Chapter 21: Seeing Eye Wolf (Sansa/Margaery)
Flightless Man
Versed in the lewd.
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Chapter 21: Seeing Eye Wolf
Sansa Stark
Sansa Stark
"Let me teach you how to see more than you ever could have with your eyes alone." The old man's voice croaks in the blackness once again and I finally gather the courage to accept his offer.
"How?" I might not be able to wake up yet but I've heard my visitors.
The fact that I survived dragon fire is a miracle and my sight a very small price to pay. At first all I could feel was agony that seemed to have no end, but that was soothed the same time a single roaring flame appeared in the darkness with me.
It illuminates a small cavern with the bones of many animals littering the floor that slopes up towards a wall of white. The howl of a wolf comes from right outside the cave, but I'm not startled in the slightest by the noise.
"You'll need to make your own way to me but I've ensured you will have a guide." The voice comes from every direction and none all at the same time.
From the blizzard emerges a massive grey shape the size of a pony. But ponies don't have teeth like that.
Instead of a tame steed like I had hoped for, a massive wolf towers above me with a coat of steel grey fur. For less than a second the wolf is gone and replaced with a smirking Robb. But before I can say anything to him, I blink and the wolf is back.
"Robb?" But the last image I ever saw was him dying.
"What was left of him at least," Admits the creepy voice that I'm starting to suspect is one of the Old Gods. "I was distracted and was almost too late in guiding him into my friend here. You Starks are a stubborn lot and it took a lot of convincing before he agreed to delay his rest."
I want to call the voice insane but everyone was very insistent that Lady Melisandre revived Queen Rhaella. She hatched the dragons so who am I to doubt my own families Gods?
"How did you convince him?" What could you have possibly have told my brother?
"I'll let him show you." The words sound more like a threat than an offer but the voice was right. We Starks are stubborn.
Robb leads me out of the cave and stops to let me climb onto his back once I see how deep the snow is. It can't really be like this North of the Wall, not in the middle of summer.
We race through snow that tickles my ankles even as high up as I am and I can see scores of crows watching us from the trees. I'm not sure how long we run through the eerie forest as time seems to have no meaning. The blizzard makes what little light that filters through the canopy seem like an eternal dusk, with night about to set forever on the world.
Several times Robb runs into a village and I expect this to finally be where he stops. Only for each and every settlement to be filled with horribly mangle bodies. It's hard to look at but by the third I've grown brave enough to examine them more closely.
Was it animals that did this? Or are wildlings truly so savage that they do these things to their own people?
Tracks from each settlement go northeast and we follow them out of the forest. We emerge on a rocky shore with barley any sight of life and only a single walled settlement in the distance.
What worries me however is the sight of over thirty long ships in good enough condition to actually face the conditions of the open sea. Twice as many are being built on shore just outside the village, with hundreds of people bringing fresh trees from nearby.
Are they going around the Wall or do they want Skagos? Did Victarion Greyjoy leave them the knowledge of where he fled to? Is he going to come back for them or are the wildlings going to him?
Is that Edriggon? I frown at the sight of the yellow dragon laying down in the middle of the town. What's Jenn doing here? Did they capture her or is she here willingly?
Before I can investigate further, Robb tenses beneath me and lets out a long mournful howl of warning. It cuts through the blizzard and causes the wildlings outside the walls to run for safety, leaving whatever task they had unfinished.
We dash away right as countless inhuman shrieks pierce the storm. As I glance over my shoulder my stomach fills with horror.
Hundreds… no, thousands of dead bodies charge from the forest. Descending on the walled town like locusts, the screams of panic make me tear my gaze away. Jenn can fly away still, she'll be okay.
We travel for what seems like years, constantly being forced to avoid reanimated animals as they hunt tirelessly for me. Robb never tires and keeps us just ahead of the horrors from Old Nan's stories, while I somehow know we're getting close to our goal.
After we avoid the largest group since the first attack on the town, Robb brings us into a valley sheltered from the storm. In the middle is a single plateau that is surrounded by a winding river, the largest weirwood tree I have ever seen at the peak.
A single raven watches our approach and caws out once we cross some invisible threshold. "Winter is coming!" My shock at it's very human voice is nothing compared to my horror as it's black feathers become bloody red.
The bird's wings open impossibly wide and shower me in crimson, blotting out my vision with a dark red. "If you come to me, I can promise you spring."
Sitting up with a gasp, I rub at my face when everything remains a single sheet of red. I can hear people calling out to me but ignore them all. Why isn't the blood wiping off?
"Can somebody help me, I can't see." Ignoring the fact that my face is dry, I focus on Mother's voice. "Why can't I see anything?"
"What's the last thing you remember?" Asks Aunt Lyanna when my mother doesn't do more than let out a chocked sob and clutch my hand a little to tightly.
I don't think anyone is going to believe me. "We went to go see the dragons with Prince Joffrey and…" I trail of as the memory of searing pain floods me. "Oh."
"Don't worry Sansa," Mother finally speaks with a strange reverence in her voice. "Lady Melisandre and Gendry will be coming back to Winterfell with us and one day you'll be able to see again."
But I can't go to Winterfell. I need to convince one of my cousins to fly me beyond the Wall. Instead of saying that, I go with a more believable shocked silence.
"Where's Jennelyn?" My words get an awkward grunt and a few hisses, but no one seems eager to answer.
It's Gendry who finally answers me with a weaker voice than I'm used to hearing from him. "She flew North about a week ago and we haven't seen her since."
"Did anyone go looking for her?" They have three dragons here, why didn't Duncan or Dany go after her?
"Duncan went South at the same time and we only found out where he went today when my sister arrived." Gendry answers with only slight hesitation. "Dany went to get your ma because we kind of thought…"
No on is eager to pick up where he left off until Arya finally blurts it out the bluntest way possible. "We all thought you might die. I'm really glad you didn't though, because I do kind of love you." She admits with a groan. "When you aren't making me play with you and Beth at least, she's so annoying. Never wants to do anything fun and you're just as boring when she's around."
"Well don't worry, I won't be asking you to do any stitching with me anymore." I'm not sure what I'll do.
"Mother is letting me shave off my hair like you!" I'm surprised by the excitement in her voice and it takes a second to register her words.
"What do you mean like me?" I lift my fingers from my face to my forehead and frown when I feel no hair.
As I go farther and find no hair I start to feel my lips tremble. "Where's my hair?"
"How?" I might not be able to wake up yet but I've heard my visitors.
The fact that I survived dragon fire is a miracle and my sight a very small price to pay. At first all I could feel was agony that seemed to have no end, but that was soothed the same time a single roaring flame appeared in the darkness with me.
It illuminates a small cavern with the bones of many animals littering the floor that slopes up towards a wall of white. The howl of a wolf comes from right outside the cave, but I'm not startled in the slightest by the noise.
"You'll need to make your own way to me but I've ensured you will have a guide." The voice comes from every direction and none all at the same time.
From the blizzard emerges a massive grey shape the size of a pony. But ponies don't have teeth like that.
Instead of a tame steed like I had hoped for, a massive wolf towers above me with a coat of steel grey fur. For less than a second the wolf is gone and replaced with a smirking Robb. But before I can say anything to him, I blink and the wolf is back.
"Robb?" But the last image I ever saw was him dying.
"What was left of him at least," Admits the creepy voice that I'm starting to suspect is one of the Old Gods. "I was distracted and was almost too late in guiding him into my friend here. You Starks are a stubborn lot and it took a lot of convincing before he agreed to delay his rest."
I want to call the voice insane but everyone was very insistent that Lady Melisandre revived Queen Rhaella. She hatched the dragons so who am I to doubt my own families Gods?
"How did you convince him?" What could you have possibly have told my brother?
"I'll let him show you." The words sound more like a threat than an offer but the voice was right. We Starks are stubborn.
Robb leads me out of the cave and stops to let me climb onto his back once I see how deep the snow is. It can't really be like this North of the Wall, not in the middle of summer.
We race through snow that tickles my ankles even as high up as I am and I can see scores of crows watching us from the trees. I'm not sure how long we run through the eerie forest as time seems to have no meaning. The blizzard makes what little light that filters through the canopy seem like an eternal dusk, with night about to set forever on the world.
Several times Robb runs into a village and I expect this to finally be where he stops. Only for each and every settlement to be filled with horribly mangle bodies. It's hard to look at but by the third I've grown brave enough to examine them more closely.
Was it animals that did this? Or are wildlings truly so savage that they do these things to their own people?
Tracks from each settlement go northeast and we follow them out of the forest. We emerge on a rocky shore with barley any sight of life and only a single walled settlement in the distance.
What worries me however is the sight of over thirty long ships in good enough condition to actually face the conditions of the open sea. Twice as many are being built on shore just outside the village, with hundreds of people bringing fresh trees from nearby.
Are they going around the Wall or do they want Skagos? Did Victarion Greyjoy leave them the knowledge of where he fled to? Is he going to come back for them or are the wildlings going to him?
Is that Edriggon? I frown at the sight of the yellow dragon laying down in the middle of the town. What's Jenn doing here? Did they capture her or is she here willingly?
Before I can investigate further, Robb tenses beneath me and lets out a long mournful howl of warning. It cuts through the blizzard and causes the wildlings outside the walls to run for safety, leaving whatever task they had unfinished.
We dash away right as countless inhuman shrieks pierce the storm. As I glance over my shoulder my stomach fills with horror.
Hundreds… no, thousands of dead bodies charge from the forest. Descending on the walled town like locusts, the screams of panic make me tear my gaze away. Jenn can fly away still, she'll be okay.
We travel for what seems like years, constantly being forced to avoid reanimated animals as they hunt tirelessly for me. Robb never tires and keeps us just ahead of the horrors from Old Nan's stories, while I somehow know we're getting close to our goal.
After we avoid the largest group since the first attack on the town, Robb brings us into a valley sheltered from the storm. In the middle is a single plateau that is surrounded by a winding river, the largest weirwood tree I have ever seen at the peak.
A single raven watches our approach and caws out once we cross some invisible threshold. "Winter is coming!" My shock at it's very human voice is nothing compared to my horror as it's black feathers become bloody red.
The bird's wings open impossibly wide and shower me in crimson, blotting out my vision with a dark red. "If you come to me, I can promise you spring."
Sitting up with a gasp, I rub at my face when everything remains a single sheet of red. I can hear people calling out to me but ignore them all. Why isn't the blood wiping off?
"Can somebody help me, I can't see." Ignoring the fact that my face is dry, I focus on Mother's voice. "Why can't I see anything?"
"What's the last thing you remember?" Asks Aunt Lyanna when my mother doesn't do more than let out a chocked sob and clutch my hand a little to tightly.
I don't think anyone is going to believe me. "We went to go see the dragons with Prince Joffrey and…" I trail of as the memory of searing pain floods me. "Oh."
"Don't worry Sansa," Mother finally speaks with a strange reverence in her voice. "Lady Melisandre and Gendry will be coming back to Winterfell with us and one day you'll be able to see again."
But I can't go to Winterfell. I need to convince one of my cousins to fly me beyond the Wall. Instead of saying that, I go with a more believable shocked silence.
"Where's Jennelyn?" My words get an awkward grunt and a few hisses, but no one seems eager to answer.
It's Gendry who finally answers me with a weaker voice than I'm used to hearing from him. "She flew North about a week ago and we haven't seen her since."
"Did anyone go looking for her?" They have three dragons here, why didn't Duncan or Dany go after her?
"Duncan went South at the same time and we only found out where he went today when my sister arrived." Gendry answers with only slight hesitation. "Dany went to get your ma because we kind of thought…"
No on is eager to pick up where he left off until Arya finally blurts it out the bluntest way possible. "We all thought you might die. I'm really glad you didn't though, because I do kind of love you." She admits with a groan. "When you aren't making me play with you and Beth at least, she's so annoying. Never wants to do anything fun and you're just as boring when she's around."
"Well don't worry, I won't be asking you to do any stitching with me anymore." I'm not sure what I'll do.
"Mother is letting me shave off my hair like you!" I'm surprised by the excitement in her voice and it takes a second to register her words.
"What do you mean like me?" I lift my fingers from my face to my forehead and frown when I feel no hair.
As I go farther and find no hair I start to feel my lips tremble. "Where's my hair?"
Margaery Tyrell
"They have dragons!" I roar out the warning as soon as I see the cages revealed and Garlan doesn't waste even a second reacting.
His shock at seeing Coppernicus the first time was all it took him to start thinking of ways to fight such a creature and it seems like he already has some ideas. A section of the fleet breaks off ad follows us straight for the enemy flag ship, one of the Long-cogs from the Insurrection.
The constant volleys of arrows leave any ships between us and the outnumbered Coppernicus unable to stop us. Before long we reach the ship and I wait with baited breath for my brother to give the signal.
When he does, three hundred arrows fly straight towards the flying beast farthest from Viserys. But to my unpleasant shock, only the wings seems to take any damage.
Unable to stay in the air it starts to fall from the sky. Instead of landing safely on the boat it came on, it turns it's baleful eyes on the Celebration and screeches with vengeful fury as it glides towards us.
It's not even half the size of the massive Coppernicus and a very garish puke green. but it's still a deadly fifteen feet with a tail almost as long as it is.
I hear the crew yelling that it's a wyvern and the tail is poisoned but how was I supposed to know the difference. These three look more like the dragons from the old stories than the one Viserys has.
Garlan leads the crew in facing the beast which lets me focus on the enemy ship. When I bring the far-eye back up, I nearly drop it in shock when I see Viserys on foot and engaged in battle with a very large bearded man.
That's not what has me worried though. Viserys told us a few tales of his voyages into Valyria and he explained what the massive rune covered horns can do. If they blow that thing… Coppernicus will turn on the entire fleet.
Viserys needs to be warned! I'm about to scream out one and realize it will only get him killed. His foe is skilled and has more than enough weapons to deal with the Valyrian steel axes corroding his own.
Can't distract Viserys and the rest of the crew is a little busy. I look around for anyone able to help and realize I'm being just another damsel in distress. Why did I demand a weapon if I'm not going to use it?
Viserys insisted I wear his chain mail and I find it's not actually slowing me down at all. With a deep breath I grab on of the ropes tied to the sail and slice through the knot with 'Thorn'. My new sword cuts through it like a blade of grass and I leap from the crow's nest towards the Long-Cog.
My momentum send me clear over the enemy ship and I have to brace my legs when I swing right into one of the equally shocked pirates. I'm pretty sure I felt a rib break when I hit him but it could have just been from the railing as he fell overboard.
"Let's see how strong I grew." I mutter under my breath and charge towards the three men with the horn nearly as big as me. "We brought our own music, thanks!"
Only one man is between me and my goal and he's too surprised by my arrival to have his sword readied in time. I've never actually killed anyone before or even done more than hit someone to hard with a training weapon. Thorn goes right through his boiled leather like it's not even on and come out right in the middle of the pirates back.
He goes limp on my blade and slides off with panic filled eyes but I force down my disgust at how much blood is coming out of him. Can't stop now or everyone is dead.
I glance at the battle with the final wyvern who is using it's aerial advantage to score several painful looking stabs with it's tail spike. The head of the largest hes been crushed against the mast by the bony club of Coppernicus but he's slowing down. Hope it's only cause he's getting tired out, some of those look pretty deep.
Viserys is nearby and is trying to close in on the savage man who at the moment has a sword and ax of his own, though the sword looks in dire need of replacing. Several bodies litter the deck around them and show neither man wants to have this duel interfered with. Fine with me.
Seeing masters actually going all out shows me it wasn't actually my fighting skills that impressed Viserys. I'll pass on a real match with you, though I would love seeing you go all out against Garlan. Because ever since beating Lord Jaime, he's been a little bit too arrogant in claiming to be Westeros' greatest swordsman.
My charge is noticed and the first man let's out a single sharp note on the bronze bound black horn. He steps aside and charges for me to buy his companions time but I take faith in my armor.
He stabs into my back as I run right past him and I barely even feel it, it's more of a shove than anything. Once I'm past him I swing right for the mouth piece of the horn and am shocked when it barely even cracks.
Instead of freezing up I swing again even harder and grin in relief when half a foot snaps off the horn. My joy doesn't last long though because I get slashed at again and this time no magical armor is covering the spot.
Agony run up my forearm and is followed by a nearly foot long line of crimson blood. The pirate with the bloody knife cackles in his native language but that only fills me with rage. Asha will beat me black and blue for getting distracted like that!
Reacting on rage filled adrenaline, I slash back in retaliation and slice him open from belly to chin. My foe gasps and gurgles on his own blood before collapsing on the deck, leaving me with only his two concerned allies. Neither seem eager to rush me with only knives and so I take advantage of that before I lose this surge of energy.
Somehow I'm able to suppress my horror at the sounds and sights of battle but find it's the smells really getting to me. No one ever tells you how bad it smells when you kill someone and they soil themselves. The only ones who even mention it will just laugh about it.
"Drop your knives and lay down on your bellies, or you get to tell your ancestors a woman killed you." I'm not sure I can take them both but I know I'll lose if I appear weak right now.
They both do and I blink a few times before I register the fact that I just took prisoners. My joy is however short lived as I hear the snarl of the pirate King.
"Another blade!" I hear his sword snap and clatter on the deck and roar out my own counter offer.
"Or drop your weapons and I'll let you live." I'm still standing near the two dead bodies and it only emphasizes my rage. "Keep them and Coppernicus gets to eat all of you that he wants once he's finished with the wyvern." I have no idea if he actually eats people but it makes a lot of weapons drop when the wyvern's body splashes down into the Summer Sea.
"Cowards!" The captain roars at his crew but it doesn't sway them in the slightest. "I'll send you all to the Drowned God once I'm finished with this pretender!"
He and Viserys dance around the mast and I smirk as the crazed pirate hasn't yet realized how much of it has been hacked through already. "Moqorro, give me a weapon!"
"I said this is where the Prince would face his battle against the pretender and return to Westeros with his dragon." A large dark skinned man with snow white hair and crimson robes denies the captain.
He has tattoos all over his body and they glitter like rubies under the sun anywhere his open robes do not cover. "I never promised it would be you Victarion."
"You traitor!" He swings for Viserys and his ax slams into the mast with a echoing snap as it begins to fall. "I'll pull your entrails out your eye socke-" His gruesome threat is ended when the falling wood crushes him between it and the blood soaked deck.
The man named Moqorro bows to Viserys and I in turn before speaking again. "The Basilisk fleet is yours my Prince, just raise this sail on your own ship." He removes the outer layer of his robes and reveals it to be a carefully folded sail.
It's the same as Visery's original sigil only with red instead of blue and the tarnished green of Coppernicus' scales instead of the orange copper. The Dragon's body shape has also been correctly altered to reflect the unique body shape of Coppernicus.
"Those who wish to live will deal with the idiots." Moqorro smiles as he hands Viserys the sail. "Once you're done here on Naath, I can show you where your niece is. It looks like she could really use some help."
Notes: Should be doing one a day again and this is my new size goal, 3k-4k words.
His shock at seeing Coppernicus the first time was all it took him to start thinking of ways to fight such a creature and it seems like he already has some ideas. A section of the fleet breaks off ad follows us straight for the enemy flag ship, one of the Long-cogs from the Insurrection.
The constant volleys of arrows leave any ships between us and the outnumbered Coppernicus unable to stop us. Before long we reach the ship and I wait with baited breath for my brother to give the signal.
When he does, three hundred arrows fly straight towards the flying beast farthest from Viserys. But to my unpleasant shock, only the wings seems to take any damage.
Unable to stay in the air it starts to fall from the sky. Instead of landing safely on the boat it came on, it turns it's baleful eyes on the Celebration and screeches with vengeful fury as it glides towards us.
It's not even half the size of the massive Coppernicus and a very garish puke green. but it's still a deadly fifteen feet with a tail almost as long as it is.
I hear the crew yelling that it's a wyvern and the tail is poisoned but how was I supposed to know the difference. These three look more like the dragons from the old stories than the one Viserys has.
Garlan leads the crew in facing the beast which lets me focus on the enemy ship. When I bring the far-eye back up, I nearly drop it in shock when I see Viserys on foot and engaged in battle with a very large bearded man.
That's not what has me worried though. Viserys told us a few tales of his voyages into Valyria and he explained what the massive rune covered horns can do. If they blow that thing… Coppernicus will turn on the entire fleet.
Viserys needs to be warned! I'm about to scream out one and realize it will only get him killed. His foe is skilled and has more than enough weapons to deal with the Valyrian steel axes corroding his own.
Can't distract Viserys and the rest of the crew is a little busy. I look around for anyone able to help and realize I'm being just another damsel in distress. Why did I demand a weapon if I'm not going to use it?
Viserys insisted I wear his chain mail and I find it's not actually slowing me down at all. With a deep breath I grab on of the ropes tied to the sail and slice through the knot with 'Thorn'. My new sword cuts through it like a blade of grass and I leap from the crow's nest towards the Long-Cog.
My momentum send me clear over the enemy ship and I have to brace my legs when I swing right into one of the equally shocked pirates. I'm pretty sure I felt a rib break when I hit him but it could have just been from the railing as he fell overboard.
"Let's see how strong I grew." I mutter under my breath and charge towards the three men with the horn nearly as big as me. "We brought our own music, thanks!"
Only one man is between me and my goal and he's too surprised by my arrival to have his sword readied in time. I've never actually killed anyone before or even done more than hit someone to hard with a training weapon. Thorn goes right through his boiled leather like it's not even on and come out right in the middle of the pirates back.
He goes limp on my blade and slides off with panic filled eyes but I force down my disgust at how much blood is coming out of him. Can't stop now or everyone is dead.
I glance at the battle with the final wyvern who is using it's aerial advantage to score several painful looking stabs with it's tail spike. The head of the largest hes been crushed against the mast by the bony club of Coppernicus but he's slowing down. Hope it's only cause he's getting tired out, some of those look pretty deep.
Viserys is nearby and is trying to close in on the savage man who at the moment has a sword and ax of his own, though the sword looks in dire need of replacing. Several bodies litter the deck around them and show neither man wants to have this duel interfered with. Fine with me.
Seeing masters actually going all out shows me it wasn't actually my fighting skills that impressed Viserys. I'll pass on a real match with you, though I would love seeing you go all out against Garlan. Because ever since beating Lord Jaime, he's been a little bit too arrogant in claiming to be Westeros' greatest swordsman.
My charge is noticed and the first man let's out a single sharp note on the bronze bound black horn. He steps aside and charges for me to buy his companions time but I take faith in my armor.
He stabs into my back as I run right past him and I barely even feel it, it's more of a shove than anything. Once I'm past him I swing right for the mouth piece of the horn and am shocked when it barely even cracks.
Instead of freezing up I swing again even harder and grin in relief when half a foot snaps off the horn. My joy doesn't last long though because I get slashed at again and this time no magical armor is covering the spot.
Agony run up my forearm and is followed by a nearly foot long line of crimson blood. The pirate with the bloody knife cackles in his native language but that only fills me with rage. Asha will beat me black and blue for getting distracted like that!
Reacting on rage filled adrenaline, I slash back in retaliation and slice him open from belly to chin. My foe gasps and gurgles on his own blood before collapsing on the deck, leaving me with only his two concerned allies. Neither seem eager to rush me with only knives and so I take advantage of that before I lose this surge of energy.
Somehow I'm able to suppress my horror at the sounds and sights of battle but find it's the smells really getting to me. No one ever tells you how bad it smells when you kill someone and they soil themselves. The only ones who even mention it will just laugh about it.
"Drop your knives and lay down on your bellies, or you get to tell your ancestors a woman killed you." I'm not sure I can take them both but I know I'll lose if I appear weak right now.
They both do and I blink a few times before I register the fact that I just took prisoners. My joy is however short lived as I hear the snarl of the pirate King.
"Another blade!" I hear his sword snap and clatter on the deck and roar out my own counter offer.
"Or drop your weapons and I'll let you live." I'm still standing near the two dead bodies and it only emphasizes my rage. "Keep them and Coppernicus gets to eat all of you that he wants once he's finished with the wyvern." I have no idea if he actually eats people but it makes a lot of weapons drop when the wyvern's body splashes down into the Summer Sea.
"Cowards!" The captain roars at his crew but it doesn't sway them in the slightest. "I'll send you all to the Drowned God once I'm finished with this pretender!"
He and Viserys dance around the mast and I smirk as the crazed pirate hasn't yet realized how much of it has been hacked through already. "Moqorro, give me a weapon!"
"I said this is where the Prince would face his battle against the pretender and return to Westeros with his dragon." A large dark skinned man with snow white hair and crimson robes denies the captain.
He has tattoos all over his body and they glitter like rubies under the sun anywhere his open robes do not cover. "I never promised it would be you Victarion."
"You traitor!" He swings for Viserys and his ax slams into the mast with a echoing snap as it begins to fall. "I'll pull your entrails out your eye socke-" His gruesome threat is ended when the falling wood crushes him between it and the blood soaked deck.
The man named Moqorro bows to Viserys and I in turn before speaking again. "The Basilisk fleet is yours my Prince, just raise this sail on your own ship." He removes the outer layer of his robes and reveals it to be a carefully folded sail.
It's the same as Visery's original sigil only with red instead of blue and the tarnished green of Coppernicus' scales instead of the orange copper. The Dragon's body shape has also been correctly altered to reflect the unique body shape of Coppernicus.
"Those who wish to live will deal with the idiots." Moqorro smiles as he hands Viserys the sail. "Once you're done here on Naath, I can show you where your niece is. It looks like she could really use some help."
Notes: Should be doing one a day again and this is my new size goal, 3k-4k words.