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Omnomnom Quest

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To win is to eat.
To eat is to live.
To live is win.

Welcome to a "light hearted" game of...


That which smiles.
Mar 15, 2013
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To win is to eat.
To eat is to live.
To live is win.

Welcome to a "light hearted" game of RAVENOUS CONSUMPTION!​


You become aware slowly, the world coming into focus with a reluctant lethargy. You had been eating this… thing, when suddenly everything around you began to take on new meaning. Not that you woke up, just that the world suddenly made a different kind of sense than it did before. Before, everything had been… straightforward. Simple. You hadn't thought, you just ate. Fought and killed and ate without any regard for anything. Now though, its as if a curtain has been pulled aside. Everything you're observing doesn't suddenly make sense, but the capacity for it? To be curious, to wonder, to explore, to consider, to choose…

Tastes like… well, you've never tasted anything like it before. Like before you were nothing and now you're everything. Or will be, could be. You're not quite sure, but you think you like this. You like it a lot.


This Quest is going to involve a lot of violent combat where the winner eats the loser. After each snack you get a bonus to one of your stats, new abilities, points to build with, etc. etc. etc. Write-ins are welcome, even if I forget to put the option down there. Especially in fights where a tricky solution may be a better answer.

Choose one option from each of the following sections.

You look basically…

[-] Reptillian
[-] Avian
[-] Muridaen
[-] Ursine
[-] Canine
[X] Feline
[-] Bloblike
[-] Write-In (Avoid humanoid things and insects, GM reserves veto power)

You diet before becoming aware enhanced your…

[-] Strength (Most combat will come from this stat)
[-] Intelligence (Covers your cognitive reasoning and most special abilities)
[X] Charm (The ability to fit in and communicate. Also used for status attacks)
[-] Endurance (A broad term for defensive ability and resistances)
[-] Speed (Should be fairly self explanatory.)

You prefer to hunt at…

[X] Melee
[-] Range
(There is no penalty associated with this choice. Its merely what you're better at.)

You have a special ability, it effects…

[-] You
[-] A Single Target
[-] A Line
[-] A Cone
[-] Your Enemies
[-] Everything in front of you
[X] The Terrain itself

Something nearby catches your attention as you look around…

[-] Your hands
[-] A knife
[-] A spear
[-] A hammer
[X] A scarf
[-] A hat
[-] A crystal
[-] Something odd (GM choice)
[-] Write-in (No swords)

You stretch, working out the kinks and cleaning off the remains of your last kill. You look around, what do you see?

[X] The sky is oddly reflective and shiny. You've never noticed that before…
[-] The cave you've been using as a home is actually a part of something much larger…
[-] Woah, you're really close to the edge. Wouldn't want to fall…
[-] A trail of dust rising in the distance. Something big is moving over there…
[-] You bet if you climbed one of the larger trees you could see better…
[-] Is that a path leading up the mountain? Maybe there's something above these caves…


Strength: 5
Intelligence: 3
Charm: 7

Physical Defense: 6
Special Defense: 3.25
Status Defense: 3

Quickness: 1
Awareness: 2

Health Points: 34
Life Points: 3/5

HUNGER: Surprisingly hungry.

Special Abilities
Charm: Distract - Breathing through a special chamber in your throat causes a deep reverb that is highly distracting. Anything within Close range of you suffers a small penalty to all stats. Right now you can't use it and attack at the same time.
Status: Nameless, Beginner

Terrain: Advantage Charm - By forcing your otherworldly presence into your surroundings they begin to warp and twist. This special ability is not itself an attack, but it greatly enhances all Charm abilities used within it. Currently this ability effects a Close range. Be wary that all beginner Terrain abilities effect all creatures equally, and will enhance Charm attacks used against you as well.
-Status: Nameless, Beginner
-Synergy: Due to your nature you also gain Status Defense from this ability.

Otherworldly: Something about you is slightly disturbing. The fact that you can weaponize (if not well) this is doubly so.

Synergy: A combination of your nature and your abilities is working together for a greater effect. Improving them should only make this increase.


Broken Leg: You're far hardier than a normal animal, so all this does it slow you down a bit. Still hurts like hell though.

1. Dark Blue Scarf x1 ("What? How'd it get that???") You found this scarf in the jungle when you first became aware of your surroundings. What benefits it gives, if any, are currently unknown.

Evolution Points
2 : Eat things to raise me!


1. Blue Floating Jellyfish in Area 1: +1 Int, +0.25 Special Defense
2. Furry Cow in Area 1: Presumably raises CHARM
3. Armored Turtle in Area 1:
-Small: +2 Defense, +2 HP
-Medium: ???
-Large: ???
4. Running Lizard in Area 1:
5. Acid Spitting Bird in Area 1:
6. Thorn Shooting Plant in Area 1:
7. Tyrant Wolves in Area 1: A curious descriptor.

Random chattiness follows.

Omnomnom Quest, and later Omnomnom, THE GAME! run on a very simple concept.

To win is to eat.
To eat is to live.
To live is win.

I wanted something that was easy, lightweight, and fun. Originally based on a Saga Frontier (just about the opposite of easy and lightweight) adaptation I was working on for a tabletop game, a curious thing happened when I presented my test group with the choices of Level Up (human), Enhance Items (Mystic), Upgrade Self (Mech), or Evolve (Monster). They weren't given the corresponding explanations of what each choice would mean for their race selection, but every single one of them chose Evolve.

Fast forward a few weeks to the release of Heart of the Swarm. Two of my players are waxing poetic about the missions where you control the evolution of the swarm while I listen on. Tentatively I pitch the idea of Omnomnom, outlining the system I had been working on and going over the sheets of notes I have on it. Both absolutely loved the idea, but said I really should beta it online before trying it at the table.

So! Omnomnom Quest. Less mechanics, more setting, story, and atmosphere.
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[-] Ursine
[-] Endurance (A broad term for defensive ability and resistances)
[-] Melee
[-] You
[-] A hat
[-] You bet if you climbed one of the larger trees you could see better…

Cuz Bears
[-] Feline
[-] Intelligence
[-] Melee
[-] The Terrain itself
[-] Something odd
[-] The cave you've been using as a home is actually a part of something much larger…

Underground smart Zerg catgirl, who can alter the terrain at will? WIN!

[X] Reptillian
[X] Intelligence (Covers your cognitive reasoning and most special abilities)
[X] Melee
[X] Everything in front of you
[X] A metal and crystal thing glows and is sparking...
[X] You bet if you climbed one of the larger trees you could see better...
[-] Bloblike
[-] Endurance (A broad term for defensive ability and resistances)
[-] Melee
[-] You
[-] Thread of viscous liquid
[-] The sky is oddly reflective and shiny. You've never noticed that before.

Slime is a go!
Jans is this.....BLORP QUEST or the game that BLORP QUEST is based on?! :eek:
Ardion Prosili said:
Jans is this.....BLORP QUEST or the game that BLORP QUEST is based on?! :eek:

Running Blorp Quest through the google machine spits out Ogre Quest by Blorp, which looks like a pretty big deal as far as quests go. I'm certainly not familiar with anything called Blorp Quest, though if the idea looks similar... maybe? I'd have to look at it. Saga Frontier came out (in the States at least) around the same time as Final Fantasy VII so everyone was pretty ravenous for JRPGs. It was a love it or hate it game, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone else enjoyed it enough to work off the idea.
You look basically…
[X] Reptilian
Your diet before becoming aware enhanced your…
[X] Speed
You prefer to hunt at…
[X] Melee
You have a special ability, it effects…
[X] Everything in front of you
Something nearby catches your attention as you look around…
[X] A scarf
You stretch, working out the kinks and cleaning off the remains of your last kill. You look around, what do you see?
[X] The sky is oddly reflective and shiny. You've never noticed that before…
[X] Ursine
[X] Endurance (A broad term for defensive ability and resistances)
[X] Melee
[X] You
[X] Your hands
[X] The sky is oddly reflective and shiny. You've never noticed that before…
[x] Feline

[x] Charm (The ability to fit in and communicate. Also used for status attacks)

You prefer to hunt at…

[x] Range

[x] You

[x] Something odd (GM choice)

[x] Woah, you're really close to the edge. Wouldn't want to fall…
Who needs might if there is Teamwork? I got a Pride of poisonous cats
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[X] Feline
[X] Charm
[X] Range
[X] The Terrain itself
[X] Something odd
[X] The cave you've been using as a home is actually a part of something much larger…
[X] Feline

[X] Charm (The ability to fit in and communicate. Also used for status attacks)

[X] Melee

[X] Your Enemies

[X] Your hands

[X] You bet if you climbed one of the larger trees you could see better…
(x) Ursine
(x) Strength
(x) Melee
(x) The terrain
(x) A scarf
(x) The sky is oddly reflective and shiny
[-] Ursine
[-] Charm (The ability to fit in and communicate. Also used for status attacks)

[-] Melee
[-] A Cone

[-] A tophat
[-] Is that a path leading up the mountain? Maybe there's something above these caves…

He is a gentlemanly bear. With a breath weapon.
Woo! Thanks for joining me everyone.

I have work at 530, so vote's closing in 20 minutes. Revote/new voter/reach consensus time. If the issue of race hasn't been decided by then I'll roll a die.

EDIT: Or, you know, after I get out of the shower after being covered in manure. =/

With eleven voters the count currently stands as thus.
Feline 4
Ursine 4
Reptillian 2
Bloblike 1

Charm 4
Endurance 3
Intelligence 2
Speed 1
Strength 1

Melee 9
Range 2

You 4
Terrain 3
Everything 2
Enemies 1
Cone 1

Something odd (GM Choice) 3
Scarf 2
Hands 2
Hat 2
Metal & Crystal glowing and sparking 1
Thread of viscous liquid 1

Shiny Sky 4
The Trees 3
The Cave 2
The Edge 1
The Path 1
[x]Bunny like.
[x]Your special Abilty affect you.
[x]The Sky is oddly reflective and shiny.
So you eat stuff to get stronger? Interesting~

[X] Reptile
[X] Intellegence
[X] Melee
[X] Environment
[X] Crystal
[X] Cave
Alright votes closed! New tally is... more ties. >_< Doh't

[X] Feline = Odds, Ursine = Evens
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d6 : 3, total 3

[X] Charm

[X] Melee

[X] Terrain = Odds, Self = Evens
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d6 : 3, total 3

[X] Scarf = Odds, GM Choice = Evens
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d6 : 5, total 5

[X] The Sky

EDIT: Well that's just odd. Ohohohoho. Ahem. Story post after work~

Also bullet points for small x, interesting.

EDIT2: -_-
I suppose an Ursine specced for charm may have been a bit weird.
We would have been a Panda
Votes closed ? Shit.

Would have voted for Ursine.
Yeah I should have left it up. Usually on Sundays we have all sorts of time to sit around and I would have gotten the post written up, but we were pretty busy tonight. Lesson for the future I suppose.

However Bear fans fear not! Just because you start looking feline doesn't mean you'll stay that way.

mc2rpg said:
I suppose an Ursine specced for charm may have been a bit weird.


You can't exactly figure out what it is about the sky that bothers you. Just something that niggles in the back of your mind, saying that something is off. That there shouldn't be dozens of lights in the sky, only one. That they should move, instead of staying still. That it shouldn't be so... uniform in its blues and grays.

Still, with one last distrustful glance skyward you settle back into the grass. Your body is somewhat feline at first glance, covered in dark fur and currently speckled with blue blood. You are three feet long, standing around a foot and a half tall and weighing in at a respectable thirty pounds. (About the size of an American bobcat.) Your tail adds another foot and a half to your length, and is fairly uninteresting as such things go. Better to consider the razor sharp claws and the maw full of fangs. You would assume that's what most of your dinner thinks about, briefly.

On closer inspection, a casual observer would rapidly become sure that you were no garden variety cat. Your claws, front and back, are mounted on strong digits, more resembling large hands than paws. You haven't exactly worked out fine manipulation yet but you're fairly new to this whole thinking thing. Your limbs are long and oddly jointed, giving you a gangly look while sitting still and a slightly disconcerting gait that makes it seem like you flow over your surroundings. Your mouth opens far too wide, packed full of wickedly curved teeth for snapping and tearing. All in all you look a bit too otherworldly for anything to observe you at length without getting uncomfortable. In full light it probably wouldn't be as bad, but you don't tend to hang out where just anyone could see you.

Next to you is a strange, dark blue length of cloth. You inspect it, snagging a curious winged-rabbit out of the sky to snack on. You're not terribly sure how you know its called a scarf, but you certainly can see the appeal of such a thing. The shade of blue is quite nice, especially against your fur. You pick it and, after a moment of thought, sling it around your shoulders. Adjusting it slightly ensures it won't get caught on anything or be used to choke you without slipping off. It shouldn't get in the way when you go hunting.

Normally you hunt slowly, disorienting and confusing your prey before lunging in for the kill. You are aided in this by a specialized chamber in your throat that you can use to cause a deep reverberating hum that is fairly distracting. You can't keep it up while doing anything besides move, but you could do it all day long if you wanted.

This effect increases dramatically when paired with your other ability. Part of your unsettling mystique is actually low scale warping of your surroundings. Everything looks just a little bit more... off when you're around. Concentrating for a few minutes can suppress this effect or magnify it greatly. When you push the feeling out and into your surroundings it tends to make everything around you just a little less sensible. Angles refuse to meet up properly, trees don't grow quite so straight, bushes lose definition while grass jumps out in sharp clarity. Combined with your distracting reverb, this is enough to send most prey into a panic.

Most prey that is. There are exceptions.

You live in a thick jungle, crawling with hostile flora and fauna. Even the too-dumb-to-live winged-rabbits have a pretty nasty poison in those fangs. All of it is good eating, but some things really aren't worth the hassle. The big turtles with their armored hides, the bulging plants that bristle and burst with thorns, the running lizards, and the small flock of acid spitting scavenger birds. The herd of thickly furred cow things are a pain in the ass, but you're an old hand at distracting and separating them. They taste good enough to be worth the risk. Then there's the fucking jelly things.

Yeah, like the one you just finished eating. Big blue floating suckers with long tendrils that hang below their main body mass. They tend to stay over by the lake, and always seem to know you're coming before you get there, even with the reverb going. You've wanted to eat one for a while now, but they sting like a bitch and swarm whenever you get near.

That is, until you dropped out of a tree onto a loner wandering through the jungle by your cave. You don't know what one was doing so far from the lake, but you're not complaining either. Even if it was stupid enough to be in your territory it was delicious!

The tendrils had a bite to them and were a light start to the meal. The main body was more substantial, with a satisfying thickness and deep flavor. The inner core, usually bright and flashing, was surprisingly delicate with a rich concentration of flavor. You haven't eaten such a delicacy since you got ahold of one of the birds, and there was a great deal more to this meal than that one.

Though speaking of which, you're still pretty darn hungry. After the jelly, winged-rabbit just doesn't seem as filling.

What to do now?

[-] Go exploring, you've got new eyes to look at the jungle with. (Pick a direction, NSEW. The lake is north and your territory backs up to the boundary in the south.)
[-] Go eat some more little stuff, see if that'll fill you up.
[-] Hunt something a bit more challenging. (Choose what you want.)
[-] Climb a tree, see if you can't get a better look at the sky so you can put your claw on what's bothering you.
[-] Hunker down and hope something comes to you.
[-] Write in.

(You'll have to experiment with what eatings increase what stats, but I left hints for most of them. After you eat something I'll record what bonuses they give for future reference.)

First Post is Updated with Character Sheet and Omnomnomicon entries.
Let see if we can divine why the jelly-things are knowing we are coming.

[X] Go exploring, you've got new eyes to look at the jungle with. (North)
[X] Go exploring, you've got new eyes to look at the jungle with. (North)
[X] Go exploring, you've got new eyes to look at the jungle with. (North)
... Hmm.

[X] Go eat some more little stuff, see if that'll fill you up.

Winged Rabbits are probably going to get us venom, and seem to be easy enough kills. I'd like to have that fairly potent before we go after anything else.
Encounter roll.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 6, total 9[/blockquote]

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