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[RPG] Mine.chr (DDLC/Minecraft)

Which android should be added to the story?

  • 9S

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • 2B

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • A2

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not going to lie my dude, writing that bit hurt me as well. But I want to hold onto my integrity, so whatever rolls I get are what I will stick with.

Oh, I totally forgot to mention that upgrading our buildings to a new material will give us back the material we used previously -- because why the heck wouldn't it? That's how it works in Minecraft. We get back the same amount that we used, so since it takes 50% of stone to replace the wood, we get back 50% wood back. So while we shred our stone stores, we do get a heap of wood back!
Hmm... that is a good point. Damn, now I'm rethinking my vote. Curse you posters, how dare you make me use my head!
Hmm... that is a good point. Damn, now I'm rethinking my vote. Curse you posters, how dare you make me use my head!
Good thing you have a day and a half before I start writing the next update. All the time to think.
Oh, I totally forgot to mention that upgrading our buildings to a new material will give us back the material we used previously -- because why the heck wouldn't it? That's how it works in Minecraft.
Wasn't going to assume. But that is good, 50% wood would mean we can easily buy a wall expansion soon. Sure that means the expansion is going to have fire problems, but as long as the main wall is not burnable...
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We're sitting at an impasse here y'all. We need a tiebreaker before tomorrow, or I'll have to postpone the update.

Edit: Or if you wanna, I could just go randomly. Your choice.
Nobody seems to be around on the weekend from what I see... makes sense, I guess.

I guess I'll avoid posting on saturdays and sundays. See you all tuesday.
Nobody seems to be around on the weekend from what I see... makes sense, I guess.

I guess I'll avoid posting on saturdays and sundays. See you all tuesday.
My opinion on which way the vote goes should be obvious. If you want to flip a coin when the vote is tied, that seems fair.
My opinion on which way the vote goes should be obvious. If you want to flip a coin when the vote is tied, that seems fair.
Still gonna avoid posting on weekends. It's a bit more difficult to write at home than I'd like to admit.
Whoops, didn't get notified for these messages. Go ahead and change my vote over to Zerbin's plan, that'll break the tie.
Huh. Well, this is a thing. Probably a good idea to train up acrobatics, maybe then she can stop falling all the time. I know it took me a fair bit of practice to stop falling to my death in minecraft (as much). Huh, when did LV go to 1? That feels significant.
Huh. Well, this is a thing. Probably a good idea to train up acrobatics, maybe then she can stop falling all the time. I know it took me a fair bit of practice to stop falling to my death in minecraft (as much). Huh, when did LV go to 1? That feels significant.
I just decided to skip on writing it down this time, couldn't manage to make it fit. Happened right after the fall.
So, you guys probably noticed that yesterday's update hasn't come.

Well, it won't for a little longer.

Now, if you've read my complaints here and there you probably know that I started university this week, and that I've been feeling tired as hell every day. That is pretty much the cause. I have to get up at variable hours between 6 and 7 am, and get home at 8 pm. I can't write like this.

Therefore, I will be giving myself time to, y'know, live. Updates weekly, on saturday, sunday at the latest if I'm busy. And I won't be alternating, so both my quests will get attention, don't worry.

Well, this is it from Alien for the time being. See you guys this weekend.
Good luck with that "Having a life" thing.
Perfectly understandable and fine by me. This gives me more time to have an existential crisis about think about the votes. Good luck with university!
Day 7, part 1
So. This comes quite late, I'm well aware. My life got pretty fucked lately, and let's leave it that. But I managed to get the time and desire to write, so here we are.
Votes were kind of messy this time. I might have to rework the voting system a little bit.
[X] Wood (trains Woodcutting) [DC: 6 (Monika will be more careful after today)]
[X] Minerals
[X] Build something
-[X] Moat
- [X]Upgrade Wall
--[X]Material: Stone (Damage threshold to 100%, inflammable) [50% Stone]
Tier up! Spend 1 perk Point:
[X] Acrobatics
Wood harvesting: 1d20+0(Woodcutting skill)+2(Stone Axe): 12+2 = 14 VS 6: (Success)
Wood harvesting Luck: 1d20+4(Main Roll Bonus): 10+4 = 14
Mineral Harvesting Luck: 1d20+0(Mining Skill)+2(Stone Pickaxe): 18+2 = 20 (CRIT: Structure)
Night roll: 1d20+5(Medium Wall)-1(It Begins): 10+5-1 = 14
Wall damage: 35%
Guess our luck turned around after last time's crap. Somewhat

She barely got any sleep. Breathing too deeply still brought phantom pains to her chest, and with every small twitch Monika expected to feel her bones crack again.

Thankfully it didn't happen, of course, but it still kept her awake. She came so close to death right there... a true death, not deletion. And honestly, she wasn't sure which option would've been preferable.

She didn't want to get up. She didn't want to go out in that... deathtrap of a world. She wasn't fit for this, she was just going to get herself killed for no reason.

But... lying down would mean she accepted to remain here. In this deathtrap. That she would give up on her only chance to truly live. And she'd be damned if she let anything take that away from her.

With renewed resolve, Monika threw the covers away, allowing the chill on her bare skin to properly wake her... maybe she should invest in some sleeping clothes at some point. Or more clothes in general. But for now! She had wood to gather, materials to find, things to build, and she had to properly arm herself. If anything, enough that she wouldn't be taken out by some random skeleton or zombie.

Leaving the safe haven of her walls got Monika a bit anxious still, but with her head on a swivel she managed to avoid any injury so far. In fact, she had gathered a whole lot of wood, saplings, and even a few apples here and there. The real catch this time, though, were another type of plant: specifically, wild potatoes -- which the inventory didn't seem to differentiate from normal potatoes, so they were probably good to eat -- along with some beetroot seeds. She'd have to get some extra space to her farmland, but that would get her a lot more variety in foods, which she sorely needed.

On the way back, though, a sound caught her attention. A hiss. Creeping her way towards the origin of the sound, Monika froze up as she spotted a pair of veritably massive spiders. They were about five feet across, reaching up to her thighs or so.

Just as she was debating whether to try and take them down, or take the long way around, one of the spiders turned towards her. Her hand went to her hip immediately, ready to pull out her saber... only for the spider to do nothing.

"Wait, so spiders won't attack? Interesting. Sure, it might if I get too close, but by all means I could get a move on and leave it be," Monika reasoned. On one hand, the spiders might drop some string, which could be very useful. On the other, it was a fight she could avoid if she wanted.

Choose at the end

Before she got started on digging things, Monika realized that she had a Perk Point to spend, that she hadn't noticed before. She debated whether to use it to upgrade her Mining skill again, but considering that there was a very good chance of running into a ravine again... well, she chose to be better safe than sorry, and took an Acrobatics perk.

Nimble (Tier 1/3)
- Your movement speed and reflexes increase by 25%

Not quite what she expected, to be honest, but it would help a lot. She was certain that if she had that, she might've avoided falling down...

Monika shook her head, forcing the thoughts away. It was time to mine, not brood.

As she dug deep into the bowels of the earth, Monika realized that a few blocks sounded a bit... off. Warily, she broke them to see what was on the other side, shield ready to be called up if needed. Within a few minutes, the wall opened up enough for her to see the sprawling cave system on the other side. Even with the low visibility provided by the Nightvision perk, she could see the glimmer of minerals all around: more than she had ever seen at once, even. Finally, her luck was starting to turn around!

Swing after swing, she collected any and every thing she could see -- and actually collect -- leaving behind a lot of stuff that her stone pickaxe couldn't harvest. But that was fine, she could come back in a second moment for the red powder (redstone?), the gold, and the diamonds. Sweet, sweet diamonds!

"Eat that, universe!" She yelled, pointing up at the ceiling of the cave. "I can do this!"

Glaring at the wooden walls, Monika pulled up her sleeves, hefting her axe over her shoulder.

"Alright, wood. You did your job, but it's time for you to go. Let's get something a bit less... fire-prone."

And with that, she began to bring down the whole wall, slowly replacing it with cobblestone. It wasn't pretty, sure, but it was definitely sturdier and way more reliable.

Plus, as an afterthought she dug a moat around her walls. Filling it with water was quite the hassle, but it would help. She wasn't certain whether zombies could swim, or if they were dumb enough to actually go in the water, but it went a long way in helping her feel safer.

And good god, did she need the safety. She hadn't thought about it much at first, but the quest still weighed heavily on her mind, much like a rock strapped to her back. Just a few zombies were that bad to deal with, what would this 'Ender Dragon' be like?

"Why is it even called 'ender' of all things? Does it mean 'one that ends people'?" She scoffed a bit at the absurdity. "Kinda tacky, I'd say."

Still, even before getting into killing it, one point remained: where was she even supposed to find it? She hadn't seen any trace of civilization since... the abandoned village...

Of course! She hadn't actually checked anything. Sure, there might not be people, but maybe she could find books or something, anything that could point her in the right way. Or any way, really. She was sick of going around without an actual goal beyond 'survive'.

+1 Woodcutting
+2 Mining (crit)
+28%(Woodcutting)+50%(Recovered from wall) Wood
+20% Stone
+16% Coal
+12% Iron
+7% Gold (To be collected)
+5% Redstone (To be collected)
+4% Diamond (To be collected)

Not gonna be holding big votes just yet. I need to break the day in two since I ain't got time rn for a full update. Just let me know what you wanna do with the spooders.

-[ ] Attack the spiders (Middle danger rating, can get string and a bit of Melee exp)
-[ ] Leave them be (No fight, no string, no exp. Safer.)

Your chances are pretty good, but still. Better safe than sorry. Finna get the rest out soon, I promise. Real soon.
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Uhm... The winning vote isn't... either Insontis' vote or mine.

This was Insontis' vote:
-[X] Wood (trains Woodcutting) [DC: 6 (Monika will be more careful after today)]
-[X] Melee
-[X] Build something
--[X] Moat
Tier up! Spend 1 perk Point:
-[X] Mining (1/15)

And this was mine:
Wood (trains Woodcutting) [DC: 6 (Monika will be more careful after today)]
[X] Minerals
[X] Build something
-[X] Moat
- [X]Upgrade Wall
--[X]Material: Stone (Damage threshold to 100%, inflammable) [50% Stone]
Tier up! Spend 1 perk Point:
[X] Acrobatics

It's... honestly kinda like you mashed the two plans together and called it a day, except both of us had the wall get upgraded... which you did in the update, but not in the winning plan spoiler... And all three had the moat getting made, but it's not in the update at all.

Yeah, the voting needs to be fixed to prevent this kind of confusion. My suggestion would be either task based votes, or plan based votes.

As to the actual update itself, the open cave is worrying, as darkness has mob spawns, (Not that Monika knows that just yet...) and caves have a lot of dark places for monsters to hide. The resources are nice though. The fact that there is a spawn zone directly connected to our base from inside the walls... less so. Still, altogether, this was a good step forwards for Monika.
Now votes...
Spiders are not pack beasts even in this hellscape where they are 6 feet across. Attacking one of them wouldn't get the other involved unless we attacked both. At least we know they are the big surface variant, not the scary as fuck smaller cave spiders from abandoned mines...

-[X] Attack the spiders (Middle danger rating, can get string and a bit of Melee exp)
--[X]Try to only engage them one at a time.

I am looking forward to Monika finding some wolves though. Getting "Man's best friend" on side without the artificial stupidity of the Wolf's AI hindering actually keeping them around would be nice.
-[X] Attack the spiders (Middle danger rating, can get string and a bit of Melee exp)
--[X]Try to only engage them one at a time.
Uhm... The winning vote isn't... either Insontis' vote or mine.

This was Insontis' vote:
-[X] Wood (trains Woodcutting) [DC: 6 (Monika will be more careful after today)]
-[X] Melee
-[X] Build something
--[X] Moat
Tier up! Spend 1 perk Point:
-[X] Mining (1/15)

And this was mine:
Wood (trains Woodcutting) [DC: 6 (Monika will be more careful after today)]
[X] Minerals
[X] Build something
-[X] Moat
- [X]Upgrade Wall
--[X]Material: Stone (Damage threshold to 100%, inflammable) [50% Stone]
Tier up! Spend 1 perk Point:
[X] Acrobatics

It's... honestly kinda like you mashed the two plans together and called it a day, except both of us had the wall get upgraded... which you did in the update, but not in the winning plan spoiler... And all three had the moat getting made, but it's not in the update at all.

Yeah, the voting needs to be fixed to prevent this kind of confusion. My suggestion would be either task based votes, or plan based votes.

As to the actual update itself, the open cave is worrying, as darkness has mob spawns, (Not that Monika knows that just yet...) and caves have a lot of dark places for monsters to hide. The resources are nice though. The fact that there is a spawn zone directly connected to our base from inside the walls... less so. Still, altogether, this was a good step forwards for Monika.
Now votes...
Spiders are not pack beasts even in this hellscape where they are 6 feet across. Attacking one of them wouldn't get the other involved unless we attacked both. At least we know they are the big surface variant, not the scary as fuck smaller cave spiders from abandoned mines...

-[X] Attack the spiders (Middle danger rating, can get string and a bit of Melee exp)
--[X]Try to only engage them one at a time.

I am looking forward to Monika finding some wolves though. Getting "Man's best friend" on side without the artificial stupidity of the Wolf's AI hindering actually keeping them around would be nice.
Well then. The moat bit was a blunder on my part, but I'll just add it in part 2 of day 7, not a big problem. As for the plans getting mashed... yeah, my bad on that front too. Sorry about that.

I was almost certain I had said to use plans here too at some point... might've forgotten. Issue of doing two quests: you might forget how you were running one or the other. Plans from now on. Yeah. Let's do that.
Alright, I've gone back on the update and fixed up my mess with the votes. Thanks for pointing it out, zebrin. Now then, time to finish that update.
Day 7, part 2
-[X] Attack the spiders (Middle danger rating, can get string and a bit of Melee exp)
--[X]Try to only engage them one at a time.

Throwing: 1d20 = 5 vs Spider's response: 1d20+3(Daytime neutrality) = 10+3 = 13
Spider got no fucks to give

Well, one thing Monika could be glad for was that even in this cubic hellhole, spiders weren't pack hunters. With some luck she could deal with the two of them if she got them to attack one by one: those strings could be really useful, and go a long way in helping. She wanted some fish, dang it! But how...

With a mental shrug, Monika tried the first thing she could think of, and threw an apple at the spider that looked at her earlier.

She missed.

The spider glanced at the apple, then back at her. And proceeded to scuttle a bit further away.

Monika ground her teeth together a bit in annoyance, idly noting that her teeth didn't feel particularly dirty even after a week without a chance to wash them. Maybe whoever threw her here decided to give her that little mercy, and made it so she didn't have to? After all the crap she had gone through, she could believe it.

Pulling out yet another apple -- since she didn't have much else that she could throw -- Monika took her time to aim a bit.

Throwing: 1d20+2(Aiming) = 19+2 = 21 (Crit) vs Spider's response: 1d20+3(Daytime neutrality) = 9+3 = 12
Dead center.

Combat rolls!
Monika: HP 20; Defense 2; Damage 9(5 +50% [Armorless], +20% [Armswoman 1])
Spider: HP 16; Defense 3; Damage 3

Roll 1: 3+2 (Shield) VS 16+3 (Fast) = 5 VS 19
Monika HP: 20-(3-2) = 19

Roll 2: 20+2 VS 14+3 = 22 VS 17 (Critical hit)
CRIT damage
: 5+50% [Armorless] +20% [Armswoman 1] +50% [Crit] = 11
Spider HP: = 16-11 = 5

Roll 3: 2+2 VS 11+3 = 4 VS 14
Monika HP: 19-(3-2) = 18

Roll 4: 10+2 VS 9+3 = 12 VS 12 (Tie)

Roll 5: 16+2 VS 9+3 = 18 VS 12
Spider HP: 5-(9-3) = -1 DEAD

This time she caught the spider right on the noggin with a dull 'thwack' sound. It whirled around to glare at her, and charged way faster than she expected it to. She attempted to place her shield between herself and the charging spider. It jumped onto the wooden board, smashing into her with all its considerable weight.

Her arm ached, but she took advantage of the spider being so close in order to stab it. The arachnid didn't seem to react to the pain, but her blade sunk deep into its body, giving her enough leverage to throw it away from her.

After such a hit, she expected the spider to consider running away, but instead she was surprised when it didn't relent in the slightest, barreling towards her again. This time one of its legs reached over her shield, knocking her helmet askew and leaving a scratch on her cheek.

The two struggled for a short while, the spider having wisened up enough to not let her stab it, while also clinging to the shield as Monika shook it around. The spider refused to let go, still trying to bite through the shield.

In a flash of inspiration, Monika whirled around and slammed her shield into a nearby tree, staggering the spider enough for it to let go, and allowing her to get one last stab in. And just as that was done, the spider burst into smoke.

With a huff, the girl turned to the remaining spider, finding that it had been staring at the fight. It hadn't joined, thankfully, but now that she had looked at it, it seemed... almost wary.

Too bad she wasn't in a merciful mood.

Small gain*2: 1d4+1d4 = 3+2 = 5 EXP
Melee (LV 3), 0/15 -> 5/15

That night the groans continued, this time coming from a lot more sources. She had a really bad feeling about it, but there wasn't much that she could do about it beyond going out and killing all those dumb zombies...

Though she was quite certain that she wasn't anywhere near ready for dealing with a horde. She did feel a little confident in her abilities with one-on-one combat, but multiple foes at a time? Nope. First, she needed some actual armor. And a better weapon. And better skills.

Gosh, there was a lot to do, huh?

+3% String

Alright, so. Votes last time were uh... a bit messy. Kinda my fault on that bit too, so let's try something which I hope will result in cleaner votes, and more hefty updates.
There's a lot more time in a day than just the time to do 4 things, depending on what we choose of course, so here's how it will work from now on. We have 12 hours in a day, so each action now will cost blocks of time. You can leave some time free if you want, it's not an issue. Repeatable actions can be picked multiple times in the same day, so say you can pick wood harvesting thrice so instead of 1 hour we spend 3 hours on it.

I've also reworked the skill level ups, since the way I was doing it before doesn't really work out in the long run. It felt a tad too arbitrary to just give levels whenever.

The day begins at 8 am and ends at 8 pm. Morning is from 8 am to 12 am. Afternoon is 12 am to 5 pm, and evening is from 5 to 8 pm.

Please place things in your vote in the order in which you want them done, and use plan-based voting.

-[ ] Wood Harvesting (1 hour, repeatable, small Woodcutting skill gain, No DC)
-[ ] Mineral Harvesting (1 hour, repeatable, small Mining skill gain, No DC)
-[ ] Hunt (1 hour, repeatable)
--[ ] Animal hunting (gain food, small Melee skill gain, DC 6, during the evening DC 10)
--[ ] Monster hunting (gain mob drops, medium Melee skill gain, DC 12, can only be done in the evening)

-[ ] North (2 hours, Dense oak and birch forest, DC 10)
-[ ] South (2 hours, Plains and mountains, DC 8)
-[ ] East (2 hours, River and forest, DC 8)
-[ ] West (2 hours, Abandoned village, DC 4)

-[ ] Melee (1 hour, repeatable, focused Melee skill gain, No DC)
-[ ] Acrobatics (1 hour, repeatable, focused Acrobatics skill gain, No DC)
-[ ] Attempt new skill (Write-in, 1 hour, repeatable for same or different skill, No DC)

-[ ] Build something (Note: building upgrades have been updated with time costs as well.)
-[ ] Write-in (Half hour, repeatable. Want Monika to do something not listed? Maybe try to create something not in the list, do something with the System, just chill? Run wild.)

As for what the EXP gains are, they go in order: Small, Medium, Focused, Great and Massive.
I know I said I wouldn't change votings or rolls again, but this was honestly my first quest so I'm still in the 'figuring it out' part. Hopefully this works. If it's too complex I'll try something else again, but this feels like a good compromise in order to get more stuff done each day.
Last edited:
[X] Growing Garden and Getting Gear
-[X] Build something (Note: building upgrades have been updated with time costs as well.)
--[X] Iron Pickaxe
--[X] Iron Chestplate
--[X] Medium Farm (2 hours, max of 6 plants)
-Add plant: Strawberries [half hour]
-Add plant: Rice [half hour]
-Add plant: Potato [half hour]
-Add plant: Corn [half hour]
-[X] Hunt (1 hour, repeatable)
--[X] Animal hunting (gain food, small Melee skill gain, DC 6, during the evening DC 10)
-[X] Mineral Harvesting (1 hour, repeatable, small Mining skill gain, No DC)
-[X] Mineral Harvesting (1 hour, repeatable, small Mining skill gain, No DC)
-[X] West (2 hours, Abandoned village, DC 4)
-[X] Wood Harvesting (1 hour, repeatable, small Woodcutting skill gain, No DC)
-[X] Melee (1 hour, repeatable, focused Melee skill gain, No DC)
-[X] Melee (1 hour, repeatable, focused Melee skill gain, No DC)

So, iron pick'll let us snag those diamonds and gold, chestplate'll hopefully keep us safe. Our food situation's pretty dicey so expanding the farm is a must, especially if we're gonna keep feeding the animals. Going back to the village will hopefully let us find something interesting, assuming she doesn't have another panic attack, and ending with a nice little bit of sword training before settling in for the night. And I think tomorrow we repair and build up the wall to keep out the building hordes. If we hit another level of melee maybe try thinning them out a bit.
[X] Growing Garden and Getting Gear
Ah, I missed the first update since I'm off vacationing in Vegas. Let's see here...

[X] Plan: Bunkering Down
-[X] Build something: A stone gate for the mines (Half-hour)
-[X] Craft something: Iron shield (No time?)
-[X] Craft something: Iron tools

-[X] West (2 hours, Abandoned village, DC 4)

-[X] Hunt (1 hour, repeatable)
--[X] Animal hunting (gain food, small Melee skill gain, DC 6
-[X] Mineral Harvesting (1 hour, repeatable, small Mining skill gain, No DC)
-[X] Mineral Harvesting (1 hour, repeatable, small Mining skill gain, No DC)

-[X] Build medium farm
--[X] Plant 4 extra crop types

-[X] Train melee
-[X] Train acrobatics

Monika wouldn't know the whole "spawning in low light levels" thing yet, but I think she would be cautious enough to put a gate up on her mine to stop anything that was already in a large cave system from getting into her home.

Iron tools are useful in general, and I think after seeing the spiders tearing into her wooden shield she would want one that's a lot harder to destroy.

Scavenging earlier just makes sense, we don't want a bad roll in the afternoon or evening trapping her in the village again.

The rest is planting crops like the other plan and splitting up the training to get some in the two main skills we have at the moment.

I got lazy with typing this out in the format but the time frame should work out to end at 7:30 at night, or 8 if building the mines gate takes a full hour.

Let me know if I need to change any formatting.
Day 8, part 1
[X] Growing Garden and Getting Gear
-[X] Build something (Note: building upgrades have been updated with time costs as well.)
--[X] Iron Pickaxe (I took the liberty of doing all tools instead, since matemathically just the pick would be a fraction of a percentage.)
--[X] Iron Chestplate
--[X] Medium Farm (2 hours, max of 6 plants)
-Add plant: Strawberries [half hour]
-Add plant: Rice [half hour]
-Add plant: Potato [half hour]
-Add plant: Corn [half hour]
-[X] Hunt (1 hour, repeatable)
--[X] Animal hunting (gain food, small Melee skill gain, DC 6, during the evening DC 10)
-[X] Mineral Harvesting (1 hour, repeatable, small Mining skill gain, No DC)
-[X] Mineral Harvesting (1 hour, repeatable, small Mining skill gain, No DC)
-[X] West (2 hours, Abandoned village, DC 4)
-[X] Wood Harvesting (1 hour, repeatable, small Woodcutting skill gain, No DC)
-[X] Melee (1 hour, repeatable, focused Melee skill gain, No DC)
-[X] Melee (1 hour, repeatable, focused Melee skill gain, No DC)

Hunting (1 block): 1d20 (No bonuses) = 18 (DC 6) [Success]
Mining(2 blocks): (1d20+3(Iron Pickaxe))+(1d20+3) = (17+3)+(5+3) = 20 (Crit) + 8
Scavenging (1 block):
1d20 (No bonuses) = 11 (DC 4) [Success]
Woodcutting (1 block): 1d20+3(Iron axe) = 7+3 = 10
Night Roll:
1d20+5-1 = 2+5-1 = 6
Wall damage: +75% [Total 110/100% WALL BREACHED]

[8:00 am] - [12:00 am] (farm stuff)

Right after awakening and a quick breakfast, Monika decided it was about time to fix two very important things. First, upgrading her arsenal a bit.

An iron chestplate and tools would work for the time being, although she'd have to see about giving the same treatment to the rest of her armaments.

Now with some iron helping in keeping the squishy bits where they were meant to be, Monika went on to tackle the next issue: her food reserves were massively dwindling. Between having to feed herself and the animals, her rice and wheat along with the apples just barely broke even. Not even that if she got hurt and needed more nutrients to recover.

Hoe in one hand, and bucket in the other, Monika steeled herself for some good, old-fashioned farm work... or what passed for farm work in a world made of cubes and nightmares.

She expanded her farmland massively, bringing it up to thrice its previous size... it actually took up a lot of space. She had to keep in mind to leave some plaths open so that she wouldn't trample her crops all the time.

Then, she finally pulled out a heap of seeds which had been metaphorically collecting dust in her inventory, going over the long process of planting them all until she covered the fields in greenery. She doubled down on the rice, mainly because she liked it and it served well as food for the chickens... well, not in reality, but it functioned well enough here.

She couldn't wait for the potatoes and strawberries to grow, too. It had been way too long since she had some baked 'tatoes, or some strawberry jam.

And some popcorn wouldn't go amiss, either. If only for the comfort of it.

Medium gain + 4 Small gains = 2d4 + 3d4 = 3+2+1+4+1 = +11 EXP
Farming (Lv 2), 0/10 -> Lv 3, 1/15

[12:00 am] - [01:00 pm] (hunting)

Now, Monika was vegetarian. She was fine with meat, mind you, but she didn't appreciate the sheer amount of pollution that meat production caused.

Here, though? In a world where the only person -- as far as she was aware -- was herself? There wasn't much pollution to worry about.

She did feel a bit bad about cutting down a bunch of innocent animals, but... well, it was her or them. And with the limited diet she had available, meat was important to balance things out.

Small gain = 1d4 = +2 EXP
Melee (Lv 3), 5/15 -> Lv 3, 7/15

[01:00 pm] - [03:00 pm] (mining)

Armed with her brand new iron pickaxe, Monika was now ready to brave the depths of the earth... after lunch.

Man, she missed potatoes.

Anyways! Belly full and energy replenished, Monika ventured all the way down into the cave she had uncovered the day before. Which she had taken care to block off after leaving. After all, monsters appeared at night mostly, so it stood to reason that they enjoyed dark places.

And if that was wrong, no skin off her back.

She took care to light up her path as she explored the caves, harvesting everything that she could. And she could take a lot.

The cave was downright loaded with goodies, all ripe for the taking! The more she looked around, the more she found.

And she found one thing that she hadn't seen yet. A violet gem, shining brightly in the light of her torch, in the deepest part of the cave.

Thankfully it could be harvested by iron, she didn't want to waste even a bit if it was as rare as she assumed.

Plopping the gems in her inventory, she looked at what the game called them.

"...Mana crystals?"

Wouldn't that imply that magic was a thing? A thing she could learn, maybe?

No matter how much she tried, she hadn't been able to find anymore of those gems... or much else, really. It seemed that she had completely exhausted the mine.

Time to block it off and forget about it.

2 Small gains (1 doubled because crit) = 1d4 + 1d4*2 = 4 + 2*2 = +8 EXP
Mining (Lv 7), 0/35 -> Lv 7, 8/35

[03:00 pm] - [05:00 pm] (village)

Exploring the dilapidated remains of the village was... not a good experience. But Monika powered through her apprehension as she stepped fully into the ruins. A feeling of dread lingered in the back of her mind, as if the creature that invaded her dreams that night had left a taint on this place.

Building after building, she attempted to find something, anything to make the trip worth it. The sun had begun its dip towards the horizon, when her prayers were finally answered.

She had stepped inside a much larger house than the previous ones. This one seemed in almost serviceable state, if not for the heavy coating of dust covering every square inch.

"This place is suspicious. Every building had some damage, except this one. What stopped... whatever happened, from happening here?"

Monika froze. Her last step sounded off. She looked down at the old carpet, and carefully stomped on the ground. It was hollow.

With a quick application of her saber, she made a hole in the carpet, finding a trapdoor. Her hands trembled in trepidation as she made her way down into what she assumed to be the basement. The way it was hidden, the way the house itself looked so suspicious... yeah, she doubted that this was just a wine cellar.

At the end of the stairs, Monika had to take a moment to steady herself as she walked into what she assumed was some kind of laboratory. None of the equipment was familiar to her, but it seemed in somewhat okay-ish shape, for being weird mad scientist/wizard lab equipment.

Several bookshelves were filled, although most of the books were too ruined to make out anything. Except one. On a table in the far end of the room was a violet book, the same shade as the mana crystals she had found before. The corners were covered in gold, along with a filigree in the same material decorating the cover.

Monika picked up the book, almost fearing that it would crumble in her hands. Her worries were for naught, as the book felt as sturdy as if it were new. Leafing through it she found projects for many of the tools she saw in the lab, along with annotations from who she assumed was the book's former owner, and so much more.

What attracted her attention though, was the last page.

I've made a grave mistake. The Void did not appreciate being chained down, and has made its rage known. Soul has abandoned us. The moon is now fully red, and the hordes are too thick for us to hold back. There have been no news from any other settlement... I fear they may be already lost.

If anyone finds this book, beware the red moon and the dark ones who herald it. Their master grows ever closer to freeing itself, slowly but certainly.

Then, just under that, someone else had apparently found the book, as the handwriting was different.

It begins
In the dark
Nightmares crawl
Red fills the sky
As the Blood Moon comes

From a poetic point of view, it was a bit shoddy. But knowing what it meant... a shiver shot up her back.

"I should probably get back... Maybe I'll bring some of this stuff with me too."

[05:00 pm] - [06:00 pm] (wood)

Honestly, at this point she didn't have a huge need for wood anymore, but Monika didn't want to get caught with her metaphorical pants down. Also literal now, since she did make a pair. Going around in a skirt for a week straight? That was all she could take, thank you.

The woods seemed to be rather quiet today, as nothing actually bothered her. She simply got what she came for, and left.

Small gain = 1d4 = +3 EXP
Woodcutting (Lv 7), 0/35 -> Lv 7, 3/35

[06:00 pm] - [08:00 pm] (melee training)

Monika's arms ached as she wailed on a log with her mace, trying to get a feel for it. While she preferred her saber usually, it was good to have some experience with her backup weapon too.

It was mind-numbing, and tiring, but she could power through.

2 Focused Gains = (2d6+2)+(2d6+2) = (2+2+2)+(6+2+2) = +16 EXP
Melee (Lv 3), 5/15 -> Lv 4, 6/20

A massive crash woke Monika in the middle of the night. The initial flash of annoyance was quickly replaced by terror as she looked through her window.

The walls had a hole inside, and monsters were pouring in. Zombies, skeletons, spiders, and some weird four-legged green things all scrambling over each other to reach her. Most of the monsters seemed to not be in such a great shape, she could see skeletons down a limb or two, zombies torn up and charred, even the spiders looked as if they'd gone through a blender.

And yet, they were coming.

+10%(farms) +12%(hunt) Food
+20% Stone
+17% Coal
+11% Iron
+7%(Leftover from yesterday)+8% Gold
+5%(Leftover)+4% Redstone
+4%(Leftover)+3% Diamond
+2% Mana Crystals
Wizard's Tome
Mana Condenser
+15% Wood

-5% Iron (Tools)
-4% Iron (Chestplate)

-[ ] Fight off the horde (Great Melee EXP gain)
--[ ] Plan? (Write-in)
-[ ] Hide in the basement (House will take damage)
-[ ] Another idea? (Write-in)

Well, it was bound to happen at some point.
Edit: Added the report.
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-[X] Fight off the horde (Great Melee EXP gain)
--[X] Plan? (Write-in)
---[X] *Quickly* craft an iron sabre and iron shield
---[X] Get outside, build a pile of blocks to let you get up onto the roof without them being able to follow you. Use your shield to defend against any arrows the skeletons send at you and stab any spiders that try to climb up to you. The horde will likely swarm the house next to where you're standing, try to reach down and pick them off from above as safely as possible. If you get injured too much, break through the roof to go hide in the basement. If you sufficiently thin out the horde without being too injured, climb down off the roof to finish them off.

Yeah, we can hopefully cheese this fight, it's the minecraft way. But, we'll see how the dice feel about us. Interesting to see the mana stuff and the spellbook, I look forward to seeing how that works.
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-[X] Fight off the horde (Great Melee EXP gain)
--[X] Plan? (Write-in)
---[X] Get outside, build a pile of blocks to let you get up onto the roof without them being able to follow you. Use your shield to defend against any arrows the skeletons send at you and stab any spiders that try to climb up to you. The horde will likely swarm the house next to where you're standing, try to reach down and pick them off from above as safely as possible. If you get injured too much, break through the roof to go hide in the basement. If you sufficiently thin out the horde without being too injured, climb down off the roof to finish them off.

Yeah, we can hopefully cheese this fight, it's the minecraft way. But, we'll see how the dice feel about us. Interesting to see the mana stuff and the spellbook, I look forward to seeing how that works.
LMAO I love this
I look forward to the day we can have Monika in a full on Dark Lord citadel of obsidian walls and lava moats. The only way to feel safe.
-[X] Fight off the horde (Great Melee EXP gain)
--[X] Plan? (Write-in)
---[X] Get outside, build a pile of blocks to let you get up onto the roof without them being able to follow you. Use your shield to defend against any arrows the skeletons send at you and stab any spiders that try to climb up to you. The horde will likely swarm the house next to where you're standing, try to reach down and pick them off from above as safely as possible. If you get injured too much, break through the roof to go hide in the basement. If you sufficiently thin out the horde without being too injured, climb down off the roof to finish them off.
-[X] Fight off the horde (Great Melee EXP gain)
--[X] Plan? (Write-in)
---[X] Get outside, build a pile of blocks to let you get up onto the roof without them being able to follow you. Use your shield to defend against any arrows the skeletons send at you and stab any spiders that try to climb up to you. The horde will likely swarm the house next to where you're standing, try to reach down and pick them off from above as safely as possible. If you get injured too much, break through the roof to go hide in the basement. If you sufficiently thin out the horde without being too injured, climb down off the roof to finish them off.

Looks good. Kind of the same as making a 2 tall roof in the end, and putting down a few buckets of water to chase off endermen, right?

-e- Humm, I can't find the list of active mods any more.

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