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Chapter 1: Awakening

"I am here!"

With those words, the civilians on scene knew that All...
Chapter 1: Awakening


There's always a bigger fish.
Jun 14, 2023
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Chapter 1: Awakening

"I am here!"

With those words, the civilians on scene knew that All Might was coming to save them from the latest villain of the week.

And with those words, a certain green-haired fanboy knew he was going to add at least 200 views to this video in the next hour.

Izuku Midoriya, aged four, was certainly enjoying his life. His mom made an amazing omurice, and he got to see All Might on TV as he ate it! Life was great for him. And it was about to get even better.

As it turns out, when All Might finally knocked the villain out with a shout of "Texas Smash!", Izuku tried to emulate his idol by slamming his fist on the table, and also screaming "Texas Smash!" Fortunately, Izuku didn't knock anyone out. Unfortunately, the table got completely refashioned into a wooden All Might figurine holding the plate of omurice.

Izuku screamed.

What else was he supposed to do? A table should stay a table, and not suddenly become something else! Tables weren't meant to do this! What was happening?

Fortunately, his mother, Inko Midoriya came rushing into the room and found a wooden All Might holding a plate of omurice, and her son, who was screaming, and thankfully not crying yet.

Struggling to maintain her composure, she asked, "Izuku? What happened?"

"M-mom I s-s-saw All Might on TV a-and I s-s-slammed my fist on the table and n-n-now it's wooden All Might!"

There could only be one explanation for this strange event. Izuku somehow reshaped the table, and that could only mean one thing. His quirk came in!

And, well, Inko knew that she wasn't the right person to figure out the fine details of this new quirk, but she could see that completely restructuring a table was potentially very very dangerous.

"Izuku, I think your quirk came in." Inko couldn't help but let a smile come to her face. As far as she knew, transforming a table was one of the least destructive ways for children's quirks to manifest.


"From what I saw, I don't know exactly what it does, and I know you want to test it out, so please, be careful with it. We're going to have to schedule a quirk counselor meeting soon, though."

"Of course, mom! But…d-do you think I could become a hero with this?"

Inko, hearing the worry in her son's voice, came over, hugged him, and said "I believe you can be one. But, why don't you finish your omurice and then try making notes on your quirk for the meeting?"

Izuku almost choked.
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Chapter 2: Nerding Out
After breakfast, Izuku's excitement simply couldn't be contained. He had a quirk! And he had full reign to experiment with it! Although he needed to be careful.

"Where do I start from? I made the table go fwoosh into All Might, but what about other things?"

He had some All Might brand Play-Doh, in all of the colors, too! (Bakugō was totally jealous.) That might be a good place to start.

First, Izuku needed to mix the play-doh together. If he was going to create an All Might out of this, it had better be faithful to the colors. Once that was done, he gingerly stuck his hand into the play-doh, and willed it to form the image of All Might. Result: a resounding success!

"Maybe I could make it have a different pose?"

He tried again, but his quirk was simply not working. Could he only use it one time per object? Did he have a limited number of objects he co-

Nevermind, it worked. It seems his quirk needed some time to recharge its batteries.

With that in mind, he continued his experiments. He could affect wood, and Play-Doh, so maybe he could affect other materials, too? He had a bright idea to test it out on a plastic figurine that cracked while playing with Bakugo. Result: success! The All Might figurine's arm was no longer cracked, and could be proudly displayed again with the rest of his hero merch.

But, he can't just be limited to making figurines of All Might, right? While that would be awesome, there were other great heroes too!

So, which figurine would be an acceptable sacrifice for his quirk?

A cheap plastic model of Endeavour caught his eye. It wasn't anything special, and it wasn't even that old. He'd simply bought it to fill up space on his shelf.

When he touched the Endeavour figurine, he didn't particularly have anything in mind on what to change it to. Thus, it became a misshapen blob of plastic, with patches of orange and black coloring.

Izuku's eyes gleamed. Now this was where the fun began.

Izuku wondered if he could simply visualize changes and they would happen to the object. And-oh, maybe he should write this down somewhere. He went to his desk and got out a spare notebook, and began to write these results in extremely short form, barely able to contain his excitement.

Back to quirk testing. Izuku wondered if he could simply sense what something was made of. So, he held his hands to his desk, and…he couldn't tell if his quirk was telling him it was made out of wood or he just knew, because it was wooden. Result: more experimentation required.

How about plastics? He touched his hands to some All Might figurines, but to him, they all seemed like plastic - he could tell that even without his quirk. How was he supposed to know whether his quirk was telling him what it was made out of?

"Mom did mention once that there are different kinds of plastics. I think I need to learn more."

So far, he tried wood, plastic, and play-doh, so what about metals? Izuku went out of his room and into the kitchen, where he reached for some metal cutlery. He didn't want to make it an All Might figurine this time. He just wanted to bend the spoon forward. Activating his quirk, he watched as the spoon deformed to his will.

Result: success! It seemed he could at least change the shape of metal.

He remembered his Mom had some gold earrings she liked, and wondered if he could make this boring metal spoon into a gold spoon. Result: failure. He could try again later, but it was almost like his quirk refused to even consider the idea. He made a special note of that, just in case.

He nearly forgot the most important thing! Did his quirk work on all three states of matter? Izuku decided to try liquids first. He ran back to his room to note down the results of the metal spoon test, and then rushed into the bathroom, where he filled up the sink with water. He stuck his hand in and tried to reshape it, and it worked, somewhat. It was far more sluggish than dealing with figurines for some reason. Izuku simply didn't know. However, he noted it down faithfully, and moved to the next test: gases.

When Izuku tried to manipulate gases, he hit an unexpected roadblock: his quirk was clearly telling him that gases simply could not be manipulated.

"I think I'll learn about it in science class eventually? But Mom did say we need to schedule a quirk counselor meeting soon. Maybe that'll happen and I can learn why gases don't work for my quirk."

Izuku carefully noted down the tests he had done in the best handwriting he could manage.

Suddenly, a random thought popped into his head. Could he change himself? His Mom did say to be careful, and he was careful so far, so…he supposed he should ask her first before trying anything.

So he got up, and searched around the apartment for his Mom. It didn't take much to find her, seeing as she was in her room with the computer on, doing something. She noticed him and said, "Oh Izuku, did something happen?"

"No, Mom! I've just been testing my quirk on different things! Like I bent a metal spoon! And I can make water do swirly moves in the sink! Also, I wondered if I could change myself with my quirk but you said to be careful and now I'm asking you and-"

"Izuku, please take a breath," Inko reminded him gently. "As for what you asked, I think you shouldn't make changes to yourself until you know exactly what you're doing. That means studying anatomy, which we can do after the quirk counselor meeting. Does that sound good?"

"Y-yes Mom! I made some notes! Do you wanna see?" Izuku desperately wanted her feedback on these notes.

"Of course. Actually, I might even send your notes to the quirk counselor if they're detailed enough. I think we can eat lunch and then I'll take a look at your notes. How does some katsudon sound?"

Katsudon and a quirk? Izuku's day couldn't get any better.
Chapter 3: Professional Nerding Out
It was a Saturday afternoon when Inko finally took Izuku to see the quirk counselor. Inko fortunately had access to the staff parking area of Karīda Medical Center, so they didn't need to scout the parking lot for empty spaces. Despite that, Inko still insisted on getting there 15 minutes early, because she was navigating to a part of the hospital she hadn't really been in before. Inko mainly worked on a completely different floor. She first made sure that their appointment was on the right floor before sitting down and waiting.

Izuku simply couldn't contain his excitement. He was about to meet his Quirk Counselor! He'd asked his mom what would happen, and she had said that a Quirk Counselor helped someone register their quirk and help them test it in a safe environment. Inko had already forwarded his notes (neatly rewritten) to the counselor.

It was after waiting for fifteen minutes that they heard a nurse ask, "Dr. Midoriya and son? The counselor's ready for you!"

They got up, and the nurse led them down a veritable maze of hallways to room 1138. "Dr. Kirima will see you now."

Dr. Kirima was waiting for them with a smile on her face, which was half-covered by a mask. She wore round glasses and had her brown hair in a long braid. She began by telling them, "Hello, it's so good to see you here! I'm Dr. Kirima, I use she/her pronouns, and I'll be your quirk counselor going forward. The standard procedure in this hospital is to use the DRAGON AI to record sessions for a better doctor-patient interaction, is that okay with you two?"

Inko smiled. "I actually work here, in the General Surgery and Oncology departments, so I'm familiar. I've seen you once or twice elsewhere, but we can talk later. It's okay with me, and…Izuku?"

Izuku had wandered off to poke at the DRAGON. It was a small black tablet with a touchscreen, that simply transcribed the words spoken in the office, and later helped process them into patient records. The creators had foreseen it being used in pediatric care appointments, and therefore it could only record audio until the doctor using it spoke a passphrase to unlock it for more complex use.

Upon hearing his name, Izuku sheepishly smiled, murmured "Sorry, mom", turned around and sat down in a chair next to Inko. Both women smiled at his antics.

She continued, "Moving on from that, I'm a licensed pediatrician as well, in case Izuku's quirk harms him in any way. I've received the notes you sent about his quirk, Dr. Midoriya, and I have to say, it seems to be very versatile at first glance. From what the notes tell me, he can freely manipulate the shape of matter, and possibly recombine different elements into different chemicals. We'll have to do some testing to figure that out. What do you think, Izuku?"

Izuku tried to be sneaky with a quietly hissed, "yesssssssss!", but his fist pump gave him away to both adults.

Dr. Kirima led them to a small testing room with a variety of objects including a plant, some materials, and a few toys.

She then explained, "Izuku's notes say that he wasn't able to test organic matter, but has he been able to test it since then?"

Inko said, "No, he hasn't. I wanted him to test it in a safe environment, and I wasn't willing to risk plant monstrosities running around the house." Izuku pouted. He totally wouldn't have done that!

"Anyway, I think it's time. Izuku, can you try and change the plant somehow?"

He nodded, and walked to the plant. Instantly, his 4-year-old brain saw images of things he couldn't identify. He got barely a second until his hand jerked away from the plant.

Inko and Dr. Kirima looked on in concern, with Inko and Dr. Kirima both checked on him to see if he was alright. When Izuku affirmed that he was, Dr. Kirima's curiosity couldn't be held in check. She asked him, "What caused you to react like that?"

Izuku thought for a little bit, before he got up in excitement. "I saw so many cool things! Weird double balls, lots of stringy things, things that looked like walls, walls with double balls, folded up stringy things, lots and lots of water, and all kinds of miniscule balls attached to each other!"

Dr. Kirima almost laughed, but managed to contain it. She said, "Izuku, I think what you're seeing are organelles inside plant cells. Not just organelles, but proteins, and the organic molecules, too. Could you try to change the plant again, now that you know what to expect?"

Izuku nodded his head, and tried again - this time, he tried his best to ignore his quirk's feedback and attempted to make this leaf move. It did, but Izuku again had to recoil his hand, lest he get a splitting headache from the quirk feedback. Izuku naturally relayed all of this to her, who noted it down.

Dr. Kirima then muttered to herself, "So it's clear that Izuku's quirk has some kind of mental component, probably telling him what the thing he's touching is made of.
It could be that his brain isn't developed enough to handle his quirk's feedback yet, or he just hasn't learned what those bits are. But he can actually affect the entire plant, so that leads nicely into one of the next tests I want to do…"

She shook herself out of her analysis, and turned toward Inko. "The good news is that I think this backlash can be trained away, if he learns what makes up the plant cells, or what he's touching at the moment. I have a few more tests that we can do."

She then brought one of the plastic toys to Izuku, and said, "I'd like for you to try and manipulate the entire thing. But please be careful, there are batteries inside, and they can set the toy on fire if you break the outer casing."

Izuku nodded, and set about turning the plastic into a lump of metal. He felt that he could manipulate the batteries directly, but with Dr Kirima's warning ringing through his head, he avoided doing so. He told her, "I think I could change the batteries, but I didn't."

She noted that, and continued, "Well, it seems if Izuku thinks something is part of something else, like batteries in a toy, then he can manipulate them. If he thought of the batteries as separate from the toy, I'm not sure what would happen. We might test that further."

She then brought Izuku two bars of metal, one a shiny reddish color, and another a silver with a bluish color. The reddish bar looked about eight times as large as the silvery bar.

"Okay, Izuku, I want you to try and combine these two bars together, and try and make sure that each metal is spread evenly in the result, okay?"

Izuku held his hands to both of them, and pushed the silver bar into the reddish bar, with no audible sound. The two bars merged, and the color became a sort of yellow-brownish one.

Dr. Kirima paused here, and took a moment to gather her thoughts. "Based on these tests, and Izuku's notes, this is a very versatile quirk. It's a general matter manipulation quirk. While he can't create matter out of nothing, he can manipulate it if it already exists. He seems to manipulate it at an atomic level, given that the alloy he made was a variant of bronze. The lab needs to confirm if it's uniform throughout, but it certainly seems like it is."

With the testing finished, Dr. Kirima beckoned Izuku and Inko back to her office to have a discussion.

"The government instituted a law around two decades ago, that everyone needs to have their quirks in the Quirk Registry. Keeping them all in one place wasn't a good idea, so they made the hospitals keep the quirk registry, and have them send it to institutions which need it. I'll write up the necessary paperwork and get his quirk registered, then I'll send it to you for a signature, and Izuku will have completed his quirk registry! Typically we don't put too much detail into it, but I'll encourage you to think of a good name…unless Izuku has one?"

Izuku scrunched his eyebrows together, and a look of deep concentration appeared on his face. Inko resisted the urge to take a picture, but Izuku finally came up with something.

"How about…Renovate?"
Chapter 4: Ambush

More water.

Oh look, some sodium and chloride ions.

More water.

Eww, wait was that urea?! Quick, speed up the hand-

More water. More sodium and chloride ions. Thankfully, no more urea. Who peed in the pool? Why? Maybe he didn't want to know, just this once.

Funnily enough, there weren't too many others in the pool. He could probably narrow it down to one or two suspects- nevermind. He wasn't a snitch (but he was pretty disgusted), and he had better things to think about, anyway.

Izuku enjoyed swimming. In the ten years since his quirk registration, swimming was one of the only times when his quirk's feedback was consistent. Normally, his quirk would chatter in his head about the latest volatile organic molecule it found on his hand coming from somewhere (that was definitely ethyl mercaptan, and oh god, he could smell it now, too), and it got overwhelming. He'd learned to filter it out when he wanted to, but it was an unfortunate side effect of having his quirk, and also having a pretty good memory. Thankfully his mom helped him a lot, especially with academic knowledge he needed to know for his quirk, and other life lessons she usually gave him. Ah, he was almost done with his last lap.

Having finished his laps, he got out of the pool, and headed to the locker rooms. This was a heated, indoor pool, and he was lucky that the Mon Karamarī Swim Club was only about a 15 minute walk from home. It was run by a nice elderly couple who had fish and squid heteromorphic traits, and their children, who Izuku had never really interacted with, unfortunately.

Although Aldera Middle School had offered for him to try out for the swim team, Izuku had a bad feeling about it, especially since he had noticed a few…odd things about Aldera. The teachers had a pretty overt bias to strong quirks, and gave him and his somewhat friend Bakugō free reign to use their quirks. They also seemed to try and pass this belief down to the classmates, but his mom had seen right through that.

9 years earlier…

Inko was about to pick Izuku up from kindergarten. Izuku had taken to school pretty quickly, and he didn't make much of a fuss about going there.

"How was your day at school, Izuku?"

"It was great Mom! The t-teachers at Aldera say that I-I have a very powerful quirk…and they seem to like me a lot, too!"

Inko was a little concerned. "Are you sure they said that?"

"Yeah! They said me and Kacchan were gonna be great heroes someday!"

"What did they say about the other kids in your class?"

"T-they didn't really say much to them."

Scratch that, Inko was very concerned. Were the teachers Quirk Supremacists? Would there be any problems? Now might as well be a good time to ingrain some values in Izuku. Her grandfather had fought against the MLA, and she would certainly educate her son on exactly why quirk supremacists were terrible.

She drove on in silence, gathering her thoughts, before finally asking Izuku, "If someone in your class had my quirk, what would the teachers act like to them?"

Izuku thought for a moment, before saying, "I-I think they would be ignored?"

"What about if someone was quirkless in your class? What would the teachers do?"

"T-they would also be ignored?"

Inko gave a halfhearted smile at that. "The quirkless child being ignored would be the best outcome. At worst, the teachers would actively bully them. I think I don't need to tell you that bullying isn't great, right?"

Izuku frantically nodded. He'd remember this conversation for a while.

He'd done some research, and with it, came a new wariness of the Aldera teachers. Their attitude had…infected several people who would go around and mock those with weak quirks. Izuku had done his best to stand up to them, and the teachers didn't punish him, unlike the other kids.

He wasn't complaining. Those bullied kids weren't, either. Although the self-proclaimed popular kids did their best to socially isolate him, he wasn't that concerned. Aldera wasn't the kind of place you'd want friends from, unless those friends were also bullied by the idiots.

Lost in his thoughts, Izuku had already changed out of his swimwear, and begun walking home. There was a villain fight earlier today, with Kamui Woods, Backdraft, Death Arms, and a new debuting heroine, Mount Lady. He questioned her choice of trying to work in a big city, and stealing Kamui's capture (but it was her debut so it could be forgiven), but any new hero would be a great help to keep crime rates down.

He'd begun the walk back to his house, when he remembered that he still needed to visit the Gurībasu merch store, since they finally started carrying a new All Might brand pillow cover.

The shortest route was to head back to Aldera, take a tunnel, and then head straight to the store, then go home. He'd have to text his mom first though.
With that done, time to buy the pillowcase!

The tunnel slurped.

That's strange, thought Izuku. Tunnels don't make slurping noises, or have eyes, or teeth-

"A villain?!" His mouth finished processing before his brain did, and before fear had time to set in.

Step one: run!

He began to pump his legs, hoping to outrun this slimy villain, but it wasn't to be. He may have been fast for a kid his age, but the sludge villain was faster.

Step one failed.

The slime villain caught up to him, and began constraining his arms and legs. Then, it began to speak, with a horrid reverb to its voice. "Don't worry, it'll only hurt for
45 seconds. Thanks for your help. You're my hero."

Should he use his quirk?

He had 43 seconds to decide. No, he was using his quirk, repercussions be damned, he needed to LIVE!!

So he pressed his hand flat onto the sludge villain, and- Ew. Gross. Sewage.

But, he could manipulate liquids thanks to Renovate, and this sludge villain was going down!

Oh right, 41 seconds.

Sploosh! The sludge villain lost coherence, and became a tiny, harmless being with both eyes and a small amount of liquid - enough for two liters, maybe?

More importantly, Izuku was free! Although, what an incredible smell he'd discovered.

Note to self, Izuku thought, find a full decontamination shower and brush your teeth extra hard today.

Obviously, the villain needed to be contained, somehow. There were a few soda bottles around…maybe he could merge them into one giant bottle and maybe that would work? He had to try, at least.

Picking up a few scattered soda bottles, he fused them into one larger one, which could hold about two liters. Using his quirk again, he moved the goop villain into the bottles and screwed the cap on.

Just in time, too, as All Might emerged from a manhole nearby.

"I am here!...Oh. I am a little late." said All Might.

Izuku was almost paralyzed with hero-worship. Then, he belted out rapidly, "A-All Might!! P-Please! COULD YOU SIGN MY NOTEBOOK?!" He bowed, too. Politeness was important!

"Easy now, fanboy! You wouldn't have been the one to capture this villain, would you?"

"I-I did, but it's only because the villain was about to takeovermybodyandIcouldn'tlethimdothatyouknowbecauseitismybodyandIkindofneedittolive-" Izuku descended into unintelligible rambling here.

All Might was vaguely impressed, but concerned. Didn't this kid need to breathe? Also, did the villain say take over his body? Most concerning.

"Easy there, young man! I think you should breathe now. And could you please explain exactly what happened?" Maybe with some pauses between words?, he thought to himself

"O-of course! So I was walking under this tunnel, w-when this guy, right here," At this, Izuku shook the bottle containing the slime villain.

"This guy, came up behind me and basically tried to take over my body. So I used my quirk in self defense, because he said I'd live for 45 more seconds, and I kind of wanted to live for longer than that." Izuku felt very proud of himself. He'd successfully talked to his idol!

"I am sorry that you got caught up with this villain! I was chasing him through the sewers, and he got away from me! Considering this is a self-defense case, you will not get into any trouble with the law. I will alert paramedics to your location, and please stay here until they find you!" All Might suddenly smiled a little wider, if that was even possible, and said, "I think, young man, that I will trade you a signature on your journal for that bottle. What do you say?"

How could Izuku say no?

They made the exchange, with All Might noticing that some of the notes this young boy made on his fighting style, and his supposed quirk, could have rivaled professional analysts. Most impressive.

"Now then, young man, I really must be off!"

Izuku smiled. Despite being almost choked out by a villain, today was a good day.

Hmm, there were explosions from nearby. Maybe it was a villain fight? Izuku decided to check it out, to see the heroes in action.

As he pushed his way through the crowd, the only thought that came to his mind was that he was seeing the heroes' inaction.

None of them were doing anything!

Mt. Lady apparently needed two streets to fit in, Death Arms had already been blasted back by the slime villain, Backdraft was focused on the fires, and Kamui Woods was complaining about type weaknesses. What was he, a Cottonee? Even Bulbasaurs could defeat Charizards (given some help, which was present at the scene)! They even had a water-type!

Wait, didn't All Might take the villain? How did he escape? Questions for later, apparently Bakugō was suffocating. Quick, think of something-
He was running towards the villain, without a plan. Someone shouted something behind him, but he paid no attention to it.

Izuku ran up to the villain, and he pressed his hand to the ground, to try and help Bakugō out of the villain. How'd this one escape from All Might?

Not important right now, he had to focus on manipulating the road. He'd almost gotten Bakugō free from the villain's clutches when All Might showed up again.
"I am here! Right on time!"

With that, All Might Detroit Smashed the villain so hard he made it start raining. The bystanders cheered for him, and he put a fist up in victory.

That was certainly annoying. Some nerve those heroes had, scolding him for letting Bakugō breathe when they couldn't do anything.

Even Bakugō had actually thanked him afterwards. Kind of. Not really. He'd said he was fine on his own, but he escaped faster with his and All Might's help, or something like that. Izuku honestly wasn't paying too much attention, too focused on the fact that he'd never gotten that All Might pillowcase before the store closed.

"I am here!"

That never got old.

"All Might?" After meeting him once already, Izuku was much calmer the second time. "Weren't you surrounded by reporters until now?"

"I stand for justice, not soundbites! Anyway, young man, I'd like to thank you for what you did out there-ggghhhhkk!"

Izuku screamed. He kept screaming for some time, as All Might spat out blood and transformed into a skeletal version of himself.

All Might(?) sighed, and said, "Hey, if you'd like to stop screaming any day now, I can explain."

Izuku clamped his mouth shut.

All Might(?) began, "I got a pretty severe injury about 5 years ago when I was fighting a villain. That injury caused me to become like this, and I can't maintain my hero form for more than 3 hours a day. It's kind of like when guys suck their stomachs in at the pool."

Izuku thought for a second. "Was that during your fight with Toxic Chainsaw?"

All Might(?) grinned. "You really do know your stuff, don't you? No, that punk couldn't hurt me. This villain fight went unpublicized, because if the public saw what happened to me…you can guess the consequences."

"Anyways, kid, I wanted to thank you for trying to save the other kid trapped in the villain. Goopy woke up mid-flight, and escaped from that bottle you put him in! I was searching for him when I saw you run in there. I think you'll make a great hero someday."

Izuku had to stop himself from crying in joy. He knew that he could already be a great hero, but hearing it from All Might? That was different. And…should he tell All Might? He really should. He assumed his injury was extraordinarily bad, but perhaps he could help.

Izuku took a deep breath, and began, "My quirk allows me to manipulate matter, including organic matter. I don't know if I can heal your injury, but I think I can, once I have enough experience. T-that is, i-if you think I could."

All Might was stunned. "W-well, young man…I had never hoped that I'd be free from this injury. If you wouldn't mind terribly, since tomorrow is the weekend and all, could you perhaps come with me to see Recovery Girl and Principal Nezu? They would need to know about this, anyway."

Meeting with the Principal of UA? And Pro Hero Recovery Girl?

How could he say no?
Weird Cat, or New Sister?
Izuku couldn't believe it. He'd gotten All Might's phone number! A national treasure!

Fanboying aside, All Might had told him to meet with him tomorrow at 9 AM, near the entrance to UA. Of course, before going, All Might had told him to tell his mom, which he did. He'd told her that a pro hero had talked to him about something which his quirk could help with.

(He also had to tell her about the sludge villain, and of course she took him to the hospital to get checked out. Thankfully after a decontamination shower and some extreme teeth brushing, he was fine.)

Anyway, he'd taken the train to UA and arrived there about 10 minutes early, and waited there for All Might. Skinny All Might, anyway. Oh, there he was.

Izuku headed toward Skinny All Might, and greeted him.

"Hello!" He smiled and waved. Smiled and waved.

Skinny All Might smiled and walked over. "Hello. It's nice to meet you again…I should probably ask for your name now."

Izuku had died and went to heaven. All Might wanted to know his name!

"I'm I-Izuku M-Midoriya sir."

"None of that now! I'm Yagi Toshinori in this form. Principal Nezu texted me and wants us to come in whenever we're ready."

All Might's real name!

"Am I a mouse, a dog, or a bear? What's important is, I'm the principal!" said a white furred mammal of indeterminate species named Nezu. He had a scar over his right eye, but he seemed to be smiling. Izuku needed to do some research when he got home, that was for sure.

There was also a short elderly lady in the room as well, with her gray hair tied up in a netted bun. She held a cane that reminded Izuku of a syringe, as well as having a syringe-shaped hairpin. She smiled at him, but stayed quiet for now. He identified her as The Youthful Heroine, Recovery Girl.

"Well, Mr. Midoriya, it appears you've accidentally stumbled upon a national secret of ours, and you claimed that you could help All Might with his injury. I know the basics of what you told him, but could you go into some more detail?" asked Nezu.

Izuku felt like he was being put under a microscope. He started explaining, "W-well, my quirk allows me to reconfigure solid and liquid matter, including organic things. When All Might told me about his injury, I knew that given enough experience, I could at least help out in some way, which is why I offered. I don't know the specifics of All Might's injury, but I think I might be able to help him somehow."

Recovery Girl interjected here, with, "Well, seeing as I have Toshinori's full medical files, I'm going to run you through the basics of the injury. For one, the injury destroyed most of his left lung, thankfully leaving his heart intact. What's really problematic is that his spleen, stomach, pancreas, and both intestines suffered enough damage that we had to remove parts of them. That leads to Toshinori being unable to get enough nutrients in his daily life, so his body resorts to autophagy, which causes him to look the way he is now." At this, All Might gave a grim smile.

Recovery Girl continued, "We're doing our best to slow this decay down, but with only nutrient shakes and dissolved vitamins, it's been...hard to say the least."

Here, she turned and glared at All Mi- No. In this form, Yagi-san. He couldn't mess this up.

"This buffoon insists on stretching the limits of how much he can use his quirk, causing him to deteriorate faster. If you took better care of yourself, then you'd be able to be working for longer now!" She almost looked ready to whack him with her syringe-cane.

All Might smiled sheepishly. "I couldn't stop myself in those situations. There were people who needed saving, and I didn't exactly stop to think about what would happen to me."

Izuku nodded. That certainly did sound like All Might.

Recovery Girl continued, "In any case, we have before us a golden opportunity. None of Japan's best hospitals were able to help him regrow his organs, and yet here we are. A kid who hasn't even finished middle school has the ability to help him out. Are we really moving forward with this, Nezu?"

Principal Nezu beamed. "Well, I had hoped so, yes. I will leave it to you, Recovery Girl and Mr. Midoriya here to hash out the details of fixing All Might's injuries. I will just be here as a sounding board, and to make sure no eavesdroppers take note."

Recovery Girl got up, and beckoned Izuku and All Might to come over. "We'll be heading to my office, Nezu, but thanks for your offer."

Izuku followed Recovery Girl as she made her way around a maze of hallways, pointing out some of the interesting rooms that she knew of. Yagi-san also interjected here and there, and they finally got to her office.

Recovery Girl told them both to take a seat, and she began pulling up some files on her computer. She said, "I know I told you the basics of All Might's injury, but how much of that did you understand?"

"Well, I knew most of what you were talking about."

"Good! You won't be coming into this totally blind. Anyway, we definitely shouldn't start today, but we can make a plan. I have an idea of how we can do this, but what are your thoughts?"

Izuku thought for a second before muttering, "It would be easiest if I can just regrow the organs somehow from organic material, and then other people can surgically place them in All Might, while I can restructure his body to have room for the refurbished organs."

Recovery Girl nodded. "That sounds exactly like what I had in mind. Which organ do you think you should start with?"

Izuku didn't actually know which one was the best. "Maybe the lung? But what about the intestines and stomach? Should I start with those first?"

Recovery Girl smiled at him. "We'll work on that together, don't worry. This session was just to get started. If we exchange emails, we can hash out some more details before we meet again next week, if you can."

Izuku nodded his head so hard that Recovery Girl scolded him for 'trying to get whiplash on purpose'.

After that, Recovery Girl emailed Izuku about some texts he should try and read about human anatomy and physiology. He then left UA with All Might, with Recovery Girl promising to meet him next week.

As they left UA and headed towards his house (because they did need to fully explain this to his mom) his quirk picked up…some kind of 8-carbon ketone. That's what his quirk was telling him. Maybe he should investigate, because that one particular alley kind of smelled like blood. He ran towards the alley, almost forgetting about All Might's presence.

When he finally got to the alley, he saw a girl with pale blond hair in some extremely filthy rags which were absolutely matted in blood. She was out cold, or sleeping, as she didn't react to their entry.

That can't be good, thought Izuku.

"Young Midoriya! Where- oh." All Might had lost sight of him for a second, before seeing some green duck into an alleyway. He'd followed, naturally, and was just as concerned as Izuku was. At least he knew what to do in this situation.

"I think it is best if we waited with her and called for an ambulance. I think that we'll need to meet Ms. Midoriya after this."

Izuku nodded. He also saw a few…problematic things. For one, she had a knife, which Izuku carefully pried out of her hands. The knife was coated in dry blood, which didn't bode well…oh, it wasn't human blood. He could sense the nuclei in the red blood cells through Renovate, which meant it was probably some kind of birds' blood. It could be from a reptile, but probably wasn't, considering there was a corpse of some bird (he thought it might be a bird of prey, as it was large and had a hooked beak) nearby, with a stab wound.

While Izuku had been going through this analysis, All Might had called an ambulance to their location. The EMS arrived, checked the girl over for wounds, and asked Yagi-san and himself to come with them.

During the ride to the hospital, they were asked a few procedural questions, but they didn't know anything beyond 'found girl in alley, covered in blood and out cold'. They spent the rest of the trip observing the paramedics and the girl, who still didn't wake up, even through the entire procedure of putting her in a hospital bed.

It was only after they did a blood test that they found what had happened to her. She was critically low on a few vitamins, which the nurses set up an IV bag for.

He'd called his mom to meet him and Yagi-san at the Porisu Massa hospital, because the blond girl couldn't really be moved anywhere else until she gained some consciousness.

His mom arrived about half an hour later, and she immediately asked him if everything was alright.

Izuku said, "I'm all good, mom, but there's someone you should meet…This is Yagi Toshinori, and he's the pro hero who I'll be helping out!"

Inko looked him over. He didn't exactly evoke the image of a pro hero. When Izuku whispered in her ear, "That's All Might!", she almost refused to believe him.

"No offense, dear…but are you sure?"

Izuku pouted. "Mom, would I really lie to you about meeting All Might?"

That was a fair point.

"Also, mom, we need to talk to you about what exactly I'm doing with All Might. It's nothing bad, but you just need to be in the know. And we found this girl while coming back and she looks kind of starved and the doctors are taking care of her right now."

Inko naturally was a little bit overwhelmed. "First, let me talk to All Might and get some details. Then, we'll speak about this mystery girl."

Izuku just nodded.

Inko had taken Yagi-san aside to question him. Izuku didn't really know where they were, but they should be back soon.

Izuku's thoughts wandered to the blond-haired girl. He hoped she'd be alright when she woke up. He decided that maybe he should wait by the blonde girl's bed.

He spent the next 15 minutes just watching some random chemist on YoTube explain how to make laughing gas at home. He sadly didn't have the right chemistry equipment (but if he cut down on hero merch that'd be blasphemy) but maybe he'd be able to get the right parts before UA? Or maybe he could go down to the beach, fill up some container with sand, get some borax and put together some homemade borosilicate glass? That could work. Oh, it needed a little bit more than borax and sand. He'd see what he could find on oBay.

Oh, the blond girl was waking up now.

She opened her eyes, and they were also golden. She looked like she was going to ask for water, so Izuku gave it to her without prompting.

Once she was done, Izuku decided to ask, "So, what's your name?" Nice going, Izuku.

She responded, "I'm…Toga Himiko…where am I?"

"You're currently at the Porisu Massa hospital, in Musutafu. Shizuoka prefecture?"

"That's…a bit far…my parents live in Kurakuen…"

Toga seemed a little uncomfortable, so he asked, "How are you feeling?" He should have asked that some time ago, actually.

"A lot…better. I…remember falling asleep in…an alley?"

"A pro hero and I found you in an alley and brought you here. The doctors said that you were critically low on a few vitamins, so they treated you for that. I'm going to call a doctor now, though. They'll tell you anything else you need to know."

"Will…you be back?"

"Of course! I'll see you soon."

With that, Izuku got up and left to find a doctor.

Inko, All Might, and Izuku all waited outside while Himiko was examined by the doctor.

The doctor exited the room, and said, "Well, now that she's awake, we managed to get a profile for her. We called her…biological family and they don't want anything to do with her. We found that her parents seem to have repressed her need to drink blood, and she snapped one day and attacked another kid because of it. The Toga family came under investigation, and all charges against Himiko Toga were dropped because of their frankly atrocious behavior. Really, what she needs now is a stable family. And a lot of therapy."

Inko almost volunteered to take Himiko in right then and there. Well, there was another person who needed to be asked, though.

"Izuku? How would you like a sibling?"
Vampire Science Experiments, Volume 1
It was after filing paperwork for over an hour that Inko managed to gain custody of Himiko. Yagi-san had excused himself, saying that he had work to do. Himiko had looked a little lost and confused, but seemed to be happy.

Izuku had naturally wanted to interrogate her on the details of her quirk, but refrained. He did have more than enough time to interrogate his new sister(!) at home.
He still needed some time to come to terms with it, but he was definitely not complaining. They'd exited from the hospital and needed to shop for some of Himiko's necessities. The hospital had given Himiko enough clothes for one day, but she needed enough for at least a week.

Izuku, naturally, wanted no part of the clothes shopping. He had a gut feeling that Himiko wouldn't like his style of T-shirts he thought were funny. (His mom seemed to agree with his choices, but the self-proclaimed "popular kids" certainly didn't. Oh well. They'd end up in a life of abject mediocrity, as they were destined to.)

Moving on, they'd need to find a mall first. His mom seemed to know where they were going, and this route seemed familiar…ah, that made an unfortunate amount
of sense. Koko Taun mall. A one-stop-shop for all the needs. All of them. It had about 5 floors, with about 30 stores per floor. The clothing stores were scattered all over the place, but Izuku decided that he'd probably be better off waiting in a bookstore or something, because he would die from embarrassment if he was subjected to his mom and his new sister shopping for clothes.

No, he'd take his chances at a…was that a hero merch store? Maybe there was one reason to come to this place.

"Mom? If you and Himiko don't mind, I think I'll go to the hero merch store and then that bookstore on the other side."

Izuku pretended not to see how relieved Himiko looked when he said that. He was definitely relieved when his mom agreed.

The Odō Manteru merch store was an inviting sight. Maybe he could get some posters for Himiko? He browsed the store, but nothing really seemed right. He could go with something that he knew Himiko would appreciate, like a…Vlad King poster! They had to have one. He liked Vlad King, but his posters were exclusively All Might or some really outstanding posters, like this Thirteen-branded space poster. He didn't know if Himiko would enjoy it, but in the worst case he would just give it to his mom. She liked some of the more artistic hero merch he brought home, and this definitely qualified. He paid for the gifts, and then was off to the bookstore.
The bookstore didn't really have anything too exciting. There was this one book that caught his interest, on the various chemical compounds that plants used for defense and communication, but it wasn't exactly an appropriate gift for Himiko.

Izuku suddenly had a bright idea. Himiko had talked a little bit about how her Quirk was suppressed by her…DNA donors, and Izuku naturally wanted to help with that. But how?

Well, the answer was staring him right in the face.

Vampire novels! Specifically Dracula, to start with. Izuku knew that getting Himiko to fully accept her quirk was an important step to her recovery from the abuse those horrid people had put her through, and well…perhaps this would start her down that path. Or, maybe not, considering how vampires were treated in the book. Izuku put the book back. Maybe later.

Anyway, his mom texted him that she was waiting outside the bookstore with Himiko, and they needed to leave.

Once they got back home, Izuku presented his gifts to Himiko. She definitely seemed to appreciate the posters, commenting that her previous guardians didn't let her decorate her room. His mom definitely didn't like the sound of that.

Izuku decided that he needed to get to know his new sister better. So, he decided to start off by asking about her quirk. He knew the basics, like she needed blood to function, but what about the specifics?

So, as they were waiting for lunch, Izuku began the interrogation.

"Himiko? Could you tell me more about your Quirk?" asked Izuku. He was prepared for her to back off and shy away, but she decided to answer his question, anyway.

"I drink a person's blood, and I transform into them. The time I can stay as the person depends on how much blood I drink."

Izuku grinned. "Do you want to try transforming into me?" What was it that that one psychologist talked about? Positive reinforcement? Something like that, at any rate.

"Are…you sure?"

"I just want to see! I'm really interested in Quirks, and I analyze them as a hobby."

"Alright…I- I guess I can show you."

Himiko took his forearm, and bit down on it. He didn't feel very much, aside from a brief pinching sensation. Her saliva seemed to have an anticoagulative effect, perhaps also a painkilling one? He'd have to check later.

Himiko finished drinking, and then a gray sludge enveloped her form, turning her into a copy of Izuku, clothes and everything. Interesting. He'd overheard the doctors saying that she was 157 cm, but he had 9 cm on her. Did her quirk account for that?

"Himiko, can you stand up? I'd like to see something."

Interesting! Her quirk did let her match the height! But how could it? If it was creating a whole new body, it would need to alter the bone structure of the femur, tibia, fibula, all of the vertebra, possibly even the skull, as well as lengthen most muscles and tendons, not to mention the cardiovascular and respiratory systems-
Perhaps that wasn't the right hypothesis. So, he reached with his hand, and grabbed Himiko's nose. She squawked in surprise.

Well, that was interesting. Some of the gray sludge had come off her nose, and it appeared that that was somehow reshaping her silhouette so that she could take on his appearance. The gray sludge seemed to be…was that methemoglobin? It explained a part of the color, but it didn't explain how much of the sludge there was. He could chalk it up to Quirk Bullshit, but that was such a cheap way out. Further investigation was definitely required.

"Are you going to let go of my nose anytime soon, Izuku?" Himiko looked faintly annoyed.

"Sorry! I honestly didn't realize I was holding on to it for so long."

"Is that because of your Quirk?"

"Yeah! I can see matter down to the molecular level and manipulate it, as long as it's a solid or liquid. I call it Renovate, and I was using it to try and analyze the sludge you…emitted when you transformed."

"Wow…that's a really interesting Quirk…"

"So's yours! Yours is perfect for underground heroics, you'd be one of the greatest infiltration specialists ever!"

"I never really thought about becoming a hero. My…former parents didn't really approve of them, and they did everything they could to make me something they could at least tolerate around the house."

Izuku went silent. How was he supposed to respond to that? He couldn't really say anything that would give Himiko comfort, but maybe a hug would help?

"Do you want a hug? I think you could really use one."

Himiko approached him cautiously. Izuku really couldn't help but compare her to a cat, which was totally not the right thing to be thinking at this time. She finally got close enough that Izuku could give her a proper hug (which he promptly did).

Wow, he needed this too. He thought he could feel Himiko relaxing a little as she clutched him, but it could have been his imagination.

It wasn't to last, since his mom entered the living room, and said, "While it's great seeing you two bond, it's time for lunch! We can all talk more then."
Izuku was a little disappointed, but food.
Dear Author,

I typed this comment to you for the sole purpose of letting you know on how much I'm impressed by how much this MHA fanfic of yours managed to catch my utmost attention to the point where I've decided to use my jackass neighbor's typewriter, which usually reserved as a way of showing my appreciation to any good stories.

Somehow, you're able to make Izuku remain Izuku despite him having a powerful matter manipulation quirk that would've made him either a nutty alchemist at best or Overhaul at worse. As for Toga, it's nice to see her being adopted into the Midoriya family, instead of making her into a love interest like most MHA fanfics that I've ever read.

Whatever the case, I've got to admit that your story is a 5-star meal worthy of Chef's Kiss. Hope I get to see another chapter! Adios!


Dear Author,

I typed this comment to you for the sole purpose of letting you know on how much I'm impressed by how much this MHA fanfic of yours managed to catch my utmost attention to the point where I've decided to use my jackass neighbor's typewriter, which usually reserved as a way of showing my appreciation to any good stories.

Somehow, you're able to make Izuku remain Izuku despite him having a powerful matter manipulation quirk that would've made him either a nutty alchemist at best or Overhaul at worse. As for Toga, it's nice to see her being adopted into the Midoriya family, instead of making her into a love interest like most MHA fanfics that I've ever read.

Whatever the case, I've got to admit that your story is a 5-star meal worthy of Chef's Kiss. Hope I get to see another chapter! Adios!



Why, thank you! I wasn't impressed with the other Izuku has Overhaul fics in AO3, because 1. they badly wrote him as an angsty, edgy character. 2. Overhaul is a Quirk that relies on science, and they straight up didn't use any science in those fics.

So, I tried my best to keep Izuku's...Izuku-ness, but like, have him be a realistic character who hadn't gone through the hellhole that is Aldera. While he's anxious and socially awkward, that's...probably just genetic at this point.

And yes, there will be more!

Today, in fact.
Healer's Log, Stardate 2174-75
Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 4.23.2174.
  • Green came in for first attempted organ growing session.
  • Obtained sample of AM's DNA, attempted to alter human cell lines to have AM's DNA signature to prevent potential organ rejection complications.
  • Mild success at the end of the session; when sequenced, cells were 90% identical to AM's DNA. Promising results.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 5.7.2174.
  • Second attempted organ growing. Building off of session 1.
  • Successfully synthesized small part of left lung visceral pleura - placed in preservation liquid for further building up next week.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 5.21.2174.
  • First alveolar sacs synthesized in left lung.
  • Approximately 1/3rd of a full lung currently constructed.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 6.18.2174.
  • Left lung fully synthesized - Main, lobar, and segmental bronchi in place, ready for surgical attachment to trachea. AM requires replacement ribs and intercostal muscles to be made for lung to work.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 7.2.2174.
  • First intercostal muscle synthesized.
  • First rib synthesized, according to dimensions measured through X-Ray of AM's right ribs. Bone appears healthy on an X-ray scan, will blind test some other clinicians.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 7.16.2174.
  • All ribs and intercostal muscles constructed. Surgery for left lung insertion happens on 7.23.2174. Recovery period through 7.31.2174, for scar tissue to be removed. AM forcibly restrained from hero work by Nezu.
  • Other muscles of the injured side were healed previously, through other doctors. Internal organ damage is the main concern.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 7.30.2174.
  • Green asked about AM's condition. AM recovering fine, and can now continue on to GI issues. Attempted construction of stomach.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 8.27.2174.
  • AM came in to thank Green today. Was a very moving scene.
  • AM became Green's fanboy. Suspect that Green was an AM fanboy since birth. AM offered to train Green in preparation for the UA entrance exam.
  • Potential 1FA successor? Remains to be seen.
  • AM will train Green and Green's adopted sister for the entrance exam.
  • Synthesis of stomach 50% complete. Spleen and pancreas next.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 9.24.2174.
  • Stomach fully synthesized, and preserved. Spleen 50% synthesized.
  • Green and Vampire have been training for UA, under AM's guidance.
  • On a completely unrelated note, Dagobah beach is getting cleaned up.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 10.1.2174.
  • Stomach and spleen fully synthesized, placed in preservation vats. Portions of small intestine next.
  • All gastrointestinal tract surgeries will be done at once, for minimum discomfort.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 10.8.2174.
  • Small intestine 50% completed. Synthesis of large intestine started.
  • AM's hero time has been slowly being extended. Up to 4 hours now.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 10.15.2174.
  • Small intestine complete. Large intestine 50% complete.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 10.22.2174.
  • Pancreas construction started.
  • Vampire checked for nutrient deficiencies. Expected to recover by the UA entrance exam. Vampire's mom feeding well, based on an example nutrition plan forwarded from Vlad King.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 10.29.2174.
  • Pancreas construction complete. Surgery for implantation scheduled next week. Estimated recovery period approx. 2 weeks.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 11.5.2174.
  • Surgery for implantation successful. Recovery started. Liquid diet for now, but will slowly move to solid foods. Green asked about surgery, relieved when no complications arose.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 11.19.2174.
  • AM's hero time extended to 9 hours. AM is currently at 25% of his prime power, and has been losing the skeletal look.
  • AM has been to dinner with Green and family. Reported no gastric distress afterwards.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 12.24.2174.
  • AM's hero time is up to 12 hours now.
  • Skeletal look completely lost. Now looks like All Might, but slightly less buff, in civilian form. Hard to keep anonymous. AM fully able to eat anything now, loves to take Green and Vampire out for American food after training.
  • Periodic checkups of Green's sister also conducted, no nutrient deficiencies detected.

Recovery Girl's Personal Log, 2.19.2175.
  • AM back to prime power. Green and Vampire are set to take the UA entrance exam in one week.
At last, our little alchemist, with the help of Recovery Girl, manages to return All Might back to his prime, and this is probably a fraction of what he can possibly do with Renovate.
Downfall of a Droid
"This is it. This is the moment we've been waiting for. It's time to go out there, and kick some-"

"Izuku, are you trying to give yourself a pep talk?" Himiko had a very wide grin on her face. That didn't bode well for anyone, as Bakugō found out the hard way.

"Yeah. I'm pretty nervous. Aren't you??"

"Not really. You still haven't realized All Might of all people trained us to take the entrance exam, have you? You should have realized this, being his number one source of income for the past ten years, y'know?"

Izuku gave her a mock glare. "After the Endor Plushie Incident, it's not like you have any room to talk, either. You made national news for that."

Himiko pouted. Izuku was glad she'd become a lot more expressive and open from the last ten months of therapy (and lots of family bonding), but did she really have to learn sass?

"Oh I gotta run, quick! Bye Izuku, don't wait for me!" Himiko sped off.

Now what was that all about? Himiko was homeschooled for the past ten months, but she had a lot of online friends. Perhaps she was meeting with one of them? Oh well, he'd ask later. (He'd definitely won that exchange, though.)

Izuku checked his watch, and noted that he had approximately fifteen minutes to get to the written test. He'd prepared thoroughly beforehand, so he wasn't too worried. UA had a kind of 'what to know for the written test' written on their website, and it was pretty much just subjects they learned in middle school. He'd heard on some sites that there were always a few 'interesting' questions but that they legally couldn't say anything else.

Oh, and the practical exam. Nobody talked about the practical, other than to say 'prepare for trouble'.

So he'd come prepared by wearing a tracksuit for exercise. Maybe the practical would be a race, or rescuing civilian bots from a natural disaster? He'd gone over some of the Glogle Maps of UA's campus, and they had a lot of space.

Lost in his thoughts as he was, he failed to notice the unevenness of the sidewalk he was on. He tripped.

So much for a good start, he thought as he waited for impact.

And waited.

Izuku thought he should have hit the ground by now.

So he opened his eyes, and…he was floating.

"Are you okay?"

There was a girl standing next to him. She had brown hair (about the same length as Himiko's come to think of it), and was smiling. At him. She was smiling at him! Okay, now, what did he say to make a good impression?

"Are you an angel?"

That was definitely not it.

The cute girl got flustered and started stammering for some reason, and said, "I-I-I j-just st-stopped you w-with my Quirk! I-I'm sorry I didn't ask p-permission before, but it l-looked like y-you could really use it!"

Wow, she really was an angel.

Oh crap, he said that out loud, didn't he? She looked even more flustered than before.

He hastily sketched a bow, and said, "I-I'm r-really s-sorry for saying those things!"

"O-oh, um…I-it's understandable! The test is making me really nervous, too!"

She smiled, and left, saying, "I'll see you inside! Bye!"

Izuku was delighted. He'd talked to a girl! She smiled at him! He'd called her an angel (and that was going to keep him awake at night).

Anyway, he couldn't run late for the written exam.

All in all, the written exam went fairly smoothly. He might have gotten a few of the advanced hero law questions wrong, but he was fairly confident about his score on the science and math sections. Interning(?) with Recovery Girl and fixing Toshinori-san more than covered whatever biology was on the test.

His English score couldn't be too bad, as he was more or less fluent. Toshinori-san had actually helped both with English, which was really cool.

"Izuuuuukuuuuuu! My brain's overheated, please save me." Himiko had latched on to him like a limpet, or perhaps a barnacle.

"Himiko, I'm not going to use my quirk on your brain."

"Aw c'moooooon just once? Please?"

"No. Where'd you run off to before the test, anyway?"

"The bathroom, dummy."

"Oh. How do you think you did on the test?"

"You really taught me a bit too much about the science and math stuff! You said that we'd need to know Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics. but that didn't appear on the test at all! Just let me be happy with my plushies. No thoughts, head empty, only plushies!" Himiko had somehow started sitting on his shoulders, and she let out a fist pump at that, for some strange reason.

"You're a very troublesome sister sometimes, did you know that? Anyway, shouldn't we be getting ready for the practical?"

"Oh wait, you're right."

"What's up, UA candidates? Thanks for tuning into me, your school DJ! Come on, and let me get a YEAH!"

Pindrop silence. Izuku and Himiko looked at each other. Should they? No, it looked like Present Mic was moving on already.

"Keepin' it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical exam's gonna go down, okay? ARE YOU REAADYYYYY?? YEAAAH!"

Again, silence. Izuku wasn't sure if it was nerves, but man, he kinda wanted to yell 'YEAH' at the top of his lungs. He took a breath, and Himiko elbowed him very hard.

"...After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle centers, sound good?"

Bakugō, to his left, said, "So, we can't work with any of our classmates, huh? Funny, I'd hoped I could crush you in the exam."

Izuku whispered, "Honestly Bakugō, focus on yourself. I've got other things to worry about."

Bakugō looked really offended at that for some reason. Whatever, it was his problem.

Himiko was being sent to battle center C, and he was going to B. Interesting.

"...three types of villains! You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty! Your goal is to score as many points as possible. Make sure you're keeping things heroic, as attacking other examinees is a UA no-no, ya dig?"

"Excuse me sir, but I have a question!" This was said by a tall, black haired guy with glasses.

"Hit me!" responded Present Mic.

"On the printout, it says there are four types of robots. With all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful. We are exemplary students, we expect the best from Japan's most prestigious school! This simply won't do!"

Here, he turned around. "And you, with the messy hair!"

Izuku just turned around, like he was looking for someone behind him. He surely wasn't talking to him, right?

"No, you with the green hair!"

Oh, it was him.

"You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. You're distracting the rest of us."

This guy really didn't know how socialization worked, did he? Not that Izuku was one to talk, only really counting Himiko as his friend (also sibling, but that was different). That was probably still more than this guy had.

"All right, examine 7111, thanks for calling in with your request! The fourth villain type is worth 0 points, and is just an obstacle we're throwing in your way. Do your best to avoid it! While it can be defeated, it's not worth your time. That's all I got for you today, and I'll sign off with a little present. Are you ready to go beyond? LET'S HEAR A PLUS ULTRA!!!!"

Once again, silence.

Present Mic didn't seem too discouraged, as he yelled, "Good luck! Hope you practiced hitting more than just books!"

Battle Center B. They'd taken some buses to get here, and Izuku was doing some quick mental math. They'd spent about 15 minutes getting here, in what was approximately a straight line. So, if the bus went about 60 km/h, then they'd have gone about 15 kilometers away from the UA campus.

Oh! The nice girl! Maybe he should go and say hi.

"H-hi! We met earlier, before the test."

Nice! He didn't say an embarrassing thing this time! So far, so good.

"O-oh, hello! I didn't know you were here, too."

"It's fine! Good luck on the test, and thanks for helping me out before the exam."

"Thank you! Good luck to you too, and-"


Izuku shot off, with the nice girl close behind him.

Most of the people will probably go to the center, as there will probably be a large number of robots there. I think I'll have a better chance of scoring points if I stick to the edges, though I could be wrong.

He shortly came upon a lone one pointer. It didn't notice his approach, which was perfect. Izuku placed his hand on the ground, and Renovate instantly came to life.

The concrete bent to his will as it impaled the robot. It stood no chance as it was torn apart by a series of concrete spikes.

Easy enough. There should be more around here.

Oh, he spied a group of one-pointers hiding on the ground floor of a building. There were maybe 20, if he had to guess.

Izuku didn't play too many first-person shooters, but he knew he was about to go on an insane killstreak.

A few more robots later, Izuku thought he was doing well. He'd gone for some three-pointers, enveloping them in concrete and absolutely wrecking them. Two pointers weren't a big deal either, as he just used the same strategy against the one pointers.

He'd also tried to help out other examinees whenever possible, because All Might had kind of done that for his entire career. He'd encountered that tall loud boy a few times, and he'd taken out a three-pointer that was trying to sneak attack him. All the robots were equipped with missiles, but they didn't really move fast, and the nose cone was made out of memory foam, presumably not to injure anyone.

Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering rumbling sound, and a robot that was easily at least 9 stories tall emerged from the ground. It was green, and it had a menacing design, something which the other robots lacked.


Since it wasn't worth any points, he might as well run away…wait. Someone was crying in pain.

It was her! The nice girl who'd helped Izuku before the test! She'd fallen down, and her leg was stuck under some rubble.

And the zero pointer was bearing down on her.

Izuku barely noticed this before his legs carried him towards the nice girl. There was a concrete slab pinning her leg to the ground, but Izuku could take care of that.

He used Renovate on it to turn the concrete into dust, and asked the nice girl, "Are you alright? Can you stand? We have to get out of here before that bot tramples us!"

She looked at him with gratitude, but his hopes of running away were dashed when she said, "I-I think my leg's broken…"

Alright, he could work with that. He could try to heal her (which wasn't the best idea right now), he could try to stop the zero-pointer (which also wasn't a good idea), or he could try to move her. He could try to make a splint out of the concrete, but he didn't have time to think! Oh and the robot was about to crush them.

No options left. Time to take on that giant robot.

The robot's hand was stretching down, possibly to grab them. No time to think, just do.

Izuku placed his hand on the concrete, and it shot up to intercept the hand. It solidified around it, and it formed a perfect way to run up and reach the robot.

Well, he couldn't pass up on such a perfect opportunity, and he needed to fully disable the robot. That concrete trap couldn't hold it forever.

So naturally, he used the ramp to run up to the robot's wrist. He slammed his hand onto the robot with a dull thud, and he activated his quirk. The first thing he got was a complete image of the robot, and it had quite a few magazines full of fuel and explosive charges to launch the missiles. He could probably crush those and cause the bot to explode, but he didn't want any more debris falling on the nice girl, and himself. So he went with the simple, boring, but safe option. Disconnect the power core from the rest of the robot, and it should just stop. The treads on the bottom were large enough that he didn't have to worry about the robot toppling over.

The power core was a reactor of some sort, and it didn't appear to have the structure of a fission reactor, so it shouldn't explode and create a hazard if he just split the main power conduit.

So, that's what he did. The robot ceased all activity, and there was just silence.


Note to self: Present Mic likes to be dramatic. Put that in analysis journals when possible.

He got down from the concrete ramp he'd made and walked over to where Nice Girl was lying, seeing if she'd somehow acquired more injuries.

"Very nice, good work all around! You're all heroes in my eyes, every one of you!" Oh, cool, Recovery Girl!

"She's the backbone of UA," said a flamboyantly dressed blonde guy.

"Recovery Girl! I think she's got a broken leg," said Izuku.

"Oh, that's no problem at all!" Here, Recovery Girl extended her lips to give the nice girl a kiss on her hair. He'd sometimes seen her quirk used on students who got injured, so he was familiar with the mechanism of action.

She handed some stamina-recovering gummies to the nice girl as she did so, and moved to check up on the others.

He really needed to learn her name, though. Maybe after they got out of the exam.

This was a golden opportunity! She was alone and seemed free to talk to. He walked over, gathered his nerves, and introduced himself.

"Hi again! I never really got your name, and I kinda wanted to, because you seem really nice, and I wanted to talk about the exam with you! My name's
Midoriya Izuku, it's nice to meet you properly this time!"

"Hi! Uh, my name's Uraraka Ochako, and I…thanks for saving me from the big robot back there!"

Oh wow a cute girl was thanking him!

"You saved me from tripping before the entrance exam, so I had to pay you back somehow!"

Wait, she laughed? That wasn't supposed to be funny, though, what was he supposed to do? He guessed he could just roll with it, though.
She stopped, and asked him, "Midoriya-san? How do you think you did?"

He thought for a bit. "I stayed on the edges of the battle center, so I encountered a lot of bots at the start. I must've gotten at least thirty points, though I could have counted wrong. How do you think you did?"

"I got about twenty eight points, and I hope it's enough to pass! What about the written exam?"

"I think I did pretty well on it. And you?"

"Honestly, I just hope I passed it. It was really nice meeting you! Do you want to exchange numbers? I'd love to talk further, but I gotta get home soon!"

"S-sure! Great!"

"Gosh, I don't know if I passed, Izuku. I got about 24 points, but could have gotten more if I hadn't pulled people away from the path of that giant robot."

Izuku thought for a bit. "UA is ultimately a heroics school, right Himiko? And your actions kind of embody the meaning of 'hero', so I bet that that'll be factored in somehow. There were cameras everywhere, come to think of it. I bet whoever's grading the practical saw that, and it might affect our score somehow."

"Maybe you're right, but I just want to get home and have some of mom's food. The brain and body are tired!"

Himiko suddenly got back that wide grin. "But there's just this one tiny little thing that I need to… interrogate you about. I saw you talking to this other girl - short brown hair, pink cheeks. What are your intentions with her, I-zu-ku?"

This environment suddenly wasn't safe for him.
It had been about a week since the entrance exam. Izuku had kept in contact with Ochako, and Himiko had forcefully introduced herself to his new friend. They video called quite a lot, and when it turned out that Ochako had rented an apartment in Musutafu, Himiko had basically demanded that she should spend a day with both of them.

They'd gone to the arcade, with Izuku somehow managing to obtain a plushie space battleship. He didn't even know what franchise it was from, but Ochako loved it. He'd given it to her, which made Himiko get that grin again. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he knew Himiko was planning something.

Either way, he'd made a friend! Ochako! She was so nice, and friendly, and maybe he had a crush on her. Either way, it was way too early to tell for certain. Maybe he was just confusing the feeling of finally having a friend his own age (who wasn't a super troublesome sister) with that of a crush.

One of these days, he was going to turn Himiko's hair some color she hated as a prank if she didn't let up on the teasing. That, or he'd turn her shampoo into oil. Renovate was flexible like that.

All Might had texted both of them that he'd be busy for this entire week, and he'd talk with them after their results came out. Maybe he was working on a classified heroic mission.

Anyway, he was just eating lunch with Himiko when his mom went to check the mail. "Izuku! Himiko! Your UA test results just arrived!"

Oh dear. They both got their letters, and sat in the living room.

"You should go first, Izuku," Himiko started.

Izuku was still plenty nervous, but with her encouragement, he opened the letter.

"I am here, as a projection! Young Midoriyas, I apologize for not contacting you sooner, but with great power comes a great deal of paperwork! You see, you're looking at UA's newest faculty member!"

Izuku stared in shock. This was a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. He really had grown under All Might's training. Him, teaching Izuku to become a pro hero? He'd dreamed about that on more than one occasion.

He glanced at his sister, who was similarly shocked.

"What's the matter? Showboating? Wait, I have to do how many of these things?"

"Anyway, young Midoriyas! This recording contains both results! Young Izuku, you scored in the 98th percentile of overall scores on the written exam! You have more than passed that portion. Young Himiko! You scored in the 87th percentile, and you passed! Congratulations to both of you!"

"And now, the practical. Young Midoriya, you earned 43 villain points in the practical, enough to pass. Young Himiko, you earned 24 villain points in the practical, which sadly isn't enough to get a seat in the hero course. Sorry."

Himiko was dejected, but not crushed. Her main reason for being a hero was to stay with Izuku and have something that they had in common. She'd said that if pressed, she was alright with staying in UA's General Studies course, but she'd do her best in the Sports Festival to try and get a seat in the heroics course.
"But you see, that's not all we were looking for! While you were out there fighting those bots, a panel of judges were observing you! Heroes aren't judged by combat alone!"

Here, the projection showed a split screen, with a montage of who they saved throughout the exam. Izuku's rescue of Ochako was shown, and Himiko was shown pulling people out of the path of the zero-pointer.

"Both of you are dedicated to saving lives, and the hero course could not pass that up! Therefore, there's a second category of points you earned - Rescue Points! For your actions, Izuku Midoriya, you've earned 60 rescue points! And you Himiko, have earned 34 rescue points! Congratulations! Both of you made it into the top 10 examinees who took the entrance exam."

Izuku had placed first, with a total score of 103. Himiko had placed eighth, with a score of 58. Izuku was delighted to note that Ochako had also gotten on the leaderboard, which meant she would also be joining the hero course.

Life was pretty good. Oh, he should probably check with Ochako and see about her class placement.

Well, as it turned out, all three of them were going to be in Class 1-A together. He hoped that he wouldn't have to deal with Bakugō's nonsense for another year, or that tall guy. He'd made plans with Himiko to meet up with Ochako before the first day, and all three of them walked to Class 1-A together.

Izuku noticed that the door was unusually wide and tall, but he supposed it was for accommodating various heteromorphic quirks. As he entered, he heard conversation.

"Don't put your feet on the desk!"


"Don't you think it's rude to the upperclassmen who came before us and the people who made this desk?"

"I don't! Which fucking private school did you come from, you shitty side character?"

"I attended Soumei Private Academy, and I am Tenya Iida."

"Soumei, huh? So you're a fucking elite, is that right? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you, then."

"You're barbaric! Do you truly even aim to be a hero?"

So much for a peaceful school life. At least Himiko and Ochako were there.

When they entered, the tall boy turned towards Izuku, and didn't immediately start yelling at him. "Good morning! My name is Tenya Iida, I am from-"

"Soumei Private Academy, I heard. I'm Midoriya."

"Midoriya, you realized there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you? I misjudged you! I hate to admit it, but you are better than I am!" Here, he bowed, almost like a robot.

"If you mean the rescue points, I didn't actually realize anything. I just did what I thought was right."

"In that case, that makes you even more admirable! I-"

Suddenly, a very tired voice cut in. "If you're here to make friends, you should go somewhere else. This is the hero course."

Izuku turned around. There was a…no, that wasn't a giant caterpillar. It was a tired guy in a yellow sleeping bag.

"It took you lot eight seconds to quiet down. Time's limited. You kids aren't rational enough. I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta."

He got out a box of P.E. uniforms.

"Your uniform is labeled with your seat number. Put this on and go out to Training Ground Delta. There are signs on your way."

Here, Iida asked, "What about orientation? The entrance ceremony?"

"If you're going to be a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events."

With that parting statement, he left the classroom.

There was utter silence, and then a mad dash to grab a uniform and head to the locker rooms.

After changing into his uniform, Izuku headed to where he saw Aizawa standing in the training ground. About half the class was already there, and the rest trickled in in the course of a few minutes.

"You kids have been doing these tests since middle school, right? Well, it's different this time. You'll be able to use your Quirks for these. Midoriya, you scored first on the practical, right?"

Izuku nodded his head.

"What was your farthest softball throw in meters?"

"About forty."

"Throw this softball. Do whatever you want, as long as you stay in the circle."

Now, this was interesting. Whatever he wanted? He should probably show off, to impress the teacher. He could just place the ball on the ground, and have the ground simply launch it as far as possible, but that didn't seem like it would get him the best score.

What if he made a gun?

That sounded promising, at least in terms of distance launched. How would he make a gun? What did he have available? He had concrete, which the training ground was made from, and…nothing else. Alright, he could work with this. He had an idea, and some previous experience.

He placed his hand on the ground, and willed a cannon to rise from the ground. He used Renovate to filter out a lot of sand from the concrete, and placed it at the very end. He then loaded the ball through the muzzle onto the sand.

"I think we're going to need some hearing protection," he said. Thankfully, Aizawa had that nearby in the locker rooms, and everyone put it on.

Renovate had told him that this sand was almost pure silicon dioxide. He knew from past experiments that he could break chemical bonds without inputting any energy, but when reformed, they would still release energy, like normal. Izuku at first didn't know what to make of this, as that was the most direct evidence he'd ever gotten that Quirks treat fundamental laws of the universe more like suggestions. Eventually, he'd just sort of accepted that his quirk could violate the Law of Conservation of Energy, and he might as well figure out if he could do anything useful with it.

As it turns out, he could. He'd experimented with this in the past, but his experiments all ended in explosions. By rapidly breaking and reforming the chemical bonds in an object or substance, he could turn it into an extraordinarily hot gas, which expanded at rates of over 1000 meters per second. In other words, a perfect propellant for a bullet - or a softball, in this case. Silicon dioxide in particular was useful, as it contained lots of oxygen, meaning there was plenty of energy he could potentially release. Unfortunately, this also meant that to make sand into a rapidly-expanding hot gas, he'd have to heat it to extreme temperatures, well beyond the boiling point, which was roughly 2200 degrees Celsius, if he remembered correctly. He probably didn't.

He might as well go all the way and try for 100,000 degrees Celsius. If he did that, he definitely needed to reinforce the barrel, which he promptly did. He could also eke out some extra range if he constructed a ballistic shell around the ball, trying to minimize the drag it experienced. He might as well rifle the cannon barrel as well, if it helped out his score.

He angled the cannon to 45 degrees, and activated Renovate to turn the sand into propellant for the cannonball. Suddenly, there was a crack of thunder and what amounted to a flash of lightning as the ball was launched…quite far. Izuku's ears were left ringing, despite the ear protection.

Aizawa held up the counter for how far the ball had gone, and…wow, that was a good score. 10 kilometers was nothing to sneeze at, so he willed the cannon to sink back into the ground.

"So manly!" said a guy with red hair.

"We get to use our Quirks for this? This should be fun!" said a completely pink girl.

"Fun, you say? You have three years to become a pro hero, and with an attitude like that, you won't make it. Let's raise the stakes. Whoever comes in last place will be judged to have no potential and will be expelled."

That was enough to shock the class into silence.

"But isn't that unfair?"

"You think this is unfair? Natural disasters, villain attacks, big accidents. Japan is full of unfairness, and heroes are the ones called upon to resolve those situations. For the next three years, U.A. is going to give you one hardship after another. You've taken your first step into a larger world, and it isn't all sunshine and roses."

Everyone went to do the ball throw, sufficiently cowed by Aizawa's harsh words.

Bakugō had thrown his ball about 700 meters, and a guy made a glacier to launch the ball pretty far. Ochako had simply tapped the ball and sent it out of the atmosphere, which struck him as odd. She hadn't made him leave the atmosphere, so something couldn't be right. She'd gotten the highest score on the ball toss out of everyone, with an infinity. Another girl created a cannon to shoot the ball about 2 kilometers. So, he still somehow ended up with the second-place score. Himiko had actually used his blood to turn into him, and threw the ball as hard as she could, about 50 meters.

Next up, was a 50 meter dash. Izuku used Renovate to essentially ride a speedy wave of concrete, coming in second place with 4.03 seconds, narrowly beating out Bakugō's time of 4.13 seconds. Bakugō was understandably mad about that. Himiko hadn't used his blood for the test, instead relying on her own fitness, with 6.42 seconds. Ochako had gotten 7.15 seconds, which was not good, but not really bad either.

Then, there was a grip strength test. Izuku simply used the ground to crush the grip strength device with over 30,000 Newtons of force. The grip tester read out 3569 kg, which seemed correct. He didn't have a calculator on hand, so he couldn't say for sure. Almost everyone did about the same on this test, except for the cannon girl, who created a vice grip, and a guy with many arms, who got 540 kg.

There was a seated toe touch, which almost nobody did extraordinarily well on. Except Himiko, the pink girl and an invisible girl, who were all super flexible.

There was also a standing long jump, in which Ochako floated above the box, Bakugō launched himself across it, and Izuku just manipulated the ground to have him clear it. He tied for first with a few other people.

In the repeated side steps, Izuku just manipulated the ground to move him very quickly from either side. He was the only one, aside from Himiko, to do really well on these tests. He got first, and Himiko got second through her own fitness.

Next was the sit-up tests. They did this in halves of the class, with half holding down the legs of the other half, and then switching. He did 60 on his own, and then he used his quirk to move the ground under his back so that it was doing the sit ups for him. He did another 120 using his quirk, at which point Aizawa just told him, "Switch out, we need to get the other half done."

Lastly, the distance run. Izuku just used his quirk to ride a wave of concrete. The girl who made a cannon made a bike, and Iida was just good at running. Himiko just relied on her own fitness, and got a pretty good score. Him, Iida, and the creation girl tied for first. Bakugō had used his explosions to get a decent score, and the ice creation guy had overall done really well.

In any case, the final rankings looked something like this:
  1. Midoriya Izuku
  2. Yaoyoruzu Momo
  3. Todoroki Shōto
  4. Bakugō Katsuki
  5. Iida Tenya
  6. Tokoyami Fumikage
  7. Mezo Shoji
  8. Mashirao Ojiro
  9. Kirishima Eijirou
  10. Midoriya Himiko
  11. Ashido Mina
  12. Uraraka Ochako
  13. Asui Tsuyu
  14. Koji Koda
  15. Sato Rikido
  16. Aoyama Yuga
  17. Sero Hanta
  18. Kaminari Denki
  19. Jiro Kyoka
  20. Toru Hagakure

Here, Aizawa actually smiled a little bit. "Oh, and since all of you went beyond, nobody's getting expelled."

The invisible girl heaved a big sigh of relief. She was being hugged by both Himiko and the pink girl. Good, Himiko had made some friends.

"I'm surprised that more people didn't figure it out, it's a logical ruse," commented the girl with a creation Quirk. Izuku wanted to analyze that so badly, because he was sure that there were a lot of drawbacks to such a versatile Quirk.

"You think it was a ruse? Midoriya, tell them," Aizawa said.

Izuku steeled his nerves, and said, "Aizawa expelled his entire class last year. It wasn't a trick."

The entire class paled.

"All of you have great potential to be heroes. I didn't expel any of you because of that potential. Being a pro hero is a dangerous job, and I don't want any of my students to be found in the obituaries after a few years of graduation. Anyway, you're all dismissed for today. Make sure to pick up a syllabus in the classroom."

"Wow, that was really nerve-wracking, Izuku. I really thought Aizawa was serious about expelling people," said Ochako.

"Well, he would have, if we didn't take it seriously enough. That's what happened to his last class."

Ochako looked very curious. "How did you know that?"

"Well, I've been coming to UA for the past ten months on weekends to help out with…a very classified project. I can't tell you any more about that, but I did happen to hear a lot of gossip between the teachers."

"Oh. So, Aizawa knew you knew about his expulsions?"

"Yeah, he'd seen me around the campus a few times, so I think he recognized me."

"Well…once Himiko finishes up with her new friends, is there anywhere that's good to eat around here, for a low price? Do you want to go together?"

Alright, you cannot mess this up. You are about to invite a girl over to your place. Himiko will be there, so just in case, you have a backup.

"W-well, my mom makes a lot of extra food for lunch. If you can, she'd be absolutely delighted to have you over."

"Um…if it's alright with you and her, I guess I could?"

Objective accomplished! New objective: Survive Himiko's teasing.
Blitzed through it and now hunger for more… guess I need to find some other subpar MHA fic to bide my time.
It's been quite a while since I lasted come here, Author-san. Forgive me for my sin. My jackass neighbor, Billy, founded out that I'd stolen his typewriter and wanted it back. I refused, and further made my point by karate chopped him hard on his kneecaps. Now, I'm currently on the run to Egypt, where I hide within the crib of my online friend, Imhotep.
Cargo of Doom
"Adversity is a friendship's truest test."

After having lunch at his house, Ochako decided that she really didn't have anything better to do, and just hung out at his house. She'd asked if she could see his room, which…well, he wasn't really embarrassed to show off his All Might collection, but he was certainly apprehensive. Thankfully, she took it very well, and engaged him in conversation about Thirteen, once she saw his Thirteen-branded space poster.

Who knew that would come in handy?

Anyway, after that conversation petered out, they began talking about other subjects. He'd found out that she lived in Mie all her life, and only came to Musutafu to apply to U.A. Her parents also ran a construction company, and…he learned that they weren't the most financially well-off. He didn't really know how to react to that, and said he'd do whatever he could to help her out. She'd also asked about his life, too.

And that was how they got to talking about their Quirks. He'd asked her about her Quirk, and suffice to say, he felt like the explanation she gave was…incomplete.

She'd said, "My Quirk removes the gravity of whatever I touch, and I can make it float! I tap it with all five fingers to make it float, and to release it, I bring both my hands together."

"Okay, but I remember that you were making those robots float more than 6 meters high during the entrance exam, while I was just hovering above the ground. Is that a conscious thing, or…?"

"I mean…I can control when something floats up, or just stays in place, but I always thought that was how my Quirk works."

Izuku hummed in thought. "Ochako, do you think you could increase the gravity on something, too? I just want to see if there's more to your Quirk than anybody thought."

"Well..I can certainly try? Do you have anything you might be willing to lose?"

Izuku grinned. He'd bought a few cheap figurines for Quirk testing a long time ago, and there were some woods relatively close by. They could do some testing over there. He absolutely had to bring his notebook, too.

They'd walked to the Tython Woods. Hardly anybody came out here, and it was a designated municipal Quirk training ground, so they wouldn't get in trouble with the law for using their Quirks out here.

Izuku held out a figurine to Ochako, and said, "Can you try increasing its gravity? If you can't, that's fine, I just have some theories about your Quirk and want to test them out."

Ochako took the figurine, and concentrated on using her Quirk on it. She dropped it, and it crashed into the ground, shattering the figurine into pieces.

Izuku grinned. "That was the first test, and it was a success! So, you can alter the strength of gravity, not just remove it or counteract it. Do you mind if I ask you some more questions?"

Ochako shook her head.

"Alright, so could you feel any noticeable discomfort when you did that?"

Ochako thought for a little bit. She eventually said, "I mean, a little bit? It was about the same as if I had removed the gravity of the figurine."

"Alright, now I'd like to do another test. This time, could you increase the gravity of one figurine and decrease the gravity of the other?"

Ochako took one figurine in her left hand, and it dropped to the ground, a bit more softly this time. It didn't break on impact. She took another one in her right, and it floated to about 4 meters high.

"How are you feeling?"

"Honestly, not bad. I think the strain lessened, but it's still there!"

"Alright, and now for the last test that I had planned. Can you try and see if you can change the direction that gravity pulls this figurine? Like not straight up or straight down, but sideways?"

Ochako tried doing that, but it seemed that she simply couldn't do it.

"That was still pretty productive, wasn't it? You discovered an entirely new side to your Quirk which probably has a lot of applications in hero work!"

"I…I don't think I could have done it without your help."

They continued practicing with Ochako's Quirk for some time after that. They'd had dinner together, and Himiko had teased them mercilessly. Izuku walked her back to her apartment, and waited for the next day.

The next day was fairly normal, with no more tests. However, according to the schedule, they'd be having their first heroics lesson today.

Izuku's tie came undone in English, so he sneakily used Renovate to make it look like the tie was tied for the rest of the day before heroics. He'd just use it again to take it off whenever he needed to.

It just had to last through Math 1 and Computer Science, and then he could take it off for Heroics Lesson #1!

He was excited for his first heroics lesson.

"I am…coming through the door like a normal person!"

"Wow, he really is our teacher!"

"That's a costume from the Silver Age, right?"

"Let's get right into it, students. You've all come here to learn to be heroes, and I will be your teacher! You'll take the most units of this class, and today, you'll be doing some combat training! You all submitted your costume requests after your acceptance letter came through, and they should be ready now! Change into them in the locker rooms near Training Ground Beta!"

He was excited to finally look at his costume. He'd sent in the design earlier, and it seemed the support companies had delivered!

He had green pants, which were reinforced with fine metallic mesh, and a vest which he could keep some samples of rare elements in. He didn't have any, but he could definitely get some. The vest was also mesh armored underneath the outer material, and it had many, many pockets. He'd kind of been inspired by the chūnin vests from Naruto , but they were useful for him! He also had a long-sleeved shirt that he put underneath the vest. He also had a breathing mask and goggles, in case he encountered dust or smoke.

All in all, he thought it was a very nice ensemble. He was planning on adding more to it as he refined his skills, but for now, it would suffice.

He hadn't looked at the others' hero suits yet, but he was excited to see them!

"Wow, Izuku! Your costume's pretty nice! I didn't really specify what I wanted, so I ended up with this skintight bodysuit…" She picked at her costume, which…well, it made her look really, really good.

He was tempted to ask her out right then and there, consequences be damned, but he refrained. There was a time and place for everything, and this was not it.

He already knew what Himiko's costume was going to be like, as they'd gone over each other's designs beforehand. Himiko had originally tried to go for a Victorian-inspired ball gown with plenty of room for knives, but Izuku had pointed out that her fighting style (they'd sparred at a local gym - he still needed to figure out a proper style ) relied a lot on mobility and stealth, and the ballgown wasn't suited for either of those things, although he could admit it looked really cool. Himiko had eventually gone for something closer to a tracksuit with a long skirt, but overall kept the aesthetic of the ballgown. It was colored black and red, but Izuku thought the color scheme went well with what she had in mind. She'd also specifically requested the support department to make a suit from her own DNA, upon his suggestion. She also had plenty of hypodermic needles stored in her suit, and a utility belt for quick band-aids.

Himiko had completely vetoed the All Might bunny ears, saying it didn't go with his aesthetic or something equally blasphemous.

And…oh boy, he could already see some alterations that needed to be made. The invisible girl was already being taken care of by Himiko (what were the support companies thinking!? Were those just gloves and boots? That was an insult to heroic costumes everywhere!) And the creation girl…had these support companies ever heard of DNA-keyed costumes? He needed an opportunity to talk with her.

If he was paired up with either of those two, he would certainly combust on the spot.

"Sir! This is one of the battle centers for the exams. Are we going to be conducting urban battles again?" asked Iida.

"No! While most villain fights take place outdoors, the truly intelligent villains mostly meet indoors! Think about it: home invasions, backroom deals, and underground lairs are all hallmarks of villains. You can't just beat up robots to pass this trial."

"How will we win, then?"

"Can we beat them up anyway?"

"How will we be split up?"

"Truly eager to get going, aren't we! Listen up, all your questions will be answered!"

Finally, some quiet came over the class.

"Let's get started then! Each of you will be paired up. One pair will be a hero team, and the others will be the villain team. The villain team will have hidden a nuclear bomb somewhere inside the building, and the two ways the hero team can win are by capturing both villains, or wrapping capture tape around the bomb. The two ways the villain team can win are by running out the timer, or capturing both heroes. Aizawa wanted you to go all out, but here, I'd like you to show some restraint! Heroes try to minimize collateral damage, but as for the villains…well, somebody has to pay for the repairs to their hideout. Anyway, teams will be decided by drawing lots! Remember, pros often need to make ad hoc teams in the face of a crisis, so this emulates the real world! Now, come up and choose your team!"

Here, All Might handed out a box full of twenty balls. Izuku went and grabbed one, and found that he was being assigned to team H.

Who was going to be his teammate? Why was Himiko approaching him with a grin?

"Heeeeeeeey, Izuku. Seems like we're paired up, as the villain team, no less. Are you excited?"

"Yeah. Do you know who we're up against?"

"Your girlfriend and the creation girl!"

"Himiko, she's not my-"



"Well, young Midoriyas, you are the villain team. You should take this bomb into the building and hide it somewhere. The hero team will be given the signal to enter in five minutes. Think like a villain!"

He handed them two radios, and with that, he sped off.

"So, Izuku, where are we going to keep the bomb?"

"Well, it seems to be a standard office building, with cubicles…hmmm, Himiko, what's the bomb made out of, again?"

Himiko rapped her knuckles on it. "Looks like papier-mâché. Why?"

"Cubicle walls would make a good analog to that, right Himiko?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"Let's make some fake bombs. That'll cause them to run around trying to figure out which one is the right one, and hopefully waste their time. This building has five floors, so we should hide on the…third floor. That way, it won't matter whether they come through the roof or ground floor. We can fill the second and fourth floor with fake bombs, and I'll blow out the stairs between each floor. Himiko, you still have that good night vision, right?"


"Alright, I'll switch off the lights once the hero team enters. Anything else you want to add?"

"Yeah, if we do this, then…"


Himiko was waiting on the fifth floor, and she had radioed to him a confirmed sighting of the hero team entering the ground floor. So far, so good. Izuku wasn't quite proficient enough to control an entire building, but he could focus on doing one thing at a time. So, using Renovate, he cut off the main power to the building.

He then radioed to Himiko that he was moving the bomb up to the fourth floor, and that she should come down and see if she could follow the heroes.

So, he touched the wall, and the ceiling opened up. It moved down to grab him and the real bomb, in a manner reminiscent of honey. He'd never get used to doing things like this. He carefully closed up the hole in the ceiling, and had an array of eight fake bombs around him, taken from the fourth floor.

If he recalled correctly, he'd made about 40 decoy bombs. There were now 13 on the fourth floor, eight on the third, and 20 on the second.

"Come in, Izuku."

"Izuku here."

"The heroes completed their exploration of the first floor. Creation girl made Uraraka take a rope and float herself up to the second. I'm watching from a hallway, and they can't see or hear me. Should I engage?"

Izuku thought for a moment.

"Follow them and don't get caught. I'll be above the room with the 20 fake bombs. When they enter that room, attack them, but tell me first. We're going for some shock and awe right now."

"Understood. Himiko out."

Their plan was working perfectly. The heroes had already spent 3 minutes searching the first floor. Hopefully, they could capture the heroes here, or delay them long enough that they wouldn't have enough time to go on the third and fourth floor.

"Izuku, I'm in position. They'll enter the room in 5 seconds."

"Roger roger."

He made the floor and the ceiling of the room below him slightly porous so he could hear what happened. He also put on his breathing mask.

The door to the bomb room slowly opened, and the creation girl and Ochako gasped in shock.

Himiko attacked them from behind.

Izuku just dropped in the room, making sure not to destroy the ceiling to deprive Ochako of any rubble she could use.

The hero team was paralyzed with indecision, it seemed. They didn't know who to deal with first.

Himiko quickly baited Ochako into dealing with her, which left Izuku with the creation girl.

"Surrender, villain!"


"What a nice, heroic spirit. One part brave, three parts fool."


He slammed his palm onto the ground, and made blunt spikes under her feet. She leaped aside, but the floor was his to control. He opened up a small hole where he thought she might land, but he missed. She made - was that a wooden doll? It could be an attack. He opened up the floor and it fell down to the first floor. She created some kind of staff and tried to close the distance, but Izuku just dodged to his left and she missed. He slammed his palm to the floor, once again making spikes. She dodged, but this time he created spikes in the middle of the path. Her legs got tangled up in them, and he took the opportunity to completely encase her in the floor. The only part left aboveground was her head. He did loosen up the floor around her torso so that she could breathe, but that was all.

He didn't hear a capture announcement, so he wrapped capture tape around her head.

"The villain team has captured Yaoyorozu!"

Now, to see if Himiko needed help-

"The villain team…wins!"

Apparently not.

"Villain team, if you could kindly bring the real bomb to the observation area so we can start on the next round, that would be all."

He freed Yaoyorozu from her floor prison, and shook hands with her.

She began by saying, "You took advantage of our surprise at the number of fake bombs, didn't you?"

Izuku nodded, and scratched the back of his head. "I mean, I was kind of going for that. I didn't know if you would come through the fifth floor or first floor, so I had decoy bombs on the fourth floor as well. I destroyed the stairs of the building beforehand, to hamper your mobility. I also had Himiko observe the path you took, so we could set up the surprise attack."

"Which floor was the bomb on?"

"Originally I put it on the third floor, but when you came in through the first floor, I moved it to the fourth. Anyway, I'm going to get the bomb, and we can go back. Oh, and I'm sorry for implying that you were a fool, earlier. I just said the first thing that came to mind…"

"It's alright, Midoriya. It was just an act."

She didn't seem too convinced of that fact. Suspicious.

Once he had the correct bomb, they all trooped back to get their debriefing.

"Does anybody care to guess who the MVP of this match was?"

"It was Midoriya, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, he came up with the plan and those fake bombs!"

Here, Izuku cut in. "Actually, it was Himiko. Without her, my plan simply wouldn't have worked. I didn't know which floor the heroes were coming from, Himiko told me that. The only way I would have known when to take advantage of the hero team's surprise was if I had someone tail them, which Himiko did perfectly! She had the most dangerous position out of us all, but she performed the best out of all of us!"

"Er…Yes! Exactly what I was going to say, young Midoriya! Good job all around! Now, on to the next battle!"

When the battles were finally over, he approached Yaoyorozu, and asked if he could speak with her.

"So…not to sound like a creep, but I noticed that your costume…kind of sacrifices protection everywhere for access to your Quirk."

"Yes…I was actually looking for suggestions about that, I'd rather have a more protective costume," said Yaoyorozu.

"I know my sister Himiko has a DNA-integrated outfit that lets her keep it on whenever she uses her Quirk. Maybe you could look into that?"

"Thank you for the suggestion! I will probably submit a costume change form as soon as I can."

"O-oh, you're welcome Yaoyorozu, really! It was nothing."

"Please, call me Momo."

Oh no, she was cute too!
It's been quite a while since I lasted come here, Author-san. Forgive me for my sin. My jackass neighbor, Billy, founded out that I'd stolen his typewriter and wanted it back. I refused, and further made my point by karate chopped him hard on his kneecaps. Now, I'm currently on the run to Egypt, where I hide within the crib of my online friend, Imhotep.
You live an interesting life.
Also, I'm gonna start putting quotes from Star Wars: The Clone Wars at the top of my chapters.

It's fun!
"A plan is only as good as those who see it through."

Before school started the next day, Izuku and Momo had agreed to meet at the support department for the requested costume changes. Himiko had also dragged along Hagakure and Ochako had decided that she needed some alterations as well.

They'd run into what seemed to be the start of a crowd of reporters, but they were still setting up a lot of the equipment, so they weren't harassed while trying to enter U.A.

He'd knocked on the support department's door, and an explosion sounded from within. The door wasn't blasted off its hinges, but he could smell some smoke from inside.

"Hatsume, it isn't even 7:00 yet, and you've already caused an explosion. I don't know why I even let you in here this early," said someone. That must be Power Loader, the support course's teacher.

"My genius simply shattered the record on that test! I've been deprived of a decent workspace for so long, and then I get access to a world-class support department? You bet your construction suit that I'll take advantage of that!"

Izuku looked between the two. One was obviously Power Loader, and the other was a girl with pink dreadlocks and goggles. She was also covered in soot from the earlier explosion.

Izuku cleared his throat. "Is the support department where we go to request costume changes?"

Power Loader looked at them like they'd saved his life. "Yes, yes it is! How can I help?"

Momo stepped up and said, "My costume sacrifices a lot of protection for ease-of-use. The support company which designed it presumably didn't use DNA integrated fabrics, and I would like to see if I could have a costume made from that."

Hagakure's case was similar, "My costume was just…gloves and boots. No other parts at all."

Ochako silently decided to wait until the other two had their hero suits before asking for alterations to hers.

Here, Hatsume(?) stepped in. "Power Loader, you gotta let me work on this stuff! It's been ages since I got my hands on a DNA sequencer!"

Power Loader sighed. "Against my better judgement, Hatsume, I'm going to let you work on these. Go nuts, but these costumes cannot explode. Got it?"

"I'm not that bad."

"One day. Twenty explosions. I know exactly how bad you are."

Hatsume grinned. "Oh no, I know I'm worse! You haven't seen anything yet!"

Power Loader left with his head between his hands.

"Anyway, you all are looking for DNA-integrated costumes, right? I can deliver!"

She went into what looked like a supply room, before coming out with four vials of clear liquid, and some cotton-tipped sticks. She opened the plastic packets and handed one stick to each of them.

"Just swab these in your mouths, preferably on one of your cheeks for about 30 seconds, and then place it into the vial! We'll sequence your DNA and then integrate it into your costume."

Ochako looked confused, and asked, "But would that even be enough to make a costume? And, also, I didn't ask for the DNA costume changes. Is there a reason you're making me do this?"

Hatsume grinned. "Oh not to worry. Once we sequence your DNA, we can just synthesize more through PCR! What's your Quirk, anyway?"

"I can alter the gravity of something if I touch it, but what does that have to do with anything?"

Hatsume looked at her costume. "So, if I was a villain, to completely disable your Quirk I would attack your hands. Now, we can avoid that if your hand was completely armored, but then you wouldn't be able to use your Quirk through that. If it's DNA-integrated, then you probably could use your quirk through the gloves that you have! In my opinion, every hero should have a DNA-integrated costume. It just works better! I'd have to test it out, of course, but any other costume alterations can be done beforehand."

Toru asked, "But then why are you asking us to swab our cheeks? Can't you just cut a sample of our hair?"

"Silly, I can't see your hair, so I wouldn't know how much to cut! Also, your hair wouldn't actually have any useful DNA without some of your skin cells being attached to the root, so that's not very good, either. Also that's been exposed to the sun, so there might be mutations in the skin cells. You wouldn't want a DNA suit that doesn't match your DNA, right?"

That made sense, actually. Hair was solely composed of keratin, no DNA to be found anywhere. Maybe there was mitochondrial DNA?

He probably needed armored gloves similar to Ochako's, so he might as well do the swabbing.

"Now, once you all are done with the swabbing, let's talk design. What do you want changed?"

Momo started off by saying, "I'd like something more protective than what my current costume has."

Mei pulled up her costume file, and instantly frowned. "What's your name again? Is it Yaoyorozu?"

"Er, yes. Is there a problem?"

"Yeah, the book. You need to lose it. I can easily make you a wrist computer that has satellite connectivity. You're just asking for spinal damage at some point lugging that thing around."

"Well…if it won't be any trouble to you, then, yes, those alterations sound fantastic."

"I'm not done yet, Creation Girl! Your new costume will be made of graphene hyperweave in addition to the DNA-infusion, offering unmatched strength and flexibility! I hope we'll be working together a lot in the future, so just call me Mei."

Toru decided to go with the same option. She wasn't terrible at science, but what Hatsume was doing was well out of her area of expertise. She'd also told Izuku, "Since you're my friend's brother, just call me Toru instead of Hagakure."

Ochako asked, "You're going to be testing my DNA-infused gloves, right?"

Mei nodded, "Since they're just gloves, you can come in here after classes to test them out. Do you have any other alterations you want done?"

"Yeah…My costume right now is super skin-tight, and I don't really want to uh…expose so much. Can I get something a little less-form fitting?"

Mei thought for a little bit, and said, "I could…unless…"

"Unless what?"

"How about, instead of a single layer, we can have two? One is an underlayer, which is going to be skin tight, and I can design something that'll help you with nausea in that underlayer - it's in your file. There will be a looser overlayer that's going to be hyperweave like the other two's costumes, but your underlayer will provide additional protection to your body! We'll only have one layer on your hands, though. You need to be able to use your Quirk, after all."

Ochako agreed. It was similar in design to what some astronauts wore, which played into her theme as well.

"And lastly, you, with the green hair. Your costume design is reasonable, but I'm also going to make you some DNA gloves and make it out of the hyperweave. This is non-negotiable."

Izuku was a little intimidated, he wasn't going to lie.

With their visit to the support department complete, the group of 5 headed to their homeroom.

Like the previous day, Aizawa entered the homeroom by caterpillaring in with his sleeping bag.

He'd started off the class by telling them, "Good job on the battle trials. All Might sent each of you some feedback to your student inboxes. Make sure to read them carefully."

He'd also said, "Today, you will all be selecting your class representative, and vice representative. I don't care how you do it, but just finish before the period's over."

"We are hero course students!" Iida chopped the air, "Let's hold an election to figure out who gets the role!"

Ashido Mina (He'd figured out her name earlier, thanks to Himiko telling him) asked, "Won't we all just vote for ourselves?"

"That's why whoever gets the role deserves to be the class representative! They inspired other people to vote for them! Isn't that right, Mr Aizawa?"

"Do whatever you want, I don't care."

Who should he vote for? Probably Momo. He didn't think Ochako would like the position, and Himiko certainly wouldn't. He definitely wasn't voting for Bakugō.

He wrote down Momo's name on the slip of paper he was given, and waited as Iida collected them.

Huh, he got 5 votes - more than he expected. Momo had gotten three, so she would be the vice-rep.

"Who voted for the shitty nerd?" Ah, of course.

Himiko just whistled innocently. Toru…was she trying to emote exasperation at Bakugō? Iida said that he did, while Ochako and Momo just smiled.

Aizawa woke up once that happened, "Alright, now that you've decided, tomorrow, you're going to have rescue training. If anyone has any costume updates, now is the time to make them. Class dismissed."
Izuku went to get lunch with…what seemed to be a budding group of friends. Himself, Himiko, Toru, Ashido, Iida ("Midoriya, I think we are well past the point of last names! As such, I would be honored if you would call me Tenya!"), Ochako, and Momo all had one table to themselves.

"Actually, Iida, Momo, I was wondering…with the way you talk, are you rich kids?" questioned Ochako.

"I didn't want to say this, but I am, yes. I tried to change how I talk so I wouldn't be called that, but it seems to have been useless. My family has been heroes for generations. Do you know Ingenium?"

"The Turbo Hero? In Tokyo?"

"Yes, his agency is in Tokyo. He's my elder brother, as a matter of fact. I strive to live up to his example!"

"And you, Momo?"

"Well…My family is what some would call 'old money', although my parents do hold jobs. Father is the CEO of the Yaoyorozu Conglomerate, which is the leading brand of support gear on the market, while Mother is a chemistry professor at the University of Tokyo. I'd rather not talk too much about myself, though, so what about you two?"

Ochako decided to go first. "My parents own a small construction company out in Mie, and I didn't have the richest upbringing…it's a bit of an adjustment, coming here to U.A."

Momo nodded. He wasn't sure if Ochako noticed the thoughtful expression on her face.

"My mom works at the Karīda Medical Center as an oncologist," Izuku followed. "We've had…a comfortable life. My father isn't at home right now, because he's working abroad in the U.S.A. He hasn't met Himiko yet, but he's seen her on video calls."

"What does he do? Is it-"


"A level three? This fast?! W-we weren't expecting this!"

"Make way!"

So much for calm. The students resembled a stampede of…those tiny ratlike creatures. Lemmings? Those.

Either way, somebody was going to get trampled at this rate.
Iida managed to get to the window, and he shouted to them, "It's only the press! There's nothing to be scared of!"

Nobody else paid attention to him, too focused on just getting out.

"Momo, can you make a megaphone? Ochako, can you float me to the ceiling?"

Momo quickly created a megaphone from just above her knee, which Izuku grabbed. Ochako then floated him to the ceiling, where he yelled, "Everybody! Stay calm, it's just the press! There's no reason to be this chaotic!"

"He's right, you know! The press got through the gate!"

"Everyone, just slow down!"

That was taken care of nicely. Luckily, nobody was trampled.

After classes, Izuku and Ochako headed to the support department to try on their new gloves.

"Good, you're here! Try them on, and see how they fit!" And that was Mei, being her usual self.

Izuku's gloves were black, and they had a silvery-looking armor plate molded to fit the back of his hand. It looked very aesthetically pleasing, and didn't clash with his base costume at all.

He spotted a bent hammer on Mei's desk. "Mei…can I try and change the hammer?"

"Oh yeah, sure, I've got a better one anyway."

Izuku promptly unbent the hammer using Renovate. It didn't feel like there was any resistance when using his Quirk.

Ochako was nearby, and she was altering the gravity of some nuts and bolts. Her gloves seemed to be working fine.

"Now that you've tested those, shoo! I need to work on all of the costumes. They'll be ready before tomorrow's rescue training, so don't worry! Go now, go! it's work time! I need to make some babies!!!"

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