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Chapter 81 New
"Mr. Hank, are the robots ready?" I asked from the Danger Room.

"Yes, they are. But try not to damage them too much." Mr. Hank said, asking us to damage the robots less if possible like always.

"I will see what I can do." I replied with a grin.

It had been a week since my meeting with Spider Supreme and my 'big sis' Melusine. I had now gained proper control over all the enhancements I had received from the upgrade Spider Supreme had given me.

Emma and Jean had also managed to regulate their connection with Phoenix Force with the help of the information Spider Supreme had given us. Their psychic powers were now increasing day by day without any danger to themselves and everyone near them.

Also, we could now see proper differences between Emma and Jean's usage of their psychic powers. Jean had mastery over both telepathy and telekinesis but Emma's mastery in telepathy was just too superior compared to Jean's although her telekinesis lagged behind a bit.

It was likely because of the fact that Emma was originally a telepathic so her mastery was in that field.

Moving on, I had now created my first proper artefact using the Thunder Wolf's crystal. Originally, I was going to make it an attack type artefact but then Spider Supreme enhanced my powers and I realised that I simply had no need for an attack type artefact due to my powers.

"So, what kind of artefact you have made, Peter? You said that it was a surprise." Kurt asked excitedly. Every student was here in the Danger Room to see the artefact I had created although only Mr. Hank was in the control room.

"Let me show you!" Saying this, I showed everyone the artefact.

"A belt!" Everyone was surprised to find that the artefact was in the form of a belt which was rather unconventional.

The belt in question had a black scaly design while the buckle had a wolf head which held the elemental crystal which was now completely red in colour.

"Mr. Hank, activate the robots!" I asked Mr. Hank once I wore the belt.

The robots, upon being activated, moved towards me using their skates in an erratic fashion.

Seeing their movement, I merely grinned and activated the artefact.

As soon as the artefact was activated, the red crystal on the belt released a beam of red lightning which surprisingly took the form of a wolf.

The wolf formed of red lightning rushed forward and destroyed all the robots in an instant using its tremendous speed. Once the robots were destroyed, the wolf let out a howl and returned to the belt as a beam of red lightning.

"Wow! How did that lightning took the shape of a wolf?" Kitty asked, surprised by the artefact's function.

"This is a summon-type artefact. Since I do not require any attack type artefact after the upgrade to my powers, I decided to create a summon-type artefact.

It is quite difficult to create a summon type artefact since there needs to be something which can control the summon construct. Fortunately, the elemental crystal of the Thunder Wolf had the remnant spirit of Thunder Wolf which enabled me to make this artefact.

I have decided to call this artefact the 'Thunder Wolf Belt'. What do you all think of it?"

"It is awesome, Peter." Kurt answered with a thumbs up.

"Yeah! It is quite a unique artefact." Everyone else also said in agreement.

"Then, Kurt, you will use this artefact from now on." I said suddenly, removing the belt and putting it in Kurt's hands.

"What? But why? How can take it? You have made it using so much of your time." Kurt asked, stunned by my sudden decision.

"Do you think that I need this artefact after my recent upgrade? This artefact is most suitable for you what with your teleportation power. You will be able to summon the wolf wherever you want. Besides, you don't have any offensive means. As such, you should use it from now on." I explained the reason.

"Alright! I will take this artefact if you insist. I will use it properly. You can count on me." Kurt said after some contemplation and agreed to my proposition.

"Hey, what about me? I also do not have any means of offense." Kitty complained.

"You can borrow the Thunder Wolf Belt from Kurt whenever you need it, Kitty. I will make an artefact for you later when I get the opportunity." I said to Kitty, promising to make an artefact for her later.

Honestly, I could give my Dragon Claws to Kitty since they were also redundant for me after my upgrade. But she would definitely not be able to withstand the recoil of the artefact with her physique.

"By the way, do you think that your big sister who is apparently smaller than you would like this artefact you have made?" Emma asked, referring to Melusine.

When I had told everyone about Melusine upon returning, they had obviously been surprised to learn that there was actually someone similar to me and with such a peculiar personality. Needless to say, I had to face a barrage of questions regarding her.

"Well, she would obviously have liked it. After all, she loves speed a little too much. As such, she would definitely be surprised by the summon's tremendous speed." I answered as I remembered how crazy she was regarding speed.

"Of course, she would love speed. Who would not when they have literal jet wings?" Kitty said.

"That's definitely true. Ha ha ha!" I along with everyone else started laughing at Kitty's words.

"Still, I can't believe that she made you burn so much mana to use that new skill, 'Mana Burst' which you had just obtained only for increasing your speed." Jean said.

"Hey, Peter! Had Spider Supreme told you something more? Like why he had connected me to the Phoenix Force?" Emma asked.

"No, he hadn't. I was going to ask but you had to leave since he did not have much time in this dimension for some reason. Most of the time I spent with Spider Supreme, he was explaining about my power and what I needed to know about it." I answered.

I decided to withhold the personal information I knew about Spider Supreme since it was not my right to tell them. Besides, they still didn't know that Spider Supreme was actually another Peter Parker.

"Speaking of Spider Supreme, I remembered something. Kurt, can you go and see if Mr. Logan is free. If he is, please bring him here." I asked Kurt.

"But why? Why do you need Mr. Logan?" Jean asked curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing. Spider Supreme had given me a little homework. Now that it has been completed, I have a new power to test." I answered.

"Damn! This Spider Supreme always gives some powers whenever he appears. What is he, Santa Claus?" Bobby said, causing us to have a little laugh.

"Who knows?" I said with a shrug.

"But why Mr. Logan? Why do you need him to test this power?" Emma questioned.

"It is because this power actually grants a portion of my abilities to another person. As it is something untested, I decided to test it on Mr. Logan as his healing factor should be enough to prevent any unfortunate event in case anything happens." I explained why I had asked for Mr. Logan.

"Damn! It is one broken power. I am starting to believe that he is really Santa Claus." Emma said jokingly as she heard about the function of my new Noble Phantasm.

"Alright, I am off!" Kurt said, teleporting to find Mr. Logan.

Let's see how does this [Blessing of Albion] work?
So, we are now at the start of the Avengers Arc although it will start properly in the next few chapters.

By the way, did you like the 'Thunder Wolf Belt'? I decided to give the artefacts Peter had made to others since he doesn't need them that much. As such, they would be better in the hands of his friends.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 82 New
"Yo, kids! What's up?" Mr. Logan greeted us as he and Kurt appeared inside the Danger Room.

"Why did you call me?" He asked.

"Dragon boy here has obtained a new power from that Spider Wizard. So he wants to test it on you." Rogue said in her usual tone.

"Peter, why did you not tell us about this new power you had received when you had first returned?" Mr. Logan asked in a serious tone.

"It is because that new power had not been developed yet. So, I decided to tell everyone when I had finally developed it." I explained the reason for withholding this fact.

"Alright! But why do you need to test it on me?" Mr. Logan questioned.

"I think it would be better to show it to you rather than explaining it." I said since [Blessing of Albion] was quite a unique Noble Phantasm.

"Okay, fine! Use it on me." Mr. Logan said, giving his permission, clearly wanting to finish this matter as soon as possible.

After receiving Mr. Logan's permission, I took a deep sigh and then focused on the Noble Phantasm I had developed over the past week.

I then activated the Noble Phantasm by saying its chant.

"Thou art garnered a Dragon's attention, [Blessing of Albion]!"

As I said the chant, an orb of red light appeared between my hands and then flew over to Mr. Logan and entered his body.

"Woah!" Mr. Logan exclaimed as red sparks started appearing all around his body.

Black scales suddenly grew on several parts of his body and two small horns even appeared on his head.

Awed by the change to his body, Mr. Logan released his metal claws and to everyone's surprise, the claws were covered in my signature red lightning.

"What the hell did you do to me, Peter?" Mr Logan asked, shocked by the sudden transformation of his body.

"This is what Spider Supreme gave me, a Noble Phantasm. It is called [Blessing of Albion]. It allows me to give someone a portion of my powers temporarily." I explained everything about my Noble Phantasm.

"And here I thought you did this makeover permanently to me without asking my permission. Still, it is nice to have this power even temporarily." Mr. Logan said while laughing.

"By the way, what is a Noble Phantasm?" Jean asked, noticing the unique term.

"You can think of it as a power which works according to myths and legends. For example, Albion, the dragon from which I have obtained these powers had a penchant for giving blessings to those who garnered his attention. This caused the formation of my Noble Phantasm [Blessing of Albion] which copies that myth." I explained what were the Noble Phantasms.

"So, the chant you said just now was to evoke that myth, right?" Emma asked, ever the observant one.

"Yes, a chant related to the Noble Phantasm is used whenever it is activated." I confirmed Emma's hypothesis.

"Should I retract my Noble Phantasm now, Mr. Logan?" I asked.

"Hell no, kid! It is not everyday I get to enjoy a powerup. Let me use it a little first." Mr. Logan rejected my proposal, wanting to test the powerup.

"Sure! This will also give me some data on how much of a boost my Noble Phantasm provides." I said, agreeing with Mr. Logan.

"Hey, Hank!" Mr. Logan suddenly shouted towards the control room.

"Yes?" Mr. Hank replied in a nervous tone.

"Is the Sentinel repaired yet?" Mr. Logan asked, raring to go against it.

"Don't even think about it, Logan. Peter had only caused a hole in it but considering your current state, I am afraid that I will only find its pieces if I release the Sentinel." Mr. Hank said, rejecting Mr Logan's request.

"Fine! Then, release the ordinary robots." Mr. Logan ordered.

"I am doing it. Have some patience!" Mr. Hank said, relenting to Mr. Logan's orders.

As the robots rushed towards Mr. Logan, he also leaped towards them, ready to test the upgrades he had temporarily received.

It was easy to see that his speed was much higher than before. Looks like he had inherited a part of my speed too.

As Mr. Logan's claws clad in red lightning hit a robot's body, it cleaved through it like it was butter. But something unique happened as he hit another one of the robots.

The red lightning clad metal claws suddenly sparkled intensely and then released a bolt of red lightning which went on to hit the walls after burning through another robot's body.

"Finally, I got a long range attack." Mr. Logan said with a grin as he saw the red lightning bolt.

Then, he went on to release lightning bolts at the robots, only attacking with his claws when they got near. It was clear from his grin that he was happy to be able to use a long range attack although temporarily.

"That was one good workout." Mr. Logan said as he finished the last of the robots.

"Logan, Professor has called for— What the hell happened to you?" Ms. Ororo exclaimed as she saw Mr. Logan's draconic appearance upon arriving in the control room.

As we heard Ms. Ororo's shocked voice, all of us looked at each other and started laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha! It was a good prank, although unintentional." Kurt said while laughing.

"Why is Logan like this and why the hell are all of you laughing?" Ms. Ororo asked in a furious voice as she entered the Danger Room.

"It is nothing serious, Ms. Ororo. I was just testing my new power which has turned Mr. Logan like this. Don't worry. It is only temporary." I explained the whole matter causing Ms. Ororo to release a sigh of relief.

"And here I thought that something serious had happened." Ms. Ororo was glad to learn that it was just a temporary transformation.

"Alright, kid! Turn me back." Mr. Logan said.

"With pleasure!" I rescinded my Noble Phantasm which caused all the changes in Mr Logan's body to suddenly disappear in red particles.

The red particles then formed together an orb of red light which was then absorbed into my hand.

"By the way, you are saying something, Ororo?" Mr. Logan asked why she was looking for him.

"Professor Xavier has called for you. There is a SHIELD agent who wants to talk to us." Ms. Ororo explained the whole matter.

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Mr. Logan said, ready to depart.

"Peter, you too! The SHIELD agent wants to meet with you specifically." Ms. Ororo said, shocking me.

"Me, but why?"

Hope you all liked the new Noble Phantasm? Also, guess which agent it is?

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye

Some writing feedback:

You have a habit of repeating yourself in consecutive sentences. This happens so frequently that I noticed it interrupting the flow in the first half hour of reading. You tend to do this most frequently immediately after dialog. i.e. you explain to the reader what the previous sentence of dialog said. You don't need to do that. rather, please avoid doing that. If you want to add something after the sentence to break up the back and forth, you can try to describe something like emotional reactions or body language. Trust your readers to understand your story without constant clarifications.

You can also make your dialog more natural by asking yourself if the conversation you are writing sounds like something that the characters would say. I know that you want to convey a lot of information to the reader. Dialog is generally better than exposition, but try to work it into the conversation rather than have one character explain things to another.

Otherwise, keep practicing. You're getting better as the story continues and I'm seeing fewer issues in later chapters.
Chapter 83 New
"Why does the SHIELD want to meet me?" I was obviously surprised by this request since I had never imagined that SHIELD would ask for me.

"Apparently, he wants us to go on a special mission for which he is creating a team. And he has specifically asked for Red Lightning to join the team." Ms. Ororo explained the whole matter as we moved to the ground floor from the basement.

"How much does the SHIELD know about me?" I asked since it was important for me to know as a sorcerer. I could not afford to leak the existence of magic.

"Fortunately, they only know about your dragon powers and regard them as your mutant ability. They don't know about magic and that you are a sorcerer.

We came close to revealing the existence of magic during the Magneto incident when you teleported Magneto. Fortunately, we were able to pass it off as Kurt's doing by explaining that Kurt had a secondary mutation and could now create portals.

Thankfully, SHIELD had not been able to learn about magic.

"But they should know that you are Peter Parker since we have to file information about any mutant we take in." I was about to release a sigh of relief when Ms. Ororo revealed that they knew about my identity.

"Will this have any adverse effect on my family?" I asked, worried about Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

"Likely not. When we first started taking in the mutant children, we made a deal with the government that in exchange of allowing the children to join their missions, the data of their parents will be anonymous and only their own data will be in the system.

We made this deal because we didn't want the government to force the young mutants to work for them by taking their parents hostage.

Moreover, even the only picture they have of you is of your current appearance. So, they can't find your relatives using this face of yours. Even the momentary surveillance which was put on your family will be off the record. So, you don't need to worry. Your family is completely safe."

I released a sigh of relief finally once I learnt from Ms. Ororo that my family will not be in danger because of me.

Soon, we reached the lobby where we found Professor Xavier talking with a man in a business suit.

"Oh! All of you are finally here." Professor Xavier said, greeting all of us.

"You must be Peter, the famed Red Lightning. I am honoured to meet such a great young man." The agent said as he enthusiastically greeted me.

"Umm… You are—" I asked, taken a little aback by his forwardness.

"Oh! Where are my manners? I am Phil Coulson, a SHIELD Agent." The man or rather Phil said, introducing himself.

"Nice to meet you, Agent Phil. However, I would prefer if you do not call me Red Lightning as I don't like that name too much." It was not that the name was bad but it just felt that I could not use this name to define my identity.

"To be honest I have become a big fan of yours ever since you defeated Sabertooth at the Long Island while defending the very protesters who hated mutantkind. Moreover, you did a great job taking down Magneto along with the Storm." Agent Phil started singing my phrases which honestly caused me to blush a little.

"But I was not alone during both times. It would have taken much longer for me to defeat Sabertooth if not for the help from my teammates. And you can't deny Storm's role in capturing Magneto." Despite my embarrassment from Agent Phil's praise, I countered those praises since they magnified my role while also diminishing the role others had played. As their friend, I definitely didn't want to undermine their efforts.

"Speaking of Magneto, how is that bastard doing?" Mr. Logan asked.

"You don't need to worry. We have sealed Magneto in a prison made specifically for him. He can forget about escaping from that prison forever." Agent Phil said proudly.

"Enough of this buttering up, Agent Phil. Say your business now." Professor Xavier said in a serious tone.

So, that was what Agent Phil was trying to do. By singing my praises, he was trying to make me more approachable to SHIELD and thus more prone to recruitment in future.

"Alright! Since you are saying so, Professor, I will come directly to the main point." Agent Phil said, his face taking a serious expression.

"I want Wolverine, Storm and Peter here to join a special team SHIELD is creating, the Avengers. The mission for which we are making this team is extremely important so we can't just give it to the X-Men." Agent Phil revealed his intention for coming here.

"Is this mission so tough that we mutants can't solve it alone?" Mr. Logan asked.

"We can't take a single risk on this mission. That is why we are creating the Avengers which will include not only mutants but also combat personal from various fields. And it is very likely that the opponent will be your equal in combat strength." Agent Phil explained the nature of the mission.

"May I ask about the specifics of the mission?" Professor Xavier asked.

"Unfortunately, the mission details are top secret and I can't reveal them here. However, I believe that what SHIELD is offering should be more than enough of an incentive." Agent Phil said.

"Hmm… What you are offering this time is indeed near 10 times of what generally receive per mission. What are your thoughts, everyone?" Professor Xavier asked for our opinion.

"Well, with Peter and myself there along with Storm's firepower, I believe that this mission will be a piece of cake." Mr. Logan said, expressing his belief in our combat prowess.

After all, he knew how much my powers had improved from the upgrade Spider Supreme had given me. Besides, my magic provided enough versatility that we could escape if things got too rough.

"Indeed, with all three of us together, I believe this mission will be doable." Ms. Ororo said in favour of accepting the mission.

"What about you, Peter?" Professor Xavier asked for my opinion.

"I am also in favour of accepting the mission, Professor." I said, giving my affirmation.

"Very well, then. We will accept this mission." Professor Xavier said, accepting the mission.

"Alright! Since you have agreed, I want you three to be ready to depart in a few hours. I will also join you in the X-jet on the journey to our destination." Agent Phil said, giving instructions for us to depart in a few hours.

"This fast!" I was surprised that we had to depart in just a few hours.

"Yes. Director Nick Fury has asked for you to meet him as soon as possible. So, we have to hurry." Agent Phil explained the reason.

"Also, Peter." Agent Phil suddenly addressed me.

"I would like you to give me a codename now which you would use during the mission since you would not be using the name 'Red Lightning'." Agent Phil asked for my codename.

Fortunately, I had decided on what my codename will be. I had decided upon this codename upon hearing about the origin of my powers from Spider Supreme.

"You may call me 'Albion'."

And so, Peter's codename has finally been decided. To be honest, I had decided on this codename when I had just started writing this story but I couldn't introduce it until now. Now, it's time for the Avengers Arc to finally start.

From now on, there will be a total of 10 advance chapters available on patreon. So, if you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 84 New
"An aircraft carrier? Wasn't the mission top secret?" I questioned as the X-jet flew to an aircraft carrier which obviously belonged to the SHIELD considering the logo it had on it.

"Director Nick Fury himself will brief you on this mission and he is here. Your teammates for this mission are also here." Agent Phil explained.

"Land it there!" Agent Phil instructed as we landed on the aircraft carrier.

"You are finally here, Phil." A red haired beauty greeted us as we departed from the X-jet.

"Ah! Hello, Natasha!" Agent Phil returned the greeting, revealing the woman's name, Natasha.

"Who is this new guy? I recognise Storm and Wolverine but not him." Natasha asked who I was.

I had thought she would recognise me considering that I was rather famous. But it looks like she could not recognise me even when I was wearing my iconic suit.

"He is Albion. You may recognise him by the name he has been given, Red Lightning." Agent Phil said, introducing me.

"But isn't he just a kid from what I know about him?" Natasha questioned.

"He is. But Director Fury decided to have him on the team even if only for backup. We can't just ignore his firepower after all." Agent Phil explained the reason for my presence.

"Who is she?" I asked as Agent Phil was answering her every question without any hesitation.

"Oh! This is Agent Natasha Romanov, also known as Black Widow. She is one of our top agents and would be a part of the team we are creating." Agent Phil introduced Agent Natasha as our future teammate.

"That is enough talk, Phil. Now, you must go. Director Fury is waiting for you in the control room." Natasha gave Agent Phil his orders.

"Looks like I must go, everyone. I will leave you in the hands of Natasha." Saying these words, Agent Phil departed for the control room.

We were about to continue our conversation when a man suddenly came running towards us. With the help of my Dragon Sense, I could clearly sense that his body was a lot more powerful compared to an ordinary human.

He was clearly a superhuman. For some reason, I felt like I had seen his face before but I could not remember where.

"James! I can't believe that you are still alive. As soon as I saw you with those claws, I knew that it was you." The man said with pure happiness on his face as he moved to hug Mr. Logan.

Mr. Logan surprisingly didn't resist his hug for some reason. It was clear that the man recognised Mr. Logan even though he was in his suit. Perhaps he was someone from Mr. Logan's past.

"Did I know you before? I am sorry but I have lost my memories." Mr. Logan replied apologetically.

"What! You can't remember me, James. It's me, Steve Rogers. We fought together in the Second World War." The man introducing himself as Steve Rogers tried to remind Mr. Logan of the past times.

As he said this words however, I suddenly realised who he was. Steve Rogers and these second World War, this two clues made me remember who he was.

"You are Captain America!" I couldn't believe that I was before a living legend. I had been a big fan of him since I was a kid.

"Yes, I am indeed Captain America." He admitted with a shy smile.

"But how is that possible?" Ms. Ororo asked, surprised by his presence since he should not be alive.

"We had found him sealed in ice several metres deep inside a glacier. Honestly, we still can't believe that the Super Soldier Serum allowed him to survive inside the ice for 70 years.

Actually, we wanted Captain here to enjoy his life but we had to call him for this mission."

Agent Natasha explain the reason why Captain America was still alive. However, we still knew nothing about the mission even now. It seems that Director Fury will be the one who will tell us.

"Look, this picture really shows both of us." Captain America took out a picture which clearly depicted both him and Mr. Logan in a military camp.

"Gentlemen, you will have time to talk about the past later. For now, we must move." Agent Natasha said, reminding us why we were here.

As we started moving, we came across a person who clearly didn't seem to be a staff.

"Hello, Natasha!" The man greeted Natasha, clearly knowing her.

"You must be Dr. Bruce Banner." Captain America said, recognising him.

"You are Dr. Banner! I am a big fan of yours, sir. I was greatly impressed by your research on Gamma rays." I said as I excitedly shaked his hand. I can't believe I met two people I deeply admired today.

Although I knew what kind of monster Dr. Banner could transform into, I still admired the scientist in him.

"Didn't know that I still had fans after what had happened?" Dr. Banner replied. However, it seems that he was happy to receive such admiration from me.

"Dr. Banner, I hope that you will be able to find Tesseract." Captain America said.

"I will see what I can do." Dr. Banner replied.

"Tessaract?" Could it be the same artefact that I knew about or was it just something with the same name?

"Since you are going to know about it in a few minutes anyways, let me tell you about it." Agent Natasha said, finally allowing us to get some information.

"This is Tesseract." Agent Natasha said, showing us the picture of a blue glowing cube.

"It has been stolen and our mission is to retrieve it. It contains enough energy to completely change this world. So, you understand how important this mission is. The rest, Director will tell you."

Damn it! This Tessaract looked just like how Ancient One had described it to me. But shouldn't it be on Asgard and not on Earth? I must tell this to Ancient One as soon as I get the chance.

"Agent Romanov!" A staff member came and murmured something to Agent Natasha.

"It seems that we must now enter the carrier. The air is going to be sparse in a while." Agent Natasha said to all of us.

"Is this a submarine?" Captain America questioned.

"How about I show you all?" Agent Natasha said as she took us to the railing.

Soon after we reached it, the waters started churning and then a freaking jet engine appeared out of water.

Looking around, it seems that there were jet engines on both sides of the carrier.

"Is this carrier going to fly?" Ms. Ororo asked, amazed by the phenomenon before her eyes.

"Yes, it is. There is a reason it is called a Helicarrier." Agent Natasha said with a smirk.

"So, worse than a submarine, huh!" Captain America commented.

"I think not, Captain. Now, follow me." Agent Natasha asked for us to follow her inside the Helicarrier.

As we started moving inside, I saw the opportunity.

I immediately activated the Chameleon mode of the suit which created optical illusions around my suit. This mode would be more than enough to mask any spell I casted.

I then casted a communication spell, sending information about Tessaract to Ancient One that it was on Earth.

"Tessaract is on Earth and the world knows about it. I don't have the whole information but it seems to have been stolen."

Looks like Ancient One understood how important this information was since she replied in just a minute.

"Keep an eye around and send me any information you find as soon as possible. I will see what I can do on my side."

So, Logan has met Captain America and he finds a clue to his past. Moreover, Peter has informed Ancient One about Tessaract. How do you think the whole Avengers Arc would unfold?

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 85 New
"Director, we are here." Agent Natasha said to the man on the platform as we entered the control room.

In the centre of the room, I could see a dark skinned man with an eyepatch on his left eye. So, this was the famed Director of the SHIELD, Nick Fury.

"I am glad that everyone is here. Please wait for a moment. I shall start the briefing soon." Director Nick Fury said to us as he focused on other matters.

"Director, the engines are working well. All systems are green. The Helicarrier is fully operational." A staff member reported.

"Then, are we ready to start the invisibility panels?" Director Fury questioned.

"Yes, we are, Director." The answer came in affirmative.

"Then, let's go invisible." Director Fury ordered.

Damn! This Helicarrier could even turn invisible. And here I thought that our technology was decades behind to achieve such a feat.

"Dr. Banner!" Director Fury suddenly addressed Dr. Banner, finally moving his attention to us.

"Yes!" Dr. Banner answered abruptly, not expecting to be addressed first.

"Have you thought of a way to track Tessaract's gamma radiation?" Director Fury asked.

"Yes, I have. I would require every lab you can order to do the following." For the next few minutes, Dr. Banner explained his strategy for tracking Tessaract's gamma radiation. It was rather enlightening for me since I learnt a lot from Dr. Banner's unique strategy.

After this mission was over, maybe I could ask Dr. Banner for his number so that we would be in contact. I could honestly learn a lot from him.

"I believe it is now time for the briefing." Director Fury asked us to follow him for the briefing. Following him, we entered a meeting room which had a large monitor.

"This is our target, Tesseract as you all should already have known by now." Director Fury showed us the image of Tessaract Cube once all of us sat down.

"It is said to have come from Asgard. It was actually found first by HYDRA but after the Second World War, it fell into our hands. For which I would like to thank Captain here." Director Fury said while pointing to Captain America who nodded.

"Two days ago, Tessaract suddenly got out of control and created a portal from which this guy appeared. He calls himself Loki of Asgard." The monitor now showed the image of Loki, a black haired green eyed man who wore clothes of a unique design which was clearly not of Earth.

"As soon as he appeared, he immediately stole the Tessaract and ran away despite our utmost attempts to stop him. Your goal is to capture Loki and recover Tessaract." Director Fury finally mentioned our mission.

"Perhaps Loki just wants to obtain what he believes belongs to Asgard." Ms. Ororo said her thoughts.

"I am sure that this is not the case." Director Fury denied Ms. Ororo's assumption.

"In fact, we had contact with Loki's brother Thor last year and our relationship could be called amenable. If they wanted Tessaract back then, they could easily have asked for it. This leads us to believe that Loki is a rogue element." Director Fury explained why this assumption could not be true.

"Now, let's talk about Loki's abilities which we have seen till now. Loki wields a staff which can release some kind of energy blasts. But that is not his strongest power. He can use his staff to mind control people and even enslave them.

When you first appeared, he mind controlled several of our agents including our top agent Hawkeye and lead scientist Erik Selvig. This makes him extremely dangerous. So, you all must make sure not to let his staff touch your body if you can help it."

I was stunned when I heard about mind control. From what I had learnt about telepathy, it was pretty much impossible to have enough control over one's mind to literally enslave him, especially for a long time.

"If this Loki can mind control people, then why did you not ask for a telepath?" Mr. Logan asked in a furious tone. Clearly he was angry that Director Fury had made such an obvious mistake.

"It is not that we had not considered it. But Professor Xavier can't join the mission because of his paralysis and the only other options are two young girls whom we don't want to send on a battlefield.

Moreover, we believe that telepathy would not be of much help since this level of mind control has never been seen before. So, we decided to call for all three telepaths once we have even a single mind controlled person in our grasp."

Mr. Logan calmed down as he heard Director Fury's argument which clearly made sense.

"Anyways, I will leave you all here so that you can start getting along. I believe that it will be helpful during the mission. Agent Phil!" Director Fury suddenly addressed Agent Phil.

"Yes, Director!" Agent Phil l stepped forward as soon as he heard the call.

"Take Dr. Banner to the laboratory we have prepared for him." Director Fury ordered before leaving the room.

"This way, Doctor!" Dr. Banner followed Agent Phil out of the meeting room.

"So, we used to know each other, Captain." Mr. Logan asked Captain America once Director Fury left.

"Of course, we knew each other. How can I forget these claws of yours even if they have got an upgrade? Also, please call me Steve. We used to be as close as brothers, you know." Captain America replied warmly.

"I wish I remembered you. If only those HYDRA bastard had not captured me." Mr. Logan said, cursing HYDRA.

"What? Those bastards are still around!" Captain America asked, shocked upon learning about this fact.

"We thought that they have been destroyed. But apparently, they are still around, just hiding and bidding their time." Ms. Ororo explained.

"And here I was happy that at least someone I knew was alive and just like how I had left him. Still it is good that you didn't die at the hands of HYDRA." Captain America said, trying to still be upbeat.

Sensing that everyone's focus was on Captain America and Mr. Logan, I quickly activated the Chameleon Mode once again and sent everything I had learnt using a communication spell to Ancient One.

Ancient One soon replied, knowing the urgency of the situation.

"It is likely that Loki is indeed a rogue element. Be careful and don't act carelessly. Tessaract is important enough to start an intergalactic war."

An intergalactic war! Just what was this Tessaract? Director Nick Fury said that it contained near limitless energy while Ancient One said that it was a spatial artefact.

"Everyone!" Suddenly, a staff entered the meeting room and addressed all of us.

"We found Loki!"

And so, the Avengers Arc starts. Be ready, my dear readers! For it is going to be a wild journey.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 86 New
"Where is Loki?" Captain America questioned as soon as we entered the control room.

"He is in Stuttgard, prancing around like he owns the place." Director Fury answered.

"Everyone, get ready! It's time for you to confront the target. Captain, don your suit! It's time for you to return." Director Fury ordered.

"Alright, Director!" Captain America nodded to his words.

"Albion!" Director Fury suddenly addressed me as I moved to depart along with everyone else.

"What is it, Director?" I asked.

"I have seen how strong your powers are, even when you are holding them back. I want you to take one of the most important positions. You will be in the rear, watching and intervening only if the team is in danger or Loki is about to escape." Director Fury asked for me to take the rear.

In simple words, he was just asking me to be backup even after knowing how powerful I was. Don't know if it was because he didn't deem me experienced enough due to my age or because he genuinely wanted me to be a wild card.

"As you say, Director." I said, accepting his order since I had no other choice.


"Bow down, humans! Your place is below us!"

It had only been a few minutes since Loki had appeared and he had already bent everyone here to their knees. I could see four illusory clones of Loki surrounding the crowd, clearly a magic trick.

This confirmed that Loki was indeed a magic user. Although it was already likely from his previous actions, this just confirmed the fact.

"Open the hatch! I will drop on that building." I told Agent Natasha to drop me down on a nearby building which had a clear view of Loki.

"Hope you know what you are doing, Albion." Agent Natasha said, worried by the fact that I was going to jump several metres.

"Oh! This is nothing!" I said as I jumped off the jet and landed on the building smoothly.

Below, I could see that a brave old man had stood up in defiance to Loki who clearly didn't like it a single bit.

Fortunately, the jet had already reached near the ground and Captain America and Mr. Logan were dropping on the ground through a rope.

"Now, see the result of your defiance!" Loki said as he readied an energy bolt towards the old man.

I was about to retaliate with a lightning bolt of my own when Captain America jumped down from the rope and shielded the old man from the energy bolt with his famed shield.

Surprisingly, as soon as the energy world hit the Captain's shield, it was reflected back to Loki.

Even though Loki had only shot a low powered bolt, it was still shocking. Didn't know that Vibranium could do this? I would have to ask Captain later if I could borrow his shield for some research.

"I remember that I had fought someone with the same ideology as yours during the Second World War." Captain America said, trying to draw Loki's attention to him so that the civilians could escape.

"A soldier…… of a different time, huh!" Loki commented. Looks like he already knew about Captain.

"It is your time that is going to end, Loki." Captain said as Mr. Logan landed and the fighter jet locked its weapons on him.

"Lay down your weapon, Loki!" Agent Natasha said through the speaker, threatening Loki.

As a response, Loki launched an energy bolt at the jet which Agent Natasha barely made the jet dodge.

Seeing Loki's attack, Captain threw his shield at him but Loki deflected it with his staff. Captain then ran to fight him in close combat with Mr. Logan following closely behind.

Captain threw punches at Loki but he easily parried them with his staff despite Captain's super strength. Looks like his strength was not low at all despite him being a mage.

However, Loki had to dodge as Mr. Logan came at him with his claws unleashed. Captain America soon joined Mr. Logan, having retrieved his shield.

It was clear to see that Loki was having difficulty fighting with both Captain and Mr Logan in close combat. Although I wonder why he was not using his magic. Perhaps he just deemed humans too lesser to use magic on them.

"Damn it! You are just insects, humans!" Loki said as he used his staff to create a shockwave which threw Captain and Mr. Logan back. He was clearly angry that Mr. Logan and Captain had overpowered him.

But as soon as the shockwave ended, a large bolt of lightning fell towards Loki. I could see Ms. Ororo in the air, having finally joined the battle.

However, Loki was not one to be defeated by just this much. Just before the lightning hit his body, he created a barrier which blocked it.

"You could not have joined earlier, Storm." Mr. Logan complained.

"Both of you were too close for me to attack Loki. Now, let me focus!" Ms. Ororo as she focused on breaking Loki's barrier with her lightning.

"Should I attack too? It should be enough to break the barrier." I asked Agent Natasha through the earpiece she had given me for the mission.

Before she could answer, music suddenly started streaming to my earpiece.

"All of you started the party without me!" A male arrogant voice sounded as a figure suddenly flew into the scene.

As the figure passed by me, I realised who it was from the unique suit. It was freaking Iron Man! SHIELD had even contacted Tony Stark for the Avengers.

As Iron Man flew into the battleground below, he launched a few missiles at Loki's barrier, causing it to finally shatter. The shattering of the barrier caused Loki to fly backwards from the impact.

"Ready for a beating, Horned Bull!" Iron Man said in his typical arrogant tone as he pointed his hands at him, ready to shoot laser beams.

Ms. Ororo charged lightning bolts in both of her hands while Captain and Mr Logan also readied themselves to engage Loki once again.

But to everyone's surprise, Loki dropped his staff and put his hands up as a sign of surrender. His golden armor along with his horned helmet also disappeared as if they were just illusions.

"Is he actually going to surrender?" Agent Natasha said in a surprised tone through the earpiece.

"Should I shoot a bolt of lightning at him just to check?" I asked for her permission.

"Do it! But only a low powered one. We need him able to speak." Agent Natasha instructed.

"With pleasure!" I said as I launched a bolt of my iconic red lightning at Loki.

The red lightning bolt hit Loki easily, taking him down as he was clearly not ready for the surprise attack.

"What the hell was that for? I was clearly surrendering!" Loki shouted angrily, flabbergasted by my attack.

Well, the last lightning bolt was a little too much! But Peter could not take any risk what with Loki's actions.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 87 New
"That was one hell of a lightning, man! Though I have never seen red lightning before. Quite a fascinating mutation you have!" Mr. Stark said to me, having been impressed by that last attack of mine.

We were currently on the fighter jet, enroute to Helicarrier to drop Loki off. Captain America and Mr. Stark had currently their mask and helmet respectively off to get some air.

"You are that 'Red Lightning', right? The one who has been in news lately." Mr. Stark asked for confirmation.

"Indeed, I am 'Red Lightning'. However, I prefer to be called 'Albion'." I answered.

"By the way, what is your suit made of? The scaly design reminds me of Snake leather. I once wore clothes made of it but it just didn't suit my fashion sense." Mr. Stark asked, curious about the nature of my suit.

"Sorry, I can't answer that." I replied apologetically since the suit was made from an interdimensional beast's leather.

"No worries. After all, I don't go around revealing the secrets of my Iron Man suit. By the way, why the hell were you in the rear with this power?" Mr. Stark asked.

"It was Director Fury's order. He wanted me to watch the area to prevent Loki's escape." I answered.

"Director! We have captured Loki. He surrendered on his own for some reason." Agent Natasha said through the comms, briefing Director Fury about the situation.

"Has he said anything?" Director Fury questioned.

"No, he has been silent, not speaking even a single word." Agent Natasha answered.

"Just bring him to the Helicarrier. We will take care of everything else." Director Fury said and ended the call.

"Stark, I think that something is not right." Captain America said, wary of Loki's sudden surrender.

"Of course, something is not right! This bastard here obviously didn't make this huge mess just to surrender." Mr. Stark replied.

"Unfortunately, we have no choice but to go with his ruse. It is the only way we can get to Tessaract." Ms. Ororo said with a sigh.

"Who the hell are you?" Loki suddenly asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled by Loki's question.

"I had not heard of someone like you when I had come to Earth last year." Loki said, clarifying.

"Well you would obviously not have heard about Albion here since he has awakened his abilities only a few months ago. Besides, you look down so much on us humans that you would probably not even have properly researched us." Mr. Stark said.

"Don't make me laugh!" Loki said, snickering as he heard Mr. Stark's words.

"You think that he is human. What a joke! Just the staggering amount of magical energy flowing through his body proves that he can't be human.

Not to mention humans, even Asgardians don't have this much magical energy in them except for perhaps my father Odin. Even I, Loki, the God of Magic and Mischief doesn't have this much amount of magical energy coursing through my veins."

I have to say that this Loki is indeed a great mage. He could easily feel the magical energy inside my body without using a single spell. But if he had such exceptional perception, then why did he fucking surrender?

"Huh! Magic is real?" That is all Mr. Stark said despite hearing so much about me from Loki.


Before I could say something, I suddenly felt a huge explosion of energy right above our aircraft. Moreover, lightning started crackling in the sky out of nowhere.

"It can't be!" Loki said with a shocked expression upon seeing the lightning.

"What? You got PTSD from the last attack." Mr. Stark asked jokingly.

"No." Loki said, shaking his head. "This lightning is sign of misfortune for all of us."


Suddenly, a thumbing sound was heard from above us. Someone had obviously landed on the jet.

Hearing the sound, everyone got alert. Captain and Mr. Stark wore their mask and helmet respectively. Mr. Logan unsheathed his claws and lightning crackled in Ms. Ororo's hands. Everyone was ready to face our unexpected guest.

Then, Mr. Stark opened the deck suddenly without asking anyone.

"What are you doing, Stark?" Captain asked furiously.

"Welcoming our guest." Mr. Stark replied.

As if on cue, a man dropped on the deck. He wore a metallic armour along with a red cape. He had long blonde hair. But the most unique thing about him was the hammer in his hand. Based on his appearance, he was likely Thor, brother of Loki Director Fury had told us about.

With my Dragon Sense, I could feel that Thor was dangerous, powerful enough to make me enter my draconic form to defeat him.

"Hello, Mr.—" Mr. Stark went to greet her but he hit Mr. Stark with his hammer causing him to fly backwards and hit the wall. But I could see that Thor had clearly hold his strength back despite his dismissive attitude towards us.

Before we could take any action towards Thor, he grabbed Loki quickly and flew away with him.

"Where did Thor came from?" Agent Natasha asked from the pilot's seat.

"It doesn't matter. We need Loki otherwise we will never get the Tessaract." Mr. Stark said as he readied himself to chase after Thor.

"Wait!" Captain said, stopping Mr. Stark. "We need to make an attack plan."

"I have a plan. Attack!" Mr. Stark said as he flew away to chase after Thor.

"Since Mr. Stark has already gone, I should go to support him as well." I said as I approached the deck. I had felt Thor's true power. As such, it would be better for me to fight Thor rather than Mr. Stark.

"But you have not taken a parachute. How will you fly?" Agent Natasha questioned.

"Ah! You don't know about these, right?" I said as the back of my suit opened and my wings unfurled.

"Are those wings?" Captain said in a surprised tone.

"Well, see ya later!" I said and flew off.

With my now enhanced wings, I soon reached where Mr. Stark was.

"Hmm! Is that you, Albion? Didn't know that you had these jets?" Mr. Stark commented as he saw my wings.

However, I didn't answer and instead flew off ahead of him. I didn't want him to risk his life against Thor when he didn't know Thor's true power.

"Hey! Wait for me, damn it!" I could hear Mr Stark complaining as I flew ahead.

Soon, I found Thor and Loki with the help of my Dragon Sense. They were on a small hill. Thar was arguing about something with Loki.

I saw a relatively high powered lightning bolt at Thor since I knew that he could take it.

As the lightning bolt hit Thor, it cost him to fly into the forest due to the impact. Ignoring Loki for now, I chased after Thor since he was the priority for now.

As I landed before Thor, I could see that he had received not a single scratch from my lightning bolt.

"You are the first one I have seen whose lightning could affect me." Thor said in praise to my attack.

"But nothing will stop me from taking Loki today." Thor said as he called his hammer to his hand.

I too got ready for my most serious battle since I had received this powers.

It's time for Peter to fight his most powerful opponent till date. One of the strongest Avengers, Thor! How do you think this battle would go?

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 88 New
Thor was the strongest person I had ever met if I excluded Spider Supreme and Melusine from the list.

As such, I could not take him carelessly even if he was holding back his strength. So, I had to use my draconic form.

I first used the transformation bracelet to remove the suit from my upper body since it could no longer withstand the power of my draconic form after the upgrade. This also caused my face which was hidden under the hood till now to be finally revealed.

As horns grew on my head, my hands became claws and red glowing lines appeared on my upper body, I could see surprise in Thor's eyes. But he soon got ready again to face me.

Once the transformation was complete, I blitzed at Thor, taking full advantage of my speed and gave him one mean punch on his stomach, causing him to fly backwards.

Taking advantage of the small moment Thor was stunned due to my punch, I casted the 'Dancing Fireballs' spell and shot the fireballs at Thor since lightning obviously didn't work against him.

However, Thor got rid of the fireballs by just spinning his hammer around. Once the fireballs were finished, he threw his hammer at me.

But I dodged the hammer easily using my tremendous speed. Thor called his hammer back to his hand upon seeing the attack miss.

I was about to attack once again when Thor was suddenly hit by a laser beam.

"Albion, I am here to— Huh!" Mr. Stark called out to me as he reached us but he was clearly surprised by my draconic appearance.

"Is that how you look generally, Albion?" Mr. Stark asked curiously.

"No, the claws and horns are temporary." I replied.

"So, you have this lady killer look always, huh! And here I thought that I was one of the most handsome men in the world." Mr. Stark commented.

"Hey, Caped Guy! What is your problem?" He asked Thor.

"I just want Loki. He needs to face Asgard's justice." Thor answered.

"If Loki surrenders Tessaract, it doesn't matter to us what you do with him. But until then, Loki is in our custody." Mr. Stark said.

"By the way, does your mother know that you wear her clothes?" Mr. Stark taunted Thor, referring to his cape.

Incensed by Mr. Stark's taunt, Thor suddenly launched a lightning bolt at Mr. Stark.

I counterattacked with a lightning bolt of my own immediately but Thor's attack had already hit Mr. Stark's Iron Man suit.

"Are you alright, Mr. Stark?" I rushed at Mr Stark's side and asked.

"Suit is at 400% power." Mr. Stark's suit notified him about the suit's condition.

"Never better!" Mr. Stark replied upon seeing the suit's condition.

Taking advantage of his suit's excess power, Mr. Stark released a heavily enhanced beam at Thor, causing him to crash into a nearby tree.

But even after taking this many hits, Thor didn't look any worse for wear.

Furious, Thor threw his hammer at Mr. Stark, realising that he was the weaker one among us, causing Mr. Stark to fly away from the impact.

Sensing that the hammer attack was not too strong, I rushed towards Thor since he didn't have his hammer at the moment.

Boosting my wings, I took Thor to the skies and crashed him through a nearby hill. Thor tried to resist my grasp but couldn't do anything due to my tremendous speed.

After crashing him through the hill, I took him downwards and then threw him into the forest, causing him to crash through various trees.

"That was some good beatdown, Albion!" Mr. Stark commented as he reached me.

"You will pay for this!" Thor said as he called his hammer back to his hand.

He then flew at me and tried to hit me with his hammer but I dodged once again with my speed and even kicked him as he flew past me.

"Mr. Stark, you attack from long range. I will take care of close combat." I suggested to Mr. Stark.

"With pleasure!" Mr. Stark replied, agreeing to my proposal.

I engaged Thor once again, throwing a punch at him. Thor tried to retaliate with a punch of his own what he was not able to hit me due to my speed.

Frustrated by his unability to hit me, Thor swung his hammer at me which I again dodged. Seeing the opportunity, Thor disengaged.

But as soon as he disengaged, Thor was showered by Mr. Stark's laser beams. Thor was about to attack Mr. Stark when suddenly a shield came out of nowhere and hit Thor before reflecting to hit Mr. Stark.

Looking at the direction where the shield had come from, I could see Captain America along with Mr. Logan and Ms. Ororo. They had finally arrived.

"Enough of this senseless fighting!" Captain America said, addressing us.

"I just want to bring Loki to justice." Thor said, explaining his motives.

"If you are really on our side, then prove it. Drop the hammer!" Captain ordered Thor.

"You are asking me to drop the hammer!" Thor said, clearly furious upon hearing Captain's order.

Wait a minute! Thor was from Norse Mythology and was worshipped by the Vikings, a warrior race. And it was a taboo for them to drop their weapon since it signified surrender.


I was about to clarify to Thor that we didn't want his surrender when his hammer was suddenly shrouded with a large amount of lightning. Thor was clearly charging a powerful attack, this time using his full power.

Against such an attack, the only option for me was to use my own lightning. I charged my red lightning, ready to use its true power for the first time since the upgrade.

"Hah!!" Thor let out a roar as he unleashed a beam of lightning towards us. As a counterattack, I too shot a beam of red lightning at him.

The two beams of lightning collided in midair, each contending to surpass the other. But after a moment, the lightning beams suddenly started combining with each other, creating an unstable sphere.

Seeing the weird phenomenon, both me and Thor stopped unleashing the lightning but it was clear upon seeing the unstable sphere that there was going to be an explosion any second.

"Run!" I shouted to everyone as I boosted my wings to fly in the opposite direction.

As I flew, I grabbed Captain and Mr. Logan since they were the only ones who didn't have any flight capability. Ms. Ororo and Mr. Stark also started flying away and I could see Thor also moving away from the unstable sphere.


The unstable sphere exploded like it had been predicted. Fortunately, all of us were far away so we only felt the shockwaves from the explosion.

Looking back, I could see that all that was left of the explosion site was one big crater.

"Shall we end it here?" Captain said as a sign of peace.

"Fine!" Thor agreed to Captain's proposal, ready to end any hostility for now.

Hope you all liked the entire combat sequence. It was heavily inspired by the fight from the actual Avengers movie.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 89 New
As the fighter jet docked on the Helicarrier and our team along with Thor departed with Loki following in handcuffs, I suddenly received a message from Ancient One.

"I suddenly perceived a huge concentration of dark energy near your last known location. Do you know anything about it, Peter?"

Perhaps the dark energy referred to the sudden explosion of energy I had felt when Thor had appeared. I quickly messaged Ancient One about the whole matter with Thor.

"This is a very concerning matter. Thor teleporting to Earth in this way signifies that Bifrost, the main way of teleportation in Asgard is not working currently. Meaning that Asgard can't support us in case something unfortunate like an intergalactic invasion happens.

Keep an eye on everything and continue reporting to me. If possible, scan Loki's unique staff you had told me about and send me its data."

I immediately became alert upon reading Ancient One's message. It was clear that the situation could get worse any moment.

A group of armed soldiers came to apprehend Loki as soon as we docked. They took Loki towards the prison made especially for him while we moved towards the control room.

"Loki has been caught already. That's great news." Dr. Banner said as he joined us on our way to the control room.

Once we entered the control room we could see that Director Nick Fury was missing.

"Where is Director Fury?" Captain asked.

"Here!" A woman I had often seen around Director Fury answered as she opened a monitor which showed Director Fury in front of Loki's special prison made from highly tempered glass.

"So, would you tell me now where is Tesseract?" Director Fury asked Loki rather politely, considering Loki's situation.

"Ha ha ha ha!!" Loki actually started laughing hysterically after hearing Director Fury's words.

"To think that you are desperate enough to recruit these riff-raffs to create a team. You even brought a monster aboard this ship, one who still likes to pretend that he is not one."

It was clear that Loki was talking about Dr. Banner when he said the word 'monster'. But when I looked at Dr. Banner's face, I could see that Loki's words had no effect on him. His expression had not changed a single bit so far.

"Still, I didn't know that you had another monster. Moreover, this monster seems to be pretty much tamed. However, I doubt how long this would last."

Loki was clearly talking about me this time. I would not decline that I could be said to be a monster if one looked at my abilities. But what Loki didn't know was that I was a monster who would never get out of control.

"You came so close yet you could not obtain Tessaract. How pitiful?" Loki said sarcastically.

"You think that the Tessaract is just a source of near infinite energy. But it is much more and I will show you its true power very soon."

"We will see!" Director Fury said furiously as he left Loki's prison, realising that he would get nothing out of him.

"Do you know anything about Loki's plan, Thor?" Captain asked Thor.

"Loki has made an alliance with a race called Chitauri. This race is not from Asgard nor from any other civilization we know about. What I know is that the Chitauri plan to conquer Earth and to do so, they need to use the Tessaract to open a portal to Earth for which Loki has come here." Thor revealed Loki's plans, shocking us all.

"Say, Thor. These Chitauri are quite technologically advanced, right?" I asked Thor.

"Yes, they are. Why?" Thor questioned.

"Then, what is stopping them from directly invading Earth?" I asked.

"It is not as simple as it looks. Despite Earth being self governed by humans, it is actually under Asgard's protection if we look at it from an intergalactic perspective. So, if the Chitauri actually try to invade directly, Asgard will be able to perceive it easily and stop them using the power of the entire Nine Realms." Thor explained the whole matter, causing us to release a sigh of relief.

"At least, we know Loki needs to create a portal on Earth to bring the Chitauri in. It will make it much easier for us to stop this alien invasion since we know how they are going to do it." Captain said.

"I don't think that we should focus much on Loki. He clearly seems a madman." Dr. Banner gave his opinion.

"Don't say so! Loki may be mad or not but he is still my brother." Thor said, a little angry.

"Loki killed over 80 people in just two days." Agent Natasha argued.

"Well, he was adopted." Thor replied, accepting that he was wrong.

"But why did his men steal Iridium while he himself surrendered to distract us?" Dr. Banner questioned.

"Because Iridium calms down Tessaract's energy." Mr. Stark said as he appeared in the control room with Agent Phil.

"This means that Loki can use it to open the portal for however long he wants and however big he wants it to be as long as he can find an available source of energy." Mr. Stark explained as he moved towards the main computer.

"Where is Fury, Maria?" He asked the woman, apparently named Maria as he continued to fiddle with the computer for some reason.

"He is coming in about a minute." Agent Maria answered.

"Loki's puppets may find everything else to make the portal but they can't find one thing, a massive source of energy." Mr. Stark continued his lecture which I believe only around half of us could follow.

"Since when did you become an expert on Tessaract?" Agent Maria questioned.

"Since yesterday. After you gave me Erik Selvig's notes." Mr. Stark answered.

"Erik Selvig!" Thor suddenly asked about the scientist Erik Selvig.

"He was the lead scientist on Tessaract project." Dr. Banner explained who Erik Selvig was.

"I know him. He is a good friend of mine." Thor explained his relation with Erik Selvig.

"If Erik Selvig's research furthers, he would be able to activate Tessaract using any nuclear reactor on Earth." Dr. Banner hypothesized.

"Finally someone who can understand me." Mr. Stark said joyfully.

"It's nice to meet you, Dr. Banner. I am a great fan of your work in the field of science. And I really like it when you become a giant green monster." Mr. Stark said, showing admiration for both Dr. Banner and Hulk.

"Thank you…" Dr. Banner said uncomfortably.

"Dr. Banner is here only to find Tessaract and you would help him achieve this objective, Stark." Director Fury said as he entered the control room.

"I think we should also check that staff of his. We might find something." Captain suggested.

"It is obvious that this staff runs on Tessaract's energy. As such, it is a must to check on this staff." Director Fury said, giving his approval.

"Find out how it mind controlled my best scientists and agents."

"Speaking of mind control, now that Loki is in our grasp, shall we try telepathy on him to find his secrets?" Ms. Ororo suggested.

"I was already about to order it to you, Storm. You need to go and pick up Professor Xavier for this very purpose." Director Fury said, revealing that he had the same objective on his mind.

"It will not be easy to penetrate Loki's mind. He is one of the most accomplished mages on Asgard. His mind is like a fortress." Thor said upon hearing Director Fury's orders regarding the use of telepathy on Loki.

"Then, why don't you also grab the girls? Their telepathy is getting stronger day by day." I suggested.

"Good idea! Do as he said, Storm!" Director Fury agreed to my proposal.

"By the way, Albion. Why don't you join Tony Stark and Dr. Banner for the research? Your enhanced intelligence may prove useful. You already have worked along with Hank. So, you can clearly help them." Ms. Ororo suggested.

I nearly jumped in joy as I heard Ms. Ororo's suggestion. I was just thinking away to easily approach Loki's staff. This would give me the perfect chance.

"A mutant with enhanced intelligence! You clearly need to come to Stark Tower one day, Albion." Mr. Stark offered as he heard about my enhanced intelligence.

"Alright! You can join the research. If nothing else, you can at least run the calculations."

Everything is being revealed slowly and we will see divergence from the canon quite soon.

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Chapter 90 New
"Albion, scan the staff using the gamma receptors." Dr. Banner instructed me.

"The gamma readings are exactly like that of Tessaract from Erik Selvig's notes. But if we continue like this, it will take weeks before we can find Tessaract." Dr. Banner said after seeing the speed of the computers.

"Not if we hack the main server on the Helicarrier. With its computing power, I believe that it will not take even half a day." Mr. Stark said, talking about hacking the main server.

Damn! No wonder Mr. Stark had such a bad reputation despite being Iron Man. It had not been an hour since he was on the helicarrier and he was already thinking of hacking its main server.

"Well, I have only brought my toothbrush. So, I have nothing to do with this matter." Dr. Banner replied, refusing to participate in Mr. Stark's shenanigans.

"You should come to Stark Tower, Dr. Banner. And you too, Albion. The entire upper 10 floors are reserved for research." Mr. Stark proposed, wanted to work with like minds.

"It would be an honour, Mr. Stark." I replied, glad to have such an opportunity.

"Wait a minute! You are always addressing everyone quite politely. How old are you, Albion?" Mr. Stark suddenly questioned.

"Uh… I am 17 years old." I answered hesitantly.

"So, you are just a kid, huh!" Mr. Stark said while laughing.

"Well, this kid can go toe-to-toe with Thor, you know." I replied.

"So, you have got snark as well, huh! It would clearly be fun working with you. What have you thought about my proposal, Dr. Banner?" Mr. Stark asked Dr. Banner.

"I am thankful for your offer, Tony. But the last time I had went to New York, I had destroyed an entire district." Dr. Banner replied in a sad tone.

"I promise that no one will disturb you. Just think about it!" Mr. Stark said. Then suddenly, out of nowhere he jabbed his pen in Dr. Banner's side and the pen let out a small shock, startling Dr. Banner.

"Ouch!" Dr. Banner yelped in pain.

"Have you gone mad, Stark?" Captain asked as he entered with Mr. Logan. It seems that he was trying to make Mr. Logan remember his past memories. That is why he was currently with Mr. Logan.

"Was there any doubt about it?" Mr. Stark answered while shrugging.

"You have learnt how to control your anger extremely well, Dr. Banner. What is your secret? Exercise, yoga or something else." Mr. Stark asked Dr. Banner, impressed by his discipline.

"Is everything a joke to you, Stark? You could have put the lives of everyone on the Helicarrier in danger. Are you alright, Dr. Banner? Any surges of anger?" Captain asked, worried about Dr. Banner's condition.

"It's alright. If I could not handle such small taunts, I would not have come here." Dr. Banner ensured that everything was alright.

"What are you doing, Stark? Fury has asked you to do your job. Not to play around and risk everyone's life." Captain said in a furious tone.

"I am doing my job, Captain. But I can't do it unless I have all the clues. Why did Fury call us only now and not before? He is clearly hiding something." Mr. Stark opened up on his thoughts.

"You really think so, Stark. What are your thoughts, James or should I say Logan?" Captain asked Mr. Logan.

"Something is clearly afoot, Steve. We were approached just a few hours before the mission with an irresistible offer. Fury would not have done so if he didn't have anything to hide." Mr. Logan expressed his doubts.

"Come on, Captain! Fury is a true spy. His secrets have secrets. Even Dr. Banner knows this right?" Mr. Stark asked Dr. Banner.

"I will not say anything on this matter." Dr. Banner said, declining to express his opinion.

"Dr. Banner!" Captain said, insisting for him to express his opinion.

"Alright! Loki said that the Tessaract is a source of inexhaustible energy. This clearly sounds similar to the Stark Tower in New York. Loki must already have heard about it." Dr. Banner said.

"You mean that ugly building?" Captain said, clearly having a grudge against Mr. Stark.

"Stark Tower runs on a massive Arc Reactor which is a source of clean energy that can easily run the entire Tower for nearly an year by itself." Dr. Banner explained the importance of Stark Tower.

"Don't you watch the news, Captain? All the news portals were covering this news." I asked curiously.

"I didn't realise that it was such a big matter." Captain explained.

"This is just the start, my dear friends. There is a lot of work still to do." Mr. Stark said proudly.

"But why did SHIELD not ask Tony for help on the Tessaract when he was already working on a similar project? In the first place, what was SHIELD, a military intelligence agency doing in the energy field?" Dr. Banner laid out his suspicions.

"You don't need to worry. Everything will be clear once I hack SHIELD's database. In a few hours, I will know SHIELD's every secret, no matter how disgusting it is." Mr. Stark said, revealing his plans.

"And you still don't know why Fury doesn't like you?" Captain asked.

"An intelligence agency can never like an intelligent person." Mr. Stark replied.

"I think that Tony's concerns are genuine, Captain." Dr. Banner said in support.

"I think that Loki is trying to confuse us. We should just follow our orders." Captain said.

"Following orders is not my style." Mr. Stark said in return.

"Right! Style is everything for you, Stark. Come, James! I need your help for something." Captain said and left with Mr. Logan.

"To think that my father used to talk so much about him." Mr. Stark said once Captain left.

"Your views are just too different. He is a soldier and you are a scientist in some ways, Mr. Stark. It is Captain's ideology to follow while yours is to learn more." I gave my opinion.

"Finally someone who understands me. It was worth it to have you in the lab." Mr. Stark said with a smile on his face.

"By the way, you are not any lesser than Hulk yourself, Albion. Who do you think would win if both of you fought?" Mr. Stark questioned.

"I would hope that moment never came." Dr. Banner replied in an annoyed tone.

"You know, metal shards are still inside my body, trying to kill me from inside. This arc reactor in my chest stops it from happening." Mr. Stark shared his story upon seeing that Dr. Banner was clearly irritated after the whole discussion.

"Well, my instincts were also on fire when my powers first awakened. It was literally a miracle that I had not hurt anyone when that happened." I shared my own experience.

"Really! How did you control it then?" Mr. Stark asked, surprised that I had went something similar to Dr. Banner.

"Through martial arts. At first, it was nearly impossible for me to learn them. But slowly, I got better and now my instincts are a part of my body once again like they had never gone wild." I answered.

"Then, you should teach Dr. Banner some martial arts after this mission. It would clearly be helpful for him. Right, Dr. Banner?" Mr. Stark asked.

"You all have learnt how to conquer your weaknesses. I believe that is impossible for me." Dr. Banner replied in a fatigued tone.

"I don't think so, Dr. Banner. I have read about you. It should have literally been impossible for you to survive that Gamma ray bombardment." Mr. Stark said, revealing his theory.

"So, you think that Hulk, my other personality saved my life. If so, then why!" Dr. Banner asked.

"That is what we have to find out!" Mr. Stark replied.

Upon hearing their conversation, I realised that I could perhaps trust Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner regarding my identity as a sorcerer and ask their help in examining Loki's staff.

"Mr. Stark, I have a way which can help us greatly in furthering our research."

So, Peter has done some bonding with Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. But now, the time has come to research on Loki's staff. And we all know what's inside it, right?

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Chapter 91 New
"Really! Then, why did not you reveal it earlier?" Mr. Stark asked. Even Dr. Banner seemed curious.

"It is not something I can reveal to SHIELD, at least not yet." I explained. Who knows what SHIELD would do if they found out that I was a sorcerer.

"I understand. Everyone has some secrets, after all." Mr. Stark said, putting on an all knowing expression.

"Since you are hacking into the SHIELD's main systems, have you overwritten the cameras and other spy gadgets in the lab?" I asked Mr. Stark.

"Of course, I have. What do you think of me? I am not a noob, kid. Still, you would be surprised by how many spy gadgets there were in the room." Mr. Stark answered.

"That's great." I said and then looked outside the lab to check if there were any onlookers. Upon confirming that there was no one around, I came near the staff and readied myself to start the staff's examination using the mystic arts.

"Don't be surprised by what I am about to do!" I warned both of them and then created a spell circle.

"What the fuck!" Mr. Stark exclaimed but didn't interrupt me.

Several more spell circles appeared around Loki's staff, creating an illusory barrier which would prevent the testing from being observed by any onlookers.

"What the hell was that?" Mr. Stark asked once the spell circle disappeared from my hands as I completed the illusory barrier.

"As you have seen, I am a sorcerer." I answered truthfully.

Both Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner fell silent upon hearing the answer, quietly digesting the truth they had just seen before their eyes.

"We already knew that this staff was a magic staff but I had not expected that there were actually magic users or as you say, sorcerers still on Earth." Dr. Banner said after few minutes.

"Well, the sorcerers generally do not interfere in human affairs. They only get involved if there is an incident involving magic or dimensions. The other times, we are just sitting around in our headquarters, silently studying magic." I answered why no one, not even SHIELD knew about the sorcerers.

"We will talk about magic later. First, explain how this magic you have used will further our research." Mr. Stark asked, focusing on the research for now since it was more important.

"I have created this illusory barrier which will prevent any onlooker from seeing me cast magic since the spell I am going to cast is a long one. Once the analysis spell finishes its work, I will have every information about Loki's staff from the perspective of magic." I explained.

"Then, what are we waiting for? Start immediately, Albion!" Mr. Stark hurried me.

I stepped inside the barrier along with Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner, the inside currently similar to the outside. Spell circles once again covered my hands as I casted the analysis spell.

Magic circles appeared all over the staff as the spell was completed, analysing every part and function of it.

"I think it will take around an hour for the analysis to finish." I told the estimated time.

"So, in just an hour, you will know everything about this staff, huh! Sounds quite convenient." Mr. Stark commented.

"Not everything. There is only so much the spell can find in an hour. But we will have most of the information. However, it will not be me who will have it." I said, shocking both of them.

"What do you mean you will not have the information?" Mr. Stark shouted.

"Actually, I have only been learning the mystic arts for a few months. So, it will actually be my teacher, Ancient One who will analyse the information which I would send once the spell completes its work." I explained sheepishly.

"You don't need to worry, though. The sorcerers have already researched the Tessaract once several centuries ago. As such, it should be easy for my master to interpret the information. We will probably get an answer in just a few hours."

"Wait a minute! The sorcerers knew about the Tessaract and had even researched it before. Then, how did it fall into the hands of SHIELD? The matter of the Tessaract should come into the purview of the sorcerers if I am correct." Dr. Banner questioned.

"It is because the Tessaract was not supposed to even be on Earth. It was supposed to be on Asgard." I answered.

"Let's see what can we find with magic, kiddo? After all, science seems to be rather slow in this regard." Mr. Stark said.


Emma's POV

"Is it really alright to leave the students alone in the mansion?" I asked worriedly as the X-jet flew in the night sky.

Ordinary teenagers were already a handful but these ones had superpowers. As such, I couldn't help but worry.

"It is only for a few hours. Besides I have already warned them to not do anything mischievous while we are gone." Professor Xavier said, reassuring me.

"Looks like we are here." Ms. Ororo's voice came from the cabin.

Indeed, I could see the so called Helicarrier flying in the sky. It honestly felt surreal to see an aircraft carrier actually flying in the sky.

"Check again that your masks are properly tight. Even though SHIELD is our ally, we can't take risks especially since we have confirmed that there are HYDRA spies in SHIELD." Professor Xavier warned us as the X-jet docked on the Helicarrier.

"Hello, Professor Xavier. I am thankful that you came as fast as you could. I am Agent Natasha Romanov." Agent Natasha, a beautiful red haired agent greeted as once we landed on the Helicarrier.

"And what shall I call these ladies?" Agent Natasha asked for our introduction.

"She is 'Silencer' and I am 'Phoenix'." Jean introduced both of us. Since she didn't have any good name, it was decided that she would take the 'Phoenix' code name especially since it was her who had the greatest connection to the Phoenix Force.

"You would have time to talk with your fellow teammates later. But we first need you to open the mind of our prisoner if it is possible." Agent Natasha immediately spoke of the purpose for which we had arrived and then started taking us to that prisoner.

"Ah, Loki! I wonder if we would be able to open the mind of a so called god. After all, he has achieved complete mind control. Something consider near impossible for us telepaths." Professor Xavier said as we moved through the hallways towards our destination.

"Wait here!" Agent Natasha said once we reached the end of a hallway.

"Loki is ahead. I will first talk with him so as to divert his attention. You can see everything inside through this monitor." Agent Natasha explain what she was about to do.

"Once I give the signal, enter the prison room and immediately attack his mind." Agent Natasha explained the plan and went inside to meet Loki.

"Welcome, Agent Romanov. What have you come for?" Loki asked politely, to our surprise.

"What have you done with Agent Barton?" Agent Natasha demanded.

"Oh, is it love I am seeing in your eyes Agent Romanov?" Loki said mockingly.

"Love is for children. I just want to repay a favour." Agent Natasha clarified.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!" Loki started laughing hysterically upon hearing Agent Natasha's words.

"Barton has told me everything about you, Agent Romanov. You have killed a whole lot of people. And you want to repent by just saving a single man. This is just a child's wish!"

As he said these words, it was obvious to see the insanity in Loki's eyes.

"I will offer you a deal. I will not touch Barton, not unless he kills you after torturing you in every single way possible. Only then will I return his free will to him so that he can realise what he has done. And then I will kill him."

"You are a monster, Loki." Agent Natasha said furiously.

"It is you who has brought not one but two monsters aboard this ship." Loki said, mistakenly revealing his plan.

"So, that is your plan, huh! Let's see what other plans you have. It's time to start, Professor!" Agent Natasha signalled for us to start the operation.

I and Jean ran inside with Ms. Ororo pushing Professor Xavier behind us. Before Loki could understand why were here, we attacked his mind with a psychic attack.

Let's see what secrets lie in a so called god's mind!

What do you think Emma and others would find inside Loki's mind?

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Chapter 92 New
Emma's POV

As soon as we entered Loki's mind, we could see what kind of form his mental defence took. The mental defence was different for every person who could create one since they created it by themselves.

In Loki's case, the mental defence appeared in the form of a blue energy barrier with golden lines on it. However, we had no time to analyse the barrier properly since we had to break it as soon as possible.

We attacked the mental barrier using the equivalent of a sledgehammer, all of our attacks landing at the same spot so that we could smash through the barrier.

But despite us hammering continuously at the same spot, only cracks had appeared on the mental barrier with no chance of it shattering quickly in sight.

"Ha ha ha ha!! I would admit that I had not expected this." Suddenly, Loki's voice sounded in the mental space, coming from all directions. At this moment, it was clear that Loki had learnt about the psychic attack on his mind.

A giant face of Loki formed on the mental barrier and in response to it, the mind avatars of us also appeared before the barrier.

This was how it looks inside a mental battlefield, in case the honour of the mind was strong enough to sense the intruders and fight against them. The owner of the mind was always in a greater position compared to the intruders since it was his turf.

"Your attempt was truly marvelous. If it was not for the fact that my mind had been enhanced by my staff's power, you would have really entered my mind and learnt my secrets." Loki applauded our attempt even though it had failed.

"Still, you have provided me some good entertainment. I will not fight needlessly with you. You are free to leave." Loki said, letting us leave as if he was taking pity on us.

"Emma, I think we need to use it." Jean said in a determined tone upon seeing the whole situation.

I know what Jean was referring to. In the data given by Spider Supreme about the Phoenix Force, there was a way for us to channel and use the Phoenix Force's power temporarily, for about a minute.

This method however took a heavy toll on one's mind. But with Jean besides me, she could mitigate the worst of the toll.

Moreover, it was me who had to do it instead of Jean since I was the one whose telepathy was stronger. And we had to do it now since the cracks on the barrier were already regenerating.

"Try to mitigate what you can." I said as I channelled the near endless power of the Phoenix Force through my mind.

My mind avatar was soon shrouded in a fiery aura which took the form of a giant bird. The power Phoenix Force gave me was truly great. It honestly felt like I could control the entire world with this power. Yet it felt like this power could consume my mind whenever it wanted.

Besides me, Jean was also shrouded in a fiery aura, albeit a smaller one in size as she tried to mitigate the load on my mind. Professor Xavier was on standby, ready to help at any moment.

"What is it, this power?" Loki said, his voice laced with fear as he sensed the amount of psionic energy coursing through my body.

"You don't need to know." I said with a smirk as I readied my attack.

A giant fiery bird appeared before me and upon my direction, flew and smashed into the mental barrier, completely shattering it.

"Ahhh!!" Loki's projection screamed as it was destroyed along with the barrier.

"Come, we need to hurry. Loki's mind is momentarily in shock because we broke his mental barrier but he will not be always like this. We need to read his mind and find what we need before he throws us out." Professor Xavier instructed.

As per his orders, our mind avatars deconstructed as our formless minds finally entered Loki's mindscape.

But what we saw was something we had never expected.

Loki's mind could be said to be a giant orb full of blue energy where the blue energy actually represented his memories.

Yet what scared us were the various golden strands which were present all over the orb as if parasiting it.

Professor Xavier hesitantly contacted a nearby golden strand but immediately removed his mind from it as if he had been shocked.

"What happened, Professor?" Jean asked worriedly.

"See for yourself." Professor Xavier connected our mind and showed what he had seen inside the golden strand.

There were several pictures and voices he showed to us which completely shook our minds.

"Asgard is your enemy, not your friend."

"You deserve to be the King of Asgard, not Thor."

"Humans are lesser compared to you. As such, they deserve to be your slaves."

All I could see were several commands which aggravated Loki's already worse personality. But there was one single command which was the most superior one and repeated several times.

"Bring the Tessaract to the Master at any cost."

At this moment, after seeing the commands in the golden strands, it was clear what had happened to Loki.

"Loki was mind controlled himself."


"When will your teacher Ancient One send what she has analysed from the data? It is already morning." Mr. Stark complained as there had been no update even after several hours since I had sent the staff's data to Ancient One.

"It takes some time, Mr. Stark. Be a little patient." I replied.

"Well, it seems that we won't need it in the end. After all, we have already cracked the Tessaract's signal. Now, all we need to do is track the signal which will be handled by the various labs around the world." Dr. Banner gave the good news.

"Now that our work is done, we can see SHIELD's secrets, my dear friends." Mr. Stark said, showing us that he had hacked the main computer.

"But it looks like SHIELD has also found you hacking it." I said as I looked at the monitor.

"It doesn't matter now." Mr. Stark replied, clearly not considering SHIELD as a threat.

"What are you doing, Stark? I had not recruited you so that you could hack SHIELD's database." As if on cue, Director Fury appeared in the lab and asked Mr. Stark furiously.

"What is this, Director?" Before Mr. Stark could say anything in response, Captain America appeared in the room along with Mr. Logan and slammed a weapon on the desk.

The weapon had HYDRA's logo and Tessaract's energy could be felt inside it, albeit a very small amount.

"Why is SHIELD creating a weapons using Tessaract, Director?" Mr. Logan asked threateningly. He seemed ready to unleash his claws at any moment.

"You are misunderstanding, Captain. SHIELD has only collected everything related to Tessaract." Director Fury said, trying to appease everyone but we were clearly not buying it.

"Then, what is this project, Director? This 'Phase 2', where you would create weapons using Tessaract." Mr. Stark said, showing files on the Phase 2.

"What am I seeing, Director Fury? Just what the hell are you trying to do?" Professor Xavier asked furiously as he entered the lab along with Agent Natasha, Jean and Emma. Thor also entered the lab soon after.

It was clear that no one was happy to learn that SHIELD was creating weapons of mass destruction.

"We can explain it later. But first I need to tell everyone something. It's incredibly important for the mission." Agent Natasha said, revealing that they had found something extremely important.

"Fine, tell what, it is." Captain said, willing to listen.

"Loki is being mind controlled himself."

All of us were stunned when we heard Agent Natasha's words. The mind controller was also being mind controlled!

It honestly sounded like a bad joke. Loki was not a common man. He was an Asgardian and moreover, a mage. Someone whose mind was a fortress according to Thor. And that person was being mind controlled.

"This can't be possible. An Asgardian's mind is not fragile enough that it can be controlled." Thor said, clearly having difficulty believing Agent Natasha's words.

"We can discuss this matter later since Loki is already in our prison." Mr. Stark said, dismissing the matter for now.

"Explain this first, Fury." Mr. Stark redirected everyone's attention once again to SHIELD's weapon plan. He clearly wanted answers right now.

Director Fury looked ready to explain when suddenly I felt spatial fluctuations in the lab.

A portal suddenly opened and out came a figure I knew all too well, Ancient One!

But why had Ancient One appeared here?

And this is where the butterfly effect truly happens, my dear readers! As I had promised, this Avengers Arc would be much different. But why had Ancient One interferred? Find out in the next chapter.

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Chapter 93 New
Why the hell had Ancient One came herself when I had already given the data of Loki's staff to her. Could it be that something was very wrong with that staff?

This was the only reason Ancient One could have arrived so abruptly without even informing me. After all, this act of hers revealed the existence of the sorcerers to SHIELD.

As if to prove my point, Ancient One pointed her hand at the staff and casted a spell.

A portal suddenly appeared beneath the staff, swallowing it and taking it who knows where.

At first, everyone was surprised by Ancient One's sudden appearance but they got alert upon seeing Ancient One's actions.

Director Fury and Agent Natasha even drew their guns and pointed them at Ancient One.

"Who the hell are you and where is the staff?" Director Fury asked furiously.

"At ease, Director. I am not foe of yours. Like you, I also work for the protection of Earth." Ancient One said as she raised her hands in the air to show that she meant no harm.

But I knew that this act of Ancient One was just a ruse. Just the amount of magical energy around her showed that she had more than enough protections in case Director Fury or Agent Natasha actually fired.

"How can we believe you? Do you have any proof?" Director Fury asked, clearly sceptical of her.

"It is actually quite easy to prove. Why don't you explain it, Thor?" To everyone's surprise, Ancient One asked Thor.

"Indeed, it has been quite a while since we have met, Ancient One. You look as beautiful as you did 500 years ago when I, Loki and Father had arrived on Earth for a visit." Thor said to Ancient One, clearly recognising her.

But what surprised me was the fact that Ancient One had met Thor 500 years ago. I knew that Ancient One was old but not this old.

"You know her, Thor." Director Fury asked Thor.

"Yes, I know of her. You don't need to suspect her. The sorcerers of Kamar Taj have protected Earth from interdimensional as well as magical threats since ancient times. Ancient One is their leader. She must have a reason for taking Loki's staff." Thor said, vouching for her.

Upon hearing Thor's words, everyone's alertness reduced and Director Fury and Agent Natasha even put down their guns. Director Fury was even silent for a few minutes as he tried to digest what Thor had said about Ancient One and the Sorcerers of Kamar Taj.

"So, from what I understand, you are an authority which deals with dimensional and magical problems." Director Fury questioned Ancient One.

"Yes. Although we have a few other functions, this is the jist of it." Ancient One confirmed.

"Then why did you not know about Tessaract? It clearly falls into your field. Where were you when Red Skull attempted to use Tessaract for world domination and we experimented on Tessaract?" Director Fury asked, his voice filled with anger.

"We would have interfered if we actually knew that the Tessaract was on Earth. It was supposed to be on Asgard but Thor's father Odin in his wisdom hid it on Earth and didn't even check on it often." Ancient One explained as her furious gaze fell on Thor.

"Father thought that the Tessaract would be safer on Earth since no one would know about its true power here." Thor explained ashamedly.

"Then why did you not interfere last year when a magic robot had arrived on Earth from Asgard and almost destroyed an entire town?" Director Fury questioned once again. He clearly had a lot of questions to ask after learning about the existence of Kamar Taj.

"We didn't interfere first because of strict orders from Odin and afterwards, Loki who was the king of Asgard at that time also gave orders for us to not interfere during the whole time Thor was on Earth because it was a trial for Thor.

When the Destroyer was deployed in Earth, we were going to interfere but fortunately Thor handled everything. We are a reclusive group and we don't want to interfere much in mortal affairs if possible."

Ancient One explained the reason why they could not interfere, revealing that Asgard didn't want them to interfere.

"Then why have you interferred now? What do you want to do with Loki's staff?" Director Fury questioned her motives for taking Loki's staff.

"You know what. I was not going to interfere even after it was revealed that Tessaract was on Earth. Thor was already on Earth and it looked like the team you had created could defeat Loki and take the Tessaract back to Asgard.

But then Peter, who is also a sorcerer sent me the data of Loki's staff he had analysed and upon seeing it, I knew that I had to interfere."

"You are also a sorcerer, Peter." Director Fury asked me as he heard Ancient One's words.

"Yes!" I replied in affirmation.

Director Fury rubbed his forehead upon hearing my affirmation. It seems like he was frustrated that things were getting out of hand and he still didn't know much about the situation.

"We will talk about this later." Director Fury said to me as he turned back to face Ancient One.

"What is it did you find in this staff that you had to interfere?" He questioned Ancient One.

"You may think that this staff actually runs on Tessaract's energy. But it's just a camouflage. This staff contains something as dangerous as Tessaract. And it was because of it that Loki could mind control people." Ancient One explained the staff's importance and danger.

"Does this mean that it was actually this staff which mind controlled Loki?" Thor asked.

"What? Loki was mind controlled!" Ancient One was surprised when she heard this news.

"Yes, Loki's entire mindscape was filled with threads of golden energy which controlled his thought process." Professor Xavier explained what he had found inside Loki's mind.

"Then, it is clear that the staff was definitely used to mind control Loki." Ancient One confirmed Professor Xavier's assumption.

"That is why I took the staff. Someone had clearly given this staff to Loki after controlling his mind. Who it was, I don't know?

Instead, we should be thankful that it was not a galactic civilization. Otherwise, if any galactic civilization found about even a single one of either the Tessaract or the staff, we would have a galactic invasion on Earth. That is how powerful they are. Do you now understand why I took the staff?"

Director Fury was stunned for a few minutes as he realised what the Tessaract or the staff implied.

"But we still need the staff to find the Tessaract. Unless you can find it yourself, Ancient One." Director Fury asked for Ancient One's understanding.

"You don't need to worry about that. The Tessaract is already at your door." Ancient One said cryptically.

Beep! Beep!

Before anyone of us could understand what she meant by her words, the gamma sensor program suddenly started beeping, revealing that it had found Tessaract.

Dr. Banner immediately went to check where it was but had a look of shock as he saw the location of Tessaract.

"Why is the sensor showing that the Tessaract is in the air, moving around the Helicarrier?"

I am really sorry for the delay.

The premise here is that Ancient One can see the future through the time stone only from a first person's point of view. As such, she had no idea that the staff contained the mind stone.

So, when Peter sent the data about the staff and she found about the mind stone, she had to act.

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Chapter 94 New
"But how is this possible?" Captain said upon hearing about Tessaract's location.

Ring! Ring!

Before we could make any sense of the result, a call came on Director Fury's receiver.

"Director, there has been a weird phenomenon. A fighter jet was heading towards the Helicarrier but as it came near, it suddenly lost its direction and slipped past the Helicarrier." The staff reported the incident with the fighter jet.

"Then, it's obvious. Tessaract is on that jet." Mr. Stark said what was on everyone's mind.

"But why would Loki's minions bring Tessaract to us? And how did they even get Helicarrier's location?" Director Fury questioned why this was happening.

"If they have come directly with Tessaract, it's obvious that they are here for an attack which they are sure would definitely succeed." Captain said with experience.

"But how did they find the Helicarrier then since it's invisible? Moreover, they just slipped right past us as if they could not track us anymore." Director Fury said as he tried to connect the dots.

"It just means that whatever they used to track us is not working anymore." Mr. Stark said, giving his insight.

"It would have to be something related to Loki. Then, how did the tracker got deactivated?" Professor Xavier questioned.

"The staff!" Mr. Stark said as he realised what was the tracker.

"The staff was the only thing related to Loki which was interferred with when Ancient One had teleported the staff to who knows where. The staff was the tracker."

"How did you not find it after hours of research on the staff, Stark?" Director Fury asked Mr. Stark in a furious tone since his negligence had almost been the cause of an assault on the Helicarrier.

"The tracker could be a magical one, Fury. Or maybe it was some alien tech. I don't know everything." Mr. Stark replied, clarifying that he was not all knowing.

"We will talk about this mistake later. For now, we have a golden opportunity we will never get again. Not only is the Tessaract on that jet, it is likely that our mind controlled agents are also there.

Get ready, everyone. I want all of you to be on the deck in a few minutes. We will not get this chance again. As such, we need to attack before they can even think of retreating."

"Sure, let me get my armour. I will show those guys who is the boss." Mr. Stark said, raring to go so as to fix his mistake.

"If you don't mind, I can help. I can create a portal inside that jet directly allowing you to catch them unaware." Ancient One offered her help so as to create a favourable impression of herself.

"Then, I would thank you in advance, Ancient One. Your portal will allow us to catch them off guard and subdue them without any causality to any side." Director Fury thanked Ancient One sincerely although he seemed to be in awe of the power of the mystic arts.

"Hey, Peter!" Mr. Stark suddenly whispered to me.

"What?" I questioned.

"Can you also create a portal inside a moving vehicle?" Mr. Stark asked curiously.

"Of course, I can't. I am still a rookie and this application of portals is something I think that other than Ancient One, only those masters who are proficient in portals can do this.

Do you think it is easy to create a portal inside a moving vehicle, especially one which is airborne? To do so, not only does one have to continuously grasp the coordinates of the vehicle but also move the portal continuously so that it is inside the vehicle."

"Why did you even ask?" I questioned Mr. Stark with a sigh.

"Well, I thought that this would allow us to access Helicarrier whenever we wanted if you could create a portal inside it." Mr. Stark answered, mischief clearly on his mind.

"Enough of this muttering. We need to discuss who among us will go on the jet attack. As we are going directly to the jet, we will only require a small team." Director Fury said as he reprimanded us.

Before any of us could volunteer, Professor Xavier suddenly spoke. "Why don't Wolverine, Storm and Albion go? They are already in their suit and have prior experience fighting together. With the three of them, the attack will be a piece of cake. Storm also knows how to drive a jet so she can gain control over the jet."

"Hmm… You are correct. The three of them would indeed be more than enough." Director Fury said as he agreed to Professor Xavier's advice.

"Since the three of you are already prepared, shall I open the portal now?" Ancient One questioned.

Upon hearing her question, Mr. Logan and Ms. Ororo shared a look with me and nodded to show that they were ready.

"We are ready." I said, giving my affirmation.

"Try not to kill anyone. The attackers likely have important information." Director Fury said as we readied ourselves mentally.

"I am opening the portal now!" Ancient One said as she created the portal.

As soon as the portal was created, we immediately rushed inside, ready to fully use the advantage of surprise.

"What the hell is this?" I heard someone mutter as he looked at the portal. Everyone here was dressed in military suits, completely ready for an assault.

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise as they looked at us appearing from the portal.

But without giving them a chance to recover, I and Mr. Logan lunged at them.

I punched a nearby man on the chin, immediately knocking him out. The nearby men rushed to attack me but I easily blocked their attacks.

Their attacks were clearly trained but unfortunately for them, I was much stronger with simply better training. As such, it didn't even take me a minute to knock out everyone who was engaging me.

I looked at the other side to see that Mr. Logan had almost finished his side. Since we didn't want to kill anyone, Mr. Logan was not using his claws. Instead he was just blocking all the attacks on him with his enhanced body and then knocking them out using counterattacks.

"I don't know how you came here but you are now finished." A remaining soldier said to us as he held a gun in his hands. He along with the remaining soldiers had regrouped a little far from us and were now pointing their guns at us.

"I don't think so!" Ms. Ororo said as she shot a stream of lightning through her hands at them, shocking them to unconsciousness.

Just as I thought that everyone here had been knocked out, a man appeared from behind the door which led to the pilot cabin and shot a freaking arrow at us using a bow.

However, the arrow was not that fast for me and I simply caught it in my hand.

Ping! Ping!

I hastily put my hand equipped with the Dragon Claws around the arrowhead as I realised that it was a freaking bomb.

The bomb exploded inside my hand covered with the Dragon Claws but the artefact easily weathered through it with its incredible resistance.

Not willing to risk anything more, I rushed at the bowman using my enhanced speed and chopped at the back of his neck, causing him to fall unconscious without getting even a single chance to retaliate.

"What is happening?" The pilot's voice came from the pilot cabin.

"I will take care of the pilot." Ms. Ororo said as she entered the cabin.

"Ahh!!" Soon after, the pilot's scream was heard.

"I am now in control of the jet. Find the Tessaract." Ms. Ororo said from the cabin.

"Where could that glowing cube be?" Mr. Logan said as he looked around.

"Here it is." I said as I Iooked at a strongly sealed box near where the bowman was hiding.

"Shall we check the goods first?" Mr. Logan asked.

"Why not?" I said as I opened the box with a little flick of my hand which shattered the lock on the box.

"So, this is the thing which has everyone madly after it." I said as I looked at the blue glowing cube lying in the box.

So, the Tessaract is now in the hands of our heroes. However, don't think that the Avengers Arc is over. There is still a lot of story left but I don't want to give any spoilers.

Actually, it had not been confirmed in the Avengers movie that the Tessaract was actually on the jet. However, upon seeing Dr. Banner's reaction in the last second before the explosion, it seems that the Tessaract was actually on the jet.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye
Chapter 95 New
As the jet slowly landed on the Helicarrier's deck, I could already see everyone except Ancient One rushing at us despite the low amount of air in the atmosphere.

"Did you get it?" Director Fury asked as soon as he reached the jet.

"Yes, here it is." I said as I put the box containing the Tessaract in his hands.

"To think that we would get the Tessaract so easily while even evading an attack on the Helicarrier narrowly. I am truly grateful to Ancient One for this help." Director Fury said as he looked at the Tessaract, his eyes filled with complex emotions.

"What are your plans regarding the Tessaract now, Fury?" Thor asked now that the Tessaract was in our hands.

"We will discuss what to do with the Tessaract once we have finished the matter with Loki. He is still under mind control after all." Director Fury said, reminding us that Loki was still mind control.

"Soldiers! Take out these intruders and lock them up. I will see what can be done with them once this whole matter is finished." Director Fury ordered the soldiers.

"Speaking of the intruders, I found your agent Barton who had been mind controlled." I told Director Fury.

"That's great news! Bring Barton to the lab once he has regained consciousness." Director Fury ordered.

"That Barton was one crazy guy though. He actually launched a freaking bomb arrow at us inside a freaking jet without thinking what would happen to it." Mr. Logan said as he was reminded of Agent Barton.

"Then, how come I see no damage anywhere inside the jet?" Mr. Stark questioned.

"You have to thank Albion for that. He blocked the entire explosion by enclosing the bomb inside his fist and he received not a single burn while doing so." Ms. Ororo answered with a smile, clearly proud of her student.

"How did you do it?" Mr. Stark asked, shocked by this feat of mine.

"It is because of my enchanted suit." I said while making the runes engraved on my glove glow in order to show the enchantments.

"Magic sure is convenient." Mr. Stark said upon the seeing the enchantments.

"That it is." I said with a smirk.


"Ancient One, I must thank you for your help. The plan went off without any problem because of your portal.

Although I am still sceptical about the Sorcerers and the whole existence of Magic, with this act of yours, I am sure that your motives are similar to us. As such, I promise you that you will be treated as a friend by us."

Director Fury said in a solemn voice, thanking Ancient One as we re-entered the lab.

"So, do you believe me now when I say that the staff is dangerous enough that I can't trust SHIELD with it?" Ancient One asked calmly.

"Although I am still a little sceptical, I will take your word for it until I see any other proof." Director Fury said, ready to believe Ancient One for now.

"I don't want to impose but I need your help in this whole mind control matter especially since Loki himself is believed to be under mind control." Director Fury asked Ancient One for help.

"Indeed, this act is very frightening. It should be damn impossible for someone to mind control my brother Loki, an Asgardian and one of the strongest mages in Asgard." Thor said, implying how hard it was to control Loki's mind.

"We will check the matter with Loki later but first I need my agent free from his grasp." Director Fury said, favouring his agent first.

"Director! We have brought Agent Barton. However, he has not said a single word since he has regained consciousness." As if on cue, several soldiers appeared along with Agent Barton in handcuffs.

Now that I had a proper look at Agent Barton, I noticed that his eyes were a very unique shade of blue which was clearly different from the picture I had seen of him.

"Hello, Fury." Agent Barton greeted Director Fury in an emotionless tone.

"Agent Barton, have you forgotten what you have done for SHIELD till now? How many times you have put your life on line to save the innocent? How much you have sacrificed?" Director Fury asked Agent Barton furiously.

"I have forgotten nothing, Fury. But my allegiances have changed now." Agent Barton answered in a cold tone.

"Does even your family mean nothing to you now?" Director Fury asked in a sorrowful tone, realising what state Agent Barton was in.

"Yes, they don't." Agent Barton replied once again in that emotionless tone.

"It is useless to try to get through to him as long as he is in this state, Director." Ancient One said as she looked at Agent Barton's condition.

"Professor Xavier, check out his mindscape with the girls. Since he is only a normal human, it should be easy to enter his mindscape. I need to have the complete data before I can try to cure him." Ancient One instructed Professor Xavier.

As per her instructions, Professor Xavier and the girls entered Agent Barton's mind to find out his mental state after making him unconscious.

After around 5 minutes, Professor Xavier and the girls opened their eyes, having finished their analysis.

"How is it?" Agent Natasha asked anxiously.

"It is similar to Loki's mental estate although not as worse as his. Agent Barton's mind has only been caged, thus enslaving him. But Loki's mind has been controlled much more insidiously. Several directives have been installed inside Loki's mind, making it look like he is doing any actions on his own will when he is actually just obeying the commands." Professor Xavier explained what he understood about this whole mind control situation.

"Hmm… It seems that it would not be that hard to heal Agent Barton." Ancient One said upon hearing the whole analysis.

"Professor, send me what you have found inside Agent Barton's mind through telepathy." Ancient One asked.

"Are you sure?" Professor Xavier said, hesitating to enter Ancient One's mind, even though he had permission.

"Don't worry. I have a lot of mental safeguards against telepathy in case you actually do anything insidious." Ancient One assured Professor with a smile.

"If you say so." Upon hearing her words, Professor Xavier closed his eyes and connected Ancient One through his telepathy.

"Indeed, it should not be too hard." Ancient One said as she finished digesting the whole information.

"Give me a little space. I am going to try healing Agent Barton." Ancient One declared, causing us to distance ourself from her and Agent Barton.

"Hope it works!" Saying these words, Ancient One summoned The mysterious staff which had mind controlled everyone including Agent Barton.

She touched Agent Barton's forehead with the tip of the staff and the staff started giving a soft blue glow.

Suddenly, the blue crystal on the star started giving a golden glow instead. As it did so, several golden threads started releasing from Agent Barton's head and entered the staff's crystal.

After around a minute, the whole phenomenon ceased and the staff returned to its original state. Ancient One then put it back where she had taken it out from.

Agent Barton slowly opened his eyes which now looked normal and then started looking around. Suddenly, he bowed his head as low as he could in his position towards Director Fury.

"I apologize for everything I did. I am ready to receive any punishment you may give, Director." Agent Barton said in a respectful as well as guilty tone.

"It was not your fault, Agent Barton. As such, you don't need to worry." Director Fury said, reassuring Agent Barton.

"You need to be wary of Loki even if you have obtained the Tessaract. Everything has already been completed for portal creation. The only reason we had not created the portal was because only Loki knew the actual coordinates." Agent Barton informed us about the progress of Loki's plan.

"You don't need to worry, Agent Barton. Soon, Loki will leave behind his plan and peacefully return to Asgard." Ancient One reassured Agent Barton in a cryptic tone which we understood the meaning of.

So, the brainwashing of Hawkeye has already been erased and Loki's will be soon. But don't think that everything is going to be alright? Why? You will see soon.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye

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