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The sad fact was, the fundamental truth of nature and mankind was that hierarchies were required. There was always someone at the top and always someone at the bottom, because that was how the universe functioned.
That's a defeatist talk Comrade Ozma.
*insert USSR anthem*

\s (because I suspect people wont think it as a joke)
Seventy New
Oof, this took too long. But life and work got in the way, so it is what it is. Still, finally time to kick off the Jaune+Cardin bromance for real. Hope folks enjoy the ride.

= = = = = = =

It was only after he'd dressed for the day, left his dorm room and had a quick breakfast that Jaune realized he had no actual way to contact Cardin. This was a problem since there hadn't been any agreement or plan where to meet up for their man-date. He didn't even know where Team CRDL's room was, and Jaune wasn't keen on walking up and down the floors of Beacon's dormitory to find it.

Instead, Jaune made his way over to the bullhead landing pads near the edge of the school. Assuming Cardin hadn't left ahead of him for the city, he'd inevitably head there since the only way to get to Vale from Beacon was to take a quick flight down there. There was the option to cut through the Emerald Forest, but it was rare that path was taken given the forest had Grimm wandering around and a twenty minute flight was preferable to a two hour trek.

Jaune sat on a bench near the landing pads, checking his scroll for the time as he idled about. For a half hour he watched teams come and go, and there was a lot of students coming and going. That was normal for the weekend, but air traffic was even higher given all the teams from foreign academies that had transferred for the Vytal Festival. A lot of people wanted to use their weekend to fly down and explore the city. The blonde had made a little game out of trying to guess which school students passing him belonged to. Those who wore their uniforms made their affiliation obvious, but it was a little more challenging to discern nationality for those who were dressing casually.

So absorbed in trying to determine whether or not a pair of girls were from Vacuo or Mistral, Jaune completely missed Cardin's arrival and only noticed when the young man cleared his throat.

"Oh, there you are." Jaune said by way of greeting, glancing down at his scroll and noting that it was about a half hour before noon. "Wasn't sure where we were meeting so I came here."

"Yeah, well… not like either of us said anything about where we'd meet." Cardin grumbled.

"We did not." Jaune affirmed.

"I… actually came here before breakfast." Cardin admitted, crossing his arms as he let out an irritated grunt. "It took me twenty minutes before I realized we never agreed to meet at the bullhead docks. And I didn't know where your dorm room was. And I couldn't find any of your friends to ask them. And I didn't want it to somehow get around that I didn't know how to get ahold of you and tip off Velvet that we're not…"

Cardin trailed off, letting out a frustrated groan and pinching the bridge of his nose. Jaune was mildly amused that the other team leader had gone though a similar process he had, but he was careful not to let his bemusement show since Cardin was already in a sour mood and he didn't want to give him any excuse focus on him as an outlet for his frustration.

Jaune was already playing along with this charade on sufferance, and he didn't want to start his weekend getting into a fight with Cardin.

"Did you eat at all?" Jaune asked.

"I went back to the cafeteria and microwaved a breakfast burrito." Cardin replied. "Wandered around campus for a while before I came back here. How long were you waiting?"

"Just a little while. Came here after making myself a small breakfast. We might've just missed each other."

"…Maybe we did."

"…Yep." Jaune nodded.

The duo lapsed into silence as they stared at each other. Both men felt incredibly awkward as the minutes slowly passed by. Neither really knew what to say to the other. They didn't have a plan for how to spend the day and both were drawing blanks on what they could do.

"I mean, I'm only here as a favor to help him sell the lie to his girlfriend that we're best buddies. Shouldn't he be the man with the plan in this situation?" Jaune wondered to himself.

"We can't just stay here all day. I gotta be able to tell Velvet about what we did later, and I can't let it ever slip that back then I was really… dammit, but spending the whole day with Arc. Maybe we can just walk around for a few hours in Vale and then split up? I can come up with something fake and get him to agree to a story…" Cardin thought to himself.

So lost in their own thoughts, both first years couldn't help but jolt when someone called out to them.

"Hey, you two flying to Vale or are you just gonna stay here all day?"

Jaune and Cardin turn to see one of the bullhead pilots nearby shouting at them. Glancing at each other for a moment, the two boys hurriedly made their way over to the pilot and climbed inside the aircraft as the man lowered the gangplank of the ship to let them in the passenger bay. The duo wound up sitting across from one another, and the vehicle shuddered as it prepped to take off.

"Make sure to fasten your seatbelts, kids." The pilot's voice echoed from the intercom on the roof of the seating area. "We got fine weather this morning but landing docks in Vale are little more crowded than usual since a lotta people are flying in for the upcoming tournament. Trip will take the two fifteen to twenty minutes but might have to tack on another five or ten depending on if we gotta wait for a landing spot to open up."

Having said his piece, the vehicle shuddered before lifting from the ground and taking flight. In the seating area, Jaune and Cardin had yet to speak up at all and continued to stare at each other from where they sat.

About ten minutes passed before Jaune let out a large sigh and bit the bullet.

"So, what is the rest of your team up to today?" Jaune asked, at least trying to make an attempt at conversation.

Cardin blinked, not having expected the question but rubbed his neck as he forced a reply. "Uh, Russel bombed a test earlier this week so I think he's studying in the library. Dove went to his cooking club today-"

"Y'know, I always forget that Beacon has clubs." Jaune commented. No one on his team was in a club, nor was anyone on Team RWBY, so it wasn't something he thought about.

"Right. And I'm pretty sure Sky is just going to be playing video games all day." Cardin finished. A minute passed before he returned the question. "What about your team?"

"Nora's probably still sleeping. She's a heavy sleeper and uses weekend days to sleep in and doesn't wake up until it's past noon. I think Ren was gonna do some shopping in Vale and Pyrrha… she'll probably be in the training hall all day destroying training bots. If Lycan is overseeing the training hall today she'll probably challenge him too."

"Hm." Cardin grunted. "Must be something, having a celebrity on your team."

"None of us really care about that. And Pyrrha doesn't really care about it much herself."

Cardin sneered a little at that. "What, being rich and famous is too much trouble?"

Jaune frowned. "Lay off, Cardin. Wealthy people have their own problems. And can't you relate to that given the rumors about your family?"

"Those aren't…!" Cardin started hotly before forcing himself to swallow his words and cool his nerves. "Whatever. She's your teammate and I only know her based on her reputation, so it's not like I can comment."

"That's right." Jaune nodded before giving the other boy a sheepish look. "Sorry about the dig against your family."

"I was being snide about your partner first. It's fine." Cardin scoffed. "Just be careful if you're gonna try to imply anything about my family again, Arc."

"Sure, sure. And same to you."


Once again, the duo lapsed into silence.

"Well, this is going swimmingly so far." Jaune thought tiredly.

"We only talked for a little bit and I already want to punch him in the face." Cardin lamented in his head.

"…You're welcome, by the way." Jaune muttered.

"Huh?" Cardin glared at Jaune for a moment before he realized what he was driving at. The Winchester heir let out a sigh. "Yeah, thanks for agreeing to go along with this and fake a friendship with me for my girlfriend's sake."

"Oh, I didn't mean that, but I guess that plays into it."


"I mean, would you even have a girlfriend if it wasn't for me?" Jaune asked with a small smirk. "We both know you had very different intentions that day when I pretended to be your romantic wingman. But now look at you! Happily dating a cute bunny girl!"

Cardin just stared at him incredulously while Jaune returned his look with a cheeky expression.

"I never heard a 'thank you' from you for that."

Cardin just continued to stare at Jaune with his mouth slightly agape for several more second before his expression became stormy. Slowly raising his arm, Cardin pointed threateningly at the irritating blonde.

"Strike two, Arc." Cardin growled.

"Sorry, I just felt it had to be said or else I'd never have the chance to bring it up again." Jaune shrugged. "Seriously, even if I was just trying to keep you from bullying her, I'm genuinely glad that things have worked out so well between the two of you. Velvet seems really happy with you, and you seem happy with her. No joke, I wish you two all the best for however long you date each other for."

Once again Cardin was thrown off by Jaune's words, and was both surprised and flattered by the complete lack of sarcasm or mockery in the blonde's words. While deep down it still irked Cardin that Jaune was the one responsible for hooking him up with Velvet, he was right on the money about how well things had worked out.

"Yeah, well, we'll see how things go." Cardin mumbled. "I don't put much stock into the high school or college sweethearts thing. It's extremely rare for someone to actually end up with the first person they date for the rest of their lives so-"

"Wait, Velvet's your first girlfriend?"

"But I'm gonna do my best to do right by her." Cardin declared, purposefully ignoring Jaune's question as he crossed his arms and glared off to the side. "She's… a really great girl. I'm glad to have her as my girlfriend."

Jaune smiled a little at that. Even if Cardin's attitude was still hard to put up with, Jaune could at least respect the man for the genuine effort he seemed to be putting into his relationship with Velvet.


"What was that?"

"I didn't say anything, shut up." Cardin growled with red cheeks, clenching his fists when he heard Jaune chuckle. He opened his mouth to tell Arc where he could shove it but was cut off when the bullhead intercom crackled.

"We'll be landing in Vale in a few minutes. Get ready to disembark, but please keep your seatbelts fastened until I open the bullhead doors. Thank you."

Jaune and Cardin glanced at each other as the pilot's voice faded.

…Well, they'd managed to share a flight without trying to kill each other. It was still up in the air whether or not they could tolerate each other for the rest of the day.

"…So what's the plan?" Jaune asked.

"…That's a good question." Cardin sighed.

= = = = = = =

Starting small, but more to come. They're not gonna be buddy-buddy instantly, but it'll happen. Stay tuned.
I added on some more stuff to One-Hundred-Two, giving some perspective on Glocken's character. I got most of the political stuff done so now I can contribute to the fun times as soon as UnknownAnon is done!

Tell me what you think!
A mysterious partner in politics with yellow eyes....

There are a number of people in canon with them, but I could count pretty much all of them out, I think.
Seventy-One New
- - -

Yang sighed happily, the last traces of the gym shower's heat still lingering on her skin even in her casual clothes. She walked alongside Nora, who was still bouncing up and down happily despite the long workout they did.

"Gotta say Sparky, you're definitely something else!" Yang complimented the shorter orange-haired girl. Nora beamed, practically shining in her joy.

"Thanks! You're pretty good too! Most of my other workout partners kind of... Broke!" She paused and hummed. "Except for Jaune, Pyrrha, and Renny of course! Nice to have someone else along!"

"It is nice, isn't it?" Yang agreed with a grin, as they walked through Beacon's main courtyard. A few other students were milling about, foreign and domestic, out enjoying the warm weather. Yang waved at a few she knew, but her attention was mainly on the glowing Nora.

"Sooo?" Yang prompted. Nora glanced over, and tilted her head like a curious puppy.

"Sooo?" She replied in almost perfect imitation of Yang's tone. The blonde brawler waggled her eyebrows.

"You and Zen Ren? How's it going?"

Nora frowned in thought as they entered the dormitory area. It was deeply uncharacteristic of the spastic girl.

"I mean..." Her face went dreamy, "We kissed. And... And it was everything I'd ever wanted." She grinned at Yang. "Even fireworks went off afterwards! Well, explosions, but still."

"Uh huh," Yang said, grinning back and nodding as they climbed the stairs up to their level. Nora sighed again, a frustrated look appearing on her face.

"But... The whole week of detention, he... He didn't bring it up!" Nora pouted. "Do... Do you think he likes someone else?"

Yang almost laughed at the worried expression on Nora's face. But hey, she was learning to be a little more sensitive.

"Of course not," Yang said, "I'm pretty sure you're his everything, Nora. But... Well..." She shrugged. "I honestly can't say. I mean it's not like Zen and I talk all that much."

She did admire his martial arts form, of course. He was extremely smooth, controlled, and refined in that. He moved like water, smooth and without hesitation. His Semblance probably played a role in that, but...

Nora frowned herself as they walked down the hallway towards their mutual common room.

"I just... He was gonna say he loved me, when he thought we were gonna die," she insisted, "I know it. I also know... I mean, he liked that kiss! I know he did... Right?" She again fretted.

Yang chuckled and patted the smaller girl on the shoulder. In some ways she reminded her of Ruby.

"Look... The life you two have lived? I don't think he wants to change things too much, too fast," she said, "He's... Well... He might be afraid of losing you if you finally took the final step from friends to more."

Nora shook her head.

"He'd never lose me," she stated, with the same certainty she might say the sun would come up in the east or sloths were cute. "Never."

"That's what my dad thought, too."

Yang winced the moment she said it. The frightened look on Nora's face made her regret complete. Yang took a deep breath, and reached out to hug Nora.

"I'm not saying you're-You're nothing like my mom," Yang said firmly. Nora nodded, having heard the story. "That doesn't mean that, well... That you wouldn't break up for some other reason. And... Well... You two are your everything. He's just as scared of losing you as you are of losing him."

Nora was silent, her gaze stony. She slowly nodded.

"I... I don't think I can imagine a world without him," she murmured, "I'd probably kill everyone around and myself if I did."

Yang laughed... Then a bit nervously at the intense look Nora still had in her eyes.

"I-I know... And uh, he probably feels the same way. And look... I mean... I'm not a date expert-"

"You're going out with Jaune-Jaune," Nora insisted, "And you're not weird horny crazy like Pyrrha or a little sister figure like Ruby!"

Yang flushed.

"Yeah, well... It's only been one date. That doesn't mean I know what I'm doing," she mumbled. She looked at Nora. "Still, I mean... He's got his own issues, too. I'm... I'm willing to be patient for him."

She smiled gently.

"I think... I think he's worth waiting for," she said, "And Ren is too. But sometimes, men are stupid and need a nudge in the right direction, you know?"

"They're not stupid... I mean, they are but they're," Nora thought about it for a second, "They're like wolves."

Yang blinked.


She grinned and winked.

"Well, I wouldn't mind Jaune gobbling me up-"

"I mean like," Nora frowned, "There was this wolf that hung around our village. It was hurt and snarly. Some of the men wanted to kill it, but Renny's dad just went out to it and gave it some meat. Left it out and then backed away. He did this over and over and overrr, talking soft, staying small... Until the wolf finally trusted him, and let him give the wolf scratchies behind the ears."

Nora beamed.

"Jaune-Jaune and Renny are stupid like that! Cause they got hurt and they don't wanna get hurt and sometimes talking doesn't get through!"

Yang blinked a few times, before she slowly nodded. A small, soft smile came over her face.

"Yeah... Stupid like that," she said. Her smile widened into a grin.

"So, you gonna give Zen Ren some samples of flesh? To bite into?"

Nora hummed.

"You think that could work? Ooh! Maybe I could use the syrup to make myself sweeter!"

Yang blushed, but covered it with a cough.

"Mayyybe that's a little too far," she suggested.

"Don't you wanna do that for Jaune?" Nora asked. Yang coughed and blushed some more.

"I... Well... Yeah," she admitted quietly, "But the wolf thing and... Well..."

She shrugged.

"Ruby and Pyrrha... They deserve their chance, too," Yang said softly.

It was easier in some ways to just let Jaune make the decision. Oh, she was going to fight for him. Hell... Part of her wanted to just go for it.

Like Ren though... There was that fear of losing everything. In the end... She was still Raven Branwen's daughter.

She didn't know if she could escape it... And didn't know if Jaune would keep her from becoming that.

She opened the door to the common room. Blake and Weiss were sitting on the couches around the coffee table, Blake with an ever present smutty book and Weiss with her Scroll. Both looked somewhat bemused at the third person sitting with them.

Velvet Scarlatina looked up with a bright smile.

"Hey Yang! Hey Nora! Nice to see you!"

"Nice to see you too," Yang said, "What's up?"

Velvet beamed and gestured to the homemade pastries and sandwiches now sitting on the table.

"Well, uh, since Cardin and Jaune are friends, I was thinking that maybe we could be friends too?" She suggested. "I-I mean, you are Jaune's girlfriend, right?"

Yang blushed.

"Uh... Well..."

"Yes she is!" Nora said cheerfully. "Though so are Pyrrha and Ruby!"

"Nora!" Yang hissed through bright cheeks.

Velvet gaped and went bright red. Weiss and Blake looked amused and both concealed it.

"O-Oh?" The rabbit Faunus asked.

"I also think Weiss is tsundere over him, but I guess it's just REALLY complicated!" Nora chirped, leaping over the couch and landing next to Velvet with a happy bounce.

"I am NOT tsundere," Weiss grumbled, nibbling on a pastry, "These are very good."

"Thank you, Weiss," Velvet said gratefully.

"She's used to Faunus made treats," Blake snarked. Weiss glared.

"My cake butler is human! And if he was a Faunus, I would pay him fairly!"

Nora beamed as she grabbed a sandwich, bit into it... And moaned.

"Ohhh... Maple syrup bacon?! How did you know?!"

"Um, I-I smell syrup on you every day," Velvet said modestly, "I thought you'd like them!" She smiled at Yang. "Come on!"

"Er, sure," Yang said, closing the door behind her and sitting opposite Velvet and Nora. Velvet smiled warmly at her.

"So um... You are his girlfriend?"

"It's complicated, but we're not a harem or anything," Yang said.

"At least not yet," Blake said dryly.


- - -

Getting back into fun comedy feels good.
"She's used to Faunus made treats," Blake snarked. Weiss glared.

"My cake butler is human! And if he was a Faunus, I would pay him fairly!"

"It's complicated, but we're not a harem or anything," Yang said.

"At least not yet," Blake said dryly.


Yang - "Everyone! After much negotiation, Pyrrha, Ruby, Weiss, and I are all officially dating Jaune. The harem is a go!"

Blake - "Your human only harem is racist."

Glad to see this is back!
Last edited:
Yang - "Everyone! After much negotiation, Pyrrha, Ruby, Weiss, and I are all officially dating Jaune. The harem is a go!"

Blake - "Your human only harem is racist."

Glad to see this is back!

Pyrrha: "Oh, we thought of that too!"

*Ruby pulls out a pair of red and black wolf ears, Pyrrha a long, luxurious red fox tail*

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