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Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

Updated Tally from SB, SV, QQ. Please check to make sure it's correct

[X] Merchant Escort. [C rank]
- frozenchicken, Funcio

[X] Joint Anti-Pirate Task Force. [A rank (combined), B rank (individually)]

[X] Ginrei Energy Incorporated Investigation. [C rank]
- Happerry, @Cornix Argentus, @UbeOne, @Highwind, LordVile

[X] Twenty Red Panda pelts. [C rank, possibly B rank depending on animals encountered]
- fitzgerald, OverReactionGuy, Koled, @Deathbybunnies, @veekie, @thepsyborg, Akritedes, red knight, mwkillkenny84, @wingstrike96, @Muer'ci, Dirk93

My~ so overwhelming against the wild life, eh?

You monsters, how could you raise a hand against the fuzzy wuzzies?
[X] Ginrei Energy Incorporated Investigation. [C rank]

[X] Joint Anti-Pirate Task Force. [A rank (combined), B rank (individually)]

That seems like the fastest way to get taught water walking and any associated perks or techniques. With such a big group mission, there will be plenty of opportunities for sparring, and chances to fight strong opponents while having jounin at our backs as a security nets. Let's get ourselves an adventure.
Fetch quests for the RPG god.

[X] Twenty Red Panda pelts. [C rank, possibly B rank depending on animals encountered]
Also, already PM'd Biigoh (bad reflex in hindsight) but can somebody please point out to me who is whose reincarnation? I am not familiar enough with Street Fighter fluff to get the references. :oops:
Also, already PM'd Biigoh (bad reflex in hindsight) but can somebody please point out to me who is whose reincarnation? I am not familiar enough with Street Fighter fluff to get the references. :oops:

Sakura is Sakura, Naruto is a Chinese dude from a movie I can't remember the name of, Sasuke is...I think canon Sasuke but mellowed out...
17 - Animal Hunt

Click on Picture for larger version​
Sauce is not Danbooru, but the interwebs

[X] Twenty Red Panda pelts. [C rank, possibly B rank depending on animals encountered]

It is oddly worrying in a way when that woman picks out a scroll and smiles warmly at you and your teammates.

She tapped her lips and hmmmed hmmmed. "We'll take this, Iruka-kun."

Wait... she wouldn't be telling you what epic mission you would take? That was just mean. Still, it wasn't as if she would keep it completely confidential... perhaps, it was just for now... appearances and all that.

With scroll in hand, Sarutobi-sensei led the three of you into a small meeting room where there was soon a knock on the door.

The young man who stepped in looked vaguely familiar to you. Fair of face, tall of body, dressed nicely in Earth Country style. Admittedly, the luxurious black hair in that long braid down his back was very much in vogue among Fire Country nobles.


There was a tilt of head by the young man before he smiled at you. "Oh! I wasn't expecting you to be the part of the team who took the assignment. It's been some time, hasn't it, Sakura?"

You found yourself the victim of curious looks by your teammates and a raised eyebrow look by Sarutobi-sensei.

"Ah? I... I should know you?" Your careless reply had him looking somewhat down fallen.

"It's me... Sing." There was more gesturing as you tried your best to remember him. There was the vague impressions of... a star? Or hmmm.... oh yes! The [nostalgic] lolipop.

"Ah! The lolipop boy!" You smiled at the memories of the lolipops you enjoyed when the vacation trips with father met up with Bear? no... Heima, formerly from Iwa. Your firm identification had him wilting as if he was unwilling to believe that was how you remembered him.

There was a moment of silence as the client collected himself. "Right..."

"So, I put in this request to Konoha because of a few factors, namely because the pelts needed come from Red Pandas, a creature that is noted as dangerous despite its luxurious pelts. Also because it's native to Fire Country... and erm... so, you would be knowledgeable in its habits and such." Sing started to ramble on about the mission, which apparently was to collect a number of pelts of red panda?

Honestly, how dangerous could hunting animals be?

Still, you could see why this mission was a C rank one. It was something that experienced genin and inexperienced chunin could do, depending on the animals in the region of where these 'red panda' lived.

[Red Panda, huh? I don't think they're like normal panda bears]. Still, the inner you spoke up as Sing continued to speak on about how he and his men would be traveling with you to deal with the dead animals... and how it was important to kill the animals without ruining the fur.

Still, bears of some kind.

This would be fun. You just had to make sure NOT to punch the animals too hard.

- - -
Animal Hunt
[Sakura Quest] [Naruto / Streetfighter]

- - -​

Given that you were going to be venturing forth outside of Konoha, on an official mission no less... you took the time and effort to let your parents and little sister know before you started to pack.

This was important, making sure you had everything needed, from basic ninja equipment to camping gear. What was also important was that you didn't overpack even if the temptation was there to go "just one more thing".

In the end, you managed to force what you were carrying down to just a single backpack and no extra items. Easy enough to ensure you were fully equipped for almost anything and could survive in the wilderness, and yet... light enough for you to move at full combat speed for long periods of time and distances.

Perfectly balanced, even if Sing had wagons to carry things in and he had offered to let you and the others stow your gear in said wagons.

With wagons slowing you down, it was weeks before you were looking down at a misty valley near the south western border between Fire Country and River Country.

What Do?
[X] Charge in and beat up some panda bears?
[X] Scout out the valley first and then set up traps and such for the panda bears?
[X] Set up camp and then go panda bear hunting?
[X] Write In.
[X] Set up camp and then go panda bear hunting?
-[X] To avoid the most damage to the fur, breaking their necks would the most expedient. That's an opportunity to learn and practice some submission holds!

T_T Poor panda bears. Guess that's a wash for our high seas adventure.
For some reason I read that as Sting and immediately thought of him in his role as Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen.

I may have a weird mind.

[X] Set up camp and then go panda bear hunting?
-[X] To avoid the most damage to the fur, breaking their necks would the most expedient. That's an opportunity to learn and practice some submission holds!

This however looks like a good idea.
[] Scout out the valley first and then set up traps and such for the panda bears?
[] Set up camp and then go panda bear hunting?

These don't look exclusive to each other so maybe...

[X]Scout out the valley for the best place to set up the camp
-[x] See if Sensei has any advice on hunting the red pandas
--[x] If its viable then, "Lets go break some necks!" /Nora
Current Tally from all 3 forums~
Please be checking your voat voat to make sure it's correct.

- ayleid, ZiPeppe, Happerry
[X] Set up camp and then go panda bear hunting?
-[X] To avoid the most damage to the fur, breaking their necks would the most expedient. That's an opportunity to learn and practice some submission holds!

- Verthantine
[X]Scout out the valley for the best place to set up the camp
-[x] See if Sensei has any advice on hunting the red pandas
--[x] If its viable then, "Lets go break some necks!" /Nora

- @Deathbybunnies, @UbeOne, @veekie, @Highwind, wingstrike96
[X] Scout out the valley first and then set up traps and such for the panda bears?

- @Muer'ci, red knight, Dirk93,
[x] Set up camp and then go panda bear hunting?

- LordVile, mwkillkenny84, @spikethehobbitmage
[X] Scout out the valley first and then set up traps and such for the panda bears.
--[X]And maintain proper camps with shaded fire pit and no food lying about in a defensible location.
[X] Set up camp and then go panda bear hunting?
-[X] To avoid the most damage to the fur, breaking their necks would the most expedient. That's an opportunity to learn and practice some submission holds!
[X] Set up camp and then go panda bear hunting?
-[X] To avoid the most damage to the fur, breaking their necks would the most expedient. That's an opportunity to learn and practice some submission holds!

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