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Waking japaneese fleet,when?
Chapter 5-1
April 6th

Georgia was awake, and already on her way to DC. It never hurt to go a little bit early, going to the Smithsonian's would be a good way to spend her time.

The drive was long and boring luckily it was 2011 so Toll roads weren't as common though her car was stolen from the butcher so its not like she truly cared she blew through them all cackling like a madwoman. She still hasn't exactly gotten over the high from her retrofit.

Her upgraded radar suite could severally damage the sensitive electronics of the modern day that wasn't counting the LAWS system which felt like something out of star trek.

The first officer appeared in her rearview as she was playing crazy cab on highway 495 crossing into Massachusetts. Diverting down to Boston and a successful fake out had worked though now she was heading to Rhode Island.

"Might as well stop at New Port Creamery."


The high easy was a literal blur but with all the lookouts and her sensors, she could see it pretty clearly.

"Oh? They actually called me out over the radio? Don't they have anything better to do?" Georgia asks


"I mean yeah I am wearing a sketchy outfit and driving like I stole the car. But that's because I don't want to be recognized and I did steal the car." Georgia says


"... I see what you mean," Georgia says flatly.

25 mins later Georgia arrived in Newport.

The car now that it finally got a chance to slow down did not sound well. Limping into the parking lot and stalling out before it could be turned off.

"Well, I was hoping that Korean engineering would be as good in this world as the last. So far its roughly the same. My Veloster had its engine blow 3 times." Georgia says getting out of the car and walking into the restaurant.

The radio chatter was full of people trying to find the Hyundai Genesis. Georgia just sat down at one of the booths. The tv was on the news in the background Georgia however tuned it out however since News was the News. Don't trust anyone who can't give proper sources.

"That's right folks after hours of trying the hostage situation has finally ended the hostage take had run out of ammunition shortly after Armsmaster had entered the building to confront him directly… He was truly heroic in his last moments." The newscaster says somberly.

"Yeah, sure the tin man is dead. It would take more than bullets to kill him. He even bragged about being able to withstand 20mm fire last time I saw him." Georgia says to herself.

The camera swaps back to the two people in the newsroom who also look depressed.

"The PIllar or the East North East protectorate has passed away today giving his life in the line of duty.
His death was near instant he took 3 bullets to the head since he didn't wear a full face mask leaving him vulnerable."

Georgia stares at the screen dumbfounded by the man's idiocy.

"Project Free dragon just got pushed up significantly," Georgia mutters

"Hello ma'am what could I get you?"

"Ah, can I get the big beef the creamy way and I plan to do the awful awful challenge," Georgia says not evening getting a menu.

"... Are you a regular? I don't recognize you?"

"My dad was a regular in the 80s. We had a lot of families up here and probably still do, to be honest." Georgia says
Hannah was at home rather depressed about her promotion.

"Colin you fucking idiot." Hannah mutters turning and turning and turning on her couch trying to find that one comfortable spot. That was when A knock on her door disturbed her efforts.

"Who could that be?" Hannah mutters getting up

The door opens to show that white-haired friend of hers.

"How are you doing Hannah?" New York asks

"Not, too well."
"Well, let's go inside and talk about it then?" New York suggests.

"S-sure," Hannah says not really wanting to talk about it.

"So, Colin." New York says sitting down.

In a split second, the battleship has a sawed-off in her face.

"Are you really wanting to compare guns with me? That has got to be the world's cruelest handicap." New York says trying not to laugh.

"Who are you?" Hannah asks

"Really, you wear an American flag and you still don't have a guess with all of the insanity going on over at the docks." New York asks

"Oh my god, I have my gun in the face of a being who can just laugh and say bird shot tickles," Hannah says

"Dear, 20mm tickles." New York says

"York… Oh my god, you are New York!" Hannah says successfully managing to not shit herself.

New York grins and takes the gun out of her friend's hand.

"I am and I have to look over all of those destroyers. They are a lot like those wards of yours just a slight bit more destructive." New York says

"... I got a promotion," Hannah says

"I am not going to tell you congratulations it would be like me suddenly being promoted to flagship mid-battle I really dont want to see that." New York says

Hannah hugs her friend, crying.
Standing out in MT hope bay
Georgia was on her 12th Awful Awful watching the police approach the New Port creamery.


"I guess, I am going to need to take the coastal way and miss the rest of the drive," Georgia says storing away the empty cup.
Chapter 5-2
April 7th
Norfolk that is where Georgia was, a visit to her temperamental cousin shouldn't lead to any issues right?

"Hello, cousin I am back!" Georgia shouts

A yellow blur was seen by Georgia's spotters before it hit her citadel and bounced off with a quack.

"You did not just quack bang me!" Georgia shouts.

"Of course, I did cuz!" Wisconsin shouts looking over the railing.

"Can I come aboard!?" Georgia shouts.

"Give me a second!" Wisconsin shouts

Georgia looks around before her Radar starts pinging danger close behind her.

"Wha?" Georgia asks, spinning on her heel and seeing her cousin standing behind her wearing a Cheese hat.

"Hiya cuz," Wisconsin says

"Hey Wisky, Uhh… You look excited?" Georgia says

"Of course I am excited. New Jersey got to fire her guns yesterday. Which means I'll get a chance to shoot mine off sooner or later." Wisconsin says with an absolutely massive grin on her face.

"Didn't they take out the shells and powder?" Georgia asks

"Cuz you expect us not to have squirreled some away before the navy managed to remove them all?" Wisconsin asks.

"Touche," Georgia says

"Ah, I hear the language of the floating hotels," Wisconsin says

"You mean the language of the tumblehome battleships," Georgia says.

"What brings you to Norfolk, cousin?" Wisconsin asks

"I got my first battle star," Georgia says with a smile.

"We are at war? Where was the fight?" Wisconsin asks

"I fought an endbringer in Australia. I think the beast has learned to fear American firepower." Georgia says with a grin.

"HA! I just can't wait till I can fight one! They will learn of my temper!" Wisconsin announces holding a bottle of booze.

"Where did you get that from?" Georgia asks



"You know that's a good question," Wisconsin says

"So… did ya get your Katie shells yet?" Wisconsin asks

"I have the designs and could get them at any time. I don't feel like caring nuclear bombs all the time." Georgia says

"Like your retrofit didn't give you a nuclear reactor," Wisconsin says

Georgia makes a shushing motion with his finger.

"You still got the fuel bunkers though," Wisconsin says with a smile.

"I can not believe you just said that," Georgia says in mock shock.

"So you got a battle star and you are here in Virginia. Presidential unit citation?" Wisconsin asks with a rather large grin.

Georgia smiles in response.

"We need to go out drinking," Wisconsin says

"Maybe after the ceremony," Georgia says

"So, how do you plan on getting a cab to DC?" Wisconsin asks

"Uber?" Georgia asks

"Like that one villain in Brockton bay?" Wisconsin asks



"Lyft?" Georgia asks

"L33T?" Wisconsin asks

"So, I guess I'm stealing a car again?" Georgia says

"... You are certain you're not part submarine right?" Wisconsin asks

"That would likely mean you are as well cousin," Georgia says

"SSGN-729," Wisconsin responds flatly

"Didn't she torp leviathan?" Georgia asks

Wisconsin pauses and has to think for a few minutes.

"I think she did. All we know is the area of the ocean she was in when she disappeared had a massive nuclear explosion under the water. In truth she wasn't supposed to be carrying those types of torpedoes but the government black budget will be the government black budget." Wisconsin says with a shrug.

"So Sarah was right… It is a shame her father was on my alter ego." Georgia says

"This is Norfulk It is very nice!"

"Umm sir, that is the USS Wisconsin… It is not Norfolk… Norfolk is the city you drove through to get to the port here." Georgia says

Georgia looks at the lost tourist's vehicle and sees what looks to be a post office mail van.

Georgia gives her cousin a side-eye glance and the battleship nods in response.

"What is your name good sir?" Wisconsin asks

"I am the Borat." The man says

"How would you like to see a ship that is worth half of your country's GDP." Wisconsin asks

"Ja that sounds very nice," Borat says giving a double thumbs up.

"Well let us go then," Wisconsin says

"YES! Come! let us go." Borat says waving to a camera crew that appeared basically out of nowhere.
Georgia was already halfway to DC by the time the quick tour of the battleship finished.
The poor man didn't even know his mail truck had gone missing because he had asked for a more detailed tour.

In truth, the irony of Georgia stealing a mail truck while playing 'This Is America' was not lost on the ship girl.
The tour had finally finished and Wisconsin was showing Borat out answering a final few questions.

"So, who was that girl earlier any aways?" Borat asks

"She's part submarine as much as she denies it," Wisconsin replies dodging the question.

"Where is my milk van!"

A/n: With the global economy, the way it is in worm most of the middle eastern countries would be heavily suffering from the lack of trade due to leviathan and with how close it is to the Chaos known as the African continent I think having the country suffer monetarily was one of kindest things I could do to it.
Chapter 5-3
Georgia was riding in the subway. The drive from Norfolk through Richmond was tumultuous at best, It would've been significantly easier to just sail up the Potomac river. Though that would have probably set off a lot of fail safes with her radar signature. A warship sailing towards DC that would be something.
"What is Wisconsin ordering us to do?" Walker asks

"I don't fully know she was just having me shut the bleed valves for the steam system." A volunteer says

Smoke starts to leak out of the aft funnel.

"NO! Absolutely not!" Walker shouts realizing Wisconsin is trying to get underway.
A few seconds later Wisconsin felt her anchors drop into the water below and her steam bleed valves open back up.

"Damn fun police." Wisconsin mutters

The sound of a metal detector dying is heard as Georgia tries to get into the Air and Space Smithsonian.

Security was on her in a second as several guns were pointed at her.

"Hands up!"

"Turn around!"

Georgia obliged knowing if they shot at her they would need to close the museum and that would be really annoying.

Prinz Eugen was walking around the docks. The place had transformed magnificently, with the workers delivering materials and moving cranes.


Eugen looks over to see the Grand old lady had bumped into and knocked over a forklift.

"Hey! I can't lose my forklift certification, you can just knock it over!" The operator shouts.

"Warspite?" Eugen aks

"Ah, the luck vampire," Warspite says looking at the Hipper class.

"W-who came up with that nickname!" Prinz Eugen shouts blushing

"A smart British man, that's who. Though I am glad to see you're still around too." Warspite says closing the distance before patting the Cruisers head.

"How did you survive?" Prinz Eugen asks

"I am too stubborn to kill. Though quite a few of us are like that I am willing to bet." Warspite says

The german cruiser nods thinking of several ship spirits that are probably just around.

"I mean look at Monitor, that isn't even her hull yet there she is," Warspite says

Prinz snorts thinking about how out of all ships to do something like that it would be an American.

"Hornet?" Enterprise says having snuck up on the two other ship girls.

Warspite remains unsurprised while Eugen is shocked by the stealthy capability of the Grey Ghost.

"Oh, CV-8 and CV-12?" Warspite says

"Yeah her body may have been different however the spirit was the same," Enterprise says

"That makes sense," Eugen says
Georgia was sitting inside of an interrogation room at the DC police department while Secret and the capital police were arguing over jurisdiction.

The light on the ceiling of the dimly lit room was flickering creating a weird effect where the one-way mirror glowed a bit from the light behind.

"If I said I was a parahuman summoned here by the president himself would that help?" Georgia asks out loud to no one in particular.

Her modernized information warfare center picked up a large influx in radio traffic causing Georgia to smile. Maybe she would get to see the museum, vip tour of the Smithsonian might be a possibility after all.

10 minutes later the door to the room opens up and what could only be described as the men in black walk in.

"BB-70?" The man on the left asks.

"Yes? Though like this I go by Georgia." The ship girl responds.

"We know your identity is probably the most known secret on the east coast." The man on the right says.

"I mean what are they going to do to me? Small Arms does nothing and I'll shrug off most explosives in small quantities." Georgia says

"If you could follow us please." The agent on the right says.

Georgia obliges following the two men through the crowded police station drawing hushed whispers from everyone in the department.

"Why are we going to the basement?" Georgia asks as the follows the two men down a set of stairs.

"Well, to get to the tunnels of course. Outside is full of fans and journalists." Agent R says

"Did it leak that quickly?" Georgia asks slightly surprised by the lack of information security.

"It did, It makes it rather difficult to organize a hotel for you now as well." Agent L says

"So, you get the privilege of staying in a guest room at the white house." Agent R says

"Can you give me your names so I can stop calling you Agent Right and Left in my head?" Georgia asks

"You can call me Agent Smith."

"I am Agent Anderson."

"Hey, this is going to sound weird. Did you by chance drive an ice cream truck several times faster than it should've been able to go?" Anderson asks

"Maybe?" Georgia says

"Yeah, an abandoned ice cream truck at a subway entrance raised some flags. It's good to clear that." Smith echos.
The sound of brakes screeching can be heard echoing down
Anderson holds out his arm to stop everyone.

A roar is heard coming closer in the tunnel as it starts to light up in front of them showing a gap. A second later a subway train blows by them.
In the Oval office. The most powerful man in the free world was staring at a bookshelf. On it was a case that had a service flag and several awards Medal of Honor, Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart, Presidential Unit Citation, American Defense Service Medal, American Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal, Philippine Liberation Medal.
Besides that case was a second much smaller one which had two metals in the case A Vietnam service medal and a Purple Heart.

President Evan was the first native American president of the United States. His win came as a surprise to everyone, no one ever expected a third party to win the election. Especially with that much of a landslide. In truth, he almost didn't win the electoral college but when he had won the popular vote by over 150 million votes they did a "recounting" which had him win the electoral college by 2 votes instead of losing by 20.

"Sir, she is on her way here."

"Right! This is going to be exciting." Evan says with a smile.
Long ago,in commie times,i read article about french pre-WW2 pland for submarine battleship,but dunno if it was true or not.
Long ago,in commie times,i read article about french pre-WW2 pland for submarine battleship,but dunno if it was true or not.
It was a cruiser sub a submarine with 8 inch guns and it was lost mysteriously, It's name was Surcouf... Although I think big gun subs were planned I do not belive any of them were ever really built.
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It was a cruiser sub a submarine with 8 inch guns and it was lost mysteriously, It's name was Surcouf... Although I think big gun subs were planned I do not belive any of them were ever really built.
thanks,but i read about something with turret from battleship on it - and i knew,it was never build,and probably never even planned for real.
Look who I found hanging out in World of Warships:


Inzwischen in Deutschland
Abelard Sigfried is an agent with the federal intelligence in his home country of Deutschland.
His current job had him doing a rather difficult task, he had to infiltrate what his government believed to be the remnant of the National Solialist german workers' party.

The Nazi's were still around the empire 88 in America was proof enough of that. Then that group in south america called Millennium, yet in the fatherland they went by Gesellschaft.

"Sigfried! Get over here! Our Source in the E88 has reported something rather interesting." An old man with an eyepatch says

"Sure thing Odin." Siegfried replies calmly walking to the table.

"That new cape that has America in a tizzy. Krieg says she's admitted to being jewish." Odin says

Sigfried pauses.

"She admitted that in a town full of nazi's?" Siegfried asks breaking character for a second.

"Yeah, in the seat of their power. Right inside the medhall to Kreig no less." Odin says agreeing with the dumbfoundedness.

"How go the Zeppelin plans?" Siegfried asks

"It is going rather well, though. After that thing Millennium pulled a few years ago the heroes are likely to be watching the sky." Odin says

"Well, that's what Thor is for." Siegfried.

Millennium had flown several Zeppelins full of wet tinkered vampires and dropped them all over london. Luckily the Alucard was there to prevent the catastrophe that would have come to be. That same monster later on managed to repel the Simurgh single handedly. The first parahuman to ever do so, a second parahuman to do so happened a few weeks ago.

"Are you sure you don't want to go through the Triggering program? You'll be perfectly fine and safe. We could use someone with your head in the parahuman forces of Gellenschaft." Odin says offhandedly.

"Dr. Obergruppenführer is a madman and you know it." Siegfried says

"Yes, however, if anyone is going to keep the yanks away, it will be him and his robotic dogs," Odin says
"I keep hearing about those dogs yet I haven't seen them," Siegfried says

"At this rate you will eventually Sigfried. You are one of the promising ones." Odin says

"Auf Wiedersehen Herr Odin." Sigfried says as the leader of Gellenschaft leaves the base.

"Shit shit shit," Siegfried swears under his breath running out of the room people needed to be informed.

The computer near the war table was open on a News Website.

Cape BB-70 to be given Presidential Unit Commendation
Chapter 5-4
April 10th 2011
Georgia was enjoying her time in the capital. Though today was the day of the award Ceremony.

"Are you excited about the ceremony?" A little girl says

"Of course, I am, though I wonder how the other countries are going to react to me?"

"Parahumans don't belong in the military but can one blame us when she identifies as part of the navy? I mean with that thing you are doing with the museum ships it is hard to deny what you are. Right, Georgia?"

"Of course Mr. President."

"Evans, call me Evans." President Evans corrects.

"Of course Sir." Georgia replies

President Evans sighs as his daughter giggles at the by-play.

"The Crude Oil milkshake was a nice touch though," Georgia says with an award-winning smile.

"You know, my advisors did not want you to stay here with us. "Parahumans are too dangerous" " Evans says jokingly

"We are sir, I'm just too patriotic and will always listen to my commander-in-chief." Georgia answers

"You have been a great guest though, are you absolutely certain you have no clue where our ice cream machine went?" Evans asks

"The ice cream machine has gone missing?" Georgia asks as she starts looking around suspiciously

"Did a destroyer come with me or sneak in?" Georgia asks

"I don't believe that would be possible. Right, some of the guests are here to meet you before the ceremony begins." Evans says

Georgia nods a little surprised to be led by the president himself.

The hallways of the white house made her spotters a bit nervous however what was going to hurt her?

"Captain Evans!" A female voice shouts from behind Georgia.

The battleship jumps in shock someone had snuck up on her. A spin on her heel and Georgia was facing a girl.

Georgia was fairly tall. She is a battleship after all. The girl who snuck up behind her was just half a head shorter than her. Georgia was staring at her radar due to her scale her radar picked up humans fairly easily yet this girl was invisible.

"Really Mary? I told you to just call me Evans." The president says

"I will once you let me call you by your first name." Mary

"Miss Zumwalt, your father was my commanding officer and once we meet again he will never let me hear the end of it." Evans says with a smirk

Georgia blinks several dots starting to make sense.

"Sir, she is similar to me… I think she stole the ice cream machine too." Georgia says as level as possible.

"Strategic transfer of equipment to an alternate location." Zumwalt corrects.

"Got it, the Ice Cream machine was misplaced," Evans says looking at his friend's daughter.

"You are a Zumwalt class…" Georgia says knowing exactly what type of destroyer was in front of her.

"I saw the paper for that. It was never approved." Evans says

A secretary is running towards them.

"Sir! You're late! The News Crews are all here and you have to speak in 2 minutes." She shouts
Off in the midwest.
The world was watching. Treaties were being broken and a cape was being acknowledged as a member of the military.

The TV turns channel switches to the news station. Georgia is standing on stage a few steps back behind the president while he is up at the podium giving a patriotic speech.

"That's her isn't it." A woman asks

"Yes Faith, There she is right there," Joseph replies

"For her faithful service to the United States and its allies. I am proud to award BB-70 a presidential unit Citation." Evans says with a smirk.

If it had been a purple heart or any other award, they would have acknowledged that she was a member of the armed forces yet with the one given to entire units that leaves room for interpretation. Paired with the fact the cape believes herself to be a battleship it explains quite a bit.

Jacob seed laughs having seen through the scheme. It was brilliant, if other countries said they couldn't have BB-70 the United States could respond by asking why they couldn't have a ship.

"The move to the bay is still happening right?" Jacob asks

The mentally ill vet is excited to meet the new wolf that will for sure be joining the pack.
A man in a full red suit with a red hat and orange sunglasses sat on a wooden throne drinking red wine.

"I much prefer Netflix Seras. Though she looks to be a possible interesting fight." The man says

"But master she's getting credit as being the first parahuman to be part of the military. Is the Hellsing branch not part of her majesty's special division?" Seras asks

"Of course, we are now let me change the channel again."

"Adventure Time come on grab your friends"
But...treaties was not broken.USA do not let parahuman join army,but old battleship join Navy.That is big difference!

Besides,nobody stop other countries,like,let say,Iran,welcome their batteships!
They never had battleship,you say? well,their problem !

And ,Alucard as parahuman....you really got me here.I see him facing Simurg and survive.
Gott Mit Uns
"We finally made it out of the storm Herr Odin."

"Wuder acht Zeit" A man in a ss uniform mutters. Looking out the window one would see over a dozen zeppelin's flying in formation.

The Zepplin weathered the storm rather well, they didn't go up in flames after all.

"We missed the window to hit her during the awards ceremony. However, we shall find another attack of opportunity!" Odin announces

"Herr Odin, are you certain that is a good idea?"

"Of course it is Docktor! For we are Nazis!" Odin announces raising his hands in the air.

"Sieg hail! Sieg Hail!"

"Und wie, Und wie shall ACHOO"

"Gesundheit! Gesundheit!"

"Ignore that! Set course FOR AMERKIA!" Odin booms


Siegfried finally finished his report. The Calvary was on its way.

He finally was going to get some time to rest.

"I have vacation time?" Siegfried asks his boss

"Of course you do, take some time off to go skiing in Switzerland or something. We'll start preparing some forces to raid these hideouts that you've told us about. It is time that Gellenshaft fell."

"Thank you sir," Siegfried says

"You enjoy your time off. We'll take it from here."

Siegfried was watching the news from his hotel room in the Alps.

"Recent Leak from the PRT is making its way through the United States court system. With the Armsmaster Trial coming up in a few months. In other news, Cape BB-70 was given an award by the president of the united states. The Ship themed cap draws a lot of controversy with the treaty that governs cape participation in the military."

The female anchor looks over to her right off-screen as a sheet of paper is handed to her.

"This just in all across Europe Interpol is working with local governments to raid several hundreds of gellenshaft hideouts all across Europe."

"They are finally closing the noose on that blight," Siegfried says laying down in the bed and letting out a sigh of relives. A decade and a half of undercover work has come to an end.

Half a minute later the hotel room phone rings.

Siegfried looks at the phone before picking it up.

"Hallo Herr Siegfried, This is Hans at the front desk. We have a Sir Weiker on the phone who wishes to speak with you. Is it okay to transfer him?"

"Sure, go ahead."

The phone goes silent for a second before the static audio returns


"Yes boss?" the agent responds

"You got burned, go into hiding. Several of those bases were empty. They were expecting us." General Weiker says

"Scheiß, Gitt Mit Uns." Siegfried says as he grabs his suitcase and starts heading towards the room door.

The phone was left unhooked lying on the bed.

"Gott Mit Uns." comes out of the phone's speaker to an empty room.
Poor germans,they would face shipgirls now.No IV Reich for them.
Do I hear Boss Music
April 7th 2011.
Newport News Virginia,

A small girl wearing a down sized naval officer uniform from the 1800s was passing time throwing a small steel ball up in the air and catching it.

Newport News was a small peninsula right above Norfolk. The town was relatively quiet not much exciting stuff happened especially with the Naval base just south of it.

Monitor was walking around the town bored out of her mind.

"Maybe I could go visit Wisconsin? Though Wisky scares me." Monitor mutters taking a short cut through an alley way.

The iron clad looked ahead to see the alley was a dead end.

"Ah, wrong turn." Monitor mutters spinning around.

The exit was blocked by two men. One was rather large and portly while the other one was tall and lanky. Both men had hoodies up to conceal their faces.

"Hello?" Monitor says

"howdy." The tall one says

Only to be smacked by the other one.

"We're robbing her, don't howdy her."

Monitor looks at the two shocked. "are you robbing me?" The girl asks for clarification.

"YES!" The portly one shouts

"Hey, Steve she seems nice. Maybe we shouldn't."

"Lenny you did not just say my name out loud!" Steve shouts

"You said my name out loud!" Lenny shouts back

"Oh yeah when?" Steve asks

"Just now." Lenny punctuates

Monitor starts giggling.

View: https://youtu.be/hn6-5KT8yP8

"Say Steve you hear that music?" Lenny asks

The two now broken out of their stupor look at the girl they were going to rob.

"Y'all've got the the worst luck." Monitor says

The two turn to see the oddest thing that loosely resembled a gun pointed at them.

The girl was also wearing plate armor over her uniform.

"Is that laminated armor?" Lenny asks

"Yes, yes it is. And this is two 11 inch bore cannons." Monitor says motioning to the turret on the hull at her side

Steve nods.

"Yes… I think surrendering is the best thing to do here."

Lenny looks at Steve in shock.

"Nigerundayo!!!" Steve shouts running out of the ally.

"So, your one of those ship girls we've heard about on the news?" Lenny asks

Monitor nods not understanding why the guy isn't running.

"Neat." Lenny says

"Are you also not going to run?" Monitor asks

"Nah, walking is fine." Lenny says nonchalantly.

"What? I mean, your under arrest!" Monitor shouts

"Ma'am…" Lenny says

"I don't have any proof do I? And there's no witnesses. You've also not hurt me or actually threatened me yet. You just let it slip you planned to rob me." Monitor says

Lenny nods again.
"it's conspiracy however I don't really think the police would press that with that whole car jacking thing and the police chase across the state." Lenny says

"Yeah what happened with that anyways? I don't have much modern tech no how so I need to rely on the news and it's not as information dense as the papers used to be." Monitor says

"Some one stole a car in Rhode Island. And some thinker managed to say the thief would show back up around Norfolk." Lenny answers

"Right, I'm goin to let ya off with a verbal warn'in then." Monitor tells Lenny.

"I appreciate it ma'am." Lenny says

"Go home already. I just wanna get back to the museum." Monitor says
Supply and Planting
Nevada was doing her patrol around the docks. Ever since Tagg's charge the docks have kinda become their territory especially since Lung did not contest it and the merchants were shown the door a few days ago.

Some spies were seen and barely managed to escape, from Georgia's reports those were likely to be Coil's agents.

A ping is heard on the radio.

Nevada sighs expecting the destroyers to have done something stupid again.

"You Got it York?" Nevada asks

"Yeah sure," New York responds
USS Knight was helping the dock workers unload some of the heavy crates. Shipping had started coming in again. Though the very first shipment to come in was for Georgia Beryl.

"I wonder what these are?" a dock worker asks

Knight nods.

"We could open it, Georgia wouldn't mind," Knight says

"Yeah, why not. JEFF! GET THE CROWBAR!"

"WHAAATTT!!!" Jeff shouts back



The crate burst open with dozens of 5-inch shells roaring as the small sunami of death hit the ground and bounced, rolling across the concrete pier.

Knight immediately jumps off the pier followed by Jeff. Johnny was crying in a fetal position surrounded by the armament.

Knight sticks her head over the pier looking at all the shells sufficiently spooked.

"None of them went off?" Knight asks

Johnny stops crying taking note of his situation.

"No, I guess not," Johnny says standing up and wiping the dust off his pants and shirt.

A few seconds later a soaked Jeff climbs out of the bay.

"That's johnny for you, Mr. I retired from Merryweather, I can handle myself. PMC is the same as the military my ass." Jeff says in joking sarcasm.

"What kind of shells are these?" Knight asks not recognizing them.

"No clue?" Jeff says

Knight nods, "Aight, I'm going to send out a ping then."


A Young woman with pale blue eyes and long black hair crawled out of the manhole.

"A few more spots to go," She says covering the spot with the cover.

Checking to make sure her utility belt was still in place she take a breath.

"If I had known that lung was gonna pussy out when i suggested this I would have never joined the ABB."

The sound of a truck coming down the road alerts the girl to the people approaching, and Quickly ducks into an alleyway between two warehouses. A truck full of men in camouflage goes by all of the guys holding rifles.

"That should be the last bomb for the Dock I can't stick around much longer the patrols are becoming more frequent." The girl mutters

With USS Enterprise being here for dry docking the Naval and Marine presence was visible, heavily so. The merchants had been forced out overnight and Skidmark shot for the infraction. He was still alive and in hiding, however, it really fucked with the power dynamics. Especially with the rumors of a base being built which would claim the docks and the train yard. She couldn't stand for the territory being taken from her gang. They may have questioned her intelligence when it came to her plan however, it would work. She would prove that it would work.

Chapter 5-4.5
Not going to lie I thought this chapter was going to be shorter and not as monumental as it is. I also need to write another one now to explain some of the shenanigans that happened here.

April 14th.

Taylor woke up to her alarm clock going off.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and on days like this…. Taylor looked into the mirror.

She was several inches shorter than she should have been.

"What happened… You know what. I'm not going to question this and go for my usual morning jog." Taylor says to herself.

Taylor walks down to the kitchen half expecting to see her father.

He would be shocked that the 5 foot 10-inch girl was now roughly 5ft tall. Luckily for Taylor, he was down at the docs handling the transport of a 500-ton rod of tungsten. It had been delivered with a metric shit ton of containment foam shells.

Taylor started her jog. The start was always rocky until she got up to steam. Within minutes she was out of her neighborhood and heading downtown.
Over at a quiet house in Captain's Hill.
"If I go downtown, what are the chances the bad person won't get me?" Dinah asks
The air is silent.


"That's better than 10," Dinah says slinging her school backpack around her shoulder, marching towards her door.

Taylor was making great steam as she was running down the sidewalk.

She was relieved to be out of her neighborhood and out of gang territory. The dock workers' housing area was always gang territory however they all knew not to mess around in it. The last time the capes had a fight over there was in a cul de sac, just down the road from Taylor's house. Said fight had a shocking result with the Dockworkers retaliating. Homemade depth charges wreaked havoc on the merchant drug submarines. The E88 grunts found automatic gunfire; their base wouldn't be known until later when Georgia let it leak to Kurt. The Dock workers are finally planning a retaliatory strike.

Taylor suddenly feels a soft object hit her.

Dinah had made it out of captain's hill and was walking round downtown.

A black van was trailing her about a block behind. Dinah knew it was following her. It was what was going to hurt her, the numbers told her so.

"What are the chances of finding my solution if I go left?" Dinah says holding her head.

"12% Right it is then," Dinah says taking a right turn and immediately running into a jogger.

"Ow," Taylor mutters having fallen tumbling over Dinah.

"What are the chances that you are my hero," Dinah says out loud confusing Taylor.

Dinah holds her head letting out a tear as her power doesn't give her a number. "Is ship YES?" Dinah mutters looking up at the teen.

"Help me, those bad people in the van are trying to hurt me!" Dinah shouts.

Taylor looks up to see a black van just in front of her with the side door open and several men jumping out.

The Queen of escalation immediately stands up helping up the girl simultaneously protectively shielding Dinah with her body.

"Who are you, what do you want?" Taylor asks gathering a small swarm.

"We just want the girl, you don't have to get involved, You wouldn't if you knew what was good for you." The first guy says.

Unseen by the guys dozens of insects crawl out of the storm drain and up his leg.

A second later Mr extortion is screaming and shaking his leg.

Taylor grabs Dinah by the arm and starts running.

"We need to get to the docks, the destroyers want some violence anyways," Taylor says

"Y-you're so fast!" Dinah shouts as Taylor drags her.

"Faster?" Taylor shouts having not really heard Dinah.

A glance behind her showed Taylor that Dinah was long out of breath and barely keeping up. In some type of instinct, Taylor stopped and piggybacked the smaller girl before running at full tilt.

The van was struggling to keep up with the girl they were supposed to capture.

"We are going 40 Miles Per Hour! How are we only keeping on pace with her."

"Jon radio it in."

"Sure thing boss!" Jon says

"Sir we are chasing the girl, we might need to call in reinforcements she ran into another cape."

The radio barks to life. "I don't care get her!... Keep me updated."

The radio picks up a mutter a few seconds later not that anyone hears it. "A throwaway timeline it is then. Let's learn what we can."

"Van 3 and Car 4 cut them off at Jefferson and King Street we'll force them into a battle."

Taylor was approaching the intersection at Jefferson and King Street. It would be a right-hand turn then the entrance to the docks would just be 5 blocks down.

Dinah was hanging on to Taylor's back for dear life as the wind swept past them at incredible speeds. Taylor meanwhile didn't have time to question where her speed came from.

Tires squeal as several non-descript black vans and cars blocked each exit at the intersection of King and Jefferson.

Taylor nearly drifted a right turn her shoes scraping the ground as she forcefully turned.

"Hang on tight," Taylor shouts

The raven-haired girl, body-slammed a Camry launching the vehicle several feet into the air before it started tumbling away and rolling onto its roof upon landing clearing the path towards the docks.

"STOP! OR We'll shoot!" Is shouted by several of the group which seemed to be military.

"Girl, run towards the docks I got it," Taylor says

"Dinah, I'm Dinah. Thank you, Chances that you survive this encounter?" Dinah asks out loud

"100 ErroR," Dinah says flinching grabbing her head.

"I'm Taylor, Now Stop being in pain and run!" Taylor shouts turning around to face the men.

Dinah runs towards the docks knowing safety was there.

"Who are you? Why did you interfere?" A man wearing a gas mask asks

"My friends, my family would be upset if I let evil happen and did nothing about it. After all the world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything." Taylor says with a smile

"That's nice now it's time to die, any last words?" The man says standing in the middle of the intersection on top of the manhole.

The villain cocks his gun leveling it at Taylor.

"NO YOU!" Taylor shouts with a hand flourish.

The ground rumbles as the manhole cover in the middle of the intersection is lifted into the air by thousands upon thousands of insects poured out of the sewers as the swarm has been summoned.

The leader was swept off his feet falling into the middle of the swarm of insects.

A massive black mass of insects crashes upon the mercenaries like a wave. The well-trained men panic and open up on it with their assault rifles and tinker tech lazer guns.

"You all wanted this! You should've left well enough alone!" Taylor shouts as masses of insects start to crawl out of the storm drain while the manhole was still having a considerable stream coming out from it.
Jacob Patterson and Alex Mason were guarding the gates to the DWU offices and the Docks as a whole.

"Do you really give much credit to the talk of a base being built here?" Mason asks

"Nah, it's got to be some sort of psychological warfare to fuck with the gangs," Jacob says

Gunshots start going off in the distance.

"Is that a browning?" Mason asks

"It's pretty heavy weaponry whatever the fuck it is," Jacob says with a frown.

Mason looks in the direction of the gunfire to see a little girl limping towards them clearly exhausted.

"Jacob!" Mason shouts running up to the girl.

Jacob takes his gun off of safety and starts watching the surroundings with a critical eye.

"Y-y-you have to help her! T-Taylor is back there!" Dinah shouts hysterically pointing toward where the gunfire is coming from.

"Patterson! Call it in get all of the reinforcements!" Mason shouts in a commanding tone.

"Yes SIR." Patterson says thumbing the radio at his shoulder.

Mason picks up the girl and carries her inside the safety of the compound.
Inside the DWU office.

Danny Hebert was battling the ultimate enemy of mankind.
Paperwork when his usual silence was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Yes?" Danny asks

"Mr. Hebert you need to come with us it's your daughter."

Not a second later Danny had his jacket in hand telling his guide to run.

A truck sped into the lot by a medical tent that was set up near CV-65.

The tent was surrounded by the destroyer flotilla, the girls all dead serious standing at attention. The sight honestly made the rock, on which the DWU stood nervous.

The flap opens and Danny walks in.

His daughter is there sitting in a cot. Completely unharmed. She was shorter than she should be and wearing a jacket over her clothes.

Doing a double take Danny could see that Taylor's jogging outfit was riddled with bullet holes yet his daughter was fine.

"H-Hey, dad… Did you know I was bulletproof? I kinda wish I had." Taylor asks in self-deprecating humor.

"I had a theory, but, now I'm certain," Danny says sitting down on the cot across from his daughter relieved yet nervous.
Swaky's Bar in Camden.
April 15th 2011
Camden, New Jersey.

Georgia rolled up to a bar in a chrome-plated Pontiac Aztek.

The Ship girl was Halfway back to the bay and decided to stop for a bite to eat. Though the Bar having boards on some of its windows was a little bit of a surprise it probably didn't diminish the food.

Georgia sat down next to a man who was already a little intoxicated.

"I'm Just saying Capes don't belong in the army."

The bartender nods.

"Isn't BB-70 or whatever in the navy?" Georgia asks

"... That's actually a good point. The capes and their eccentricities would probably fit right in with the navy. " The Bartender voices, placing a menu down in front of Georgia.

Georgia glances at the menu.

"Are you also here to see USS New Jersey?" The drunk patron says

"Nah, I've visited the black dragon before. Ryan is rather accommodating." Georgia says

"Yes, but have yous seen her recently? That is America's ass." The drunk man says taking another gulp of beer.

Georgia glances at the clock to see it say 1:30 before looking back at the drunk man.

"Let's get back to the other topic rather than sexually harass the 58,000-ton battleship." The barman says

"That's probably a good idea. She can get a little trigger-happy sometimes." Georgia says

"Oh yeah like when?" The drunk man says

"When she sank an Island off of Vietnam," Georgia says flatly

"What's your opinion on capes and the armed forces?" The Bartender asks
"Personally I think that if the PRT didn't drop the ball so hard this wouldn't have ever been an issue," Georgia says

"Here here!" The Drunk patron says cheering with an empty glass.

The Barman nods. "I wanna say it sets a bad precedent but the Soviets and the Chinese openly break that treaty anyways."

"Are you saying the Navy can't have a battleship?" Georgia asks

"It goes against the NATO charter."

"That's only if they are a cape. What if BB-70 could prove they are not one I mean are all the ship spirits we see around now capes?" Georgia asks

"Give it a few days, PRT is probably going to give them a case file and call them all capes." The barman says

"Do you think anyone is going to listen to the PRT anymore? I mean, just look at the number of "heroes" heading to the birdcage." Georgia says

"Qualified immunity." The drunk patron says

"That would lead to fighting in the streets. There would be riots." Georgia says

The barman shrugs his shoulders.
Chapter 5-5
Taylor was sitting on a cot at the impromptu medical tent.

"Seems to be shell shock." Bay says looking at her shorter counterpart.

"That would make sense, however I believe the little destroyer that could is tougher than that." Warspite says

"I'm a ship girl? And a Parahuman?" Taylor says aloud confused.

"What did you mean by you had a theory dad?" Taylor asks

Danny sits next to his daughter on the cot.

"Your mother, and I really wanted a child. We tried for years and years. Your mother Annette loved naval history, I mean she was both the language arts and history professor at Brockton Bay Community College. Her father served aboard the USS Taylor during Korea and wanted to name our first child after the ship.
When the destroyer was cannibalized for parts in 1971 your mom bought as many of the parts as she could.
A week later we got news from the paternity doctor. Annette was incapable of having children, she cried for days and buried herself into her research on her father's ship.
Then one morning I woke up to a baby crying downstairs." Danny admits

"That was me?" Taylor asks

"Annette had gotten drunk the night before and was working on what she called her shrine. With how distraught she was, I let her do what she wanted and funded her projects. She was working on something she called the shrine. I came down to the kitchen that morning and the shrine was gone, just scraps left. Instead in a basket was a baby girl, when Annette was ecstatic once her hangover had cleared. We had a beautiful little daughter which we named Taylor." Danny says finishing his tale.

"Danny, Fletcher says the mayor is here," Taylor says emotionlessly

"I don't think I should leave you alone. Are you okay?" Danny asks nervously.

"She needs time to think, Mr. Hebert, I'll watch her for you," Warspite says

"Are you certain that you are okay, Taylor?" Danny asks

Taylor nods her head robotically.

Roy Christner was down at the docks in Danny Herbert's office.

He had gotten a call from the police department when they discovered his sister and her husband unconscious in the home.

The PRT should've been watching the house, they should've been safe. His niece shouldn't have had to run across town barefoot. Overusing her powers to get to safety, literally playing the odds.

The office door opens as the boss of the docks walks in.

"I want to personally thank your daughter for publicly outing herself to save my niece." Roy says

"I thought Georgia warned you that she had caught the attention of someone dangerous." Danny says sitting at his desk.

"How did you know that?" Roy asks

"Georgia likes to release a report, daily of all the major things she did for the day." Danny says

"Makes sense with her crazy schedule," Roy admits.

"You haven't seen half of it." Danny says jokingly.

"Is she aware of what happened?" Roy asks

"She is, she's on her way up from Camden. Her head is probably already drawing up battle plans and tactics to retaliate with. She knows the one responsible, and she knows where his base is." Danny says

"Who is it?" Roy asks

"Coil, the man is extremely difficult to pin down, his mercenaries either end up dead or slip through by the narrowest of margins," Danny says

"My Sister and Brother in law are in a medically induced coma. I want him brought to Brockton Bay's justice." Roy states

"Those are fighting words. And I like them." Danny says with a smile.

"The BBPD is behind you, and My office won't let this rest." Roy says

Danny reaches down and places a large binder on the table with a thud.

"This is going to be a long conversation then." Danny says with a smile

The binder's title is The Life and Lies of Thomas Calvert.
Georgia was driving north on the highway wishing she had gotten a faster car.
The three-wheeled thing ran like it had a lawn mower or weed wacker engine in it.

"I miss the Pontiac already. A reliant robin would be faster than this joke of a car." Georgia says aloud.
Yep, Taylor is a Destroyer...big sis Fletcher better get on the case. It is her duty as Big Sister to make sure one of her little sisters is well...well one of the hundred and seventy five...she has a big family and so does Taylor. The trio is lucky Kidd is not around, she´d have words with them and by words I mean fists with 60k HP behind them.
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Chapter 5-6
April 19th 2011,

Georgia rolled into the bay in a DALE, the three wheeled 100 mpg car that sparked a federal court case. And Georgia had one of 3 road functional models currently parked outside of the Mayor's office.

Last time she had to wait at city hall for a while. This time her civilian Id and her cape Id being separate is polite fiction and the woman at the desk recognized her immediately.

"Hey, can you tell the Mayor I'm here to give him his invitation and is Mrs Higgins in as well?" Georgia asks

The secretary squeaks before nodding her head.

"Great, just tell them I am here to see both of them." Georgia says with a bright smile before sitting in the same seat she sat last time.
Roy Christner was in his office. Going through the paperwork given to him by the District Attorney. The mess of the Winslow Incident was coming to light and if he didn't prepare it would have hurt his polls. Luckily a different government entity screwed up worse.

Was there a conflict of interest involving the PRT's lawsuit, yes there was considering his niece had triggered and wouldn't be safe in the wards, which had Triumph upset since he led the wards until recently.

The phone rings the internal number coming from his Secretary.

The mayor pressed the answer button, leaving it on speaker.

"Is everything okay Monica?" Roy asks

"Georgia is here to see you sir. She said she wants to see Jasmine as well." Monica says through the phone.

Roy rubs his forehead at the coming headache. "Is the conference room ready?" Roy asks

"Yes sir." Monica says

"Send her there, and I'll make my way over." Roy says
Georgia was sitting down in a meeting room juggling some 20mm AA ammo, why? because people's reactions were funny.

The Mayor walks in followed by a tall woman with long black hair.

"Mr Christner and Miss Higgins, how are you two doing on this lovely day?" Georgia asks

"I am doing well Georgia, I was just down at the docks yesterday, that museum building is coming along nicely when are you going to be opening it anyways?" Roy says

"Hopefully tomorrow, the last girl we are waiting for is arriving tonight." Georgia says with a smile she couldn't wait to surprise the three enterprises.

Miss Higgins smiles.

"That's the reason I came to give all of you these personally," Georgia says handing the two a letter each.

Jasmin Higgins the head of the Conventions and Visitors bureau looks at the invitation to the opening Gala of the Brockton Bay Naval Museum.

"You, most of these types of events take a lot longer to plan out," Jasmine says

"You really think I haven't been planning?" Georgia asks

"I mean, you seem the type to charge in and think of consequences later." Jasmine says
Across the Bay at Medhall.
Maxwell Anders was opening a letter from the battleship cape herself.

Herr Anders.

I would like to invite you and 10 guests to the opening of the Brockton Bay Naval Museum.

One of the main draws being KMS/USS Prinz Eugen.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie dort zu sehen

With a click the phone is immediately dialing the chief of security.
"Brad! Get the gang together and get some formal wear. We have a party to go to." Max says with a smile.


Carol Dallon was going through her mail when she noticed a letter that had no stamps and no return address.

"Huh, how did this even get delivered?" Carol asks, opening the letter.

A small amount of confetti falls out of the envelope followed by A custom made post card of several warships anchored in the bay with the city in the background.

Carol flips over the card.
Please make sure New Wave or the Dallon and Pelham families come to the opening Gala of the Brockton Bay Naval Museum.

Georgia Beryl.

"I think it would be nice to go to one of these events as a family instead of New Wave." Carol murmurs


"A nice happy family." Carol says
April 20th 2011.

5 am
Danny was driving to the union.

"Good morning Brockton Bay. Today is Wednesday and what a lovely Wednesday morning it is. Though the weather is likely to be overcast most of the day, it is warming up outside as winter is ending and we are going into Spring." The radio announces.

Danny is traveling down the empty back street waiting for the music to cut on.

"Before we start our morning, I am unsure if you all have heard the rumors, however I can personally confirm it. This morning while checking my mailbox I found an invitation to the Gala at Brockton Bay's newest tourist attraction. It has managed to build up an inconceivable amount of hype with anyone who's anyone having gotten an invitation to the last Minute party down at the docks. I for one am excited to see something good and new making its way into the bay hopefully it's here to stay. Now then let's start the music."


"Georgia you're Distracting everyone from the court case." Danny mutters as his ancient chevy pulls into the docks.

The first day of the landmark case was to take place on the 25th.

At Cauldron's base.

"So, we all got a letter as well?" Alexandria asks

"Yep, I plan on giving Texas a lift over." Eidolon says

"I still don't know how that cape did it." Legend says

"Drones." Doctor Mother says
Chapter 5-7
The girls were setting up the Museum Hall for the ball. The building was a fortress by modern standards.

"No! Archerfish you can not S.T.E.A.L. the fog machine!" New York shouts

The submarine pouts before putting back the equipment.

This shindig, as you Yanks call it, is going to go well tonight." Warspite says

"Don't ya mean in two hours?" Georgia says

Her hair was frayed and she was running herself to the point of overheating her reactor.

"Georgia, go lay down your boiler is whistling." Nevada says

"But this needs to be perfect." Georgia says

"It's going to be, just put down Enterprise so we can hoist her up and you're good to go rest" Enty says(CVN-65)

"Suspending my main body in permanent flight, Is something I approve of." SEnty(Space Shuttle Enterprise) says

"I mean, I always wanted to fly… You know what next flight I am going to try and stand on one of my Dauntless Dive Bombers." Enterprise(CVN-6) says

Georgia squints at the trio.

"Maybe I should rest I am seeing three Enterprises" Georgia says jokingly

"You definitely should, there's only two of them." a drunk Salt Lake City says

Georgia squints looking at all of the ship girls around her before relaxing her shoulders and releasing a sigh.
"New York as the oldest one. I am trusting you to make sure this gets done. I'll be back in a few." Georgia says walking out of the back door.

"She's been running nonstop since she left for DC, good job girls." Taylor says.

"Of course little sis we are all family here!" Fletcher says hugging the bug controlling shipgirl cape.

"Apparently it's supposed to storm tonight." Knight says
New York had taken over the setup with a fevor.

The inside of the museum could have only been out done by a top end convention center.

The bullet resistant glass roof which arched in ways that would put many modern marvels to shame.

The walls were steel reinforced concrete yet they had the most realistic of faux granite on it. Then the beautiful marble floor was covered in a thin layer of epoxy to keep it from being damaged.

The building looked out of place surrounded by the old and rusted warehouses. Yet the 3 Large ships on the Birthing behind the building were a site to inspire. USS Nevada, Prinz Eugen, and Independence. While inside the massive building there were two destroyers Uss John C Butler and USS Knight.

Georgia woke up to music with the sun having already set she knew the party had started.

The rain was coming down hard, with lightning dancing between the clouds.

"I can't believe they didn't wake me for the start." Georgia mutters climbing out of her bunk.

The battleship went into the party to see the crazy destroyers and the kleptomaniac submarines actually under control and cordial.

Classical music was playing as everyone was socializing in the building that might as well have been a fortress.

With all of the girls inside an enclosed area no one was able to pick up the new arrivals on radar.

Lightning flashed in the clouds above.

Above the storm a clear sky can be seen as 14 lighter than air ships sailed along the top of the clouds.

"Zist cloud cover is perfect, they will not know what hit them!" Odin announces gleefully

"When shall we descend sir?"

"Ready the hounds! Tell the doctor that his time is now!"

The Zeppelins began their descent through the cloud layer onto the unsuspecting city below.
Chapter 5-8
Taylor was standing in the water of the Bay. The sun had set yet the sky was bright. The flames dancing in the distance reflecting off of water below. As a black liquid was floating in the crimson bay.

The dull echoing ring of the end bringer siren was echoing about in the city.

The city was in flames, flying sacks of hydrogen were burning in the sky like the sun and the tracer rounds like shooting stars flitting across the glowing sky. The roar of plane engines in the background.

"How in the hell did this happen?" Taylor asks, the Fletcher class's 5in gun opens fire into the water below, igniting the oil slick.

The Bay goes up in flames.
40 Minutes earlier.

Georgia was talking among the guests in the ballroom. The fact that Legend and Alexandria were there was icing on the cake. Sadly Eidolon couldn't make it. Though Texas somehow made it and bought one of her long term volunteers with her David something or another.

"I must say this is one amazing way to open a museum. I especially enjoyed meeting Prinz Eugen." Maxwell Anders says

"What does the Ritter think of the banquet?" Georgia asks with a smile.

"You know I heard from one of my employees that you were german." Max says

"ich wundere mich warum?" Georgia asks rhetorically.

"Was hältst du von der großen deutschen Community hier?" Max asks

"I think that they are idiots for following that monster's ideology." Georgia answers

"Was wäre nötig, um Sie von unserer Sache zu überzeugen?" Maxwell asks

"Nothing could do that." Georgia states flatly.

"I think it would be best if you reconsider your options." Max says with a slight bow before leaving the ship girl.

"That would never happen!" Georgia

Suddenly the ring of something hitting the bullet proof glass above echoes throughout the Ballroom.


The occupants look up to see the monstrous robotic dog staring down at them through the glass. A second later there is a loud scream followed by pure genuine panic.
"DO NOT FIRE INSIDE!" Georgia shouts.

Several of the ship girls are suddenly running towards the doors with massive smiles on their faces.

On the Bridge of Enterprise CVN-65

"Captian… do you see those rigid body airships or is it just me?"

"No, I see them as well… Maybe they're friendly?"

"True it could be some sort of tinker thing. Where is that Cape nerd when you need him?"

"Ethan passed away sir. We all miss him, we couldn't have had a better nuclear engineer."

The captain nods remembering the guy with a golden personality.

"Captain, the blimps aren't answering our radio calls."

"Well, that's our air space boys, blow them out of the sky." The captain says

The carrier escorts anchored in the bay start to blare an alarm as general quarters is called.

Suddenly a voice over the radio "SM-1 away!"

The first of the thirteen rigid-body airships goes up in flames.

"This is FFG-58 Engaging the enemy. The 76mm autocannon suddenly opens fire into the clouds above using HE tracer rounds.

The second zeppelin goes up into flames and dozens of figures are seen jumping out of it.

Suddenly traces from 20mm Oerlikon and 40mm Bofors light up the sky. Tearing into the airships and shadowy figures.

"DON'T SHOOT THE PARACHUTERS THAT'S A WAR CRIME!!" Georgia's voice shouts over all of the radio channels.

The firing rate of the 40 and 20mm rounds slowed down slightly however those in free fall and those still flying in the air are lit up.

"Captain… Can we launch the F-18s?"

"One," The captain of the Enterprise responds.

"One Squadron okay sir!"

Looking into the sky there were dozens of F4F's, F6F's, SBD's and F8F's buzzing around in the sky above. Though not much could be seen due to the night sky above.

Gunther Wagner, also known as The Human Panzer or Sturmtiger, was one of the first of many Gesellschaft capes to drop into Brockton. The city already had the support base known as the Empire 88 and would fall easily within a night. Deutschland was getting too hostile and the faction known as Millennium managed to get themselves kicked out of Argentina a few years ago.

This action was just to let the Amerikas know they are here to stay.

Sturmtiger didn't expect the grand zeppelin to go up in flames behind him shortly after he jumped out. Nor did they expect this much resistance during the surprise attack.

The Human Panzer had taken an anti air round to the chest. The bullet had flattened and it bruised him however. The Brute was scarred from all sorts of wounds some from torture to induce his trigger and some from some really gruesome fights.

"Scheiße, I have no clue where I am." Gunther says looking up at the burning hulk of an airship as it slowly descended as the flames spread from metal hydrogen bag to hydrogen bag. The armored Zeppelins mark 4 were nothing like the Hindenburg and would not instantly plummet from the sky upon the first few shots.

The metal Hunds had been dropped in en-mass and were overwhelming the local police forces. Though the gangs were putting up a rather impressive fight.
Loving the action and excited for more. The entire series is great.
Well,most germans belived in Hitler even in beginning of the 1945.
And,communism is as stupid as nazizm and genocided more without helping any workers,but many more belived in that shit even in 1990.

That aside - in OTL almost all so called nazist in germany are german secret police agents,so i doubt that anybody there could be danger.
Argentina - maybe,they had big colony there who belived in Adolf the idiot after 1945.

But,invading Brockon Bay? i would say,that they choose wrong city.Well,their problem,and more fun for us.

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