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One Positive Change at a Time (ASOIAF: Viserys SI) Dead.

Future wife (need time to shape things in the chosen direction)

  • Brienne of Tarth

    Votes: 47 12.1%
  • Arianne Martell

    Votes: 158 40.8%
  • Margery Tyrell

    Votes: 184 47.5%
  • Asha Greyjoy

    Votes: 64 16.5%
  • Ygritte

    Votes: 47 12.1%
  • Sarella Sand

    Votes: 22 5.7%
  • Nymeria Sand

    Votes: 31 8.0%
  • Tyene Sand

    Votes: 15 3.9%
  • Mya Stone

    Votes: 44 11.4%
  • Rhaenys Martell

    Votes: 135 34.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
"I don't know if I'm a Sand or a Storm, maybe I'm a Waters or the rumors are true and I'm really a Snow! The last part comes out as a whispered plea and I find myself with no reason to argue. "My heritage is being stolen from me and I need to know why."

Yeah, this is wrong. Westerosi Bastard names are from where you are raised not where you're born. If he had one he would be a Storm.
Yeah, this is wrong. Westerosi Bastard names are from where you are raised not where you're born. If he had one he would be a Storm.
No. Bastard names are from the place raised, unless the mother's family alone acknowledges the kid and are from elsewhere. Then they can get that name. If the Father's family acknowledges them, they can take that name.

If he wass known as a bastard he's a Storm, if the Daynes acknolwedge him he's a Sand. If the Selmy's acknowledge him he's a Storm, if the Starks do he's a Snow. The Waters bit is just to acknowledge Ashara may have conceived in the Crownlands.

And you can always just invent a new bastard name like with the Tanner kid. Those are only the standard names used
Do not let him go on any longer trip through Westeros,politic could catch to him.Just build brigantine and see world.
P.S depend on what he remember about chemistry,he could made few useful things.And if he was good in history,he could made better steel using methods from,let say,18th century.Becouse knowledge how made still modern way would not help him - not possible to copy.
The same basically goes for all technical knowledge - he do not need to knew how made X using modern methods,but how made X using methods usable with medieval technology.
Do not let him go on any longer trip through Westeros,politic could catch to him.Just build brigantine and see world.
P.S depend on what he remember about chemistry,he could made few useful things.And if he was good in history,he could made better steel using methods from,let say,18th century.Becouse knowledge how made still modern way would not help him - not possible to copy.
The same basically goes for all technical knowledge - he do not need to knew how made X using modern methods,but how made X using methods usable with medieval technology.
Someone is getting a "mermaid" wife, won't say who yet.

I can always just sail around with my squire. Instead of a hedge knight, I can be a mast/sail/hull knight.

I failed chemistry so bad. Physics, Biology, Cooking, Drama, Law, Psychology (online college course), English, and both Modern/Ancien history classes in grade 12. I did 2 years of a highschool teaching degree, and I have a apprentice certificate for plumbing. I was in Sea cadets and boy scouts, grew up on a farm and had my first job at a bowling alley when I was in grade 4. Have worked retail, construction, and as a delivery driver and was assistant manager at greyhond for a while.

One problem with improving things, is that makes me valuable. People want me around if I can make money for them.
Chapter 18: That Time Already?
Chapter 18: That Time Already?
Rhaenys Martell

Riding in Uncle Doran's litter down to the docks is tense, with Mother fussing over Aegon's always difficult hair. Almost like a cow licks his forehead each morning, my brother's bang's stick up in the oddest directions.

"I wanted to say goodbye to Uncle Oberyn," He whines to the rolling of Mother's eyes.

"He's the one who can't seem to get over his hate for your Uncle Viserys," Mother hisses in disappointed frustration at her brother's rage.

"This will at least give you a chance to see him before your stay with Lord Arryn." Doran gives me a softer smile and adds my own destination. "And yours with Lord Jaime. I've sent your letter and Elia watched the Maester send the raven herself, Oberyn's not around to stop him right now."

As soon as my Uncle realized his words had no affect on my memories of Viserys keeping me safe, he settled for making sure no word was passed between us. When his offers of bringing us to Essos until we could reclaim our throne also failed to sway his siblings' minds, Oberyn and his paramour Ellaria Sand left with their youngest children for a destination unknown.

The idea of going to the Westerlands had filled me with dread until Uncle Doran explained how rarely Lord Tywin returns home. Nearly all of his efforts are spent working with the Hand in King's Landing, the two have been worked nearly to exhaustion running the Realm in place of two irresponsible sovereigns.

"I can't wait to meet him!" My brother squirms out of Mother's grip and nearly squeals with excitement. "He yelled at the Usurper and three lords… and then he and his friends saved Grandmother all by themselves."

No matter how many times Oberyn tried to twist my brother's idea of Viserys to fit the growing reputation of the 'Dirty Dragon', Mother just reminds Aegon of one very important truth. Viserys is the only reason we're alive and only because he insisted on giving his place on the ship to Mother and Aegon.

Oberyn is just jealous Aegon will never have the same hero worship for him as he does for his other uncle. My cousin Arianne smirks deviously at me and I know a cutting comment is about to be delivered.

"Ah yes, the Tyrells and your betrothed… the Littlest Lannister."

He proved he wasn't some monster like the rumors once said. Tyrion's got all the bravery of a full grown man and word from Grandmother's wedding says he even learned the harp for me. It was just a scared little girls letter, but he took the words to heart like an oath.

The gifts each nameday come not just for me, but Mother and Aegon receive ones along with Doran and his children each year. If Oberyn and his children received any I do not know, any would have been rejected before even being looked at.

The letter for me with that comes with each gift shows he's no lout like Arianne fears her father will find for her. The words are sweet and he even promised the castle looks nearly identical to when he arrived. Only tapestries and paintings have been hung so it's not so spooky, but he says I can replace half of them with ones I prefer.

'I wish for us to decorate our home together dear Rhaenys, for until you are here… Dragonstone is only the place I live.' That is the only letter packed with my things and even though nearly all the words are now illegible… I can remember every single one perfectly.

"Hush Arianne, you go too far." Doran gives her a stern frown. "Lord Tyrion took a blade for his friend. He paid for the insult his father gave our family."

"Sorry Rhae. I'm just being mean because it's easier than being sad you have to leave." Pulling me into a tight hug, Arianne whispers her last few words. "Now Father will only have me and the boys to think about and I've seen some of the offers for my hand."

"So come with me, Jaime said I could bring one of my cousins." I know he meant one of the Sands, but this will only be better in his father's eyes when he learns of it. Besides, none of them wanted to come. "Quentyn is already going with Aegon."

She looks conflicted as she considers the offer. "But I didn't have time to pack. Why didn't you say something sooner?"

Her father ends up making it an easy choice when he offers his own opinion. "You are a Martell and this is Dorne. If you wish to go, the ship will wait while your belongings are gathered." His eyes gleam with some kind of plan in the works, but I ignore it in favor of my excitement for now.

"You had best remember things in the North a different, you won't be able to have such freedom with your body… not if you wish to be seen with respect by the Westerlands." Mother reminds Arianne gently.

"I know but Ser Hightower cannot follow Rhaenys everywhere." Counters my cousin. "Nor can we be sure Lynesse will be a proper role model. Rhae will need someone to look up to if Lady Lannister turns out useless."

"Six years will give you time to evaluate the offers I get for you with your own eyes." Uncle Doran gives his only daughter a firm stare. "But if you don't approve one of the choices I send you by the time Rhaenys weds… your choice will be gone."

"But that's not fair!"

He just shrugs and nods towards me with a knowing smirk. "It wasn't fair what happened to your cousins, nor that Viserys betrothed his niece and mother without even asking." I'm alive, Mother has explained well enough what should have happened once Lord Clegane scaled the walls of the Red Keep.

"You will be Princess of Dorne one day, so use this time to show the Realm how strong you are." Mother chimes in more warmly than her brother. "Don't choose some pretty face with no real value or a terrible man with wealth. Find someone who will leave you with the real power and not contest your rule."

"Elia is correct." Agrees Doran with a relieved voice at yet another argument being ended before it could really begin. "You are approving of the man, it is my responsibility to approve of the family he hails from."

Uncle Doran likes keeping secrets but Mother makes sure to explain his decisions. I think that's the only reason Mellario isn't going back to Norvos over Quentyn leaving for the Vale. While the Prince of Dorne cares about his long term plans and Oberyn is all about instant payback… Mother makes sure to remind us all that living family comes before revenge.

"You aren't just picking someone for me?" With more vulnerability than she normally reveals, Arianne gives her father a relieved smile.

"As long as you work with me, I have no reason to turn you against me with a marriage you despise." Something twinkles in Uncle Doran's eyes. "Besides, Storm's End is not bereft of worthy men. Maybe you'll send word of your choice before you even arrive at Casterly Rock."

Arianne's eyes widen in realization and I can see her mind whirling with thought. Renly is a third son and Viserys has already shown he has no desire to rule. Telling the Lords Paramount the throne makes people crazy will always make me smile… and then I can't shake how true his words seem to be.

The lessons with the Maestor have only shown me how few members of family to sit the throne manage to stay sane. We either shun the crown or seem to go mad, I'll be happy as Princess of Dragonstone. Wait… does this mean my children will retain the title?

"You won't have long before other families make a move on Viserys, the Tyrells are only waiting until he is no longer Stannis' to control." Elia cautions my cousin. "Ashara's raven said he won't be a squire much longer, he seems to have gone on another adventure to Summerhall."

"He's going where?" Arthur hisses from his seat beside our driver and shoves his worried face through the divider. "And when?"

"Ashara said he was going to Summerhall before Robert gives it to Renly." Scowling at Arhur's tone, Mother never the less answers his question. "He and 'Duncan' had already left by the time she sent the raven."

Ser Dayne's face gets a pinched look and a bead of sweat starts to roll down his forehead, though it's probably from the rather hot day he's being forced to endure.

"… Barristan says Viserys is quite good with Wode's morning star, right?" It's sweet how much they worry about us, even after they had the chance to go back to a normal life.

"You sound worried Ser Arthur," Grunts Uncle Doran slowly but Arthur is quick with his charming smile.

"It's just that each time Prince Rhaegar and I traveled to the ruins, brigands had used the curse to conceal themselves from observation of the local lords."​
Ser Dayne's face gets a pinched look and a bead of sweat starts to roll down his forehead, though it's probably from the rather hot day he's being forced to endure.

"… Barristan says Viserys is quite good with Wode's morning star, right?" It's sweet how much they worry about us, even after they had the chance to go back to a normal life.

"You sound worried Ser Arthur," Grunts Uncle Doran slowly but Arthur is quick with his charming smile.

"It's just that each time Prince Rhaegar and I traveled to the ruins, brigands had used the curse to conceal themselves from observation of the local lords."

... Was Arthur planning for something to happen to Renly by "brigands", and it's now going to spring up on Viserys ? Damn, poor dirty dragon is going to think himself cursed if he gets another friend killed because he seems targeted by various schemes.
It's starting to fall behind already, but I do hope Arianne wins. It's so rare to see anything done with her.

And yeah, Arthur is sweating bullets, lol. Unlikely, but had the thought that if Viserys is really looking to go on the run, lowkey faking his death here wouldn't be terrible. He just needs to get in contact with loved ones later and should be good?
Smart brigands.And it explain how bodies wanished.I hope,that this time nobody from his party die.Sad thing - if brigands made base there,there is nothing valuable left there.
Well,SI would survive and become famous again.

P.S Viserys could instead standart mermaid get Manderly girl.Save option,nobody North would try made him king or kill.And Manderlys would love his new ships.
... Was Arthur planning for something to happen to Renly by "brigands", and it's now going to spring up on Viserys ? Damn, poor dirty dragon is going to think himself cursed if he gets another friend killed because he seems targeted by various schemes.
Something is definitly up and Viserys will of course blame himself.

It's starting to fall behind already, but I do hope Arianne wins. It's so rare to see anything done with her.

And yeah, Arthur is sweating bullets, lol. Unlikely, but had the thought that if Viserys is really looking to go on the run, lowkey faking his death here wouldn't be terrible. He just needs to get in contact with loved ones later and should be good?
Everyone on the list is going to be in the story at some point and Arianne will have a very vital role to play either way. the vote is only for who I marry.

Hmm, faking death is always an option if the noose of responisibliy grows. Though if anyone learns I'm alive, my family is still all hostages.

Smart brigands.And it explain how bodies wanished.I hope,that this time nobody from his party die.Sad thing - if brigands made base there,there is nothing valuable left there.
Well,SI would survive and become famous again.

P.S Viserys could instead standart mermaid get Manderly girl.Save option,nobody North would try made him king or kill.And Manderlys would love his new ships.
"Brigands" have to be recent. If they had been in the area since Rhaegar was a teen. the local lords would send weekly patrols to check Summerhall. If any bandits are at Summerhall, it's a new group.

One of the MAnderly girls will have a part to play in someone's journey, I actually forgot I could have made the older one an option.
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Chapter 19: Headstart
Chapter 19: Headstart
Renly Baratheon

The second Alyn blurts out Stannis' plan to steal from me, my blood rages like a storm. Of course Stannis can't let me have anything of my own, he won't even let me have rubble!

Nothing I do is good enough for him, it's why I gave up trying to be anything more than adequate years ago… no one cares. Even Barristan spends more time worrying about my cousin and I'm his damn squire.

I had to beg Robert on his last visit for a seat of my own, it's not my fault he gave me Summerhall. It's not like I hate Viserys or anything, I would have given him anything that looked like an heirloom. He's just so boring ever since his mother's wedding, maybe finding him an egg will finally put a smile on that dullard's face.

"Get the others and meet me at the stables," Grabbing my sword belt with sudden surge of excitement I let a grin split my face. "We're leaving before it gets dark." If Ser Barristan is mad… I'll just tell him we decided to scout ahead once they arrive.

"Podsville is only an hours away, we'll spend the night and rise with the sun." My comment has my Estermont cousin try and fail to contain a snort of amusement. "I can wake early if I need to, I'm not just some spoiled prince." Stannis won't let me enjoy my status, but Cersei and Joffrey are allowed to be as demanding as they wish.

Of course Viserys still spends time with the boy, I think he's the only one who still seeks him out. I've seen the look in Visery's eyes when he does and I know he finds no enjoyment in it. The strange mix of guilt and determination is just another reminder of what a real prince is like… according to Stannis and his wife that is.

By the time I manage to sneak outside without Viserys' friends seeing me, my own party are saddling the horses. All of them except one is excited by my idea and I hold back a groan when Galladon voices his complaint.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Galladon of Tarth is older by a few years and I've only recently started noticing how nice his smile is, though his lips are distorted by a very unflattering scowl at the moment.

"It's a great idea," I insist with bravado. "Stannis is always telling me to be responsible and now I am. Can't let my cousin and his friends get hurt, we need to check it out for danger first."

If we wait, Viserys will just take over the whole trip. He keeps saying he has nothing but a name left, yet it takes all my charm to stop my friends from flocking to him.

The innkeeper earned his pay and had us all fed and on the road just as the cocks began crowing. Looking at the verdant fields of peas we pass, I take a deep breathe of the sweet air.

"At least the lands seem fruitful," Lester Morrigen stops his whistling with a dark laugh. "Even if Summerhall is cursed, you can always just build your keep somewhere else."

"Green's better than the drab grey of Storm's End, but first thing I'm doing is having things with color planted everywhere." As pleasing as the change in scenery is, it's still very monotone and will grow just as boring before long. "Strawberries and cherries, with some plums and sunflowers would be a good start I think."

Cressen says Summerhall is overgrown with black walnut and blueberries. Those nasty trees are at least valuable timber, should be able to pay for some of the construction. I'll need to ask Robert for a loan, no way Stannis will help me with it.

Realizing the birds haven't been singing for longer than I can remember, I take a closer look at the farmhouses along the road. None of them have any sign of life and these fields are strangely bare.

"Harvest isn't for another month I thought?" My words have my Sworn Sword growl out a 'no'.

"I don't see any people or animals… something's wrong." My youngest companion Balon Swann hisses in worry.

He's right but I can't show my own fear. Stannis would stay resolute and deal with the trouble in our lands. Even Viserys would deal with it himself.

"Check the houses, see if anyone can tell us what happened here." Ignoring the fear so it doesn't spread to me, I direct my friends to different moss covered cabins. "You can help Foxglove look for tracks Balon, he can keep you safe."

"We got bodies Renly," Alyn is pale faced when he reemerges from his own cottage to check. "I'm guessing it's the same in the other houses."

"We need to make sure," Swallowing my fear is harder than I imagined, but I force myself to do it anyway. "Someone could still be alive."

He winces at the idea of having to search another house. "Not if they're all missing heads."

"We should ride for Lord Peasbury's castle," Ser Foxglove advises with none of his normal good humor, his emerald eyes locked in a fierce stare. "It's not safe for us to remain any longer Prince Renly. Whoever did this may still be nearby and we haven't been quiet."

Mocking laughter comes from woods on the far side of the road. Seven men emerge and only one is without his bow drawn. The leader has a massive two handed ax in his hand, the blade gleaming silver under the morning light. "No, you really haven't been."

The one in charge is in plate armor and I glare at the sight of his shield. "Silveraxe Fell. Why are you spitting on my brother's mercy like this?"

"You aren't the one asking questions anymore little Renly, so keep yer mouth shut and drop yer weapons." He saunters up to my sworn sword and swings his weapon into William's gut before his sword can be drawn. "I said drop em… or do you boys need another example to learn your manners?"

"Don't hurt anyone else and we'll come quietly." I growl in defeat and know my brother's wouldn't just give up.

But I'm not either of them, like everyone keeps pointing out. Not as mighty with a weapon as Robert or as disciplined as Stannis… all I have is my looks over them. Stannis has never been more than passable, even with all of Cersei's attempts to spruce him up.

Robert may once have been handsome, but he and his wife have really let themselves go. Each time they visit, it seems like they've gained another twenty pounds between them. Lyanna's brother is handsome though and really has the look of a roguish prince. His easy charm is something I want to emulate far more than my brothers' pigheadedness or Viserys' dullness.

"See, that wasn't so hard." Silveraxe has two of his men bind our wrists in a line. "We just need you to sift through some rubble and we'll ransom you back to your families. So be good and you'll all see mommy again."

"Was really nice of them to bring us all these horses, was getting really sore feet with all this walking." One of Fell's men cheers and flings himself onto Galladon's steed Sapphire. "If we can find a few more, it'll make it a breeze to meet up with the ship."

"Shut up or lose yer tongue." Slamming his fist into the mouthy ones gut even from a standing height, Silveraxe has to be nearly the same size as Robert. "The boys only need to know where to dig, if they learn to much we ever let them go. Each one's worth more than yer life, so don't push me." Only he looks like all well toned muscle I wouldn't mind having, not as if feasts beyond count have turned him flabby.

They loot Ser William's body and toss it in the woods once finished, before leading us away. Jogging behind our horses gives me more empathy for the infantry who do this during war.

"Let's see how fast they can run, who ever can bring their boy back first gets two servings of the Storm girl." Fell's cruel laughter is shared by his fellows and I find they look more like pirates than knights. The golden teeth and earrings stand out as oddities and I can only wonder what the Hells Fell is up to.

Barristan is on his way, he'll get us out of this mess. That thought is the only thing keeping me motivated enough to run and soon I find us pulling ahead of the others.

"Didn't think you'd have it in you, Stannis never said you took after Robert." The words are meant to be mocking, but I only take that as motivation. You're going to die and it's going to be this Baratheon who does it.​
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It was wery Renly-ish.If he die,kingdom would not lost much.I hope,that Gallador do not die,Brienne do not deserved that.
And now SI is safe,but lost his chance to get anything.Well,he still could go on sea.
Chapter 20: What Are They Doing Here?
Chapter 20: What Are They Doing Here?
Viserys Targaryen

Once Sandor's massive black bear dog drags the body of Renly's sworn sword from the woods, Barristan is quick to order the youngest among us away for help. Duncan and the younger two Seaworths race away at a cantor while the rest of us prepare for trouble.

"We're only going to find Prince Renly and wait for Duncan to bring Lord Peasbury's men." My nerves settle down into only a buzz of anxiety at Ser Barristan's calm command.

The stench of blood from inside the single house I worked up the courage to check for clues, will remain in my memories for far longer than I would care to admit. At least whoever has Renly and his friends is smart enough to keep him for ransom, he should be able to last a few more hours with them.

"The only place a group big enough to do this could be hiding is Summerhall." Barristan explains when we voice confusion as he leads us of the road. "Your brother and I came this way in case more bandits had chosen the ruins as a base. A deer trail nearby should lead up to a ledge with a perfect view of the ruins."

"Those really don't last more than a few years though," He snorts at my remark and has his own quick response.

"They only shift around a bit, we'll just need to be quiet while we search for the new one."

His confidence is hard to argue with so I don't even try. Instead I let my worry for Renly fill my thoughts. Why didn't you just wait for us? I wouldn't have said no, if you had just asked to come.

When we do find the trail, it's far too narrow for horses and we end up leaving them under Ser Humfrey Clifton's lazy eye. We're forced to crawl when the brush thins but soon a raised ledge of exposed sandstone conceals us from view once again.

"Whoa… that's a lot of bandits." Hisses Dale and I know his eyes are drawn tight in fear without needing to look over.

Over thirty people are in two groups, with most flowing in and out of the ruins. I can't tell what they're hauling out of the building from this distance, but three distinct piles are clearly visible. The smaller group is only made up of twelve men, but they seem as well armored as any knight.

When he growls beside me, I can picture Ronnet grabbing his sword hilt instinctively for comfort… half a second before it rattles in his hand. "Those aren't bandits."

"How can you tell?" Barristan doesn't argue and patiently waits for Ronnet's rather surprising answer.

"Because that's my Father's horse!" The rage in his voice is now making sense and I take a closer look at the six steeds beside the ones stolen from Renly and his friends'.

He's right! I can see a Cafferen with the twin white fawns on green and Grandison's sleeping black lion on a field of yellow. And the other three aren't even from around here I realize with growing worry.

That's the bastard Addam Rykker's banner, the reversed blue warhammers crossed on a black satire over white. And that would be a Northern banner I recognize next, the leafless tree with a mint green background. The final visible shield is the three heads of the Sunderlands and I have no idea why they have come so far South.

"I don't see Renly anywhere." His friends hadn't been tied up with the group at the fire, so they must have put them to work searching the rubble.

Sandor points out the first familiar figure any of us have seen. "Looks like one of the Swanns just came out of the closest building, can't tell if it's Donnel or Balon though. We're going to need to shave one of them so we can actually tell them apart next time."

"If they live to next time you mean." With rage growing in his normally more easygoing voice, Ronnet sounds ready to charge down by himself.

"Better odds by far than Duskendale or King's Landing." I get a grim nod nod from the boldest among us, right before he begins rubbing dirt in his shoulder length graying hair. "Sandor and I will sneak down and get word of incoming rescue to the boys. You lot just need to worry about signaling us once the Peasbury men arrive."

"But-" Ronnet doesn't get more than a single word of complaint out before Sandor shuts him up with a stern growl.

"But nothing. We have no idea how many of those people are captives or just the grunts speeding things up."

Agreeing with his once squire's words, Barristan at least does so with more care for the fuming Connington. "Sandor's right. If I knew it was only those twelve we needed to take down I might consider letting you help."

"We'll need a few alive for answers, we'll try and make sure your father is one of them." Hisses Sandor as he and Barristan carefully descend the game trail. "Don't worry about being bored, the others look to have plenty of questions for you."

Damn straight we do! It took longer than I'd like for Ronnet's words to register and when they do I exhale slowly. The look in Dale's eye when I glance to him as a gauge for whether I'm overreacting, assures me I'm not alone in my growing fury.

"Why does your father… have Renly captive?" I manage not to scream somehow, but it's a close thing.

"Looks like he's responsible for a lot of trouble. So what do you know about all of this Ronnet?" He goes pale when he back into Ser Colen of Greenpools and realizes we've surrounded him.

"Nothing!" He pleas desperately but right now my only concern is saving my stupid cousin. "You know as well as anyone I only see him when I go home for my nameday and that's months away."

Ser Malegorn of Redpools crosses his arms and snorts derisively. "Bullshit. Something this big takes months to organize, they probably told you last year."

"I swear I know nothing about this!" Ronnet's not this good of an actor I realize and start to believe his claim. "Father only told me to do my best to befriend Renly, which you also know I failed at. He hoped that would be the path to reclaiming our title one day.

"Even if the King would have done so one day, I'm pretty sure Prince Stannis will see him hang for this." Comments a still scowling Dale and Ronnet doesn't argue.

"He knows I'm a hostage…" Shaking as the harsh truth floods him, Ronnet's face contorts in a snarl. "This is as good as him declaring me dead. So I should treat him the same damn way." He grabs his sword even tighter than I do and tries to control his short rapid breathing.

You really didn't have any idea, did you? "If he dies, it won't be by your hand. Friends don't let friends slay their kin." At least not with witnesses around.

"If you're telling the truth, your blade will be red on his friends blood once we charge with the Peasbury men." Dale isn't as quick to forgive and I know only Renly's impulsiveness saved us from springing this trap. Allard and Matthos could have died… we all still could.

"Find as many of our friends as we can and try and count how many foes we're going to be fighting." I'm really not liking the idea of charging against three-to-one odds. So I' hoping most are captives, no matter how dark a wish that really is.

Once we settle in for the wait, it doesn't actually take that long to differentiate the people down below. Only a handful of the ones swarming the ruins are armed and they're very clearly directing the fifteen or so captives.

"It looks split almost half and half between them, we can take the traitors once Renly and the others are warned." Ser Humrey has noticed he same thing I have but come to a far different conclusion. "We don't need to wait for Lord Peasbury to take over. No reason to give them all the glory."

"Not risking Renly on such a big maybe." He scowls but does finally concede to my firm command.

Allard glances my way and snorts, relieving some of the hair trigger tension that's been building for an hour. "It's kind of scary how much you look like Stannis when you grit your teeth like that."

"Don't let Renly hear you say that, or he'll get all pissy again." He fires back to chuckles from the three knights, but I'm left confused.

"What are you talking about?" I look nothing like him.

He rolls his eyes and starts holding up fingers. "The short hair, inability to really have fun for more than a few minutes at a time, and lack of any style. No… Renly has no reason to think you're trying to replace him."

"Shit!" Ser Humfrey interupts with a worried hiss. "Ronnet's not waiting. Is he turning us in?"

Looking down at the bottom of the game trail reveals the absent Connington and I can tell by the drawn sword he's not going to be pointing it our way. "Nope, so get you asses down and back him up! I'll cover you."

Drawing my bow with fingers shaking from anxiety, I don't wait for Ronnet's yelling match with his father to end. Going into a zen like state, the 'bandits' are replaced in my eyes with the straw men I practice against. Except you lot aren't swaying in the current.

One after another I fire arrows with painful precision at the startled knights. The first arrow strikes the Stane man right in the throat and drops him to the dirt like his strings have been cut. My second hits the Cafferen knight in the knee and he screams in pain while I take a quick breath.

I get two more off before Ronnet is to close for anymore shots and grin at the three shrieking men. They kept their heads down after I killed the first, but knee and elbow hits will leave them nearly as out of the fight.

The three men watching the captives are overpowered by two men surging from the rubble. Barristan is going to kill us for this. Ignoring that unpleasant future for now, I scan for any clear targets.
I read book about longbows,and longbow strong enough to kill man in mail could be fired 15/min,maybe 20/min arrows.Lesser ,made for hunting smaller animal,could have R.O.F 30/min.And kill unarmoured people,too.
/Longbow,a social and military history by Robert Hardy./

So,Renly would probably live.his stupidity saved Lannisters in canon,so unless he get smarter,it would hurt Westeros in future.And SI become Legolas.Well,he already befriended dwarf,so why not ?
P.S it is still best thing for him to run on sea.
I read book about longbows,and longbow strong enough to kill man in mail could be fired 15/min,maybe 20/min arrows.Lesser ,made for hunting smaller animal,could have R.O.F 30/min.And kill unarmoured people,too.
/Longbow,a social and military history by Robert Hardy./

So,Renly would probably live.his stupidity saved Lannisters in canon,so unless he get smarter,it would hurt Westeros in future.And SI become Legolas.Well,he already befriended dwarf,so why not ?
P.S it is still best thing for him to run on sea.
yeah the main issue was once the surprise was over and the enemies got too close to my allies/other captives, couldn't risk any more shots at the melee/hit plate armor or a shield. I got 4 hits, but a few shots missed. But once they missed I ignored them and Viserys only registered the 4 hits.

He has a (smaller) long bow for now, and can do 150 yards while tired and 250 yards while fresh. About 10 decently aimed shots a minute or 3-4 well aimed ones, or a barrage of maybe 20 with almost no aim. Storm's End wind made it so his training was about finding the breaks in the wind so he had better aim.

Here we still have Gerion around and Tyrion hasn't been pushed away from his family, so the Lannisters may not even need Renly's aid.

Viserys will be on a boat soon.
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yeah the main issue was once the surprise was over and the enemies got too close to my allies/other captives, couldn't risk any more shots at the melee/hit plate armor or a shield. I got 4 hits, but a few shots missed. But once they missed I ignored them and Viserys only registered the 4 hits.

He has a (smaller) long bow for now, and can do 150 yards while tired and 250 yards while fresh. About 10 decently aimed shots a minute or 3-4 well aimed ones, or a barrage of maybe 20 with almost no aim. Storm's End wind made it so his training was about finding the breaks in the wind so he had better aim.

Here we still have Gerion around and Tyrion hasn't been pushed away from his family, so the Lannisters may not even need Renly's aid.

Viserys will be on a boat soon.

Veteran english archers had range 400y,and hit horses at 200y with each arrow.During Crecy battle/1346/ crossbowmen were massacred before they get in range of their own crossbows/less then 200y/,
and all of them had helmets and mails.
But plate was another matter,even strongest bows could not pierce it from range longer then 30y.And even then they were slowed so,that could not kill.Only cases of deaths was arrow to the face.
Or killing horse - knight in plate on which fell his own dead horse and then get tramped by his fellow knights usually do not fight well.
Veteran english archers had range 400y,and hit horses at 200y with each arrow.During Crecy battle/1346/ crossbowmen were massacred before they get in range of their own crossbows/less then 200y/,
and all of them had helmets and mails.
But plate was another matter,even strongest bows could not pierce it from range longer then 30y.And even then they were slowed so,that could not kill.Only cases of deaths was arrow to the face.
Or killing horse - knight in plate on which fell his own dead horse and then get tramped by his fellow knights usually do not fight well.
I'm using the Medieval, not the English Longbow. I haven't found enough evidence of Westeros having the Range and dominance the English Longbow would have given.
Oh hey, if he sizes up a bow to longbow-size that could be the MCs signature. Relatively unique while also being relatively simple and plays into the MCs strengths (archery). Plus, the sort of muscle it'll put on him fits well with knights. Also can double as a staff in a pinch.
Oh hey, if he sizes up a bow to longbow-size that could be the MCs signature. Relatively unique while also being relatively simple and plays into the MCs strengths (archery). Plus, the sort of muscle it'll put on him fits well with knights. Also can double as a staff in a pinch.
I think you'll like this chapter (like 250 words left and it's done.). If/When I get a dragon, I've already trained to shoot in the wind and that's really usefull for ship to ship archery at sea.
Chapter 21: We Had A Plan!
Chapter 21: We Had A Plan!
Viserys Targaryen

Once I can't tell foe from captive, I shoulder my bow and pull my flute from my waist. With practiced ease the pieces snugly slide together and I let out two strong notes that echo through the pass. If that doesn't get Peasbury to pick up the pace, I'm all out of ideas.

No more practice, this is for Edmure. I repeat the words in my head with each stride down the narrow game trail, ignoring the stinging pain of the thorn bushes stabbing into my skin.

The morning star in my hand begins to spin with a whistle that promises bone shattering agony for whoever it lands on and I charge into the fray with a screech of fury. The noise saves Dale from being skewered by his foe and when the Grandison Knight turns towards me… Dale shoves a blade right through his armpit.

"Back to back, we can't let them surround us or we're all dead!" He does so with no complaint and I know my back is safe as long as my best friend draws breath.

"We need to get to the others!" He roars over the shriek of my first victim, a very tanned man with far too much gold jewelry to be a knight. All of them are decently armored, these aren't some basic bandits at all.

"Humfrey is down and Silveraxe is toying with Ronnet, you need to get out of here." Malegorn barks at me with grim determination, even as Ser Colen falls to a spear in the eye beside him. "Ser Seaworth and I will make these pissheads forget all about you."

Dale is as confused as I am at the name and I almost expect to see Davos charging down the road next with the Peasbury men. Of course that hope is dashed before it truly even forms.

"But I'm no knight?" Mutters Dale, though I barely hear it over the clanging of his blade keeping my head on it's shoulders.

"You beat all of us knights into this deathtrap and I don't lose to squires." Malegorn of Redpools slams his hilt into his foes hand, shattering the bone and sending the hatchet it held to the dirt. "You're willing to fight and die as a man and I've seen you have the skill to be called one. So lets slaughter these assholes Ser Dale!"

I'm not outrunning horses, this is all or nothing for everyone here. The knowledge my death is going to come soon fills me with a calmness as I accept my fate. My family is safe except for Renly… we just need to take enough of these bastards down so that he can escape with the captives.

"You just woke the Dragon!" I dash away from Dale and narrow my eyes on the one behind all of this. Ronnet's Father still has a clean sword, but he's definitely chosen his side. He's not even trying to change his son's mind anymore, all he's doing is staring in silence like the piece of shit he is.

I shatter the man's shield into pieces on my fourth swing and finish of the Connington knight by caving in his helmet. The splatter of red covers my face before I can close my eyes, but my tunnel vision doesn't let me get distracted.

Make as much noise as I can and disable as many as possible. A crippled man is just as good at keeping captives restrained, I don't need to finish them off once they drop. Besides… maybe the screams will encourage Renly to get off his ass and run.

Ronnet's scream of conflicted grief leaves him exposed and Silveraxe decides it's time to finish off the teen. The bellow becomes a shriek of agony when his sword hand is taken off with the massive silver ax.

Unfortunately I'll never know how well Ronnet could have adjusted to the loss, for the silver blade next ends the screaming by removing Ronnet's head. The wet thud when it hits the dirt resonates in my head and I finally found the foe I'm going to give my all against.

Silveraxe swerves out of the way of my first overhand swing and avoids the figure eight pattern of my follow up attempts with mocking words. "Come on 'Viserys the Vermin', I thought we woke the dragon. Or are you just a dragonfly about to be squashed?"

He drives the haft of his ax into chest, driving me to the ground with a pained gasp. You've had more than enough to find Renly, you better be long gone by now Barristan.

When I roll over and try to climb back to my feet, the savage Fell knight stomps down on my wrist. "How about I peel your wings off one by one… should make all those who swore loyalty to your family feel better about you being such a coward."

Slamming his ax into the headless body of Ronnet, he draws a curved knife used to fillet a fish to replace it. "Now it'll make it faster if you stay still, but I really want to hear you scream for mercy Boy."

"Get away from my cousin you traitorous cur!" A voice I haven't wanted to hear in years bellows with outrage. A stampede of footsteps comes from the ruins and I manage to twist my head just enough to see my rescuers.

Renly leads the captives with the very tools they had been provided to dig. He wields a pickax in both hands and for the first time reminds me of how intimidating Robert really can be.

Flanking him on either side is Sandor and Barristan, with the rest of the wards only a few paces between them and the smallfolk. At ten paces Renly looks ready to face Silveraxe, who chuckles in amusement.

"What's with all these boys trying to challenge me?" The 'bandits' leader readies himself to meet Renly's charge and grinds my hand painfully beneath his heel. "Your not worth keeping ali-" Renly surprises everyone including himself I think and flings his weapon instead of closing with his foe.

The pick whirls through the air and drives the point end right through his chain mail. Whatever Fell wanted to say is disguised by his dying gurgles and I'm finally able to haul myself back to a standing position. The throbbing in my good hand warns me I won't be shooting for a while and that I should probably start training with my left.

"Is it over?" Pants Renly and I can see how pale he is. "Did you save us?" his hands are shaking uncontrollably and I realize this is his first real fight.

"No Renly…" He looks annoyed when it sounds like I'm going to blame him for everything. "We saved each other." When I finish though, his face shifts into an expression of relieved disbelief.

"Really? You aren't going to take credit for the rescue and tell Stannis I rode ahead?"

This doesn't seem to have been targeted against either of us specifically, so we're going to need to bring someone back for interrogation."Whoever went first would have been in the same boat, you scouting ahead gave us a chance to send for Lord Peasbury's help." I give an embarrassed giggle to relieve the tension.

"Besides… I thought Barristan and you lot ran for it once Ronnet screwed everything up." We had a plan! "Do you know what they wanted to find here?" Even though I think I know, I do need some unbiased confirmation.

"You won't believe me unless you see it with your own eyes." He smirks at me and tries not to look at the bodies. "So can I show you, this horrific. How can you ignore the smell?"

"I'm from King's Landing." That should be enough but I have even more to add. "And you know… I had to escape into the sewers with Rhaenys and Jaime. Let's just say his cloak was brown by the end of the day."

He nearly gags at the idea and turns away. "Gross." His voice loses the normal bravado and he actually sounds vulnerable. "Why didn't you invite me? I wasn't going to keep anything that was special."

"This is the only thing my family has left." It shouldn't matter so much but whatever remains of Viserys inside me needed to do this. "Once it's yours… all I have is a name. It's why I wanted to see how much of the wood was usable, wanted to turn Summerhall into Summerhull." It was a stupid idea, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up like an idiot.

"What do you mean you have nothing, hasn't Stannis told you?" Renly has a strange look in his blue eyes and he seems to make a realization. "You don't know you're his favorite… do you?"

"That's ridiculous," I deny that claim at once, I've never been anyone's favorite in either life. "You're his brother… I'm just the cousin he might have to kill if Dorne gets uppity."

"He's going to give you land if you keep being such a kiss-ass." His voices goes stiff and grim. "Probably going to give you the Griffin's Roost now, no way the Connington's are keeping anything. Except maybe their lives if they take the black."

"Maybe." No point in ruining this strange peace between Renly and I with needless bickering. "Now what did you find?"

Renly scowls at my impatience and sighs. "Fine, I was just trying to surprise you."

"Please don't. Surprises end up with my friends dead." I can't grieve for them until I'm safe back in my room.

"We had to sort everything into three piles." He finally answers. "Rubble, valuables, and weapons. Do you know what dragon bone looks like by the way?" His sudden question makes me nod slowly.

"Yeah, saw lots of skulls in the Red Keep."

He nods eagerly. "Good, because we found a bow and no one could actually be sure what it was made of. We also found a Valyrian steel candlestick, some dragon engraved silverware, and a nice assortment of coins."

"None of that's a great big shock, though it's still a great find for you." He found it, not right of me to demand them for myself after he did the hard labor.

"A great find for us." He insists with a cautious smile and it takes a moment for me to hesitantly return it. "But once I figured out what Silveraxe wanted, I made sure none one handed in any of the eggs."

Something about the way his eyes twinkle makes me freeze mid-step. "… Eggs?"

"Yeah." Renly smirks wide at me. "Seven of them and we made sure to hide them. Wanted to make sure these bastards didn't get what they really wanted." His voice is filled with cockiness as he sees my awe spread across my face.

"Good thinking." He blushes pink from my praise and leads me to a section of piled rubble.

"Best part is, all of them are warm still." Shifting the rubble exposes seven glittering scaled stones and he hands me the coppery green one.

Copper also fits Vis' new colors, thinking about it. Eerie.
Also yeah, this is definitely gonna result in a Dance happening in another 5-15 years.
Renly alive,SI would get castle,and they found warm eggs.Viserys should really go for long sea trip before somebody try made him king or/and/ Westeros start falling on itself.
Also yeah, this is definitely gonna result in a Dance happening in another 5-15 years.
Oh most definitly.

Renly alive,SI would get castle,and they found warm eggs.Viserys should really go for long sea trip before somebody try made him king or/and/ Westeros start falling on itself.
Viserys needs an escape plan before Stannis thinks he's old enough/proven himself.
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Chapter 22: Beauty And The Beach
Chapter 22: Beauty And The Beach
Arianne Martell

Rhaenys struggles to keep her eyes open long after Aegon dozes off beside her, the red silk sheets tucked right up to his rather green face. Haven't seen that shade in a few years. Brushing the stray thought aside, I share a giggle with Rhaenys when my brother lets out a snore from his hammock behind me.

They aren't going to make you sleep on top of the Eerie, you don't need to practice sleeping up high. She does manage to stay awake until the last page, but my practiced bedtime tone makes sure I don't need to make up another story tonight.

Standing at the same time a wave breaks on the ship nearly sends me tumbling to to floor. How much more of this rocking before we arrive? I've barely been able to walk in a straight line since we left Sunspear and I know Aegon isn't keeping anything down for long.

Doesn't matter, this is my chance to choose for myself. Elia never got that choice and she nearly died for it. If I can't find someone who will treat me as an equal… I'll at least have enough time to find a simpleton with a respectable name to control.

If Viserys really has no desire for power and just wants to float around on one of these horrible things, I can always give him control of Dorne's fleet. But it can't really be that easy… can it?

He talked down four Lord's Paramount out for his head and kept his entire family alive. Rhaenys and Aegon didn't even have to become hostages until it was long proven the deal would be honored. Viserys has something more than rocks in his head and I'm going to need to find out exactly how much he takes after King Scab.

Softly closing the door to our cabin, I lean on the rails and carefully climb the stairs back onto the deck. The salty air has a slightly different smell than I'm used to and I try not to gag on the overpowering odor of shellfish.

Under the tumultuous dark grey clouds above, I find it nearly impossible to distinguish the black sea from sky. The shoreline is only distinguished by dots of orange sparsely placed and It takes a few minutes of searching to find a cluster big enough to call a village.

Where's Ser Arthur gotten to? My lips curl into a smile as I start to once again prowl the boat. He'll at least be something pretty to look at before bed.

"What are we going to do with Arianne?" I freeze at the tension in Ser Gerold Hightower's voice and decide not to open the door to the helm's tower just yet. "She wasn't supposed to be here and she's smart enough to know we aren't approaching Storm's End."

"Don't worry so much my friend," The captain answers with his thick Pentoshi accent. "My fleet is ready to cover our escape… once we transfer our cargo at the Griffin's Roost of course. I've got good coin on our boys only finding two, so they better not be late."

"Once the children are on the Stag's Heart, we can load the infected goods." I nearly gasp at how cruel the Sword of the Morning sounds right now.

Showing his own sinister nature, the captain agrees heartily. "Storm's End and Dragonstone not long after will face justice for Varys. My master has waited six long years for this"

"We've all waited for our vengeance on the Usurpers and the 'Dickless Dragon'." Gerold grunts back with a far more controlled anger and I can only assume he means Viserys. "A few more months will ensure the Ironborn ready themselves and the Vale Lord's agents are in place. We'll only have one chance to do this properly."

"As long as Rhaenys goes to my master's son and is named Prince of Dragonstone… our interests continue to align." The accent takes a few seconds to decipher but when I do, the panic nearly overwhelms me. "Oberyn gave his siblings countless chances to do what is right, they just lacked the fire to do so. Hopefully they can forgive him for his role in restoring the true dynasty before this is over."

With wide eyes I scan the barely visible shoreline for an escape and this time do gasp out loud. Over a dozen ships with black sails are bobbing before us with menacing silence.

"The Princess heard!" Gerold's panicked roar has me react with less than perfect planning.

Dashing for the railing I grab the lid off a crate and do not hesitate. I close my eyes and throw myself over the railing into the night air now filled with a light rainfall.

Splashing into the cold water sucks the air from my chest and I struggle to kick my way back to the surface. I'm eventually forced to slide out of the top of my orange silk dress or be dragged down with it.

When my head finds the very welcome air, I take a huge breath and kick despite the roars from the boat. "Get in the rowboats and get the Princess back here!"

Not happening. Ignoring the ache in my heart from this betrayal, I focus on the lights I hope come from a village. Shore's less than five hundred yards away… I can do this.

Each kick both sends me surging forward through the waves and saps me of energy. The current is non existent in the Water Gardens and I was not prepared for how strong the tide can be.

My vision gets spotty before I'm even halfway to shore and the pounding in my ears drowns out the sounds of anything else. I have to tell Father what's happening… he needs to know about Oberyn.

The venom of the betrayal is all that gives my kicks strength and soon my spotty vision fades to a blank whiteness. Just keep kicking. Repeating the mantra is all I can do and thankfully it's enough to keep me going.

My foot slams into a rock but the shooing pain is welcome for the surge of energy it brings. I made it to shore!

When my feet graze the seaweed, I weep with relief. Soon my toes sink into the silt with each step and I emerge from the waves.

Shivering in the rain that has grown into a full blown storm sends me stumbling along the beach for shelter. The shouts from far to close makes me try and run.

My stiff legs don't respond correctly and I fall face first into the black sand. With the last of my energy I try and crawl, only for the sound of splashing oars to become clear behind me.

I was so close. I don't even have the energy to scream the words in my own head and lack the strength left to pull myself any farther.

The sound of beating hooves confuses me for a moment, but the confidant laughs soon becomes worried yelling. "Those are Baratheon banners!" Back to th-"

The loudest one is silenced with the hoof beats and I realize a little too gleefully he must be dead. "Kill those traitors like the snakes the are!" I guess I don't feel even a tiny bit bad.

"Get the girl off the beach 'Serys," A deep but still recognizably teen male's voice roars a second before a high pitched shriek. "We'll make sure to take a few of these bastards alive."

"Take my hand!" A voice with far less boom and far more warmth comes with a hand jutting in front of me. "We don't want you getting trampled in a night fight M'lady." The man is confident and I decide to trust him.

Firmly taking hold of an archers' calloused hand, I find myself pulled up in a single confidant motion. Throwing my leg over the horses neck allows me to slide into place in front of my rescuer.

He slides an arm around my waist, holding me loose but somehow also securely against him. Once he gets us a safe distance away, I sink into him and take deep gasps for breath.

"Are you alright?" His voice is far closer to my own age than I had first believed and far more nervous than only a minute ago. "… Did they harm you?"

"No, but I need to get to Storm's End and warn them." I remember the talk of infected goods and my family still sleeping on the ship. "And my Father needs to be told of his brother's betrayal."

"Pronouns are fine…" I can hear the smile in his voice and can't wait to see how charming it is in the light. "But I kind of need to know your name, for anything you said to make sense."

"Princess Arianne Nymeros Martell of Dorne."

My false confidence works and he sputters behind me. "What?"

"And your name good Ser?" He goes stiff behind me and I take the chance to wiggle a little closer. "Or would you perhaps be a lord's son instead?"

The first friendly voice I heard answers my question as the rider trots towards us. "Viserys! We got two alive but the fleet is making right for Griffon's Roost."

A torch in the other rider's hand reveals the speaker is almost the spitting image of Robert Baratheon. You must be Prince Renly, so who's that beside you?

"Um… Viserys." The torchbearer's eyes go wide when the light reveals my attire. Flushing bright pink he immediately looks down at he sand. "You do know she's practically naked, right?"

"What are you doing?" Renly barks at the still as stone Viserys behind me. "Give her your cloak!"

Viserys snaps out of his stupor and hands me a cloak with shaking hands. "Here you go."


"No welcome," He stutters out and smacks himself in the forehead once he realizes what he said. "No, I mean your problem." He groans as Renly and his torchbearer chortle in amusement. "I mean maybe I should stop talking."

Renly finally gives me a name for the third teen. "Hear that Ser Dale, someone managed to shut Viserys up." He emphasizes the title.

"I know Prince Renly, I like this girl." This blonde knight Dale smirks back like an old friend. "How about you take her back to Storm's End with Barristan and we'll deal with Griffon's Roost?"

"It'll be better if Renly is seen leading the forces," Viserys concedes with an audible frown. "Just no more scouting ahead."

"Can you do what ever you did last time and make him go back to stuttering?" Renly snorts out and I can see Visery's arm go a shade pinker. "It's way more fun than when tries to act all responsible."

"Arianne, would you like to ride?" Viserys ignores his cousin and speaks to me directly. "On my horse!" His voices goes shrill as I laugh alongside Renly and Dale. "It wasn't a proposition or anything!"

Wiggling a little bit closer to him once again, I wink at a belly laughing Renly. "That's a shame."​
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Arianne is lucky to have survived that. I'm guessing taking off the orange top early is the only reason she didn't get nailed with an arrow from the ship, right away.

On the bright side, she's stumbled into the best possible situation for her there. Right into the arms of Vis and Prince Renly.
When Viserys finally gets out into the world he's going to be appalled at the legend the bards have been building out of him :V

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