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Chapter 119
"Cheers!" Clink!

All of us cheered happily as we clinked our coke cans together.

"Finally, the final exams are over." Kurt said, clearly the happiest among all of us.

All of us students wanted to go on a trip since the final exams were finished but unfortunately that was just not in our fate. After the alien invasion and the attack on the X-Mansion by Xu Wenwu, there was simply no chance that the teachers would have allowed us to go on a trip.

As such, it was decided as a compromise that we would have a small barbecue party in the mansion's garden. So, here we are, eating barbecue and drinking coke.

"This barbecue party is great but I still wanted to go on a trip. Besides, now that we have portals, we can go literally anywhere on Earth. We could tour Venice in the day and have a dinner in Paris at night. There was so much we could have done." Kurt said, his voice filled with regret as he lamented the lost chance.

"At least, the teachers are allowing this much. Even the prom was cancelled this year at the school because of the alien invasion.

I had even asked a girl for the prom after gathering some courage and she had even agreed. And then the school decided to cancel the prom entirely because of the alien invasion."

Bobby said, raging at the unfairness of the world. It was honestly a great step for him especially considering what had happened at his previous date.

"Indeed, it was a great travesty." Even Scott, the stoic and stern guy agreed with Bobby.

However, I along with almost everyone else knew why Scott was so sad that the prom had been cancelled. It was because he was going to ask Jean for the prom.

This was no secret among us that Scott liked Jean. I believe only Jean herself along with Bobby, the new guy and Kurt, the oblivious one didn't know about this matter.

Well, I also know that Emma was going to ask me to join the prom as her date. But unfortunately, it just was not fated.

"At least, we have today. The training is going to be even tougher from now on since we are going to officially join the X-Men soon." Jean said, reminding us of the hardships ahead.

Before, we could only be said to be interns in the X-Men. But now we were going to be the official members of the X-Men and as a result, our training was going to be even harder than before so that we could handle any kind of situation in the future.

At first, most of us had only joined the X-Men since it felt fun and because of a desire to help people. But after the Battle of New York, everyone felt what having powers meant and what kind of responsibilities they brought with them. As such, everyone was determined in their decision to be a part of the X-Men.

"Even our college life is going to be non existent because of it since we won't be able to attend the college for even a whole month." Kurt said regretfully since our college life was going to be over before it even started.

Professor Xavier had with a little help from SHIELD, organised our admission in the Empire State University. However, we would only go there if it was absolutely necessary. The rest of the time, our studies would only be through recordings.

One reason for this decision was that we would be mostly busy in the training and mystic arts studies. Ancient One had asked all of us students to be honorary sorcerers since most of us already had this position. So, all the students were now going to be studying mystic arts although it was unlikely that they would find much success in it.

The main reason, however was the fear that our identities could be accidentally revealed while we attended the college.

The X-Men were currently world famous because of our role in the Battle of New York. As such, our popularity was at an all time high and everyone was searching for our identity.

But it also meant that the anger in the anti-mutant organisations was at its peak since their very foundation was in danger now. So, it was better for us to be out of public sight if possible.

"Still, I can't believe that you are going to be learning from some of the world's greatest minds,Peter. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. It's like a dream coming true for you, right?" Kitty said since Mr. Stark had officially invited me as an intern in Stark Industries.

He had been quite impressed by me during the time we worked together and wanted to continue working with me. Moreover, Dr. Banner was often with us, working to crack the Chitauri technology. As such, I got to learn a lot from them and my achievements in the field of science were increasing day by day.

"That's true. But you don't need to be jealous, Kitty. After all, everyone is improving by leaps and bounds." I said, reminding her of how much everyone had improved.

"Yeah! I can do this now." Kurt said as he showed us the can in his hand. Then, the can suddenly disappeared and dropped into a garbage bin nearby.

This was a secondary mutation which had developed in Kurt's body a few days ago, perhaps due to him learning mystic arts and exploring his spatial affinity. He could now teleport small objects despite not teleporting himself. However, the distance he could teleport was not that much long for now.

Kitty could now phase only parts of her body while Scott had learnt how to lower his energy beam's intensity and even enhance it momentarily.

Meanwhile, Bobby had the most intense improvement. His ice powers had improved so much that he could now completely cover himself in a layer of ice. That is why he had chosen the name, 'Iceman'.

"Hey, Emma! Can you come with me for a moment? I need to tell you something." I said in a rather nervous tone to Emma who was sitting beside me.

"Of course, Peter." Emma said with a smile as she stood up along with me. Perhaps she understood what I wanted to tell her.

"Has Peter finally gathered enough courage to ask her out?" I could hear everyone talking about us behind our back as we walked away.

"So, what did you want to tell me, Peter?" Emma asked once we reached a rather secluded spot in the garden. Her voice was filled with nervousness even though she had an inking of what I wanted to tell her.

"As you have guessed, I am finally ready to enter into a relationship with you. Are you still willing, Emma?" I asked her.

I had given it a lot of thought before deciding to finally move on from the past and discover the future. A lot of time had passed since the incident which turned me into who I am now. I was finally ready to look above that incident and believe in who I am now, not who I was.

Moreover, I knew that Emma would not always be waiting for me. Despite us not going to spend much time in college, I knew that she was serious about her studies. She was an ambitious woman who wanted to become super rich someday. But I also knew that she wanted me to be at her side throughout the journey.

"Of course, I am willing." As she said these words, Emma immediately closed the distance between us and kissed me on the cheek. I would say that she was feeling rather bold these days.

"Did you like it?" Emma asked mischieviously.

"How could I not?" I said, still blushing from the sudden kiss.

"So, when is our first date?" Emma asked excitedly.

"I was thinking of—"

Ring! Ring!

A sudden call on my phone unfortunately ruined the atmosphere between us.

"Who is it at this time?" Emma asked, frustrated that the romantic atmosphere between us was ruined.

"Huh! Why would Captain Stacy call at this time?" I said, surprised by the caller's identity.

"Hello, Captain Stacy! Why did you call?" I asked as I picked up the call.

"Peter, has Gwen called you today about anything?" Captain Stacy asked, his voice tinged with worry for some reason.

"No, I had last talked with her yesterday. What's the matter?" I asked, worried about Gwen.

"Her phone is switched off. Moreover, even the tracker I had asked her to put on her phone so that I could always track her is untraceable. I have a feeling that something is afoot." Captain Stacy explained the whole matter.

"What? I am coming right away, Captain Stacy. Don't worry." I said, worried about Gwen's situation.

In this chapter, we get a big time skip and the progress of all the students is shown. I decided to not include a College arc as I didn't think that I would be able to handle it.

Anyways, the Multiverse Arc starts with Gwen's disappearance. Any idea how this Arc would unfold.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 120
"Captain Stacy!" I addressed Captain Stacy as soon as I entered my home.

I could see Captain Stacy sitting in the living room, with Aunt May consoling him that Gwen would be alright.

"Ah! You are here, Peter." Captain Stacy said in a fatigued tone.

At this moment, Captain Stacy didn't look like the proud police captain I used to admire. All I could see was a tired father who just wanted his daughter.

"Any news of Gwen." I asked hesitantly.

"No, not even a single clue. MJ said that Gwen had went on a small patrol after school. However, there was no news of her after that. The signal of her tracker disappeared and there has been no sighting of Spider Woman since then too.

I checked the entire area where the signal had last appeared but not a single clue. The only thing I found was a disappearing web which proved that she had been in the area."

I knew more or less what Captain Stacy was feeling. Ever since his wife had been killed by an accomplice of a murderer he had encountered, Captain Stacy only had Gwen remaining in his family. Despite the fact that he could often not be a part of Gwen's life, he loved her dearly.

"Don't worry, Captain Stacy. We will find Gwen for so now that I am here. With the help of my magic, I would surely be able to track her. Besides, she is Spider Woman. No one can hurt her easily. Come, we need to hurry." I said to Captain Stacy, telling him to not lose hope so easily.

"You are right, Peter. I can't just sit around, wallowing in grief when Gwen is somewhere out there. Let me show you where I found the web." Captain Stacy said as he stood up, my words lighting a spark of hope inside him.


"Is this the place?" I asked Captain Stacy as we stepped out of an alley after arriving through a portal.

"Yes, this is the place. That is where I had found the web." Captain Stacy pointed to the corner of a building where the slightest traces of the web could still be seen.

"But there are no signs of battle here. Gwen would not have been kidnapped without a fight and her Spider Sense would have made an sneak attack impossible." I said since the scene before my eyes could not have looked any more common.

"I asked every pedestrian nearby but unfortunately no one had seen the actual moment where she disappeared. There was one person however who told me that he saw Spider Woman swinging by but she disappeared after entering this block. Unfortunately, he had not given it much thought, thinking that she was crawling on the walls." Captain Stacy told me everything he had managed to find.

"Thank you, Captain Stacy. This information will be helpful in finding the exact area of Gwen's disappearance. Now, let me see what I can do." I said, ready to search the area using the magic spells.

I quickly activated my suit's Chameleon mode so that my spells would not be seen by a passerby.

"Let's start from here." I decided to start from where the web had been found and as such, used an observation spell to find anything peculiar.

"This!" To think that the matter was this grave. Until now, we had been thinking of Gwen's disappearance as a unique case of kidnapping through unusual means.

Yet I now knew that this assumption could not be true. Because I could sense minute spatial fluctuations in the air just a few metres away from the building where the web had been found.

Could it be the work of a mutant with teleportation ability? But there was no other mutant with teleportation ability according to Professor Xavier and Mystique who knew virtually every mutant out there.

Just to be sure, I decided to check what kind of spatial fluctuations they were with my Dragon Sense. Every type of spatial fluctuation had a distinct feeling. The spatial fluctuations generated by a portal created by a sorcerer had a much different feeling from the spatial fluctuations generated by an interdimensional portal. Even Kurt's teleportation generated distinct spatial fluctuations.

"Fuck" I cursed as I realised what kind of spatial fluctuations they were with my Dragon Sense. Because the spatial fluctuations gave a feeling which was similar to the interdimensional portals created by interdimensional monsters and even the ones created by Spider Supreme.

Just how had Gwen fallen into this kind of matter?

"What happened, Peter? Why do you have this kind of expression?" Captain Stacy asked as he saw the change in my expression.

"The situation is much more complex than we had thought. But I would do my best to bring Gwen back." I told Captain Stacy the truth because I knew that an experienced police officer like him would easily pick up my lie. So, I could only tell him that I would do my best.

"Gwen will come back, right?" Captain Stacy asked, wanting to have at least this much assurance.

"This is not something I can answer as I don't have this much experience. Only Ancient One can tell anything in this matter. I will call her immediately." I answered honestly.

I immediately messaged Ancient One about the entire matter. Ancient One, realising the seriousness of the situation, arrived at the scene in just half an hour.

"Please save my daughter, Ancient One." Captain Stacy literally begged Ancient One as she stepped out of the portal.

"Don't worry, Captain. I will do my best to save your daughter." Ancient One said, reassuring him.

Ancient One casted a spell but not the one I had thought she would. Once the spell was casted, I could see every nearby person moving away from here as if this place had been cursed. In just a few minutes, the entire street was empty.

"A small mind trick. It will make sure that no one disturbs us here." Ancient One explained that she needed the street empty to completely analyse the spatial fluctuations. Next, she even created an illusory barrier.

Now that the street was empty, Ancient One took a deep sigh and created magic circles in both of her hands, clearly going to cast a grand spell.

Ancient One clapped her hands together, causing a giant spell circle to materialise high in the air with the symbol of an eye on the centre. The eye symbol glowed as if analysing everything beneath it.

Ancient One's face deepened into a frown as she clearly didn't like what she had just learnt from the analysis spell.

"Eye of Agamotto, open!" To my surprise, Ancient One even used the Eye of Agamotto so that she could find what actually happened here.

Due to the effect of the Eye of Agamotto, a holographic image of Gwen appeared. Ancient One was recreating the past to learn the truth of Gwen's disappearance.

We could see it clearly with the power of the Eye of Agamotto that Gwen was just swinging like usual when a portal suddenly appeared in front of her and sucked her in before she had any time to resist.

Ancient One repeated the scene a few more times before closing the Eye of Agamotto and removing the grand analysis spell.

"What was that portal, Ancient One?" Captain Stacy asked anxiously.

"I can't tell it here. Perhaps Peter's home would be a good place." Ancient One said instead of reporting the result.


"Can you tell me now please?" Captain Stacy asked Ancient One in a desperate voice once all of us were seated in the living room.

"I will be truthful, Captain Stacy. It is impossible for us to have any control over Gwen's situation. In other words, we can't find Gwen." Ancient One answered truthfully, saying the bitter truth without any hesitation.

To be honest, I also had this assumption but I just didn't want to accept that Gwen had suddenly disappeared and I couldn't even find her.

"What do you mean you can't find Gwen?" Captain Stacy shouted furiously at Ancient One.

"Calm down, George! Shouting will not change anything." Aunt May said, consoling Captain Stacy despite being sad herself at the news.

"Please find Gwen. She is the only one I have left." Captain Stacy begged Ancient One tearfully once he calmed down.

"I wish I could do anything, Captain Stacy. But Gwen has been flung across dimensions, her destination unknown. We can't even find the dimension where she landed, much less go there." Ancient One explained what had exactly happened with Gwen.

"Can't you travel across dimensions like Spider Supreme?" Captain Stacy asked, his voice desperate.

"Spider Supreme's situation is different. In Kamar Taj, the study of interdimensional travel is actually outright banned since it can invite dimension invasions. Only the Sorcerer Supreme had the right to study it and only if it involves the fate of the entire Earth." Ancient One explained her helplessness.

"Why did this even happen with Gwen?" Captain Stacy asked sorrowfully.

"This is something I unfortunately don't know." Ancient One answered, looking lost for the first time.

Suddenly, both mine and Ancient One's eyes widened as we sensed intense spatial fluctuations in the living room.

A rainbow portal I knew all too well manifested and from it appeared,a drone?

It was indeed a drone although its entire body was covered in runes and it had a spider symbol on it.

The back of the drone opened, revealing a projector inside it which soon activated.

"Hello, everyone!" A hologram of Spider Supreme appeared from the projector and greeted us.

"I believe I have the answers to all of your questions regarding Gwen who all of you are searching for endlessly."

As many of you may have guessed, this arc will start with 'Into the Spider Verse'. This arc will however be much more than just the movie.

The chapters after the next one will be from Gwen's POV as Peter would not participate in this adventure. However, you don't need to be saddened as this arc would be much more interesting than anything you can think of.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 121
"Why did you send over a drone instead of coming by yourself like usual?" I asked curiously since this way of contacting was quite unique.

"Unfortunately, I am quite busy these days. Moreover, it is not that easy for me to visit due to various reasons. As such, I had to manage with a drone." Spider Supreme explained.

"Anyways, let's return to the topic due to which I had to send this drone. I know where is Gwen Stacy."

"Where is she? Is she safe? Can you bring her back?" Captain Stacy asked, releasing a barrage of questions immediately.

"Calm down, Captain Stacy. I am explaining." Spider Supreme said, consoling Captain Stacy as he could feel what was his mental state.

"Gwen is completely safe. As for where she is, she is in one of the near infinite parallel dimensions in the multiverse. Why don't you see for yourself?" Spider Supreme explained Gwen's situation as he showed us a picture through the projector.

In the picture, Gwen in her Spider Woman suit could be seen looking at a news bulletin with a shocking title.

"Peter Parker aka Spider Man is dead! Who will save this city now?"

The news bulletin showed a picture of that world's Peter Parker who looked quite similar to my previous appearance although not exact. Moreover, he even had blonde hair instead of brown like mine used to be.

I had already heard from Spider Supreme last time that a lot of Peter Parkers in the Multiverse were Spider Men but this was the first time I was being the actual evidence before my eyes. Moreover, this Peter Parker was already dead.

"A world like this actually exists." Aunt May muttered as she looked at the picture. Upon looking closely, I could see that her eyes had moistened.

Even though I was right before her eyes, it was obvious that she got a little emotional upon seeing the news of Peter Parker's death even if he was from another world.

"At least she is safe. But how had Gwen been kidnapped to a parallel dimension without anyone getting even a single clue about it? Who could have done it? What does he want?" Captain Stacy asked, concerned about the kidnapper's motives like all of us were.

"Ha ha ha ha!! I am sorry, Captain Stacy but your direction of thought is completely wrong. What happened with Gwen was not a kidnapping but an invitation." Spider Supreme explained with a chuckle, shocking all of us.

"An invitation? How can it be called an invitation when Gwen had been suddenly flung across dimensions clearly without her permission?" Ancient One asked, clearly curious about this unique phenomenon.

"This kind of event is called a Multiversal Convergence. Although its nature is similar to that of kidnapping, it is called an invitation because this event only happens when the multiverse itself calls upon Spider Totems to resolve a matter which effects several dimensions and can even cause instability throughout the entire multiverse." Spider Supreme explained patiently.

"Can only Spider Totems be called upon by this phenomenon? Is it possible for someone other than a Spider Totem to participate?" I inquired.

"A Multiversal Convergence generally only calls upon Spider Totems as they are much more connected to the Multiverse and it is much easier for them to travel through it. However, there have been some rare cases where other superhumans have called upon. But in most of these cases, the other superhumans were somehow connected to the Spider Totem. It didn't matter if their relationship with the Spider Totem was positive or negative.

You don't need to worry too much though. Spider Convergence can be said to be a rather common phenomenon in the multiverse. In fact, every Spider Totem in the entire multiverse goes through it at least once in his entire lifetime. Even I went through it a few times before I started travelling the multiverse myself."

Spider Supreme showed us a bunch of pictures to prove his words. One picture showed him with tens of Spider Men facing something, the only thing common in the Spider Totems being their web themed suit.

There was another picture where Spider Supreme was standing together with two other Spider Men, one wearing a Spider Man suit with a hoodie and the other one wearing the UK flag on his Spider Man suit.

He showed us a few more pictures but I noticed one thing after seeing them. There were a lot of Spider Men wearing the red and blue suit.

Were they all Peter Parker? After all, the Peter Parker of the dimension Gwen had fallen into wore the same suit.

If it was true, then Spider Supreme was truly not lying when he said that over 80% of the Spider Totems were Peter Parker or a variation of him.

"Excuse me! May I ask you a question, Spider Supreme?" Aunt May suddenly asked politely.

"Of course, Mrs. Parker. You don't even need to ask." Spider Supreme replied.

"Are you perhaps also Peter Parker?" Aunt May asked. She had connected the dots quite quickly, I would say.

After all, Spider Supreme's suit was rather similar to the suit worn by the Peter Parker of the dimension Gwen had fallen into. Moreover, he had not changed his voice at all.

"Yes, I am." Spider Supreme said with a sigh as he removed his mask.

"Then, why did you not reveal it? Even if I am not your Aunt May, you don't need to speak so formally." Aunt May said, admonishing Spider Supreme for being so distant.

"It is a necessity, Aunt May. I have been to thousands of parallel dimensions where all the people I knew were different no matter however slightly. As such, it is a necessity for me to be distant with them otherwise it would be impossible for me to preserve my original impressions of them." Spider Supreme revealed his plight.

"Just how old are you?" Aunt May asked upon realising how aged Spider Supreme sounded.

"Moreover than 200 years old." Spider Supreme answered truthfully.

"Oh! Then, it must be a sad life. Do you still have any of your loved ones still with you?" Aunt May asked, worried about Spider Supreme.

"Of course, he has. He just married a few months ago." I answered in Spider Supreme's stead so that he couldn't lie.

"Really! Can you show me?" Aunt May asked excitedly upon hearing my words.

"How can I not show it when it is you who is asking, May?" Spider Supreme said with a slight smile as he gladly showed her the wedding pictures of him and Morgan.

"This is Morgan." Spider Supreme said in a rather joyful tone, perhaps happy to share the pictures with Aunt May even if she was not his own world's Aunt May.

"Both of you look perfect together. She reminds me of Emma though." Aunt May said as she suddenly looked at me.

Damn it! I already knew from her look what was she thinking. She was playing matchmaker again like she used to with MJ when we were children.

"May, you can talk with him later. Spider Supreme, can you tell me when she will be back?" Although Captain Stacy was happy to learn that Gwen was safe, he was still worried for her.

"It will probably take one to two weeks. It is just some idiot trying to access parallel dimensions. Not something too dangerous." Spider Supreme answered.

"Is dimensional travel that much dangerous that a Multiversal Convergence must happen to stop it?" Ancient One questioned seriously.

"It is not dimensional travel itself that is difficult. Whether by science or magic, it can be achieved. But what is dangerous is where it will connect.

Ancient One, you know yourself how complex the dimensional structure of a world is. A dimensional portal can connect to literally anywhere and there is no guarantee what kind of horrors it could unleash.

This is especially so for the world in which Gwen has fallen into, where dimension travel to parallel dimensions is being directly attempted. Moreover, the portal is too unstable.

Its explosion can not only destroy the whole city but cause irreparable damage to that world's dimensional structure. It would also lead to instability across dimensions. That is why, a Multiversal Convergence has taken place."

"Say, can you send me there so that I can help Gwen?" I asked since Spider Supreme was capable of dimension travel.

"Don't even think about it." Spider Supreme refused harshly.

"You are one of my trump cards. I can't send you there for such an easy task which Spider Totems can easily handle." Spider Supreme explained the reason.

"However, there is no need to worry. I will continuously observe that world and even send one of my men there." Spider Supreme revealed his plan, reassuring us.

"I guess we can only wait." Captain Stacy said with a sigh as he realised that we could do nothing but trust in Spider Supreme's words.

As I have said before, the next few chapters would be from Gwen's POV. Also, does anyone have any idea who is the man sent by Spider Supreme?

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 122
Gwen's POV

"Are you sure you want to remain behind?" I asked Spider Man or rather Peter Benjamin Parker as there were three more Spider People around me.

When I had started the afternoon patrol a week ago, I had no idea that I would arrive in a freaking parallel dimension. Moreover, one where Peter Parker was Spider Man and he was already dead.

Somehow, I managed to admit myself in this world's Midtown High using my own school ID and a little hacking tool Peter had given me just in case I ever needed it.

I then meet the new Spider Man of this world, Miles Morales at that very school. Our first meeting was not anything good since I had to get a fucking haircut because of him.

Seriously, just how much of a noob he was that he could not even control went to make his hands sticky and when not. Even I was not that bad when I had newly gained my powers.

Still, Miles was a nice guy even though he was quite clumsy and immature. His heart was in right place. He would be a great Spider Man one day but that day was clearly not today.

Then, I met the other Spider People who had also arrived from different parallel dimensions just like me.

Peter Benjamin Parker, a Spider Man who was quite similar to the Peter Parker of this world but clearly not as successful. His personal life seemed to be a failure and he had a jaded personality. Still, he was quite a friendly guy and often advised Miles.

Spider Man Noir, a Peter Parker from colourless world in Victorian era. He was clearly a Britisher which could be seen from his ascent. For some reason, he reminded me of Sherlock Holmes.

Peni Parker, a female Peter Parker of mixed Asian and American descent who rode the Spider Bot with her pet spider.

And then, there was Spider Ham. Just his mere appearance revealed that he was from a cartoonish world.

It honestly felt awkward for me since everyone was a version of Peter Parker. Even Spider Ham's true name was Peter Porker which was quite funny.

"Yes, I am damn sure, Gwen. You know that he is not ready. It has just been a single week since he has gained these powers. He can't even use his two extra powers, Invisibility and Venom Strike properly.

Besides, his uncle has just died. I can't let him join us in such a state. What if he goes down dark path in the pursuit of revenge?"

Kingpin's men, Tombstone, Scorpion and Prowler had attacked us at Aunt May's home which had become our headquarters. During the fight, Prowler who was revealed to be Miles' Uncle Aaron found that the new Spider Man was his nephew Miles Morales.

Due to this revelation, he refused to kill Miles but it ended with him being shot dead by his own employer Kingpin.

Realising Miles' mental state and believing that he was not ready, Peter had taken the control drive which could control the dimension collider that was our ticket to our home and the reason we had been brought here. Moreover, he had even webbed Miles so that he could not follow us.

"I will stay here in this world and teach Miles so that he can be a great Spider Man." Spider Man said, revealing his plan to stay here even if it meant that he would be eventually killed by the world's rejection. Miles had really grown on him.

I had decided to call Peter Benjamin Parker Spider Man was to not confuse him with Noir, Peni and Spider Ham.

"You know what, Spider Man. I had lied when I had said that someone close to me had not died." I had never told anyone about this incident but I decided to tell them because they were just like me. Besides, it was not like they could snitch to anyone.

"My best friend Peter had almost died at my hands. But he was saved by someone."

"Someone? Who did it?" Spider Man asked curiously.

"Another Spider Man, Spider Supreme. A Spider Man who is also Sorcerer Supreme, a title given to the greatest of the sorcerers. He is someone who can easily travel to various parallel dimensions.

He is the one who saved Peter. Not only did he save Peter but he gave him powers which made our power look like that of a real spider."

"Really? Just what kind of powers that Spider Wizard had given him?" Spider Man asked, clearly not believing my words.

"You have seen Miles' Venom Strike, right? I don't think that anyone of us can survive one of Peter's crimson lightning bolts at full power." I explained.

"That strong!" Spider Man exclaimed in surprise.

"My Peter is no spider. He is a dragon." I said with a smirk.

"But in the end, Peter is no longer my best friend. He is still my friend but our paths have become too divergent." I said with a sigh.

"At least, he is still alive. Unlike my Uncle Ben." Spider Man replied.

"Enough of this bantering." Noir said to us since we had arrived at our destination, the Fisk Tower.

"Hope you are proud of your decision, Peter." I said to Spider Man.


"Just what the hell was that right now?" I said furiously to Spider Man who had been charmed the minute he had seen Mary Jane of this world.

"I can only say that I am sorry." Spider Man said as we entered the chamber where the dimension collider was.

"Looks like we are right in time." Noir said since the dimension collider had just been activated.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Spider Man said as all of us crawled towards the point where the drive would be inserted.

"Once I have taken control over the collider, all of you will return to your worlds. After that, I will explode the entire collider." Spider Man explained the plan for the last time.

"I don't think so, my dear Peter." A female voice sounded as robotic tentacles erupted from an open panel and interrupted our plan.

Soon, the culprit was in our sight. Only Octavious, the Lady Octopus, one of the Kingpin's subordinates and also a scientist. We had already fought her when we had went to steal the parts for the control drive.

"You are not going anywhere." Lady Octopus said as she launched her tentacles towards us.

I was about to retaliate along with the other Spiders when my Spider Sense rang. As I dodged with the help of my Spider Sense, I saw what had triggered it.

Tens of gunmen had surrounded us and were firing continuously. Kingpin knew that we would come and he had prepared accordingly.

Since we had dodged the gunfire, only Spider Man was left to fight against Lady Octopus where the gunmen were not firing.

The rest of the Spiders could not return to support him since Tombstone and Scorpion had engaged them.

"Any last wish, Peter!" Lady Octopus cackled as she wrapped Spider Man in her tentacles.

I was about to help him when suddenly her tentacles stopped acting as per her commands. Then, her head turned as if she had been punched by someone.

"Miles!" I exclaimed as I realised that it was Miles who was attacking Lady Octopus in his invisible form.

"Hello, everyone!" Miles greeted us as he reappeared after kicking Lady Octopus away and webbing her mouth.

He now wore Spider Man suit which was quite different looking from ours. His suit was black in colour with red web designs unlike the original Spider Man's which was red and blue.

"Woah!" Miles suddenly exclaimed as he looked downward.

As I looked at the collider, I realised what was the matter. Several buildings and vehicles were coming out of the portal. It looks as if an entire city was inside the portal and was now slowly coming out.

"Damn it!" I cursed as the gunfire started again.

In order to escape the gunfire, all of the Spiders ran towards the various buildings appearing from the portal where the gunfire would be blocked by the buildings and the other debris.

"Why is this happening?" Miles asked curiously as I along with Spider Man reunited with him.

"Perhaps it is some sort of interdimensional debris." I guessed. Peter had once told me something about it although I had not understood most of what he was talking about.

"You will pay for this." Lady Octopus exclaimed, her voice filled with anger as she reappeared before us.

"Get ready, everyone. It is going to be a long fight." Spider Man said as all of us prepared ourself to face Lady Octopus.


Surprisingly, the fight ended before it even began as Lady Octopus was suddenly hit by a train cabin which smashed her into a nearby floating building.

"That had to have hurt!" Spider Man said after seeing Lady Octopus' condition.

Looking around, I could see that Tombstone and Scorpion had been defeated although Peni's Spider Bot had unfortunately been destroyed in the process.

The only thing remaining now was to open the portal and return home. Who knows how everyone was taking my sudden disappearance?


Suddenly, my Spider Sense started tingling like it had never before. Not even during the alien invasion.

Looking at the dimension collider, I could see that the portal had suddenly turned pure black.

Several black slimy goo shot suddenly out of the black portal and clung to the floating debris.

And then appeared a humanoid figure out of the portal who landed on a rather far away building from us.

Now that he was close, I could see that he was clearly a Spider Man. However, he wore a black Spider Man suit with a white spider design on his chest. But what truly scared me was that he had four arms and four legs. He was like an actual Spider Man.

The black suited Spider Man's mask suddenly retracted like it was formed of a liquid, revealing his face. His face was clearly that of a Peter Parker but his eyes were scaringly a complete black, without any iris or pupil.

His entire body emitted a dangerous aura even though he didn't trigger my Spider Sense.

"What a feast!" He exclaimed as he licked his lips with an abnormally long tongue while looking at us.

So, did you like my first Spider Variant? He is obviously a villain as can be seen from his actions.

Will the Spiders be able to defeat this Spider Variant? Find out in the next chapter.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 123
Gwen's POV

"Who the hell are you?" Spider-Man asked the mysterious black suited Spider-Man who was clearly not normal.

"You will know once you have joined us." The Black Spider-Man replied mysteriously.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Spider-Man asked. Our Spider Sense was not warning us against him but something was obviously wrong with this Spider-Man.

"There is no need to talk more with you. Take care of them." The Black Spider-Man ordered, although to him we could not understand.

Suddenly, the black slimy goo which had come along with the Black Spider-Man wiggled and then sprouted humanoid faces with large white eyes and huge maws filled with pointy teeth.

The horrible looking slimy monsters then moved towards the unconscious Scorpion, Tombstone and Lady Octopus and suddenly covered them with their slimy body.

In just a few moments their body was completely wrapped in that black goo and then it transformed until it looked it was just a black skinsuit.

Then, all of them stood up as if they had never been injured. There was also a white spider logo on their chest along with huge white eyes just like that of the Black Spider-Man and the slimy goo monsters.

"Keep them alive." The Black Spider-Man ordered.

To our horror, huge gaping maws filled with sharp pointy teeth appeared on their faces and they said in unison.

"As you wish, my lord."

Before we could confront the Black Spider-Man about his intentions, the now controlled Lady Octopus, Tombstone and Scorpion engaged us.

"Protect Peni. She doesn't have her Spider Bot anymore— Woah!" As Spider-Man was instructing us, he narrowly dodged one of Lady Octopus' tentacles which was now also covered in that black goo.

The tentacle smashed through the floor after Spider-Man dodged it, revealing that it was much stronger than before. We could no longer afford a hit from them.

"Be careful. My Spider Sense is much muted against them for some reason." Spider-Man warned us.

Indeed, as I dodged one of Lady Octopus' tentacles, I could notice that the warning released by my spider sense was much later compared to before and the intensity was also lesser.

This was an uphill battle where our greatest advantage, the Spider Sense was not working well. Moreover, these were just minions. Their leader, the Black Spider-Man was still watching us patiently.

Was that bastard referring to us being controlled by that slimy goo when he talked about us joining him? It clearly seemed so.

"Miles, take care of Tombstone. He only has his strength going for him. With your invisibility, it should not be tough to fight him. Just make sure that you are not hit." Spider-Man instructed Miles upon seeing that Noir and Spider Ham were having difficulty dealing with both Tombstone and Scorpion.

"Got it!" Miles said as he turned invisible.

Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire sounded once again. As I looked to see what was happening, I saw that the gunmen were firing at the Black Spider-Man, fear clearly visible on their face at his abnormal appearance as well as the fact that he now controlled Lady Octopus, Tombstone and Scorpion.

"Mere insects dare to attempt to hurt me!" The Black Spider-Man said furiously as he dodged the bullets.

This at least showed that he was not invincible. He could still be taken down.

"You will pay for this!" The Black Spider-Man exclaimed as he jumped towards the gunmen with his four legs.

I prayed for the gunmen since I knew that the Black Spider-Man was going to massacre all of them.

Despite knowing this fact, we could do nothing since we were still engaged in battle. The screams of the dying gunmen sounded in my ears yet I could do nothing except dodge another one of Lady Octopus' tentacles.

"This is going nowhere." Noir said furiously, frustrated by his inability to save the gunmen.


Irritated, Noir actually took out his gun and shot Scorpion.


To our surprise, the black slimy goo was clearly damaged by the gun since the suit formed by the slimy goo changed its shape near the area where the bullet had been hit and even left it open for a second.

"Perhaps this can work." Miles said as he saw the bullet hit Scorpion. He reappeared behind Tombstone and punched at his neck, unleashing a Venom Strike at full power.

The black slimy goo was damaged so much by Miles' Venom Strike that it simply left Tombstone and ran away.

"Use this, Noir." Peni shouted as she threw a taser at Noir.

"It's game over now, little Scorpion." Spider Ham shouted as he hit with a wooden hammer at Scorpion's head, distracting him.

Bang! Bang!

Noir shot a series of bullets at Scorpion, disturbing the suit formed of slimy goo and then jabbed him with the taser.


The black slimy goo ran away as it had been too damaged by Noir's continuous attacks.

"Good Night, Lady Octopus." Miles shouted as he struck Lady with a Venom Strike by taking advantage of his invisibility while Spider-Man and I distracted her.

"Now, only he is left." Spider-Man said as he looked at the Black Spider-Man who has now facing Wilson Fisk, the last survivor here except us.

As we swung towards the Black Spider-Man, we saw the dead bodies of the gunmen. Their bodies had been torn apart as if the one who had done who was a monster, not a man.

"Leave Fisk, whoever you are." Spider-Man threatened the black clad one who had Fisk's neck in one of his hands and was about to crush it.

To our surprise, the Black Spider-Man actually listened to our words and threw away Wilson Fisk, sparing him.

"To think that all of you won against the lesser symbiotes so easily. You are indeed worthy of joining us." The Black Spider-Man said, applauding us.


Noir shot at the Black Spider-Man with his gun, perhaps because he was too frustrated by his words. However, the Black Spider-Man simply stopped the bullet with one of his hands.

"I am much stronger than the lesser symbiotes. These little tricks will not work against me." The Black Spider-Man said with a laugh.

Then, suddenly one of the Black Spider-Man's arms transformed into a tentacle which extended and hit Noir who could not even dodge it and was slammed into a nearby wall.

"You alright, Noir!" Miles asked in a worried tone.

"Cough! Cough! I think a few of my bones are broken. Be careful, everyone. The Spider Sense is not working at all against him." Noir warned us.

Just how were we going to stop this guy? Spider Sense was not working against him for some reason. Moreover, it was clear that he was not even using his full power.

The Black Spider-Man's hand turned once again into a tentacle and he pointed it this time towards me!

Fortunately, I was ready for a surprise attack so I activated the shield bracelet Peter had installed inside my suit along with a fireball ring.

The tentacle broke the shield as it smashed against it but the impact flung me away.

Since my magic artefact had already been revealed, I immediately shot a firewall at the black Spider-Man as I landed because he was still retracting the tentacle, giving me a perfect opening.

However, he easily dodged the fireball with just a small sidestep.

"Just because your Spider Sense are not working doesn't mean that mine isn't too." The Black Spider-Man said with a chuckle.

"Still, to think that you have a magic artefact even though it is a basic one. It would be quite interesting to conquer your world. Ha ha ha ha!!"

I could only despair in front of his laugh since there seemed to be no way to defeat him. I wish Peter was here. He would have finished this bastard with just one of his lightning spears.

"Huh!" The Black Spider-Man's laugh suddenly ceased as he looked at the portal with surprise clearly visible on his face.

The portal had turned a kaleidoscopic rainbow colour, revealing that someone was using it like the Black Spider-Man had done to arrive here. At this moment, that rainbow colour felt like a ray of hope for us.

As expected, a man soon came out of the portal. He was young man with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

He wore white regal clothes along with a longcoat as well as a feather ornament on his right shoulder. Moreover, he had a strange looking staff in his hand.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get here?" The Black Spider-Man asked threateningly.

The man didn't answer his question but started saying something else instead. As his staff suddenly started glowing, it became clear that he was casting a spell.

Stars. Cosmos. Gods. Animus. Antrum. Unbirth.

O' Stars, veil the fate of this world.

[Stellar Barrier]

As soon as the spell was casted, it felt as if the stars had descended on Earth.

And so, the legend has arrived! The fate fans would already know who is this guy. But for those who don't, just know that he is a GOAT from Type Moon series.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 124
Several small light orbs twinkling in the basement as though they were real stars. And the man who created them stood in the middle of the stars as if he ruled over them.

"Who are you? Why do we not have any data on a mage like you who can travel through the multiverse?" The Black Spider-Man asked threateningly.

"That is not something you need to know, Pestilence, a traitor who sold his own world." The noble mage said indifferently to the Black Spider-Man, referring to him as Pestilence.

"How? How do you know about it?" The shock upon the revelation of his identity was clearly visible on Pestilence's face.

"It has only been two months since I have joined the symbiotes after betraying my world. And this is my first mission. How can you know about me?

This is something which should have been impossible for anyone to know. The only way was if you were monitoring us. But we should have found you then. I have to inform Master about this development right now!"

Pestilence took out some kind of communicator and activated it. For some reason, the noble mage was just watching Pestilence use the communicator with a smile, without even trying to interrupt him.

"Why is it not working?" Pestilence cursed as he couldn't send the message.

"Why do you think I casted the [Stellar Barrier]? Until this barrier is gone, there is simply no way you can contact your side. Tonight is when you die, Pestilence. A traitor who has betrayed his world twice doesn't deserve to live." The noble mage explained while also hinting about Pestilence's past.

It was clear from his words that the noble mage's side had been keeping an eye on Pestilence's world for a long time and thus knew everything about Pestilence.

"A traitor who has betrayed his world twice, you say. Ha ha ha ha!! Yes, I did it. I betrayed my world and I did it with a smile on my face." Pestilence said with a sneer on his face upon hearing the noble mage's words.

"I did it because the so called heroes had destroyed my world. It was because of those pretentious fools that Aunt May, MJ and my unborn child inside her died. And so I betrayed everything I stood for because that was the only way I could have obtained my revenge." Pestilence said, revealing his life story to us.

I literally shivered as I heard his life story. When I had first seen this Peter Parker, I couldn't believe that a Peter Parker could turn out to be so evil.

However, as I heard his life story, I realised that Pestilence had been far too broken and desperate.

Far more than my own Peter Parker had been when he had injected an untested Lizard serum inside himself. In his pursuit of vengeance, Pestilence was ready to destroy anything if it meant he could achieve his revenge.

"That was when Apocalypse appeared before me and managed to convince me in my broken state that we could create a new world. A world better than the one we lived in, the world which had murdered my family.

And indeed we made a new world, a world where everyone except Apocalypse and his men were slaves. By the time I realised what I had done, it was too late. Apocalypse was nigh invincible. There was nothing I could do.

That is when my current Master appeared before me, tried to convince me that I could overthrow Apocalypse with his power. I accepted his proposal, thinking about could be the worst. At worst, I would just die.

But I actually won and in doing so, my world fell to the symbiotes. Now, there are no slaves in my world, only my mindless puppets. Perhaps in a few years, my world cease to exist. Happy to hear my story now! Why I betrayed my world twice?"

"But this story has nothing to do with the current you, Pestilence. The moment you joined the symbiotes, you became a mere extension of your Master. Moreover, you are trying to make these young Spiders destroy their worlds just like how you destroyed yours. This is unacceptable!" The noble mage said in a cold tone.

"That is just my job now, destroying worlds!" Pestilence said as his mask once again grew on his face. This time however, he had a mouth just like the ones on the lesser symbiotes, one filled with sharp, pointy teeth. Like something right out of a horror movie.

"If you think that you can kill me easily just because you have isolated me, then you are merely dreaming." Pestilence said as the lesser symbiotes suddenly approached him and were absorbed by his suit.

His entire body started bulking and black tentacles grew from all over his body. Combined with his eight limbs, Pestilence looked more like a lovecraftian monster than a Spider-Man.

"Kill me if you can." Pestilence said in a distorted voice as he stood on all of his eight limbs, acting exactly like a spider.

Pestilence rushed towards the noble mage, his moments erratic as he jumped from one building to another, perhaps to confuse the mage who was still watching him without any action on his part.

Running on a total of eight legs like a spider, his speed was truly fast. Perhaps only lesser when compared to my Peter aka Albion's speed.

As Pestilence came closer, he suddenly stood on his four legs and then punched towards the noble mage with his muscular four arms, the tentacles emerging from his body following right behind.

Yet, a circular golden barrier formed around the noble mage suddenly. Some of the stars near the noble mage had transformed into magical circles which now formed the golden barrier.

As the four arms hit the golden barrier, a shockwave was created from the impact yet not a single crack appeared on the barrier.

"Why is it not breaking?" Pestilence cursed as he continuously hit the golden barrier with his four arms as well as the multiple tentacles but the golden barrier showed no signs of breaking.

"Try all you want, Pestilence. But your end has come." The noble mage said coldly at Pestilence's futile efforts.

More stars gathered above the noble mage and transformed into magic circles, this time launching a ray of light at Pestilence.

Pestilence dodged the ray of light with his Spider Sense but the ray of light went on and easily pierced through the walls of a building. It showed just how powerful the noble mage was even against a monstrously powerful Spider-Man.

More rays of light was shot at Pestilence but he dodged each one of them with the help of his unique body and Spider Sense. But his situation clearly didn't look bright.

Many more stars were forming into magic circles, encircling Pestilence and shooting rays of light at him. He had even started using webs to dodge the rays of light but it was clear that he won't be able to do this for too long.

"Just who the hell are you? There is simply no way my Master won't know about a mage like you. Can you at least give me your name before I die? It is not like I can reveal it to anyone." Pestilence asked, knowing that his end was in sight.

"Kirschtaria Wodime." The noble mage answered, his name clearly a unique one.

"It would be an honour dying at your hands, Kirschtaria. An honour which I clearly don't deserve." Pestilence said, his original personality coming out now that he knew that his end was near.

"Little Spiders, I would give you this last piece of advice from someone who failed as a Spider-Man. Always keep your loved ones close. Never compromise on them even it means that you have to miss a day or two as Spider-Man." Pestilence said to us and then willingly let himself be hit by one of the light rays.

The ray of light pierced through Pestilence's chest, creating a hole in his body. At this moment, it was clear that Pestilence was dead. He had willingly died after a life of being used by others.

And so, Kirschtaria Wodime killed Pestilence in Gilgamesh style. I hope all of you liked Pestilence, the first original villain in this story.

Also, Pestilence actually existed in the comics where he was one of Apocalypse's Horsemen in an alternate universe.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 125
As Pestilence's body fell down, the remaining black slimy goo monsters which were apparently called symbiotes, left on his body separated from him and started slipping away.

"Where do you think you are going, pesky symbiotes?" Kirschtaria said, shooting rays of light which literally disintegrated the symbiotes.

As Kirschtaria approached Pestilence's body, he let out a sigh upon seeing it for some reason. Then, his staff glowed once again, this time with a blue fire which easily increased the temperature of the surroundings a few degrees. It was clear that he wanted to cremate Pestilence's body.

"Wait! Do you really need to cremate his body, Mr. Wodime?" Miles asked Kirschtaria as we approached him.

"No matter how evil Pestilence was, he was still a Peter Parker who once knew what being a Spider-Man truly meant. He has suffered so much. Doesn't he deserve at least a proper burial?" Miles argued.

"I wish it was possible, Miles. Look closely at Pestilence's body." Kirschtaria made us focus on Pestilence's body as if to show something.

Looking closely at the hole on Pestilence's chest, I could see that a black slimy goo similar to that of a symbiote was leaking from the flesh surrounding the hole!

"See! Pestilence's blood has been entirely replaced with a symbiote. As such, I can't leave his body be otherwise the symbiote will rise up from it and start possessing people to eventually attack Miles, whether to posses him or kill him." Kirschtaria explained as he released the blue fire from his staff to burn Pestilence's body.

"Just what even are these symbiotes?" Spider-Man asked as we watched Pestilence's body burn.

"In short words, a Spider Totem's worst nightmare. They cling to the Spider Totems as soon as they arrive in their world. They enhance the powers of the Spider Totem in order to show how useful they are.

But eventually, they start corrupting the Spider Totem. Make him think that he can take over the entire world. Once the corruption is complete, they start creating lesser symbiotes so that they can possess other superhumans.

And when they become the biggest force on the planet through this process, that is when they open the portal to the multiverse, inviting their main army which finally conquers their world.

You all have been lucky to not encounter a symbiote till now but there is no guarantee that it will always be like that. Remember, never trust a symbiote!"

Kirschtaria warned us but it was not like we were ever going to accept your after seeing what happened to Pestilence.

"But why do the symbiotes always target us Spiders?" I asked.

"The actual reason is two complex for me to tell you right now. Just know that a Spider Totem acts like a key to the door of the multiverse for his world. His mere presence can make it easier for the people of his world to access other dimensions, whether through science or magic.

And that is the reason the symbiotes always target Spider Totems. Even if the symbiotes possess every other superhuman of any world, if they have not possessed the Spider Totem yet, then they still have not won." Kirschtaria explained patiently.

"By the way, how did you arrive so quickly? It had only been a few minutes since Pestilence's arrival after all. I am not complaining though. We would have been possessed by the symbiotes if not for you." Peni asked curiously.

"It is because I was watching over this world as per Spider Supreme's orders." Kirschtaria said, shocking all of us.

"Is he the same Spider Supreme Gwen was talking about?" Spider-Man asked for clarification.

"Indeed, he is the same one. I am one of his subordinates. He had asked me to watch over this world once Gwen had arrived here." Kirschtaria answered.

"Wait a minute! If you were watching over us, then could you not have arrived a little earlier? These men's lives could have been saved!" Miles said furiously as he pointed at the Kingpin's men who had been murdered by Pestilence.

"I am deeply sorry for their death. But it was something inevitable. I had to trick the scanners from Pestilence's side before arriving here. If I had not done so, more people as strong as Pestilence or even stronger would have arrived as reinforcements. Moreover, our group's greatest advantage is that our enemies have no idea that we even exist. This is something we can't afford to lose." Kirschtaria explained in an apologetic tone.

"But how will we explain these men's corpses?" Noir asked in a worried tone.

"No matter how we spin it, their death will only be blamed on us Spiders. And the only Spider remaining in this world would be Miles. If we do not do anything about this, his life as Spider-Man is going to be quite difficult." Noir said, concerned about Miles' future.

"Damn it! How could I have not thouht of it? Help me guys! Otherwise, my future as a Spider-Man is going to be over before it even begins." Miles asked in a panicked tone.

"Don't worry, Miles. I have a way to deal with this dilemma." Kirschtaria said, revealing that he had a plan.

He took out corpses of some kind of monsters from his bracelet which was clearly a spatial artefact. The monsters looked like giant foxes with tentacles for tails as well as wings on their back. They were obviously interdimensional monsters which Peter had once told me about.

Kirschtaria floated the monsters' corpses and laid them down next to the men's corpses and then revealed his plan.

"With the corpses of these interdimensional monsters here, it will look like Kingpin summoned the monsters using the collider who killed these man and were killed by Miles.

No matter how much Kingpin screams that it was a Spider-Man who did it, the corpses will serve as the ultimate proof for Miles' innocence. Now, does the situation seems doable, Miles?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Wodime. With the corpses here, it will be a piece of cake for me to make it look like it was all Kingpin's fault." Miles assured Kirschtaria that he will ensure that the plan works perfectly.

"Now, I believe that it is time for all of you to return. If you don't, the world's rejection will only get stronger." Kirschtaria said, reminding us that it was time for us to return.

"The portal is open now. Goodbye everyone! It was nice meeting you." Kirschtaria said politely as he opened the portal which would finally take us home.

"It was nice learning that there were others like me. Bye everyone!" Peni waved at us as she entered the portal.

"It was great meeting all of you, especially in such a colourful world. I don't know what this colourful cube is but I will definitely realise it someday." Noir said as he looked at the Rubik's cube he had picked up with fascination. Then, he entered the portal, returning to his colourless world.

"Take this gift, Miles. It will fit just right in your pocket." Spider Ham said as he gave a small wooden hammer to Miles as a gift. Then, he also entered the portal, returning to his cartoonish world.

Now, only I and Spider-Man were left.

"So, still angry about the hairstyle?" Miles said awkwardly.

"No, not that much. It doesn't look that bad. By the way, nice suit." I said, complementing his unique looking Spider-Man suit.

During the time we had spent together, I would say that I had begun to like him. And I am sure that he liked me as well. He was a nice guy, reminding me of Peter yet much different from him too.

But unfortunately, our romance was something which was never meant to be just like my romance with Peter. We were of two different worlds, never to meet again.

"Hope we can meet again." Still, I said these last words to Miles as I entered the portal.

It felt like I was flowing through a tube formed of a kaleidoscopic energy. I don't know how long I was inside that tube but suddenly I just wasn't.

I was dropped a few metres above the ground by the tube so it was not hard to land properly.

I was clearly in some sort of building. As I looked at the giant stairway and the looming eye shape window, I realised where I was. After all, I had been here before.

I was at the New York Sanctum. I had returned home.

With this, the 'Into the Multiverse' Arc is finished. However, the multiverse arc is not finished yet. After all, Peter has not personally experienced the multiverse yet.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 126
Peter Parker's POV

"Peter, has there been any news of Gwen? It has already been more than a week." Captain Stacy asked worriedly.

Ever since he had learnt that all we could do was wait, he came to my home everyday to ask me if there had been any update.

"Unfortunately, not. You need to be a little patient, Captain Stacy. Spider Supreme has already said that it would take one to two weeks." I replied since the allocated time given by Spider Supreme had not passed yet.

"How can I be patient, Peter? Gwen is the only family I have left! She is out there in an unknown world completely alone. Who knows how she is surviving there? Knowing all of this, how can I be patient?" Captain Stacy said, revealing his worries.

I knew how much worried Captain Stacy was regarding Gwen but even I, with all of my powers could do nothing in this case and this was what hurt the most.

All we could do was trust Spider Supreme. That Gwen would return soon just like he had said.

So far, Spider Supreme had given a no reason to doubt him. After all, he was the one who had given me my powers when I was dying. Moreover, it was because of the card he had given me that I could save New York during the alien invasion.

However, Gwen was still my best friend. As such, I couldn't help but worry that something could go wrong despite Spider Supreme's assurance.


Suddenly, Ancient One sent me a message through the communication spell.

"Gwen has returned and is currently at the New York Sanctum."

"Captain Stacy, Gwen has returned. She is at the New York Sanctum." I immediately reported to Captain Stacy, my voice full of joy.

"Really! Then what are we waiting for?" Captain Stacy said, asking me to take him to her immediately.


"My precious Gwen!" Captain Stacy said in a joyous tone as he hugged Gwen, his eyes full of tears.

"When I had heard from Ancient One that you had fallen into another dimension I had thought that I would never see you again. Who knows how much you have suffered in that foreign world?"

"But I am here now. Looking exactly like before and as healthy as ever." Gwen said, assuring her father that she was alright.

Indeed, Gwen looked just as good as ever. Even her suit only had a few scratches here and there.

"But why did you change your hairstyle?" Captain Stacy asked about Gwen's haircut with a frown.

"I didn't do it voluntarily!" Gwen said, defending herself.

"It was an accident. Miles, the new Spider-Man of that world couldn't control his powers properly. His hand had been accidentally stuck to my hair and he couldn't remove it unfortunately. In the end, I had to cut my hair." Gwen explained the reason for her haircut.

However, her voice had turned melancholic as she talked about Miles. They must have become quite close in the previous week.

"Did you become friends with this Miles?" Captain Stacy asked, sensing her daughter's emotions.

"Yes, I had. At first, I had thought that he was just an idiot. But gradually, I felt his good nature and desire to be a good Spider-Man. And now, I would never see him again." Gwen said in a sad tone.

"You know what, Peter? I had met even more Spider People who had the same power as me." Gwen said, putting on a smile. She clearly didn't want to talk about the fact that she would never meet the people she had become friends with ever again.

"We had taken a picture to commemorate our meeting. Let me show you."

Gwen took out a picture which showed a group of people, each one wearing a Spider-Man suit.

"Is that a pig?" I asked in a surprised tone as I saw the humanoid pig wearing a Spider-Man suit.

"That is Spider-Ham. He comes from a world which seems to be rather cartoonish. Shockingly, his name is Peter Porker." Gwen explained who this Spider Pig was.

"Spider Supreme had told me that nearly 80% of the Multiverse's Spider Totems are Peter Parker or a variant of him but I suddenly feel an existential crisis upon seeing that a version of me is a freaking pig." I said jokingly, so as to lighten her mood.

"By the way, who is Miles among them?" I asked.

"He is the one." Gwen pointed to a dark skinned boy who was clearly the youngest. I hadn't expected that this Miles would be even younger than Gwen.

"Why is his suit so cheap looking?" I said as I noticed the quality of his suit.

"Oh! That was before Miles had made his own suit. The suit he had created was quite different from the spider suit worn by that world's Peter Parker. It was actually black coloured with red highlights rather than a red and blue coloured one. He had created the suit at the last minute that is why I don't have the picture of that suit." Gwen explained.

"This is Peter Benjamin Parker who is rather similar to that world's Peter Parker who had died. Noir is a vyictorian Era Spider-Man from world which is colourless for some reason. And this is Peni Parker who runs a futuristic Spider-Bot." Gwen introduced the remaining Spider Totem.

"Indeed, there are quite a lot of Peter Parker among the Spiders." Captain Stacy commented as he looked at the picture.

"You know what, Gwen? I had almost lost hope when Ancient One had said that she couldn't find you. But then Spider Supreme contacted us and told us about your situation. He had even promised us that he would send one of his men to keep an eye on you."

"Speaking of Spider Supreme I have to thank him if I ever meet him. If it was not for the man sent by him, I would probably be dead." Gwen suddenly said, shocking all of us.

"What had happened, Gwen?" I asked, worried about her.

"We had already won at that time and the only thing that was left to do was to use the portal to return to our worlds when a monstrously powerful Spider-Man called Pestilence appeared from the other side of the portal.

He had four arms and four legs looking more like a Man Spider than a Spider-Man. Moreover, he had black slimy monsters called symbiotes with him who could possess people and turn them into monsters. He wanted to use these symbiotes to control us and then use us to control our worlds!"

I was shocked as I heard Gwen's words. A monstrous Spider-Man who controlled monsters with the ability to control people. Moreover, he was part of an organisation which could fucking conquer worlds. It suddenly felt as if my worldview had expanded once again.

"Pestilence had at first controlled others to fight us but when we somehow managed to win, he himself fought us. He was so powerful that it felt like I was fighting not against a Spider-Man but a Hulk.

Moreover, our Spider Sense was not even working against him for some reason while his own Spider Sense worked perfectly. We would have lost if the mage Spider Supreme had sent had not arrived. And what a mage Kirschtaria Wodime was?"

Gwen's voice was full of awe as she talked about this Kirschtaria Wodime. He must have been a truly powerful mage to have made such an impression on her.

"Is this Kirschtaria a Britisher? His name is like it can only belong to a British noble." Captain Stacy asked curiously, noticing Kirschtaria's unique name.

"Well, he actually dressed like a British noble so it could be true. But honestly, it felt like Kirschtaria could control the very stars as he fought against Pestilence. His light rays were so powerful that Pestilence could do nothing against them even with his Spider Sense." Gwen said as she described the battle with literal stars in her eyes.

As I heard about Kirschtaria from Gwen, it was clear to me that he was a monstrously powerful mage. Perhaps Spider Supreme wanted me to be one of his subordinates in the future when he believed me to be as powerful as Kirschtaria.

"Oh! You have suffered so much, my dear Gwen. But I am glad that you managed to return even after so many ordeals." Captain Stacy said as he hugged Gwen once again.

"Well, I believe that your return clearly deserves a party especially after everything you have went through." I said in a joking tone as I created a portal for us to return.


"Gwen, are you really alright?" I asked Gwen after we returned to her home and Captain Stacy had to go to the police office for some urgent work, leaing us alone.

"I am not alright right now. But I think I will be in some time." Gwen answered frankly.

"By the way, did you have a crush on Miles?" I asked since I had felt with my Dragon Sense that she had rather sincere feelings regarding Miles.

"Maybe I had? But it doesn't matter now." Gwen said sadly.

"Oh, Gwen!" I said as I wrapped her in my arms, realising what she must be feeling now.

"You don't need to worry too much, Peter. I think I will learn how to live with it." Gwen said with a sad smile, realising the painful reality before her.

Only at this moment did I realise why Spider Supreme was so insistent on never forming any personal relations with anyone in his journey throughout the multiverse. It was just too easy to be emotionally attached.

With this chapter, Gwen's multiversal escapade is finished. The next chapter is a special one which you will definitely enjoy.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 127
"Hmm… I think that this should be enough." I said as I checked myself in the mirror for the fifth time.

I was wearing a white shirt with black jeans as well as a black jacket with red highlights. Moreover, even my silver hair was neatly groomed which I rarely had a chance to do.

After all, before I had gained my powers, I was quite a nerdy guy and as such, rarely focused on making myself look stylish because I thought that I would never get a date.

And after my transformation, I really had a chance to show my true appearance outside the X-Mansion. As such, this was the first time I was grooming myself properly.

As for what was the special occasion? Today was the day I was finally going on a date with Emma!

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I was sure that no Hollywood actor could match me in the matter of appearance. Unfortunately, I would likely never have a chance to show my true appearance in public.

But seriously, my silver white hair and red eyes combined with my sharp facial features made me look a little too handsome. And my appearance never seemed feminine despite such unique features because of my slitted red eyes which always gave me a wild look no matter how much I groomed myself.

Finally satisfied with myself, I went down where I found the boys watching the news on the television in the drawing room.

"Damn! Peter, you look awesome. You already looked handsome but now I am sure that no girl would ever give us a chance if she saw you with us." Kurt commented as he saw me.

"Seriously, never let anyone get a proper picture of you, dude. Otherwise, I believe that the entire Hollywood would come running after you." Bobby said, sure that my appearance alone would shock the entire entertainment industry.

"Thanks! But I am sure that my looks are not that exaggerated. By the way, where are the girls?" I asked.

"Where could they be? They are in Emma's room, helping her dress up for her date." Scott answered.

"Seriously, I never thought that it would be you, Peter who would get a girl first." Kurt said, jealous that I got a date first.

"Don't be jealous, Kurt. I am sure that you will find a girl you like soon." I said in a bid to console him.

"It's time for us to talk about the greatest news these days. Oscorp has just unveiled its new medicine which has completely shaken the world of medicine.

It is a miraculous medicine made from the genes of a lizard which can temporarily grant a healing factor. This miraculous medicine was created by Oscorp's lead scientist Dr. Curt Connors along with his intern Peter Parker."

Our attention was attracted towards the television which was showing the news of the healing factor medicine Oscorp had unveiled yesterday.

"So, this is the medicine you are researching with Dr. Connors, Peter. Right?" Scott asked. They knew about this matter because I had often visited Oscorp in the recent days.

"Yeah, this is the one." I confirmed. We had finally finished the prototype two weeks ago and after the testing, it was finally revealed yesterday.

"Dr. Connors, may I ask why you included the name of your intern as a creator of the medicine? It is even in the temporary name for the medicine, 'ParCon' which contains parts of both of your names." A news reporter asked Dr. Connors in an interview.

Due to the popularity of the 'ParCon', Dr. Connors had been invited to a lot of interviews. Even I had been given several invitations but Dr. Connors had said that he would handle everything.

"It is because this medicine would not have been produced if it was not for Peter. Even though he is quite young, his intelligence and ingenuity are unquestionable. Our research had been completely stuck previously. It was Peter who gave us the idea of the 'ParCon' and even completed nearly half of the research including its foundation. As such, he deserves his name as the creator of the 'ParCon'." Dr. Connors explained proudly.

"There has been rumours already that you would get the Nobel Prize as the creator of the 'ParCon'. Would you share it with Peter Parker then?" The news reporter asked, shocking all of us.

"Of course, I would. After all, if it was not for Peter, the 'ParCon' would never have been created." Dr. Connors answered confidently.

"A Nobel Prize! Peter, you are going to get a Nobel Prize! This deserves a party, man!" Kurt said as he hugged me excitedly.

"Calm down, Kurt! It has not been confirmed yet." I said to Kurt in a bid to calm him down.

"What is all this ruckus about?" A female voice sounded from behind us.

As I turned around, my breath was stuck by the sight before me although I was sure that my body would clearly not be affected even if I didn't breathe for an hour at the very least.

"Damn! Emma, you look almost too beautiful." I said, complementing Emma.

Emma was wearing a black bodycon dress along with some light makeup on her face. The silver pendant on her neck only brought out her beauty more.

"Peter is going to get a Nobel Prize." Kurt shouted, ruining the moment.

"Really?" Emma asked, surprised by Kurt's words.

"These are just rumours. Kurt is just getting too excited." I clarified what was the entire matter.

"Oh! By the way, I can also say that you look a little too handsome." Emma said, complementing me in return.

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to enjoy this handsome face of yours on our date." Emma said in a regretful voice since I had to use an illusion spell whenever I was outside.

"I don't think so, Emma." I said as I produced a pair of rings.

"These are special artefacts I have borrowed from Kamar Taj especially for today. With these artefacts, we can see our true faces even if we use illusion spells. So, we would be able to enjoy our date in peace while also hiding our appearances." I explained the function of the paired rings.

"That's great, Peter." Emma said, smiling gleefully as she suddenly kissed me on the cheek. She was clearly happy that I had prepared well for the date.

"It seems that the lover boy has already planned for everything." Kitty said as she appeared in the room with the other girls.

"That's not as you think." I said with a blush, a little embarrassed by the complement.

Both of us equipped the rings and then casted the illusion spell on ourselves. It was not something hard for Emma to do now that she was also a proper sorcerer.

It had not taken much time for Emma, Jean and Kitty to be promoted to a sorcerer, only four to five months which proved that they were rather talented in mystic arts. However, it was clear from their progress that it would be quite difficult for them to become a Master since they would have difficulty learning the essential mystic arts to become a Master.

I changed into my previous appearance and Emma changed into appearance which were rather similar to actual appearance, only she had brown hair and was not as beautiful.

"Surprised! This is what I used to originally look like." Emma explained why she choose this appearance.

"Well, that explains why you are so beautiful. You were already this beautiful from the start." I said, causing Emma to smile.

We then activated our paired rings, causing me to be able to see her true appearance.

"Is it working for you? I can see your true face." I asked.

"Well, I can see your too good to be true handsome face. So, I think it is working." Emma said, jokingly causing us to have a small laugh.

"I can't see anything more than your illusory appearances." Kitty said, confirming that the illusion spell was still on.

"Hope you have a great date!" Jean said as everyone bid us goodbye.

"Shall we?" I said to Emma, taking out my hand for her.

"Of course." Emma said softly as she clasped my hand in hers.

I smiled and then opened a portal, ready to finally start our date.

So, Peter is about to get a Nobel. And his date with Emma is finally about to start. I will say it frankly that I have no experience regarding dating.

Being from a town in Bihar, India, it was near impossible for me to have any experience since there is no dating culture here. It also doesn't help that I am an introvert.

And I do not generally read romance. Still, I will see what I can do. Hope I can handle it well!

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 128
"So, you decided on Paris, huh!" Emma said as she looked at the Eiffel Tower.

"I had thought that you would choose Venice instead. It is too popular after all."

"I thought that Venice would be better for a second or third date. What would be a better place for our first date than the City of Romance?" I replied with a smile.

With portals, we could visit every corner of the Earth. As such I had researched quite extensively on where I wanted our first date to be.

"So, where are we going? A club?" Emma asked since I was the one who had done all the planning.

"Who comes to Paris to go to a club? Come, I have booked for a seat in a nearby restaurant." I answered.

"You have really planned for everything, Peter. It won't have been easy for you to book a place here." Emma said as she looked at the restaurant which was obviously an expensive one and especially designed for couples on top of that.

"Well, it was not that hard since I had already booked the seat a week in advance." I answered.

Gwen's disappearance had put quite a big hurdle in our plans but it had also given me more than enough time to plan everything.

"You didn't have to take me to such a fancy restaurant though." Emma said once we took our seats. After all, it was actually a private room I had booked.

"I just wanted our first date to be something truly special. Something we will always remember. Besides, it is not like we don't have the money." I replied.

After the Battle of New York, SHIELD had given us a really big paycheck for saving the city. Apart from the X-Men as a whole, all of us also got individual paychecks of our own. Mine was exceptionally large since I was the one who had single handedly destroyed the Chitauri army in the end.

Of course, Professor Xavier knew that we were not ready to have this large amount of money so he had asked SHIELD to seal most of the money for now, leaving only around 5% of the total amount for us to use.

However, Professor seemed to think that I could be somewhat trusted with the money since he had actually unsealed 10% of my money. As such, there was no need for any of us to worry about money in the near future.

Once our orders arrived, I casted a sound barrier so that we could talk freely. After all, we knew a lot of confidential information and there was no guarantee that an eavesdropper won't hear our conversation.

"So, a Nobel, huh!" Emma asked.

"These are just mere rumours, you know. Besides, most of the research had already been completed by Dr. Connors. I just built upon it." I replied.

"You don't have to be so overly humble, Peter. You know clearly how much of the resulting product was because of your own research. As such, there is no need to diminish your efforts. Dr. Connors wouldn't have been praising you everywhere and naming you as one of the creators if your part in the research was as small as you say it to be." Emma said, admonishing me for being overly humble.

"Alright! I will try not to do so from now on." I said, giving in to her demands since I knew that it was my fault.

"Besides, I think that even if you do not get Nobel Prize for the ParCon, you will definitely get one in a few years. After all, you are already working with the Earth's greatest scientists." Emma said, believing in my intelligence.

I merely smiled upon hearing Emma's words. She clearly had a lot of confidence in me.

"What about you, Emma? What have you thought about your future?" I asked Emma.

"You know that I am already majoring in Business Studies. I want to create a company in the future. Although I will always be a part of the X-Men. The paycheck from SHIELD would more than suffice for the initial funds. You would support me in this endeavour, right Peter?" Emma asked nervously.

"Of course, I would. You didn't even need to ask." I answered immediately.

"Actually, I also want to be a teacher in the future if possible. When I was in school, I used to be bullied often. My homeroom teacher helped me a lot back then. I even had a little crush on him because of it." Emma said, revealing a bit of her past.

I knew that Emma almost never revealed her past to anyone. It was quite a breakthrough in our relationship that she was willing to reveal her past to me.

"You want to be a teacher. This is quite surprising. However, I can't believe that you of all people used to be bullied, Emma." I said, expressing my disbelief.

"I was not always like this. Before my powers manifested, I was not this intelligent. One could even say that I was a rather meek girl." Emma said, revealing even more of her past.

"My father was always a very demanding person. He often saw us more as assets rather than his children. My mother turned to drugs instead of helping us. I never received any support from my siblings.

The situation worsened when my powers manifested. I could understand with my telepathy that I had no love there. That is why, I ran away even when my father wanted to make me his heir."

"But you are here with us now. The X-Men are no less than a family." I said as I clasped Emma's hand to show her my support.

"I know. But I still had not joined the X-Men voluntarily. Something I will always regret." Emma said, remembering the time when Professor Xavier had offered her a place in his school.

"I wanted to be independent so much at that time that I would rather be homeless than go with someone who kindly offered me a place in his home. It also didn't help that Professor was also a telepath.

I had been so used to relying on my telepathy that the inability to access Professor's mind made me wary. I would always with thankful to Spider Supreme that he sent me to the X-Men. Who knows what I would be doing now if I had not joined the X-Men?"

"That's true. You have really changed a lot from how you used to be. You are no longer an ice queen, at least among us. You now respect us and listen to us instead of suddenly intruding in our mind." I said, remembering our first meeting.

"You are always going to hold that over me, huh!" Emma said with a pout.

"Of course, I would!" I confirmed with a smile.

"Still, I can't believe that Spider Supreme is actually a Peter Parker from a different dimension. Both of you are just too different." Emma said, mentioning Spider Supreme's true identity.

After Spider Supreme's visit through the drone, the fact that he was Peter Parker was no secret. As such, nearly everyone who knew about Spider Supreme now had the knowledge of this fact.

"Well, there is one thing similar in both of you. You both have the same taste in women." Emma said jokingly, reminding me of Spider Supreme's wife, Morgan Le Fae.

"That's true." I replied with a laugh.

"Still, I really thankful that Spider Supreme interferred in our world. Without him, we would have never met." Emma said, thanking Spider Supreme for everything he did.

"Yeah! If he had never given me my powers, I shudder to think what would have happened in the battle of New York. That massive Chitauri army, what kind of havoc they would have spread in the city. On top of that, the Senate was ready to launch a fucking nuclear missile at New York to eradicate them!"

"Alright, enough talk about the past and the what ifs. We need to focus on the future now." Emma replied, telling me not to dwell too much on the past.

She filled two glasses with champagne and gave one to me.

"To a better future!" She said as we clinked our glasses.

"To a better future!" I also said in return.

"So, what else have you planned for our—"

Suddenly, I felt spatial fluctuations which shocked me. Before I could react, a portal suddenly opened and sucked us towards itself.


I was able to hold on because of my enhanced body and warning from my Dragon Sense but Emma was sucked into the portal because of the surprise factor.

"Damn it!" I cursed as I also jumped into the portal to follow Emma.

There was no way I was going to let her suffer alone! With my immense powers, I refused to believe that I couldn't deal with any opponent I would face at the end of this portal.

And so, they are sucked into a portal suddenly. Unfortunately, they couldn't enjoy their date peacefully. Where they would land, find out in the next chapter.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 129
Just what the hell was that portal? Even with my body I was feeling disoriented.

I shook my head so as to gain my bearings and then searched for Emma who was fortunately right next to me.

"Emma, you alright!" I asked Emma who was clearly a lot more disoriented compared to me.

"Give me a minute!" Emma replied as she hugged her head with her hands and tried to focus.

While Emma slowly gained her bearings, I focused on my surroundings. It was clearly some sort of an alley.

"What the hell just happened?" Emma asked once she finally got her bearings.

"Don't know? Some kind of portal suddenly appeared and sucked us in. I was able to resist but jumped in after seeing that you had been sucked by that portal." I answered.

"Thanks, Peter!" Emma thanked me for jumping after her.

"You don't need to thank me, Emma. There was no way I could have left you in an unknown place alone." I replied.

"Shall we check what is outside?" Emma said as she stood up and clasped my hand. Both of us then steeled ourselves and moved towards the exit of the alley.

"Huh! It's still Paris." I said upon seeing the city which was clearly Paris but seemed to be a little bit more advanced.

"Peter, look at this!" Emma suddenly pointed me towards a news billboard. What was written on that billboard literally shocked me.

"Peter Parker aka Spider-Man, Murderer or Hero?"

The news accused Peter Parker aka Spider-Man as the murderer of someone named Mysterio.

"Well, we are clearly not in our world anymore." I said as I realised that what had happened with Gwen had now happened to both of us.


"This is clearly unbelievable. We are in a parallel world." Emma said as both of us sat on a bench in a nearby park. After all, the realisation that we were in a different dimension was quite overwhelming.

"So, what shall we do now?" I asked Emma after a few minutes.

"I think that we should get information about this world first. Especially on this world's Peter Parker. He will definitely help us if he is anything like you." Emma suggested after some serious thinking.

"Let's see what can be find about this world's Peter Parker." I said as I took out my phone.

As I activated it, I could see that my accounts were not syncing with the web, yet another proof that this was not our world. Fortunately, I could still do web search.

"What the hell is going on in this world?" I blurted out as I saw the information I found.

"Spider-Man first appeared on Tony Stark's side in the Avengers Civil War. He later participated in the battle against Thanos but died like the half of the world in the Blip!

Peter Parker returned 5 years later like everyone else and continued as Spider-Man. It is rumoured that he is the successor of Tony Stark after his death.

He is currently in a controversy where he killed a so called dimensional traveler and Hero named Mysterio. However, this story is said to be false by SHIELD and they say that Mysterio aka Quinten Beck wa s actually just a fraud who was once rejected by Tony Stark."

"This is a lot of information to take in especially when most of it is so unbelievable." Emma said as we digested the information.

"Let's start with the most unbelievable event, the Blip." I said as I searched about it.

"Is this even possible? A purple humanoid alien called Thanos, the Mad Titan went on a crusade throughout the universe to gather extremely powerful stones called Infinity Stones which gave him enough power to kill half of the entire universe. And that idiot did it because he believed that there are not enough resources for the entire population. As such, he believed that he had to kill half of the entire universe's population to save the universe."

I think that I would go mad with this much unbelievable information. There were apparently six Infinity Stones in this world which made someone literally godlike if he gathered them all. And some idiotic alien used it to kill half of the entire universe and even destroyed the Infinity Stones so that no one could reverse it.

"This whole story seems impossible but we have already seen the two of them, Peter. The Tessaract and the Loki's staff, they contained the Space Stone and the Mind Stone respectively." Emma said as she linked the Tessaract and the Loki's staff with the information available about the Infinity Stones.

"Yeah! There were two Infinity Stones on our Earth at that time. That must be the reason why Thanos sent such a massive Chitauri army. He wanted the Space Stone in the Tessaract along with the Mind Stone he had sent with Loki at any cost."

"Looks like this is the alien telekinetic who led the Chitauri army." Emma said as she pointed at one of Thanos' subordinates.

Ebony Maw, an extremely powerful alien telekinetic who had arrived on this Earth on the behalf of Thanos to obtain the Time Stone from Dr. Strange, this world's Spider Supreme.

"Speaking of which, I didn't know that Kamar Taj actually has an Infinity Stone." Emma said as she read why Ebony Maw had attacked.

"It is one of the biggest secrets of Kamar Taj. Even I know about this fact only because Ancient One had to check something related to me because of Spider Supreme's intervention in our world." I replied.

"But what is this about the Blip being reversed?" I search and my mind was blown once again.

"Tony Stark discovered time travel! And the Avengers recovered the already destroyed Infinity Stones with the help of time travel allowing them to reverse the Blip.

But the Thanos from the past learnt of this operation and stole a time travel device. He then came to the present by time travelling with his entire army. There was a fierce battle which ended when Tony Stark used the Infinity Stones to kill Thanos and his army which also lead to his death."

"This world is getting weirder and weirder the more I try to find about it." I said as I rubbed my head, a little overwhelmed from this massive and unbelievable information's overload.

"I believe that we should research everything that is available on the web. Even if it is a parallel world, the information can still prove useful." Emma said as she took out her own phone and started searching on the web.

After an hour……

"So, what have you found, Emma?" I asked once I completed searching everything I could find on the web.

"I think we should start from the beginning. There was also a Battle of New York in this world, albeit much less intense when compared to ours. But what shocked me the most was that there are no mutants in this world." Emma said, revealing the major difference between our worlds.

"Indeed, there are none. Whatever superhumans I found have obtained their powers from other sources." I nodded in affirmation.

"Moving on, we have the next major event. HYDRA tried to take over SHIELD using the Project Insight through which they were going to destroy the Avengers as well as anyone who stood in their way.

Fortunately, Captain America and Agent Natasha stopped their plan. However, they had to publicly release SHIELD's secret files to reveal the existence of HYDRA. Something which would have great ramifications in the Avengers Civil War."

"Since we already know about HYDRA spies in our world thanks to Mystique, it would not be hard to convince SHIELD to take action against them. As this world is quite similar to our own, it is likely that what HYDRA's spies and their plan would likely be similar in our own world. As such, we should download all the information about the HYDRA. It will definitely prove useful."

I said, planning how the information from this world could be used in our own. After all, there was no way I was going to let HYDRA take over SHIELD when I already knew about their plan.

"The next major event is that Tony Stark of this world created a super advanced AI named Ultron which actually turned against him. The subjugation of Ultron had led to a lot of damage to both life and property. Something which would be used again the Avengers in an attempt to put them under government control." Emma continued.

"It would be easy to convince Mr. Stark do not create Ultron but we definitely can't let the Avengers Civil War happen. The Avengers can't turn against each other especially with Thanos at our door." I said, thinking already how to prevent something like the Avengers Civil War from happening.

"The last major event after the Avengers Civil War was Thanos' assault which we have already searched for before. What do you think should be our next course of plan, Peter?" Emma asked.

"I think that this world's Spider-Man is actually innocent. He already has quite a track record fighting with the Avengers. Moreover, everything I have found about Mysterio clearly seems to be scripted. The Elementals do not even exist, as per the records of Kamar Taj. Besides, SHIELD has already stated that Mysterio's death happened during their mission.

As such, it would be beneficial for us to contact this world's Peter Parker. But I think that it would be better for us to first meet the Sorcerers of Kamar Taj. If anyone has any idea why we appeared in this world, it would be them."

"Indeed, Kamar Taj should be the first place for us to start." Emma said, agreeing with my opinion.

"By the way, do you think that we should try to obtain this world's technology?" Emma asked.

"We should first ascertain how we came to this world. Once everything is clear, I would attempt to obtain this world's technology if an opportunity arrives." I answered.

"Now, shall we depart?" I asked Emma who merely clasped my hand with a smile.


"Why has no one come to greet us yet?" I said as both of us stood in the lobby of the New York Sanctum.

The Sanctum Sanctorum's security depended entirely on magical enchantments but whoever was in charge should have the knowledge of our visit by now.

Thankfully, our wait was not for long as Dr. Strange appeared from the inside of the Sanctum with three others, one of whom I recognised to be this world's Peter Parker. The others were a girl with black hair and a boy of Asian descent.

"May I ask who you are and why you are here?" Dr. Strange asked politely.

"Doesn't he look a little like you, Peter?" The boy of Asian descent asked this world's Peter since my illusion spell was still on.

"Greetings, I am Peter Parker." I said as I removed the illusion spell, revealing my true appearance.

That's right, my dear readers! I welcome you to the No Way Home Arc. By the way, this arc won't be similar to the movie as I have some great ambitions for this Arc.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 130
"Are you really Peter Parker? I mean that you look so different from our Peter. Are you an albino? But even an albino doesn't have such features. By the way, are you sorcerer or do you know them since you found the New York Sanctum." The boy of Asian descent asked me while rambling. He seemed to be a bit of a geek.

Because of the web research, I recognised who he has. Ned Leeds, this world's Peter Parker's best friend.

When I had first seen his picture, I couldn't believe that he was actually Ned Leeds of this world. After all, they couldn't be any more different. The Ned Leeds of my world was a bully and a complete American while this Ned was a geek as well as an Asian-American.

"Calm down, Ned. Don't pester him too much. After all, they have arrived from another world. It must be quite difficult for them to adjust." The girl said to Ned. I recognised her as this world's Peter's girlfriend, Michelle Jones.

"May I ask who you are, Miss?" Dr. Strange asked Emma politely.

"I am Emma Frost, Peter's girlfriend." Emma said, calling herself my girlfriend which was a little far-fetched considering that we had not actually confirmed our relationship yet. However, I was not going to call her out for such a small matter.

As Emma revealed her identity, see also deactivated the illusion spell, revealing her true appearance. I could see that everyone's eyes had widened because of her beauty.

"What's up with this couple, MJ? Each one of them can topple the entire filming industry if they ever try to be an actor." Ned whispered to Michelle, surprisingly calling her MJ.

"You are called MJ too?" I couldn't help but ask since she didn't look the slightest bit like my MJ.

"Yes, I am MJ, Michelle Jones. May I ask why?" MJ asked.

"Actually, there is also a MJ I know who is completely different from you. She is Mary Jane, a beautiful redhead who leads a band." I explained.

"We would have time for small talk later. I need to ask both of you a few things first. Peter, I believe that you are also Spider-Man." Dr. Strange asked.

"Actually, I am not." I said, generating a few red sparks between my fingers to show that I had different powers.

"Then, how did you arrive in this dimension? Dr. Strange, weren't the requirements that one needed to know that Peter Parker was Spider-Man to arrive in this world?" This world's Peter asked Dr. Strange with a puzzled look.

"Requirements? Does our arrival in this world have anything to do with you?" Emma asked in a sharp tone since she was still pretty irritated that our date had been ruined.

"Actually, Peter here had asked me to perform a ritual which would remove the fact that Peter Parker is Spider-Man from everyone's memory. The ritual would have succeeded if it was not for the fact that Peter continuously interferred in the ritual, causing it to go haywire.

Now, the result is that instead of making people forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, people who know this fact are arriving from all over the multiverse."

Dr. Strange explained the whole matter while looking at this world's Peter with a reproaching look since it was because of him that this whole matter had occurred.

"I am really sorry for what happened." Peter apologized with a sheepish look.

"Now, would you please tell me why you know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man when you are actually not a Spider-Man?" Dr. Strange asked.

"Actually, this is not our first contact with the multiverse. A few weeks ago, the Spider-Man or should I say the Spider-Woman of our world had been sent to another world where she met many other Spider-Men. Among them were many Peter Parkers. That is why we know the fact that there is a Peter Parker in the multiverse who is Spider-Man."

I explained while withholding the information about spider Supreme for now since it didn't seem necessary. Not to mention that it was very likely that Dr. Strange would start hounding me for information regarding Spider Supreme like Ancient One did.

"Can you please tell us how will you send us back and when?" Emma demanded.

"Actually, Peter…. Uh! What shall I call you since there are two Peters?" Dr. Strange asked me politely.

"Just call me Albion. That is the codename I use in my world." I replied.

"Well, Albion. The fact is that the ritual can be reversed any moment we want, allowing you return to your dimension." Dr. Strange said something we had never expected.

"Then, why are you not doing it already?" Emma asked.

"I think that it would be better to show it to you than to explain it." Dr. Strange said as he gestured for us to follow him.

He took us to the basement of the Sanctum where several people were caged in enchanted prisons.

"Mr. Osborn!" I said as I realised that one of the caged people was surprisingly Norman Osborn.

"You know me?" Mr. Osborn said to me with a puzzled look. It was very likely that he was not the Mr. Osborn I knew since he looked quite nervous and frightened.

"It seems that you already know one of them. As you can see, you are not the only ones to arrive in this world." Dr. Strange explained.

Aside from Mr. Osborn, there was a man with several mechanical arms on his back, a black man who had electric sparks emitting from him and the last man seemed to be made entirely of sand.

"They are Otto Octavious aka Dr. Octopus, Max Dillon aka Electro and Flint Marko aka Sandman. You already know Norman Osborn." Dr. Strange introduced all of them.

"What's the problem with them? If you can send all of us back, you should just do it." Emma said, eager to return to our home dimension.

"The problem is that Dr. Octopus, Electro and Norman Osborn are going to die in a fight with their world's Spider-Man the moment they return to the own worlds. I want to save them." Peter said, revealing why they had not reversed the ritual till now.

"I don't know about the rest of them but how did you end up like this, Mr. Osborn?" I asked, worried about the fate of Mr. Osborn of my own world.

"I… I don't want to talk about it." Mr. Osborn said in a frightened tone, clearly not wanting to say anything.

"According to Flint Marko who is from the same world but several years in the future, Norman Osborn took an untested serum which gave birth to a split personality. He became the monster called Green Goblin who wore a green suit and flew on an armed glider full of bombs. He died in a battle against Spider-Man, impailed on his own glider." Dr. Strange revealed what he had learnt about this Norman Osborn's fate.

"Are all of them criminals?" Emma suddenly asked.

"Umm… Yes!" Peter answered hesitantly.

"Then, I believe that you should let all have them die. They clearly deserve it. Perhaps maybe Mr. Osborn. There is no need to care for the criminals." Emma said, revealing her stance on the matter.

"I believe that we should give them a chance, Emma." I said to Emma.

"Is it because of Mr. Osborn?" She asked.

"No, it's not." I replied.

"Then why?" Emma asked, not able to understand why I wanted to save these criminals.

"Because I too would have died if I had not been saved by Spider Supreme."

Peter is finally going to reveal his true past to Emma! The next chapter is going to be very important for their relationship.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 131
"What are you talking about, Peter? When had Spider Supreme saved your life?" Emma asked, too shocked by my words.

"I will tell you everything, Emma. Can we have some alone time, Dr. Strange?" I asked Dr. Strange.

"Of course, you can. It is no problem." Dr. Strange agreed, realising the seriousness of the situation. Peter, Ned and MJ also didn't say anything as we left them.

I took Emma to a secluded part of the Sanctum which was not had to find since the layout was the same as my world's Sanctum. Then, I created a sound barrier and finally faced Emma.

"Now, tell me what you meant when you said that Spider Supreme saved your life?" Emma asked or should I say demanded.

Although it didn't look like this from outside, Emma cared a lot for me. As such, it was a huge shock for her to learn that I had almost died.

"Till now, you have known that Spider Supreme suddenly give me my powers one day and left me at Kamar Taj where I could learn to control them. That story is a lie." I started telling the true story to her.

Since we were at a critical point of our relationship, I wanted hurt to learn everything about me so that there were no lies between us. After all, she had already opened up about her past to me.

"A lie?" Emma said, clearly having trouble believing my words.

"How about I show you the evidence?" I said as I should her the image of my lizard form in my phone which had been published in the news.

"Isn't this the lizard monster which had suddenly appeared in Downtown and was defeated by Gwen? What has that got to do with you?" Emma asked, puzzled by this picture and how it was an evidence.

If it was any other time, I was sure that she would instantly figure out that I was the lizard monster. But she was too shocked at this moment to pick up the clues.

"That lizard monster was me." I revealed.

"But that can't be possible!" Emma shouted, not wanting to believe my words.

"How did it even happen?" She asked, her eyes filled with tears.

"Remember 'ParCon'. I had created a serum using its initial research. A serum that transformed me into that abominable monster." I said, not withholding any fact.

"But what made a nice guy like you, a shining light of righteousness, take such a dangerous, untested serum?" Emma asked, tears now dripping from her eyes.

"That same righteousness!" I answered truthfully.

"As you know, for a long time I was the only one who knew that Gwen was Spider Woman and acted as her support. As such, it was too easy for me to see that she was being crushed under the mantle of Spider-Woman.

Perhaps, in another time, I would have taken the route of science to help her. After all, I was proud of my intelligence even then.

Unfortunately, the incessant bulling I had suffered left me quite insecure. In a moment of despair, I decided to give myself superpowers using Dr. Connors' research."

"But the serum didn't turn out right, did it?" Emma muttered, realising what had happened.

"Yeah! The serum turned me into that horrible monster. In the end, Gwen had to fight me which she did and won against me. Unfortunately, the injuries I gained during the fight were too severe. I would never forget that night where I laid on the ground half dead, thinking where things had gone wrong."

"And that was when Spider Supreme saved you, right?" Emma asked, her voice a little broken.

"Yes! As I was dying, Spider Supreme appeared before me and asked if I wanted to live. I replied in affirmative and that was the last thing I knew. When I woke up, I was already like this with powers far beyond I had ever imagined which I could not even control." I said, ending the story.

"So, what do you think?" I asked hesitantly after a few minutes since Emma was silent, quitely digesting what I had told her.

To my surprise, Emma suddenly hugged me and kissed me softly on my head.

"You have suffered a lot, Peter." She said softly.

"Do you not hate me for taking such a suicidal decision?" I asked.

"Of course, I do. But I also understand what you were feeling when you made that decision." Emma said in an understanding tone.

"I have been in that position, Peter. Before my powers manifested, I had once seriously considered murdering one of my bullies. Compared to that you only tried to improve yourself, no matter how horrible that way was." Emma said, shocking me.

"Really!" I couldn't believe Emma's words.

"It's true. My life was just that horrible. Anyways, you shouldn't focus much on this topic. It is already in the past. You tried to become stronger in a suicidal way and failed.

But you are still here and much more stronger even if only because of Spider Supreme. But even he would not have trusted you with these powers if he didn't think that you didn't deserve them.

You are no longer who you used to be. People look up to you now. You are Albion, an Avenger. So, don't dwell too much on it, okay!"

"You know what, Emma? You sound similar to what Melusine had said when I had asked her about this topic." I said upon hearing Emma's words.

"Really! What had your big sister said?" Emma asked curiously.

"That it is just human nature to always try to become stronger. There is nothing wrong with it." I answered.

"See! Just like I said, you don't need to beat yourself over it." Emma said with a smile.

I smiled upon realising that Emma had accepted my past and that we were now ready to further our relationship.

"You know what, Peter. I had never imagined that I would ever fall in love with someone like you." Emma suddenly said.

"But why?" I asked curiously.

"When my powers first manifested, I could see everyone's darkest desires. At that moment, I had thought that I would never be able to trust anyone. That is why, I always run after money after escaping from my home.

As you already know, one of the major reasons I had rejected Professor Xavier's proposal was because I couldn't read his mind due to which I was fearful of him since I couldn't understand his intentions."

"But then Spider Supreme happened! He enhanced your powers and sent you to the X-Mansion." I said with a smile since it was because of Spider Supreme that we met each other.

"And I would always be thankful to Spider Supreme for that. It was at the X-Mansion that I started to trust people again. I learnt that there were actually people in this world who were genuinely good.

I also learnt that having powers didn't mean that you were simply superior to others. Rogue, Scott and Kurt were miserable because of their powers. Yet, they could enjoy the life just like others."

"And then there was you, Peter." Emma said as she looked at me with a smile.

"Someone whose mind I couldn't read but I didn't even need to. It was obvious for everyone to see how good natured you were. That was what attracted me to you."

As Emma said these words, it was obvious for me to feel that a romantic atmosphere was forming between us.

Taking advantage of the romantic atmosphere, Emma leaned close to me and kissed me deeply on my lips which I reciprocated.

"I believe that this is the start of a very beautiful relationship." I said as we separated.

Then, I leaned for a kiss this time which Emma reciprocated just as hungrily.

"I think that we should go now. Dr. Strange is waiting for us." Emma said with a blush after we had kissed a few more times.

Hope you all liked the romance! Even though I have never read any proper romance literature lately, I think I handled it as best as I could.

Sorry for the delay though. I am a little busy these days.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 132
I didn't want to go especially since we had just confirmed our relationship. But unfortunately, we had to go. After all, we still had to return to our worlds.

"It seems that everything went well." Dr. Strange said as we arrived in the lobby.

"Yeah! It went very well." I replied with a smile, not able to hide the happiness within me.

Dr. Strange clearly noticed this fact but didn't say anything since we had much more important matters to deal with.

"Albion, you had said that your life was saved by another Spider-Man. How did that happen?" Peter asked curiously.

"I would not go into the details. Just know that I had done something extremely stupid when I was just an ordinary human. It was a Spider-Man from another world who had saved my life that day and given me these powers." I explained.

"But how had he reached your world? Was there an interdimensional accident just like in our world?" Ned asked.

"No, that Spider-Man was actually capable of interdimensional travel on his own. He was not only a Spider-Man but also Sorcerer Supreme just like you, Dr. Strange. That is why he call himself Spider Supreme." I explained.

"Actually, I am not Sorcerer Supreme currently." Dr. Strange suddenly clarified.

"But why? As far as I know, it is not a position you can just retire from." I asked, astonished by Dr. Strange's words.

"The Blip caused me to be absent for 5 years. As such, Master Wong took over my seat and is currently serving as the Sorcerer Supreme." Dr. Strange explained.

"Since Master Wong is the Sorcerer Supreme, I believe that Kamar Taj is in good hands." I said, believing in Master Wong.

"It seems that you know about Master Wong." Dr. Strange asked curiously.

"Master Wong is the one who often teaches me along with Emma and our friends since Ancient One is often busy." I answered.

"Anyways, returning to the topic. How can this Spider Supreme traverse dimensions so easily even if he is a Sorcerer Supreme? I believe that you know what restrictions a Sorcerer Supreme has, Albion. We are protectors, not wanderers." Dr. Strange asked me, curious how Spider Supreme achieved this impossible feat.

"Apparently, him being a Spider-Man has opened quite a lot of doors for him. Actually, he wears the clothes of the same fashion as you." I said as I showed him a picture of the Spider Supreme.

"He really looks similar to you, Doctor. He wears the same cloak as you and even has the same eye necklace." MJ commented upon seeing the picture.

On the other hand, Dr. Strange was literally stunned upon taking a look at the picture since Spider Supreme really wore the same artefacts as him. The only difference was that Spider Supreme wore a Spider-Man suit under the cloak while Dr. Strange wore sorcerer robes.

"I understand that you are quite curious about this Spider Supreme, Dr. Strange. But can we talk about the other intruders, Doctor? I don't want to leave them to die." Peter pleaded with Dr. Strange.

"There is a reason I am talking about Spider Supreme, Peter. I need to learn about the procedure he had performed on Albion. Only then would I be able to give a verdict about weather it would be right for you to help them or not." Dr. Strange explained why he was asking me about Spider Supreme.

"Albion, after Spider Supreme had saved you and given you these powers, have you ever felt something weird about you or your world?" Dr. Strange asked me seriously.

"What do you mean by 'weird'?" I asked, not understanding what he meant by his words.

"What I mean to ask is you have ever experienced something like rejection from your world or have there ever been dimensional distortions in your world for unknown reasons?" Dr. Strange asked, shocking me.

"No, never! I have never experienced something similar to what you are saying!" I replied, denying that this kind of situation had ever happened.

"Something like that can happen!" Peter asked in a shocked tone, clearly unaware of such ramifications.

"Yes, these kind of situations can happen and they have already been recorded by Kamar Taj. It happens in those cases where someone intentionally interferes in a person's fate and changes it.

More than often, it leads to that person being rejected by the world itself but it can also lead to much bigger ramifications. That is why I didn't want you to interfere in their fate because I thought that it could place their world in danger."

"I don't think that your hypothesis applies in this case, Doctor. Their fate had been changed the moment they arrived in this world. They already know that they are going to die in their world. The change has already happened so a little more interference won't hurt." I argued.

"Alright! I will give you a chance to save them, Peter." Dr. Strange said after a few minutes of thinking, finally relenting to Peter's request.

"Thank you, Dr. Strange!" Peter said excitedly as he hugged him.

"However!" Dr. Strange suddenly said.

"You can only take two of them at a time. Moreover, the influence of the ritual is still here. So, the moment another interdimensional intruder appears, I am stopping it. Understood!" He ordered Peter, putting several strict restrictions.

"Don't worry, Doctor. Just give me a single day. I will handle everything." Peter replied confidently.

"Before I go, I want to ask you something, Doctor." There was something I needed to know because it was extremely important.

"What is it?" Dr. Strange asked.

"How had Ancient One died?" I asked since there was no way I was going to let Ancient One die if I could help it.

"Have you not learnt anything from my words, Albion? Are you really ready to risk your world?" Dr. Strange said furiously.

"You don't need to worry about that, Dr. Strange. According to Ancient One, whatever procedure Spider Supreme used on me apparently made me a blank slate in terms of fate.

As such, this kind of cases no longer appear on me. In fact, I have already caused so many changes in my world that the time stone can no longer predict the future."

"How can I believe you? Can you give me an example?" Dr. Strange asked.

"Well, the greatest example would be Emma herself. We would have never met if not for Spider Supreme's interference. Moreover, she and some of my friends even joined Kamar Taj which day would never have if not for my influence." I answered.

"Very well, I will tell you." Dr. Strange said with a sigh after listening to my words.

"Beware of Caecilius. It was because of him that Ancient One died."

"Caecilius, that traitor sorcerer! But, isn't he barely a Master? How can someone like him kill Ancient One?" I said, having trouble believing his words.

"Caecilius is but a puppet. There are much greater powers at play which you will learn when he finally attacks. I can't say anything more than that."

"Thank you, Dr. Strange!" I said sincerely since it was because of him that I would be able to save Ancient One's life.

"No need to thank me. Even I had not told you about this fact, Caecilius would likely not have been able to kill her with you there." Dr. Strange replied.

"Also, beware of Master Mordo. He had turned against Kamar Taj once he had learnt a dark secret of ours. Tell this to Ancient One. She will know what to do." Dr. Strange gave one final advice as we turned to collect the intruders.

So, Dr. Strange has finally agreed to Peter's request after listening to Albion's words.

Also, the Spider-Man of Earth-19999 would be called as Peter by Albion so as to not cause confusion.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 133
"Is this the place?" I asked as we arrived at an apartment building through the portal.

"Ouch! Can you be a little gentle, girl?" Dr. Octopus cursed since he was currently being levitated by Emma.

As per Dr. Strange's conditions, we had only brought Mr. Norman and Dr. Octopus.

Mr. Norman was in enchanted handcuffs while Dr. Octopus was being levitated by Emma even if his mechanical tentacles had already been restrained by Iron Spider's nanomachines.

"It is definitely the place." Peter said with a smile as he looked at two people in front of us, both of whom I recognised. One because I had met him before and the other I still had difficulty believing looked like this.

In front of me were Happy Hogan and Aunt May of this world. I had met Happy before when I was working with Mr. Stark but I still couldn't believe that Aunt May of this world looked so young despite seeing it already on the web.

It was easy to find information on Aunt May of this world because of the popularity of Peter Parker even the I didn't like what I learnt a single bit.

Gwen had told me that in the world of every Peter Parker she had met, Uncle Ben was dead. But it still hurt to know that Uncle Ben of this world had died many years ago and Aunt May was currently dating Happy.

No wonder Spider Supreme had said that it was better to maintain a distance from the people he met during his travels throughout the multiverse. It was too easy to get attached to someone and it hurt a lot when you saw a parallel version of him or her who was much different from how you know him or her.

"Peter, you are finally here. Does this guy actually have robot legs? But why is he floating? Who are the others? Are they really from another world?" Happy released a barrage of questions as both him and Aunt May approached us.

"Yes, Happy. They are really from another worlds. This guy with mechanical tentacles is Dr. Otto Octavious aka Dr. Octopus." Peter said, trying to answer all of the questions.

"Hello, Norman! I am glad to meet you again." Aunt May greeted Mr. Osborn since she had met him earlier.

"Who are they though, Peter? This young man looks a little familiar though." Aunt May said, recognising my facial features even though I looked much different now.

"I am Peter Parker." I introduced myself, shocking both of them.

"A Peter from another world! Now that I look closely, your features look rather similar to my Peter's although they are much sharper. However no one would connect you to Peter immediately." Aunt May asked, puzzled about my appearance.

"My powers caused me to transform into my current appearance." I answered.

"Powers? Are you not Spider-Man?" Aunt May asked upon hearing my words.

"No, I am not." I said, creating a few red sparks to show as an example.

"And who would be this lovely lady?" Aunt May asked about Emma.

"I am Emma Frost, Peter's girlfriend." Emma said, introducing herself.

"Peter must be very lucky to have a girl like you." Aunt May commented upon hearing Emma's introduction.

"Actually, I am the one who is lucky to have a wonderful guy like Peter." Emma replied with a chuckle.

"If the introductions are done, can you please hurry? My bones are turning stiff here. Not like we would find anything in this stupid apartment which can help us." Dr. Octopus said, as irritated as ever.

"Ha! You will see." Happy said with a smirk as he led us inside.

"Huh! There is no lab or equipment here which can help us." Mr. Osborn said as all of us entered Happy's apartment. There were some equipment inside but nothing which could cure Mr. Osborn or Dr. Octopus.

"See! I told you that you would find nothing in this hovel!" Dr. Octopus exclaimed as he looked at the apartment.

"You have not seen anything yet!" Happy exclaimed as he took us to a corner of the apartment and removed cover from a piece of furniture. Surprisingly, it was one big machine with the logo of Stark Industries on it.

"What the hell is this?" Dr. Octopus asked, surprised by the machine's existence.

"It is a fabricator. It can analyse, design and construct basically anything." Peter explain as he activated the fabricator.

The machine opened, revealing several kind of equipments inside along with something I knew all too well, having seen it all the time on the Iron Man suit, an 'Arc Reactor'.

"Mr. Stark has truly created something unbelievable." I exclaimed upon seeing the fabricator.

"Mr. Stark exists in your world! All the others have arrived from worlds where the Avengers and Mr. Stark do not even exist." Peter said upon hearing my words.

"Really! I honestly can't believe that Mr Stark in this world and doesn't even exist in many world. After all, I was working with him just a few days ago." I said sadly.

"You worked with Tony! You must be pretty intelligent since Tony only works with intelligent people." Happy commented.

"Well, I was working with him and Dr. Banner on cracking the Chitauri tech. So, you can say that I am quite intelligent." I replied with a shrug.

"In fact, I can be said to be one of the founding members of the Avengers. Although it is technically incorrect since the Battle of New York has ended just a few months ago in our world." I proudly revealed who I was in my world.

"A founding Avenger, huh! Looks like you were born earlier than me since I was just a kid back then." Peter commented upon hearing my words.

"Umm… Mr. Hogan. If it is not too much, can you give us some of the technology Stark Industries has developed in the recent years? The Battle of New York in our world was too difficult. In fact, we had almost lost. So, if you can grant us some of your technology, it would be a lot of help." Emma asked Happy politely.

We had already agreed earlier that we would try to get as much of this world's technology as possible since it would be really helpful to our world.

"How much dangerous was it?" Happy asked seriously.

"This much!" I said as I should him the picture of the massive Chitauri army coming out of the portal created by Tessaract.

"Oh My God! How had you survived against such a great army? I believe that an army this strong had only invaded Earth when Thanos had come through time with his entire army." Peter said, astonished by how much Chitauri there were.

"We had survived with the help of this one!" I said as I showed him the pictures of my dragon form demolishing through the Chitauri army and then firing a giant beam of flame and lightning inside the portal.

"A dragon! Do they actually exist?" Aunt May asked, surprised by the appearance of the dragon.

"It was actually a one-time gift from Spider Supreme. In a way, you can even say that we were lucky that we could call upon that dragon even if it was only for a single time." I said, withholding the fact that I was in fact, that dragon.

"Hmm…" Upon hearing our words, Happy fell in deep thought for a few minutes and then suddenly moved towards the fabricator and pushed a few buttons on it.

"How may I help you, Mr. Hogan?" A mechanical female voice sounded from the fabricator.

"FRIDAY, I need the data on every piece of technology Stark Industries has created since the Battle of New York, blueprints included. I need it in a hard copy." Happy ordered the AI.

"It will be done, sir." FRIDAY said and began the process.

"Happy, put the blueprint of my Iron Spider suit inside too." Peter said, giving him the control unit of his Iron Spider suit.

"Are you sure, Peter?" Happy asked seriously.

"I couldn't save Mr. Stark back then. At least, with the blueprints of my suit, Mr. Stark of Albion's world would be able to create his suit early, perhaps even create a stronger one." Peter said resolutely.

"Both of you have our deepest thanks for helping us." I said, my voice full of gratefulness.

"I have a single request however, Albion. Make sure that Tony doesn't die in your world." Happy said, his eyes moist.

"It hurts me every time Little Morgan ask where her father is." By now, Happy was openly weeping.

"You don't need to even ask, Happy. There is no way I would let Mr. Stark die." I said, promising Happy that Mr. Stark won't die in my world.

And thus, Peter has finally acquired Earth-19999's technology with a promise he would have fulfilled anyways.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 134
"Aaand it's done!" Peter said excitedly as we finished the new control chip for Dr. Octopus' tentacles.

"Well done, both of you! Honestly, I am really surprised, both by this world's technology and your ingenuity. You managed to create a control chip for a machine you had never seen before in less than an hour. If you were in my world, I would have snagged you for Oscorp immediately." Mr. Osborn said as he praised us for creating the control chip.

"Actually, I have already worked for Oscorp before even though I do not have time to go there often nowadays. I even have shares in Oscorp." I revealed proudly.

"Shares in Oscorp! You must have done something mind blowing for Norman your world to give you shares in Oscorp which I would usually never even think of doing. Tell me, what had you created?" Mr. Osborn immediately asked as he heard my words.

"It was a medicine which could give someone a temporary healing factor. Actually, I had not done most of the research on the medicine. I had just built over the research when it had been stuck in the wrong direction." I explained the whole matter.

"Still, it is no small matter that you have achieved such a feat at your age. You should be proud of your achievements, Albion." Mr. Osborn said as he praised me once again.

"Let's see if the control chip actually works on Dr. Octopus' mechanical arms." Peter said as he picked up the control chip and rushed towards Dr. Octopus.

"Aunt May, we made the chip. Can you please send Dr. Octopus up?" Peter asked Aunt May as he rushed up the stairs.

"Good job, everyone. Here we go!" Aunt May said as she used the Iron Spider's control unit to control Dr. Octopus' mechanical arms still under the nanomachines' control.

"How much more would you humiliate me, kid? Keep your Science Fair project away from me!" Dr. Octopus said furiously as he was raised upwards.

"Calm down, Otto. It will definitely work." Mr. Osborn assured Dr. Octopus.

"Says the reckless man who turned himself into a monster." Dr. Octopus replied, causing Mr. Osborn's face to darken. It was always that he had been deeply hurt by Dr. Octopus' words.

"Don't you dare!" Dr. Octopus shouted, resisting against Peter who was trying to put the control chip on the back of his neck where the chip had to be planted.

"It's done!" Peter said triumphantly as he finally placed the control chip in its place.

All of a sudden, Dr. Octopus calmed down suddenly, almost as if he had become unconscious.

"Did something go wrong—" Aunt May was asking when Dr. Octopus suddenly opened his eyes.

"The voices! They are gone!" Dr. Octopus said, a sheer amount of joy visible on his face.

"I had almost forgotten this feeling." Dr. Octopus said joyfully, his eyes filled with tears. Aunt May put him down, realising that he had been cured.

"You have saved me from my suffering. I am eternally grateful. I will do as you say." Dr. Octopus declared, his voice full of gratefulness.

"I guess you don't need it now, Dr. Octavious." Peter said as he retrieved the nanomachines on Dr. Octopus' mechanical arms, freeing them from their control.

The nanomachines attached themselves to Peter's Spider-Man suit, forming the giant emblem of a Spider in black and golden colour.

Although the amount of nanomachines were not enough for Peter to do something great with them, the suit allowed quite pleasing aesthetically.

"Norman, Peter was saying the truth. We all can indeed be cured. We will know longer be controlled by our darker selves. In fact, there will be no more darker selves soon enough." Dr. Octopus said to Mr. Osborn, seeing a ray of hope in his life once again.

"No more darker selves, huh!" Mr. Osborn said in another creepy tone all of a sudden.

Suddenly, my Dragon Sense warned me of Mr. Osborn for some reason. I could feel that he was dangerous to everyone here.

Looks like Peter also felt the same thing since he immediately shot a web at Mr. Osborn's right hand, sticking it to the wall.

"Your senses are amazing, Peter. Just like the Peter of my world." Mr. Osborn said once again in a creep tone.

"Norman!" Aunt May addressed Mr. Osborn, concerned about him.

" Unfortunately, Norman is on a vacation right now. Ha ha ha ha!!" Mr. Osborn replied with a creepy laugh.

"You are Goblin!" Peter said, realising that Mr. Osborn's alternate personality had emerged.

"Emma! Do it!" I immediately ordered Emma, realising the seriousness of the situation.

"On it!" Emma answered as she closed her eyes, using her telepathy to enter Mr. Osborn's mind.


Soon after Emma entered Mr. Osborn's mind, he let out a scream.

"What the hell was that?" Mr. Osborn asked in a normal tone after a few moments, an evidence that he was in control once again, not the Goblin.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Osborn?" Emma asked as she opened her eyes.

"What did you do, girl? One moment, the Goblin was in control and the next moment, you kicked him to the back, allowing me to regain control." Mr. Osborn asked as he explained his experience.

"I am sorry that I didn't tell you before. Along with a telekinetic, I am also a telepath." Emma revealed the true extent of her powers.

She had not revealed her telepathy previously so that she would not be seen with suspicion.

"A telepath! Does that mean that you can read anyone's mind and also control it?" Aunt May asked upon hearing Emma's words.

"Actually, I can only read someone's mind. To do anything more than that is quite hard. And mind control is something which can only be achieved with the Mind Stone." Emma revealed the limitations of her powers.

"I had not revealed it before since I thought that you would be afraid of me and see me with suspicion."

"Telepathy! Does that mean that you can kill the Goblin? Like how you kicked it back right now." Mr. Osborn asked, his face full of hope.

"Actually, it is not possible for me to kill the Goblin." Emma replied.

"But why?" Mr. Osborn asked, desperation clearly visible on his face.

"Because the Goblin was formed due to the Green Goblin serum you took. As long as the effects of the Goblin serum are in your body, it would be impossible for the Goblin to be killed as these effects for the foundation for the Goblin.

However, you don't need to worry. Even if I can't kill the Goblin, it is not hard for me to seal it so that it can't take over your body."

"Thank you, Emma!" Mr. Osborn said to Emma, his voice full of gratefulness.

Ring! Ring!

Peter's phone suddenly rang at this moment.

"Why is Dr. Strange calling right now?" Peter said as he looked at the caller before picking up the phone.

"Why did you call— What? There is another interdimensional intruder. And he is in the middle of New York." Peter shouted as he heard the situation.

"Aunt May! Open the news!"

As per Peter's words, Aunt May opened the news on the television where we could see a man in a giant armoured machine resembling a rhino. It was one big machine though, mounted with machine guns on its shoulders and a missile launcher on its back.

"This madman who calls himself the Rhino has suddenly appeared in the middle of the city and is currently destroying everything around it as we can see!"

The news showed how this Rhino was demolishing properties without any care.

However, a web suddenly stuck to Rhino's mechanical hand as it tried to punch a building.

A Spider-Man wearing a red and blue suit flew into the scene, swinging on a web!

And so, the real change in the canon starts from here. Get ready, my dear readers! This Arc is only going to get wilder from now on.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye