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One Positive Change at a Time (ASOIAF: Viserys SI) Dead.

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Inserts are supposed to have time to prepare or get some kind of power to balance things out...
Chapter 1: Waking as the Dragon

Flightless Man

Versed in the lewd.
Aug 17, 2020
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Inserts are supposed to have time to prepare or get some kind of power to balance things out. Seven year old Viserys has neither of those things, as the Lannister host is already marching on the capital. I try to die painlessly and somehow keep living for more of the suffering Westeros has to offer. By looking only a single step forward in my journey, I find myself quite far indeed from Viserys' original destiny when I do look at where I am.​

Chapter 1: Waking as the Dragon

When my eyes flutter open to the light shining onto my face I reach for the light switch, only to find my arm far shorter than it should be. Blinking in shock at the stubby limb better suited for a child, I nearly throw my self from my bed in a panic.

The crimson silk sheets tangle around my legs and drop me onto the stone floor hard. Gasping as the air is forced from my lungs, I lay in a heap on the floor shivering despite the warm spring air.

Gazing around the room doesn't tell me much except that this is a very opulent bedroom. The sight of a mirror makes me struggle to my child sized legs and dash towards it.

The face staring back at me causes the memories of the body to flood back all at once, leaving me unresponsive to the maid who comes to check on me. The face of seven year old Viserys Targaryen stares back at me as I reach up and grab the long silver-blonde bangs hanging in front of my violet eyes.

A string of thoughts keeps repeating in my mind on a constant loop, while I just pinch and pull at my face until it hurts. Very soon I'm going to Dragonstone, my cousins will die horribly, and I get to live a desperate life on the run before dying.

When I notice myself begin to hyperventilate I take a few deep breaths and steady myself. Honestly… I'd rather just face a quick end and hope I can make one change for the better before I go. Whatever part of Viserys remains in me is aghast at what happens to Elia and her children.

"I am Prince Viserys Targaryen and I can do this," I repeat a few times and practice my confident expression in the mirror.

An amused cough from the doorway makes me whirl in shock, only to find a very young Jaime Lannister standing beside my mother Queen Rhaella.

"Of course you can my little darling, but I need you to choose your favorite things so we can leave today." She looks near tears and a feeling of dread worms inside of me as she explains. "Your brother lost and the rebels are marching on the city now. We're going to Dragonstone until things are safer,"

Even though I already know the answer I'm forced to ask anyway. "What about Rhaenys and Aegon?"

"Your father needs to keep them here as-" My mother winces and tries to hide the reasoning from me.

"Hostages." My bluntness shocks her into silence, although it is more likely just conditioning from Aerys that makes her flinch backwards when I raise my voice.

"But that doesn't make any sense, why keep them all in one place?" I dash over to my dresser and with great determination begin to dress myself. "I need to speak to Father now."

They exchange looks when I say this and I learn exactly how much power I have when Queen Rhaella simply tells me 'no'. She doesn't even let me choose my own clothing, absentmindedly taking the cream colored breeches and hands me a pair of plum ones instead.

Once she pulls a scarlet doublet over my head, Rhaella grabs the brush and smooths out my hair. "Don't fret Viserys, it's only temporary." She hums to me as I fume silently over how unfair this whole situation is.

Inserts are supposed to have time to prepare and have a whole training arc before getting thrown into things. Why didn't I get a body that can actually change something, why couldn't I have been one of the children who died?

Scowling as I'm lead through the Red Keep, I curse my fate. Daeron or Aegon would have given me a proper second life where I could maybe have affected the rebellion's outcome. Even just being Jaehaerys would have left me closer to the age of ten and able to command a little respect.

Probably could have gotten the Kingsguard to start training me already too. I slow down when we near the throne room and see Elia waiting outside to share her own goodbye with my cousins.

Sweet little Rhaenys darts forward to wrap me in a hug goodbye but I freeze in her arms. I won't let you die. I may not be able to fight the Mountain off… but maybe I can turn him into the Volcano instead.

I just need to prove my loyalty to Aerys and I'm one of maybe ten people who actually has a chance at that. Being so young and a clear lack of visual threat might be the only reason I'll have even a chance at influencing the madman's decisions.

Darting around the grieving Elia's own hug, I break into a sprint for the throne room. My cries for Father hit just the right tone of desperation to allow my entry to be unimpeded by Ser Darry. He's currently receiving his final commands for the escape to Dragonstone but I throw myself on the floor between the knight and his king.

"Don't send me away Father, I promise I'll be good and loyal!" The swirling emotions of a child's body make it easy for tears to spring forth. "I love you… please don't make me go."

He smirks at my show of obedience and allows me to grovel for nearly a full minute before stopping me with a shiver inducing voice. "My dearest son, if something goes wrong I need you safe."

"But why aren't Aegon and Rhaenys coming?" I screw my face up into a mask of confusion. "If they are hostages meant to keep Dorne in line, shouldn't one of the children go to Dragonstone?"

Aerys leans forward and his sneer shifts into what he would call a smile but any sane man would call a grimace. "Why is that my boy?" His yellowed teeth peek through the tangled mass of hair on his fair, making it hard to focus on anything beside the manic look in his eyes.

"If the city falls Dorne is free to let us die." Thinking fast I make a decision based entirely on who it will be easier for me to rescue by myself.

"If they are as weird as you always say," I make It look like I'm thinking back on one of his 'wise' teachings. "Shouldn't Aegon and Elia come to Dragonstone?"

It takes every fiber of willpower inside me not to flinch when a clawed hand begins stroking my head. I'm forced to borrow more from Viserys to keep speaking, because I just want to be as far from this creature as I can get.

"I won't leave you Father." I firmly declare and put the most worried expression I can muster on my face. "Everyone wants to hurt you, I need to protect you from them!"

He chuckles at those words and his greasy voice starts to speak again. "If only all had the loyalty of you my little dragon but that is why I need to send you away. They want to hurt you too."

"I'll jump off the boat and swim back or I'll steal a boat and row!" I'm not strong enough to live the rest of my life on the run or raise Dany into who she needs to be, but I might have just enough fight in me to save one little girl.

"You are my heir now Viserys." Aerys actually looks touched by what to him must look like his son's desperate cries of love.

"If Mother has a boy I am unneeded, if I have a sister you can bind her to Aegon." He looks intrigued by something in my eyes as Father gazes deep into them for a sign of something. "I was never supposed to be a King, I just want to protect my family."

I lose the firmness in my voice and go for a child's desperation now. "Please Father, don't make me go."

Varys gives me a calculating stare that I only barely catch before he hides it behind his robes. My Father grabs my chin and squeezes until. "If only Rhaegar had your loyal heart, we would not be in this mess." Not loyal, just terrified of the horrors this world brings to everyone the longer they live in it.

Rhaenys is confused when she is separated from Elia so I grab her hand in my own and whisper reassuringly. "Just stay quiet Rhaenys, you'll see your mother again soon."

Elia and Mother say a final farewell to us and I lock eyes with the distraught widow. "I won't let Father hurt her, I promise." My intensity stuns the women with Elia being the first to recover.

"You better, she has no one else here now." Her voice is tight and I feel the pressure build on my very small shoulders.
Chapter 2: Dragons Have Talons Too
Chapter 2: Dragons Have Talons Too
Thrusting my arm underneath the shelf, I carefully search for anything I can actually wield in the royal armory. All the theories of the Catspaw being hidden inside the castle have been fruitless.

Three whole days of searching the cluttered room has done nothing but fill me with dread, it hasn't made Rhaenys any happier with me either. She's smart enough to know I'm behind her and Elia's separation yet still too young to understand why I did it.

"If you help me look, we can go play before supper." My words do nothing to sway her opinion of me.

"Don't wanna." Glaring back at me when I climb off the floor, I notice to late the dreaded Balerion is missing. The demon in cat form leaps from the top of the shelf and digs his clas into my back. Pain rakes across my back when he slices through my shirt with ease, but I refuse to let a cat beat me.

I reach for my back and ignore the searing pain when the cat moves to clawing my hand instead. He yowls when I grab him by the scruff of the neck, chomping down on my hand with a savage vengeance.

Biting my lip to avoid screaming in pain, I hold the beast before me and hiss like a rattle snake. The surprising sound makes Balerion still in my hand and I watch it's eyes carefully roam the room.

When he finds no threat the intensity of his stare is turned back on me. Unblinking I return the gaze with all of my own pent up fury… and I have a whole lot inside me right now.

I only release Balerion when when he submits after what feels like five hours but wasn't even that many minutes. "We both want to keep Rhae safe, you're only making it harder!" I don't know why I expect a cat to understand but I vent anyway.

"Stop being mean to him!" Rhaenys makes her own displeasure known by kicking me in the knee as hard she can. She grabs her pet from me and hisses with tears shining in her eyes. "Stop lying to Balerion, you don't like me. You made me stay here by myself!"

The distress in her voice hurts because I know it is indeed my fault she's so miserable. If I hadn't interfered Rhaenys would have been happy with Elia until the end.

"I promise you Rhaenys, I will keep you safe." She let's me approach and gingerly wrap my arms around her shoulders. "You are my sweet little cousin and I love you. Right now that means we don't have time for very much fun."

"But I miss Mommy," She whimpers in my hold, with Balerion finally deciding I am forgiven.

"I miss mine too Rhae."

We stand like that as long as I dare waste time, but eventually I'm forced back to my search. She decides to stand up and cough, a blush of embarrassment dusting her cheeks.

"Sorry for lying," She lifts the lid of the only crate she had checked upon entering and said was full of swords. "But I was mad at you." Inside the crate she's been sitting on for three days is a collection of jeweled daggers but my eyes lock onto the only one I've seen before.

"Aha!" pulling it free from the sheathe reveals the smoky grey ripples of Valyrian steel and I nearly sob in relief. I can actually stab through armor with this, I might just be able to take someone down with me now.

I put the blade back in the sheathe carefully and tie it to my belt. Rhaenys wont look me in the eye but does seem to be working up to something.

"Why did you want me to stay?"

Oh boy… how do I answer this on a level she can understand. "Because you are the most important person in the world right now and I can't protect you if you're far away."

"Oh." She smiles and slides her hand into mine, allowing me to lead her to the kitchens.

Father has forgone any kind of formal meals leaving me and Rhaenys free to pester the kitchen staff at our leisure. This is where we are found by Jaime, the guards I gave the slip earlier trail behind him with shame filled faces.

"You must stop running off like this little Dragon." He smiles at us with relief plain in his eyes. "Besides, I thought you wanted to protect your father. How are you to do that searching the cellars?"

Untying the dagger draws his and the guards who will likely be in for serious punishment gaze. "With this, I don't have fire like Father so I needed a talon for now. I can stand guard with you now, I have everything a Kingsguard needs."

"You still need a white cloak and to be knighted." He reminds me with an amused smirk dancing on his lips. "But it would make things easier if you stayed in the throne room tomorrow."

"Will you show me how to use Talon?" I really don't want to cut any fingers off.

Smiling indulgently at my earnest face, Jaime relents. "I'll ask the King, but I make no promises."

King Aerys is quite amused indeed by my eagerness to defend him and allows Ser Jaime to show me the basics. He is not however happy with Rhaenys' presence, constantly forced to take breaks and calm her down.

I get only a week of this tense routine before everything comes to a head. I haven't gotten the location of the wildfire from Aerys yet and the Lannister forces have already been sighted marching towards the city.

When the new Hand rushes into the throne room with word of the sacking, my blood becomes thick tarry oil in my veins. No matter how hard I try to do or say something, everything seems to be moving in slow motion around me.

Father's snarled command to light to pyre is what finally snaps me from my daze as Jaime dashes after the head pyromancer. Swallowing the last of my fear, I speak with a foreign calmness.

"Father, a Dragon should light the flames." I try to share his manic expression but know I come far short of the horror he presents. "Where is the wildfire, I will light it." I step closer with each word and kneel right in front of him. "We can ascend together like true Dragons."

He tells me and loses himself to mad cackling as I stand, fully believing in my words. Maybe I can save two people today. The idea surges into my mind and I don't hesitate.

Drawing Talon as I stand, King Aerys has no time or room to react. He can only shriek in agony when I stab into his gut and twist savagely to ensure it kills him.

"Traitors!" Bloody spittle splatters across my face and he grabs my wrist with a rapidly weakening grip "Everyone is a traitor…"

"Prince Viserys…" My name is called and I turn to see Jaime with his own bloody blade. "What did you do?"

It's hard to look angry, sad, and coldly determined all at the same time but I think I manage judging from Jaime's own rapidly changing expressions. "He was going to burn everyone… even Rhaenys." I growl and look over to the terrified four year old.

"I promised to protect her from the bad people and Father is the worst… he keeps hurting Mother and burning people." I lose the sadness from my face, only leaving the angry determination. "We need to go now Rhae, more bad people are coming."

"Where?" She's scared beyond belief, but does accept my hand.

"We're going to hide until it's safe." The answer doesn't satisfy her, but it doesn't make me happy either. It might never be safe for us.

The loose brick in one hallway reveals an old iron key that I stuff in my pocket. "The passageway is in here." I lead us into the wine cellar and start pressing on the surprisingly clean bricks.

The single escape tunnel that Aerys deigned to share with his family leads to the sewers but that is exactly what we need right now. Ignoring the shaking in my limbs over having just killed someone, I 'allow' Ser Jaime to close the entrance behind the three of us.

Balerion darts inside the dark passageway just as the stones seal themselves and takes the lead with a confidence I no longer have. The smell makes it far easier than I would like to find the right path, I'm pretty sure even without Jaime's torch I could sniff my way.

"It smells gross, can we go somewhere else to hide?" Rhaeyns hisses at my back with one hand pinching her nose shut.

"No, we need to wait down here for the Northerners to arrive." My words make Jaime frown and I realize I shouldn't be expecting salvation from a family so wronged by my own. "I know where my brother took the girl he kidnapped. So you can only come get us when Lord Stark arrives."

"What do you mean come get you?" He scrunches his face up like he's tasted something tart and shakes his head. "I'm not leaving your side."

"You have to or I wont be given a chance to talk before my head is bashed in." My voice is firm and he sighs after a few moments.

"Only if I can find a safe place to leave you two." His voice cracks at the end when the green glow ahead of us grows brighter. Iron rungs descend into a seven or eight foot drop to the sewer below, the illumination from the wildfire makes it easy for us to drop down.

"No one is going to attack us right next to all of this evil, so you just make sure to get me a safe parley." The shock of me killing my father and being forced to escape the castle is wearing of and Jaime notices my more adult vocabulary.

"I'm sorry you had to grow up so fast, the Kingsguard should protect the royal family even from each other." He locks eyes with me and the shame in his eyes would be visible even to a blind man. "We have so many oaths to follow, how do you do the right thing?"

I smile up at him and absolve him. "You chose the most important one, protect the innocent." He follows my gaze to Rhaenys and her cat and smiles. "Lots of people in King's Landing have a Rhaenys of their own and we saved all of them."

"When the screaming above stops, I'll go look for Lord Stark." Jaime finally relents with a grimace. "The rebel's banners hadn't been to far off when my father's forces reached the gates."​
Reading chapter 1 I was kinda iffy about this fic, but now I'm definitely getting into it.

Is this going to update at the same pace as OGGS?
This is really good! Shows that even a seven-year old at the right place and time can change the entire story.
Chapter 3: Hour of the Dragon
Chapter 3: Hour of the Dragon
Voices in the dark soon lead to torchlight flickering against the sewer wall. I grab Rhaenys and push her into a crevice in the wall, drawing my dagger and shaking from the nerves.

"King Viserys, I have been promised safe passage to the parley by all four Lords Paramount." Jaime leads a twenty men party made up of each attacker's forces towards us but they all freeze upon seeing the sickly green glow.

"He's going to burn us all just like his father!" One of the Stormlander knights barks out and grabs his blade.

"I tried to bury it, but Father had too much made." I stop myself from whining and leave my tone more grim. "I don't know how many he ordered to light the wildfire, one pyromaniac already tried… I had to stop him."

The body of the pyromancer floating in the sewage is seen with a pool of blood around him, making the warriors gasp in shock. "You have to find the rest before anyone lights it!" I hiss at the warriors who are finally realizing the danger. "You can't let anyone come in the sewers and you need to put those fires out now!"

The flames are doused in the foul water instantly, leaving us bathed in only the eerie green of the wildfire. With one hand holding onto Rhaenys', I sheathe my dagger and take Jaime's in my now free hand.

"You promise they will let me talk?" I have a few ideas for getting them to separate me from the idea of Aerys, but that requires actually getting a chance to open my mouth.

"Lord Stark gave his word," Snarls grizzled a man in Stark colors. "We're here to make sure you don't weasel away on us."

"I only have one chance to save my family." My eyes shine with determination and the man finally relents with a grim nod. "I will not run as long as I know they get to live safe and happy lives." If I actually live through this… I can decide what step two is and maybe think about myself.

Rhaenys and I are escorted through a devastated city on our way back to the Red Keep. The bodies of the dead and wails of the survivors flood my senses, making this the first day sewage is not King's Landing's primary smell.

"Dragons took that from a lot of us, why do you think you deserve it?" Now it's a Vale knight's turn to hiss at me with rage filling his voice.

"I don't." My blunt reply stuns him. "I'm old enough to know how evil my father is. I saw my brother was the same, only Rhaegar was better at hiding it… I should have done something."

I get no more snide remarks from my escort and we finish the trip in silence. It's always hard to listen to a child hate on themselves and I'm going to use every ounce of pity I can get to accomplish my goal.

"Presenting King Viser-" Jaime starts to introduce us, but I silence him with a firm no.

My father's body is gone from the throne but the crimson blood still warns me of my eventual fate. Fast death is preferable to a long drawn out one.

Looking at the stone faced Tywin doesn't make me feel as confident as I did earlier but it's too late to think of something smarter. I'm going to be forced to rely on Robert and Ned's love for Lyanna, with what ever practicality I can reach inside Jon Arryn.

"That is one of the things I want to speak with you all about." I start to speak, but the impatient Baratheon does exactly what I wanted.

"Where is she!" He bellows at me and I only now realize how big the man really is. I don't think I could even reach his heart if I jump.

"She's in Dorne and I'll only say where when you let me finish talking." My gaze roams the four men who will decide our fates very soon. "You promised… or are you all just liars like Father?"

Taking a deep breath I steady my nerves and step forward once I'm assured of my chance by Lord Arryn. "For most of my life I have been scared of the throne and those who desire it. Father would burn people and hurt mother."

"Rhaegar acted more and more like him every day as his desire for the throne grew." I walk between them and grab my father's golden crown from the throne. "I don't want you all to grow mad fighting over it."

"If I adicat… abduct." I frown and pretend to look for the right word, prompting Jaime to provide it with a sad smile.


"Yes, that." I thank him and take another deep steadying breath. "If I name Lord Baratheon my heir and abdicate, will you let Mother live and Elia take my cousins to Dorne? Rhaenys and Aegon can take the Martell name since Father never considered them real Dragons."

Jon Arryn seems on board with ending this fast and decides to speak before the angrier lords. "What about your mother Rhaella?"

Reching for my waist I untie the Valyrian steel dagger from by waist and slowly hold it out to Tywin."I always wished you had been my father and I know you want Valyrian steel blade. Would you accept my own as a dowry for Mother's hand?"

He takes the blade and widens his eyes in shock upon unsheathing it. "I want a Valyrian steel sword… this is a far cry from that." His shock is quickly replaced with the usual scorn.

"It was all I could find, or Ser Jaime would already have it at his side." He's not quite convinced to keep me alive yet, time to sweeten the deal. "I know you ruled the Realm and not my Father. I care not the affliction that your son has, I would betroth Rhaenys to him."

"What about you?" Lord Arryn asks cautiously, finding he is the only one without gain from this exchange.

"I would recognize you raised men of honor and ask you to do the same with Aegon when he comes of age to be warded." Looking Lord Stark in the eyes, I look as contrite as possible. "And I would ask you to be the one to take me hostage Lord Stark, until you deem me ready to swear my oaths at the Wall."

With no delusions of me finding great skill of arms I am fully aware that this will lead to my death. "If you accept my terms I will end the war today and kneel before all."

"Where is my sister." Ned isn't asking his time and I reward his patience.

"The Tower of Joy. He wanted a Visenya and said that was where she would come into the world before he left for the Trident." I let the tears flow free now and try to gain what sympathy I can.

"We aren't sending an innocent child to the Wall." Ned is of course the first to break. "If my sister truly is in Dorne we will decide your fate on my return. If you are lying… that makes you no longer innocent."

"This will leave us with three Targaryen children, four if Lyanna is with child." Adds Lord Arryn making me correct the out of date information.

"Five." I shrug at the frowns and explain my Mother's recent condition. "Mother is with child again."

Tywin is next to realize the implication and almost purrs in satisfaction at finding a way into the alliance he will now be left out of if Lyanna lives. "Which would leave us and Lord Tully each a child."

"And if the boy is lying we send him to the Wall." Growls Robert softly as the possibility of Lyanna's return begins to calm him down. "Still leaves Hoster and you two with one." He nods at Tywin and Jon before sharing a long look with Ned. "You don't want us killing children, is this good enough for you?"

"You'll let her child live?" I knew I could count on Ned's inability to kill a child.

"If she has one, you'll be the one to raise the Stark in Winterfell." Robert is back to barely contained fury. "I won't be able to keep my temper for long around any of the Dragonspawn."

Trying to make sense of where each of us will end up, Jon Arryn makes his calm voice heard when Robert takes a breath. "Lyanna's child will be raised in the North as a Stark, Rhaenys will be wed to Lord Tywin's son, and I will raise Aegon… what of Viserys and his sibling?"

"Let Hoster wed Rhaella instead of myself and he can raise that child." Tywin offers, the loss of his own wife still too close. "Your brother can watch Viserys at Storm's End, his presence with Lord Stark will only make the Tyrell's surrender even easier."

"Before I forget, I'm releasing my Kingsguard from any vows to the throne." I smirk internally when the corners of Tywin's lips turn a fraction of an inch upwards. "It's better if my cousin Robert chooses those he knows are loyal to him and his queen before any other."

Robert agrees with a hearty laugh and turns to a far more eager Tywin. "Since your men slew the Mad King, it's only fitting that your son Tyrion is named Lord of Dragonstone. Can't think of a better way to spit on the Dragon's legacy."

"With all here as witness, I name you Robert my heir of my own free will." I hand him the crown and finish. "And now I abdicate the throne and with it any claim my family has to it now and forever."

Letting out a relieved breath when my cousin takes the crown, I feel my hands begin to tremble. I was fully expecting to die today and now it doesn't even look like I'm going to the Wall… I think my next goal needs to be more thought out than this one was. I really could have haggled better.

"Stannis will at least get you straightened out on your family tree." Robert places the golden crown on his head and snorts at how small it is.

The look Tywin gives me lets me know he is aware of who really killed my father but he's going to keep it quiet as long as it benefits him to do so. All of my power is gone now, I don't really know what he expects to gain by holding this over me.

This is so fucking good I always feel like an addict after the high disappears when I finish reading a chapter.

And for me to feel like that after only these few chapters, that just means your something special my friend!
Was it the genericness of choosing Viserys, or another reason you had been iffy?

Likely a little bit slower because of fall yard work, but I'm aiming for 1 a day.

It felt like the fic was going to be a bit mary sue, like you would just write "Viserys but useful" all the way without really changing much otherwise, but seeing you ditch canon and really consider the circumstances shows it's actually going somewhere.
This is so fucking good I always feel like an addict after the high disappears when I finish reading a chapter.

And for me to feel like that after only these few chapters, that just means your something special my friend!
Thank you very much, I hope to continue satisfying the cravings.

It felt like the fic was going to be a bit mary sue, like you would just write "Viserys but useful" all the way without really changing much otherwise, but seeing you ditch canon and really consider the circumstances shows it's actually going somewhere.
Very fair to worry about considering how many we have like that. I could do the generic SI uplift and stick to canon, but others have done it far better than I could. Since I'm average and flawed, the SI is going to be.
Chapter 4: Scurrying Spider
Chapter 4: Scurrying Spider
Jon Arryn

Even with their dismissal from the Kingsguard, a still recovering Barristan Selmy and Jaime have chosen to accompany us to Dragonstone. The reclaimed Lannister heir will bring Rhaella to Riverrun before heading home to send Tyrion and one of his as of yet unnamed uncles to Dragonstone.

Barristan however will accompany Elia and her children to Dorne with Ned. He is free again to pursue the Lady Ashara and fully intends to do so upon Lyanna's rescue.

The very verbose Viserys approaches Ned and I mid conversation on the deck of the ship. The black rock of the island juts out of the bay, looming over the Royal Fleet as a grim reminder of the Targaryen legacy.

He hesitates before speaking and I wonder where the confidence of yesterday has gone. "You'll be nice to Aegon wont you? Will you raise him like Lord Stark and my cousin… he doesn't have a father anymore."

"Of course I will Viserys." It would be stupid of me to alienate the boy when I can marry him or his kin into my own family.

"Jon will treat your nephew with the same firm yet kind hand he had for me and Robert." Ned doesn't hesitate to offer his recommendation of my care, sharing a smile with me over the boy's head.

I decide to find out how much of that speech was rehearsed with Ser Jaime and how much was Viserys' own mind. "What happened to the brave boy who faced down Robert mid fury yesterday? Even I haven't done that in years."

The boy frowns at the island growing larger. "Mother's going to be so mad at me for this. Or even worse, she'll just say she's disappointed in me." He looks up with a hint of panic in his eyes. "What if Dorne doesn't surrender? I can't make them anymore!"

"Which is why I'm on this boat with you." I try to calm down the panicking… I'm not actually sure what to call Viserys now that he has abdicated. "I'm going to convince Prince Doran that this is for the best." While Ned gets his sister with forty of his best men.

"But I still have to tell Mother what happened."

Ned saves me from finding an answer and speaks for both of us. "She already has been sent a raven with news of King Aerys' death. Lord Tywin was quite insistent on his knights achievement being known." I don't know how that massive man Clegane climbed the wall but he and Lorch had been found gloating over the body.

"What about Elia, I practically gave her children away!" He starts to grow red in the face.

"I think your mother will just be happy you aren't going to the Wall and are coming back to her alive." Explains Ned with a soft smile that makes me confident in how he will be with his own future children. "And both she and Princess Elia will both be aware of the sacrifice you tried to make."

Viserys lets a relieved grin grow on his face and looks more contemplative. "But what do I do now?"

"Make Stannis like you," I blurt out before I can stop myself but am forced to explain now that I've opened that can of worms. "Your niece and nephew still have their Dornish titles, but you and your sibling have none now. It's up to your cousin Stannis to decide your future."

Stannis Baratheon
The sight of the Royal Fleet approaching fills me with the cold realization that my defiance was for naught. I'm ready to open the gates and surrender the castle only to see no dragon sails.

The Tyrell forces seem to notice as well and the celebrations outside my walls begin to peter out. Most of the ships land to unload forces with missing Stormland banners and I can only let out a heavy sigh as the Reach camp begins to dismanle itself.

"Let's go see who our savior is." I don't wait for my newest knight to respond and lead my watchers on the battlements down to ground level. The lone ship approaching my gates better have food with them, because it doesn't look like the Tyrells left much in the fields.

By the time the sea gate is cranked up I've had time to evaluate those in the landing party. Queen Rhaella and her son are joined by Lords Arryn and Stark.

"Quite an unlikely crew I must say." Davos remarks with the surprise I'm unable to show myself.

"It means my brother has won but neglected to send word." I snort at the lack of courtesy. "Though why he has sent the Queen eludes me." Maybe I am to hold them hostage, we are the next nearest relatives.

"Prince Stannis, it is a relief to see your are well." The words of Lord Stark make me blink in shock before realizing of course Robert wouldn't think it important to send word of this. We never saw any ravens shot from the sky, I know you didn't even try.

Once I return a greeting of my own, I stare hard at my brother's best friend. "I assume this means the war is over." I don't need an answer to something so obvious, but Lord Arryn gives me one anyway.

"Indeed though not in a manner you will find easy to believe." He smiles mysteriously at the Targaryen boy who just has a resigned look on his face. "Viserys named your brother his hair once Aerys was dead."

"And then he gave up my families claim to the throne." Queen Rhaella adds with a conflicted expression. "He is to be raised as your ward here at Storm's End. I expect you to treat him well"

"I will do my duty." Though it doesn't sting so much when I am rewarded justly. Prince Stannis of Storm's End is a worthy acknowledgment of enduring the Reach. Maybe Robert doesn't hate me as much as I once thought.

"Good." Lord Arryn speaks again with calm voice that still cuts through the pattering of rain.

The boy kneels before me unprompted and gives me a serious stare that I normally only see in a mirror. "I promise to listen and be good as long as you will have me, please don't send me to the Wall Prince Stannis."

"Why would I do that?" The sight makes my stomach twist uncomfortably so I pull him back to his feet with a firm hand.

"If he is caught committing any crimes worthy of facing the King's justice, that is to be his punishment" Again Lord Arryn comes to my aid with a ready explanation. "He's the one who suggested it."

"Expect regular visits from me and Lord Tully to ensure my son is being treated well." Rhaella scowls at me and I just nod back stone faced.

With the change in dynasty and my information on Lyanna's location now only confirmation, I've been forced to scramble to safety. It wasn't easy to replace one of the sailors going South, but it was vital to my plans having any chance of survival.

The Reach has been left out of this alliance, Illyrio and I's only hope of success now is that they will be willing to settle for a Blackfyre. I break away from the Stormland lines and cross the barren field for the Tyrell forces.

If the Ironborn can be turned and the Golden Company will follow the blood… this might only be a temporary setback. Considering the chaos the right assassinations can cause, I remove my disguise before several knights.

"Lord Tyrell will want to speak with me." I don't give them a chance to ignore me and hold up the late King's seal for an escort to the command tent. I'll need to send word to Pentos of the change in plans but that should be easy with the Redwyne fleet right offshore.

The panicking Mace Tyrell latches on to me as a distraction and seems quite distraught to learn of the Reach being excluded from a six kingdom alliance forming around him. Even his adviser Lord Tarly seems intrigued at the promise of the Ironborn being turned against the others.

"Mother will need to speak with you before anything is decided," He titters uselessly and I'm forced to agree with the ignorant man. I doubt you have anymore power than Viserys does now but at least the boy is intelligent enough to know his place.
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He did all he could with cards he get.And Stannis is good man,Cersei is not yet mad queen we love to hate,so - they should be good for each other.
If he behave, he could get waifu,not Wall.Maybe Brienne ?
Later somehow persuade Ned to let wildlings go there . without dead dragon Others would not destroy Wall,so let them roam there.

Maybe told about dreams ? if he manage to told them about Iron island rebellion before they struck Lannisport,they should belive him.
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Chapter 5: Making Friends
Chapter 5: Making Friends

Watching my mother and Ser Darry leave through the gates of Storm's End with an escort makes me smile to myself. I did it, everyone survived.

Elia wasn't happy with my arrangements, but realizes Dorne isn't going to be winning this war alone. Even with the Reach helping it's clear who has won and has begrudgingly accepted the terms.

To my shock Queen Rhaella was far from mad and in fact very impressed with my actions. She doesn't even really seem upset over her impending marriage, only sad to lose her name.

"You will see her again after your siblings birth, this goodbye is not forever." My new caregiver Stannis turns his tired eyes n me and tries to be supportive. That smile is more of a grimace, but it's the thought that counts I guess.

"Thank you for taking me in Cousin Stannis, I promise not to be a bother."

He rolls his eyes before leading Renly and I in search of Ser Davos. "While you are here, you will join Renly for lessons every morning with Maester Cressen. Followed by lessons with either Ser Cortnay Penrose or Ser Davos on alternating days."

The trip from King's Landing to here has given me the realization of having no land to my name, but the sea is free for any to sail. I've already decided to create a new sigil of my own and work toward a fresh start for my own line. A single headed copper dragon flying above a field of dark blue is as close to the opposite of Targaryen colors as I can get without just taking the Arryn ones for myself.

I've given up the crown and all my power, I'm going to need a way to provide for myself once this fostering is over somehow. I'm not sure how I'll get the funds for my own ship but at least I have a goal for my own future now.

Once I have my own Sea Dragon, I can go nearly anywhere in this world. First stop is the Summer Islands… might be the last stop too if the rumors are true.

"Ser Davos' son Dale will be joining you for all of them, though his younger one Allard will only share the Maester's lessons and the ones his father provides." Explains the nearly twenty year old prince, his stature far more in line with Robert's than the actor's in the show. He's massive… must be six and a half feet at least.

"I'm learning to sail?" Renly complains.

"No." Agrees his older brother with a smirk. "You will be joining me as we appraise our lands. It is our responsibility to see our lands begin the long road to recovery."

"All of the Stormlands?" Groans the dark haired boy a year younger than myself. "That's going to take forever."

"Only the ones to see the Tyrell forces."

I scrunch my face into a frown and consider the map of the Stormlands only for Renly to blurt out his own concerns first. "But that's from here… all the way to the Dornish Marches. That's the same thing!"

"It's clear you need to focus more with Maester Cressen," Corrects Stannis as we arrive to find Ser Davos and his two oldest sons waiting. "Or you would know that only a third of our lands face true hardship.

In the hall offering breakfast with seconds for all the Seaworth boys are speaking to a red and green checker faced fool. Dale is a year my elder at eight, a head full of shaggy straw colored hair that reaches his shoulders. He has a nervous smile that reveals three missing teeth as he and his father kneel to the two princes.

Allard is instead half a year younger than Renly, looking to be a very bright eyed and energetic five year old boy. His hair is dark brown like his father's and cropped in the same style, which means Dale must take more after the absent mother Marya.

"The noble Stag princes and the Dirty Dragon come to say high." Patchface jumps to his feet on seeing our approach. "Clever Prince and clever man. Clever boys and clever clever fool, here we stand with a not so clever Wyrm." The bucket headed man giggles at my scowl brought on by his taunts.

"The fishes have told me something is wrong with his head." He ignores Davos' calls for enough and darts away with cruel laughter trailing behind him. "Oh this I know."

"Ignore his words, he just speaks nonsense." Even Stannis can tell the words had been said with unkindness and tries to brush aside what he believes is my embarrassment. "You are a far cry from the madness of your Father." The words shook me I'll admit, but more from the idea of who – or what more likely– is telling Patchface these things about me.

Davos proves this is one area he is far more versed in than his liege and he smiles down with far more kindness. "Prince Stannis is right lad, the fool doesn't mean anything by it."

"Yeah. His head is the one that's got something wrong with it." Nodding his firm agreement, Dale is quick to show his own support. "Kept saying he lives under the sea and singing about the fish having feathers."

"Isn't it funny when he does." Renly is the only one to think so and frowns when no one else laughs with him. "You don't like his singing?"

"He called me dirty and dumb." Kind of hard to like hearing that.

Stannis reaches for my shoulder and hesitates, pulling his hand away again before actually touching me. "Word has been spreading that you had been found in the sewers of King's Landing and what you had done. You will at least be remembered as being different from your crazed kin."

"Yeah…. dumb isn't much better than dirty though." Didn't think I'd be the called dirty in a medieval society, nor the stupid one. Kind of thought I'd have at least a little bit of a leg up but it's turned out they know how to get by just fine and I'm the one needing to adjust to the unfamiliar ways.

"You did just give away the Realm to my brother." Renly remarks with a cocky grin. "I never would have done that." I know you wouldn't and it will kill you one day.

Instead of getting mad I just stare back at him firmly. "I know why the Mountain really climbed the castle walls. He was looking for me and Rhaenys, not Father." He swallows uncomfortably at this detail. "I could have been the dead King or a living nobody who ended the war before anyone else died."

"Ser Davos." I ask the knight with a frown as I think of how much food he could actually have smuggled in his small black boat. "How many more times do you think food could have been brought through the blockade? A single day late on a delivery and it could have been too late."

"You are the only one who made it through the blockade?" Stannis mutters 'or tried' while Davos just nods with pride. "And you'll teach me how to sail?"

"If that is Prince Stannis' will." He smiles and pushes his boys towards Renly and I. "These are my boys, Dale and Allard. I hope they don't slow down the lessons too much, we don't have much need of our letters back in Fleabottom."

"I'm proof anyone can fall and you are proof of the reverse being just as true," I smile at one of the few good men in this world. "I hope they can be a good influence on me Ser." May as well get used to treating nearly everyone as my superior, I'm no longer in the game of thrones with my lack of… well anything but a name.

"Tomorrow you will begin lessons, but today you have for yourselves." Stannis explains briskly. "Do not get into trouble, my men will be watching. Ser Penrose will begin you on the bow and practice sword tomorrow."

Both Renly and Dale are bigger than me by at least a few pounds and an inch, so I'm just hoping not to embarrass myself in the yard. Renly turns to his brother with a hopeful expression on his face.

"Can we make kites now?"

"I suppose." Stannis concedes with amusement in his eyes. "The siege is over so we don't need to ration supplies. You can take some cloth and string but you will have to cut the wood yourselves." He waves over a trio of his men just finished breaking their fast. "Ser Staedmon and his fellows will ensure your safety outside the walls. You will listen to them if they give a command, is that clear?"

"Yes Stannis." Answering for all of us is Renly, who immediately turns to our new friends' father. "Ser Davos, what sigil have you chosen for your house?"

"None yet Prince Renly, I was going to give that honor to my wife after we had finished settling in to our quarters." The kind man blushes as he thinks of her.

My cousin sighs at the news and rolls his eyes out of Stannis' view. "Fine, I guess they can just fly a plain one for now. But you better get one soon, the kites are so boring with only one color."
Slices of live - it all you could write for now.Things would go better or worst,but your SI do not change them - for a time.
If he manage to achieve something on sea...how much he knew about ships? could he made galleon or frigate ? And guns would be good thing .
Maybe balloons for observations ?
He could probably made glider,too - but who would use it ? bad idea.
Add foreboding about Balon folly,and his position would be save.Maybe mermaid,not Brienne for waifu?
Slices of live - it all you could write for now.Things would go better or worst,but your SI do not change them - for a time.
If he manage to achieve something on sea...how much he knew about ships? could he made galleon or frigate ? And guns would be good thing .
Maybe balloons for observations ?
He could probably made glider,too - but who would use it ? bad idea.
Add foreboding about Balon folly,and his position would be save.Maybe mermaid,not Brienne for waifu?
Yeah, it'll be slice of life characterization until the Stannis/Cersei wedding and then I can do a time skip.

I can sail a 2 person boat, learned in sea cadets. I can also make a canoe, did that in grade 8. I might get a pretty big ship if I'm good. Guns are a no go, I like the medieval aesthetic too much.

I considered making my dream ballooning, but eventually settle on sailing. So Balloons are likely off the table.

Yeah hang gliders are waay too scary.

Greyjoy rebellion may not occur same way, since 6 Kingdoms are in betrothal/marriage deals. If I give a wrong "dream", my credibility is gone.

Brienne is definitly an option for marriage. I'm trying to decide between her and about 6 other characters still
Have removed the two lines about the Cersei wedding. Had good arguements to move it to later.
Chapter 6: Settling In
Chapter 6: Settling In

"And who has an azure spiral on a field of yellow?" Maester Cressen asks the four of us in his morning lessons but only Renly looks to have the answer. He's getting pretty full of himself, having me and Dale to boss around in everything we do.

"House Wylde of Rain House," The Prince smirks when we all fail to answer in time. "That's an easy one."

He's getting the worst parts of both his brothers and it's only the need to please Stannis that has me still spend my free time with Renly willingly. Robert's arrogance and Stannis' condescension are not a good mix for a six year old. Though me not being a very social person doesn't make it any easier to form bonds, I can't really blame it all on a six year old.

It's taken me far longer than I would like to master the quill, leaving most of my attempts as covered in ink blots as my own skin. Leaving my lessons covered in ink for weeks has basically secured myself with the name given by Patchface and repeated at midday meal by Renly for all to hear.

The Dirty Dragon is yelled at me more than my own name now, not that I can even really blame anyone. This castle starved because of my family… I'm just lucky it's only names being thrown at me. I've seen some of the other lads in the training yard and a few are rather engrossed with the idea of throwing horse shit at me. It's a whole copper piece for whoever can hit me in the face.

"Good Prince Renly now let us see if your cousin can answer this one on his own." Cressen gives me a curious stare. The vast disparity in my skills and knowledge have begun to be noticed by the intelligent man and I've certainly noticed our lessons tailored to finding out my exact limits.

I've always been horrible remembering faces same as all the sigils. The House names at least I have nearly all memorized, though with no idea of any colors.

"Viserys." He considers who to ask about, his forehead creasing in deep thought. "Three argent bars diagonal on a field of violet?"

It's not Gower or Selmy. I close my eyes and try to imagine the knights I had seen on my arrival, dozens of faded shields arrayed behind Stannis. "I know House Swygert has those colors, is it them?"

"House Hasty," Corrects the Maester as he makes a note of something. "Swygert has a scroll bordered by silver. One last Sigil before I release you for your 'grand battles' for the day."

He gives Dale and Allard a conspiratorial wink before asking both myself and Renly about this final sigil. "Black ship on a field of grey, with a white onion on the sail?"

I know this one! Renly however is for the first time left floundering on whose sigil it is.

"You're making that one up." The Prince guesses but Cressen just shakes his head in the negative. "I've never heard of that sigil."

"It's a new one," I correct him, which only makes the Maester's eyes twinkle. "And that means it's the Seaworth's sigil. Only new House I know of in the Stormlands."

"Excellent deduction Viserys."

Renly however isn't so pleased with this news. "But Dale, that sounds so boring… why did your family choose something so plain?"

"My mother chose it," Defends the older boy. He's clearly uncomfortable arguing with a noble born but won't let his mother's work be mocked. "She made it herself."

"Did she just not have color?" Presses Renly obliviously. "I can ask my brother to give her some of our dyes and fabric to choose from."

"Good heart, black past, and a background showing Ser Davos is made of both." Dale gives me a grateful look when I draw the Prince's attention with the comment. "But if it matters so much to have one appealing to the eyes Renly, I'll let you help with mine own."

My cousin grins wide and eagerly agrees. "You had better. Those scribbles in your chambers are horrible, I can't let you embarrass yourself with any of those!"

"So kind of you Cousin." He doesn't hear me sarcasm in his smug glee.

"I know."

Cressen calls a reminder before we reach his door. "Make sure to wash before eating, I don't need another lecture from Stannis over your appearance. You represent him now, remember that and you will find your stay here far easier."

The man must be delusional, this has been a dream compared to the nightmare that was King's Landing. Giving him an awkward smile I follow Renly out of the room.

No more worrying about keeping children alive and no more crazy man who could burn my alive at any moment. All I have to do is stay out of trouble, follow Stanns' instructions, and if I can do that… I have a life of freedom to look forward to. I can be good for nine years, it's not that long.

"You frown more than Stannis, why are you always so sad?" I walk into the back of Renly and he considers my expression. "Is it because I'm the Prince now and not you?"

The raw concern on the six year old's face is why I can't actually hate him for his occasional arrogance. He's not a bad kid, just one trying to figure out how everything works now.

"No. I never thought I was going to be King anyway and once Aegon was older I wasn't going to have anything." I smile at him to reassure him I'm not blaming him for my own choice. "This just means I don't have to pretend I matter anymore."

"But you're a Targaryen," He blurts out with a frown creasing his brow. "You're always going to matter." He laughs at my face as I process this new information.

"But I don't wanna."

Dale shakes his head firmly. "Yes you do. People who don't matter… they disappear all the time."

"So why are you always sad?" Renly can't let his curiosity go and presses me for an answer.

"I miss my family." That's got to have enough truth to satisfy the boy.

He does indeed and looks embarrassed. "Oh… yeah." For him the last few weeks have given him time to smile again, for me it's only given me time to dwell on my decisions.

I betrothed Rhaenys in hopes Tywin wouldn't kill her before the day was over, but now that she's going to have a hopefully long life… the downsides have started to make themselves apparent to me.

She's going to hate me once she's old enough to understand. All of them probably will really, except maybe Jon. Wait… will he even be called that now? Lyanna will be the one naming him after all.

"Well me and Stannis are your family too, so I'll let you decide what Ser Cortnay teaches us today." Renly offers with a friendly grin. "Do you want to show off with the bow again, or are we going to laugh when you get scared of the horses again?"

"I'm not scared!" I deny the truth as Dale and Allard giggle behind me. "I'm just… cautious around them." Yeah, let's go with caution.

"He was crying when his horse went fast!" Allard blurts out with a five year old's cruelty and I blush red.

"It was the rain." I insist firmly and ignore anymore teasing to the contrary. "Because I was going so fast."

Renly stops laughing first and gives me an out. "Okay fine, I can beat you both with training swords again." He has a cocky smirk that I have a sudden urge to knock from his face. Okay, I guess his attitude is getting to me more than I would care to admit.

"Only if Dale keeps holding back," I finally have something to fire back with, though it makes the Seaworth go still.

"What do you mean, I'm just not very good."

"Even I know you're the best of all three of us, I've seen you keep practicing after we go inside." He doesn't like being called out on it, but I don't care.

Training is the only time he's allowed to hit us and if he's holding back, none of us will improve at the speed we could. "Can you show me how to stop dropping my sword when you hit mine so hard my arms shake?"

"You hold it too tightly, it doesn't let you absorb enough of the shock." He tries to think of the right way to explain it, pursing his thin lips in thought. "It's like holding onto a dog, too tight and you strangle it. But too loose and it breaks free from you to roll around in the dirt."

"Why can't Ser Cortnay say it like that, I understood that!" I throw my hands up and whine. "He just tells me to get the feel of it with practice."

Dale's eyes slide over to Renly briefly and I understand. Renly has only been bested in our archery lessons and that's just because I had some experience with it at summer camp.

I'm not some miracle shot, but I'm far ahead of my beginner friends. My arrows go forward almost every single time. But Dale is only the son of a freshly raised knight, Renly may not take a defeat from him as well.

Well,for his own good he should loosing to Renly.And,learn about sea. 9 years - enough to made plan of galleon or frigate,but who would pay for it? maybe some smaller ship,like sloop or brigantine?
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Chapter 7: Time to Think
Chapter 7: Time to Think

Yanking the knot tightly under Davos' approving gaze I take pride in my work and toss the cage into Shipbreaker Bay. It disappears under the waves quickly and drifts below the anchored dock.

"I'm done!" Dale calls over to us from the floating square beside the small boat barely big enough for three. "But this is all going to wash in a few days, it just seems like a waste of time." He's done as I asked and created a series of red rings with berry juice.

"Good thing we're supposed to check these every day ain't it my boy?" Smirks the Onion Knight who looks far more like a dashing scoundrel without the grey in his hair. "If it works even a bit, Stannis wants a score more of these made ready this year."

Dale scowls at me, the idea of this now being one of our chores has some form of childish revenge brewing in his mind. I just wanted something to shoot arrows at from the top of the East wall and maybe swim to on warmer days. Davos is the one who came up with hanging crab traps from my giant bulls-eye and Stannis is quite eager to find new ways to stockpile food.

"Don't make faces at people!" Davos splashes his son as he delivers a stern warning. "Viserys might think it's funny but your mother and I don't. None of the other Lords and Ladies will either, yo wan them to set their squires on you in the yard?"

"Are they all as bad as you Viserys?" I get a tongue in my direction right before Dale leaps onto the little boat with his families new sigil on the sail. "Or can they least put up a fight?"

"Just remember what I told you." Dale is pretty good, even Ser Cortnay has said he has real talent several times. But he doesn't have that edge to move him above best of the average without dedicating his life to practicing.

He does and scowls at the reminder. "I know but I never dreamed I could be a knight before, it's hard not to give it my all now that it's so close."

"Knights get to take a new name…" I realize the implications and finally have a way to avoid all the politics. How much use do I really have once even my name is gone?

"New colors and a hair cut, now you're looking at a new name." Davos smiles at me and I welcome how easily has taken to looking out for me. "Your mother won't recognize you when you arrive for her wedding." He and Stannis seem to be the only adults in Storm's End who don't hate everything about me.

"You need a squire Ser Davos, do you not?" Grinning back eagerly at him, his expression shifts to uncomfortable uncertainty. "I could be yours, I've been really good the whole time I've been here." Four weeks isn't really a long time but it is to a child, which is how the world sees me.

He doesn't seem nearly as eager by my request and puts off answering one way or the other for now. "I'll need to speak with Prince Stannis first. I don't think it would be proper for me to be your knight." His words leave me to grumble all the way back to shore, thinking of how I will convince Stannis to allow this.

About an hour before sunset I wolf down my supper and scurry up on top of the walls to my already waiting supplies. My bow and quiver rests atop an old wooden stool covered in minor damage, a bucket of triangular stones sits beside it.

A pile of the arrow shafts deemed unfit for the castle's supply have feathers poorly attached and I can only hope they go straight enough to reach the dock. It'll at least give me something to aim at I guess, even If I can't get a single hit.

I have to tie the stones to each shaft myself and it takes almost half of my time to have a few dozen ready to go. My first few shots barely make it into the water at all but soon I learn to time my shots with the gusts of wind.

Halfway through the bundle of arrows I finally score a hit on the dock, though I only just struck the corner. My fingers start to sting soon after my only success of the night and I'm forced to stop before loosing all my arrows.

"Impressive dedication, though your aim is in need of improvement." Without catching my attention, Stannis stands behind me on the battlements and only speaks in his measured voice when I put down the bow.

"Thank you, it's something I can practice by myself." No one besides Renly and Dale like to fight fair in the yard, it really just turns into me getting ganged up on when I stay after scheduled practice. "And I can't get into trouble with Renly if I'm too tired to keep up."

"He has gotten a rather strange obsession with looking for secret passageways." My cousin helps me collect my gear with amusement in his eyes. "I assume that was your doing?"

I only asked if the castle had any like the Red Keep, I didn't think he'd spend every free moment searching the castle. "I just thought he'd answer my question with a yes or no, he's the one who wants to find them."

"He hides it with bluster around you and Dale, but the siege gave him many new nightmares he seeks to ignore." Shares the dour faced Prince. "I have also been told what you asked Ser Davos." Here it goes, time to get yelled at.

"You don't find that to be beneath you?" He asks slowly and waits in silent judgment for my answer.

"Doesn't his family outrank me now?" I'm higher than a lowborn or bastard, but below anyone with even the lowest knightly family.

"Only on paper, but in the eyes of anyone with a grudge or ambition… you will always be a prince." His advice makes sense and I can only be relieved he is treating me so fairly. I don't think he even likes having me here but he is still giving my care his best effort.

I guess this means I need to make another friend… great. Not like everyone wants to spit on me or anything. "So I can't be Ser Davos' squire?"

"You are a little young for it still," My guardian answers carefully, only making me squirm at having to wait. "… But maybe you could serve as his page, he needs even more knightly education than yourself. You can ensure he gains the proper knowledge and he will impart his knowledge of the sea."

"Yes!" Anything for even the illusion of freedom.

"You will need to continue lessons with Ser Cortnay though and I expect you to give those lessons the same dedication as I have seen tonight." His voice actually sounds pleased with me and I find myself craving more of that tone.

"I will, I promise!"

He doesn't pull his arm back this time and gives me a few pats on the shoulder. "I know, it was wrong to think you would be more trouble than Renly. You are not just another punishment from my brother."

"I keep my promises, my word is all I have right now." I said I would behave for Stannis and I will, it's only nine years.

"That is the mark of a good man," Remarks Stannis, his teeth grinding as he remembers those times he had been lied to. "See you keep that trait in you and you will always be welcome within my walls."

He actually likes me… wow. The relief I feel from having proven myself in his eyes comes with a wave of exhaustion. As soon as it does my arms begin shaking and I feel the ache in my fingers.

"You will need to have a maid look at your hands before bed." The roll of his eyes nearly makes me giggle but somehow I contain it. "Your mother will not be pleased to find you disfigured at her wedding."

It's only a few months away and I just hope she likes Hoster Tully. Though it's definitely going to be better than Aerys, so Dany is really the one I fear resentment from.

I hope Rhaella survives the birthing, but I fear the wedding will be the last time I see her alive. She had a Maester on Dragonstone, it's not like anything I've done should affect her birthing. Lyanna at least may be saved with a healer present since she never had one, but I know in my heart I'm going to be an orphan soon.

"And I expect these injuries to affect your training tomorrow, more often than not you will be forced to fight hungry, tired, and in pain." He hands me off to a passing maid with a firm command before bidding me goodnight.

Her face makes it clear how displeased she is to be touching the Dirty Dragon, though the expression softens a touch when she sees my bloody hands. "Come along Viserys, lets get those hands cleaned up."

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Well,for his own good he should loosing to Renly.And,learn about sea. 9 years - enough to made plan of galleon or frigate,but who would pay for it? maybe some smaller ship,like sloop or brigantine?
True, shouldn't really be knocking a prince in the mud.

A brigantine is the ship style and size I'm aiming for in the SI's dreams.
thanks for the chapter! honestly, I think marrying Shireen Stannis's daughter would probably be forced on you to keep you on a leash, that is what I would do anyway if things went like the show.
That's a good suggestion,it just leaves me too close to regaining the throne. I'm 3rd/4th in line again.
thanks for the chapter! honestly, I think marrying Shireen Stannis's daughter would probably be forced on you to keep you on a leash, that is what I would do anyway if things went like the show.

Stannis get another waifu then canon,so Shireen would never exist.But - if Cersei have few daughters,one of them would be good choice.Or maybe...did Davos had any daughters ?
P.S i still prefer Brienne.
Stannis get another waifu then canon,so Shireen would never exist.But - if Cersei have few daughters,one of them would be good choice.Or maybe...did Davos had any daughters ?
P.S i still prefer Brienne.
True, Shireen may not even exist. Davos has 7 or 8 sons and Cersei might have a girl.

Brienne will get a good match even if it's not Viserys. She's a top 10 favorite character.
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