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Chapter 5-9
Skidmark was woken up from his hang over by that one guy that always panics what was his name again.
"What's going on again?" Skidmark asks, holding his head the dull drone of the endbringer siren was starting to sound like a broken record. Especially since they didn't do the upkeep maintenance

"The robot dogs are attacking!"

"I thought I told Squealer to stop trying to make those things." Skidmark says

The sound of machine guns is echoing from outside.

"Those must be some lively dogs." Skidmark says sarcastically. The next sentence was cut off by machine gun fire again.

Skidmark stops "Okay either this is serious or Tommy needs to stop firing his Thompson." Skidmark says marching out the door.

The scene that awaited was almost a literal hellscape. It is what many would imagine the bay would look like if Lung went unhinged and burned anything and everything. It was dark out yet the horizon burned orange.

"Oh shit." Skidmark says

The sound of metal crunching is heard as a robotic dog jumps on to the roof of a card snapping its jaws at the merchant's.

"Do not let Squealer see that thing, I don't want her trying to recreate it." Skidmark says

"Muere perro diablo!!!" Tommy shouts, shooting at the robotic dog.

The 45ACP did some damage. It was certainly better than the 9mm which was bouncing off of the metal frame.

A second dog stalked around behind the group. Attempting to ambush them only to be flung into the air by Skidmark's power.

Gunshots echo in the distance as giant balls of fire burn in the sky.

"What in the hell is happening?" Skidmark says
Fletcher was running through the city streets with a massive smile on her face as her 20mm and 40mm emplacements eviscerated the robotic dogs. The Nazi's were back and one could only pray the empire of Japan would join the fun as well.

The few capes she's run into have been turned into red mist with 5in guns, the man who shot lasers from his nose was probably the most dangerous one. Her radar tower felt the high powered heat ray when it was cut off.

"Fletcher come in."

"You've got Fletcher!" The enthusiastic destroyer responds.

"Knight is having issues with this giant Mech and most of us battleships are having issues trying to deal with the capes."

"Enterprise?" Fletcher asks

"Dealing with the swarm of robotic dogs, She also doesn't have the firepower to face it directly in combat."

"Prinz Eugen?" Fletcher asks

"You should know she's busy shouting at that Odin guy. It's rather interesting, I am learning all new German words right now."

"Right, well the light cruiser is moving towards that mech then." Fletcher responds

"Just because they misidentified you doesn't mean you can go around calling yourself a light cruiser."

"Fine, tell Knight I'm on my way." Fletcher responds by running off at flank speed through the burning city taking pot shots at the dogs and capes she runs by.
The sound of cannons roaring is heard as the true goliaths of the Nazi charge faced off against the main battleline.

One would be lucky to find any trace of the non brutes while the fliers barely lasted long enough to get airborne under the hail of bullets.

Nevada fired her guns in anger and struck true, giant mech had its arm blown off as the HE shells blew away the grunts with the impromptu airburst.

One of the Ghost's of Pearl was still showing that the Dreadnoughts were nothing to be trifled with even in today's age of missiles and smart bombs.

The BB which had tanked two nukes was dodging and weaving over the rockets shot out of the nazi mech like a madwoman playing dodgeball.
She was moving with the sole purpose of making the little hitlers youth cry. Little did they know that the veterans of the second world war wouldn't let the nazi's surrender and cry for mercy a second time.
This was the end of the third reich.

A limbo under yet another laser guided missile put the ship that would not sink within melee range of the mech.

The Dual 5in batteries opened fire, kneecapping the robot. The blast blew the hinge joint into scrap metal.

The Mech belonged to der Techniker and she was thrown clear of the cabin as the 3 story tall robot fell over.

"Nevada, did you just kill german liberty prime?" Georgia asks over the coms since she didn't have time to stop.

"No, it didn't poop nukes so it definitely wasn't even close to an equivalent of liberty prime." Nevada replies back.

"It's not like the nukes would have mattered to you anyways" Texas comments over the coms in her southern accent.

"Big sis you got to come check this guy out! He caught a 14 inch shell like he was playing football." New York says over the coms.

"I am on my way." Texas responds gleefully.

Sadly Nevada was done with her fight and zipping up the tinker who was piloting the mech.
Odin the leader of Gellenschaft was running for his life. HIs minor brute tinker and thinker rating was nothing compared to the monster chasing him.

The invasion had failed horribly. The grand zeppelins were either still burning or gone. The hundreds of capes were being slaughtered by the ship girls. Though apparently a contingent of marines managed to get a shore and nothing has been heard from their last reported area in a few hours.

"ODIN!!!" Georgia shouts

The cape starts running again knowing that the steaming battleship is hot on his tail.

"When I catch you Odin! It is going to be worse than what Eugen is doing to the rest of your group!" Georgia's voice echoes down the streets, as the Battleship leisurely makes her way to the being that caused this mess rescuing people as she comes across them.
Not the biggest fan of this arc. I appreciate a good punching of the Nazis like anyone…just I can't believe that Guzzleschaft would be this stupid. I kinda expected some big plan, but they just pulled a Millennium…while they knew how "pulling a Millennium" ends.
Not the biggest fan of this arc. I appreciate a good punching of the Nazis like anyone…just I can't believe that Guzzleschaft would be this stupid. I kinda expected some big plan, but they just pulled a Millennium…while they knew how "pulling a Millennium" ends.

Indeed.And,even then they have many other cities to choose,where they actually could win.
Last edited:
Not the biggest fan of this arc. I appreciate a good punching of the Nazis like anyone…just I can't believe that Guzzleschaft would be this stupid. I kinda expected some big plan, but they just pulled a Millennium…while they knew how "pulling a Millennium" ends.
That is the joke. That is fully what I was going for. Nazi's are not smart people, they never were. They were/still are crazy fanatics of an art school reject.
Chapter 5-10
Coil's body double had died horribly. The city above the bunker was burning and bodies and mechanical parts littered the streets. 4 companies of the mercenary group he employed were lost in the chaos, and no matter how he split the timeline It didn't matter there was nothing that could be done to avoid the losses.
Flipping through news channels, Coil catches sight of Ship girls using hoses from their rigging to fight the fire.

"Fighting has persisted over night, several people are still missing and the amount of dead are estimated to be in the hundreds to thousands. Brockton Bay is going to have a long rocky road to recovery once this terrorist attack has been fought off. Luckily the Navy was here and stepped in to help when the national guard This has been Jessica coming to you live from Brockton Bay."

Coil turns off the tv as the camera pans over the destroyed city. Shots still firing in the background while firefighters and Destroyers struggled to put out fires.

"Lung got involved as well. I wish my merc feeding me the info didn't die so quickly." Coil mutters

Though the scariest part of all of this was the lack of cauldron contact. Then again they were probably busy trying to put out the fires that an invasion of the United States Homeland had caused.

If the PRT didn't get their shit together they would end up losing government support. Then his plans to take over the bay would be ultimately useless…
Joseph Seed was flying over the bay in the Church's private jet and the pilot was having to avoid anti air flack.

"This is certainly a surprising welcome Father." Faith says

"That it is my Faith, that it is. I can't believe they brought out the fireworks just for us." Jacob says

"The city is burning, I think we came at a bad time." Joseph says

"The pilot is diverting us to Boston, we would have to rent a car since the area around the bay has been declared a no fly zone." John says, stepping out of the cockpit.

"My children this is fine, It is just god telling us to take a different way. We shall find the prophet of the end soon enough." Joseph says as the airplane is rocked by flack.


Meanwhile in a underground cellar a certain fuck mothering vampire was browsing PHO on an Ipad Pro.

"Well, I'll be damned. That bitch got Odin." Alucard

"Master, you should stop calling powerful capes bitches." Seras says

"I can't help it, police girl. She's got cannons. And Bitches love those." Alucard says turning around the Ipad to show a gif of BB-70 shoving her 18in cannon up Odin where the sun don't shine before turning him into chunky Salsa.

"I am tempted to send her a reward, In fact I think I will! Police girl remember that piece of metal we got on our mission in japan?" Alucard says with a smile on his face.

"You mean when you got sent to the java sea by that villain?" Seras asks

"Yes! Remember that hunk of metal I pulled up with me?" Alucard says

"Sir, It was a clemson class destroyer, Not a piece of scrap metal." Seras says

"Yeah, let's give that to her!" Alucard says enthusiastically

"You kept a war grave master?" Seras says a little miffed.

"Seras I have devoured thousands of souls especially during the cruel wars. I care very little about eating the soul of a ship." Alucard asks

"You ate a destroyer?" Seras asks in disbelief.

"I'm gonna give her back." Alucard says in mock offense.

Seras just shakes her head and leaves the elder vampire's lair.
Georgia was covered in blood and entrails, Hundreds of parahumans died today for daring to invade the United States.

"Georgia You got to see this! This thing is catching My 15in shells." Warspite says over the radio.

"Yeah, It caught the Freedom Sedan as well! Though I think our firepower is starting to overwhelm it." Texas says excitedly

"So, are all of my battleships just firing broadside after broadside into this "thing"." Georgia asks back.

"Yep, you should come check it out!" Nagato says

Georgia pauses having heard Nagato's voice, She summoned the Japanese ship to fight the dragon of the east yet she was now fighting this "Thing" which was catching battleship shells.
So,who they fight? Not Lung,i think.
Phantom Turrets
April 19th 2011
Nevada sat at a berthing in Brockton bay.

The water was calm and the sun was beaming down yet the winter weather didn't let them bake in the sun.

Nevada sat atop one of her turrets painting it preparing for the opening of the Museum the next day. The ship had to be spick and span for what was to no doubt.

The anti corrosive pain was being applied across the ship by several of the ship girls.

Nevada rolled the roller over one of her guns before felling a little bit weird feeling.

"Huh?" Nevada says before knocking on the gun with her hand causing a metallic clang.
Meanwhile all the way across the country and half way across the pacific ocean.

At the Hawai'i pacific university the studios battleship breaks out into laughter in the middle of her lecture.

"Dr. Arizona are you alright?" A history student speaks up with concern seeing the 96 year old professor collapse on the ground with uncontrolled laughter.

"Clas ahahah Dismissed." Arizona announces

The battle ship pulled out her phone and called the one and only ship girl professional she knew of.

"You've got Georgia!" Georgia's jovial voice says over the phone.

"Georgia, my favorite two story turreted battleship!" Arizona says before she suddenly breaks out into laughter again.

"Arizona, At Em. Don't you dare confuse me for my predecessor or I may start to think that your memory is slipping in old age." Georgia replies jokingly.

"I cant stop laughing something is tickling me." Arizona gasps out.

"Well, I am currently on the highway topping out at 50mph so I got some time. Is anyone messing with your hull?" Georgia asks

Arizona pulls herself up using the window ledge to look out into the harbor.

"It does not seem like it?" Arizona says

"What about your equipment that was salvaged after the attack?" Georgia asks

"NEVADA!!!!!!!!" Arizona shouts
Back in Brockton Bay.

Nevada, was sitting atop the turret with a pair of drums sticks playing a military cadence trying to nail down what that weird phantom limb feeling is.

Thats when her phone rings.

"Hello?" Nevada says into the phone.

"Nevada... What are you doing to my gun?" Arizona says in lecture mode.

"Ah, so that's what that feeling was." Nevada mutters

"What was that?!" Arizona's booms through the speaker.

"Nothing I gotta go bye!" Nevada says clicking shut the flip phone.
Chapter 5-11
April 21st 12:01 am.

Georgia was approaching Texas' position. To say that she didn't see the 4 story tall kaiju would be a lie, however it definitely wasn't the Legendary leviathan, it was breathing fire.

"Is that Lung?" Georgia asks in awe upon seeing the human dragon.

General quarters was called in a heart beat as she joined the clash of titans.
Amy was running for her life. She did nazi this coming, then again no one expected that Gellenschaft had this much power.. The healer had the robotic hounds hot on her heels. Turning a corner she vaulted a dumpster with an amazing show of flexibility. Amy knew this alley was a dead end however it had the corner.

With a running start she leapt onto the wall before kicking off of it grabbing on to the ledge of the second story fire escape. The three robotic hounds clambered below the fire escape trying to jump on to the steel platform.

"I am so happy I have been practicing free running with Taylor." Amy mutters to herself looking at the painful death below.

With only one way to go Amy went up.

The city was a hell scape as skyscrapers glowed red, the flames reflecting off of the glass windows. The sky was dark not because it was night but because of the smoke. In the distance sirens could be heard however it was nothing compared to when the endbringer siren was silenced in that explosion earlier.

The cellphone towers had been knocked out. Communication in the city had become nearly impossible. Then the radio waves were a mess of Military, Police, Prt, and the ship girls. She would know she tried to contact the PRT and nobody heard her through the sheer amount of chatter. Switching channels however, the ship girls were surprisingly organized with their communication nothing like the marines who were running around yet, it functioned like a well organized group call.

"Taylor, this is Amy. I'm stuck on top of a building downtown and could use extraction." Amy says into the radio.
Suddenly the chatter dies.

"Copy that Amy, could you talk again so I can triangulate the signal?" Taylor's voice says over the radio.
"Sure thing Taylor?" Amy says into the radio.

"I have your rough position. I am en route." Taylor says

A roar echoes in the distances as a massive beam of flames shoots into the sky.
Georgia had made it to the front of the museum. The parking lot was cratered and several of the old warehouses were demolished.
The boom of cannons echoed down the docks as the Dreadnoughts fought a dragon.

"Georgia!" Texas shouts in joy upon seeing the super battleship roll up.

"Who in the hell started this mess!" Georgia shouts

"My Bad!" Nagato replies shortly followed by her 16 inch guns opening up.

"Why are the destroyers not getting involved?" Georgia asks aloud to Nevada

"I'm not Sprauge. I will not tell the little fellows to make a torpedo run." Nevada says

"Well, this little little fellow is going to follow in the footsteps of her younger sister." John C Butler says before charging headfirst into the flames.

The destroyer was making 20 knots along the ground charging through the fire and the flames

A full salvo of torpedoes was launched, a full spread of the torpedo's hit lung and a full spread of torpedoes failed to detonate.

"Ah, I still got mark 15s!" John C Butler shouts in frustration.

Suddenly a massive scaly arm swings down at the destroyer.

The shipgirl freezes up in panic seeing the hulking limb about to hit her. The limb was enough to cause buildings to collapse and could easily pancake cars.

Butler is knocked backwards by a shock wave while the arm which was about to crush her was atomized.

"Well it looks like 18 inches can damage the fiend!" Warspite announces triumphantly

Lung's head snaps around locking on to the Georgia class battleship. In the blink of an eye Georgia is engulfed in flames.
"Fire for effect!" Nevada announces

That had done it.

The full might of the Brockton Bay naval museum had just opened the valve.

New York and the visiting Texas were blasting away, Nagato was emping her magazines with Nevada, While Georgia was using her new autoloader with scary effectiveness. The amount of explosives being sent down range would make one think that the rage dragon was approaching his limit.

The giant lizard's right arm was reduced to a stump but it was growing back at a visible pace as Lung continued to ramp up.

The parking lot was actually being flooded with blood and small chunks of burnt flesh/scales.

The now armless 4 storied lizard punted Georgia with all of his might before collapsing onto the ground.


The marines who were dispatched ashore were pinned down at the Medhall building. They were facing Osowiec, the cloning immortal.
With the power classifications of Stranger Shaker the cape is a subject of nightmares.

The sky was glowing red as a mist which was a mixture of smoke and fog was blowing through the street beams of light shining through the vision limiting haze as the lights attached to the guns swept through the smog illuminating the area.

A crack of gun fire echoed down the streets as a cape wearing a WW1 german helmet and gas mask fell.

The crack and flash of another gun and a similar man with the same build and outfit fell dead.

Lance Corporal David Bong, has had enough of the running and gunning down the streets of Brockton Bay. This was an American city under invasion by hostile powers. The Military wouldn't let this go, Congress would not let this go, and the American people were most certainly not going to take this lying down.

Gunshots continued to crack off as more men in gas masks continued to fall.


"What is it Private!" David shouts back

"Sir… They're getting back up!" Private Jermey Johston responds

"Well keep pumping lead into them! Corporal find us a building that we can fall back to!" David shouts.

"Medhall seems to be still structurally sound from the intel I'm getting, It doubles as a shelter for disasters and shouldn't be too difficult to fortify." Colin responds

"Right men, run and gun it to the med hall building and conserve your ammo!" David shouts as the group makes a gunning retreat as the bodies of the capes are continually falling and getting up again.

Georgia was currently sailing through the air. Lung had thrown her clear of the docks. The rage dragon really took exception to having his arm blown off by 18 inch guns.

"Note to self. Figure out how to fly." Georgia mutters looking at her watch comically as she breaks what is most likely an air time record.

Georgia looks forward to see the Medhall building approaching her rapidly.
How exactly was Lung able to punt 65+ thousand tons of Battleship?
I was under the impression he would have to grow at least a couple KILOMETERS to get even close to that point?
How exactly was Lung able to punt 65+ thousand tons of Battleship?
I was under the impression he would have to grow at least a couple KILOMETERS to get even close to that point?
Ship girls and physics is a weird thing
I mean earlier in the book georgia flew in a plane.
Chapter 5-12
Georgia woke up her head resting against a buckled steel wall.

"How in the hell did Lung manage to kick me?" Georgia asks herself while getting up from the cratered floor.

Gunshots ring out below, peaking the battleship's curiosity.

Georgia walked over to the massive hole in the wall which was left by her dynamic entry.

A peak down below showed her a massive fire fight between what looked to be marines and German Stormtroopers. The dense fog surrounding the block was a rather interesting trick.

The Marines had been ducked behind cover as the constant never ending onslaught approached. The scarier thing was that some of the dead bodies got up and started marching again while others faded and reappeared at the edge of the fog.

"And that's when the dead men are marching again." Georgia mutters

The fight below was a desperate one and it looked like the marines could use fire support. A mechanical wine played as Georgia angled her turrets down before firing a secondary salvo at the edge of the haze.

There was a loud crack followed by a boom as the ground shook. The mist had been cleared away by the shockwave. Several of the clones were atomized while shrapnel riddled all who were not behind cover.

Georgia flinches as she sees one of the marines drop as a result of her broadside.

"I need to get down there." Georgia says looking below

There was a massive explosion, either those girls needed to calm down with their shell slinging in that boss battle or that was just a gas explosion either way the Lance Corporal was hit.

Yet the cape was limping as well, it seemed the immortal had been damaged by the massive explosion.

"Maybe if we get another one of those we can finish him off?"

"Yeah, you don't say and pray tell where we're gonna get a gun that big."

"Big? That was maybe 5inches I mean the crater isn't even remotely large enough to be anything near 14 inches."

A Dull metallic thud is heard as a figure made a superhero landing in front of them.

Suddenly the street lights up with 20mm and 40mm tracers as the Nazi cape had his whole career ended by american bullets.

Those were the shots that killed the final cape belonging to Gesellschaft.

"Did someone call in for fire support?" Georgia asks standing up

The marines look at the battlewagon as she wipes concrete dust off of her battle dress.

"No! We had it Handled!"

Georgia steps forward only to trip over her own feet after hearing that remark.

Hanna didn't think she would see another warzone like this ever since she moved to the states and escaped the hell hole of the Middle East. Yet here it was an active invasion on American soil, and she was supposed to keep using rubber bullets? Hell no, the second they dropped in with the MG42s and the crab tanks she brought out the browning. That was how her contingent of PRT troops and herself managed to survive as long as they had. If only the Armsmaster was here Colin always had a plan.

The BAR barked to life again, throwing 30-06 down the street at the Nazi's and the massive 6 legged crab tank.

"Miss Militia! This isnt working, can you do any power bullshit thing to save us?"

"My power is guns." Hannah says

"No, like RPGs or anything?"

"Do you want to level a city block? I can get a mortar." Hannah says flatly

"We are going to die!"

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGU1P6lBW6Q

The music was playing above.

"HAVE NO FEAR THE NAVY IS HERE!" a voice shouts above before an AD-2 fully laden with bombs dropping the payload into the ground detonating.

The explosions taking out the walking tank and part of the wall they were using for cover, managing to shatter every window up and down the street.

Hannah looks out from behind cover to see a raven-haired woman land gracefully on the ground the compound bow in her hands is pulled and released spawning 3 miniature F4F Wildcats. The white jacket on her back had the label CVL-22.

"Looks like y'all could use a hand." Indepence says with a smirk adjusting her hat.

The F4F Wildcats were now circling above providing much needed air support to the worn out PRT troops. They had silenced the guns of the Nazi grunts amazingly enough the PRT had none of the nazi capes on them; those were all dead by this point either by Merchant, Dockworker, ABB, Police, or Naval gunfire. Just because they were capes didn't mean they were bullet proof.

"How is it out there?" Hannah asks

"It's dying down. York was worried about you ya know? I'm glad you're alright." Independence says

"Casualties?" Hannah asks

"It's not been counted yet. It's not looking too bad as far as surprise attacks on Americans go." Independence says
Undead german Stoormtroopers - i like it.I hope,that they marched to their next death !
Chapter 5-13
The sun was starting to rise in Brockton Bay.

Taylor had managed to extract Amy though most of the fighting was coming to an end. The city was still partially burning, luckily the girls had fire suppression equipment.

"I can't believe we were invaded by Nazis." Amy says.

"There has never been a more acceptable target." Taylor responds with a grin.

"I should probably head to the medical tents." Amy says.

"I'm coming with you." Taylor states awkwardly.

"I didn't say you were not going to Taylor. Afterall what is a maiden to do without her destroyer escort." Amy says in a serious tone.

Taylor looks sourly at Amy; her attempt at humor was dumb and at a horrible time.

Amy of course giggled at the face Taylor had made. The past 5 hours was spent being escorted by the ship girl and it was a 5 hour date of violence and adventure.

Georgia was back at the Brockton Bay ship Museum, the place had weathered the Invasion.

New York, Texas, and Nevada were with her in a massive planning room with a highly detailed map of the city.
"What has you so spooked little cousin?" Nevada asks

"Leviathan does, he is the next big foe we are to face. I do not know for certain how to kill him." Georgia states

"Have you reached out to Admiral Avatar?" Texas asks

"That's not a bad idea. Though his tungsten shell idea wasn't too bad I don't know if the guns will handle the pressure well. Especially if I try to hypershot them. Although my retrofit was done recently I am honestly terrified of the big gun." Georgia admits.

"Why not bring in more ships?" New York asks

Georgia holds out her hand and starts stacking wisdom cubes, knowing that by the end of the month they are going to have a small army.

"Is that Penny's cube?" Nevada asks, seeing the newest cube.

"Wait, I had Pennsylvania this entire time?" Georgia says in shock.
President Evan's was sitting down at a Joint Chief of Staff meeting holding a docket which was a combat breakdown of the first combat action by foreign invaders fought on American soil since the Japanese terror bombing during the second world war.

"Can I just start off by asking what in the hell happened?" Evans asks.

"Congress cut our budget in favor of the PRT is what happened." Admiral Avatar says.

Evans nods along knowing that the Navy was gutted by budget cuts before looking over at the General sitting across from him.
"After Tagg managed to steal some helicopters from us we were undergoing a command restructure in the North East and the radar pickets were unmanned because we thought the coast guard had it covered." General Akbar explains.

Evan's looks at the Director of the Coast Guard who shrugs before looking back at the army general.

"If we had known we needed to cover the area the army usually did we would've done so with no problems."

"I just want to say, It is extremely lucky that those girls are on our side." Evans admits.

"Tell me about it." Avatar admits
"Well, it's obvious we need to build up Brockton Bay." The Coast Guard member says.

Avatar Nods agreeing.

"Oh? Why so?" Evans asks having his own reason

"Well the port facility is nice and many of our ships are there. On top of that I am willing to bet that those Ship girls would probably listen to us as long as we keep it reasonable. They want to obey command structure afterall it is all they have known their entire life." Avatar says

"Be careful though they might be used to the older autonomy that the navy used to have compared to the strict meetings and everyday video calls." Evans adds

"Either way, I don't want the PRT getting command over them after the recent string of botches and considering they consider themselves to be Navy why not do it officially. I have already seen several other countries try to tell us they can't be part of the armed forces but us forcing the fact that they are quite literally our commissioned ships seems to have shut them up." Avatar answers.

"Georgia is scary. Are we to assume she is the flagship of the fleet?" The Coast Guard representative asks.

"Are you guys sending reinforcements and relief?" Evans asks.

"The entire Atlantic Fleet is coming to Brockton Bay and Boston. On top of that several of our NATO allies have shown interest and at least waiving the nato flag there as well." Avatar answers.

"All in time for the trial of the century." Evans mutters.
Chapter 6-1
May 2nd 2011

Georgia was in a dress today, it was rather difficult to find her in one outside of her battle dress. However today was the first day of what is to be a very long trial. Georgia sits down in the. Viewing platform next to another battleship.

Nevada looks over at Georgia before nodding.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to keep the other destroyers from coming to the trial? I mean Fletcher is still upset about it." Nevada says

"Could you guarantee that she wouldn't take offense to the mess that is about to go down in front of us. That she wouldn't summon her rigging and cause the trial and case to be called off?" Georgia asks

Nevada pauses thinking for a minute before nodding. "It is probably for the best."

"All rise for the honorable Judge Lawson"

The entire courtroom stands up as the judge in his official robes walks in from the back room. He was built like a swimmer and appeared surprisingly young.

He sits down in his chair. Prompting the entire courtroom to take their seats.

"I would like to hear the opening arguments." Lawson says

Taylor was sitting next to her father and a lawyer up at the desk for the plaintiff. While the defendant had Director Piggot and 2 PRT Lawyers.

"We would like to argue for several charges against the defense. Among which there are multiple counts of harassment, criminal negligence, dereliction of duty, abuse of a minor, aggravated assault, and several more which you saw on our filing." The lawyer says sitting down.

"You're honor we would like to have a motion for qualified immunity as a law enforcement agencies and have these charges dropped."

'Objections your honor! Qualification only applies to police, sheriff's, and a handful of other direct governmental agencies which the PRT is not a part of because their agency is not listed on the document which lists times and places in which said immunity can be applied! They are bullying average citizens and covering up years of systemic abuse! Blackwell had taken a plea deal admitting her guilt. Meaning this is a bold attempt to get away with criminal behavior!"

"Your honor! There have been several cases in which qualified immunity had already applied to the PRT; there is no reason as to why it can not!"

The gavel hit the block causing the courtroom.

"Silence both of you, this is opening arguments not a legal debate… Mr. Goodman, I had heard rumors about you and I dreaded having you here in my court today. I'll be damned if you aren't a good lawyer, speak out of turn again I'll see about hitting you with a contempt charge. Mr. Dickson your motion for qualified immunity has been denied. How do you respond to the charges brought forth today." Judge Lawson says

"Where did you find Mr. Goodman?" Nevada asks

"He was in some city in New Mexico. I figured that if the PRT would fight dirty we could as well. Lewis welcomed the help especially since he was a union lawyer." Georgia says

"What does Mr. Goodman specialize in?" Nevada asks

"He is a criminal lawyer who specializes in going against police and PRT." Georgia says

The Ship Museum.

The main lobby, which was the size of a warehouse, has some tables set up while in the two slots for smaller ships sat a landing craft and USS John C Butler. The tables from the opening Gala were set back up for a private party.

There was after all, a party being held. They had managed to continue the suit, and it wasn't dismissed. The PRT had this coming especially in this city.

Georgia holds up a glass of Gin and Tonic.

"To the first of many 'fun' days ahead! Cheers!" Georgia announces

""Cheers!"" Is the response of what must be nearly a hundred people.

"Mr. Goodman, come on up here and give a speech!" Georgia says motioning for the lawyer.

Saul walks up in his tan orange suite glass in hand and a smile on his face.

"I started up in a mailroom. I worked hard to put myself through law school. I started out by representing those without any money. I was never one to work for a big firm representing large companies and corporations. I had alway worked for the individuals, for you all. Not for them. So although we have a long way to go. Let us hold a cheer for us, the little guys!" Saul says, holding up his glass.
Chapter 6-2
Did you know I have a discord? Please join the discord!
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Inside the Brockton bay PRT offices.

Coil or Thomas Calvert was pulling his influence within the PRT.

The lawsuit should've seen Piggot at the very least suspended yet the stubborn woman was still going strong.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear. How can this consultant help you today Emily?" Calvert asks the East North East PRT Director.

"Help me bury the Protectorate while keeping the Parahuman Response Team alive. This is our revenge for Ellisburg." Emily says with a smile.

Calvert pauses, wishing he had been wearing a wire.

"Emily, about Ellisburg. I am happy you survived, that place was hell and the reason I went from a team lead to a consultant. I didn't take being left for dead as a reason to stay with the PRT you know?" Thomas says


Emily stiffens, grabbing her chest before falling forward. The portly woman just barely manages to be caught by Thomas.

"Medic! Someone call a medic!" Thomas shouts at the top of his lungs.

Back at the Ship Museum Taylor was in one of the living rooms which had been put together upstairs for the dorms.

"That's right folks. Today was only the opening arguments on what is sure to be a landmark case. Back to you in the studio Tom."

The tv suddenly cuts off, causing Taylor to sit up and look over the edge of the couch.

"You did well today." Amy says holding the tv remote.

"How did you get up here?" Taylor asks

"Georgia told me how to get up here… You can't be mad at your father forever you know?" Amy says

"You managed to make your way up with directions from Georgia? You know, I think you did the impossible, on top of being the miracle healer." Taylor says with a giggle.

"It wasn't that bad, I only got a little lost." Amy says.

"A happy little adventure?" Taylor asks, patting the couch cushion next to her.

Amy sits down touching Taylor's face.

"You are getting shorter you know? You look younger too. I'm worried about you Taylor." Amy says

"I was too tall and lanky anyways. I feel more like myself, like this." Taylor says.

"Taylor you're almost 5' 5" now you were just over 6 feet tall a week ago." Amy says

Amy however is pulled into a hug by the Navy Ship before she could bring up another point to argue.

"I'm a few inches taller than Fletcher, she had said that it was likely to stop soon. So please stop worrying Amy." Taylor explains.

"I'll always worry. When I touch you or any of the other girls my powers don't make sense and I cannot see anything, I used to be able to see you and I just can't anymore." Amy says with worry.

"How do you think I feel knowing you'll eventually go to old age while as long, as I take care of myself. I'm essentially immortal?" Taylor asks.

Amy goes silent looking into Taylor's eyes. "I don't honestly know if I can die as well?"

"… What?" Taylor asks

"My powers although they do not heal me from immediate injuries and wounds. I am unable to get lung cancer. It is the reason I smoked before I met you, I haven't gotten sick since the day my sister was shot and I triggered. I am honestly terrified t-that one day my power is going to decide the degradation of genetic information when cells split is a disease and that I should no longer be sick." Amy says.

"Well, shit." Taylor says

"I guess, I will just have to join you in eternity," Amy says with a smile.

"Taylor and Amy sitting in a tree K I S S I N G!"

"Fletcher!" Taylor shouts, throwing a pillow at speeds that are way too fast for the average human eye to track.

The red-headed destroyer caught it with a mighty Thoomp.

Amy giggles while Taylor glares at her older sister.

"So Danny is asking to see you again… What should I tell him?" Fletcher asks.

"You should definitely see him… He saw you for the first time in like a week at court today. You can't do this forever dear." Amy says consolingly.

Taylor looks between her redheaded sister and her redheaded unconfirmed girlfriend.

"Fine, I'll do it. Tomorrow after court." Taylor answers.
Last edited:
Chapter 6-2.5
Back at the Hebert household.

Danny was wallowing in his depression, after all he wasn't the kind of parent that wondered why his kids didn't want to talk to them any more. He knew why. One doesn't keep a secret like that and not expect it to backfire. Although yesterday was probably the greatest in a while. He saw his daughter again for the first time in nearly two weeks. The only good thing to come out of this trial.

The news crews outside was rather annoying to deal with though.
Outside suddenly got louder and Danny could've sworn he heard some cheering.

"What in the hell is going on out there?" Danny mutters

A second later there is a strong and resounding knock on the front door.

"The news crew should know not to come up and bother me…" Danny says walking over to the door.

Danny makes his way across the house and swings open the front door ready to yell at the one disturbing him while he was trying to think.

"Hi Dad… Long time no see?" Taylor asks uncomfortably standing by the door.

"You are shorter than you used to be." Danny says

"Yeah, before I woke up as a ship and got my memories of the wars... I was mostly human after all." Taylor admits

Danny decides to ignore Taylor's trauma and hugs his daughter.

"Welcome home Taylor." Danny says

"Danny... Dad, I'm older than you." Taylor says

"You will always be my daughter. You may have 15 battle stars however you will always be my daughter." Danny says

"23 Dad.... Vietnam and Korea." Taylor says

"So are you moving back in?" Danny asks

"Dad, I'm nearly 70. On top of that according to Georgia. Old age won't be the thing to get me. Unfortunately there will be no grandkids either. " Taylor says

Danny feels the world falling down around him.

"You know, we should've expected this. Your mother always said you were special. However even I don't think she knew just how special you were." Danny says

"I have a girlfriend. I think, our actual status hasn't been worked out yet." Taylor says

"Taylor, I've known you were gay for awhile." Danny admits.

"What? I didn't even really know." Taylor asks dumbfounded.

"Really Taylor, how many times did you get married to Emma while playing house. You even tried to wear my Tux." Danny says

Taylor flinches before blushing remembering the old days.

"That doesn't mean anything." Taylor says

"Of course however there are the other signs too." Danny says

"What other signs?" Taylor asks

"I honestly don't know however Annette saw them." Danny says with a smirk.

Taylor is silent trying to think.

"So when can I meet Amy?" Danny asks

"Stop by the dorms at the Docks, she's there whenever she has a fight with her foster mother." Taylor admits.

"That often?" Danny asks a little concerned

"Too often in my opinion..." Taylor whispers.
Chapter 6-3
Brockton Bay Courthouse

May 3rd 2011.

Thomas Calvert was sitting at the defense table.

"Let's get this court into session. The time 11:50 May the third, the case of Hebert Vs PRT & Protectorate. Now the first order of business, where is Director Emily Piggot?"

"She had a medical emergency and is currently in the hospital. Deputy director Renick and I will be sitting in until she is medically able to do so again." Calvert explains

"Alright, that is acceptable for now. Shall we start with the Plaintiff?"
Meanwhile at a coffee shop on the boardwalk.

"I can not believe that plan actually worked," Sarah says

"Well, at least they'll discover she was being poisoned once Amy gets to her in a week's time," Georgia says

"Are you certain Saul said this was a good idea?" Sarah asks

"Yep, we submitted the evidence we have on Thomas Calvert as evidence of PRT corruption last week and no one's the wiser. With any luck we call the bastard to the stand then make a fool out of all of them." Georgia says slipping Sarah a manila folder

Sarah giggles ecstatically.

"You will see why Mr Goodman has several nicknames among which are Slippin Jimmy, Charlie Hustle, and A Criminal lawyer." Georgia says with a smile.

" I need to sit down with him, maybe we can make some great plans," Sarah says with a smile.
"I mean he's the equivalent of a precision Sledgehammer. " Georgia says with a smile.

"Then since my powers have told me that most of the current sitting judges all have a bias against parahumans. Due to an Illuminati type organization, this ought to be a legal slaughter." Sarah says with a smile.

Principal Blackwell was on the stand and prison orange suited her rather well.

"So, Miss Blackwell, as part of your plea deal. You are required to testify, anything you lie or purposely obscure the truth on any of these questions could see your sentence extended." Saul asks

"Objection Your honor, the witness is already aware of the plea deal she had made not even a week ago." Dickson says

"What was the point of that Mr Goodman?" Judge Lawson asks

"Of course your honor, this is just so that the Jury can understand that everything Miss Blackwell says is the truth as she knows it and if we manage to prove otherwise then her sentence may get worse." Saul Goodman says, staring down Blackwell.

"Yes, that is part of my plea deal." Blackwell answers

"Former Principal Blackwell, were you aware that your student Taylor Hebert was being physically assaulted and tortured regularly by a WARD?" Saul Goodman asks

"… Yes. I was aware that such a thing was happening." Blackwell says into the microphone

"And you were asked to cover such things up by Shadow Stalkers' handler actively?" Goodman asks

"No, although it was heavily implied," Blackwell says

"Would you be willing to state for the record that they intimidated you into covering up the ward's crimes?" Goodman asks

"That ladies and gentlemen is what I hope to show you all, what we hope to prove to you all, again and again, is that. This type of behavior has become routine within the PRT is scare tactics and intimidation. Over this trial we hope to show that the PRT is as bad, if not worse than a gang. HOW THEY GET AWAY WITH CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR WHILE USING THE GOVERNMENT AS A SHIELD! Making all of us pay for it." Saul Goodman says

"Mr Goodman," Lawson says, staring down the lawyer.

"I am so very sorry, your honor, I just can't help but sometimes get emotional," Goodman explains

"Very well, though no more outbursts like that Mr. Goodman. This is your one and only warning." Lawson says

The PRT Lawyer gets up rather weakly trying to comprehend how one could even follow a show like that.

"Miss Blackwell, we would like you to confirm that, when you were briefed about Shadow Stalker attending your school. That you were made aware of her status as a Probationary ward." Dickson asks

"No, I was not informed of such a thing. This would actually be my first time hearing about it." Blackwell says
The PRT Lawyer gets up rather weakly trying to comprehend how one could even follow a show like that.

"Miss Blackwell, we would like you to confirm that, when you were briefed about Shadow Stalker attending your school. That you were made aware of her status as a Probationary ward." Dickson asks

"No, I was not informed of such a thing. This would actually be my first time hearing about it." Blackwell says

God. That's... That's not the kind of thing you bring up in your defense.

"Did the government fail to inform you that one of your students was under probation, had killed people as a vigilante, etc," is something that I'd expect the prosecution to bring up.

Having the defense come up and ask Blackwell if she was aware the government was covering up for Shadow Stalker already is like shooting yourself in the foot in front of the judge as an opener. Hell, the last thing Saul said was the PRT was using the government as a shield, then the PRT lawyer just broadcasts it on loudspeaker immediately after. >.>
God. That's... That's not the kind of thing you bring up in your defense.

"Did the government fail to inform you that one of your students was under probation, had killed people as a vigilante, etc," is something that I'd expect the prosecution to bring up.

Having the defense come up and ask Blackwell if she was aware the government was covering up for Shadow Stalker already is like shooting yourself in the foot in front of the judge as an opener. Hell, the last thing Saul said was the PRT was using the government as a shield, then the PRT lawyer just broadcasts it on loudspeaker immediately after. >.>
I think the Defense lawyer was trying to (quite poorly) shift the blame away from the PRT to Blackwell, by making it seem like the PRT warned Blackwell about Stalker's probationary status, implying they didn't want her to lenient with Stalker.
Except this back-fired because apparently, nobody bothered to question Blackwell before the trial about that.
Chapter 6-4
"Sophia, you certainly seem calm considering the mess that you caused." Miss Militia says

"I have Youth Guard stopping me from getting anything lengthy. I'll be out of this cell in a month's time and halfway across the country in another branch free to do what I like." Sophia says with a smile.

"This is serious, if this suit on the PRT ends up with charges against you, you very well could end up in the BirdCage." Milita says

"Yeah like that little weakling is gonna convince anyone of anything. No one cares about her!" Sophia says smugly.

"Ma'am are you sure you should be talking to Shadow Stalker? You are going to be on the bench as a witness tomorrow." A guard asks.

"To be honest I wish I hadn't. I just wanted to see if she had any remorse at all. If she knew she might have just sunk the PRT." Militia says

"So, would you agree we were in the wrong here?" The guard asks

"I don't know what to think anymore, I just know the wards program isn't what it used to be. It is no wonder Mouse Protector left." Militia says

"Glory, Glory, what a hell of a way to die. Glory, Glory, what a hell of a way to die."

Miss Militia picks up her phone.
"Hey York what's going on?"

There is a pause while Hana looks at the guard.
"Yeah? You sure?"

Miss Militia covers the input on her phone and looks up at the guard. "I have to go, make sure she gets her dinner in an hour. No desert." Miss Militia says putting the phone back at her face.

"Sure thing ma'am." The Guard

Hana walks out of the holding area.

The Guard reaches up into his shirt picket and an audible mechanical click rings through the room.

"Saul, you are so lucky I owe you this favor." The Guard mutters before leaving to grab the warden.


At the Boardwalk.

"Hana, welcome!" New York

"Hey York, what is the reason for the call?" Hana asks

"I wanted you to meet my sister Tex here before she headed back to Texas with David." New York says

"Hello… Are you two twins?" Hana asks

"No, of course not. I'm the older sister." New York says

"I came out first." Texas corrects.

"I was conceived first." New York says back

"Yes, however you took your sweet time to finish." Texas says with a smirk.

York groans in frustration looking at her sister.

"Should've called us the Texas class." Texas says

"At least I don't get stuck in sandbanks. Come on Texas." New York

"Because the planet Venus is a weather balloon." Texas says

"3 inch gun atop an anti aircraft tower. Seems like the perfect anti air system." New York says
Texas flinches and looks at New York betrayed. " That was too far, little sis."

Hana looks at the two girls in realization.

"I should've put it together much sooner, Texas and New York. Of the New York class?" Hana asks, not fully certain if she was correct.

"*cough* Texas class *cough*" Texas

"For an immigrant you certainly know alot about naval history if you know about us old ladies." New York says with a smile.

"She probably has to deal with all of the trouble Georgia is stirring up." Texas comments.

"True, I mean who would manage to find a lawyer like that in the middle of the desert and fly him across the country. Let alone taking this case." New York

"Georgia would. It's a good thing too since Lewis is mainly a contract lawyer." Texas says

"Georgia, wait are you telling me BB-70 is the biggest Naval History nerd on the continent?" Hana asks

"Ah, so you follow her YouTube channel?" Texas asks

Georgia had become this world's drachinifel because in all honesty, the world needed the engineer more than it needed the historian.

Saul was in his makeshift office at the Ship Museum.

"Did you manage to find any lawyers who would be happy to help, because as much as I would love to keep you as a retainer Jimmy, I don't honestly know if you are able to handle the amount of crap I am going to have coming my way. The EPA, The Nuclear regulatory commission, OSHA, The VA, Transportation, and probably the Department of education." Georgia says listing off the government agencies she is expecting to give her trouble.

"The PRT and honestly Congress might get involved considering what you did to the angel's face." Sarah adds

"The PRT is going to end up gutted in a while, did Taylor and Amy take care of the evidence?" Georgia asks

"Amy is still upset about having to attach that camera to the cockroach; however, Taylor managed to find the base. It was exactly where you said it would be." Sarah says

"Great, now we need to figure out how to get the footage of Thomas Calvert as coil into evidence," Saul say

"I mean, why use it as evidence? The court is a great idea, however what about the court of Public Opinion?" Georgia asks

"PHO?" Sarah asks

"I owe Dragon a favor." Georgia clarifies

"Dragon runs PHO, wait you owe her a favor not the other way around?" Sarah asks

"It'll work out in the end." Georgia offers

"The amount of confidence you have in that statement is frankly scary." Saul offers.

Georgia's phone rings.


"Enterprise, sure what's up?"

"Yes, it's the opposite of down. I am aware of that. I mean what is happening, how could I be of assistance?" Georgia asks

"... Sure, I'll be right there," Georgia says putting away the smartphone.

"Flagship duty calls, I have to go see something Enterprise found, and Avatar wants to talk with me," Georgia states.
I think the Defense lawyer was trying to (quite poorly) shift the blame away from the PRT to Blackwell, by making it seem like the PRT warned Blackwell about Stalker's probationary status, implying they didn't want her to lenient with Stalker.
Except this back-fired because apparently, nobody bothered to question Blackwell before the trial about that.
It was this one. It's the we warned you about her you should've done your due diligence but it turns out they ended up with egg on their face
Mmmmm, felt it was going in that direction.
though, one slight nitpick from something I picked up - evidence and witnesses have to be presented to both the persecution and the judge in pre-trial, and vocal recordings taken without consent in a situation that isn't in public space (meaning, the assumption of privacy exists) cannot be presented as evidence at all in most courts.
Sorry if I misread the situation and those don't apply though.
Subthieves and Sub thief things
"So Archerfish you got the stuff?" Questioned Clamagore

"Yup, think the client will show?" Archerfish responded with a question of her own.

"Yup I see him bearing 113 at half a knott." Clamagore said pointing her finger.

"You gals got the pants." A man spoke with a thick Italian accent.

"Yup, you got the navigation compass?" Archerfish returned.

"And some of ma's fettuccine alfredo." The man nodded as he passed down the compass and two to-go containers.

"Pleasure doing business with you." Clamagore responded.

"Next time I'm payin ya in Whiskey." The man said as he walked off. Leaving the tow submarines with their pay.

"So whats up Barb." Clamagore asked with a grin.

"You get me to the museum right now, or so help me I will demonstrate revolutionary on your asses." Barb responded with a ghostly echo.

"Let's get her to Georgia pronto." Archerfish stated as the duo turned around.

"Oi Eugen." Archerfish said as she seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Scheisse!" Prinz Eugen jumped at the chuckling submarines.

"We secured 60 liters of Weihenstephan that we will give you. Provided you deliver this compass to Georgia without mentioning how you got it. Deal" Clamagore responded on the other side with an arm outstretched.

"Deal." Eugen said as she thought of the joy of drinking some good beer for once.

"Too easy." the Subs said as they slipped out of sight.


"Yes, now you get the beer. I will get the tinker shit." Archerfish said while Clamagore sulked.

Archerfish stalked through Squealer's safehouse with practiced ease. She found her target, the EMP pulse cannon ready to be mounted but left laying around. Taking a look around she grabbed the weapon and snuck out of the building, barely missing Squealer's shocked look as she came back in the room and found the gun missing.

"Firing in 3, 2, 1. Firing EMP." Archerfish called out the EMP pulse wave to the warehouse in front of them.

"We have 5 minutes till the police show up." Clamagore pointed out.

"Clear this place of TP and valuables, then RTB." Archerfish responded.


Roy Christner came back to his house only to find it covered in Toilet Paper with a note taped to the door. 'YOU STILL OWE US'

"I got out of debt to the mob, and now I am in debt to the submarine mafia. Out of the pan and into the fire I guess." Roy mumbled to himself.
Submarine mafia - i like it.And yes,they should be capable of coming out of nowhere.
Well,submarines should still detect them.

cockroach with camera - even better idea,always thought that journos are cockroachs.
Jokes aside - how they could find eveidence against Coil,if he could drop this TL any time he want?
Submarine mafia - i like it.And yes,they should be capable of coming out of nowhere.
Well,submarines should still detect them.

cockroach with camera - even better idea,always thought that journos are cockroachs.
Jokes aside - how they could find eveidence against Coil,if he could drop this TL any time he want?

He can't. The timeline in which they are gathering evidence is the real timeline. If Coil could actually have two consecutive timelines, as opposed to two precog paths and him being mastered in following one of them by his own power, then he'd be a tad OP. I don't buy Coil's power working how he thinks it does in the least
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Chapter 6-5
May 4th Recess day

At the Brockton Bay DryDock

Georgia walks up already inside the shadow of the massive carrier, its flight deck looming over her head blotting out the sky above.

"I'm here, why did it sound urgent?" Georgia asks

"Come aboard." Is the only response Georgia gets on the short-range radio.

Georgia looks over at the gangway plank which connects the hanger bay lift.

"Alrighty then," Georgia mutters walking down the long waters edge towards the locks to the dry dock.

Amy was at Taylor's dorm in the Ship Museum once again.

"Amy, you need to stop coming over depressed every few nights." Taylor says

The redhead just snuggles into Taylor as the two relax in the destroyer's bed.

"It wasn't a fight with Carol this time," Amy whispers

"What was it then?" Taylor asks

"I had to put someone who was on the other end of Georgia's guns back together," Amy whispers, horrified.

"Really? Someone survived her guns?" Taylor asks in shock

"His name was Gunther, apparently he was known as the human panzer. The guy was mostly ground meat and metal shrapnel when I got to him. It was amazing he was alive." Amy whispers, shivering a little bit.

Taylor hugs Amy tighter.

"Why do you think she tries not to fight? There is no holding back for a lot of us." Taylor answers

"She doesn't seem the type to cause that amount of damage. They call my sister Collateral Damage Barbie but the wreckage of the latest battle scarred the bay." Amy Whispers

"It was a clash of titans, Amy there were literal dreadnoughts in that fight. The girls are used to flattening mountains and Georgia's cousin even sank an island twice. When they come to fight, there is no holding back." Taylor answers to justify the mess that had happened last month.

"I mean I understand that but still, it was more like an Endbringer fight than it was a normal cape dual," Amy says

Georgia was aboard Enterprise sitting at a conference table.

"Admiral Avatar… How can I help you sir?" Georgia asks

"Enterprise, could you bring it in?" Avatar asks

CV-6 nods before walking out of the conference room.

"ONI, has several thinkers on its books unofficially of course. Brockton Bay is very likely to be the next target of Leviathan. So we want you to kill it." Avatar says

Enterprise walks back into the room carrying an 18-inch shell. The thing is massive and the floor almost warps under her feet.

"Is that an 18-inch sabot round?" Georgia asks in disbelief.

"18 inch tungsten sabot. We are hoping you can supercharge the shot and manage to kill an endbringer by piercing its core." Avatar says

"You are probably wishing I installed that railgun during the last retrofit," Georgia says

"Yeah but looking back at it now, I don't honestly think you could have fit that thing inside your hull." Avatar says

"It was a rather big railgun, it would've run the length of the bow and I would've had to move an entire magazine. Not to mention when it does fire It will blow the bow clean off. Not to mention before I got the reactor I wouldn't have been able to charge the massive capacitor bank. " Georgia says

Avatar stares at Georgia, the BattleShip smiling back at the old admiral.

"Any way we think Supercharging one of these sabot shells could get the round to hypersonic speed. Considering the fact that they are tungsten the amount of force should hopefully be able to break through the endbringers skin." Avatar says

"How many of these shells am I getting?" Georgia asks

"One hundred and fifty six, If they work expect a few thousand," Avatar explains

"Mission is accepted, sir. Leviathan won't leave the bay alive." Georgia says with a smile.

"Great, I can't wait to tell this to my boss," Avatar says standing up giving Georgia a salute.

"Of course sir," Georgia says standing up and returning the salute.

"GodSpeed Georgia, GodSpeed," Avatar says putting down his salute before he walks out of the room.

"Alright, what is the other thing you two needed to show me?" Georgia asks

Enty materializes into the room smiling at the battleship. I am going to show you the brainchild of my head engineer before he left us. I think he would be happy to give it to you." Enterprise CVN-65 says

"Honestly, it's something insane. But I guess that's what happens when an engineer gets a tinker power." Enterprise CV-6 says

"Well, let's go see it." Georgia says
Thomas Calvert has successfully usurped Piggot, the woman was currently in a medically induced coma while her insurance company fought off the hospital's attempt for parahuman healing. Piggot never really got over her bigotry for the evolved humans.

There is a lot of bad blood between the Wards and the Director who had to take medical leave.

"This place is literally falling apart!" Calvert shouts

Rennick looks at Calvert.
"Armsmaster went and died on us and Piggot didn't even manage to get through all of the paperwork that caused this before her stress-induced organ failure," Renick says

"So, are you doing that then Deputy Director?" Calvert asks

"It is your job, Mr. Interim manager," Renick says with a smile.

"It can't be that bad can it?" Calvert asks

Renick walks across the room to the closet and opens the door. Three stacks of paper about waist height come tumbling out. The top pages slinging across the floor.

"Well, Shit," Calvert says

"I leave you to the meeting with the lawyers now," Renick says walking out of the office.

Enty opens up the hatch to the reactor room motioning for her mother and Georgia to follow.

"We are nearly there now," Enty says

Once the trio enter the room the door closes behind them as Enty walks towards a wall over by the reactor.

Georgia and Enterprise flinch as Enty pops a panel off of the main reactor.

"This is it!" Enty says Reaching up into the hidden compartment.

Georgia stares in stunned silence at the small object that Enty is holding rather precariously above her head..

"Is that a Wave Motion Core?" Georgia asks dumbly.

"How could you possibly know its name already?"Enty asks in shock, holding the infinite power source above her head.

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