Chapter 30: Awkward Adoption (Tyrion)
Flightless Man
Versed in the lewd.
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Chapter 30: Awkward Adoption
Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Chroyane is a dreary place based on looks alone. Only half the buildings are safe enough to enter, with just as many only a pile of rubble.
A thick layer of fog fills the valley, keeping the light at twilight through the entire day. The people here are fanatically loyal to Rhaenys, who leads Gerold and I through her city with individual words of support towards many of her citizens. No idea how she can even tell anyone apart.
When it's explained we came at the behest of her brother and he is indeed the one who cure everyone, pledges of support flood in. Her people love her and yet mine are terrified of me.
Taking over for my unusual silence, Gerold asks about how she came to be here. I notice her eyes flicker with grief before she buries it once more. But I also see how my betrothed's eyes have been trained on the Darkstar since she landed on my ship.
My 'friend' is smirking back at her with unabashed arrogance. His own eyes keep switching between the sword at her hip and her chest.
"This Daemon…" Mention of a Blackfyre is enough to snap me out of my funk. "He's also a dragon rider?" Am I already too late in finding her? Is she happy without me?
She nods but doesn't really give me anything to go with. "He helped me survive after Quentyn…" Her face goes pale and her voice goes flat. "Died."
"How did that happen?" Gerold interrupts with a smirk, drawing Rhaenys' attention once more. "Why'd they kill such a valuable hostage?"
"They didn't," Admits a bitter Rhaenys. "I did."
Gerold and I exchange shocked glances while she leaves us behind in her march towards the dragons. I recover first and dash after Rhaenys before she can vanish in the fog.
"What happened?" I keep any judgment from my voice, knowing I've ordered far worse.
"Daemon was helping us escape and Quentyn was stabbing into the carriage." She looks at me with watery eyes, begging for permission to let them fall. "But I decided the fire wasn't spreading fast enough."
We get to the to dragons resting inside the remains of a couple house. The black one lays it's head back down with only a single command from Rhaenys, but the pale one is far more agitated.
"I know what wildfire looks like. Viserys and I sat beside it for hours, you can't forgot the sight of it." I realize what she means and wince, hoping the death was fast for the Martell boy. "He's not the only person I've burned either." The Dothraki don't cross the Rhoyne for a reason.
"I've had horrible things done in my name," I may have gotten distracted trying to make up for some of them, but you never left my thoughts. "Just so I could find you. You're the most important person in the world to me and I don't care what you've done."
Rhaenys frowns at me as Gerold can be heard clomping up through the much behind us"… Did Viserys tell you to say that?"
"What are you talking about?" I'm not telling him what I've done unless I have no choice.
"Nothing." She sighs when Gerold arrives. "It's jus-"
The Dayne walks right past us, his eyes transfixed on the silver dragon now unnaturally calm. "Who is this handsome devil?"
"Aegorian." Whispers a very concerned Rhaenys. "Don't get any closer, he's aggresi-"
Once again Gerold doesn't allow her to finish and walks right up to the apparently untamed dragon. His hand goes up with no fear and maybe a bit of idiocy, slowly extending towards Aegorian.
"Who rides him?" He asks Rhaenys without breaking eye contact with the silver dragon.
"No one," Mutters the angry Targaryen maiden. "But you are a Dayne."
I'm confused and not afraid to let it show. "What does being a Dayne suddenly have to do with riding a dragon?"
"Arthur Dayne was one of the three lives lost when the eggs hatched." Oh. "I think only a Martell, Mopatis, or a Dayne, can ever bond one of these dragons."
"You're going to give him a dragon!" That's insane! Unless she intends to marry Gerold to keep him loyal of course. That realization stings even worse than losing her to a Blackfyre would have.
"Aegorian is about to leave on his own," Admits Rhaenys with a sad smile. "This keeps him from killing innocent people." You really don't know the Darkstar.
Gerold snorts at the words. "I still want my family sword back."
"Then go help Daemon in the North," She fires back with renewing vigor. "If you can bring him and Aegorian back alive, while scattering the Dothraki,…" Considering the offer for a moment, it looks like Rhaenys nearly takes the words back. "You can have Dawn back."
"Consider it done. And Aegorian here is mine?" The Dayne knight I'm not even sure I can call a friend anymore almost purrs.
"If he lets you ride him," Growls Rhaenys as she watches Gerold do just that. "Daemon has the Valyrian words we're using to train them, ask to borrow it once you arrive."
With a calculating grin, Gerold decides he needs to be special. "Do they only respond to Valyrian, or can I use the Rhoynar tongue?"
She considers it and eventually shrugs. "… As long as you use the same word, the intent is what really matters."
"Good. I'm not wasting my time learning another language, not when I can use that time riding a fucking dragon!" He roars a word in Rhoynish with glee and the silver dragon understands his intent just fine.
With a flurry of wing beats, Aegorian lifts the pair into and through the fog. They vanish like ghosts and race North along the river I can't believe I once compared to the Blackwater.
"That's going to be a problem one day." I growl to Rhaenys after my shock fades. "He's one ambitious bastard, isn't going to settle for just his sword now that he has a dragon." Of course the handsome one gets a dragon.
She nods with a concerned frown of her own before giving me a hopeful smile. "Did you really come looking just for me?"
"Of course I did, you make me want to be a better man." And I couldn't live with the one I was turning into in your absence. "But the Tyrells did beat me to it and found Viserys first. No one ever told him you got taken the whole five years." Explaining my own efforts to him and me learning he genuinely had no idea, is the only reason we're able to move forward as friends.
"Who died to hatch Viserys' egg?" She gives a command in Valyrian that I can recognize as 'come', which has the ebony dragon approach carefully.
"According to everyone I asked…" I don't really believe him but he's earned a few secrets. I won't pry into this. "It was him."
Rhaenys's eyes match her dragon's scales and she holds out a hand for me. "I can finally go save Ar Noy from the Dothraki. Would you like to come, or are you needed here with the fleet?"
"Arnold can handle things just fine," I blurt out immediately. I'm not going to let the chance to ride a 'flying' dragon pass.
"Good. I was…" Her voice is suddenly tense when she remembers that only one saddle is on her dragon. "I hope you don't mind having to ride like a maiden."
"I'll tie myself to her tail If I must." I'm not going to miss this chance.
With a genuine giggle carving a layer of tension away, Rhaenys helps me climb onto Riannex's back. I tense up at first when I my back presses against her. But I do relax slightly when I realize her chest is quite flat, giving not pushing awkwardly against my head like I was first concerned about.
"When you say we're going to save a city…" I'm not sure how to phrase the question after her earlier mood. "How are we going to do that exactly?"
"Burn the Dothraki until they flee, surrender, or all of the warriors are dead." And yet she still manages to be less cruel than myself. "Do you have a problem with that?"
"Challenge the leader to single combat and you can end this with a single death." Two if she counts the horse.
Rhaenys shifts behind me and snorts. "How do you know that?"
"I don't have much to do in the Stepstones except read of the places you might be." Any clue I got had me researching the region for local customs and common phrases. Only for the trail to be proven a dead end before I even manage to learn 'where is the crapper' properly.
"You mean Dragonstone?" She asks and I have to sigh even harder.
"King Stannis took it once Pentos said you died. He said the terms of the deal required I wed you." Oh. "Since that was thought impossible, he returned it to it's original role as his heir's seat."
Shifting beside me, she gives another command to her dragon. We rise above the fog and I can only see a dreary grey for miles.
Once the fog fades away in the Essosi sun, I get my first look at the Dothraki Sea. "Whoa…" It's breathtaking.
All the way to the horizon the wind ripples through every color of grass known. Greens, yellows, and reds are everywhere, but so to does bluegrass grow in patches visible from above. Even streaks of violet can be found hiding among the sea.
"You lost Dragonstone because I wouldn't come back?" I can hear the guilt in her voice.
"Well you seem to have made your own little Kingdom here," I keep my voice light in an attempt to ease the tension. "I could always just stay here with you once we get married."
Rhaenys freezes behind me for a good three seconds, filling me with seven different flavors of dread before she speaks again. "… You still want to marry me?"
I was only japing as a way to ease into the topic and give her a way out gracefully. But she actually sounds desperate for me to say yes, hope choking her voice with each word.
"Who else spent six years looking for you?" Well maybe some of the time was spent at the bottom of a bottle.
A thick layer of fog fills the valley, keeping the light at twilight through the entire day. The people here are fanatically loyal to Rhaenys, who leads Gerold and I through her city with individual words of support towards many of her citizens. No idea how she can even tell anyone apart.
When it's explained we came at the behest of her brother and he is indeed the one who cure everyone, pledges of support flood in. Her people love her and yet mine are terrified of me.
Taking over for my unusual silence, Gerold asks about how she came to be here. I notice her eyes flicker with grief before she buries it once more. But I also see how my betrothed's eyes have been trained on the Darkstar since she landed on my ship.
My 'friend' is smirking back at her with unabashed arrogance. His own eyes keep switching between the sword at her hip and her chest.
"This Daemon…" Mention of a Blackfyre is enough to snap me out of my funk. "He's also a dragon rider?" Am I already too late in finding her? Is she happy without me?
She nods but doesn't really give me anything to go with. "He helped me survive after Quentyn…" Her face goes pale and her voice goes flat. "Died."
"How did that happen?" Gerold interrupts with a smirk, drawing Rhaenys' attention once more. "Why'd they kill such a valuable hostage?"
"They didn't," Admits a bitter Rhaenys. "I did."
Gerold and I exchange shocked glances while she leaves us behind in her march towards the dragons. I recover first and dash after Rhaenys before she can vanish in the fog.
"What happened?" I keep any judgment from my voice, knowing I've ordered far worse.
"Daemon was helping us escape and Quentyn was stabbing into the carriage." She looks at me with watery eyes, begging for permission to let them fall. "But I decided the fire wasn't spreading fast enough."
We get to the to dragons resting inside the remains of a couple house. The black one lays it's head back down with only a single command from Rhaenys, but the pale one is far more agitated.
"I know what wildfire looks like. Viserys and I sat beside it for hours, you can't forgot the sight of it." I realize what she means and wince, hoping the death was fast for the Martell boy. "He's not the only person I've burned either." The Dothraki don't cross the Rhoyne for a reason.
"I've had horrible things done in my name," I may have gotten distracted trying to make up for some of them, but you never left my thoughts. "Just so I could find you. You're the most important person in the world to me and I don't care what you've done."
Rhaenys frowns at me as Gerold can be heard clomping up through the much behind us"… Did Viserys tell you to say that?"
"What are you talking about?" I'm not telling him what I've done unless I have no choice.
"Nothing." She sighs when Gerold arrives. "It's jus-"
The Dayne walks right past us, his eyes transfixed on the silver dragon now unnaturally calm. "Who is this handsome devil?"
"Aegorian." Whispers a very concerned Rhaenys. "Don't get any closer, he's aggresi-"
Once again Gerold doesn't allow her to finish and walks right up to the apparently untamed dragon. His hand goes up with no fear and maybe a bit of idiocy, slowly extending towards Aegorian.
"Who rides him?" He asks Rhaenys without breaking eye contact with the silver dragon.
"No one," Mutters the angry Targaryen maiden. "But you are a Dayne."
I'm confused and not afraid to let it show. "What does being a Dayne suddenly have to do with riding a dragon?"
"Arthur Dayne was one of the three lives lost when the eggs hatched." Oh. "I think only a Martell, Mopatis, or a Dayne, can ever bond one of these dragons."
"You're going to give him a dragon!" That's insane! Unless she intends to marry Gerold to keep him loyal of course. That realization stings even worse than losing her to a Blackfyre would have.
"Aegorian is about to leave on his own," Admits Rhaenys with a sad smile. "This keeps him from killing innocent people." You really don't know the Darkstar.
Gerold snorts at the words. "I still want my family sword back."
"Then go help Daemon in the North," She fires back with renewing vigor. "If you can bring him and Aegorian back alive, while scattering the Dothraki,…" Considering the offer for a moment, it looks like Rhaenys nearly takes the words back. "You can have Dawn back."
"Consider it done. And Aegorian here is mine?" The Dayne knight I'm not even sure I can call a friend anymore almost purrs.
"If he lets you ride him," Growls Rhaenys as she watches Gerold do just that. "Daemon has the Valyrian words we're using to train them, ask to borrow it once you arrive."
With a calculating grin, Gerold decides he needs to be special. "Do they only respond to Valyrian, or can I use the Rhoynar tongue?"
She considers it and eventually shrugs. "… As long as you use the same word, the intent is what really matters."
"Good. I'm not wasting my time learning another language, not when I can use that time riding a fucking dragon!" He roars a word in Rhoynish with glee and the silver dragon understands his intent just fine.
With a flurry of wing beats, Aegorian lifts the pair into and through the fog. They vanish like ghosts and race North along the river I can't believe I once compared to the Blackwater.
"That's going to be a problem one day." I growl to Rhaenys after my shock fades. "He's one ambitious bastard, isn't going to settle for just his sword now that he has a dragon." Of course the handsome one gets a dragon.
She nods with a concerned frown of her own before giving me a hopeful smile. "Did you really come looking just for me?"
"Of course I did, you make me want to be a better man." And I couldn't live with the one I was turning into in your absence. "But the Tyrells did beat me to it and found Viserys first. No one ever told him you got taken the whole five years." Explaining my own efforts to him and me learning he genuinely had no idea, is the only reason we're able to move forward as friends.
"Who died to hatch Viserys' egg?" She gives a command in Valyrian that I can recognize as 'come', which has the ebony dragon approach carefully.
"According to everyone I asked…" I don't really believe him but he's earned a few secrets. I won't pry into this. "It was him."
Rhaenys's eyes match her dragon's scales and she holds out a hand for me. "I can finally go save Ar Noy from the Dothraki. Would you like to come, or are you needed here with the fleet?"
"Arnold can handle things just fine," I blurt out immediately. I'm not going to let the chance to ride a 'flying' dragon pass.
"Good. I was…" Her voice is suddenly tense when she remembers that only one saddle is on her dragon. "I hope you don't mind having to ride like a maiden."
"I'll tie myself to her tail If I must." I'm not going to miss this chance.
With a genuine giggle carving a layer of tension away, Rhaenys helps me climb onto Riannex's back. I tense up at first when I my back presses against her. But I do relax slightly when I realize her chest is quite flat, giving not pushing awkwardly against my head like I was first concerned about.
"When you say we're going to save a city…" I'm not sure how to phrase the question after her earlier mood. "How are we going to do that exactly?"
"Burn the Dothraki until they flee, surrender, or all of the warriors are dead." And yet she still manages to be less cruel than myself. "Do you have a problem with that?"
"Challenge the leader to single combat and you can end this with a single death." Two if she counts the horse.
Rhaenys shifts behind me and snorts. "How do you know that?"
"I don't have much to do in the Stepstones except read of the places you might be." Any clue I got had me researching the region for local customs and common phrases. Only for the trail to be proven a dead end before I even manage to learn 'where is the crapper' properly.
"You mean Dragonstone?" She asks and I have to sigh even harder.
"King Stannis took it once Pentos said you died. He said the terms of the deal required I wed you." Oh. "Since that was thought impossible, he returned it to it's original role as his heir's seat."
Shifting beside me, she gives another command to her dragon. We rise above the fog and I can only see a dreary grey for miles.
Once the fog fades away in the Essosi sun, I get my first look at the Dothraki Sea. "Whoa…" It's breathtaking.
All the way to the horizon the wind ripples through every color of grass known. Greens, yellows, and reds are everywhere, but so to does bluegrass grow in patches visible from above. Even streaks of violet can be found hiding among the sea.
"You lost Dragonstone because I wouldn't come back?" I can hear the guilt in her voice.
"Well you seem to have made your own little Kingdom here," I keep my voice light in an attempt to ease the tension. "I could always just stay here with you once we get married."
Rhaenys freezes behind me for a good three seconds, filling me with seven different flavors of dread before she speaks again. "… You still want to marry me?"
I was only japing as a way to ease into the topic and give her a way out gracefully. But she actually sounds desperate for me to say yes, hope choking her voice with each word.
"Who else spent six years looking for you?" Well maybe some of the time was spent at the bottom of a bottle.