(emotionally stable clown posse)
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Wow you fucked that Immortality link up amazingly. Here's a correct URL: http://i.imgur.com/RlpG2h9.jpg
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So, I just discovered the (NSFW) General CYOA Thread that we have here, and I was struck with an Idea. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:
Choose your Own Adventure! (A slightly-meta Worm omake)
Episode 1: Taylor Hebert
I startled into awareness as my vision was assaulted with bright colors and loud music. Considering the last thing I recalled was the dark and disgusting inside of my locker, I was understandable confused at the sudden change. Also, was that... cheering?
As my Eyes adjusted, I noticed that I seemed to be standing in front of some sort of colorful stage that, for all I could tell, seemed to be floating in a sea of blackness.
"Thank you, thank you." Huh, the voice sounded exactly like Alex Trebek. "And welcome to the first ever episode of: Choose Your Own Adventure!" The cheering perked up for a bit before settling down. "I'm your host; ROB, and today we're going to be bringing you a very special guest: Taylor Hebert!"
A spotlight suddenly shone down on me as the invisible audience once again burst into cheers and applause. I only had a a moment to freak out before a glowing figure who I'm guessing was the host gently but firmly pulled me toward a raised podium next to some sort of prize-wheel that I'm certain wasn't there a second ago. After placing me on the podium, he continued down front so that he was facing both me and the 'audience'.
"Taylor here comes from Brockton Bay in the dimension known as Earth Bet." My thought process, which was finally beginning to catch up with what was going on ground to a halt at that. If he had to mention the dimension... "For those of you unfamiliar with it; Earth Bet is a world populated with both regular humans and beings known as parahumans who used to be normal humans, but underwent a traumatic event and gained superpowers." Crap, I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore.
I did my best to keep from hyperventilating as 'ROB' continued. "Taylor here, after getting betrayed by her best friend and emotionally tortured for over a year and a half in a way that was almost certainly designed by her tormenters to psychologically break her completely,"
Wait, what? Oh. Oh shit, that made way too much sense. Not for the first time I wondered what the fuck is wrong with those girls. Oh! the host was still talking.
"-Bug control powers, and would use them in a series of unfortunate events which would end up saving not only her world, but countless others." I was a bit to emotionally numb to react to that, even though I had a feeling I would later. "Yes, folks; Taylor here is a real diamond in the rough." I idly noted that the crowd had once again burst into applause.
"Today, we're giving Taylor the choice to change her destiny and Choose Her Own Adventure." I could hear the title drop as the crowd once again burst into applause.
...Wait a minute.
"I have a choice?" The words leave my mouth before I could think better of it.
"Of course; all contestants have the right to refuse to play, in which case they're sent back to their lives with no memory of this."
"I see. So this... game?"
"There are countless worlds in the omniverse." He explains. "Some of them need help, and some of them have people in them that need help. What our show offers is the chance to go on an adventure of your choosing, on a world of your choosing, with advantages and disadvantages you choose ahead of time; all guided by our wonderful Wheel-Of-Adventure." He said as he motioned to the object I was standing next to. "Anything from a quiet life with a couple perks, to adventures that save entire multiverses."
Shooting me an award winning smile (that I could still make out, despite not being able to see any of his features), he continued. "So, Miss Hebert, do you want to give it a spin?"
Some questions immediately sprung to mind, "You said that I was part of saving the world." And countless others. "What will happen If I go?"
"Don't worry, Miss Hebert; someone else will get the job. Rest assured, Earth Bet will be safe. Also, any family you you wish to bring will accompany you on your journey, with their memories altered to make their new life appear normal to them."
For a long minute I stood there before finally coming to a decision. Moving so that I'm facing the wheel, I raise my hand (to much cheering from the audience) before giving it a hard spin.
For an agonizing minute, the brightly-colored wheel span before finally settling on a panel. A bell went off and flashing lights lit up as it did.
"Congratulations, Miss Hebert; You've won the meta-option of Immortality!" Six statues of her appeared on the other side of the wheel, each of them dressed in different outfits. "Meta-options grant you bonus perks in addition to anything else you'll pick wherever you go." He explained as he lead her over to the statues. "Take your time, and select whichever one you want."
I studied the statues for a while. I quickly disregarded The Little Girl; dealing with any of those things for eternity sounded like torture (although the porno one was kinda tempting, considering the lack of consequences those tend to have on things like pregnancy and STDs). Genie was right out, also; I wanted some control in my life, dammit.
Vampire had a certain allure to it. Although I was never that much of a fan of the vampire craze that seemed to be sweeping the country, I couldn't deny the attractiveness of the thought. Bad sunburns and the need for blood would be a bit inconvenient at first, though.
Reborn sounded kinda handy, but a bit creepy. As for Eternal Woman; I don't know If I want to be 50 forever.
Nova, on the other hand, sounded very handy if I wanted to be a superhero. From the sound of it, I made a pretty good one in the original timeline (or whatever it's called), and this could literally make me unstoppable for the 100 years I'd live. I was a bit leery on the 'Take Another Spin' clause, though.
So, Vampire or Nova. Both of them had powers and drawbacks. In the end, I walked up to the Vampire one and placed my hand on the bat motif on it (because I want to be able to fly, dammit).
"The winner is Vampire!" 'ROB' announced, followed by a resounding cheer from the audience. "And now, let's spin the wheel again.
I did so. This time, the pointer landed on something called "Little Schoolgirl". As the Trebek sound-alike announced the result, I couldn't repress the grimace on my face; thoughts of my most recent school experience flashing before my eyes.
The announcer must have seen it too, because he immediately spoke up. "Don't worry Miss Hebert. Like I said, this is Choose Your Own Adventure." He lead me to where more statues had appeared. "You get to pick what kind of experience you'll be having in your new school at whichever world matches your selection. Also, if you complete your task within a year's time, you'll have the option of returning to Earth Bet with any friends, abilities, and items you want to bring with you." That did console me somewhat, but I was still a bit leery.
For Age, I decided to stick with 15. No sense making things overly-complicated.
After that I was given 20 golden-star tokens to use to make selections.
First up was selecting a challenge, which took the form of paintings of different scenes that I instinctively understood the meaning behind.
I wanted adventure, so I dismissed the easier options pretty quickly. The horror one sounded rather intriguing, I'll admit. Then again, Emma was the one who got freaked out at horror movies, I usually enjoyed them. The war one sounded like my best bet to be a hero, but this would be an actual war, not superheros against supervillains. The one about the food-thief sounded intriguing, but there had to be a reason it was so cheap, compared to the others. The one about busting the bullies, I dismissed outright after reading the title. If I wanted to deal with bullies, I'd have stayed on Bet. I finally decided to go with 'Something in the Dark"; after all, as a vampire, I was uniquely suited to working at night.
Making my decision, I moved on to the choice of what kind of world I wanted to be sent to. It looks like there were a bunch of worlds that fit the criteria, but only one of them took place in the modern world, and that was in Tokyo. Looks like no matter what I choose I'll be out of my element. ...Odd, there are a bunch of different schools from different time periods throughout history. From what I remember, though; public schooling only really became a thing fairly recently.
There were also some more fantastic worlds including some with elves and other fantasy creatures, a bunch worlds with futuristic technology, and even a few with both. None of them sound all that appealing, though... wait a minute: this one is a modern-day magic-school (still in Tokyo, though). If I learn magic, I can go back to Earth Bet at the end of my time and teach others! The possibilites were endless!
3 stars later, and I was effectively registered for magic-school, my family having immigrated to Japan a year ago. I checked with ROB confirmed that I'd be able to speak Japanese with only a little accent.
After that, I got to play around with my appearance a bit. I made myself a bit shorter and curved, but I didn't change much aside from that. I'll admit, it was tempting to pick the 'beauty' option, but the rational side of my brain stopped me from wasting four stars on what I knew was a frivolous perk. Besides, despite what Emma and her friends said, I still held some hope that I'd be as beautiful as mom, one day. I'm also able to fix my eyesight for free, something I'm insanely happy about.
Next was... seating? Really? Well, I might as well take the front-row seat if I'm going to be learning magic and stuff, and it's only 1 star.
The next part was rather odd, since the paintings disappeared and were replaced by seemingly ordinary items. Interacting with them put the lie to that, though. The items represented perks and minor powers that she could use to enhance herself.
The chef's hat is tempting, and I resolve to pick it up if I have any stars left; as a treat for dad, if nothing else. I pass on the energetic candy, but the snow-globe sounds useful, so I pay the two stars for it. The staff was tempting, but if I'm already learning magic, it'd be a bit of a waste of stars. The glasses are also tempting at first glance, but I just fixed my eyesight, so why would I want to make it worse again just for some magical binoculars. The little steel blade... no; I can feel the blood-lust coming off of it. I pass on the headband, also; I can already shapeshift. The black teacup looks like it would go well with the vampire thing I have going, so I grab that as well. The safety razor... no. The teddy-bear is tempting, but I already have the snow-globe and the teacup; besides, I don't want to abuse my cuteness like maddison did. I also decide to pass on the broom and pebble.
I stop as I get to the section about home-life. There are pictures of us moving to Japan. Picture of me with my mom and dad. Both of them. I break down crying tears of joy as I realize that, no matter what happens, I'll get my mother back out of this. It takes me a few minutes before I manage to compose myself from that.
Moving to the next section with a new spring in my step, I start looking through the list of friends and family they offer. An adopted sibling was definitely tempting; I've always wanted a sister. I decide to pass on any extended relatives. All six options for friends look pretty awesome, and since I have 12 points to spare, I decide to grab all of them.
Okay, since I have 6 stars left, I decide to grab Athleticism for 3, Mayumi and 'Uncle' Kojiro for one each (again, always wanted to have an older sister, and Kojiro sounds useful to have around, especially for dealing with whatever is haunting the town), and... the chef's hat.
Finishing up, I turn to address ROB. "Done." I state simply.
There's a cheer from the 'crowd' as I do. "Excellent! Good luck in your new adventure, Miss Hebert." With that, he claps his hands together, and the world slowly fades out, catchy show-tune music playing all the while.
This was oddly fun to write. I'll have to do it for more characters.
A lot longer than I thought it would be, though.
In case anyone's wondering, I rolled randomly to see what kind of CYOA she'd get. I took a few creative Liberties with the Little Schoolgirl CYOA in order to help it fit.
So, I just discovered the (NSFW) General CYOA Thread that we have here, and I was struck with an Idea. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:
Choose your Own Adventure! (A slightly-meta Worm omake)
Episode 1: Taylor Hebert
Dangit! I thought I fixed that.Wow you fucked that Immortality link up amazingly. Here's a correct URL: http://i.imgur.com/RlpG2h9.jpg
It's a good thing that Taylor is hard to kill, and has some nakama to help her out, innit?My first reaction on reading through this was, Oh dear fucking god you are making Taylor into Evangeline from Mahou sensei Negima.
It only got worse from there when I actually read the options.
At least Taylor wont be stuck eternally at a school since the ROB said she would return to Earth Bet with all of her powers she just gained in a year right? Right?
Otherwise I would not want to wish Taylor's fate on anyone.
I may just.Interesting. I find myself as much looking forward to her return to Earth Bet, as to her upcoming adventure, if you write this.
That was awesomely hilarious.How Taylor stopped worrying and became a magical girl! Hehehehe. (Worm/Kaleidostick Ruby)
How Taylor stopped worrying and became a magical girl! Hehehehe. (Worm/Kaleidostick Ruby)
Warning: Contains crack and magical girl shenanigans.
Well, I finished this oneshot because honestly the damn thing kept getting stuck in my head. If someone wants to adopt this and actually make a story out of this go ahead. Remember this is crack, it is meant to be silly and over the top. That is why this Taylor is one of the most powerful Taylors and why Taylor and Emma are acting the way they are.
As for Emma, well, apparently Magical girls can only have yuri relationships or be shipped with girls.
As For Zeltrech. The reason why he did this was actually half entertainment and half wanting to see Taylor get a happier life. She kinda grew on him when he became her grandfather figure.
Grandpa Zeltrech is best Zeltrech.
The reason why she didn't recognize his name is because He went by the name Robort Oh' Baily.
Must... resist... temptation... to work!
I'm bad enough at working on my little bits as it is, I don't need to bring ruin upon myself by working on this one.
But I dearly wish I could.
This is pure gold.How Taylor stopped worrying and became a magical girl! Hehehehe. (Worm/Kaleidostick Ruby)
Warning: Contains crack and magical girl shenanigans.
There are many different dimensions out there with many different universes, each reflect the infinite choices that are made day by day by people living in them. This is the story of one of the silly times Zelretch visited a city named Brocklen bay. Yes... Zelretch arrive on Earth Bet. But this time he is going to HALP!
At ten years old, Taylor knew much about the world and how it worked. The super hero's beat up bad guys, the Super Villains are jerks, Alexandria can fly, Her mother teaches English and her best friend always turns red every time Taylor hugs her lately. That last one worries her that her best friend might be getting sick, poor girl almost fainted the last time Taylor checked her temperature by placing her forehead against hers.
Anyway, the ten year old Taylor knows much about the world and she prided herself on it. But no where did she ever hear of a flying balistic hitting her on the head in her own backyard. Complete with playing cards scattering all over her.
So Taylor, after holding her head in her hands saying ow repeatedly, finally got up to meet her destiny
"Hiya!" A cheerful voice, coming out of a pink circle with a star in it center that is somehow flying with wings.
Taylor Hebert, knowledgeable ten year old girl and soon to be magical girl, promptly did what any other ten year old would do in her situation. She met the ground again in a dead faint.
Ten minutes later, Taylor woke up with a start and stared at the winged thing that was poking her.
"Hiya!" The thing repeated. Causing Taylor to really stare at it. "Hiya?" The thing animated a sweat drop in response of the intensely staring ten year old girl.
"Are you some sort of tinker-tech toy?" The girl asked.
"What? NO! I am not!" The thing exclaimed.
"Reaaalllly?" The girl questioned and continued her intense staring, causing the thing to really start to animate sweating.
"I am the great, the magnificent Kaledostick Ruby!" The girl continued to stare at Ruby as it did some silly poses. "I was made and sent here by the great Wizard Marshal Zelretch himself to-"
"So the tinker named Zelretch threw you at my face, I will remember that." Taylor interrupted with a slightly menacing tone, for a ten year old. Let it not be said that Taylor Hebert does not know how to hold grudges.
Meanwhile at Fugly Bob's, a certain 3000 year old vampire had a chill run down his spine. He shrugged it off and started to break the record for Fugly Bob's challenger. Chubuster is going to be pissed.
"Zelretch is not a Tinker! He is a wizard!" Ruby shouted, completely ignoring the menacing tone Taylor had taken when she said Zelretch.
"Magic isn't real." Taylor said, her voice filled with disbelief.
"It is! Just because your world has super hero's that run on space whale bullshit does not make magic any less real!"
"Space wha-" Taylor started to say before she was interrupted.
"And another thing, what happen to the fantasies of a child?! If I said magic a normal child would have gotten excited!" Ruby continued to rant.
"What spac-" Taylor tried again.
"God damn, my Master just had to be one of those science twits that think they know everything about the universe! Whats next, a kid is going to gain electromagnetism and call herself Railgun?!"
Meanwhile in Japan, a certain 14 year old girl sneezed and then was glomped by a teleportor.
"Are you done?" Taylor asked with an annoyed tone.
"Yes..." Ruby said breathing heavily," yes I am."
"Why did you call me master?" Taylor asked, forgetting about the space whales during the long rant that was conveniently cut short.
"Oh, yeah." Ruby clears her non existent throat. "You have been chosen to be a magical girl! To right wrongs! Fight great injusti- where are you going?"
"No." Taylor continued to walk away.
"Wait!" Ruby Shouted.
"What is it?" Taylor asks and she stops and turns around.
"At least let me wipe the blood from your nose! Your mom and dad might worry if you come in with a bloody nose after all!" Ruby exclaimed.
"Ok..." Taylor said, not noticing Ruby gleam a little.
"Here you go." Ruby wiped the blood away from Taylor's nose. "Would you mind also picking up those cards for me? I don't have hands."
Taylor looks at Ruby suspiciously and then shrugs. "Sure."
Taylor reached down only to grab Ruby's rod end.
"Contract established! We will make the best magical girl out of you yet my master!"
Taylor's world became filled with bright light and evil laughter.
"Yes Taylor?" Ruby learned better to call Taylor any form of master or mistress.
"Why are we at the boat graveyard?" Taylor questioned.
"So I can can teach you the fine art of the magical girl!"
"Starting with beam spamming all of your problems away!"
"Now get suited up! It is SHOW TIME!" Cheesy magical transformation music starts playing everywhere.
"Do I have to?" The music abruptly stops.
"Yes, Taylor."
"I know Taylor."
"We had this discussion before Taylor."
"Magic will disguise you to anyone who isn't your love interest Taylor."
"Do not know why it works like that but it just does Taylor."
"Its magic Taylor, it is not supposed to make sense."
"Right, it is show time!" Cheesy magical transformation music starts playing out of no where.
This time Taylor is in engulfed in a bright light. Doing poses, twirls and everything magical girls do during these spectacular events that any word descriptions of would only be inferior to it being animated.
When the bright light died down, Taylor was transformed! Armed with a pink, backless blouse where the end it meets the white skirt she has looks like flower petals, with a huge pink ribbon on her back and a white cape that turns pink at the tips.Wearing white gloves with sleeves that are not attached to her blouse! Pink white feathers in her long light brown hair, and pink stylish knee high boots, ten year old Taylor Hebert is now the very definition of innocent magical girl!
And she shall hate Zeltrech forever for it.
"Ah, the magical girl transformation sequence. It brings a tear to my eyes."
"You don't have any! Besides, I hate this outfit."
"Nonsense! Looking like a cute innocent girl allows you to get away with genocide of any forces of darkness you will be forced to face!"
"What?" Taylor glared down at Ruby.
"Nothing!" Ruby said quickly.
"We will talk about this later." Taylor said quietly in a tone that gave Ruby chills.
"Now, now Taylor! Look around you, what do you see?" The kaledostick asked, quickly changing the subject.
"Always with the short answers with you." Ruby sighs," you are wrong, what I see is acceptable targets!"
"Still junk."
"Shut up and hold me like a baseball bat."
"Like this?" Taylor proceeds to do so.
"Yes! Now imagine a ball in front of you."
"Got it."
"Great! Now see that wreck over there?"
"Now take a swing and imagine the ball hitting it."
Taylor did so, causing a pink beam of death to shoot out hitting the wreck, making it explode brilliantly with much fanfare and CG graphics.
"That was good for a first try, Taylor." Ruby stated.
"Taylor?" Ruby questioned.
"Taylor?!" Ruby exclaimed!
"Whoa," Taylor eloquently said, snapping out of her awe. "I do not care much for the beam color but that was pretty awesome!"
"I know right?"
"I am going to do it again!" Taylor exclaimed excitingly
And so, our hero started to enthusiastically rain pink death on the boat grave yard.
'She is growing up to be a fine magical girl.' Ruby thought with a sniff as Taylor started to fly without realizing it.
Taylor paused in her one woman quest for boat destruction as her enhanced hearing picked up a motorcycle coming her way.
"CHEESE IT, ITS THE COPS!" Ruby yelled, causing Taylor to react on instinct and fly away from the scene of the crime.
"Wait... why did I run away?" Taylor asked as she made it home.
"Government officials frown on property damage and are the bane of magically girls everywhere." Ruby calmly stated.
"RRRUUUBBBYYY!!" Taylor shouted with anger and started chasing after the winged circle.
It was just another quite night in the neighborhood.
It was a scene of mass destruction. Groaning men and women lay around everywhere, the buildings are nothing but rumble. Our young hero finds herself being questioned by Armsmaster again, but this time it was caught on the news!
"Kaledo Ruby... how did this even happen? And how is no one dead?" Armsmaster questioned Taylor carefully, as he learned pissing her off was a bad idea.
"Weeelllll..." Taylor started the immensely long tale that I do not feel like writing about how she ran into some merchant mooks and ended up raining pink beams of death on all the Merchants.
Armsmaster nodded at the right places as she did.
"And then they insulted my mother." Taylor said in a quite, menacing tone she developed after months of hanging around Ruby.
Armsmaster paled. During Kaledo Ruby's debut, the PRT and Protectorate learned how to handle the delusional young parahuman girl who was rated a blaster 12. That included finding out her berserk buttons and leaking them so the girl does not accidentally nuke the city in a berserk rage.
The Merchants apparently did not get the memo.
"And that is why they were all punished!" Taylor finished cheerfully.
"Thank you for giving your statement, please be careful to minimize the collateral damage in the future and fly safely." Armsmaster stated.
"I will and thank you!" Taylor looked at the news camera and gave a cheerful wave and flew off.
"Don't see why we can't force her in the wards, her fights always leads to a lot of collateral damage." A man that looked like he came from Rome said as he walked up to Armsmaster.
"Dauntless, you know Director Costa-Brown had stated herself that we do not interfere with her and all of our thinkers agreed."
"She thinks she is a magical girl."
"Delusional or not, letting her free actually reduced a lot of crime rates. Probably more so than if she was in the Wards."
"Is the destruction really worth it?" Taking in the scene before him.
"We can only hope so." Armsmaster stated quietly.
"Taylor! OMG! Are you alright?! Did the Merchants do anything to you? Do I need to get my knife?" Emma continued to ramble on as she hugged Taylor to death.
"Emma... air." Taylor managed to choke out from the embrace.
"Woops, sorry!" Emma let Taylor go.
"The Merchants did nothing to me so don't worry. They just insulted my mother... I mean I am not Kaledo Ruby!" Taylor exclaimed.
"Oh, I know." Emma gave Taylor a sly grin.
"Why are you in my room Emma?" Taylor asked quickly changing the subject and noticing the red head wearing cute panda pajamas.
"Remember we were going to have a sleep over today? Silly Taylor." Emma stated cheerfully.
"Oh, right... how did I forget that?" Taylor questioned herself as Ruby started to snicker.
"So, how is it like to fly and beat up bad guys?" Emma questioned as she sat down on Taylors bed.
"It is actually very fun and stress relieving." Taylor answered as she sat on her computer chair. "I mean I am not Kaledo Ruby!" Taylor shouted as she noticed her slip up.
"I know you are Kaledo Ruby, Taylor. I saw you wave at the news-camera."
Ruby started to snicker louder.
"Wait, how did you see me? The mag- stranger rating I have should prevent anyone but my love interest from recognizing me in costume!" Taylor exclaimed as Ruby started to float by her head and snicker even louder.
Taylor then noticed Emma's face light up in a brilliant shade of red. Then she thought back to all of the hugs and the way Emma would blush at the contact and even if her face got close to hers.
"Oh." Taylor said as she stared at Emma shifting awkwardly.
Ruby started to laugh.
"Shut up Ruby!" Taylor exclaimed as she slapped Ruby to the ground.
Ruby only laughed even harder.
"Mom, dad, I am sorry I have to do this!" Taylor yelled over the blaring sirens that signaled the coming of an Endbringer.
"Taylor Don't go!" Taylor's dad exclaimed.
"Taylor get down here right this instant!" Taylor mom yelled, tears started welling up around her eyes.
Taylor looked down at them and showed them a resolute expression.
"I am Magical Girl Kaledo Ruby, I am the champion of Gaia. It is my responsibility to destroy these abominations." Taylor stated softly. "I will not allow them to do as they please any more!" Taylor yelled and started to fly away at full speed.
"TAYLOR/TAYLOR!" Taylor's parents yelled after her in vain, her mother started to cry.
"You are the best master I could have ever hoped for Taylor." Ruby stated softly as they made their way to where the hero's meet up.
"Shut up Ruby," Taylor sniffled, "stupid rain."
Ruby wisely kept silent for once.
Hero's were being incinerated left and right, Behemoth decided to stop playing games after taking an Excaliblast to the face. While the broken girl could only look in horror at the carnage before her. Legend was dead, so many had fallen. And it was her fault for causing the Endbringer to be reduced to a skeleton.
"It is all my fault..." Taylor said softly and coughs up some blood.
"Taylor! It is not your fault! You couldn't have known it was holding back all this time, that they were all holding back all this time!" Ruby started yelling, trying to get Taylor back in the game.
"No... it makes sense in the long run. They were just playing with us, slowly causing us to go extinct." Taylor started to say as she struggled to get up.
"We never had a chance... but that changes today!" Taylor yelled as she got up.
"ARCHER INCLUDE!" Taylor roared!
Taylor's clothes changed into a more feminine version on the Counter guardian known as EMIYA.
"I may not be able to call myself a hero after this." with a soft trace on, Taylor started to gather as much prana as she can. "I may not even be able to consider myself human anymore." Taylor stated as a golden sword sheaf started to form in front of her. "But I do not care." Taylor grafted the imitation of Avalon to her soul and flooded it with prana, forcing it to heal her completely.
"I have the lifetimes of all the heroes and villains I have been, Grafted in my soul so their legends will live on in the modern day."
Taylor traced her bow and loaded an arrow. "Caliborn II" Taylor fired and the arrow exploded on Behemoths face, causing it to pay attention to her.
"I walk a path shaped by many lives. Whether good or ill."
Taylor traced two Excalibur's in her hands and charged the Behemoth and it shot lighting at her. She deflected it easy without losing any of her speed. Absolutely glowing with Prana.
"Forged by the kaleidescope, shaped by Gaia."
Taylor deflected more lightning bolts, the hero's that witnessed this day will say that the Behemoth started to panic as Taylor got closer.
"Hero, villain, god, demon it does not matter. I am one, and I am all."
Taylor finally made it to Behemoth and glared at him.
"For this is the requiem of my soul, of the infinite potential I now bear." Taylor finished softly.
Both her and Behemoth were engulfed in a brilliant light.
They found themselves in a Brocklen Bay that is in perpetual night with a full crimson moon in the night sky.
"So Behemoth, you think you can handle me? You do not have enough lives." Taylor stated calmly to the abomination as they were surrounded by many different versions of Taylors. Taylors wielding included heroic cards as well as Taylor who looked like they belonged to the night. Infinite possibility all shown.
When the reality marble faded only Taylor was left standing. Holding on to a dormant Ruby, looking at her sadly.
The hero's and villains cheered at Behemoth's death.
Mini-Interlude 1- Piggot.
You mean to tell me the delusional parahuman girl not only did something that knocked out every precog in the world and gave all of the thinkers severe headaches, killed Behemoth and is returning to Brocklen Bay with a revealed civilian identity?
"Yes." the person on the other line of the phone said.
"That is what I thought you said Chief Director." Piggot said calmly as she hung up the phone.
Piggot stared at the ceiling in silence before deciding something. She pushed a button on the intercom.
"Yes ma'm?" Her secretary asked.
"Get me an appointment scheduled with that new healer called Panacea. I am to sober for this shit."
Mini-Interlude 2- Zeltrech
"Well this worked out pretty well." The old man said silently as he loomed over the sleeping form of Taylor.
"Even given what she achieve today, she is still sad." Zeltrech looked at the dormant form of Ruby Taylor was clutching in her sleep.
"Ah, I see." The old true ancestor said as he gently took Ruby from Taylor's grasps. "She manage to overload Ruby with that stunt." Zeltrech smile sadly.
"This will be my last gift for you Taylor. May you find happiness in your life and give this world the true happy ending it deserves." Zeltrech stated as he fixed Ruby.
"Zeltrech?" The newly awakened Ruby asked.
"Keep an eye on her Ruby, your job is not done yet."
"I will!"
"Farewell Taylor Hebert. Who knows, we may meet again soon. The Kaleidescope has infinite possibilities after all, and I haven't seen it all yet."
Zeltrech opens up a portal and starts humming a tune he did for when Taylor was little as he walks through it.
----------------------------------------------------The End--------------------------------------
-5 years later-
"Yes Taylor?"
"Why does my body still look like it is ten?"
"Think it happened because of the Behemoth all those years ago, like when you flooded Avalon with infinite prana or it might be Gaia's doing. I think you might age like a dragon. Gaia liked them after all."
"Does this mean that I would be going through puberty for at least one-hundred years?"
"I believe so."
Well, I finished this oneshot because honestly the damn thing kept getting stuck in my head. If someone wants to adopt this and actually make a story out of this go ahead. Remember this is crack, it is meant to be silly and over the top. That is why this Taylor is one of the most powerful Taylors and why Taylor and Emma are acting the way they are.
As for Emma, well, apparently Magical girls can only have yuri relationships or be shipped with girls.
As For Zeltrech. The reason why he did this was actually half entertainment and half wanting to see Taylor get a happier life. She kinda grew on him when he became her grandfather figure.
Grandpa Zeltrech is best Zeltrech.
The reason why she didn't recognize his name is because He went by the name Robort Oh' Baily.
I really like what you did here.
One day, Thomas Calvert has incredibly bad luck, in both timelines.
In the 'active' or 'unsafe' timeline, he's been outed as Coil (though they still don't know what his power is), and is believed to have been trying to kidnap or kill Panacea (she wasn't even supposed to be there).
In the 'safe' timeline... he choked to death on a pretzel, locking him into the unsafe option.
Was thinking of this as a possible PoD for an AU where Amy gathers the Undersiders. Depends on when it happens.
"No," I answered stepping up to her, "You're just interesting."
I was tired of waiting, I lifted my hand to trace her strings. But when I made to touch them my hand slipped through, landing gently on the shorter girl's shoulder. With a frown I tried again with my other hand to find the weave similarly immaterial, my fingers landing on her cheek.
That had never happened before. But I sadly didn't have time to ponder as a sudden pain bloomed in my stomach and I feel onto my knees in breathlessness. I'm not sure what the girl's parting words were as she left me curled up on ground but it sounded positively scathing.
So basically this, except with a multi-ton monstrosity of chitin plates and razor barbs.Crawler figures out a more effective path to growing stronger: He will master the art of annoying people. And he will continue annoying them until they've unleashed all the firepower that they can against him in a futile effort to kill him or he learns of a more promising person. This also means that people would be fully willing to ship him to Endbringer battles because, while he's very annoying, it's not like him evolving from such battles would actually make him WORSE.
Eh, there's like 10 Gamer crosses already. They all suffer from the same problem; being focused on shiny new gamer abilities rather than telling a compelling story. What's the point of gaining a hundred powers if you never really explore any of them?
I've tried reading it, but I've never watched RWBY so I'm at a loss.This, basically.
Whatever else people may think of it, Ryuugi's The Games We Play does a good job exploring the abilities gained and the implications of them.
I've tried reading it, but I've never watched RWBY so I'm at a loss.