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Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

[X] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate.

Was going to suggest go tot he forest of death, kill one of the tigers and then eat it.:oops:

She had looked at you before closing her eyes in delight, hands raised to her cheek... a light blush telling tales of her emotion. "I think boys should date boys, and girls should date girls."

-eyes open wide-

She's.... she's that one girl from fate/kaleid liner prisma! She is beyond hope, and also has a high chance of becoming a magical girl.
[X] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate.

There goes the NaruHina ships I guess :p.
[X] Go home and show your mom, she would be so proud of you.
[X] Have a quick lunch on the swing, you remembered to bring your bento box.

A boy I believe that was changed into a girl because of his reincarnation practices a martial art that would have made him a unick or something like that. Also his past life was a trap for most of his life.


Don't know if the Naruto story of Bii's is connected to this quest as it was the last one though, so I could be wrong.
................. explain please?
[X] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate.
- For bonding with our future comrades, and to go out and be irresponsible for one last time before the weight of duty is burdened upon or young shoulders...
................. explain please?

It says something that I read that as a Dalek yelling EXPLAIN... my mind is odd sometimes.

anyway, here is a linkto the story that may be connected to the quest.

Crimson fish cake

And here is a video of Naruto's reincarnation, doing things.

Even though I can't understand a word it's saying, the song is rather catchy and upbeat.
[X] Hang about and wait for your friends, you were ALL going to party and celebrate.
Uh-oh, beware the tanuki that studies the Way of Broken Hotpot, and knows the feared Empty Sake Jug technique..... Much fearsome tanuki here....
Oh right, Naruto is female here. Have to remember that.
Naruto gender isn't female. Naruto's gender is naruto. Unless Bii has changed that. Cause naruto started off male and then ended up henging into a female and back to the point where you really couldn't tell what Naruto's original gender had been unless you had known him before.

Which looking at the first page it seems like Bii has decided to make his naruto fic canon for this quest.
I think Naruto identifies himself as a female and thus why he is being called a she. Or something like that. Besides his repurposed sexy no jutsu she probably developed to become a girl.
I think Naruto identifies himself as a female and thus why he is being called a she. Or something like that. Besides his repurposed sexy no jutsu she probably developed to become a girl.
Naruto had no issues with either gender identity in the last quest.

Hm. Looking at the character and going back to check the original sheet we don't have stuff like walking and breathing in this reboot.
Naruto gender isn't female. Naruto's gender is naruto. Unless Bii has changed that. Cause naruto started off male and then ended up henging into a female and back to the point where you really couldn't tell what Naruto's original gender had been unless you had known him before.

Which looking at the first page it seems like Bii has decided to make his naruto fic canon for this quest.

More like the reverse...

Original Pink Blossom Quest spawned a side fic that is THAT naruto fic...

You do not want to some of Bii's older Naruto fic... 'Neesan is an ancient beast that Bii has to get back to. :>
06 - The Morning After

Really when one gets down to it, one should be prepared for success and failure in equal measure. If you had succeeded in graduating, you should have a party to celebrate. If you failed to graduate (tis to laugh, that very idea), you should hand out with your friends as misery loves company.

Thus you had gotten permission from your mother and father to stay out late with your friends after the exam.

More importantly... you had been saving up your piggy banks.

Thus a quick trip to your assorted homes by you and your friends was done... well... quick was relative. After all, you had to clean yourself up. Play dress-up in a nice dress you had gotten. Try on some of that make up that Ino had gotten you, but you hadn't actually used in school... it wasn't much, just a light layer of foundation, and blush, some fragrance to make you smell nice.

You had a quick bite to eat before you ran out the door, this time with your brand new forehead protector used as a hairband.

Surprisingly, you were the first to arrive at the meeting spot, the bridge that connected the begininer's training ground and Konoha city itself.

It didn't take long before your friends started to show up, from Naruto in her favorite colors of orange and blue, there was a hint of gold and red in her outfit... to Sasuke, who... not surprisingly was in his customary outfit of black and white.

The plan was simple... once everyone had shown up. The lot of you would do EVERYTHING that you had been forbidden to do as academy students. But which was no longer forbidden to you as you were now genin and thus... adults.

The shiny forehead protectors that adorned you and your friends showed that you were proud konoha shinobi!

With that, you headed off to Yakiniku Q to get some food in your bellies and then... to the dark underbelly of Konoha!

- - -​

You woke up when the sun shone in your face, the sound of birds filled the air... and you had a killer headache. Also, someone had killed someone else in your mouth, and then left him to rot. Inconsiderate bastard.

As you slowly worke, you winced at the soreness here and there in unfamiliar parts of your body.

Also, you were fairly certain you were bruised over assorted parts of your body. [Too bright. No technique to kill stupid sun...]

And the headache got worse as you slowly staggered up from where you lay one the grass. You blinked.

Wait... that wasn't a headache... that was something trying to crush your skull with its jaws. Well... that wasn't something a punch or two wouldn't fix.


And it appeared that the Inner You agreed with the assessment.

The majestic white Konoha tiger exploded your subsequent punch.

You frowned as you tried to remember what happened after you ventured into That Bar, the one that the Jounins hung out... or so it was said. You and the other girls had ordered a drink.... or two... or three... something?

As you stretched... you could hear groans and moans from the trees you were facing.

Looks like you weren't the only one who had ended up here.

Turning around... you were rendered speechless. Literally.


[Huh!] At least, you were... even if the Inner You wasn't stunned silent by utter wreckage of the forest. Small fires still burned here and there... the trees were topped or outright shattered...

"Ahhhhh..." Eventually, you managed to speak up. "Well... this... this isn't good."

"No. No, it's not. But it was an impressive showing." A quiet voice spoke up behind you, its tone implied a certain laziness that came from absolute certainty that nothing would manage to get his attention unless it was truly life or death.



You vaguely recalled that voice. You swallowed and turned around slowly.

"Yo." A somewhat familiar gray-haired ANBU commander waved at you. You were certain, he was a commander based on his equipment and utter confidence. The dog mask just sealed his identity as a member of the ANBU.

"It's not my fault?" You offered up with a not quite whimper.

"No, no... don't worry... I'm sure that the Hokage would be interested in speaking to you and your friends about everything but this. Really." That dry tone spoke volumes about his opinion about what the Hokage wanted you and friends for.

You... you were in trouble.

Big trouble.

- - -
The Morning After
[Sakura Quest] [Naruto / Streetfighter]
- - -​

What Do?
Pick One
[X] Run For It! [You might even make it...]
[X] Battle the commander. [Not the best of ideas...]
[X] Surrender and wait for your friends to wake up with the ANBU commander. Time to face the music.
Current Tally

[!] Run For It! [You might even make it...]
SB -
QQ -
SV -

[!] Battle the commander. [Not the best of ideas...]
SB -
QQ -
SV -

[!] Surrender and wait for your friends to wake up with the ANBU commander. Time to face the music.
SB -
QQ -
SV -
Is anyone going to mention that Sakura woke up with a giant whit tiger's jaws around her head. Which she then punched in to giblets? Because really that's the important thing here. Also the fact that we might not see Kakashi as our Jounnin because he is busy being the second biggest badass in Konoha. So off to the hokage's office.
[X] Surrender and wait for your friends to wake up with the ANBU commander. Time to face the music.

Oh god, what the hell did we do. :D

Is anyone going to mention that Sakura woke up with a giant whit tiger's jaws around her head. Which she then punched in to giblets? Because really that's the important thing here. Also the fact that we might not see Kakashi as our Jounnin because he is busy being the second biggest badass in Konoha. So off to the hokage's office.
We're Murderfist-chan v2, something as minor as a giant tiger taking a nibble is a temporary inconvenience. And of course we punched it to death, we're Murderfist-chan v2. And Kakashi shall command who he shall as the Hokage orders.
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[X] Surrender and wait for your friends to wake up with the ANBU commander. Time to face the music.
-[jk] use every skill and tool in your arsenal and beg, bribe, incriminate or anything, to obtain leniency for yourself........oh and the people you came with too.... except Ami, forget that bitch, hell she's probably the one who squealed on us...the bitch.
[X] Surrender and wait for your friends to wake up with the ANBU commander. Time to face the music.

You all are not seeing undertneath the underneath.Clearly the glorious essays on Ninja etic classes happened and Shimura Danzo is bending over backwards to be Sakura Jonin-sensei.
Ergo Kakashi can still be a Anbu comander.Truly my logic is flawless.
[X] Surrender and wait for your friends to wake up with the ANBU commander. Time to face the music
-[x] "Can anyone tell me what exactly happened?"

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