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Magical Girl Pretty Cure RP Forum - Ideas and Discussion

make a vote?

I prefer "soldier doing their job" villain, actually.
make a vote?

I prefer "soldier doing their job" villain, actually.

They were pretty ruthless and occasionally cruel to the people of Earth, but in their off hours, they sampled the local cuisine, used their bishonen looks to attract fangirls, and one of them decided to become a good guy due to being treated poorly by her boss. It helps that the society they came from is a technologically-advanced dystopia ruled by a dictator obsessed with controlling every facet of his subjects' lives, up to and including what they eat and how long they live. Fresh Pretty Cure was probably one of the better seasons overall.

As for me, I am not sure. So far, each of the villains are unique in that they are motivated by something different.
Punch clock Villain always the easiest to have their character developed, after all.

You could easily make them completely professional (or still wearing their heart) in their job, but True Neutral (or actually life for their work) in off hour.
I can probably guess the answer to this, but is this going to be set in a Japanese setting or a western setting? I'd like to start brainstorming names for my character.
I can probably guess the answer to this, but is this going to be set in a Japanese setting or a western setting? I'd like to start brainstorming names for my character.

I still have not come up with all of my NPCs yet, but I will come up with the rules for making characters soon. So far, I have come up with four villains and the fairy mascot. I have also decided that the cyber theme would be implemented by having the villains come from a video game. If you've seen Corrector Yui, you'll know where I come from.
I still have not come up with all of my NPCs yet, but I will come up with the rules for making characters soon. So far, I have come up with four villains and the fairy mascot. I have also decided that the cyber theme would be implemented by having the villains come from a video game. If you've seen Corrector Yui, you'll know where I come from.

So it will be network battle ala megaman battle network, .HACK//, Digimon story cyber sleuth, etc?

That's pretty cool.
Comnet City
Alright, I have come up with the names of the villains and the town. I also have an idea of what the villain's plot is going to be as well. Now I can have you guys submit your characters. Here is the deal though: your characters will be the legendary warriors from another world Pretty Cure and live in the town of Comnet City, a new city powered by the most advanced technological wonders in the world. Owned by the visionary Japanese-American scientist Mortimer Inukai, this city is only a few years old. It has cleaning robots, voice-activated household appliances, and everyone gets around either by bicycle or by public transportation.

Your characters are students at the local school, Comnet Academy, which teaches all grades 1-12. As such, your characters can be of any age, so long as they go to this school. It is a very large school, bigger than most big-name universities.

One of the most popular hangouts in Comnet City is the Central Grid Shopping Center, a mall with several different attractions, including a fast food cafeteria, an arcade/karaoke bar, and dozens of stores of all kinds.

There is also Inukai University, where professors from all over the world gather. It is a small college specializing in technology majors, and its mission statement is to "create the inventors of tomorrow and beyond".

At the same time, there are people who resent the influx of technology, as Comnet City was built on top of a rural, more traditional Japanese town. Those people live in the northwestern part of town, and that section has a drastically different atmosphere from the convenient and technologically advanced downtown areas, as renovation in that area has ceased due to mass protest.

This is the town that your characters will be living in, so you might want to adjust those character backstories accordingly. All of your characters are required to go to Comnet Academy, since it is the only major school in the city. I will ask you for your characters as soon as I come up with the character submission forms.

Any questions?
Awesome, I can't wait to start! I haven't got any questions, just waiting for the submission form.
Character Submission Rules and Example
Alright, just made an awesome submission form here. There are three simple rules.

1) No underdeveloped characters with lots of fluff and no substance. The dreaded "M" word comes to mind.

2) Make sure your characters' civilian appearance is normal; save the outlandish stuff for when they transform into magical girls with fancy dresses.

3) They have to live in the setting I just described. Comnet is a city that was only made livable four and a half years ago, so your character had to have been from somewhere else. Keep in mind that Comnet is home to people from all over the world, so even though the Japanese are prominent by a wide margin, there are some foreigners living here, most of whom are professors from other countries.


Age (8-18):

Grade (look here for an explanation for grades by age):

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Appearance (Clothing, hair style, skin color, distinguishing features, etc):

Pretty Cure Name (These names are always in the style of "Cure ____". Examples of canon names were Cure Rouge, Cure Moonlight, and Cure Princess):

Pretty Cure Hair Color:

Pretty Cure Eye Color:

Pretty Cure Appearance (The fancy dress' appearance):

Favorite Elemental Power:



Personality (Make it 2-5 sentences here):

Back Story (It is here that you may want to include your characters' relationship with their parents and siblings, any events that made them who they are today, how they moved to Comnet City, etc.):

Contacts: Create one or two of the following NPCs.
*Someone from a restaurant/shop they visit regularly
*Friend at work/school
*Non-immediate relative (eg, cousin, grandparent) they can contact whenever.
*Former love interest who is not evil or dead
*Someone from your childhood whom you still have positive feelings about that is alive
*An Internet buddy
*Someone they know from public venue/place (park, pool, library)
*A neighbor
Describe your character's feelings on that person and the nature of their meetings. These NPCs cannot have totally negative or totally positive opinions on your character, but a mix of both (kind of like real life). If you make multiple characters, they must have different opinions on your character. These NPCs will provide plot points for me and help flesh out the world our characters live in. They will also provide your character with contacts to get in touch with, and a way to spend their time outside of being a magical girl.

I apologize if this character sheet is a bit large. Just keep it easy to read.

Name: Satomi Mizuno

Age: 14

Grade: 2nd Year Middle School

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Gray

Appearance: Satomi stands at 5'1" tall, being just a little bit on the short side for a girl her age. Her outfits tend to be very monochrome and fashionable, including knee-length skirts and plenty of different blouses, cardigans and blazers. She almost always has white ribbons tied into her hair on either side. She's far-sighted, and generally wears reading glasses in classes.

Pretty Cure Name (These names are always in the style of "Cure ____". Examples of canon names were Cure Rouge, Cure Moonlight, and Cure Princess): Cure Kindness

Pretty Cure Hair Color: Brick Red

Pretty Cure Eye Color: Bright Red

Pretty Cure Appearance (The fancy dress' appearance): When she becomes a Pretty Cure, Satomi's hair and eyes change color, and her ponytails lengthen and become more prominent, with big ribbons attached to each one. The dress is white and rather poofy, with a red sash around the waist. A badge in the shape of a red heart is worn on it.

Favorite Elemental Power: Electricity

Likes: Walking in the forest, reading, friends

Her own shyness, being alone

Personality: Satomi aspires to make lots of friends and join clubs in the future, but she has a difficult time interacting with new people and tends to be stilted and overly-formal when speaking. She's a hard worker, but is a bit of a slow learner, making her academically and physically average. She doesn't take easy to new tasks, making the move to a new town difficult. She's a little clingy with the friends she does have and loves positive attention when she can get it. She sees the best in others and is trusting to a fault.

Backstory: Satomi has only lived in Comnet City for about six months, and has honestly had a lot of trouble adapting. She's from small town in the Chiba prefecture, and had to move due to complications with her single mother's job as a businesswoman for a popular software company, being moved to another facility due to the old one being closed for legal reasons. Now living in a medium-sized apartment, she's a little more cramped and quite a bit lonely, though she never lets it get her down. She loves her mother very much, and feels she doesn't see her enough.

Honestly, the biggest source of good feelings for her has been the newly formed library club. While it only has two members, Satomi's introverted nature makes reading and stacking books a much more entertaining and fun pastime for her than it probably would be for a lot of people. She's studying quite hard, and someday she wants to be a company CEO, just like her mom is aiming to be… even if she's not the smartest girl in the first place. She hopes her charisma will help a little!


* Rui Matsunaga: Satomi's closest school friend… well, only school friend. Rui is the only other member of the school's library club at the moment (a club made for collecting and organizing books and generally manning the library ever since it lost most of its funding), making them two of a kind. Compared to Satomi's naive and energetic shyness, Rui is a cool-headed student council member and honor student who often keeps a stoical expression. Most of their conversations are a little one-sided, but Satomi is hoping to change that someday.

* Touya Kitagawa: A male friend of Satomi's, he's one of the workers at a café at the town shopping district. Always needing a caffeine fix after a long day of school, she's known to stop in for coffee at least three days a week, often chatting with the staff. Touya, two years older than her, is an overworked, kind of sarcastic-minded high school student who she tends to vent about her problems to, and he in return does the same. They're the types to always affirm that their experiences are harder than the other's, but they generally have one another's backs. Plus, the vanilla coffee is wonderful, so they often chat over some hot drinks on his off hours.
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Katsura Yuuno
Name: Katsura Yuuno ( family name first)

Age : 11

Grade : 6th year Elementary School

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Gold

Appearance : http://i.imgur.com/l5OsXbL.jpg
Long hair reaching the hip, she is actually quite small for her age, only reaching 140 cm. She likes wearing sweatshirt since its comfortable. She likes wearing practical outfit since it is easier to move with it, and also easier to wash.

Pretty Cure Name : Cure Herbs

Pretty Cure Hair Color : White

Pretty Cure Eye Color : Green

Pretty Cure Appearance : http://imgur.com/8oaCOCb

Favorite Elemental Power: Life, Plant

Likes: Onii-san

Dislikes: any woman who came near Onii-san

Personality (Make it 2-5 sentences here): Normally speaking, she has a sunny and rather innocent sides to show to the world. However, she will be clingy when she is together with her brother. She has also been noted to be helpful towards her friends, though she can be rather rough in speech. However, she is also rather hostile towards any female who chase after his brother

Back Story : Until she was 9, her life is pretty normal. She had two loving parents and a wonderful big brother. However, one day her parents died from accidents. She was sad because of the death of her parents, but at the same time she also feels happiness since she can love live just together with her big brother. It was even better for her worse since her brother decided not to go to college and find a job so they wouldn't be separated. She also pretty capable of housework even before their parents died, and pretty much has taken care the house after that.

They moved to Comnet City since her brother has a job offer in the city. His supervisor in his old city has taken note of his family condition and his general capabilities, recommended him to the upper management. The upper management then offer him a job as new manager at a new chain in Comnet City.

The main reason why she agreed to became a Pretty Cure because of her brother. She doesn't care much for other casualties.

Katsura Makoto : Yuuno big brother, 20 years old. A responsible, hard working, capable, kind and considerate young man. He is rather rough in speech and dense, but respected by anyone that knows him. Since his parents died, he disregarded going to college in order to work full time at a chain restaurant he has been working part time for. He doted his little sister much because she is the only of his family left. He also really admire his sister, since she has taken the death of their parents well and doesn't mind helping him however she can, never complaining all the way.

Beyond his knowing, he has gathered quite a following of crushes, but they can never get close to him since his little sister always interrupting their efforts.

Contacts: Create one or two of the following NPCs.

Sawagoe Kotonoha : A new friend she makes in school. She's a quite and calm girls, with an addition of being more mature than the other classmates, both physically and mentally. They just happened to be sitting near each others, and they naturally became close to each others.

Itou Tomaru : A fifth grader school boy who is also going to same school as Yuuno. He is also Yuuno neighbour, so they went to school always at the same time. He's a hot blooded boy, but at the same time very smart as well, as his grade usually in top 3. Obviously, his physical abilities are just average for his age.
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Yeah, it is not accepted as it is. You might also want to tone down on any content/language that is not SFW. I also need to make clear that the contact cannot include immediate family (i.e. parents or siblings). So unless Katsura Makoto is a cousin, he is not an eligible contact. Use RWBY as a guide to see what is appropriate content/language on this Roleplay.
I'm working on my character at the moment, and I'm honestly having a bit of difficulty thinking of their Cure name. Is there any sort of themes that our titles should stick to, or are we free to just pick whatever?
I'm working on my character at the moment, and I'm honestly having a bit of difficulty thinking of their Cure name. Is there any sort of themes that our titles should stick to, or are we free to just pick whatever?

Usually the Pretty Cure's Cure name usually is related to their color, at least tangentially. For instance, Cure Rouge's is a corruption of the French word for red, because red is her theme color. Cure Pine is appropriate because one of the themes of that season was fruit, and a pineapple was yellow, like Cure Pine was.

Sometimes, they are named after the themes of the show. Cure Pine and her teammates are one example, but the Doki Doki Precure were all named after playing card suites (Cure Heart, Cure Diamond, Cure Rosetta, and Cure Sword).

Other times, it is based off of their character personality, what kind of hero they were. Cure Happy was called that because she had a philosophy about working to get your happy ending and her catchphrase was "Ultra Happy!" Cure Princess was literally a princess from another world.

It really comes down to whatever you feel though. If I wanted a set of names that followed a specific theme, I would just make up Cure names for you. I want you to come up with whatever, so long as it is not something stupid or profane. Just look to canon names for inspiration, if you want. That said, it would be nice if the name was tangentially related to their elemental power.

My favorite part of the first Pretty Cure crossover movie, Pretty Cure All Stars DX. This could give you a general idea of how Pretty Cure fight. Notice how the three different teams shown fight in subtly different ways.
...I think I'll make ojou-sama character.
Date Nozomi
Welp, here's my completed character sheet. I hope I did a good job with this, but please tell me if there are any trouble spots you'd like me to fix.

Name: Nozomi (given name) Date (surname)

Age (8-18): 16

Grade: 2nd year, high school

Hair Color: Light brown

Eye Color: Black

Appearance (Clothing, hair style, skin color, distinguishing features, etc): Nozomi is 5'4" tall and weighs in at around 130lbs. She is fair skinned, but not to the point of being unhealthily pale.
Nozomi's hair is curly and she likes to keep it styled in a short bob that falls just short of her shoulders. Her fringe covers much of her forehead, but is parted down the middle in such a way that her bangs look like they form a heart shape.
When Nozomi does not have to wear her school uniform she prefers to dress rather femininely. Typically she wears dresses in colors such as yellow, white, or light blue. Occasionally she will opt for a simple blouse and skirt or, more rarely, a shirt and pants if she wants to be more casual.

Pretty Cure Name (These names are always in the style of "Cure ____". Examples of canon names were Cure Rouge, Cure Moonlight, and Cure Princess): Cure Obelisk

Pretty Cure Hair Color: Orange

Pretty Cure Eye Color: Amber

Pretty Cure Appearance (The fancy dress' appearance): Nozomi's hair changes color and lengthens. It then piles atop her head, styling itself in to an updo. Her dress is yellow with a wide full skirt and several layers of white underskirts. Its sleeves are long with round, puffy shoulders and white lace spilling out at the wrists. The dress has a wide, highbacked white collar, an amber gemstone at the center of the bust, and a large orange bow cinched around the back.

Favorite Elemental Power: Earth

Likes: Children, cooking,

Causing trouble for others, her father

Personality (Make it 2-5 sentences here): Nozomi is very personable and isn't shy trying to get to know someone. Nozomi feels that it is her duty to care for and nurture those around her. Because of this she has a tendency to be a bit nosy and pry in to people's business, wanting to find out if there's anything she can do for them. She is very willing to listen to other's problems and do what she can to make them happy.

On the other hand Nozomi hates the idea of being a burden to others and tries very hard to deflect others away from her own issues. She tries at all times to be calm and level headed. When she is scared, angry, or afraid she would rather grit her teeth and bottle up her emotions than bother someone else with them. This gives her a very long fuse, but consequently when she is finally pushed over the edge and breaks down she does so explosively.

Back Story (It is here that you may want to include your characters' relationship with their parents and siblings, any events that made them who they are today, how they moved to Comnet City, etc.): Nozomi's father ran out on her family five years ago. Nozomi's mother was left heartbroken and depressed, now having to care for Nozomi and her then three year old twin sisters, Sachi and Shina, all on her own. Nozomi couldn't stand seeing her mother in such a state and resolved to do everything she could to both take care of her younger sisters and not be a burden to her mother.

Shortly after her father left Nozomi's family moved to the newly established Comnet city where there were better paying jobs available to her mother. Nozomi and her sisters enrolled in Comnet Academy's school system not long after. Currently she is in her second year of high school while her sisters are entering their third year of elementary school.

Because of her new job keeping her away home late in to the night Nozomi's mother was forced to get a babysitter for her children. This ended up being the Taniyama household, the Date family's new next door neighbours. It is here that Nozomi met Chiyo Taniyama, the girl who would later become her best friend.


Mother: Nozomi's mother has to work long hours at a tough job in order to support her family. Because of this she cannot be home as often as Nozomi would like and Nozomi feels that she has grown somewhat distant. Nevertheless Nozomi is incredibly devoted to her mother and wants to do everything she can to make her life easier. For her part, Nozomi's mother is deeply appreciative of how hard her daughter works to keep everybody happy, but feels guilty that so much pressure is being placed on her. She worries that Nozomi may run herself ragged, trying to take care of everybody but herself.

Father: Nozomi hasn't forgiven her father for abandoning her family the way he did. She wants to despise him, to hate him for it, but her feelings on the matter are complicated. She honestly isn't sure herself what she would say or how she would react if she ever ran in to him again.

Sachi and Shina: Sachi and Shina are Nozomi's eight year old twin sisters. Sachi, the older twin, is quite spirited and loudmouthed in contrast to the younger Shina's quiet timidity. Despite their differences in personality the twins are quite inseperable and hate being apart. The twins look up to their big sister with pride, seeing her as somewhat of a second mother figure because of how often their mother has to be away at work. Nozomi loves to play with and take care of her siblings and is fiercely protective of them.

Contacts: Create one or two of the following NPCs.

*A neighbor
Chiyo Taniyama: A girl who is both Nozomi's next door neighbor aswell as a fellow second year at Comnet Academy's high school. The two girls met shortly after Nozomi moved to Comnet City. Her mother had been extremely busy with her new job and often wasn't able to get home until late at night. The Taniyamas, the family next door, offered to watch over the twins during the day and Nozomi when she returned home from school in the afternoons. It was during these afternoons that Nozomi met the Taniyamas' daughter, Chiyo, and the two began to become friends.

Chiyo was a shy and somewhat sickly girl who was nervous around other children. This left her with very few friends at the time. Her mother had actually agreed to look after the Date children with the ulterior motive of getting Chiyo to open up a little more.

Nozomi latched on to Chiyo as the first girl her own age she had met in this new city. She began spending alot of time with Chiyo, talking to and eating lunch with her at school and playing with her in the afternoons at the Taniyamas' home. Initially Chiyo couldn't stand Nozomi's constant badgering and all of the attention she was drawing to her, just wanting to be left alone. However, as time went on she grew to realize that Nozomi meant well and only wanted to have a friend. Chiyo was deeply touched by Nozomi's offer of friendship and gradually began to warm up to her.

Soon the two girls were the best of friends, happily spending as much time as they could with eachother. Their relationship has persisted throughout the years and they now share a tight bond.

The two girls share a tight, sisterly bond as best friends. They love to spend time together and are able to speak freely and honestly together like they can with nobody else. There are still times where Chiyo can find Nozomi to be annoying, but she now looks upon it warmly as a part of who her best friend is. Chiyo notices the way that Nozomi seems to bottle up her emotions and not address her own issues and finds it worrisome, but has yet to press her on the issue.

Chiyo also has a fondness for Nozomi's sisters as they've spent alot of their childhood in her home. Due to the amount of time they've spent with the Taniyamas, Sachi and Shina have taken to calling Chiyo big sis just as they do Nozomi.
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@Kerifirou, I like your character, but you might want expand on what you mean by "rough". I know at least three different ways it can apply to a person.
So what I am hearing is that some of you guys are not going to be available for a while?
Kazehana Yomiko
Name: Yomiko Kazehana

Age (8-18): 14

Grade (look here for an explanation for grades by age): 3rd year middle school

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Appearance (Clothing, hair style, skin color, distinguishing features, etc):
Yomiko is tall for her age, standing at 5'3". Her hair is usually left somewhat unstyled, and worn at shoulder length.

Pretty Cure Name: Cure Storm

Pretty Cure Hair Color: Platinum blonde

Pretty Cure Eye Color: Sliver

Pretty Cure Appearance: This outfit, except with greens replacing the blue, and her hair grows to waist length.

Favorite Elemental Power: Wind

Likes: Cookies, Free running, Baking

Dislikes: Being compared to her parents,

Personality (Make it 2-5 sentences here): Yomiko is a fairly carefree person, spending most of her free time pursuing her hobbies, baking and parkour. She can a bit lost in her own head, which tends to her becoming slightly disengaged from social activity in groups. However, she gets more talkative when speaking one-on-one, and becomes very animated if she's talking about her interests. She also has a habit of teasing her friends, but only in ways that won't offend them.

Back Story (It is here that you may want to include your characters' relationship with their parents and siblings, any events that made them who they are today, how they moved to Comnet City, etc.): Yomiko was born to Sarah Kazehana and Matsu Kazehana, a married couple who teach Bio-engineering and Physics, respectively, at a university level. She moved to Comnet city a year ago with her parents when they accepted jobs at Inukai university. She has a small social circle, but quickly befriended Milla Rona, the child of her parents co-worker.
Accidentally formed a crush on her upperclassman in the track and field club, but got shot down when she asked her out on a date.

Occasionally chills at the arcade with Milla on weekend afternoons.

Contacts: Create one or two of the following NPCs.
Milla Rona - school friend, met through their parents - Finnish, came to Japan/Comnet city with her father. Decent Japanese language skills, better with English. Likes to people watch and invent ridiculous backstories for the people she sees. Same age/Grade as Yomiko.

Sakaki Aoki - High school student in the track and field club. Likes running and cats. Gets flustered easily, and accidentally dismissed an underclassman who asked her out. She's not sure how she feels about that. 16 and six feet tall.
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Is there still place for latecomers?

Don't have a finished idea yet though, but should be able to make it in a day or two at most.
Is there still place for latecomers?

Don't have a finished idea yet though, but should be able to make it in a day or two at most.

Well, considering the people who are here are not going to be ready to play for several weeks, you are more than welcome.

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