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Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

[X] Surrender and wait for your friends to wake up with the ANBU commander. Time to face the music.
[x] Seduce him into letting you go
Considering his favored reading material I'm going to go on a limb and say he's likely going to want someone a bit more.........."developed" than ourselves, or at least waiting tell we are of actual age of consent before anything would come of it, though I realize that you're probably just joking about that :p. It would be kind of funny for her to try, and get shot down *so hard* that she's left sort of speechless, but I'm not sure how well the SV/SB forums would view such so it's not likely to happen....
Considering his favored reading material I'm going to go on a limb and say he's likely going to want someone a bit more.........."developed" than ourselves, or at least waiting tell we are of actual age of consent before anything would come of it, though I realize that you're probably just joking about that :p. It would be kind of funny for her to try, and get shot down *so hard* that she's left sort of speechless, but I'm not sure how well the SV/SB forums would view such so it's not likely to happen....
Yeah, I'm not intending for the plan to work, that would never happen. I'm seeing, if this vote passes which it won't, him either ignoring our attempts to flirt or turning us down.
Agilitree: Yeah, I was also thinking of including it on my "subvote", as a way to lessen the trouble we are in, but sort of felt that Sakura is the type to be more straight forward and decisive in her actions so seducing and more drawn out social-fu would not be her strong point, nor the first thing she'd reach for to get out of trouble. Still you're right, her failing would be pretty funny:D.
[X] Battle the commander. [Not the best of ideas...]

We are the fist that murdered the forest!
[X] Surrender and wait for your friends to wake up with the ANBU commander. Time to face the music.

There is no point in fighting or running in this case.
Omake : Tora Mission Report
Tora missions forever.
Dear Miss Fatass Concubine Mrs. Shijimi I am glad We regret to inform you your Demon Spawn Hell Cat had died today in the process of recapturing it him. It was bullshit unfortunate that Satan in fur Tora ran into a recently as in a few moments before he did, thank you Sasuke, condemned building in the Uchiha district. The building collapsed on him as Sakura was trying to turn him into chunky salsa the supports gave way and crushed the Demon Cat unfortunate soul deliciously quite flat. We partied all week It took us a week, the usual time frame to recapture him, to excavate the body and lay him inside this innocuous and heavily warded against the undead and evil spirits exotic wooden box. Being in the state he was we beg ask you do not open the coffin, his soul still lingers and it hungers for flesh its not for the faint of heart.

-Sincerely Yours
Sakura Harano
Sasuke Uchiha
Naruto Uzumaki

P.S. Sensei make sure to transcribe this onto a different paper, there is alot of things we probably shouldn't have written.
The Daimyo's Wife screeching was heard by not only the Ninja Messenger but, also the Samurai guarding the building the Daimyo himself and an deaf man of 14 years, who immediately starts clawing his ears apart to stop the pain.
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[X] Surrender and wait for your friends to wake up with the ANBU commander. Time to face the music.
Dear Miss Fatass Concubine Mrs. Shijimi I am glad We regret to inform you your Demon Spawn Hell Cat had died today in the process of recapturing it him. It was bullshit unfortunate that Satan in fur Tora ran into a recently as in a few moments before he did, thank you Sasuke, condemned building in the Uchiha district. The building collapsed on him as Sakura was trying to turn him into chunky salsa the supports gave way and crushed the Demon Cat unfortunate soul deliciously quite flat. We partied all week It took us a week, the usual time frame to recapture him, to excavate the body and lay him inside this innocuous and heavily warded against the undead and evil spirits exotic wooden box. Being in the state he was we beg ask you do not open the coffin, his soul still lingers and it hungers for flesh its not for the faint of heart.

-Sincerely Yours
Sakura Harano
Sasuke Uchiha
Naruto Uzumaki

P.S. Sensei make sure to transcribe this onto a different paper, there is alot of things we probably shouldn't have written.
The Daimyo's Wife screeching was heard by not only the Ninja Messenger but, also the Samurai guarding the building the Daimyo himself and an deaf man of 14 years, who immediately starts clawing his ears apart to stop the pain.

This. Is. Beautiful.

I've come all the way from the far off land of SV just to like your post.
That's actually quite cute, Bloodshifter on QQ Said lol. I feel honored Bii took the time to wait till I cleaned it to post and threadmark it.
Wow. We don't see much of your kind around these parts, thanks for dropping in and letting me know. I'm glad people enjoy it, question how did you even find it? Did Bii post it over on SV?

Have you not looked at the tallies? XD

Tanuki cross-posted everything and will do so for omake as well ^_^
07 - The Old Man

One can say many things about the Sanddaime Hokage, but amongst the few things that could not be said about him was that he was soft or weak.

The old man seated at his desk, his back to the window, calming smoked his pipe and did his paperwork; reading and making minor notations here and there.

He ignored the nine of you, your presence where you stood in the middle of the office was utterly and completely dismissed.

Eventually, he finished his paperwork.

The last piece of paper stayed before him on the desk instead of entering his outbook.

He adjusted the position of the pipe in his mouth and simply looked at the nine of you standing before his desk. No guards. No teachers. No parents.

Just an old man and the nine of you.

The impression that you got of him was absolute danger. But that was rather blindingly obvious. Any nin who made it to old age and was still active was obviously dangerous. His various titles just understated the absolute danger that the old man was.

After all, when one was called things like The Professor or God of Shinobi... you knew how screwed you were if you got into a fight with him. Because the chances were good that you'd be dead before the fight actually started.

The other impression that you got from him as you stood where you were, all muddy, filthy and covered in bruises... was disappointment.

Simple and unadulterated disappointment in you and your friends.

A rare thing that.

He looked at the nine of you and continued to smoke his pipe. With one last puff, he set aside his pipe to the side and started to read from the paper a list of bars and restaurants.

"... Ramen Ichiraku..."

At the mention of the favourite restaurant of Uzumaki Naruto, the blonde collapsed to her hands and knees on the floor weeping in horror. It was clear that she had worked out what the Hokage was speaking of.

The damage done by you and your friends last night.

"Breaking and entering into Training Ground Forty Four, destruction of gates forty three and forty four of Training Ground Forty Four, unauthorized landscape reshaping of Training Ground Forty Four, killing and chasing out the assorted wild life of Training Ground Forty Four and allowing them to run loose into Konoha proper."

The Hokage simply looked at all of you now. "Are you not wearing the forehead protector of a Konoha shinobi?"

You had to sheepishly nod at his question. "Yes sir."

"You are no longer academy students under the guidance of your teachers." The old man shook his head. "You are no longer children cared for by your parents."

"When you put on those forehead protectors, you became proud Konoha shinobi." The look of disappointment returned. "Now, I understand that new genins celebrate their graduation. This is something that has occurred since the very first genin graduation of Konoha. However, what was done last night was beyond acceptable limits."

"Since you are new genins, Konoha will repair and compensate the bars and restaurants damaged last night. However, you will find that a portion of your salary from your missions will be deducted to help pay for the damages." There was a note in his voice that brooked no disagreement.

There was a moment of silence before he said one last thing. "You are dismissed."

- - -
The Old Man
[Sakura Quest] [Naruto / Streetfighter]
- - -​

What Do?
Pick One
[X] Go home and get cleaned up.
[X] Go to the academy showers and clean up first and change before going home.
[X] Accept invitation to go to Naruto's home. No adults there, you can clean up with the others.
[X] Accept invitation to go to Sasuke's home. No adults there, you can clean up with the others.
Well... that was actually better than I expected. Much better that trying to run away or stupidly fight a god damn Jonin.

[X] Go home and get cleaned up.
[X] Accept invitation to go to Naruto's home. No adults there, you can clean up with the others.
- Yeah don't want to face our parents just yet......
-[X] Other: Yuri path unlocked!
- "Hey there Ino...."

So, anyone want to bet that we get a collective nickname or something from this, I'm thinking that at the *very* least we will be know as "Those Nine" and more likely something a *bit* less "flattering"........ wait..... are we the "Konoha Wrecking Crew"?
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"Konoha Wrecking Crew"

Sounds like a fine name. Here is a slightly paraphrased motto taken from Transformers Prime: "The Wrecking Crew does not call for backup, we call for cleanup!"

[X] Accept invitation to go to Sasuke's home. No adults there, you can clean up with the others.

For maximum awkwardness.
[X] Accept invitation to go to Sasuke's home. No adults there, you can clean up with the others.

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