slowly to his planted sakura tree. It was growing quickly and is now a meter tall at least. "So? What's been bothering you Ellie? It must be something serious if you're getting distracted."

We sat down near the little tree and enjoyed the soft wind that caressed our skin. "Well, when the final level of the simulation came. I just remembered some things." She said while looking at the sky.

Ein: "Ahhh, that is a serious concern. So? After you remembered it, there must be cascading thoughts after right?"

Elysia sighed "Un, we then saw you hack up the honkai beasts with surgical precision and all we can do was give cover fire, but you didn't even need it. I just felt so useless, I thought that if you were incapacitated I can't do anything in that situation but just spray and pray."

We then became silent for a moment "I see. But you know Ellie, if you didn't do that some of them might have leaked out and killed more people you know? I think you guys did a good job on containing them to me. And what you're thinking is just a what if too. You can't do that Ellie, if you keep asking the question what if. You won't be able to keep moving forward." I patted her head gently.

Elysia bit her lips, and was starting to get teary eyed. "I know! I know... But what can I do? Himeko and Kevin are stronger than me. Kevin is improving quickly, Himeko has more tactical IQ than me. I just can't keep up with them, with you."

I hugged her tight as I whisper "You don't need to Elysia. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses right? Kevin can get single minded and short sighted, making him reckless. Himeko can be too focused to notice her surroundings or not think out of the box. Sacrificing versatility for efficiency."

Elysia: "I just... Can't help it, I don't think I can stand beside you and be of assistance. Be useful instead of just being a burden. It eats at me that I'll be happy with you without doing anything important."

Ein: He flicked her forehead "I think you're the most important part of the team though Ellie. You're the heart of the group, without you Himeko will be stiffer. Kevin would be charging through everything because of tension without you making the mood lighter. I might be the brains and brawn of our squad, but I rely on you too to keep our morale up."

Elysia rubbed her forehead and stared at me "Is it really that important? I don't think so."

Ein: "Umu, when you're tense in the field. You can get tired easily and you'll be too fatigued to fight mentally. And that leads to disaster. You make me relax too, or have you forgotten that you told me to rely on you right on this very spot?"

Elysia's eyes widen then she smiled sweetly "I did huh? Are you serious about that though? I didn't really thought that it would be important to you or anything."

Ein: "Look at you, being so modest. It makes me uncomfortable really, it's fine to be anxious and worry sometimes Elysia. Just don't let it get to you, it will put you down in a spiral of negative thoughts. So how about you think outside of that and know that you're already standing besides me. Your support is important to me and it makes me feel refreshed and happy honestly."

Elysia looked at the blue sky "So that's what you think huh. And I'm that important to you and the group?"

Ein: "Definitely." I pinch her cheeks "You're my cute little supporter. It will be pretty bland here with just us without you." I smile at her.

Elysia: "Then... You won't mind if I do this?" She gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Her sweet scent wafting to his nose.

Ein: "Hmm, I do mind. So for my revenge I'll do this instead." He held the back of her head and gave her a kiss, his tongue asking for entry. Coaxing her lips to open as he dominated Elysia's tongue and mouth.

They parted with a thin string of saliva as Elysia panted a bit. "I didn't know you were so daring Ein-kun~"

Ein: "You seduced me. As a gentleman, I can't say no to a beautiful lady trying her best now can I?" He then put her on his lap and hugged her from behind.

Elysia snuggled and leaned on his chest as she sighs "This is pretty nice~ can we do this again?"

I pinch her cheek and whispered sweetly "Hmm, you gotta earn it though Elysia~" Then he softly bit her earlobe, teasing her.

Elysia shivered "Mou~ we're outside. What if somebody sees us? You brute!"

Ein: "Hoh? But you liked it. I felt your body agree."

Elysia: "Ein... I promise that I'll keep on supporting you. Just like that faithful day right on this hill." She kissed my forehead.

Ein: "Yeah, thank you Ellie. Do your best, I'm here as well so you can tell me your worries. I'm your friend too and that's what friends do."

Elysia nodded "Un! I love you Ein. I'm so happy when I met you, you're honestly such a bad guy for making me worry like that." She pouted.

Ein: "I love you too Elysia, you sweet little thing. Don't change, and what do you want me to do for your forgiveness my lady."

Elysia snuggled closer "Hug me tighter. It makes me forget the bad things in this world. I feel so warm when you hug me." She closed her eyes

I hug her tight as we then enjoyed the nice breeze and warm sun shining on us.


Thanks for reading guys, I'll be starting to make Prometheus. And for the hax of herrschers, the research team will start to develop soulium. Thanks again! ciao
Chapter 31: Creation
Chapter 31: Creation

Ein is currently between Mobius and Mei. Discussing future projects "So, what are we going to focus on first? The nano-tech will help us fight honkai while prometheus can predict eruptions and disasters." He started.

Mobius pondered for a bit "We already have relevant data and some experiments with the nano bots. It will be approved quickly and we can start development almost immediately."

Mei: "I agree, but it won't have great benefits quickly for such a big project. We don't know how we will weaponize it efficiently. Its primary focus is for siphoning honkai energy, and we can do that now, but not as efficient."

Ein: "That's a good point. If we have prometheus we can predict honkai eruptions and save a lot of lives before a herrscher spawns. But the strategy of MOTH to get rid of herrschers cause a lot of destruction, it will take billions or even trillions to restore a city to its former glory. We need weapons that can dispatch of them efficiently and cleanly."

They then got stumped and was back in the beginning. "Ein, glasses girl. This needs a bit more brain storming. Ein give more pros and cons, you can process information ridiculously quick." Mobius pointed at Ein.

Ein: "Geez, what a way to put me on the spot. Well, I think we should focus on nano tech that can absorb and utilize honkai energy 1st. Honkai eruptions do not happen that quickly and prometheus' main purpose is to accurately predict eruptions. In the mean time, if we can make something revolutionary with that window of time. Then we can fight back without compromising our cities like in the past."

Mobius and Mei pondered for a minute, then nodded "Good point Ein. We've had decades before the next herrscher appeared. But that might change though. Nevertheless, now Ein pointed it out, the 3rd herrscher appeared just a few weeks ago. We have a lot of time to make other projects first." Mei reasoned.

Mobius: "Then this meeting is adjourned? This isn't my specialty, you and Ein can work on the project while I work on my prior ones. Ein does not have any problems to be in any department after all."

Ein: "Okay then Mobius, we will work on this for now. Keep on trying to do experiments on our certain project, there's been a lot of mutations resulting from it I assume?" Genes can't be changed willy nilly after all.

Mobius sighed heavily "I've been trying it on certain small organisms for now, and the results aren't quite passable. I've tested it on embryos and single celled organisms and they're the only ones that have good results."

Ein patted her head "Good, we don't expect good results right away anyway. Keep on working on it for now and I'll help you whenever I can. I'll just focus on the weapons development for now, it's too precious to let up."

Mobius slapped his hand away and glared at him as she whispered "Your colleague is right there! Go away and leave me alone."

He smiled and gestured for Mei to come with him as they left the lab. "That bad guy, embarrassing me in front of our colleague! And that Mei too." She grumbled.


"Mei, you read the files that I gave you right? What do you think? Can we use it to manipulate honkai energy like herrschers or honkai beasts?"

Mei scratched her head "I don't know really, it's incomplete and jumping the gun on trying to make weapons that can rival herrschers might be a bit too much." She smiled wryly.

Ein pondered for a bit "Hmm, that's it! If we can't use it to have firepower like herrschers, why not use the herrschers instead!?"

Mei was confused "What do you mean by that?"

Ein: "Come on Mei, you're too enclosed by science. Herrscher powers defy the laws of physics! That's anime as fuck. With the power of god and anime by our side we have no limits!" He grasped Mei's shoulder and shaked her vigorously.

Mei: "Stop! What the hell are you talking about you crazy guy." She stared at him coldly.

Ein: "Ahem, you see Mei. Herrschers have a gem right? In all 3 we've got gems from them that emit honkai energy almost endlessly. In anime logic that means they're the source of their power. And using those gems as cores, we can craft weapons or armors."

Mei raised a brow "And why do you think that? All we know about them is they might be the fuel herrschers have that powers their abilities."

Ein: "Tsk, you're such a normie Mei. Trust me on this! We need to make experiments immediately. I'll do the herrscher cores and you focus on making the tech to use the cores."

Mei nodded "Alright, I'll trust you on this. I can't handle the herrscher gems anyways. We're still junior researchers remember?"

Ein: "Hmph, I can just let Mobius handle that part. And we won't be junior researchers for long, this is our goal right? Be the very best that ever was." He sang in a familiar tune.

Mei: "You're the weird one here Ein. How can you treat Dr. Mobius like that earlier? She's honestly scary and intimidating." She looks at him weirdly.

Ein: "You get a pass if you're too important. Works in any setting honestly, me and the squad will have a few missions. I'll leave you to make a breakthrough for now. Oh and by the way, you and Kevin made any kids yet?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

Mei choked on her saliva "W-w-what the hell are you talking about! We did... Kiss one time though, when he was down a few days ago." She said sheepishly.

Ein: "Ohhhh! I didn't know you had it in you! Take care of Kevin okay? He's sacrificing a lot to be here with you. That guy might be an idiot, but at least I know he'll do a lot to be with you. Him being here is a testament to his resolve." He said softly.

Mei: "I know, so I gotta do my best as well. I'll make a breakthrough on my side of the project, don't you worry." She smiled.

Ein: "Umu, that's what I want to hear. Remember, anime and god is on our side. You'll do fine!" He then ran as he waved goodbye.

Mei: "Geez, what the hell is he talking about? Maybe I really should check it out?" She seriously thought about it.


The soldier squad was packing gear and Elysia was glued to Ein like a leech "Ein~ Carry my gear for me?" Elysia begged.

Kevin: "Hey! That's not fair. We guys already have to carry more gear, you can't let Ein carry yours as well!" He protested

Himeko squinted her eyes at Elysia "That's right Elysia... Besides, why are you sticking to him like that anyway. You're being a nuisance, not that I'm jealous or anything." She muttered.

Elysia stuck her tongue out "Bleh, you guys are just jealous that my Ein will help me carry all my gear. Ain't that right Ein?" She roped him into the conversation.

Ein sighed and just decided to store all of their gear except weapons, rations, and comms. "You all better keep quiet about this. Or you know what's coming for you. I can make you disappear like you're not even here in the 1st place." He stared at them.

Everybody shivered "Y-you won't do that right? Right!?" Kevin exclaimed.

Himeko: "Yes sir!" Himeko saluted.

Elysia: "Mou~ you know we won't do that Ein."

Ein nodded "Good, now let's go. I'm your provisionary squad leader, my orders are absolute unless it is necessary to disobey them. You're soldiers, critical thinking is crucial in our line of work. Do you guys understood!?"

I can't unleash my full potential with a stranger on the squad, good thing my achievement was reported and I underwent some tests for being a squad leader.

The trio saluted "Sir yes sir!"

Ein: "We depart and unleash hell on some seraph classes lingering on the border of a city. Let's go."

Ein was currently commanding them while being on the backline with a spear in hand, ready for emergency support. "Elysia, go in front you have the best accuracy! Kevin, go to the rear. You have good dynamic vision provide support. Himeko, divide and conquer. Your tactical acumen will help greatly as a commando unit that can react accordingly."

The trio made quick work of the honkai beasts as the last one went down. "Good job squad, now let's get some grub and we wait for transport."

Elysia: "Whew, aren't you like perfect for this Ein? I'm glad you're our squad leader!" She hugged him on the waist.

Ein: "Thanks Ellie. Now we should eat, MRE's aren't bad but you guys prefer nicely prepared meals after all."

Elysia: "Of course! You're such a godsend!" She kissed him on the lips that didn't went unnoticed.

Himeko was shocked and gaping like a fish "What... What does this mean Elysia!?" She pointed at them.

Kevin's noodles fell from his wide open mouth, shocked out of his mind. "Ein... Are you cheating on our goddess Eden-sama!?"

Ein scratched the back of his head "Well, Eden already knows Kevin. Don't overreact, and Elysia. It's fine right now, but we're on a mission. Don't do this often okay?"

Elysia: "Hmm~ yes hubby. How about that Himeko, I've reached far and beyond! Hohoho." She said with a smug smile on her face.

Himeko: "Gunununu! You might have won this fight Elysia! But I will certainly come back victorious." She glared at her.

Kevin: "You too Himeko? What the actual hell is going on here? Ahh, I just have to ignore it. Ein-sama is beyond my mortal comprehension, sasuga."

Ein: "Our ride is here. Let's go, this can be discussed later."

They then returned with an enlightened Kevin, angry Himeko, and a happy Elysia.


In Mobius' lab.

Klein: "Dr. Mobius, I can feel something troublesome that will surely make us busy again."

Mobius: "It's probably Ein again. That guy, making me have so much work. He'll probably request something absurd again when he returns. When will our new assistants come Klein?"

Klein: "They will be here today professor. They will surely be a big help in the lab. Especially when caring with your precious Hamsuke." Her voice smug, but her face straight as an arrow.

Mobius: "Shut up Klein, do you want me to make you a test subject?" She squinted her eyes.

Klein: "No. Please excuse me." She then walked away without a care in the world.

Mobius then read her current research and was getting frustrated "No! This is wrong. This one too! That damned Ein and his research is more complicated than I thought. Klein! Get me some bubble wrap."

Klein then had some bubble wrap in hand while sipping some milk tea. "Here you go Dr. Mobius, stuck in Mr. Einheri's research?"

Mobius snatched the bubble wrap and went to a couch. Popping it aggressively "Tch, When will the 2 new assistants be here!? Ein is driving me to a wall with his suggestions and research. He should work here full time!"

While Mobius was grumbling, a pair of twins then came in the lab "Hello! We're the new assistants for Dr. Mobius?" The one with red eyes exclaimed excitedly.

?: "Nuwa, you're being loud and impolite. Nice to meet you, I am Fuxi, and this rude one is Nuwa. Please take care of us."

Nuwa: "Hehe~ sorry Fuxi. But we're assistants to a famous researcher now you know!?"

Klein: "Welcome, Fuxi, Nuwa. We've been expecting you, I am Klein. Dr. Mobius' assistant. The one on the couch is the professor."

Mobius stared at the twins "Hmm, you guys are awfully late. Klein, we have a new rule now in the lab. Anyone who comes late has to buy bubble tea for everyone." She popped the bubble wrap continuously.

Nuwa whispered to Klein "Hey, is the professor in a bad mood?"

Klein: "Unfortunately yes, her colleague is piling work on her you see. And he'll be here later."

Fuxi and Nuwa didn't know what to do but the door opened saving them from the awkwardness "Mobius, Klein. I've returned, the mission was quick fortunately."

They then saw a tall man in a soldier uniform, his long platinum silver hair waving like in a hair commercial. His chiseled body in display.

Nuwa: "Um, who are you? Are you Dr. Mobius' colleague perhaps?" She asked softly.

Fuxi: "Sorry about that, I am Fuxi, and she's Nuwa. Please take care of us." She bowed and made Nuwa bow her head as well.

Ein: "Oya? It seems our little helpers are here huh? I'm Einheri, call me Ein. Nuwa, Fuxi, don't mind Mobius too much she's a bit dramatic sometimes." He smiled.

Mobius: "And who's fault do you think that is huh!? Why don't you just quit being a soldier and help us here?" She glared at him.

Ein: "Tsk tsk Mobius. You don't understand, beating up things with superpowers is a man's romance. You who is the pure brains type won't understand me." He said with fake sadness.

Fuxi: "Um, Dr. Einheri. You're a soldier? Why though, you're a researcher right?"

Nuwa: "Umu, why are you out on the fields fighting when you are a researcher?"

Ein: "Haha, simple really. It's because I can, somebody has to do some cleaning up here now don't we? After all, it's such a waste if I hole up here at the base and research like a madman." He shrugs.

Nuwa: "Wow." She went silent for a moment. "Ain't this guy super cool!?"

Mobius: "Huhhh!? He's an idiot is what he is. Dividing his time on fighting, giving me so much trouble." She grumbled while popping some bubble wrap.

Ein: "Mobius, you're stressed out again. Hah, you even have to pop some bubble wrap. Come on I'll feed you guys some desserts to lighten up."

Klein: "Ohhhh! Please buy me a lot of bubble tea Mr. Einheri. You're late after all, Dr. Mobius made a new rule that whoever is late will have to buy for everyone."

Ein: "Sure thing Klein. So you love bubble tea huh? Maybe I'll make some for you in the future. Let's go, Mobius, let's relax for a bit. I have a request later so you need all the rest you need."

Mobius sighed "Why did you have to jinx it Klein. Now this bastard will probably request something big again."

They then went on their way to the cafeteria.


Omake: An unexpected party.

Raiden Mei was just returning from fighting in the Elysian realm, she wanted to find Odin and ask him some questions on who he is and why he was in such a high pedestal in Kevin's eyes.

"Who is he? I thought Kevin was the leader of the flame chasers. There's no records of Odin anywhere, that guy's too mysterious. Being the ghost leader, he must know a lot." She then went to the lounge and saw something surreal.

Kevin was slurping a bowl of ramen on the side. Elysia and Eden were hugging Odin's left and right respectively. While Mobius was on his lap, passed out drunk. While massive amounts of food was on the table.

Elysia: "Ahhh~ honestly, I miss the old you Kevin. You seem a bit pretentious now. You've been number one for too long and have an image to maintain, right?

Kevin stopped slurping a bowl of ramen "...Is there something else?"

Elysia: "Look at you, when you have a honkai beast for dinner, you always slice it carefully to make sure it looks elegant. Hah, I wonder where the old Kevin has gone? The one that we shared hardtack with on the field."

Kevin went silent for a moment "Enough of your boring lies Elysia. That didn't happen.

Elysia: "Alright, I'll stop. But I do miss the old you Kevin."

Eden, clearly drunk then said "Ahh! I remember when I was just new in MOTH Ellie. Kevin invited the newbies for a meeting."

Elysia: "Oh! When I was away, Kevin did organize all the team building activities. He's so nice, even though he was slowly turning into an ice block."

Eden: "Un, but Ellie. I don't think you're aware of the events he organized..."

Elysia: "Uh, no I didn't."

Eden: "I thought it was a tradition so I didn't refuse his invitation."

Elysia: "Uh, I should have told you earlier. So, what happened?"

Eden hesitated for a bit "No more than 10 soldiers in a meeting room, having noodles for at least 10 times." She deadpanned.

Elysia: "Meeting room... Noodles." She then laughed until she almost bust a gut.

Kevin just silently stared at them and ate his noodles.

Ein: "Hey, don't bully Kevin. He was trying his hardest back then to make a good team building exercise you know?" He snickered.

Mobius then grasped a bottle of wine and waved it around "Drink moooore Ein! Eden's liquor is too goooood to pass up~"

Mei just stood there, frozen. "Uhhh, what's going on here?"

Ein: "Ohhh! Mei-chan, come and sit. Have a bite, I cooked these. Elysia wanted to celebrate a bit because this is the 1st time I showed up."

Mei sat down sheepishly and stared at Elysia, Eden, and Mobius. "Um, you're awfully close huh? I thought Elysia and Eden fought you often?"

Ein was confused for a second "Ahhh, we did. And they would always lose." He laughed boisterously.

Elysia puffed her cheeks "Mou~ you're just inexhaustible you beast! Even when we turned into a MANTIS there was no difference." She pinched his sides with no effect whatsoever.

Eden giggled and gave Ein a soft kiss on his lips "Un, he has too much stamina Ellie. Mobius would always complain about it too."

Mei's eyes widened like saucers and then she blushed like a tomato. Realizing the meaning of Elysia's words. "You guys... Are lovers aren't you?" She said with disbelief.

Mei: Elysia can be understandable. But the soft spoken and elegant Eden? Participating in a... threesome is surreal. Not adding in Mobius, I just can't see it.

Elysia: "That's right~ Ein this bad man is so sinful. Catching our hearts, then playing with our bodies~" She fidgeted.

Mei then decided to drink for the very 1st time in her life.


Thanks for reading guys. It's high time for the research of herrscher cores, and Mobius popping bubble wrap all day when in a slump is canon lol.
Chapter 32: Gray and Black
Chapter 32: Gray and Black

Once we had a good meal and bought the lab squad some bubble tea, specifically Klein. We returned to the lab.

Ein: "Mobius, I need access to herrscher cores."

Mobius went wide eyed "Herrscher cores? That's a tall order. What do you plan on doing with those things? As far as we know it's the battery for their abilities."

Ein snickered "Of course a pleb like you wouldn't know." He said smugly "Listen, I already explained this to Mei. But anime facts declare that it's not only their source of energy. But the source of the power they use as well."

Mobius glared daggers at him "Huh!? Who's the pleb here you bastard!?" She then hit him on the chest, but she recoiled from the pain. "Fuck! I forgot you're hard like steel."

Klein and Fuxi stared weirdly at Ein, but Nuwa had stars in her eyes. "Ein-san... You're a fan of anime!?" She went uncomfortably close to him.

Ein: "Umu, you're one of my people? I see that you're a girl of culture Nuwa." He held her hands.

Fuxi had a realization and she stared at them with a straight face. "Klein, isn't he a bit too eccentric to be Dr. Mobius' equal? She looks like she's used to this."

Klein nodded and just sipped her bubble tea. "Fuxi, Mr. Einheri cannot be comprehended by simple minds like ours. He is in another dimension entirely, he's probably analyzing the both of you with inhuman speeds and has already made a plan to dispose of you two without evidence."

Fuxi had some cold sweat flow down her back. "Y-you're joking... Right?" She asked nervously.

Klein: "I don't joke about things like that Fuxi, and he's more than capable of doing it on his own. By the way, he can hear us at like a 100 meters away, crystal clear. So you and Nuwa better don't talk about unsavory things."

Fuxi nodded vigorously and put a massive dangerous tag on Ein. She immediately decided to talk to Nuwa later.

Ein: "Hah, why did you have to tell her that Klein. I think they won't do anything stupid, and Nuwa here is one of my people as well." He then looked at Fuxi in the eye. "You already understand right little girl? If you do, we'll get along swimmingly~" He said sweetly.

Fuxi bowed a perfect 90° "Y-yes sir. We already know the NDA and we perfectly understand." Her body was shaking.

Mobius: "So? What do you have planned for the cores then?"

Nuwa: "That's obvious Dr. Mobius, he'll use it as some kind of core to use herrscher powers through the weapon right?" She looked at Ein.

Ein patted her head "As expected of you Nuwa, we surely will be unstoppable with our creations."

Mobius: "That's a nice theory and all, but how will you make the weapon and use the core as its main power source?"

Ein: "Mei's already on the nano tech. It will harness the power of the core and manipulate it to bend physics to our will. Well, I'm already breaking it anyway, why not fuck it up more?"

Mobius grinned and licked her lips "Hmm, interesting... That indeed will help against herrschers and the more destructive honkai beasts more efficiently. Tell me, how are you going to confirm that herrscher cores are the source of their abilities?" She raised a brow.

Ein: "This is where things get ugly. The 1st herrscher was theorized that his abilities were dependent on his knowledge right? That means that it comes to them at an instinctual level, but they need to understand it to use its full potential. And to learn more... We need human trials." He said in a monotone voice, as his face turned emotionless.

Mobius: "I see, well we can have MOTH supply us the necessary subjects for trials. Let us commence with experiments immediately, this is too important to be put in the back burner."

Fuxi and Nuwa gasped "Does that mean?" Nuwa asked the obvious.

Ein: "That's right Nuwa, this will be unpleasant." He frowned "Do you see the cold looks Mobius gets at the cafeteria? Experiments with honkai energy will get ugly really quickly. Prepare yourselves, this isn't a shounen anime that gets you by with the power of friendship crap."

The twins went silent "Klein, prepare for this and I'll make a proposition to the higher ups to green light it."

Klein immediately went to work, just like clockwork. Used to Mobius' instructions.

Ein: "Call me when we start Mobius. And don't set a bad example for your assistants okay? Stop eating junk food like a NEET." He waved goodbye and went out of the lab.

Fuxi: "Nuwa, we might be new here but we're working for a world renowned scientist. Be professional when we get to work."

Nuwa: "Un, I know Fuxi, but what Ein-san said was a bit unsettling. Will the experiments we will be witnessing that scary?"

Fuxi: "I don't know. But we have to prepare, he already told us to. We just need to wait and see."


Me and the squad went to another mission that was easily completed and we're on vacation right now. "Okay, nice work again today. We might need to take out the meaner honkai beasts next time at the rate you guys are improving."

Elysia: "Hehe~ Of course! We're the best team ever right?"

Kevin: "We might get sent to more action packed places. I don't know if I can't wait or I'm nervous."

Himeko: "Thank you Ein. We couldn't have done it without you."

Ein: "Keep it up, we might get sent to the more dangerous areas if our efficiency and performance is this high. Take a rest everyone, Kevin don't get Mei pregnant. We're working on a big project okay?" He grinned.

Kevin tripped and face planted on the ground "Shut up! You bastard. We haven't even done it yet..." He then blushed like a tomato.

Elysia: "Oya~ So little Kevin hasn't got any action then?" She snickered.

Himeko: "Elysia! That's inappropriate..." She blushed as well.

Kevin: "S-shaddup! How about you then!? I bet you're not getting it on too!"

Elysia: "Ara~ that's very rude Kevin. Asking if a maiden is still pure. But we're too busy~ We'll have some time for it in the future."

Himeko froze "You're... Such a lewd girl Elysia! You can't say that in front of Kevin."

Ein hand chopped Elysia on the top of her head. "Enough Ellie. You're going to kill them with embarrassment. Now go rest, you guys must be tired."

Elysia rubbed her head "Okay. But I'm waiting for it alright~" She then skipped away.

Kevin ran with a red face. While Himeko still lingered.

"Um, Ein. Can you teach me more about tactics so I'll be a better commando unit?" She fidgeted.

Ein: "Hmm, you're so serious Himeko. Look at you being embarrassed, ahhh~ You're such a cutie with your gap moe. Sure, I have some spare time." The experiments can wait a bit. I'm not too excited on doing it as well.

Himeko pinched his sides "Do you really mean that?" She looked at him with upturned eyes.

Ein: "Umu, you're a beautiful girl after all Hime-chan. Now let's go to the simulation room and get you started." He patted her head.


We simulated different tactics, formations, and critical thinking exercises live and had an overall productive time. "Nice Hime-chan, you really are good at this. Your battle IQ is high and you think quick, you might just be the 1st one of you 3 that will be a squad leader."

Himeko scratched the back of her head and smiled wryly "I don't think I'm cut out for it just yet. I do want to be one though, but look at you. You practically are one already and we're not even soldiers for too long."

Ein: "Hmm, luck played a role too. But if we went for missions more you'll be a squad leader. I'm sure of it, I'll support you all the way so tell me if you need some help alright?" He smiled.

Himeko: "There you go again... I don't even know what you were thinking when you asked me to be a bodyguard back then. All I know is how to fight, I'm not cute and charming like Elysia, Eden's talent in music and singing is up and beyond, she's beautiful too. I don't know why you're so nice to me and keep me around."

Ein: "Ah, aren't you misunderstanding something Hime-chan? I'm not nice to you or keep you around because you're super amazing and useful or something. It's because you're a good friend of mine. And besides, your beauty is stunning. Your talent in fighting is amazing, you're a hard worker too and that's admirable." He patted her head.

Himeko: "Even so... That's not such a desirable trait for a girl right? Makes me look like a brute."

I hug her while caressing her long red hair. "Shhhh. You have such low confidence for an amazing girl. Shut up and listen to me, you're a human 1st of all. Being cute and cuddly isn't everything for a girl, you're smart, beautiful, and strong. The cute and submissive traditional girls are for trophies. If you don't have anything going for you besides being cute, you won't get far at relationships."

Himeko clenched her fists tight "Fine. But I refuse to be accepted just like that. I need to win it for myself. We haven't sparred for some time now Ein, I have to show my good points!"

Ein: "Hoh? What do you have in mind then?"

Himeko: "You and me 1on1, I know you're beyond my league. But I can't just quit and accept that without fighting you 1st."

Ein: "Okay then Hime-chan, be prepared though... Now come at me!" He assumed stance.

Himeko ran towards him and unleashed a high kick. He guarded it with his left hand and a dull thud echoed in the room. "Nice kick you have there missy, but that sadly won't be enough."

Himeko: "I'm not done yet!" She spun and did a back fist towards his face but he just leaned out of the way. She then tried to hit him on the head when he dodged with a roundhouse.

He grabbed her on the shin, stopping the kick and pulled. Making her drop on the ground, she rolled backwards and stood up quickly. "Tch, I'm not gonna win am I?"

Ein: "Yeah, honestly you won't. Now why don't you stop babbling and start fighting."

Himeko gave a flurry of punches and kicks but everything was either dodged or blocked.

He then caught her hand and did a judo throw that she couldn't counter. It continued for an hour, her attacking continuously without rest. While he just blocked, dodged, and threw her around.

Himeko was on the ground panting "Did... I do fine?"

Ein pondered for a bit "If I can equate your skills to something, you'll definitely be a world champion in your weight class. You can grapple well, striking is precise, but quick and heavy. I approb." He gave a thumbs up.

Himeko sighed "But I couldn't even land a single hit on you. At least I've reached the point where I could compete with the best. Except you, you're a goddamned cheat." She puffed her cheeks.

Ein sat beside her and gave her a towel. "Umu, of course I am. I work harder than anyone and I even juggle my research and soldier duties. But you are amazing Hime. You haven't even fully matured yet and you're already at that level of expertise. You'll continue to grow I'm sure of it."

She sat up and wiped her sweat. "Thanks." Her cheeks red. "You trained me after all. And I worked hard to get here." She scooted closer and leaned on his chest. "So thank you, I'm living a fulfilling life too. With you and our friends, instead of a dull mundane job. I'm very happy right now." She snuggled to him.

Ein: "Yeah, me too. I can't imagine being here alone with just Mei. Researching for days and going on missions by myself. So I'm thankful that you guys are with me." He smiled and hugged her waist from behind her.

Himeko: "Really? If you're so thankful, then I demand something nice."

Ein: "Yeah, sure. Tell me what you want, I'll give it if I can. Oh, maybe you want a huge plushie or something? That'll be right your alley." He teased.

Himeko fidgeted for a bit "I... Want you. Just like Elysia and Eden." She then touched his face and leaned in for a soft peck on his lips.

Ein: "Oh? Is that enough for you? You did ask for something nice, so I'll do the honors." He grabbed her on the back of her head and gave her a passionate kiss. His tongue slowly but sensually asking for permission to enter.

Her eyes widened in surprise, but calmed down as she let his tongue in. As they kissed and battled for supremacy. Himeko not yielding, entwining her tongue with his.

He then pinched her butt as she quickly separated, startled. "Mou~ Why did you have to do that." Her face an atomic red.

Ein: "Hehe, I can't help myself. Your butt is nice and plump, firm but soft. It's like it wants to be grabbed and pinched."

Himeko pouted and pinched his cheeks. "That's for another time you beast! Now hug me. It was nice to be in your arms." She blushed.

He hugged her tight and just sat there for a minute. Enjoying one another's presence and warmth.


Mobius: "Ein, here's the 3rd herrscher core. It was nearby so this is the one we could procure immediately." She then gave a box to him.

Ein opened it and inside was a glowing violet crystal gem. He touched it and it glowed bright as it pulsed. "Does this thing have a will or something? It's like a cursed item that pulses in my hand."

He returned it immediately, not confident if it might try to take over or curse him. "Do we have the test subjects Mobius?"

Mobius: "We do." She grinned "This will be the 1st time I have experimented with the cores. It either will be a disaster or something interesting."

Klein: "Dr. Mobius, preparations are complete. The project is a go, and the equipment are now in place."

Ein: "Good... Forgive me Su, this is something that will be for the greater good of humanity. My oath has been left behind in the old world, be a good doctor in my stead, I must do this." He closed his eyes.

Mobius: "Good job Klein. Now are we going to do this or what?"

Ein: "The first round of experiments to unravel the secrets of the herrscher cores... Begins now."


Thanks for reading guys. Ciao
Chapter 33: Unearthing Secrets
Chapter 33: Unearthing Secrets

"Okay, we will now commence the operation of implanting the herrscher gem in the subject. The control is having a dose of honkai energy." Mobius said while writing on a clipboard.

She then wore some protective equipment, ready to assist Ein on implanting the gem. "Mobius... Wait a minute, isn't this the best time for gene splicing first? That way, we don't need to report it to the higher ups. It will be more efficient as well." These subjects has more than 99% chance of dying. Might as well be efficient to the max.

"Hmm. Now that you said it, that's a brilliant idea. It's not like the gem is gonna run away or anything." Mobius agreed. "Klein! Bring the prototype of the new nano bots for gene splicing." She ordered.

Klein immediately complied and brought a serum. "Dr. Mobius, here is the nano bots." She gave it carefully.

"Un, now we set this up first." She then loaded it onto the machine she used to inject Ein with the honkai energy.

"What's the gene you've programmed for the bots to take out Mobius?" Ein stood behind her to see the process.

Mobius got annoyed and frowned "These are programmed for cancer. This is the newest prototypes after the previous failures, even if they fail. At least we will have precious data on human trials." She nodded sagely.

"Good job Mobius, now let's start shall we? Time is limited." He tapped her on the shoulder.

Mobius pushed a button and the unconscious test subject were injected by the gene splicing bots. There weren't any reactions, as it takes time to take effect after all.

"Ein, this will take some time. Go talk to Mei and check up on her side of the project." She looked at him and shooed him away.

He scratched the back of his head "Alright, sorry about the delay. I'll go help Mei for a bit then, do you think she should see the experiments Mobius?" Ein's eyes turned serious.

She pondered for a bit "I honestly think yes, this will make her get used to it sooner. And don't underestimate her, she might not react as you think she will. I know those types, she probably won't complain for the results."

He went silent and just stared at empty space "I see, she isn't like you, but she is a textbook scientist. I'll bring her when the honkai energy and herrscher gem trials begin." He then walked away briskly.


I went to Mei's room and checked up on her. "Mei, any progress on your side? Me and Mobius will start experiments on our side soon." He entered her room and saw cluttered papers everywhere.

Mei got startled and stared at him "Oh! Sorry about the mess Ein. And no, progress is slow. I just can't find any material that can withstand that much honkai energy." She smiled wryly.

That's something I've been having trouble thinking of as well he thought. "Hm, how about another hypothesis then. If we can't find it, then make it. Let's saturate different kinds of metals with good characteristics for weapons in honkai energy."

Mei thought for a moment and nodded "That's a great idea sure. But what do we use? And testing it with honkai energy will take an absurd amount of resources."

"Did the higher ups accept our proposal about it? Weapons are like kryptonite on politicians, trust me." He said confidently.

"They did, but honkai energy isn't cheap at all. Refining it from beasts or irradiated areas is dangerous and costly."

He thought quickly of plans in order to make this work, he then had a brilliant idea "Honkai energy won't be a problem. Honkai beasts have plenty of them, leave it to me and we can cut a lot of the costs. I'll propose a budget, it will surely surprise them." We have plenty of corpses that aren't degraded, he grinned widely.

Mei just stared at him, thinking how will he get a supply of honkai beasts "Alright, I trust you on this. It's exciting isn't it? We'll be the first ones to understand honkai energy more. The universe sure has a lot to offer." She smiled.

"Umu, I'll be on my way then. Oh and Mei, Mobius wants you to be at her lab when we experiment on the herrscher cores. It will be an eye opening experience." Surely it's gonna be surprising, I just wish she'll take it in stride.

Her eyes widened "Really!? That's going to be very interesting. If you're right about your theory, then we could use their powers for ourselves." She said excitedly.

He smiled faintly and waved goodbye. He contacted Mobius for honkai beast hotspots. Ein then said goodbye to the soldier squad individually, saying that he'll be gone for a while.

"Oh? You're busy too huh, Mei has been shooing me off for the last couple of days as well." Kevin complained.

Elysia grasped Ein on the clothes as she did the puppy dog eyes "Ein! We haven't went on a date yet! Don't leave, pretty please."

Somebody then whacked her on the head "Shut up Elysia. Ein is working for us too, he'll have time for us in the future. It's not like he is leaving overseas for years on end." Himeko huffed, but looked longingly on him.

Ein sighed "Ellie, Hime, it's quite a delicate position I'm in right now. Make do with this for now, okay?" He then kissed them softly as he gave them a big box of cookies and other pastries. "Don't eat it too quickly okay? Give Kevin some as well."

They then said their goodbyes as he looked at the map Mobius sent him. "Okay, when I received the honkai energy from the templar and chariot, my reserves skyrocketed. Now my telekinesis is on par with my actual speed and strength. It only gave me a durability boost, but that's life." He shrugged.

He ran for an hour and arrived at the very first red zone that was a forest. "Now then." He flew high above the trees and took out a massive amount of throwing spears.

All of it floated behind his back as he closed his eyes and focused on as many honkai beasts as he can. "Become funds and resources. Honkai bastards." He whispered, as hundreds of spears accelerated like a guided cruise missile. Whistling, as it guaranteed certain death to low rank beasts.


"Hah, I've even went as far as Nagazora again." Ein was sitting on some concrete with a bent great sword on his shoulder and a spear on the off hand. "I've been away for a few days at least. Mobius will certainly be happy with this much honkai energy." He looked behind and several building sized honkai beasts with tons of smaller ones were on the ground.

"I sure need to stock up on some spears. Hah, they get ruined with one throw. Well, they're mass produced anyway, I can't wait to have a durable and destructive weapon. These things ain't cheap, even though they break easily."

He stood up and stored all of them in his inventory. As he changed his torn clothes and ran to HQ like the wind.

Ein walked in on the lab like he owns the place "Mobius! I've got a special present for you."

Mobius just deadpanned at him and stared "What is it? And you're late! Buy the lab some bubble tea." She huffed.

Klein's eyes shined while Nuwa cheered "Yes! I don't need to buy it anymore, thank you Ein! You're always late."

Fuxi rolled her eyes "Dr. Ein, where were you anyway? Dr. Mobius just told us you asked for some coordinated and disappeared quickly."

"Hehe, you surely would like to see what I procured right? Mobius, let's go to the warehouse. I need tons of honkai energy to make the material that could potentially house a herrscher core." He then gave Klein some extra big bubble tea and regular ones to Fuxi and Nuwa.

Mobius sighed as they arrived to the warehouse "You did something outrageous again didn't you? Well take it out and the energy department will refine it. They won't ask much if we give tons of honkai beasts for energy." She massaged her temples.

Ein then took out literal tons of honkai beast corpses that shook the ground. "We made a hypothesis that saturating some metals with honkai energy would change it in an atomic level. I just wish it would work, I worked hard killing all of these things for it." He sighed.

Fuxi and Nuwa's eyes went wide as they almost lost their footing and being shocked senseless. "Dr. Ein, did you kill these by yourself!?" Fuxi asked, agitated by the sight.

"Umu, I need a few more warehouses too. They're too many for this storage alone."

"Waw, you're insane Ein! Maybe you're an alien or something!?" Nuwa exclaimed.

Well, now that I think about it. Aren't I kinda like an alien entity in this world? But that's not important. (It will be. Evil chuckle)

Klein just closed her eyes and sipped her milk tea. "Mr. Einheri, this bubble tea is indescribably good. Where did you get this from!?" Her enthusiasm was obvious through her straight face.

"I made it myself, good right? Don't worry that you won't get more Klein, I'll give you some whenever I swing by the lab. You love milk tea after all. Just a little thanks for taking care of Hamsuke while you're so busy." He patted her head.

Klein nodded vigorously "I knew that my hard work would give me good karma." She then nodded sagely.

They returned to the lab after dropping off the honkai beasts for the energy department. "Mobius, tell me the results of the gene splicing." Ein asked seriously.

Mobius sighed and gestured to Klein. "After a few days, they developed auto-immune diseases. Their immune system started to become very aggressive as they not only attacked cancer cells and developing ones." Klein then handed some bubble wrap to her.

"I see, then we should commence the implant of honkai energy to the control and herrscher gem to the experimental subject." He then called over Mei for the start of the experiments.

Mei arrived quickly "So you'll start? I'll observe and document the findings while you guys do the experiment." She offered.

"Ein, you handle the gem. You're honkai resistant after all, and I'll assist you throughout." Mobius said while preparing for surgery.

Ein nodded solemnly "Mobius, start with the control 1st." He just looked at the test subjects with a stern face.

Mobius pushed a button and the machine whirred. It then injected a serum of honkai energy on the test subject slowly. As she screamed in pain, honkai corruption encroaching her entire body.

"Umm, is there a special reason that the test subjects are female? We have a lot more male ones after all." Nuwa asked, clearly uncomfortable.

"They're more likely to be honkai adaptable. We need to see if they can use the energy like Ein could for the control, and to do that. They need to be alive no?" Mobius stated, observing the experiment.

The test subject then calmed down and was drugged out of her mind to make her obedient for commands.

"Do you feel like you can do something different right now? I.e. supernatural powers?" Ein asked through the mic.

She just had her eyes on the ground and didn't move, the monitors indicated that she was still alive, but unresponsive. After a few minutes her hand twitched and she regained lucidity.

"Where am I? Why do I hurt all over?" She looked around and saw that she was restrained.

"Do you feel something in you that is different? Can you do something with it if you do?" She heard a female voice.

"W-what's happening? Argh!" She struggled violently against the pain as her restraints creaked from her newfound strength.

She looked at the glass in front of her and her eyes turned a sickly yellow, as her skin turned a pale gray "Ahhhhh! Let me out!" She screamed.

"This is a failure. The subject will turn to a zombie, her honkai adaptability though is quite impressive. Lasting this long." Mobius observed.

Ein then walked inside the room of the test subject as he stabbed her accurately on the head. Her body slumped as she received sweet release. "Examine her body Mobius, there must be something that we can get out of the body."

Mei was shocked to see the experiment, but her mind quickly calmed down. "So this is the effect of honkai energy to a human body. I've recorded my observations but I'm not sure what's the findings." She analyzed the results.

"The subject has good honkai resistance, she didn't show any abilities except enhanced strength or maybe durability. We were lucky to have a resistant subject. Overall this can probably confirm that honkai energy won't give abilities like Ein did." Mobius concluded.

"Wait, Ein has honkai energy given to him? When?" Mei asked, concerned.

"Don't worry, his honkai resistance is the highest we've ever seen. He even developed telekinesis as a result." Mobius reassured.

"Hah, let's get on with the most important part shall we? The herrscher gem. And Mei, don't tell the others about me receiving honkai energy, they will ask things above their pay grade. I'll show them in the future."

Mei nodded and decided that it's for the best. Honkai energy is some scary stuff after all.

Mobius and Ein then went to the 2nd testing area that have the subject on an operating table. "I'll implant it in the thigh Mobius, let's do this quickly. This is quite risky."

They then did the surgery quickly and went back to the viewing area. "Now, let's see what will happen." Mobius grinned and licked her lips.

The test subject started twitching, honkai corruption apparent. It happened rapidly and then the subjects vitals dropped fast. "Tch, dead almost immediately. We need to do this a lot more than expected." Mobius frowned.

They observed the bodies and found out that it made some antibodies that can fight off the corruption. "This is an important find. But we'd need a lot of bodies to make a cure. Every body has a scant amount of the antibodies." Ein concluded.

Mobius nodded and grinned "At least we did find something useful and interesting. This will be good for our future prospects for investors and projects." Mobius stated happily.

"By the way, did you get the necessary honkai energy for our experiment Ein?" Mei asked.

"It's fine on my end. Now we have to do the next test, Mobius, call me for the next trials. This will probably take a long time. The herrscher core is too hazardous. Mei, let's work on the material we would use first." He then left with Mei.

"Klein, assistant twins, record and compile every result we had today. We'll need to submit this later." Mobius then sat in the front of her computer and typed rapidly.

"Come on you two, we have our orders." Klein gestured the twins to follow suit.


Thanks for reading guys. Ciao
Chapter 34: Results
Chapter 34: Results

Ein and Mei were staring intensely at something behind protective glass. Mei squinting her eyes, hoping for success.

"We've been trying to make a good material for a couple of months now. This is getting very frustrating Ein." Mei frowned, remembering all the time they poured for the project.

He patted her on the shoulder. "I have a good feeling about this. The alloy we made is approximately 100 times better than steel against wear. Its core is made of tungsten composite with graphene as well so it is extremely strong and resistant to high temperatures too."

In their months of research for a good material. They finally made the best all purpose metal they could make, a tungsten core coated by platinum and gold alloy. It was also patented for industrial purposes, making Mobius happy with all the money they got.

"It's extremely hard to make into nano bots though, the patent we had was honestly a god send." Mei sighed, seeing a hard future ahead in making enough for a weapon or invention.

Ein laughed "Don't worry, I got the honkai energy covered and it's only natural that the best discoveries will take time." Unearthing the secrets of the herrscher cores are still in a slump. His face tightened for a brief moment.

While they were conversing, the sample that was being saturated by honkai energy suddenly glowed and the energy levels in the testing room dropped significantly.

They both froze "I-is that it? Did we do it?" Mei asked in disbelief.

"Yeah... I think we just did it. FUCK YEAH! I don't have to procure absurd amounts of honkai energy anymore." Ein cheered, euphoric about getting less work.

They then took a look at it and examined it extensively. "Please work, please work, please work." Ein prayed vehemently.

Mei hit him on the head "Shut up! I can't concentrate if you keep on praying like a cultist." She glared daggers at him.

They scanned it and there was a significant decrease in mass. "The intense amount of honkai energy must have eroded some." Mei concluded and she wrote it down.

"The hardness, tensile and compressive strength of it increases though. This won't be viable for industrial use because it costs an absurd amount but this technically the strongest material on earth right now." He added his observations.

Mei looked at the small amount of material left and smiled widely. "We made something new and it's quite impressive, now we just need to process this and make nano bots out of it." She high fived Ein.

"Yeah, it will have more versatility that way and it can be repurposed for other things, unlike if it's just a hunk of metal." He then decided to call Mobius about the success.

"I'll make the report then and you focus on the herrscher cores. We need to know if they really are the source of their physics bending powers, not just a battery." Mei said while typing out a report.


"Mr. Einheri, Dr. Mobius has been expecting you. Please give your tribute 1st as you've been out of the lab for some time." Klein held out her hands and stared intensely at him.

Ein smiled and patted her head "Thanks for working so hard Klein. Here, it's a special bubble tea that's made with the highest quality leaves and boba." He gave a big container to Klein with two smaller ones for Fuxi and Nuwa.

"Ein! So you've made a breakthrough for your part of the project?" She squinted her eyes at him. "You've been helping Mei a lot... It seems you have your favorites. Hmmm?" She pouted.

Ein patted her head. "Sorry Moby-chan, we just haven't been able to make a breakthrough in the herrscher cores. I decided to focus on the other side first. Don't worry, I'll be in the lab more often now." He apologized sincerely.

"Hmph! Making us do the majority of the work. You evil bastard, overworking us all the time." She glared at him.

He laughed boisterously "You just look cute Mobius, oh and we haven't had our little date too. I'm gonna cash on that soon when we're done with all this." He grinned.

"Dr. Ein, you've been absent for majority of the experiments. Please be more mindful of us in the future. We've worked overtime everyday for a month now." Fuxi complained with a sleepy face.

"That's right! I haven't been able to go out and buy any figurines! I can't watch any episodes of the new animes coming this season as well!" Nuwa huffed and sulked.

"You guys will have a vacation when I take out Mobius, she won't let you guys have a day off after all. I'll make her let you... Isn't that right Mobius?" He squinted his eyes at her.

"Uhh, I guess they've been working a bit too much lately. I will allow it for a few days at least. Be grateful of my generosity." She crossed her arm under her chest and pointed at the assistants.

"Yes, yes, thank you very much oh great Dr. Mobius." Klein rolled her eyes.

"Okay, now that's out of the way. We'll now commence with the experiments, we have a vehicle for the core now. Let's get this over with." He said with steel in his voice.

They then compared the data from all the previous experiments and decided to use a subject that was exposed to honkai energy and didn't succumb to the corruption.

After inserting the gem of the 3rd herrscher they waited silently and observed intensely. "The vitals are going high, but still relatively stable. This might be the big break." Mobius stared at the monitors intensely.

"Let us see, I just hope that we can finish this quickly." Ein said solemnly. Many lives have already been forfeit with these tests. Lady luck, don't fail us now.

After 30 minutes the subject twitched. "The subject's waking up. Let's see if all our hard work bares fruit today." Mobius licked her lips.

A burst of small current then suddenly appeared in the room. "Quick! Shut down any electricity inside the testing room. Set up the conducting rods and loops to detect electromagnetic waves." Ein ordered quickly as the assistants follow.

I can feel it. My body is picking up on the heat. This just might be it. Ein thought, eyes peeled. Analyzing every information with precision like an eagle.

The conductors then detected electromagnetic waves, it wasn't as strong as the 3rd herrscher but the phenomena was damning evidence. Herrscher cores are the source of their power.

"We observe the subject for now. We then take it out later, don't want an eruption here in the heart of the base." Mobius stated while typing vigorously.

The test subject emitted pulses of EM waves, it varied in strength, but it didn't exceed the 1st one. "Put the subject to sleep. We've gathered enough data, Ein will take out the herrscher gem." Mobius ordered.

Ein then entered the room after the subject was unconscious. He quickly took out the herrscher core. "Klein, Nuwa, Fuxi, stabilize their condition and get a sample of blood. They probably have a lot of antibodies for an anti honkai serum."

The assistants stabilized the patient and they all returned to the large table in the lab. "Whew, it seems that we've got the necessary data to proceed. Thank you everyone, it wasn't easy. But now we'll make a contribution that will go down in history books." Ein gave everyone some sweets to calm down.

"Kekeke, finally! We've made great strides on our research. I can imagine all the funds that will be funneling to our lab. Not that it isn't the highest performing department anyway." Mobius snickered.

"Haaah, we can finally relax for a bit. Give me some cash Ein! I need to buy some merch!" Nuwa demanded.

"Sorry Dr. Ein." Fuxi hit Nuwa on the head. "Ow! What the hell was that for!?" She rubbed her head.

Ein took out a wad of cash and caressed Nuwa's face with it. "You want it?" She nodded vigorously, her eyes shining with greed. "Then clean up, we'll have a meeting so make a report too." He grinned smugly.

"Tsk! I should've known you were gonna do something like this." Nuwa glared at him.

"A meeting huh? Damned higher ups. I just can't stand meeting with those plebians. They don't know anything about science, why do they have a lot of say in things we do anyway?" Mobius said in disgust.

"That's just how the world works Moby-chan, don't worry. Mei's probably mass producing our side of the project, now we just need to pitch it on those bastards and we'll basically be untouchable after we finish it." Ein patted her shoulder.


"Hah, we can finally take a break. Eden did say that she can request a week off, maybe we should go for a little retreat again." Ein called Eden.

"Hey Ein! How are you? You've been busy for some time, let's go on a vacation~ I want to go for a swim in Hawaii."

"I'll talk about it with the others first then, though that's a good idea. I think they'll love the idea, we haven't gone to the beach yet after all." Ein agreed.

"Tell me then, good luck with your research. I love you, contact me soon okay? I miss you guys, it's been too long." She whined.

"We just made major breakthroughs and we'll get a pretty sweet vacation. I matched it with yours as well which is 1 week. I'll get back to you soon. Though there's a low pressure area in New Zealand. It practically won't go near Hawaii, just some slightly stronger winds."

"Ohhh, perfect! I'm expecting a lot for this. We'll have so much fun, I can hang out with Ellie and Himeko too!" Her excitement through the roof.

"Bye Eden, take care. I'll iron out the plans then, we're doing fine here. I'll let them know you said hi."

He then told the gang about the supposed vacation. "Ooh, we're having a nice vacation! When will we go? Let's go soon okay!?" Elysia shouted excitedly.

Himeko sighed "I understand your excitement Elysia, but don't be too loud." She scolded.

"Muu, you're too strict Himeko! It's a 1 week vacation you know? I mean, it's good and all to work hard. But you have to stretch your wings." She nodded sagely.

Kevin nodded as well "Mei's agreed to go as well! Isn't that right Mei!?" He grasped her hands tightly and looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

Mei adjusted her glasses "Yes, it's a good opportunity to unwind. We've left production to other departments and Ein did tell me to go or he'll cut me off from the project." She muttered.

"Okay, we nearly have enough material to make something, It'll probably take at least 2 weeks for everything to be in place. After that, we're going to the beach!" Ein raised his hands.

Everybody shouted excitedly. Impatient for a nice vacation.


After a week, enough nano bots were made to house a herrscher core. "What are we going to make 1st? We have the 3rd core. Maybe we should make something more offensive?" Mobius suggested, thinking that electromagnetism can atomize targets.

Mei nodded, "We do have the 3rd core in hand. Why not start with it 1st? Ein, any suggestions on what the weapon will be?" Mei agreed, thinking that it's more efficient to start with what's there already.

"How about a weapon that can morph? It will be more versatile, like a gun for long range? Then other melee weapons like spears and swords, for blunt a hammer or something." Ein's chuuni senses were tingling.

Mei hesitated "I mean, why not just use it as a gun? Humans can't fight herrschers or emperor honkai beasts and above with melee weapons you know?"

Mobius scoffed "This guys has been fighting huge templars and chariots with mass produced melee weapons. Of course he'd want it to be close range. Besides, I don't think anyone can use it for now except him." She pointed at Ein.

Mei pondered for a bit "I honestly forgot, this is going to be a tactical weapon for special individuals isn't it?" She stared at Ein for an uncomfortable amounts of time.

"I don't know what you're talking about... It's not like I want to look anime as fuck wielding a weapon that fires beams or shits out lightning or something." He whistles innocently.

Mobius gave a heavy sigh "Alright, alright. We'll program the nano bots to assume different weapon types. You make the designs Ein, we have no idea on how you'd want it to be anyway."

Ein clapped his hands and rubbed them vigorously "Hehe, let's make 3 for now. I've had ideas for months now. A spear, great sword, and gun form will do for now."

Mobius and Mei left him to his own devices. Sure that he'll make something that looks 'cool'.

He then programmed the nano bots to take on the forms of the weapons he designed with every inch of his chuuni dreams. He was holed up in his room for 3 days before he even went out again.

"Ahh, I can feel it. I will achieve a dream of mine today." He took a look on his blueprint one more time, a simple looking black spear with a long tip and silver engravings. A huge sinister looking sword with a 3 pronged tip And a rail gun with a somewhat spiral and sleek design.

He called Mobius and Mei into a fortified testing area with the materials. "So you called us to finally make your weapon? Go on with it, this will be interesting." Mobius was curious on what will happen.

"I'll be sure to observe this carefully. This is a moment that will be minted in history... Humans using herrscher powers." Mei took out a camera and started to film the event.

Ein then inserted the program for the nano bots. It slowly morphed into the shape of a long spear. It looked like a plain jet black spear. "You look dull right now, but I wonder what will happen when I insert this." He took out the gem of the 3rd herrscher and put it in a notch on the weapon.

Nothing happened at first, then it started to glow brightly, a violet light engulfed the surroundings. The silver highlights emphasized the soft glow. The gem was slowly being assimilated. (Insert pic)

"Hehehe, HAHAHA! Now what would be your capabilities. He grasped it and stared at it with dazed eyes. As he laughed like a mad man.

Mei stepped back a bit. "Uhh, E-ein? You okay there?" She asked nervously.

Mobius gulped "He won't suddenly kill us or something right? I'll be honest, he looks kinda scary right now." She slowly backed away.

He then shook his head and looked their way. "Sorry, I just got a bit carried away you see. I've imagined a good weapon for some time now. I lost myself for a moment. Now, you guys should probably step away, behind a reinforced shield with insulators preferably."

They then walked to an area with insulation everywhere that they prepared earlier. After seeing that they're nice and cozy inside, he then started to feel the energy of the spear.

I can feel something from it, the energy is violent, but it feels like it can be directed through the weapon. "Ohh, you're excited to fuck things up aren't you? I can feel your enthusiasm, ready to explode."

The spear shone brightly as he coaxed the energy inside it and swung the spear horizontally. With a deafening thunderclap, violet energy appeared with the slash and went through the wall of the building like butter, with lightning raining down everywhere.

"Wowwwie! You're as beautiful as I thought you'd look." He stared at the weapon with awe. He then looked at the surroundings, molten metal and glassed sand and earth were everywhere, the immense heat of the lightning melted the surroundings.

"Fuck! Are you trying to kill us you bastard!?" Mobius screamed at the top of her lungs. As she sat, her body sweating bucket loads.

"E-ein, that was very dangerous wasn't it?" Mei stood up with shaky legs and fell down, her knees weak.

"Sorry, sorry, she was a bit excited you see? I didn't let her rain lightning on your position though. She's quite reasonable." He put his hands together and winked at them.

Mobius glared at him with tears on her eyes "You should've warned us! You fucking bastard! I seriously thought I was going to die." She tried to calm down with breathing exercises.

Ein laughed, "Hehe, sorry about that Moby-chan, Mei-chan. Forgive me okay?" He said, clearly not sorry. "Now, for the other two."

He then coaxed it to change forms. The spear started to morph into a huge sword. It's glow a bit different. It shined a brighter, almost pink violet. As the sword looked alive, pulsing honkai energy in intervals like it's breathing. (Insert pic)

"No you don't! You better not swing that thing anymore or we'll definitely report you!" Mobius shouted with urgency.

"Um, please don't do that again. For our sake, I beg you." Mei bowed her head.

Ein puffed his cheeks "Fine, this building won't hold up anyway if I swing it another time. You hear that baby? We'll just check your other form for now, the building will collapse after all." He caressed the evil looking sword like a lover.

"Shut up! Stop talking to the sword! Are you going crazy or something!? It's just a weapon." Mobius huffed.

Ein gasped "Don't listen to her. You're not just a weapon okay? You're special, and you'll be my personal armament from now on, we'll have so much fun killing things." He caressed the sword.

He then changed it to the gun form, and it had a neat little scope made out of honkai energy. Its barrel, glowing as well, brimming with violent energy.

"I'll be no scoping scrubs with this. I can't wait to test you out." He hugged it to his chest, with a loving expression on his face.

"Hey, Ein? Can you put that thing down? You might pull the trigger accidentally or something you know? That clearly feels dangerous, I can feel the hairs on my body standing up looking at that thing." Mei shivered. Imagining a misfire from the gun.

"Alright. I'll put you in a pretty quiet place for a bit. You'll see some action later." He stored it in his inventory.

Mobius sighed in relief "You crazy guy. What the hell were you thinking? Unleashing that thing out of nowhere. I mean, it's clearly impressive, but that was uncalled for." She pinched his side.

Mei nodded, now calmed down after the weapon was stored "It really was awe inspiring. It's like seeing the lightning of the third herrscher again. Honestly, that thing is a weapon of mass destruction in your hands. We can't let others handle it."

Ein frowned for a moment "Yeah, those higher up bastards might put their grubby hands on this. Well, technically. They probably can't, I felt its energy flow into me for a bit. It's very violent, if an ordinary person wielded it they probably would try to control it, instead of letting it flow. It felt like electricity honestly."

Mobius pondered "So it has some kind of personality? Maybe we should let them try it instead. See them get fried like the plebians they are kukuku."Mobius laughed with a smile on her face.

Mei deadpanned at Mobius "It probably picks its wielder. That weapon is too powerful, it needing a proper user makes sense. You need to understand how to use it or it backfires on your face." Mei wrote on a clipboard she brought.

"Anyways, we'll report it to be incredibly dangerous and will only be used in emergencies. With a qualified soldier as its user." She pointed at Ein. "You."

"Okay, we'll do just that. Now let's all have a well deserved rest shall we? We've worked hard for this project. This will be a promotion for me and Mei, and a very good record on Mobius' lab."

Mobius chuckled "Yeah, that's right. I'll have more room for our other projects, nobody will go and ask too because of this massive achievement." She gave a face splitting grin.

They then went back to their own places and rested for the day.


After a few days, the gang is now all ready to go. "Yahoo! We'll go on a trip to Hawaii. Isn't it so exciting? I wonder what's in store there." Elysia exclaimed.

"We have Su right here too. You damned workaholic, you have to relax sometimes." Kevin put his arm on Su's shoulder.

Su sighed "Well, you guys were all agreeing to this trip. I'll feel bad if I was the only one left working you know?" He gave a wry smile.

Himeko slapped him on the back "Don't work too hard Su, it's good to see you again." She smiled.

Mei looked at the time "Come on guys, let's go! We'll be late, we have to meet up with Eden too."

They then all then took off, all smiles. Excited for the vacation.


Omake: Operation Horns Touching.

"Nee~ Ein, aren't you curious on what Mei-chan's horns feel like?" She tilted her head and asked innocently.

"Hah, we're close friends but she just refuses to let me touch it. Isn't she mean? I even offered to let her touch my ears in return." She puffed her cheeks as she sulked.

Ein laughed and caressed her ears "I think she's just a shy girl Elysia. I don't see anything wrong with someone touching your horns. Nobody's ever asked me to, but you, Eden, and Mobius."

She perked up "Right!? I mean, your horns are thick and spiky. You don't even take it out most of the time!" She pouted. "It's just too different with Mei. Yours is like a crown and hers looks super cute~"

Ein pondered for a bit "It does look cute on her. She looks like a little oni with them, it's probably smooth too, like well polished ivory. Yosh, I have an idea Elysia, let's try to touch her horns when she comes back, kukuku." He grinned and laughed like a villain.

Elysia's eyes widened "Really? You'll make a plan for me to touch them?" She tackled him and hugged his waist tight. "You're just the best! But how will you let her touch them though?" She asked curiously.

"This is how it'll go." He whispered the plan and then Elysia hid in plain sight.

Mei returned from the Elysian realm with thoughts about Ein swirling inside her head. I didn't get any useful information from him the last time, maybe if he's alone. I'll talk to him then. She walked to the lounge, trying her luck on finding Ein.

He was sitting on the couch with a glass of wine on his hands, swirling it around while listening to some music. "Odin-san, hello." Mei greeted succinctly.

He looked up and looked at her in the eye. Making her nervous instantly. "Oya? It seems you have been trying to look for me? Raiden Mei~" He spoke in a playful voice.

She gulped a mouthful of saliva as she nodded "Umm, I've been wanting to ask you some things you see. And you've been accompanied by someone every time I saw you."

"Then come and sit here beside me. Ask all the questions you want, I don't bite." He gestured to sit right next to him.

She sat and went silent for a bit. "I'm really curious about this. Just how strong are you Odin-san? You feel... Dangerous if I put it simply. And you're just a sim too, I don't wanna even imagine the real you."

"Hmm, relative to what exactly? Let's start with a comparison so you'll understand it better." He sipped some wine and seemed to reminisce.

"How about Kevin? He's unanimously 1st in the rankings of power and strength after all. Everyone seems to agree too." She remembered the other flame chasers talking about Kevin's strength.

He sighed "Kevin huh? He was always an energetic one that guy. Too bad he's been changed by war and expectations. Well, that's irrelevant to what you want. How about we spice things up? If all the flame-chasers fought and ganged up on me, I could pop their heads like a watermelon before you could blink, without even touching them. Oh, with my most basic ability too!" He said it like he forgot something simple.

Mei's back was drenched in sweat and her hands were trembling. "Even when they're in their other forms? Kevin told me that the world would end if he unleashed it though?" She asked, dumbfounded.

"Oh, that form huh? Well, they do get a pretty big power boost from it so Kevin will probably end the world in a few days. But I'm different you see. And we're not close enough to tell you why." He put a finger on her nose and he chuckled.

She blushed. He's treating me like a kid! "Ahem! Do you have any tips in how I could use my powers?"

He pondered for a bit. "Asking for favors now huh? You're quite greedy aren't cha? If you want something, you'll have to return the favor. That's basic etiquette Raiden Mei."

Mei scratched her head in nervousness "Um, what would you like in return though? I don't think I can do anything that you want."

He grasped her chin and turned her head to him as he looked her in the eyes. "Well it's something simple really, you can provide it easily I reckon~"

Mei froze. W-what could he possibly want from me? I honestly don't know what it is... And I feel that I can't refuse. "P-please tell me what is it?" Her voice cracked.

"Close your eyes and I'll be done in a jiffy." He said with a husky voice.

She nodded and closed her eyes tight, waiting for something to happen. Does he... Want that!? Her mind running a mile a minute.

She then felt hands touching her horns. "Hmm, my conjectures were correct. They are like polished Ivory, very nice to the touch and smooth."

Mei didn't move, confused out of her mind. "Um, what are you doing? Odin-san?" Her voice a bit shaky.

"What do you mean? Just touching your horns of course. Elysia! Now!" A wild Elysia then appeared and caressed her horns.

"Ooh! They are nice and smooth, you should let us touch it more often, Mei-chan~" Elysia spoke in a satisfied voice.

Mei then panicked and stood up abruptly. "W-what's happening right now, really?" Her brain still resetting from the serious conversation earlier to touching her horns.

Ein snickered "Want to touch my horns too? I heard that everyone who saw it wanted to touch it you know? They were just a bit shy."

No, they probably were scared and just imagined how it felt. "No, thank you." She said immediately.

On his head, two thick horns appeared. Jutting upwards with multiple spikes on it. "Ooh, you're in luck Mei-chan! He doesn't show those often. It looks majestic doesn't it? We call it the skypiercer." Elysia excitedly ranted.

Mei observed his convoluted horns, calling it skypiercer is pretty fitting. Considering that it looks intimidating. "No thank you Elysia. And please tell me how to use my powers Odin-san, you already had your fun." She pouted.

Ein laughed "I guess so huh? Elysia just wanted to touch it very much you see? Now, for your powers. Aren't you just too dumb? Like earlier, if you can use it properly then you would've noticed Elysia. With you controlling electromagnetism, you should have perfect 3d spatial awareness. And at the pinnacle of your power, you can just look at someone and strip the electrons from their chemical bonds, turning them into goop." He shrugged.

Mei was confused "You mean I have to read up on my power?" She then face palmed really hard. "Why didn't I think of that!?" She then ran away, blushing like a tomato.


Thanks for reading guys. The 1st divine key is the key of sanction. I wanted him to use it because it's very versatile. Perfect for a person that can use multiple weapons.
Chapter 35: Typhoon
Chapter 35: Typhoon

We've met up with Eden at the airport so we could go to Hawaii. "Ein! I'm right here!" Eden waved and shouted to the group.

Everybody went to Eden and got in a group hug. "Eden, I've missed you! We've been terribly busy for a few months so we couldn't have a getaway with you." Elysia hugged her tight.

Eden pinched her cheeks "And you seduced Ein with your time too, you little gremlin." She then looked at Himeko.

Himeko scratched her cheeks and smiled wryly "Well, it just happened you know? It was out of our control." She shrugged.

Su then had a confused look on his face "Uh, what's happening right now?" He looked at Elysia.

Elysia puffed her chest out "Hehe~ Me and Himeko are Ein's lovers too Su!" She jumped and made a peace sign.

Su froze. "Aren't you going out with Eden. Ein?" He squinted his eyes at him.

Ein shrugged and slapped him on the back. "It is what it is. Eden knows, and she trusts Elysia and Himeko to keep me off of others at work." He grinned.

Kevin patted Su's shoulders. " 'Tis the fate of those who are above and beyond us mortals Su. Don't question it or you'll be thrown in a loop of unending riddles." He nodded sagely.

Mei rolled her eyes "Shut up Kevin, let's go. We need to board our plane. Su, just accept it too, nobody's being oppressed or something anyway." She then walked to the direction of their gate.

Everybody followed and boarded their planes.


After a few hours of flight, they received a notification from their captain that they will arrive in 15 minutes.

Eden, Himeko, Elysia, and Ein are at a private cabin and the others are right next door. "Nee~ Ein, what do you guys want to do when we arrive? We have tons of options! How about visiting the mountains after the beach!?" Elysia asked, giddy with excitement.

Eden swirled a glass of wine "Ohh! We could see good sceneries at the mountains too. Well, we've got plenty of time. We can see them all." She smiled and leaned on Ein.

Himeko pondered "Aren't they famous for active volcanoes too that we can visit? I think they'll be a spectacle to see."

Elysia and Eden gave her a look "Himeko... I think just seeing them from afar is enough?" Eden gave a strained smile.

"That's right! Volcanoes aren't beautiful up close Himeko. We can just look at it from somewhere, not go near it." Elysia made an x with her arms.

As they were about to argue more turbulence hit the plane, and an announcement was heard. "Dear passengers, this is your captain speaking. We're near the landing strip, but we're experiencing some sudden turbulence. Please wait patiently as we will circle around and try to land."

Elysia started to get nervous "We won't crash right? This is normal right?" She said with a shaky voice.

Himeko shrugged "Turbulence won't make our plane crash Elysia. We just wait and we'll land after a few minutes at most."

Eden nodded "This is just a small hiccup Ellie. Don't worry about it." Eden patted her on the back.

The plane was getting hit by turbulence frequently as they waited patiently on their seats. "This sure is something, the plane's jerking a lot. How long will this take?" Ein wondered about the extensive turbulence.

Eden was holding Elysia's hand "It is strange, there are no storms or anything reported that is near. Maybe it's just really strong wind or something."

They waited for a few more minutes, the plane jerking often. An announcement was heard again "This is your captain speaking, we're experiencing some strong gusts of winds, we might need to wait for at least 30 minutes. Thank you for your patience."

"Hah, this is such a drag. I'll buy my own private jet next time Eden, you get one too so we'll have two and we can travel faster." Ein, annoyed by the long wait.

The plane then steadied and didn't jerk anymore. "Please sit down and make sure your seatbelts are on. We will now land." As the voice ended the plane lost control and was in a crash course against the sea.

Elysia screamed bloody murder as they went spiraling down. "Stay in your seats! Don't move!" He then took of his seat belt as he got tossed around the cabin.

He floated out and went to the hatch, ripped it open and closed it shut after he went out. Fuck I need to be quick!. He observed quickly and one wing of the plane was torn in half.

He quickly followed the plane and went under it, he tried to stabilize it with his telekinesis and make it land on the water easier.

Shit! The plane is too heavy! He strained with all his might, even his eyes showed honkai corruption. The plane wasn't slowing down, though it lifted a bit so the nose won't hit the water.

It was slowly getting more lift but the momentum would kill a lot of people inside. Strong winds were battering him as he got an idea.

He redirected it on the front of the plane to make it have more lift. "The wing is still there even though it's in half. Please make it!" He moved at the front and looked inside the cockpit, the pilots are still trying to control the plane.

He then took out a piece of rubber from the previous insulation for Mobius and Mei, he shaped it in a circle and gestured for the pilots to prepare for landing.

The pilots fortunately understood after a few seconds, seeing that they'll make it to the landing strip. The landing gear in the undercarriage were now set as Ein held on for a few minutes more with everything he's got.

His eyes turned bloodshot, the blood vessels popping, blood flowing out of his ears and nose as his body strained from the massive amounts of honkai energy he's using.

His vision turning blurry, warning him of unconsciousness. "Just... A few more seconds!" He grit his teeth and the plane landed on the tarmac as he went limp and fell to the ground.

The plane landed violently and slipped a bit, but ultimately stopped safely with a few people having some concussions and scratches.

Eden massaged her temples, dizzy from the aftermath. "Elysia, Himeko, are you guys alright?" She looked at her surroundings.

"Ugh, that was a bit too much for a bumpy ride. I probably won't ride a plane for a looong time." Himeko said with fatigue in her voice.

Elysia was frozen, just looking at the front with her eyes wide open. "I-is it over? We're safe right?" Her voice trembling.

Their door then opened, revealing Kevin, Su, and Mei. "You guys alright!?" Kevin shouted and ran to them.

Mei looked around and then she froze. "Where's Ein?" Her mind racing. We were going to crash, no doubt. The other wing was in half and the winds battering the plane were too violent, he didn't!?

Everybody looked around and didn't find him anywhere. "He must be somewhere! Come on, let's go and find him." They immediately went outside.

Winds were strong outside like a typhoon. "Everyone go back! You might get hit by something outside!" Himeko pulled them immediately.

Elysia then had tears on her eyes "He might be out there! We have to find him!" She struggled intensely.

Eden nodded at Himeko and then Himeko knocked out Elysia. "He won't be happy if Elysia gets injured out there. Good work, Himeko." Eden sighed.

Outside a few hundred meters away.

"Hah, hah. I need to get them... Inside somewhere. The plane's already banged up. If it opens up, they can get injured."

His dense body, fortunately wasn't swept up by the strong winds. He then limped as best as he could.

After 30 minutes inside the plane, everyone was starting to get antsy and twitchy. "When will we get out and look for him." Eden said while twiddling her thumbs.

Mei raised her hand "He'll be fine. He's strained himself I'm sure, it was thanks to him we survived after all." She said cryptically.

Himeko raised a brow "What do you mean he helped us survive?"

"I'm quite sure he helped the plane land. He's probably incapacitated, we'll try and find him if these winds calm down a bit." Mei explained while biting her nails in frustration.

They all went silent, processing the information of his superhuman feat. The door to the cabin then opened as they saw him, tattered. Looking like he went through the wringer as his clothes were all ripped and he's almost naked.

Eden choked as she saw his appearance. Pink circuit like lines were glowing intensely all around his body. She looked at his eyes and it was also the same.

Everybody gasped as they observed him carefully. Eden, Himeko, and Elysia instantly went near him and seated him on the couch.

With tears on her eyes and a trembling voice Elysia asked "Where... were you? Why do you look like that guy back then!?"

Su frowned and took a second look at him "That's honkai corruption. What the hell happened to you?"

Himeko's face tightened. "You used honkai energy didn't you?" She held his hand, her tears flowing freely "Thank you. We wouldn't have survived without you."

Mei took a quick picture for future reference "He's suffering from intense honkai corruption, we've never seen someone with that much corruption and not dying or mutating."

Eden frowned "Is he gonna be okay? He won't turn into a zombie or something right?" She asked with urgency.

Su checked his vitals "His vitals aren't abnormal, just a higher heart rate. I hope he'll be fine. We can only wait."

"Shut up... I'm trying to rest a bit." Ein said with a hoarse voice. "After I recover for a bit, everyone's coming with me to a safer place."

Elysia then shouted "You shut up! You'll be resting here and you won't be moving until you get better!"

They then just observed him for at least 30 more minutes. Cars then arrived to evacuate everybody. "Please board quickly and we'll leave to a shelter. This typhoon is getting worse so let's get a move on." They ushered the passengers.

"He's experiencing honkai corruption, we must get him to safety immediately!" Su exclaimed to the rescuers. They then loaded him in an ambulance and went off without them.

Inside the car, they were silent. "Is it okay if we don't go with him?" Eden asked softly.

"We better not, we might get exposed to too much honkai energy and we can get corrupted as well. He'll be fine, I believe in him." Mei explained quickly.

She then took out an ID with an insignia. "Please drive us to the nearest MOTH base, I'm Dr. Mei. We'd like to go there instead." The driver then quickly complied, this girl is a researcher in MOTH after all, who knows what will happen if he refuses.

Elysia then asked Mei "Why didn't we get him to the base with us?"

"He'll be exposed to MOTH, he doesn't want them to know yet that he has honkai energy, but it's probably fine in the near future. We just finished some major research and we'll be indispensable."

They then arrived at the local base. "Dr. Mei, it's a surprise that you're here! We've heard of you from HQ."

"Can I make a call? I need to contact Dr. Mobius about something." She asked quickly.

"Certainly." The staff then ushered the group to different rooms.

"Dr. Mobius, there's a situation we have to clear up. Ein used too much honkai energy to stabilize our plane. And why is there a sudden strong typhoon here anyway? Do you know why?"

"I'll have the data of the nearest hospitals there erased then. And about the weather, it suddenly appeared while the eye of the storm is New Zealand." Mobius decided quickly then explained.

"Then we can assume that this might be?" Mei went silent.

Mobius frowned "Yes, the 4th honkai eruption."


Thanks for reading guys, the 4th herrscher descends in Oceania. I'll be having a lot more time skips, there's a lot of downtime between herrscher appearances after all. ciao
Chapter 36: Divine Lightning
Chapter 36: Divine Lightning

After a few hours Ein woke up on a hospital bed with an IV drip on his hand. "Ugh, fucking hell. I hope that I'll never do that again." He grumbled, massaging his temples.

He sat up and took out a mirror, his face still have signs of honkai but it mostly left now and his eyes were back to normal. "Where are they? Probably in a shelter or a bunker." He looked at his surroundings. He was underground.

A person then entered the room. "Dr. Einheri." She took out the MOTH insignia. "Professor Mobius have told me to give you this." She handed out a map and a recorder, then left quickly.

He took a look at the map and it pointed to a nearby base. Mei and the others must be right there. He turned the recorder on "Ein, we have bad news. Your vacation's canceled, the 4th herrscher appeared in New Zealand and an eruption is currently wreaking havoc in Oceania." He heard Mobius' voice with a hint of fatigue.

"I need to regroup with them gang first. Then we'll make a plan there." He took out his drip, stood up and left the premises.

While walking he stretched and flexed his muscles for a bit. "Fortunately my little stunt didn't strain my body that much." Feeling at 100% already.

He then ran quickly to the base. It's a bad idea to fly right now, the wind is raging like crazy. Probably because of the herrscher, now that I think of it... Our little break's now in the drain because of that fucker. His eyes burned with rage, thinking about what would've happened earlier if he couldn't save the plane.

Arriving quickly he took out his ID and was given a pass and ushered to Mei. "Yo, what's the situation Mei-chan. I'm glad you guys are alright." He patted her head.

Mei glared at him, but then her eyes softened and sighed. "What should we do with you? You almost died saving us, though if you didn't we would be swimming with the fishes right now."

He smiled and shrugged. "Mobius gave me a short summary, now tell me what's happening right now." His voice steely.

Mei noticing his seriousness quickly explained "The 4th herrscher is theorized to be in New Zealand, the eye of the storm is there." She pointed on a hologram map. "We haven't seen the herrscher and we can't detect them with our satellites. The typhoon they're causing is slowly expanding and it's only getting stronger."

Ein closed his eyes and thought for a bit. "So the only thing we know for now is that they can cause storms? This will be a handful for sure, we can't even pinpoint their location."

Mei nodded and frowned. "It came so suddenly too, the cities there are being devastated by the strong winds and honkai beasts. Let's contact Dr. Mobius to let her know you're here." She made a video call.

Mobius saw Ein relatively fine and she just stared at him "You... I see that you're still alive. It's fine then, now with the herrscher. We can't do anything against it for now because it honestly was unexpected. The last one just appeared recently after all, any thoughts on how to counter the eruption?" She massaged her temples.

Ein took out his spear and ran his hand on it. "You'll be having your debut now. We'll be killing your former brethren or sister... I have a bone to pick with them you see?" It glowed a bright violet as arcs were released from it.

"Mobius, we'll make a plan here. Evacuate as many people as you can, I'll be dealing with the herrscher. Not that you guys can locate it anyway, and our battle will probably cause tons of collateral damage."

Mei looked at him and raised a hand, about to stop him. Then she looked down on the ground and gritted her teeth. "What do you have planned then?"

"It hasn't made any pinpoint attacks right? I assume that it can only focus on the storm it's making for now. I'll implement a search and destroy tactic for now, prepare every base that can help and the government to evacuate everyone near the eye of the storm." He stored his weapon and walked away.


After a day everyone that could be evacuated near New Zealand have been taken out of the immediate area. A lot of people and soldiers died and the time for the battle has come.

"Everyone, I'll be back. Don't pray for me, that's bad luck and you'll raise a flag." He smiled at his friends.

His lovers grabbed him "Is this really necessary? Are you the only one that could really deal with the root of the problem?" Eden asked, concerned about his safety.

"You just recovered and you're going to do something even worse... I think you just really want to worry us to death." Elysia looked at him with slight anger.

"Godspeed Ein. I'm rooting for you, this is a monumental battle. Come back in one piece okay?" Himeko pumped her fist.

"I'll be on my way then." He kissed them on the forehead and waved goodbye as he flew quickly to the suspected location of the herrscher.

"Damn, this wind is annoying as hell." He was battered by strong air currents trying to cut him down as he neared the estimated location.

Irritated by this he took out his weapon and focused on the energy within. Letting the violence of it flow out as he slashed upwards and made a huge energy blade, dispersing the clouds and wind. Lightning raining down on the surroundings.

He waited for a bit and a woman with glowing green eyes flew near him, wind following her closely. "Hmm, a worm appeared it seems. You cannot stop me, mongrel. I've been chosen by god! I will destroy everything in this wretched world." Her voice slightly distorted.

Ein squinted his eyes at her. All his muscles tensed, his body producing steam from all the energy the cells in him were releasing. Now ready to unleash his full potential. "You've got a lot of nerve... Trying to kill my friends and lovers. I'll show you just how this mongrel would make you kiss the ground. After this, you'll be bowing your head to me!"

He pointed his spear at her "Your god will not save you from me." Arcs of electricity spewing out of the weapon.

She scoffed "You? Defeat me? Stop your delusions human. You will all fall before my might." Wind started congregating behind her in pressurized balls, like little bombs ready to explode.

His spear glowed a deep violet as he threw it with all his might. A thunderclap resounded in the surroundings. Lighting up the whole city with flashes of violet.

The herrscher blocked it with compressed wind, her body enveloped by an armor of air currents. "Kekeke, see? Even the weapon you created with the remains of my sister cannot pierce my armor!"

"Tch, fucking hax." He willed his weapon to his hand and gripped tightly. He tensed his legs and jumped with tremendous speed, breaking the sound barrier as he attempted a swipe at her.

A blinding flash of lightning and the crack of thunder echoed. Their clash decimated the whole city block. His spear attempting to cut her down while the wind on her arms was like a bulwark.

The wind on her hand then suddenly exploded, releasing the compressed air with an explosion. He flew like a bullet, sending him through the rubble, landing on the cold, hard ground. Leaving a sizable crater.

He stared at the sky, a bit dazed. He quickly collected himself and flew away, as the ground he was just on exploded again. With a shockwave that made the surroundings crumble to dust.

"Oh? You're still alive? Pretty good for a struggling insect. But you're just wasting your time human, cease your useless acts and accept your fate." She was floating high up, with a malicious grin on her face. Looking down on him literally and figuratively.

He spit some blood on the side "You're pretty arrogant herrscher." Electricity arced from his spear in every direction, burning even his clothes. He threw it again but immediately maneuvered to her rear.

The flash of lightning robbed her vision for a split second and the thunder impeded her hearing. As he quickly creeped from behind and kicked her with a round house on her face.

She tore through multiple buildings and landed with a boom from hundreds of meters away. He morphed his weapon to a gun and quickly charged up a shot. The barrel shaked violently from the intense amount of energy. It flashed as a beam sliced the air and it hit her position with a magnificent explosion.

It generated so much heat it melted the surroundings and the ground was glassed. The shockwave even affecting him significantly as he dived for cover.

He looked at the aftermath and the surroundings crackled with electricity. He turned it into a spear again and focused the energy on the tip.

The herrscher emerged with a half molten face and a missing arm and leg. "You damned insect! You dare!? You will pay for this transgression!" She flew high up in the air and whistled.

Not wasting the chance he threw a barrage of mass produced spears with telekinesis as he quickly flew to her blind spot and stabbed. A huge pillar of lightning spewed out of the tip as the herrscher was sent flying. He changed to gun form again to try and finish her off.

As it charged, he noticed a large honkai beast with holes in its body was running towards their location. He sensed vibrations, but before he could dodge, it hit his body.

"Argh!" He vomited blood as the attack specifically targeted his insides and some of his organs ruptured. He went down and breathed heavily, trying to catch a breath.

A maniacal laugh resounded "Did you like it? It was very nice right? You fucking insect! Now I'll really try and kill you, I have my god's servant with me too!" Her body healed at a tremendous rate. As her missing limbs quickly sprouted out of her stumps, regenerating rapidly.

"Tch! An emperor class right at this moment too. I don't even know what it's other abilities are!" He gritted his teeth. The gears in his head turning for a plan. Unfortunately though, the herrscher has no patience and unleashed an onslaught of pressurized air and wind blades at his location.

Focusing his senses to the max. He dodged desperately from the AOE attacks while keeping an eye on the honkai beast. He felt vibrations as he tried to make the herrscher into a meat shield.

Obviously, it didn't work "What is this? You seriously tried to block using ME!?" Her rage through the roof. She charged up massive amounts of wind, a visible storm behind her.

He then threw his spear on the honkai beast to distract it. With the herrscher distracted, in a burst of speed he grabbed he hammer fisted her to the ground, landing with terrifying force as the concrete exploded from the impact.

He flew towards her immediately, then grabbing her by the hair and smashed her face on the ground with a resounding boom. He dragged the herrscher through the hard ground. Lifted her up and front kicked her away, skipping like a pebble on the lake as she crashed on a building.

The emperor class then worked overtime, sending vibrations at him non stop that made everything hit crumble to dust. Levitating his weapon back he ran like a bullet.

He then maneuvered through the attacks and appeared under it. With the great sword form, he quickly slashed from underneath as the thickest lightning yet fell from the heavens. with a roar that could be heard from thousands of miles away.

The honkai beast was fried as he quickly tried to store it to check if it was dead. Fortunately it is, but the herrscher finished charging up. "Die! You insect!" The wind raged for at least a hundred kilometers as it sliced everything to pieces in its wake.

His pupils dilated from the display, his mind running a mile a second. Trying to form a plan to escape the attack. As it inched ever closer and the herrscher laughed like a maniac.

His spear glowed brightly and pulsed, he felt its immense violence as it vibrated and violet lightning fell like a storm at a radius not losing to the herrscher's attack.

He then closed his eyes as he focused on it, the energy within flowed into him as his body screamed from the immense electricity entering it. His every muscle twitched, as he assumed a throwing stance. Lightly jogging, then breaking into a sprint.

"Return to Oblivion! Divine Sanction!" He threw the spear, tracing a violet line. As the whole city was enveloped in a lightning storm. Deafening thunder ripped the air and shockwaves exploded everywhere. It was like hell on earth, fires blazed and electricity crackled.

The herrscher blocked with all her might, resisting desperately. It was for naught as it hit her on the abdomen as she was skewered by the spear and she fell down on the earth.

Ein dropped immediately as his body started to shut down from the feat. He panted heavily, sweat flowing down from his every pore. He saw the herrscher, missing her lower half as she lay on the ground, twitching.

He willed his spear to him and crawled towards her. "Kekeke, where's your god now?" His voice husky and hoarse. His body smoking and crackling with arcs of electricity, but the expression on his face, a wide shit eating grin.

The herrscher coughed up blood, her eyes dazed as she looked on the now blue sky. "What a pathetic end..." She started to choke. "Defeated by a human. Forgive me my goddess."

He then knife handed her chest and ripped out a glowing blue green gem. "Rest in peace, whoever you are." He stored the core and lied on his back, his eyes turned heavy as he started to lose consciousness.

"Ahh, your last moments weren't too bad. Staring at this wonderful blue sky. Why would you cover it in terrible storms?" He then passed out.


Thanks for reading guys. I don't think I'm really good at fight scenes, I've practiced martial arts before and I really think quick and decisive blows are what real fights entail. So I don't prolong it te he. Anyways, I tried making it sound cool, thanks again. Ciao
Chapter 37: The Dust Settles
Chapter 37: The Dust Settles

In the Moth base, everyone was watching the fight with bated breath. Using a viewing satellite, they saw the titanic battle of a herrscher.

Mobius squinted her eyes and observed the fight with bubble wrap in hand, popping furiously. "Don't you dare lose..."

They didn't see anything at first as they were moving too quickly. "They're slowing down the footage now Dr. Mobius." Klein received a message and conveyed it to her.

Fuxi looked on with her eyes and mouth wide open. "I didn't know that Dr. Ein could fight against a herrscher. Can he really do it?" She asked nervously.

Mobius spoke without losing focus. "This is the reason we made that outrageous weapon. If someone can do it, then it's him." Her voice, resolute.

He then slashed horizontally and they all were nervously waiting for the aftermath. The herrscher was scratch free, and he flew like a bullet and hit the ground like a small meteor.

Nuwa excitedly spoke "He isn't done yet! It's time for the counter attack!" As she finished speaking, the battle continued and they were speechless.

The others in Oceania were frozen as they see his prowess for the 1st time. "Is that really Ein? He's fighting a herrscher right? How can he trade blows with that monster..." Kevin slapped his face, trying to see if it's a dream.

The battle finished as they all looked down. "We can even hear the battle here, gales of wind and lightning fighting for supremacy." Himeko observed.

Mei stood up "We need to take him to safety right now! He's not in good shape." She then informed the branch of the successful subjugation and they sent out a massive amount of vehicles, weapons, and soldiers to go on the battlefield.

Without the support of a herrscher and an emperor class, they tore through the fodder honkai beasts and located him quickly. They carefully loaded him and immediately went back to the base.


After a few hours, Ein opened his eyes and he saw his lovers on the side of the bed. Looking at him with concerned eyes. The rest of his friends sitting on a couch nearby.

"Hah, that fight was a damned fiesta. And now that I have a record, I'll be doing this again in the future." He grumbled.

Everyone turned their heads and crowded him immediately. "You idiot. You're such a bad guy you know!? Taking on that herrscher when just before, you were injured like crazy." Elysia hit him on the chest weakly as she sobbed.

Eden sighed and caressed his hair. "Welcome back Ein. I'm glad you're just fine." She smiled widely.

Himeko patted him all over frantically. "You don't have any injuries do you!?" She squeezed his hand.

Kevin sighed "Seriously, you've been hiding your strength that much huh? You're basically a monster, trading blows with a herrscher."

Su checked up on his condition and gave a wry smile. "Your muscles are still twitching, but everything seems to be in place. You'll make a full recovery at this rate in a few days, are you even human?"

Ein sat up and hugged Elysia, Himeko, and Eden. "What a grand reception, all my friends greeting me when I wake up. Thanks for worrying guys." He smiled widely. "I'm starving though, give me some space."

They brought out a table that can fit on his bed and he took out massive amounts of burgers and pizzas. "Ahhh, nothing beats some these after a hard day at work." He gorged himself as much as humanly possible, eating the mountain of food quickly while replenishing occasionally.

Everyone laughed and just ate with him, enjoying his food. The triumphant return as well.

They then left to sleep and he was left alone with his thoughts. Deciding to check up on Mobius he called. "Moby-chan, I'll bring back a pretty present back home." He showed her the 4th's gem, glowing with honkai energy.

Mobius just deadpanned at him. "That's nice and all. But the data you showed in the fight was enough. The herrscher gem doesn't matter."

"Ohh! Stop being a tsundere Mobius... Just tell me you're glad, and I'm back safely." He smiled at her.

She glared at him and frowned. "Un, I... I'm glad you're safe and sound." She said softly, blushing like an apple.

Nuwa then bombed the call. "Ooh, Dr. Mobius being all sappy and tsun! What a treat to my tired soul! Oh and Ein, that battle was so anime. I rate it, 11/10." She gave a thumbs up.

Mobius gave her a noogie. "You're going to work overtime for a week! Who're you calling a tsun!?"

Fuxi rolled her eyes "That's what you get Nuwa, stop your impulses for once."

Klein stared at them and grinned while holding a camera. "Mr. Einheri, I've recorded it all in HD. I'm expecting a reward when you return." Mobius then chased her around the lab.

He laughed at their antics "I'll make you guys a feast when I get back. Thanks for the laugh." He ended the call and smiled. "We'll still have a vacation later though."


Early in the morning, he was standing atop a building on the ruins of his battle. Holding his spear that has now a dull glow. "So you have a finite amount of honkai energy, my little baby."

He tried to supply it with his own, but he was out of gas quickly and it didn't even make a dent on its reserves. "Hah, no matter. I'll purge this country of honkai beasts first." He looked around and the city was still teeming with honkai beasts.

He jumped down and killed everything on sight. A seraph on his off hand, biting it while it's still alive. "You guys are more energetic alive. I'll savor you well." His honkai energy slowly increasing.

After a few hours, he received a call from Eden while he was munching on a jellyfish like honkai beast. "Ooh, this thing's tentacles are like szechuan cuisine, a bit spicy and stings." (pic)

Eden then shouted at him "Where the hell are you!? And is that a honkai beast you're eating? You're insane." She massaged the bridge of her nose.

"What? They might not be delicious, but they give me a little buff everytime I eat them. It's more sustainable too, they're everywhere. Yosh, they'll be my main diet for now." He put some sweet and sour sauce on it and ate it deliciously.

Eden sighed "So? Why did you just left a note, saying you'll exercise for a bit?" She squinted her eyes.

Ein looked at her seriously. "This part of Oceania is teeming with honkai beasts Eden. I like to be efficient you see? Killing these things protect the population, while I slowly get stronger. There's a good reason why I'm eating these bland things."

Eden nodded thinking he does everything with a clear purpose. "When will you get back though? You should be resting right now you know?" Concerned about his workaholic tendencies.

Ein sighed "I don't know, I just finished cleaning up this city, I haven't seen any survivors, yet. And I hope there aren't some, I'll thin them down as much as I can in a week. MOTH has to work too anyway, don't worry Eden. I'm not a charity case, humans don't need a pillar to believe on. They'll stagnate and rot. Making them reliant on magical solutions falling to their laps."

Eden went silent. Not expecting him to be so cynical. "I understand, stay safe then. We'll be waiting for you right here."

Ein smiled wryly "And we're supposed to be on vacation right now. When I get back we'll go to another place, I'm not going to return to work without it. You can count on that, I'm already worked to the bone after all. I'll have fun with you girls for sure."

Eden sighed "You do everything in your pace too much. But MOTH can't do anything anyway." She shakes her head and shrugs. "Let's go have fun when you return then, Elysia has been waiting for this in a long time."

"I love you, tell the other 2 as well. I'm motivated right now... I'll get back in exactly 1 week." He ended the call and stood up, his muscles bulged as he exhales hot steam. His body, a biological reactor as he jumped lightly on place. Preparing for a crusade.

"Next city... Is over there." He turned his head to the next place for cleaning. "Well, better wrap it up then. Hah, the things I do for a semblance of peace and quiet." He flew like a jet, ready to unleash mayhem.

After flying for a bit, he saw a group of storm templars and chariots. "I'll let you charge up for now." He put his spear on his back, using its strong magnetic properties to stick to his uniform.

He landed in the middle of them, and hordes of smaller ones crowded the area as well. "You fuckers have been making a mess here." The surroundings were in ruins, it looked like an apocalyptic situation. "Well you guys don't have guts... But I'll surely, RIP & TEAR YOU APART!!!" He roared as he jumped to the nearest titanic templar.

He front kicked it on the shield, on an angle that would take out the others. A shockwave emitted from the impact, making the seraphs that were charging spiral out of control all over the place.

The battle just started and it was already chaotic. He dodged a thrust from a smaller templar and then ripped its lance from its torso. Stabbing it with it and waving it around like a flail, he threw it to a chariot that jumped high in the air. Trying to flatten him to paste.

It struck it's face and it's leap went shorter than expected as it crashed down the ground, creating tremors. Another one stood in place and looked like it was inhaling. It then released oscillating waves of air that shattered everything window in the surroundings.

"You can do that too? At least it's not as fast and strong as the emperor class." As he dodged while shoulder tackling another templar. He dashed and kicked it from it's presumed chin, as the head detached and flew in the air.

It went limp and catapults started to throw a barrage of fire, ice, and lightning bombs at him. He stood his ground and deflected it back at the horde as they exploded in brilliant flames, froze like an ice block, and was electrocuted by the bombs.

An onslaught of seraphs then charged at him in droves. He focused and struck them down with a flurry of kicks that were lick whips, fists that hit like a dump truck that made them explode. Knees and elbows with absolute precision, not getting hit even once as the honkai beasts threw themselves at him like flies.

He focused his energy and shouted. "Shinra Tensei!" A force emanated with him on the center. The barrage of honkai beasts flew everywhere like a frag grenade.

Several storm templars then came flying down at him with their lance spiralling with honkai energy. He jumped up high into the air and the impact of the attack turned the ground into dust. The earth trembling from the attack as a cloud of dust raised a curtain.

A resounding clap was heard as he focused his energy. "Chibaku Tensei!" The bits of rubble and dead honkai beasts congregated into a 50 meter half circle meteor. Raising up high in the air, he supported it with his strength to save up on energy.

(honkai beasts are pretty light, being silicon based. So I could do this, Hehe~)

"This might not be it, but eat this! Tengai Shinsei!" He dropped it down, with immense speed, enough to ignite as it impacted the ground like a meteor.

The ground shattered, as the storm templars were torn apart from the impact. Buildings toppled from the massive shockwave.

There were only a few left as he sweated a bit. But with a wide smile on his face. "Hahaha, that feels good." He looked at the big crater with honkai beast corpses scattered. "It's not as strong as I would've liked. Tch, I'll have you guys as fuel for my power."

He cleaned up the stragglers and stored everything that was still usable. He took out some small corpses and ripped pieces and ate it like a cookie.

"There's still a lot of time... I'll surely enjoy this a lot." He flew all over the city, searching for prey like a predator.



(New skill: Hyperphagia- Support type skill that helps digest a variety of objects, even non-organic for nutrients with the help of honkai energy.)

Strength: Class 25 (10-25 metric tons)

-The weight of Big Ben, trucks, and small motor boats.

(Fun fact: Big Ben is the bell and it's in the Elizabeth tower.)

Speed: Transonic (1200-1400 km/h)

-Capable of moving at speeds faster than the eye can track reliably, includes move, reaction, and combat speed.

Intelligence: Genius

-Has immense knowledge at different branches of science. Capable of executing complex strategies under pressure and calculating future actions to a certain extent.

Durability: Superhuman

-Capable of taking hits that will destroy buildings with slight injuries

Stamina: Superhuman

-Capable of persevering through days of intense movement and combat. Doesn't need to sleep for multiple weeks at a time without consequences.


Honkai energy resistance

-Tolerance type skill that can resist the effects of Honkai energy i.e. corruption, mutation, etc.

Honkai energy manipulation

-Control type skill that can manipulate the innate honkai energy to perform supernatural feats (Currently Telekinesis)

natural elements resistance

-tolerance type skill that resist stimuli i.e. heat, cold, toxins, chemical irritants, electricity, diseases, etc.

resist physical damage

-tolerance type skill that resist physical types of damage to the body. i.e. blunt force, slashing, piercing damage, etc.

neural signal acceleration

-enhancing type skill that lets neural pathways be more efficient and faster due to increase in synaptic activity, neurotransmitter production, dendritic spines for more neuron connections, and increase myelin in axons for faster electrical signals. Gives more calculating power to the brain and increase to reflexes.

Eidetic memory

-Mental type skill that can perfectly store any information in the brain with perfect recall

Metabolic Control

-Physical type skill that can control the metabolic processes of the body i.e. hunger, hormones, heart rate, healing, anabolism and catabolism, etc.

(Basic explanation on catabolism: muscles, sugars, and fat turn to energy. anabolism: protein, sugars, minerals turn to tissue, fat, bones.)

Enhanced body

-enhancing type skill that increases the body's durability, flexibility, senses, elasticity etc. Gives: harder and denser muscles, bones. flexible joints, elastic tendons, etc.


Thanks for reading! My chuuni went out a little too much so I apologize. Not! Anyways, thanks for the support. Ciao.
Chapter 38: 0th Key
Chapter 38: 0th Key

After searching and destroying honkai beasts all over Oceania. Ein returned to the local base to finally have a rest with the others.

"Nyahallo, I'm finally back guys." He said with a wide grin. In a good mood because of the vacation they'll be going to.

Everybody looked at him with one thought in mind. He works too much. "So? Are you finally done cleaning up? We've been having multiple reports of you going ham on honkai beast hot spots." Mei said in a flat tone. She received a lot of sightings of honkai beasts fighting.

He scratched the back of his head. "Well, don't want the risk of them going to our little rest now do we?" He said in a serious tone. It already happened with the 3rd. No more loose ends.

Elysia jumped on him like a cat. "So we can still have our vacation!?" Her excitement through the roof. They have planned some surprises for a long time after all.

Eden and Himeko gave a knowing look and smiled. "I think it's only natural. He took care of the herrscher and thinned out the herd of honkai beasts." I'll be damned if he can't get some rest for a week after that at least. Their minds in sync.

After some discussions, they agreed on Okinawa. It was relatively unaffected, and it has beaches anyway.

They then prepared their luggage for hopefully the last time. With Mei and Ein's achievements and prestige they can now travelling in a jumbo jet. He even requested for multiple VTOL's for private use in the future.

Fortunately, there were no hiccups anymore in their way to Okinawa. Elysia stretched, savoring the tropical sun. "Hah, we're finally in full vacation mode~" She smiled widely and was jittery.

"This place is nice." Himeko looked around, smelling the nearby beach.

Kevin hugged Mei "Mei! This is our first vacation ever! We'll be having tons of fun here." Excited by their first ever vacation.

Mei frowned "Get off of me Kevin. We're in public!" She tried to pry her off, without success unfortunately.

Su just chuckled "Ahhh, the smell of youth." Sounding like a reminiscing old man.

They then went to their hotels and checked in. Ein checked the rooms and was surprised. "You guys... You're planning something nefarious, aren't you?" Their rooms segregated with Mei and Kevin having their own, and Su is all alone.

Elysia whistled innocently. "It's not like I want to sleep besides you~" Hoping that he won't change it.

Himeko blushed like a ripe tomato. "Umm, oops?" Not even trying to make an excuse.

Eden went up to him and whispered. "That's not a problem is it my love?" She winked and had a dreamy expression on her face. Totally opposite to her elegant and calm nature.

"Oya? It's settled then. No problemo." He gave a thumbs up with a silly smile on his face. Deciding to see what they have cooked up for him. "How about Kevin and Mei though? Do we tell them?" He has a sinister grin, promising chaos.

The trio gave a synced no. As they went to the room and unpacked their luggage. He went near Kevin and slapped him on the back. "What was that for!? You could've killed me you know?" Kevin huffed.

Ein then took out a little box package. Put his arm on his neck and looked around like he was giving drugs. "You know the drill. You better not blow this chance you were given by RNGesus." He squinted her eyes and gave him the box.

Kevin got confused and looked at it. He immediately got serious and had a grave expression on his face. "Your will shall be done." He whispered back.

Ein gave a satisfied nod. "Good, godspeed Kevin. You'll need it." He said cryptically.

They decided to meet up later and have lunch outside. Then go to the beach after having a meal.

The girls were putting on swimsuits, and Elysia suddenly asked "Hey, Mei-chan. Did you do it with Kevin already~" She tilted her head, asking innocently.

Mei almost choked on her saliva as she coughed and blushed an atomic red. "Wh-what do you mean by that question?" She tried to dodge.

"You've been together for quite some time. So I'm curious how far you guys have went. Me and Himeko's relationship with Ein is still pretty new." She gave a sly smile. Ahh, Teasing her is too fun~

Mei squinted her eyes at Elysia. What is this girl planning? I need to give a counter. "Well, how about you though? I'm quite curious myself."

"Ara~ we've been pretty busy you know? I'm just asking a more experienced senpai." She sighed and shrugged. Hehe your little diversion is so cute, too bad you can't get out of this~

Eden and Himeko deadpanned at Elysia and ultimately sighed. "Give it up Mei, Elysia is relentless. She won't let up on you if you keep dodging the question." Seriously this girl, teasing the scholar girl like that. She sighed again in her mind.

Mei fidgeted "Umm, we've kissed on a few occasions..." You can almost see steam on her head.

"That's it?" Elysia expected it, but not to this extent. "And what the hell are you wearing!? We're going to a battlefield! You better change that." She said with contempt and took out a blue bikini. "You too Himeko! I knew this was coming, so I got this for you too." For Himeko, a black 2 piece.

Mei and Himeko blushed, seeing the swimsuits. "Ellie, I approve." Eden gave a thumbs up. These girls are with their boyfriends and they're wearing long sleeve rush guards!? Unacceptable.

Elysia then snatched Mei's initial swimsuit, not giving her a chance. While Eden whispered sweetly to Himeko. "What do you think Ein will say if he sees you in that dull rush guard Himeko? Can't you see his face? He'll look at us and will be disappointed for sure~" She manipulated her, but it's for her own good.


Ein and the boys set up their beach chairs and parasols. Kevin was all jittery. "Do you think Mei will be in a swimsuit!?" He shaked Su vigorously.

"I don't know Kevin, how many times do I have to tell you this." He sighed. Kevin is too in love with her.

Ein with some shades on, sitting while sipping a coconut then said. "Believe in RNGesus Kevin. He can taste your desire, so better shut up and wait. Oh, and better thank Elysia. She's the type to do something about that. I can feel it." Leaving Su and Kevin confused.

The girls went out of the dressing room, Elysia in a white bikini with frills. Himeko, in a black 2 piece with a dress shirt tied on her stomach. Eden had a white one piece with gold accents. Mei though, had a cloak on.

"Heya guys! Do you like our swimsuits?" Elysia did a pose. Himeko just put her arm on her chest and the other in front, blushing like a tomato. "Ein... Do I look good?" I must push on, Eden is right.

Eden has both of her hands on her hips and smiled. "Well? What do you think~" She gave a wink to Ein.

"Hmm, this will be going to my shortcut files in my head." He said sagely while nodding with satisfaction.

Su and Kevin saw Eden in a swimsuit in the flesh and Groveled to Ein. "Thank you very much Ein-sama!" His position in their hearts solidified.

Mei glared daggers at Kevin and went to the waters. "Oh, you just blew it." Ein whistled. "You better go and come praise her Kevin, she's a girl too you know?" He shrugged.

Elysia went with her to play, Kevin then ran after them. When he was about to reach them, Elysia took off her cloak. He was stunned, seeing her in a swimsuit fried his brain.

A/N (Pics in comments btw. No Eden though, sadge :\ )

Mei glared at him with a blush. "Do you have anything to say?" Her voice venomous. I even had to wear this for you, and you praise Eden right in front of me.

Elysia left them behind and Kevin just hugged her tight. "Ohh~ I guess they're getting steamy. I'll play with the others then." Elysia immediately left the scene.

They then played around and took a picture with all of them together. With all smiles, they returned to their hotel.

Ein then received a call from Mobius. The girls saw their chance and quickly went to their room. "Ein, I just made a breakthrough in genetics. When will you come back? It isn't perfect yet, but it's now safe to use it on 1 gene at a time. You're the only one I can use it on for now." She licked her lips. You're my best test subject, I'll lure you in with this.

Ein pondered for a moment. "I'll be back soon Mobius, send me the data for now. Thank you for your work too, I'm sure you'll like my souvenirs when I get back." The herrschers are coming in quickly. I can't play safe anymore, I'll brute force through it when something's usable.

Mobius nodded happily. "Then don't take too much time. We need all the help we can here you know? Hamsuke hasn't seen you for some time too."

"Take good care of him for me then. We'll be having a lot of fun when I return." They ended the call. Damn, I need to be more efficient, Prometheus will help tremendously. I better help make it quickly.

He now went to their room but noticed that the lights were off. He can sense the 3 girls but they're hiding. "Okay girls, what do you have in store for me?" He sat on the bed and waited.

(Skip to the next line if you don't like r-18)


He heard a soft chuckle. "Fufufu~ we've prepared some service for your hard work. Master~" Elysia came out wearing an erotic maid outfit, exposing the top of her big pillowy breasts. And wearing thigh high stockings. (Pic here)

Himeko then shyly appeared with a red japanese themed outfit with fishnets on the center of her huge boobs. Her hakama has a slit that exposed her thicc fair thighs. Making my neurons activate. (Pic here)

Eden went for a dress with multiple open spots, exposing her cleavage and side boobs. The side of her abdomen is seen too. An elegant, but erotic dress indeed. (pic here, it's her original uniform, but we got to do with what we can have. :\ )

My mind was in overdrive, as my pupils dilated. Burning everything to my brain without missing a single detail. "Oooh! You girls sure have prepared something special for me." His voice husky.

Elysia winked and sit on his lap "Master~ What do you think this maid of yours can do for you?" She said with mirth in her voice. Upping the level of seduction with roleplay.

"Isn't that your job? Think of how to please your master." His hand grabbed her soft and plump bottom.

Eden walked gracefully and seductively, swinging her wife hips with an erotic smile on her face. She sat beside him and caressed his chest lightly. "Oya? You're not forgetting your lady are you? How about I show you why I shouldn't be forgotten?" She purred.

Himeko slowly sat beside him with a red face. "My lord, You've been working very hard. Please punish me for not helping you." She started to unbutton his shirt.

Being assaulted by a three pronged attack, he was in bliss. He then threw Elysia onto the bed and aligned the three of them. "Hmm, who should I pick first?" He ripped his shirt open.

They stared at his shredded body and started get hot and bothered, breathing heavily. "Me master! I've been a naughty maid. It's your duty to punish me." Elysia said with a husky voice.

Eden went besides him and slowly took off his pants, exposing his member to the girls. Elysia and Himeko gasped. "Master~ Punish me with that rod of yours." Elysia panted with need.

He put down the front of her outfit, exposing her white breasts. Her nipples rock hard already. He pinched one and groped her other boob. "Hmm, maybe I'll tease you first? You naughty maid, you want this don't you?" He pulled on her nipple, eliciting a groan.

"Ahn~ Yes master! This horny maid wants you to play with her body as you wish!" Her eyes glazed.

He then lifted her skirt up revealing a wet spot on her white panties. "Look at you, so wet already." He caressed her wet slit and nibbled on her right nipple.

Being stimulated in 3 different areas, she started to reach her climax quickly, greatly aroused from the start. "Yes! Please don't stop master! Your maid will cum for you!" Her body spasmed, releasing her hot juices and went limp, panting.

"Now, shouldn't you be doing something?" He lied down and gave a look to the three of them. Elysia and Eden licked their lips and started kissing the shaft. Himeko then slowly massaged his balls and kissed him passionately.

Eden sucked and licked his shaft while Elysia focused on his glans. Double teaming him, Elysia purred while sucking his dick, giving him great pleasure. "Guh, that's it Elysia, Eden, Himeko." He groaned from their team work.

His hands weren't idle, groping Himeko's big tits and fingering her wet pussy. "My lord... That's the spot, please give me more~" As Eden and Elysia played with themselves, looking proud of Himeko.

He couldn't resist for long and came right into Elysia's throat, releasing ropes of cum in her mouth. "Ahhh, thank you for the treat master~" She swirled it around her mouth.

Eden then grasped her face and put her tongue inside of Elysia's mouth. Elysia went wide eyed as Eden tasted every his cum in her mouth.

"Pwah, you have to share Elysia, you don't mind do you?" Her seductiveness through the roof.

Ein then took of Himeko's panties and lifted her up to his face with telekinesis. Himeko was startled a bit, but froze when she felt his tongue entering her pussy.

"Hahhh~ My lord, I'm close! Please continue licking this lowly one's pussy!" Her toes curled up as she twitched. Cumming all over his face as he lapped it all up.

Elysia straddled his pole and aimed it at her wet folds. "I'll be serving you now master~ Please enjoy it." She slowly inserted his dick. Ahhh, his dick is spreading me wide. As she suddenly slammed her ass down, filling her vagina to the brim after noticing that her hymen was gone due to training.

"Ooh~ You're filling me up master! I can feel you poke my womb." As her soft folds massage his cock like it was alive.

He groaned from Elysia's movement. Her vagina is very soft, and it twitches frequently. Stimulating his dick with her soft walls.

Eden massaged her left breast and licked Elysia's right nipple, while rolling her clit with her right hand. "Hmm, you naughty maid. I haven't punished you yet as well." Elysia spasmed as her sensitive spots were attacked by Eden.

Elysia's pussy tightened like a vice as she came, tensing up and panting. "Ahhh no more~ How can I please my master like this, mistress."

Ein then raised his hand and moved Elysia up and down as he thrusted in a rhythm. "Ahhh! I'm still sensitive!" She was fucked silly as he thrusted without stopping.

Himeko played with her clit and nipple while Ein stimulated her sensitive spots. "I'm gonna cum again! Ahn~~~" She went limp, as she laid beside Ein.

Eden positioned herself and straddled his face. Taking off her dress now completely naked. "It's my turn~" She grinded her wet pussy lips on his mouth, as he complied and licked vigorously, invading her folds. Stimulating her sweet spots.

"No fair. Hah~" Eden moaned from his enthusiastic attack. Himeko sat up, played with Eden's clit and sucked her nipple.

"Nooo~ You're giving me too much pleasure!" Eden clamped on Ein's tongue as she came a few moments later. Elysia cumming non stop, then grasped Eden's face and put her tongue inside her mouth. Drunk off of pleasure.

After a minute, Himeko went behind Elysia as she played with her nipples. Making her moan out loud. "Himeko! That's illegal~" She came for the nth time and squirted. With her tight and soft folds Ein reached his orgasm as well as he filled her womb with semen.

Elysia short circuited. Ahhh, his hot cum is filling me up. I'll get pregnant! As she went limp and collapsed on his chest. Panting and sweating like she just ran a marathon.

"I'm almost there! Don't stop!" Eden shouted. His tongue is like a snake. How can he make it move like that!? She tensed up as she came hard all over his face.

He gently laid down Eden and Elysia besides them as he looked at Himeko. "Hmm. Your lord will take you now." Himeko grinned as she kissed him, pressing her big breasts on his chest.

Their tongues entwined for a minute as they separated. He positioned her in all fours above Eden, their breasts being squished together. Elysia, gaining her wits, positioned herself in front of Himeko's face as she held onto her head, guiding her to her pussy oozing with his cum.

Himeko licked it all up happily, as Elysia moaned. "Himeko~ lick up all of master's cum. Ahn~"

Ein positioned his cock on her wet folds as he entered slowly. Her pussy was very tight, like it wants to eject the foreign body. "Hime, you're so tight. Ugh" He thrusted with more force as he invaded her insides. Not worried about her long gone maidenhood.

"Haah~ My lord, your cock is fully inside me. Please ravage me! This maiden is now yours!" His dick is poking my womb, it's a very different feel from masturbating.

He started to thrust in a rhythm. Observing her body for reactions, once he felt her tighten everytime he hit it. He went full force on that spot.

"Ahhh! That's a sensitive area! I won't last at this rate!" Her pussy clamped on his dick like it wanted to strangle it.

She panted as her knees buckled. He then pointed his cock on Eden's entrance as he thrusted all at once.

Eden gasped as her vagina was filled instantly. It quickly turned to pants and moans as he rhythmically thrusted.

"Yes! It's been too long. Fuck me senseless Ein!" She screamed as he pinched her clit while fingering Himeko.

Elysia moaned as Himeko got a hang of eating her out. "Ahhh~ Just a little bit more Himeko! I'll cum soon." She panted as Himeko's tongue caressed her sensitive clit.

"I'm gonna cum Eden! Take it all!" Ein shouted as he thrusted balls deep inside her. Filling her up to the brim.

"Yessss~ Give it to me!" Eden came as his hot cum entered her. He then quickly entered Himeko and came inside her too.

"Ooh~~~ Thank you very much my lord." He then slapped her ass as she tightened and came as well.

The three of them smiled while panting heavily. Drunk from the pleasure, "Hah, prepare yourselves girls. He's not nearly done yet." Eden said with determination. We're so going to be sore tomorrow. At least I have comrades now.

Elysia giggled and smiled seductively. "We'll drain you dry master~ We're soldiers remember?" He might have a lot of stamina, but he surely can't shoot it out forever right?

Himeko just grinned. "I might get addicted to this." She licked her lips.

Ein grinned. "You must be thinking that you have allies now Eden? You see, I received a pretty weak, but special ability." His hands crackled a bit with electricity. As her eyes widened like saucers.

"Th-that... You can't use it that way right?" She gulped. This monster! Just fucking us silly isn't enough? He even wants to use his abilities on us?

"Kekeke, the night is still young. We'll be having a lot of fun tonight. This won't hurt one bit, oh but you might pass out from sensory overload." He slowly crawled to them.

As screams and moans echoed from the room until early in the morning. A night of debauchery ensued.


Ein woke up with 3 soft heat sources on him, as his lucidity slowly returned. "What time is it?" He looked and it's already past 12. Huh? Already noon huh. Doesn't matter, I feel great!

The girls slowly opened their eyes as they rubbed their eyes. "Hnnn, Ein. You beast... My legs are still weak and I'm still twitching down there." Elysia pouted from the side.

Eden groaned. "You beast. You're insatiable, we stopped at what? 5 in the morning." She softly hit his chest.

Himeko frowned. "I still feel all tingly. Can we even walk later?" Her knees weak, and her crotch sore and tingly.

Ein just laughed and pat their heads one by one. "It's fine. And they're probably already waiting for us at the lobby for lunch. Let's clean up and go."

They groaned as they slowly went to the bathroom and took a bath. We came to the lobby and saw the other three.

They didn't ask anything and went to the dining area. "So. Did you and Kevin had any actions last night?" Elysia wiggled her brows with a knowing smile, seeing Mei walk a bit weirdly.

She glared cutely while blushing. "How about you three then? You guys can't even walk straight." Mei then blushed like a tomato.

Elysia puffed her chest. "Hehe~ We lost terribly. But it's still a win win." She gave a thumbs up.

They then just decided to go on relaxing tours and rest for today. Elysia still went at it, making the other 2 follow. They don't want to lose after all. And fortunately, he didn't use his electricity in the next sessions.


With smiles on their faces, they now set foot back to Shenzou. "Eden, Su. Take care, it was fun while it lasted." Ein kissed Eden and patted Su on the back.

Su smiled "Yeah, hopefully, we'll be able to get a vacation again someday." I'm gonna miss them.

"It was fun. We'll definitely do it again, work is hard after all." She sighs. I probably won't be able to see them for some months again.

They then said their goodbyes and were now back in HQ

Ein went to the lab with Mei, Mobius is getting impatient by now after all. "Nyahallo~ I'm back!" He gave a wide smile.

He gave Fuxi some tea leaves that help with relaxing. Nuwa's gift were figurines and gunpla like models. Klein received some a portable massager, and of course bubble tea.

"You've been away for some time." Mobius squinted her eyes and crossed her arms. "We've been busy here and you went to a nice vacation."

"Don't act like you can relax in a normal vacation Mobius, you'll probably be all jittery without being here in the lab. Anyways, I brought the gem of the 4th and I have more surprises for you." He imagined her in a vacation. Yup, she'll return to the lab immediately.

"True." Klein made a side comment, while Nuwa and Fuxi nodded.

Mobius snorted. "So? What is it that you brought for me anyway?" She asked curiously. It better not be just the core, it doesn't interest me anymore.

He put a thick bundle of paper on the table. "This, we're going to get serious now." He said seriously. "The herrschers are starting to appear more frequently. And we're losing a lot of men and resources." Who knows when the next will appear.

Mobius took a look on the cover. Project Odin was on it. "What's this exactly?" She started to flip the pages and read it quickly. Her eyes glued to the papers.

Mei took a quick look as well and turned to him for further information.

"This... You're going to turn yourself into a superweapon." She was speechless. So you've made plans for a long time huh? You really are too interesting. She grinned.

Mei read on with interest as the very basics were genes. "But don't you think that this won't be enough? Herrschers are terrifying after all." Remembering their physics defying powers.

He nodded "And the first part is changing my genetics for now. I need regeneration as top priority, removing cancer factors tied right into it. Then we'll modify it along the way." Regeneration will make me last longer in fights. Make me recover quickly even though it isn't at the realm of what herrschers can do.

"So you want to be unkillable?" She raised a brow. If this is successful, he'll be the perfect organism. Can he become the ultimate being? Thinking about it makes me excited. She licked her lips.

"Not exactly, but you're right too. I want to be unstoppable. Nigh invulnerable to anything, and we'll start on that right now." And with Prometheus, we can get extra help on calculations. While predicting the emergence of herrschers.

Mobius nodded "As you wish." Her eyes glimmered with excitement and insanity. "What will be the 1st in our little experiment then?" She smiled widely.

He thought about it shortly "I want a big boost right now. The 4th herrscher would've beaten me if I didn't have my weapon. Honkai energy is very important as it is versatile. I want the nano bots to be transplanted all over my bones, muscles, organs, etc."

Mei went wide eyed. "You want to put soulium all over your body? Won't that overload you with honkai energy?" It can manipulate the energy, but it also absorbs it greedily. She thought on what will he do about that.

"Soulium? Is that what you want to call the material?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Ahh, it's because it can contain herrscher cores. Like a soul powering it up. Is it bad? You did say that the cores are like the source of herrscher powers ergo a soul." She smiled wryly.

He patted her head. "No, that's pretty good! We'll call it that then. With the weapons though." He thought for a moment. "How about divine keys? They're used to defy physical laws after all. Like divine constructs."

Everybody nodded "So? What's yours called then?" Mobius asked. "We'll use the number of the cores. The 3rd divine key. The key of sanction. Let's go with that." Remembering his last attack on the 4th, the lightning rained down like divine punishment.

"Are you ready then? We don't have any data on it being implanted on any living organisms." This will either make him the best conductor of honkai energy or erode his body with corruption, she thought.

Mei agreed. "Yes, this can bring outstanding results. Don't worry about him Mobius, he fought a herrscher. He'll make through it, don't you know this guy already? He's probably already unkillable." She smiled.

He patted their heads and grinned. "That's right. I'll be alright, things will get messy. And I'll need everything I can use to get us through."

They quickly prepared the soulium and discussed on how they'll implant it in the course of a few days.

Now he lied on an operating table with various mechanical hands above him. "Okay, we'll try to put it in your blood stream first. Then as for your bones. We'll have to drill them in, soften up your body alright?" Mobius repeated the process one last time.

He gave an ok sign and the procedure began. Soulium was injected inside his blood stream as the nano bots were guided by Mei and Mobius to different parts of his body. Latching on to every cell it can.

The ambient honkai energy in the room immediately dropped down to almost nil as it entered his body. Nothing really happened as they observed for changes.

"It seems my honkai resistance is high enough! Keep it going!" He shouted through the glass.

Mobius and Mei nodded as they pumped him up full of the stuff. Every muscle fiber, every nerve, every organ. They all were latched on by the soulium.

He started to sweat as he integrated the nano bots onto his every cell. Focusing his mind intensely on the process. He started to get dizzy from all the commands he has to do inside his body. It came with terrible pain as well, similar to his first honkai energy injection.

After 30 minutes, the process was done. Mobius and Mei were astonished, they used a lot of material and his bones weren't even started yet.

"1st phase complete! How are you feeling Ein!?" Mei quickly asked. Seeing his pale complexion and sweaty body.

"Can you continue? The next one isn't gonna be pretty." Mobius said with a concerned tone. He's already in bad shape with the 1st one, the pain and shock of the last phase might do him in.

He sighed heavily and controlled his breathing. He could already feel it, his physique was getting stronger. Honkai energy coated every part of his body already like a dense shell. "Let's continue. This will be impossible when the integration is complete. I can already feel my body improving."

Mobius hesitantly continued. She then steeled herself as they proceeded with the last phase of the procedure.

The mechanical arms went on several points of his body as they started to drill onto him just like wolverine. We'll just replace the inorganic parts of the bone matrix, I won't replace my skeleton with metal. I'll get through this. He chanted in his mind as he went completely still.

The soulium then started to replace the inorganic parts slowly. 15 minutes passed and it still isn't quarter the way done. "This will take at least an hour and a half. Tell us if you're feel like going unconscious." Mobius stated and gave a look to Mei. Ready to stop the procedure.

It wasn't as bad as the first phase, but it was painfully slow. And it's taking a toll on his body, even wolverine with his regeneration succumbed to the procedure after all.

He grit his teeth, he allowed endorphins and catecholamines to be produced in droves, to keep his body active and heart pumping to the max.

Klein exclaimed "His vitals are rising rapidly! What's next Professors?" She asked succinctly.

"Don't! Don't do anything! I just pumped up my hormones." He shut up and gritted his teeth immediately. His jaw starting to harden.

Mobius and Mei sweated as they quietly observed. Based on their scans, it's almost finished as they waited patiently.

It finished and they immediately shouted. "Ein!? Ein!? Can you hear us? His vitals are dropping!" The mechanical hands immediately started cpr. But his chest doesn't even move from the force of the hands, his sternum like a steel plate.

His heart rate dropped to 40 as they looked with bated breath. It stayed right there as they all sighed in relief. Mobius slumped to the floor as she wiped her sweat.

Mei went inside the testing room and checked up on him personally. He slapped his face to elicit a reaction. "Hey! Ein!? You okay?" I knew this was too risky. Tsk.

His finger twitched, and he quickly opened his eyes and sat up. Breathing heavily. "Haah... That was very unpleasant." He frowned.

Mei sat on the floor as she sighed in relief. "What happened? Did it succeed?"

He focused on his body and clenched his hands. "Yup, all good. I passed out because I'm integrating the soulium to my very cells. Not just latch onto it. As you can imagine, it was exhausting." He gave a tired smile.

He jumped down and the stone floor cracked "Ohh? Am I very heavy or something?" He tried to feel his body composition.

Mobius entered and rolled her eyes. "Of course you are heavy. We pumped a lot of metal material into you. You're probably 200 kilograms or something because you're packed with the stuff." She shrugged then pinched his sides.

He just laughed and patted their heads. "Thanks for doing this for me guys." He then hugged them both.

"Do-don't misunderstand, this is the epitomy of science and biology! I'm just satisfying my curiosity." Mobius huffed and fidgeted.

Mei smiled and patted his back. "Now get some rest you dunce. This took a lot out of you right?" This guy, going above and beyond. That was too close.

He took out a honkai beast and started on munching on it. "What a crazy bastard. Eating honkai beasts like it's some hard candy or something." Mobius grumbled.

They then laughed at his absurdity.


Thanks for reading guys, Ciao.
Chapter 39: 14 Harbingers*
Chapter 39: 14 Harbingers

After the procedure, I slept like a log for the first time in years. Being in my room, I also wasn't on guard.

As the sun shone through my windows, I slowly started to wake up. With my enhanced senses, I noticed 2 people on the foot of my bed.

(Skip to the next line if you don't like r-18)


I lifted my sheet and saw Himeko and Elysia in lingerie. "So? What are you 2 planning?" He asked with a raised brow.

They looked at each other for a bit. "You see, we would like to wake you up pleasantly." Himeko fidgeted.

Elysia rolled her eyes. "Just tell him we want to have morning sex with him Himeko. Now~ let's see what you have under here." Elysia rubbed her hands, she then took off his boxers and released his hard pole.

It slapped her on the face as she gasped. "Hmmm~ your cock is so hard already! Thank you for the meal." She started to suck the tip like a delicious lollipop, making slurping noises that echoed throughout the room.

Due to the previous experiment, Ein's body is still sensitive to stimulation. As he groaned from Elysia's service. "Damn, you're starting to get the hang of this Ellie."

Himeko didn't idle any longer, as she started to lick his shaft and started to go lower. Sucking and licking his balls, making him peak almost instantly with the stimulation.

"Go on and get breakfast Elysia." He grasped her head as he thrusted into her mouth. Cumming in her throat as she gulped it down like a champ.

"Pwah, that was a nice load~ I'll be having some right here too then." She took of her panties as she spread her legs and beckoned him over with a lewd smile.

With her pussy already wet, he thrusted in one fell swoop immediately. Her toes curled as her body curled upwards, cumming instantly. "Ahhh! This... I've been thinking about it a lot last night~" Her walls twitched.

Himeko straddled Elysia's face as she rubbed her vagina on her. She then played with her clit and one of her nipples. Moaning because of Elysia's vibrating mouth. "Ein, make a mess out of her. When she tries to moan, her mouth vibrates and it feels good~"

He picked up the pace as he sucked on Himeko's nipple. "Oh my god! I'll cream on Elysia's face~ Ahhh!" The both of them tensed up as they came. With Elysia tightening up intensely, Ein also shot his load inside her as he groaned in satisfaction.

Himeko crouched and licked him clean. Savoring the juices of Elysia mixed with his semen. "Hmm~ I can't get enough of this." She then positioned herself on top of Elysia and swayed her jiggly ass like a hypnotic device.

"How about me?" She erotically whispered. Complying with her request, he inserted in her wet folds slowly. Ahhh, he's filling me up and spreading me so wide, she bit her lip, not wanting to make too much noise.

It didn't last though as he slapped her thick and firm ass and inserted a finger in her ass. "Ahn! That's not fair." She pouted.

He gave a smirk as he pulled out and inserted with more force. Remembering her masochistic tendencies. She screamed as he slapped her other ass cheek. "You like that don't you? Why not scream louder and let Mei and the others hear?"

Her pussy tightened up, thinking about Mei and Kevin that were close to his room. Elysia then smirked as she attacked her nipples and clit with fervor.

"Nooo! I'll go crazy~ and everyone will know that I'm a lewd woman!" She protested, but her body and face were in ecstasy, as she came non stop.

Ein pulled out and lubricated her asshole with her juices. He slowly but firmly inserted his cock inside and fingered both Elysia and Himeko.

She gasped and froze as she felt him violate her ass. Before she could gain her wits, he started to piston and she could feel both of her holes being stimulated. Reaching the peak immediately. "Ahhhh! I'm going to cum! And my ass is getting filled to the brim!" She squirted and spasmed, as she fell on top of Elysia. Squishing their big tits together.

The 2 of them panted as they saw Ein relaxing on the head of the bed with his hands behind his head.

"Do you guys want to continue? I have a lot of things to do you know?" The 2 girls then shared a look as they grinned.

They sandwiches his cock on their soft pillowy breasts as they started sucking the tip. "You'll be busy, that's why you have to give a lot of attention to us first~" They then started to go up and down in sync. Making him cum again, from the visual and physical stimulation.

They licked his cum from each other's tits, making Ein reconsider his decisions instantly.

He sighed "I guess I should pamper you girls first." He flipped them over and positioned Elysia on all fours right on top of Himeko. He grinned as he slapped Elysia's ass. "You won't be getting away from me for a few hours."

Mei and Kevin pounded on their walls and screamed. "Shut up! We could hear everything you know!?" It went silent for a moment, they sighed in relief as they blushed. Then Elysia and Himeko screamed with pleasure even louder, they deadpanned and just went on with their duties.


It's now afternoon as I left Elysia and Himeko sleeping soundly on my bed. "I need to test things with Mobius on what I can do now." He went to the lab.

Mobius looked annoyed as she glared daggers at him. "So? Why are you late again? I've been dying to see your new abilities. And what do I hear? I got reports of 2 females screaming inside your room for hours..." This damned casanova! Making me wait, I'll surely make our next procedure as painful as possible!

He shrugged "Duty calls you know?" He whistled innocently. "I want to determine my new abilities as well Moby, let's test them for now." He diverted the subject.

They went to a testing area as he took out the 4th's herrscher core. "Do you think you can absorb the gem!?" Mobius shouted with disbelief. If he could do that, he'll be a herrscher on our side.

He grinned. "I don't know, and we'll try and find out." He grasped it with both hands and started to focus. He could feel the immense honkai energy inside of it funnel inside his body flawlessly.

The gem's glow dulled but that was it. He then started to sweat as he gulped a big amount of air, and sighed. "I'm completely full, let's try if I received some of the herrscher's powers."

He coaxed the energy inside him as it flowed instantly, like it's just taking a breath. It felt more natural. It took shape immediately as a sharp gust of wind flew out of his hands. The ground now has a deep gash on it.

"Phew! That's neat." He immediately started thinking of ways on how he could use it.

Mobius fixed her glasses as it got crooked by the strong gust of wind. "So can you do other things?" It looks impressive, but what the 4th could do was simply too terrifying. She remembered it's last attack.

He tried to create a vacuum, sadly the air didn't listen the way he thought it would. He tried making a miniature tornado, with intense calculations and the right air currents, he made it. But it took too long.

"I think I can only use the wind with simple air slashes or gusts Mobius, I needed to do a lot of calculations and effort for such a small tornado which pales in comparison to the 4th's continental typhoons." He sighed. It was too ambitious to think that I could do that. Maybe in the future.

Mobius wrote on her clipboard and nodded. "I see, that's a shame. But you can still have tons of versatility once we get our hands on the other cores." She thought of the 2nd gem. Can he stop time? Can he rend space? These simple abilities might pale in front of the original, but with his genius. I don't want to know what he could do.

He waved his hands on front of her face. "Oiiii. Moby-chan, what do you think? I think I should still get the other cores. Request it for now, we'll say that they'll be divine keys."

She quickly shook her head. "Let's go back for now. You can test other things in your own, I still have a lot of work."

They returned to the lab and saw Mei there. "Mei? Why are you here? We don't have tests or projects scheduled." Mobius asked with curiosity.

Mei cleared her throat. "Ein. We need Prometheus." She said with a grave expression. "We're losing a lot of people against honkai eruptions. Now that we have a striker, we should predict their awakening as much as possible."

Ein nodded with a serious expression. "We do, I'll help you as much as I can. Mobius, go prepare the genes I could use for project Odin. We'll be going all out starting from now on."

Mobius scoffed. "You're going to leave everything to the great me again. Go on then, not that I need you anyway." She huffed.

He laughed and hugged her tight as he caressed her head. "Don't worry Mobius. This will just be a jiffy, I've seriously thought about how to complete the A.I. Quickly. You promised me a date too, how about when we finish with our respective projects?"

Mobius glared at him but with a bit of red on her cheeks. "Un, don't make me wait too long. Klein would die of overtime because of you too."

Klein nodded from the sidelines. "Dr. Ein, you are late. Where is my offering?" Her eyes glimmered, as she held her hands out.

He pinched her cheeks and gave her ration of her favorite drink. "Don't overwork yourself Klein. Mobius and I need you here after all, you too Nuwa, Fuxi." He then left with Mei to work on Prometheus.


After some time, working on Prometheus. We started to build the main frame for it. "We completed it quite quickly." Ein nodded in satisfaction, while Mei has bags on her eyes.

"We used quantum computers. Then powering it up with honkai energy while the processor is made out of soulium really made the efficiency of the over all processing power through the roof." She yawned. This guy doesn't sleep does he? He's like a machine, working 24/7.

He nodded. "We managed to make it this small because of the soulium, we had the luxury of ditching a lot of cooling and extra hardware." The size of it was roughly of an average building. It was almost ready, connecting it to the data base of the web is the only thing left.

I made shackles on its programming, making it's top priority, humanity. 2nd is the detection and destruction of honkai. Those 2 dominates approximately 90 percent of the total processing power of the A.I. 24/7.

"With this, Mobius won't try to chain me down in her lab. We can make simulations with the remaining processing power for experiments and the like. Though she might not like that." Mobius is kinda old school, wanting to observe with her own eyes on what happens.

They called Mobius and started up Prometheus. The researcher squad quickly showed up and sat inside the building, as the components hummed. "Booting up, Please wait for approximately 3, 2, 1." A female voice talked on a hologram.

Mobius stared at me for a moment. "You even want your A.I. to be a female?" She glared daggers at him.

He raised his hands. "Don't look at me. I didn't do that, Mei did." He evaded Mobius' scorn immediately.

"Dr. Ein, Dr. Mei, Dr. Mobius. Pleased to meet you, I am Prometheus, what are your orders?" It booted up completely.

"Prometheus, you already know your functions. I believe you've made some calculations already about it as well." It has monstrous computing prowess, it must have results now.

"Indeed, please wait for a moment." The room went silent with bated breath. "The 5th herrscher will appear in approximately 6 months. One year from the previous one, it is not consistent, but honkai eruptions appear inevitably with time. Once enough energy has accumulated, it will happen surely."

Mei noted down Prometheus' words. "As we expected, but at least we have a time window. Honkai beasts have been appearing more frequently around the world."

Everybody stayed silent and internalized the words of Prometheus. Tough times are ahead for sure.

"Prometheus, can you predict how many herrschers will appear? They're the greatest threat out of all of them." Ein asked with a grave face.

"Forgive me Dr. Ein, that will take a few days at most. Please return to me after 7 days, I will have a comprehensive hypothesis about it then."

"Okay everyone, let's rest for now. We've been having a bit too much work." Ein ushered everybody outside and let them rest. These couple of months were not fun.

"Mobius, let's go somewhere for a bit." He decided that right now is the perfect time to relax.

She raised a brow. "Where are we going? Don't you need to rest as well? I heard from Mei that you haven't slept for several weeks at least."

He waved his hand. "Don't worry about that. I'm in tip top shape, now, let's go." He took out his private VTOL and went to a place famous for its hot springs.


First, they went to a clothing shop to change what they're wearing. "This would suit you the best Moby-chan!" He took a green yukata, a little darker than her hair.

Mobius was about to complain, but he immediately shoved it into her hands and pushed her inside a changing room. "Please help her into it. She doesn't know how to wear one." He said to the shopkeeper.

After a few minutes, Mobius went out with a pout on her face. "This clothing is difficult to put on. What is even the point of wearing things like this!?" She grumbled.

He pinched her cheeks and took a picture with her. "It's about the atmosphere Mobius, come on. I know you'll love it where we'll be going."

He pulled on Mobius' arm and they walked for a few minutes. They arrived at a building that has a cat's paw on the logo of its name.

"Here we are, you haven't been in one of these. I'm sure you'll like it here. Klein did tell me that she used to livestream kittens for you to watch." He grinned. That was honestly too cute, I'll be sure to make one of your dreams come true Mobius.

She blushed slightly, embarrassed by the revelation. "That was in the past. Now I have Hamsuke in the lab and that's enough." She puffed her cheeks.

They entered the shop and Ein quickly paid for their stay. He took out some kind of herb and rubbed it all over Mobius. "Hehe, cats here are used to people, but they might get scared of you still. This is a little trick of mine."

After a few minutes, the cute cats started meowing and went closer to Mobius. Surprising her, in her experience, they would run at the sight of being near her.

They started snuggling all over Mobius as Ein stood at the sidelines. Getting it all on tape of course.

Mobius petted them one by one and used the toys to play. She had a genuine smile on her face, one suited for a young woman her age. Not unlike the creepy one or the smirk always on her face.


They were walking to the place they will stay at as she has a slight spring on her steps. "What do you think? It was fun right?" He smiled and patted her head.

She seriously pondered for a bit. "I didn't know that establishments like that existed. It was surely a good experience." She smiled slightly as she remembered playing with the cats.

The two of them entered the reception. "A reservation for Einheri." He talked to the woman on the desk.

She checked for his name and gave a key card. "Please enjoy your stay Mr. Einheri, Mrs. Mobius." She bowed.

Mobius choked on her saliva as she heard the receptionist. Ein quickly pulled her to their room.

Inside, there was an outdoor private hot spring. A massage table was also present as Ein ushered Mobius to change clothes. "Mobius, change quickly. Let's relax inside the outdoor hot spring." He then closed the door.

"Stupid Ein. Is he going to ravage me!? I must be careful, he already has a reputation of being a beast. Hearing moans on the corridors near his room." She whispered to herself.

Ein soaked inside the bath. As he relaxed and waited for Mobius. After a few minutes or so, she went out with a towel on her. The towel accenting her bodacious body. Her shaggy long hair making her look extra erotic.

She fidgeted as she slowly walked to the bath. Squinting her eyes on him with suspicion as she faced him on the opposite side. Not that it was far though.

Mobius looked at him and her eyes started to wander around. She looked at his full and ripped chest, his defined and veiny arms. When she looked down, she was startled as he didn't wear a towel or anything.

"Wh-what are you doing you beast! Showing off that thing to me!?" She stood up and pointed at him.

"Hah, why are you so bothered Mobius? I'm sure you've seen some penises before in your experiments and cadavers." He shook his head.

She froze. "That's... True." She calmed down and was about to sit again but she slipped. Ein made her float and put her between his legs.

"Tsk tsk, you almost hurt yourself Mobius. Stop being all tense and just relax, that's what we're here for." He patted her head and hugged her at the waist.

She hardened for a bit, but started to relax as well. Just enjoying the atmosphere and the warm waters.

"Hey, Ein." She looked at him as she turned her head. "You've heard of what I wanted to do most back then. What's yours?" She started a conversation.

"Hmm, living a happy and relaxed life I guess? Why do you think I do all of these things. It's to have a laid back life and enjoy it with all of you."

She went silent and leaned back on him. "I see... Do you think I'm evil? Our lab is called the devil's den. Because of me of course." She recalled the whispers and rumors.

He pinched her cheeks. "Honestly? I think you're in the gray area. You don't force people to be in your experiments, but you do capitalize on opportunities. Your motivation and ideals aren't wrong, but in the eyes of many. You are cold, calculating, and will do unspeakable things to them. And what humans don't understand, they fear them and would avoid or even eradicate it."

Mobius just listened intently to him. "Go on, tell me more."

"In conclusion, you're in between at a pure logical stand point. Morally though, people will tell you you're evil. Not that it matters anyway, I don't give a shit to what strangers think. They simply don't have anything that could affect me whatsoever. People would call that apathetic, but humans are complex creatures Mobius. We will always be imperfect no matter what you do."

Mobius looked at him hard. "So you're saying that my ambitions can't be achieved? Why help me then?"

"Don't misunderstand Mobius, you can achieve it. But not utterly flawless, do you think that humans should always be logical? They will always have illogical thoughts or actions. You will never change that, if you do? Then you're not making a perfect human, you're making a perfect organism. A biological machine."

Mobius thought for a solid minute and finally understood what he means. "So it's like that huh. Then I'll just have to make them evolve to be nigh perfect then." She leaned on him again as she stopped worrying.

"I just need a small number of you to understand me. Everything is irrelevant." She nodded with satisfaction.

He hugged her tight. "That's right. If other people don't understand, you tell it to those who can, if they can't as well. Then you only have yourself. So soldier on, but you can change a bit though. Stop being all grumpy, lighten up and show your cuteness to me sometimes." He laughed.

Mobius hit him on the head. "Thanks, Ein. Please support me still in the near future." You and Klein are all the ones I need. Don't leave me behind.

They went out the bath as he then pointed at the massage table. "Dear customer, please experience the Ein special if you will?" He helped her lie down as he spread oil all over her back.

"I can even do this." He injected small bursts of electricity on her tense muscles as they started to relax. She moaned in pleasure as she hasn't felt this relaxed in her life.

He finished after 30 minutes and they went to bed. "Come on Mobius, I won't do anything you don't like you know?" He patted the other side of the bed.

She slowly lied down as she turned her back on him. He spooned her though as she froze, her mind running a mile a minute. Thinking of what he'll do.

He just cuddled her as she started to relax after a few minutes and snuggled up to him. She then turned around and looked at his face, she traced his cheeks, nose, and jaw. Ein, thank you for everything. But he suddenly spoke.

"Can't sleep Mobius? What are you doing, touching my face all of a sudden?" His eyes still closed. As she started to panic.

"I don't know, I just wanted to touch your face... Ein, why do you do all this? Do you perhaps like me?" He was doing all of this without asking for anything.

"I guess because you're a good friend of mine? You work hard too, so naturally I'll do these." He shrugged.

"How about me? What if I misunderstand and like you?" Her voice shaky, the nerves starting to get to her.

He grinned. "Ohhh? Then you like me Mobius? You don't know this, but my girls are quite open with me having multiple lovers. Though they'll interview you for a bit." He chuckled.

She then whispered. "You don't mind accepting me then?" He eyes dazed.

"Why not? You're smart, beautiful, and you help me a lot. Honestly, I couldn't have went this far without you. Regarding your craze on perfecting the human genome and evolution?" He shrugged. "I don't necessarily think badly or too highly of it. That's what you want, then do it. I'll help you along the way, just don't go too crazy or something." He played with her hair.

She puffed her cheeks. "I'm not crazy over it okay? I just think it's the best of both worlds, countering honkai and making humans less flawed."

"Whatever you say Moby. Do sleep though, you need some rest and it's getting late."

She chuckled. "Yeah, it is. Thank you for everything Ein, and... I think I love you. I don't understand it, but whenever I imagine my life where you're gone. I lose sleep on it, and I can't calm down. So don't go dying on me okay? Or else I'll truly go crazy." I would be so much worse if you aren't here, I already thought of it.

"Hmm, maybe you do? How about if you hear this. I love you Mobius, I couldn't imagine where I would be without you." He then kissed her on the forehead.

She blushed, then after his words sunk in. She gave a wide smile. "Un, we'll help each other then. Work will never be the same without you."

She closed her eyes and slept a moment after as her breathing calmed. He noticed that she was smiling in her sleep.


After a few more days, the researcher team went back to Prometheus for answers.

"Welcome back, everyone. I assume you want to hear my calculations about the birth of the herrschers?" Prometheus cut to the chase.

Everybody nodded. "According to my predictions, and the relevant data about herrschers. We'll be having 14 of them in the future."

Ein thought for a moment and asked. "Can you reliably predict any of their powers? Strengths? Weaknesses?" There's still at least 10 of them, and we don't know what they can do.

"Apologies Dr. Ein. I cannot predict that, although they will be stronger than the last. And when the 14th comes there will be a chance that it will be hundreds of times stronger than all of them combined."

Everybody gasped. "So that means the last one will practically be omnipotent then? How can we fight that." Mei said with disbelief.

Ein raised his hand. "We will have to report this. And focus more, now than ever on our projects. Let's go."

Everyone returned in their place with heavy minds, realizing the gravity of the situation.


Thanks for reading guys, they can now think of project S.A.V.E. I'll start to introduce the other flame chasers. Maybe start with easier ones.
Chapter 40: Eccentric Individual
Chapter 40: Eccentric Individual

Ein was again on an operating table, the researcher squad preparing for gene splicing. "We'll be cutting off several recessive and harmful genes today, and we're going to add the collective genes of a hydra, african elephant, belgian blue bull, eagle, scarab, cavefish, platypus, snake, hammerhead, star nosed mole, octopus, and mantis shrimp." Mobius listed out the genes they have prepared.

"Let's start then. Take out any recessive gene that's not useful, activate the useful ones. Then we'll proceed with the splicing of the others." He entered a capsule and wore a breathing apparatus, as it quickly filled with water.

Mobius sighed. Anybody would become a mutated chunk of meat after this procedure. He'll be overloaded with different snippets of genes, I just hope he won't change much.

Mechanical arms then started to inject soulium that are programmed to snip genes, while being assisted by Prometheus makes this procedure possible.

He closed his eyes as he left the procedure to Mobius and Prometheus. Nothing special happened as they waited for it to finish. 30 minutes passed and he heard a voice.

"Ein, we've took out the most important, your cancer genes. We took out more like hypertension and other diseases coded to your genome. We'll start to insert the others." The machines whirred again and started to implant the necessary genes for him to change.

"I have mapped your genome Dr. Ein, with your unusual body. This will not have any negative effects on your body, the procedure has a success rate of approximately 99.9%." Prometheus' synthetic voice echoed.

He was given the necessary compounds and molecules to change his body as he wishes. Then it started, after a few hours, he started to feel something internally change. So he started to change his body parts, starting with his skin.

He loaded it with mechanoreceptors. Making him have unmatched tactile sensations, with a single touch, he can make out your entire shape like a 3d hologram. Then the electroreception, he now has 360° 3d awareness. Making him able to practically see anywhere, suck that byakugan, I don't have no blind spots.

His eye sight started to see the tiniest of details. More than ever, he could also see polarized light, UV, and IR. Giving him predator vision, nothing can get past his sights.

He started to hear anything, even the smallest of noises. Ultrasonic sound waves and low frequency ones too, making him able to intercept even sounds impossible to humans. He can also hear the seismic shifts, movements of wind currents, and water currents.

His muscles started to bulge, he forcefully packed it down as much as he could. Controlling the absurd growth of muscle tissue. With his bones basically indestructible, his muscles grew almost endlessly. Thankfully, he could control his body and manipulate it. Or else he would become the hulk, a disgusting and oversized hulk.

An extra endoskeleton formed as a layer under his skin. "I have tons of new cells! Integrate me with more soulium Prometheus." His endoskeleton formed and it became like a bulwark, almost unbreakable, as soulium coated it and strengthened with honkai energy. Another coating also formed on his bones, organs, and muscles.

He started to sink inside the capsule with his immense density and weight. With the addition of hundreds of kilograms of pure muscle, and metal. He now weighed approximately 2000 kgs. that could bulldoze through almost anything. Making him an absolute unit.

Under his skin, nigh unbreakable. His dense muscles like tightly packed steel, his bones, protected by a hard but flexible shell. Future procedures can only be done with soulium now. This also costed them almost every gram of the material, making him the most expensive thing in the world right now. Costing quadrillions of dollars.

The experiment went on for a couple of weeks, consolidating his new body. The water receded as he stepped out of the tank. "Dr. Mobius, the procedure is now finished. With my scans, none is wrong with Dr. Ein, the operation is a success." Prometheus informed Mobius.

"You've been in there for quite some time. How do you feel?" She waited for his answers, excited about the results of finally making a satisfactory specimen, as she licked her lips in glee.

He clenched his fists and felt his surroundings. "I feel amaaaazing. I never thought that the world has so much to offer." His senses are now supernatural, he could even smell where everyone is in the base and pinpoint them.

He explained his changes as Mobius wrote down the data vigorously. "Yesss, yes! This is an excellent success. I've finally made a human that can withstand almost anything." She vibrated in joy, as she hugged him tight.

He hugged her back and patted her head. "Although you probably would never be able to make someone like me again Mobius, nobody could fine tune their body like mine. They'll turn to a piece of meat when you start integrating the 1st gene." He smiled wryly.

She shook her head. "It does not matter! We've made great progress, even though you are the exception. We could still enhance humans enough, especially the ones still unborn. They're still pliable." She grinned madly.

He sighed. "Okay, okay. We could do that, although we would have little success with adults and children. The next generations can slowly start to change." He thought about the waves of chaos this could make. Will the newer generations oppress the previous ones? This needs more consideration.

They returned to the lab and there, they saw Elysia, Himeko, and Eden waiting while Mei was on the side doing her own thing. He felt them from miles away. They're probably here for Mobius, he sighed internally. Well as that one guy said, let them fight.

They pulled Mobius away as he walked to Mei. He used his senses and mapped out her body, trying his new abilities. He nodded sagely, "Mei-chan, nice black panties. You getting lucky tonight?" He gave a thumbs up.

Mei choked and glared daggers at him. "Is that the result of your new abilities!? Don't use it like that you bastard!" She threw her clipboard at him.

He chuckled. "Why can't I? This is something that was gifted to me by god. It's a mortal sin to not use it as a man of culture." He shrugged.

"Anyways, we need to make new divine keys. The 1st and 2nd core are on the way here, we should make more soulium and use the 4th gem for now." What would it be though? We need something more, not only weapons. I'm the only one that could use it anyway.

Mei seriously nodded and thought a bit. "Honkai corruption cases are skyrocketing, attacks have been happening more frequently. I think we should focus on that 1st, but how will we do that?" She frowned, tinkering about ways to combat rising honkai energy in civilizations.

Ein went silent and thought about the 4th herrscher. She used air currents, wait. Can we funnel it up to space? Or contain massive amounts of it for me to absorb? "Mei, I had an idea. We could make a satellite as the 4th gem as the core. We could funnel honkai energy at the soulium satellite and disperse it to space or for me to collect. It will make a loop as well, letting the satellite be powered up by the energy it absorbs."

Mei's eyes widened. "That... If we could do that, we can probably reduce a lot of deaths and preserve tons of landmass." We could lift a lot of pressure and reclaim irradiated areas from honkai eruptions.

Ein then nodded. "Let's call it project ameliorate. And the key, the 4th key of convalescence. We'll start production when the soulium is ready. Though the herrscher gems do behave differently when they aren't used by the herrschers themselves." He told Mei his observations of the key of sanction.

She raised a brow and gestured him to continue. "The keys don't have infinite honkai energy, unlike when they're inside herrschers. There must be something that powers them up, a separate dimension maybe? We don't know. But it gets honkai energy from somewhere not in this world." The honkai energy here isn't high enough to power it up.

Mei noted it down. "We need to study the gems more intensively then. There might be more secrets, if you're right. The 2nd core would help immensely."


With Mobius, she is now seated in front of three women who are looking at her from top to bottom. "Eden, this is Dr. Mobius, Ein told us that he has now a relationship with him. We gathered data from all over the base and from her assistants too. Look it over." Himeko gave Eden a file as she started to read.

Mobius just gave a confused look, but started to remember the rumors about her. She frowned, as it might paint her in a bad light with these important people in Ein's life.

Elysia broke the ice as she asked. "Hey Dr. Mobius, when did you start liking Ein? You don't seem the type to do those things though~"

It sounded innocent, but the battle has already begun. Elysia's question could be challenging Mobius' feelings. Making Mobius irritated. "I don't know, he started to grow on me like a fungus." She said succinctly, not giving Elysia any ground.

Elysia smiled sweetly, but her aura exuded pressure. "Ohh? He do creeps up on you suddenly does he? Why though? Based on your assistants, you are very dedicated to your research. I'm quite interested in how he grew on you." She spread out a net. If Mobius doesn't answer, her feelings would be in question.

Mobius squinted her eyes. This woman! Interrogating me like a fugitive. So be it then. "He understood me, helped me with my research. Because of him I made great progress with it and being with him made my work enjoyable. Without him, I would be miserable and unsuccessful most of the time. How about you though? He said that without me, he won't reach this far. That's why I decided to be with him." She smiled, like a sweet woman. But her words contained venom.

Elysia's smile strained for a split second. As she gritted her teeth under her smile. This venomous woman! Tsk, she attacked where it hurts huh? I'll show you! "Fufufu~ Ein told me that I'm very important to him, he relies on me a lot to make him happy. He even showed me his vulnerable side." She sighed as gave a toothy grin.

Mobius frowned. Tch! This lecherous girl. Seducing him with her wiles! She grinded her teeth. "Ohh? That's very good for him. He also stays with me a lot, he even gave me a pet because I like small animals. I'm thankful for his help and because of him, I could rest more often." She grinned. How about that!

The both of them stared at each other as they fufufu'd. Creeping out Himeko, making her scoot over to Eden who is now almost finished reading about Mobius.

Eden sighed. "Mobius, I believe you want to be with Ein genuinely. Correct? You've sacrificed a lot for him after all, working day and night. Basically being an important piece on why he's so strong today. I honestly don't approve on your morals... But, if you're there for him. Then doesn't that mean we're sisters in arms? Let's get along from now on." She smiled and held her hand out.

Mobius went wide eyed for a moment. Not expecting her to accept immediately, she even told her she doesn't like how she does things. Mobius held her hand and shaked it. "Of course. Ein is very important, as a resource. And to myself, it's only natural I help him with everything I've got." Mobius then smiled, happy with the outcome. Except with the pink one though.

Elysia pouted as she hesitantly hugged Mobius. "Then~ you're one of us now! Please take care of us and Ein in the future." She said seriously.

Himeko sighed and patted Mobius on the back. "Dr. Mobius, let's get along. Your infamy bares no meaning to us, just don't cross us or Ein." She looked her in the eye.

Mobius nodded and there was an awkward silence. They don't know how to start a conversation. Mobius after all is not normal, they can't do it like Ein.

"So. We'll proceed with information about Ein. How about... The argento summit? Referring to his silver hair. We should share information about him~" Elysia excitedly recommended.

Everybody thought about it as they nodded. They exchanged information about Ein and Mobius started to feel more comfortable.


Mei and Ein were starting to iron out the plans. As Mei suddenly perked up and remembered something. "Ein, we'll be receiving a new member to the team. She focuses on engineering, her talent on building is a sight to behold. She could make amazing stuff with scraps." She then took out a folder and gave it to Ein.

He opened it and read about the new recruit. "Vill-v? Strange name. But she would be a big help with building stuff, maybe we should focus on our soldiers too? We're consolidating too much power on me." He saw the young woman, roughly at the age of Mobius. With shoulder length cream coloured hair that is a bit greenish. (pic here)

Hmm. She's absolutely nuts about engineering. Kinda like Mobius a bit, he chuckled. Well, I wish we will get along nicely.



Strength: Class K (100-1000 metric tons)

-The weight of a blue whale, the heaviest of aircrafts.

Speed: Supersonic (1400-3000 km/h)

-Capable of moving at speeds faster than the eye can track reliably, includes move, reaction, and combat speed.

Intelligence: Genius

-Has immense knowledge at different branches of science. Capable of executing complex strategies under pressure and calculating future actions to a certain extent.

Durability: Superhuman

-Capable of taking hits that will destroy city blocks consistently.

Stamina: Superhuman

-Capable of persevering through days of intense movement and combat. Doesn't need to sleep for multiple weeks at a time without consequences.


Honkai energy resistance

-Tolerance type skill that can resist the effects of Honkai energy i.e. corruption, mutation, etc.

Honkai energy manipulation

-Control type skill that can manipulate the innate honkai energy to perform supernatural feats (Currently Telekinesis, electricity, wind. The more effect on the surroundings, the higher the energy cost.)

natural elements resistance

-tolerance type skill that resist stimuli i.e. heat, cold, toxins, chemical irritants, electricity, diseases, etc.

Omniphagia (-)

- Support type skill that helps digest almost anything. Even non-organic for nutrients with the help of honkai energy (cannot devour herrscher cores.)

resist physical damage

-tolerance type skill that resist physical types of damage to the body. i.e. blunt force, slashing, piercing damage, etc.

neural signal acceleration

-enhancing type skill that lets neural pathways be more efficient and faster due to increase in synaptic activity, neurotransmitter production, dendritic spines for more neuron connections, and increase myelin in axons for faster electrical signals. Gives more calculating power to the brain and increase to reflexes.

Eidetic memory

-Mental type skill that can perfectly store any information in the brain with perfect recall

Metabolic Control

-Physical type skill that can control the metabolic processes of the body i.e. hunger, hormones, heart rate, healing, anabolism and catabolism, etc.

(Basic explanation on catabolism: muscles, sugars, and fat turn to energy. anabolism: protein, sugars, minerals turn to tissue, fat, bones.)

Enhanced body

-enhancing type skill that increases the body's durability, flexibility, senses, elasticity etc. Gives: harder and denser muscles, bones. flexible joints, elastic tendons, etc.


Thanks for reading guys, Vill-v is now online. She's the easiest to enter smoothly in MOTH, I'll probably do phyllis next, the hardest would be Aponia and Kalpas for sure. Project Odin has now begun, and it's just the start. Project soldier will be based on his data as well. Ciao.
Omake: I Need Some Bleach
Omake: I Need Some Bleach

Inside the Elysian realm. Mei was en route to the lounge. And try to ask him about his signet. She saw him with Elysia, lazing about in the couch and watching a flick.

Elysia laughed. "I remember that! That was when you and Su spied on Kevin's date. You guys even dubbed it!" She was in tears while laughing.

"It was some good material. I even recorded the look on his face when we showed it to him." He chuckled, remembering their silly times in high school.

Mei looked on with interest. Kevin and Dr. MEI? On a date? Her mind just can't comprehend the cold and straight faced Kevin having a simple date with the calculating Dr. MEI.

"Ohh Mei. Interested in seeing these? Kevin and the others aren't around. And I just wanted to view my things from the past." He patted the couch and gestured for her to sit.

She hesitantly sat. Thinking that this is some kind of forbidden knowledge. "Umm, what were you guys watching?" She asked to be doubly sure.

Elysia perked up and grinned. "We were watching Kevin's awkward date with MEI. Ein, start it up again! I want her to see the super grumpy Kevin being all awkward." Elysia excitedly urged him.

He nodded with a wide grin as they replayed it. Mei watched intently, after the video ended. She felt like she watched a celebrity or VIP have a scandal.

"Go on, how about Mobius? When she's playing with Hamsuke!" Elysia exposed Mobius' like for small animals.

Mei's eyes widened. "That Mobius... She likes small animals!?" She almost choked, thinking about her playing with hamsters and kittens with an evil grin on her face.

Ein nodded. "That's right, she even made Klein live stream some because they'd always run away from her." He started the video and it showed Mobius in her adult form. Playing with a chinchilla and watching it have a dust bath.

Mei watched, flabbergasted. Who would've thought that Mobius could be this cute? She looks like a normal girl playing with her pet. She looks so happy. Mei started to think about their lives.

After the video ended Ein turned it off and stretched. "That's enough Elysia. Mobius might kill her if she learns of this." He chuckled.

Elysia puffed her cheeks and snatched the remote. She opened it again and mashed the next button as a video played.

It was a POV as Elysia was naked with Mobius. She was straddling Ein's hips as Mobius pleasured her breasts.

"Ahn~ I'm going to cum!" Everyone froze as the video showed Elysia tensing up and her eyes rolled, with her tongue out. Drowning in ecstasy.

A thud was heard from behind them as Mobius fell from her levitating device. Absolutely shocked out her mind.

Mei's eyes were peeled wide open. Her body didn't listen, as she witnessed for the first time a pornographic film. She tried to form words but it came out as incomprehensible sputtering.

Elysia turned it off after gaining her wits, and then her ears turned an atomic red. "Hehe~ I'm sorry." She smiled wryly.

Ein sighed and shaked his head. "I told you Elysia, there's a reason only I could access those files. It was a good one though, you and Mobius had really good synergy." He laughed.

Mobius stared at empty space with soulless eyes as she mumbled. "My... My dignity is in shambles."

Mei's mouth was wide open, if flies were present they would enter in droves. She quickly stood up. "Excuse me. I need some bleach to cleanse my eyes." Forgive me mother, father. I saw an act of debauchery.

She used her herrscher powers as she ran. "Ahh, there she goes. She must have some questions Ellie, go and apologize to her and Mobius okay? And I won't help you. It's your fault after all."

Hah, everything is peaceful. Just the way it should be. He leaned on the couch as he closed his eyes.

Chapter 41: New Blood
Chapter 41: New Blood

The sun shone from the windows, as Ein woke up with Eden, Himeko, and Elysia. "Come on girls, let's eat some breakfast and we'll send Eden on her way." He nudged them softly as they slowly wake up.

Everybody cleaned up and had some of his delicious breakfast, as Eden said her goodbyes to them and left. Duty calls, "Elysia, don't antagonize Mobius too much okay?"

Elysia puffed her cheeks. "Hmph, it's not that I'm bullying her or anything. I'm just asking her things about Ein!" She protested.

Everybody laughed as Eden boarded a car and left. "Hah, there she goes again. By the way, I heard that you guys had a promotion?" He looked at them.

Elysia puffed her chest out. "Ha! We're squad leaders now Ein! I'm captain of squad 6!" She gave a peace sign and a proud smile.

Himeko sighed and shaked her head. "It's good and all, but we're still pretty low on the ladder Elysia. Ein, Mei, and Mobius are pretty much like kingpins in MOTH. Oh I'm captain of squad 5 by the way."

Ein hugged them and patted their heads. "Ohhh! You guys are still pretty new but you're already squad leaders. Kevin as well right? I'm proud of you guys." He kissed their foreheads, as they give a wide smile.


After a few hours Ein and Mei were making a blueprint for the satellite. Klein came in with a tall woman. "Dr. Ein, our new engineer is here." She stepped aside and the woman started to speak.

"Hi! I'm Vill-v!" She gave a peace sign. I was scouted by MOTH recently, and I joined because I could make my magic here!" She excitedly looked around.

Mei just stared at her, confused by her introduction. "Hmm, I am Dr. Einheri, Vill. You can call me Ein though, and that's right... You'll be making magic here." He said with a wide smile.

"In your file, it said that you specialize in engineering? You liked to make everything using scraps. We'll provide you anything you need here so don't worry about that." If she could make almost any machinery with scraps, what if we supply everything?

Vill shook her head. "I humbly decline!" She raised her hand. "My creations will no doubt be easier using the resources of MOTH, but my magic would be lost." She shrugged.

Ein then got a read on this woman. So she's the best in efficiency and saving resources huh? "We'll provide you a workshop then. Think of the necessary things you need, though I think our magic won't mesh well with yours. Read this." He handed a file to her about the 4th divine key.

She looked at it intently. Reading it quickly she was glued to the file as she then perked up almost instantly. "This! The material you call soulium. Who made this!?" She shouted excitedly.

"Well, it was a joint effort, but the majority of it was made by me. Mei here helped a lot too, she was my assistant in making it."

Vill walked up to Ein and stared intensely at him. "I would like to work with you! Our works are different, but similar. You make entirely new materials, while I use outdated and scraps to make things anew! I believe that with your creations and my engineering, we could make a new branch of magic!" This man is a genius! He made this soulium in a matter of months!?

Ein scratched the back of his head. This lady is a bit too excited, at least she isn't like Mobius at first. "Sure, I'm going to drop by your workshop often. It'll be co owned then? I'll be the one to fund it at first anyways." Thanks to my patent, Mobius doesn't need to save much because of budget cuts. Damned politicians.

He remembered that because Mobius didn't pander to anyone, she offended higher ups. They made any excuse to cut their funds as Mobius and Klein ate cup noodles for nutrition. Maybe I should make some flies disappear? They'll try to control me, I'll make an organization that operates in the dark.

Vill waved her hands on his face. "Hello, you started spacing out." She pouted. He gained his wits and apologized.

"Sorry, just thought some things. I guess we have a deal? Don't worry about the workshop, I'll have it ready in a jiffy." They shook hands and started to discuss the satellite for the 4th divine key.


While Ein was inspecting the making of the workshop, an alarm sounded. There was a honkai eruption.

He dashed to their meeting room as he opened the door as Mobius, and Mei were already there. "What's the situation? There's still a few more months before the 5th appears!?"

Mei and Mobius ushered him to sit down first, due to their calmness. He calmed down, "It's only a minor honkai eruption. Though that is still a pretty big deal. An emperor class appeared, it looks like a deer with 4 horns. 2 on front, and 2 at the rear. It's similar to ganesha, in powers, it uses honkai powered attacks and beams. Though it's light based." Mobius explained.

He sighed in relief. "Where is it?" He started to get ready, the city might be done for in a couple of hours.

"It's 3 hours north from here in a plane. In the city called sapphire. MOTH has deployed soldiers already." Mei pointed at a map.

"Good, it's a bit far. But at least it's still near." He stood up and exited the room. Mei sighed. "We need to power up our troops, Ein is like a cruise missile at this point. We locate the target and he swoops in." He doesn't even have any time to rest.

Mobius nodded gravely. "We're still trying to use the data from project Odin and make our soldiers stronger. But without superior weapons, we'll have to rely on him for now." She gritted her teeth.


Earlier before the eruption. A girl wearing a blue qipao with black pants were in the airport, about to return to her home city. (Insert pic here.)

A/N (Fu hua apparently was affected by the 3rd honkai eruption. I honestly forgot lmao, I'll just make her a bit younger, and an emperor class appear, it's for kosma's honkai beast as well.)

A huge honkai beast started to rampage inside the city, multiple smaller ones raised hell as well.

"Wha? A honkai eruption!? I need to get out of here!" The girl immediately ran, with her being physically fit, training in martial arts. She ran quickly to the outskirts of the city.

Tons of honkai beasts were prowling the streets. She hid in an alley, waiting for a chance to escape.

She waited for at least 2 hours as a massive explosion was heard at the heart of the city. Scared of the shockwaves and explosions, she hid there for as long as she could.


Ein was floating on the middle of the city, he stored his lab coat and was still wearing a dress shirt and black pants. Overlooking the emperor class. "Hmm, there's still a lot of civies here. I can't use my key, no matter. Let's test other abilities then shall we?"

He raised his hand and wind currents flowed inside the city. He felt up all the honkai beasts as he clenched his fist. The beasts' heads and important body parts popped, as he floated them one by one with immense speed to him to store it.

"Tch, I guess emperor class and above would be resistant to it." The deer like honkai beast got stunned but was still alive and well.

He swooped in like a meteor as he built momentum. Cutting the air in front so he won't ignite and be faster. Giving an axe kick to the beast, it couldn't dodge as a shockwave shattered the surrounding glass and fragile buildings.

It's head impacted the ground, and shattered to a million pieces. The concrete exploded as tremors were felt a few hundred meters away.

"Phew, you aren't a tough bastard now are you? But the honkai beasts in this city are so few. They must have invaded a nearby city." His pants and shoes now dust from the impact. He quickly changed to his uniform that will be destroyed again as he flew to the nearest city and decided to leave the civilians to MOTH.

Fuck, I need some sturdy clothes. Or I'll be fighting naked. Not that I mind, but it would be inappropriate.

After a few more hours, soldiers started to search the surroundings for more survivors. Squad captain Himeko looked around, deciding to split up as Ein already cleared the city.

"Hah, at least Ein cleaned up everything already. That guy, he sure is busy." She saw a gray haired girl sitting on an alley, shivering.

Himeko slowly walked up. "Thank goodness there's survivors still. Come with me girl." She reached her hand out.

"Wh-what if they're still out there? Is it safe already? I... I couldn't do anything, I could only hide and hope to live." Her voice shaking from fear.

"Let's go then. I'll teach you how to fight them girl. What's your name?" She smiled softly to reassure her.

"I'm Hua." She reached for her outstretched hand and stood up on shaky legs. "Are you strong miss? You said you'll teach me. I practice martial arts."

Himeko hugged her tight. "That won't work on them Hua. Still continue training though, it would help even just a little."

"Oiii! Himeko, what's the hold up?" Elysia came and saw her with a girl. "Ohh! A survivor, let's take her to the base. Our squads saw a lot more survivors than the 4th and 3rd herrscher incidents. Ein really is a godsend in these situations."

Hua perked up. "Did someone save the city?" She asked curiously. That person must be amazing.

Himeko and Elysia nodded. "He's the best researcher of MOTH! Amazing isn't he?" Elysia beamed.

Hua was surprised. "That person must have built amazing technology for the soldiers to fight off tons of honkai beasts."

Himeko smiled wryly. "Uhh, that's right Hua. He invented some amazing things." I can't tell this girl that Ein probably swooped in and killed them all with his bare hands or something.

They then walked to their vehicles and went to a nearby base to regroup and drop off the survivors.


Thanks for reading guys. Although I made a mistake and forgor about chapter 20 of the game. Fu hua experienced the 3rd eruption, though I could salvage it and make Kosma's honkai beast appear. Ciao
Chapter 42: Suit Up
Chapter 42: Suit Up

Ein cleaned up Soukai city. There was still a lot fatalities as the civilians were defenseless from even the most basic honkai beasts.

He stored all the corpses and returned to HQ. After a few hours Mei and Mobius were waiting for him to come back.

"How's the damage report? MOTH soldiers have already arrived and there were no honkai beasts in Sapphire." Mei received some reports from Himeko and Elysia personally.

He sighed. "They did a lot of damage, though I quickly intercepted them so it's manageable. Soukai wasn't as damaged as Sapphire but a lot of people still died." He frowned, not expecting a honkai eruption.

Mei nodded. "Let's leave it to the government then, you should continue working with Vill. It's vital that you finish making good weapons." The honkai is relentless, humans will die out at this rate. I need to prepare other projects as well.

He then went to the workshop that's being constructed. "Vill, sorry about that. A honkai eruption happened nearby and I had to save the city." He scratched the back of his head.

Vill was shocked. "You what!? How did you take care of it so quickly though? The soldiers would need travel and fight their way to the city. You must have developed some awesome weapons for them to exterminate the honkai beasts." Her eyes glimmered with excitement.

He sighed, "No. I killed all of them of course, that's why I was so quick. It isn't that important though, just read this file for now and see what I could do. My greatest creation is myself after all." He handed her his file with all the data about his abilities.

She quickly read it, keen to unravel all of his secrets. "You can what!? Nobody could survive these procedures. What the hell are you?" She squinted her eyes.

"I'm the only exception. That's why we need to create armor and good weapons for our elites. I could fight herrschers and emperor class beasts, but what about our soldiers?" He said in a grave tone. Our forces are getting thinner by the minute.

Vill nodded with a frown. "I'm not privy to the situation of MOTH yet, but you're right. You can't be at a lot of places at once, we'll need to make this quick. With your soulium, we are going to engineer the very best!" She smiled widely and laughed.

He patted her head. "Oh, sorry. Habit, let's start on upping the survival of the soldiers. Remember the alloy that I made first? It's the sturdiest material we could use immediately."

She propped up. "Ohh, the base alloy for soulium right? Do you have lots of it?" She read up on it. The coating alone is 100 times stronger than steel.

He nodded as he took out a chunk of it. "I have just the right idea about this." He thought of the suits of armor in halo. The mjolnir. We could power it up with a soulium battery and absorb the ambient honkai energy in the atmosphere. This suit of armor would have an exoskeleton so they won't get crushed by the weight, they aren't spartans after all.

He pitched the idea to Vill as they drew blueprints and started to make a prototype for now.


Himeko arrived with Hua and met up with Ein. "Ein! I have a recruit with me, her name is Hua. Go on, introduce yourself to Dr. Einheri." She pushed her to the front as she was looking around the base.

"Uhh, hello sir. I'm Hua, I'm a survivor from Sapphire. Captain Himeko brought me here to train me as a soldier, please take care of me." She bowed deeply.

Ein patted her head. "Such a polite kid. You don't have to be so serious Hua. I'm Einheri, you can call me Ein. Don't be too stiff around me, I'm not gonna bite you know~?" He smiled and ruffled her hair.

Hua was confused. This man is one of the leading members of Fire Moth right? Though it's good that he's easygoing.

Himeko sighed. "You know that we're not that far apart in age right? We're 17, why are you calling her a child?"

Hua almost choked. 17!? This big shot is so young!? "Uhhh, you're so young sir... I didn't expect that." She mumbled.

"Ahh, we're turning 18 though Hime. So it's not that important. And look at her, she's so small and cute just like a little bird. You said you'll train to be a soldier? How old are you?"

Hua frowned. Is it because of my breasts? She looked down at her small chest. "I'm 14 sir, can I apply for the soldier program? I practice martial arts. I'm physically fit." She got worried that she won't be accepted.

Ein sighed. "14 huh, so young." They stared at him weirdly, especially Himeko. After all he could beat up a templar when he was 16 at mortal combat. "You could be at Himeko's squad, she could teach you everything you should know. And you can come to me as well, I taught your captain you know." He winked.

Himeko nodded. "He's very thorough Hua, you can learn a lot from him. He's strong as hell too." She remembered his technique. They are flawless and his body moves like flowing water, his every move calculated like a machine.

Hua raised a brow. "He taught you captain? Isn't he a researcher here at MOTH?" She got confused again.

Himeko patted her on the back. "He's also a soldier you know? And he became a squad leader in a matter of weeks. He's also the strongest soldier, ever." She said sagely.

"Aww you're making me blush Himeko~ I could still remember the first time I fought a honkai beast. It was a 3 meter tall templar and I sliced it up real good." He reminisced.

Hua's eyes widened. His first battle was with a templar? I heard that those things massacres squads on the regular. And he fought it on his own? "Umm, I see... Please take care of me Dr. Ein, I'll work hard." She pumped her fist.

He petted her and walked away. "Captain, how strong is he? Did he really fought off a templar? But that's impossible..."

"Is it? That was when he was using mass produced weapons. You haven't even saw him fight using his real weapon. He could erase a city within an hour. Honestly, that guy is inhuman." She shrugged.

Hua almost choked on her saliva. "He can what!?" She froze on the spot, internalizing her words. "That's not even just strong anymore captain... He's already like a god amongst normal humans."

Himeko just laughed and lead her to register as a soldier.


Ein and Vill made a prototype power armor that was a 3 piece suit of protection. The first layer was a mesh of the material and was loaded with nano tech that could repair damaged tissue. The second layer was a thin plate that have a bit of soulium, powering up the suit and could deploy an energy shield. It also has a neural network that's similar to the black carapace of astartes. It acts as the buffer for the exoskeleton of the thickest part of the armor. The 3rd layer, it has thick metal plates made out of the base alloy of soulium, it also has thrusters in key areas to make it more maneuverable and soldiers can jump great heights.

Ein painstakingly programmed the nano tech and the 2nd layer to make the suit semi autonomous, making the soldiers less susceptible to sneak attacks and let's them fight more efficiently in group combat. Prometheus helped a lot in this regard.

"Phew, we finally made a prototype. due to the nano tech it could also be worn by multiple people of differing sizes. I think this would increase efficiency and the survivability of our troops." He nodded with satisfaction.

Mei looked at the suit curiously. "This is incredible. It's like the suit on those games that Nuwa plays."

Vill puffed up her chest and spread her arms wide. "This is our latest creation! Pretty neat huh? I designed the armor while Ein made the intricacies like the nano tech. In my opinion though, he overloaded it too much. This thing could make a normal person into a super soldier just with the neural network." She nodded sagely.

"It's only natural, this would cost tons of materials but at least we won't lose too many soldiers. Besides, the hardest part was the programming. Making the black carapace will be easier with automation." Implanting those things would kill a lot of people, making an astartes legion is not reliable. A geneseed using my genome would be dope ngl.

Vill latched onto Ein. "Hey Ein. Could I examine you? You're loaded with soulium right? I wanna know how you function, I maybe able to combine your physiology with my engineering." She pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

He looked at her. That's a good idea actually. "Let's partner up with Mobius Vill. We could probably get something from this idea of yours. After we test this baby." He patted the suit.

Quickly wearing it. Ein was now in the suit, he squeezed his hand gently as to not fracture the hands. He made his weight to match an average human with the suit included by lifting himself with honkai energy a bit. "Okay, test one Mei, Vill. Bring an impact of a seraph class."

They nodded and the tests started. He was hit on the chest by a metal that was shaped like a seraph. He backpedalled from the impact a few meters away, limiting his strength. "Okay, according to my hud, there's no breach, the nano bots are repairing the suit too."

He then deployed the shields, powering it up with his honkai energy. "Projectiles next, pelt me with some honkai propelled bullets." His shield glowed as it rippled, the projectiles stopped successfully.

Mei and Vill nodded in satisfaction. "These will really help us. Let's start production immediately." Mei noticed the potential of the armor.

Ein took off the suit, he high fived Vill. "Yosh, our creation is a success Vill. But I had something more in mind, the specialized suits for elites." He wanted a series of battle suits that could rival herrschers in power, it's impossible. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Vill's eyes shone. "You want something better than this? I think this thing is already one of the best I could make already." She thought ways of improving the suit.

He shook his head. "This is just the basics of the culmination of our specialties Vill. Aren't you forgetting that I could make battle suits as strong as I like? Finding someone that could use it is the problem. I don't need it, I need more help in dealing with increased honkai beasts."

Vill nodded. "Then let's make something magical!" She jumped up excitedly.

"Ein, I also made some new discoveries. The herrscher cores siphon energy from another dimension. You were right, we can't connect to it for now. But we could try to, if we could, then someone can use herrscher powers as long as their bodies could keep up."

"Okay then guys, we have tons of work. The 5th is near, let's develop our projects as much as possible."

They then started to make humanity stronger as a whole.


Thanks for reading guys, I'm really fascinated by the key of blankness. So I started to introduce it. Humanity grows stronger with power armor, although it's just a reason to make the godsbane suits. Ciao
Chapter 43: Teacher, Again.
Chapter 43: Teacher, Again.

"Ahhh Ein. Right there, it's so good!" Mobius moaned as he hit the right spots.

Ein continued with his ministrations, even adding a bit of electricity to up the sensitivity. "You like that Moby? You know I like it too, let's do this more often."

Mobius sighed with satisfaction. "Yeah, I didn't know that I needed this in my life. You honestly should've done this for me more often."

She stood up as she stretched. Receiving a massage from him before working on trying to sequence his genome and insert it to other people.

"Okay, I can work more now. I feel refreshed." She clenched her hand and rolled her shoulders. Feeling light and relaxed.

Vill looked on in interest. "What did you do Ein? I could tell there was something special to it." Mobius looks like a brand new person already.

Ein snapped his fingers and an arc appeared between it. "I used a bit of controlled electricity to relax the muscles. It's very useful, Mobius, you'll probably know that in the future." He grinned.

Both of them got confused a bit. "Anyway, let's go! I would like to map out the composition of your body and make something wonderful!" Vill was all jittery.

He got into a tank and it filled with water. The operating table couldn't handle his weight now. And they scanned him thoroughly.

Vill watched on in excitement as she saw how his body worked. "Woah, his body is like a fortress." They saw that he has a literal ton of dense muscle fibers packed like a can of sardines. Cranked up to 11.

Mobius looked on with dazed eyes. "If the honkai isn't here, he would simply be indestructible. He even has layers of endoskeletal platings in droves." Amazed by his physique as she licked her lips.

Vill nodded. "Oh, I just had an idea. Let's make the whole suit of armor as a mesh next time. In a molecular level, just like his body. It's all tight and makes a nanocrystal like lattice."

Ein got out of the tank and smiled. "Like what I did with my body? Neat, right? Well, Mobius. Any luck on sequencing something in my dna that would make super soldiers?" That will help immensely.

She frowned and shook her head. "Honestly, your dna is a mish mash of different genomes that would be impossible in any living being. You're like a chimera with the shape of a human." She thought of alternatives to perfect the genome.

He shrugged. "Well, we could always look for other ways. How about you Vill? Did you have a burst of inspiration for the mark 2 of the suit?"

Vill smiled and nodded happily. "Yeah! The molecular structure of your body helped me have an idea, I don't know if it's possible though."

He patted her on the back. "Ha! Don't lose hope yet, look at Mobius. She's been having failures for years, but it didn't put her down. She's basically engineering something as well, it will take some time. But we'll find something suitable for your idea." He smiled. They all then discussed possible future projects. Vill returned to her workshop after an hour and continued to work on the 4th divine key.

Ein sighed heavily. "Damn, I didn't know I would be working more in this life. I'm even more swamped with work, I basically have no time offs. But it's fun."

He took a walk to rest up a bit, he arrived at his sakura tree, it's now blooming beautifully with pink petals. It was still small, but it was blooming now.

Taking a seat, he took out a bottle of wine as he poured it in a cup and put it on the ground. "Hey mom, dad. I've completed your legacy you know? Me and Mei even started to make an amazing satellite that could harvest or dispose honkai energy."

Looking at the sky, he smiled. "She has a boyfriend now too. Shocker right? I didn't know she had it in her too. But mom, you're gonna love this. I have 4 girls you know?" He laughed.

"Eden's a super star, Himeko's born to be a soldier, Elysia is a sweetheart, and Mobius. You know her, she can be a bit prickly but, she's just too much of a nerd."

He stood up and dusted himself. Looked at the tree for a bit, then left. While walking back to the base, he saw Himeko teaching Hua marksmanship.

"Nyahallo Hime, Hua." He waved to them. "Right at marksmanship huh? Hua, you have good dynamic vision and reflexes. Your decision making is also quick." He nodded with satisfaction.

Hua got a bit sheepish as she scratched her cheek. "No, Dr. Ein. Captain is just an excellent teacher."

Himeko sighed. "Hello too Ein. And what's with your greeting? Hua really is a good student, she catches on real quick. She'll be field ready in a week at this rate."

Ein frowned, shook his head and sighed. "You won't understand the greetings of an elite Hime. And don't be too modest Hua, give where credit is due you know? Although your words also compliment me as I'm Himeko's teacher so that transfers to you." He smiled tenderly.

Hah, I remember the scrubs at the hospital back then. Med students that were still learning, good times.

Hua smiled. "Thank you Dr. Ein." She then got all fidgety and nervous. "Umm, can you perhaps teach me more about martial arts? I grew up in a dojo you see? I just can't let go of it." She gave a sad smile, confirming that her father that owned the dojo didn't survive the eruption.

He patted her head and nodded. "Sure thing. How about we go have a spar inside my training room? Nobody's ever got in there besides Mobius and Mei now that I think about it."

They went deep underground as they saw a huge training ground with big blocks of metal, either dented horribly or has big rings on top for hooks to lift it.

"Now then, we're in Shenzou, so you must have practiced martial arts here? Then you specialize in quick attacks. Come Hua, don't be shy. Oh by the way, use gloves, thick ones." He ushered her with his hand.

Hua were given some gloves by Himeko as she charged at him and gave a flurry of blows. He was like an eel as all her attacks no matter the chain were dodged like he didn't have bones, standing on the spot. Bending in inhuman ways.

She frowned, noticing that he didn't even move from where he was standing. "Hah!" She gave a sweep on his legs. Ein flipped from his position and stood upright using a single finger. He then taunted her to try harder.

She started to get impatient as she released blow after blow until she ran out of gas. "Hah, hah. Dr. Ein, you know that I can't have battle experience even if this is training if you just dodge everything."

Ein patted her head. "Ohh you're getting impatient, I've been observing you of course. At first your chain of attacks would've hit me if I wasn't flexible enough, but after that, you had some major problems. You're quick to lose your head Hua. Isn't martial arts about patience and finishing the fight instantly?"

She nodded with a frown as she grit her teeth. Forgetting her discipline and teachings. "I understand sir. So what would you point out that I could do better?" She asked with conviction in her eyes.

"Hmm, honestly? You're too easy to read, 7 year old me could've probably beat you up." He shrugged. "Basics are fine, but if you stick to it like a mantra, you're just asking to be punched in the face. Let's make you more flexible and stronger physically, attacking at angles that aren't expected will make you more versatile."

She nodded and internalize his words. She bowed deeply "Thank you for your tutelage Dr. Ein, but may I see how you fight? I'm honestly curious." She thought about Himeko's words that he is a technician as well.

He scratched his cheek. "Uhh, I don't know if I could fight someone like how you want, oh I know, how about I limit myself to an average guy and you and Himeko try to hit me?"

Himeko frowned from the side and sighed. This girl, making me fight him again. "Hua, let's go. I'm telling you though, this won't be fun."

They let her rest for a few minutes as they got into position. Himeko went first as she gave a barrage of strikes and tried to grapple. He said he'll limit himself to normal right?

His arms snaked around her while she was trying to throw him as pushed on a specific spot on her knees and hips to offset her center of balance and took her down like a kid.

Hua tried to attack him but blocked everything while entangling Himeko in an arm bar as she tapped out immediately. He then got up and started to strike Hua with intense and precise strikes that would take her out in an instant. Thankfully he didn't went through with it or she'll be in a world of pain.

They both sighed as they were dismantled quickly. "You guys still have a lot to learn~ Well, in your defense I could see you guys with my eyes closed. But I limited my reaction time and strength to an average joe. The secret is practice, I didn't calculate your moves as well, just reacted to what I saw."

Himeko clicked her tongue. "I told you it won't be fun, he literally moved like a normal guy and still beat us up. Ein, can you show Hua how strong you really are?"

"Hmm, how about you girls stay over there and shield yourselves." They walked to a thick bullet proof glass that was bolted near a wall as they looked at him.

He then walked to a huge block of metal. He kicked it lightly as the metal was dented like it was clay, he slowly ramped up his power as he then jumped high in the air and gave it an axe kick that split it in the middle. The ground shook as Hua saw his monstrous strength.

"Umm, captain?" He voice shaked. "Is my eyes wrong or that block of metal there split like a fragile piece of cracker." She was in disbelief.

Himeko patted her on the back. "That isn't even his strongest attack. He can send that block flying hundreds of meters away but the training ground won't hold."

He ran to them as he smiled. "Now you guys must be starving right? Especially you Hua, you should eat a lot more. Do you have anything you like?"

Himeko smiled. "Hua, don't be shy. He is also the greatest cook I've seen, he could make anything." Drooling from imagining his decadent meals. They are separated now after all and couldn't eat it on their missions.

Hua shyly said. "I like noodles, they're my favorite. Good ones were a bit pricy so I couldn't eat them often."

He took out a table as he set up the meals. "Here's some xiao long bao, wantons, meat buns, and hand pulled noodles. Eat a lot okay? You need a lot of calories so your body could be stronger."

Hua gulped, seeing all the delicious looking food on the table. "I can eat a lot Dr. Ein, I'll take you up on your offer." She started to eat as she moaned from it's deliciousness.

"You know, the captain of squad 4 likes ramen. He even requests it all the time, so don't be shy and tell me if you want some noodles okay? I've got tons of food and they're all steaming hot or fresh and cold."

They ate happily as the never ending feast stuffed her to the brim. Hua stuffed her face with the dumplings and meat buns, then washed it down with the spicy broth of the noodles.

She never had a feast like this in her life. Living off on a dojo in this technological age didn't make a lot of money, so she ate like it wasn't going to happen again.

After eating she noticed that they were looking at her and smiling. "Sorry captain! Dr. Ein! It was just honestly too good so I couldn't help myself." She lowered her head in shame.

He waved his hand nonchalantly. "No, seeing you eat my food with so much gusto was honestly heartwarming. I'll pack Hime some food everyday so you guys would be eating healthily. Himeko's a shit cook after all." He laughed boisterously.

Himeko puffed her cheeks and glared at him. "You said you wanted to taste what we can make! I never said I was good at it you bastard." She grumbled.

Hua looked at their exchange and smiled. She remembered her friend back in sapphire that unfortunately died. She was my only friend too. These people are very nice, I wish you could hang out with them as well. She smiled with a tinge of sadness.


Ein was in a dark room with Mei and Mobius. "The infected are hiding and spreading corruption to other people. This is getting out of hand." Mei said with an annoyed tone.

"How about we have a clean up crew? Honestly, they are spreading like wildfire right now." Mobius proposed.

Ein raised his hand and gave them a file. "We need special forces, I'll be making them in secret, the higher ups don't know this. Agents will be scouting specialists and train them in these operations. I'll call it COCOON, they'll infiltrate areas and clean them up the ones that are too far gone. We can collect the antibodies for emergency serums then."

Mei and Mobius looked at the file and read it. After a few minutes, they nodded in agreement. "This would be quite extensive, you sure you could manage this on top of your duties?" Mobius asked with a raised brow.

"You might only care about this in your lab Mobius, but money makes the world go round. I have tons of it, and I could make people spin around and do my bidding because of it. Have you already forgotten the times your lab had budget cuts? You drank with potential investors even though you're bad with alcohol and Klein would carry you back every time."

I'll deal with those guys by myself. He planned to make them disappear, they'll reappear eventually. "Don't worry about budgets Mobius, I'll handle it. And those guys? They're going to Brazil."

Mobius and Mei got confused. But didn't pry, he looks dangerous right now. Leaving nothing much to imagination.

"Okay then, this meeting is adjourned? Ein. We need to speed up the 4th divine key. So Cocoon wouldn't be swamped with clean up as well." Mei said with urgency.

They all nodded and Ein made a call. "Hey, I'll assign you a big project. Get me some people, yes the ones who can clean a house. We've got plenty of dirty ones."


Cocoon is made, Kalpas and Sakura are near. Though I'll introduce Phyllis first, the story would slow down a bit as new characters are introduced to flesh them out a bit. Thank you for reading, ciao.
Omake: Contest
Omake: Contest

"Mobius, you look so cute right now." Elysia went up to her and smiled.

Mobius didn't respond and just looked at her dryly. What are you up to now Elysia...

Elysia sighed. "Ah, I'd love to be a kid again. No worries, no responsibilities.

Mobius raised a brow as she stared at her hard. The audacity of this woman! Telling me that I have no responsibilities... She hissed in her mind.

"Recently, my uniform is a bit tight. I guess that's the trouble with growing up, having big breasts." She poked her breasts for a bit.

Mobius squinted her eyes at her. "You're just fatter Elysia. That's what you get on indulging in Ein's food." She huffed.

"Are you sure? Aren't you just thinner? But it doesn't matter. The serpent never submits to death. You can grow up once again right? I'll look forward to seeing your bodacious body again~" She grinned at Mobius.

Hua entered the lounge with Kevin and Ein. "Ohh, nice to see that you guys are getting along." Ein smiled. Yare yare daze, these girls are too feisty.

Everyone looked at him weirdly as they just sat on the couch. Eden and Su then came in, Eden even had a banner with a cute chibi Hua on it.

Ein then took out a table as Hua and Kevin sat on opposite ends. "Okay everyone, it's time for Hua and Kevin's noodle eating competition, it's tight though. Who would end their ties? It's 49-49 right now, place your bets." Ein was the MC for the event.

Mei noticed the ruckus and looked inside. She saw Elysia and Eden holding a banner with Fu Hua on it. What the... What's happening here?

Elysia noticed her and quickly called her over. "Mei-chan! Here, I want you to cheer for Hua. This is a monumental moment, they're tied." Elysia gave a glow stick to Mei as Mei slowly grasped it.

"Okaaaay?" Fu Hua? Having an eating contest with Kevin? This is surreal, she's usually very strict and proper. Enforcing the rules like the law.

Ein then took out bowls of noodles as Hua and Kevin prepared themselves. Holding a pair of chopsticks. "Alright, the slurp down starts in 3, 2, 1, go!"

They were neck on neck as they finished their bowls like frying beans with lightning.

(Keke xianxia crap like this always confused me at first.)

Ein quickly replaced their bowls as they gulped it down like they were machines. Not even wasting a single drop.

Mei was honestly cheering for Fu Hua as she waved the glow stick around. While Su psyched Kevin up.

"Come on Kevin! Stuff your face more! Beat her up! You can't lose here!" Mei was gobsmacked. Su is a very calm individual, always meditating with his eyes closed. She even thought he was blind, though she did caught him sleeping once.

"Go on Hua! Don't let him one up you! Kevin's gonna be the loser! Come on and beat him for the 50th victory!" Eden cheered as Elysia waved the banner of Hua.

The bowls quickly stacked up on top of each other as the contenders kept on eating bowl after bowl of noodles. Ein was getting bored so he spiced things up, he gave them some spicy broth. Upping the spiciness every time they finish a bowl.

Kevin didn't mind as his powers help him with it. Though how Ein made a broth that could affect MANTISes who knows. Hua grew up in china and ate spicy food for as long as she could remember.

As they were sweating, Kevin with ice pellets. They started to slow down after the 40th bowl. "Go Hua! Beat up Kevin, H U A Hua!" Elysia did a dance while shouting a cheer.

I am unbeatable. Ein-san made this for us, this delicious bowl of noodles that I could never tire of. I will win! Hua then started to speed up and ate faster than Kevin.

after a few more bowls, both of them stopped as Ein counted the number. "The winner is... Hua! She ate 2 more bowls than the ramen meister Kevin." He lifted up her arm as Kevin literally dropped on the table face first.

"Thank you Eden-san, Elysia-san, Mei-san. Your cheering wasn't for naught as I am now the undisputed champion." Hua then slumped on the couch and closed her eyes.

Mei smiled. I never thought I'd see Fu Hua like this. And on her sim too, when I get back to them I'll tell her all about it. She remembered her friends.

She then tried to talk to Ein. "Um Ein, could I ask you about your signet? You never appeared before anyone right? Do you think I'll inherit it?" She got nervous as everyone looked at them with interest.

"Hmm, my signet huh? Truthfully, I don't have anything to give you." Mei then got disappointed, his strength would be a big boost.

"But pure skill and fighting prowess. Have you defeated all the flame chasers except Aponia, Elysia, and Kevin?" He asked curiously.

Mei got confused. Aponia? Who is that? Everyone looked awkward with the mention of that woman.

Elysia tapped Mei on the shoulder. "Um, Mei? I don't think you should talk to Aponia without Ein by your side." She unusually said seriously.

"Ohh it'll be fine. Aponia won't hurt you, just don't listen to her cryptic words too much." Ein waves his hand without a care in the world.

"Ohh I know! We have a special dimension here in the golden courtyard. Let's have a little fun there next time, Raiden Mei, beat up at least half of the flame chasers first." He gave a wide grin as everybody tensed up.

Chapter 44: The Descent of the 5th
Chapter 44: The Descent of the 5th

Ein and Vill high fived. "Yeah! We finally made the satellite." Vill wiped some sweat on her brow. The intense focus needed took a toll on her.

Ein patted her on the back and gave a thumbs up. "Nice work Vill, we even made the mark 2 suits. Still gotta make the specialized ones though, the 5th eruption would take less soldiers this time."

He smiled as he admired their work. Speaking of work, he personally made some politicians that were making it hard for Mobius disappear, and they were found in some lake somewhere after a few days.

Of course it was clean, nobody could explain who killed them as the authorities kept on investigating. Not that they'll find anything though.

I've already transferred the organization to a specialist too. Well, if they get any funny ideas. There's still a lot more people that could take over.

Mei arrived with them as they launched the satellite to outer space. Testing it on Nagazora as it's still irradiated with honkai energy. Air currents appeared suddenly in the city as it started to siphon the energy.

"We'll just get a special team to check on the satellite. I need it after all, I can absorb it and have more gas to work with." He said to the girls as they nodded.

He then clenched his fists. The 1st and 2nd core gave me some good things too. With the gem of reason, he was able to materialize organic materials only. It might not be amazing, but it's still usable in certain circumstances. Like making poisons.

The 2nd was truly astonishing. He could distort space in a small area and send out small items. Basically teleportation in a small scale, no matter how much honkai energy he uses. It can't open a bigger portal or make one inside things to rearrange their insides.

The best was making time slower. It costs tons of energy but he could make it slower for approximately 5%. With speed like his, that's a game changer.


"Ein, I think we've cracked the mystery of where the herrscher cores get their powers. Mei fixed her glasses with a smile.

"Did you pinpoint it? I noticed that they need to recharge for at least 2 hours when you drain them. So they're like in energy saving mode when a herrscher doesn't use them."

Mei handed him some data as he read on. "So it is another entirely new space." He read it while Mei talked.

"We're not sure exactly where it is. But honkai energy seeps in to the herrscher cores via quantum tunneling. We can see it enter, but we don't know where." She concluded.

"Hmm, interesting. If we use the 2nd core's power and principles, do you think we could energize the cores to their normal states? We then could make artificial perfect herrschers on our side." He thought about the possibilities.

Mei shrugged. "I don't know, let's just work on it. But what you said sure is tempting... Let's work on the other keys first. The 2nd and 1st cores, could you leave them to me? I have a project in mind. The 14th herrscher just made a huge impact on me, I can't get it out of my mind." She asked with a grave tone.

He nodded. "Yeah, it's kinda weighing on me as well. Let's just do our best, and you could make keys with the 1st and 2nd. I'll focus on weaponry." They then went to work on other things.


Ein was double checking some emails and their expenses. He frowned as he saw the costs of making the most important material, soulium.

At this rate of expenses and gaining money. We would have to rely on more investors, we can't wait for that. The satellite really made a big dent in our funds.

He sighed as he checked out an email that popped up. "Oh? A merchant. Maybe this person could help us with some of our funds."

He read it. "Hi! Sir/Ma'am. I'm Pardofelis and I've finally had a hold of your email from your company. You've had some collaborations with Ms. Eden, the voice of heaven. But you're still criminally underrated, I would like to be your personal seller of music and other compositions. There are still a lot of opportunities with this prospective deal. I hope to hear from you soon!"

He thought about it for a second. "Hmm, I haven't made anything for a long time now. Maybe this person could advertise my works using Eden's popularity? Some merch would work too. If they're good, I'll invest as well and let them dominate other parts of the market."

He replied and told the person that he's willing to meet up. Pitch ideas and iron out a deal if they could agree on something.

???: "Hah, I might be in the red this time." A girl with brown hair and blue eyes grumbled as she started to examine her earnings and expenses. (Pic here)

"Ahhh! I can't do this anymore. Why is everybody rejecting my genius offers!?" She scratched her head in irritation.

"No! I can't give in here! I'll be rich! This is just a test. Nobody succeeds quickly if they start from the bottom." She rationalized, as she started to get fired up.

"But... I'll take a nap first, this is too much for me. I need some rest." She yawned, tired of hassling that big music company for an email of that anonymous guy.

Her eyelids started to droop, thinking of what to do next. But a pop up from her computer startled her a bit.

"Damned computer, I forgot to put it on silent." She grumbled, checking the notification. She started to read as her eyes slowly widened from shock.

"What!? This guy wants to meet up with me? It's rumored that even the company doesn't know what this guy looks like." She was in disbelief. This person even had collaborations with the voice of heaven!

She immediately typed a reply, asking for when this mysterious guy would be available. As she hummed happily, thinking that this might be her big break.

"Yosh, I need to hook em with my charming personality! This is the most important deal of my life. I need to prepare." She then started to think of how to make the deal successful.


Ein was designing some soulium weapons for elite soldiers that will use a core similar to herrscher cores when Prometheus notified them of a sudden spike in honkai energy in south east asia.

They quickly gathered and assessed the situation. "There's no eruption yet, we're assembling troops with the mark 2 power armors ready to go." Mei quickly gave a status report.

"Prometheus measured the amount of honkai energy, an upper end emperor class will appear based on estimations. Go to the area and we'll cover you from here." Mobius added.

"I'm going then. Prometheus said they'll be stronger than the last, I'm stronger than ever too. So don't worry guys." He patted Mobius on the head and kissed her.

He then flew off to the location. "Hah, he was working when the alarm set off right? I hope the new and improved soldiers can help a lot. Or he'll be stuck in clean up duty." Mobius sighed.

Mei nodded with a frown. "How is it going with your own projects Mobius? Can we make someone stronger through your experiments like Ein?" Our forces are getting thinner. We should focus on quality.

Mobius shook her head. "No, not yet. I've been trying, though it's hardly successful. Do we need to look from other sources? Emperor class honkai beasts and above have genomes. Maybe we could use that?"

Mei squinted her eyes. "Explain more."

Mobius sent her a file in her email as Mei looked at it. "The DNA of honkai beasts are very chaotic Mobius, nobody could survive this. Not until we sequence it and make it more human friendly." Mei looked at the data, with her simple knowledge about genetics, she could already see glaring flaws about using their DNA.

Mobius nodded, but grinned. "That's for normal people Mei. But Ein? I reckon that he'll make it. With his immense vitality and adaptability? Anything's possible." I wonder what kind of monster he'll become with this.


Thanks for reading guys, Phyllis wouldn't join MOTH for some time. I'm just introducing her. And the makings of project soldier is here. It's time to go godmode.
Chapter 45: Diamond Dust
Chapter 45: Diamond Dust

Ein flew to the estimated location with his personal weapon with a new form. Gauntlets and greaves that were based on devil may cry's beowulf. (Insert pic here)

He was like a hawk surveying the surroundings. And not a bit much later, an emperor class honkai beast started to rampage in the city.

A large quadrupedal beast with tusks on the front of it's face like a boar. It's shell was black and parts of it glowed blue, accompanied by the same honkai beast, but with a white shell and pink highlights. Ganesha.

He called it Parvati inside his mind as the pair bursted out beams. Ganesha with pink honkai energy, Parvati released an ice beam that froze city blocks with its attack.

He then dropped down on the ground and smacked his palm with his fist. As he started to roll his shoulders and jumped lightly like a boxer.

"Hmm, you guys twins or something? Black and white, ebony and ivory. I kinda like twins, tough luck though. Because I'll be going thrash you guys around, nobody is in this city anymore. Courtesy of MOTH."

The honkai beasts stood in front of him while he talked. Then Ganesha balled up and started to roll like a certain blue hedgehog.

It rushed out like a bullet and Parvati attacked with a blue beam from it's mouth. He sidestepped Ganesha and raised his hands, the beam was stopped by an energy shield as it reflected everywhere. Freezing anything it hits like an ice cube.

Ganesha made a turn as it rushed towards him again. Trying to make him into roadkill. "You like to roll so much? Then how about you roll to your other half." He dodged it again and kicked it like a soccer ball towards Parvati. His leg glowed violet like a comet as Ganesha flew into Parvati like a bullet, decimating dozens of frozen buildings like falling dominoes.

They flew for multiple city blocks as the honkai beasts get ready for another scuffle. The temperature of the surroundings then started to drop as the whole city was covered in ice crystals, it looked picturesque as if diamond dust covered the city. If it isn't so damned cold.

Frost started to form on his skin from the immense temperature change. And a girl appeared, floating while her surroundings froze.

"Human, you dare challenge us? You will turn into ice once we're through with you. Just like how this world will become shrouded by ice." Thousands of crystal shards started to form behind her.

"No thanks, I'm not planning to become a popsicle you see? Now where were we? Ahh, I was about to do this." He enhanced his body with honkai energy as he leaped tremendous force. Destroying the ground, he focused energy on his arm as he threw a punch.

It landed on her face as she flew like a meteor. Impacting the ground with an explosion as the ground trembled. He lifted Parvati and Ganesha by their tusks and quickly followed, he swung them downwards like a gigantic hammer.

He noticed that the force of his blows weakened. But what could have caused it? He immediately started to think of how the herrscher caused it as Parvati didn't do anything.

His muscles felt stiffer like a rusty gear that needs some oil. The herrscher floated once more, a little disheveled. "I admit, you are strong for a human. But do not even entertain the idea that you'll walk out here alive." She glared daggers at him.

He started to feel vibrations under him as he immediately dodged. A massive glacier then appeared on the spot as it froze everything inside.

Strange... I also feel slower, is she starting to freeze me? No. My cells aren't getting frost bite. The herrscher rained thousands of knife like shards as he deflected all of them using his gauntlets and greaves.

It shredded the surroundings like it was made of butter, in his immediate area there's a circle that has no damage whatsoever.

He shook his head and focused on the fight. Ganesha roared as a shockwave washed over his body launching him a few meters away.

The buildings toppled and the ground exploded from the force. The damage to him was negligible, but the infrastructures were like matchsticks. Breaking like twigs.

Parvati roared to as large blocks of ice appeared on the air. It suddenly accelerated as he was being pelted by ice shards and blocks like machine gun fire.

He transformed his weapon to gun form as he took a shot on Parvati to break it's concentration. He then changed it to a spear as he threw it like a javelin. With a thunder clap, it flew straight like an arrow at the herrscher. Lightning lit up the city like very dangerous fireworks.

But to his surprise, it slowed down and the herrscher froze it as the spear fell at the ground. Solid like a block of ice.

He willed it to his hand as he shattered the ice on it. He dodged ice spears erupting from the ground, honkai beams from Ganesha, and a rolling attack from Parvati as it spewed out spears of ice from all directions like quills.

I've lost at least 30% of my speed. Is her power... Molecular deceleration!? He released tons of energy as he heated his body up. Steam appeared all over his skin, showing how cold it is.

"So you want to turn me into a statue huh? Herrscher." He floated as they flew face to face. If that's the case, she can decrease tons of force by decreasing my momentum and speed.

He clapped as honkai energy turned visible around him. The buildings and rubble floated nearby, orbiting him like an asteroid belt. "How do you like this then?" He made a grasping motion, as a large piece of a pointed sky scraper turned to the herrscher's position.

He started to sprint and threw the huge building like a spear as it loomed over the herrscher and honkai beasts. Casting a shadow over them.

The tip of the structure ignited as it broke the sound barrier. He increased the velocity by applying an air current from behind. It hit the targets with a resounding boom as the city shaked from the impact.

The people from the base watching were simply gobsmacked with the display of power. "Uhh, Dr. Mei. Is this how he really fights? That's insane!" Hua was left behind as she was still pretty new.

Mei just smiled wryly as they watched what happens next.

Ein then started to make quick movements with his hands. "Ora! Eat some concrete and steel!" Hundreds of boulders, steel beams, building parts flew towards the enemy. With every projectile, a shockwave explodes at the location.

After a few more seconds, a gigantic wall of ice appeared. Towering over him as a violent blizzard appeared.

The honkai beasts died from the aftermath, but the herrscher started to glow. "Enough games human. I will prevail."

Gigantic pillars of ice appeared, he then stated to become stiffer by the second. If he doesn't do anything, he'll be like a snail.

The temperature plummeted, the city was now a tundra. Reaching temperatures that is slowly reaching absolute zero.

Towers of ice appeared all over the city as millions of shards appeared from the sky. "Die!" The gigantic pillars the size of a high rise fell on his location with deceptive speed.

He resisted the molecular deceleration with all his might. Flooding his body with honkai energy. "Let's go baby, how about we show your true powers?" The spear glowed.

"2nd release." The surroundings started to smell of ozone. Dark clouds appeared high above as lightning started to arc.

"Divine punishment falls from the heavens. Burn to ashes you heretic! Face absolute desolation!" Gigantic pillars of lightning rained down from the heavens.

It snaked around, chains of lightning atomized the surroundings as the cold air and ice clashed with violent electricity. The whole city was basically destroyed, as two god like powers collided with each other. Fighting for supremacy.

After the dust settled. Everything was in tatters, the once bustling metropolis is now a shadow it's former self. It's now a desolate land with smoldering craters littered all over the place.

He looked on over as he frowned and squinted his eyes. There was a large dome of ice as the herrscher exited it and laughed. "HAHAHAHA! Is that the best you could do human!? My sister's lightning cannot pierce my endless ice!"

The herrscher then raised her hands for thousands of miles, the surroundings turned into a frozen wasteland. Affecting even the nearby cities, as the ice crept slowly.

"Why not accept your fate? You are just a human borrowing a god's power!" She laughed like a deranged maniac.

"I admit, you're stronger than the last one herrscher. Why not? I'll show you your sister's true potential that she couldn't reach." The soulium in his body worked overtime like a reactor. Siphoning as much honkai energy as it can and powered up the divine key to it's limit.

Thanks to our discovery about the source your powers. We could tap into it briefly, I will let you see the power of humanity.

His body was starting to seize up with the immense cold. The temperature of the surroundings slowly reaching absolute zero. But he focused on the divine key, to unleash it's hidden power.

"0th power." The spear started to turn into pure energy. As it turned formless, now he could mould it to his will as the glowing weapon hummed.

Plasma appeared as the high temperatures melted the surroundings. Violet lightning descended with a thunderclap, as far as the eye can see. Scaring the civilians from nearby cities, thinking that the end is near.

"My conquest reigns supreme." The weapon transformed into pure lightning, snaking around him as if it's a living being.

"Now let's see what would prevail. Your ice, or my lightning." His muscles bulged, his heart pounding, pumping blood to every part of his body. "Now... COME HERRSCHER!"

An icy expanse on one side, violent lightning on the other. As the two fought for hegemony, trying to obliterate each other.


Thanks for reading guys. Till next time on the next episode of dragon ba, ahem. Chapter. Ciao.

And if the herrscher seems too strong, it's a mixture of hax and the world making them so. That's canon, the stronger humanity is. The stronger the herrschers.
Chapter 46: 0th Power
Chapter 46: 0th Power

Diamond dust flew everywhere as the frozen tundra turned the now ruined city into the herrscher's domain.

While plasma and electricity flowed from Ein. The herrscher attacked with a tsunami of snow and ice, as it swept through everything. Leaving nothing but an icy wasteland.

He focused, guiding the lightning. Coating his hands in it, raising his hands a thick beam of energy was released as it vaporized the herrscher's attack.

The air was crackling with lightning as the beam divided the city in two. Starting from his position, lightning fell down on the herrscher. As she tried to make shields to protect herself from the violent barrage.As she saw it vaporize everything it touches into nothing.

He roared as he threw the weapon, now shaped like a lightning bolt. It pierced through everything, vaporizing what it touches into plasma and heat. As a bright light bathed the whole city, blinding even the observers back at the base.

Nearby cities saw a light source from the site of honkai eruption. Like a nuclear explosion, they experienced an increase in temperature for a few degrees.

The city they fought on was shown after the explosion, a large smoldering crater appeared like it was hit by an asteroid. Plasma and molten concrete pooling like lava.

He sighed as the intense heat washed over him. His skin red, and steam escaping from his body.

But he wasn't taking any chances. He took out a large tungsten metal rod that was shaped like a spear. It was the ammo for kinetic orbital bombings.

Several of them appeared behind his back as arcs of electricity coated them. The electro magnetism of the gem of conquest enveloped the rods.

Like a railgun, the projectiles were released with a sonic boom. Travelling at least mach 100. Combined with the weight of the material, it rained down on the herrscher's last effort defense.

The earth was torn asunder as the metal rods fell. It wasn't as strong as high yield explosives, but with pin point kinetic energy. It wore down on her energy shield and ice.

Slowing down time, he scrutinized for an opportunity. The barrage of attacks has burned her skin to a crisp, she was missing a leg and there was a large hole on her side, but is still alive.

His pupils dilated and saw that she coughed up blood, attempting to get her bearings. He swooped in like an eagle with it's talons. The surroundings around her stable enough to use a trump card. Immense honkai energy destabilizes it after all.

A portal manifested in front of him as his hand entered, it appeared behind her. As he stabbed her on the chest with his hand. Ripping out the core, then lightning fell down for the final time as her body disappeared without a trace.

He quickly stored the light blue core that released cold air as he dropped down on the ground. His trusty weapon at his side, it's glow now non existent as it looked like a normal piece of metal.

"Hah, she specialized in defense and battles of attrition. That was tough." as he took out his phone and called Mei and Mobius.

"We've seen it already Ein. Retrieve the corpse of the emperor class, they still should be relatively intact. Being encased in thick ice from the herrscher's wide spread attack." Mei talked, reminding him of the spoils.

"Don't worry, I always find the loot. Mission success. I'll leave the runaway honkai beasts to MOTH." As they ended the call.

Hua was seated near them. "Dr. Mobius, Dr. Mei... Is Dr. Ein possibly a herrscher on our side? I mean... That display was like the descent of the 3rd herrscher all over again."

Mei and Mobius just looked at her and shrugged. "Hua, if Ein is a herrscher... Then that fight wouldn't even lasted for a few seconds. He would just look at her and destabilize her atomic structure. If he was the 2nd? I don't even wanna know how he'll fight." Mei imagined him rending space and bending time. He'd be unstoppable.

(To those who don't know the 3rd, she controls electromagnetism. And with peak control, she could look at you and you'll turn into goop.)

Hua slowly nodded. That guy is scary, fighting god like beings. She shivered at the thought of him going rogue. Thankfully he's easygoing and just likes to relax whenever he has time. She prayed for him to not have any ideas of world domination or something.


After a few hours of travelling slowly, Ein returned to the base and arrived at the meeting room. He saw Mei managing data and reports from the soldiers. While Mobius was writing on a clipboard on a couch.

He quickly lied down on Mobius' lap as he sighed. "Ahhh, Moby-chan. I worked hard, let me lie down here for a while. I think I'll get sick, I played with snow for quite a bit after all."

Mobius and Mei squinted their eyes at him. "What the hell do you mean playing with snow? Based on your report she could cause molecular deceleration. To the point of reaching absolute zero, nearby cities thousands of miles away even dropped temperature." Mobius deadpanned at him.

He waved his hands nonchalantly. "It's the same thing, I was in a winter wonderland. Now I want to eat some shaved ice." He took out some shaved ice and handed it to Mobius.

He opened his mouth. "Ahh, come on Moby-chan. Your husband has worked hard you know? You didn't even offer me a bath or something." He pouted.

"Can you not flirt here while I'm trying to lessen the damage of the honkai eruption?" Mei grumbled. It's like he just went on a nice stroll.

Mobius scooped some up, then ate it. "Hmm, your food is much better than the instant things we always ate at the lab."

He pinched her cheeks. "Hey! Aren't you a bit too cruel? I even made that. Mei! Mobius doesn't like me anymore." He faked crying.

She just threw her tablet to him as he caught it. "Hah, nobody loves me in this place. You know what? I'll go and play with Vill." He started to sit up and was about to leave.

Mobius panicked. That woman is getting ever closer to him. It's only a matter of time... She then scooped up another and put it in her mouth. She held his head with her hands and turned her face to him. She kissed him while sharing the shaved ice. As their tongues intertwined and made wet noises.

"Hmm, good flavor if I do say so myself." Mei heard it and saw them kissing on the couch. She glared daggers at them and threw a chair.

"You guys, just get out of here." She massaged her temples as she sighed.

Ein carried Mobius and immediately ran from the premises. "Geez, he does everything in his pace. Can't he have some shame? Kissing Mobius in front of me, and so lewdly too." She blushed.


Mobius and Ein arrived at his room. "Mobius, you're pretty overworked too right? Come on let's sleep." He lied down on his luxurious bed that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Mobius slowly lied down beside him. Noticing the soft bed like she was on clouds, she immediately relaxed and hugged him from the side.

"Ein, how about you? I bet you haven't slept at least 8 hours in years. Why do you try so hard? I observed that fight... And it was not easy, you should've had support." She remembered the intense fight. He might be strong, but he's still human.

"Hmm, good question. How about you Mobius? Do you do experiments because it's a necessity, or because you like to do it? I do these because it's a necessity. Not that I have humanity as a whole in mind, it's just a byproduct so to say."

"I do it because I like it. And it's my ambition. What do you mean about your fighting and work being a necessity?" She asked him. She was confused by his motivations.

"It's simple really, technically. I'm just a normal guy that wants a simple life. And to do that, I'd have to eliminate anything that could disrupt that. Live with you guys, have fun, settle down and have a nice family. And honestly, fighting with superpowers is every man's dream at some point." He shrugged and patted her head.

Mobius looked at him tenderly. "So it's for us huh? I see, but you being a normal person is absurd you know? If somebody else hears that they'll lose their minds."

He laughed. "I guess that's true. Then I just want to relax and kick back, so I gotta be even stronger. That fight was pretty close honestly, their physics bending powers is such a cheat."

"I'll help make you stronger Ein. For our future, I've even started to sequence honkai beast DNA. That'll be the ultimate help for you and if we can integrate others, then you will have more time to relax." She smiled.

He kissed her forehead and petted her. "Thanks Mobius, you guys are tons of help already you know? But I gratefully accept."

Mobius hummed. "Hn, Ein... Can I ask you a favor? Can we do that again? It just felt so pleasant." She purred, as her eyes became dazed.

(You know the drill.)

Ein snickered. "What is it Mobius? I don't know what you're talking about~" He teased her while drawing circles on her lower back.

Mobius went on top of him. "This." She put her lips on his as her tongue asked for permission to enter.

He opened his mouth and massaged her tongue with amazing dexterity as Mobius fidgeted.

Hugging her closer to him, he kissed her passionately as wet tongues intertwined. Making soft smacking noises inside the silent room.

Mobius separated as her eyes were half lidded. "Hmm. It surely is pleasant~ Give me more. I want to feel you more." She purred.

He started to unbutton her green shirt. Making her big tits spill out, barely contained by her plain green bra. "How do you have such big breasts Mobius? When you basically eat cup noodles 3 times a day back then?"

He took of her bra as he put one in his hands and massaged it gently. "Ahhh~ I don't know. Just genes I guess, Ein. My genitals is getting wet. Keep going."

He put her right nipple in his mouth, caressing it with his tongue. While playing with the left, gently pinching it and rolling it around as she gave a moan.

His free hand snaked down her body, tracing every curve and supple flesh as he reached her skirt. Squeezing her soft ass while stimulating her breasts.

"Haaah~ It feels weird. It's like a jolt of electricity, I've never felt this before Ein. Make me feel better~ Ahn.

He relented on her nipple for a bit. "Hmm, you haven't even masturbated before Mobius? I'll show you the pleasures of the flesh then."

He sent jolts of electricity on sensitive parts of her body. As Mobius' eyes widened from the sudden spike of pleasure.

"Ahhhn~ What did you do? Go on, I feel something coming from my crotch. It feels all jittery down here."

He flipped her around as she is now under him, her fair skin glistening with sweat. Her beautiful green eyes dazed and filled with curiosity and desire.

Taking off her skirt. It showed her panties that outlined a wet spot. He quickly took off her panties and her slightly gorged vagina was laid bare. A small patch of green hair on her pubis.

"So you clean up after yourself. That's good, I was expecting a bush from you Mobius." He started to make soft touches on her moist slit.

She pouted at him. "Of course I do, it's itchy and annoying. But I'm glad you like it." She started to pant because of his ministrations.

Putting her above him facing the opposite direction. Mobius started to unbutton his pants, releasing his rock hard cock.

She looked at it and poked it for a bit. "What an amazing specimen. I didn't see it clearly back then. Now, I need to examine this carefully." She grasped it with her hand and started to jerk it up and down slowly.

Not wanting to make her waiting. Ein gave a nice long lick on her pussy. He then inserted his tongue inside as it elongated. Slithering around, trying to find her sensitive spots.

Mobius gasped. "Ein! Right there! I'm going to have an orgasm!" Her pussy tightened as she spasmed. Squirting all over his face, experiencing her first ever orgasm.

"Hmm Mobius. You aren't reciprocating you know? Suck the tip with a constant suction and lick it. Now that you experienced your first ever orgasm... I'll be giving you the Ein special." He grinned.

Mobius nodded and started to suck on his cock. Experimenting on how to give him pleasure, she noticed that it twitched whenever the glans was licked. As she focused on it.

Ein then charged his finger with electricity, as it vibrated. Hmm, I wonder how they'll like this new function of mine. He pulled the hood on her clitoris and rolled it between his fingers. Stimulating it with intense vibrations and jolts of electricity.

Mobius screamed. "Wh-what... Is that!? Ahhhn~" She tensed up and creamed. Having non stop orgasms as he didn't let up while her sensitivity is still high.

He grinned and his tongue started to vibrate as well. He plunged it into her spasming pussy, focusing on her sensitive spots. Making her reach cloud 9.

Mobius' eyes rolled as the intense stimulation slammed her. She spasmed continuously as she drooled from the pleasure, her face went slack as she went silent. Her panting is the only thing that could be heard.

He let up and lied her down, still spasming and panting. "Did you like that?" He kissed her while caressing her inner thighs.

Mobius nodded with a lost look. Cumming out of her mind. "I want more, I want your dick inside me. I didn't do a good job pleasuring you, so please use my pussy." She spread her nether lips, her vagina still spasming from the continuous orgasms.

He smiled as he slowly inserted his penis inside her wet folds. It was sucking him in as he pierced her maidenhood.

Mobius didn't even felt it as the previous stimulation was still washing over her. Hmm, I guess I'll use the Ein special first so future partners won't be in pain. He noticed Vill's clinginess.

He decided to start with vanilla first as he built up a rhythm. Pumping inside her soft and wet folds.

"Yesss, I'm so sensitive. And I could feel you spreading me wide~ Please Ein, go faster!" Mobius entwined her legs on his lower back.

Ein complied as he thrusted faster. Kissing Mobius while fucking her pussy.

Mobius purred. "I'm going to cum Ein, are you? Let it all out inside of me. I want it in me!" Her walls clenched hard and twitched as she came.

Ein thrusted deep and released it all inside of her, not wasting even a single drop. Filling her womb to the brim.

She sighed in contentment. "Hah, that was an amazing experience. We should do this more often, I feel so relaxed and fluffy. Like I'm floating on a cloud."

Ein smiled and patted her head. "Is it? Then who am I to refuse such a beauty? But I'll have to let you know... The day is still long Mobius, you better prepare yourself."

His cock vibrated and Mobius gasped. "What do you mean?" She asked nervously. Remembering what his other lovers said to her. Never initiate sex with him alone, if you show any intent, he'll jump you right then and there.

"I haven't tried this before. You're my trusted buddy with experiments Mobius, let's try this shall we?" He grinned. With a deep thrust he entered all at once.

Mobius' eyes widened as her back lifted from the bed as she screamed. For a few hours, Mobius' screams were heard and everybody wondered if she finally went crazy.


Thanks for reading guys. I don't know if I'll make a divine key of the 5th, maybe something like cerberus? Anyway, thanks for the support. Ciao.
Chapter 47: Getting Moolah
Chapter 47: Getting Moolah

Ein was preparing to meet with the supposed business partner he was wearing a navy blue suit with a black trench coat clasped on his shoulders. Looking ice cold with that drip.

"Sheesh! Damn I look good. Maybe I should change my wardrobe like this? Make some kind of unbreakable cloth with Vill." He checked himself on the mirror.

He then said goodbye to the girls. "Damn... You look nice Ein! Where are you going? Don't tell me you're going to cheat on us!?" Elysia huffed.

Himeko bonked her on the head. "Take care Ein. Just don't do anything too crazy alright? We'll be alright." She exuded wife vibes.

Elysia squinted her eyes. "Himeko, look at him. Women would be all over him if he goes out looking like a billion bucks." She pouted.

Mobius sighed. "Elysia, Ein will just meet with a prospective business partner. He isn't going to a brothel. Let her idiocy pass Ein, don't take too long." She then left the trio.

He got in his car and drove off while waving to them.


Inside a cafe, Pardofelis was fumbling about. Shaking from nervousness. What am I gonna do? This guy is going to be the end of me or make me able to soar.

She was fidgeting all over while organizing files. No! I can do this, she slapped her cheeks. This is just a deal, whoever that guy is. I'll be striking it big today!

She sipped on some tea to calm down. And then a tall man appeared, he has long and straight silver hair. Coupled with his almond shaped green eyes. He was absolutely gorgeous.

He is a showstopper. Everybody looked at him when he entered, the girls whispering. The guys on dates were absolutely livid, seeing their girl's dreamy expressions.

Squinting his eyes and looking around, he looked menacing. Like someone you shouldn't mess around with.

"Excuse me, did somebody named Pardofelis enter in this establishment? I have an appointment with them." Her ears twitched, hearing her name.

He was pointed to her direction as he looked at her. She froze, he analyzed her from head to toe and grinned.

Arriving at the table, he took a seat and crossed his legs. "So, Ms. Pardofelis? I am Einheri, you can call me Ein." He held out his hand for a simple shake.

She rubbed her sweaty hand on her skirt before reaching out. "Hi, my name is Pardofelis. You can call me Phyllis Mr. Ein, it's a great honor to meet you."

He chuckled. "Relax~ I don't bite. Well then? Let's get down to business shall we? I'm a busy man Ms. Phyllis."

She nodded quickly and took out her files. "Here, please have a look at this. You're a world renowned music producer, even making some of Ms. Eden's songs. You don't have a lot of advertisements and schedule. So the people might have heard of your music, but don't necessarily know you."

He read it with inhuman speeds as he put it down on the table. Scaring the shit out of her, thinking that he wasn't interested.

"Hmm, I think so as well. Eden is a superstar while I'm a producer, so it's only natural that I'd have less popularity. I'm anonymous to the public as well because I don't want any paparazzi or people snooping on me."

She gulped. "I see, would you reconsider showing up for a bit? I'd imagine your popularity would skyrocket if the people will get a glimpse of you."

He pondered. Well, they can't snoop on me when I'm in MOTH anyway. "Sure, I need tons of money you see? So Ms. Phyllis, what do you have in mind if I do partner up with you?" He leaned closer and clasped his hands together.

Bracing herself, she immediately tried to hook him with a deal. "Right now your music is sold on records. And collaborations with Ms. Eden just has your name on it. Which overshadows you already, if we release specific albums that have you in it, and advertise that you're a producer that she's worked with before. Success will just roll in." She smiled.

"Hmm, that's true. But do I really need you to do that? What if I just call Eden for it? As you said, if I show up for a bit and Eden confirms it's me, then I don't necessarily need you right?" He smiled as well.

She froze and started sweating buckets. She sighed and just spoke her mind, deeming this meeting doomed. "Mr. Ein, I didn't even know I could reach this point. Life is just an RNG game, toss the dice and success or failure will mark down a record in life. So thanks for even showing up even though I rolled a failure for this gacha."

About to stand up, she started collecting her files. But he suddenly laughed. "Hahaha! Indeed, life is all about luck and RNGesus Phyllis. But if you don't grind, then you can only whale." He nodded sagely.

She was confused. Is this guy one of my people? She listened intently on what he's going to say next.

"Hah, that got a good laugh in me. I like you Phyllis. You probably put in a lot of effort to even have my email right? I don't know how you got it, but I like your grind. So let's do it, I'll give Eden a call right now. We'll talk and iron out the specifics here."

He took out his phone and called Eden. "Eiiin~ What is it? Did you miss me? Sorry, but I'm going to have some charity work for south east asia. The battle with the 5th did a lot of damage, and the population there as you know is big. Leaving a lot of homeless people." She sighed.

"Ohh? Good for you, but I have a business partner right here." He put Phyllis on the screen as she appeared, gobsmacked. Eden is a world wide sensation after all.

"Uhhh, hello Ms. Eden, please call me Phyllis. Ein has agreed to make a deal with me, he'll appear in the spotlight, but I don't know why he called you..." Her voice a bit shaky. I can't believe it! I'm talking to Eden, everyone's gonna be so jealous.

Eden perked up. "Ein! This is big! You finally want to have a duet with me or something? I've always wanted to film a music video or recording with you."

He nodded. "We'll be making some music, though I'll probably won't go to the stage with you. I'm too busy for that."

Eden smiled nonetheless. "That's fine! Once I finish up here let's record something! You'll have a song already, I know you. Damned workaholic." She huffed.

They ended the call and Phyllis was on cloud 9. "Ein, I'll do my best! We'll rival Eden in popularity, I'm sure!" She pumped her fist.

He chuckled and gave her a flash drive. "These are some things I made in my spare time. Release it on the market Phyllis, I'm sure you'll be able to do that no problem?"

She grasped it tightly like it was a treasure. Finally! All my hard work hasn't been for nothing, I just got an SSR! "Un! Leave it to me." She puffed out her chest.

They exchanged contacts and she said she'll contact him after she released some of the compositions. He also gave a picture of him looking absolutely angelic. As she excitedly returned home all giddy.

"Hehe~ I'll be rolling in money! I'm going to do everything to make this successful! Then I can branch out on other sectors." She rubbed her hands and smiled widely.

"Thank you Ein... Trusting a no name like me. We'll make an empire." Her ambitions grew as she started to contact publishers.


He met up with Eden and they started to record a music video. He plagiarized (ahem) made No air, because it's one of his favorites and matched it to the tastes of the people here. As they filmed it while Phyllis was right behind the production crew.

"Ein, Eden, you guys have so much chemistry! And I didn't know your voice can rival hers too!?" She admired their looks and talent. Honestly, they look perfect for each other.

Eden scratched her cheek. "Do we? It seems we have great chemistry Ein." She smiled tenderly. "We'll make waves in the music industry with our work. And look at you, women would be majority of your fans I'm sure."

Phyllis nodded. "Right? He'll have tons of fans in no time. Women are suckers for pretty boys after all, and he has the talent to back it up too."

Ein patted her head. "Haha, you really have a glib tongue Phyllis. You're pretty cute too you know? And the works I made that you released is quickly getting traction as well. Maybe I should do some art works next? Rich people like art after all."

Phyllis started to get excited. "Please send them to me when you decide to do so! I'll sell it with the highest price possible!" I'm starting to get famous as well, my small company has been getting tons of offers.

They finished recording as they posted it on social media. It instantly garnered millions of views in a matter of minutes. It was on Eden's official account after all.

And he was famous instantly, being revealed as the one who collaborated with Eden for some of her music.

They read some of the comments, seeing if his appearance was good. *Kyah! Ein-sama, you can choke me! I could live with no air if it's because of you! <3* As they read tons of other thirsty comments.

Reading the thirst comments, Eden smiled wryly. "We expected this, but I didn't know it would be this bad."

Phyllis also gave a strained smile. "They're pretty big fans huh? Well, that's good! They'll gobble up merch and albums like nice little sheep." She grinned.

Ein sighed, thinking of all the fan girls rushing at him. "At least the money's rolling in." He gave Phyllis a high five.


Ein returned at the base and Elysia latched onto him immediately. "Wow! You're a sensation right now Ein! And these thirsty fan girls won't even have a glimpse on you because you work at MOTH." She smiled widely.

Himeko and Mobius just stared at him. "So? Why did you even do that? You'll have another responsibility you know? You're already spread so thin." Mobius deadpanned at him.

He waved his hands. "Phyllis will take care of it. Don't worry, I just need to send her some works of mine occasionally."

Himeko squinted her eyes. "Phyllis? Who's that? Sounds like a girl..." Her eyes glimmered.

"Hmm, she's my new business partner. She works hard and is a nice cute girl. She was all nervous at first when we met up." He chuckled.

Elysia's smile strained. "Ohh~ can we meet up with her sometime? I'm sure she's a nice girl. Working hard for your sake." She said in a sweet voice.

"Oh, you'll like her Ellie. She's kind of like you, energetic and optimistic. I think the both of you would get along well." He smiled.

Mobius frowned. "I still have a lot to work on. I'll let you know when I need you." Whatever, I already knew he'll be collecting women naturally like it's none of his business.

Himeko then wanted to take advantage of his rare free time. "Ein, let's go train. I think Hua would benefit a lot from training with you. She's been asking me a lot about how strong you became." They then went to the training grounds.

"Hey! Wait for me. I'll have to train too!" Elysia followed them.


Thanks for reading guys. Ciao
Omake: Getting Served
Omake: Getting Served

In a special Dimension in the Golden Courtyard. There was, Kevin, Elysia, Mei, Mobius, Eden, Su, and Hua in front of Ein. All lined up like new recruits for boot camp.

"Okay guys, you know the drill. We haven't done this with this many members before. And where's the others?" He asked them.

"Kalpas said he wants it 1on1 mano a mano. Aponia doesn't like to fight you, and the others are safekeeping they said." Elysia sad while rolling her eyes.

"Hmm, Aponia and Griseo is understandable. But the others? Tell them I'll be training them, they must have forgot." He grinned widely.

Everybody tensed, like they are going to fight for their lives. Mei gave a deep frown. "This won't be a normal spar huh?" She asked Eden and Elysia.

Eden nodded. "His words when he was training us? *My hands are the epitome of gender equality.* As he decked Elysia on the face back then. Well, at least he held back." She then prepared herself.

Mei took out her sword, and watched his every move with such intensity. You'd feel the pressure she's emanating.

Ein stretched and took off his shirt. His muscles rippled, ripped like cut obsidian. As he traced lines on his torso, front and back.

Chains then appeared with massive stakes embedded on 14 parts of his body. He flexed, as the stakes were removed and the chains were removed one by one.

He sighed as hot air and steam came out of his mouth. And everyone had grave looks on their faces. Kevin immediately shouted.

"Fight like your lives depend on it! Su! Give support with Mobius! Hua, Mei, on me! Elysia, Eden you're our long range artillery."

Mei then saw Kevin's skin started to turn blue starting from his arms. Mobius used her honkai cascade form immediately as green lightning rained down. Su's tuft of green hair started to turn into colorful feathers. A massive dome of pink crystals appeared and tons of it were orbiting Elysia. The air around Eden started to vibrate violently. Hua's hair turned white and feathers floated all around her.

Mei wasn't sure if she'll leave here alive. As the flame chasers emanated honkai energy in waves. Seeing them all cooperating for the first time.

"Raiden Mei. This is a fight of a lifetime, savor it now and learn from it. For you will die immediately if this is outside the realm." Kevin said as his voice turned guttural and inhuman.

Ein stretched like he was doing radio calisthenics. "Oya? Why so serious everyone. Let's have a lot of fun shall we? And Mei-chan, if you guys lose..."

She gulped audibly. Her hands were shaking, Kevin's words popped up into her mind. "Me and Elysia would have the privilege to touch your horns anytime we like! Okay? Now, come at me." He said softly.

Everybody jumped high into the air, Mei was confused, but followed nonetheless. As Kevin roared and hundreds of miles of land froze instantly.

Elysia controlled her crystals and an omnidirectional attack of beams pelted Ein's position, as they ricocheted on the dome, making Mei's blood turn cold, these guys are insane! Those two attacks alone would probably kill me already.

Mobius pelted Ein with green lightning and her shadow formed spears that bombarded his position. Hua turned into a pheonix and soared high up into the air. Eden raised her hands and an immense shock wave fired, making a huge explosion of dust from the attack, and the ground shaked like it was hit by an earthquake.

Su started to communicate with everyone, making a mental link. "Mei-san, hit him with everything you got! Anything!" As she drew her blade and red lightning appeared all over.

She gave a slash as a titanic crescent slash tore the ground asunder. Raining lightning everywhere. Hua reached her desired height and went straight down like a missile.

"My blade is formless, but needs no form. It is formless but vast, infinity its span. Its essence, divine. And ends where it began. Emminence! Fenghuang down 1st order!"

A huge blade of fire appeared as it slashed everything apart. A deep red line appeared that was miles long, the ground was scorched and molten rock oozed like a volcano erupted.

Mei was speechless. She didn't know Fu Hua could make an attack like that. She felt powerless from their display.

Kevin then held the judgement of shamash, Elysia with Abyss flower, and Eden with Cosmic harmony.

"0th power. Might of An-Utu." The judgement of Shamash burned bright like a star as it blinded Mei. He's going to use the full power of the sword! She protected her eyes with honkai energy and watched with bated breath.

Eden then held the guns on her hand. "0th power. World Devourer." orbs of black appeared as stones, rubble. Anything, started to float and was devoured by the black orbs. Mei immediately anchored herself or die to the overwhelming gravity, she could see it even distort the light around it.

Elysia raised the lance high above. "I am the black that devours everything. I am the white that gave birth to everything.

Before the birth of the world, I existed after the annihilation. Black Abyss White Flower, Holy Lance Banish Bloom!"

It emitted a black and white light as it pierced the heavens and she flew high up in the sky.

Kevin then roared as he swung the great sword with all his might as a tsunami of flames washed over everything. The intense heat even burning Mei as she struggled to protect herself.

Eden aimed the guns and the black orbs descended. It expanded to gigantic proportions as the ground shaked. It caused an earthquake so strong, it was felt for thousands of miles.

Elysia threw the lance with overwhelming force as it hit the ground. Black and white clashed as the impact made a shockwave that blew everything away. Anything the light touched turned into nothing.

Mei looked at the display of power as she sweated. If these guys are this strong, how did they even lose?

Everyone then heard a clap. "Bravo, even if the divine keys aren't real. Your control of it reached a satisfactory level, though I'm quite disappointed in your attack Mei. I told you to read up on electromagnetism."

He appeared as the dust settled. Sitting on the molten ground like he was relaxing on a couch. Small scratches and what looks like a sunburn appeared on his skin.

Everybody frowned and regrouped. "Prepare! Defend with all you have!" He shouted at the group.

"Raiden Mei. I'll show you something that even they haven't seen." He inhaled and exhaled fire. She saw it melt the surroundings, indicating its heat from just a quick and small source.

His teeth sharpened and black scales appeared on his arms. His 2 thick horns adorned his head like a crown as his pupils shrunk. Like a predator finding its prey.

The very realm shaked as everybody stayed close and deployed a thick shield. "Hmmm, I haven't shown you guys this yet. Have a taste, now let's begin."

He disappeared and Mei with her lightning quick reaction started to survey her surroundings.

He reappeared right above them, his hands raised for a hammer fist. And struck their bubble with so much force, they looked like they teleported back to the ground. The ground exploded as their shield popped like a balloon.

The impact created an explosion that vaporized them immediately, it was like a huge meteor dropping down on the world.

Mei gasped, and gulped a huge amount of air. Panting as if she just woke up from a nightmare. "Wh-what happened?" She patted her body making sure she's still in one piece.

Eden patted her head. "Relax Mei. We just died, insta killed like an ant crushed between a hydraulic press. Overkill, I know."

Ein and Elysia then hummed. "You know the rules~ and so do I~" He started to caress her smooth horns, sharing with Elysia.

"Hmm~" She quickly covered her mouth. "Oho? Are your horns sensitive Mei-chan?"

A certain white haired tuna froze and stood up while eating. "I can feel something's wrong." She then ran and tried to look for what's different.

Chapter 48: Metatron
Chapter 48: Metatron

It's been a couple of weeks since the battle with the 5th. Me and Vill are hanging out, brainstorming ideas for the godsbane battlesuits.

"Hey Vill, I can feel that Hua is going to be a good fighter. Do you remember the kid? The cute petite one who trains hard?" Ein took out the file of Hua and gave it to her.

Vill looked at her picture and remembered. "Ohh, that kung fu girl? Do you want to make a close combat battlesuit? I think it won't be wasted on her. She's probably a better fighter than almost everyone here in Moth." She saw that girl train everyday, not missing even a single day.

He started to design a black battlesuit that fits the body completely. With violet highlights and propulsions that would be able to make the user have great speed. Outstripped of all ranged weaponry, this would be a close combat suit that could unleash a barrage of blows. Specialized for close quarters combat.

"But, she can't possibly use this in her current state. Even if we can dampen the g forces, her reflexes and reaction time aren't enough. Maybe after we augment our elite soldiers, then we produce these. Let's just use this data for the key of blankness." He simply concluded that the super suits aren't usable for normal humans.

Vill then tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey Ein. I've got too much auxiliary equipment on the workshop, I know you have a temporal space inventory. Could you get rid of it please?" She begged and gave puppy dog eyes.

"Hah. Vill, I told you to not make too many things with spare parts. Give me the list of things you did, I'll get rid of it later. That's why people always question your works, they gossip about the trash you make. People just don't know how amazing your engineering skills are." He smiled and patted her head.

She closed her eyes and purred. "Really? You'll take care of it? I made some things that won't really help Moth, but I think normal people would like it. So maybe you could sell it? But how though." She was lost in thought.

He looked through all of the items and fortunately it has a list. They were gadgets for convenience in a home, and it's extremely handy. Hover boards, a multipurpose pick locker that could even open digital keypads and reprogram computers, jetpacks.

"Wait. Vill, how did you have the time to make all these? I think people would really like these. Tickles their imagination and curiosity you know?" He was amazed by all the things made from scrap.

"Hehe~ I have a multipurpose tool made by soulium." She took out a pair of gloves and mechanical arms that could attach to her back. "These gloves can weld, mould, refine, etc! They are some serious help, I could make things on the fly with my free time because of these babies. So thanks for giving me access to soulium." She smiled sweetly.

He then had an idea. "Phyllis would go crazy with these, we could sell them. And she's a great merchant." Phyllis really went and did it. Now I have tons of money rolling around, literally. She did say she wants to branch out on other things.

Vill got excited and her eyes glimmered. "Really!? I could sell my work? But back then, nobody would buy them. Whenever they knew it was made from scrap materials, they'd say it's low class." She smiled wryly. Thanks to Moth, I have tons of materials now. I could also make new things with Ein and Mei.

He put an arm on her shoulder and whispered. "You're too honest, telling people that. That's why you made so little with your inventions, you don't tell them that. And the masses will gobble it up. Hehehe~" People are too easy, idiots are everywhere too.

She gave a cold stare. "Isn't Phyllis rubbing off of you too much? Now you like a lot of money too." Puffing her cheeks like a hamster.

"Well, soulium doesn't come out of thin air you know? It's honestly so expensive, if you sell a gram of it outside. It will cost a billion dollars at least. We could only make so much because I supply tons of honkai energy. And now the satellite has that covered so I got more free time."

"By the way, can I come with when we drop these to Phyllis? We've been cooped up at the base for far too long." She stretched and rolled her shoulders.

Ein then touched her back for a bit. "You're too stiff Vill. I'll help you with that later, and how about we have a bit of a party when we get back? Now that it's gotten calmer." He had just the place for a nice picnic.

He informed the gang inside the base in what he has in store and contacted Phyllis for potential new products.


Ein and Vill were sitting with Phyllis in a private booth in a restaurant. "Hey, Vill-v? Aren't you too awesome? Everyone would love these! Ein, I'm going to sell everything here just you wait!" She looked at the list of items that she has to sell.

He patted her head. "Just don't overwork yourself Phyllis, we're not lacking any money you know?" He checked his bank account that's changing numbers still.

Phyllis smiled and nodded. "I'm just going to make an empire! I'll be the greatest merchant ever you'll see. And I could count all the money I have, guhehe~"

Vill smiled wryly. "She likes money a little bit too much no? But I'm still happy that my works would be sold now in droves." She clapped in excitement.

They left Phyllis to her own devices after saying their goodbyes. "How about we check out the market Ein? See what's the level of engineering the big companies have to offer." She made an excuse to have him alone for now.

He pondered for a bit. Maybe we could get some inspiration too. "Sure thing, and let's take care of your stiff back while we're at it. You should exercise more Vill." He looked at her big milkers, that must be heavy.

They looked at an electronics shop and saw mundane phones, laptops, and other gadgets. "Hmm, I guess I expected too much? We could make these at least 10 times better. With nano tech a 100 times more." Vill scrutinized the items on display.

"How about some fantasy things? I just saw a shop from a block away." They have gundams and other sci fi things there. Maybe I should make one just for fun? Hmm, wing gundam 0 maybe? Or strike noir and unicorn banshee. Too many things to choose from. Nuwa would go crazy on those.

They then entered the shop and saw different types of gunpla. It even has descriptions, as Vill's eyes shone. "Hey Ein. Do you have extensive knowledge about these things? They look so cool."

He scratched his head. "Not really Vill, but I do like them. How about we develop some? But piloting them would be a pain in the ass." We gotta train pilots after all.

"How about we make one!? It's going to be so cool!" She thought about having mecha battles. With sword beams and fragarchs flying around.

"Hmm, I'll think about it." I did notice that there are no gundams here, considering the technology is high enough to make them. Ehh, maybe too focused on honkai energy or something, and it won't be of help against herrschers just make one for a hobby. The 1st gundam is simple enough.

He then dragged Vill away, she was too engrossed in the robots. "Vill, let's have you relax. I've already made a reservation for a spa."

They entered a spa just a few minutes away and she was instructed to take off her top and cover up with a towel.

Waiting for a masseuse, she was startled when he entered while wearing a white uniform.

"Ein? Why are you here? I thought you reserved a room so someone would take care of me?" She suddenly got nervous. I'm not prepared, I haven't even worn my lucky underwear!

He chuckled. "I'm the best of course. So lie face down, I'll take care of you real good." He started to rub some oil on his hands to warm it up.

She slowly lied face down and exposed her back. He won't do anything weird will he? Of course he wouldn't, she sighed.

He started soft and massaged her back. Then her legs. "Imma do a pro move, relax okay? Don't be too tense.

Willing electricity on his finger tips, he started to relax her muscles as she sighed in contentment. "Ooh, that's nice~" She started to get sleepy.

He finished without delay and chuckled, seeing her sleep and drool a bit. "I'll give you a short power nap." He contacted Himeko and Elysia to make sure everyone's ready.

Waking up Vill after 15 minutes, she rubbed her eyes as she woke up. "Huh? Where am I? Ein!? Did I fall asleep? Sorry."

Waving his hands he told her to dress up and they'll return to the base. "Ahhh~ That was a pretty nice trip right? I wish we could do it more often." She hummed as they walked to the party venue.

He frowned for a bit. "Yeah, I wish we could..." They arrived at the field of flowers and the fully grown sakura blossom. Its pink flowers making the scenery beautiful.

"Ahh! You went on a date with Vill didn't you?" Elysia squinted her eyes on him. "No fair. We don't go on dates as much anymore." She puffed her cheeks.

Himeko smiled wryly. "That's true Elysia, but we're too busy you know? And they probably had some business to attend to. Vill-v is our engineering consultant."

Ein nodded. "We gave items to sell to Phyllis. Nothing much." He shrugged. "And looked for some good inspiration for other works too."

He then took out a big table and a grill. He filled it up with liquor, foods, and miscellaneous stuff.

He checked them all and saw the lab squad complete, with Mobius even bringing Hamsuke. Nuwa and Fuxi arguing as usual, Klein relaxing, savoring this rare break. Mei and Kevin as well.

The only ones aren't there are Su and Eden. "How's Su kevin. Did he have any breakthroughs for a cure?"

Kevin shook his head. "Su's still working on it. He really wants to get in Moth, so he said he won't be taking any vacations."

Ein shrugged and played some music he and Eden created. "Everyone, let's enjoy okay!? This is a rare time we have some time off." He raised his glass of champagne and everyone smiled and cheered.

They ate, played, sang, and enjoyed the scenery. Mobius was blacked out drunk, holding a bottle of champagne. Hua and Kevin were eating, having a contest of how many noodles they could down. Ein leaned on the tree as Elysia and Himeko snuggled up to him.


Ein was finally done on a personal project of his. He was unsatisfied with the processing power of Prometheus, being focused on the honkai and all.

So he made another A.I. That has a much stronger processing power than Prometheus, so Mobius could sequence the DNA's of honkai beasts quicker. And find matches as well for augments.

"Booting up. I am now online master, how can I serve you?" A synthetic female voice that sounds similar to Mei spoke. He used her voice because of her calculating nature, it just matches an A.I.

"Call me creator or something, just not master. I'll be called weird if you use Mei's voice and you call me master."

"Yes, my creator. How can I assist you in your great endeavors?"

Uwah, I made it too loyal to me. At least it won't go rogue. I made tons of security for it to so I'm the only one that could mess with it.

"Help Dr. Mobius in her work. You have her data in your network right? As for your name... I'll call you Metatron, the scribe of god."

"Yes, creator. Thank you for the great name. I shall help Dr. Mobius immediately."

"Oh, and one more thing. Dr. Mei is creating a divine key that archives all of the knowledge we could put in it. And she plans to put Prometheus inside. I want you to infiltrate it, and when the will of the core or Prometheus acts up. I want you to eliminate them. If you can't, then bind them." It's just business Mei, things could get raunchy with your idea.

"Understood sir. Your will shall be done."


Thanks for reading guys, internet got cut off so I could only post now. Anyways, just a calm chapter overall. Ciao
Chapter 49: Discoveries
Chapter 49: Discoveries

Ein and Mobius are working on honkai beast genes in the lab. And Klein was on her desk, slumped over. Absolutely sleep deprived.

"Thank you for creating Metatron for me Ein. It's sequencing the DNA for me in real time, now I could focus more on how to integrate it on other people." She licked her lips, wondering what will happen if they were to succeed.

He patted her head and pinched her cheek. "It's all okay. I wanted to have my own assistant that could help me as well, Prometheus' left over processing power is too weak for my taste."

Fuxi then entered the lab and beeped her ID for attendance. She waited for a minute, looking at her watch. Nuwa then entered and beeped her ID, but it turned red. Indicating that she was late.

Nuwa dropped down on the ground and threw a fit. "No! It's so unfair. I was only 1 minute late!"

Fuxi gave her a cold stare. "If only you woke up 10 minutes earlier stupid Nuwa. You would have enough time to prepare."

Nuwa then looked around and didn't see Klein. "Oh! Klein isn't here. She must be late hehe~" She rubbed her hands.

"Klein is always here first Nuwa, and she works overtime the most as well." Fuxi then looked at Klein's desk. She then saw her buried in a pile of papers.

"Klein. Wake up, it's 8 in the morning already." She nudged her to wake her up.

"Ugh, what time is it?" Klein rubbed her eyes. She then looked at the clock and panicked.

"It's already 8!? I haven't compiled all the data for the experiments! There's a meeting in the afternoon as well. And I haven't finished writing for the Dr.'s bibliography!" She picked up the scattered papers.

Nuwa stared at her. "Klein, isn't your workload too much?" She shivered from all her responsibilities.

"Don't forget she has to clean up after Nuwa's mistakes as well." Fuxi didn't forget to give a jab.

Mobius walked up to them and showed her lab coat to Klein. "Klein, my coat has a hole. Could you patch it up for me?" She said with a smile.

"Can't you wear another coat Dr. Mobius?" Klein asked with a straight face.

"Hmm, but the others just doesn't feel right. This is my favorite one."

Klein sighed. "Okay... What design do you want Dr. Mobius."

"Yay, I want a snake motif Klein." They then walked back to Ein. As he bonked Mobius on the head.

"I know you like Klein very much Mobius, but you shouldn't give her trouble okay?" He then gave some milk tea to Klein. "Here you go Klein, I know you like mine better than in the cafeteria."

Klein almost got teary eyed. "Dr. Ein..." She looked at him gratefully and took a big sip. "Ahhh, now I can work for much longer."

Mobius pouted. "Fiiiine. So? Did Metatron sequence a part of the DNA? Let me see."

With its immense processing power that dwarfs Prometheus, it has already sequenced a part of Vishnu's DNA. The one concerning it's ridiculous regeneration.

"We've sequenced one Mobius. Let's test it on some subjects for now, it looks very incompatible on humans. I think we have to modify it heavily."

They tested it and the rat that was given the DNA instantly bloated and exploded. "Wow, their genome is too violent and incompatible to organic based organisms." Mobius commented and started to think on how to modify it.

Ein nodded. "It's going to be probably fine with me, but your goal is for others to use it. So when we have fully sequenced a DNA, we'll use the unmodified one on me."

Mobius drooled at the prospect. A human honkai beast, with sentience and could use their powers to the fullest. "Un, I can't wait. I'll leave it to Metatron and just modify the sequenced ones for now."


Ein dropped off another batch of gadgets to Phyllis. But Vill didn't come with because she's been tinkering with gundams.

"Ohh! The last batch had great success Ein! I'm also thinking of dominating the agricultural sector. We're losing tons of livestock and lands to the honkai after all, can you give me some advice for it?" Phyllis excitedly thought of new sectors to branch out off.

Ein smiled and patted her head. "You're very eager to make a business empire huh? Well, I could genetically engineer plants and animals so they'll be the very best? That's easy after all." He thought of a blue belgian bull that has meat like a wagyu cow. Tons of value.

Phyllis smiled widely and rubbed her hands together. "Ohhh! You're a scientist right? You could do that? Then I'm grateful for your help! Our empire is steadily growing. Guhehe~" She imagined swimming in gold coins.

He laughed seeing her expression. "You're so easy to read Phyllis. Work hard alright? You send me the coordinates to your new business, and I'll send the animals and plants there."

She puffed up her cheeks. "Of course! It's my dream to swim on gold, ahem. Be the best merchant! By the way, do you have anything more to sell? You did mention artworks before."

He imagined her like scrooge mcduck, swimming on some gold coins. "Yeah, I have it with me too. Take a look and judge it if you can sell it at a good price. Maybe advertise it as my works so fans and suckers would buy them." He took out a framed painting of Eden that was enjoying a glass of wine, bathed by the golden light of a sunset. Titled, Maiden of Gold.

Phyllis scrutinized it and her eyes shone. "This is superb! It's Eden as well, so tons of people would want to buy this." She started to think on how to advertise his works.

He showed one of Elysia, Himeko, and Mobius as well. Some sceneries that he remembered back in his previous life too like the grand canyon.

Phyllis carefully stored it and laughed weirdly. "Thanks Ein! I'll send you the coordinates for the new business later." Man, RNGesus really gave me the jackpot! Ein's such a godsend, he's smart, talented, and gorgeous as well. If I put on some make up on him and hide his masculine jaw, he'll be more beautiful than beauty queens.

He patted her head and said goodbye. He then went back to base and decided to take on a mission with Himeko. She's going to sortie with her squad in a few hours. Let's see how Hua can do now.


Now on his uniform that he made with Vill, he was wearing a suit with an overcoat on his shoulders. Looking like an admiral, the coat has imperator in kanji on it.

"Hah, you're very busy right? Why do you want to be in this mission anyway? Look at my squad, they're all nervous." Himeko pointed at her squad and they were neatly lined up. Wondering why Dr. Ein was coming with.

He waved his hands and nonchalantly. "Hello squad Five. As you all know, I'm Dr. Einheri. Why I'm here you ask? Because I can, now let's sortie. Captain, what's the mission?"

Himeko massaged her temples. "We're on search and destroy. Our squad is specialized in it, squad 6 will focus on close range artillery fire, while squad 4 is the vanguard."

Hua looked at him and thought of what he's doing here. He even wore a suit, he's too stylish while going on a mission.

Elysia and Kevin then appeared with their squads. "Yatta! Ein's going on a mission with us again! It's been so long~" She clinged to him and rubbed her face on his chest.

Kevin sighed and gave a look to squad 6. "This is Dr. Ein, our captain. So you guys better be on your best behaviors all right? He's not on duty technically because a squad would weigh him down. You could call him a general or something." He waved his hands.

Everyone saluted and looked at him. "At ease kids." Some other older ones were conflicted, a 17 year old calling them kids. Well, compared to his field experience, they might as well be.

"Let's kick some honkai butt. Prepare to sortie, you know the drill." They then boarded their VTOL's and went to the mission. Some small templars and groups of seraphs were sighted.

They reached the location and the honkai beasts were pretty near. Going into formation, everyone immediately went to the honkai beasts with Kevin spear heading the charge.

They opened fire, more confident now with their protective suits. Squad 6 provided cover fire and squad 5 picked them off one by one.

He nodded, satisfied at their cooperation and teamwork. Hua then went to CQC against a 2 meter chariot. Evading nimbly and giving it multiple blows on weak spots like the joints and head.

She utilized the power of the suit excellently and took it down after a few minutes. A big swarm of seraphs then appeared as he decided to look on. How about a sticky situation? Let's see if you guys really learned.

"Squad 4 on me! Don't let them pass. Squad 5, narrow their path down into a choke point. Squad 6 give them hell when they're all packed up!" Kevin gave quick orders as they all sprang into action.

There were a couple of hits here and there that would be fatal if just using a standard uniform, but overall. They handled it nicely.

A big chariot, 2 stories tall then leaped and appeared in front of them. They could handle it, but he already knew they can. And it was boring just observing.

"Okayyy~ leave this one to me. It's just a bigger mob anyways." It raised its hand to slam on the ground. He caught it and dust exploded everywhere.

He spun around while holding on to its fist and threw it on a building. The ground shaked as the squads lost their footing for a bit. They then saw him grasp his hand as the head of the chariot exploded like a melon.

"Woah, it's very different seeing him fight in person. You could feel the power and weight of his attacks." Hua was in awe, it was but a fraction of his powers. But the giant chariot was tossed away like a ragdoll.

"We haven't saw you fight in person for a while. Your fights are typically like titans clashing after all." Himeko smiled wryly.

"Hey Ein! You'll feed us for a good job right? We've been eating hard tack on our missions now that you're away." Elysia frowned.

Kevin stared at him for a long time as his fingers twitched here and there. "Hah, alright, alright. Let's have a nice meal then. Good job by the way, you guys could've handled that, but I want to do something too you know?"

He then prepared a table and put down plates of food. The squad members gulped and looked at it greedily. Hua remembered the immaculate noodles he made as her stomach grumbled.

"Eat up! Hard tack sucks after all, I won't let you guys eat that crap today." Everyone cheered as they started to take plates and a small party started in the middle of nowhere.

With his strength and name, he was the gossip of Moth bases. They then started calling him Odin, because they believed he was a god amongst men. Not only saving tons of lives, he also clashed with god like beings with his bare hands and a spear.


Back at the base, Mei finally completed the 1st divine key as she showed it to Ein. "Look, Ein. This can store unlimited amounts of information. It could also copy other divine keys and use the 1st herrscher's power." She gave it to him.

He willed it to make a construct of the 3rd key as a golden spear appeared that looked like hard light. "Hmm, it's pretty weak. Structurally, and energy wise. But it's true purpose is for the information right? So, what do you have in plan by making this." He inserted Metatron sneakily inside the golden cube. (Pic here)

Mei fixed her glasses and frowned. "If we... Don't make it, I want the next generation to have an advantage against the honkai. The last herrscher really gives me bad vibes, we've lost approximately 30% of our military forces and we're just at the 5th."

He nodded. "I see, so you've been worrying about that huh? What about the 2nd? Do you want to find suitable habitats in other dimensions or something? We did confirm that other dimensions exist."

Her eyes widened and smiled wryly. "You have me read like a book huh? I'm planning to make a spaceship that could look for different universes that might have defeated the honkai."

"That's a good plan. But do you think that people would be able to utilize the 1st divine key? You know that they are very picky about who uses them." He felt it pick on his knowledge a bit, and then calmed down like it was satisfied.

"I have a project in mind for that. Project Ember, someone from our era would bring the dying embers of our time, to make a blazing fire that would strengthen the inheritors of our technology." She prepared for the worst.

"Okay, but we put it on the back burner for now. Let's focus on our forces first, Mobius has already started to sequence the DNA of honkai beasts. We could potentially make soldiers that could rival herrschers if it's successful. We just need time." He patted her on the back.

She smiled gratefully. "Yeah, with you here. We'll pull through, even if there are just a few of us left after everything has settled down."

They then started to design the 2nd divine key. Naming the 1st one as the void archives, with its limitless storage for knowledge.


Thanks for reading, project ember is on the way. S.A.V. Will be for later, Griseo will get jebaited as well with Ein's new hobby. Anyways, Ciao.
Chapter 50: Painter
Chapter 50: Painter

A few months have passed. The 5th divine key was still undecided, but the 2nd one is now under construction.

Metatron still needs a year and a half at least to fully sequence the genes. While Mobius have been focusing on experimenting on the already available DNA against some animals with little success.

I've been refining the honkai energy from the satellite and over all, it was a success. Some irradiated areas have been reclaimed and I got tons of honkai energy being stored in my soulium frame.

It's even starting to crystalize due to the amount, this would no doubt kill anyone but Mei decided that this discovery can be used to power up a very energy intensive space ship. So the 2nd key is almost done, the only problem is who will use it and try and find other habitable dimensions.

Phyllis' company has gained global traction due to the additions we've added. She even branched to real estate on her own, but still specializes in selling products. The soldier squad is doing well, Hua has integrated well and learning quickly from Himeko.

Vill was still trying to make a functioning gundam, though the engineering of one seems too difficult to make one in such a short time without help.

I just finished recording an original solo. Of course I copied, ahem. Was inspired by a song I heard called Regression. Fans loved it, and there was a lot of positive feedback.

Now though, I was dragged by Phyllis to an art exhibit and she wants me to meet a prodigy in it. I just sighed at her antics and agreed to it.

"So? Who is this person that you want me to meet Phyllis?" He raised a brow, she was too excited.

"She's a world renowned painter! She really liked your works Ein. Said that it had a soul, not that I know what that means." She shrugged.

She then led me to a room and there was a small girl in front of a canvas. Painting quietly, looking serene and relaxed, but focused. (Pic here)

She had long blue hair, with mesmerizing violet eyes. She looked at us with a straight face and nodded at Phyllis. Then she pointed a finger at me and tilted her head.

"Hi, I'm Einheri. You can call me Ein, what's your name?" He smiled lightly while introducing himself.

She stared at him and spoke in a very soft voice. "Griseo." Then went silent for a few seconds. "So you are Ein? Your art is good, has purpose and emotions."

Phyllis smiled wryly. "Sorry Ein. Griseo isn't a talker, and I can't translate what she just said." She clapped her hands together and apologized.

"Hmm, you have a good eye Griseo. I did paint my work with affection, I don't just do it because of the heck of it. You must be a true artisan, especially at your age." He examined her, she looks what? 12? She really is a prodigy.

Phyllis tapped him on the back lightly and whispered. "Ein... Griseo is 20 you know?" I forgot to tell him...

Griseo puffed her cheeks and stared at him. "Sorry, sorry." Holy shit... It's a legal loli.

"It's fine. Used to it by now." She looked at him from head to toe. And started to paint him, it was a depiction of him in a forest, sleeping peacefully.

"Hmm, why did you paint me like that?" He was honestly curious.

She put down her materials. "You look laid back. A peaceful person and serene." She said cryptically.

"She's right you know? You always do things at your own pace. At first I thought you were a scary person, but you were pretty laid back once I get to know you." Phyllis gave a comment.

He laughed and patted Griseo's head. He can't resist petting the loli. "You're right, but I'm pretty busy you know? I do wish I could just relax like that pretty much all the time."

Griseo closed her eyes and nodded, satisfied. "Yes, you are also troubled. You are tense, guarded." She pointed at him.

Wow, this girl has good observation skills. "Hmm, you're a pretty good observer Griseo. Well, I'm a martial artist so I always prepare for scuffles you see."

She nodded, then she pointed at a blank canvas. "You make something?" She stared at him like a lost puppy.

He smiled wryly and picked up a brush. "Phyllis, what should I make? Oh, I know. How about you with dog ears or something, you're like a dog after all." He laughed.

Phyllis pouted at him and smacked him on the shoulder. "I'm a cat person you know? I even found a little pet. She's canned food, she's kinda like you. Always on her own pace."

He started and depicted Phyllis with dog ears and a fluffy brown tail. "How about that? Cute right?" He showed it to Phyllis and Griseo.

"Hmm, it is cute. But I'll look better with cat ears! I'm sure of it." Phyllis huffed.

Griseo just looked at it and nodded. "I'm right, you don't make anything without a soul. I can feel it."

He scratched his head. I'm not good with these kinds of types, but I guess that's a good thing? "Is that so? Well, how about this. We make an exhibit with our works Griseo?"

Phyllis started to get excited and nodded vigorously. "She hasn't done an exhibit for a long time. Says that art is to be displayed, not sold." Such a waste, if she sells hers. She'll be rich!

"Well, we all have our preferences Phyllis. And artists like Griseo are probably pressured to sell their work. Artisans will feel cheap if that's the case, well. I'm a scientist, that's a different kind of artisan. So I feel fine to sell my work for my pursuit of research." He nodded sagely.

Griseo stared at him and nodded. "My parents sold my work because they said it makes money. I paint, for the joy it gives me." She gave a slight smile.

"See, how about you just stick to selling my works. Don't make Griseo mad at you, she'll probably ignore you for the rest of your life if you force her to do it." He patted her head.

"Let's make an exhibit. But I won't sell." Griseo said and then looked at Phyllis.

"Okay, okay. I didn't know you don't like to sell them. It's an honest mistake okay? Sorry Griseo." She scratched her cheek.

"I don't mind. You are forgiven." She then started to paint again. But with Ein and her painting together in a plane.

"This is a commemoration of our meeting. Take it." She gave it to Ein and he was honestly surprised. This little kuudere loli is so cute!

He patted her head. "Thanks Griseo. I'll take care of it, we're friends now okay?" He gave her a sweet smile. She probably doesn't even have one. She's one of those special ones that people can't relate to.

She cracked a smile. "Un, we're friends now Ein. Take care of me. I haven't had one before, this is different." She went deep in thought.

Phyllis then felt bad. "I'll be your friend too Griseo! I didn't know you never had one before... I promise I won't sell your art!" She hugged her.

"Un, but get off. You're strangling me." Ein laughed and said their goodbyes. Promising to meet again later.


Hua was training on a dummy while she was receiving instructions from Ein. Wiping her sweat, she looked at him. "Dr. Ein... Why do you fight against the honkai?" She asked, not sure about her motivations.

He looked at the sky and chuckled. "Why I fight huh? It's simple really, it's noblesse oblige. Because I can, but the main one would be your captain and the others." He smiled.

She was confused for a bit. "Captain Himeko? And captain Elysia you mean?" But why exactly?

"Yeah, they deserve better. You deserve better, we started to fight when we were 16. You're only 15 and you're already a soldier. It's a cruel world isn't it? But it's much vibrant with all your friends and loved ones." He clenched his fist.

She nodded and remembered her deceased father and only friend. "Yeah. I wish they would be here too. But captain treats me like a little sister and teaches me a lot." She smiled.

"Ohh? That's good then, Hime's strict but she's a softie inside. How about you Hua? Did circumstances take you here. Or have you decided your path?" He looked at her.

She thought about it for a moment. "I... Don't know, but you and the captain take care of me so well. And it's fun being with you guys. If that's my reason, would it be shallow?" She thought that her conviction in fighting the honkai is weak.

He shook his head. "No. We all fight for a different reason. It's not bad that you stay here because of us. Or because you have nowhere to go anymore, humans try to find strive to find home and a safe place. Honestly, I'm glad that you enjoy being in our group."

"Even people that aren't normal appreciate people that would accept them." He remembered Mobius and Griseo. They still like to be acknowledged.

Hua nodded. Maybe this is my home now... It might get busy at times, but everyone is nice and supportive. Ein then handed a bowl of noodles to her.

"You've worked hard Hua, here's your favorite. He smiled and patted her head. "You're young. Of course you worry about these things. Ask your captain about it. She'll have a similar, but different answer." He sat down and looked at the sky.

Hua looked at her bowl. He's right, maybe this is the place where I belong now. My home, she ate it with relish and smiled.

After the training, she went to the captain of squad 6. Trying to ask as well, deciding to heed his advice. "Elysia-san. Can I ask why do you fight?"

Elysia smiled and pinched her cheeks. "Why I fight huh? Because my friends do? And so I can truly enjoy my life with them... Can't do that with all the honkai everywhere you know?"

Hua nodded and thanked her before saying goodbye. She went to Kevin and asked the same thing. "My purpose... Honestly, I went here for Mei. But now, it's to do everything I can for our tomorrow." He stared at empty space.

Finally, she went to Himeko. "Why the sudden question Hua? Are you undergoing a phase?" She chuckled.

Hua pouted at her. "Captain, I talked to Dr. Ein about this and he said to ask you guys."

"Hah, at first. It was because we have nothing left to do. We either live as civilians and see Mei and Ein about once every few months. Like with Eden, but she has a career. So we joined, and as time passed. I fight for our future, I can't let him do everything you know? Without him, we'll probably be dead right now."

She smiled. Reminiscing about the past, how they became friends and a tight knit group.

Hua frowned, but nodded. "Do you think I belong here captain? I went here because of you too. And I just follow on your footsteps, so I feel kinda lost." She looked at the ground.

Himeko sighed and patted her on the back. "Ein probably said something to you already right? There's nothing wrong with being aimless Hua. If you feel at home here, then you're already at the right path." She smiled.

"Un, but he talks about things really deeply. And I don't understand it fully." She blushed with embarrassment.

Himeko laughed. "He does feel like an old man when he talks like that doesn't he? But he feels so reliable doesn't he? Worry all you want, we're right here to support you. You've been through a lot." She hugged her tight.

Hua started to tear up. "Un, you guys aren't that much older than me. But you're so driven and reliable."

"It takes time Hua. Now let's go and rest okay? We're having a mission tomorrow you know."


Ein was working with Vill to make the finishing touches on the rx-78 mobile suit gundam. It used a honkai powered energy rifle, and an energy sword with a soulium core, using crystallized honkai energy to project a sword.

Vill then jumped in joy with the mech. "Yahoo! We've finally made it Ein! A mobile mecha suit!" She high fived Ein and gave a wide smile.

"That's good and all Vill, but who will pilot it? I certainly won't. I'll be handicapping myself after all." He looked at the mech. It has a simple white and black design, instead of the blue. It stood 18 meters tall, and used nano tech for repair and it also has a neural pathway like the power armor Ein created so it would be easier to pilot.

Vill then got a determined expression. "I will! This is our creation! And if I won't use it! Then I'm not an engineer!" She shouted.

Nuwa was gobsmacked at the sight of a real functioning gundam. "Th-that's rx-78! Sasuga Ein-sama! You're a man of sheer will and determination! A man of culture!" She rubbed her face on its feet as she admired it.

Mei looked at it. "It's for close quarters and mid range? That will be a big help as a vanguard." If I heard Nuwa right. This is from a show right? How could he make something like this with little to no information.

"Yeah, me and Vill worked hard on this baby." He tapped it. "We made a mid range and close quarters one as a vanguard." Though it will get thrashed by an emperor class without a good pilot.

"It should help with the emperor class of the 6th herrscher. We could enter combat against emperor class with the infantry units." Vill nodded sagely.

He patted her head. "Nice work Vill, the 6th is on the way too. There'll be a surge in honkai beasts, so this guy will be a big help. Templars and crushers are the only ones that could pierce its armor so this can take on tons of mobs."

"Hehe~ Praise me more! Now, I need to train on how to pilot this." She opened the cockpit and entered. As the mech gave a small hum and the yellow eyes glowed.

"Wow, it's so much better than I expected. There's a small delay. But with your neural pathways it moves just like how I want it."

It started to walk, run, crouch, etc. It gave a thumbs up and the cockpit opened as she exited.

"Me! Me! Me next!" Nuwa excitedly jumped up and down. Raising a fuss. Fuxi bonked her on the head. "Nuwa, stop being such a pain. You can get on, right? Dr. Ein?"

Nuwa kneeled and begged. "Dr! Please! I beg of you! You understand right? This is every otaku's dream!" She started to get teary eyed.

He sighed as he floated her inside the cockpit. "Don't start running suddenly or fly okay? Or I'll let Mobius give you all the work for Klein be transferred to you."

Nuwa then slowly walked. "Ohhhhh! Please make me one of these! I have to go and brag that I have a personal gundam!"

Mei and Fuxi stared at her coldly. "Sure, if you have the money to make one." They said in sync.

She got out of the cockpit, looked at her bank account. And fell down. "I'm... I'm broke." She started to cry.

"It's because you're always late. You have to buy tons of milk tea Nuwa. Start saving up, you only need to work for at least a thousand years." Fuxi deadpanned at her sister.

The 6th is getting near. Hah, the things I do for love.


Thanks for reading everyone. Griseo the legal loli is here. Honestly, she's pretty hard to write without visuals unlike Mashiro. Anyways, ciao