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Jaune the Barbarian 10
- - -

Sparring with Pyrrha, even when she was being as careful and low level as possible, was always a challenge. The woman was a beast, no question. It felt like it took everything Jaune had just to keep up with her, and she wasn't even trying.

But it gave him a goal. To be that good, or at least close to it, some day.

Just so he could fight alongside her properly, and give her some real support.

Three four six... Six two three...!

"Don't think about the positions, just move!" Pyrrha coached, her blade clashing with his, "Without thought! Don't hesitate!"

Jaune tried to parry her next blow and knock it out of her hand, but she saw his attempt and with a flick, tried to do the same. He twisted his arm too late and Crocea Mors flew out of his right hand.

Her blade danced as she thrust right for his chest. He pulled up his gauntlet instinctively to deflect... And three sharp, backwards-angled blades slid out of his gauntlet.

"What the-?!"

Pyrrha too was surprised as Milo slid in between two of the blades. In her shock and with his arm waving... Her sword came out of her hand and tumbled to the floor.


Her fist, out of instinct, traveled the rest of the way to hit Jaune right in his solar plexus and down he went.


- - -

Weiss was doing some studying in the common room when the door slammed open. A very unhappy Jaune stormed in, wearing his full armor. Pyrrha wandered in after, looking sheepish.


"Schnee. Do you know anything about..."

He held up his gauntlets and the blades snapped out on either side.


Weiss blinked.

"Yes? They're traditional Atlesian gauntlet blades. They're designed to help you parry or entrap an opponent's blades, or get a grip if you slip on an ice sheet. I thought you might like them."

"I..." Jaune looked over at the still sheepish Pyrrha, before looking back at Weiss. "I appreciate them. Really. Just would have been nice knowing I had them."

Weiss scoffed.

"What, you didn't look up anything on the upgrades I bought you? You didn't ask Schwartz?"

"I didn't know I had them!" Jaune said, exasperated. "They didn't activate until today!"

Weiss blinked.

"Really? I thought you would have lost your sword again before now. I suppose you're making progress, of a sort."

Jaune glared at her before he turned and headed for Team RWBY's dorm.

"I'm breaking Myrtenaster with these things."


- - -

Yes they are basically like Batman's gauntlets.


In this case it is a shout out but it does actually fit with the universe and the gift Weiss made of the armor upgrades to Jaune. And they will come in... Handy?
- - -

Weiss had just settled in for the night, practically dancing on the air as she laid down into her comfortable bed in the Chateau D'Aulnoy. Her thoughts were light and happy, as she sighed and snuggled into her sheets.

A week. A week of romance with her first boyfriend, Neptune! He'd been such a gentleman! He had gone swimming with her, explored the cliffs, toured the city, and they'd had so many meals! He'd been endlessly warm and polite and complimentary! He had held her hand, and kissed it, and been so gallant and kind!

He had often seemed distracted at times, which had been a bit annoying. Especially around other women. She'd worked hard to keep his attention on her.

She should have been the center of his attention in all ways! Who did he think he was?

Though honestly, he was probably intimidated by Winter. Winter had followed them around, never overbearing but always around. She supposed she couldn't blame him. Winter intimidated her.

She appreciated her older sister's concern but really! She could handle herself!

Otherwise, it was a lot of fun. It was probably the most fun she'd had in a long, long time.

Even with Winter's overly protective tendencies.

Weiss was just about to drift off to sleep, hopefully with dreams of her wonderful first boyfriend… When the peace of the night was shattered by loud music and raucous singing.

"Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me~!"

Weiss groaned and sat up.

"What is going on…?"

She got up out of bed and stalked to the window. She cast open the curtains and glared out.

"Who is making all that… Racket?!"

A gigantic red and gold airship was hovering alongside Ponce, over the beach. It was long and large, at least 200 meters long from Weiss' quick estimation. It had a massive, sleek hull, dagger shaped, with large Dust-powered engines in huge nacelles near the aft with long, trailing wings to aid it in flight. It had intimidating triple gun turrets on the dorsal and ventral sides, with several smaller guns all along the hull. A tall, swept back, fin-shaped mast stood on the top deck, covered in antennas and sensors, which made the entire vessel resemble a gigantic, sky-going shark.

And lit up with lights, a large black flag with a skull and crossbones waved from the mast.

From her studies of history, Weiss recognized it as a Valean Montana-class air battleship, one of the last ever built for Vale. Only one had been finished, but it had been left in drydock for decades before they decided to scrap it. She knew this because the SDC had been contracted to scrap it while her grandfather and her uncle were still in charge.

When they'd come to the drydock though, the battleship had vanished. It had been stolen and christened with a name that would strike fear into hearts across Remnant:

The Jolly Roger.

Smaller airships, mostly commercial or light patrol models, darted around Ponce, all painted in similar red and gold colors. One flew past Weiss' hotel window with a roar, and she shrieked in surprise. Yet even louder than the engines was the singing!

"We kindle and char and enflame and ignite
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
We burn up the city, we're really a fright
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho~!"

Winter burst into the room, already in her battle uniform and wielding her sword.

"Weiss! Get dressed, get your weapon, they're pirates!" Winter cried.

Weiss complied, yanking on her combat outfit and taking up Myrtenaster. She grabbed any stock of Dust she had on hand and got ready in a few minutes. Outside, numerous pirates were spilling out of Dustcraft, into shops, bars and across the Ponce boulevard.

Winter and Weiss leaped out the window and landed on the main thoroughfare of Ponce, just as one of the many dust craft landed before them: An Atlesian gunship, painted in red and black stripes. Several other dust craft flew around them, spotlights illuminating the two Schnee sisters. Weiss held up her hand and scowled against the brightness, even as Winter stood firm.

The hatch on the gunship opened, and several air pirates ran out. All dressed in combat armor vests, boots, with guns and swords at their sides over their multicolored clothing. They formed an honor guard around the ramp of the gunship, and stood at attention as a man stepped out.

He was tall-Almost seven feet tall. His hair was black and curly, tied in a tail behind him. His face was almost aristocratic with his high cheekbones and pointed chin, with an immaculately tended beard to frame his face. His eyes were black as the night and swept over the area with a keen gaze.

He wore a broad-brimmed burgundy hat, topped with a black Nevermore feather. His pants were black and his shirt white, underneath a deep red greatcoat, and his boots were well travelled and up to his knees. Pouches hung from his belt, along with a well used cutlass. His left hand was normal flesh, but his right was shiny and metallic, flexing at some unconscious musing.

He stepped out onto the pavement of Ponce, his gaze finally zeroing in on Winter and Weiss. He showed no fear, no malice-Just a hard, unrelenting determination. If the situation were not so dire, Weiss might have called the older man handsome.

"Ladies," the man spoke with a smooth baritone voice, "Captain Jim Silverhand, at your service." He doffed his hat and bowed.

"What does the most infamous Valean air pirate want with a resort town?!" Winter demanded, pointing her sword at him.

"Yeah!" Weiss declared, pointing her own blade at the man.

Captain Silverhand stood back up with an almost charming smile.

"Why… We are here to celebrate!" He cried, holding his arms up, "Isn't that right, lads?!"

"YAR!" Bellowed his crew, from the dust craft to the pirates with him.

"You won't get past us!" Winter snarled.

"But you must," Silverhand chuckled. "For if you don't, the consequences will be most… Dire."

The pirates with him tensed, their hands on their weapons. Winter shifted into her combat position, as did Weiss.

"Weiss, I'll hold them off. You run and raise the alarm," Winter muttered to her younger sister.

Weiss stared in shock.


"I'll handle this, you need to-!"


The tension was broken as both parties turned to look over at Team SSSN. Scarlet was staring in shock and disbelief, as Sun, Neptune, and Sage stood ready with their weapons.

Silverhand's expression abruptly changed from shock… To joy.

The pirate captain moved, and Winter made to strike to protect the young man. Silverhook however moved too fast for her reflexes, and in an instant, he was…

Embracing the redheaded teenager?

"SCARLET! MY SON! How are you?" Silverhand laughed, patting the shorter man on the back, "Look at you! Are you eating enough, son? Are these reprobates taking care of you?"

"Uh, yeah, Captain Silverhand, sir," Neptune managed, as dumbfounded as anyone not a pirate or Scarlet. "We are.

"Totally," Sun said, raising an eyebrow. Sage looked almost amused.

"Son…?" Weiss managed.

Scarlet pushed Silverhand away with a scowl.

"I'm fine, Dad! Seriously, what the hell is going on?! Why are you all flying around and making a ruckus?! You're scaring everyone to death!"

Silverhand looked a bit embarrassed. He rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, I wanted to find you and celebrate the good news!" He looked over his shoulder. "SMIEGEL!"

A shorter man in battle vest over a blue and white striped shirt darted out from behind the taller pirates. His hair was white, his blue eyes magnified behind spectacles, and he carried a Scroll rather than a weapon.

"Yes sir, Captain!" Smiegel cried, skidding to a halt in front of Scarlet and his captain, "Young Master Scarlet, the good news!"

He held up his Scroll and projected a large legal form. Winter and Weiss read it quickly, Winter finishing first with a disbelieving scowl.

"'Letter of Marque, issued by the Valean Government?!'"

"That is correct," Silverhand said cheerfully, "My fleet have gone legit! We are now part of the Valean Defense Forces… Such as they are!"

"You and your gang of ruffians?!" Weiss cried in disbelief. Silverhand grinned.

"Absolutely! We've all received a blanket pardon, and can now go about as lawful citizens!"

"Let me see that!" Winter demanded, looking over the Letter of Marque with a scowl. Smiegel looked over at Silverhand, who then nodded.

"But of course! Miss Schnee, Miss Schnee, you will find the documentation authentic, and my crew's behavior beyond reproach!"

A pirate was thrown out of a nearby bar. The man snarled, stood up, and pulled out his gun.

"I'll teach you to-!"

"HAWKINS!" Silverhand barked. Hawkins winced and looked over to Silverhook.

"Captain, I-I was just-!"

"We shall comport ourselves as gentlemen, Mister Hawkings!" Silverhand barked, "Or I'll keelhaul you!"

Hawkins shook and saluted.

"Aye-aye, sir!"

Silverhand smirked over at Winter, who scowled angrily back.

"As you can see, Miss Schnee, unless we are violating any laws, we cannot be impeded-Certainly not by a foreign agent."

"You… You're violating airspace!" Weiss tried. Silverhand looked over at Smiegel, who checked his Scroll.

"Aye sir, we might be loitering."

"Ugh," Silverhand sighed, "Pay the bloody fine!" He looked back to his son with a bright smile. "So, how are you, my lad?"

"I was better before you dropped in," Scarlet grunted. "Seriously, what is all this?!"

Silverhand sighed and shook his head.

"Right… I knew you'd be upset," he said. He turned to his pirates. "Crew! The song!"

"Aye sir!" His pirates cried. They produced musical instruments, and Silverhand held a tuning pipe to his lips. He blew it, producing an A. He nodded.

"Right, begin men!" Silverhand shouted.

The pirates began to play a jaunty tune, and the lead began to sing.

"It's okay to be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way
Hooray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way-!"

"NO!" Silverhand bellowed, as Scarlet gaped in utter mortification, "NOT THAT ONE! WE ALREADY DID THAT ONE!"

Smiegel smacked every one of the pirate musicians, who all took the punishment stoically.

Sun and Neptune were coughing suspiciously behind their hands. Sage shook his head. Weiss wondered when this had become her life.

"Right, the other song-"

"I DON'T NEED A SONG!" Scarlet growled. Silverhand stared.

"You used to love singing along with the crew!"

Scarlet swept his hand through his hair, irritated.

"Yeah, when I was eight! Seriously Dad, what the hell?! Why are you doing all this?!"

"I just wanted to celebrate with my beloved son," Silverhand shot back, "Come on, lad! Isn't this what you were so upset about? You went off to be a hunter because you didn't want to be a pirate!"

"I didn't!" Scarlet growled. "So what changed, huh?!"

Silverhand sighed, and doffed his hat again. He pressed it to his chest, as the pirate band began to play somber music.

"Last year, we ran across a lad trying to make his way to Vale to become a Huntsman," he said, "A plucky boy, running away from home, defying his family. It wasn't an easy decision for him to make, but he still stuck to it. He was impetuous, and got in constant trouble… But he was a good lad, and earned my respect. Because I realized…"

Silverhand looked over at Scarlet, his face dark with emotion.

"He had become a man. He was no longer a boy. And you must respect a man's choices."

He looked into Scarlet's eyes, somber and serious.

"You had become a man, and I didn't respect your choices," he said softly, "Can you forgive me, Scarlet? Can you forgive your captain, your father, his mistake?"

Scarlet's mouth opened and closed a few times. He coughed and looked aside.

"I… Of course, Dad," Scarlet managed.

Silverhand held out his arms. Scarlet sighed, and stepped up to hug his father. They embraced.

"Awww," the pirates all cooed. Smiegel sniffled and wiped his eyes. Weiss, despite the ridiculousness of the situation, felt a bit touched and jealous of the obvious fatherly love and care the pirate captain was showing his son.

"Brings a tear to the eye," Neptune snarked.

"So wholesome," Sun sighed.

"I am very moved," Sage deadpanned.

"You assholes can shut up!" Scarlet snarled.

Silverhand laughed and patted his son on the shoulder.

"Well! That clear everything up, Miss Schnee?" He asked Winter. He looked over at Weiss. "Miss Schnee?"

Winter sighed heavily.

"If your men cause any trouble, you will answer to me," she growled. Silverhook grinned and nodded.

"Of course, miss, of course. NOW! Let's go drink and sing! DRINK UP, ME HEARTIES, YOHOOOO~!"

They headed off to a nearby bar, along with the rest of the pirates. Winter followed with a scowl. Weiss watched them go. She looked over at Neptune, who was grinning.


"Oh! Hey Weiss!" Neptune said. He closed the distance between them and embraced her. "You weren't scared, I hope? I'd have fought all those pirates for you."

Weiss flushed. Sun and Sage both rolled their eyes. Ugh, boys.

"I uh, I'm fine, thank you," she said with a smile. She shook her head. "Honestly? This has just been too… Weird. I kind of want to just… Go to bed."

Neptune waggled his eyebrows.

"Oho? I like forward girls."

Weiss went bright red, and giggled nervously.

"I-I mean… I didn't mean… Well… I mean… We… We might-"

"Weiss!" Winter called. Weiss and Neptune looked back at Winter, who scowled at them.

"We'll be keeping an eye on the pirates tonight. Sun Wukong! Your team too," she stated, glancing at Sun.

Sun sighed, and shrugged.

"As you wish, miss," he said. "Come on men. And Weiss… And Neptune."

"HEY!" Neptune growled, as his two friends headed off after Winter. Weiss chuckled.

"It… It's all right, Neptune," Weiss said with a smile, "I-I'm sure we'll get the chance for you to show your… Manliness, later at Beacon?"

Neptune glanced at her, and put on a charming smile. He took Weiss's hand.

"Of course, Snow Angel. Anything you like."

Her heart fluttered as she followed Neptune along. Even amongst all these raucous, poorly groomed pirates, it was still an amazing time.

Still… She really did look forward to returning to Beacon. It was sure to be much quieter, if nothing else. Even with her ridiculous friends.

- - -

Back in Vale, Cinder Falls looked out onto Vale from the room of the safehouse. It was up in a highrise building, a modern, blocky thing with no personality. She and her teammates were nothing but anonymous boarders among thousands, all populating the great tower like termites in a mound.

She stared out across the great expanse of Vale, the lights of the city forming a starry sky to reflect the work of the gods above. The broken moon shone down upon it.

The great white tower of Beacon shone, as though something divinely crafted. Like it was a symbol of hope.

Cinder sneered, even as her teammates slept peacefully behind her.

"Your false hope will fall, Ozpin," she growled, "And I will show the world the truth. A truth that will burn your world…"

She snapped her fingers, and flames burned in the palm of her hand.

"To ashes."

- - -

Naturally Captain Silverhand and Smiegel are basically Captain Hook and Smee from "Peter Pan". Since Scarlet is a Peter Pan reference, it seemed logical for him to have some pirate (adopted) family.

Jolly Roger is named a Montana-class air battleship, after the last battleships ever designed for the US Navy, the Montana-class. Montana is named for the Spanish word for "mountain", so it fits into Remnant fairly easily. She is named for Captain Hook's ship from "Peter Pan", and for the Jolly Roger flag typically flown by pirates.

Now all we need is Cardin and Velvet's views of the Semester break, which UnknownAnon has been graciously writing for me!
Last edited:
The pirates began to play a jaunty tune, and the lead began to sing.

"It's okay to be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way
Hooray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way-!"

"NO!" Silverhook bellowed, as Scarlet gaped in utter mortification, "NOT THAT ONE! WE ALREADY DID THAT ONE!"

You almost made spit out my lunch...

Good job!

"Last year, we ran across a lad trying to make his way to Vale to become a Huntsman," he said, "A plucky boy, running away from home, defying his family. It wasn't an easy decision for him to make, but he still stuck to it. He was impetuous, and got in constant trouble… But he was a good lad, and earned my respect. Because I realized…"

Did Jaune have run ins with all the mercenaries Vale has hired?

If so, this should be interesting.

Thanks for this sea shanty of a chapter!
The Jolly Roger
Jolly Roger

Length: 210 meters
Beam: 140 meters
Draft: 78 meters
Displacement: 56,000 tons
Crew: 480
-Six 16" Dust Cannons in Two Turrets
-Eight 5" Dust Cannons in Four Turrets
-Four Atlasian Point Defense Dust Autocannons
-Multiple machine guns and small arms
-8" Ablative Armor
-12" Dust Forged Steel Armor
-MistralTron Electronic Jamming System
-Eight Howe and Pushton Dust Reactors
-Four Valean Electric Turbothrusters
-Dust-Powered Quantum Levitation System
-Top Speed: 140 miles per hour
-Range: 15,000 miles

The Jolly Roger is the first, last, and only Montana-class air battleship that was built for the Valean Air Navy. It was under construction during a time when the Great War Treaty was being reconsidered given the Faunus Revolution. It was based on a design from the Great War. It had fairly open architecture to allow it to be easily upgraded, and was focused on a big gun, all-or-nothing armor approach. Her protection was maximized around her engines, command and control, powerplant, and main gun turrets. An extensive fabrication system, based upon Atlasian technology, was put into the vessel to make it as self sufficient as possible. Up to 90 percent of its spare parts could be manufactured by the vessel using local materials.

With the end of the Faunus Revolution, the Montana Air Battleship Project was not immediately canceled but was put under review, as the first vessel was nearly completed. With the expansion of the Great War Treaty to have Atlas take over all military operations for the Four Kingdoms, the project was ultimately canceled and the lone example was to be scrapped without even being given a name. However, an enterprising young air pirate decided to save the ship from her fate.

In a daring raid, Captain James "Jim" Silverhand stole the vessel and named her the Jolly Roger. She has formed the core of his ever growing pirate fleet, her fabrication facilities allowing for him to maintain not only the very large and powerful battleship, but also numerous other vessels (though Jolly Roger herself is the only real warship among them). Over the years, Jolly Roger has been upgraded with more advanced tech and weaponry, including a MistralTron Electronic Jamming System that is military grade and allows the vessel to go undetected by radar despite its large size.

Despite her sustainability in terms of maintenance, Jolly Roger is a considerable Dust hog and so Silverhand's fleet has focused upon raiding Dust shipments to keep her going. Silverhand has also assisted other pirate groups, rogue nations and factions to keep his beloved "Lady" in operation, working as mercenaries and even doing legitimate security work. Said Silverhand, "When I saw her lying there in her dock, about to be scrapped and picked clean without ever feeling the wind underneath her wings, I knew I had to liberate her. Because a ship is freedom, and seeing one in bondage is the most horrific thing imaginable."
Naturally Captain Silverhand and Smiegel are basically Captain Hook and Smee from "Peter Pan". Since Scarlet is a Peter Pan reference, it seemed logical for him to have some pirate (adopted) family.

Gotta ask, is Tock still alive and chasing after the good Captain?

The Jolly Roger is the first, last, and only Montana-class air battleship that was built for the Valean Air Navy.

The Montana class would have been pretty cool if they'd been built, but air power proved much to the Yamato's chagrin that the battleship was obsolete as a concept by the end of WWII.

I have to imagine that the Captain and his crew are a major pain in Ironwood's side, and he's going to thrilled with Ozpin about them being granted amnesty.
Gotta ask, is Tock still alive and chasing after the good Captain?

Captain Silverhand actually saved Tock from slavery. She went off to start her own crew when she was older, and Silverhand let her go. Funny enough, freeing her is how he lost his arm.

The Montana class would have been pretty cool if they'd been built, but air power proved much to the Yamato's chagrin that the battleship was obsolete as a concept by the end of WWII.

I have to imagine that the Captain and his crew are a major pain in Ironwood's side, and he's going to thrilled with Ozpin about them being granted amnesty.

Oh yes, Captain Silverhand is going to have LOADS of fun.

Ironwood: "You've hired a brigand with an obsolete hunk of junk for your air defense forces?!"

Silverhand: "General. First off. You may insult me, but never my ship. And second? As I recall, none of your shiny flying buckets were ever able to catch my Lady. So I wouldn't be disparaging her given every time we met, I was laughing, my Lady was free, and you were smarting from yet another loss."
He was tall-Almost seven feet tall. His hair was black and curly, tied in a tail behind him. His face was almost aristocratic with his high cheekbones and pointed chin, with an immaculately tended beard to frame his face. His eyes were black as the night and swept over the area with a keen gaze.

He wore a broad-brimmed burgundy hat, topped with a black Nevermore feather. His pants were black and his shirt white, underneath a deep red greatcoat, and his boots were well travelled and up to his knees. Pouches hung from his belt, along with a well used cutlass. His left hand was normal flesh, but his right was shiny and metallic, flexing at some unconscious musing.

He stepped out onto the pavement of Ponce, his gaze finally zeroing in on Winter and Weiss. He showed no fear, no malice-Just a hard, unrelenting determination. If the situation were not so dire, Weiss might have called the older man handsome.

"Ladies," the man spoke with a smooth baritone voice, "Captain Jim Silverhand, at your service." He doffed his hat and bowed.
Waaaait, Silverhand + that description. Does Cap'n Silverhand look like Keanu Reeves? Though the wrong side is the silverhand.
Jaune the Barbarian 11
"So," Winter began, as the sisters enjoyed their last day at Ponce at a beachside cafe, "You are still happy with Neptune?"

Weiss sighed, a bit irritated.

"Yes Winter, I am very happy with him."

"And not at all interested in Jaune Arc?" She pressed.

Weiss turned bright red.

"C-Certainly not! That ruffian cuffed me in the back of the head like I was a misbehaving child! He punched me in the face during combat training and alleged I was frigid! He-He enjoys being out in the wild and always goes around as a filthy mess! Ugh! He's such an uncivilized lout!"

Weiss's Scroll pinged, and she scowled. She held up a picture that Ruby had sent her.

"See? My team leader sent me a picture of him living like a-a bohemian! Right in our dorms!"

Winter stared intently at the picture of Jaune Arc, wearing only an apron and boxers, serving breakfast to his appreciative teammates. She slowly sipped her coffee, and daintily wiped her lips with a napkin before she spoke.

"Is he single?"

Weiss gaped at her sister.

- - -

The last week of the semester break was busy as hell. When not working at the Just Right Bakey and Café, Jaune, Ren, Nora and Blake trained. Blake and Nora picked up the Aura Strength Enhancement Technique very quickly, and Blake taught Jaune some tricks to get better control over Golden Lion's Roar.

He had ended up blowing up a cabin at the Berdea Coastal Park, but they'd run before the cops could show up.

Their friends had kept visiting, of course. That wasn't too stressful, for the most part. Yang made him laugh easily, Ruby actually shared her comics, and Pyrrha... Well, he was able to bond with her properly. She was really trying.

Right now Pyrrha, Yang, and Ruby were at what had become their usual booth at the café. Jaune had brought them their lunch, and was lingering a bit while Nora and Blake handled the other tables.

Pyrrha had her Scroll out and scowled as she furiously swiped her fingers over the screen.

"I did promotions for games featuring my likeness," she said, "But I had no idea they were so..." She grimaced. "Bad."

"Oh yeah," Ruby said with a nod, "They're mostly knockoffs of God of Strife."

"Though there was that one that was a knockoff of the Dark Paladin: Paradigm City game series," Jaune pointed out, as he poured them more water. Pyrrha looked up at him in shock.

"O-Oh?" She asked.

"Yeah," Jaune said with a nod, "It basically just ported the same combat system and some kind of story where you fight a criminal syndicate? It was really confusing."

Ruby made a face.

"Ugh, yeah, that game. Dark Paladin is way better, really." She turned to Pyrrha with a bright smile.

"Do you have 'Amazon Vision', Pyrrha?" Ruby asked cheerfully, "That lets you see through clothes and walls and stuff?"

"Er, um, n-no," Pyrrha managed, shaking her head, and glancing significantly at Jaune. Jaune smirked a little.

"Good to know," he quipped, as Yang snickered.

"She'd never get anything done," she said. She looked Jaune up and down and licked her lips, "Neither would I~."

Jaune flushed a bit. He cleared his throat.

"That game was still pretty terrible, no offense Pyrrha," he said.

"N-None taken," Pyrrha managed.

Nora passed by behind Jaune with a full platter of food.

"Though your ass looked amazing in that game, Pyr~!" Nora said, sing-song, as she danced by the table. Pyrrha turned bright red, as did Ruby and Jaune. Pyrrha then looked intently at Jaune, a question in her eyes.

"Um... Well...?"

Jaune glanced at Yang. The blonde was grinning. He then looked over at Goldie, who smirked.

He turned back and shook his head.


"You know, which ass is better?" Yang teased. "The game or the real version? Which one have you stared at longer?"

"I'm not answering that," Jaune stated flatly.

The door opened and the bell rang. Jaune turned and headed up to meet him with a smile. A tall Faunus man entered, with feral-looking sideburns and muscular, hairy arms. He wore a simple white button-up shirt, over which he wore a black vest with black dress pants.

"Hello Master, welcome to the Just Right Cafe," Jaune said with a bow, "How may I serve you?"

"A table in the back and some coffee," the man said with a pleasant smile. Jaune nodded and led him there. He sat down at the small table, and Jaune quickly grabbed some coffee and a mug and brought it over to him. He poured the coffee, and the man gratefully took it.

He sniffed the coffee and smiled before adding some cream and sugar. He then sipped it.

"Ah... That's the stuff," he sighed, "I'll take the full Big Bear Breakfast meal. Runny eggs, with sausage and Albion muffins and grape jam."

"Right sir," Jaune said cheerfully. He turned... And nearly jumped out of his skin at Blake's sudden appearance. She scowled at the man, her fists tense and her knuckles white.

"Blake?" Jaune muttered.

"Tukson," Blake hissed. The Faunus man looked up at Blake, still sipping his coffee calmly.

"Lady Belladonna," Tukson greeted gently, "I see you also left the White Fang."

Blake scowled. Jaune immediately put a hand on her shoulder, his Aura ready to flare.

"You think that I would believe that?" Blake asked in quiet rage. Tukson continued to sip his coffee, looking unconcerned.

"Really, Your Highness," Tukson said, "If I was here to kill you, would I really just walk in through the door?" He raised an eyebrow at her attire. "Though you dying in that outfit would be a propaganda win for Sienna Khan."

Blake growled, and Jaune held her more tightly. Goldie walked up, scowling.

"Hey, Tukson. You're not tormenting Kitty Princess, are you?"

"Wouldn't dream of it," Tukson said, gently amused, "Why would I do that to such a charming waitress?"

Blake seethed a bit more. Goldie stood between them.

"Be nice, both of you," she stated calmly. She smiled at Blake.

"He left. Perrito helped him," she said softly. "You're safe."

Blake relaxed a bit, but her glare remained. Goldie turned back and glared at Tukson.

"You behave, or I'll have Perrito bring out the eyes!" Goldie hissed.

Tukson grimaced, and nodded quickly.

"Yes ma'am," he said.

Goldie headed off into the kitchen. Jaune looked at Blake.

"You okay?"

"I will be," she murmured, "Go get his food."

She narrowed her eyes.

"Don't poison it too much."

"Of course," Jaune deadpanned. He headed off to the kitchen, to give Ren the line order. He tried to keep his eyes on Blake whenever possible though.

- - -

Blake and Tukson stared each other down. Tukson continued to sip his coffee, his body language a bit tense as he tried to look composed.

"Honestly, I'm flattered you knew me by name," he said.

"You were the treasurer for the Vale branch," Blake stated, "It pays to know who handles the money."

Tukson chuckled tightly.

"Yeah. I think your father said something similar," he said. He looked at her intently. "I'm no threat to you, Princess. I got out of the White Fang. I have no loyalties to them any longer. Just like you, hm?"

Blake continued to scowl.

"I hope so," she said softly. Tukson nodded, and looked off at Goldie.

"Her husband was a frequent target of us in Vale," he said, "For bullying. He married a human and is doing well." He snorted.

"His family demonstrated why this was a bad idea."

Blake nodded slowly.

"I can see why."

"Well... I went myself to see who the hell his guy was," he said. "We sat down and just... Talked." He bowed his head.

"What it boiled down to," he said quietly, "Was that we were trying to destroy the lives of Faunus and humans who were living together, in harmony. The way we had hoped things would work out... In the beginning."

Blake kept her face carefully neutral, even as her emotions again surged behind her eyes. Tukson looked back up to her with a small smile.

"I own a bookstore now," he said, "Up in the Middle City. Decent rent, good neighborhood. It's... It's nice."

"I..." Blake nodded, "I'm glad to hear it."

Jaune finally came back, carrying plates of food. Tukson pulled his arms back from the table, as Jaune set it all down in front of him. The blond butler smiled.

"Your food, sir," he said. Tukson nodded.

"Thank you, young man. You Lady Blake's partner?"

"Er... We're just friends," Jaune said. Tukson smiled.

"Good. We all need friends, especially in these times."

He dug into his food, eating happily, before he pulled out his Scroll and began to peruse it. Jaune beamed.

"Yes sir..." He looked over at Blake. "Blake?"

"Right," Blake murmured. She turned away and got back to work.

"You okay?" Jaune muttered back.

Blake slowly nodded, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah. I..." She looked back at Tukson, before turning back to Jaune, "Yeah. I am... I will be."

Ren walked by, carrying a full platter of food.

"Your harem's getting antsy, Jaune," Ren said.

"Right, I'll get back to them," Jaune said quickly. He then glared after Ren.

"They're not my harem!"

Blake laughed softly.

Maybe she would visit Tukson's bookshop next weekend, after their first week back at the Semester. Things were a bit awkward still. It was better to give it some time. She imagined he didn't like reminders of the White Fang any more than she did.

It was nice that an intrusion from her past life was... Peaceful.

It gave her hope for the future.

- - -

After breakfast, Tukson returned back to his bookstore. It was in the Middle City section, mainly built right after the Great War and right before the Faunus Revolution. The building was a white Garibaldian style, but the storefront was fairly classic commercial style with large windows below the sign displaying "Tukson's Book Trade".

He entered the warm, homey shop with a soft sigh, turning the Closed Sign around to Open. He made his way to the front desk where the register sat, and took his place behind it. He took a last sip of his coffee, which he had brought with him from Just Right.

It was a bit of a trek, but it was worth it for the connection with Goldie and her family. Pity he couldn't see Perrito today, but he would catch up with him next weekend. They were both so busy...

The door bell rang, and Tukson looked up with a smile. Two human teenagers entered: A dark skinned girl with green hair, and a gray-haired teenager in dark blue clothing.

"Welcome to Tukson's Book Trade, may I help you?"

The teenaged boy grinned, violence burning in his eyes. The green-haired girl smirked nastily. Tukson grit his teeth, and his claws extended from his fingers.

"You're direct. I like that," the boy said. He swung his legs out at Tukson, and Dust rounds went off!

Tukson dove away as the blasts tore apart the bookshelves behind him. He pulled out his Dust gun and opened up on both of them with an angry growl.

The two teenagers took the hits... And faded away. Tukson's eyes widened.


Pain screamed from his stomach. He looked down and saw a dagger shoved into his belly, held by the green-haired woman. He looked up just in time to see the boy swinging his foot right at his face.

Strangely, his last thoughts drifted back to his old friends. His saviors.

Perrito... I'm sorry I won't make it to our next session...

Then everything went black.

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"Though your ass looked amazing in that game, Pyr~!" Nora said, sing-song, as she danced by the table. Pyrrha turned bright red, as did Ruby and Jaune. Pyrrha then looked intently at Jaune, a question in her eyes.

"Um... Well...?"

Jaune glanced at Yang. The blonde was grinning. He then looked over at Goldie, who smirked.

"You know, which ass is better?" Yang teased. "The game or the real version? Which one have you stared at longer?"

This is a reference to the Goddess of Victory NIKKE game, isn't it? At least ninety percent of that game from what I saw consisted of staring at a girls rippling ass, while they shoot guns.

Also poor Tukson, the more things change, the more things stay the same.

Thanks for the chapter!
This is a reference to the Goddess of Victory NIKKE game, isn't it? At least ninety percent of that game from what I saw consisted of staring at a girls rippling ass, while they shoot guns.

Also poor Tukson, the more things change, the more things stay the same.

Thanks for the chapter!

True, but I decided to give him just a bit more background and a tiny bit more depth for him.
Omake: Pyrrha Returns
- - -

Pyrrha was trying as hard as she could to keep her emotions under control. She was so giddy though-She would be back with her team! Back with her friends!


No, no. She had gotten a taste of freedom. She'd... She'd binged a little, but thanks to her time with Yang and Ruby, she wasn't going to overreact any more. She was Jaune's friend. Friend.

Yes, just his friend. For now. She would change his mind, she knew she would.

She opened the door to the dormroom with a happy smile.

"I'm back~!" She cried happily. "I'm-!"

Jaune emerged from the bathroom in nothing but a small towel. He was drying off his hair with another as he emerged.

"Haaa... Finally. Freaking shower wouldn't work at Just Right," he muttered. He looked up at Pyrrha with a smile.

"Hey Pyrrha! How's it going?" He asked brightly.


Jaune coughed.

"Ah. Right. This uh... It's a little awkward. I'll go put on a shirt-"

"DON'T," Pyrrha purred.

"Yeeeeah, I think I'll go get my shirt-"

"I can take mine off if you want?" Pyrrha asked, already pulling her shirt up over her head and toss it aside... Only for Jaune to bonk her.


"Pyrrha," Jaune sighed, resting his hands on her shoulders, "Come on. We talked about this."

"S-Sorry," Pyrrha murmured. "I can't help but admire your composure! You're able to keep such... Incredible... Control..."

She noticed that Jaune was looking down at her new, dark red, lacy bra. He looked up briefly, his cheeks bright red.

"Hm? Uh, oh, ummmm..."

Pyrrha knew she was beautiful. She knew she was sexy. She knew she was attractive... But knowing that Jaune found her that way too? That hit her harder than any number of admiring gazes or compliments.

"Jaune~," Pyrrha crooned.

"Oh man, I'm going to go get a shirt!" Jaune said quickly, rushing off.

"It's hardly fair for you to go shirtless, is it~" Pyrrha went on. "Shouldn't I get to go shirtless as well~?"

"No! No, we're not doing that!"

"Or around in nothing but towel~? Fair is fair-!"

Omake: Jaune the Bartender
Yang: "Jaune! You got booze?"

Jaune: "You know it."

Yang: "You gonna share?"

Jaune: "Well, it's less depressing than being drunk alone."

Yang: laughs "Yeah. How do you always find Weiss's shoes to throw up in?"

Jaune: "No idea. None at all."

Yang: "Riiiight... So, know any cocktails?"

Jaune: "What do you want?"

Yang: "Strawberry Sunrise!"

Jaune: "Oh geez. You like the girliest drink on the menu, huh?"

Yang: blush "So what if I do?! Who doesn't want alcohol to taste good?"

Jaune: "It's just very cute. You want it with the little umbrella, too?"

Yang: "I'm gonna punch you!"

Jaune: "All right, all right, hang on..." He mixes it up with supplies in the fridge "And, voila. One Strawberry Sunrise."

He pushes it over to Yang. She drinks it.

Yang: "... Wow... This is amazing!"

Jaune: "Yeah. Aqua, my big sis, worked as a bartender for a while and taught me all sorts of cocktails! And I worked in a few bars coming here."

Yang: sips more "Just... Wow... How do you do it?!"

Jaune: "Well, mine aren't as good as Aqua's. Her Water control Semblance means she can make them perfect every time."

Yang: "Every time...?"

Jaune: "Yeah."

Yang: He cooks. He cleans. He's a badass leader and swordsman. He has the best family ever. He's handsome. He can dance-What the fuck am I waiting for?! I should jump him right now! Retire and have a bushel of his kids! Yes... Yes... Just pounce him and mind break him like in Blake's smut books!

Jaune: "Honestly Yang? I'm just glad to talk with you. I mean, Pyrrha is great, and so is Ruby. Nora and Ren are like family. Weiss is... Weiss, and Blake's pretty cool. But you? I connect best with you. We just... Click. I don't have to worry about anything with you."

Yang: "..." smiles, sighs "Yeah. Same. I mean, you have your moments when you're super intense... But those are pretty hot. And balanced out with how much of a dork you can be."

Jaune: "Hey! I resemble that! But... Thanks for being my friend, Yang."

Yang: "Same, Jaune." For now.

Jaune: "In some ways, you're like my sis-"

Yang: still smiling "Finish that sentence and I'll break your arm."

Jaune: "... Oh... Ohhhh... Uh... You're... Someone's sister?"

Yang: "I sure am! Hahaha!"

Jaune: "Hahaha!"
Omake: Weiss Makes Things Clear
Weiss: "Arc, I want to make things absolutely clear, all right?"

Jaune: "Sure?"

Weiss: "I'm not attracted to you at all. In any shape or form."

Jaune: "Ah. Okay."

Jaune turns to go.

Weiss gets in front of Jaune.

Weiss: "Absolutely clear, I do not lust for your body! You-You're just a scoundrel and a ruffian and I don't care for you at all!"

Jaune: "... Sure thing."

He again turns to walk away... And Weiss gets in front of him.

Weiss: "I mean, I absolutely wouldn't want to marry you! Or-Or do all sorts of nasty, sinful, disgusting things! I wouldn't want your rough hands on my sleek, nubile body! Or-Or you to defile me in many, many depraved and filthy ways!"

Jaune: "... Uh huh."

Weiss: blush "N-Not that I think about those things with you! Not at all! I-I have never once fantasized about you taking me roughly in a manly way, and-and leaving me a wreck!"

Jaune: sighs "Weiss? I do not want to have sex with you either. Okay?"

Weiss: "Wait, why not?! I-I mean, I mean-GOOD!"

Jaune: "Okay!"

He turns away again.

Weiss: "... Are you absolutely sure-?"

Jaune: "YES! Now can I please go, or do you want to deny your attraction to me some more?"

Weiss: "I-I am not denying anything! You're the one who is obviously madly in love with me and after my body!"

Jaune: bright smile "Nope!"

Weiss: "How-HOW COULD YOU NOT BE-?!"

Jaune: "I'm not."

Weiss: "... You don't lust after me even a little?"

Jaune: "Not when you're being like this."

Weiss: "So... How should I act so you'll be attracted to me? J-Just so I know what not to do!"

Jaune: sighs "Can you please go back to being sane and mean?"
Fifty-Three: Semester Break End
Alas, UnknownAnon's been wiped out by work lately. So I helped him out and put together the last section of the Semester Break with him. Where we catch up with Cardin and his family.

- - -

Meanwhile, with Cardin…

- - -

The Winchester estate was a fairly modest one, by the standards of the Council members of Vale. Their ancestral home had been destroyed by a fire prior to the Faunus Revolution. This home had been built in the Cottage and Craft Style, a two story and comfortable home in the center of a grassy green lawn, with a separate garage and training facility. It was here that Cardin Winchester spent most of the days of his semester break.

"Simulation Complete. Combat rating at eighty-one percent efficiency."

Following the automated system's announcement, Cardin dropped his mace and let out a heaving breath before wiping the sweat from his forehead. Standing on the arena across from him, a battered and worn training bot dropped its arms and settled into an idle state as the system began to shut down. The aspiring huntsman grinned proudly to himself, glad to have finally gotten past the eighty point wall he'd been stuck behind for the past few weeks.

Just because he was on a small semester break that didn't mean he could be idle. It had annoyed him that he hadn't been able to break past the seventies against the level-four training bots in Goodwitch's combat class before the end of the semester, but now he'd finally fixed that problem here!

Having a training arena at home was certainly convenient and lucky.

"So this is where you were."

Glancing to the side, Cardin noticed his older sister Argentia standing at the entrance of the Winchester training room with her arms crossed.

"What do you want, sis?" Cardin asked, wondering how long she'd been watching him and if she'd make her own comments on his performance.

"Dinner's ready." The woman answered bluntly before she turned on her heel and left the room. "Don't keep us waiting."

Cardin glanced over at the large digital clock on the other side of the room. His eyebrows went up when he noticed how late it was. It hadn't felt like he'd been training for that long, but it appeared that he'd spent his entire afternoon fighting the training robot.

"Ah, I'll be there in a bit!" Cardin called after his sister before hopping off the training arena and grabbing a towel off of a nearby rack to wipe himself down.

A few minutes and a quick shower later, Carding was rushing through the hallways of the Winchester estate towards the dining room. Upon entering, he found his family was already sitting at the table.

"Sorry!" Cardin said as he hurriedly took a seat.

"No need to apologize." Aurelia assured her son, the Winchester matriarch nodding at her youngest as he sat across from her. "Argentia told us you were in the training hall. It is good that you're keeping yourself tempered even while you're on break."

"I'm not where I want to be." Cardin answered back.

And it was true. In prep school he'd been one of the top students in terms of fighting ability, helped by some of the private instructors his mother had hired along with some friends of his father giving him pointers. However, at Beacon he wasn't one of the standouts.

Even discounting the obvious example that was Pyrrha Nikos, end of semester testing scores had shown that he wasn't one of the outstanding talents Beacon had accepted. He was head and shoulders above the middle of the pack, and above average certainly… but simply being "above average" wasn't enough at Beacon. Not when other first years like Yang, Coco, Ren, or even the small prodigy girl Ruby had combat scores higher than his.

Even Arc had a combat score that settled him on the border of eighty, though he'd trained himself half to death getting there. While he'd only just made it to eighty today.

"Even still, we only have you with us for a few more days. With your father and sister home, we could all spend a day training together before you head back to Beacon." Aurelia offered.

Cardin perked up at that. "That'd be great!"

"That is a good idea, Lia." Rufus said, biting into his steak before scoffing. "Couldn't come at a better time. I've been needing to work off some steam. These talks with the council… feels like the ball is finally starting to roll on addressing Vale's security issues, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating to deal with those idiots."

"You think everyone on the council is an idiot, dear."

"Only most of them!"

"Can attest to that." Argentia added. "I attended that sponsored gala with dad last week. Listening to those old toadies debate was like nails scratching on a chalkboard. Now I know why mom got me that dress. She sent me along with dad so she wouldn't have to go herself."

"That's entirely untrue." Aurelia replied, and even though her expression was stoic the corners of her mouth were twitching. "It was a valuable experience for you, especially since you've taken interest in our company. The people you met there are the types of people you'll have to collaborate with if you choose to join the family business. And you looked beautiful in that dress."

"I think I'd rather go back to the frontier than suffer another experience like that." Argentia drawled, earning a chuckle from Aurelia and a bark of laughter from Rufus.

"We are glad to have you back home. Both of you." Rufus spoke up, setting his utensils down and nodding to both his children. "Argentia has done fantastic work, leading groups of huntsmen to help fight off Grimm that roam the frontier. I've begun to hear your name circulated amongst some of the PMCs and militia groups Winchester Arms works with helping protect the border towns and villages. You're gaining a reputation now, Argent. As a huntsman and as a father, I couldn't be prouder of your accomplishments!"

"Thanks, dad." Argentia said, cheeks pinking a little at his praise.

"And seeing Cardin's scores for this first semester, he's doing quite well for himself. And he's showing drive and motivation that I haven't seen from him in quite some time." Rufus went on. "I'm glad you're taking the initiative without any prompting, Cardin. Just remember to temper yourself. You've still got several years left at Beacon. Trying to rush and blitz through your studies and training will only have a negative impact on you in the long run. Don't be afraid to slow down and recharge your batteries from time to time."

"I know. It's not like I've been training every day." Cardin replied.

He'd taken plenty of time to relax since the break started. He'd overslept, did some online gaming with Sky, hung out at Russel's place a few times, visited a blacksmith shop with Dove the other day to make sure the team's armor and weapons were in good quality before the break ended, and then the whole team had met up to see the latest Grimminator movie.

…And he'd also exchanged plenty of texts with his girlfriend in his down time. But he was keeping that a secret. Him dating a faunus girl… Cardin wasn't ready to drop that bombshell on his family.

"Gotta say though, the best thing about coming home isn't being able to sleep in or not have to worry about homework." Cardin smiled as he cut off a piece of the juicy sirloin on his plate and popped it into his mouth. "It's being able to eat mom's cooking again. Haven't had a meal this good in quite a while."

Not counting the lunches Velvet had started making him, but he wasn't going to bring that up either.

Aurelia smiled at that. "I'd save those compliments for your girlfriend."

His mother's comment made Cardin choke and cough on his steak.

"Cardin's got a girlfriend?" Argentia blinked. "Since when? And why haven't I heard him bragging about it?"

"I was surprised to find out myself." Aurelia said with a light shrug. "Your father mentioned it to me this morning."

"And I'm surprised that I only learned about it when Ozpin mentioned it offhand to me during my meeting with him the other day." Rufus picked up after his wife, turning to his son who was thumping his chest to force the stuck food down his windpipe. "He didn't tell me much, but it is interesting I heard it from him before I heard it from you. When were you planning to tell us about her?"

"Ah, oh, well, y-you know," Cardin coughed, tugging at his collar-Why was it suddenly so hard to breathe? "J-Just didn't want to… Make a big deal out of it…"

"Make a big deal out of it?" Rufus laughed, "Ozpin told me you saved her from a Grimm attack! Carried her all the way back to Beacon when she broke her ankle!"

"Oh, how romantic!" Aurelia laughed.

"Heh, little brother's got some moves, who would have guessed?" Argentia asked, grinning and winking at Cardin.

"It-It wasn't like that!" Cardin said quickly. "I-I mean, it was, but she just twisted her ankle-!"

"Don't be so modest, Cardin!" Rufus said encouragingly. He looked over at his wife with a fond smile. "Certainly a better first impression than I made on your mother."

"Well, obviously," Aurelia laughed, "You were a jerk! Cardin clearly learned from me how to properly woo someone."

"I wasn't that big a jerk," Rufus snorted, though he was smiling as he said so.

"So, who is she?" Argentia asked, tilting her head curiously. "Did Headmaster Ozpin say?"

"He didn't," Rufus said, eyeing Cardin. "He seemed almost amused. She is a she, right Cardin?"

"YES!" Cardin screeched. "SHE'S A SHE!"

"Is she pretty?" Rufus asked. Cardin nodded furiously.

"Beautiful! Smart, kind, a great cook-"

He nearly hit himself. He wasn't going to gush over her, he wasn't!

"She's… You know, all right," he mumbled. Argentia smirked, as did his mother. Even his father looked a bit smug.

"Now now, let's not tease him too much," Aurelia said with a soft smile, "Cardin has every right to keep things to himself."

"Really son, there's no reason to act so stressed out," Rufus tutted.

"Unless he's serious about her," Argentia said. "I mean, you are serious about her, right?"

"I…" Cardin thought hard about Velvet. It had only been a few months but honestly? He could say he felt… Deeply for her. The way she smiled, the conversations they had, the comfortable silences… Dealing with Coco's wacky bullshit.

It was all very… Special to him.

"I am, honest," Cardin said with a nod, "I-I'm not some kind of playboy, or anything!"

"Good to hear, son," Rufus said with a smile. "So, when do we get to meet her?"

"Uhhhh…" Cardin tried.

Aurelia tutted.

"Come now, Rufus! He doesn't need to drag her here! We might just scare the poor girl off!"

"I just want to meet her," Rufus huffed.

Cardin sighed in relief.

"You'll get your chance at the Beacon Dance," Aurelia said.

Cardin's eyes widened.

"B-Beacon Dance?" Cardin whispered. Rufus nodded.

"Of course, son. We go every year. I am on the Alumni Association Board, after all," he chuckled. Aurelia reached out and squeezed her husband's hand, a loving look passing between them.

"Oh, it'll be wonderful to see you there," Aurelia said with a smile, "With your girlfriend."

"Can I get some tickets?" Argentia asked with a grin, "I'm gonna want to see this! We'll have the best time ever, won't we Cardin?"

Cardin began to sweat. He very slowly nodded.

"Y-Yeah… The absolute best," he managed.

I am sooo fucked…

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Fifty-Four: Volume 2 Start
"Jaune? Jaune! Come down here!"

He'd just finished packing his backpack, making sure Crocea Mors and his armor were strapped securely to it. He'd figure out how to smuggle them out later. He took one last look around at his room. The familiar posters from far off places Aqua and Tangy had sent him, the paintings by Verdy, the models he'd built with Orchid, the bookshelf packed with novels and comics Saphron and Coral had gotten him, the comforter Lilac had knit for him... All of it. One last time.

He headed downstairs, past the walls of photos and pictures of their many, many family members and friends. Right down to the living room. He saw his mother standing there in her usual green dress, her hair up in a ponytail, her glasses on. She glared at him, holding up an envelope as he walked up to her.

"Yeah Mom?"

"Don't you 'yeah Mom' me, what is this?" She demanded, waving the envelope at him. "It's from Beacon! An acceptance letter!"

Juane hid a wince. He had been getting the mail every day to avoid this, but of course the day he got distracted with packing was the day it arrived. "Oh, so I got in?" Jaune asked, trying to sound casual even as his mother began a slow burn.

"How did you get in?!" She demanded. "You were supposed to be studying for the Valean Medical Institute!"

"Yeah, I did," Jaune said with a shrug, not meeting her eyes, "I applied to both. Got accepted by both."

"If VMI accepted you,why in the Gods' name is this letter here?!" Mom demanded, tossing it down onto the coffee table. Jaune tried looking up into her eyes, but could only lock onto her frowning mouth.

"You told me you wanted me to get into VMI. I did that," he said carefully, "But I want... I-I'm going to go to Beacon."

"You're not trained to be a Huntsman!" Mom growled, "You're trained to be a MEDIC! That's why I unlocked your Aura-!"'

"I got in, I took the exam and I passed," Jaune stated flatly, reaching out to the envelope on the table "I-I'll figure out the rest as I go along, okay? I've got six months, I'm in great shape-"

Isabel snatched it back up, and her fist crushed the letter.

"You're not going to be a Huntsman, Jaune!" Mom snarled. "I won't let you throw your life away! You're going to VMI, and you're GOING to be a doctor!"

"Mom, I can help people!" Jaune insisted. "I can fight! I can be a hero-"

Isabel scoffed. "A hero? There are no heroes! Those are stories told to children so they will grow up to march to their death."

Jaune's face distorted as if he'd bitten into a rotten apple. "Would you say that to Auntie Arturia?! Or maybe Great-Uncle Adrian?" Jaune insisted. He bit his lip, but he was in too deep now. "Would you have told Dad there aren't any heroes?!"

His mother's shoulders shook. She turned her icy glare on him, slow and dangerous.

"Is that what you think he was?" Mom demanded, angry and bitter. Jaune's jaw dropped.

"M-Mom... Of course! Everyone said... You said-!"

"Your father could have retired!" Mom shouted. "He could have stayed here, worked hard, done some real good! But he just kept going out into harm's way! He... He was SELFISH!"

Jaune's jaw dropped as his heart felt like it was in a vice.

"M-Mom, you don't mean that-!"

"He went off to be a hero and he DIED," Mom stated, anger dripping from every word, "He could have stayed with us and done some actual good! But instead, he decided to be selfish and stupid!"

"He saved lives! Just like you!" Jaune shook his head back and forth.

"You and your sisters deserved a father! I deserved a husband! Instead all we have is a shiny statue and platitudes!" Mom shot back. "All I was left with was grief! HE WAS SELFISH! You don't get to be selfish, Jaune!" She waved her finger at him, as his eyes sought out the floor. "You're not going to throw your life away for your stupid, childish dream!"

Jaune's shoulders shook, as a raw rage filled him. His mother kept talking.

"You're going to tell Beacon you can't make it, you're going to get ready for VMI-"

"Why do all my sisters get to choose, but I have to be your vanity project, huh?!" Jaune demanded quickly, still not meeting her gaze, "Why can't you let me choose what to be?!"

"Because you'll choose wrong!" Mom shouted back. "You'll choose the same thing that killed your father! Do you want to be selfish and stupid like him, huh?!"

"He wasn't selfish," Jaune whispered. He slowly looked up into her eyes, fighting back hot, angry tears. "He wasn't selfish, and he wasn't stupid!"

"Jaune, you're not-!"

"YOU WERE!" Jaune snarled. His mother froze, staring at him in anger and confusion.

"Wha-What do you-?!"

"I heard you talking the night before he left," Jaune managed, between ragged pants as the rage seemed to claw its way out of him, "In my room! He asked you to come with you! HE ASKED! You said NO! And if-If you had gone, MAYBE HE'D STILL BE ALIVE!"

His mother's jaw dropped.

"Jaune, how could you-?!"

"You got him killed!" Jaune shouted, the tears falling freely now, "And now you're just a scared, bitter old woman who can't accept it!"

She slapped him. He staggered back two steps, his arms out for balance, but he stayed standing. He looked up, his face grim. His anger just solidified into a hard ball in his chest.

His mother was crying, guilt and hurt on her face. Her hand trembled. She reached out again.

"J-Jaune, wait, please, I didn't mean to-!"

He turned and ran. Right up the stairs. He grabbed his backpack and shouldered it. He threw open the window and leaped out, landing roughly just before his mother could burst into the room. He started running.

"JAUNE! JAUNE, WAIT! I'M SORRY!" He could hear his mother crying out from the window, "PLEASE! JAUNE!"

He stormed off into the night. And he didn't look back.

It began to rain. Even with the clouds enveloping the sky, he could still see everything illuminated by the broken moon. He could hear the roars of Grimm and the loud booms of a familiar rail gun sword. In an instant, he was in his armor and cloak, Crocea Mors held in his hands. He charged forward, now on a dark forest road.

He could see a tall figure in shining white armor ahead, swinging a gigantic blade with one hand as he fought through hordes and hordes of Grimm. He turned his head and stared into Jaune's eyes. Jaune's jaw dropped.


"Son," Nick Arc said, grim and disappointed, "You promised you'd never make your mother cry. You promised you'd be there for her when I'm gone."

Jaune's jaw dropped. His grip on his weapons became slack.

"Dad, I-I didn't-!" His eyes widened as he saw a truly massive Grimm tower up over his father from behind. "DAD LOOK OUT!"

Again, he tried to move, but a flood of black water erupted from around his dad. Jaune was knocked back. He fought against the current, but no matter what he did, he kept getting further away.

Yet his father's terrible words rang clear in his ears.

"You made your mother cry, son," Nick said softly, even as the giant Grimm bore down on him, "Didn't she cry enough when she lost me? When you lost me? How hard will she cry when she loses you?"

The Grimm fell upon Nick from behind as Jaune screamed.


His eyes opened. He sat up, breathing hard. He wiped his sweaty face as his heart pounded in his chest like war drums.

"Haa… Haa… Haa… Haa.."

The sun was just starting to peek out over the Valean mountains outside the window. Nora and Ren were snoozing in their joint bed on the other side of the Beacon dorm. And Pyrrha was cuddled up next to him, her arms around his waist. Her eyes opened up, widened in alarm when she saw his face.

"Jaune? Jaune, are you all right?" She asked softly.

Jaune sighed. He nodded to his partner.

"I'm fine," he said softly. "Really."

Pyrrha stared intensely at him. He gave her a small, forced smile.

"It was just a dream," he murmured. "I promise I'm all right. Thank you Pyrrha. I-I really appreciate it."

Pyrrha sat up with him, still concerned.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked quietly.

Oh yeah, talk to someone else with severe issues with their parents? What a great idea, his brain said sarcastically. No, this was his battle. He would face it, and wouldn't burden his teammates with it.

He shook his head.

"It's all right," he murmured. "Really. You go back to sleep. I've got to go get breakfast started for our first day, anyway."

Pyrrha's frown didn't change, but she slowly nodded.

"If you're sure," she said softly.

"I am," Jaune said. He smiled more genuinely at her. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

"I…" She looked aside. "I had trouble sleeping when I was away," she admitted. "I hope I'm not causing your nightmares-?"

"No! No, of course not," Jaune said quickly, taking her by the shoulders to make her look him in the eyes. "This isn't your fault, really. Hell, they'd be worse without you."

Pyrrha blushed deeply, her skin nearly as red as her hair.

"Um… I-I think… Uh… Um…Ineedacoldshower!"

As though she now had Ruby's Semblance, she ran off like a shot for the bathroom, shutting it tightly behind her. Jaune watched her go, and sighed. He kicked the sheets off and stood up. He rubbed his face.

"Glad I showered last night," he muttered. He headed off into the common room. He reached out for his Beacon Academy apron, which he had left hanging on a peg near the kitchenette. His fingers met nothing but wood paneling. He blinked and looked over at the stove, where a familiar girl with blonde hair was already getting the pots and pans out.


"Oh, morning Ladykiller," Yang said with a wink and smile. He flushed: She was in nothing but her sleep wear, which he thought he was used to. Her hair being up in a loose ponytail while she wore an apron though…

The hell? Why does that do things for me? He thought, as Yang continued to speak.

"I just thought that you could use an egg break, huh? I'm not a bad cook myself either, you know." She smirked and winked at him as she broke the eggs into a bowl, and mixed them up expertly.

"Wouldn't want you to burn out and end up with egg on your face, eh?"

"I… Yeah," Jaune said with a nod. He moved into the kitchenette. "I can help out-"

"Ohhh no," Yang stated firmly, grabbing him by the shoulders and guiding him out to the group table, "You've been serving us all this time. You should accept some service too, every once in a while."

Jaune let her sit him down in a chair. He nodded slowly, as she went back to cooking. He watched her, still blushing a bit.

"So," Yang said, as she began frying up some turkey bacon and beans, "You sleep okay?"

"Uh, yeah," he murmured, "More or less."

She fixed him with a skeptical look.

"You sure?" She asked softly.

Jaune managed a nod.

"Just… Nightmares," he explained quietly. He shook his head. "I get a lot of them."

Yang nodded, as she flipped some pancakes.

"Yeah," she said quietly, "I still get nightmares over going out into the forest with Ruby. You know… Where Uncle Qrow doesn't show up in time and…" She looked into his eyes.

Jaune ground his teeth nervously. He glanced to the side, at the warm sunlight pouring in through the windows. He wrapped his arms around the back of the chair, and rested his chin on the top as he swung his legs around to hold onto either side.

"... Just… My fight with my mom, when I ran away," he admitted quietly. "I got accepted into VMI. I did the exam and everything. But I'd also applied to Beacon, and I got in. She found out and, well…"

He trailed off.

"How bad was it?" Yang asked, soft and neutral. Jaune shook his head, looking towards the kitchenette and not right at her.

"She said my dad was stupid and selfish. That he'd thrown his life away, and left us all alone. That I couldn't-shouldn't-do the same thing."

His eyes found the floor as the soft sound of bacon frying filled the air.

"And what did you say?" Yang asked, still quiet.

"I said some pretty horrible things back to her. Made her cry," he said. Yang didn't say anything, so he explained:

"Before my dad left on the mission where he died, I heard them arguing. My dad wanted my mom to come with him. She said she couldn't, she had to work."

He closed his eyes.

"I told her…" He took another deep breath, "I told her that if she'd gone with him, he wouldn't have died. That it was her fault."

Yang was silent, as Jaune stared down at the floor in his shame.

"I just… My dad promised me to look after everyone if anything happened to him," he explained. "I-I guess… With everything that's happened, I started remembering more of what we talked about. He was a hero. I always looked up to him, I wanted to be just like him… And I guess I just…"

He grit his teeth.

"I was such an asshole. How could I say that to my own mother…?"

He felt her hands rest on his shoulders. He looked back up. She looked down at him with a look of pure compassion.

"Hey. We all say stupid shit when we're angry," Yang said quietly, "You didn't mean it. I'm sure she didn't mean it either. I mean… When Mom died, my dad just fell apart. Losing someone you love just… It breaks you, and everyone breaks in different ways."

She shook her head. She reached out and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"And I'm sure that argument wasn't what you think it was," she continued, "I heard from someone that my mother lived in the woods, and I got it into my head that that meant some old shack on Patch. That… That nearly got me and Ruby killed. We're all stupid when we're kids, huh?"

"Y-Yeah," Jaune managed. Yang ran her fingers through his hair, and he shivered as he looked her right in her eyes.

She smiled.

"When she sees you become a badass hunter, she'll accept it," Yang said, "It's just gonna take time and hard work, okay? But it's your choice. She has to respect that if she loves you. And she does, right?"

"Yeah," Jaune said with a small nod. He found a smile on his face.

"Thanks Yang. I… I really appreciate it," he said.

Yang sighed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, well… I gotta look after you. Who's gonna pay for our date~?" She asked mischievously. Jaune flushed.

"Yang, seriously, I-"

She leaned down and kissed him on the lips. It was brief but warm. She pulled back, and patted him on the head.

"Don't overthink things," she advised softly, "You'll just go crazy. Try to go with the flow more, huh? And accept it when pretty girls want to do things for you."

"Pretty, dangerous, violent and crazy girls," Jaune muttered back. Yang winked and giggled.

"It would be boring otherwise!" She turned and headed back to the kitchenette, her hips swaying noticeably. Jaune slapped himself to get his eyes off her rear.

"Ugh… I'd be happy with boring!" He insisted.

Yang laughed mockingly, as she flipped pancakes onto several plates.

"Yeah, right! If you wanted boring, you wouldn't have become a Huntsman!"

Jaune held up his finger, opened his mouth… Sighed.

"I guess I can't argue with that," he muttered.

Yang laughed.

Neither of them noticed that the RWBY dormroom door had been cracked open throughout the entire conversation. They did notice when the door burst open. Ruby appeared in a burst of rose petals right in Jaune's lap, hugging him tightly.

"Hey Jaune! Good morning!" She said happily. "You doing okay?"

"I-Uh, yeah, fine," Jaune managed.

"I missed you so much!" She whined.

He smiled and hugged her.

"We saw each other last week," he chuckled.

"Yeah, but that was in the real world, not here!" Ruby insisted.

"Ugh, must you all make so much noise this early?" Weiss groused. She walked in and scowled at Jaune. "Arc! You're not cooking breakfast?"

"I didn't know you missed my cooking that much," Jaune deadpanned. Weiss scoffed.

"Certainly not! I just know you won't poison me," she cast a glare at Yang. The brawler snickered.

"Come on Weiss-cream! I wouldn't poison you! Not unless you left me in your will. Who else would bring home the bacon?"

"Ugggghhhh," Weiss groaned, sitting down. Blake crept in, sitting down next to Jaune, still reading a book.

"Morning Jaune, morning Ruby, morning Yang, and morning Weiss," she said in her usual deadpan. Weiss snorted.

"I would have thought working as a waitress might have taught you some manners."

"I would have thought being rich would have taught you some," Blake shot back. Weiss squawked.

"I am perfectly polite! You started casting aspirations on the character the day we met!"

"I was following your example," Blake shot back, making Jaune and Ruby snicker.

Weiss rolled her eyes. Pyrrha came in, drying her hair with a towel. She beamed brightly.

"Good morning everyone!" She then took the seat next to Jaune. Clearly trying very hard not to glare at Ruby. "Ruby, Jaune can't eat like that."

"Sure he can!" Ruby said cheerfully, "I can feed him!"

"I can handle that, thank you," Jaune said quickly.

Nora and Ren came in next. Nora grinned brightly.

"Oh boy! Lap sitting Day!" She cheered. She pulled Ren into a chair, and plopped herself down on his legs. "I call Renny!"

"I call Jaune!" Ruby cheered.

"Don't we get any say in this?" Jaune asked.

"Do we ever?" Ren quipped.

Laughter ensued. Even Weiss smirked a little. Jaune sighed and patted Ruby on the head.

"It's good to be back," he muttered.

- - -

Here we go...
- - -

Hei "Junior" Xiong hadn't gotten where he was in life by being stupid. He'd been brought up in the Xiong Crime Family, the heir apparent. His father had crossed Lil' Miss Malachite out of Mistral, and he'd died. Junior had thus ascended to the head of the family, and rather than take revenge, he had settled. The family was now subordinate to Lil' Miss Malachite's operation. Many in his family had grumbled over this, but Junior had worked hard to make sure they focused on the positives of this change in management.

Miss Malachite wasn't that demanding of a master: As long as you supplied her with information and her monthly tithes, she left you alone. Even provided muscle in the form of her daughters, and healthcare benefits. Even let him skim a little off the top if he'd done a good enough job.

As long as you were loyal and gave her accurate information, she let you handle your affairs.

Honestly, she was a better boss than Junior's Old Man ever was, and that was why Xiong Senior's passing hadn't resulted in outright rebellion.

Sure, if the old lady ever became a dictator or lost her edge, Junior was perfectly fine with overthrowing the old bat and taking over. Becoming a proper Boss again. But part of him really hoped that never happened. It was too much responsibility and brought too much heat down on your head.

Especially nowadays.

Miss Cinder Fall, the one-woman firestorm who had been burning up the mob scene of Vale, had stormed in with her crew and told him he worked for her now. He finished cleaning his glass, set it down calmly on the bar, and simply said that it wasn't his call. Lil Miss Malachite was the boss.

Cinder had stated he worked for her now. The Twins had tried to see to her then, but Junior had held up a hand. How in the hell would he explain things to Miss Malachite if her two daughters had gotten fried?

So he called up Lil Miss Malachite and told her the situation, all the while Cinder clenched and unclenched her fists full of flame, and sweat beaded on his forehead. Miss Malachite calmly told Cinder that if she wanted Junior's services, she had to pay for them like everyone else. With a sneer, the raven-haired beauty had dropped some lien on the table and demanded a meeting.

Junior had acquiesced, and for three hours, he was grilled on every little tidbit of information he had on Vale, its defenses, and Beacon.

Honestly, the whole time he'd felt a wrong breath or twitch away from death.

Finally, she was satisfied. She stood up, warned him and Lil Miss Malachite to stay out of her way, and left with her two cronies. It was only after he'd watched her leave the club from the security cameras he started breathing normally.

"Whiskey, neat," he muttered. A cool glass was passed to him, and he downed the drink in one go-Savoring the booze wasn't on his agenda.

He lowered his glass... And nearly choked when he spotted Roman Torchwick standing next to him.

"Roman?! What the actual fuck-?!"

"Shhh," Roman said, holding a leather-gloved finger up to his lips, "Hey, I was a master thief before I met Neo. People don't appreciate how hard it is to go around without being spotted on hard mode."

He poured himself a glass of the whiskey and drank it down more slowly. Junior stared in disbelief at Roman, as the redhead finished off the glass with a sigh.

"Ah, you always did have the good stuff, Junior."

"Roman... Again... What the actual fuck?" He asked. "Is that woman with you-?!"

"HA!" Roman barked in sad, sardonic laughter, "With me, he asks? Other way around, compadre. The lady's got me on a leash so tight my throat's in my asshole! I've only got a few minutes before she notices anything."

"What about Neo?" Junior asked, looking around in fear as he always did when that little psycho came up. Roman shrugged.

"She's getting ready for her first day of school," he said, "Wants to look pretty for her crush."

Junior stared, long and hard.

"... You want to cut the bullshit and explain why the criminal underworld of Vale went completely insane over the last year?" He demanded. "I know the Fire Bitch is tearing a bloody streak through every mob boss who doesn't play ball and you're acting like you need to breathe Dust. I also know White Fang's involved-And what the fuck, Roman?! Your reputation is in tatters as it is, why are you involved with fucking terrorists?!"

Roman sighed. He poured himself another drink.

"Junior? If I could tell you everything, I would... I mean, for a price. I haven't completely lost my mind. But I don't even know the full picture."

He finished the whiskey before he looked at Junior seriously over the glass.

"But since we're old buddies, I thought you should know the basic gist of what I've figured out so far."

"And that is?" Junior asked.

The jaunty smile and roguish tilt of his bowler hat was entirely at odds with the way Roman delivered the answer to Junior's question.

"We're fucked."

- - -

The main assembly hall for Beacon was packed, even more than it had been at Initiation. Jaune and Ruby had been lucky to get their teams there early, so they could get seats. Many other Hunters-in-Training had to stand in the back. The murmuring filled the circular room, magnified by the acoustics to be relentless. Even so, the eight friends were comfortable in their seats.

"Wow," Ruby murmured happily, looking around excitedly, "There are so many new faces! Oh hey! There's Sun's team!"

She stood up and waved happily.


Sun and his team waved in response, the monkey faunus grinning and waving happily while Scarlet and Sage gave more restrained waves back. Nora waved with Ruby with equal aplomb, before Ren gently pulled her down and held her hand to keep her docile.

Neptune shot Weiss a cheeky grin and wink. Weiss swooned in response, while her friends rolled their eyes.

"Oh, I didn't even begin to tell you about my vacation to Ponce with Neptune!" Weiss gushed to Yang. "Oh, it was so romantic! The sun, the sand, the waves-!"

"Yeah, sure, great," Yang stated with a sigh.

"Come on!" Weiss whined. "I'm-We're bonding as young women should! Over gossip!"

"Sun told me a lot," Blake volunteered. Yang leaned over and grinned like a shark smelling blood in the water.

"Oho~? And here I thought you were too busy with Jaune playing maid and butler~?"

"I-I was not," Blake muttered, even as Weiss's elegant eyebrows went up.

"Oh? Maid and butler, huh?"

Blake glared at Yang.

"Yang, don't you dare-!"

Weiss's Scroll beeped an alert. The Schnee heiress examined the pictures, then shot the smuggest look imaginable over at Blake. The Menagerie Princess glared, the slightest hint of red on her cheeks.


Ruby flushed, and tried to whistle innocently.

"RUBY!" Blake growled.

"You were so cute!" Ruby protested, pulling back behind her big sister for protection. Yang grinned broadly.

"Come on, Blake, if Coco tagged you, everyone already knows. Why not embrace it?"

"It's so undignified!" Blake groused, as Weiss flipped through the photos with a smirk.

"Shared, shared, oh yes definitely shared-Wait..." She frowned at one of the pictures and looked over at Jaune.

He was sitting on the other side of Ruby, looking through his own Scroll. Weiss's eyes widened.

"He was a butler too?"

"I think I said that," Yang deadpanned. Weiss giggled.

"I suppose my wardrobe pick was a good one, hm Arc?" She called out to him. Jaune rolled his eyes.

"No. Miss Perrito has actual taste and isn't just a frigid sadist."

"Why you...!" Weiss growled. Jaune shot her a smirk.

"What? Yours had those Godsawful tails! I'd have been tripping onto my face!"

"It would be an improvement over your current visage!" Weiss snarled. "Get a shave, you ruffian!"

"Aw, but I like his stubble, Weiss!" Ruby whined. She hugged Jaune and rubbed her cheek against his. "Heehee! It tickles!"

Weiss flushed deeply.

"Will-Will you stop that?!" Weiss hissed. "We're in public!"

"It is very ticklish," Pyrrha said happily, leaning in on Jaune's other side with a fond smile.

"Especially when you're kissing," Yang added with a smirk. Pyrrha's eyes flashed, but she nodded with a competitive smile.

"Oh yes-"

"Seriously?!" Weiss growled. "You're such a-a scoundrel! Neptune didn't act like such a shameless playboy, Arc! You could learn something from his sense of decorum!"

"I bet I could," Jaune sighed. He gently pushed Ruby and Pyrrha back. "Come on guys, Ozpin's starting."

"Later then," Pyrrha winked.

Headmaster Ozpin walked out to the podium. He gave a slight smile out to the crowd, one fatherly and comforting. It quieted down the students, though true silence only occurred when he tapped his cane.

"Welcome back, returning students," he spoke, "And welcome, friends from foreign academies. While we are all strangers to one another, we are united in the goals of safeguarding life on this planet. I know you have been told this many times before, in long, often rambling speeches..."

He waited for the laughter to die down with a small, indulgent smile.

"It is the truth. You are our future. The Vytal Festival is meant to showcase that future, and our unity against the darkness. So I will take this time to thank the Atlasian Military for protecting Vale during this time."

Ozpin snapped his fingers, and the ceiling vanished leaving clear blue skies over their heads.

No, wait, Jaune thought, making out the textures of the ceiling, Just a projection?

In a moment, the sky was filled with Atlesian airships. Numerous frigates, light and speedy, led the well-organized formation. After them came cruisers, large, long, and sleek. Finally, a quartet of battleships, huge and ominous, passed overhead.

There was clapping and cheering from several students Jaune presumed to be Atlasian. Weiss looked a bit proud herself, though far more restrained.

"In addition," Ozpin went on, "The newly reformed Valean Defense Force is joining the defense of Vale."

At this, several small airships of various makes, but all with red and gold coloration, flew by in a less rigid but still well-ordered formation. After that came a mixture of larger airships-At least two Valean passenger liners like the type that had brought the students to Vale, a few destroyers Jaune swore he recognized from old holos of the Faunus Revolution, and other assorted vessels he didn't recognize.

At last, a huge and familiar dagger-shaped air battleship, bright red with gold trim, flew overhead-Far lower and faster than the others, the wash of the vessel's engines making the auditorium shake and many students cry out in shock. Jaune spotted Scarlet roll his eyes, as Weiss scoffed in annoyance.

Huh, he held back a grin, Guess they met Silverhand, too.

THAT had been a hell of a weekend. The songs were never going to leave his head.

Ozpin, as always, remained unperturbed.

"The Vytal Stadium itself is being situated on the far side of Vale, to be prepared for the festival," he stated, "Until then? Study hard. Get to know your fellow students. And work hard! Dismissed!"

The auditorium was filled with noise again, as the students got up and began to head for the exits. Blake got out first and headed over to speak with Sun. Weiss headed over with her, to speak with Neptune with an excited look on her face. Nora and Ren took off as well, Nora chanting about not wanting to be late while Ren dutifully followed behind.

"Let's see... First class is Oobleck's," Jaune read off his scroll, "Let's get going. Don't want to be late."

"Oh geez, yeah," Yang shivered, "Definitely not to his class. Guy's a sadist if you're late!"

"Friend Ruby!"

Ruby turned and smiled warmly as a familiar orange headed walked up to them with a happy wave.

"Penny! It's great to see you!" She said happily. "Are you here with your team?"

"Yes!" Penny said cheerfully, "They are headed to their classes! It would be nice for our teams to meet yours, correct? That is standard Vytal Festival protocol!"

"Well, sure!" Ruby said with a beam, "That would be great!"

"Sensational!" Penny cheered. She looked over at Jaune, her smile unchanging, "Friend Jaune, would you also like to meet my team?"

"Sure Penny," Jaune said, smiling at her. The girl was weird, but she'd gotten them out of legal trouble despite barely knowing them. In all honesty, he wanted to get to know the girl better.

"Excellent! I am combat ready!" She said cheerfully.

Jaune felt a hand grasp his elbow, firmly. He looked back, a bit startled. Sure, he wasn't Blake, but he liked to think he'd gotten better about being snuck up on! He'd survived in Grimm-infested woods, for crying out loud!

He blinked stupidly. The girl in the Haven Academy uniform was stunning. Long, luscious black hair. A body to kill for (like most Huntresses, really). The face of a smug angel, and burning amber eyes. Flanking her was an equally beautiful dark skinned girl with green hair and red eyes, and a tall, cocky looking pale skinned boy with gray hair and eyes.

"Hello Jaune," she said, "Forgive me, but I heard you are headed to Professor Oobleck's class next?"

"That's right," Jaune said, mindful of how Yang's eyes were burning red and the sudden increase in static electricity around Pyrrha and Ruby, "Do I know you?"

Ah shit, right I'm-NO I'M NOT A DAMN HAREM LEAD! He thought to himself.

The woman tittered, and while it was meant to be beguiling... It set off warning bells in Jaune's head.

This chick's bad news...

"We're from Haven, and I'm afraid we don't know our way around," the woman continued, in a voice dripping with honey. She pouted. "Your cousin said you were a reliable sort-Could you show us the way?"

"Cousin?" Yang, Ruby, and Pyrrha all asked.

Out from behind the other members of the girl's team stepped a short, curvy girl with black hair and eyes in a matching uniform-But there was no mistaking that smirk.

"Mint?" Jaune managed. She nodded with a lick of a lollipop.

"I thought she lived in Vale," Yang said, her tone suspicious.

"Oh, she's Mistralian," the woman explained, "She was just taking some vacation time with her father here before she transferred for the festival. Would you mind helping us get our bearings?"

Jaune forced a dopey smile onto his face. The kind of thing he made before he ran out into the night towards Beacon. Because Roman's warning was ringing in his mind like an air raid siren.

"Sure thing! Anything for my cousin and her team," Jaune said cheerfully, "You know my name. Yours would be...?"

"Cinder," the woman said with a sensuous smirk, "Cinder Fall."

- - -

And she's in the house!
Omake: Isabel's Connections
Isabel groaned as her Scroll went off. Honestly, they hadn't had signal for days and now it goes off in the middle of the night?

She got out of the bunk, leaving Qrow to snuggle with a pillow.

... It saved heat and it made them both sleep better. They also may have had sex for stress relief from time to time. It was no big deal!

She found her Scroll and opened it. She blinked at the caller ID and answered it.

"Lady Belladonna?"

Kali tittered.

"Oh Isabel, come now! We're friends! We should use eachother's names!"

"Well, it would make things easier," Isabel mused. "What's up?"

"We found Blake!"

Isabel's keen mind locked back into messages from the former White Fang leaders, about the loss of their daughter. She smiled warmly, in genuine joy.

"I'm so glad-Is she all right?"

"Yes! Yes, she's doing wonderfully!" Kali gushed. "She's at Beacon Academy, training to be a Huntress! And away from White Fang."

"That's wonderful news!" Isabel grinned. Kali nodded.

"Yes... She tells me your son Jaune is also at the Academy?"

"Yes. He didn't get in, but he's being kept busy while he recovers from his ordeal," Isabel said with a nod.

"His ordeal?"

"He ran away from home and survived on his own in the wilds of Vale for six months," Isabel said, "But Qrow found him and left him with Ozpin. He's doing much better, but it still took a toll on him."

Kali blinked, then winced in sympathy.

"Oh! I just assumed-Well, what matters is that he's all right. I'm glad." She beamed. "She had nothing but good things to say about Jaune, as it turns out!"

"Oh?" Isabel asked, arching an eyebrow with a smile. It seemed that Jaune took after Nick more than she suspected.

"Yes, my dear little Blake has always been so antisocial, but Jaune and her other friends have really helped her open up!" Kali said cheerfully. She gave Isabel a conspiratorial wink. "Which is why I'm reaching out to you. I want to set them up."

Isabel blinked.

"Kali, I don't do arranged marriages-"

"I'm not saying that we go that far," Kali said quickly, "But we know eachother, and if they like eachother... Why not encourage them a bit, mm? He'd certainly be an improvement over Adam Taurus."

Isabel made a face.

"Wait, she was... Involved... With that psycho?!"

"Regrettably, yes," Kali said with a nod, "But surely she must be over it if she's pursuing a nice, stable, kind boy like Jaune! He doesn't have a dark past or deep seated trauma, right?"

Somewhere in Vale, Jaune Arc sneezed and had no idea why.

"Well... I mean... He might, after what he's been through," Isabel managed. Her poor boy.

"That's okay!" Kali said brightly, shifting gears immediately, "It adds spice to the relationship!"

Isabel rolled her eyes. Typical Kali. No wonder Blake had ended up as a terrorist.

"I'm not opposed to them dating," Isabel sighed, "I just don't think we should meddle too much. That's what made Jaune run off in the first place! Me meddling!"

"But think of the grandkitties!" Kali said with a bright grin.

Isabel imagined cute blonde Faunus grandchildren with their adorable little ears and tails... And blushed.

"... Well..."

Kali grinned triumphantly.

- - -

Having the Vale CCT right in Beacon did offer certain advantages when it came to telecommunications, Ozpin reflected. He was able to hold his conferences with minimal chance of any eavesdropping, utilizing the most advanced cyber and electronic security ever devised by mankind.

Even so, he still preferred face to face meetings when it came to anything of importance. To impress upon his comrades the gravity of the situation. It also helped him maintain his humanity, to really interact with the people he was leading in this fight for survival.

It was rarely possible to have them all in one place, but anyone who could show up was a boon to this aspect of the fight. He looked over them, whether physically here or not, with a sense of pride.

General James Ironwood, the commander of Atlas' military. The stern, tall man was impeccably dressed in his white and blue uniform, the very image of professionalism. His aide, Specialist Winter Schnee, beautiful and deadly and cold as her namesake. Glynda Goodwitch, Ozpin's loyal, faithful, impeccable second in command. Beautiful, stern, powerful and efficient.

And one more newcomer… Who was drinking from a bottle of rum.

"Ah, that's the stuff," Captain James "Jim" Silverhand said, as he lowered his bottle. He gave a jaunty wink and grin at Ozpin. "Thanks Ozpin! Knew you wouldn't hold out on me!"

Ironwood scowled deeply at the pirate captain as he sat with Glynda and Winter on the other side of the Headmaster's desk.

"Ozpin," he began, "Would you care to explain why one of the most wanted pirates on the planet is here?"

"Haven't you heard?" Silverhand asked with a smirk, "I've been pardoned. Reformed. I'm on the up and up!"

Schnee wrinkled her nose in distaste. Goodwitch's eyes narrowed. Silverhand shrugged.

"Plus, we are talking about security here, right? If my son's going to be here, I should be involved in the arrangements."

"By all rights I should arrest him on the spot and drag him back to Atlas in chains," Ironwood growled. Silverhand smirked, his metallic hand resting easily on the hilt of his cutlass.

"That would be a neat trick, considering you've never been able to before-"

"Enough," Ozpin stated firmly. He shook his head. "In the end, we are all on the same side. Against the Grimm. And he has been pardoned, James. No need to provoke an international incident."

Ironwood still glared daggers at the slovenly pirate. Silverhand smirked.

"That said," Ozpin stated, "Jim, you will be courteous and polite."

Silverhand pouted a bit, but pulled his boots back and sat up straight in his chair.

"Yessir," he said.

"Now," Ozpin stated, "While the Atlasian fleet will secure the airspace above Vale proper, the Valean Defense Force will maintain watch over Beacon and the Emerald Forest."

He held up a hand to forestall Ironwood's objections.

"This is purely for practical reasons, James," Ozpin said, "The citizens are familiar with Atlasian ships and will not be alarmed. Former pirate ships could very easily be cause for alarm."

Silverhand pouted a bit. Ironwood scowled, but slowly nodded.

"The other militias and PMCs being integrated into the VDF will be camped out in the same area," Ozpin stated, "Making use of the old VDF base for training. This will, in turn, free up our students for more field missions."

"Are you sure that's wise, Ozpin?" Glynda asked calmly, "While field experience is all well and good, the increased Grimm activity means it might be much more dangerous."

Ozpin nodded. She was never one to shy away from speaking her mind, after all.

"I am. I believe the VDF and Atlasian forces will be a boon in that regard," Ozpin replied, "They will be able to provide back up and air support far more quickly than we could. The increased Grimm activity means there will be no shortage of training opportunities, but it can be done with increased security for our students."

"Sounds good to me," Silverhand contributed, "Robin and Ali are old pals of mine. They can handle the ground security."

"Indeed," Schnee deadpanned, "And in what hive of scum and villainy did you first meet?"

"Schnee," Ironwood admonished quietly. Silverhand smirked back, and leaned forward.

"Vale University Drama Club," he said, not missing a beat.

Winter blinked in confusion.

"He's not kidding," Glynda sighed.

More details were worked out. Silverhand, as the defacto commander of the VDF, made several useful and insightful recommendations on where they could assign the students first. Ironwood managed to stay professional enough to work out patrol and refueling schedules between their two fleets. Schnee even helped by working out a patrol and training rotation with the PMCs, and Glynda shared her knowledge of Vale's terrain and local Grimm patterns to work out potential areas for students to go on missions first.

Overall, the meeting ended in success, as they accomplished a great deal. Even with the occasional snarky remark between the participants. Most of them thanks to the pirate captain.

At last, James and Winter rose. Glynda did too, walking around to stand at Ozpin's side. Silverhand stood up, and stretched with a loud groan.

"Well, I'll be happy to tell Rufus we're actually getting somewhere," SIlverhand said with a grin. He winked at Glynda. "Before that, I'm getting a drink. Care to join me, Professor Goodwitch?"

"No," Goodwitch stated, calm but hard as steel. Silverhand looked over at Winter.

"Specialist Schnee?"

Winter scowled.

"After the disaster you caused in Ponce? Never!"

"I would hardly call that a disaster," Silverhand protested, "We paid for all the damages! I had my men clean up the glass!"

"Even so!" Winter growled. Silverhand laughed and held up his hands.

"Fair enough, fair enough! After all," and here he looked out the window at the distant form of his red ship, a wistful look on his face, "There's only one Lady for me."

"An obsolete hunk of junk," Ironwood snorted. Silverhand turned to Ironwood, the first spark of genuine anger burning in the captain's eyes.

"You may insult me as you wish, General," he stated, "But you will respect My Lady."

He grinned.

"Besides, as I recall, my hunk of junk was able to pull out of a dive in Niddhog Canyon… And your shiny new bucket of bolts didn't."

Ironwood grit his teeth and clenched his fists.

"You're fortunate none of my men died that day," he hissed.

Silverhand nodded.

"You could thank me for that: I did stick around long enough to give you some air support."

"It was unasked for and unneeded!"

"Unasked for? Sure, but unneeded? I don't think so-"

"Enough," Ozpin stated firmly, "Jim? No more provocations. You took an oath and are now legitimately employed. Please stop acting like a child."

Silverhand sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Fine," he muttered. He headed out to the elevator first, singing something under his breath. The elevator doors slid open, and he stepped inside. With a last bow and tip of his hat, the doors closed and he was gone. Ironwood gave Ozpin a glare.

"Really?" He demanded.

"In the end," Ozpin said, steepling his fingers, "He is doing all of this for his son and crew. And in the face of Salem, we need all the help we can get."

Ironwood sighed heavily. He nodded.

"Granted," he muttered, "But I don't have to like it."

James, Winter, and Glynda sat back down. Ozpin activated the full defensive suite for the room: Sealing the doors and windows, and cutting off any electronic noise more significant than stray electrons.

Holowindows appeared around the table. Headmaster Leonard Lionheart appeared, looking nervous as usual in his luxurious Haven office. Another window showed the face of Taiyang Xiao-Long, still a bit scruffy but in good spirits in his family home. Behind him, a gray corgi rolled around cutely on the carpeted floor.

A third window appeared, this one showing the cockpit of a private Bullhead. Qrow Branwen and Isabel Arc were sitting in the pilot and co-pilot seats, looking expectant.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Ozpin stated, "It is good of you all to join us. Doctor Arc has only recently joined us, but she is fully committed to the mission. And given the situation, I felt that expediting her membership was prudent."

"Hello," Isabel said politely. She nodded to James and Winter. "James, Winter, it's good to see you well."

Ironwood gave her a slight smile.

"Isabel. Glad you have finally joined us."

"There were… Some issues," Isabel admitted, while Qrow's face became stony. "Nevertheless, now that I know what we're up against? I'm all in."

"Good," Ironwood said with a nod. "Ozpin said you had crucial information for us."

"We do," Qrow added.

Isabel uploaded the scans of the medical results. Lionheart's face fell as he got a good look at them, and listened to Isabel's explanation.

"You mean to tell me that someone's been fusing humans with Grimm?" The lion Faunus asked, looking sick to his stomach.

"Unfortunately yes," Isabel said.

"Do we know who might be behind it?" Taiyang asked, looking deeply concerned.

"There's only one person I know who might have been able to pull this off," Isabel reported, "A Doctor Merlot of Atlas. James, you're familiar with him?"

"I was, to a point," Ironwood admitted, "It was Special Projects, part of the Research Directory. At the time I wasn't as highly placed, but the project was very popular. Doctor Merlot's disappearance was very abrupt, and the project shut down soon after."

"How are you sure it's him though?" Lionheart asked. "Surely other research projects into Grimm hybridization have been done."

"Yes, but the results matched the projected outcomes from Merlot's public scientific papers almost exactly," Isabel replied. She shook her head. "That can't be a coincidence."

"So, either Doctor Merlot is still alive, and active, or someone has his research and has taken it to its final conclusion," Ozpin said, "To what ends or purposes, we can't determine. It is clear he was not sharing all that he had accomplished with Atlas' government or military. That Spider-Grimm was too advanced to have been nothing but a one-off or a mistake."

"Which means we need access to all of Merlot's research and financial data," Qrow stated, "It's the only way to get a lead on where he or whoever's using his research might be."

All eyes turned to Ironwood. The general sighed.

"Much of the project was classified and buried in the ten years since he vanished," he admitted, "A great deal of it was lost in a lab explosion in the Scientific Directory two years ago. I'll dig up what I can, but I would suggest you contact Willow Schnee of the SDC."

"My mother? Why?" Winter asked, confused.

"She served on the grant committees for the SDC at that time," Ironwood explained, "And Merlot got a great deal of backing for his public research from them. They were interested in the possibility of using Grimm in Dust mining operations. Nothing came from it, but those records should still exist."

Winter nodded and looked to Isabel and Qrow.

"I'll see what I can do," she said, "But I was disowned."

"Any help would be appreciated," Isabel said with a compassionate look. "This Grimm didn't appear to be able to swim, so it likely came from Vale. Meaning that Merlot or whoever is using his research likely created it here."

"We'll cross reference it with financial records here as well," Ozpin decided. "Leonardo? Have you anything to report?"

Lionheart shrugged.

"Just that the re-establishment of the VDF is making the Mistralian Council nervous," he reported, "Are you certain it's needed? We know Winchester is a blowhard, and anti-Faunus-"

"As has been said, we need all the help we can get," Ozpin said calmly, "And while I cannot argue against the first, the second I will protest. He is not anti-Faunus, Leonardo. He can be trusted."

"If you say so," Lionheart muttered.

"You aren't thinking of adding him to our group, are you?" Glynda asked with a frown. "Not before he's fully vetted."

"I may consider it in the future, when we are certain of his motives," Ozpin said. He nodded to Ironwood. "Having another member of a Kingdom Council would be very useful."

"Indeed," Ironwood said, a small bit of annoyance in his tone, "But caution is warranted. Indeed, I would have liked to have been informed that Isabel was joining us beforehand."

"She figured it out herself, James," Qrow said dryly, "I had to bring her in after."

"Indeed?" Ironwood asked, raising an eyebrow. Isabel stared him down.

"I'm pretty deep in as it is," she said, "And if I were a spy? My cover is way too good. After all, what kind of idiot would join the bitch who murdered her husband?"

Ironwood was silent for a moment, before nodding slowly.

"Agreed. My condolences."

Isabel nodded gratefully.

Ozpin looked around.

"Anything else?"

There wasn't. Ozpin nodded.

"Good. Until our next meeting."

Ironwood, Schnee, and Goodwitch headed for the elevator, as Ozpin released the locks. Isabel, Qrow, and Lionheart's holographic screens vanished.

Ozpin waited for the elevator doors to shut. He resumed the lockout, and turned to Taiyang.

The blond man sighed and shook his head.

"I appreciate being included, Oz, but I don't think I had a lot to contribute-"

"Your daughter's eyes are active," Ozpin stated blandly.

Taiyang froze. He turned a calm look to his former Headmaster, and slowly nodded.

"Yes," he said, "She told me."

Ozpin nodded.


"Let me make one thing clear, Ozpin," Taiyang stated, his eyes burning even as his tone remained calm, "I am all in for fighting this war. For saving humanity. But my daughter isn't a weapon, she's a person. And she should be treated as such. I don't blame you for what happened to Summer, but she went into this with eyes wide open. That will be the same for Ruby. Understand?"

Ozpin was silent. He saw the burning, paternal anger in his eyes. It was a familiar feeling to him, one that had brought him much joy and pain over his long eternity.

He slowly nodded.

"I understand, Taiyang," he said, "I won't push her into anything she's not ready for. However… You won't begrudge me keeping an eye on her, will you? Others know about her lineage. They will be interested in her."

Taiyang sighed, and nodded. His corgi hopped into his lap, and Taiyang pet him.

"I know. She's got good friends looking after her there. But I'm warning you, Ozpin. Don't push it."

"I won't," Ozpin said calmly. Taiyang nodded.

They talked about a few other things, such as getting Taiyang out for the Vytal Festival, before the call ended. Ozpin released the lockouts, and contemplated the warm, late morning sunshine.

He wasn't going to put Miss Rose in a gilded cage, no. He had learned his lesson with Amber. At the same time, Amber's experience necessitated that he take some direct action.

A student who was close to her acting as his eyes and ears would do nicely, but which one? He looked through the files.

Miss Schnee was unlikely to do so. She would ask too many questions. Same with Miss Belladonna, and she had her own issues to address. Her big sister was right out for obvious reasons.

Team JNPR then? Miss Nikos had seemed pliable, and was still a top candidate for the Maiden Powers. Her abilities were not in question. However, the fact she had recently broken off ties with her mother meant her psychological profile had changed.

That would require more thought.

Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie were too tightly bound to consider this. Miss Valkyrie herself was far too flighty and unpredictable.

Which left only one option, really…

- - -

"Why thank you Jaune," Cinder simpered, as they filtered into the classroom. She turned a smoldering smile on him, "You saved us a lot of time."

"Oh, it was nothing, don't mention it!" Arc said with a nervous smile. His partner Pyrrha ushered him away, her own smile very tense. It gave Cinder a bit of pleasure to see her petty distress, but she soon put it out of her mind. She grabbed some seats with Emerald, Mercury, and Neo in the far left hand side of the classroom. Professor Oobleck zipped in, and immediately launched into a lecture Cinder didn't pay any mind as she contemplated her surroundings.

Cinder Fall had never attended a regular school. Her life had not allowed it: She had been taught at home, just enough to read, write and do basic math by her contemptuous excuse of a family. She had once envied the children in the village who got to go to school. Who got to go and socialize, learn together, and gain a common understanding of the world.

Now, experiencing the real thing, she found her contempt increase. Such coddled, lucky little brats. Being taught in comfort while she had to suffer.

The Grimm inside her flexed. It caused pain, but pain was good. Pain brought her more power. And power was all she had ever desired.

Even so... Some prices for that power were more annoying than others. Such as having to put up with Professor Oobleck's high paced lecturing while sitting on this uncomfortable bench.

"... Which is why we have the Vytal Festival!" He summed up, pausing only to sip from his ever-present coffee mug. "Excellent question, Miss Rose!"

"Eh? Oh, uh, thanks Professor!" The young girl chirped, looking like she regretted ever asking the question in the first place. Cinder kept her face as neutral as possible, but inwardly she scowled. The carefree look on that annoying little brat's face burned her something fierce. Somehow, this teenaged imbecile kept interfering in her plans. Not enough to impede them, but she was making it more difficult. She'd have to deal with her properly.

"Now, while the two-week semester break was relaxing, and relaxation is vital to anyone's physical and mental well being," Oobleck rattled off, "I believe it is crucial to keep on your toes! Thus we will have a random question-and-answer session right now! MISTER ARC!"

The blond idiot who had guided them to the classroom jumped. Pyrrha Nikos, his partner, smiled encouragingly at the dope on his left side, while on his right, Rose's older half-sister grinned and winked.

"Yes Professor!" Arc cried.

"Here is an easy one: What is Healing Dust?" Oobleck prompted.

Arc cleared his throat, relaxing.

"Healing Dust is an artificial mixture of several Dust strains and compounds to allow for the transfer of Aura from one person to another!" He said cheerfully.

"I would hope the son of the inventor of said Dust would know that much," Oobleck observed, "Explain how it works!"

"Basically," Arc went on, "It's Dust that filters out the parts of Aura that another person's Aura would reject, boosting their healing with a kind of 'neutral' Aura energy. It can be applied to the whole body to enhance general wellness, or focused on specific injuries to heal them faster."

"What are the limitations of Healing Dust?" Oobleck continued his interrogation. Arc winced.

"Well, you have to have an unlocked Aura to use it," he said, "And the transfer efficiency is pretty low-Most of the time, only a tenth to a quarter of the Aura a person uses gets into the other person's body. My mom's managed fifty percent but that's really hard."

"Yet the use of Healing Dust increases the chances of patient survival by what percentage?" Oobleck pressed. Arc screwed up his face in mild concentration.

"A 300% chance on average."

"Exactly why it is worth it! Not unexpected, Mister Arc, but good to know!" Oobleck said. "Moving on! Mister Lark, can you tell us..."

Cinder gave Arc an appraising gaze as he leaned back, looking a bit embarrassed at the sudden increase in attention he was getting. Nikos was blushing while gazing at him in adoration, while Rose and Xiao-Long looked at him with similar affection. Hell, even the Schnee heiress and Princess Belladonna were eyeing him. As were several of the other exchange students.

Neo was smirking at him, but the little psycho did that to lots of people. She was probably imagining how much fun it would be to keep Arc alive while she sliced him up.

How a reprobate like Roman Torchwick had become an 'uncle' to this fop was an intriguing riddle. One that Cinder might need to unravel.

After all, Isabel Arc's revolution in medical Dust healing made her a person of interest to Mother. Perhaps her son would be a useful hostage when the time came.

It's not like the idiot was dangerous or anything.

- - -
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Neo was smirking at him, but the little psycho did that to lots of people. She was probably imagining how much fun it would be to keep Arc alive while she sliced him up.

She's definitely imagining having fun with Jaune, but methinks the slicing is reserved for Cinder and her brats.

It's not like the idiot was dangerous or anything.

Yeah, I mean, it's not like Ruby was dangerous either......

Thanks for the chapter!

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