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Pink Blossom Quest Redux [Naruto/Streetfighter]

Don't necro. This is against rule 7.
[X] Get real ninja gear! You are a genin now, Academy stuff just won't do.
[X] Spar with Naruto. You know she was baiting you, but fuck it, you want to have some fun. Without horrible property damage. And being able to remember it. ...Hopefully.
11 Everyday Life...

Dinner was a quiet affair... well... as quiet as it got with your father and mother cheerfully praising your graduation. Your younger sister certainly seemed eager to follow in your footsteps, even if she was told by your parents to not go wild like you and your class had.


This was something you weren't going to live down, were you?

[Nope... it doesn't appear to be the case.] Even your other side was against you. How cruel.

Still, this was fine... it just meant that it would be a story you would tell your children and grandchildren... right, inner you?

[.... don't even go there.]

Yeap... you were going to get married and do this and there with a guy.


You didn't quite smile in your mind as you did mental damage to the [other you]. She really shouldn't have sassed you. Yeap.

- - - Please Wait Warmly, Tanuki are Typing. - - -​

Normally you had to wake up bright and early... at least, you did when you were still a student at the academy.

You would have thought that you could finally afford to be lazy and actually sleep in now that you had graduated...

Sadly, this turned out NOT to be the case as habits forged over the years ended with you awake at the sound of roosters in the distance while song birds chirped with the advent of the sun in the distant east.

Habit had you brushing your teeth with your younger sister, and eating breakfast before you realized you could have slept in.



Right. This was awkward. You had to admit as you toyed with the rolled up omelette.

"Sakura, could you take your younger sister to school?" Your mother, clearly, wasn't going to give you a chance to nap. Fiendish!

Still, given the small stack of bills placed in front of you by her, she expected you to do something else. "And afterwards, you should see about replacing your academy equipment. They're not bad, but..."

"Not the best?" You looked at her.

There was a simple nod in response. "Just don't go overboard, a ninja's equipment can only go so far."

With that, you walked your younger sister to school. Unlike you, she was happy and full of energy at this unspeakable time in the morning.

It didn't take too long before she was dropped off and you were far too awake now. And running 'hot' as it were. Walking to the academy was invigorating in its own way, blood pumping and all that.

Which was why you got yourself a snack while wandering about the village. You had to get some equipment.

- - -
Everyday Life...
[Sakura Quest] [Naruto / Streetfighter]
- - -​

What Do?
[X] Visit the weapon shops... cold hard steel was hard to substitute.
[X] Visit the tailors... perhaps, you could see about new clothes.
[X] Visit the printers... storage scrolls or exploding tags were always useful.
[X] Visit the pharmacies... soldier pills were always good for a 'second' wind.
[X] Visit the general stores... things like ninja wires were always a good thing to get.
[X] Write In
[X] Visit the general stores... things like ninja wires were always a good thing to get.
[X] Visit the pharmacies... soldier pills were always good for a 'second' wind.
An update to Blossom Quest? Praise be the Tanuki!

[X] Visit your friends, maybe you can all go shopping together
-[X] Make sure Naruto buys more than just prank stuff and food.
[X] Visit the tailors... perhaps, you could see about new clothes.
[X] Visit the printers... storage scrolls or exploding tags were always useful.

The cut along the leg-area of her current clothes give her mobility, but the character portrait shows the one-piece with double-mini-capes. Edna Mode says, "No capes!"
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sassafras: so are you thinking something like this,

with bloomers?

Personally I'd rather go with something that fits our job a bit more, we're ninja not schoolgirl street fighters, and I don't think there would be enough storage space on an outfit like this for all the tools we may need in the field... it just doesn't seem super practical for our us to wear, maybe save for certain infiltration missions...
sassafras: so are you thinking something like this,

with bloomers?

Personally I'd rather go with something that fits our job a bit more, we're ninja not schoolgirl street fighters, and I don't think there would be enough storage space on an outfit like this for all the tools we may need in the field... it just doesn't seem super practical for our us to wear, maybe save for certain infiltration missions...
Maybe she should get a waterproofed storage scroll. And fold the edges to avoid paper cuts. If you know what I mean. If Oroichimaru could deep-throat a sword, and fight, then could Sakura do the same, but elsewhere? :oops: Can you imagine her trying to coax it out of...
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L-l-lewd, I'll have you know this is a sfw quest thank you very much:p And besides we're the pure and innocent Punch-chan, leave the ecchi to stuff to Ino and Hinata.
[X] Visit the weapon shops... cold hard steel was hard to substitute.
Eee, it lives, eeeeeeee!
[X] Visit the weapon shops... cold hard steel was hard to substitute.
[X] Visit the weapon shops... cold hard steel was hard to substitute.
[X] Visit the tailors... perhaps, you could see about new clothes.
Current Tally from QQ, SB, SV...

[X] Visit the general stores... things like ninja wires were always a good thing to get.
- Happerry, veekie

[X] Visit the pharmacies... soldier pills were always good for a 'second' wind.
- Koled, Redd984, SCO

[X] Visit your friends, maybe you can all go shopping together
-[X] Make sure Naruto buys more than just prank stuff and food.
- Zum

[X] Visit the tailors... perhaps, you could see about new clothes.
- sassafras, Serous, Tetsurou, Muer'ci, Highwind, Redon, ........, Selias

[X] Visit the printers... storage scrolls or exploding tags were always useful.
- sassafras, UbeOne, Cornix Argentus

[X] Visit the weapon shops... cold hard steel was hard to substitute.
- Minion #Q, Hyp3rB14d3, Silver719, MWKillKenny84, frozenchicken, Filraen, Irked, ZurigaSungama
I held off on a few criticisms of the practicality of these. I understand that it's fashion, and that these were likely designed with the intent to be aesthetically pleasing.

#1 has a somewhat suicidal cape. Boo. On the plus side, it makes Sakura look like an ojou-sama without the common (but not commoner) drill-hair ringlets. I love haughty ojou-samas and that silly laugh.

#2 makes her look like an avant garde crack-whore. Might be useful if those tassels react to chakra like the iron cloth technique. Or if she blindfolds captives. Or hides razor-wire in them. And basketball shoes are just better than geta. Slam with the best, or jam with the rest.

#3 would be good, if she were working with seduction. Because foot fetishes. Otherwise,the open-toed footwear is a disadvantage. Thought you could dodge that hail of kunai? Almost, but your toes didn't make it. Kicking a perv in the groin? Haha, now hobble away with damaged toes. Walking through a swamp? Ok, so chakra helps you get through without leeches clamping on you. But, if you just got in a fight, and are nearly out, now you got to deal with nasty infections which might have set on on around the popped blisters, and bloodsuckers, or cuts from rocks and foliage. Have fun with the failing immune system as enemy ninja catch up.

At least she can pull off "Omae wa mou shinderu."

#4 Kurenai: "I'm flattered."
Sakura: "Umm...who are you.?"
Kurenai: T^T "No love. No fanclub. I might as well kill myself."

#5 In about every pic, armpits are almost always a weak point. Need the joint lightly covered at most, for full range of motion, unless you're Tony Stark and have expensive servomotors in their armor suits or something. These ninja are medieval tech-freeloader wizards, and not tech-wizards.

And it looks like a incomplete version of psuedo-samurai armor. Almost like a combination of a top being a jack of plate, and the skirt not having the full degree of protection that overlapping lamellar plates, and silk would give. Why even bother adding it, if it's quarter-assed? Yes, I mean less than half-assed. The greaves and supply-pouches are a nice touch though.

#6 It's a ninja-loincloth. At least it's not that big of a cape.
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Almost everyone in Naruto would beg to differ.
Kakshi, Gai, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Hiruzen, A, and Itachi.
Then they better beg on their knees, as their goddes sexily stomps on their bodies in dominatrix thigh-high boots. Or closed high-heels. Or dominatrix thigh-high-high-heels, which for most people are worse than those sandals for serious combat, but still would hurt for stomps.Yeah, there are exceptions.

If those ninjas began their career with real footwear, they'd be so much better off. Assuming they regularly take care of their feet and footwear to prevent athlete's foot. And if there aren't logical in-universe reasons why they stick to geta. Like how the design or material might distribute or conduct chakra.

This is like comparing the Dutch Boers to South Africa Zulu close to the times of the Anglo-Zulu war, but the powerscale is messed up in Narutoverse. The Zulu had crazy good tactics and coordination, and won skirmishes on rare very conditional occasions. The reasons why the Zulu lost so badly goes a bit deeper than the Boers having guns, while the Zulu had spears, but it did make a huge difference. Especially with the gatling guns.

Just saying every bit counts.
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12 Dress Up
[X] Visit the tailors... perhaps, you could see about new clothes.
(8:16:06 PM) qqbot: Vyor rolled 1d100: 38 = [38]
(8:16:29 PM) qqbot: UrsaTempest rolled 1d100: 25 = [25]
(8:18:49 PM) qqbot: Bii rolled 1d100: 100 = [100]

It would be tempting, really it would be, to hunt down Naruto and bring her along while you hunted for clothes. It would likely also be fun given that she did possess a sense of fashion that wasn't like the other girls at the academy.

There were a few categories that the academy students fell into in terms of fashion. The orphans with their plain clothes that wouldn't look out of place for normal civilians [Might wanna pay attention to the footwear. Normal civilians don't wear reinforced sandals. But...] normal people didn't typically pay attention to footwear, Suzume-sensei had covered this in class after all. Then one had those descended from shinobi families... where money was available for higher quality clothing, and someone who knew how to match clothing to the way a shinobi fights.

Which was how you got Ino and her bandages, or Ami with her stripes [not that it helped her when she tried to pick a fight with us~ being able to distort your location is useless if there is a start up time]...

Naruto was different, she dressed like a boy, preferring sturdy pants and jacket on top of a tee-shirt. What one would expect from an orphan, if one didn't take into account just how durable Naruto's outfits tended to be... you had worked it out after getting into a scrap with her. There was also the way she liked bright colors...

And then there was you as wandered about the streets of Konoha, unable to find Naruto. She wasn't at home, nor was she at Sasuke's home, or at Ino's home, or at Ichiraku Ramen, or at her favorite training ground...

You totally hadn't given into the temptation to go clothing hunting with Naruto. Honestly... and Ino was busy at work at her family's flower shop. Which made her a no go for this... and you really didn't want to bother Hinata who was likely in a lot of trouble for the other night.

Which meant you were by yourself as you looked in the mirror with new outfits on.

You had to smile as you found yourself trying on a completely black outfit that covered your face and body, much like the 'ninja' in assorted ancient dramas or in the [other you]'s memories of stories told of ninja in her time. It was silly and ridiculous, after all, the goal was to not completely stand out... which this kuroko kabuki stagehand outfit would do in the general public.

Eventually, you found something delightful... an outfit in your style, or at least a cheongsam just the most delightful hew of dark red... like [heart's blood]. Of course, if it was just a plain cheongsam, then it would be almost but not quite useless.

No, what you were pleasently surprised by was that it was woven with silk from Aburame silk worms. Additionally, there was the usage of fibers woven into a 'thin' plating that hardens into armor plating with the introduction of chakra. That made the cost a bit higher than expected, but still within your budget, even if you had to dig into your new year's money.

It was a nice dress, the color fitted you, it was protective... it was in a word. Perfect. You just had to make sure to make sure to get mother to help you put the Haruno symbol on it. You had some family pride, after all.

- - -
Dress Up
[Sakura Quest] [Naruto / Streetfighter]
- - -​

Your parents certainly approved of the outfit you bought, even going so far as to agree that you had gotten it cheap.

Which was why you wore it for the photo for your entry in the Konoha shinobi records as well as wore it to the classroom at the academy where the new genins had gathered.

What happened that night after graduation wasn't spoke of... even if it hung over everyone's minds. The number of graduates was surprising, an even thirty... which would result in ten teams.

You droned out Iruka's speech about pride, of being a shinobi of Konoha and all that stuff about team balancing of strengths and purpose... keeping an ear open for your team placement.

"Next is team seven... Haruno Sakura." Okay... that was you.

"Uzumaki Naruto." The Uzumaki princess, you perked up... you would be able to spar with Naruto all you wanted... fuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu. Wait... why was everyone looking at you with concern.

"Ah... Sakura? Please don't laugh like that, you're worrying m- ahhh... Iruka-sensei." There was a look of... worry on Naruto's face as she looked at you and shifted just a bit further away from you on the bench, closer to Sasuke.

"Indeed... and the last member of team seven is Uchiha Sasuke." There was a sigh of exasperation from Iruka-sensei as he finished announcing yoru team placement before he started on the next team. "Next is-"

Still, it was easy to work out what sort of a team this was going to be... you with your brute power, Naruto with her delicate way of deflecting attacks, and Sasuke with his ninjutsu and ranged attacks. This was an assault team if you had to guess.

At least, it appeared that way to you before the sensei assigned to team seven came by.






If he or she ever did. It was fustrating the way that team seven's sensei just was late. Even if Naruto's smirk indicated that she knew something that no one else did. Not even Sasuke.

That expression, at least, annoyed Sasuke as much as it did you given the way he hnnnned and looked at the blonde ever now and then, which got her smirking even more.

Ahhh... how annoying.

Eventually, the classroom door slid open.

What do?
[X] Sensei was a kunoichi who got lost on the road to life or something...
[X] Ah! It was ANBU-san without his mask...
[X] Surely, it's not... not fine to wear that kind of an outfit as a kunoichi... is it?!?!?
[X] Surely, it's not... not fine to wear that kind of an outfit as a kunoichi... is it?!?!?
Current tally from all 3 boards

[!] Sensei was a kunoichi who got lost on the road to life or something...
- Yun, UbeOne, Red Knight, Redd984

[!] Ah! It was ANBU-san without his mask...
- fitzgerald, Redon

[!] Surely, it's not... not fine to wear that kind of an outfit as a kunoichi... is it?!?!?
- veekie, Jaertin, frozenchicken, sassafras
[X] Sensei was a kunoichi who got lost on the road to life or something...

Fem!kakashi? Rin who survived and adquired tons of trauma and a turtle? Transgender kakashi? Wichever it is it sounds like fun.
[X] Surely, it's not... not fine to wear that kind of an outfit as a kunoichi... is it?!?!?

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