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More silly. Dexter's Lab. The adventures of Penny and Monkey. Lots of "Super Science of the Week" to turn into equipment or creatures.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood for less silly with structured magic.
Um, lessee,

Devil May Cry
Interactions with Dante should be priceless. Also a good place to stock up on weapons.

Warhammer (40k or Fantasy)
40k would give access to a lot of esoteric tech, spells, and summons, Fantasy just spells and summons. Might also make a good backdrop for her struggling with the nature of life and conflict, to see how good intentions can be twisted and people turned against each other. Also, Gellar fields might allow her bring stuff and people with her if it's "projects a bubble of realspace" works on the Blind Eternities.

Star Wars
Tech mostly, though character interactions would be interesting to see too. Especially with HK-47.

Young Justice
A mix of tech, magic, and epic summons. Might be best after one of the darker universes, to help remind her of what heroism looks like.

Marvel Movieverse
Same as above.

A chance to act a true OCP.

Magical Lyrical Girl Nanoha
Amazing Magi-tech and the chance to bond with Fate over not being real girls.
Amazing Magi-tech and the chance to bond with Fate over not being real girls.

Fate is actually a real girl though... unless you think she is a gyroid?

Haven't seen this.

I was about to say I hate marvel, but the movie verse was ok so far. This will be a maybe.

Hmm, depends. I think you mean Kotor though instead of the movies.

Maybe, though young justice gets dark at times.

Warhammer (40k or Fantasy)

Sadly I only have a very basic understanding of this from reading stories about it. Probably wont happen.

I have some understanding of this but I never played the games. I could always watch a lets play of it though to get a better understanding of it.
Fate is actually a real girl though... unless you think she is a gyroid?
She's artificial, even if she's made of carbon and water instead of metal.
Hmm, depends. I think you mean Kotor though instead of the movies.
Either one. HK's just one of the few droids with enough shared interests to get her attention.
Maybe, though young justice gets dark at times.
But there are still genuine, larger than life superheroes. I was thinking of that after one of the 'grittier' universes, like Warhammer, where even the heroes are tribalistic fanatics.
Though technically the main plot would be in Renamant for awhile but we'll get to that later. Especially when Penny figures out a few things about her plane.
Anyway, my arm got better as I slept and the first part of the update is nearly done and then I need to decide what kinda speech the general would give and whether or not you'd guys go straight to getting a partner or if it's late in the day enough to where they put it off until tomorrow.


Yeah, RWBY randomly changed from day to night sometimes it's annoying. Or the students are given the rest of the day to get used to things or something.

Anyway, sorry to say you are probably going to get stuck with Penny's canon partner that was hired to look after Penny and keep her out of trouble.

Update will likely be posted tomorrow as I have to deal with a few things that came up today and try and fix my insomnia issue so I can go see a dentist about a broken tooth that I forgot about.


Before you ask, yeah. I am rather forgetful about things that aren't an immediate concern.
Anyway, my arm got better as I slept and the first part of the update is nearly done and then I need to decide what kinda speech the general would give and whether or not you'd guys go straight to getting a partner or if it's late in the day enough to where they put it off until tomorrow.


Yeah, RWBY randomly changed from day to night sometimes it's annoying. Or the students are given the rest of the day to get used to things or something.

Anyway, sorry to say you are probably going to get stuck with Penny's canon partner that was hired to look after Penny and keep her out of trouble.

Update will likely be posted tomorrow as I have to deal with a few things that came up today and try and fix my insomnia issue so I can go see a dentist about a broken tooth that I forgot about.


Before you ask, yeah. I am rather forgetful about things that aren't an immediate concern.
He's a give a Milatary alike speach focusing on duty and responsibility and how we are the finest and you have a long way to go but with discipline and hard work you will get there.

Some of American style army speech. Maybe with reference to atlas holding up the world.
Something that occurred to me, all of Remnant's tech is based on dust. Likely including Penny. Dust stops working if it leaves Remnant. Given Penny has an Aura, it's possible she can continue functioning off of it, but it wouldn't be infinite. Once she jumps Planes, she's gonna be working on a time limit to find a way to recharge. Fortunately, many planes have ways to replenish Mana pools that could probably be repurposed, but it'll be a concern.
Something that occurred to me, all of Remnant's tech is based on dust. Likely including Penny. Dust stops working if it leaves Remnant. Given Penny has an Aura, it's possible she can continue functioning off of it, but it wouldn't be infinite. Once she jumps Planes, she's gonna be working on a time limit to find a way to recharge. Fortunately, many planes have ways to replenish Mana pools that could probably be repurposed, but it'll be a concern.
Also as a planeswalker she'd quickly develop her own mana pool that she could probably use for that if it comes to it.
Something that occurred to me, all of Remnant's tech is based on dust. Likely including Penny. Dust stops working if it leaves Remnant. Given Penny has an Aura, it's possible she can continue functioning off of it, but it wouldn't be infinite. Once she jumps Planes, she's gonna be working on a time limit to find a way to recharge. Fortunately, many planes have ways to replenish Mana pools that could probably be repurposed, but it'll be a concern.

Planeswalker, no shits given.
You wont need to worry about it too much.

Anyway, I'll probably get back to writing today though if I don't I have a dentist appointment tomorrow so I may be too out of it/having pain to write tomorrow or the next day.

Would have had it out sooner, but minor issues kept cropping up over the weekend.
Also as a planeswalker she'd quickly develop her own mana pool that she could probably use for that if it comes to it.
Probably, but even Planeswalkers need training to use magic. They pick it up ridiculously fast, but they still need someone to show them the basics.
Planeswalker, no shits given.
If a planeswalker jumps somewhere they can't survive, they still die. I've read that one of the leading causes of newbie planeswalker death is jumping to a plane without the correct atmosphere, or no food, and being unable to jump away before they suffocate or starve. Given neoWalkers have complicated rituals they have to go through to jump, which they may not even know, it's more common than you'd think.
You wont need a ritual to jump here. Though Penny isn't an old walker.

Anyway, I think Penny's aura would cover any power source needed honestly if she does need one in place of dust. But I don't think dust is required in her operation, same with the other androids unless they hook up to a power station for a recharge.

hmmm.... something for me to think about then.
Wait they do? I mean I knew they made the new planeswalkers weaker and I was more or less comfortable with that but...

That feels kinda disappointing somehow. Oh well
It's not always that complicated. You just need to do whatever you were doing when your spark first activated. So there's a lot of variance.
Anyway, I think Penny's aura would cover any power source needed honestly if she does need one in place of dust. But I don't think dust is required in her operation, same with the other androids unless they hook up to a power station for a recharge.

hmmm.... something for me to think about then.
That's what I thought, I was just pointing out that, going by how much hunters eat, it takes a lot of energy to use aura, so she's gonna be operating on a time limit till it depletes. Fortunately, Final Fantasy has Mako, Ether, and Elixer any of which might serve the same purpose as dust.
Sorry for the long delay. I am writing the next chapter, but I've been facing some issues that are annoying and cut in on my capable of actually writing time. Like getting sick again.

I swear I am cursed because everytime I started a quest I always ended up getting sick again a week later. >.>

Anyway, I have the first half of the chapter done, now I'm just working on the second half that has to do with the speech thing and yadda yadda. Hopefully I'll have it ready by Monday.

Incidentally, I might want someone to take a look at it before I post it since, as I said before, I'm dealing with annoying issues so I won't be able to catch all the mistakes I'd likely will make, or probably stray to far out of character as my mood becomes less than happy.
Something that occurred to me, all of Remnant's tech is based on dust. Likely including Penny. Dust stops working if it leaves Remnant.
Well, Dust stops working if it leaves Remnant's atmosphere. The exact cause is unknown. Is it something special about Remnant? Is it something special about a vacuum environment? Is it something that any life supporting planet could supply to keep Dust working?

It's entirely possible that Penny can sidestep that issue by just going to other worlds without traveling through space, depending on why that happens.
Hell, it might even be powered by the residual aura in the atmosphere, and since penny has her own aura...
Hell, it might even be powered by the residual aura in the atmosphere, and since penny has her own aura...
Aura isn't exempt from conservation of energy. Have you seen how much hunters have to eat to be able to use their powers? Truly obscene amounts of sugar and other carbs are consumed by tiny-waisted women while nary an ounce is gained. The only way this would be possible is if they're burning it off as fast as they consume. And what's "residual aura in the atmosphere" anyway?

It's stated repeatedly in RWBY that all technology is powered by dust. Penny is technology. Occam's Razor suggests that Penny is powered by dust. I suppose it's possible that she had some kind of new prototype power generator that used something else as fuel, but it's generally considered shoddy engineering to combine multiple instances of new, untested technology.

I'm not sure why people are so resistant to the idea. All it means is that we have to take it easy for the first few updates after the jump until we figure out an alternate fuel source. Which shouldn't take long given which worlds we're going to.
Aura isn't exempt from conservation of energy. Have you seen how much hunters have to eat to be able to use their powers? Truly obscene amounts of sugar and other carbs are consumed by tiny-waisted women while nary an ounce is gained. The only way this would be possible is if they're burning it off as fast as they consume. And what's "residual aura in the atmosphere" anyway.
I presume he's looking at aura as like heat. Living things generate it* and small amounts are constantly carried off into the environment.

*Yes, even 'cold-blooded' creatures generate some heat.
Aura isn't exempt from conservation of energy. Have you seen how much hunters have to eat to be able to use their powers? Truly obscene amounts of sugar and other carbs are consumed by tiny-waisted women while nary an ounce is gained. The only way this would be possible is if they're burning it off as fast as they consume.

All that energy has to go somewhere, it doesn't just stop existing. Leading to:
I presume he's looking at aura as like heat. Living things generate it* and small amounts are constantly carried off into the environment.

*Yes, even 'cold-blooded' creatures generate some heat.

Bingo. It being both energy and matter(the rose petals and similar things) supports this(where do aura constructs go when they dissolve?).

I'm not sure why people are so resistant to the idea.

Because it's retarded and adds a death condition that may very well be unavoidable?

All it means is that we have to take it easy for the first few updates after the jump until we figure out an alternate fuel source.

You can't put gasoline into a phone and expect it to work.
Had to do a few things yesterday so I'll probably finish the update today.

-looks up at the current conversation and sweat drops-

I swear I said you wouldn't need to worry about it. :(

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